Chapo Trap House - 492 - Marshmallow Fluff (1/25/21)

Episode Date: January 26, 2021

A classic lo-fi no Will episode to relax/study to. We try to put some odds on various possible events of the Biden administration occurring, but mostly end up talking about casinos and marshmallow flu...ff and shit.

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Starting point is 00:00:30 Hi, it's, uh, it's Chappo. It's your Chappo. Uh, Will, uh, has requested the day off, so I am again stepping in for the Will. I did all my Will jokes last time. Uh, I did this on the Q episode, so you can go back and listen to those. I have run out of Will material. I'll need to build up more for next time. Uh, anybody else got some Will burns? Um, who is kind of the nicest one of us? I'll just say, uh, some kind of Scorsese reference here. Okay. Yeah. Get out of it. Get out of the way. Yeah. Uh, so what my idea for today is, is we're looking ahead at a brand new administration, uh, at least four more years of new characters, uh, new events, new, new challenges, uh, new excitements, uh, in front
Starting point is 00:01:17 of us. And, uh, though we're not really in the, uh, prediction game because you can't predict anything other than that the stupidest possible thing will happen at any given moment. Uh, what I have done is come up with a, a list of 10 statements, 10 possibilities in the future. And what I would like my, uh, co-hosts here to do, uh, today is put some odds on these. Maybe we'll even put some money on them. But, uh, I think that, uh, everybody here, um, in my experience has, has enjoyed a gamble, uh, in their lives. So I wanted to, to see if we could get some, some chapeau trap house rates on some of these. Uh,
Starting point is 00:01:57 And, and the chapeau trap house always wins. Yeah. I am a very good gambler. Every time I've ever tried to do a football, uh, parley with like three teams or so, not only have I, uh, lost, I got every single game wrong so that if I bet the opposite, I would have won. So I've lost at cards. I've never lost at the track. I think, I think that's my, my horse girl, um, energy. Like it's kind of a magic power. And then of course there's Felix and his astoundingly durable system for winning at sloppy.
Starting point is 00:02:33 It's so good. He's so good at it. Gambling is, I think gambling is like one of the health essentials. Uh, people who don't gamble, uh, they have shorter lives. Um, they, uh, have experienced less pleasure. Their lives are less meaningful. Their kids like them less. Uh, and it matters less when they die. Um, people who enjoy gambling, uh, have better lives are better people. Gambling is like, you know, I consider it, it's as important as eating an entire loaf of bread every day or drinking your, drinking your morning sodas or, you know, getting those morning sodas
Starting point is 00:03:19 in. Yeah. That's a body good. Yeah. The things you got to do, you have to spend at least $10,000 a year on gambling. Uh, you got to, uh, drink your clear sodas in the morning and your dark sodas at night. You've got a, and a lot of people get this one wrong, but there's a common misconception and especially among men, um, you should only brush your teeth like once or twice every two weeks. Anything more than that is like, it's bad for the fibers and the strands and dries it out, dries out your teeth, of the teeth, of the teeth, of the teeth, the fibers
Starting point is 00:03:55 and the teeth, but you should be washing your hair at least twice a day with shampoo, preferably a four in one. Um, but gambling is sort of, we all, we all know the food groups, right? The food pyramid soda, uh, burgers. Yeah. So does, so so does at the top, right? Like so does the most important thing. Absolutely. That's at the top. That's where the pharaoh lives, the top of the pyramid. It's the most important thing. The bottom, all those types of bread. He's got bread, rice, regular bread, uh, candy bread, cookies, other starch, potatoes, nature's bread. Uh, is candy bread like a cake? Would you call that candy bread? Yeah. For like a softer, softer cookie. Yeah. Well, that's okay. So you know why those are in
Starting point is 00:04:47 the bottom of the food pyramid? Cause that's where the slaves live and there's no pyramid without the slave. You got the slave and the pharaoh. What's in between there? Gambling. Gambling is the, gambling is the middle where they put Moses cause he was kind of both. It's both like a slave and a pharaoh type of guy. He was like the pharaoh's, uh, uncle. Um, if you, it's, it's, it's, it's, the pharaoh's uncle. Yeah. He was, because the pharaoh is like God's son, but Moses was like God's brother or something. I don't think that's, I'm barely remembering the 10 commandments right now cause I like to get high and watch Charlton Heston and it's one of the gayest movies I've ever seen, but I'm pretty sure
Starting point is 00:05:36 there's nothing gay mixed up some categories. I would love to see your Dan Brown style airport thriller, uh, exploring this interpretation, uh, called the pharaoh's uncle. Yeah. I'm, I'm working, I'm, I'm working on it, but so basically that's the pyramid of health. Right. Yes. Um, and it's like a real pyramid bread, sodas and gambling. Yeah. It just, it's like a real pyramid pyramid. If you just have the slave part, well, that's not a pyramid. It's just like a, uh, like a square mound where you put all your slaves. If you just the house, it's only a basement. If you just have the top, you just have the candy and the soda that just, it's floating. If you, if your sodas float in the air, you can't drink it.
Starting point is 00:06:24 That's true. The first thing you should do is soda. Uh, you're getting really surrealists here with this opening. And if you just have the middle, that's basically fine. You can just gamble. Yeah. That's fine. If you, if you can't do the other things, you should just like go gambling. Yeah. Especially since if you're in a casino, they, and you're gambling, they give you free soda anyway. That's true. Yeah. That's, that's basically my position. I don't really enjoy gambling, but I do love hanging out in casinos, which is basically the same thing because you're just spending money on the experience. Yeah. But, um, no, I mean, you know, I think a lot of, unfortunately, a lot of people that listen to the show are sort of dentist adjacent.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Big dentist. Yeah. I mean, and even where some of them aren't even being coerced, they just, their minds have been captured by the propaganda that they, they, they have to kill the dentist in their head. Yeah. Exactly. Here's the thing. A lot of people don't know is there was no dentistry before Joseph Bangal started doing stuff. He invented the practice of dentistry. And why does dentistry, why did we keep it going after we defeated the Nazis? Because no one doctors have already like run through their public trust, right? Like when doctors start, wear masks, don't wear masks. Yeah. Come on. Get out of here. Yeah. When doctors started saying, soda is bad for you. Like no one's going to listen. It's like, oh, what else?
Starting point is 00:07:52 I'll use the bathroom again. I don't know how this happened, but you've made me have to pee with this, with all the soda talk. Hang on. Dentists. Um, so they invented dentistry, which they cribbed from Joseph Bangal's notes. And they're like, all right, we'll invent this whole new quack field to convince people not to get their life-saving sodas. Yeah. Because we're a bunch of sickos that just want to fuck around with people's teeth. Yeah. Yeah. No, they are perfect. They are, it is the same as like jacking off at work for them. Yeah. But, uh, no, gambling. A little shop of horrors talks all about that. Yeah. Gambling. We're going to get back to gambling when Amber, Amber is getting her two afternoon sodas. She gets back from getting
Starting point is 00:08:39 her two afternoon sodas. I have to say, yeah, I totally agree. Casinos are fun. Gambling is good and healthy. All those projects that kind of like you take a failing city and like some guy rolls into town like the monorail man and says, you know what you need to fix this failing city? A casino right downtown. You know who one of those guys is? Andrew fucking Yang. Here's the thing. Those guys are all swindlers because they're trying to make a for profit casino. What we really need is government subsidized casinos. You go in and every year instead of like filling out whatever a tax credit or any of this bullshit for you, you get like money back on your taxes if you have like kids or whatever. No, you file your taxes each
Starting point is 00:09:19 year and the government sends you a $200 voucher for the local casino. That's a great idea. That's a fucking great idea. Like, I mean, like, I think that like even communist day should have casinos and it's like, even if you're living in like, you know, you've achieved it where you've, you know, abolished money and everything. Well, you could like win grain at the slot machine or like win a medal if you're the best at playing slots. Yes, just win a dinner with the commas are or something, not a dinner, a commendation from the local commas are if you like, win your poker tournament. That would be that would be pretty cool. Yeah, like the new hero of socialist labor is like just some dude at a Kino. Like in a polyester suit, like that's
Starting point is 00:10:04 the new stick kind of fight hero of the people. I think that would be a more healthy society. Yeah. Well, I mean, it stands to reason that like the best soldier is probably the best gambling. Like Zhukov was probably like a very good gambler. Yeah. Well, you got to gamble to. I mean, if, if you're not willing to gamble as, as a, as a military guy, then you're not going to win. You're just going to sit there. You know who was a bad gambler? George McClellan. Yeah. Terrible fucking gambling. Makes sense. Makes sense. Do we get to the point where we pointed out the true fact that it is absurd that counting cards is against the rules as if paying attention is like against the rules. They get to, they get to choose what the rules are though.
