Chapo Trap House - 494 - The Lincoln Grooming Project feat. Seeking Derangements & Mike Recine (2/1/21)

Episode Date: February 2, 2021

Ben and Palma from Seeking Derangements stop by to discuss online harassment from Lincoln Project member John Weaver, Marjorie Taylor Green and the growing political power of Women Who Get Kicked Out ...of Places, and finally a reading series on the Bernie’s mitten privilege. Check out Seeking Derangements here: And their Patreon here:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a shit-poster. To me, getting to be on Reddit was better than being president of the United States. Ever since I saw my first meme, I knew I wanted to be a part of it. Guys on Reddit were freaking hilarious. They said what they wanted. I couldn't believe it, but some of these guys are even more autistic than I was. And I didn't have many friends at school, so my mother was happy that I found something to do that wasn't just sitting in the basement making lists of people that I wanted to kill.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Being online was like being a part of a crew. A crew of dudes. Dudes who rocked. I joined all the best subs. Comptown, Wall Street Bets. That was it. Wall Street Bets was the best. Anyway, one day Giraffe PussyPosts about how a bunch of hedge funds all had short positions
Starting point is 00:00:56 in GameStop, and wouldn't it be funny if we all bought shares just to mess with them? Well, I didn't know what any of that meant, but I knew what GameStop was. My grandma used to take me there if I was good and buy me PS3 games. So I figured, what did I have to lose? I put all my money into GameStop at $4 a share, and wouldn't you know it, the stock price rose over 1,700%. Well, when that happened, some very powerful people got upset. Yesterday may have been a good day for retail investors with posts on Reddit skyrocketing
Starting point is 00:01:26 the price of GameStop, but many analysts are seeing this trend for what it is. A war. A war between Reddit and the civilized world. Could the toxic men of these online communities be coming to your house to kill you? More at 11. See, people think when you're a Redditor, you're only there to do coordinated harassment and say slurs. But that's really not true.
Starting point is 00:01:45 I mean, that's only like half of us, but it didn't matter. And this is where things got bad. First they shut down the sub's Discord chat for hate speech and set the group to private. The price at GameStop plummeted. The boys and I did everything we could to get the stock to rally. We shared memes, we posted, we increased our positions, but it wasn't enough. The establishment wanted to scare people, and it was working. Everyone in the sub was saying, don't sell, but it just felt like the house was winning.
Starting point is 00:02:14 My portfolio took a fucking nose dive. I panicked. And this was where I messed up. I figured if the big boys could short the stock, I could too. And that's what I did. I borrowed shares, and I waited for the price to drop. Right after that, Robinhood halted the buying of GameStop, and the stock dropped 70%. I tripled my money and cashed out.
Starting point is 00:02:42 And then I got really stupid. I posted about my new PS5 and Ikea bedframing, and the guys in the sub knew something was up. I didn't take them long to figure out I had shorted the stock, and once they did, I got a lifetime ban from the sub, and that was it. Once they found out, they permanently kicked me off the platform. That following March, Senator Elizabeth Warren drafted a bill banning more than four men to be on the same thread, and President Kamala Harris signed it into law.
Starting point is 00:03:11 And all I had was my bed frame, my PS5, and my $700,000, which I put into Dogecoin, which ended up being a pump and dump, and my PS5 broke when I threw it into a wall. And that's that. All I have right now is $3,200 in the checking account, $3,200 to never post again. It wasn't even enough to go to therapy. And now I'm nobody. I'm a normie. I get to live the rest of my life like a soy boy.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Bravo, Marty, another masterpiece. Fran Leibowitz gives Talking Microscene two thumbs up. She never wants to leave this town, and she never wants to leave Microscene. Thank you very much to Marty, Fran, and Microscene for that cold open. So yeah, everybody, it's Shapo. We're back again today. It's me, Amber, and Felix, but the cupboard is not bare because joining us today, it's the Seeking Derangements, boys.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Yes, sir. Ben and Thomas, spittin'. Wow, wow. Big kisses for everybody. How's it going? We're doing great. How are you boys doing? Good.
Starting point is 00:04:57 Good. I'm investing. I'm playing the stock markets today. Yeah. Yeah, you can't see. The audience can't see. I'm in full joker makeup, and I have a bunch of twinks I hired as cuterie boards to lay around my room.
Starting point is 00:05:12 You're doing something. I am. I am doing the opposite. I'm playing bug snacks on my Bloomberg terminal. I'm still posting pictures of anuses online. I'm doing the same shit I've always done. Can't stop, won't stop. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Yeah. I heard that Citadel and Ken Griffin are shorting videos of British men with alarmingly orange cocks pissing on each other. We've had news for the Palma Capital Market. Fuck. Palma Coin down, down, down. Short Palma. That's right.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Yeah. Palma Coin is crashing after the photo album on his phone broke containment at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Yeah. The government deficit has gone up so much because they have to pay for everybody's therapy after seeing all that shit. Well, it's been in Palma. It's great to have you back on the show, collecting that second appearance challenge
Starting point is 00:06:13 coin. Yes, sir. But I wanted to get you guys in, like, right off the bat, because we've got a hot story right off the presses that it deals with grooming, you know, and everyone knows Seeking Derangement started because of grooming and the chapeau discord, we just had to find two young impressionable men who we groomed into becoming podcasters for us. But no, this involves the Lincoln Project, or should I call it the Lincoln Grooming Project because the folks are doing a lot of grooming online.
Starting point is 00:06:42 That's right. This is courtesy of the New York Times here. Headline is, 21 men accused Lincoln Project co-founder of online harassment. John Weaver, a longtime GOP operative who advised John McCain and John Kasich made sexual overtures to young men, sometimes offering to help them get work in politics. I see this, like, the grooming angle. I see it as a kind of fulfillment of their stated goal, you know, like, they make all these appeals to return to, like, the sensible heyday of Republican politicians.
Starting point is 00:07:12 And by those politicians, they mean, like, Mike Holy and Larry Craig. We need leaders like that back in the room. I was laughing about, I was watching old Larry Craig stuff the other day, as I always do. I was, I've talked about it a million times, but I was laughing about Larry Craig after he got caught and Sweets was like, I am not gay, I never have been gay. I am not, nor have I ever been a gay man. Well, it's that old overlap from, like, communist slash homosexual, are you now or have you ever kind of thing?
Starting point is 00:07:51 Because those always sort of, they had the same thing. And many times, Tuak would, like, go find, like, a Hollywood choreographer, like Jerome Robbins, and be like, if you don't name names, we'll tell everyone you're gay. And it's like, it's Jerome Robbins. He choreographed West Side Story, we all kind of know. But yeah, anyway, overlap, big overlap between the gays and the commies. Are you now or have you ever? Well, there's some, there's some good details here in The New York Times, this is courtesy
Starting point is 00:08:24 of Maggie Astor and Danny Hakem. It says here, John Weaver, a longtime Republican strategist and co-founder of the prominent anti-Trump group, The Lincoln Project, has for years sent unsolicited and sexually provocative messages online to young men, often while suggesting he could help get them work in politics, according to interviews with 21 men who received them. His solicitations included sending messages to a 14-year-old asking questions about his body while he was still in high school, and then more pointed ones after he turned 18. It says here, Mr. Weaver sent overt sexual solicitations to at least 10 of the men and
Starting point is 00:08:57 in the most explicit messages offered professional and personal assistance in exchange for sex. He told one man he would, quote, spoil you when we see each other, according to a message reviewed by The New York Times, help you other times, give advice, counsel, help with bills. You help me, sensually. My girl asked for a $1.2 million media buy in South Carolina. I'd give her $5 million and get her nails done, the fuck out of her. Cy flew another 17-year-old out to the Heritage Foundation weekend getaway cruise, and he ghosted me and broke up with me.
Starting point is 00:09:40 This is why I need to wipe somebody up. This seems like the easiest person in the world to catfish, actually. Right? This person is not trying to cover their trail at all. They're very sloppy about being a pervert. How has he not been like, how is he not like living, how is he not like wearing a barrel with suspenders at this point? Because well, the first person to bring this up was Carl Rove, and it was in 2000.
