Chapo Trap House - 496 - Wassup (2/8/21)

Episode Date: February 9, 2021

A sampler platter of an ep as we talk about the Super Bowl, China’s “totalitarian” COVID response, the proudboy to Fed pipeline, and Nevada’s new proposal to allow blockchain companies to form... municipal governments. Finally, we do our quarterly check-up on Rod Dreher to learn how he’s definitely NOT being blackmailed over pornography but definitely IS a stoolie. ALSO: We’re going to watch and do a live commentary on Mike Lindell’s “Absolute Proof” tomorrow night (Tues. 2/9), starting at 10 pm EST over on!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, I'm gonna get together with a Chinese group of investors They have to be Chinese because they're the only people the big money who would make this movie I'm we're gonna buy the rights to the shooter franchise, right? Oh, yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah, and we can probably still use Mark Wahlberg because he doesn't know what any of this There's no idea what I'm about yet. Like he doesn't know any of these were real events Anyway, so we're gonna make it so shooter gets a time travel device and they're like all right Like shooter you stop this deep-state plot like the deep-state plot at the end of the shooter movie But it's like you they're just gonna keep coming up. It's like cutting the heads
Starting point is 00:00:37 It's kind of like cutting the tail full is hurt. It's gonna keep growing back You have to like end the creation of modern deep state and so like they figure out It's Iran Contra. So he has to go back and like kill everyone in Iran Contra But then they're like, oh, no, we were wrong. It was JFK and he like just new movies where he keeps going back like killing the Dolis brothers killing killing like Operation Mockingbird guys and and eventually he goes back and assassin 33 ad kills No, I think I think the way you do this is you send him back to kill to like like help Napoleon win at Waterloo. That would be yes. No, and then and then and then that ends like the deep state before it begins And yeah, this movie is never gonna get made in America, but like the Chinese will help me make this and
Starting point is 00:01:26 Like Mark Wahlberg won't know the political messages of the like he he doesn't know what the Cold War is He doesn't know what any of this is Mark Wahlberg goes to bed at like 7 a.m. Yeah, 7 p.m. He can call for 30 minutes at 4 o'clock in the morning Yeah, he doesn't like He's not really sure who the president before Obama was like that's I Think this can work and I think these movies like if you guys are familiar with settlers budget These movies will be seen by everyone in the world except for labor aristocracy in America Yeah, that's like six billion. Yeah, a huge mark mark about a lot of opportunities Mark Wahlberg We thought Mark Wahlberg that Mark Wahlberg thinks the Cold War is any AFC East game played in December
Starting point is 00:02:13 That's my idea I think I've got the idea after watching the abominable Wonder Woman animal farm And it was like what if someone did this, but it was cool It's a good Well, speak speaking of a Speaking of I'm going back in time and helping Napoleon Defeat the British This weekend I I made Catherine watch master and commander because one of my favorite movies and I think like you know all girlfriend should be Should have to watch it
Starting point is 00:03:00 But there's the the rousing scene at the end of that like near the end of it where like he's a They're they're they're practicing getting off all their cannons in under two minutes and like to buck up the Sailors, he's like, um, do you want to see a guillotine and pick a dilly and they're like no and I was just in the back and going Yes, I Like you want that rugged ass Napoleon to be our king? Yeah Literally who keeps saying that I Don't see you can watch that movie because that's like one of the saddest endings Yeah, any movie. No, it has a good ending because he finds out the ship's doctor died months ago and they're like, oh, here we go again
Starting point is 00:03:41 Yeah, I don't know. I just um short of the Chinese inventing a time machine Which I think is like within the realm of possibility like I think they could I believe in them Yeah, I think we got to make these movies to heal the world. Yes We need to show them that not that there is another there. There are other paths that we can help. Yeah. Yeah No, I I think I got to do this. Well, this is my Lock and lost as lock and lost said don't tell me what I can't do No shoots no, no shoes is not enshrined in the law. That's not in the Constitution. Don't tell me what I can't do I can still shop here
Starting point is 00:04:25 He got paralyzed when he went into a 7-Eleven with our Shot 87 times Okay, well speaking of things speaking of entertainment that unites the world Did we all watch the big game last night? Yeah, I watch Wow the Super Bowl every year to see a football is still the shittiest fucking sport in the world I am always Not not the most entertaining game I've ever seen I got to say what's the difference? Like what's the difference between like this game and like a good game? Oh, well, I mean like a good game theoretically like could be any teeth in two minutes to go any team could still win it
Starting point is 00:05:05 You know, but this one was just like from the first quarter on like over. I Touchdown Tom. I got to say as soon as the Super Bowl was over. I got a text from the beer nerd that I want to read here Yes, yes, what can you say about Brady other than that? He is truly the goat in all sports He personifies the jingoistic W era the white nationalist Trump era and the nothing will fundamentally change Biden era Jordan and Gretzky couldn't personify three presidents truth. Well, well, I don't know. I mean I Probably Obama said the same thing that Jordan said to chameleon her
Starting point is 00:05:47 Everyone Yeah, I think Brady is is fascinated because he is the the living embodiment of like the tech delusion that is either consciously or subconsciously guiding all of our Silicon Valley overlords of like just if you get enough money, you will live forever And that is an insane thing to think but then you look at Tom Brady and he like sleeps in a hyperbaric chamber and Drake eats nutrient paste and He doesn't eat tomatoes because they're a flint inflammatory And it works like he is he's the oldest person to ever play in a Super Bowl game
Starting point is 00:06:24 And he just won the MVP and his seventh ring. Yeah, so 43 years old. Look at that and you're Peter Teal You're just like yep I'm going to be in the mortal God consciousness fraternity me and me and Tom Brady playing golf on the Mars. That's the future He's not even gonna wear a suit. He's just gonna be out there on Mars breathing in the air somehow I think I like I was watching this year, and you know, I don't know about you guys. I'm a little bit I'm a little bit different. I tend to watch the Super Bowl for the commercials and Yeah, I mean with anyone's that stood out to you this year. I So this was a great year for commercials
