Chapo Trap House - 528 - Pacific Nights (5/31/21)

Episode Date: June 1, 2021

The boys spend their last night in LA sitting around the fire pit, gazing at the Pacific Ocean, talking about animals and riffing about the dang politics. Tickets to Chapo’s upcoming live show THIS... SATURDAY at the FRQNCY1 streaming festival here:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I I've got a nice fire pit going here. Okay, let's go All right. Hello everybody. It's Matt Felix and will here coming to you from the very end of our California dream and we're coming to you at the very end of the American continent. That's right. We are here at the Pacific Ocean Shilling America came into awareness of its mortality When the wave finally broke and rolled back The Terminator of the American consciousness the Pacific Ocean and California and all it represents for people who aren't aware of it California is like New York on crack. Mm-hmm. I think it's like New York on weed. Yeah, it's that way chilled out
Starting point is 00:01:29 Yeah, New York is New York on crack No Smara I would it's sort of like this six on on chopped cheese Yeah, you know you got to go to I feel like I got to say like as now a lifetime New Yorker for the past six years This place has a lot going for it, but it doesn't have a lock if I can't go to ack I might as well fucking kill myself. I'm so ready to go back to New York City And just get a hot chopped cheese. Yes. Oh, you ought to get one of those piping hot off the fryer
Starting point is 00:02:02 I did my coat. Yeah, me over here. I have actually never had a chop cheese. Never had a chop. I did once They chopped up the cheeseburger. That's all they did. Do you want to hear how I ordered it? How'd you order it? Yo, Ack, you already know the vibes. What's good? Yo, let me get a chopped cheese extra, man You already know the vibes. Haha. Hook it up though, Ack. Yes, sir Who's Ack? Dr. Ack? Every bodega Ack. Okay. No, I don't know. I just like heard people say it I was like, is there just a lot of guys named Ack? I mean because it could be short. It could be someone abbreviating Ack Med Or it's just like that's like an honor. Are you doing bodies and spaces right now Felix? No, no
Starting point is 00:02:44 Is this a slur that you learned? I don't think it's a slur because it was like guys who were on good terms with him Okay, and they it was like people of several different races. Okay. So yeah, maybe it's just short for Ack Med I don't know. Um, but I like to think that like just misinterpreting it and being like that's the guy who works in bodega That's his title Miss Ack. Well, it's the end of our trip to California Um, I don't know. I just really not looking forward to going back to New York The formerly the number one best city in the world, but following in the rankings. I actually I'm so excited to go back. I really am. Yeah, cuz you can walk to your gym. That's the only important thing about living anywhere
Starting point is 00:03:24 I had to like I had to like go two miles to the gym here like a fucking someone who lives in Lithuania or something It fucking sucked. I didn't do anything. Nothing else was good No, I had a good time here. I actually did have a really good time here It's been great and shout out to everyone who we got to spend some time with here in California Uh, but I think I just gave things off today, though I think like the most important thing we need to talk about is Felix said Felix had an experience today or a number a number of experiences really that I think there is discussing on the shelf So this morning when we'll woke up. He saw an unexpected sight. I was stuck in the washing machine
Starting point is 00:04:07 You already know how you have to get me out Oh style um no, I courtesy of friend of the show and friend of all shows and all connections all things Jack Wagner I was able to meet monkeys today. You met Had a head summit between you and the monkey nation. They were really fucking cool Why are you like, let's go to the tail of the tape here. Let's like walk us through your animal encounters this morning because you had a bunch of them
Starting point is 00:04:41 and you should have communed with a couple different souls today. Yeah. So this is, it's like a, it's a rescue place that's sort of like, they're being zoned out of it. They have to move like four miles, like sort of outside of LA County because of some, one of those zoning things that I don't understand, but basically they're a rescue sanctuary for like animals who are actors or like exotic pets that shouldn't have been kept as pets who like, maybe they have medical problems or maybe they just like, they can't be released
Starting point is 00:05:10 back in the wild. They can't just like be, it's impossible for them to like be a cappuccino again or for them to be like a serval again or for them to be a kangaroo in some cases again. And for some animals there, it's like, you know, someone just saw a, called animal control about a wolf that came in the backyard and these people are like, we can take care of it. They do a fucking great job here. It's called animal, animal tracks, Inc.
Starting point is 00:05:36 And they actually do need money for the move, but it is, it's a fucking awesome place. It's really fucking sweet. And yeah, I got to all types of favorites were there. Yeah. Let's go down to like the top five here. I don't think I can take favorites, but like, let's just, let's just go, let's go through the encounters. There's personal interaction was with the cappuccino who like, he like crawled on my
Starting point is 00:06:01 shoulder and then he like tried to take my watch off, not to steal it. He was just interested in how it worked. And he wanted to likely story, no, he's not a thief, not a thief. He was, no, he was like, Oh, how does that work? They're curious. And there are cousins. So like, you know, I would let him borrow it. I also took your hat off.
Starting point is 00:06:17 I saw a picture. Yeah. It's taking your Zapata oil hat. He took my Zapata oil hat off and then like, he like rubs my hair for a little bit and then let me put it back on. He was so sweet. And like another monkey, um, there were, the first thing we saw was in Macac and a baboon who are friends.
Starting point is 00:06:35 And we didn't play with that. Lovely. They're like, those are two, like the monkeys that we like were able to interact with there. They were like more okay around people, but the Macac and the baboon are like, they're really good at the people who work there and volunteer there, but it's like, you don't want to just have an untrained person there. You shouldn't like in the cage with them or in, not in the cage, but in their sanctuary. And, but we did get to see them.
Starting point is 00:07:00 And there's a cool story that the baboon really wanted to be a mother and couldn't, but they introduced the baby Macac into her environment and she just treats it like it's her. Yeah. Macac, Macac. Yeah. It's so sweet. It's so sweet.
Starting point is 00:07:16 And he like, so like the baby Macac was like kind of annoying, I guess he would like fuck with other, other monkeys there and the baboon like basically taught him how to grow up. That's very special. Yeah. Um, no, it's such a fucking cool place. I, there are like more classic animals you'll see, like, you know, there's skunks and there is like an armadillo and it's like, you really see that every animal is swag. Like when the armadillo saw us walking by, it started like, it started like getting up
Starting point is 00:07:43 on its hind legs a little bit. Like started like- Didn't it curl in a ball at all? No, no. And he like, he did like want to make an impression, which I thought was amazing. Okay. I got to give him a tight five. These are former showbiz animals.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Yeah. You're right. All right. I'm going to give them my clean five minutes. The one I did at Leno. They have a lemur there that like, I guess someone like fucked up, like someone just through neglect, but they're, he's sort of, I don't want to say palliative care because it's not towards the end of his lifespan, but it's like, he sort of has had a paralysis
Starting point is 00:08:13 and they're, they're treating for that. Like they're amazing. Right. Did you say that they were giving him CBD for that? I think so. Yeah. Yeah. But it's like, you can give CBD to animals.
Starting point is 00:08:22 It's natural. It's from the earth. It is from the earth. But like, no, it was an amazing place. It was like one of the best days of my life, honestly, like meeting the monkeys was, it just, I don't know, but not just the monkeys. Like obviously the monkeys are amazing and they are our cousins and everyone knows my, my thoughts about primates, how they're, they represent fragments of humanity individually.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Yes. What does the, the cappuccino monkey represent? Mischief. It's lying. It's hard. Mischief. Yeah. But trying to get one over on you, but just like as a game, you know, it was unexpectedly
Starting point is 00:08:55 cool though. I mean, of course it's cool because they're cool animals, but wolves. Yeah. You had some wolf encounters as well. So we, they're, they have a hybrid there who's like, I guess his mom was a wolf and his dad was a dog, which is like, if the dog does it, like he really pulled one. What is this? It's a little menaker store and she, uh, so he's like 150 pounds, like he's fucking
Starting point is 00:09:18 massive. Well, you see, like you said, like an interesting animal fact that these hybrid species lose the size regulator and their gene code or something. A lot of them do. So like a liger, for instance, is bigger than a lion or a tiger. They're like absurdly large. Yeah. Can't reproduce.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Yeah. So like this wolf dog type thing, it's like, you know, wolf really doesn't get bigger than like wood. Like 110, 120 pounds. It's just impractical for all the distance they have to cover. But this dude is a fucking tank. But he was, he wasn't like, it's not like a Labrador where like, you know how a Labrador runs up and rubs alongside you and like demands your attention.
Starting point is 00:09:53 This guy was like cool, but he was happy to see you. He would just go up to you and he would like, he bumped his nose into my pocket. Not to try to take my vape, like the cappagin did try to do, but to just like see what was up with me. But then yeah, he just walked around and did his own thing. And me and Jack talked about this, how there was a real feeling of calm around the wolves because I mean, the monkeys are our cousins, but the wolves, we've been working with them for like a million years.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Yeah. They're our partners. Yeah. And it was, it was very sick. I mean, it's like the monkeys are like the cousins that you see like a couple of times a year and big holidays, but the wolves, they're like your coworker. Yeah. You have to see them every day.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Yeah. But it was, I don't, there was an understood thing between us, but it was, you know, if anyone can do something like that, like go to like a sanctuary where you know that they're, you know, this place is totally fucking legit, like does great by the animals they have there and that everyone, they're like genuinely really cares about the welfare and the enrichment of the animals. And you're able to go and just check things out. Like it's fucking awesome and support any place like that.
