Chapo Trap House - 550 - Sweet L of Liberty (8/16/21)

Episode Date: August 17, 2021

We look at the brutal, stupid, and embarrassing end of our brutal, stupid, and embarrassing twenty year occupation of Afghanistan....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks to our military, our allies, and the brave fighters of Afghanistan, the Taliban regime is coming to an end. We begin with Afghanistan and the dramatic fall of the capital, the embassy shuttered the flag coming down. Secretary of State Blinken declaring to ABC's Jonathan Karl, this is manifestly not Saigon. These images from Al Jazeera claim to show Taliban fighters inside the presidential palace. This has been, I've seen a lot of good shit, you know, here and there I've seen people who are castigating Afghan men for not fighting for their women, literally just, literally
Starting point is 00:01:02 just demanding that people on the other side of the fucking world fight a war for you so you can feel good. Like amazing, fucking amazing, do you know, when the Russians pulled out, there was a three year long war where hundreds of thousands of people died, like these fucking morons want that just so they can feel, you feel good about it. This has been an amazing, it's been an amazing time. You have people who, you know, talk about like decolonizing their job for a phone app that loses $8 billion a year, literally just wanting to recolonize a place, just so they
Starting point is 00:01:38 can feel good. This is literally just everyone who, oh, you know, we have an obligation to the women there. We, you know, this is sad. Everyone who thinks there's something else, they think that they're not just, they didn't just grow up to be the fucking imperialists their parents are, no, what you're feeling is imperial humiliation. That's the only thing you're feeling.
Starting point is 00:01:59 You don't give a fuck about any of these people. You didn't give a fuck about the boys our allies were raping. You didn't give a fuck about the women who were being killed by our bombs. You didn't give a fuck about any of this. What you're feeling now is just the feeling that you have when your team lost and you won't fucking admit that to yourself. That's it. These people are so fucking brainwashed.
Starting point is 00:02:17 I mean, it's so, people got mad at that Corey Robins thing when he said 90% of Robins. Matt disappeared again. That Corey, that Corey Robins thing where he's like pointed out that like pretty much 90% of Americans supported the war in fucking Afghanistan. And people got upset with him because of course people take everything personally. They thought he was personally saying like, Oh, it was your responsibility to stop it when you were like 12. Like I get it.
Starting point is 00:02:47 He put it in like the most combative way possible, but I can't really criticize anyone for that. But his point was that it's incredibly easy to whip up like every American, including like liberal educated people who pride themselves on your pacifism, believing in a better, more progressive way of life. It's very easy to whip these people up and there are 100 different reasons you can get people to cheer for the same team committing the exact same crimes every fucking time. And we saw that. We saw that we got, we got what 70% of our fucking country wants.
Starting point is 00:03:22 And most of the, you know, you expect to see like MAGA dipshits talk about how, how sad this makes them. It's the fall of Saigon, blah, blah, blah. That's expected. And you know, of course they're free to fucking go up over there and kill 2000 of theirs. One of theirs cry about it for the rest of their lives and then buy a fucking pit bull or else they'll kill their wife. But the people in the more liberal quarters, no, we haven't learned anything.
Starting point is 00:03:50 We're still the exact same fucking people. We just got sick of it. We've just gotten sick of the wars because we got too scared that even when we were killing thousands of theirs, both local resistance, civilians, whoever, and you know, a few of ours would die. It was too traumatic and hard for Americans to even think about. We're still this insane country with an insane desire to fucking invade places and subjugate places.
Starting point is 00:04:16 And this past weekend, I've seen so fucking much of that. Just as to the comment about why aren't Afghan men fighting for their women in their country? I mean, well, it seems like a lot of them are, but they're fighting for the Taliban against us. So, I mean, like, you got what you asked for there. They say that there is like a unified armed resistance against the Taliban for whatever reason that's supposed to be good, that instead of just the Taliban rolling through everywhere, everyone just kind of surrendering, including Tajiks and Shia who previously fought them
Starting point is 00:04:51 standing down, which I think is pretty conspicuous, that they do fight. And you do lose 300, 400, 500,000 people. They're not going to win. No one thinks they would win. They wouldn't. Even the most deluded people in the world know they're not going to win. Well, yeah. I mean, like, this is, these people just, it's an endless, an endless series of excuses,
Starting point is 00:05:14 but really, as you said, to start out this show, an endless series of demands that other people die for their vanity. Right. It's all about, I want to feel good all the time. I don't want to think about this. And you know what? Don't fucking worry. You'll forget this shit in three weeks like you do every other goddamn thing.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Yeah. Stop sweating, man. Why don't you speed it up and take a fucking at a van? Yeah. Just like what? Been a binge watch Ted Lasso and call me in the morning. You'll be fine. You'll have your spirit lifted.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Do I think, do I think that we should do more for Afghan women? I'm going to say if Diane Sawyer asked me on a date, I'm saying yes. That's Ted. That's Ted Lasso talking about Afghanistan people. That show is demonic. Ted Lasso has been my favorite show that I've watched since they took out a lot of my frontal lobe. It's like, it's like the T 1000 version of a Michael Schur show.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Yeah. Like the most lethal, perfectly engineered version. It's skin crawl. It's like, is Michael Schur trained in like the space station where Goku could increase gravity? They're like, we need your show to be like more bullshit and annoying. Just like following the news this weekend and certainly like on a Monday, when everyone gets back into the office, just I'm sort of taking in the tenor of the media's response
Starting point is 00:06:38 to the complete collapse of all of our efforts over the last 20 years in Afghanistan. I think we're seeing a really odd and like very clear dissonance between the imperial state and like the national state, like America as an empire and the people who care about that and run it and then like a country that's still dealing with COVID two years into this bullshit. Because like, I swear to God, the only people who are fucking weeping over this Saigon moment for America are war reporters. It's just journalists.
Starting point is 00:07:14 And they're all like, oh, this is a dark moment in American history. This is a stain that will last with our national honor forever. It's just like, who are you talking about here? You're like, you're talking about yourself. Not everyone else, man. What honor are you fucking talking about? Are you talking about the parts of our country where it is Afghanistan, but just for young black men?
Starting point is 00:07:34 Are you talking about like just the half of this country where like the state vaccination rate is like 30 fucking percent and it's never going to get better? To actually get it to people who would want it. So we all have to pretend that it's all mega shitheads who are refusing to forget the fact that we don't have the medical infrastructure to get it to people who need it and want it. Yeah. No.
Starting point is 00:07:56 This is literally just them crying that they have to reorient their careers in a few years all to pretend to be an expert on another country. Yeah. And it's just it's been quite a spectacle because like whether you're talking about like the entire news media who like if you watched any TV at all this weekend, like it was like MSNBC and CNN were like just they were cooking Joe Biden for this. They were like, you know, how could we have gotten this so wrong? What a disaster.
Starting point is 00:08:22 This will haunt him. It's like you could forget that overwhelmingly the people who voted for Trump and the people who voted for Biden, it's like the one thing they do agree on that they don't think America should be in Afghanistan anymore. And like and the idea that like all like the consequences of us leaving, like the fact that they the idea that like regular Americans and I'm talking about voters here are going to hold this against Biden or are like are fucking feeling the pangs of fucking guilt and anxiety the way like Jake Tapper is right now.
Starting point is 00:08:51 I mean, it's like, like I said, there's there's a real like chasm here in between the media and like, look, the media are going to fucking they're going to put the screws to Biden over this. And I just think like all of these people who I'm talking like the think tankers, the journalists, like the media, the newspapers, like everyone who has invested and promoted this war in Afghanistan for the last 20 years, they are all like by their own insane standards, complete failures. And what are they going to do?
Starting point is 00:09:20 Like hold themselves accountable? No, what they're going to do is that they're going to hold the American public accountable and they have all decided that we are lacking both in our commitment to continue this war, but also that we are somehow immoral and dishonorable for like not caring about the people of Afghanistan as much as they do. Like that's the point of view of like the the allegedly like objective media, but the partisan media is just going to pick the other president depending on the party. So like, if you're a partisan Democrat, this is simple.
Starting point is 00:09:51 This was Trump's fault. And then if you're a very opportunistic Republican who was with Trump doing the withdrawal when he was carrying out that policy, now says it's Biden's fault. It's great. You get to just pass it back and forth and never admit the actual fundamental rot at the basis of the thing. But they're good. But if you don't want to do that, if you don't want to be partisan, you can only blame America.