Starting point is 00:10:47 That's the thing. Cause they bait the casinos. It's not against the law. You know, can't get arrested for it. But if you know you're doing it, they could just be like, you can't come in here, which is, you know, it's like Homer Simpson isn't allowed in the buffets after a while. How can they tell I'm doing it though? I mean, well, that's just it. There's no due process. They get to just whoever they suspect is it basically if you win too much, they can just kick you out. That's why it's a great job. That's why having a casino is an awesome gig. It's like the house always wins and if it doesn't, then we will make it. So it does. It's great. Yeah. Well, I just think I don't, I just don't think I should be punished for
Starting point is 00:11:23 paying attention. My whole life, people are yelling Amber, pay attention. And like the one time, I'm really good at paying attention. It's bad. I don't think that like counting cards should be against the rules per se, but it is against like the spirit of gambling, in my opinion, which is to be really dumb and not know what you're doing. Yes. Well, you can also still lose. You gotta let the same face. You can also still lose. Like even, even being a good gambler, you still don't know which card is coming up. You can just say, well, it's probably not this card because I saw four of them already. They should allow you to card count. But if you identify, there should be a card counters only table. And then the deal is, is that you can make
Starting point is 00:12:05 as much money card counting as you want, but you must immediately then gamble it all on one number in roulette. Yeah. Yeah. I like that. I like that. Do we want to talk about some of these things? Yeah. Let's do it. Yeah. Okay. Great. I mean, I guess it's around, it's a, it's midday, it's midday here. So I am going to be drinking a ginger ale, which is a liminal soda between the white, the morning white soda and the afternoon dark soda. It's, it's actually a medicinal soda. That's also true. The ginger. Yeah. It's a, it's a bronze soda. I'm drinking my own concoction. What I have right now, this is a Mountain Dew Baja Blast with a Mio enhancement. You know, one time, the only time I've ever seen this expired soda. Have you guys ever seen someone
Starting point is 00:12:54 who had expired soda? I've heard of expired soda. Oh my God. Yes. Yeah. I actually, I believe my grandmother has had expired soda. My grandmother too. Yeah. And it's like, how are you aging it? Is this canning? Well, I mean, my grandmother is 100 now. So maybe it like, maybe it's extra good for you. Maybe. Yeah. Like a fine, a fine wine. I'm drinking coffee with oat milk, because today is my one, my one vegan day a week, which is the thing I do now. And I do that because I don't know. I have no reason for it. I just do that once it, once a week, just for something to do. The ancients did that. Like the Romans would have like a six month period where they didn't need me. It's just, I don't know. It gives some sort of structure. So I have to think about food and not
Starting point is 00:13:43 just like, you know, Hoover up Zanku's chicken. I love drinking Zanka. Sort of my treat when I've had my sodas for the day. Have you ever done, have you ever done a coffee in soda? I've done that by accident. To me, Tab is always a little bit coffee-ish. Like Tab is kind of a coffee soda to me. And they're, they're discontinuing it, which is hard. But their Coke is bringing back Coke and coffee in a can, which I remember they did. Do you remember, I bet Matt remembers this Coke Black. Oh yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yes. The coffee, coffee-esque Coke. They need to do that with red wine too. Yes. They should definitely sell Coke and red vodka. That's such a good combo. I just remember. They do that in spate. Like they love it. Yeah, yeah. The Bossks love that
Starting point is 00:14:29 shit. They should bottle it though. You should be able to get it. It's such like a Mikey Miles drink. Oh God, we're getting obscure now. It's, it's something that doesn't seem like it should work, but it does. Actually, yes. Chris made me try this once on tour and it did, it does work. It goes. When you just want a little caffeine in your wine. Mm-hmm. It's a little pop. I remember my Marxist high school history professor, or professor, teacher. Every day, his ritual was he would get a giant thing of coffee, drink it halfway down, and at time for second period, fill it back up with a can of Coke. I would watch him do this like every day and think it was absolutely disgusting. But hey, maybe he's on to something. There are so many cool ways in
Starting point is 00:15:09 which you watch teachers just like destroy their bodies. Yes. Yeah. And you can't blame them. Yeah. Well, that's, I mean, like that's what that's what Fash gets. That's what the school cops, that's what they have coming. Homeworks, homework's Fash. Let's see a lot of people on the left making apologies for homeroom. I see you. Yeah. You're not slick. All right. I'm going to do one of these. And if you think one of it's boring, just tell me, I've got 10 of them. So one of these has got to hit. We're going to start off on the thing that's most on the table today. I would like what kind of odds would you put on 2000, the $2,000 stimulus checks going out sometime in the next six months, six months, $2,000. So not the $1,400 lol. You thought that that was
Starting point is 00:16:05 different track actually an additional 2000, a check worth $2,000 that goes out to, I don't know, even if it's mean tested, I would say at least a third of Americans. Okay. Okay. So here's my thing. I would say that if it is mean tested, that would take over six months because they take so long to do any of that because it's incredibly inefficient to mean test. And if they do it quickly, it's going to be under 2000. So I would say the odds are very low. I'm going to go about what kind of like deal are we going like percentage wise here? Yeah, sure. Or you can do like two to one, four to one because I don't really know how any of that works. I've only, I watched uncut gems. That's about all I know about gambling and I didn't get
Starting point is 00:16:51 most of that. All right. So percentage percentage is like a, it's like the numbers son. Some numbers have more kids like real life. The taller you are, the more kids you're going to have. So like a number like, yeah, the number like 100 that's like, you know, one of the, on the bigger end, that's going to have like a lot of percentages. Number, very big, like 1% is the entire number one. Whereas the number one, 1% of that is, yeah, 0.01. That's small. Because it's like, you know, it's like how a man under five, eight has, will never have any children ever. Yeah, impossible. Right. Yeah. Okay. All right. So I agree also. I would say, I mean, I think that if there is a check and it looks like they're saying they're going to move fast with some sort of relief thing
Starting point is 00:17:47 in like by March, they're saying, you know, so, but the top line is never what you end up with with Democrats. That's sort of their religion at a certain level. And, and that's how they operate. So I would say very low odds one in six. Is that, is that a high odd? I don't know. I would say that sounds about right. I was thinking about one in four. Yeah, I was my pick for like $2,000 checks, like actual $2,000 that I have a one in five or, or no, no, no, I actually it's one in 20. I think there's a 5% chance of that happening. Okay. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I think I honestly, yeah, you want, you're going to want good odds if you're putting money on this one, because I don't think it's, I do not think it's going to happen. Yeah, I can't see it. I don't, I don't think,
Starting point is 00:18:36 yeah. And I think it's specifically under the conditions that Chris laid out, like within six months and over like a third of Americans, like that's, that's the thing is that we could do it quickly or we could do it universally, but we're not going to do both. Yeah. I mean, today, Biden is saying that he is negotiating the income, like the whole stimulus structure, like how much and who it goes to with the problem solvers caucus. So that's another reason to get your bets in early and I guess good odds as possible. That is like, that is the special delegation of like, uh, like developed by Martin Prince for student government. That is the fucking nerdiest shit I have ever heard. That's good. I mean, problem is they're bad. Yes, we are bad and we would