Starting point is 00:10:58 And especially this place and me and Jack, we're talking about doing like a fundraiser on Twitch because this place needs to cover moving costs and it's such an amazing place. I mean, you know, showbiz has historically been awful with animals and it's nice that someone's looking after them. Not much better to people. That's for sure. The only big difference between child actors and animal actors is the animal actors rarely go on to hold up convenience stores.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Well, I'd learned something. This is an interesting thing I learned. I like asked like half jokingly, like because there was an animal, there was a monkey who is in a, I forgot, I forgot which movie it was, but it was like a pretty big movie, like a Disney movie. And I said, well, like, can you get residuals for a monkey? And it's like, apparently not because the animal trainers joined the transportation union because they wanted to transport their own animals, obviously.
Starting point is 00:11:49 And like they should, they know everything about it, but that kept them from being part of SAG where they would get residuals, which sucks. So like, yeah, like if they wanted residuals, they would have had to like bring a bear to set like in their car, just in the backseat, be like, hey, we're ready to go. Hey, don't know to stay away from the craft service table. Yeah. They should though, like, they should like, okay, if you're just going to put an animal in a fucking movie and the movie makes like a billion dollars worldwide, but then the
Starting point is 00:12:19 animal was like fucked up from being like reading that hard on set. It's like from being, being tortured by Ronald Reagan every day on the set of bedtime for Ponzo aggressiveness like that could become an aberration. You have to like pay for that chimp CBD, like, please drop in the bucket for Hollywood. I want to tell you what Ronnie did to that poor Bozo. Well, that Bozo was on the shitty Bonzo, Bonzo, all right, but no, it was, it was an amazing experience. Well, I wanted to ask you about one more of the animals that you saw, a serval cat.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Yeah. Well, I think I'm buying one though. It's illegal. I'm just kidding everyone. You can't do it in New York. I know. Can you do it in California though? Probably not.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Yeah. I mean, you should honestly, you like shouldn't because no, of course not. It's like wild animal. You should only, it's a wild animal. If you're these people and you like know everything about them, but what if you're like me and you just felt a genuine connection to it? I did, he was, he reminded me of Ernest. They shared like some sort of universal Jungian cat consciousness.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Are there aspects of Ernest in, because like, I often like, I often imagine Marty is some sort of like immortal being or energy, like a Sphinx-like presence that is passed throughout the ages. That makes sense with cats. Like they're just like, I mean, they do, you know, they are, you know, portals to the world of the dead. Yeah. There are like 30 different types of cats and they're all just cycling.
Starting point is 00:13:50 And when your cat's sleeping, he's being a cat somewhere in like Turkey, I have my shift in Izmir. I would love that. I would love that. That's true. Cause I think cats, what do they do most of the day? They're sleeping. They're sleeping.
Starting point is 00:14:06 No, they're not. They're actually projecting to other bodies. They're sharing the universal cat being. It's just like, yeah, it's a hive mind of just shared consciousness. I have to go to that cat behaviorologist because my cat keeps committing quantum suicide. But there, there was also a bangle and it was called the bangle, a bangle tiger. No, no, a bangle cat. Oh, a bangle cat.
Starting point is 00:14:30 What is a bangle cat? It's weird. It's like, it's one of those, you know, like a pallet, a palace cat. Oh yeah. Yeah. They have one of those at the Prospect Park Zoo. I love them. They're great.
Starting point is 00:14:40 They're really cool. I fucking love them. But you know, it's funny cause they like, they're wild. They look like house cats. It's really funny. Well that's exactly it. They look like a weirder kind of fatter version of a house cat. That's exactly it.
Starting point is 00:14:48 You like, look at him from a distance. You're like, is that just a normal cat in there? But they need to get a closer look and it's like, oh, it's like, it's hairs are longer. They look kind of derpy. Like they look like flat faces. They're kind of, they're very funny looking. I love palace cats. They're great though.
Starting point is 00:15:01 They're really cool. It's like one of those types of cats where it's like the closer you look at it, you're like, oh, it's claws are a little longer. It's a little like beefier than most cats. It's stocky. Yeah. But they, yeah, it was one of those and they like live together and seem to get along pretty well.
Starting point is 00:15:14 That's fantastic. And then finally, there was some kangaroos and wallabies as well. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The kangaroos and wallabies lived together, which was sick. Like apparently the kangaroo came from, and I'm not withholding this.
Starting point is 00:15:27 I don't know. They wouldn't tell me. I asked. There was a famous person who like illegally obviously had one and these people thankfully ended up taking care of it. But I don't know. I'm trying to, it would be funny if it was someone like it was Noah bomb. Like an exotic pet.
Starting point is 00:15:44 Like El Chapo or something. It was Wes Anderson. Yeah. Noah bomb. Like he's doing an interview and he's like, I just really think the most interesting part of the story is how people feel or whatever. And then it's like, he gets off and he's just like, he's James Franco and spring breakers. He just like rips the collared shirt off and he's wearing like a fucking Rashid Wallace
Starting point is 00:16:05 jersey and like chains and he's got some fronts and then hops into fucking a kangaroo pouch. And he's like, let's ride. Yo, my bitch directs movies. He's got a tiger shark and a jacuzzi. Yeah. Yeah. Just every, you pull down like an NYU Tish school degree and behind it there's just like gold plated AKs and shit.
Starting point is 00:16:26 He's like, oh thank God I'm done with that fucking bitch ass interview. He's just in his heart of hearts. That's who he is. I got gold bullets, motherfucking vampires. I got Scarface on repeat. Best movie. Scarface on repeat. Constant, y'all.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Well, I mean, as long as we're talking about animals and animal facts and the animal kingdom, I mean, this is a segue into a question I've been pondering this week. Because like, you know, this is our first trip after fucking being inside all fucking here, blah, blah, blah. You know the drill here. We've heard it a billion times before. But, you know, New York, LA, America is, you know, it's thawing out. With the thaw out, I feel it's sort of like those ancient bacteria that's in the fucking
Starting point is 00:17:12 permafrost. Absolutely. It's just like as the fucking glaciers melt, they enter the atmosphere again. T-Rex gonorrhea is going to be cocky all over us. Well, I mean, I mean, it's sort of like an emotional psychological sense that like people have been in sort of, in stasis for a year. And now that things are beginning to open up again, like people's social lives are returning and a sense of kind of like public being and behavior is coming back to us.
Starting point is 00:17:38 I strongly feel that like I have this strong sense that much of us have gone feral. Oh yeah, we're buck wild. Yeah. It's just, it's, I feel like this summer is going to be so fucking crazy. And I just feel it's just like, I swear to God, like this week, it felt like, like freshman year in college. Like nobody knows how to drink anymore. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Nobody knows how to act anymore. No one knows how to have fun anymore. Like even just on the flight over here, I saw a thing today that two airlines, like two airlines have just recently banned all alcohol on, they're not even serving drinks on planes anymore, which is like, you know, a lot of people like rely on that. They're like, oh, it'll be a Scotch or whatever. They think it's like one of the only, you know, decent parts of air travel. But like, and I'm sure they make a lot of money doing it.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Yeah, they do. Word to the wise, they have an outlawed mouth while I was trying to play with them. But no, like people are going insane. Like there's a woman on the flight out here who was just like, didn't know how to act. She had like, was trying to like, as the plane was still being boarded, she was trying to come from the back of the plane to the front of it, as there was a line of people getting on to the plane. And apparently there's been like tons of fistfights on airplanes and yeah, they're banning alcohol
Starting point is 00:18:42 as a thing. And then now like their bars are opening up and shit. I don't know. I mean, unless you've been like steady drinking this entire year, chances are your tolerance has gone to shit. And like I said, yeah, it's just a sense that like, nobody quite knows how to act anymore. We've lost, we need to sort of like rebuild our social muscles. But the way that's manifesting itself in our current American society is a little frightening
Starting point is 00:19:07 because like one of my biggest fears about, you know, COVID and a year of quarantine is that like, it is like just turbo charged are like everyone's individual paranoia about everyone else. Oh yeah. About like other people, like as a thing. And we have all, we've all had all of those, those cultural divides reinforced. Now everybody is a representative of a side that wants the death of the Republic. It's the social stakes are so high.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Yeah. No trust at all. And so you've got a bunch of people who are wildly paranoid, all coming back into public to interact with each other out of a shared desire to like, hedonistically indulge that's going to require them to confront people who they've never trusted less. That is a recipe, my friends, for fireworks. Okay. So if you are in a situation where you're in public and you think you might get into
Starting point is 00:19:58 like a biting war with someone, here's something you can use to sort of break the ice and maybe make people remember their humanity. Okay. Oh, both sides want the death of the Republic. You know, sometimes I'm not sure if I'm watching C-Span or Star Wars. And I think someone's going to hear that and remember, you know, their childhood, Dave Berry, stuff like that, Dunesbury, all the classics, and they will retract their teeth. Their canine teeth will shoot back into their mouths.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Well, just like anecdotally, like two incidents stick out in my mind just in this past week, you know, going out and like going to bars and having fun in Los Angeles. One night, we were just at this bar, regular like a nice bar, like this outdoor area, like cozy interior, but very small bathrooms and like in the ladies' room, only one toilet. And Catherine goes in there and opens the door to the stall and there is a woman passed out on the toilet, like with her pants down. Oh, boy. And it took some negotiations to get them out of the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:21:04 And then the other night when we all went out for Korean barbecue, like after our meal, you know, I get up to go to the bathroom and like I go to the bathroom, I swear to God, I had an encounter with like a real life E1 character. I get in there, it's like, it's three urinals against a wall and there's two guys like peeing next to each other. And then like the one who is in the middle, like closest to the open urinal that I was about to occupy, was standing so far back from the urinal that I could see his dick in his hand.