Starting point is 00:10:10 We're the only ones left to point the finger. Right. I put the finger squarely at you, the viewer, at the risk of being unpopular. This reporter places the blame for all of this squarely on you. Love yours. So you dropped that Ken Brockman bit in there, Chris. The thing I particularly love about blaming Americans themselves solely for this is when it comes from think tankers who, you look at who funds their workplace, who's signing
Starting point is 00:10:35 their checks. It's always Qatar, the UAE or Saudi Arabia. Yes. So you have to wonder when... The people we should have gone to war with after 9-11. Well, no, like we shouldn't have gone to war with it. But like, yeah, I mean like... But I get you, yeah, like just political slothism, it's not cool once it leaves that part of
Starting point is 00:10:54 the world. Once it's in, once you get over to Afghanistan, then it becomes a fucking problem and everyone's a moral failure for not committing to fighting for 300 fucking years, probably with the exact same result, amidst a population that fucking hates you and rightfully so. Did you see the thing about how American troops would send out helicopters to get fucking Burger King because they refused to eat the local food? No. I mean, that's...
Starting point is 00:11:19 They're doing Uber Eats with a Chinook. Jesus, Jesus Christ. This country is fucking falling apart. This is what we were doing for 20 goddamn fucking years. Yeah, just absolute imperial grotesquery. And the funny thing is is America, yeah, they would like to leave. America would have been fine leaving anytime in the past fucking decade. The reason we didn't is because it was paid for people, it had a political purpose.
Starting point is 00:11:45 It was a reason for it to keep going. And now I think we want to answer the question like, well, why now? I think it boils down to Trump had like this genuine desire to push because he was outside of the consensus and blob. He took the idea of getting out of Afghanistan seriously and so he actually pursued it and he got somewhere. He got a deal with the fucking Taliban and that created momentum that Biden would have had to put out the stops in order to arrest because in those last couple of years, the
Starting point is 00:12:12 Taliban was making huge inroads. That's why they were able to take over the place overnight because these guys had all been bought off already, the arrangements that already been made. So to stop that would have been a big more investment. So at a moment when you realize nobody's actually paying attention, you can pull out and like when you look at how dramatic and catastrophic it was and you think, damn, they couldn't have wanted that. At the end of the day, it still serves their purpose because now instead of the momentum
Starting point is 00:12:39 in foreign policy being around, hey, how about we get out of Afghanistan? Now it's, we don't want to let Kabul fall again. Every new thing will now have the momentum now in the public sphere is going to be around where we need to reassert American power. And then now we're not going to be talking about getting out of Afghanistan anymore because we're going to have this propaganda victory to wave around at everybody. It serves the same purpose internationally as the fucking January 6th insurrection serves domestically.
Starting point is 00:13:08 A way to press the state forward into imperialism overseas and a greater domestic imperialism here. Absolutely. And that's why, I mean, that's why this is sort of a very, very dangerous moment for the rest of the world because when you see all of these, all of the like the side-by-side photos of the Chinook helicopter in Saigon and Kabul, and it's this Saigon moment. This moment of national humiliation. It's like poetry at Ryan.
Starting point is 00:13:39 You know, Ho Chi Minh's a funnier character than we're used to. We've really got to get him right. No, but like, yeah, this moment of national humiliation and it's just like, well, okay, once again, like who's being humiliated here? Yeah. It's like, it's, it's the people who started this war and fought it. It's just like, was Saigon humiliating for United States because we like, you know, left in disgrace?
Starting point is 00:14:04 I mean, like, no, the humiliation is that we killed 4.5 million people in Southeast Asia for a war that absolutely never should have been fought in the first place. And but this moment now is like, look, the Saigon moment did not defeat the United States of America. Yeah. We suffered absolutely no negative consequences. And again, like most of our- We won the Cold War, that's it. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:14:24 We won our Cold War. Our national like, our actual like blood, curdling Cold War objectives had been met by the time the Saigon fell began to begin with. We got the offensive rebound there after Vietnam, after we missed that shot. Our biggest, our biggest like domestic consequence, like for the big, for the whole picture was that like the army lost some of its prestige for like 10 years. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:50 And they made movies where it was, it's sudden comfort by Walter Hill. Yeah, a bunch of people made up some bullshit about soldiers getting spit on, which has literally never been documented to have ever happened one time. No. Just completely fucking made up. But what I mean is like- Because it's our, yeah, it was our tragedy. I mean, what I mean is like, yeah, like this is a, you know, like a big blow to the, you
Starting point is 00:15:09 know, the image of the US empire or just like people's belief in it. But like, I mean, is this really going to like hasten the collapse of the US empire? I mean, I don't know. I think if you think about it as an American empire at this point, yeah. I think it looks like, oh, America's ability to be, you know, the hegemon here is, is threatened. But there's no outside force threatening it. There's no communism. There's no other organized opposition to it, within it or outside of it, really.
Starting point is 00:15:38 So when we see America falling like this, it's because other places are picking up the slack and, and the global system is sort of equalizing power outward. It took out the engine of American industry in the 70s, which has based, which hollowed us out as an economy. And we have been, you know, just being, we have been the policemen of the world as that's been our function within the capitalist system. But now, thanks to technology, thanks to the world flattening up, we are less necessary. The technology of our military is so detached from like the economy of the United States
Starting point is 00:16:13 that it can just float with the global money supply, the Petra dollar. And so that means things get worse for Americans and worse for everybody else, but not productively at the same. Well, I mean, like the fall of America is never going to be like, you know, like no one ever uses the dollar and like the cities are like in three times the disrepair. They are not necessarily we're going to get eased in, we're going to get eased into the pot is the thing. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Right. And there's all, but there's always going to be a need for like a consumer base of 300 to 400. Right. Yeah. There's nowhere else. Who buy all the treats in the world. Like no one, there's no, there's no, there's no interest.
Starting point is 00:16:58 There's no interest in getting rid of that. No. Which is why like China Hockery is so weird. I mean, why would they want to get rid of this? Well the thing is, is I think they would argue, no, they might keep us on the treat leash, but while also removing our last vestiges of freedom in the, like getting rid of home ownership, for example, making us go into the home ownership. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:17:20 But they're saying that we got, we did that. That's you dude. Well, that's the thing is that their answer is go with the epic national based bourgeois who let all this happen in the first place. That's their only response. Yeah. I mean, you know, for treat lovers everywhere, America will never stop being a nation of treats.
Starting point is 00:17:38 That much is true. I mean, it's like, it's like, guess what? If you get to eat, be in the pod and you get to eat the bugs, you'll thank your fucking lucky stars. I mean, yeah, or you just already are in the pod. You're already in the pod. You're just praying you're not going to get kicked out of it. What's the difference between the bugs and the fucking meat slurry you're eating from
Starting point is 00:17:58 McDonald's? What's the fucking difference there? There's none. You just like your flavor of bugs. Yeah. No, absolutely. It's all, it's all just, it's an aesthetics. It's like, what do I want?
Starting point is 00:18:09 My dystopian, you know, biopolitically controlled, neo-bug lifestyle, what do I want it to taste like? Do I want it to be like epic rockabilly? Do I want to be a neo-trad griper? You can do any of it. It's all available. It's just two bottom feeding catfish calling the other one gay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:32 It's because we have this cultural ritual that allows us to be immersed in this nightmare that we all say we would not stand for if it just looked a little different. But we're able to do that because we still feel relatively privileged within it compared to somebody else, and we're afraid of losing that, and we can go into the culture and compare ourselves to somebody else who is just like us, but worse and justify our position. Well, yes, I am, you know, I have been compromised. I've been turned into this creature of consumption, this powerless creature. But look at these people.
Starting point is 00:19:04 They're much worse at it. They're worse at being consumers than me, and therefore I deserve to be here at certainly more than them. And then that'll keep you in the fucking pot until you don't know what has happened, until you're in one of those fucking crates that California just outlawed for pigs. I can't wait to see how much, I can't wait to see like 50 years from now, like a trad means like, oh yeah, no, I grew, I grew, I live in a shipping container, not a tanning bed, like those cocks in the city, or an entire shipping container.
Starting point is 00:19:37 I eat grasshoppers, like a man, like my grandparents did, yeah, like the original promise of American freedom that like has defined us existentially was land of one's own to dominate as one wanted. And now the very end of America that is completely not just symbolized, but encapsulated in like a fucking anime girl decaled AR 15. That's it. Literally a toy. That stands in for all of that liberty that's gone. But the reason you have not rebelled when you swear you would have in any other instance,
Starting point is 00:20:15 because that whole time, well, I still have the gun, that means I'm free. Even though the fact that you have the gun means it doesn't matter if you have the gun anymore. Have fun with it. Go nuts. What did we care? You know what I am excited for, actually? I'm going to, when I buy that tract of land in Minnesota, and it could just, it could
Starting point is 00:20:33 be anywhere there. That's what I'm thinking. It could just be anywhere. You should buy Paisley Park. Yeah. Well, I can't afford that. I've gone there. What about like the pool house or something?
