Chapo Trap House - 524 - Kush Aliens are Invading Earth (5/17/21)

Episode Date: May 18, 2021

We congratulate Felix on defeating the scary monsters of Dark Souls during his successful fundraiser stream over the weekend, and also note the tiny but noticeable fissures opening up in the usually s...tifling discourse on Palestine. We then take a look at Bill Gates’ bro time with Jeffrey Epstein possibly being the cause of his recent divorce. Finally, there’s more UFO stuff in the news: limited hangout? New way to sell endless arms buildup? Or do the aliens just want our kindest bud? You be the judge. If you missed the stream and would like to donate to our various Palestinian supporting orgs, links here: Movement to Safeguard Palestinian Communities: Islamic Relief of Canada Palestinian Emergency Appeal: Eye On Palestine: And of course, tickets still on sale for our upcoming live show at the FRQNCY1 streaming festival:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The mission of ATIP was quite simple. It was to collect and analyze information involving anomalous aerial vehicles. What I guess in the vernacular, you call them UFOs. We call them UAPs. You know how this sounds. It sounds nutty. Wacky. Look, Bill, I'm not telling you that it doesn't sound wacky.
Starting point is 00:00:21 What I'm telling you is real. The question is what is it, what are its intentions, what are its capabilities? If you've had some people tell me, you know when you say that you can sound crazy, I'll be, I'm not a UFO guy. But from what I hear you guys saying, there's some, some, some, some, some, some, some, some. Yes. Oh, there's, there's definitely something that, I don't know who's building it, who's
Starting point is 00:00:42 got the technology, who's got the brains, but there's, there's something out there that was better than our airplane. Greetings friends. It's Choppa. We're back again. It's me, Matt and Felix, coming to you this afternoon, this Monday, Monday, Monday. Before we get started on the show today, I will take this moment to take a victory lap on behalf of Felix for Saturday's absolutely legendary Dark Souls stream in which Felix
Starting point is 00:01:30 and all of our viewers, listeners, anyone who tuned into the Twitch stream or donated, raised over $120,000 for three different Palestinian charitable organizations. So that is, by my accounts, a 40 grand check for each one of these organizations. So Felix, please take a bow. Thank you. Thank you. I want to thank our chat first and foremost, primarily for the incredible pace and generosity that is played, but also for with the match arriving at a really round number.
Starting point is 00:02:04 It was going to give me hives if I had to round up or down because we got into the, you know, like 0.7857 cents territory. That would have been bad for me. This was one of the best days I've ever had on the computer, seriously. Thank everyone so much for everyone who is involved. I mean, you, Will, you, Chris came on and hung out, all the boys from the stream, Andrew and Zeke for playing DS3 co-op with me towards the end when I was getting tired. Um, no, it was, it was, I would have done that regardless.
Starting point is 00:02:43 I would have like probably, it's, I probably paid like 40% more games than I would have anyway after my second shot, just in a fugue state. So it wasn't really difficult or anything for me, um, but the, the most important thing it wasn't more than anything games easy, the, well, the, I mean, I'm going to get into that. The most important thing is my excuses. Okay, first of all, uh, those who tuned in at the beginning, um, I was having trouble with, uh, Dark Son Gwendolyn, one of the easier bosses in the game. This isn't my fault because A, second shot, I was tired, my stomach hurt, and I had fucked
Starting point is 00:03:22 up the audio and I was trying to figure out while I was doing that fight. Uh, the abyss watchers, why did I die to the abyss watchers and co-op? I wasn't paying attention because I am medically low IQ from having the vaccine. Why did I die in Giants Tomb so much? It was dark. I have bad eyesight. Next question. Those are the most important things I wanted to address.
Starting point is 00:03:46 That's true. But I mean, if you watch the stream and you, you know, you can, you can watch the whole thing. It's, uh, now saved on the Chapel FYM, uh, Twitch stream, uh, at no point, at no point during any of the boss fights, if Felix portray any fright, he was not afraid. He was not afraid of any of the monsters. And I think that's also important. I think we need to mention that as well.
Starting point is 00:04:05 I was shivering inside, but I had to stick it out. Well, that's what luckily, luckily the real courage is. It's not that you don't feel fear. It's that you don't let it, you know, get to you. I wouldn't say that because since my second shot, I've noticed a very noticeable decrease in emotions on my part. Well, it's like a staggering amount of money. I mean, I'm not saying like, you know, we're like, oh, like, we didn't think it would be
Starting point is 00:04:28 successful or whatever, but I mean, it well exceeded like, I think what anybody was expecting in terms of just like a fun charity stream on, on Twitch. No, that was like the craziest part is I expected it to do well and I was planning on going for a really long time. Um, but I expect by really well, I mean, like, you know, still what would have been like awesome and like made my year like 40 K total, um, because it was like, yeah, I had like, I spent like a couple of days promoting it and people were excited, but like within the first 20 minutes, it was like obvious we were going to get to like a six figure amount because
Starting point is 00:05:06 people were just so, I don't know, just the, the vibe in that chat is so good. Like we've seen our chat and our community respond to fundraising stuff before, but this was, this was fucking insane. Um, I don't know what else to say. It robbed words from me. It was beautiful to see and, you know, we are doing an episode comprehensively about Palestine tomorrow, uh, but this is the only way things get better is like not literally me streaming, but there's a certain like bloodborne.
Starting point is 00:05:47 If you do a right button combo, like you fight Benjamin Netanyahu and if you kill him, we cut off all aid to Israel. But no, I mean, I mean, like more generally, like people not feeling helpless and realizing there is hope. I don't, it would be funny if I was saying like, this is, I am the only way it can get better. I'm the only one who can solve this charity video games or streams. That's good.
Starting point is 00:06:11 I mean, shit. I mean, I, the willmanica resident evil eight stream, it's coming soon. I just have to pick the, I can't wait for that. The right charity, um, whether it's the IDF or, um, or the, the West Bank settlement project. I don't know. Uh, put me in touch with some good organizations, but you know, we want to make things fair here.
Starting point is 00:06:30 But, uh, my, uh, my friend, Davis, like DM'd me during the stream during like hour, like 12 and it was like, Oh, we're doing box fights in fortnight. We haven't done that in a while. You want to do that? And I, I haven't played at fortnight in like two years now and I had been talking about playing it and I was laughing so hard about how fucked up it would be if I just stopped the stream to do that. I don't even stream for it.
