Chapo Trap House - 504 - Me Me Madness (3/8/21)

Episode Date: March 9, 2021

For #InternationalWomensDay we review a film by Hollywood’s newest female auteur, who just happens to be the wife of former Treasury Secretary/Suicide Squad producer Steve Mnuchin. Yes, it’s Louis...e Linton’s “Me You Madness,” a film that dares ask the question “what if a bisexual woman HAD mental health issues?”

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And I also loved American Psycho and I think Brett Easton Ellis is a genius and I loved the opening of that film, you know, where he talks about, you know, how specific his morning routine is and I started to think about that with like a female serial killer and then I was like, well, why can't she be this really boss empowered girl who, you know, runs a hedge fund and I wanted to take some of the gender stereotypes and flip him. Hello and greetings everybody and happy International Women's Day. To mark this occasion, we have decided to highlight a film that's a little bit different. How is it a little bit different?
Starting point is 00:01:02 Because it is the product of a female auteur, someone, a writer, director and star who is bringing, you know, to the cinema a vision that is a purely female vision, unclouded by bro influences, judgments or points of view. I'm talking of course about the new art film, I would describe it as You Meet Madness, which is written, directed and starring the wonderful Louise Linton, who you may know as being the wife of our former Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin. And Steve Mnuchin is certainly part of the Choppo Canon, you know, I mean Suicide Squad was one of our first big movie episodes and he produced that and did he produce this movie
Starting point is 00:01:51 as well? You think? I don't think he did, which is pretty telling, like keep me away from this shit please. I'm only involved in good movies. I do see his touch here though, like even if he didn't produce it, there is a Mnuchin sheen to it. The sheen? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:02:09 That flat sheen. I wouldn't describe it that way. I would describe it as a soul that the movie has. I would describe, yes, this movie has Mnuchin sheen all over it, which by that I mean it's like it's sort of very gauzy, neon and just sort of looks like a frog man. There's frog hands, frog fingers all over this. Your TV or monitor will never be the same after watching it. There's so many washed out whites and like weird brightnesses and like the greatest art
Starting point is 00:02:42 transcends technology, doesn't it, to the point where it literally harms it? I imagine that you guys having lower IQs than me did not enjoy this movie as I did but I've prepared a review. Oh hell yes. School us. Okay. Spit. Spit.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Growing up is filled with adventures, but just as often, misadventures. Everyone remembers that time they first associated due to mids and believed that they were Jesus Christ. It's something everyone has experienced while coming of age, but it's usually just one and done. Most of us aren't lucky to feel that again. That's what I thought until me, you madness. This movie is a tortoise force.
Starting point is 00:03:21 It is the only movie that has ever put me in a ketamine like dissociative state where I believed I could channel the spirits of my ancestors through my Logitech GPRO wireless mouse. From the moment Ms. Linton burst on screen and issues a monologue that was actually written by Garthunus after he shuffled a gunshot wound to the head, I knew I was into something like that. Even with its gratuitous fourth wall breaks, the mentally taxing dialogue, and bizarre choices both in direction and plot, this is a movie about love.
Starting point is 00:03:55 It's about what happens when one of those weird rat-faced LA guys that has an eight-pack and is secretly 38 bangs a woman who is completely insane and a billionaire like the real Louise when Linton. Many of our listeners' brothers are the rat-faced LA resident, and even though they've never sold their script or become an actor, the parents still like them more, and they could watch this movie to learn how to connect with that guy to find out what his likes and dislikes and passions are. I don't want to spoil this movie too much, so I recommend that you get a disposable CBD
Starting point is 00:04:27 vape that gets you high because you're the only social worker who is drug-tested. You are my social worker who is significantly younger than me, alarmingly younger than me. I'm recommending this to you, my social worker. You got to smoke that vape that will be outlawed in three weeks. Get yourself your favorite meal that you love to cook. We all know it. A big bowl of rice that you cooked wrong, it is noticeably half raw and hurts your enamel to chew.
Starting point is 00:04:57 And put on me, you madness, and let your body die. Felix Mest gives it 100 out of 100 stars, our highest rating. This is the work of an auteur. This is a singular vision in this movie. We can complain about a lot of movies today are art by committee, they're designed to appeal to everyone and thus appeal to no one, and they're based on existing IP. But here, indeed, we have an original work, original characters, completely, I wouldn't say a new concept, but this is the product of one woman's vision and passion, and I think
Starting point is 00:05:39 she should be lauded for that. This is the story. If we're going to talk about International Women's Day, this is a story that's not often told in Hollywood by the old boys network of bros like Martin Scorsese, who makes movies about gangsters and people doing crimes instead of this movie, which is a soulful portrait of a bisexual woman with, what's that word again, mental health issues, mental health issues, a bisexual woman with, do the little twirl with your hand, mental health issues. That's what this movie, that's what it's about.
Starting point is 00:06:18 It is a pure product of Louise Linton's brain. Like you said, modern movies, they are supposed to appeal to everybody, so they appeal to no one. This movie appeals to one new person on earth, which is, that's amazing. What's that game where you try to Google something and see if there's only one hit, a term, and you only get one hit on the whole internet, like a two word term? This is like that for movie making. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:06:48 I would just backtrack in a little bit. I would say that Ms. Linton is a combination of an artist and an auteur, if you get what I mean, combined both those words. Yeah, no, this is, this is incredible. You know how we talk a lot about how movies are like, big budget movies, like this one. This movie costs $13 billion to make, and it shows. They're like, you're supposed to get the maximum amount of people. You're supposed to get like every American who Tom pretends to be, and then all of China,
Starting point is 00:07:26 and like half of the UK or whatever, so it's just like the maximum thing. This movie is for no one, except the person that made it in Star Wars. It's almost commendable because it's an anti-movie. It is, I'm not exaggerating here, this is the most violently hateful, immoral, and repellent movie I have ever seen. Yeah, it's amazing, and it only exists because this lady is rich. It is a pure vanity project, but with an actual budget, it's like, it's amazing because she actually knows like real Hollywood people as opposed to Tommy Wiseau.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Yeah, and she's a terrible actress. There are basically only four speaking parts in this movie, and most of it takes place in one location. So it has sort of a, what is it, like a locked room mystery quality to it, except there's no mystery at all. And it's funny, we're talking about just sort of bro movies and movies that bros love, but in their love and affection for it, misinterpret the essential moral or artistic message of the film.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Like people who watch Goodfellas and think it's about guys who are cool, being friends with each other, having fun, and just being deboss. This movie is exactly like that, but the movie that it's misinterpreting is American Psycho. This is a movie for people who watched American Psycho, you know, that very subtle movie that's hard to, hard to suss out what the moral point of view is and how it presents its characters. This is for people who saw American Psycho and were like, yeah, Patrick Bateman is da man. And in fact, living your life like him and having his exact brain makes you cool and
Starting point is 00:09:14 funny and a genius. Yeah, they even, so she, at the start of the movie, she does like a Bateman-esque thing where it's like, you know, I take good care of my body, I use blah, blah, blah, I'm up to, you know, a thousand crunches. But like this, they do this about three times, but during the second one, she goes, yes, and I know this is from American Psycho. Oh, there is so much meta for it, there's so much meta fourth wall breaking. And also like a very, like a very virulent strain of like, what adds that meta context,
Starting point is 00:09:46 a virulent strain of soy banter in this movie that is violently oppressive, truly damaging. But also my favorite thing about this move, one of my favorite things about it, is that there's an overarching political message that's like the same, that like isn't, it's like the message of like Persuasion Magazine. Yes, it is. It really is. You should be nice to people if they're Democrats or Republicans, or you should just be nice to people.