Starting point is 00:21:34 And like, no, I wasn't looking. I mean, I suppose I caught a glance of it, but he was just pissing like just openly dicking hand, and he goes to his friend, he's like, yo, I'm drunk as a motherfucker. Yeah, that's cause you a bitch. And like, you know, I'm just like, sir, could you please check your, please wear a mask? Sir, your mask is up below your nose. No, it's like, you know, I do my, I do my business at the urinal and then I go to wash my hands.
Starting point is 00:22:04 And then the guy who was like pissing out back from this fall is just sort of like hanging out in the bathroom and just looking at me and he's going, yo, what's the move for the night? I'm like, I'm going home, sir, leave me alone. That's what's awesome about it. It's just like, yo, you feeling good, man? And like, I suppose it's sort of like positive in one sense, because like people are so happy to just be out again and just being stupid, you know, but like I said, it's, it's just
Starting point is 00:22:32 very much freshman year at college vibes, but in a country that's like been driving itself insane for like the last year. And another manifestation of this man, we were talking about like out here in California, was it like the other week there was like a wildfire and, and we're in like Pasadena or something in the Pacific palisades and the citizen app now, which has become like outsourced law enforcement, like has they put out some alert about like some random person who they said was responsible for this fire and then deputize all of their like ultra paranoid, like white urban dweller, fucking like app users to like find and hunt this
Starting point is 00:23:08 guy down. Yeah. No evidence whatsoever. What's the worst thing that could happen? I was, I was thinking about your guy in the bathroom and it brought me to a broader point of something I do like about California and it's that you did that type of guy. How best to describe him non-offensively. White guy wearing huge UNC powder blue shorts most of his time.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Everyone knows what I mean. Yellow shirt. Yeah. He's like a white guy who wears like, you know, South Pole in like 2021, you know, and it's like, you see that guy if you live in like, I guess, you know, Fort Wayne, Indiana or like Nebraska, but you don't see that guy in like New York really, Chicago, like that guy died out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Like eight years ago and it's the same with like sort of myth busteries girl, like, you know, like a, we had a myth busters sort of waitress the other day. Yeah. Yeah. And it's like, but they're in LA. They're in LA because if you're like that, like, if you're like a white guy who's like wearing huge shorts, like just talks to strangers like that or like, you're sort of like a myth busteries myth busterie, like, you know, blustery, like burlesque show fucking cards against
Starting point is 00:24:23 humanity gal. It's like, you're from Nebraska or somewhere and people were like, you're the coolest person in this town, like you have to go to LA, like you have to make it. And it's like that they all come here, but in the LA is Dark Souls because LA is where people go to get hollowed. Like people go out here to do something, whether it is show business or something that's sort of adjacent to show business. It's like, oh, I'm like, I'm the best fucking sign spinner in Delaware.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Go to LA to sign spin for Hollywood movies. And then you get out here and obviously it's the most low percentage industry on earth. You don't make it and you keep dying every day pretty much over and over again until you're completely fucking insane. And you like, you just go up to strangers and it's like, yeah, you would be perfect for my movie. It's about a cop who's arresting himself because he has split personality disorder. I'm directing it now on my phone.
Starting point is 00:25:20 You have to come, I'm kidnapping you. It's like, there's so many people just go fucking nuts out here. Like, I guess New York has just like a baseline of like constant mental illness, but it's just like neuroses usually in LA, like just anyone you meet could just be totally insane because they have been hollowed by the process of being out here. I'm loving every moment. I love being hollowed out. Yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:25:46 I record like a fucking Fuji Apple. It's great. Well, you know, the adherence of the church of the church in Londor in Dark Souls 3 believes that hollow is the true state of humanity. See, there you go. Yeah. And maybe they're right. That is the darkness within us is what governs LA.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Yeah. I've been a little too full lately. I think it's time to get just a little bit hollow. Yeah. But no, I was just like, not the other citizen app thing, where like they just, you know, had this vigilante campaign to find this fucking guy, supposedly started this forest fire. But like then, like the other week, they carried out like this thing about that their citizen is considering launching their own private police force.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Yeah. Because the original concept was if somebody sees a crime, then you could like crowd source a response. But the real long-term goal was to give people a subscription service where if they saw a crime or were having a one committed against them, they could call a privatized police force that would come immediately. And that's kind of what they've been trying to set up with the app that they've created and the culture around snitching that they're trying to encourage because they want to update
Starting point is 00:26:57 people all the time about dangers in the area to get them paranoid. Well, it's like that and next door, it's just like this highly like under siege mentality of these urban dwellers who view the entire like, you know, the city camp is like every other person who's like not known to them is a threat and the threat to be cataloged and sort of a- Neutralized. Neutralized. Neutralized practically.
Starting point is 00:27:22 And it's funny, like the Citizen App Private Police for us. I mean, I think this goes to shows like this is what is going to happen with law enforcement in this country. Whether you defund the police or not. No. That's a thing. It won't matter. It won't matter.
Starting point is 00:27:35 The police department like generously funded. Absolutely. So they will find a way to fucking like to create like these boutique sort of subscription based like civil servants. There's nothing in the way of them doing it. Therefore, they're going to do it. It doesn't matter. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:49 I guess. Like, yeah. This is sort of another way of saying, like, with the summer of people being feral is also coincided with, you know, a steady uptick in violent crime across the board in America. Now, when I say this, like, it should be understood that this uptick in violent crime is coming from a place of a near historical low. Right. So, like, I mean, there is this narrative about, like, there is a panic about a rise
Starting point is 00:28:16 in violent crime, particularly in violent crime among, like, you know, already, like, underserved poor neighborhoods. But, you know, I don't want to make it seem like there's a panic, but, you know, if more people are getting murdered, it's certainly a, you know, it's not anything to sneeze at or whatever. I just think that, like, this in conjunction with everyone coming out of fucking hibernation and the knock-on effect of, like, the absolutely, like, exponentially, like, ratcheted up paranoia that particularly, like, voting people in this country have towards everyone else is going
Starting point is 00:28:48 to make for, like, some kind of, I don't know, heavy reactionary backlash that I'm sure is going to be parlayed into some awful Republican resurgence in the midterms or the next presidential election or whatever, because it's just, this is what people feel now. Yeah. Whether it's, like, actually, like, an accurate representation of, like, there's some sort of, like, dramatically, like, rise in anarchy or social decay or whatever is sort of beside the point. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:15 I mean, it is what people feel. And, like, there's, like, I don't think it's the majority of people, but there's certainly, like, a large enough contingent of people that, like, think defunding the police actually happened. Yeah. And they're like, yeah. And they're like, well, look what you got. And it's like, budgets went up for most people.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Yeah. No, like, they give the police more money. Because this is all narrative. I mean, the crime raise is also mostly narrative. I mean, you do have more murders in certain places, but, like, it is a statistical fluctuation in some respects. Oh, no, like, not only do you, like, do people think that, like, police departments across the country have been defunded, but, like, if you follow people who, you know, share
Starting point is 00:29:53 stories of their relatives on Facebook or in real life, if you live in a city, there's a good chance that, like, you have aunts and uncles who believe that your city has already been, like, destroyed by riots, like, that it has burned, like, that all of New York City or Portland or Los Angeles was, like, last summer raised, like, Sherman marching to the sea by Antifa or fucking Black Lives Matter or whatever, or then the cops are now just, like, you know, not even going to work or whatever. Yeah. Because it's all a media narrative.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Like, the crime raise, no matter how real it is, it's being experienced by most of these people, the voting people, vicariously, it's not in their communities. Not really. I mean, and especially the ones in the suburbs, whether or not the police have been defunded or not, you don't know, you're only experiencing it as it was narrated. And crime rates, you aren't experiencing in any way other than as narrated. And it's being narrated as police funding went down and crime went up. And so you're going to be dealing with that reality no matter what actually happened.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Yeah, and that is going to be the narrative that, like, you know, every right-wing politician is going to fucking ram to the hilt to scared suburban voters for the next two, three, four years. Right. Like, I see, like, Bill Bratton was interviewed by Marine Dowd in the New York Times today, and she just gave him, like, she just let him, like, say whatever he wanted. And he's like, well, they got what they wanted. They defunded the police department.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Now cops don't want to go to work or do their job. Yeah. And it's like, thanks, Bill. Yeah. Like, what a fucking asshole. And, I mean, like, the counter example to this is the election that Krasner just won in Philadelphia, because, like, leading up to that, there was this whole spate of articles being like, oh, like, you know, like, the limits of Krasner's, like, soft on crime approach
Starting point is 00:31:39 is running headlong into, like, you know, the down economy and rising crime and, like, are, you know, are these voters going to reject, like, it was just seemed like they were all these articles are sort of making it seem like it was a Fedoc complete that Krasner was going to be voted out. Yeah. And so, who, you know, in these poor communities or working class communities would be, like, so turned off by the rising crime. And like, not only did that not happen, but I think he won by, like, about three to one.