Starting point is 00:06:57 I have the commercials were like just like self-referential like to self-aware like Meme postmodern bullshit that was like made by guys with sharp haircuts Who are like who like just wanted to artificially be made into a meme and then the other half it was like Like a group of black women crying and then like a child learning how to ride a bike Even though they have one leg and then the voiceover where it's like we're a group of people who stand together Even when we can't be together, but it's it's an ad for like condoms Or like or like a job service where if you get a job you have to give them half your salary I mean, I think it's like I just like I don't know if there's like the wanes world one and people are like
Starting point is 00:07:45 Oh, that's sort of pressing with the thing is like none of them really stuck with me And I don't know if we talked about on the show before I know Matt and I I met me you and I've talked about this and Matt You made the point that was like really stuck with me like Before memes like the Super Bowl ads were like our memes for the year you got like that's all we got They were like you got you got was up. You got Aaron Burr You got you know the frogs or like just something like that and that was it that was your that was your name That was all you got entire year. Yo, you're picking the phone Oh, hello, was that like now because everything it's just like the turnover rate is so
Starting point is 00:08:22 Rapid and fast-paced. It's like the commercials themselves. They're not even really trying there They're not trying to be like I would always want like I would always like really wanted to see like the the big movie trailers For like the upcoming year and the only trailer I saw watching the Super Bowl was for an M night Shyamalan movie Just called old and I was just like what this is This is Blake. It's just it's a movie about an island that turns people And they're like it's like it's like a family and they're on a beach and like the kid walks away And they're like Michael come back and then like he turns the corner and he's like 35 years old He's like hey, mom
Starting point is 00:09:07 Dude, that would that would be awesome like if you were like 17 and you wanted to buy beer You could just be like hey mom and dad. Can we go on vacation to the whole That's just a name. It doesn't turn people old Oh, and the other one that stood out that that did feel like like an icy blade in my stomach Was the the Sesame Street ad with that guy David digs who was like in Hamilton And it was this like upbeat like all the characters are there like big bird and cookie monster and Oscar The grouch and shit, but it's for door dash Yeah, and I sort of like Sesame Street was like children's television that the creators were like no
Starting point is 00:09:43 Like it has to be on PBS because we were adamant about the fact that like we do not want any Advertising associated like this this what we're showing these kids because she'd be like the idea is like some sort of wholesome nourishing thing for children We're not just like using these Muppets to fucking sell them shit But like now now that HBO owns like all of Sesame Street. They're like, yeah, fuck it like door dash. Yeah Yeah, Mike and money, baby the ones I liked Because they made me feel like I was dying which is fun Wars one was the Uber Eats ad with Wayne's and Garth
Starting point is 00:10:18 Where we got Cardi got to see just the the the ravages of age on Dana Carvey and Mike Myers and just think about our own Mortality and then after that you spoke you you're talking about how we don't have the meme ads anymore Well, the Bud Light's ad was essentially a DMG like Hospital bed trip of all of your favorite friends from all of the Bud Light ads from your life that you've seen So I like the idea that someone really loves sports and they're dying They're not gonna have their family members imagining a matter of family members gathering around their bed It's gonna be the bud night and the little
Starting point is 00:10:59 The entertainer and the little bud bowl bottles and the yes, I am guy I remember the yes, I am commercial That is just like well like saying goodbye to those people as you as your brain shuts off Well, those are like I think that's like why people like the Budweiser ads is because They're the only ones where it's not like oh wouldn't be funny If the CEO of our company played a song badly on a keyboard or like complete self-serious horseshit Like they suck. They're not as good as they used to be but It's the it's the closest thing to a straightforward. Yeah, so like I can I can see the attraction
Starting point is 00:11:38 Yeah, and they still try to get like memes out of it, you know, like the bud night Yeah, that was only a few years ago that word that was That delighted America and I'm not gonna lie when I was a kid. I loved the bud bowl. Oh the bud bowl was the best I fucking out. That's the I would I would gamble on the bud bowl when I was like I want bud dry. I want points. I want I want bud ice and That's how you grew to being such a strong young man early started gambling And then like there was the the Bruce Springsteen ad for Jeep depressing so depressing
Starting point is 00:12:19 That's testing my commitment never to say a bad word about the boss on on air But it was just like it was a commercial was like he was in some sort of deserted landscape But like a church that's in the exact center of the country in Kansas and he's like America being on the road Sometimes those roads are long But they're not always empty and then it's like he just gets in a Jeep and drive away And I'm like, come on dude. You're from New Jersey We just like we just see you on the New Jersey turnpike in a Jeep just like pulling into an Italian sub shop or like You know Asbury Park or something like that. Yeah, like his his American struggle is getting into a shoving match
Starting point is 00:12:54 At a donut shop. It's when his friend was the toughest guy in Essex County and gives him his jacket But it kind of sucks. He's to give it to his maid his maid's husband Matt did you catch the thing at the very beginning of the game like right right before the the kickoff where it was the like national address from Joe Biden and Dr. Jill. I I I've unfortunately missed Dr. Jill Biden doing it was act with the corpse of her Yeah, it was exactly what it looked like. It was so funny It's just it's them and they're sitting there and Joe just goes
Starting point is 00:13:26 Super Bowl Sunday, and then Dr. Jilder starts talking for like a minute and like they're like And then Joe Biden comes back and he's like where I'm where a man We're a man. Where to we can help Yeah, listen listen, man. We got a great game. We got the new Texas auto gyros Versus versus versus the the savages the Hindenburgs Joe Biden like was probably years. He was probably how do we call him pirates? He's probably shocked that they weren't wearing leather helmets and turtlenecks the way that they should play football Yeah, the real game moving on from the the big game
Starting point is 00:14:03 I just want to like, you know Joe Biden so everyone to we got to wear a mask now We're gonna wear two masks now apparently. That's that's the new thing. I want you to be wearing two masks I don't know how I feel about that But there's just one thing that caught my eye this week as it relates to COVID in the pandemic and it was this is this piece in an outlet called unheard I've never heard of and it's by guy. No, I should you a Freddy's should not have heard of it Its name would have been alive. It's a it's an anti-amber heard publication And it says inside the zero COVID campaign this by Freddie Sayers who is the executive editor of unheard and previously