Starting point is 00:06:51 I'm like, no, it just gives me bad frames if I stream it. All right. Bye. Streams over. Like just how awful that would be. No more money. No more money. All right.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Bye. Bye guys. Well, I mean, like the, uh, the six figure amount. I mean, it is one that I think, you know, and anybody should take note of and I was thinking about it over the weekend and you know, certainly not only your dark soul stream, but a very small facet of a larger thing that I think a lot of people are seeing right now as it relates to Israel and Palestine, which is a, a, a thawing of this dead consensus in terms of like a willingness among, you know, not radicalized or essentially politicized
Starting point is 00:07:31 feel like, you know, normal people to like question the, uh, this hegemonic narrative about Israel, Palestine that has been like, you know, the algorithm that we talked about on last episode, this, this, this script that seems to have just been running pretty much unbroken. Now, I don't want to make it seem like, I don't want to say this as like a means to like, uh, say that it's hopeless or whatever, but I think we need to, to temper that reality with the fact that like even large shifts in public opinion on issues that previously even 10 years ago would have thought to have been impossible are not going to stop the
Starting point is 00:08:07 violence from happening. They're not going to stop Israel from killing people and they're not going to change US policy towards Israel. I don't say that to like disheartened anyone, but just to sort of steal your nerves for what is a very like long and difficult fight here. But I mean, like it shows that like something, something's working like this consensus is cracking up. That being said, we don't really live in a country where the, you know, a better discourse
Starting point is 00:08:30 or a better public opinion on an issue like this is going to stop. For instance, Joe Biden from approving another billion dollars in arms sales to Israel just this weekend. Yeah, it is going to be an incredibly long arduous fight in the same way that apartheid in South Africa, South Africa was, but I do feel more cause for optimism than I have in my entire lifetime with this specific issue. Well, it was, it was a remarkable thing that you, that you pulled off on Saturday. Like it took me by surprise.
Starting point is 00:08:58 I think it took a lot of people by surprise. And I like, as I said, when I left the stream, it just, it gave, there was a lot of love there from the chat, from everyone who donated a lot of love for, you know, the people of Palestine and a lot of, for the bravery that they're showing. But a lot of that comes from a lot of the anger and disgust and horror over what people see every single day and end a feeling of like, you know, helplessness to stop what's occurring. And like I said, I don't think, I mean, the money that you raise will do tangible, measurable
Starting point is 00:09:31 good in people's lives, but again, it will not, it will not defeat, you know, like the, the US government or the Israeli military or state, but people are feeling it. Like things are changing to a certain degree. And I mean, I'm just, I have to be just very impressed and proud of what you did, Felix. So I have to hugely tip my cap to you. Thank you. Now I could not have done it without like everyone in chat, everyone who's hanging out. It made it all the more easier, but yeah, no, I mean, I have not seen liberal Zionists
Starting point is 00:10:06 on their backheels like this in my entire life. But again, you know, this is, this could take decades and I mean, it takes more than love. You also have to honor the resistance of Palestinians. There's also anger. There's also rage. There's organization. There's more than just love and good feelings, but again, I do feel cause for hope towards this in a way that I have not.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Well, it's just a question of like, you know, when the consensus goes away, like what, what does the United States love with in terms of its policy? And like, you know, even though they can, as we've said before, like they can carry out policy without any sort of democratic consensus or, you know, consent, certainly. But like, you know, what, what are they really left with? I mean, like, does it get more or less difficult? Like, I don't know. But like what we're seeing now is the crack up of that consensus.
Starting point is 00:11:01 And like you said, Felix, the absolute tombstone of like any liberal Zionists, self-justification or self-mistification or that whole line of reasoning and self-identification is just thoroughly a corpse now. There is no defending it. Yeah. I mean, the new thing you're doing, if you would be, would have been a liberal Zionist a few years ago, is now you're saying you're doing this sort of vox-y thing of like, oh, well, why this specific thing when like there are tragedies that happen everywhere and not
Starting point is 00:11:35 doing like, this is an old Zionist line of like, oh, what, you know, why don't you, why don't you do BDS to Saudi Arabia? And it's like, yeah, now I'll stop buying from a Ramco. No more Falcon deals for me, dumbass. But it's just saying like, oh, this is just like, you know, Twitter's in real life, guys, this is just a cultural affectation. Just for amount of good done, we should focus on different issues. And it's like, I'm sorry, do any of those other places, is there a fucking conference
Starting point is 00:12:06 every year where all my elected representatives like pledge loyalty to whichever other place you're talking about? Do they train cops in our country? Do they fucking, do we give them $10 million a fucking day? And God knows what else. Do you have to sign a pledge that you won't, you will buy Sabra Hummus if you want a job, like working at a library in Texas? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Yeah. No, it's like, this is obviously a very distinct thing. And I mean, just keep your eyes out for anyone who will obscure what is very obvious. It is not the relationship between the American Empire and Israel is not just the default between two regular countries who are friendly to each other. Yeah. And, you know, another thing I was thinking about as regards to this, like this dead consensus and like the ways in which people either for money or just as a hobby will find a way to
Starting point is 00:13:04 like defend Israel in this country, like this is similar to our conversation we had the other week about the like the woke CIA recruitment video, is that like both the woke and anti-woke lines are being used often by the same people to make the same point. You know, like I was like, I feel there's only like a couple of months ago, there was like the pick crew, like Zionist avatar click that was just like, I'm small bean feeling very anxious and attacked right now. I'm feeling marginalized as a Zionist, you know, like prayers up for me or whatever. And then like, I don't know, like these people mutated or just got new burner accounts,
Starting point is 00:13:41 but like often it's the same people now saying the biggest threat to like, you know, our safety is Jews in America is the woke movement and black lives matter. You know, it's just like, it's totally interchangeable for them. And that should tell you something about like the the woke debate in general and its uses and abuses or just the fact like how easily it can be fitted to, it can be modded to fit any fucking narrative that supports like, you know, adopting an anti-woke position because the CIA has like an ad about like, oh, I have imposter syndrome, like doesn't exactly inoculate you from fucking the the depredations of like the U.S. empire or intelligence community because
Starting point is 00:14:22 they'll be happy to take the opposite line and sell you the exact same thing. Yeah, it's like, we obviously think all that shit is silly, but it's like the CIA could also do like an ad with like Dennis Leary being like, hey, Nancy's you want a real fucking job? Well, no, because the people who appeal to that don't have the the education that they're looking for like that that that whole that specific thing was about recruitment. But generally, yeah, like people, some people have gotten in their head that because woke language is used to, you know, mystify material issues that therefore the opposite side is
Starting point is 00:15:04 some sort of authentic response to that and not also a cultural structure made up by the same people and exploited by the same fucking people to do the same mystifying work. Well, yeah. Well, once again, thank you to everyone who donated and should we put the same should we put the three organizations and like the link to the show in case anyone didn't didn't get a chance to donate maybe they can they can kick in after if they missed the if they missed the Dark Souls stream. So I guess we'll put a link to those three organizations.