Starting point is 00:32:04 And with votes from most of these, like, the communities that these people are supposed to be concerned about. Well, that's because these are people who are experiencing it as it really is, both ends of it, not just the end where they get to root for people to go to jail. Exactly. They're experiencing heavily policed and experiencing the crime that usually is associated with, like, over militarized policing. Whereas a lot of the people we talk about in the political sphere only experience it
Starting point is 00:32:24 by curiously. Yeah. From the sidelines. Yeah. But the Democrats very well could get owned by this if they do what they're probably going to do, which is fuck up the rest of their time with any power, don't pass anything else, and allow the only debate to be that because everything's going to be getting worse and there'll be no...
Starting point is 00:32:46 And invariably, they'll run to the right on the crime issue, which they, I mean, they already have. Yeah. I could see Democrats, like the classic Democrat fuck up where they're like, oh, we're actually increasing funding to the police, and so it's like they're implicitly admitting there is a problem. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:03 And then they can be accused of flip-flopping where they're just like, well, last year, you wanted to take away their money and now you want to give them more? I don't know. We'll see. I mean, I think if they have a really bad midterm and 2024, a lot of that's going to be like kind of dropping the ball on voting right stuff. Yeah. No, I mean, actually, I was thinking about this the other day, because I remember last
Starting point is 00:33:24 episode or two, I said, whenever we talk about the Capitol riot, there's always a couple of people who are just like, why don't you take this more seriously? Because I was there and it was fun. It's a coup attempt, or this is a rehearsal or a message to every Republican politician that they should not even dare to respect the results of any election in which they don't win. Yes. The county officials, the state and county officials, just simply refuse to certify
Starting point is 00:33:52 any election. As far as you can. That they don't win. Listen until you hit full resistance. And here's the thing is, they already did that. But I have absolutely no doubt that that is what they are going to do and do more and more frequently and openly. And I have no doubt that the Capitol riot was a connection to that.
Starting point is 00:34:09 But here's the thing. Don't get mad at me. Get mad at the fucking Democrats, because if they took this as seriously as you claim to believe, then why are they trying to work with the Republicans to have a commission on this? Do you know how many fucking hearings the Republicans had about being gauzey without the Democrats signing on to that? Why are the people that you trusted to protect you from this vicious, right-wing, demagogic,
Starting point is 00:34:35 anti-democratic political movement, why don't they see it the same way you do? Because, I mean, look, I thought the Capitol riot was like a joke, I mean, if anything else. I agree with it. It was hilarious, because it was a spectacular failure, right? Yeah. But like... They did a good job.
Starting point is 00:34:52 But what I mean is, things like voting rights, on things like, how about just have a commission on what happened and stick it to these assholes the way they did to you and been gauzey or whatever. They simply won't do it. Well, they've got bigger, they've got more important things to hold on to. You can't fuck with the filibuster. You cannot make it more likely that pressure can push the Democrats in a direction that they don't want to go.
Starting point is 00:35:16 They've got a heavy lid on the top of this thing. They're doing this big progressive push, which is supposed to be made up by the new FBR, but it's entirely premised on finding the least amount that they can give to kickstart the economy. And it's going to come down, whether they get waxed in 2020, is going to come down more than anything to do. Whether it works, whether it's able to, in its pittance, do enough to kickstart something with all that pent-up demand from the quarantine and you get a little economic boost.
Starting point is 00:35:48 And then if that happens, maybe they'll win the midterms or at least stanch the bleeding. But otherwise, they're going to get creamed. If it keeps limping along, they're going to get fucking creamed. I mean, I think they might as bad as the midterms could be, and I think it's still difficult calling it now. Yeah. You got to know more about the economic macro. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Right. I do, and this is even more difficult to call, but it is hard for me to picture too many people who would give Biden a ton of trouble unless he really fucks up. If they choose to run Biden again, which I currently have no reason to believe that they won't. No. Why wouldn't they? Why wouldn't they?
Starting point is 00:36:24 If you ran Kamala, you're just... President Grandpa is testing through the roof with all the key demos. Yeah. President Grandpa is owning, and Kamala is still under water. President, yeah, yeah. President Grandpa is the biggest hit this Netflix ever had. What is the thing he said the other day about like... A chocolate, chocolate chip.
Starting point is 00:36:38 No, no, the girl, he was like... Oh my God. Oh, that was so fucking... He's looking like 19... That was bone-chilling. What the fuck? What are you doing? I'm especially honored to share the stage with Brittany and Jordan and Nathan and Margaret
Starting point is 00:36:51 Catherine. I love those barrettes in their hair, man. I tell you what, I look at her, she looks like she's 19 years old, sitting there with like a little lady in a wax car. What the fuck is he? Joseph, Robin at Biden, what are you doing? It's so funny because Kamala is trying so fucking hard. She's trying so fucking hard to like become a thing, and she's like going in every fucking
Starting point is 00:37:15 direction trying to appeal to everyone. No one's really into it, but then Biden goes out there and he's like, I like kissing kindergartners on the lips because their lips are soft. And like 60% of people are like, yes, we love him. I think it's in the low 60s. Every day, every single day when they even allow him to like come out in front of a green screen, he's like... Just like...
Starting point is 00:37:43 When they made Filipinos, they really... Oh man. They broke them all. They broke them all. I love what they did there. The demographic that Biden struggled with the most in 2020 that augured the worst for the future of the Democrats was with Hispanics. His high approval ratings include a huge jump in support among Hispanics.
Starting point is 00:38:03 So he's got them right now. Will he be able to hold on to them? My guess? No. Well, Biden is like reverse they live, where it's like we don't have the glasses, so like we see what he's actually saying, what he's actually saying is like, you know, I'd love to go to Sally Hawkins with your seven-year-old, he's just weird shit. But what people are hearing, like they, I don't know, like fluoride gives you the, like
Starting point is 00:38:31 takes away the glasses or something, and they're hearing like the most beautiful speeches ever. So when, you know, we hear Biden's speech, he goes, president of Trump, and we're like, what the fuck? Like people are hearing like Jed Bartlett. I think it's because like we've had, like we're at our age, like the fluoride in our body and bloodstreams is not built up to the level that like boomers have. So they get, they're on the Biden wavelength.
Starting point is 00:38:56 That must be it. So like they, like they experience and feel him in a way that is totally unique to the way we do. Like they don't, they don't know that he's had hair plugs for the last 30 years. They think he just has a big, beautiful, wafting chestnut mane. They like, if you like brush your teeth with a lead toothbrush, like your entire childhood, there's something about like the timber of Biden's voice and like the insane content of what he says, where you're like, this is, this is the best president, like ever in
Starting point is 00:39:25 human, this is the best world leader in human history. And he's just like, they'll like ask him a question, like, are you going to still sell weapons to Israel? And he's like, chocolate, chocolate chip. I came here to get ice cream. Get in front of the car. That's a perfect example of that. That's a perfect example of that.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Cause like, I remember like, like when Trump was president and like the absolute open contempt he had for the press corps, like it drove them crazy. One of his best features. Yeah. No, but like, but these Biden and like all of his people have the exact same content. Absolutely. Like, but the press with Biden, they like it when he makes a joke about getting someone with a car who's asking him a question about selling weapons to a fucking like ongoing
Starting point is 00:40:04 war crime scene. Yeah. Yeah. He's just like, why'd you step in front of the car? I'll run you over, Mac. And they're just like, oh, that Biden, we love his witty rapport with us. Mr. President, please give a quick question on Israel before you drive for us. No, you can't.
Starting point is 00:40:17 I'm not unless you get in front of the car as I step up. Every headline about Biden in like the New York times or any like, you know, avowedly like non-partial news sources, like Biden stuns nation with beautiful speech. And the speech is like, you know, I remember when you could put a hand behind a girl's skirt when you were in line behind her, you can't do that anymore. And gay guys, they used to shave one part of their eyebrows so you knew that you could take it behind a set of bushes and do what you had to do. It used to be all Tom of Finland and wearing a leather outfit and they would put a nose
Starting point is 00:40:52 ring on so you could grab them by it. And who knows where you're going to bring his head down? And then they're like, yeah, the most people ever cried hearing that speech. But the question that he said about, I'll hit you with my car is like, the funny thing is like most of the press corps wants to run over someone with a car if they ask the same question because they're just like, that's not fair. Yeah. Don't ask that question.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Yeah. Don't ask why we're selling fucking $1 billion of the weapons to it. Jake Tapper is just like quote tweeting like random people, like just a random like guy in like San Diego, who's Palestinian being like, this guy's anti-Semitic. Yeah. It's like, what the fuck? It's like insane. It's fucking insane.