Starting point is 00:10:06 And people were like, oh, well, Carl Rove said a lot of bullshit before, and this is also McCain versus Bush, so whatever. And also, in 2000, Weaver was significantly more powerful, and reporters liked him. And it was like, yeah, we just shouldn't, we're not going to talk about this. It is crazy, culturally. Until about 2012, I want to say, most movies were about a guy fucking a 15-year-old. Have you ever seen the movie Waiting? It's just like a lighthearted comedy from like 2009, and one of the major plot points
Starting point is 00:10:45 is like, is Dane Cook going to be able to fuck a 17-year-old? I mean, I think the culture is changing that a lot, but also, yeah, no, it's, these people keep secrets about each other, too. I think the worst part about that, that DM was sensually, like, just say something. Like, sensually is the most disgusting way you can put it. You just know that if you are going to have sex with this guy for an internship, he's going to incorporate a feather during that sex session at some point. No, you're just kidding.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Again, though, where are gay scammers? Where were the gay scammers? How has he not end up, like, found, tied up somewhere, you know? I mean, maybe none of them are Republicans. Maybe none of the gay scammers are Republicans. They're like apolitical or like whatever, but I like how John Weaver blocked me on an old account because I sent him articles I wrote about John Kasich, but he, I like that he uses, speaking of Kevin, he uses a picture of himself literally from 21 years ago in
Starting point is 00:11:59 his profile picture. Yeah, that rocks. He's on like some pedophile plane, right, with John McCain. Yeah, John McCain. Yeah. And now it's like he's, he's like tripled in width and it's like, yeah, yeah, when you said sensual, it's like, I imagined him just like having, like, trying to make some like 19 year old smooth heritage boy, just like drip wax on his naked asshole who's still
Starting point is 00:12:27 wearing his parka. I just like picturing like, like high end Patagonia fleece handcuffs and things like that. I just want to, I just want to share a special detail from this is that one of the young men in question, I swear to God, his name is Cole Trickle. Yeah. Yeah. His name is Cole Trickle.
Starting point is 00:12:52 He's some trickle, trickle down economics. All over. All. And it says here in June, 2018, Mr. Weaver asked, are you in high school still referring to high school? Oh, sorry. Are you in HS still referring to high school? And Mr. Trickle said that he was and that he would be 18 the next spring.
Starting point is 00:13:09 You look older. Mr. Weaver replied. You've gotten taller. You're looking 17. You're you've grown up so quickly. I can't believe you look 17 already. It's like he wanted to get caught. Totally.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Yeah, in March, 2020, when Mr. Trickle was 18, Mr. Weaver wrote, I want to come to Vegas and take you to dinner and drinks and spoil you in a follow up message. Use the term that in sexual banter refers to one's body. Hey, my boy, we send me your stats or I can guess if that is easier or more fun. Oh, oh, oh, oh, hey, boy, hey, boy, send me your stats. No, my boy. Hey, sweetie, send me your measurements. Let me see your molars.
Starting point is 00:13:57 My boy is very is very kind of we're all right now, Ducky. Like it's very old, old rich. It's like old school, old school, pedder ass stuff. I mean, yeah, this guy, you can definitely tell like if he wasn't closeted, he would be one of those old gay guys who just has like nine spiral staircases in his house. That's what they that's what they stole from him. That's what they stole from him by making him be in the closet and so repressed. He needed to join the Lincoln grooming project.
Starting point is 00:14:28 I mean, Max, like I'm sure you're familiar with like old gay guys, like with this on grinder. Like yeah, they will like desperately like message you and then try to like imbue this like youthful enthusiasm and everything and they'll just be like lots of DMs at like three a.m. Like, hey, hey, hey, what's up? Hey there. Your hair.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Your hair is so cool. Are you a versatile? Like, hey, hey there, how are you? I stand music. Yeah. And then and then it's like and then you don't respond to them, you know, you like you don't respond to them. They get pissed.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Yeah. Before they get pissed. That's always the ultimate thing is that they get pissed. But before they get pissed, they just send like 10 whole pics that they took in a spree and it's like every single one is like slightly different. It's like you're not like I know this was taken in like 30 seconds and you decided to send me every single fucking one of them. But then when they don't respond, they're like, you're you'll never be nothing.
Starting point is 00:15:29 I tried to help you. I tried to save you and now you're going to die alone. You're going to be poor. It's like it's literally how these guys that how they treat like younger guys and I mean, God bless. Yeah. Thank God he made it out of battle. God bless.
Starting point is 00:15:43 I feel like if they were British, they would just have been a a boy school headmaster. Like yeah. Kind of like place for them in society. I sort of had this happen to me. Oh, join the fucking sub dog. Yeah. Yeah. Remember this?
Starting point is 00:16:02 Yeah. No, I was it was when I first moved in with Amber and I was walking. I was just like do odd jobs before like Carl Diggler and shit. And I was like walking my brother's friend's dog like it's an odd job and I was like walking her around like her old neighborhood in Bedside and this like, you know, those like older white guys were like, they don't their tits are like blisters kind of yeah. Like one of those like, yeah, like the bad like you're talking like Barney Frank. No, Barney Frank, it's those tits are like, Barney Frank, those are jumbo yum yum.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They're like a gorilla. Like when a silverback gets fat, a zoo. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:46 They do stuff to make their nipples like that. It's a whole YouTube thing. Yes. But yeah. And it's disgusting. I was yeah, I was I was so innocent. I was basically like, like in the welcome to the jungle video when Axel Rose gets off the bus and he's chewing a fresh piece of hay.
Starting point is 00:17:04 He looks just arrived in New York. Gosh. I've never seen a building this tall before. This guy was like, Hey, is this your dog? I was like, no, it's my friend's dog. I'm walking her. This dog. It's so crazy.
Starting point is 00:17:24 You have this dog. This dog is only owned by straight guys who want to fuck gay guys. That's so crazy. That's what it would like. He was like, he like, he was just talking to me for like 10 minutes. I was like, Gorge, this guy is friendly. And then he was basically like, after like 20 minutes of conversation, he's like, let's be so great to be young and fucking this thing.
Starting point is 00:17:47 I feel like a little ingenue with a little low pete dress. And then I don't golly, mister. I don't know why. He's wearing his finest and one shorts to walk the dog in the beautiful big city of New York. It's got a big lollipop. That's what I was, I just probably looked like a target to him. This was so stupid, like five minutes of the conversation, he was like, let me get your
Starting point is 00:18:14 phone number. And I was like, Gorge, maybe he has a job for me. And sure enough, he texted me over the course of two weeks, being like, what if you come over and you let me blow you? It's a living. Did you just block his number? How'd you get out of that one? I was like, thank you, but I am not interested.
Starting point is 00:18:36 It's just eventually stopped. If you guys thought Cole Trickle was the funniest name in this saga, you'd be wrong. I'm just going to read another paragraph. Last year when Cody Braultz, say that name again, Cody Braultz, Cody Braultz was a recent college graduate looking for a job in politics. He replied to one of Mr. Weaver's tweets and to his surprise, received a direct message from him. After Mr. Weaver said he traveled to Chicago sometimes, they discussed meeting to talk politics.
Starting point is 00:19:07 At one point, Mr. Weaver asked what Mr. Braultz did in his free time. When Mr. Braultz said he ran marathons, Mr. Weaver replied, at least I know that whatever we end up doing, you could do it multiple times in a row with a winking emoticon. That's so disgusting. That's so disgusting. But you know what? I was thinking, because the tone of all the foundations and all these political Twitter accounts are the same, it's the epic clap back thing.
Starting point is 00:19:34 I used to laugh at the idea that there was just one twink who ran all of the DC Democratic Twitter accounts. Hilary overheard some gay, say like, epic slay in 2016 and was immediately like, we need this person. Since he's just been trafficked post AAVE, up and down K Street. Really what has happened probably is that Weaver was just like stealing the tweet formats from the 17-year-olds he was following. Can you imagine what more treacherous thing could you do after sex than steal someone's
Starting point is 00:20:14 tweets? It's just so underhanded and nasty. That was always the thing, with the Lincoln Project, it really just conceptually end in practice. The idea of 65-year-old guys calling them like herons. Yeah, 65-year-old guys who started a murder the Dixie Chicks ad campaign like now are calling Jennifer Rubin, Hunty. Guys who did robo calls that were like, yeah, you know, Jim Jeffords, what would you think
Starting point is 00:20:56 if you knew that he had a illegitimate daughter who was fat? Now it's just like, yes, on a Navarro, my hot Cheetos queen, yes. Literally quoting Lizzo lyrics. It's one of the grossest things that's ever happened, and that's before I knew anything about the grooming. There's an interesting element to this is that Weaver was both McCain, but also John Kasich. This takes me back to pre-Choppo era, right before we started doing the show, the saga
Starting point is 00:21:34 of you, Virgil and Nick, going to the New Hampshire primaries and going to the Kasich event. This puts a new light on the smooth Kasich boy. Do you think he was being trafficked? Holy shit, I forgot about that. Yeah. Okay, okay. We were in New Hampshire and like we couldn't get into any Trump events or a capacity.