Starting point is 00:20:44 Yeah. Okay. Now we're cooking. But my point, like that's going to be the Great Lakes, places that like get pretty cold, like the second coldest in America. The first coldest are like the Dakotas. Yeah. No one wants that.
Starting point is 00:20:56 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Read the children's blizzard. Yeah. The Great Lakes, you buy that up in 50 years when it's a tropical climate, you could just be the Airbnb owner to like, you know, uh, China, like Chinese guys who are coming here to see like the last tropical climate in America. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:16 That's what I'm excited for. That's how I'm going to get a bigger pod. You're going to get the best pod folks. Our pods. They're going to be wonderful in the bugs. We love the bugs. Look at him. You go to Barra Lago and there's just a bunch of different like, uh, pressed conglections
Starting point is 00:21:29 of like cockroaches under a heat lamp looking like roast beef. No, it is. Carve that off for yourself. It is hilarious, the idea that like any American would resist any garbage they put in front of us. Yeah. I can't wait. So that's a great, that's the greatest fantasy of all.
Starting point is 00:21:44 That's a greater fantasy than like turning America into a Christian monarchy. I cannot wait for the. That's more delusional. I can't wait for the epic culture war battle, uh, between the absolute, the based chads who, uh, still epically eat, uh, ground up, uh, rats and, and, uh, warthogs, which, uh, is superior to the beta cucks who will only subsist on the, uh, cricket loaf. Like that's going to be the level that's going to be what defines them as based compared to the soy people is that they will, they still eat, uh, I actually still eat vertebrates.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Thank you. Yeah. Cause fuck their feelings. And yours. Yeah. Well, I've been reading a lot of Adrian, uh, Adrian science, my favorite China expert. Oh God. That guy rules.
Starting point is 00:22:29 I love him. Anyway. So China's, uh, working on, on something that's very similar to the matrix that they're going to be in. Thank God. We need that. Yeah. We need to upload like tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Well, that's so like, this is sort of a silver lining. The chads who are eating rats, they're going to be like tank and dozer. They're going to be the guys who don't know the jacks in the back of their heads, but the rest of us, like all, all of us, we're going to the jacks in the back of their heads because the moment that the China like makes us go in the matrix, we'll be like, yes, I can live in movies, you know, and, but then eventually like, we'll get sick of it because it's like, they don't update it. Like you can't change your resolution and then we work together.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Yeah. Us and the chads will work together like in the matrix. That's going to be pretty tight. You know, the one, the one is out there. The one is probably one of our listeners. It's true. Yeah. The guy was the best at the Chinese matrix.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Yeah. It'd be so awesome if we ended up just vibing in the matrix after all this. It'd be so wonderful. That would be great. We don't even deserve anything that great. That would be awesome. Yeah. The machines gave us a fucking good deal in those movies.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Yeah. We're fucking idiots. We're just living. We're just living in like a shittier matrix now. Yeah. Exactly. He's like, our matrix is Ted Lassau. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Like, what the fuck? No. Yeah. Come on. Yeah. Absolutely. It's like, I think we can. We can get out of the machines if you just like tighten the programming a few, like put
Starting point is 00:23:49 in some beta patches. That's all I'm asking. Living in that goo pod is just like, you know, a lot of people out there just don't change their bed sheets. How's that different? At least they flush the goon. I expect you... Afghanistan at least it was at least like domestic political concerns.
Starting point is 00:24:15 I mean like I said like if you're if you're paying attention to media like both partisan and objective Like it just seems like everyone is kind of putting the screws to Biden over this despite the fact that like, you know This is supported by probably 70% of the country, but like Do you think that like Biden I mean like the same people that we're talking about here like anything that should be thanking Biden more than anyone for like Being willing to take absolutely. Yeah, it's like right. He's taking the L Like I'm saying like he's taking the L on behalf of every American president since Jimmy fucking Carter started all this bullshit Yes, I like and by the way, they started supporting the Taliban and the Mojideen before the Soviets invaded
Starting point is 00:24:54 Yes, they didn't stand that is that is the pull out that is put a pollock in NSE Talk about screwing in the light bulb backwards Like no, he's taking the L for every American president who came before him But more than anything, he is taking the L for any president that comes after him Especially the next one Democrat or Republican absolutely cuz like we remember Obama did the surge Oh, yeah, I said he did the surge in Afghanistan By the way, who recommended that he pull out and not listen to the generals when and that was happening in 2011
Starting point is 00:25:28 Joe Biden and well Joe and by Ed fucking Obama said well, here's a ball Joe I perhaps you'd like to bounce it and he chose He was serious and he listened to the serious people not doddering old, you know that doddering old Ward Heeler fuck him No, Biden was right and he wants to affirm that he was fucking right or he thinks it is 2011 And he's just recommending this to Obama and then it ends up happening. Anyway, that's also a possibility Yeah, well Joe is the perfect guy for this. Oh, yeah 100% I was talking about this with someone someone Expected told me that they like felt bad for Joe today and it's like I see what he means because like even if you know
Starting point is 00:26:08 Foley who Joe is what Joe's done It's hard not to like see a Shambling old man just waltz out there and go. I'm a loser. We lost. Yeah, it's hard not to feel sad Okay, totally disconnected, but you know what he's telling the then but then but then I told but then no Oh, yeah, then I what I realized is like no, this is literally What he's always wanted and what he's always been Joe's always been the guy who goes out there and says we lost. Yep. I lost my son done Yeah, I fucking lost my family feel bad for me. He's that guy
Starting point is 00:26:47 Absolutely, he's a city was and he before he lost his family in that tragic accident. He thought I need to be president I can be president. This is what I'm supposed to do. I'm the youngest senator, you know I it's the fucking gilded path for me and then you know all these things happen in his life and Throughout his career. He's looking Americans dead in the face is going. Sorry. You lost you can't declare bankruptcy anymore Sorry, you lost. I'm sitting your dad to prison forever. Sorry. You fucking lost and now after he's lost so much Him personally and he's for everything from his loved ones to people younger than him to fucking his brain He could finally go out there and go no, we lost. Yeah, this is really
Starting point is 00:27:36 For this moment his whole life being young in the Senate or being or being like the most charming guy in college and wanting It's so bad. He's been training for this by being a fucking loser Yeah, and so he's the best at it and now he gets to do what he's always wanted to do It couldn't have been anyone else anyone no one could have done Yeah, cuz he's the one who can make you believe it cuz he's a fucking loser He has felt pain. He feels pain as he dishes it out to you as opposed to a fucker like Bill Clinton or Obama Who's like hey sucks to be you bitch see on the flip flop? I'll be at Martha's Vineyard with my homies
Starting point is 00:28:12 Obama could never come out and say we lost no no you've spent your entire life making sure it's other people not you Joe has been out there losing. He's just taking it on the chin. He fucking plagiarized Neil Kinnon For like 40 years everyone was like you suck Joe and he was like Can you imagine how much how condescended he was by the Obama people oh my god He probably didn't notice most of it cuz you know his brain was already going a little bit But just what he could have just by animal instinct picked up like their contempt for him All those smart smug young fuckers who knew he was the old white guy who had to be on the ticket to keep the hillbillies in line Can I I want to this is a this is a rap joke
Starting point is 00:29:02 I don't I don't know how many people here on this recording will appreciate it But I think someone out in the audience will appreciate this and it's it's about Joe Biden on a credit this properly It's from at NAACP young boy on Twitter Biden has an OG 20 years younger than him. He thinks he's Fivio foreign I'm sorry that just I mean for any rap fans out there you'll you'll you'll appreciate that yeah I don't get that one. I'm not gonna lie. Yeah, I don't know who Fivio foreigner. All right He's too cool for the room folks But uh, sorry, they were said originally about like this is you know, I mean obviously this is a you know a great defeat of the
Starting point is 00:29:44 America KKK an empire that should be is cause for celebration But I don't know if it's like a defeat so much as like is McDonald's defeated when it closed a couple of under underperforming franchises I mean, I guess in the short term, but you know Yeah, I mean, I guess we shouldn't I shouldn't kid ourselves too much about it But like the point is that these people do feel humiliated and they feel angry and are like are probably gonna feel the need to Prove to the world sometimes soon that you know, yes This is that this is that this is just hey Hey, like you know, this is not this is a fluke America is here to honor its commitments
Starting point is 00:30:17 And you know, we're here. We're if you thought we've lost our knack for promoting democracy Think again pal and you know, I don't know what that's gonna look like But I mean like this is a real like when prophecy filled moment and like when people come face up face to face with that Like they do not they don't stop believing in prophecy. Let's put it that way. Yeah Mm-hmm. I mean some unlucky nation some unlucky souls are going to They are gonna catch the other end of Tony Blinken's fucking red rocket lipstick dog dick Coming for them. I don't think we're gonna see any big extension They're like a you know military expansion
Starting point is 00:30:57 But are it like, you know, I don't think we're gonna be adding any new countries to the invasion list But there's gonna be some like set piece guy getting blown up somewhere just to set a point And I would not be at all surprised if you didn't see a now ratcheting up of sanctions regimes Yeah, absolutely and attempts at like reaffirming American power in South America Yeah, forward to look Brazil is interesting in that regard since Prince Bolsonaro is making pretty clear his intention to Try to get a coup going there to avoid Lula winning and that CIA director was just there I think a month ago. He just had a military parade through, Brasilia Like those are places you got Castillo in Peru. You got you got plenty of places to flex. Yeah