Starting point is 00:15:36 I just wanted to go back a little to the CIA video again. It was funny. When people are like, this is bad because they're like using liberatory language and the language in the video is like, I have anxiety. I love taking well but I'm addicted to it. It gets me high, actually. I have imposter syndrome, just like not anything. It's validation of like people who have that stuff see somebody say, I have it and I'm
Starting point is 00:16:06 able to call in drone strikes and they feel like that is some sort of political validation of them as people because liberation means being personally valid. All right, well, moving on today here is some hot goss coming to you straight from the pages of the Daily Beast headline Jeffrey Epstein gave Bill Gates advice on how to end quote toxic marriage sources say a person who is a side bitch isn't a bitch at all a person who attended meetings at Epstein's townhouse said Gates enjoyed holding court there. Holy shit are Melinda Gates's lawyers and PR people putting bill through the fucking ringer right now.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Jesus Christ. Yeah, it's like what what the fuck I mean that this is she's going to get like a zillion dollars no matter what I mean what are they trying to make sure that she gets like the Da Vinci Codex that he has or something fuck. This entire thing has been funny because it's like seeing how much people default into just everything being like one of their stories where it's like oh and the Bill and Melinda Gates relationship there was a good guy and a bad guy one of them is the protagonist of the relationship.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Well, let's let's check out the story I said here it says a bachelor sex offender Jeffrey Epstein gave Bill Gates advice on ending his marriage with Melinda after the Microsoft co-founder complained about her during a series of meetings at the money managers mansion according to two people familiar with the situation Gates used the gathering at Epstein's $37 million New York townhouse as an escape from what he told Epstein was a toxic marriage a topic both men found humorous a person who attended the meetings told the Daily Beast the billionaire met Epstein dozens of times starting in 2011 and continually through 2014 mostly at the financiers Manhattan home a substantially higher number than has been previously reported
Starting point is 00:18:08 their conversations took like years before Bill and Melinda Gates announced this month that they were splitting up. I think what's funny about that is you know he's like oh he loved holding court at Jeffrey Epstein's mansion and he loved complaining about the Melinda you know had shaken the rolling pin at him or whatever in 2011 to 2014 like this is years after he had like served jail time for being a sex offender you know what I mean like a lot of these stories are they're just like I found his lifestyle very interesting it was just like you were hanging out with this guy after it was like public record that he had gone to jail for soliciting
Starting point is 00:18:42 a teenager for sex yeah but he also had a lot of really good relationship advice not a lot of people can say that you know yeah those are those are precious resources well Jeffrey Epstein the real reason he was rich and like had all those friends was that he was actually like hitch he was a hitch for the rich people he was not he was not doing the sexual style salsa that's why Leon Black gave him like a billion fucking dollars he's like you saved my marriage yeah he taught me how to dance funky so that I can get my wife back don't you bite your lip stop it all these sad sack kevin james types who just coming to them like hat and it coming to him hat in hand it's just like help me jeffrey
Starting point is 00:19:32 yeah I need swag yeah glenn dubin was like you gave me so much swag I'm gonna sell you my daughter it says here gates in turn encouraged Epstein to rehabilitate his image in the media following his 2008 guilty plea for soliciting a minor for prostitution and discussed Epstein becoming involved with the bill and melinda gates foundation I mean yeah like that that that is what these charities are kind of for right oh yeah like oh yeah so why don't you get involved with our foundation it'll help you really really help your image out after the whole buying teenagers for the purposes of having sex with them the people with familiar with the matter said gates found freedom in Epstein's lair where he met a rotating cast
Starting point is 00:20:16 of bold faced names and discussed worldly issues in between rounds of jokes and gossip a men's club atmosphere that irritated melinda hell hath no fury like what a woman scorned well like she should have she should have found like a girl jeffrey Epstein to hang out with I just have the idea that they're treating bill gates hanging around with this guy who is like a luciferian figure of unfathomable evil like it's like he's Ralph crammed and going to the moose lodge waving the rolling pin at him I love it when I get home from like putting live infants in a burning Molok statue in the blazing ball with a pre-k class it just fucking vaporizing them I just come home like just smelling like ash like blood
Starting point is 00:21:08 rubbed on my face and my wife comes out in a bathrobe and her rollers and she's like where have you been oh god somewhere this boy I gotta I do got a hard day's work at the fact that the Microsoft thing pilot up the foreskins all I want to do is blow off some steam I do five videos tomorrow where I drink poop like try to airdrop condoms on Sub-Saharan Africa I'm figuring out a way to make it so that millennials will live in dog cages and I got to hear this when I come home what are these days Melinda pow right to the island it's not an overstatement going to Jeffries was a respite from his marriage it was a way of getting away from Melinda one of the people who was at several of the
Starting point is 00:21:57 meetings said adding that fc and gates were quote very close a representative for Bill Gates told the Daily Beast your characterization of his meetings with Epstein and others about philanthropy is inaccurate including who participated similarly any claim that Gates spoke of his marriage or Melinda in a disparaging manner is false so he wasn't just I wasn't just the the bitch about your wife club according to Bill Gates you know I just go over to Jeffries house hang out with the dudes and complain about the old battle acts at home and by the way if yours riches bill and Melinda Gates are like is it really a problem to be in a toxic marriage you could just live in a different continent yeah no I mean and at that point
Starting point is 00:22:37 anyway it's like your two multinational corporations even when you fuck it's like the CEO of Nabisco and the CEO of Exxon like shaking each other's hands bill never received or solicited personal advice of any kind from Epstein on marriage or anything else bill never complained about Melinda or his marriage to Epstein a representative for Melinda did not respond for request for comment for this report I mean she didn't respond for request for comment from the report because they wrote the report they're like no we gave you the comment yeah it was just in all the sources we put you in touch with as the Daily Beast exclusively reported Melinda Gates was furious over Bill's relationship with Epstein and was put off by the creepy financier upon
Starting point is 00:23:19 meeting him in September 2013 after the couple accepted an award in a New York City hotel Melinda's anger people familiar with the matter said eventually led to the demise of Bill and Epstein's friendship you know hold on to that L folks that's that's cringe yo sauce like mongos oh Melinda's sauce goaded I mean I just gotta I hate it when the wave gets in the way of bro time you know yeah when I had you guys need to be guys honest guys that we don't say what's Andrew said on the stream on guys don't even have spike TV anymore there's nothing for guys to watch honest question um like Bill Gates like obviously love hanging out with Epstein and then it's like Melinda made them break up like a year before he committed
Starting point is 00:24:16 suicide and do you do you think he like cried when that happened probably he probably cried and was like fuck you and like slammed the door on his aircraft carrier or did he just like know what was gonna happen and be like you know that's why I wanted more time hanging out with him we're killing him I want to have a great relationship advice before the stage is death I am like interested in his internal emotional world because it's like he probably knew that was coming but there's also the part of him that was like oh I really like hanging out with him and now I can't even say goodbye because of my bitch wife I'm like it's just such a weird like it's such a weird thing to try to navigate the human side of