Starting point is 00:10:15 I mean, like I said, we can delve into the moral universe of this movie, which like I said, is the bleakest and most terrifying thing I think I've ever encountered in any artistic medium. But it's just like, to describe this movie, it's just like, imagine instead of having a screenplay or a plot, you would pad out 90 minutes with the person writing and starring in it was like, what if instead of writing a screenplay, I can just through voiceover narration, simply state everything that's in my head and but set it to all of the most popular songs of the 1980s, like Felix, you mentioned this movie cost $13 billion to make.
Starting point is 00:10:54 They certainly didn't spend it on special effects or sets or anything like that. They spent all $13 billion on the royalties to, I would say, no less than a dozen of the most popular songs of the 1980s. You're fucking deranged around. Played it their entire. New order. Aha. Yeah, the entire song, not just like full worldwide rights in perpetuity to have completely
Starting point is 00:11:17 unedited, just like a music video featuring, yeah, aha, Take On Me, Hungry Like the Wolf, Blue Monday. I mean, the list goes on and on. If it's a movie from the 80s, I mean, if it's a song from the 80s that like you're like, oh, I know that song. That's that's that's a bop. It's in this movie and it pads out, I would say probably half the running time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Yeah. And you know what? As I started thinking about the Mnuchin connection to this, this is so much like Suicide Squad. Suicide Squad also plays like M and entire Eminem songs. Suicide Squad also like loves the fourth wall soy bands. I think there is like a style of Mnuchin film. And this is like this. I used to think Suicide Squad was a pinnacle, but this is it.
Starting point is 00:12:04 A lot of people use the word lynchion incorrectly to describe anything that's vaguely weird, but I think we should start using Mnuchin to describe a broad swath of our popular culture. Yeah. I would. Would you call Venom a Mnuchin film? It has elements of Mnuchinism in it, I would say. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:23 But I mean, I get the sense that I like this movie a lot more than you guys did. But we should get into telling the listeners what happens. I want to get into the movie. We can go through the movie itself, but before we get into it, I would like to talk a little bit about Louise Linton herself, because I mean, it's impossible to separate this movie from The Oter. And you know, we probably mostly know Louise. We become fans of her only through her marriage to our former frog-faced surgery secretary
Starting point is 00:12:50 and producer of suicide squad, Steve Mnuchin. The best member of the Trump cabinet, like Barnon, like, I'm sorry, Barnon, this guy likes, I'm sorry, he saved the world multiple times. If you want to talk about like a good Republican, like this fucking, like, fucking freak reptile that probably would have served in the Hillary administration. Absolutely. He could have been tertiary secretary under Clinton. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:14 He's just like an all-purpose guy like that. He prevented Trump from invading Venezuela. He like convinced them to send money out, to keep rates, like he's, yeah, he's a bad guy for sure, but like probably the best Republican on earth, I would say, like probably the least malign influence in there. So like, we already love him. We already love him for Suicide Squad, and his wife even cooler. I mean, I love him just for his face, just like the way he looks is very singular.
Starting point is 00:13:42 It makes me happy every time I see him. When you think of Louise Linton, and I'm sure it'll be the episode art, I mean, you've got to talk about the truly unbelievable photograph of her and her husband at the fucking like printed, where they, the place where they, at the money factory, they just pull a sheet of hundreds off the fucking press, and she's holding it with like a single leather glove. Like it's like a, like a diaper or something. That's what I, yeah, that's what I, that's what I first fell in love with them. The fact that the secretary of the treasury, he was the only guy I've ever seen in my lifetime
Starting point is 00:14:16 at a cabinet level position who's like, yeah, my wife goes to work with me every day. It's like, they're odd and Todd, and no one else has ever done that. Like the president doesn't do that, but he's like, like, oh, I have to go to China to talk about the, you know, the M3 global money supply. My wife has to come, my wife has to come, my wife, my wife come, and I don't know what that's about, but it's awesome. I love that. He also apparently doesn't know how to sign his name or he doesn't know cursive because
Starting point is 00:14:50 if you look at any of the bills, the dollar bills that were printed during his tenure as treasurer secretary, cause you know, they always have the treasurer textaries signature on them. His is in block lettering. His signature is not a signature. He just wrote his name in, in caps. It's like in an application where it says print name here or signature below. He just went with the print name part.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Yeah. He's a baby. He is baby. He is baby. I also, I became obviously a fan of her Instagram and if you like do some Instagram sleuthing, you can find like, she's always tagging her Pilates instructor and a lot of her Instagram posts. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:28 If you find his Instagram page, let's just say she is featured rather heavily on the, the Instagram of her personal trainer. You know? I mean. Yeah. No. We read into that. Whatever, whatever you like.
Starting point is 00:15:42 She likes fitness. But you know, in, in, in looking, I was just had to like just sort of just look into Louise Linton just a little bit because I was thinking there's another story there maybe. And lo and behold, there definitely is under the controversy section of her Wikipedia. There's a whole thing about how she, she wrote a memoir called in Congo's shadow about the gaffier she did as a 19 year old in Zambia, where she was literally like the Instagram girl like posing next to an African child with like the caption like, you know, hashtag their soul is, is mine or something like that.
Starting point is 00:16:18 But I just want to read here, this is from the NPR, sorry, says a self published memoir about a British actress's gap year in Zambia has come under fire this week. Citizens of Zambia, along with other Africans and aid workers are using social media to highlight the factual errors they're calling condescent and the condescending tone about life and culture in the country. She's Jenna Maroney. Yes. She's like, if Jenna Maroney like married into the highest level of government.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Well, the difference is though, Jenna Maroney is, you know, she grew up on a houseboat in Florida. Right. Louise Linton's Scottish and her family owns a castle. Yeah. No, that is, that is an important distinction that this is she's has an ancient bloodline. And I would argue it informs a lot of the choices she makes and way she behaves. I just want to quote here from the book, here's an excerpt being quoted by NPR.
Starting point is 00:17:11 This is Louise Linton reading in her memoir in Congo's shadow. I mean, I guess she's talking about King Leopold, which is probably related to her fucking family. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, literally, probably her great, great, great uncle. So it says here, quote, my innocent dreams of teaching the villagers English or educating them about the world now seem ridiculously naive. With a cheery smile, I'd waved goodbye to my dad and jumped on a plane to Africa without
Starting point is 00:17:38 researching anything about its tumultuous political history, realizing that my destination was just miles from war-torn Congo. I still sometimes feel out of place. Whenever that happens, though, I try to remember a smiling, gap-toothed child with HIV, whose greatest joy was to sit on my lap and drink from a bottle of Coca-Cola, a smiling, gap-toothed child with HIV, whose greatest joy in life was to sit on my lap and sip Coca-Cola. I'm imagining that she's got like the glass bottle with the fucking like a baby nipple on the end.