Starting point is 00:31:42 I believe Steve Bannon. I believe Steve Bannon Um spoke to Mike Lindell or about Mike Lindell and he said that Bolsonaro will win the next presidential election If the data packets and machines aren't corrupted. Please someone please watch the packets. I um I I would keep eyes on african, you know, oh, yeah A little piece of the american empire that's already doing fucking awful things that we never fucking hear about Uh, they could do twice as many awful things and you wouldn't really see people talk about it But yeah, no, I think Existing franchises will be putting out the McRib soon. I mean like
Starting point is 00:32:18 Yeah, the McRib is back The McRib is back I mean, but the point is though like for the for the people who are like I said like for every every person at any level of like government Think tank or media that helped author the last the fucking two decade long nightmare Of this fucking disaster Like they feel I mean regardless of whether like it has any bearing in actual reality and it certainly won't they'll face no consequences For their own personal professional lives and certainly not their own health and safety Um, but these people they do feel defeated and like they they they feel wounded by this and I expect them to lash out
Starting point is 00:32:54 The thing is I expect them to like I think the thing is difference now though is that they're they're lashing out I think even more intensely because uh They I don't think the American public is following them and the way that in the ways that they're used to like They're the sort of Pavlovian conditioning that they're so used to about about waving that bloody flag because dude This country is like I said, we're two years into this covid pandemic Like this every community is shrinking Like nobody has a fucking job There's like their their kids are about to go back to school during the middle of all this shit
Starting point is 00:33:26 Like the idea that we're just like, oh god, like, you know, we just we better Uh, just let's get let's get the convoy going to to fucking the Kabul airport right now It's like, uh, okay. Yeah, we you know as podcasters, you know, we've we've received the call We've received the call to action. We're going Uh, uh, fucking uh, tyler ninja blevens is going uh, husan piker uh, Riley reed keemstar uh, dasha from red scare We're all getting into we're all getting in the gary tasement and memorial dirgeable And we're doing a convoy of hope to the Kabul airport right now. Do you guys some you guys saw my favorite guy, right?
Starting point is 00:34:03 The uh, the 42 year old british photographer who's like, I want to sign up for the army now Yeah, now that I'm in my mid 40s I can say to say I've never thought about joining the military. Um until now, but like this is that guy's me I love him This is the whole thing. This is just Uh, America and britain, especially this is the hold me back bro of like of international for like of international affairs and War and peace hold me back bro. Hold me back from the listing Well, it's because like they do feel defeated the same way someone would if like they couldn't get it up for the escort
Starting point is 00:34:36 Which is what these guys No, if that's exactly it like they're just like in the bathroom just like punching the goddamn mirror. It's my big dick. I'm ready to fuck now they're they're uh They're mickey doing curls. You're gonna do great at sex. You're gonna do great at sex Yeah, you got some of these uh, walnuts. They here. They're pretty good for you. You know Well, we used to you know after 9 11. I think we were dan quinn. We were actually taking part in the world We were going around. Oh, yeah Disturbing people with our bizarre tirades and we were running faster than any white boy had ever done before
Starting point is 00:35:10 Yeah, and now we're like a certain goblin who lives under his staircase and man Man, we really were dan quinn. We were just really very self-absorbed that to this day still cringed in 2002 At the salt lake olympics the u.s. Before all the other countries they brought out a 9 11 flag Like a burn flag from ground zero. We were so funny. Why are you doing this dude? Show the fuck out. It's the fucking olympics. We're watching people ski. It's like a guy who had a like Skin cancer and just had to take like chemo lotion. Yeah every day for the next 10 years. I had a brush with death Yeah, it's just like but you have to like it has to be everybody else's problem Yeah, like hey, we're just here to have a good time, man
Starting point is 00:35:56 Sorry that our foreign policy hadn't didn't directly lead to a fucking massive terrorist attack on your own country One day when this finally ends, which isn't going to be now I don't even know if it will be in my lifetime, but like one day one day far in the future It when it's totally over. I think there will be like an interesting You know academic debate debate to be had like which was the worst like globe spanning empire? Was it uk? Was it us blah blah blah? And I don't know the answer to that. I mean, I don't think the book is fully written on us, but I do know this No, one has been or ever will be as annoying as we were
Starting point is 00:36:52 Well to that end I think we should dive into the two Uh reading series for today that I think um, uh, they both come courtesy of the Atlantic monthly, which is of course This is like the North Atlantic treaty organization monthly This is I think both of these these pieces are like the the purely purely distilled just like that that base Of uh, like everything we've been talking about this feeling of defeat and this feeling of anger at um, uh a Not just an American public, but like a global human population that has failed them that has failed To fulfill their fantasies and uh, let's start with the original the first one. Uh, uh, this is Tom Nichols That's right. That's war room. Tom writing in the Atlantic in the war room. Yeah, I love it should be rumpus room
Starting point is 00:37:43 Ball pit room Tom Yeah, yeah, um, okay. This is this is his piece in the Atlantic a headline Afghanistan is your fault. Okay I'm sorry, but you know what the Taliban they literally wanted it more. Okay I'm not from there. I'm sorry. I lack the will to focus as much as they were Afghanistan is your fault the american public now has what it wanted. Well. Yeah, it's called the democracy buddy Yeah, sometimes sometimes it works. Um, it goes here. Uh, Kabul has fallen Americans will now exercise their usual partisan outrage for a few weeks and then afghanistan like everything else in a nation with an attention span Not much longer than a fast food commercial will be forgotten
Starting point is 00:38:31 In the meantime american citizens will separate into their usual camps and identify all of the obvious causes and culprits Except for one themselves and it's like well, you know, tom is being for the standards of people like tom war room tom is being sort of clear-eyed and admitting that like, you know, uh American people don't give a shit and that like, yeah, like we are gonna Divide off into our camps and we're not they're gonna blame trump or we're gonna blame biden But like he says here, uh, all the obvious causes and culprits except for one themselves Uh, no, the obvious causes and culprits are you tom nickles? You like the people who like made this war happen and And then promoted it for 20 years and by the way, I was always talking about this
Starting point is 00:39:12 For the media to just talk about like this is a stunning failure of us intelligence and military like how quickly You know, the afghan forces wilted before the Taliban. It's like what the fuck were you doing for the past 10 years? You were other than like mindlessly repeating everything that like the u.s. Intelligence community and military told you about how ready to stand up They were well, tom was making sure that cashiers said thank you. Yeah, that's the previous work that I kind of known for Oh, and also and also doing open rp with um, just young women pretending to be his daughter Remember that god. Yeah, tom nickles. He would do he would he would pretend cringe on that one Yeah, there was there was this woman who would do bands with him where he would pretend to be his millennial daughter and he'd be like Uh, you know damn it. Like, you know, if you could if you would get up before 11 and stop thinking about your damn pronouns or whatever
Starting point is 00:40:01 But like the woman was like the woman was in her like 30s or something. It was good stuff. Really weird deeply weird We're not gonna act like, you know, we didn't all like You know, we didn't all like jack off to that Like at least once a few times a little bit Many americans will bristle at the idea that this defeat overseas can be laid at their feet When u.s forces had to endure the misery of the retreat from the north korea back to the 38th power l parallel No one made the argument that it had happened because of the voters
Starting point is 00:40:32 No one turned to the american people during the fall of saigon and said this is on you So why would I do that now? Because you're a cunt, um because Because because it because it's your you're you're a bad person. Yeah, you suck Like yeah, like is you feel defeated and you want it. You're lashing out. Um Much of what happened in korea in vietnam Ultimately constituting a tie and a lot. He's like fucking kevin kline in a fish called wall. The fish called one Wanda's all right. It was a tie god damn it winners like
Starting point is 00:41:02 North vietnam shut up. I'm telling you baby. They kicked him and lost their boy They whipped your hide real good Good shut up. Um was beyond the control of the american public Boys were drafted and sent into battle. Sometimes admissions never intended to be revealed to the public Afghanistan was different This was a war that was immensely popular at the outset and mostly conducted in full view of the american public What I'm sorry. Wasn't there that giant uh leak of Papers. Oh, well, tom's gonna talk about that later in Afghanistan fucking papers that indicated they were lying the entire time
Starting point is 00:41:39 Literally the entire time about every part of it No, it's like the vietnam war was conducted way more in full view of the american public than afghanistan I mean like that that's how the that's how the military learned how to fucking embed the media To avoid it. Like I said like in vietnam, you could see caskets coming home They locked that shit down they locked that shit down in afghanistan at least at the very least Well, I mean they were able to do that mostly not with any kind of technology or anything or censorship But just they needed fewer troops So less guys got killed and so people cared about it less
Starting point is 00:42:13 Like that's really the what it boils down to like it was a smaller footprint All volunteer army and you know what as a relative percentage of the population not that many people The population that's literally kind of the point of a volunteer army Yeah, is that you keep most people from caring really too much I mean, that's how we were able to do the war in afghanistan for 20 fucking years twice as long as vietnam Uh, he says here, uh, the problem was that once the initial euphoria wore off the public wasn't much interested in it Coverage and print media remained solid, but cable news coverage of afghanistan dropped off quickly Especially once a new adventure was launched in iraq. Yeah, that you support it that you that you loudly