Starting point is 00:25:04 it which I realize is weird to say with Bill Melinda Gates but it's fascinating to me yeah I know it's just like these are two of the most uh Olympian demons of earth like these are archons of of evil like presiding over the the the the coming you know liquification of a huge percentage of the global population and they're also like the lock horns at the same time yeah yeah it's so because it's like as awful as they are it is like they are human beings who like have relationships with other human beings even if they're like you know alright we have to kill you for the guy that lives on the Denver airport mural it's like I don't know I'm so curious about it I mean I just have the whole idea that like yeah
Starting point is 00:25:52 like he was just seeking advice from Epstein on how to be swag like I would give I would give anything for like the minutes of those meetings where he's just like now Bill here it's called surging you want to put on a really wild hat when you go out and it's also like Epstein didn't have Epstein just like bought like 15 year old he looked like shit all the time it's like asking Jimmy Seville for like pickup tips it's like insane no I mean like I mean again like what's I love like unspoken here and the thing is just like hmm he like he's had a boys club atmosphere he loves hanging out with Epstein and like oh his lifestyle was intriguing I mean it's like yeah because he was a pimp for like every one of these
Starting point is 00:26:29 rich nerds who were like you know demonically horny but have zero swag so like that's why everyone in Epstein circle is a guy like Bill Gates or Alan Dershowitz or Larry Summers or Steven Pinker allegedly I mean isn't there a certain profile to all of these like these lame nerds he collected the powerful and influential dorks yeah it's like hey I could I can get you laid without you having to do any of the awkward stuff yeah it's literally like get me the richest and most annoying men on the planet the guys who can't get laid even with all that money because of how fucking lame they are like imagine Dershowitz like before this trying to have an affair yeah how do you think that went I mean I get like I think
Starting point is 00:27:15 all of them are like even with their wealth and power are limited from like you know like typical like you know angry husband affair having tactics because like in order to have an affair you have to talk to a woman yeah and like I mean like Alan Dershowitz bending your ear about anything it's just about the most insufferable thing imaginable so I mean just yeah yeah just remove all that and just buy teenagers from a yeah from a dark money funded fucking global human trafficking pimp and financier to the rich and powerful I like it's like imagine like a 28 year old woman you're in like sort of an up upscale like upper Manhattan bar you know like a form fitting dress on just hanging out and then just like
Starting point is 00:28:02 you just smell like onions it taps you on the shoulder and just like have you never been to Tel Aviv it's like yeah I'm gonna fuck this guy sure like no yeah that's that's the whole point of Epstein he's like taps you on the shoulder he's like excuse me my massage therapist who's an 80 year old Russian woman she canceled on me last minute I know this seems like an odd request but I was wondering if you could just massage my shoulders for the next hour or so on May 3rd the high-powered couple announced they were ending their 27 year marriage in a statement that read in part we no longer believe we can grow together as a couple in the next phase of our lives we ask for space and privacy for our family
Starting point is 00:28:43 as we begin to navigate this next life in her petition for divorce divorce Melinda said her marriage is irretrievably broken and indicated the couple had settled on a plan to divide their vast assets outside the courtroom last week the New York Post reported that Gates told his golfing buddies he was in a loveless marriage which had been over for some time while people described Epstein as a sore spot in the couple's relationship I mean like that's what's up like okay so this is like this is coming out now and in the context of like their divorce and I'm sure this is all being seated by their various PR people and lawyers or whatever but like still even reading this in the Daily Beast this is all so veiled about
Starting point is 00:29:26 but it's so obvious what's absolutely going on here that both parties from the get-go knew exactly who Jeffrey Epstein was and everything associated with him and like what going over to hang out with Jeffrey entailed absolutely the only other explanation for this this divorce here and and maybe even and the debate of Bezos divorce too might be that these people are like liquefying assets before a coming global collapse that they don't want to get caught overexposed on and they're just having these as like a as a public explanation for for what's happening with all their money but you know if you're doing that it still makes sense to cover that with another thing that's true which is that Bill Gates loved
Starting point is 00:30:10 going to hang out with Jeffrey Epstein people close to Bill Gates told the Daily Beast that the deterioration of the relationship could be seen in Bill and Melinda's body language the couple used to interact with more laughter and ease said one friend of Bill who added that eventually being around them was like arriving at a summit it wasn't like arriving at dinner with a couple or something it was more like two heads of state the friend added so that's why Epstein could have been a factor in their split but was it the factor that I fundamentally don't believe the friend said that the couple strictly regimented existence is billionaire philanthropists who planted the more normal life and levity they enjoyed
Starting point is 00:30:45 in the younger years bill is far less comfortable being out in the world the person said for bill it was just so rare he was allowed to do normal things which is what I think he really craved yeah he craved doing normal things normal normal things normal guy stuff yeah you know like everyone in every neighborhood has the hangout for the married men where they you summon the demon ball you know that that that that sealed chamber underneath little st. James that was just a man cave yeah no everyone's yeah everyone is sacrificed children to the misery pit every guy does it and he didn't get to do it because he wasn't normal enough Gates may have visited Epstein a person said because Gates enjoys talking
Starting point is 00:31:32 I and ideas and basically arguing with people and he can be a really brutal person to argue with he likes nothing better than to get together and debate or lecture people or tell everyone he's doing what he's doing with the polio vaccine he has an ability unlike any other person I've met to lecture to a table of people without stopping for an hour boy wouldn't you love to hang out with this guy that's awesome had trouble finding it's awesome it's awesome too because it's like people say that about Epstein where it's like oh he like he before before like 2018 it was like oh he just loves big ideas and then it's like you find out Epstein was just like stupid it's like oh it turns out the only thing it was
Starting point is 00:32:15 yeah the only thing this guy like knew anything about was pedophilia but like when he would get scientists in a room he would be like yo like like his P sterile you're like what about you could you freeze my dick yeah and it was like it was like yeah what were they told over him and Bill Gates talking about then big ideas like if I if I nut into the freezer can I come back to life a million years from now yeah yeah yo could you like make a dinosaur I mean I wish they were talking I wish they were talking about how to fucking do Jurassic Park they were talking about how fucking like how to create the T virus or something I mean like yeah like it was just like no no but it was all yeah it was it was
Starting point is 00:33:06 it was it was men that fit that profile from like Epstein himself to Bill Gates to Thurshowitz to fucking like all like Les Wexner like run down the fucking list of all these guys they would get together obviously avail themselves of you know victims of sex trafficking but um and then like the big ideas they would talk about is um how can I live forever and how can I make sure that every child born in the future carries my DNA yes how can I become all father to the new race of Morlocks that we're creating yeah um you know there is also that that line that I just read information the world lost and there is that line I just read where it's like Bill Gates he loved to argue and lecture people he'd love to tell
Starting point is 00:33:52 you what he's doing with the polio vaccine what's up wait run that back what is he doing with the polio yeah I thought that that was sort of a settled issue yeah yeah well god damn it Bill are you putting four skins in the vaccine again I mean we all know the main problem with the polio vaccine is that it's IP rights are strong enough and he's finally gonna fix that yeah he's gonna make sure somebody makes money off of it yeah it's like you did like do you think you invented that what the fuck are you talking about man finally here it says according to the ex-employee Melinda seemed to have a chip on her shoulder because no one really did see her as an equal to Bill and her work didn't get as much media attention