Starting point is 00:21:57 We got banned from Rubio because we're being mischievous. We kept saying that we were finding Marko's illegitimate children and his staffers ever hurt us, I think. We did one thing with Ted Cruz, but it was like Kasich, you could always get in because his staff was worked by these really nice moms who were like, oh, you work for a site called Cafe? I love coffee. That's literally what they said is so easy to get in, they would never Google us or anything.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Yeah, because my timeline in like 2015 was always like, Jay, you should fucking kill yourself. You piece of shit. Back when the site was good. Yeah, when you couldn't get banned for that. So we got in there and Kasich just did a bizarre rambling speech. He was the blueprint for what Joe Biden is now because he got up there and he's like, I'll tell you what, my wife's coming to town tomorrow, so you know I'm getting my leg
Starting point is 00:22:58 presses in now, because you know what I'm going to do, and it was like, what kick off? Like how do you? Yeah. What the fuck, dude? What people thought that Joe Biden was going to do, like first thing in the White House, like just cream up at Dr. Jill Biden's pussy, like that's what John Kasich was going to do on, you know, January 22nd, 2021 or 2017, completely just slam his, his, uh, uh, slam his fupa into her taint until like her toes curled.
Starting point is 00:23:29 So, so like, I mean, his wife is kind of an oath, but like we, uh, yeah, so like we were just like completely like depersonalizing because of his weird rambling speech. And then we noticed there was a boy in like, no, I mean, boy, no, no, he was over there just like blinking Morse code, help me, he's like 14 and he was wearing like all like dry fit under armor, everything with Kasich bumper stickers stuck on him and we were like, that's literally how they mark their territory. Yeah. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:24:11 If you see zip ties on a passenger mirror, that mean like you've been spotted for trafficking. If you see a boy who's been mummified in John Kasich bumper stickers, this is just popped out of a shipping container. That's right. It was, it was so weird that I like, I think we've put it in the article and we've talked about it, but it's like after that, like I think my brain was like, no, you got to get rid of this one. This is fucked up to think about.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Yeah. Well, it's like when I like during the, during the primary and before I worked for Bernie, I was waiting tables in Des Moines. I was working at this one cafe that like, it's like, you know, millennial like like exposed brick wall, like one succulent gay ass cafe, that kind of thing, but it was really good for photo ops. So all of the campaigns would would go there and Cory Booker, especially would frequent it and his staff, I'm not even kidding, exclusively like theater twunks.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Like so it looks like he went to a great, it looks like he went to a Carly Rae Jepsen concert and just offered everyone a job and they were so clearly gay, like they would come in and I would be like, okay, we have 12 salmon salads, like ready to go. He's the next, I think he's the next one to come out. That's what I need to invest in. Now that I'm stock brain, I need to invest in Cory Booker, tax being leaked. This is my question that why, why won't he, it's like to the point where it would only be good for his career.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Literally. I don't, I don't get it. I know. He had the best beard of all of them. He had Rosario Dawson. Yeah. Honestly. All of his beards have been like the hottest women.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Yeah. Like I, like with Rosario Dawson, when that started, I was like, oh yeah, that's a couple where they're both heterosexuals for show and like I, I remember like the lust in his eyes. Yeah. Some like ass over a border clearly knew what he was doing in Iowa was like, so you could be the first person a while who isn't married. How about that?
Starting point is 00:26:12 You know, Senator Booker and Booker was like, yeah, but that means that we'll have a wedding in the White House. That's what it is. I can't wait to look at flower arrangement. This is the first time a president's going to be showing up to his wedding in a pumpkin carriage in front of the White House. I mean, I always wanted beach, but I can work with this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Yeah. It was just like, it gave me echoes to the Benny Johnson, uh, Wes Anderson theme. Oh, no. Oh, no. Fuck you. I'm here for you. I'm here for you. About that.
Starting point is 00:26:50 You, you, you, you blotted the smooth case of blood in your memory. The fucking Benny Johnson wedding, the Wes Anderson wedding video is, oh my God. That's, that's intense sanity damage. If you ever want to look at something to like cleanse my timeline out of your eyes, listen to Google Benny Johnson, uh, uh, wedding announcement video. And that will make you want to go back and look at 10,000 other men's anuses on my God. Well, I mean, it made sense because they did kill an animal at the wedding.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Yeah. I love. Wes Anderson loves killing animals. Did you guys, did you guys see the statement from the Lincoln project? It was so insanely melodramatic. It was like, John, I have it, I have it here. John Weaver led a secret life that was built on the foundation of deception at every level. He is a predator, a liar and an abuser.
Starting point is 00:27:44 We extend our deepest sympathies. Okay. I think they were like, he was describing John Weaver's job. Yeah. Being a liar, a predator and an abuser, like a mission statement of the Lincoln project. Yeah. The totality of his deceptions are beyond anything any of us could have imagined. We are absolutely shocked and sick and it's like, you're protesting way too hard.
Starting point is 00:28:08 You all knew, you all knew that this was happening. You just needed to get your ducks in a row so you could start like your podcast or your documentary about the Trump administration so you could jump ship like rats. Absolutely. Like it's like these guys all work together and like worked in the same circles for literally like 50 years. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:27 They didn't know. You're telling me, you're telling me Weaver never cupped your balls after a few drinks one time. Like come on. Like it absolutely happened. Ben, the other cool thing though is like in seeing the news coverage of this, like I've just been like checking replies like the New York Times and they're like, oh, wow, going after the Lincoln project, canceling my subscription from like Blue Wave, Maggie, Resist, Hashtag,
Starting point is 00:28:47 Resistence. And they're all convinced that this is like once again, it's Russia. They're at it again. They're seeding, they're seeding twinks everywhere in the country and like making Japanese for message them, that they're seeding attractive young men named Cole Sprockets, who are interested in politics and looking for a job. And you know, Jeff, John Weaver just had to fucking, well, Jeff, what did you see? But for different reasons.
Starting point is 00:29:11 There was George Conway was on Morning Joe and Misha Brzezinski just like flat out asked him. She's like, did you know about this? And he was like, um, yeah, it sounds really bad. I only talked to him like twice, you know, I'm I'm literally speechless that his daughter is beating his fucking daughter in the house, you know, that's what he's going to say. Yeah. And is wailing on on her fucking daughter and this motherfucker is just like tweeting
Starting point is 00:29:36 about how like, oh yeah, Trump is kind of sus for having that no, that's what he's going to say about Claudia. He's like, yeah, I've only really like, I don't know, I've only talked to her twice. You know, I'm really, I'm really shocked by these revelations. In fact, I am speechless. I'm so speechless. I'm giving no comment. There's like, there's audio of like Claudia, like, just, yeah, abusing the shit out of
Starting point is 00:30:00 their daughter and George, like, you know, after 40 tweets where he's like, huh, it must be hard to sign a press release with small hands is like, um, hey, hey, like he made it to either. It's like, hey guys, I know a lot of people think that my wife is psychopathically abusing my daughter and trying to make her kill herself, but actually this is a private matter. And all the, all the, all those, all the shitty like resistance parody accounts that are like, you know, based on one event that happened three years ago where it's like, oh, Lindsey Graham Sharpie were like, we're, we're like, um, wow, uh, love to you and your family,
Starting point is 00:30:40 George. And your daughter's a lying time, a total, by the way, Claudia, Truther, I think the only person more like toxic in that family than Kellyanne is Claudia. I think anyone who, like there's, there's all this, like people who do not understand the hot 16 year old girl, uh, formerly hot ish mom, uh, conflict will never know. But one of them is going to kill the other and my money's on Claudia and she will kill again. My words, Claudia is making bombs in her room right now.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Just wait for it. Well, actually this is a good segue because as long as we're talking about, uh, moms that are both hot and evil, let's talk about my girl, Marjorie Taylor Greene, the hottest new sensation in Congress, everybody's biggest, everyone's talking about MTG. I mean, I love, I respect Marjorie Taylor Greene, uh, talking about born this way. She, she, uh, when is the last time in the last 10 years that you have seen like, uh, like a rich ish or, you know, a woman with the resources to get it done? Who does not get that nose fixed?
Starting point is 00:32:01 Oh my God. Yes. Yeah. There's a war on ethnic noses and I gotta say, she's, uh, she's hanging onto it. What is her ethnicity? Scott's Irish. Oh yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:15 How could it be anything but Scott's Irish? Yeah. It's literally just, uh, it's just a gin blossom, but that is an ethnic nose if you're Scott's Irish. Uh, just, just a note, a note for the listeners here, uh, what you're, what you're listening to right now are the characters of Felix Biedermann and Lou Perlzeman sort of melding together. Oh, oh honey, maybe you should check for the underground tunnels to Beverly Hills.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Get that fixed. You can, you can hang a coat on that nose. Well, what I like about MTJ is that like, you know, like everyone's, everyone's going crazy now because like, you know, she supported the insurrection and she, she wants to kill Nancy Pelosi. She clearly wants to execute Nancy Pelosi. And the, and the thing now is like, when anywhere, when any Republican gets on TV, they're like, you know, how, how could this person be in your caucus?