Starting point is 00:41:33 But that's, that's the non-partial American press. So I was just talking about that. I mean, I know I like, last week, everyone had a lot of fun with the Eve Fartlow saga and a lot of people were demanding that, or just not demanding, but like excited for the, her insane like tablet piece about, you know, how her Menchies are like the Holocaust. I mean, it's, I have a theory about this. Well, I mean like they, they, they, they want us to do it and like, you know, like, it's just like, we, we, we, that's what they had fun with it for a day.
Starting point is 00:42:01 There's nothing you can say about it. It's pain. It's absolutely pain. They want you to talk about that. They want you to talk about it so that you're not talking about like Biden selling them another billion dollars in fucking weapons. They're not talking about Biden's complicity and all this. They're not talking about like the ongoing fucking war crimes that they're doing, like
Starting point is 00:42:16 every fucking day there. They would rather you talk about, I mean, everyone's guilty of this because it's like, I mean, look, every, every, every, I'm not telling anyone what to post. I don't want to, I don't want to like tell people what to post. And it's like, you know, everyone has their guys, some people have Eve Fartlow. I have arson, the guy who makes the, the Mikey Miles of Israel. But it's like, at the end of the day, it's like, you know, I think a good rule is like for every time you make a post, like making fun of those guys, you should like, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:45 make people see something that a Palestinian say, because they will debate themselves to whatever. Exactly. Because they would rather you talk about what an asshole they are, than you talk to any Palestinian. And it's like, whether it's like that, that chinhead who wrote a name dropped us in the spectator or whatever in the most tortured analogy ever, Seth Rogen is the comedy is Choppo Trap House is the Henry Kissinger, you didn't hear that, you didn't hear that?
Starting point is 00:43:12 Oh, it's a guy defending Eve Fartlow in the spectator, which is like, by the way, one of the most openly anti-Semitic publications, like maybe outside of their story. Tacky writes for them, for Christ's sake. On their mast head for years. Wait, wait, what was his analogy? He said, he said, Seth Rogen is the comedy as Choppo Trap House is the Henry Kissinger. He's had sex with the concept of comedy. That is so bad.
Starting point is 00:43:35 It says a guy is to politics, and then shouldn't it be West to comedy, or no, it's like Seth Rogen is to comedy as Choppo Trap House is to politics. That would make sense. Why would he not do that? But like, how do we really say Henry Kissinger? He said Henry Kissinger? This is how the base designers, this is how the base designers are. Do you know how much you have to fucking suck to just like be completely Jewish, everyone
Starting point is 00:44:02 you know is Jewish, your entire family, and you suck at making movies, you suck at writing articles, you fucking suck at making TV shows, you probably couldn't even put together a boy band. Someone puts a fucking gun to your head, find five photogenic 17-year-olds from Florida, make a boy band, you couldn't do it. All you could do is like debase yourself so people won't talk about the thing. Well, I mean, I feel exactly like, your point you made about debasing oneself or like the way these people debase themselves is exactly the same thought I have, and it's very true.
Starting point is 00:44:29 It's like, whether it's Eve Bartlow or Batya Bungar Sargon or like, or any of these fucking clowns that just step out there to like just write like the shittiest article imaginable, that it's just like so humiliating to them that what they were like, they have no compunction about literally saying that like sending an emoji to me is like the Holocaust. And like the thing is, they're aware of that because like this is their role, like they're willing to step, it is part of a larger project in which these people are willing to sacrifice themselves to step into the breach of absolute ridicule and debasement to form a very important function, which is to not talk about fucking like, like what's actually going on or the
Starting point is 00:45:09 actual, like they're talking about social media programs to distract you from the actual programs that are going on, the actual fucking like ethnic cleansing and mass murder that's taking place by the state that they fucking basically all, you know, admire and seek to defend. So with little rule of thumb, I'm going to give you, when an Israeli does a bad piece of media, it's not on purpose. They're trying their best. That's like literally the best they can do when like an American, like an American Zionist
Starting point is 00:45:37 who like actually would never move to Israel because they're so bad at making shows and stuff is writing the worst article you've ever read. It's on purpose. It's a thousand percent on purpose. And like these people are, they're courting the exact reaction and that they couldn't have been, they couldn't have been happier with it. Like that's not to say you shouldn't make fun of them or like, I'm not trying to tell anyone like, oh, like don't, don't have fun or don't, don't fucking wind up these idiots.
Starting point is 00:46:02 I'm just saying like, yeah, like the fact that like, I think well over 10,000 people marched in Washington DC this weekend in solidarity with Palestine. This is like, they're like, that lobby is clearly nervous because it's like, not just, you know, Americans openly supporting Palestine, but Americans openly going like, oh wait, what the fuck is this? Like the fact that there were so many people who haven't made up their mind, which is ridiculous, but like still that was a block of people that you formerly was like, I'm with Israel 100% of the way because that's all I've seen on TV or read and that it's up for grabs
Starting point is 00:46:38 like this and that they're, it's not a total control of the narrative that does send a shiver down their spine. Well, here's an issue. I saw a poll today that was like an overall like poll of like, like Americans and it was like, who do you blame for like the violence in Israel, Palestine? And overall among Americans, it was split basically 40, 60 between people, 40% who blamed Israel and 60% who blamed Hamas. If you look at how the age splits in this poll, under 40, it's flipped 60% blame Israel,
Starting point is 00:47:12 40% blame Hamas. And if you're over 40, it's even more drastic. The older you get, the more likely you are, the more you love Israel and the less like and the less sympathetic you are, like the, the less you want to hear about Palestinians or like their right to fucking self-defense or, you know, Hey man, a lot of us have everything pinned on the rapture. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:33 They need to rebuild that third temple chop shop. Can I have a tip for everyone? When you want to post about like any of these people all day, there's something my friend Spencer that has been doing that's really funny to me. And every time someone has like, you know, a virally bad post, he just replies to them with links to Olivia Rodrigo songs on Spotify. It's like, Hey, check it out. Just do that.
Starting point is 00:47:57 It's baffling. It doesn't get them the reaction they want. You can go on with your day. Yeah. But like, I mean, these people are, it doesn't matter how ridiculous or stupid it seems. It's, it's working for them and they're well aware of it. And like, look, I do it too. Like I get a good time fucking rolling these people up as well, but it's just, just be
Starting point is 00:48:16 aware that like it is, it is entirely their goal. It's bait. It's entirely their goal to fucking like say something unbelievably cretinous and offensive. And then when people make fun of them to fucking cry about it and be like, Oh, look, look, this is everything I said is true. Look how fucking, look how, look how anti-semitic they are to me. Yeah. And, you know, just make sure, you know, have as much fun as you want, but make sure that
Starting point is 00:48:39 at the end of the day, you're not spending more time reading articles by like people in the forward who you know, fucking suck, and you know, they're going to say the same thing anytime. You know, you can read like Muhammad El-Kurd, anyone. Yeah. Yeah. You can, you can read like the, some, yeah, like the actual journalism about what's going on there.
Starting point is 00:48:55 So I was talking about religion, Matt, here's a story that I saw yesterday that I think is right up your alley. It was about the release of a, an upcoming release of a, of a new edition of the Bible called the God bless America version of the Bible. Okay. The headline to this story folks, the Protestants, they're added again. They're added again folks. They're having fun.
Starting point is 00:49:16 This version. Let them do them. This will be like an expanded version of the Bible, which will include the U.S. Constitution. And in, in, in the forward lyrics from Lee Greenwood's classic, God bless the U.S. This is like blasphemy. People, people literally like in the Bible would be killed. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:35 People like God kills people in the Bible who do shit like this. Yeah. Like you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you fucking heathens. This is like, they are, it's like they heard our. Sacred and profane for Christ's sake. They heard what we said about them not worshiping God just worshiping America and they're like, that's a good idea. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Oh right. That is what I worshiped. That's literally what I want to do. I mean, I love it when they do it. That's the best thing about the Protestants is they just do it right for you. You don't have to say anything. It's like, yes, you, you worship America. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:04 It is a, it is the devil, it is the devil worship of personal advancement in the form of America. If we had a joke, if we had a joke on the show where it's like, Oh, what are American Protestants doing, putting the constitution in the Bible, we'd be like, cut that. That sucks dick. Like that's so, that's like Garthinas 2006, like that's so hacky, like I can't believe we even like almost had that on the episode. That sucks so much.
Starting point is 00:50:27 But no, they're like actually do like they like, they're so far that way that they're like, yeah, a graphic novel about like a hypocrite evangelical who gets beat up by a cool guy who drinks like it's, it's, they're awesome. But like to that thing about like the older you are, the more you love Israel, like obviously like the more Christian you are, the more you love Israel. And that's why in American culture, like, like specifically among evangelical Protestants, is why America's like unwavering support for Israel, the 51st state is so important because it's our, it's, it's America's only connection to the Bible.