Starting point is 00:34:34 it really irritated her that people were more into Bill I'm sorry yeah like I mean he's a guy you're not the head of Microsoft sorry who did the he did he's guy who stole all the ideas about the computer he's the guy who did all the illegal antitrust shit he's the guy who's taken all the four skins he's done the work yeah back down his name please oh man I mean she got her wish now because there are people who are like yes I stand Melinda Gates my husband is also hanging out with Jeffrey gave me the courage to stand up this year another former employee told the Daily Beast that Epstein was a topic of conversation among staff even in 2017 three years after the men's friendship reportedly
Starting point is 00:35:27 fizzled because of concerns that Gates is previous ties to Epstein could harm his reputation when you work at the foundation your whole job in life is to protect and preserve and build up the reputation of Bill and Melinda Gates the person said I think that's why it still came up it's cuz everybody in the fucking building knew what was going on every fucking single person which is insane to me like I mean you know Pat yo Melinda Gates is such a fucking hero now it's like I mean Jesus Christ took her this long to divorce the guy she if she raised an eyebrow about this back in fucking 10 years ago well I guess when there's not much money involved it's very hard things move at a glacial pace yeah
Starting point is 00:36:06 you got to figure out like who gets who gets the clone slaves that takes a while yeah like exactly like are we gonna split the space in the shared mega AI hard drive or we're gonna upload our consciousness into and we die to live become immortal how much is gonna be imagine that like they die that they get uploaded into the cloud and they're like in the same guess cyber chamber whatever the fuck for a turn oh no that's like parent trap like there's gonna be a parent trap thing where like all of them are like immortals evil spirits but their kids are like oh my god we should put them in the same blood crystal so they have to get back together they're becoming like they're morphing into Lovecraft
Starting point is 00:36:50 in great ones and they're like oh my god we both have to be the awful god of the cosmos amigdala this is never gonna work but then they like work you know what they fall in love again they get their groove back they fall in love again you know like you know being being a being ever having every atom in their body pulled apart by like the great abyss really taught them they found that levity enjoy you know that that flirtation that sparked that was there when they first started dating it's like you know what we had we had problems in our awful terrestrial bodies but now that we've made blood born real and we're great ones found out why we first fell in love it was the human misery we somehow forgotten
Starting point is 00:37:36 that over all those years we we got used to all the human misery that we were all that all that psychic anguish that we would huff like fucking gasoline that we finally realized oh yeah that's what gets us off moving on from Bill and Melinda Gates's marriage and the Jeffrey Epstein boys club let's let's send you another story now that raises the question what's really going on here what's really going on here and I'm referring once again to the U.S. government and now via sixty minutes is by via sixty minutes report once again seeming to confirm the existence of UFOs now by UFOs I don't necessarily mean that the UFO doesn't necessarily have to mean
Starting point is 00:38:29 an alien intelligence but there was a there's a segment on sixty minutes last night I don't know if you guys watched it but I mean they cover a lot of the material that was leaked to the New York Times last year I think you'll remember Haley and I fellow UFO researcher and experiencer delved into these these these videos that have been first leaked to the New York Times and now officially declassified by the Pentagon and you know they're all going against the wind the wind's a hundred and twenty knots to the west oh that's not a lot of stuff is it that's not a lot of stuff man well if there's a thing it's rotating the Pentagon are saying that like you know these are real we can't
Starting point is 00:39:10 explain them and here they are and you know like in the sixty minutes piece was just like the people who were originally investigating this or and then the guy who leaked at the New York Times just being like yeah we don't know what this is and that deserves us but I sort of feel like with things like this you have to kind of treat them like Snapple facts and you know it's like one out of every four of them is true and you know I'll say like I watch I watch the piece and it was pretty interesting again if you've been on this tip it's not exactly a earth shattering revelations or anything but I mean yeah like the this is declassified now the Pentagon has admitted that these videos are authentic
Starting point is 00:39:47 and they can't explain them and that if you take everything at face value or you just like confront it like you know literally like what it implies is not just the existence of but like the wide proliferation of the existence of aircraft technology that is generations past anything currently like that is known to be conceivably possible I mean in the video they talked to the Navy pilot who said that like in F-18 like training flights or whatever off the coast of Virginia Beach in Florida for like two years would see these things like all the time like they were fucking pigeons you know like these hovering metallic orbs or shapes that would you know change without any means of like propulsion or visible machinery
Starting point is 00:40:33 change direction and travel at speeds that are like 13,000 miles an hour or something like that that is just simply inexplicable so I ask again what's going on here? My guess is it's some sort of the thing that makes most sense because this is just this is not like this is being forced out of them like this is all the government saying alright should we tell them about the UFOs let's tell them about the UFOs and then like this thing has been rolled out over the past couple of years yeah this is a steady drop of leaks all many of them coordinated by the guy from blink 182 and his fucking like weird group that he created to the Stars Academy which he is running with a guy who was like a 20
Starting point is 00:41:18 year Army intelligence officer who like did fucking psyops in Afghanistan and now they're telling us yeah hey there's aliens they might be a threat you know yep I know how you might be thinking like hey who are we fighting anymore well have you considered aliens have you considered that the F-35 might not be useful against insurgents in Afghanistan but it sure as hell might be useful against aliens from another planet and if it isn't well then we just need to put more money into something that will be. And like that was the framing of the 60 minute segment with Bill Whitaker was like one of the two of the main figures in it like one of them was like a yeah 20 year veteran of
Starting point is 00:41:56 Army intelligence who was put in part of the Pentagon's like A-Tip program to like look into these like you know like gun camera and radar and infrared footage of these UFOs and then the other guy who leaked these videos to the New York Times is like was a high high up intelligence official in the Obama and Bush administrations which are like you know you know certainly colors the nature of these revelations but beyond that like like the way that the people who are you know sort of coming forward now with this unclassified information that they want to share to you are like particularly the Navy pilots who talk about this stuff they talk about it in the terms of like we need to take this seriously
Starting point is 00:42:38 because this is could be a threat and they're not saying it's aliens but they're saying it could be Russia and China and having like some sort of like yeah like tactical aircraft or surveillance capability that we're not aware of. The same skunk works that built the Havana syndrome ray gun. Yeah I know exactly we just saw another story today about that. These guys it's all these these other countries they have they have somehow leapfrogged us by generations in technology in which case we need to just disband the government like we fucking spent how many trillions of dollars of defense that we spent since World War two
Starting point is 00:43:13 and we aren't the ones with the fucking the flying saucers pathetic. Yeah also I mean usually so this has been moved into being like you know a safe conspiracy theory like the cute one to have because it's like you know John Podesta is purportedly into it Harry Reid and it's like you got to think something's up there and I mean honestly remember with the Podesta leaks the like Daily Beast people were like oh there's something to see here but look at this cute email about fucking flying saucers and it's like wait wait wait where's the Libya stuff like what the fuck are you trying to pay for over here. So I don't know maybe something maybe something like actually horrifying coming.