Starting point is 00:33:02 Like, can't, can't you kick them out of Congress? Like, she's very carefully, bitch. Even though they were elected, even though they were elected, uh, that people want to expel her from Congress now. This woman has, she has, every room she has been in, people have tried to kick her out of it and she, you're not going to hear out of anything. She is the least kickoutable person ever, ever, but there's no way you're getting her to leave.
Starting point is 00:33:25 She's like one of those people who ran for cut, like got involved with politics for the first place because it was like, she got 86 from every bar in her neighborhood. 100%. Yeah. Well, what I, what I like about the, it's just, she had no interest in politics. She just ran out of places. She could go. No.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. But what I like about the everywhere, I want like a margin after she, if she ever gets kicked out of the house, I want to take like a tour of her city led by her where it just like, she points out different places where the problem was the other person where she's like, amazing. The geek squad at that best buy, they're all fucking assholes.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Yeah. Yeah. They all stiggled me out. She doesn't. I mean, Derek, kind of like a Dorothy Parker drink here, but it'll be like Marjorie Taylor Green headbutt a pregnant woman in this one. Literally. She doesn't even need to do like campaign literature because her, her picture is already up behind
Starting point is 00:34:19 the bar. You got her. Every place she lives. You got this woman in. Yeah. Yeah. She's like, yeah, it's like the National Guard had to come here in 2017 and did this Ulta.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Because of Marjorie. Well, there was a, there was a really funny video going around that I watched with her. Like this is her MTG in, in, in, in top form where she was like, uh, storming the, storming the Minnesota state capital to try to do like a citizen's arrest of Ilan Omar, because according to MTG, she did not swear in on the Bible. She swore in on a Quran, which is illegal according to her. And it means that he wasn't elected. Fucking dumbass.
Starting point is 00:34:54 He's still spitting fire. This is like a law that like feel it straight up. That is, that's, that's like old teacot legality where it's like. Yeah. Like the citizen legality stuff too. Yeah. Yeah. We have the Bible.
Starting point is 00:35:09 We're going to talk about swearing in on the, how to swear in on the Bible with them and let them know what our law says that you can't swear in on the Quran. So we're going to, we're going to explain to that. Yeah. So it was passed after they swore in. So they're not really official, I don't think. Because of the Thomas Jefferson's war with the Barbary pirates, uh, is a constant enemy aerial status inside the republic and anyone who pledges allegiance to the moon god Allah
Starting point is 00:35:38 will have to face the same punishment that our president Thomas Jefferson laid out to Muhammad when he was beheaded. Amen. Uh, there's another really good video of her. That she's the next Trump, which like, I don't fucking know. It seems more likely that she would be then like any of these like freakish imps like Josh Hawley or Tom Cotton or anything like, yeah, anyone is going to fill this role at hat, like BPD is a prerequisite and she's fucking more than anything, she's going to
Starting point is 00:36:04 be my wife. Not if I get to her first problem, not if I get to her first video where it was like, it was after they drafted the impeachment proceedings against Trump and this is a video she put out on like her official like congressional account where she's walking through the hallway and just like ripping her mask off and she's like, this is, this is, this is awful. Today they are crucifying our president and you just hear some like, you know, moron DNC staffer walk by, go, you're crazy. He goes, she goes, yeah, this is crazy and it's like, that is so, I got such flashbacks
Starting point is 00:36:47 to like women I would have to kick out of the bar if there is a hearing to like kick her out or whatever, whatever procedural thing that you have to do to like get her to testify to kick her out. She is showing up with a cat and holding a knife to its neck. Like she is 100% there's a really funny video. I think if we get her to like if any kind of like legal thing, it will be like, bigamy or something. She'll do something really weird and that will be the thing that finally like gets her
Starting point is 00:37:15 out of politics and gets there. She's so crazy. There's no stopping her like she is just only going to get more and more and more attention and if she's not in politics and she's going to be like, you know, QAnon queen, like she's not going to go anywhere. Yeah. Give her a reality TV show. The best thing that can happen to her is like, yeah, she gets kicked out of the house
Starting point is 00:37:34 speaking for like dog fighting. And it's like she'll she'll the best like it'll be better than Nixon's like, y'all are the real fucking drug addicts, suck my fucking dick, I need an opana for my knee. By the way, I rehabilitate pit bulls and they like fighting. Yeah. I think Real Housewives of Millageville, Georgia would be she'd be the star. Did you guys see the other video? There's a really funny one of her literally running after David Hogg screen calling him
Starting point is 00:38:09 a coward on the screen. Why are you supporting red flag gun laws that attack our Second Amendment rights and why are you using kids to get as a barrier? Do you not know how to defend your stance? She's right. She's right. Yeah. Again, spitting straight facts right there.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Did you see my question about? Oh, go ahead. My question about MTG, though, is like this whole thing about like, oh, like we need to kick her out of the Congress, like there, you know, this is beyond the pale, like you can't serve an elected office if you like say that you want to kill Nancy Pelosi, which is like fine. I get her out of there if you want. Sure.
Starting point is 00:38:44 But like the thing is, though, like it seems like a little bit like the horse has already fled the stable because I would see like me see whether you agree with me or not. But like I would contend that probably half of all blonde American women over the age of 50 have her exact same brain. And now as Matt has said, they've been politically activated. American constituency. They are a sleeper cell that has been completely and totally activated and they are not going anywhere.
Starting point is 00:39:12 They're only going to grow. I've I personally just like from working in restaurants and bars have come across so many women like this. And even like two years ago, I was thinking about Mark like I was watching these videos of her. I remember this girl I used to work with who would like when I was waiting tables and she was also a server and she would like always corner you to tell you about how like 9-11 was fake and about how like the sun was like a bunch of Jews with magnified glasses.
Starting point is 00:39:37 And she ended up, you know, not surprisingly, she had a mental breakdown and quit all of a sudden. And then like a year later, I found her on YouTube and she has like a very successful YouTube channel. And I watched this one like six hour long video of her. She's just driving through rural Colorado. I skipped through it, but she is like fully insane on a road trip on a bender and she's just in the middle of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:40:01 She's rolling down her window and just screaming, AIDS is fake, AIDS is fake out of her car window. And then she rolls it up and she just looks at the camera and she's like, I feel so free. And it's like this literally is like so many fucking blonde women. That is all of us. That is all of us. They're just brave enough to take the fucking initiative and do it. You guys, we can't stop here.
Starting point is 00:40:26 It's back country. You know what? I kind of wonder at this point, if it's a chemical thing, because I'm a big believer in like I think lead contributed to violent crime. Oh, there is so much aluminum in her brain pan. What if it's the peroxide? Yeah, totally. What if it's the highlights?
Starting point is 00:40:47 Yeah. What if this is the new mercury poisoning? She's a mad hatter, but she's like a mad, she's a mad blonder. Like like QAnon grows into American Maoism, like these women are the peasants of American Maoism. Like they are the sea of the revolution, just like insane blonde women who have been kicked out of everywhere. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:09 And they will end up melting down machinery and then later realizing they need it. Yeah. The blonde Karen's bloom. Yeah. The like cultural revolution for blonde women will be, I mean, it's like bouncers will be the new landlords. Managers are going to be put against the wall. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:30 Those are all, but those are all just like black categories and you get exiled to South Dakota if you're even related to one. I got one of the populate Alberta. I got one more thing here. This is like, this is not MTG, but this is like sort of her, her, her comrade in arms, Lauren Boebert, when we had Will Summeron, Boebert is definitely a beta compared to Marjorie. Oh yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:59 She's not quite as good, but like, but she's got potential. And like when we had Will Summeron and we were talking like a couple of weeks ago, talking about Boebert, like he had, he sort of casually like just sort of just threw in there. We like, we didn't follow up on it, but we, he talked about how her, her gun themed restaurant called Shooters Bar and Grill poisoned like 80 people with diarrhea. Yeah. I gave him bloody diarrhea. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Shooters Grill, which Boebert co-owns with her husband in Rifle, Colorado. That is a 30 rock joke. That's a 2014 30 rock joke. It says, wait staff are required to wear holstered and loaded guns as they serve customers. For years, they were not required to take training courses. It keeps that feeling of the old West alive, Boebert told local TV news stations, Fox 31 in 2019. The customers have their jokes with the waitresses.