Starting point is 00:42:52 Loudly led the led the cheer and the call for tom That was inevitable as soon as the afghanistan invasion was inevitable. They they they were inextricable afghanistan Was never going to be enough after 9 11. Not enough. Not gonna suffice not enough good targets as paul wolfwood said Um in post 2001 america it became fashionable to speak of war weariness But citizens who were not in the military or part of a military family or community Did not have to endure even minor inconveniences much less shoulder major burdens such as a draft a war tax or research shortages The soldiers who served overseas in those first years of major operations soon felt forgotten America's not at war was a common refrain among the troops. We're at war america's at the mall
Starting point is 00:43:34 It's like well one one depends on the other. Yeah If you want the opportunity if you want the opportunity to be at war in the 21st century in america Then it bet that americans better be able to go to the fucking mall while you do it otherwise Uh, it may get more difficult for you to have that opportunity. Yeah, that is literally what you're fighting for you are fighting A little bit of chicken fried you yeah, you're fighting for friday night You're fighting for fucking hamacher schlemmer pair of jeans. It fits just right it goes on I'm skipping ahead a little bit. He says what the public does care about however is using afghanistan as raw material for cheap patriotism and partisan attacks Some right and some wrong but few of them in good faith on every president since 2001
Starting point is 00:44:16 After the worst attack on u.s. Soil americans had no real interest in an adult conversation about the reality of anti-terrorist operations And so harsh an environment as afghanistan which might have entailed a presence there long beyond 20 years It's like okay. Well tom like this is your job, right? Like I mean you are war room tom I mean like certainly you were in a position to talk some some clear-headed You know some hard tell tell some some home truths to the american public about how long the war in afghanistan encounter Insurgency operations would need to last Um, you did your best tom. You did your best. Yeah, I mean during the time when most americans really turned on this war, uh tom was really, you know doing his best by going in on the chick flay cashiers
Starting point is 00:44:59 Nor did they want to think about whether draining the swamp and modernizing and developing afghanistan Which would mean a lot more than a few elections was worse the cost. We are the swamp What the fuck are you talking about? We picked those guys. We're the fucking swamp Oh, wow. We fucking totally occupied and dictated everything this country should do. It's really corrupt for some reason beyond our control Wow, it's really weird. It's really weird how it's rich all these americans. You fucking idiot That is the most insane part This country this destroyed country This bad case we come in with the modern world and a bunch of suitcases that aren't fucking pallets
Starting point is 00:45:36 And we create a structure for them and then that's like they're all fucking crux for some reason They're all heroin dealing pedophiles. What's up with that? If you if they were surprised by that if the highest echelons that people were planning and executing this war were surprised by that Then that's okay. Then we should have never been there because they're too stupid Yes, no. Yes. Yeah, like no It's oh my fucking god What is this? What fucking world were you living in? I guess you're um Um, uh, maybe it would have been worth it or maybe such a project was impossible. We'll never know for certain. No time
Starting point is 00:46:12 We know we found out. We just found out. We know we were certain at 100 percent You can like that's I mean if anything that's why they were able to carry that That's why the momentum of this war lasted as long as 20 years because as long as it was like we saw A thousand troops in country we could just be like I guess we'll never know if it would have worked out And as long as it made a zillion cajillion dollars for every fucking defense contractor on earth And guaranteed american access to things like rare metals and fucking pipelines and fucking heroin But that was it. It was never building anything the entire time and the way you know that is it fell apart instantly The fucking south vietnamese held on for three fucking years
Starting point is 00:46:51 The arvin rifles never been fired and only dropped once they fucking held on for three fucking years before they got rolled over By the north north vietnamese this took two fucking weeks after 20 years That means nothing happened the whole time Which means that nothing you could have done could have changed that because this whole thing could only produce that It could only produce a giant padded salaries for contractors and War material getting dumped in there to use as fucking toys
Starting point is 00:47:21 Uh by our drug dealing compatriots and then a place to just try out our fucking drone program And our counterinsurgency tactics. We essentially did a giant coin Uh thought experiment in real life for all the fucking nerds at west point to deal with for for now I can't wait for their conclusions. Yeah, no exactly, but like the experiments over the results are in And all they wanted whatever they could do they could dictate this place This is what they did with it There is no constraints on it because nobody cared as we've talked about and like and that's like a favor of it And tom's complaining about how oh well, you know, once the euphoria of like, you know, the initial victory like, you know
Starting point is 00:47:58 War off the american people just didn't care. It's like well Yeah, they lost interest in it, but it's not like they like cared and they didn't care in the sense that they were opposing it They were not being mad. Yeah, exactly. They were not preventing anyone in power from doing what they wanted to do there Exactly. They did not in any way prevent anyone in the military or civilian leadership Of the united states and to and to that end we really are all at fault for this fucking situation Honestly, it's because we didn't stop them. Yeah, exactly that we weren't able to stop it But it is our fault. This is just like his point about the conscript versus the volunteer army like no dumb ass That's literally the design the design is that americans don't want to think about this shit
Starting point is 00:48:42 And they don't you could leave it to the professionals Which is the whole point of this is to get democracy out of foreign affairs out of military affairs out of Our entire destiny really and that's part of it And it works which means you guys have a free hand which means if this happens It means you literally got to the point where you know what it's not worth it anymore We got what we wanted out of this place We've made a deal and we've made enough deals with the taliban leadership to know that they're gonna play ball where it matters when they're in power So we can leave now
Starting point is 00:49:13 Hell most american heroine is made in mexico now anyway and the fentanyl's from china I guess yeah, we'll never know for certain because american political and military leaders only tried pieces of several strategies Never a coherent whole mostly to keep the costs and casualties down and to keep the war off the front pages and away from a public That didn't want to hear about it Today many claim that they did not know what the military or the government were really up to And they point to the washington post's attempt to create a pentagon paper's vibe around a set of revelations That were not nearly as shocking as the secrets of vietnam or should not have been anyway to anyone who read a newspaper during the past two decades It's like oh, yeah, thanks for letting us all letting us all know tom how
Starting point is 00:49:54 Unsurprised you were by the fucking washington post afghanistan papers. Yeah, maybe you could have shared it a little bit earlier Did you know why these popcorn will watch him collateral murder? Is that a not shocking it was to you? I don't understand why these americans just won't trust us when we tell them about afghanistan I know that I can't tell them He's like why why why weren't we ever able to sell our a coherent whole set of strategies rather than discreet individual strategies to the american public? Geez, I don't know but again like the this idea that like oh, yeah, we if only we had sold it better It's like as if any american person buying it fucking mattered to the outcome one way or another Yeah, it's like this. Yeah, this is only on you. I mean it's on all of us in that we all prevented it from happening
Starting point is 00:50:36 But like all of the like the failure of their grand fantasy is only the failure of their ideas in the first place Yes, all right, so I'm just gonna skip ahead to the end here. He says A serious people the kind of people we once were would have made serious choices long before this current debacle was a Is that what you think you are a serious? Oh, sorry a serious people would be exporting radio room tom to Kabul right now And doing a one-to-one exchange program for an afghan refugee for every american neoconservative war think tank Liberal hawk every fucking every every all the mass head of the new republic in the atlantic and the new york times op-ed page And everyone who fucking helped make this war happen
Starting point is 00:51:19 We'd be doing a one-to-one reverse exchange program for an afghan a civilian for one of them That's what a serious country would do to prevent something like this happening again war room tom has been announced He will replace the last jew in Kabul And you go i love that i love that guy That guy's awesome They would be trying to learn something from the nearly 2500 dead service members and many more wounded They would be grimly assessing risk and preparing both overseas and at home for the reality of a terrorist nation making its way back onto the international map Instead we're bickering about masks. We're holding super spreader events. We're complaining and finger pointing about who ruined our fall plans
Starting point is 00:52:01 I'm part of that last group spoiler. It's the people who refused early accessible vaccinations biden was right in the end to bite the bullet and refuse to pass this conflict on to yet another president His execution of this resolve however looks to be a tragic and shameful mess It's like okay. Well, then like it's one or the other because like all the people talked about like a conditions base withdrawal Yeah, it's like it's just they're just absolutely trying to get one of those for 20 years. Yeah, exactly It was always going to look like this. Yes It was always going to be a fucking disaster look like a disaster at least unless we wanted to hand over power directly to the taliban through negotiation But that was off the table for political reasons
Starting point is 00:52:38 So we were gonna leave and they were gonna fucking come in that's What what leverage were we gonna put over them exactly? We're gonna do this another 20 years I know that we've been bleeding territory for the last three years But we're gonna we're gonna start trying now I mean just look at they all they had to do was ride in a town and they didn't fight back in most of these towns because they'd already made arrangements yep And this will likely be a case study in policy schools for years to come Yeah, I'm sure they're gonna learn a lot from this if they if their policy schools are still being staffed by people like you