Starting point is 00:19:26 like to see them solve. Yeah. The problem solvers. There's competency porn and then there's competency, like skin and mask. Like this is the soft core of competency. Yeah. Yeah. Problem solvers caucus. It sounds like it was like people who like found scholastic bowl, like two urban. They like the fundamentals. I just don't like that it's sports affiliated. Who's even in the problem solvers? I got it right here. You want, you guys want to get, it's eight and eight. It's eight Democrats, eight Republicans. Yeah. Anybody got any guesses? Who do you got to guess? Nobody who didn't serve their first term in Congress later than the year 2000. Uh, Tim, Tim Ryan, I know is one. This is it. No, this is the hot, the Senate. This is not the house. There is a problem solvers caucus
Starting point is 00:20:14 in the, in the house. Those are all winners, but this is a new caucus forged in the fires of the 2020 campaign and, uh, in the need to rise above partisan bickering that is now taking the reins in the Senate. Uh, Susan Collins, Susan Collins. Yes. Correct. She is in there. Uh, problem solvers caucus were the first met the first ones manning the barricades inside the Senate chamber because that was a big problem when they raided the, uh, the Capitol and they needed to solve it. Yeah. They're solving the problem. Did you know that, uh, no problem solvers went to work on 9 11? I think that's pretty suspicious. Honestly. Yeah. They said it was a problem solving holiday that they put. Yeah. How many? Uh, it's all, it's a bunch of winners. It's a, you got your, uh,
Starting point is 00:20:59 Susan Collins has said, you got Lisa Murkowski, Mitt, uh, Rob Portman. You've got Angus King, the independent with the mustache and Stephen King's uncle from Maine, uh, the dark Lord Hickenlooper, uh, uh, the astronaut man from Arizona. And of course, Joe Manchin, Dick Durbin, a bunch of winners. And my favorite thing about it is that it's got eight Republicans, which is not enough to overturn a filibuster if they were all on your side. So all they can do is like happen with Obama, negotiate down somewhere and then fail to deliver for the votes on the thing they help negotiate down. Well, that is a very noticeable list of losers. Uh, Dick Durbin, uh, just a really awful senator. Like when you consider like who you could elect in Illinois and what we got, but, um,
Starting point is 00:21:53 um, I do have to say, like Lisa Murkowski, that's on both my and my wife's hall pass. It's the only person on both. So, uh, just adding to notable uncles and that, uh, want to shout out Ohio's soon to be ex-Senator Rob Portman, who I believe is like Natalie Portman's like uncle or something. I believe so. Yeah. Is he actually, yeah, they're, they're related somehow. No, they aren't. That's not her real name. Her last name is like, yeah. Like, oh, oh, I was told, I was told. Oh my God. Ohio lore. Who is it? Who is your source on this? That sounds like a, like an anti-Semitic way of calling someone a home. Hersh lag. What? I'm very curious about who got one over on you with this one. It's just
Starting point is 00:22:41 something you hear growing up in Cincinnati. Okay. Okay. Well, that's since the lore. I cannot wait for him to be replaced by the dog pound that's going to be who takes over collectively, just 16 morbidly obese guys in dog costumes, wandering the halls of power. I, I heard people saying, oh, like JD Vance could win. It's like no one's voting for JD Vance. No one gives a shit about JD Vance. No one cares. No, no one likes him. He looks the worst that an adult can look. Yeah. Like he looks, he looks like he looks like a husky child and he's like 42. He looks exactly like that awful version of him in the movie. Yeah. I just love the idea of him going to like the fucking Youngstown, Ohio, going like, Hey, everybody,
Starting point is 00:23:24 I'm the guy from Hillbilly Elegy. Remember that movie on Netflix? You guys love watching. That's like, yeah, no, we don't. We have not watched that shit. We have Netflix, but we're exclusively watching anime, ink masters and Naruto only, but run one of the ink masters for Rob Portman seat. Probably a winner. You might have something there. Yeah. Again, if there are all these, these dark horse celebrities that I'm like, people really like that. And it's like, no, 10 million people love this person. Yes. That's, that's the thing that I figured out is that like entertainment now and celebrity is so boutique that being a micro celebrity still means like a large sizable portion of an electorate.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Yeah. There are also a lot of celebrities out there who are flying under the radar of, you know, you're more, uh, you're tuned in urban types like us, but that are very well known among the people who actually vote. If the goth chick from NCIS ever chose to run for president, she would win four states. Yeah. Uh, are the progressive lady, you know, uh, you think like when you hear like, Oh, micro celebrity is a good transition to politics, you know, the, the, the fear would be like a, some kind of psychotic tiktoker, but it, what you really should be thinking of is some woman whose dog grooming business has 200 million followers on Instagram. Yeah. I think Matt has the right track. It's like, there are so many like shitty
Starting point is 00:24:51 network TV shows that you've never watched a second of, but like, you know, shit that like, for the listeners, shit that your parents like 9-1-1 or it's spin off series 9-1-1 fire and rescue. I mean, Shamar Moore could be a senator. 100%. There's no reason. He's more charismatic than anyone who's ever been in politics. We are, but are we, are we ready for a silly senator is the question. He's like, I would, I don't even care if he's ever been to Ohio. Like he has as good, if not better of a shot than any generic Dem running for this. Yeah. They better get a celebrity because the Republican nominee will be some, you know, a Q psycho from the suburbs of Cincinnati. So they better, they better get a celeb or they're going to lose when, when they do the
Starting point is 00:25:41 like 20, 24 imagined lineups, you know, how they do, they'll list people and then they'll put like generic Democrat, generic Republican, they should just start adding generic Shamar Moore under it, just as like, as, you know, as a, as a control group. Yeah. But I don't even think it needs to be someone with like television. Like, like, I do think the internet is going to start like making like things that exist in celebrity wise on the internet. Like, I mean, God help us if like the owner of old friends dog sanctuary is like a ruthless libertarian or something like that. That is how it started. Like shooters was like a meme thing on the internet before she ran for anything. Yeah. Like it's the gun restaurant and he's the sexy gun lady who has the kick and
Starting point is 00:26:25 dippers that she'll shoot at you out of the kitchen out of a shotgun. If they actually do that, I would go there. That sounds that would rock and I would love to. I would literally love to see it. All right. Let's move on to another one. Let's let's talk about our the outgoing big boy. Here's here's my proposition. Any member of the Trump administration cabinet level or above or Trump family member is prosecuted with a federal crime. Oh boy. In the next is infinity a bet you could is that is that an odds you could put down just zero or infinity like first it will definitely have infinity. Infinity is to one like not going to happen. I mean, I think I think I would put too many other people at risk to do it. Like, you know, we can't start holding people accountable
Starting point is 00:27:14 because then, you know, yeah, the whole thing falls apart like powers at that level, especially at the political side. Impunity is is built in because as soon as you remove impunity, any but anything is up for grabs and anybody could go to jail. And it's not even about them being, you know, more or less corrupt or something. It's that there will be partisan advantage to doing it if the taboo is lifted. And so if you're out of power and somebody else is in there, you're going to have every incentive to fuck with them as a way to, you know, delegitimize your opposition, which is why Felix's father was correct. The president should serve one long term and then six or eight years and then be executed. I totally one of his best ideas.