Starting point is 00:14:41 Editor-in-Chief of you gov and founder of politics home and like the whole thing is like The piece it's not really worth reading in full, but like the whole point of the piece is like Yeah, I'm sure it sounds good to you that China is at zero COVID But like consider the price of like, you know, what what what that actually entails and he goes here Even within this increasingly popular school of thought which holds that we must not return to normal until the virus is completely Eliminated within a country wasn't explicitly on the billing its presence was made clear from the outset and Hold on. Let me just find it here So it goes a David Renny Beijing bureau chief of the Economist recently gave an astonishingly candid account of current zero
Starting point is 00:15:18 COVID life in the Chinese capital Chinese China strategy from the start was to have no infections at all still in Beijing where we hardly have any cases every time every time you Step out your door you have to use a smartphone to scan a QR code every shop every taxi every bus every metro station You have no privacy at all It's all built around this electronic system of contact tracing to leave Beijing you have to have a COVID test to come back You have to have a COVID test. We basically don't have the virus here But the flip side is that they are keeping this place locked down tight as a drum It's very hard to know where the COVID containment starts and a communist police state with an obsession with control kicks in and like this
Starting point is 00:15:57 Is like all this horror story about like oh This is what the price of like having one of the biggest cities in the world have zero COVID cases and tales And I just love this idea that like we have the exact same thing in America We're like Google tracks every fucking thing you do on your phone and probably listens to every word you fucking say next to your computer or Phone but like we also have COVID everywhere So it's just like I mean like imagine having that kind of oppression Which like we have that but like still we can't deal with COVID and it's just like oh Like this is communist
Starting point is 00:16:27 Totalitarianism is like oh you have to take your phone with you every time you leave the house and like scan a code To get in a car like I mean it doesn't seem that bad to me. I gotta say No, that's it's it's communism. It's it's not dying of COVID is communist. I'm sorry freedom is the freedom to Just hack your fucking lungs out. Yeah, well strapped To like a card catalog outside of a decommissioned library that they're using for to just stack up bodies outside of a major city Yeah, it's also like it's also like What freedom do we have here? Like no one can you can't do anything unless you like live in one of those Florida towns
Starting point is 00:17:06 Where it's just everyone wants to die Yes, like you still can't do anything fun like the only the only concerts you could go to are like Shitty bands that were hot like 20 years ago that want to make a point about like COVID being fake like you can see like trapped Didn't they break up? Oh, yeah, I guess I did can you see trapped anymore? I bet China has already developed a new trap They have actually over a dozen regional traps that are spread throughout the entire countryside All the it's they're very advanced now. Yeah, I'm in the black category. My dad was Headstrong, but I mean, it's just like I just wonder the self-awareness of these people when they talk about like, you know
Starting point is 00:17:51 This totalitarian nightmare of living with no COVID infections and in Beijing where it's just like oh Yeah, imagine if we had some sort of like on the present and unaccountable like surveillance apparatus that like spies on you and tracks you every Second of the day, but we still have COVID everywhere. It's just like well if we have one of those things Can we use it to stop the other? No, we can only use it. What's no the point of that other stuff is to find out Who needs boner pills and make sure that they have the greatest array of possible options for buying them Matt check your phone right now. I like open up Instagram and the first thing you will see Hey, I mean hey, you know, I I'm always looking to be an informed shopper. I'm always looking to be an informant shopper I like to tell the government what my neighbors are both products. They need and they've been talking about the lives of others
Starting point is 00:18:40 But you're just like, okay, so this guy brands is a new TV Yeah, my neighbors are complaining about the other day about the socks. They would like some of those nice Bombas socks. Let me just report that to Central Committee. I can really go for an antimicrobial underwear. That's for sure and then I guess I and just like to To contrast with China, I mean, I was gonna do this this article last week But we didn't get we have time for it and it was this fairly stunning piece in the New York Times about how It right here in New York State in our hometown here nine top New York health officials have quit as
Starting point is 00:19:16 Cuomo scorns expertise. He says when when I say experts an air quote It sounds like I'm saying I don't really trust the experts cover Cuomo set of pandemic politics because I don't I Love my non-trumpian guy who listens to science It says here even as the pandemic continues to rage and New York struggles to vaccinate a large and anxious population Mr. Cuomo has all but declared war on his own public health bureaucracy The departures have underscored the extent to which pandemic policy has been set by the governor who with his aides crafted a vaccination program beset by early delays The trouble the troubled rolled out came after Mr. Cuomo declined to use the long-standing vaccination plans the State Department of Health had
Starting point is 00:19:54 Developed in recent years in coordination with local health departments. Mr. Cuomo instead adopted an approach that relied on large hospital systems To coordinate with vaccinations not only of their own staffs, but also much of the population That was what happened with the vaccine plan when state health officials were blindsided by the news The rollouts would be coordinated locally by hospitals And then you get into this and like one of the people who he actually put in charge of it in lieu of like actual state public health officials was a big-time asshole donor to his Governor Can you believe that you don't if you don't like getting I can understand not wanting to get your vaccination
Starting point is 00:20:28 It's tomorrow. I get it a lot of people prefer La Familia But I believe the governor when he says it's the most efficient way to release the vaccine The Moderna vaccine is the famous original vaccine and the Pfizer one is original Vaccine you can't get you know, it's the water. That's why the vaccines in New York are so good. It's the water. I You know, I hate Montreal style They put sugar in it put sugar in the vaccine that shit out of here. Do you want to throw a T's more on your slice? But yeah, like I mean you should be able to get the like anyone should be able to get the vaccine at like CVS or Walgreens or something Well, the thing is a lot of states did use Walgreens at CVS to distribute it and they're fucking the dog