Starting point is 00:53:11 Um, but there was no version of the stop the forever war that didn't end with the fall of cabal Um, we believed otherwise as a nation because we wanted to believe it. No, no, you know, you believe that Yeah, fucking. Yeah. No, I don't know who believed that Maybe maybe the people now who are saying oh, I've always been against the war, but we should Uh, we should reinvade because I feel bad though those few people that you know you see on twitter and shit, but like I don't I don't think anyone was as deluded as tom was We believed otherwise as a nation because we wanted to believe it and because we had shopping to do and television to watch
Starting point is 00:53:50 And arguments to be had on social media. I love that's how it's designed. That's what it's supposed to be That's what everyone wanted it to be and like It's just like I don't know if you know war room tom if you're as familiar with him as I am unfortunately But I love the way he's like distancing himself from like these Slabish stupid americans who are like whining about their fall plans and having arguments online and posting memes and pointing the finger at other people That's all you do all day on twitter, dude You're like everyone else man and he goes but before we move on before we head back to the mall before we resume posting memes And before we return bickering with each other about whether we should have to mask up at starbucks
Starting point is 00:54:29 Let us remember that this day came about for one reason and one reason only because it's what we wanted That's a very telling last line. Yes the situation that you're describing now Happened for one reason and one reason only because you wanted to go to war in afghanistan I mean certainly not the majority of the american public. In fact, they're a vanishingly small minority But you're right. Yeah, it is because we chose to go to war in afghanistan and all these people who are talking about Oh, you know, you can't who can say one way or the other like, you know, what could have prevented this outcome? It's like no, I can say for absolute certain had we not invaded afghanistan after 9 11 that this outcome would be different I mean we had an offer on the table from the taliban to turn over bin laden and even
Starting point is 00:55:11 Step down from power in uh, december of 2001 and is that nah? Yeah, all right So if that from war room, tom wasn't bad enough this next piece is even more astonishing considering who wrote it This is once again in the atlantic. This is david from writing in the atlantic The headline the one thing that could have changed the war in afghanistan The one weird trick that they don't want you to know And that one weird trick head osama bin laden been killed or captured in december 2001 Justice would have been served in the way americans like fast hard and cheap by david fucking from And then it just says right thankfully before he gets into his piece. It says
Starting point is 00:55:52 About the author david from is a staff writer at the atlantic and the author of trump hawk ellipse restoring american democracy No, fuck Kill yourself and then here and then the money shot in 2001 in 2002. He was the speech writer for president george w bush Oh, yeah, I remember that. Yeah, cool david Okay, oh my god So, uh, I want to I want from to be dropped into afghanistan and given like the helanic reast Uncircumcision I
Starting point is 00:56:24 Oh, yeah Okay, so this is um, david from head the united states caught and killed osama bin laden. Okay. Sorry. This is one more like he In this article that i'm about to read He advances the crime of perjury to a new level to unfold to yet as of yet unseen heights Okay, he begins head the united states caught and killed osama bin laden in december 2001 The u.s. Military presence in afghanistan would have faded away almost immediately afterwards I cannot prove that it's only an opinion from my vantage point as one of george w bush's speech writers in 2001 and 2002 So he's just saying yeah, had we caught bin laden. We never would have stayed in afghanistan. Yeah, sure
Starting point is 00:57:10 Well, and then it's just like okay. Well, then why didn't you catch bin laden? They had him on the plate They said here he is or even they said we were gonna they would try him one way or another There was there were offers on the table when we decided to go in which means there was no answer We were going to take to get bin laden which means getting bin laden was the point It was never if that had been the point then they wouldn't have even made war inevitable They made they did war to blow up the country as the beginning of a bunch of countries They were and then like that's the thing it's like they only did it so they could go to war in iraq Like you said earlier matt like there was no possible way that we could have
Starting point is 00:57:45 Like done like invaded afghanistan and gone to war in afghanistan and had any outcome given the people who did it With us not invading iraq. I mean my god Do you imagine a situation where we blow up afghanistan in like a few weeks and we get bin laden? And then they put them on trial or something and then we have to just spend all of that energy that has been unleashed by the trauma of 9 11 talking about what happened and why and And and and maybe you know having political dialogues around those issues instead of Fixating on a context of global war that we were going to be in forever and a threat that we was that was always going to be over us Yeah, no, I mean like I it's it's weird that the george w. Bush administration didn't just take the easy victory and and the war on terror
Starting point is 00:58:29 Or when it would have mattered yeah Yeah, because they had such an incentive to minimize the war on terror They had fucking tom ridge out there Uh, like vanna white with the fucking uh the the threat level Before the election in 2004 Remember that when tom ridge orange today. It's orange is like they were they they admitted later that they manipulated the number the the the the color depending on uh
Starting point is 00:58:56 Bush's poll numbers versus carry in a state in a given state. Yeah, they really had no desire to to exacerbate this context of Of war. Why would they want to do that? Wrap it up quick and go home because you're uh Yet I strongly believe it the us stayed for 20 years in afghanistan because first bush And then his successors got trapped in a pattern of responding to past failures by redoubling future efforts In the fall of 2001 the u.s. Mission in afghanistan was clear limited and achievable find and kill bin laden After bin laden escaped that mission escalated into something hazy and impossibly difficult To rebuild afghanistan society and remodel the afghan state. I mean david I mean if only you were in the room at the time you could have warned them
Starting point is 00:59:41 head us forces succeeded against bin laden in 2001 Justice would have been served in the way americans like fast hard and cheap Republicans could have campaigned in the elections of 2002 as winners of a completed war and pivoted then to domestic concerns Like iran. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Why why didn't the republican party pivot to taking care of america? when they could have Transferred trillions of dollars of wealth into the hands of private firms and their friends Yeah, I would really love people to start talking about like ken lay In 2003 they would have loved that if only if only bin laden hadn't just just you know
Starting point is 01:00:18 Slunk away through the mountains of toroboro. They could have spent all that money of the war on terror on fixing our roads and bridges They could have been compassionate giving us healthcare. Yeah, we could have gotten healthcare If david from is really this stupid to believe this You have to put him down like lenny The thing is though, I wish he was this stupid because he's not like It would be a matter of time before he like fucking french kisses and outlets or something But the reality is he's a disgusting liar. Absolutely. He's a disgusting swine Wine wire one of the worst pieces of shit with a byline
Starting point is 01:00:54 Bin laden survival doomed any idea of pivoting back to domestic concerns without a killer capture of bin laden to show The swift overthrow of the taliban government seemed very much a consolation prize the road open to the iraq war Oh, it did did it that just happened That was unfortunate david and he admits it in his own language where he said Uh, the collapse of the overthrow of the taliban government seemed like a consolation prize Yeah, it did to you and the project for the new american census. Like I said, blood drinking ghouls That that was wolfowitz's in a memo said like we need to start looking at iraq There hasn't there aren't enough good targets in afghanistan
Starting point is 01:01:32 Yeah, there was other rumsfeld or wolfowitz and one of their famous memos But the idea here that like oh the road to iraq just opened up. No, this is what you personally david from We're counting on from the fucking minute you saw that plane hit the tower and let's be honest Probably quite a bit before that one hundred percent. And yeah, no since the 90s or maybe even before but um the uh Want to rewind a bit to david from lamenting that they never got to do compassion conservatism Well, we saw a preview of that amazing program that they had laid out in uh 2004 after uh bush at one reelection
Starting point is 01:02:09 Uh his amazing domestic plans that we would have seen more of you know if we you know Whatever happened with bin laden if you know that had been in our control at all It was to privatize social security. Yeah, that was the grand domestic program that we missed out on Yeah, that was his big second term hail mary That an immigration reform Yeah So it goes here again. This is only one man's opinion. Yeah The opinion of someone who wrote the axis of evil speech that like helps start the fucking
Starting point is 01:02:40 End the phrase. We don't want a smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud. Those were your words david But it's just you know, just you're just one man's opinion He goes But I don't believe bush was yet committed to a ground war against saddam hussein when he delivered his axis of evil speech In january 2002. Oh, you don't that's why you included iraq in the axis of evil You just oh, I didn't know he was I just I you know, it's just You know anything gonna happen at that point who could you know history is so odd like that I would shave 30 or 40 years off my life to like give him a disease
Starting point is 01:03:13 That speech identified iraq's weapons potential as a deadly serious security threat It said the same of iran's and north korea's weapons potential and bush had no intention of fighting either of them There were and yeah, because he didn't have any intention to because we got our Because iraq became such a fucking disaster But believe me if iraq had gone as swimmingly as you people thought the overthrow of the taliban went Then you can bet iran would have been next on the fucking menu for these ghouls at 1000 percent He goes here and bush there were there were and many ways to address weapons potential short of a ground war Whether sanctions sabotage or airstrikes. Oh, what about the weapons inspectors that the un sent before the war?