Starting point is 00:28:00 But oh, wait, wait, exception, exception. I think that they could get Kushner like they that could be their sacrifice. I was I think he's the most likely to go to jail. But I also think with Kushner, it's a it's a separate presidential class interest thing because it's like if you send Jared to jail, like how many New York real estate scumbags you have to send to jail. That said, it's like there always has to be one like they always like US attorney and like state attorney, like they all have to be like, Hey, look, we care about some lords. They'll have to do it for one guy. And it's like, yeah, he's as likely as any of them. Like there was one guy sacrifice. There was one got Schmuck who went down for the 2008 housing collapse. There's got to be one Schmuck
Starting point is 00:28:46 from this whole thing. And yeah, Kushner, it's not like Trump would risk lift the fingers for him. That's for sure. And it's not like they have to worry about the Republican base convulsing in defense of Jared fucking Kushner. No, yeah. Was it the only banker that they got for like 2008 for subprime stuff, like some some bank in Chinatown, like like a literally like a Chinese American bank that owns like, you know, all the rat hovels in Chinatown. And they're like, yeah, these are the bad guys. Yeah, there's some small timer for sure. Yeah. Yeah. No, I mean, like, it would be funny if he went to jail, but like I just I can't even see it for Don Jr. like Don Jr. couldn't go to jail if he wanted to. Yeah, yeah, he's yeah, it would be very funny
Starting point is 00:29:34 if it was about some kind of completely unrelated crime. Like if Don Jr. like ran over a pedestrian in a Hummer Hummer or something, a string of flashings. It's just also a pervert. I want to get I want to see like a high level politician get caught for like an antiquated pervert crime, like being a peeping Tom stealing pies. Well, if that's the case, it's going to be one of our beloved hobos for stealing. Yeah, it's like it's going to be something that we don't want to happen to a sweet boy who rides the rails. Similarly, that'll be what gets taken looper out of the Senate for killing hobos. Let's do the inverse of this then. Oh, I'll just give a quick thing of that. Yeah, 20 to 1 that. No, 30 to 1 that anybody gets prosecuted just to lay down a claim. Here's
Starting point is 00:30:32 another proposition. Hunter Biden is forced to testify before Congress 95%. Yeah, yeah, yeah, because because there's it. I mean, it's based on the assumption that the Republicans will win the midterms, which I think is is that's even money at least. And if that happens, then there's no way he is not. First thing they do. Hunter Biden's ass is in a chair. He's got bags under his eyes. He is wearing Lulu lemon and he is telling them that only God can judge him. And I can't wait for it. Honestly, yeah, I what if he gets called to testify, but it's about him like fudging his dick pic, the ruler dick pic to make it look like it was nine inches or like seven point five. Mr. Byron, he appears here that you have been measuring from the base
Starting point is 00:31:22 at the bottom of the penis rather than the top, which is generally considered to be the more accurate measurement. I think I don't want to start an argument here, but I think it's fine to measure from the base. I think I mean, I don't do these sexually. I just send these to my friends, my family, just like it's like a good, you know, how in India they send like the good morning flowers. This is what we do in America. But the problem is that he did it at like an angle. He like made a triangle with the ruler and his dick. And that's like. Are you saying he used perspective? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I didn't look. It's a big dick. But it's like, I okay. Well, first of all, I knew that without look.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Yeah. Yeah. We all knew you can tell. Yeah. Like it's not always the ones you would expect, but sometimes it definitely is. Yeah. I mean, like, I, you know, I have my try not to look at people's junk. If it wasn't sent, it's just an, you know, what can I say? I'm, I'm a lady. And then the verse is certainly true for others. Like, you don't have to tell, you don't have to look at, we don't have, we have, we don't have, we could be spared the sight of a Don Jr. dick pic. We don't need to see that. We know, we know. Right. Right. Exactly. We already know. He's got the shot. That said, I, I do see him being the sort of person who would, you know, like he, he knows his angles, obviously.
Starting point is 00:32:53 And, you know, he's not above a little bit of, a little bit of, what do they call it? A lens distortion. Yes. Yeah. You know. Well, I like, I am, I respect your perspective on this a lot. It's definitely like the moral position. That said, I think if you're an adult and you're the president's son, people should be able to see your dick if people ask. Yeah. Well, 100%. It's a, it's like a, it's, it's more of a religious position for me than a political position. I mean, I, I agree with Felix that it is, it is of national interest at this point. Yeah. It's like a freedom of speeches, a freedom of journalism, freedom of speech. Like these are things that the public deserves to know.
Starting point is 00:33:35 I think, I think Joe himself probably has like, I'm just not going to specifically look at it. I think Joe himself probably has like a deeply average dick. It's like 5.75 inches, like nothing too crazy. Yeah. Joe Biden has a lunch pail nine to five. Yeah. Has the penis of an anatomical model in a seventh grade sex education pamphlet. Yes. He has the fat end of, he has the fat part of the bell curve and the bell end. All right. And so we think that that is like basically one to one, even, even odds that that'll happen. Yeah. We're going to get our, we're going to get our Kendall Roy moment. It's going to be, I can't wait. Oh, I was saying this on the chat earlier,
Starting point is 00:34:20 but as long as we're talking about him, I do have to bring up this, this other new Hunter Biden weirdness that I just learned on Mike, which is that I just learned over the weekend that after breaking up with Bo Biden's widow, like, I don't know, like 18 months ago, he started dating a new girl and has already had a baby with that girl last year who the baby is named Bo. And I had to take a seat when I first learned this information and just think about it for a while because there's, there's just so much going on with that guy and his family and his life. It's pretty, it's wild because that, that kid is not the kid from Arkansas whose mom sued him for paternity. That's a separate child. No, that's a new kid. And is, but is the mother of this kid,
Starting point is 00:35:04 Bo, the one who he converted to Judaism and got the tattoo for, or is this a different one? That might be the first one. Oh, I thought that was the first one. No, no, no, that was not her. I don't think. God, no, it's so hard to keep them straight. The Judaism one, that says the woman he's currently dating. We said, yeah, I think her name is Melissa Cohen. Yeah, he's, yeah, every free thinker I know has like seven kids. Him, Varg, and that's really it. The two freest thinkers in the world. He's practicing Olam Tikkun or whatever, however you say it. I don't know. I just really like it when, when rich people are white trash. That makes me feel warm inside because it forces people to sort of grasp at the grasp of crazy people behavior
Starting point is 00:35:56 removed from, you know, the sort of class desperation that sometimes nudges you in that direction. It's like some people will go their whole life without like a schizophrenic or manic episode because they had a pretty easy life. That doesn't mean it's not just sitting there in their brain waiting to be nudged into that. And then some people like can be just like costed their entire lives, but man, they're going to name their, their paternity suit kid after their dead brother whose wife they felt like that's just, he was always going to be that way. There's no, there's no conditions that I wish he wouldn't have been that way. It's like, I think that like crime and stuff like, like I think it's usually, and I think anyone who's sort of like agrees
Starting point is 00:36:41 with us very generally politically thinks the same thing. It's absolutely nurture like 90, 90, 99% of the time. It's like 99%. Right. Yes. But, but some people just got that wiring. There, there are people who are just bad seeds also. There are people who just like had everything. And it's just like, yeah, they like, you know, fucking decapitated cats and shit. Like there, sometimes it's like, it's rare, but it's like, yeah, sometimes you just get like a shitty psychopath kid, bad wiring. The assembly line, the assembly line of human beings, you know, wants to wild one turns out kind of wonky, but just like that. It's like, yeah, no, Hunter grew up at the absolute seat of power. Like as about as high up you can go. And it's like, no,