Starting point is 00:18:25 She's just sucking on it, she's fucking rocks. I love her. According to critics, she mixes Zambia, Congo, and Rwanda, so many times leading to generalizations of Africa as one big country, something we have been trying to fight for a while now, critics says. She also claims that there are child soldiers in Zambia, which is just simply not true. What a humanitarian. Yeah, so just try to keep that paragraph about her time with beautiful African children whose
Starting point is 00:19:01 eyes and souls lit up for the first time ever when they saw a gorgeous Scottish teenager teach them English or give them soda for the first time. Miss Louise, I have never read a word. Please help me. Of course I will. I didn't even know she was Scottish because when this movie started, I was like, why is she speaking with this kooky half accent that she goes in and out of? Like, is this a character choice?
Starting point is 00:19:28 But no, this movie is just her. There is no acting here whatsoever. This movie is just purely, she's like, what if everyone knew how cool I was and what a naughty cheeky laughs I really am. I'm not just the former secretary of the treasury's wife, I'm actually an insane woman with mental health issues. Let's again clarify, the best person who has been in American government in the last 50 years.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Is Louise Linton? Yes, yeah, both of them. Well, they're a deal. They're like, they were they were both. Yeah, it's like, it's like Bill Clinton said when they got elected with Hillary, you get two for one. Yeah. I also looked at her IMDb and she's listed as an actress, but her her credits are rather
Starting point is 00:20:16 threadbare. She's like been on an episode of CSI and criminal minds, and she was in the remake of Cabin Fever and has had tiny parts in other movies, but it's only about she has about like 10 or 11 IMDb credits as an actress. One of them came because the producers claim that she was allowed to be in a movie called The Echo because her first husband, who was a lawyer in LA, who she divorced a number of years ago, paid him $200,000. How did her and Mnuchin meet?
Starting point is 00:20:53 Have we ever found that out? They met at a let me find it here. They met them at a wedding. She met him at a wedding reception in 2013. They were they were wedding crashing together, I guess. They met over the shrimp puffs and they got married during the Trump presidency. Mike Pence was the officiant. Oh, I remember that, like right, yeah, like the second day of the Trump presidency.
Starting point is 00:21:17 He was like, guess what everyone, I'm we're getting married. That was awesome. Taylor's all this time. Yeah, that was beauty and Mnuch. You have to figure like any woman, any beautiful woman, Steve Mnuchin, you know, at the make your own Caesar salad concoction bar, and is like that's the hottest fucking guy I've ever seen in my life. I can't wait to find out all over me.
Starting point is 00:21:42 You don't even find out till you marry him that he's a Billy. That doesn't come in. You don't think about that at all. You're just like, I want him inside me. I want him to see I want him to do that thing with his lip while he's just we're we're doing that Mormon thing where the guy just sleeps inside of the woman for eight hours. All right, well, okay, so like I said, keep keep all that in mind. And then let's let's let's go into the movie itself.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Okay, so God, I mean, it's it's it's really hard to describe because like there's there's not a lot of plot here. But like, you know, this is not this is art. This is not about plot. This is about this movie is about about a vibe and the vibe she's going for is an unbelievably wealthy woman who has all the best clothes, furniture, cars, jewelry, everything. But also, in addition to her job as a hedge fund manager, where she kills people, you know, through the economy, she also murders them for fun for herself because like this
Starting point is 00:22:48 is the way she blows off steam is that like she's addicted to drugs and exercise and it just like every everything about this movie is just is just wealth pornography. But it's like the gaudiest, ugliest kind of wealthy person you can be. Yeah, it's like like the most of the movie takes place in this house that looks like a fucking it looks like an air conditioner like built into a Malibu hill. It's like one of the it's one of the ugliest places I've ever ever seen in my life. It's awful. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:15 And the thing is like she also makes it is another really important thing about this movie is that she has to have a different outfit in every single scene she's in often in scenes that take place like concurrently like five minutes of screen of like film reality time have elapsed and she's changed outfits like three times. And every outfit looks like dog shit. Half the time. Yeah. She looks like she's got a fucking like a coat hanger stuck in the back of the fucking
Starting point is 00:23:39 dress like just insane shoulder pads and shit. I had boots. Yeah. So I had a friend in Chicago who he was like quite a few years older than us. We were in high school and like you go to his place and there would just be a random shit there. There would be like a huge fish tank or like a slot machine from a casino or like a seat from an airplane.
Starting point is 00:24:05 And it was like how did you get this and it was like he would just find a way of revealing that he basically stole it without admitting that. And he kept these like little like airplane bottles of like vodka and Captain Morgan and shit on top of the slot machine. And because we were like you know 1716 we're like we drink these. Like no these are collector's items. And that guy like that guy he was awesome. But like also like he was one of those guys like we've all known someone like this who
Starting point is 00:24:37 like their plan is to like get horribly injured by like something like the government or Exxon Mobile does and see them or like just find a big bag of money. And this the design of this movie is if that happened if any guy or girl like that just like fulfilled their dreams of finding what like 500 million dollars like in their backyard. It is all the shittiest things you could buy if you were a billionaire. Everything is like strangely boxy and has this weird like candy coated sheen on it. And I like I like how unabashed it is and it's awful taste. But like this movie is not self aware of that at all.
Starting point is 00:25:24 It's not like it's playing. It's not like it's playing with your perception and like presenting the wildly like out of skew both morality and personal taste and like character. Like it's presenting you like their unfiltered perspective on their own life but like in a self aware way. No you're supposed to think they're cool. Like no like you were absolutely supposed to think that she is the height of success, wealth, luxury, sexiness, wittiness and being the best murderer ever.
Starting point is 00:25:51 I just in my notes here like this is one sense review of this movie is ugly woman lives in ugly house. Like that's basically the plot of this movie. First of all she's perfect but yeah that her taste her house suck. She does kind of look face tuned. We got to admit that. Oh yeah. She's one of those people that is real life face tuned.
Starting point is 00:26:13 So yeah the movie begins and like she's at her job and she does the American Psycho monologue because like I really- And even says that. She says like this is the American Psycho. We've said before that like a cardinal set of movies is don't reference a movie that's better than the movie you're making. And they reference literally hundreds of films in this movie and every single one of them is better than it.
Starting point is 00:26:36 And by reference I don't mean like quote it visually or make a subtle allusion to. I mean- Yeah just say the name. Louise Linton will turn to the camera and address you the audience and say doesn't this remind you of Texas Chainsaw Massacre? That movie we all liked? Yeah. And again I can't stress this enough 90% of the words spoken in this movie are in voice
Starting point is 00:26:57 over narration dictated by Louise Linton. There's a very little dialogue it is mostly just her unfiltered thoughts telling you about how cool and good her life is. One of the first things she does is that she's at her desk and there's a spider climbing on one of her orchids and she has a monologue about spider copulation and about how male spiders are so horny that they'll risk having the female kill and eat them. And then she just takes the spider and eats it. She just pops it in her mouth.