Starting point is 00:21:12 It's like the only state that's been doing really well has been West Virginia and they're the one state that did not use Well CVS to do it like you could just put fucking tents up and have like the National Guard do it or something West Virginia got like a group of bears that wear overalls to give out the vaccine and they're just like beating this shit out of New York In California distribution. I was like I talked about this and someone was like like how like Yeah, the Dakotas are doing a better job and people were like This guy was like, um, yeah, actually those states are less dense than New York and California and it's like yeah It's really hard to give people give a ton of people things when they're tightly packed in that makes it more difficult There are more people in my zip code than there are in the entire state of North Dakota probably. Yeah
Starting point is 00:22:03 Well, yeah, but when you when you talk about the people all packed together close to one another a lot of those people are Donors to the different governors who need to get their wheat fucking beaks wet in the process of the vaccine Distribution or else it doesn't happen right like the fucking vaccines are falling off the truck coming out of Idlewild Airport Vaccines vaccines went real fast. They were great. I I love that Cuomo was just openly saying fuck our state health like state health department who have like Had plans in place and contingencies for just such an event like for years and then he's just like no We're throwing all that out like fuck you guys. That's Italian excellence. I I love our governor so much Can't wait to express that. You know, we should just like pitch in to buy him a big necklace
Starting point is 00:22:46 So he doesn't have to do this and then we can have tents Oh, I was always talking about shitty governors a big blue state so that Gavin Newsom creep Did you see a did you see he tweeted last week abolish the death penalty? And then it was like any follow-up there governor of the state that has like 700 people on death row I love like I love like get being the chief executive of an economy the size of France Like one of the most powerful governors in America if not the most and just like tweeting like Sean McKellway. Yeah The well, that's it. That's awesome. How many fucking congressmen love doing like Pass it on like to who what am I supposed to do with this information? You can't do with it. All right. It's trending. It's now a law
Starting point is 00:23:30 It's the most fucking grating behavior. I wish you like Chuck Grassley like I wish they all just like posted like him just like dying brain old man thoughts About the about the time that like yeah, you get you got a handjob from a Maltese girl to frozen custard shot 1933 well, um, let's again a for taking with you to the steam of like the the failures of America's like massive Sort of surveillance and security bureaucracy. There's another thing that caught my eye this week. This is a from NPR from It says here former CIA official treat domestic extremism as an insurgency Boy, that's got to inspire confidence if you're really terrified about QAnon taking over the country
Starting point is 00:24:14 We'll treat them just like we did the Taliban and the Iraqi insurgency. Yeah lose badly four years from now We will be funding QAnon to fight Protestant state of the upper peninsula Yeah, or or relying ourselves with like yeah, like, you know, like our allies in Afghanistan very similar to QAnon Who are also like, you know, boy grooming pedophiles that will just be protecting against, you know Another faction of this counter insurgency, but I just want to read here for a second here It says Jennifer Whitmer is a mad woman. She must go when it comes to the domestic extremists such as those who serve in the capital a Long-time CIA officer argues that the US should treat them as an insurgency That means using counter insurgency tactics similar in some ways to those we used in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq
Starting point is 00:25:01 Robert Grenier said that the CIA station she for Pakistan Served as a CIA station she for Pakistan in Afghanistan in 2001 He went on to become the CIA's Iraq mission manager and then director of the CIA counter a terrorism center from 2004 to 2006 Yeah from 2004 to 2006 covering himself in glory fighting fucking terrorism and doing counter insurgency shit for the CIA He goes we may be witnessing the dawn of a sustained wave of violent insurgency within our own country perpetrated by our own countrymen And without national action. He argues extremists who seek a social apocalypse are capable of producing endemic political violence of a Sort not seen in this country since reconstruction And it's just like okay
Starting point is 00:25:43 Well, yeah to counter that the CIA is going to create even more conditions that are endemic to apocalyptic violence and social strife Because guess what that's their job. That's what they do. That's the only thing they do But I mean like leaving aside whether you think it is apt or Warranted to believe that QAnon is Isn't it an insurgency that should be fought in ways quote similar to what we use in Iraq and Afghanistan If you believe that to be true like shouldn't use an example from like wars that we've actually won Well, what we have those yeah, no, I mean like what counter insurgency wars have won
Starting point is 00:26:19 Like I guess like the Philadelphia literally over a hundred years ago I mean this whole thing is done because oh, we're gonna do it like we do Afghanistan I'm sorry the United States. We do heroin. We don't produce it. The whole model doesn't make sense And I guess this also comes like did you guys see the story last week about how the leader of the Proud Boys is like a long time? Yeah, what a shocker on that that just my monocle done fell out when I saw that It wasn't like the guy Terrio or whatever his name is and it was like it was weird Like he got picked up on like a weapons charge like the day before the capital
Starting point is 00:26:53 Storming and they were like oops guess he can't attend that but everyone else who he told to go is there and being Documented breaking the law, but I mean yeah, like I mean it should it should surprise no one that this guy is a snitch But like don't draw the wrong conclusion. It doesn't mean that like oh ha ha the Proud Boys are like They don't even know that there are snitches in their ranks. It's poor. It's more like They're doing this shit because like the government is like making them do it. You know what I mean? Like I mean, I'm not saying like I mean this is this is kind of gladio shit though like like this is like I mean the line between federal informant and like right-wing terrorist is I Don't know almost non-existent. You'd have to squint really hard to see it
Starting point is 00:27:30 That's always been the question is how how how aware they are of it is like sort of a moot point Yeah, that's always been the case and even in the 60s the clan when they were Carrying out waves of violence against the civil rights demonstrators They were shot through with FBI informants what the guy who's sitting next to according to him the the the guy who shot via Louisa was a was a FBI informant and You know is that?