Starting point is 00:37:31 yeah. Like you said, he's just always, that's always who he was going to be. Yeah. I mean, he had, he had some extreme things happen in his life, but for most people who had extreme things with the, you know, sort of like stable home life and material security, they had, you know, tragedy and they mourned and stuff, but they still like kept it together. They didn't go full on like, well, they didn't go full on frost, just to refer to my own family. It's, I don't know. I feel like, I feel like kinship with him. And it's, it's for no reason at all in that like, oh, that could totally be my cousin. He's also 100%. Yeah. And he's the least globalist guy in the world. Like, what is globalism? But having your first kid at age 43, and then having
Starting point is 00:38:23 your next kid at age 57, and those are the only kids you have. The only thing I will say is that, like the other benefit that like, and like prisons, it's a terrible like place and very, and humane and everything. And it doesn't help anyone, like American prisons system is monstrous. But I don't want Hunter to go to prison, but I did kind of think about my step brother who was in jail for two years, and for some reason had an iPhone, and for some reason had Facebook, and just constantly from prison, was status updating about how many bitches he was going to fuck when he got out, and how much weed and how much weed he was smoking in prison, and taking like selfies with his friends in prison. And honestly, he looked like he was thriving. I know
Starting point is 00:39:19 we all look, we all try make our Instagram look happier than we actually are. That's part of social media. But I would have loved to see, I would have loved to see him thrive in prison. I would love to see his like, incarcerated social media presence. Well, that's like, I'm not like a prisons shouldn't exist necessarily guy. Like I think most of the people in prison shouldn't be in prison. And the prisons that are there should be more like, okay, you know, you got to cool your heels in a comfortable apartment where we can get you to some therapy and some social work. I mean, I like, I'm glad he told me that because like, I think what prison should be is just like a place where you hang out. Some people need a place to hang out. Just on something you said,
Starting point is 00:40:08 Amber, are you guys familiar with the universal friend, the hell yeah, itinerant preacher from the like seven 18th century America just was just this person who who became publicly identified themselves as the universal friend. I think Hunter is a good modern equivalent of the universal cousin, someone who everybody identifies as value judgment of him or you know, I feel like some people are like, oh, idolizing Hunter, that's gross. No, he's just everybody has that concept of the universal cousin that he can embody. I think that's his place. Right. Yeah. And I also, I like, I like, I have a great affection in my heart for, for failures for people who just can't ever get it together. And, you know, a lot of my worldview is based on creating a world with
Starting point is 00:41:00 a with a net for those people so that they don't have like garbage lives just because they're fucking incompetent and useless. But like, yes, is he a piece of shit? Yes. Would I be like, no, you can't hang out at my house? You stole my TV last time. But also, I want him to be okay. Yeah, at least there's just something so familiar about him. There is this thing that J Paul Getty said in his insane autobiography. That was, it was a very revealing, interesting thing he said. And it was like, this was before rich people were like Bill Gates and were just as sociopathic, if not more, but hired PR departments. Getty said something like, there's a certain percentage of the population that's ever going to figure it out,
Starting point is 00:41:47 so we should make labor camps for them. But his like the backing of that, I kind of agree with, like there is a percentage of people who just like never figured it out. It's just that they should get to vote on what they want to do. Right, right. Like, it's like, boy, if I was talking about what he was little, like, if they had to split something with his brother, one person got to cut it, but then the other person got to pick which classic system, classic system, which is the reverse King Solomon. Yeah. So it's like, okay, we get to, we're like, okay, we need a special role for people who are really bad at things and just can't seem to get good at things, but they get to pick what it is. My friend of mine was proposing a system for this that is
Starting point is 00:42:39 something that I do think that we could use in the future. And honestly, we'd probably cool down a lot of temperaments on there, which was a WPA for liking Facebook's comments and statuses, like a hoard of Facebook readers to go and find all the crazy unsupported suppositions online where people are mostly just mad. They're not getting good engagement and engage with those. Yeah. Nothing makes me sadder than seeing someone post like going live on IG in an hour and just no one's on it. We need, and it's like, I'm not going to join that because it's like, if you're the only person in there, then they're probably going to call you. And it's like, I'd rather you come to my house and kill me. Yeah. It's like the reason, a lot of the reason people end up going to
Starting point is 00:43:24 mega churches instead of like a small church that has a more intimate experience, which they would prefer is that in a mega church, you don't get singled out. And you don't have to be like, oh, thank you for joining us today. Like you kind of just want to be in the, like I'll participate, but only if no one notices me. These people would be great for that. There was actually a socialist, I forget which one, which said like, well, if we have like self-directed work, let's just have little boys be street cleaners because they're disgusting and love garbage. And my argument against that would be that they're not good at cleaning up the garbage, but like the line of thinking is there. Like what do, what do hunter-bidens like doing that would
Starting point is 00:44:12 be of benefit to society? And there's definitely an answer somewhere. We just need to put our heads on it. I mean, like he at some level knows, like we've said, he doesn't have it in him to do the big evil that his family name allowed him to because the gallant to his Goofus, Bo, the good son, the one who would have been running for president and maybe be president now if it hadn't been for his brain tumor, it was most notable as attorney general of Delaware for helping one of the DePont Spawn escape a child rape charge, a baby rape charge, actually. Oh God. Yeah. I, God, when I learned about that, I was like, Jesus, this is, how come more people aren't like pizza cakes? Yeah. Which he negotiated while he was on deployment in Iraq, while he was like, he was
Starting point is 00:45:01 attorney general and in Iraq so that he could get like the double dipped resume item, an absolute psycho. And he has the good son. That's, that's like a, like a commercial for Zoom. Like for when you're away, but you have business back home. I should have waited for Felix to go back. No, let's just press on. He can figure out by context clues. All right. Another one in the holding the Biden crime family accountable. Joe Biden gets impeached. I'd say, I mean, once again, you have to assume that they get now they, that the Republicans take the house back in 2022. Once again, a good bet. And then you're going to definitely see a bunch of Benghazi style hearings, whether they impeach him, the, the desire is going to be there. And more than anything,
Starting point is 00:45:51 the desire to just do a, to show consequences for insisting on impeaching Trump those times twice. So yeah. So I think that there will be plenty of incentive just in, in the near term and like more structurally to do it. So, but you know, the thing, the conditions might be like events might have occurred that could have made that, make that, you know, seem out of touch or out, you know, tone deaf in a way. I don't know. I would say better. I'd say even odds on that. I think it's, it's really, I think that they would say like, why would we bother doing this? You know, we're getting more support from, you know, people resentful that the Democrats aren't playing fair. And plus Joe Biden works with us. No, Joe Biden is the devil. He's El Diablo. They
Starting point is 00:46:41 hate that. I mean, he's going to be the Democratic president has to be the devil. Like, and maybe he's not yet, but they're going to turn him into it the way they did for the way they did for the Obangler. They're definitely going to run that as a PR campaign, you know, but I think that's largely, I think that's a lot of K-fabe. Like he doesn't interfere with their, with their bottom line. Well, I mean, Bill Clinton didn't either. And they still impeached him. I mean, Bill Clinton was, was playing the game. Bill Clinton was like, what do you want me to sign? I will gut welfare. I'll do it. And they still had to fucking impeach him because of political considerations. Yeah, but I think it was, I think it was just a completely different political environment there.