Starting point is 00:44:03 John Podesta Harry Reid was the first one to ask for a Senate inquiry into this Harry Reid and even your former leader James Earl Carter saw what he described as a UFO but it was really only Venus roll that clip even the former leader of your United States of America James Earl Carter Jr. thought he saw a UFO once but it's been proven he only saw the planet Venus. But here's the funniest part about the 60 minutes segment is that like you know it was pretty interesting and like you know I can't fucking explain what's going on here I mean like I've not seen anything to suggest that these like nose cone camera and like infrared
Starting point is 00:44:48 videos of these objects are fake I mean I suppose they could be but like if they're real I mean it implies something fairly disturbing and like shocking about you know the parameters of what we think is like you know technologically possible on this planet in this universe. But that being said the whole 60 minute segments the last interview about like you know what happens now what do we deal with this the last interview segment is with fucking Marco Rubio which really put like a whole it put a bad sheen on like you know because I want to believe you know like I very much of you myself as a young young Fox Mulder I love sunflower seeds I have a passion for the truth the skepticism and a pornography addiction but you know it's
Starting point is 00:45:38 like the fact that like the guy spearheading the effort to be like we have to look into this it's serious we need to start like you know like there needs to be a process to like start metabolizing this truth into our like you know consciousness is bar none probably the dimmest most incurious senator who's like maybe ever held office. It turns out that Nicholas Maduro is an alien. Yeah no the Philip Green from Casino for the NWO Marco Rubio like that's him and yeah makes you wonder how we elected him because he's so fucking smart yeah exactly. Can we play the clip of a Marco Rubio talking about UFOs and I watch you like I mean listeners
Starting point is 00:46:24 you won't be able to see this you can watch it for yourself but Matt and Felix pay close attention to what Marco is doing with his lips and mouth while he's giving you he's always having fun with those he's always like damn hope my lips don't get too dry better lick them every three seconds task force service members now are encouraged to report strange encounters and the Senate wants answers anything that enters an airspace that's not supposed to be there is a threat after receiving classified. Like gumming. This past December while he was still head of the Intelligence Committee he asked the
Starting point is 00:47:04 Director of National Intelligence and the Pentagon to present Congress an unclassified report by next month. This is a bizarre issue of the Pentagon and other branches of the military wow history of sort of okay missing this what makes you think that this time is going to be different I mean we're going to find out when we get that report you know there's a stigma on Capitol Hill I mean some of my colleagues are very interested in this topic and some people giggle when you when you bring it up but I open egg and rough yeah keep us from having an answer to very fundamental question what do you want us to do about this I want us to take it seriously
Starting point is 00:47:40 and have a process to take it seriously I want us to have a process to analyze the data every time it comes in that there be a place where this is catalogued and constantly analyzed until we get some answers maybe it has a very simple answer maybe it doesn't what a compelling speaker what an amazing speaker really lost lost an opportunity not electing him who knows what it is all I know is the NSA needs to be able to read every one of your emails to make sure that you're not an alien yeah yeah no he is first of all like Marco Rubio's like confidence in speech it's like if Joe Biden didn't have the funny flubs it's just all like it's just all like the heart and fucking yeah exactly yeah but his people can't see
Starting point is 00:48:31 the video I mean I recommend you watch it just for this part but it like it looks like Rubio is trying to get a piece of popcorn out of his lower row of teeth and then has a horseshoe of Copenhagen in his top what he is doing with his mouth and lips in it is insane it's like Mr. Ed when they put the peanut butter in to make him talk like his it is easy to skip past this because you're like just you're like an adult shouldn't do that with their mouth much less a U.S. senator but what he's saying is just like nonsense bullshit we need it we need it we need a process we need a process and a workflow for the aliens yeah if we had if there were like superhuman great ones or deep ones coming who were like we're
Starting point is 00:49:22 gonna enslave you forever we're gonna like harvest eggs from you we're gonna like lay spider eggs in your your head and it was like well Marco Rubio is standing in between you and that fucking should stick the space spiders in my asshole now it's like yeah no he's not stopping it I mean I'm glad we have a we have a chance to talk with you about this issue now Felix when now thanks to mids I think your your mind is able to metabolize information like this I think too scary for you previously or you would like you like to avoid topics like this before you started using mids regularly yeah if I had before mids I probably would have left the recording in fear but now I can face the scary reality well I mean it's
Starting point is 00:50:11 like I mean I've remained fascinated with this story and like the the images collected from these navy navy jets about what's going on here and like I said I have a kind of snapple facts mentality about how I approach stories like this but I do want to believe and everyone out of four snapple facts is true or something like that so I mean like while maintaining my skepticism here I think it's worth considering the implications of if even part of this is true what the fuck is going on and like what are we like maybe we have passed through some sort of membrane into it like another reality or something I like I don't know I would just like to offer an alternate explanation for for these unidentified flying objects because
Starting point is 00:50:59 I mean obviously when you bring up UFO everyone's minds always turn to you know intelligent life that is of extraterrestrial origin could be that no one brings up time travelers though do you think that there's a good chance that these crafts could be time traveling vessels and that like the people piloting them or just human beings from a future could be I don't know I'd like Marco Rubio to look into that yeah see if anybody is winning any large sports bets Marco root Marco Rubio thinks he's being tailed by a looper but it's just like one of his 50 sons he forgot about oh right right this is from family number seven yeah it's a it's a craft I was able to change direction and pull 10,000 G's moving 60 miles
Starting point is 00:51:50 in one second to serve him on alimony papers he's like it would be so funny if I mean I do have my own theories about extraterrestrials and like things that I think share are well I think some things are like ancient extraterrestrials not the ancient aliens like oh you know they built chichinita but it's more like I think it goes into my general theory about how we don't have a proper evaluation of a lot of animal intelligence and it's like yeah I could see something like octopuses came from another planet but like a billion fucking years ago and they just figured out how to live in the ocean and you know they had like have like cognitive abilities that we can't quite process but um you know it would like
Starting point is 00:52:40 I really can't think of like putting a worse foot forward between us and aliens like that is just like that's the covenant glassing the planet they'll be like oh there's nothing here like these these things do not they don't they're not self cognizant they don't know what death is they can't like they would see Marco Rubio like he would leave the meeting with the aliens and he would be like pushing a pole door for 10 minutes and I'm like yeah we should just like get rid of this yeah we can just put the highway right through here there's there's not gonna be lost at all yeah there's some meridian we can grab but like these things are just like annoying and they're stupid like they would treat us like deer
Starting point is 00:53:20 I mean I like I said I want to believe that Kush aliens are real and that we can commune with them in some way but another interesting detail from all from this 60 minute story in the news accounts that it's generated is that all of these UFO sightings took place in US airspace either off the coast of Virginia Florida or California near very large military bases which I guess like makes sense because that's what they're doing these flights out of and like doing these these these training runs in like in squad formation with these F-18s or whatever but yeah like it does seem like and then like like to reiterate the Navy pilots said that they would see these things almost every day for a year or years doing