Starting point is 01:03:52 That that's not an option david because you know, they were the ones who all said he didn't have any Yeah, but they got this makes me. It's just those guys were fucking pussies I'm with you like felix reading this specifically from david from like this makes me So fucking mad like I like I just like I can't even really say Because I don't want the fbi visiting my apartment how I feel about this guy And you should be allowed to threaten a canadian citizen anyway. Absolutely. Yeah Yeah, I mean like as far as I'll go specifically are like The things that science has not yet invented slash, you know, I haven't unlocked these secrets at the temple
Starting point is 01:04:30 The uh meditating so hard that you can give someone cancer or whatever I would like to see him deported. There's a ton of other things, but yeah, we're not going to say it We don't want to be visited by the fbi, but like I know there are like way more there people who've done a lot worse out there in the world, but just as far as like This fucking alcoholic bloated faced piece of shit puffer fish cunt who I have to see all the time Who gets to write these articles who gets to write fucking 10 books in five years called like trump Tastrophe
Starting point is 01:05:02 I just I fucking hate him so much and like so much I don't think there's any media figure I've ever hated as much as this fucking dishonest cunt Who is just pretending? He was a bystander to all this. Yeah, and here's the thing It's it's pretending that he was a bystander and what's what makes this so fucking evil and and like repellent Is just how dishonorably he is because look at a guy like rumsfeld an arch fucking ghoul villain like rumsfeld Who died at 88 surrounded by his loved ones never once feeling a moment's fucking guilt over the iraq war Or coming close to even let alone apologizing for it or saying maybe we shouldn't have done that or Or john balton now the men that this worm david from served as a speech writer
Starting point is 01:05:48 I mean like They they still believe They still believe in the fucking wars that they started whereas his his half-assed way of distancing himself from it And pretending like there was another outcome that was conceivably possible working for these men It's just like it's he has no honor. He will not be among the honor dead in stovokor He yeah, he is in no addition of the book of life Uh continuing here. He says yet in the year after that speech. I mean the one that you wrote I mean, I who edited this fucking piece yet in a year after that speech the decision for war coalesced
Starting point is 01:06:27 Something had to be done against islamic terrorism that was not afghanistan The iraq war became that something a strange dichotomy split the us foreign policy elite Prominent figures in the bush administration vice president cheney secretary of defense don rumsfeld wished fiercely to escape afghanistan This wish was partly because of their determination to finish off saddam hussein But it was also a policy preference in its own right for what little it was it's worth That's how I personally felt at the time However steeped the odds against a stable future for iraq that urbanized and literate country was more promising terrain for us strategic goals Than hopeless afghanistan. They didn't fucking want us there either you fucking cunt. God damn like
Starting point is 01:07:09 It's just the way in which he thinks he's being like he's both trying to exonerate himself and like, you know Speak some speak some real truth about you know, I this is what I felt at the time. It's just like okay Well, did you say anything? Did you do anything? He feels bad but not in the sense that he thinks he did anything morally wrong He won't even go that deep. He feels bad in the sense that like people may be mad at him for it. Yep That just a fucking Repulsa, I mean, I guess. Yeah, you you've earned your american citizenship. That's so this country is fucking filled with Welcome. I'm just gonna skip ahead now now just complete the cycle and just fucking get addicted to opiates and bleed out
Starting point is 01:07:50 Skipping ahead to the end here Maybe the most important lesson to take from the outcome in afghanistan Is the steep strategic cost of america's fierce partisan polarization? Decisions in afghanistan by republicans and democrats alike were driven much more by domestic political competition than by realities inside afghanistan George w. Bush couldn't afford to quit afghanistan when he should have early in 2002 John Kerry and barack obama were compelled to over promise about afghanistan despite their own misgivings Donald trump backdated a debacle because he wanted to seemingly cheap win for 2020 Through the cold war the u.s. Found methods to manage foreign policy that rose above party. Yeah, the military industrial complex
Starting point is 01:08:31 The kennedy assassination. Yeah, say say what you will about the phoenix program But there are handshakes and smiles from across the aisle Um since 1990 the u.s. Has succeeded less well at this essential non-partisan task I mean, it's just like yeah, it's getting harder and harder to remove our foreign policy from democratic consent It's in the 21st century even worse than that. We are surely headed for another vicious round of foreign policy partisanship After the fall of cobble for five years pro trump voices have championed protectionism isolationism and the portrayal of allies Such as estonia montanegro No, sirian courage. No, I swear right now. Are you hearing this?