Starting point is 00:47:18 I just think, I think, I think Republicans are better at playing the long game and like, you know, stewing resentment over Joe Biden and watching his brains leak out of his ears and be like, look at what this party thinks, you know, thinks, thinks of the country that they would put this person in charge. I think, and then again, he's not obstructing any of the sort of like, you know, goals of capital either. Well, I mean, I don't think that would be why that's, I don't think that's ever why anyone gets impeached. And I don't know, I think they'll probably do it if they get the house. And it'll be interesting if they get the Senate too, because the map looks pretty bad for Democrats in 2022. So maybe it could be closer, maybe we could get
Starting point is 00:48:01 like a one of those cool two week long, like the real trials with, with, with, with, what do they call them? The people you interview at a trial. That's it. What were you trying to think of the other day or bracelets for your finger? You're trying to think of the word ring. They are finger bracelets, are they? Yeah, they are. I mean, am I wrong? I'm not, I'm not wrong. You're not wrong. You're not wrong. Felix, odds that Biden will get impeached. I would say 40%. Yeah, that seems right. I was thinking about there. I was going to say three to one. Yeah, I mean, like they, like they didn't impeach Obama. That's very noticeable to me. That was why that is kind of wild that they didn't impeach the Obangler. You had Benghazi
Starting point is 00:48:50 right there. You had maybe it's because I think, yeah, weird. Maybe they, maybe they were still stinging from, from Clinton. But I think the thing that might change it is just the fact that the Democrats did impeach Trump and they need to get punished for that. Like we were talking about how you have, one of the reasons you can't hold these people accountable is because it makes them, it changes the calculus for the other party when they're in power about whether or not they punish you. Yeah, but maybe it's you get one, we get one, but there has to be an off administration. Yeah, yeah, we got to take a break. If that's the case, then it's, oh yeah, okay. Because they didn't impeach Obama. Yeah, you could only impeach one president in a row. Yeah. So maybe they'll
Starting point is 00:49:33 impeach Kamala. Yeah. That I can definitely see happen. Kamala, Kamala is sort of the most interesting element to me during this, during the next four years because it's like, her support is so fucking hollow. No one likes her. It's so incredibly hollow. And it's like, yeah, the only people I ever see talk about her are like people who like write adult coloring books and shit. And they kill each other. And they're so insisting about it because they know nobody likes her and they have to over demand that you like her, which just, that shows how weak your position is. Yeah. The baby's Doth protested too much. I mean, being the vice president is an interesting test because I feel like a lot of people will convince themselves that they do like her just by her
Starting point is 00:50:20 being around for four years. Yeah, but to most Americans, like, what does she resound as? She resounds as like the weirdest woman at your job who always makes you uncomfortable, always asks something in a weird way. Yeah. Gives, gives like weird shoulder rubs. Yeah. And you're like, it's not sexual harassment, but it's weird. I mean, like Kamala, Kamala's whole thing is fucking weird. Like, I'm sorry, but it's like, yeah, no, this is just a normal marriage between like two 60 year olds and the, the like guys, kids call her mom. It's like, if my mom got married now, I wouldn't like call her new husband dad. Like, I'm sorry. It's, I'm an adult man now. They're whole family. The vibes are very fucked there. And I honestly don't think Kamala will ever be president.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Unless, unless Biden dies and they don't, like people, I thought that, but like, none of these people, Chuck Grassley never died. Chuck Grassley got COVID. That's true. Chuck Grassley is 84 years old. He's going to be like this Ford tempo I had that I would just drive in fourth gear 70 miles an hour. It didn't totally break. No. Chuck Grassley had COVID and he was like out of the Senate for a weekend. And he's 84 years old. These people have, these people have adrenochrome enemas that are just slowly dissolving in their assholes at any given moment. They don't die. So no matter how he gets, he's not going to die. And she's not going to win an election for president. I will say that. No. So given those two options, I don't think
Starting point is 00:51:55 she's ever going to be the president. You're probably right. I will say my only, my only data point against that is that it worked for Joe Biden, that he ran for president twice. Nobody liked him. Then he got to be the vice president and eventually built up the support to do it. It's a carbon copy of a carbon copy. And I think that Biden is more liked though than Kamala is way more people like because Biden, as I said this before, he is a, he's more human than most like fucking politicians. All that stuff reads, we might think it's cringe, but regulars, the people who know the goth girl from NCIS, they see that as authentic. And there's nothing authentic about Kamala. And of course, you know, racism and misogyny, those are real
Starting point is 00:52:42 elements of it too. But the main thing is that she just seems like a weird animal. Like, like, she's got that like just suppressed mania that just does not feel like a real, it's like she's with, she's suppressing the urge to stab everyone who's like talking to her. Yeah. And among like, the reading I get on her from like normal, like, not especially like politically active, like young people, not like, not like the people who have like, like, you know, wrote a letter to Amy Klobuchar or Tom Dashel to work for them when they were like five. But like, just regular people who like probably like passively like Obama, and you know, whatever other shit, like are happy that Trump lost, like, they just seem to think she's
Starting point is 00:53:28 like weird and arrests people, which is like, yeah, no, kind of accurate. Yeah, right on both counts. Um, I just, yeah, I have trouble. The Consent Manufacturing Machine is going to have to work on overtime with that one, because it's just like, she's, she's got like nothing. There's just nothing going on. She doesn't make much of an impression, at least if she was polarizing, that would be something to work with. Right, like, exactly, exactly. Right. I don't hate, come on, like, Hillary, and Hillary, like, she was, she had enough that it's like, people either hated her or it's like, oh, there was a type of woman that like, deeply identified her with her. I think like, the assumption was wrong, but there was this assumption, this thing that she could break
Starting point is 00:54:19 through with that was like, hey, like, are you the smart woman at your job who gets, you know, talked over, blah, blah, blah. And it's like, yeah, people bought into that with Kamala. It's like, like, what's, like, what type of person is she speaking for? Like, I know what Joe Biden speaks for. I don't know what, what, what, what, just like, every weird woman who works in an office, the aunt that like, makes you uncomfortable by asking weirdly sexual questions, like, what? I mean, I think of this too, like, you really can't discount, like, how different it was, even in the 80s for women in any professional setting. I mean, and I'm not just talking about, like, you know, rising through the ranks of the board, I'm talking about, like, secretaries,
Starting point is 00:55:06 like, and, you know, I, I had just no interest in examining that during the, the race, because it was like, well, I'm not going to win over these people. I mean, during, like, during Hillary's run. But it's like, that is the experience of, like, multiple generations of, like, voting women. It has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton's experience, but she is able to say, to, to say that it does. And to sort of reflect, she was able to be like, oh, I'm like you. You know, I'm like you who whatever had your idea stolen, or who never got a raise, or who got talked over, like, you know, women who were white collar, but not particularly secure, like, I get it. Like, on some level, I get it. Like, you could project a lot on someone who says, you know, I understand
Starting point is 00:56:04 your experience. Kamala just doesn't have that. I mean, for one, like, part of the reason I think those women did like Hillary is because she was such like public enemy number one, even as, you know, the, the governor's wife, you know, people wanted to rally around someone who was obviously targeted. Nobody's really targeted Kamala. You know, it's not even like she can, she can like coast off of like underdog kind of appeal. Yeah, that's true. She just doesn't make an impression. She just slid in there without any, like, Hillary Clinton, you might say, oh, what did she do to get the Senate or the vice president, or the presidential nomination. She was publicly humiliated in front of the entire world by her husband, cheating on her
Starting point is 00:56:48 with a fucking intern. Harris, but she was, she got appointed. I believe she was, she appointed to the Senate in California. If not, she, no, she ran against a, what was the woman, the woman who did the dab? Yeah. No, I mean, I mean, even in like the jungle primary, she ran against like some shitty California Democrat who like dabbed during their debate. I do remember that. Yes. By the way, I have some interesting Hillary Clinton news that I just got from Josh Olson, if you're interested. I think I saw this, but you should, you should say it. Hillary and Chelsea Clinton developing female Kurdish militia drama for television. Yeah. And Bill Clinton helped capture us long. Is there anything that family can't do?