Starting point is 00:27:59 If they're in if they're FBI informants while doing all of this shit then at a certain point This shit is being Subborn and funded by the government because it serves their ends to do so Next story from last week that I thought weren't this warranted discussion was okay the headline here Nevada bill would allow tech companies to create governments This is this is not from the the Paul Verhoeven daily. This is from US news world and reports It says here plan legislations to establish new business areas in Nevada would allow technology companies to effectively form separate local governments Carson City, Nevada plan legislation to establish new business areas in Nevada would allow technology companies to effectively form separate local governments
Starting point is 00:28:47 a Democratic governor Steve Sizzlik announced a plan to launch so-called innovation zone Oh boy, that sounds good jump start this to jump start the state's economy by attracting technology Reference the zones would permit companies with large areas of land to form governments carrying the same authorities as counties Including the ability to impose taxes form school districts and provide government courts and provide government services The measure to further economic development with the alternative form of local government has not yet been introduced to the legislature Sizzlik pitch the concept in his state of the state address delivered January 19th The plan would bring in new businesses at the forefront of groundbreaking technologies
Starting point is 00:29:30 Without the use of tax abatements or other publicly funded incentive packages that previously helped Nevada attract companies like Tesla Sizzlik named blockchains LLC a company that had committed to developing a smart city in the area east of Reno after the legislation passed The draft proposal said the local government model is Inadequate alone to provide the resources to make Nevada a leader in attracting and retaining businesses and fostering economic development in emerging Technologies and industries, so I mean long story short here in order to attract businesses The state of Nevada is going to allow some fucking blockchain company to start like to administer courts taxes and education for like the land that they own I Would I just what how do you think this one's gonna play out? I mean, I'm sure this is like pretty well probably
Starting point is 00:30:18 The future holds nothing but new Delta cities all across it'll be awesome It'll it'll be like Burning Man is a town who hasn't wanted to let that who hasn't gone to the Burning Man and just what I want to live here all the time And have my debit card Charged for every service and then eventually executed by a robot drone for trespassing I mean this just reminds me of like number one number one Google was like doing that like like they're sort of like we're hosting an Open casting call for like any town or city in America who wants our new headquarters? And there was always like really depressing accounts of like, you know economically depressed like municipalities being like We will give you will give you the right of prima not over any marriage conducted within the county
Starting point is 00:31:04 There was like ones that were literally being like Not only will you not pay taxes like our tax dollars will go like you'll we'll be paying you taxes But I guess this new thing in Nevada is that like not only would I not be paying taxes the corporations will be collecting taxes You'll be paying state or local tax to directly to blockchain LLC I can't wait. It's gonna be wonderful. And I Mean who doesn't we all love RoboCop. Come on. You don't want to live in the city. You're lying You don't want to see the flying drones doing things fucking your shit up. I mean at least it's different, you know Like it's neom. It's it's another and you notice this all in the desert, which I mean are these the Senate
Starting point is 00:31:46 He's gonna have to be in like bubbles or something, right? Like these places are uninhabitable already What are they gonna be like in even 10 years? So are they are the are we gonna get like actual like full Verhoeven shit Where it's like a bubble like on Mars and then you have to pay for the air Damn, it's cohegan. These people need block. You need the block chain. Yeah, this is adbusters We owe them an apology their world became real. Yeah, it's true. They were they got us We should have really paid more attention. We should have all bought the black dot sneaker What was that they did what they do like an unbranded yeah or something Yeah, they sold they sold a sneaker that was like an anti-branded sneaker and if we'd all bought one
Starting point is 00:32:26 We wouldn't be in the situation today. Ah, ah, but You see I claim the anti-branding ideology is in fact a brand itself. What that's crazy. No, it says right there anti-brand What are you talking about? It's the opposite of a brand. Let's see here moving on in this on this lazy Monday here I thought it'd be a good time to check in and we haven't we haven't talked about brother Rod in a while Brother Rod Dreher friend of the show and I just you know You know, maybe once every other month or so. I just check out You know, I just click on his name and American conservative and see what Rod's been up to recently and I found that I found this pretty good one It's called it's a headline
Starting point is 00:33:04 Sextortion emails because you know Rod loves getting emails And he loves printing his emails in his column Rod like I would love to see him in the park bench in the weird like Eastern Orthodox compound he lives in just with like a binder of emails that he reads like a book and they're all just like You know about like a guy's wife's clit getting possessed by ball Like this he also I haven't got authority. He just he prints every email he gets so you can fuck with him And he will still think it's real. Well, I mean this this this reader email I think does it just strike a chord of authenticity Begins here. I received two emails with the exact wording today in my personal email address spam filter
Starting point is 00:33:50 So you know, they're actually real Because of it if it had been bypassed the spam filter it would have been someone like us just fucking with him telling about like My sister is possessed by the devil or something so it goes here So this is the rod got got some spam emails and he opened them up and this is what he found I know and then like in brackets one of my old passwords for many years ago Haven't used in ages blank is one of your passwords on day of hack Let's get directly to the point not one person has paid me to check about you You do not know me and you're probably thinking why are you getting this email?