Starting point is 00:27:26 She's a twisted psychopath. There's no two words about it. She's like the joker. Yeah she's a lady joker. It's true. More than Harley Quinn. Hey, hey, I'm rich and successful and glamorous and also a fucking psycho. So I guess the plot as it exists begins where she comes home from her job just accumulating
Starting point is 00:27:50 wealth. She loves getting money. It's the best drug in the world outside. It's the best way you can get your rocks off outside getting your rocks off with a girl is getting money and creating more slaves for the afterlife. So the plot kicks off she's home for the weekend and she makes clear that like the weekends I work 80 hours a week so I can spend the weekends on me time. It's me having fun and just being decadent and excessive.
Starting point is 00:28:15 So she gets home and who's waiting for her at her home but a former star of Gossip Girl and recently canceled actor Ed Westwick who is sort of this like he's the aforementioned rat faced LA guy who is showing up to this fucking like I said air conditioning box mansion in the Malibu Hills because she has put an ad for a roommate on Craigslist and he's showing up to to rent a room from this absurdly wealthy woman and like and it's also at no point is there any tension about like oh like what's this guy's real deal because she just tells you in voiceover that he's a petty thief and a con man who is only replying to the ad to case the joint to steal from her.
Starting point is 00:29:00 So like we're we're well aware of what this guy's deal is and the fact that she's aware of it from from the get go. So like they're the the idea that this is any kind of like I know I know in her mind she thinks this is like a very very like sort of elegant and sophisticated cat and mouse game between the two of them and they're like oh they are they going to fall in love or not but no it's it's all just right there up front from the beginning there's there's no tension rung out of any of this at all. So like he's this he's this like shitty LA guy how would you describe him I mean all
Starting point is 00:29:29 I noticed about him is that he has a flannel shirt tied around his waist for the entire movie but is also wearing like he's wearing a grunge guy tied around his waist flannel shirt but also is wearing like eight hundred dollar a pair like fucking like designer jeans you know the kinds of like sort of the knee pads on them that are yeah yeah yeah. He looks like it's like what a guy who never left Indonesia would be like okay describe a cool America but yeah now he is yeah rat faced LA guy and Westwick has one of the radius faces it's amazing how far he went yeah it's crazy he looks like he should be knowing on drywall every single scene.
Starting point is 00:30:08 But I feel like I have a theory that all the rat faces matriculated to LA there's something about like the toxic air and water that is calming today it's like how rats sometimes like if you've ever had a basement you can sometimes get an awful stench because rats like something about the walls they're like burrowing in and then not being able to get out and dying there and that's what LA is to guys like Ed Westwick. And this movie is a stench and there's a beauty in death but he's supposed to be like a shithead like millennial who doesn't try that hard but is really hot and is actually a really smart guy but chooses to be amoral.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Yeah so he's a con man and he's looking to he's looking to rob this rich lady who's dumb enough to like you know let him stay at her house but like I just had one note here in the screenplay because you know written by Louise Linton there's a really funny part where like there she offers him a drink and they're like having cocktails together and Ed Westwick's character says to her you can really hold your booze for a wee gal and it's just like there's your Scottish brain coming out no one talks like that in America you stupid idiot like she's just like for a wee lass you sure can knock back your martinis. It's just like that's the way she thinks people talk because again none of these characters
Starting point is 00:31:22 are real like none they're not even trying to appropriate like approach a real person or to pick anything outside of Louise Linton's brain and that's why I think it's like kind of brilliant. Yeah it speaks to the other obviously narcissism but isolation of people of that kind of wealth they don't interact with people they only people they interact with are essentially servants like people who cannot even like look them in the eye if they want to get a paycheck so they don't have human interactions so they're like oh I'm going to make a movie of course it just has to be like what if it was about me but I killed people and then well what
Starting point is 00:32:00 about you know all the thematic elements and aesthetics well I'll just reference all the movies that I already saw and just to make sure nobody thinks that's derivative I will say that I'm ripping them off which makes it postmodern and smart. I would argue the fact that this is the only movie I've ever seen that completely takes place in someone's own mind yeah like I would like that is postmodern that's not what they were intending to do like they're just like oh I'm a cool woman making a movie about how cool I am when really like as you said it reveals like her singular loneliness and isolation from I mean that's like those personal trainer photos uh I don't you neoliberal dad on Twitter
Starting point is 00:32:44 is another big Mnuchin head and he's one of the best Mnuchin experts out there yeah he's a Mnuchin expert and he always sends me great Mnuchin stuff and great stuff in general very smart guy but he loves showing me Mnuchin with her trainers as Will alluded to and it made me think about that stereotype about like the rich younger woman fucking her trainer right and I the more I think about it and after what Matt said I don't even think that's because they're hot or whatever it's because it's like that's the closest thing to a normal person yeah that's hard to that's like valid that's the only type of validation yeah it's the only attractive man that you have anything close to a even relationship with in your
Starting point is 00:33:28 day to day life yeah this movie portrays that not in her like fucking her trainer or something but like the only person she interacts in this movie that is like on anything like a human or friendly level is the is the is the Vietnamese man that she berates into doing her nails on his time and like he he makes she makes she makes this like nail salon guy come to her apartment because her gel manicure got chipped and like he he has to come by on Friday at 6 30 to like read to fix her nails and like then they have like they just do like they quiz each other on trivial pursuit while he's doing her nails but like it's like yeah but like it's it's only the people who serve her that she has any real human interaction with at
Starting point is 00:34:07 all and another part about her character and Louise Linton in general is that multiple times in this movie she states outright that she is a borderline personality with sociopathic and narcissistic tendencies but she says it like it's an achievement like new new character mode unlocked like it's I had to work hard to get this narcissistic and borderline I love that because it's like one of my favorite things and it's happening more now than it used to is when a woman lies like how a man does it's pretty rare most male lies are like oh yeah no my parents took me to the doctor when I was 10 I have the same disease as Dexter I'm a I'm a psychopath I'm crazy but I only would want to kill bad people I actually
Starting point is 00:34:51 got turned down from the army because I like my my heartbeat was too low when I was watching footage of the headings I like I got a scholarship for playing soccer but I got bored with it I've like yeah I've like fucked every woman I've met the real Chris Kyle taught me like how to shoot guns blah blah blah women lies are like weird and like have to do with like some insane social thing that you have no idea what it is and like are part of a larger like social machination but sometimes and this is still rare a woman will be like I'm thinking of some of the amazing woman lies I've heard because I want you look great in that outfit honey slay you look wonderful well yeah that's like usually what the woman
Starting point is 00:35:38 lies yeah like well the meanest thing women do men and women have different meanest things they do but the meanest thing a woman does is when they have their friend that's ugly it's a picture where they look terrible and they're like you're perfect but uh yeah so uh I met a few women in my life who like in the course of my travels who were like one said that she walked 19 miles every night because she was going to be a green beret psychologist and this was like this was like a really attractive she was like early 20s we were both in our early 20s and it was like wait what rewind it's like I thought that was a one off and I've since met like one other person that does this and I love it it's so I think it's
Starting point is 00:36:27 a product of like the internet and how now even like a hot woman can be as socially isolated as a man uh because that's that's all this is this is all just like a very childish attempt to impress and intimidate and win people over that's really all that like that insane type of lying is and like now even like yeah really pretty women will do it and louise linton channeled that and I like I love that like I I'm a big believer that you have to like hold on to every weird bit of culture you have to preserve it you have to let people know it existed because otherwise you will miss a rich tapestry of the world and in my ideal archive of the arts this movie would be there for that reason well so as the plot develops so she she she