Starting point is 00:57:38 They're adapting the daughters of Kobani, a story of rebellion, courage, and justice, and that work is not yet attached. I don't know anything about this book. It seems a little, I don't know, we should probably, we should probably take a look at the book to see if it was written directly by the CIA. I'm looking forward to that series to see the Brace Belden stand in character B display doing a toxic masculinity to all the female YPG fighters. Yeah. Calling them all sweetheart. I'm explaining how to use the landmine. Do you think that like Hillary will ever make like a movie or show that like there was a thinly veiled like version of us in it? I hope there is. Oh, yeah. We get like, we all get hit. We all just get
Starting point is 00:58:25 destroyed by a falling piano or something. Yeah. I mean, I would like to see it. I won't be mentioned. I won't be mentioned. I'm too inconvenient. Like even, even in the thinly veiled like, you know, reference like I will just not exist. My name cannot enter their mouth. Well, I think you'll be in because there'll be like, there'll be a scene where it's like, yeah, we're sitting around a couch and we're like, Hillary Clinton's gross. I would never fuck her zero to 10. And then like someone, someone hits like a toilet flush sound effect. And then just like a woman pops her head and is like, you guys. Yeah, guys. And then like give someone a beer. And we're like, shut up, bitch. Yeah. I'm the Robin. Yeah. Yeah. I'm the I'm the the girl
Starting point is 00:59:10 in the early the early morning radio show whose job is to go. Come on. You guys, you guys stop, stop you guys being bad. By the way, which is by the way, apparently what a lot of our early fans thought I was too. All right. Let's we're we're getting towards the end. Let's let's kind of speed around some of these. We kind of already talked talked about this, but one of mine was odds on Joe finishes his first term in office, which is, you know, whether or not he steps down 80%. Yeah, he's gonna. I think so. I will go one step further. And we're right though, by the way, that they're we're very good at keeping people alive with with a lot of money. That doesn't mean they're competent, but like it's definitely quantity of life rather than quality
Starting point is 00:59:56 of life. They can keep him going technically alive. Like the little thing goes. Yeah. What is it? There are for like a hundred more years. There are there are conditions of living that we are prepared to accept. Yeah. Right. Right. I will go one step further and say I would put my my my hot bet on him running for a second term. It's the only thing that makes sense. I can see that party completely fucking empty. Like it has nothing. It's going to take more than four years to like create some sort of identity. None of these like people who they were supposed to take the reigns from Biden from the old guard have made any impression on people. And they're after having bedded power for four years, either Biden or more likely his Edith Wilson, Dr. Joe Biden will,
Starting point is 01:00:46 they're not going to want to step down. They're going to drag his fucking wrinkled ass around like the grandpa grandpa Sawyer from chainsaw massacre and he's going to absolutely get the nomination again. Oh my god. What if it's like Reagan all over again and he's just got like pudding brain, but then Dr. Jill has like a psychic. Yeah. Or like she has like she has like a coven of like millennial Instagram witches that she like defers to. Yeah. Here's one I haven't seen anybody talk about, but came to mind Joe gets a nominee onto the Supreme Court until like 90%. So one of those fuckers has no, yes, because Briar will retire. Yeah, Briar will. I mean, none of the Republicans will die because old people don't die anymore.
Starting point is 01:01:33 But I think that yeah, Briar is like up there. He's almost as old as RBG was. And, you know, he's he doesn't have to hold on to his special, wonderful uniqueness and and wait for a Jewish president because he's not doing it for you. He will leave with knowing that he can get a there'll be a Democrat replacement. So yeah, I'd say like, yeah, 90% because at least Briar. And no, and no chance that if that happens, say that happens after the, let's say Republicans take the Senate that he's just denied a nomination completely. Well, I mean, presumably, Briar will do it before the midterms. So it will happen in the next two years. If it doesn't, then yeah, they very well my I mean, yes, I can absolutely see them not letting Biden,
Starting point is 01:02:23 if they get the Senate back, I can see them not letting him, no matter how long it takes, not just saying no, because what are you going to do about it that they've shown? Oh, yeah, if you have the Senate, there's nothing that they can do. So yeah, if there's any, if there's any opening after the Republicans take the Senate, he will not even get a hearing. Okay, but who would he who would he nominate? Barack Obama. There are people who say that that's they use you laugh, but there are dead libs who say that he should be on the Supreme Court because he's a fucking constitutional scholar. He's going to taft it. No, it's going to be like Howard Schultz. It's going to be like this. It's going to be the Starbucks man. It's
Starting point is 01:03:03 going to be the Lib equivalent of the my pillow guy. I am all for your blanket. I'm all for non lawyers being put on the Supreme Court. I think it's legal. Totally, totally barefoot. Yep. Have a barefoot non lawyer Supreme Court justice. Oh God, it's going to be Adam Newman. We've already basically done. Dems keep the House Dems keep the Senate Senate very low chances. Yeah, no, they're fucked. Yeah. Let's end then with a little more return to Trump and kind of look into his future because Matt and I were talking just before we started recording that it's kind of been amazing these extent to which at least in this first week, he has been like lobotomized out of the we are the public consciousness has been lobotomized by him. He's
Starting point is 01:03:50 totally disappeared. He's gone. That's like that. It's just a giant. It's like you could feel the I can almost feel and you can see people trying to like make sense of it. You can feel the the whooshing air of the vacuum created by this guy, this guy whose brain we are all living in for four years and he just disappears. He's just gone. He's they got they got him off of the fucking social media and that was really all it took. That's just now he's gone. And now it's like, oh, what are we talking about now? A birdie beam. Oh, he's got gloves. It's it's racist to do the gloves. I just people are short circuiting because they have nothing just like the North Star. We have no input. We have no input. And it's like he has to have he has to have consented to that
Starting point is 01:04:35 in some degree, right? Because if he wanted to, I don't know. I don't know. It's so weird. He's gone. He's gone. Maybe someone told him to come back. You have to go away. I guess normally he would never listen to the thing is that he doesn't have the self control to really like let let it build. But at the same time, if he tried to let it build, maybe we truly are so like deadened by this the hummingbird news cycle. And we've been so fried by by turnover that if Trump League is off of people's radar for a couple of months, even the people who would die for him are sort of like, oh, Trump, that guy. So that was going to be my but there but their energy is going to do something. It's going to go somewhere. But I just like it's not just like you like kill the cult
Starting point is 01:05:24 leader and everyone in the cult goes back to being normal. Oh, no, they don't go to be normal. But they might be like they might be honest somebody else by that point. They could be like, yeah, I'm on the my pillow guy now. Fuck. Like, yeah, it's it's time to look forward. I have no I don't know. It's it's very weird. And I honestly like it if we're talking about what do we think future is for Trump? That's one where I feel very I don't feel confident making any predictions because like I said when he got nominated or he became president that like all of our pop culture, all of our artistic expressions were all kind of pointing towards this being the end state, this being the end state of America's democratic experiment. But then nothing that pointed beyond
Starting point is 01:06:03 it. And that's still true. So I don't fucking know. Well, my odds question was going to be Trump runs again or form something approaching something that could in the most broad sense say a functional third party like he's been saying like the Patriots party, even if it's just an like a another one of his pyramid schemes to funny model to him that like supports guys running against, I don't know, Liz Cheney or something. And he like keeps all the cash because yeah, he could do that and make a ton of money. I could see it doing an MLM, but like one thing I think he does not want to actually be president again. No, I agree with that. Yeah, I agree with that. It's having lost, but he's not a bum to not be doing it anymore. He is probably bum that people
Starting point is 01:06:44 are talking about him anymore, though. Yeah, I have to do something about that. He could start a blog. He should become a YouTuber. He kind of used to do that. Honestly, he used to vlog. Honestly, I'm kind of surprised because Don Jr. is all in that fucking digital politics space that they should just like put a camera on him and have him just do YouTube shows and you don't have to go through the trouble of borrowing somebody else's money to put together a fucking fake television network or anything. Just you get to be on and people would cover it and people would watch it or you should Twitch stream. You need to get him playing Rust or one of these games. I don't know what the games are. No, Rust is very popular. Rust is fun. You play as like a
Starting point is 01:07:33 bald woman with her pussy out and get hit with rocks. So it's like a medieval village? Yeah, I don't really understand it. I like my friends play it and I got it and it's like they got really, really into it. I mostly play CSGO in Warzone. I have pretty normie taste at this point, but I was like, it's good to get a change of pace every now and then. So I downloaded it and I was instantly a bald woman who was totally naked and got killed with rocks like several times before I found my friend's base. And I was like, I weirdly like, I was like, this is cool. I think I like that game. I think you'd have a lot of fun being the bald, messy lady getting hit with rocks. It's sometimes that's what you got to be the rock
Starting point is 01:08:20 thrower. Yeah, I mean, are there any baby games because I want a new baby game. Oh, yeah, no. There are there are a ton of baby games. I mean, baby games kind of like the norm now because babies all have jobs by games now. This might make people mad, but I think like, I'm not saying this is a bad game. I haven't played it, but the colors and like silliness of it fall guys. Oh, yeah. You got to walk. You got to walk. That's the whole point, right? Yeah. It's for my scenes. It has like seemingly like Katamari, Damacy vibes, but like group Felix. Well, we have I have you here and we're doing like kind of a rambling episode. Can I tie up a loose end that really disappeared? Do we ever find out what happened to Dr. Disrespect on
Starting point is 01:09:07 that stream? No, no, no. Yeah, no, I like from the way that people talked about it, I was like, Oh, he did some like me too, shit, huh? And then it's like, I just haven't heard anything. That was a very weird thing. The stream that everybody was passing around where he like his is he gets a note and his attitude very suddenly changes and he starts talking about like the fate of men and shit like that. It's very weird. Yeah, it's like, it's so weird. We haven't found out because it's like you find out everything now. Everything leaks. I don't know. I know a guy who, you know, he would know and he hasn't told me. So who knows? I mean, I don't know gaming world abounds with mystery. Maybe it's better that way that it's just one of those things where we never find out
Starting point is 01:10:02 because you're right. Well, you get resolution on almost everything. So sometimes mysteries are good. We live in an age with too much resolution, one would argue. Dr. Disrespect is our DB Cooper. Yes. Yeah. And we need those things. Well, it is nice to not know something that, you know, isn't like the JFK assassination. I do miss this is something I miss growing up is like pop culture things that were just a mystery. Yeah. Or just more broadly like mystery and not having to enjoy something technically. Like I remember like there was some video that came out that was like a ballerinas pirouette is even more impressive when you know the science behind it. I'm like, no, it's not beautiful. What's impressive is that it looks like magic and you don't know
Starting point is 01:10:47 how she's doing it. Like I want to enjoy a little bit of mystery and magic in my life. I don't want to I don't want an anatomical understanding of every aspect of beauty. I do. Yeah. I do kind of like not like stuff like that when they're like, here's the physics behind how, you know, like a cat looks at someone pussy. And I just want to think that's magic. They can just rock out to that cat. Yeah. And I just feel like congrats. The one thing I did like is learning how like a dog drinks water because that is something that used to make me nervous because it was like, that seems like a really bad way to drink. I was like afraid that they weren't getting enough water. They weren't getting enough water. Yeah. But now I'm like way more calm about it. That's a reassurance.