Starting point is 00:42:49 If I don't tip, are you going to hurt me? But three years ago, Boebert's food apparently closed a greater risk to customers than untrained staff after her pork sliders allegedly poisoned dozens of people at a local rodeo, making them nauseous and sending them home with bloody diarrhea and like, it goes on, it goes on a, Split right out their asses. So they served this giant stew pot of pulled pork at a fucking rodeo, but observed absolutely none of rudimentary food safety regulations.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Absolutely none. It was kept at room temperature overnight. No gloves. Yeah, and then everyone who ate the pork slider is like when the health department looked into it, we're shooting, we're just pissing blood out of their asshole, had the Shooters Barn Grill pork sliders. I'm like, forget the tea part, like the QAnon Congress now, like we're bringing back, this is Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, we're bringing it all back, we're bringing back that standard
Starting point is 00:43:45 of food safety and preparation. And I'm just hope, I really hope she Shooters Barn Grill starts catering like the congressional cafeteria. Absolutely. I really want that to happen. Yeah, absolutely. Did you see, she had this really insane political ad, the one that's like, I carry my glock to Congress and it's like four minutes long and all of the shots are just her walking
Starting point is 00:44:04 down like alleyways and streets as she gets closer and closer to the Congress building and it's like, wait, is she going to like shoot this place up because she just continues to talk about her gun and she's like, I weigh 110 pounds and I'm 5'4". She mentions that three times. She's like, I'm so tiny, if I don't have a gun, I will immediately be murdered for being sexy. Like her, the only thing she's running on is like scaring everyone in Congress. She's literally like, nothing about the stimulus checks for or against like nothing about the
Starting point is 00:44:39 debt, nothing about like Iran even. It just straight up like, I am going, like I'm going to make Steny Hoyer have a panic attack and die because I bring a gun to work. Some of you are cool. Don't come to the vote tomorrow. Wait, going back to the, to the board slide is how much do you want to bet that that was like some kind of own against like Islam or even like dutyism or whatever. Just being like, they can't eat this or owning Islam by serving pork sliders at this fucking
Starting point is 00:45:11 rodeo. And then like, of course, like her, her, her employees just never use the thermometer or whatever. They just like, oh, whatever. It looks, it looks flip it over and serve it. I mean, I mean, okay, a Jew, a Jew, a Jew can lie to you by eating the pork sliders, but the way you really detect them is if they immediately get diarrhea. That's right.
Starting point is 00:45:32 That's right. Just listen to one more thing. It says, officials who later visited the restaurant found that smokehouse 1776 had no cold holding or hot holding mechanisms in place and that the restaurant does not maintain temperature logs. So there was no way of showing that the food had been kept at proper temperatures. Dude, I'm so sick of the government strangling my ability. Now large windows sell, you know, no one's going to steal anything.
Starting point is 00:45:57 Well, if any hobo tries to come up and like, just snatched a handful of steamed pork, they're getting blasted. They're getting fucking, they're getting some lead. That's how they were talking. That's how they're talking to me. Oh man. Yeah. Lauren and MTG though.
Starting point is 00:46:12 I mean, like I, and the thing is like, if you kick them out of Congress, they'll only get more powerful. Like literally. Yeah. You think these broads want to be in Congress doing a job like that where you do have to keep temperature logs about shit? Fuck no. There's going to be shooters on every corner when you kick them out.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Yeah. It's like, yeah. It's like Star Wars where it's like, if you kick me out of this place, I'll become more powerful than you could ever imagine. That's what, that is the source of their power is being kicked out of places. What is it though? What is it? We talked about this before though, but what is it with like, like I said, like of a certain
Starting point is 00:46:44 age and a certain level of hotness, like these women, they love fucking Trump. They want, they want to fuck Donald Trump. They all they do is think about him. They will die for Donald Trump. I think because he's like the, the ultimate like older met like gross older man that you date, right? Yeah. They want to touch.
Starting point is 00:47:05 They want to touch their, their pig lips to each other. You know what I mean? Yeah. No. I mean, he's, he's just like, he's got such animal magnetism for these women in a way that like, I think it has to do with women that are also like married to these like really impotent like, you know, like almost positive guys that are like just unable to satisfy them.
Starting point is 00:47:27 Like they were sold some like fantasy of like, oh, my husband's going to protect me because he has to be honest. It's paternalist protectionism. It's the basis of their sexuality. Yeah. They don't have that. Yeah. Their husbands is going to be like, oh, he's going to fold immediately.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Like when, when Wendy's gets their order wrong, instead of like walking in guns and pimbo and like shooting down the fucking place, they forgot like onions on their big Dave's double whoop. I just, I don't. He's such a, he's just such a like a drag queen. I don't understand how anyone, he's such a like faggot. I don't care. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:47:59 That's it. That's it. That's it. I figured it out. They want a gay best friend. No. They want to date themselves. They want to date.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Yeah. Yeah. You're right. That's your right. He's like, he's like, if they were share hairspray. Yeah. He's like, if they were like an ostensibly heterosexual man, because it's like, he's the only like guy who's branded as a heterosexual man who would be like, wash up psycho, bet
Starting point is 00:48:25 midler. That's it. That's it. It's just like, it's like that, that is just their male equivalent. He would hang out with you and just be in just shit talk with you. Yeah. She's a low class bitch. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Yeah. Yeah. And that Ben diagram is a circle of like what they care about and what he cares about. Yeah. Like all he watches is Dave Titan TV, exactly like every single woman who wants to like get down and dirty with his fucking, you know, rosacea ass, like his entire body that looks like he has rosacea. They watch the same amount of daytime television.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Absolutely. Yeah. Like they could, they could talk about like how like Joy Behar looks disgusting forever. And you know what, like, I think there's another element here, but like why they are also into QAnon and stuff, and I think it's some sort of like weird, like thwarted maternal instinct where like their own kids hate them and like they hate them as well. So then they become obsessed with this narrative about like people they don't like eating beautiful innocent babies.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean, I think that that's the entire trafficking thing too is that like it is sort of based on, I mean, it's, it's maternal, but it's also, I think it goes back to this sort of traditional paternalist protectionism where it's like, you know, I'm little, I need someone to protect me. I need, like it's all just like a manifested like Freudian fantasy of being like ravished or whatever, being under threat.
Starting point is 00:49:52 I think it's a little bit more, more nuanced than that. I think it has to do more with like, you know how like all these like figures at the QAnon puts out that it's like, oh my God, like 80,000 children in the U.S. are disappeared into the and like turn into mole children under Washington, D.C. or whatever, right? Like that's mostly just based on like, like figures and like they're turned into as injections for Anderson Cooper 99.99% of those figures are basically just like kids whose whose dad just like stole them back from like his ex-wife who like, oh, I wanted to take a fishing one more, one last time before the, you know, you know, or people who literally hate their
Starting point is 00:50:37 children so much, they wish that they would be trafficked. Yes, exactly. Exactly. So it's like, I think that's that's what it's mostly like that psychosis kind of based on where it's like, I either want my kids to be a mole child. So Donald Trump can save them because he's been talking about it. Or like, I can understand like, oh, like I want to steal my kids. Of course someone else would want to steal my fucking kids and turn them into like sex
Starting point is 00:51:02 slaves because everyone else is worse than I am, you know, also, also, my kids are so sexy. Obviously, people are going to try and fuck my kids, my kids are, do you guys remember the serious fave star guys? So for people who don't know, the serious fave star guys, they were a collection of men who like at all times were wearing beat up baseball calves and sunglasses in black and white photos. And like, for the most part, they would post like, you know, weird Twitter style awful
Starting point is 00:51:39 line break jokes where it's like, date. So what do you like me trying not to reveal the fact that I'm a dog who's smoking weed, you know, like shit like that, yeah, or like, you know, puns and shit. But like, because these were all like Midwestern, like dirtbags, they would get fucked up and like just like take like opana and like mix it with liquor or whatever they did and be like, if you ever heard a kid, I'll be like 30 of the 30 of the worst jokes you've ever seen, and then 10 tweets that are like, I heard about a mother putting her son in a microwave.
Starting point is 00:52:18 God damn it. I wish I could kill her and it's like, I think that's that's a part of like Facebook American behavior is like, yeah, I'm a no good whiskey drinking son of a bitch. And I like, but if you heard a kid, because I remember like, it's the easiest way to pretend you're a good friend. It's the same thing as like invent like quote unquote, like inventing a guy, you know, like on Twitter, it's like, Oh, found a new guy invented a new guy. It's the same kind of like, like completely like coming up with the worst kind of person
Starting point is 00:52:49 you can think of just so you can like dunk on that. I feel like from the serious fave star guys, like the phrase that will probably be like rattling around my head is like the D&T hits and I just slide out of this life is I forget it was like the guy who was just like, buddy, you never hit a child hit me. I can take it. Oh my God. Oh my God. Never fuck a child.
Starting point is 00:53:09 Fuck me. I remember, I remember the two best ones I ever saw were from the same guy and he was just like one of those Boston guys who like sleeps in a beanie and you could, you could definitely tell when he scored opiates because like the jokes would stop and he would literally, he literally tweeted like me, if I won $250 million in lottery, give $248 million to sick children and women. It's like, I mean, keep $2 million, I'm not crazy, I'm keeping some of the money, some of the money.