Starting point is 00:34:21 In fact, I actually placed a malware on the adult videos in parentheses adult porn website that you and you know what? You visited the site to experience fun in parentheses. You know what I mean? I love the wording on whatever like whatever country this came from where it just says You visited adult porn website, and you know what you visited the site to experience fun I mean, I I I visited adult websites to experience a knowledge and research. Yeah, I find out where babies from from When you were viewing videos your browser started out operating as a RDP having a key logger Which provided me with accessibility to your display and webcam a media. I've just sort of imagine like how terrified rod was Absolutely petrified he was about a demon logging keystrokes on his computer
Starting point is 00:35:15 This goes here After that my malware obtained every one of your contacts from your messenger or Facebook and as well as email account after that I created a double-screen video first part shows the video you were viewing you have nice taste omg And second part displays the recording of your cam and it's you Best solution it would be it would be to pay me $6,836 I wonder how they arrived at that sum Well, it's probably like it probably like that works out to like a round amount in whatever country this guy's sending this from Yeah, all right. Yeah, so it's a lot of like Muldoven
Starting point is 00:35:56 bookmarks or whatever I Love that the guy's a compliment apparently complimenting rods taste in pornography as well omg so fun Yeah, that's that's how you know that's how you know this is a scam because that's not I don't know what rod watches But I wouldn't be good or fun though. Yeah, no. Yeah, it would be it would be things You didn't even know could be made into porn. It would be basically a closed circuit like video from the The team doctor's office from Ohio But it goes here we are going to refer to it as a donation in this situation. I most certainly will without delay remove your video You could go on in your life like this never happens and you'll never not hear ever back
Starting point is 00:36:46 You'll make the payment via Bitcoin. If you did not know this search how to buy bitcoin in Absolutely native English speaker Like 100% If you are planning on going to the law Surely this email cannot be traced back to me because it's hacked too. I have taken care of my actions I'm not looking to ask you for a lot. I simply want to be paid if I did not receive the Bitcoin I definitely will send out your video recording to all of your contacts including friends family co-workers and so on Nevertheless, if I do get paid, I will destroy the recording immediately if you need proof reply with yeah
Starting point is 00:37:25 And then I will send out your video recording to your eight friends It is a non-negotiable offer and thus, please don't waste my time and yours by replying to this message So, okay, so Rod says here, you know after receiving this email. He says now I know this is fake because Although I have some vices watching porn is not one of them. In fact, I have never been to a porn site I'm just you know Moses lack I mean, I could say I can never stand him like beating off to like digerotypes or something Like making a makes because he is kind of like a hipster in a way
Starting point is 00:38:01 I mean, he's he's a fucking or he's orthodox for Christ's sake I could imagine him like jacking off to like icons or something and then thinking that that's deeply perverted 19th century wailing Scrimshaw of like some tits on a whale. Yeah, exactly just sprung off that shit Because here but just think of how many people do have this vice and who after seeing a familiar password might really think these Creeps hacked their computer and filmed them masturbating while watching a dirty movie Think how afraid these people would be if you are one of these unfortunate souls take it from your non porn watching blogger friend These hackers are lying. Don't send them anything. Don't worry about it But do quit watching porn and go to confession
Starting point is 00:38:40 It turns out this is a common scam the BBC reports the one way it works the guy below explains what happened to me Your passwords old ones maybe have probably at some point been exposed in a data breach This is why it's important to change your passwords You don't have to worry about that these sex torsionists have video of you in a compromising provision position Watch this short clip so you'll know what to do and what not to do I easy don't reply to the email or click any links in it Then he has like a follow-up reader email where his reader just tells him how important it is to have LSU passwords long strong and unique. So there you go. Rod is just just letting his readers know
Starting point is 00:39:17 That you know, they could potentially be exhorted for watching pornography But you know, it's bad to watch pornography, but you know, don't worry that a a Moldovan hacker has Saw you having fun and it's going to share it with all of your readers at the American Conserve. See this is why This is why Rod needs to read his his Strauss I mean you need you need to use the noble lie sometimes you need to tell your viewers your readers No, these Moldovan dudes are watching you jack off right now every single time you go on there They're recording it and they will send it to your mom. So you have to stop doing it I like the idea of like, you know, like like terrifying kids about masturbation being like God is watching you every time you
Starting point is 00:39:56 You touch your wiener, but like it's if a Rob just like well God's doing that too But also this guy in Moldova is watching you through your webcam. So In case God wasn't enough his name is God, but it's got like a line through the o or something There's another there's another Roger piece I mean, it's it's extremely long and it doesn't really warrant a full examination of but it's about what he calls Barstool conservatism hell yes actually going off of he's going off of a piece written by old friend of the show Matthew Walther that I think actually like Does it make a bad point about like sort of sketching out for like what a what a kind of post-Trump?
Starting point is 00:40:31 conservative movement will look like because like both of them agree that like The future of like the right wing in America or like what the Republican Party will look like post Trump is Is not going to be defined by people like them who believe that like abortion is a holocaust or like is like obsessed with these religious culture war issues and like they point to Barstool sports as kind of like like a new template for representing people who are like, you know Not really like a wedded to like any of the like hardcore or like ideological conservative beliefs or sort of totems of the past but nonetheless have a kind of a vague sense of like I want to be left alone, and I don't like PC culture as being this sort of inheritor
Starting point is 00:41:15 That's just that's fucking South Park conservatism anybody remember that shit from like 2004 Jonah Goldberg It's the exact same thing. It's just now. It's it's a different Media representative of the concept. I just like the idea of Rod becoming the smoke show of the week I mean he certainly is like like I would love to see Rod attempt to make contact with yeah That's the funny part. Yeah, like that's the funny like they just don't like even though. He's like Virulently bigoted like they don't just see him and go like who's this fucking pussy and the thing is like wait What he says in the piece is that like look he like he he acknowledges that like the barstool fan or like the world of the average Barstool one is like, you know could not be further removed from the things he cares about or like there's they don't have much in common