Starting point is 00:51:03 Because if you are an evangelical Protestant in America, like the biggest problem that you have is not only is that, not only is God not in the constitution at all, America is not in the Bible at all. That's why the smart ones became Mormon. Yes, I know. Because if you're a Mormon they just wrote this shit out. A new New Testament. A new New Testament.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Genius. Yeah. And what a shock. Among American non-Catholic, not Jews, who is doing the best, who's thriving relative to the baseline of like just white people, fucking Mormons. Mormons? Mormons, it's like Protestants are all like dying in mass, like COVID or like just driving into a brick wall.
Starting point is 00:51:40 And Mormons are like, gender fricking reveals. Mormons, Mormons went from being like in a, like in a tinerant group of, just would get kicked out of places for being too annoying. And now it's like, oh no, we're the American Knights Templar, we're knights of the security state. We have the most money, we're actually growing, like we own an entire state. They support made of capitalism to like their social grouping, because they recognize the need to do that.
Starting point is 00:52:08 And they were like, they solved all the problems. They didn't try to wedge a pig into a square or into a circular hole. They were like, no, no, we have to make a new thing where we become God after we die. Yeah. Like it's no. And that's why like the smart hustlers became Mormons, the fucking, the dumbasses, the lazy players, they stayed, now we're going to stick with this desert religion and just try to like graft it on and then they ended up being totally dissolved into nothing.
Starting point is 00:52:39 How do you like, how many, I'm sure this has happened with Mormon guys before, but there aren't a lot of like Mormon Jim Bakers, like guys who are going to go on TV and cry all the time. No. I mean, maybe if you're in like Utah or Nevada or like in the Southwest, there's gotta be a few like Mormon TV shows. But it's not like there won't be like a nationally famous Mormon, like they won't allow a, like the only nationally famous Mormon, like basically renounced Mormonism to, he's like, Glenn Beck
Starting point is 00:53:05 is functionally an evangelical. Yeah. He's like, yeah. Confirmed in the first place. Yeah. He's like, oh, I didn't know he fully converted. No, no, he was a convert. Don't convert to Mormonism.
Starting point is 00:53:15 So it's always lightly held. Yeah. No. He's not a true Templar. No. He doesn't hold the Templar blood. And like he, Mitt Romney would never allow himself to like, yeah, no, no, no, God no. He is some pride.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Yeah. And that's the Mormons have pride. Yes. And of course, plenty of people who live in Mormon country or know of it are probably going, no, they're sucked. They're doing poorly too. Like Utah has in a lot of lower indices sees for, for, and it's, yeah, they're doing bad because everything is dissolving, but they are, they held out longer than the rest of
Starting point is 00:53:51 us. Yeah. And like if this thing we have now cracks and reforms and Ember turns to ash and then Ember again and the flame rises again, it will be the Mormon kingdom of America. Yeah. Like it's like, what's the only group that I think is organized enough? Yeah. Like the American Zetas would be Mormons.
Starting point is 00:54:10 Yeah. That's absolutely correct. That's why my, my, my ongoing favorite science fiction program, The Expanse, like 400 years in the future, it is very clear like the only like major religious group that is still around or features in like the culture as they're portrayed on the show are Mormons. And they're building a giant space arc to go fucking. Yeah, they absorbed all the other ones. They're probably building that now.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Yeah. Yeah. They're probably fucking do, like they probably, like Mormons have probably like rented a big lots that they own a franchise to, to the Covenant. Well, I mean, just those are here in the LA. That is why the, the greatest American singer-songwriter Warren Zevon is the product of the two most powerful and esoteric bloodlines in America. And one of the rarest combinations of all time, half Mormon, half Jewish.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Wow. Message, message, message to all listeners. Message to all listeners. If your name, if your name, if your name is like Mary Beth Johnston and you like have never tasted soda, contact me. We can create a new kingly bloodline. Contact me. Contact me.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Contact me. Oh God. No, that's two chosen people. Yeah. Two most chosen people and one who loves soda and one group who hates it. The Mormons self-consciously grafted their social movement onto their ideas about early Judaism. They called non-Jew, non-Mormons Gentiles.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Yeah. No. They're like their weebs for Judaism, but they made like, but they like, Joseph Smith clearly talked to some Jewish, Jewish guys at some point and was like, so do you guys have heaven and he was like, hey, you, you've become part of God and Joseph Smith is like not good enough. No, yeah. If we have been part of, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:58 I would just be God. Thank you very much. Yeah. Yeah. That sounds cool. It's like playing a giant PlayStation for eternity. Yeah. Because they really did solve the eternal question of monotheistic afterlife.
Starting point is 00:56:10 How are you going to not get bored of everything? How are you going to maintain nothing going to work in an infinite space like that? You become eternal. Your eternity and you're watching everything happen in front of you. Yeah. They're like, man, they should just like, instead of Marvel movies, they should just make action movies that are the Mormon Bible. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:27 The new, new Testament. Yeah. They did a great job. Don't tell me about the bad stuff they did. I know. All right. Well, someone's going to DM me. It's like 30 screenshots of the Mormonism Wikipedia.
Starting point is 00:56:41 I'm not reading it. Go to hell. All right, so I guess because we are going back to New York tomorrow, last thing I want to talk about today is a story edited in New York this week and the New York mayor's race, which I've been, like, astonishingly, I have followed it almost not at all. I have no idea who's running for mayor. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:57:16 You got, you got Scott Stringer. You got the woman who apologized. Well, I want to talk about the woman who apologized. You got Eric Adams. You got Andrew Yang. The guy drew Dilbert. He's going to be mayor of New York. I think it's going to be either Scott Stringer or Eric Adams and like, they're both a mixed
Starting point is 00:57:31 bag. But like, you know what? Like a kind of New York City mayor. What difference? It's just a job where you just absorb everyone's anger. Absorb everyone's like, you're the painting of Vigo the Carpathian in Ghostbusters 2. Exactly. You absorb.
Starting point is 00:57:44 You're like, you are the slime in Ghostbusters 2. That is what being New York City mayor is like. But you know, I mean, we've made fun of to build the bungler all the time, but he defeated the Trump virus. He defeated the Trump virus. He defeated the Trump virus and you don't have to wear a mask and equinox anymore. He's the best mayor in the world. You know, that photo, the photo of him wearing a dress shirt over the fucking dentures.
Starting point is 00:58:05 He has swag. Eric Garcetti, if Eric Garcetti goes everywhere, like people are like, fuck you, you fucking shit suck. And when build the bungler, oh, he, that only happens to him 50% of places. And like, okay, like, no, build the bungler is the man. And I don't know, like, I guess I should care about this race. I like, I like, I like really don't want Eric Adams. I might be forced to vote in this, but I really don't want Andrew Yang. I mean, I don't want him either, but I mean, everyone kind of sucks.
Starting point is 00:58:35 I mean, yeah, they all, they're all pretty shitty, but like none of them are like wildly more terrible than the others, but like none of them are wildly better than the others. I think I, I want, I kind of want Morales to be mayor because it would be so funny. Like it's like a former charter school person who's like at age like 60 is like the accountability process. Well, that's, yeah. Space is like bodies. So like four years of that is so funny.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Morales was like, was sort of like the consensus, like sort of like, like left wing progressive choice for mayor because she, because she, because she, she said, she said all the things or whatever, but like her campaign like imploded this past week or like her campaign manager quit and then she like, like the campaign released like one of the most baffling statements ever. Like you could just, you could, your eyes could start bleeding, staring at it, trying to figure out what the fuck she's actually talking about, but like it was, it was a lengthy statement.
Starting point is 00:59:29 It was apologizing for like the conduct of a campaign staffer who did some unspecified thing and now they're like, uh, they're working to hold space for, for other bodies. Yeah. No, it's like one of those apologies. It's so vague where it's like, okay, did he like make an off color joke or did he like hit a girl with a car? Yeah. It's like my favorite type of thing where it's like, I don't know what it was.
Starting point is 00:59:50 And I, you know, like, I, like, I, I tried to process and I asked, I was like, does anyone know what this is actually referring to? And someone said it was because it was like a staffer was like, was racist or an asshole. It's like other people on the staff and I was like, okay. I was like, but what though? Like how is he an asshole? And they're like, I don't know. And like, I'm not saying this like to, to question, uh, I just want the goss.
Starting point is 01:00:09 Yeah. I want to know the dirt. And I think like also if you apologize or like do accountability or shit like this, I don't think you should get points unless you make it very clear exactly what the fuck happened. It's true. Yeah. Like this is just like allowing you to just be like, it could have been, uh, yeah, like
Starting point is 01:00:23 an off color joke or it could have been a murder. Like what the fuck? Yeah. I mean, this has been what's insane to me about the mayor's race and like, I guess how it's been cut or how they're all covered, all the big municipal races in America, like the big three, I guess, or the big four, San Francisco, LA, New York, Chicago. It's like, you think about this particularly in LA where everywhere you go, there are just these like fuck just open human misery everywhere.
Starting point is 01:00:52 There's so many people just fucking living outside under tarps. And it's like, there's been all this, like there's been all this like media coverage of people who are like, oh, I'm leaving New York or I'm leaving LA, I'm going to like Texas or Austin or whatever. And what that always is, like if you really break it down, one of its taxes, I guess, but the other thing is you like don't want to see homeless people and you want to go to a place where they like to kill them quicker because that's all these municipal elections and all these places.