Starting point is 00:53:49 You're like, like just like the most insane hypotheticals where they're a good person because they're high. It's like you haven't talked to your family in six months. Yeah. Yeah. Craig, I'm saving so many of these people, it's insane. I wonder how many people who are obsessed with like the mole children stuff, like have children.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Yeah. Absolutely none of them. They're all up to none. Yeah. I think this is maybe like a, like a mass psychosis that's coming from like a failure to reproduce. Maybe. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:22 Yeah. Maybe. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. Yeah. I mean, I would, I'm not going to be able to have kids. I'd take a mole kid personally.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Yeah. I guess can't be choosers. Yeah. Give gay guys the mole children. That's going to be, I'm, I'm, I'm launching gay QAnon. This is going to be my next grit where I demand that every gay couple be given a mole child. My, my, my favorite thing with the mole children thing is like, if that was real, like, could
Starting point is 00:54:51 you imagine how Donald Trump would talk about mole people? He would be so disgusted by them, he would be so disgusted by them. Folks, we got the most beautiful children right underneath, right underneath our capitol. No other big capitol in the world has this amount of beautiful children. He would be so disgusted by them though. He would be disgusted by them. Folks, folks. They're, they're skin.
Starting point is 00:55:12 It's see-through. You could see their veins. He closed their eyes. You could see their eyelids. They're clear. They, they squint in the sun. They can't stand it. Like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Donald Trump, like interacting with like a Hans Bolman type person. Cold trick. Cold trick. I want to see my mommy. Those are your different challenges. I'm not going to let you go until you tell me what gloves should you use. Cody Sprout. Cody Sprout after being in a tunnel too long ago.
Starting point is 00:55:38 But he needs some sun. Why does it, Johnny Gush has a bad attitude. What is it? It's a good old Christian movie with a friend. Oh man. Okay. Well, I got one last thing for us here. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:55:54 Yeah. This is, this is, this is a classic chopper reading series. And I'm really glad that you guys are here for it because this one is like, Bernie ain't never going away. Bernie's Mittens, the 2016 primary, the 2020 primary, it's never going away. We're going to be, we're going to be stuck in this bullshit forever. This comes courtesy of a woman named Ingrid Seira Ochi, writing in the San Francisco Chronicle.
Starting point is 00:56:20 This is in their opinion section. Headline, San Francisco high school students get a lesson in subtle white privilege. Let's fucking go. This is, this is a gem, guys. All right. So here he goes. Three weeks ago, I processed the capital insurrection with my high school students, rallying our inquiry skills.
Starting point is 00:56:40 We analyzed the images of them, started rallying our inquiry skills. That's so patronizing. We put our thinking hats on. This is the white woman equivalent of Andre Steakhouse, like tenting your fingers like so. So we are going to analyze the intrinsic qualities of this white supremacist narrative. You dig? So I have to mention too, like this woman is like, as a high school teacher, she's like
Starting point is 00:57:11 a teacher the way like Liz Warren was a teacher, except that she did it in reverse. Like she's been in an administration capacity. She's been a principal. She's been a college professor. I think because she's studied pedagogy and like teaching and a college level, you have to like go in and like teach sometimes, but that's like bullshit. She's not like, she's not like a high school teacher. She's of the managerial class and every once in a while you have to do like a couple years
Starting point is 00:57:37 in the trenches, the way like people will do teach for America to put on their like, you know, law school application or whatever. So just FYI, she's not just like, I've taught high school for 20 years and it's my job because I love teaching high school. She's a college professor and a freak. Rallying our inquiry skills. We analyze the images of that historic day. Images of white men storming through the Capitol, fearless and with no forces to stop them.
Starting point is 00:58:06 I mean, except for that bullet from the Secure Service, God, it's not fair. There are some forces there. But it hit a woman though, so it doesn't really, it doesn't really. The several of them that died because their own bodies fell. Yeah. Yeah, they were stopped by their circulatory system, several of them that tased their nuts so bad that they died. The only thing that could stop white privilege is a heart attack.
Starting point is 00:58:33 So she says here, she says this, I said, is white supremacy. This is white privilege. It can be hard to pinpoint, but when we see it, we know it. It's like, it's like pornography in that regard. So you gotta say here, across our Zoom screen, this is really funny. She goes, she was beating off to it. Across our Zoom screen, they affirmed with nods, thumbs up and emojis of anger and frustration. I guarantee you all the kids in that Zoom lecture were just totally zoned out.
Starting point is 00:59:00 They were not paying attention to any of this bullshit. They were on Robin Hood. Yeah. Yeah, imagine this dingbat just being like, is it Kabala beautiful? Yeah, these 16-year-old kids are like, yeah, I love this class. I love this woman. So she goes here, fast forward two weeks as we analyzed images from the inauguration, asking again, what do we see?
Starting point is 00:59:27 We saw diversity, creativity, and humanity in a nation embracing all of this and more. On the day of the inauguration, Bernie Sanders was barely on our radar. The next day, he was everywhere. What do we see? I asked again. We've been studying diversity and discrimination in the United States. My students were ready. What did they see?
Starting point is 00:59:48 They saw a white man in a puffy jacket and huge mittens, distant, not only in his social distancing, but in his demeanor and attire. You know, like all her students weren't paying attention because she had to ask twice. Like literally. Yeah. He's like Francis Dollarheid. Do you see? Just call him Jewish.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Like I don't. Yeah. Yeah, it's also like she's, so she's shitting on him for wearing a big jacket and it's like, it was like. He's 80. 25 degrees. It is 80 years old. Is he supposed to wear like an L.A. M.H.O.F. in the top?
Starting point is 01:00:21 It's like a funny one. Yeah. She's supposed to wear a piece of clothing that is 95% just stitching. Yeah. Yeah. Just passed together. She's Bernie sitting. Die like William Henry Harris and Bernie just showed that you aren't the icon of like privilege.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Yeah. Like an idiot. I just like, she's like, she's got all her fucking high school students like duct tape to a wheelchair and she's like, this is Bernie sitting. Do you see? This is Bernie changing. Do you see? All of these people are have, you know, she's like thumbs up.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Like what she's saying is that no, they got me the first time with the cardboard cutouts. But like, they're moving. I know they were there. I know they were there. They're totally just patching in gifts of themselves now. We took in the meaning of the day, the vulnerability of democracy, the power of ritual, traditions and the peaceful transfer of power. We talked about gender and the possible meanings of the attire chosen by Vice President Kamala
Starting point is 01:01:25 Harris, Dr. Jill Biden, the Biden grandchildren, Michelle Obama, Amanda Gorman and others. We referenced the female warriors inspiring these women. The female warriors inspiring these women. The colors of their... Like Samantha Power. Yeah. Xeno Warrior Princess. Wonder Woman 84.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Madeleine Albright. The color, okay. The female warriors inspiring these women. The colors of their educational degrees and their monochromatic ensembles of pure power. The colors of their educational degrees and their monochromatic ensembles of pure power. And there... That's a sentence. And there, across all our news and social media feeds, was Bernie.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Bernie memes, Bernie sweatshirts, endless love for Bernie. I puzzled and fumed as an individual, as I strove to be the my best teacher possible. What did I see? What did I think my students should see? A wealthy... A man with swag. Yeah, a five-star fimp, a big dick player that everyone loves, a big dick fimp who everyone loves.
Starting point is 01:02:34 Exactly. He's not that fucking hard. Also, if anything, he was dressed like a Vermont lesbian. Yeah. So, fuck off. He looked normal. What the fuck are you looking for? I'm happy these people are back to saying like insane shit, like I looked at Bernie and
Starting point is 01:02:47 felt abused because for a while they're like with the meme, everyone was like, oh, he's so harmless and cute and like, no, like people fucking hate this man. You destroyed this person. You know what? Please go back to being psychotic about it because it's just, that's like, except what you've done. That's when it reached the tipping point. You got shit reached the tipping point, too, because first they had to be like, oh, like
Starting point is 01:03:07 Bernie's cute, like, oh, and then they were like, oh, wait, I forgot. This is literal violence. Even though we stole shit from him, everyone likes him and everyone hates us. Exactly. They like him and they got mad. They thought it was cute when he was harmless, but they're like, oh, he still has the heart of the people. They were attacking shows that they still know that people hate them.