Starting point is 01:11:32 Yeah. Yeah. Well, with that, this was a cool episode. It's really good when Will isn't here and we can talk about the smart things. Yeah. Yeah. It really is like it's like parents are gone and you're just in the cupboard just putting everything together and eating it and seeing what it tastes like. And four people came to your house. She started talking about whatever. Yeah. We've had it all marshmallows from Lucky Charms guy in the last 48 hours and Will's gonna come back completely confused. It's cool when kids just like eat an entire thing of like marshmallow, an entire jar of marshmallow for dinner. Yeah. Yeah. That's awesome. It's an experiment you have to go through to understand that that will make you feel bad in your tumtom. Yeah. I remember,
Starting point is 01:12:20 yeah, I like, I think like a teacher or some shit at school had that and I like made my mom get it and I had like one spoonful and was like, all right, I'm done now. Disgusting. Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes you got to cross a line to figure out where it should be. It was low class. It's a low class food. Oh, by the way, my only prediction that I had going into this was that we're going to see QAnon on the runway. On the like, it's gonna become like a fashion thing. 100%. I mean, it's going to be the new Dara leaked. It's going to be and it's going to be like Kendall Jenner and especially as like it kind of like disperses and becomes harder to define. And, you know, there'll be more versions of it that are just sort of like, like whack jobs without any real
Starting point is 01:13:06 coherent anything. Like there's going to be like a, there's going to be like a giant sweater on like a seven foot tall 14 year old Bulgarian woman that weighs 14 pounds. And it's going to have like a big Q on it or something like that. There's going to be some kind of Dara leaked treatment towards Q. It's, it's going to be on the runway. I can see that. I, here's my prediction. I think there's going to be an absolutely fucking terrible either streaming service or premium cable show that's about anti extremism researchers. Oh, God. Yes. It's going to have it's going to have chipper let and it's going to be something on like chipper let and all the self appointed Nazi hunters. Yeah. Like that. There was that Patricia Arquette CSI spinoff CSI cyber. It'll be that like the
Starting point is 01:13:59 blue room with no windows. Yeah. And somebody's just clicking away. It's like, I've got, I've got Adolf Reichman 69 on here. I've, I've got him stringing. Oh my God. He's posting us a dress. I was like, yes, that one. Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to be on it. Yeah. They're going to hire Tali 11 as a, as a consultant. What else do I think is going to happen culturally? I don't know. I think like, I think they're going to like bring back Chipotle show for one season. What if it's really good? He just got COVID, I believe. Yeah. Yeah. But he's so swollen, healthy right now. Getting COVID with my buddy, Joe Rogan. Yeah. Faping COVID in the garage with Rogan. He's so swollen, healthy right now. It was like, I don't know, man. He might be the ideal person
Starting point is 01:14:52 to get COVID. Like Dave Chappelle's almost creepy swole now. Oh, what last, last one I have. Uh, Tesla slash Elon Musk associated, uh, bubble collapse and suicide. There we go. It would now, would Musk's suicide be in a spectacular fashion or in a quiet, shameful one? Would he like strap himself to one of his rockets or something like that? He is. Hard, hard to say. I mean, no one's meeting Aubrey McLendon, the king. Yes. The good old neon fucking Maserati into the wall. That's so awesome to kill yourself that way. I fucking love that. No, he couldn't kill himself. I think Elon will probably, it'll, it'll occur at the end of like an extended program of like Howard Hughes-ishness and he'll
Starting point is 01:15:40 just end up having his all Mormon guard execute him or something. Yeah. I don't think he could crash the Tesla because that would be proving the haters right, which is the only thing he can't do. Well, like my Tesla, like it just spells out Enron to me. I mean, it's not literally, they're not like fucked up for the same reasons, but I just look at that thing and I'm like, this doesn't make any sense. No, it's totally fraudulent. Something's hinky. Yeah. It's very, it's also very like we, we were key where it's like only very rich people that are like obsessed with and specialize in finance would look at that and feel like, yeah, okay. And normal people who know nothing about it are actually better equipped to say, yeah, this doesn't sound feasible. Well,
Starting point is 01:16:28 my prediction sort of overlaps and conflicts with Felix's and that I believe that yes, Tesla will have a crisis. Elon will try to escape to Mars in a homemade rocket that explodes upon a takeoff. But then instead of just like being destroyed, Tesla will be acquired by GameStop. All right. And they, and you know, the Teslas themselves are relegated to like basically like door giveaways for when you reserve your copy of like Mario Sonic Olympics, 2028. Yeah. It does. It does raise an interesting question. Would the government allow an Enron to happen again though? Because I don't mean like is in allow a fraudulent business to pop up, but like would they allow, I don't feel like the government would allow a company that size to fail again.
Starting point is 01:17:19 Yeah. No, because they know that as soon as it fails, there's too many other dominoes behind it. That's what they learned in 2008. So yeah, they're going to be a lot more. Well, I mean, that's what the fucking the care act was. That was like a preemptive bailout, basically. Yeah. They'll just keep doing that as long as they can. Yeah. Which is why like, no, I mean, like this is why this is why neoliberalism isn't like libertarian capitalism, or it isn't like a, like a, like a fascist economic thing. It's all about managing markets within the realm of things. It's not a, it's not a planned economy, but it's about like, you know, letting fires happen and then putting them out just quickly enough. Like it's, it's,
Starting point is 01:18:03 there's, there's just not really a free market. If you go in and swoop in and save the capitalists every time they crash. Yeah. It takes the worst parts of central planning and the worst parts of improv and puts them together. Especially, you mean the rape? Yeah. On that now. Yeah. We've done, we've done hour 20. Thank you all for listening. Oh, it's going to be so bad. What are you doing without it? Oh, man. These are always a fun treat, but we'll be back on Thursday. Will will be back with some structure and some other fun Japs and stuff. So see you guys later. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Bye.

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