Starting point is 01:01:20 The main thing the job is, and for the people that are like fanatical about voting in them, it's basically like, which way are we going to kill all the homeless people? And it's so fucking insane to me because like, even if you were going to take a cynical track with it, like what's the best way to keep capital here and like to in the long run, save the most money and generate the most revenue, it would be to take like a billion dollars in state funds a year and be like, okay, here's an apartment. Like if you've been driven fucking insane by just leaving against the elements for three decades, like here you go, like we don't want you to like fucking die outside.
Starting point is 01:01:54 We don't want this to be like a societal problem. If you're just doing that from a cynical angle, like fine, but it's like all like the only coverage I've seen is like, you know, did Yang have a moment on the view? And it's like, how is this not like the biggest issue? Just like the thousands of people just like sleeping in the fucking rain. Because they have nothing they can do about it because the, although the answer, the correct answer of pay for them to live humanely is obvious and correct and feasible. You have to put that housing somewhere and municipal power derives some fucking real
Starting point is 01:02:30 estate, developers and homeowners in some combination. And so you work for them if you're the mayor and so you have no real leeway to do anything other than just move, almost people around and abuse them so much that they take the hint and leave town or something. The 1970s were awesome for the American mayoral system. Oh yeah. It was the, yeah, the entire, I mean, everyone who was a mayor at that time was broken on the wheel and everybody who's come after that knows the score.
Starting point is 01:02:59 It just served the fire industry. It's just so insane to me because it's like no one really, like just across the board and this isn't one of the things where it's like, oh, people on the left talk about it. It's like no one really wants to talk about it. It's like no one wants to think about it or see it. And it's like all these like people who maybe in their personal lives to their families are good or, you know, they consider themselves like outwardly progressive people will like if this was a direct vote, like we're going to kill all these people in a way you don't
Starting point is 01:03:30 have to see. Oh, they would absolutely take the vote. Yes. They vote yes. Or if like maybe if you didn't put it in that, those terms like the word kill, you just like it was just, you press the button and you're like, we don't have to see them anymore. They're not a problem. They're not supposed to be here.
Starting point is 01:03:43 They're not really even supposed to be there. They're not supposed to be here. They're not supposed to be here. It's not a crime what happened. It's so insane to me that like no one really portrays this as like a national crisis, which it is. It's just, and I think the longer it goes on, the less likely anything will be done about it.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Because every day that goes by that you live in some place like San Francisco or New York for that matter and you just walk by encampments of people who have been driven insane by the world and forced literally onto fucking sidewalks with indentations on their heads from sleeping against jagged edges. You just dead in that part in you that feels anything about it just a little bit more until it's like, you just, you got blind design. Walk right by it. Don't fucking notice.
Starting point is 01:04:26 Those people serve a vital social function the way they are that would be lost if they were treated humanely and that is their fucking warning to everybody else. Yep. Yeah. If you have one of the invisible jobs, if you're a guy who lives in a fucking shitty apartment and your job is to wipe down the aisles at CVS or like drive a Uber or something like that, that's telling you like, hey, don't fuck up. Yep.
Starting point is 01:04:45 Don't ask for too much. People say, oh, capitalism doesn't have coercion. This is the coercion. It is creating these people to live in these lives that it doesn't have to be. And that is the fucking gun at the base of the neck that gets everybody on the treadmill. And this is on the exact same spectrum of like the conversation is about like, oh, like, how tight, like, you know, how generous should unemployment benefits really be? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:08 Or like, you know, we don't want a labor market that's too competitive and tight for like, you know, employers or whatever. And it's this whole thing about like, oh, like, or should we really incentivize people not working? It's just because like, no, they need that lash, they need the lash in their hand. And like, if you are someone on unemployment, they're like, they want to force you right back and taking that job for fucking $12 an hour or less. And if you're like, and again, if you're making more like, who the fuck would choose a job
Starting point is 01:05:31 over that? I mean, like, and then, and then like a homeless crisis, like that problem, like, again, you're exactly right, Matt. And if you point to those people, just be like, hey, you like that, because if you don't fucking show up for work, like, that's going to be you, and there's going to be, and no one's going to help you. No one's going to help. You're invisible to everyone.
Starting point is 01:05:48 You're going to be invisible. You're going to be like literal garbage that like have no rights, no recourse, and no one even notices your pain. The most, the, the most you can ever become like the story is when a bunch of rich people hate seeing you so much that they go somewhere else. I mean, like right here in LA, like they just like Echo Park, they just like had this huge clear out of Echo Park, which had like a homeless encampment in it. And now like they're just reopening Echo Park, but there's a fence around the entire park
Starting point is 01:06:15 and checkpoints to get back in, which is like, if you live in that neighborhood, isn't that a fucking eyesore? You can't even go to a public park without being asked like, Hey, are you here for a business or a place? It looks like the yard at a minimum security prison now. And apparently like one of the, again, this is like, like such like, like liberal brain, like fucking hostility, like one of the ways they're dealing with like the areas that were previously like, you know, had to tense or it camped out, they're going to be like, what
Starting point is 01:06:37 they're doing now is that they're creating these like ecologically sustainable like cactus gardens because they're like, you know, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is sustainable. And it's where you have to get everywhere by car. Suck my fucking dick. You literally have to take a car, any, there are no sidewalks here. Suck my fucking dick. You're cactus garden. So they're creating like all like actual space that would be available for some human being
Starting point is 01:07:00 to sit or like lie on and they're going to cover with fucking cactus spines, but they're like, Oh, that's sustainable. It doesn't, it doesn't waste water in like, like you burn through like a stegosaurus worth of fossil fuels to like go to 7-eleven here, a fucking cactus garden. Oh my God, this is satanic. You look at it and you just think, what is the long-term game plan here? Cause you're just moving people around for huge amounts of money. You're spending over $2,600 a month per tent to keep people in a big parking lot next to
Starting point is 01:07:31 the freeway in, in a fucking tent, more than the fucking, a fucking two bedroom apartment in this city. They could, they could just pay people to stay there. They're spending that money instead. Just move it. Yeah. Moving everyone around. Right.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Okay. Yes. Setting them on buses to go to like. So that it makes you think, well, okay, there's no wrong term plan here. You're just cooking the can down on the road. Isn't that going to eventually blow up in your face? Isn't there going to be too many people to deal with? And the direction we're going is the creation of areas that are denied to homeless people,
Starting point is 01:08:04 the unhoused, technologically, like, like little, little cantons, like central market and like suburban areas that are just denied by, by the geography, by the architecture, by, by the drone army, whatever it is. And then there'll be everywhere else. And then you guys can figure that out your own. Even in the UK, even in the UK, it places it as no value of human life, a place where people might be spit on, they, the government will be like, here, we're buying your apartment building that no one lives in so we can like put homeless people here.
Starting point is 01:08:37 And like, I'm not saying they don't have a homeless problem, but it's like they're doing something we don't really do here. I mean, the only example I've really heard of someone doing that on any type of scale was actually in Utah. Yeah. That's what you'd imagine. There's, there's plans on the books. LA has this thing like room key, project room key that they're, that they have funding
Starting point is 01:08:56 for and are going to get more funding for, which is just buying out unused hotel rooms and turning them into sort of like, why not, why not spend, why not spend as much money as possible and how is the least amount of people hotel rooms, how many fucking empty buildings are there? Well, that's the thing is that they're, they're not renting out the hotels. They're turning the hotels into like dormitories basically. And so far they've used barely any of the money, but the hope is that if they get, there's changes on the city council and stuff that they can get, like really open the floodgates.
Starting point is 01:09:29 So there are models to change, to do something different. It's just a question of whether they can actually get the things together that make it happen. Oh, but sorry, just that we got very far, I feel like back to Morales and New York City. Yeah. Yeah. Back to the real shit. Back to the real fucking city. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:48 No, I mean, like there's a couple of threads here that I think are interesting. It's like, one is, it should be like an object lesson in how fucking useless that bodies and spaces language is if it can, if anyone can say it, and it can be used so deathly to just basically like blinker all, all the counting of like what actually happened or what was said or done. I don't think it's totally useless because it's like, well, if you look at Morales on paper, it's like, well, yeah. That's the use of it, is that like, how did this person, like, again, like, I know, like,
Starting point is 01:10:19 I didn't, I didn't know shit about her, but like, it's just, oh, she gets out there and she says all the right things, but like, she was in Bloomberg's fucking administration. Yeah. Yeah. She like, she can't contract business with the city because she bribed a water inspector back in like the Bloomberg administration. She was in this like a fucking nonprofit that was just like just evicted people. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:37 It was a nonprofit for evicting people and I don't know, funding charter schools or something and then all of a sudden she's talking about fucking, yeah, like, we are, we are, we are doing the work of holding the space. Well, yeah. That's the thing. That language will never work in getting the amount of people you need to win the election, but it will peel enough people off and that's the point of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:55 I mean, I guess like, it worked enough to convince enough people to just be like, oh, she's the progressive choice for New York City. Yeah. And it put those voters out of commission. Yeah. You're just throwing that shit away. And then, and then now it's just to find out like, oh, like, oh, and then like her, all her staff quits because they wanted to like, they wanted to form a union and like the fucking,
Starting point is 01:11:10 like the most important second is the fucking primary, like most most important union types are, I would say, campaign workers. That's the most important, you know, like, I'm in favor of like, you know, all workplaces being being unionized, like the more the better, in my opinion, but like, it just simply like these like these campaign jobs is like, I mean, isn't it isn't this just like a stepping stone for most of these people to get fucking jobs and politics? Yeah. I'm going to come out here and say, I like don't give a shit about people work on campaigns.