Starting point is 01:03:27 You know? Yeah. They know. Yeah. We will always hate you. We will always hate you. By the way, bomb the Bay Area. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:35 75% of the people who like brought that bullshit against like Alex Morris or whatever, like they all shared like, oh my God, Bernie looks so cool in that fucking, in those mittens. Where can I get those mittens or whatever? How can I knit those fucking mittens? And like half of them like probably just voted for Warren or whatever, you know, it literally doesn't matter. None of that mattered. So whatever this woman is getting mad at in the end, doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:03:59 Like it's not real. It's not like for real admiration of Bernie Sanders. It's just like some contrived bullshit that people like latched onto because Bernie Sanders is fucking cool. Yeah. And like, and the other thing is like, like why even write this? Like you won, you defeated him, but you're like, you're exactly right. The fact that it was like the memes and everyone was talking about it is just because people
Starting point is 01:04:20 like Bernie, they can't even let him be liked. They can't even let him be liked. Yeah. Well, it's literally that is because it like they want, they don't just want to win. They want to believe that their legitimacy is based on, on being loved based on capturing the heart of the people. But no, you won because you kneecapped the popular candidate and he still has the heart of the people.
Starting point is 01:04:41 So I hope this all turns to Ash in your fucking mouth. Fuck you, you dumb bitch. There we go. And when you're preferred candidate, either like lied about being Native American or like being a leftist, right? Or like put wheat smokers in jail for like 10 years in California. Like there's no winning narrative here. Like your fave is not going to be everyone else's.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Yeah. I mean, like compared to compared to compared to Joe Biden, this is subtle white supremacy. It's like when you're fucking interesting. Yeah. And like, like the support, there is a huge, like psychological, like psychological torment going on with these people because it's like the, the popular love of Kamala is so hollow and so fake. It's like she literally had to drop out before anyone voted.
Starting point is 01:05:36 Like no one didn't even get a single fucking vote. Yeah. You're right. And it's like all, all the shit I'm seeing about like, oh, Doug is hot. Be like Doug. It's like no one gives a fuck about Doug or knows who he is. No one gives a fuck about her. Kamala like weirds every like normal American who isn't obsessed with this shit out because
Starting point is 01:05:57 she's a weird person. Like no, like this support is completely hollow. If you have her run, you're going to lose to like maybe even Josh Hallway. I don't know. Well, that's why they're trotting out, that's why they're trotting out her little fucking Zoomer Bushwick Parsons School of Design stepdaughter as some kind of way to like, you know, give her relevance or whatever. But also you go back, I'm actually back.
Starting point is 01:06:25 Which everyone also hates Ella Emhoff. I'm actually glad though that like people that like she now has a whatever platform because all of the kind of youth fetishism that people have, they're like, oh, the Zoomers are going to hate us, are going to love us, they're going to save us, they're going to, they're going to, they're going to fix the world. Look how like cool and queer they are. And you go like one of the things, the profiles or whatever on Ella Emhoff was her like putting up some kind of Instagram thing that was like, um, wear a mask because our lives are more
Starting point is 01:06:59 important than your comfort. It's like, guess what? She's still just a Karen. Yes, she dyed her fucking armpit hair, but she's just the same fucking thing because it's not about youth. It's not about generation. It is about her class position. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:14 Like big news flash here is that like people who say like, oh, the Zoomers are going to save us. Like Ella Emhoff is like off five key bumps of ketamine. She's dissociating. It doesn't know where she is. And Cole Emhoff was listening to Come Town on one Aripod like the entire fucking time. Like it doesn't matter. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:31 Yeah. I don't think she's good or bad. She's just like, yeah, another she's like, yeah, she's 21 and goes to fucking NYU. Who fucking? She's another. She's a Bushwick Parsons School of Design girl whose dad is like a fucking Hollywood talent agent. But we know what she's going to be.
Starting point is 01:07:47 It does. Generation is a fucking joke. They just have different haircuts for Christ's sake. When will people learn that there's no magic bullet to youth? Yeah. And yeah. Yeah. It's like a weepy millennial bullshit where it's like boomers, everything.
Starting point is 01:08:05 It's like, I've seen no indication that millennials would have done anything different if they're in the position of boomers. No. They're doing the exact same thing anyway. Why? Why? Like we make fun of generational shit a lot. But it's like at the end of the day, dude, what do you think is more likely that every
Starting point is 01:08:20 generational is viewed with like a supernatural characteristic where they're either good because they're young or they they're evil because they were evil at the evil time like the boomers? Yes. You think that it's like dictated by the conditions and politics of the time that they were like kind of powerless to prevent in any way. Just like how, yeah, what the fuck have millennials done? Like Obama, who gives a shit?
Starting point is 01:08:42 Yeah. Occupy. I think what's going on here is like, like I said, this is a classic Choppa reading series because it betrays so much about the person writing it and not the target they're attacking. And what's going on here is that she's like, oh, like a week later or people are still sharing Bernie memes. It's like, yeah, because no one gives a fuck that Joe Biden is president or likes him.
Starting point is 01:09:02 Also, they're just resigned to like a fucking. Joe Biden hasn't done anything to merit any meme. Yeah. He doesn't go out. He just like signs fucking papers. And he gets like put in front of him because he has like three fucking brain cells like the rest of us. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:14 Like the best that anyone feels about Biden being president of like young people or like the the cohort of this country that these people already guard as like their fucking loyal child soldiers is like mild relief that like maybe the worst possible outcome won't happen, but total resignation and despair and every other regard. And they think Bernie's popularity or the fact that there is any still genuine affection for him among young people is like, like they're at the entire campaign. It's like, it's cheating. They think it's cheating that like he has like a genuine person ability to him and some
Starting point is 01:09:46 loyalty among the people who like and supported him, which they can't reverse engineer with their own stupid fucking memes. And they're like, I saw one asshole being like with their fake bisexual daughters. Yeah. Yeah. This puts the Bernie meme to shame and it was some DNC comms person. It was just like a photoshopped image of Michelle Obama with a lightsaber. It was like, yeah, cool.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Yeah. This is gonna do it. 10, 10 hours of keys jangling. That guy was actually a Lincoln project guy. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's the difference.
Starting point is 01:10:17 So I just want to get back to the the article here. It just says here, what did I see? What did I think my students should see a wealthy, incredibly educated and privileged white man showing up for perhaps the most important ritual of the decade in a puffy jacket and huge mittens? I mean, in no way. If that's the most important ritual of the decade, we should all kill ourselves. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:38 Literally. Yeah. Yeah. Then there's no hope. Also like wealthy, highly educated, like bitch please. That's a mirror bitch. Yeah. Looking at a fucking mirror.
Starting point is 01:10:48 Yeah. I'm like, yeah, I'm like Kamala Harris, who, you know, what do they, what do you think any of these people are? Like where did like, did she think that like Joe Biden grew up in like, on like a dirt floor? Like, no, there are all other like regular middle class people or like rich people or like, yeah, academic royalty like Kamala. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:10 I mean, the way you hear him tell it, yeah, like Joe Biden grew up in fucking Guatemala, you know, and Bernie Sanders grew up in fucking in New York City. The greatest city in the world. Number one city has ever existed. So like, of course, there's going to be like some sort of like quote unquote, like privilege, like mismatch between the two, right? Even though like Joe Biden has always been like, you know, I think Joe Biden hasn't been able to like capitalize on his, you know, innate a privilege because we all know his
Starting point is 01:11:40 finances have always been kind of crappy, even though he's always had the chance to like, take advantage of his like position, you know? I mean, his brother is the one that's cashing out on his connections. Yeah. His brother and his son are cashing out big time on that shit. And like, he's like, he's taking the fucking L, you know, for the family. But yeah, it's so funny. She goes on here.
Starting point is 01:12:06 Hear that. She goes on here and she says, I mean, in no way to overstate the parallels. Yeah. This is a tell right here. Someone's telling you. You're about to say something so normal, y'all. Yeah. I mean, in no way to overstate the parallels.
Starting point is 01:12:21 Senator Sanders is no white supremacist insurrectionist. God. It's very, very charitable of her. I literally like, no one was there. You literally did that. So I'm not, yeah. I'm not saying that Bernie Sanders fell out of a guard. But he manifests privilege, white privilege, male privilege and class privilege in a way
Starting point is 01:12:46 that my students could see and feel. It would have said Jewish privilege. It would have. We were so close to her Jewish privilege being a thing she said. Fuck. She was Puerto Rican. Then maybe, maybe we could have heard that. Where are you?
Starting point is 01:13:01 Like this is that's that's like white women who believe in like the moon or whatever. Talk about manifesting. That's like means conjuring in her fucking San Francisco language. He has conjured this forward. It's so stupid. Either bitch, you don't know what that word means or you're using it ambiguously on purpose. Either way, I hate you so much. It's like pointing out something that is so easily seen.
Starting point is 01:13:33 Like of course he manifests white privilege, male privilege and class privilege because he's a white male senator. I mean, like what the fuck were you expecting from someone like Bernie Sanders? Like we expect him to be like some fucking pauper, like dressed like fucking Ella Emhoff. It doesn't make sense. Like is he supposed to like show up to Congress with a fucking bend over his shoulder, like his big toe, like coming out of his boot or something? Like what the fuck is going on with your head, lady?