Starting point is 00:54:02 flying out of these Air Force base or Navy Navy bases or whatever I whatever not important but like yeah like that they're that they're clustering the east coast of the Atlantic like fucking seagulls or something but it's like only America and I guess like I don't know maybe America's the only one admitting to it now but it does seem telling that they're like highly associated with American Navy and Air Force bases on our airspace I don't know like they like they didn't encounter any of these unidentified flying objects like you know enforcing a no fly zone and over a rack or you know I needed anything like in the Persian Gulf or like any of you like any missions in which they wouldn't just be
Starting point is 00:54:39 like on a training run you know what I mean like little thread of like skepticism or what is that what does that really mean or imply I don't know but once again I want to believe I want to believe yeah we gotta get we gotta smoke up with the aliens it's our only hope yeah that's why that's why even if these this isn't some sort of limited hangout thing or just a pure Psyop to keep the space force going orbiting laser platforms that we say are for the aliens but are actually like cook your brain if you try to do BDS like even if these are aliens there's no way they're a threat in any meaningful sense like if they're if they're hostile one I think they would have done something by now and two we wouldn't
Starting point is 00:55:28 be able to do anything about it anyway who cares if we we be owned they would own us so more realistically they're not they're chilling they're hanging out they're seeing what's up I mean if you're that advanced I really do have that passata state I believe that a society that is that advanced is beyond our conceptions of like domination and hostility and conquest and they would just want to smoke well yeah I mean I think the only like I mean we we conceive of alien contact in in the terms of like you know colonialism because that's what we do in world history like that's like a the phenomenon that like most closely like it provides an analog to like what it would be like for us to encounter like a vastly
Starting point is 00:56:13 advanced alien civilization right we would have just assumed that they would just fucking wipe us out and take all the shit that we have on our planet I mean I again if you've mastered intergalactic travel I don't really know what you'd want to take you don't need anything yeah that's the thing where you press a button and you can make anything into anything however yeah well okay okay well if you guys considered my screenplay the worst fucking screenplay ever written and it's called it's called soundcheck and it's about aliens who have mastered everything like time travel wormhole travel space colonization but they don't know how to make music and they come to earth and it's an across-the-universe style
Starting point is 00:56:53 like musical where the aliens like learn from the Beatles the Bee Gees, the Elders, David Gouda, shout out to his family, LMFAO, all of them and yeah that could be it. Well similar to Felix's screenplay idea you know my theory is that like what would what would what would a civilization a million years scientifically and culturally more advanced than the human race what would they want from planet earth like you know what could they possibly like other than just tapping the glass for their own amusement and I think the answer is what if our pale blue dot is the only place in the known universe that has kush yeah that's yeah we're the only planet they tried but it doesn't work yeah it's
Starting point is 00:57:40 not the same it's they only can it advances their technology is the they can only create k2 synthetic weed and our little corner of of this galaxy is like they've produced the only conditions under which that like that gas can be produced in abundance so the kush aliens they want to come here and they want to smoke with us yes they want to take us to their dealer six billion years in global history of the natural course of the planet every lucky thing that happened are the it's the only conditions that can create the strongest weed of all time dro no it's like and yeah so like yeah I mean like dinosaurs had to die for dro well that means maybe they killed off the dinosaurs to create the conditions
Starting point is 00:58:31 in which like bipedal hominids could one day refine cannabis strains into just like that Jim Belushi gas that he's going out there in Oregon yeah it's like it's like Jim are you listening Jim are you listening please like okay you know it's like it's like if we found out like lemurs we're making like the greatest beer of all time like cute little critters but it's like damn this is better than any beer ever so like yeah they they redirected that comet to wipe out the dinosaurs to give rise to you know mammalian hominid evolution and then also like 2001 style they they dropped that monolith right at the exact moment consciousness so that we could one day produce gas that's it yeah that's it and you
Starting point is 00:59:27 got to figure the aliens like what do they live in they live in like an Elysium type thing or like the Covenant there's no like the conditions you need to make dro or just really good mids is like you know it's someone's gross room that smells like a terrarium it's a guy with the snake who he's constantly feeding like frozen rats to they can't they like don't have that well I gotta say just watch the skies watch the skies I mean I just think like just be open to experiencing that's also that's all I'll say and you know Senator Marco Rubio is now our ambassador to a galactic civilization yeah he's fucking Admiral Hood from Halo that's so dark it's him yeah master chief is like Dan Crenshaw but yeah I mean like it's just
Starting point is 01:00:22 odd like it just we're dealing with like this moment of like you know perpetual perpetually cascading and unwinding apocalypses and like our search for meaning and just like sort of withdrawing inward into ourselves and looking for like you know pseudo religious explanations and and grand gestures about you know Mandela effect like you know we're just shifting timelines constantly and that's why I don't I don't remember this TV show the same way I did when I watched it because it was watching a different TV show with something else happened that I remembered from a different reality or that we've crossed the threshold and we're now like you know making that we are now openly making contact with like advanced alien technologies
Starting point is 01:01:06 I hope it's true but like I always fear that the more awful and boring explanation is probably right which is that this is just some sort of advanced weapons program or sci-op to get us to spend another trillion dollars on our military it's just it would be funny to like to get pulled over for drunk driving and be like oh I thought it was illegal to not do this the Mandela effect got me again it all started going wrong when they turned on that large hadron collider we've been we've been shifting realities ever since then it's true yeah that like aliens are more likely to be interdimensional than interstellar that's true you know you fire that puppy up and all of a sudden guys just start they're like taking
Starting point is 01:01:52 a Sunday drive and all of a sudden they take a wrong term and boom they're they're hovering over a David Buster's in Idaho have you noticed ever since they turned on the large hadron collider okay the best rapper is a woman best golfer is a guy the three most powerful guys in the wood world are named Colin dick and bush something's up mungas mungas damn alien sauce yeah you ever notice it ever since they turned on the large hadron collider like I've been getting pussy like crazy dog all right last thing for today this one comes creates file this one away and the wonderful ways in which corporations are making the workplace better for their employees this comes courtesy from courtesy of Amazon press release from
Starting point is 01:02:52 body mechanics to mindfulness Amazon launches employee designed health and safety program called working well across us operations so I mean I know they've gotten some bad press lately but surely this press release will allay any fears about people dying in their warehouses or pissing and shitting in bottles today Amazon announced the launch of working well a new comprehensive program providing employees with physical and mental activities wellness exercises and healthy eating support that are scientifically proven to help them recharge re-energize and ultimately reduce the risk of injury I like that right off the bat in this like press release copy it reads exactly the same way that like those Instagram
Starting point is 01:03:32 ads that sell you better dog food sound like you know they're like scientifically proven to provide enrichment to your pet our employees have the shiniest healthiest coats in the industry don't don't give them dry food these these frozen meals have real meat in them sure to prolong your your elder dog's life I'm sure like a skip ahead here it says you know Amazon takes our safety very seriously and managers have made it clear to me it's more important than ever even productivity and quality said Jeffrey coup operations employee at Amazon fulfillment center in Aurora Colorado working well as an extension of that and make sure we're taking care of our minds and bodies it encourages us to us to make positive changes