Starting point is 01:11:39 I got to say this though. I'm sorry, man. I don't, when it comes to Morales, I don't really think that like that really was some sort of left, leftist, you know, insurgency candidate campaign powered by real, it seems like it was very focus grouped, focused tested. So whatever is going to happen there, you'd expect it. Of course they're trying to secure the bag. Why wouldn't they?
Starting point is 01:11:58 But I do think that like in a, in a world where there are attempts to genuinely challenge the system through electoral politics, like people do take the plunge to try to do local and state races. When they do that, they have to understand that they're subordinating their interests to some degree, to something bigger than that, right? Yeah. Like that they're actually trying to get something accomplished more than just get a job, more than just, you know, punch a clock.
Starting point is 01:12:25 Like there's something that they're trying to accomplish there. And I hope that like this isn't just a sign that everybody is so kind of fixated on, you know, these models, like unions, they're good, we need one for the workplace, that they completely forget, you know, that sometimes there's something bigger to fight for. But I don't think that was even, you know, the case here, because it seemed like a very cynical campaign from the beginning. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:50 I mean, like, yeah, like, I think they just saw like that that lane was open. And then they hired a bunch of people that taught her how to like, talk about, you know, like, like, use the language that like, you know, people respond to and that like, who like, you know, that bodies and spaces talk. Yeah. You know, we know this section we have here, administration. Yeah. And that guy put a lot of bodies and a lot of crawl spaces.
Starting point is 01:13:13 And like, but the Blasio came, got elected from the left wing of that campaign. So there's a thought. Hey, you know, there's a possibility for the most part, like he didn't, he didn't. No, yeah. He just, he just got, he just got out there because it was earlier though that hadn't developed yet. He would have, he would have, he would have, if it was around yet, but it was still bubbling and crock potting on Tumblr and, and in the academy by, but yeah, if the bungler was coming
Starting point is 01:13:38 out now, he would be coming out hard. If you play in the ones and twos, the bodies and spaces, the bungler, the bungler was an auteur like he would have, there's something I love about him where it's like, he's like if Tommy Wiseau like won the Oscar, the fact that he became air is fucking amazing. And it's like, I like, every time I see like a journalist bitch about him, it's like, I'm like, okay, is this about real estate development? Like something important? And it's like, no, I can't park my mom's car in front of a union pool.
Starting point is 01:14:09 Like some like super specific New York bullshit. And it's like, you know what, I've decided I like this guy's surely because of how uncharismatic he is. It's impressive. A guy that tall. He, he sucks just like any Democrat who runs the city would suck, probably for pretty much for the same reasons. But like as a guy, amazing.
Starting point is 01:14:29 He's the, he's the debongler. I love debongler. He beat the Trump virus. He'd be, you can't take that away. You can't take that away. Best Mayor in America, New York, number one, lifelong New York since 2015. I mean, and he certainly, it's like, if you put it in contrast to governor Andrew Cuomo, it's not a contest.
Starting point is 01:14:44 Yeah. Oh God. Yeah. Buildabongler would never like hug a woman and then like, like bite her ear a little bit and be like, do you, do you know my friend Janet? You look like if she was taller, can I try to pick you up? I'm going to pick you up. I guess I'm just like the last thing with the New York City Mayor's race.
Starting point is 01:15:07 This was like a couple of weeks ago, but I thought it was so funny. This was back in like Andrew Yang with head and fucking taking a nose dive, which happened by the way, right after he said he stands with Israel, which I guess I don't know if one thing is related to the other, but in New York city for that to happen, that's not, that's not nothing. It is interesting. I mean, I kind of do think that I think it was mostly accumulated gaffes and ophir. He kind of took the bloom off the road was right when it's like, he should have never
Starting point is 01:15:32 talked about issues. Oh, absolutely. No, he blew it. He was winning on name recognition. And it was all a question of whether the snowball was going to melt under the heat before the election day. And he needed to keep it moving with a goofy stunts and cringe, not fucking talking about the issues and be like, what if we made it put a dogfighting casino on Randall's Island
Starting point is 01:15:51 that only takes Bitcoin? If he was just like, I'm going to bring back Mango Jewel, we wouldn't even be having this conversation. No, he would be mayor now. He would have just said, we're not even having an election. Yeah. And the bungalow would be like, hey, that's against the, oh, all right. I would be the one guy who's like, I'm like his onion.
Starting point is 01:16:12 I'm like the bungalow's onion knight, he's Stannis and I'm his onion knight. I will defend, I will defend Enri Yang like only in so much as, I think a lot of the ways people have been trying to catch him out, just being like, he's not a real New Yorker. He's like, the shit that I can't stand like more than, I hate like all of this debate about like a real New Yorker would never eat pizza that way, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up. Cause like there's one example where they're like, what's your favorite subway station, Andrew?
Starting point is 01:16:39 And he was like, ah, probably Times Square. It's where it's my stop. It's where I live. And it's like, oh, it's weird that he lives in Times Square. That's fucking bizarre. That seems like a fucking nightmare to me. Name a better way to be within walking distance to the M&M store. Like it's like, I have the gym.
Starting point is 01:16:52 He has the M&M store. It'd be funny if he's just like, like clockwork, six o'clock every night walks to the M&M store. He probably does. He probably fucking does that. Yeah. But who has a favorite subway station? Well, that's the, that's the point.
Starting point is 01:17:04 Like the actual real New Yorker answer to what is your favorite subway station is none of them. The one that they're all left. They all, they all, they all, they're all wet all the time. They're always the wrong temperature. They're all like Moscow or even like DC. They're disgusting. Well, there's one of them happens to have a beautiful vaulted ceiling and like a gorgeous
Starting point is 01:17:23 marble fucking like, you know, tiling or I don't know, like architecture chandeliers or whatever. It's like, no, they're all a dank, urine-soaked hellhole. They're all miserable. Yeah. Yeah. Andrew Yang, who's your favorite Ock? Where does your Ock work?
Starting point is 01:17:38 And there's one other thing I want to defend Andrew Yang on, even though I hope more than anything he is not mayor of New York City. It was like, it was the New York Times and they give like these stupid quizzes to all the candidates. And like that was when like Sean Donovan, Obama's fucking former secretary of housing and urban development, when asked what the average home price in Brooklyn is at a hundred thousand dollars. They're fucking a hud sign.
Starting point is 01:17:59 The hud secretary. Just too good. Oh man. So like, but like when Andrew Yang did it, it was clear that he was just looking up answers on his phone. And these fucking snitches and tattletales, like the other candidates and journalists were like, should we let Andrew get away with that? It's just like, of course he was like, you know, the other candidates are fucking morons
Starting point is 01:18:18 are getting caught up like that and answering a hundred grand instead of just looking on their phone for half a second. If you fail the take home test, yeah, you just leave school, yeah, leave. Well, New York City will still be awaiting us tomorrow when we return. I'm so excited. I'll be coming too. I'll be diving back into its luscious expanse. We'll be doing our first live event or streaming event rather, but Frequency Fest tickets still
Starting point is 01:18:44 available. Live streaming. Live streaming event. We've got a fucking killer lineup. We've got a very interesting sort of LA or sort of a Hollywood based concept for you guys. Yeah. Me and Andrew have also written a truly repulsive thing. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:59 Oh yeah. They've really, they've got some necronomic on stuff. It's disgusting. It's from the dark reaches. This is the darkness of humanity. Yeah. If anyone who tunes in to Frequency Fest is getting fully hollowed. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:13 No. You're going to be fully, fully hollowed. You will become a pale shade of Laundor. All right, guys, well, it's been, it's been so awesome being here in California, but we love it. We'll be back on the East coast soon, but cheers to you guys. It's been so much fun hanging out here with you guys. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Yeah. To be back together as a triumvirate. Well, we'll be back. It's over, baby. We'll be doing shuttle diplomacy from now on. Indeed. Yes. Like it's, no, I like, as I've said a million times this week, I can't live here because
Starting point is 01:19:40 I would kill somebody with a car. If everyone knows it, I would do it either by accident or more justifiably on purpose because I got frustrated. Someone was watching me parallel park and I murdered them with my car, but no, we'll be back and forth. I like visiting here. It's fun. It's been, it's been fantastic.
Starting point is 01:20:00 I've had so much fun this past week. We have too many friends out here to like not come here multiple times a year. And most fun of all is just, just being in the same room with you guys again. It's been awesome. It is beautiful. It's like 2016 again, but we were, we're, we have all the experience where we went from being a Guernier to Spears. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:18 We're grizzled veterans. Yeah. It's like 2016, but now we've all finally dropped that V card up top. All right. Yeah. I'm so glad we all fucked each other in 2019. That was really coming under in the wire. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:32 All right. Bye guys. Bye. Bye.

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