Starting point is 00:37:13 drugs ed westwick which he like rufi is him with a martini and then like he passes out and then she begins preparing for a reversal of fortunes she begins preparing for her for a fun evening of murder and and hijinks and uh like and then ed westwick uh he sort of like wakes up and she's and she says she has invited over to her apartment like one of the other only characters in this movie which is just a really hot chinese woman that she um is bisexual and mentally ill with that was I love that it's just like that is so like 13 year old boy oh uh you think I'm cool you haven't heard the best of it I fuck a chinese lady and she's got got got sexy tattoos yeah tattoos and then if if ripping off american
Starting point is 00:38:03 psycho blatantly wasn't enough this movie also makes a point that um louise prepares a a wonderful michelin star meal for her girlfriend and ed westwick but they are but but but out of human bodies and she makes yeah she makes him eat a guy's testicles and he's like this is really good and she's talking to her girlfriend and mandarin where he's like can you believe this ignorant pig is eating another ignorant pig who's a man I want to talk a little bit about like the american psycho there because I feel like they reference that more than any other yeah in this american psycho is one of my I I love that book I feel like people like improperly appraise it because bradice and ellis is annoying which like show me
Starting point is 00:38:45 a fucking author that is yeah yeah um but the book in the movie are both great for different reasons they're both hysterical I think the book is I think particularly funny but they do have like the common thing in both of them is the point is like patrick bateman is a fucking loser yeah like he's not cool he's totally vacant everyone makes fun of him he sucks he's the biggest defining feature Patrick Bateman is that he's totally vacant and has no qualities and it's so telling that she's like yeah I'm cool like Patrick Bateman who's the biggest loser in that movie and in that book so so like so yeah yeah so he's being whined and dined by these by these two sort of female predators and but but because he's
Starting point is 00:39:33 a dumb guy and like the thing is like also his friend is calling him to be like yeah like have you done the job yet have you have you come have you done the the the the crimes that we're planning to do to this woman he's like he's like you know he's like calm down man like you know I'm working on it but like you know there's something there you know like I think she digs me like I think I'm I think I think she's gonna let me smash or whatever and the guy's like don't forget you're here to do crimes so like but he's obviously sprung for louise linton and and the possibility of having a threesome with her and her a beautiful tattooed chinese lady so then what do they do they all take Molly and have a pool party
Starting point is 00:40:07 together and lo and behold what happens they have a threesome together and this is like I think this is this is what interested me about like the interesting way that this movie portrays sex and violence is because like obviously it's it's it's about sex and violence and how cool they are and like you know and how glamorous it is if you're really good at both sex and violence but the thing is it the way it portrays both like like murders or violence and then like the sex itself is very prudish it's this very sanitized vision of both of all of you know the transaction of bodily fluids one way or the other where it's just like they have a threesome together and it's like it's like a kissing threesome
Starting point is 00:40:46 yes they just smooch they're just smooching in bed together and then like all the violence is like totally sanitized too so like I I just picked up on something there about about like like what extreme wealth does to you psychologically where like you know yes people become objects for you they become disposable instruments of your own pleasure but you don't want to focus on like the act itself at all it's just it's it's like mentioning the brands and it's like showing you the and telling you what a nice couch oh sorry couch sofa not couch that that's oh god no don't do that five minutes ago I felt like I was getting beat in the head with a bag of oranges but you know what I mean though it's just like
Starting point is 00:41:27 like she views herself as sort of this like alpha female like you know sex and violence predator like a jungle cat or whatever and she's she's it just implied that she's so good at sex but and like her being good at sex is is linked to her being that good at killing people but the way it's portrayed is like very PG yes yes yeah because the things themselves you can't enjoy them because you have unlimited access to them you can only catalog them so everything is totally like bloodless and abstracted I mean there is blood in this movie but you can mistake it you forget that it's there because it's like it's a few little scenes or whatever but I mean there's even one line where Ed Westwick is saying
Starting point is 00:42:09 like hey I'm surprised there wasn't more blood there you know and it's just like it's the same with it I mean she and again what's so extraordinary about this is that she I think she views this movie as being like an erotic thriller or like an erotic satire or there's something like it just in like sort of like just so powerfully sexy about her as an individual that she can do and say anything and like the thing is like she you know she's like conventionally attracted but like her performance in this movie is like anti erotic there is nothing yeah there is it's like the way she dresses the way she moves every time they do like a sexy montage at one point just they're showing her trying to like seduce Ed Westwick wearing
Starting point is 00:42:50 like a fucking fire boots like spray painted gold and just this giant triangular shoulder dress and she runs her hands like through her hair but presumably because of like extensions or something she can't actually like run it through her hair so she just like kind of grabs a chunk of it and moves it around in slow motion yeah she's like she has the sexual appeal and aura of a special razor designed for men to have six blades yeah it's the same like it's the same packaging and there's a lot and like so much of this movie is her sharing her like her awesome 80s playlist with you the audience and with Ed Westwick and there's all these like these dance numbers where they're just like gotta they're playing
Starting point is 00:43:38 the song from Footloose you know and they're like gotta gotta cut loose or without the song I don't know it was I think it was Footloose but like there's scenes of them just dancing by themselves or with each other and and Louise Lipton's character is literally like her her deadly the deadliest of the species the female her dance of seduction and violence and murder is like Elaine Bettis from Seinfeld at the company party yeah it started jerking around like she's having a seizure or something to aha take on me it's more like a full body dry heaves at the music because there's this all the thing she's trying to also she's trying to be sexy but that she also tries to do gags and stunts she tries to do bits with physical
Starting point is 00:44:21 comedy bits that are just brutally terrible and sometimes you can kind of like tell that she knows that she doesn't really have it she's not Jim Carrey so she'll throw in like sound effects loony tunes ask wacky sound effects while she's moving and speed up the film so that it's funny and I swear to God at least two post-production included farts yes yes yes some sort of okay something can I can I defend this movie I'm actually surprised Matt is criticizing this this would be considered the funniest movie ever made in Germany oh absolutely yes like yeah Louise Lipton has the comedic chops of a European we can definitely say that like this movie should be taken as proof that Scotland should join the EU if this
Starting point is 00:45:14 is like how they process comedy yeah they're more German or fucking whatever than anything so so so they have sex and basically like they just they're like that sex was such good sex it was it did it so good that reminded me of something me and Matt for time for my story is watch Gilmore Girls yes foundational American dramas and there's a character on Gilmore Girls who Lorelai dates who like which one which one to just absolve myself my brother is the one who pointed this out not me clearly gay actor right which which act which which boyfriend we talking here Jason with the Chris Agamon character yeah the Chris Agamon by the way he played the thinly veiled literary analog of my father in the film adaptation
Starting point is 00:46:04 of the treatment character with a gay son yeah I mean I don't know but like my brother he Jason was my favorite of Lorelai's boyfriends but but I digress but but yeah yeah so it was like he they just fucked and it was the morning after and he went that was some pretty great sex we had and it's like convincing same thing like it's like I my brain is like a catalog of those and it's that from Gilmore Girls and then when Cory Booker said me and Rosario would be the first White House wedding in a while where it's like yeah I just like from the Simpsons like zero sexuality from the honks dating show where they're like which one of your girls said he was so sexy I hope that we would have sex like that that's what