Starting point is 01:04:14 to how we work and since I started watching the program's health and safety videos I've incorporated a stretching routine into my day I'm just going to go ahead here read like the bullet points of like the items available in this program here so it says here health and okay this isn't the headline scientifically proven health and safety education exercises health and safety huddles daily opportunities to engage employees on strong body mechanics wellness topics and ongoing safety education operations leaders in small groups of socially distanced employees gather near workstations and watch short interactive videos on rotating topics created by health and safety professionals and injury prevention specialists topics
Starting point is 01:04:58 rotate on a monthly basis and range from gripping and handling pushing and pulling nutrition and more in the last year during its pilot phase health and safety huddles contributed to reducing msd related injuries and receive nearly 90% positive feedback from surveyed employees so get getting getting the cuddle huddle we're teaching you how not to get your arm ground up by one of our robots yeah that's it is that this is this is so that when one of the machine arms goes crazy and pulls your dick off they go well did you you didn't stretch fair enough I mean let's be honest here you didn't do the full stretching exercise regime beforehand what did that contribute to it we don't know now you're breathing up
Starting point is 01:05:41 for you well as your yeah a lot of people know but yoga can help with your inner tension which is something that Amazon employees have struggled a lot with I mean like you know you you're on the line you're packing boxes you're meeting your quota you know that if you can track the muscle that you usually use to cut off a stream of urine just like in on your own quietly to yourself you can last longer during sex you won't bust a little exercise that anyone can do at any time of the day for overall wellness improvement okay speaking of which wellness zones provides employees with voluntary stretching and muscle recovery via easily accessible dedicated spaces with Amazon's operations built within Amazon's
Starting point is 01:06:22 operations buildings these areas incorporate interactive videos and written information to help employees proactively improve their health health and wellness in areas like body mechanics wellness topics like best practices and stretching ongoing safety education and more so a wellness zone what would that is essentially what in a previous era would just be called the employee lounge or cafeteria no I mean that's yeah that's the future it's just instead of break rooms are like mindfulness like kennels exactly no I like it like you go into the wellness zone and they'll be healthy snacks for you to eat they'll be like you know lots of information about breathing and stretching what will not be there OSHA regulations
Starting point is 01:07:08 or anything about forming the US labor law because it's not sure like any break workplace like in the break room they always have like the OSHA guidelines and like US labor like that like this eliminated posters that are like just there because that's just like they're just covering their bases in terms of not getting sued this is the best one though Amazon yes Amazon guides employees through mindfulness practices and individual interactive kiosks at buildings during shifts employees can visit Amazon stations and watch short videos featuring easy to follow well-being activities including guided meditations positive affirmations calming scenes and sounds and more employees like Katie Miller from the Amazon fulfillment center
Starting point is 01:07:55 in Etna Ohio say the pilot program has been helpful she shared self-care is important and Amazon gives me an opportunity to take time for myself to just pause and regroup which helps me be be better at work when I take that time I come back more to work more focused and it has a lasting effect on the rest of my day these Amazon kiosks sound exactly like what they did to Edward G. Robinson at the end of Soylent Green yes they're like watch this calming video of a stream and a deer drinking from it return to return more focus than ever unless you've fallen below quota for too many consecutive quarters in which case pay no attention to the soothing wellness juice being pumped into your more larger let's
Starting point is 01:08:49 see here using technology to connect with employees in buildings and at home mind and body moments hourly prompt hourly prompts employees receive at their workstations guiding them through a series of scientifically proven physical and mental activities to help recharge and reenergize and ultimately reduce the risk of injury these activities designed to reduce muscle and mental fatigue range from various stretching the recommendations breathing exercises and mental reflections since piloting this program in select sites employees have shared that these moments have improved their physical and mental well-being while at work by the end of the year mind and body moments will evolve to more personalized prompts just that's
Starting point is 01:09:35 bone chilling I mean hey you know it'd be a good mind and body moment for me if I can take a lovely 20 minute crap looking at my phone on company time how about can I leave and smoke a cigarette outside for like five ten minutes that that isn't is mindfulness and mind body moment that would leave me they would recharge my work juices no well instead we'll offer you proven Eastern techniques to absorb the feces into your body without having to go to the bathroom these are the same proven Eastern techniques that they used on John McCain at the Hanway Hilton certain certain certain stretching positions we find very motivating to our employees we connected them with a personalized bamboo cane the less
Starting point is 01:10:24 working well mobile app will soon provide at home access to all of the onsite safety health and wellness offerings and Amazon buildings including Amazon eat well mind and body moments the working well mobile app offers employees a digital library to help facilitate proactive wellness behaviors like stretching and muscle recovery mindfulness exercises and body mechanics coaching working well was developed by employees who cared deeply about their coworkers and are dedicated to promoting workplace health and safety the working well team will continue to elicit feedbacks and ideas from employees and use the science of safety to solve problems and establish new industry best practices in its relentless pursuit to support employees
Starting point is 01:11:07 and keep them healthy and safe every day so yeah the mindfulness kiosks they follow you home they'll tell you to do stretches when you're at home they'll tell you to do stretches in your on your time and I was like all this stuff about like body mechanics and stretching or whatever I mean like this is just all about the fact that like the workforce at these fulfillment centers are like mostly over the age of 50 and they're doing physical labor on their feet for 12 hours a day yeah I can't wait for it to give you the mandatory prostate exam when you know but you know I mean if they had if they ate healthier snacks they wouldn't be so you know beleaguered and all these wonderful choices that you get it's gonna be so fun
Starting point is 01:11:43 as they become mandatory as like you have to spend an hour in the ISO cube every day to reduce their possible you know loss of productivity from your hamstrings snapping on the fucking fulfillment line what a fucking nightmare Jesus Christ I mean it's just oh good folks it's very bad it's very bad very bad just the idea that like at the workplace is bad enough but the idea that this will follow you home and you'll be getting personalized prompts to like direct you to stretch breathe or watch a mindfulness video on your own fucking time just so that you can bear to space another 10 or 11 hours on the fucking line at one of these gulags Jesus Christ just oh god alien god kush aliens please the aliens please just
Starting point is 01:12:37 need the kush aliens to come just like just could you just flip the switch on the next big paradigm shift in evolution we need it right now so badly we need it so bad finger we need like an extra thumb or something we need our pineal glands to just like quadruple in size I know you're probably just talking to dolphins or whatever but like we need we need your help you're our only I'm talking to the dolphins you're fucked they've got fins there's nothing they can do we need your help so bad so bad come on man we got the good day shit we've got like we've got better weed than we've ever had we're doing seismic advances in weed we could blow that shit right into your dome well here and and and use the
Starting point is 01:13:26 fucking Mars attacks gun on fucking Bezos please and Marco Rubio yes I mean honestly like Mars attacks was utopian film because the end of that movie yes humanity is reborn into paradise yeah they have after they destroy the entire ruling class yep oh man well heaven is out there in space but it remains hell on earth until next time guys bye bye bye bye it's not unusual to be loved by anyone it's not unusual to have fun with anyone but when I see you hanging about with anyone it's not unusual to see me cry I wanna die

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