Starting point is 00:42:00 But he says for that average that that the stooley fandom is not someone who will like shut down his daughter's religious school out of spite For Christian people so he's like what they're saying is like that's basically good enough Even though we like understand that this is a post-Christian country now We just we want we want to like like barstool guys to be in charge or like we want them to be if their hand are at the Till rather than like liberal college professors like that's good enough or like we're There's something there that we can latch on to that won't it doesn't like in in their view is like Implacably hostile to their like I don't know faith or lifestyle or whatever But as you're right, I would yeah like I would love I would pay I would pay anything to see a video where Rod Dreher interviews Frank the tank
Starting point is 00:42:46 Or maybe like cook something yeah, they could try to make that bully a base again Yeah, that would oh my god a Frank the tank Boo you're attempting to make boo you base in his in his apartment. Oh my god Yeah, just like boiling ragu and putting a can tune in that would be I mean Frank the takes cooking probably would kill rod Yes, Rod like remember that profile of Rod where he's like Well, it's a casual Sunday. We're just gonna be having some foie gras sliders Like he's he's yeah, I'm not like butter fried steak And don't forget the flavor aka msg. Yeah
Starting point is 00:43:27 Like I don't even what would a barstow guy say if like Rod start was like I bet you're upset about the Vatican bowing to bathroom tyranny to like they don't give a shit They don't know what an Eastern Orthodox guy is they don't give a shit But like they they are also like they they have a kind of like an instinctual loathing of like of liberal high culture or sort of culture scolds, you know, they want to they want to see their smoke show hotties They want to play the stock market. They want they they they want to That like they they want to they make 50 grand a year
Starting point is 00:44:00 But think they're they they're gonna be Elon Musk like in the next year. Yeah Yeah, it's like I mean, it's not like that is why the shit is stupid because it's like even if like Dave Portnoy is like Sort of conservative politically or just like signals towards it It's like the vast like barstow is popular because it isn't political. Yes, like it's yeah It's a single flag under which like all the guys who reply to Mia Khalifa. Can you not? Yeah, I mean people and I think like what whether it's whether it's barstow or like Joe Rogan I think there is kind of like a default setting for like Men they're like we do I guess like mostly white guys like under a certain age who like all make
Starting point is 00:44:43 Under 50 grand a year, but I they have this kind of like default like vague kind of libertarianism to them Which is like they obviously like want all drugs to be legal and they want to do whatever they want to do They don't want to be scolded by people, but it's just like It's it but they but also like don't like people in power or like Uh, there's it's it's a sort of it's an amorphous thing that can be shaped into like a left or right Political point of view a kind of populism. That's like it's vague But like, you know like I think like the the future belongs to them. It really does well in mind I mean in a sense, but like part of the whole project as you said is that it is
Starting point is 00:45:23 intentionally A political like it has political ideas, but it is hostile to politics. It's it thinks that it's gay and If that's the case then I don't know how that like it's turned into a political movement if that is like antithetical to the entire aesthetic and approach to to politics is if it's it's cringe and embarrassing to care enough about things to you know vote or certainly to campaign for Candidate or run yourself. I don't know how the hell they're supposed to be anything other than just this amorphous group of people who because
Starting point is 00:46:02 It's all because all of online culture culture gets flattened into one thing and because politics is suffused through all of it It gets confused with a political movement, but it seems like I don't know I think what we might be finding during this Biden era is how Little actual political momentum there exists within any of these groupings how it's really is like for the most part it's it's just it's people either coping by by performing a fake politics or Coping by performing a disinterest in politics both of those just different ways of dealing with their central powerlessness Yeah, I mean, I don't think like the future belongs to anyone except for like Yeah, the like people who work at the creative department at the NWO and make like infographics about how
Starting point is 00:46:53 You're racist if you don't want to send aircraft carriers into the South China Sea Like the future belongs to the same types of people it always has like it if these guys ever Developed a political consciousness. They would just like find a way to blunt that like they do anything I guess the future belongs to them in the sense that like they'll probably like enjoy their lives more than a lot of other people than like sort Of people with very similar lives like sort of other office drones who also are in the same socio-economic category But like I think they morally have to watch Malcolm and Marie on Netflix. Yeah, they're required Yeah, no the future belongs to the reptilians as it always has I think that though culturally I think that the people are gonna get exhausted and like that default sort of cynicism is gonna win out over
Starting point is 00:47:44 Especially with Trump gone. I think there's gonna be less motivation to keep that pressure up to to to maintain the Appearance of like concern, you know, yeah, no, I totally agree with that and like after Biden won like I mean like I like people got People I cut flat for saying like there's gonna be like less like sort of like overbearing Like woke entertainment stuff after Trump is gone and like I mean I feel like Biden with the $2,000 checks with this because It didn't happen in one week and everyone's yelling at me But no, it's like it's gonna take a process, but I think like yeah after a long time After a few years, it's like everything will shift back. That's just kind of how culture works and I do think that like
Starting point is 00:48:36 Yeah, already it's starting with the old people like before Biden was even president old people like got sick of me, too Yeah, yeah, like fuck this shit and Like yeah, no, it's I mean, it's one of those things where it's like this swing back can be good and bad It can be good in the sense that it's like, yeah, you're gonna see less fucking stupid infographics on Instagram and shit and You like you won't see like I don't know like Adidas make a statement about white fragility But it's also bad in that like yeah, no like suddenly Like it's like fuck me, too. Fuck fuck any of this shit or like yeah, fuck police brutality
Starting point is 00:49:16 Which you know, they're already doing and it's I don't think you can keep this up with This zoom when the zoomers become like the dominant media consumers because like they're weird because they don't have like the Asshole anxiety of like millennials and Xers where it's like their future wasn't exactly what they were promised It's more like they grew up with like an uncertain or no future at all Promise to them and so it's like they have weird politics We're like some of them are infographic people who like try to get people arrested for shipping the wrong fandoms And some of them like are just straight-up Q and on believers like a lot of them