Starting point is 00:46:51 this movie they're just like they're like wow that was such good sex and I would know because I'm so good at having sex and then also at Westwick says like you know you're really special and you're not just sexy but you're also very funny special intelligent and charming yeah oh my god and then like and then like the gears are turning in her head and she's like oh wait maybe I won't kill this guy because actually I like him there's something there and how sexy he is and how good he is at having sex but also he's sort of sensitive and sweet too because he's able to see through my BPD narcissist psychopathic personality to see that actually I'm a pretty special unique individual who's actually like got a good
Starting point is 00:47:34 heart yeah that's yeah that's what makes him great oh there's two things that she likes about him one is that he likes her and the other is that he knows enough about video games to prevent her from selling some stock in a video game maker when he tells her some shit about how actually these guys make a very popular video game that zero people on earth would not know if they had that much money invested in the company oh yeah yeah also like he also his reason for like not divesting from the company is that like they're gonna come out with another game yeah they're announcing another game and it's like wouldn't that be priced in yeah that's like if they'd be like I thought they just made one game and they're
Starting point is 00:48:18 done I'm selling it's so good I want to I realized what the scenes of Ed Westwick like that remind me of it's Liz Lemon and astronaut Mike Dexter but like just like totally straight yeah so so yeah but like she's thinking like oh maybe there's something here and he's thinking it too but you know like it comes to head for like she kicks him out and she's like you know we will never be a couple because you know I you know you're younger than me and poorer and he's just like okay well then he takes that opportunity to to steal her like classic you know dodge challenger and some of her jewelry and he fucks off but then there's a scene where she goes to spin class and there's like a fat ugly guy next to her who gets a boner looking at her and then he and then she kills her
Starting point is 00:49:11 kills him for getting a boner and like being gross and just being like fat and ugly and which is very funny because of the way she justifies killing people later in the movie but like she in multiple times in this movie she's like Ed Westwick is like aren't you worried about you know are you worried about the prospect of criminal prosecution uh you'll go to jail for like a long time and by a long time I mean like uh forever and she's like no I've never considered it for a moment because I am simply uh too intelligent and perfect at getting away with murder and then she murders this fat guy from the spin class in the parking lot yeah the spin class center and just like beats him to death with her handbag with her bare hands and then like barely can get
Starting point is 00:49:51 his fat ass in the trunk of her car and it just sort of like yeah she's pulling up like 20 minutes this is not what is this this is not like a planned calculated murder that you like set up to avoid being caught doing prez boluski from the wire could be reinstated on the force by solving that murder any shitty like the shittiest dumbest cop could solve that like that is the case they would give the constable bob from justified so and then like she's like oh you stole from me I'm very angry and then she like calls him and she's like if you don't return my car and jewelry and come back to the house and keep this plot going for another 40 minutes I'm going to give all of your information to the NYPD and he's like NYPD don't you mean LAPD and she's like oh wow this guy's got over on me
Starting point is 00:50:38 this guy's pretty smart too oh boy oh boy but but like financial crimes like it's not like dukes of hazard where you like rip off people's bank accounts and you in New York and you get to California and NYPD is like oh shucks boys they call the cross the state line we can't get them like if you commit financial crime I'm pretty sure the FBI goes after you I mean like yeah he's just he's just doing like confidence schemes and just stealing from people's apartment houses and shit like that just like stealing from rich people so you know he comes back and then she's just like I've I'm quite bothered you know this is a right spot of bother I'm going to murder you now and he's just like what but I thought we had like chemistry like wasn't that sex good and she was like yes
Starting point is 00:51:22 dear it very much was but I'm still going to murder you and the movie goes on for like another 40 minutes I mean like oh god it's just them beeping around this fucking house just going around it literally going around in circles of the apartment she's like kind of waving a knife at him waving a knife at him and he's like no baby don't do it and and they just move from room to room and she changes outfits and it's like I think it's supposed to be sort of like they're uh flirting like it's it's murder but it's also sex but it's it's neither no yeah it's just some of the worst attempts at banter and bits I have ever fucking seen yeah like she'll yeah she'll like take out some like supposed to be comical weapon like a huge knife or like a samurai sword and be like
Starting point is 00:52:10 it's a shame that we I have to get rid of you because I had such a good time when you put your penis in my vagina and he'll go it'll like sing an 80 song and she'll sing the hook to it and he'll go that was pretty cute what we did and she said we're adorable but I've got to cut off your head even though the way that you found my clit was bloody brilliant and then they'll like do his scooby-doo she goes through all the ways she's planning to kill him and like dismissing them because they're cliched because they've been done in other movies and she like takes out a gun and she's like oh a gun that's been in plenty of movies before this and then just like I've got I'm doing an Australian accent now I mean like the voice she's doing in this is very she goes in
Starting point is 00:52:59 and out of her Scottish accent like yeah and then she literally like lists every movie that's featured a gun and they speed up the dialogue so it's like even more meta and it's just like you know John Wick dirty Harry diehard just like it just goes through it and then she like settles on using nunchucks and explains what nunchucks are and then doesn't use them but then I want to get to the point where Ed Wisswick is basically like he's like oh why are you trying to kill me I thought we had chemistry I thought we have like a zing and they're like yeah we've got a zing a zing a ding a zing a ring a ding do a zing a zing a bop sing a down sing a up like no that's five minutes of dialogue I'm not exaggerating that's five minutes of dialogue there's another five minutes of dialogue where they just go back
Starting point is 00:53:38 and forth on whether something is as I alluded to before a couch or sofa and he goes he goes you know if you take one step further I'm going to pour red wine on your beautiful Italian couch and she's like it's a sofa deer and he goes couch sofa couch sofa couch sofa and they just said they don't they just know there's no embroidering it or adding bits or detours it's just them saying it back and forth so it is so abominable holy shit so at one point Ed Wisswick as he's being you know sort of as they as they're literally running in circles around her house um discovers her like garage freezers that are just filled with body parts and at this point you think like it would make some nod to the fact that like this is gotten either either you would you would push it to it's
Starting point is 00:54:22 so absurd and then like a like a sort of like a like a splatter kind of like Peter Jackson kind of thing or there would be some intrusion of reality to be like hey oh wait this lady's actually like a fucking mass murdering homicidal maniac and then like Ed Wisswick is like you know how could you do this how could you kill all these people and she starts explaining that all the people she's killed are bad people and so she's doing like a dexter thing and like up until the movie like we've already seen her beat a man to death just simply for leering at her and being ugly and then she tries to justify what she's doing by claiming that every one of her victims was either a sex trafficker a member of al Qaeda a child pornographer and then they get like even like
Starting point is 00:55:06 she kills a guy for street harassing her and then she says she kills a guy for being republican which is really funny considering who she's married to but then of course she says democrat she says democrat and independent as well she says she kills someone for leaving a dog in a hot car and i know i know it's supposed to be funny i know it's supposed to be like this is this is absurd bants we're doing here but i think that this scene really does reveal okay this scene and then later what she justifies it by saying that she's saving the taxpayers of california seven point five million dollars from like what the trial or like housing someone in prison for the crime of like littering would cost them and i think that this is a sincere expression of like how louis linton views the world