Starting point is 01:13:59 Well, she's trying to have it both ways because she's saying like, okay, he's not like dressed to the nines like he should respect. He was dressed. He did underdress as usual. Like, yeah. But that's what he does. He doesn't care. He's an old man.
Starting point is 01:14:14 Because he has a natural and amiable personality. Like he's someone you can naturally love, which is something that most Democrats could never ever be. They're not human. It's mind boggling that you would fucking hold them. But it additionally did that. She's like, he's not dressing well, but also he's privileged and he has a lot of money. And it's like, well, which is it?
Starting point is 01:14:32 Do you want him to wear a fucking top hat or do you want him to like wear a fucking barrel and suspenders? Like he just wears what he always wears because he's an old man that's been living in Vermont for eternity. And it's cold at sight. He's a practical fucking person. He has like basic human sort of impulses. Somehow he has retained something human about himself despite working in politics.
Starting point is 01:14:59 And that's why people like him. Yeah. He, I like, I agree with what Paul Pod said about academics now. Like what does this woman learn that's of any use to anyone ever? This is like, God. How do I know people? That's very useful actually. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:18 I learned how to do that for free. Exactly. Yeah. I didn't need to go to college for that shit. So here's what she learned. She goes to two more paragraphs here. It says, when you see privilege, you know it. I told them weeks before, yet when they saw Senator Bernie Sanders manifesting privilege.
Starting point is 01:15:32 Which is like fucking like Bushwick witch language. Yeah. No, Amber, Amber, she's going to teach her students to hex Bernie Sanders. We're hexing privilege, y'all. Mom, mom, can I have some period blood for this project we're doing? We need to throw our moon blood on Bernie Sanders. When they saw Senator Bernie Sanders manifesting privilege, when seemingly no one else did, I struggled to explain that disparity.
Starting point is 01:16:03 I am beyond puzzled. Okay, pause. Just stop there. I'll just, you just end the article there. You are goddamn right about that. I am beyond puzzled. Y'all, I'm barely functioning. I am so stupid, you guys.
Starting point is 01:16:18 Even I can see this. I am beyond puzzled as to why so many are loving the image of Bernie in his gloves. Sweet, yes. The gloves knit by an educator. So Bernie. Not so sweet. The blindness I see of so many Bernie included to the privileges Bernie represents. I don't know many poor or working class or female are struggling to be taken seriously,
Starting point is 01:16:41 folks. Again, stop right there. Just say I don't know many poor working class people. Yeah. What does she mean there? She just like, she's referencing working class people. She knows what. This lady.
Starting point is 01:16:54 The grub hub drivers that she screams at. She calls 911 on homeless in Capminton, Oakland, guaranteed. Yeah. Guaranteed. Put money on that shit. Go on slash come town 20 and catch that fucking promo on that bullshit. What is it? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:13 Working class nerd means what? Like between $200 and $300,000 a year. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know many poor or working class or female or struggling to be taken seriously, folks. The last one of all these class privilege categories are the struggling to be taken seriously.
Starting point is 01:17:32 Thank you. Thank you. Those are the most underprivileged people in America who had chosen 46 presidents inauguration like that. It's kind of fucked up. At least show up with a Q&A on t-shirt. That's the new mentally disabled term, struggling to be taken seriously. I dress like that cartoon where Daffy Duck was put on all fours and given a Daffodil
Starting point is 01:17:54 for a tail. Are you talking about Ella M off again? She goes, I are struggling to be taken seriously, folks, who would show up at the inauguration of our 46th president dressed like Bernie unless those same- Guess what? Nobody could show up because it was like a fucking lockdown situation with like armed guards. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:18 Bernie was the only guy there who's never been to a party at Ed Buck's house. They were the only people dressed like Bernie unless those same folk had privilege, which they don't. Ingrid Ceroci is a former UC Berkeley and Mills College professor, ex Oakland Unified School District principal, and current San Francisco Unified School District High School teacher. What a career. What an illustrious journey.
Starting point is 01:18:44 You win the Logitech Opera of the Week, a new gaming mouse is on its way to you, ma'am. I just love that literally she so tells on herself, I don't understand why everyone likes this person. Yeah, because there's something fucking wrong with you. There's something fucking wrong with you. The one Democrat who's been like, yeah, maybe we need sustained stimulus checks for the American people after not getting one for months and months and months and the current one being delayed weeks and weeks.
Starting point is 01:19:18 The next one being delayed and also low-balled and skimmed off the top of. It's just crazy how the American people would love this person. I seriously, it boggles the fucking mind. Don't they know this place? How are we going to LaFernie? I would be more disturbed by all this stuff about how this is what I taught my students that they should see when they listen to Bernie Sanders. I would be more disturbed by that if I wasn't 1,000% sure that literally all of her students
Starting point is 01:19:45 hate her and absorb nothing from any of her classes. All right, all right. A picture of her, she absolutely looks like one of the most, she looks like a teacher, just like the worst teacher you've ever had. It's so adorable. A normal terrible thing. Yeah, just a fucking, just a fucking, Jackson, be mindful of the pencils, like, oh my God, oh my God, I fucking.
Starting point is 01:20:13 She's literally, she's the kind of teacher who kids in her class have peed their pants because she won't let them go to the bathroom unless they say, may I go to the bathroom instead of can I go to the bathroom? Of course. Well, I mean, she's working basically in Silicon Valley, so she's just taking a cue from like Amazon. Yeah, she's taking a cue from, yeah, from like the Google, not even like a good laborer thing, like she wants to have like leftist bona fides, but it's just like, I love the
Starting point is 01:20:44 alphabet union so much, there's such an inspiration, you know? I think, like, after hearing this article, I think when a hundred percent they ran this because they knew it would piss people off. Absolutely. Like no one, no one who like edited this was like, this is good. They were like, find me the most annoying woman in the Tristian area. Yeah, it is the Bay Area. It is the Bay Area.
Starting point is 01:21:10 Don't, don't pin this one on us, Phyllis. Don't, don't, don't piss much that, that beautiful city of New York. I mean, the Tristian, the Tristian area of California, uh, the state of Javara, California, Oregon. Yeah. Yeah. There are a lot of Tristates. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:27 Many three states are next to each other, just the same way that Bernie is adjacent to white supremacists. Eventually. There we go. Well, Gacked up Gavin will eventually lose his grip on power and the California will segment into three major states, a state of Jefferson, which we all know and love, a Northern California and Southern California. So yeah, Felix, you were totally right.
Starting point is 01:21:47 That is the Tristate area. Yeah. NorCal will be run by the Vagos. Yup. Yes, sir. So CalMS13. Uh, the, like Central Valley can be run by, uh, that, that Niko girl. She is the daughter of Central Valley, man.
Starting point is 01:22:10 Yes. We stand, we stand Mexican immigrants, like eighth, eighth generation Mexican immigrants. They are grueling. Yes. Grueling the most suffering immigrants of all. Mexican immigrants, whose family has been here longer than Marjorie Taylor Greene. Yeah. Mexican immigrants.
Starting point is 01:22:28 Who's been here since like 1789. Yeah. Yeah. Mexican immigrants whose like parents were, were her ancestors own slaves, like Amerindian slaves and like old Mexico. Yeah. We love them. All right.
Starting point is 01:22:41 All right, gang. That was a, that was a barn burner of an episode, one of our most disgusting and offensive yet. Yeah. So I mean, honestly, this is, this is a gold star episode for me and it's all thanks to Sweet Palma and Sweet Band of Seeking Derangements. Yes, sir. Folks, folks, if you'd like to subscribe, if you would like to hear more Seeking Derangements
Starting point is 01:23:00 and see more pictures of men's assholes, where should you go? Well, we want to subscribe to Seeking Derangements. You can go on slash Seeking Derangements. We're pretty good about subscribing. You can either get a $5 subscription, which is just the podcast episodes, or you can pay $10 and you get an F-word pass laminated and sent to your door. We'll also, we'll also defend, we'll defend you if you say some slur. I mean, we have, we have Latino privilege and gay privilege.
Starting point is 01:23:28 So also our other co-host, our other co-host is Cajun, so, and non-binary. So you've got all those slurs on the table for the $10 one. If you get into trouble with HR and need someone to back you up and you are a $10 subscriber to Seeking Derangements, email us at Seeking Derangements. You're keeping that job, buddy. I think Ben and Palma's attitude and how they dressed on Jacques's first episode, it was really a chode white privilege during an important day for Canadians. We've been canceled, folks.
Starting point is 01:24:03 Once again, Ben and Palma, the show is Seeking Derangements. For me, Will Menaker, Felix and Amber, this is Choppo Frappaus signing off. Bye-bye. Muah. Big kiss. Muah. Muah. Muah.

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