Starting point is 00:49:56 And I think as the culture swings like I think that will be an effect of Biden like the culture swinging back where it's like Yeah, Barstool is more acceptable Things that like things like Barstool do have the consent of the masses. That is the thing Yeah, I don't know. I don't know where we're going, but I do think that like 2020 will have been like a A apogee of a lot of this shit and it will come back because it always comes back and it always swings back the other way That's always how it goes. It's always been that way Yeah, and if if if Portnoy wants my vote and endorsement for his run for
Starting point is 00:50:33 Massachusetts senator against Elizabeth Warren then Barstool has to bring back mad TV in a digital platform, right? Right, I'm 100% sorry I just realized that the subhead of Rod's article on this is what if Dave Portnoy is the Barry Goldwater of tomorrow's right? Oh man, that's a fucking great subhead The Dave Portnoy Daisy ad but he's just calling the girl of I'm just like what if Dave Portnoy were the Barry Goldwater of tomorrow's right there must be like those old Marvel comics Like what if the Hulk was Wolverine or something like that? The Dave Portnoy Barry Goldwater fusion dance Happened when none of us were looking
Starting point is 00:51:20 Yeah, but I like the category confusion there like a guy who was a US senator and the guy who Just eats pizza while losing money on the stock market in live streams And that's that that that yeah, that speaks to the fact that that this era is going to I think see a lot of people Detaching from politics not becoming more politically. Yeah Yeah, yeah now 100% like it's already happening like the point of Biden was to stop engaging with politics Yeah, I mean who cares now except for like the most hysteric cue people like fucking Mike Lindell doing his Doing his three-hour movie on on and being watched by a bunch of senior citizens just blitz It's old people everybody else's move on. Oh, by the way speaking of my pillow in the documentary boys
Starting point is 00:52:13 We're gonna watch this on the stream on Wednesday. Yes. I'm very excited. Yeah, we are going to it's not three hours It's only it's only two. Oh, wow So tomorrow night tomorrow night on on on the chopper twitch stream 10 p.m. We will be watching the the absolute proof the Mike Lindell documentary Which has like I said it promises absolute proof that the election was stolen and You know from what I've here from what I've heard about it is not just two hours of a guy bellowing at you like in it In a sort of a frenzy. I can't wait till Mike Lindell is governor and then president of the United States It's gonna be a wild ride. Yeah, I'm he claims that he was he made he did like three weeks of 20-hour days
Starting point is 00:53:00 to To make this thing which makes yeah, that's a guy who stops smoking. He did stop smoking I think that he's like doing lines now, but he thinks that that's like a good compromise It's like when you switch to Diet Coke. Yeah, I am kind of Thanks to which is draconian music using policies We can't just have a loop of Harry Nielsen's jump into the fire playing while we watch this thing You know, yeah, that's weird though three straight day 21-hour days, I mean like I normally I need to sleep I mean, I don't know how he does it. I don't just know what it is
Starting point is 00:53:34 He just loves his country that much. Yeah, that's what it boils down. He's and his country is Columbia, Bolivia, Peru So he's cool like I mean like I don't I basically don't agree with his politics, but As a guy, yeah, he's a cool dude. He's fuck. He's fuck. He's a pin like he's so much like He's so much cooler than like most business magnets the most business magnets in America. Oh, yeah, cuz most of them are just They are people who got it handed to them He is a guy who smoked so much crack that he invented the world's greatest pillow Oh, yeah, I liked it when I like how the pillow sucks I like how like he that video of him where he's like on a helicopter and he's like
Starting point is 00:54:18 Everyone stay calm Joe Biden Joe Biden has lost. He's gonna be beheaded soon Donald Trump's still gonna be the president and it was like a day before by it He's Fucking cool. He's cool. I mean the he is he the thing about this guy is like the guy He smoked so much crack in another world's greatest pillow Somehow convinced and this is a more important part that a bunch of other people that it also that it was the world's greatest Pillow until they made him a millionaire
Starting point is 00:54:50 How why wouldn't he believe that he could just speak anything into existence if he concentrated hard enough on it? Yeah Yeah, no, I mean like at least his company makes something. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and here in the usa But no, that's why that's why I think he's the one who makes sense to If to if someone is gonna pick up the pieces of trumpism Uh, and then who knows now the guy just disappeared the guy. He's just gone He's just you all they did was cut him off from his fucking account and he just was Except for his sag after a letter just That was
Starting point is 00:55:25 Did you guys see that he's like apparently he was like really mad at lin chaney and he wants to tweet bad things about her But he doesn't have an account so he writes down insults and gives them to other people and suggests that they post them You gotta have your shooters on deck That's like that's not gonna work because like none of them have his swag Like josh josh hallway will call her like a braggart or something And it's like not gonna work. You have to call her ugly Well, lindell is the closest thing because he might not have the the exact amount of charisma But he is he is the actual heart of american reaction since
Starting point is 00:56:02 Fucking new deal, which is a a regional Uh, uh, magnate He is a who makes a shitty product and is insane and thinks that god told him to that that's it Mike lindell he doesn't have trump's exact swag But he is the most important part of trump which is low IQ sweat Josh hallway doesn't have that tom cotton doesn't have that like none of them Matt gates like Is stupid, but he's just like he's too fucking like weird for people. Oh, he's he is so uncanny. Yeah, he's creepy
Starting point is 00:56:35 Yeah, no, no one He looks like he got a job on the polar Looks no and he like he like it's okay to buy your wife. You can't buy yourself You cannot buy a son broke the golden world. You cannot buy your son from Wayfair. I'm sorry. You can't do that Yeah Buying a wife. That's american. That's I'm just imagining uh, uh, like uh, like Mike Mike lindell like a tow car sissa Uh, january 19th 2021 5 a.m You can make a pillow
Starting point is 00:57:09 You can swim the sea you can try to go to sleep, but you'll never be free To top your picture brain to mush makes your brain see you sleep on a pillow See if one of my pillow picks your brain too much. That's why you go to sleep so well your brain just turns the soup You just go off to you go off to slumberland with little limo Oh, yeah, there we go. Uh, let's let's let's go out to the tune so that jump into the fire That classic hit we all love we love it All right, so the song that came out when most of our listeners parents weren't even Uh, most of our listeners are three years old. Yes, they listen to tomorrow tomorrow night. We're gonna
Starting point is 00:57:46 All right, so tomorrow night we're gonna try to we're gonna we're gonna like mstk the three mst 3k the shit we're gonna join ms 13 So, yeah, absolute proof tomorrow night on the twitch stream. Um, see you then. Bye. Bye You

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