Starting point is 00:55:45 and like what how she views like the like the ideal of like philanthropy and like what the what the role of steve munutian and wealthy people in american society really is which is to save taxpayers money by exterminating the unworthy yes yeah everyone has like a dollar value and if you fall below a certain threshold you just get written out of the equation and you know what she says when she says i she says i've saved the taxpayer the good taxpayers of california seven point five million dollars and then like looks directly at the screen and goes you're welcome california and then ed westwick looks at her and he goes thanks katherine and she goes you don't pay taxes shut the fuck up you're not worthy you can't thank me for all these people i've killed because i didn't
Starting point is 00:56:26 do yeah you don't even you're not you're not a stakeholder and this is where like uh she would clap back on the haters on uh instagram oh yes yeah her thing that she would say like her standby was what are you doing for the country yeah because she's like i'm going to i pay more taxes than you do like that and that is that is a very common rich person thought which is we pay most taxes which duh they have the most of the money and so they really do think that that gives them more of a say and makes them more uh yeah like it even makes them more philanthropic in a way because they're contributing to the general welfare with money that they're required to give the government and that they spend every waking minute trying to avoid doing as well
Starting point is 00:57:10 and pay let like pay less money in taxes like you know there's a there's a whole industry that exists to help them do that and then it's revealed that you know the they had the connection between them the reason that she invited this like cd con man to like rent a room at her place in the first place is because in his prior crimes ed westwick has ripped off her grandmother who's like the one person that she is like a family member that's in her life so like that's why she was going to kill him because he he stole from her grandmother and like i just like when it introduced this whole idea about like like there's a there's like a moral project behind her mass murder yeah i thought like it was so absurd that like the movie was going to some place where they would be they would be
Starting point is 00:57:52 punished for this but no no that's that's not what happens at all it is they are unambiguously un like without any caveat or like in any way shape or form this movie ends up in a place where they are unambiguously celebrated for killing all these people getting away with it and leading a fantastic happy and love filled life because they found love my favorite moment is that she says that she stopped lying to her therapist about her mental health issues and they have her on a bunch of pills that don't make her want to kill people anymore so it's okay she just tuned up the old brain chemistry she doesn't want to kill and eat human beings anymore also them getting together involves her agreeing to overlook the fact that she stole it he stole her her car
Starting point is 00:58:39 and ripped off her grandma and him over looking and forgiving the fact that she killed hundreds of people and secretly fed him some of them those are the two things they have to like let go bygones be bygones about they get married into the movie the last time the movie is just they're on a couch together and they're sort of exhausted from trying to kill each other and that's the other weird part is that ed westwick doesn't really ever really defend himself or try to kill this woman who's trying to murder him they do a terrible scene where they like punch each other back and forth like it's slapping hey makers yeah but that's it yeah you know what this is when i got when we got to the end and then that the marriage scene it occurred to me this is the
Starting point is 00:59:19 movie christopher multisante would make is going to have killed him yes yes like it very cleaver absolutely 100% and they're also not only do they get married there is a credit sequence of just home video footage of them with their little kid that they have yes yeah i'm like celebrating christmas and getting a puppy yeah and it's like you could say you could say that that's like some sort of ironic commentary on how the bad and rich win in this country but that hits different when it's literally the passion project of a bad and rich person yes yes it's impossible to interpret this movie as louise linton sort of winking at what an awful narcissist she is because like that that's just what the movie is and like you know obviously you can't fall into the trap of being
Starting point is 01:00:08 like oh well if the movie doesn't punish the evil person then it endorses all their actions but this movie it like is 100% that like there is no indication whatsoever on the part of the like i said the auteur who created it written directed and starring that like that that betrays any indication whatsoever that her character is anything less than cool and admirable yeah and it really is if the fact that she got to make this movie with a decent budget uh with some sort of distribution uh that she just this dog shit script that she wrote incompetent direction she did awful acting with this story of the the redemption through love of a serial killing hedge fund manager the the only way you can take this movie as as like a fucking jack the
Starting point is 01:00:58 ripper letter yeah this is this is the demons who rule us one of them just just doing an end zone dance in our faces about yes this is what the world is we get to do this we get to make we we get to take the money that we have and make monuments to our own twisted psychotic visages and then you get to watch it the minutions are the ones who will not be blamed i mean like i i'm just like looking at my notes and it's just like halfway through i just wrote down i'm hating every second of this and then the next line is she farts in his face she does really i i really i like i'm sort of ironically praising this movie but i'm not kidding like i did not have a bad time watching it like i i think this might be sort of like a litmus test and types of people we are
Starting point is 01:01:52 but it was so fucked up and like disconcerting that i was like this is like i love this is like i forget if it was you or mad who said it but it was a very insightful thing about christian movies where the best ones you see the huge gulf between what they wanted to do and what they were technically and artistically able to do yeah and i felt the same thing here i like i really enjoyed watching this i really enjoyed it because i can safely say it's not like anything else i've watched for the show or really like ever that is the only the only thing that would be like this is like you know in those central asian countries where they the same guy's been in charge for 50 years and everyone worships the statue of him if like when they make movies about themselves yeah that's
Starting point is 01:02:41 the only compromise yes actually yeah because there are movies that are by like they're vanity project movies by by maniacs and narcissists but there's usually some uh budget restraint that gives them a charm if nothing else but because there's like an underdog element to it even though tommy was so uh you know had secret millions of dollars that he got from organ harvesting in poland or whatever allegedly that his his his uh shaky command of english and the fact that he didn't know how to make a movie it basically rented a crew that give it that charm this is a professional sleek production made by this person of just unlimited wealth so there's no charm to be had and that makes it in its own way compelling i think you're right
Starting point is 01:03:31 about that yeah no it's i really i really can't think of anything else that it's like and i think just you very rarely get like an unfiltered look into the mind of someone this wealthy yeah yeah every time they they meet you in the world it's going through 50 layers think about like the sort of like lovable but stern science guy image of it like bill gates has or like the oh i try i go to the same diner and live in the same yeah like a shitty house worn buffett yeah or or yeah or even like you know sent the millionaire or like low billionaire people are more in the sphere of entertainment somewhat like linton where it's like oh well i have a charitable organization where you know fucking teach girls how to sing or some shit uh this is what they
Starting point is 01:04:20 really are and to that end i kind of wish more people would watch it i mean i like yeah me personally every second of this movie felt like i was getting a tooth drilled but you're right like it is useful in giving you like the probably the most honest and like unfiltered approximation of what goes on and like the the megal wealthies brain so world view so i watched i watched two sort of like two kind of propaganda films this weekend right like i watched this but the movie i watched before was was hero you guys have seen here the jet movie right yeah i love that movie it's beautiful it's like one of the most beautiful movies i've ever seen the characters are great and tragic and the the choreography is like some of the best i've ever seen the soundtrack is amazing it's brilliantly
Starting point is 01:05:12 directed one of my favorite movies but it's also like it's like a propaganda movie yeah it is like it is it's a propaganda movie and that like hey we all have to unite under we're one people we all have to unite under this one banner we need order even if someone's even if someone's a hero they still have to die for the greater good like you know one china going forward forever and i would actually argue that this movie is that but for the super wealthy but the gulf like the gulf between like the gulf between them is so insane and sort of reveals like this is the future of america just sort of hyper rich individuals creating either heavily filtered or very rarely like this very naked portraits of their own and fucked up psyches versus hero which is about the collective yeah
Starting point is 01:06:03 because this is one rich person using their money to make a movie it's like fucking a citizen kane's girlfriend but i mean like but as but like as propaganda though i mean like it's hard for me to imagine the utility of this towards the ultra wealthy because at face value it is one of the most like hateful and poisonous depictions of a worldview and and and a single individual i've ever seen there's one line at the end of this movie that was like so stunning to me certainly in light of her marriage to steve mnuchin is so that they're married at the end and she and they're both and they're both doing a monologue that like echoes what she did by herself in the beginning that like lays out all of the poisonous ways that she accrues her creases like wealth and all of the
Starting point is 01:06:49 stupid like spin classes and she does and like the products that they fucking buy and the clothes they wear and all that dumb shit and they're lying in bed together and like again breaking the fourth wall louise linton looks right at the camera and says the authorities have not caught up with me for which i'm grateful it was just like can we screen this movie for the fbi can we just show them this movie and be like look what they're doing like i said they're doing they're doing they're high stepping into the fucking end zone well you know that well that's the thing like they both present these ideas that are like if you just presented them on their face would be not as palatable to people and for hero it's like you may have to die you may have to suffer
Starting point is 01:07:32 for a collective project for our unity for our path forward and that's like you just take any guy out and you're like hey would you accept on any given day being killed by a bunch of arrows protect the emperor and it's like no but it's done in such a way that it's like no that's beautiful he had to do it they both had to do it and in this movie it's like anyone who isn't us should die as part of my personal growth yeah and you know what that's like that's propaganda in the sense that it it's uh an advertisement for the fact that it doesn't have to convince anybody anymore right right we have the money you can't stop us we get to make this we don't have to worry about what you think about us right but like if this movie does have an ideology we talked about like
Starting point is 01:08:18 the minutian cast of this movie like as it relates to suicide squad but like there's a there's a moment at the end of this movie that like where it's it's supposed to assure you the viewer that she's better now and is not a psychopathic murderer and it does that by she like she helps some ugly person in the spin class like fix their fat foot onto the cycle battles and then she says and then she says she says you know it's not good to judge people for their lifestyle choices or political affiliations but the entire it's like well that's what to me don't do that but to everyone else everyone else is a lower person yeah who can be killed as someone for someone's like journey of personal development yeah like it's like that's literally it we are meat
Starting point is 01:09:03 yeah i i really recommend people watch this i really do i i i don't i don't if it doesn't give you the menaker nausea if you if you if you're able to take uh this kind of defilement of the the art form of cinema no defilement of humanity of another the art of cinema this movie is it defiles what it means to be a human being in in a truly truly upsetting way i did not find it that upset i'm that's because feel like what's what's upsetting about it because you in fact are a twisted psychopath no no i think like many of my generation i grew up watching live leak and gave me a higher tolerance for things now this is like you've how many isis mani videos if you watch this is not a big deal well i watched a lot of the al-qaeda videos when
Starting point is 01:09:54 i was a kid okay i i don't mean like it's not so much it's it's it's repellent moral view of the universe or of human beings in general that makes this movie like i said a a desecration of like the human soul it's it's it's it's in any attempts to be funny and do goofs spruce gags bits and bants that this movie becomes something that is um like sacrilege real violence like there's no there's very little blood on screen but those the the the bits the riffs are violence they're poisonous they're poisonously bad yeah we can all agree on that there's some of the worst i've ever fucking seen yeah but again this is i'm a collector i love collecting these things i look like it's important to me it's not as important to other people i i'm i'm i'm also obsessed with shitty
Starting point is 01:10:51 comedy that's another thing i love about this movie i love comedy i have another friend another friend tom a finish actually a finish man pretty funny but uh he um he he said one thing about comedy once that i found incredibly insightful also he said that um humor and more over like more more specifically like laughing at a joke someone tells is a way to understand them yeah and it breathe and it it's one of the best ways to bridge divides because it is one of the most revealing things about the teller of the joke right yeah and i think like shitty very like arduously attempted comedy like this also similarly reveals a lot of things about people maybe that they wouldn't want you to know and i i i love shitty comedy like i love i scroll through
Starting point is 01:11:46 the Babylon beat all the time because it fucking sucks so much and i'm i'm like fascinated by it because it gives me more insight into that mind than like anything else would people will reveal everything about themselves through that process this will be my final thought on the movie but like in light of of how of how humor and like especially the vanity project art like this can reveal things that are like deeply truthful about the people who who produced them and create them my my real dream uh for something that could grow out of this film is something that we've been thinking about or fantasizing about for a while a definitive fictional narrative film about the Trump administration from the perspective of louise linton where she plays herself and Steve
Starting point is 01:12:36 minuchin also plays himself and it's their perspective on the on four years in the Trump administration because as we said minuchin is one of the only guys that lasted all four years yeah never turned on him yeah like all the way because he's a hollywood guy because that's what really likes is celebrities and famous people which is why q anon is one of the most hilarious concepts in history and you know that war with hollywood and you know all those like all those like shitty books and editorials that are like i was i was um i was in charge of the child molestation program at the border but when trump criticized the boy scouts i had to resign yeah no no no feel like all all all those this is exactly what i'm looking for because it's like they will of course
Starting point is 01:13:20 be looking for a way to separate themselves from the trump administration so i want them to make a movie that's about like their struggles to do the right thing in the trump administration through the second through the department of the treasury but but it's starring them as themselves and is their honest attempt to rehabilitate their own images um in light of the fact that they served with for four years under the Donald Trump administration that and i mean that they both serve because like she might have been a cabinet secretary as well they confirmed her well like i that's my point though is minuchin did do more than those guys oh yeah malign malign trump's worst impulses often like it's still not good to be trump's treasury secretary like he's definitely a bad person for
Starting point is 01:14:03 billion reasons but if you have that theory that like oh there are people in the trump administration like working to save this country well i can only think of one guy who did anything to help anyone in that position who was fucking steve minuchin yeah and then they could make a movie about that of highlighting their their uh virtue and their commitment to the american people i would love to see them she needs to write the script yes yeah we can get and she'll have like and she'll have house a card style like turn to the camera address the audience kind of thing where she's just like she'll be explaining you know why they did certain things or what she was thinking at the time i mean i was yeah and if steve minuchin is anything like the font of charisma and talent
Starting point is 01:14:44 that louise is i mean we're looking i think i smell oscar in the future for this project louise louise i uh recently had a back injury earlier this year but i am now back to normal i'm going to the gym five times a week uh if you make this movie three months from now i will be able to play a trainer part there needs to be i am not i'm not part of the screen actors guild i'm totally against those people having unions and uh there definitely needs to be an extended scene where they flew on a government jet to fort nox to see the eclipse that was awesome that was so good i fucking look remember when axl rose was like fuck you steve minuchin twitter and see steve minuchin from like the treasury account yeah he's like what have you done for this company
Starting point is 01:15:32 chinese democracy it's what he's done for china not america steve come on one i i would love to see that movie and i hope this is not i hope this is the first of many linton projects oh absolutely i want to see what she comes up with me too till next time fellas bye oh

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