Starting point is 01:09:08 You know what if you only read david from you would never know that anyone in afghanistan besides americans ever fucking died You would never fucking know that You would have no idea because they are it's just not even it's not even that they're like lesser people to him They just don't fucking exist. None of these fucking people exist his guilt that he feels over any of this again, it's not centered even in the idea of an iraqi or In afghan anyone in afghanistan dying it even as an abstraction even as abstraction. It's just nothing It's nothing. It's not even fucking numbers on a paper to him. That's why he can just instantly jump from All that this passive voice nonsense about the axis of evil and the fallow
Starting point is 01:09:50 You know the failures in afghanistan to the greatest cost, which is partisanship over foreign policy What a fucking piece of shit. What a fucking monster people are mean to me on twitter Yeah, but like but like yo for real though On god if anyone fucks with montanegro. He's on site. He's on site Yeah, you do not fuck with them. Yeah, I will I will exchange icbms over estonia Talon talon rose shout out. We got your back. Any of our listeners in talon? Let you know over the he got he got cancelled talon Over the next week pro-shrump critics of biden will astonish the world with their shamelessness As they convert from attacks on endless wars to laments for the last helicopter out of saigon
Starting point is 01:10:37 That shamelessness will prove more effective than it deserves to but less effective than it needs to be Oh, you're fucking telling me the shamelessness works You're fucking telling me the brave lives lost in afghanistan the money squandered there Those will haunt american society for a long time. Good thing. You're a canadian david. I mean no ghosts in your fucking house Um, but the new possibilities open for the united states the freedom of action recovered the future waste now prevented Those will be realities to the material economic financial and moral assets that make america strong The united states still possesses all of those the domestic political dysfunction that leads to politics instead of policy That and not the iconography of helicopters out of cobble. That's the weakness to now overcome
Starting point is 01:11:24 I would like to I would like to arrive to be overcome with exhaust while you're trapped in it I would I would like to Um, basically like like put him in a harness attach it to a crane And then like slowly lower it like an inch at a time into one of those like hog legumes in north carolina I would like to see that. I think I think I would like I would like him to be left to the wigs at taliban Whatever the equivalent is in alberta. Well, like I said like it All like all of these people that that are so anguished over this and just they want to help afghanistan so much because they feel So bad about you know america leaving. I was I reiterate my one-to-one visa program
Starting point is 01:12:05 david from For like a hundred afghani civilians Yeah, we get rid of his visa give them a hundred u.s visas. I'll go this far to say picked at random Any of them worth more than david from well, I mean said even if you're talking about the commanders of the taliban at least they know How to win a war Yeah, seriously, they would they would write way better articles. That's for damn sure Well, yeah, I just what a fucking slug Just a crawling little fucking garter snake on the ground just little fucking slimy creature
Starting point is 01:12:39 Uh, I gotta I gotta I gotta end the show before I before I get in trouble. Yeah A lot of stuff So it's so revolting what a fucking cowardly little worm these all these people are Yeah, it's it's yeah, look if you want to say it's every americans fault I agree But certainly some more than others and like you better swallow that pill too and and that pill better be Yeah, I mean I don't know what to say here, I mean if you are if you are preparing food for david from in the future I I would like to say though to end on a kind of just hilarious note think about this so
Starting point is 01:13:26 Trump clearly wanted to leave afghanistan because he has that primate sense of what people like and what would make him look good And he knows getting out of afghanistan is one of them. So he pushed for it and he made real progress But at the end of at the end of the moment or at the but before He could pull the trigger the fucking generals gotten his ear and told him he'd look like a fucking loser If they did what they're doing now and because he's a fucking coward He he fucking bitched out biden who yes does not care about looking like a loser It's a body to being a loser his entire life when he's there. It's like yeah, I said it in 2011. We're doing it now They or it is 2011 whatever we're doing it. They say no, no, you'll be a loser
Starting point is 01:14:09 What who are you talking to you're talking to Joe Biden? He didn't care which makes him more based than trump But a thousand times more based but of course now though Trump who we assume is going to run for real a reelection or reinstatement In 2024 he gets the best of both worlds now. He gets to get credit for being anti imperialist being against Forever wars in afghanistan, but also say I would have done the same thing, but it would have gone better I like his statement. He said he said like he was like the taliban would know that this wouldn't fly under my administration Yeah, we're gone, but don't take over the country. It'll be really mad
Starting point is 01:14:47 Yeah, it's like dude that guy that guy Miley just did peek-a-boo to you when he spooked you just admit it That's what happened. Yeah. I did you see this thing where he said that like I kind of agree with him where he's just like We should like give priority to civilians before the military. Yeah, but like his reason for that Is like just they did a bad job and so they're in southwest boarding group C Yeah, he just released a statement. It's not that we left afghanistan. It's the grossly incompetent way we left So he gets the best thing in his life is when he gets to say get credit for something without actually doing anything to make it happen And now it's literally his successor and he gets to come back into office and go. Thanks for loosening the jar for me
Starting point is 01:15:32 I'm done. No. Yeah. This is a pretty good day in his life. I will say but like also Um, this was a great day in biden's life. Absolutely. He feels vindicated. He doesn't feel like a loot I mean, he does but like that's winning. Yeah, he loves it. Yeah, he's like, that's right. He really is Irish I'm taking the pain Yeah Loves being miserable. He can't get enough of it. Real irish man like damn Yeah, that's not the committee is tragic being irish Yeah, just like the things that have happened to joe biden if they happen to me. I was just give up
Starting point is 01:16:07 Yeah, but he's like no, we're gonna we're rolling baby. That's that's america. Damn, dude, you know It really is It really is all this bad stuff happened to me. That wasn't my fault I did all this bad stuff that was my fault I feel fine I mean if you're an american you have no reason to feel bad because like I said at the end even according to david from and tom Nichols, it's like 2,500 soldiers died and like certainly. Oh like we're not going to sign over the constitution of the taliban tomorrow
Starting point is 01:16:40 like so for anyone talking about how Traumatizing this is it's just like you don't you never cared about any single human being in afghanistan You don't kill you don't care about any other human being in the world other than outside your own vanity And it's just like it was never our country to fucking give away or take in the first fucking place So get over yourselves and buck up All of this performative weeping and rending of garments is fucking offensive and I and I and another credit to the dark machiavellian genius of pain pig biden is that uh, he did this in a way that maximized cruelty but minimized political risk because
Starting point is 01:17:15 By letting the taliban just take over overnight. He does take this short term hit to his Credibility and all this and his macho cheese moan all this bullshit, but nobody's going to remember in two weeks Uh, he knows what country this is the only way the only way this becomes a a prolonged Political story is if he lets in any significant number of afghan refugees So by just letting those people to their fates you guarantee that this is a two week story. So Yeah, he's got some moves the old the old dot desert fox Well, I mean, don't worry. We won't activate anyone's trauma by letting these people in no, don't worry The visa the visa process is still 14 fucking steps and you know, you know
Starting point is 01:17:58 um And and in biden's defense, you know, I mean like it's not like there's enough available space and resources to accommodate a few hundred Thousand people in america. We're absolutely fall. We simply can't do it. Yeah Did you see that census we're like Two-thirds of the fucking counties in this country are just shrinking like fucking evaporating fine feeling fine He's man. He is the man for the moment isn't he? Yeah, really is he really is Oh, we could all we could all learn to be like him. We're gonna need it. It's true. He's having a great time You see him driving around that uh that car
Starting point is 01:18:36 In front of the house. They let him get behind the wheel of a little truck. He was zipping around Yeah, it's a great message like no matter what happens in your life You can get in the car. You can have a like beautiful st. Patrick's Day party. You can have ice cream It's fine. No matter what happens You can drive like your dad inside a close in an enclosed area where there are no other cars or people on their You know what? I mean, yeah, that's that's a good that's a good message to leave It's like no matter what happens. We can all still go get an ice cream cone just like joe. Yep No, he's beyond even fdr. I see what people mean now like damn, dude. He's
Starting point is 01:19:13 Fuck he's like, um, he's in a mental wheelchair His reign is sitting down He just he represents us in a way that like no one else could I'm sorry I get it. I can't wait till they run him again. Yeah, let's do it Yeah, let's do a fucking who cares who cares. Nobody has any better idea By the way, look Kamala fucking serious. I'm just gonna bring it up. Um, this is um from april of this year Um, Kamala's people planted a piece in politica like just speaking to them Vice president Kamala Harris confirmed sunday that she was the last person in the room
Starting point is 01:19:49 Before joe bodd had made the decision to pull all us troops out of afghanistan In an interview with cnn's dana bash on the state of the union Harris was asked about being the last person in the room regarding major decisions Something that biden said is as important to him and his working relationship with the vice president Harris confirmed that that was the case regarding the move to pull us troops out of afghanistan by september 11. She was just like Yeah, I'm some people know that was all on me and it's like, you know what? I hope she's right good for you, Kamala This will end up like hurting her somehow. Oh, it's gonna. It's gonna annihilate her But like biden kenny kenny operator that he is he was like come on you deserve a victory
Starting point is 01:20:27 Why don't you just grow to the politico people? This is your idea. I'll let you have it ma'am. He is such a piece of shit He's a boss It's gonna it's only gonna benefit him and it is gonna sink her even further. Yeah like a fucking rock Oh my god Wait, uh, he's uh, he's us even though his brain is gone and like It's just everything bad that could happen in your life did happen to him. He's still like ooh time to pull some irish tricks Time for a listen little leprechaun hijinks What a fucker
Starting point is 01:21:07 Look he's it's very funny to think that like the alt-right created this concept of like a based politician inspired by trump But he is not based Joe biden is absolutely based. He does what he wants at this point He's not what he had by anyone when he told pete. He was like, hey, I think uh, there should be a $3 per mile tax on all cars Uh, but why don't you have this one and like pete like stupid fucking ambitious fucker. He is yeah, I came up with this Oh my god
Starting point is 01:21:43 Just no don't even have an election. Keep him in for the rest of his life. So you know, I'm telling you we're living in warhammer We might as well just accept it Put him in the suit have him, uh fight with the space marines You know It's a good good looking space marines. This is oh boy. Oh you're not the space marines All right, let's uh, we leave it there for today. Um Until next time. Bye. Bye. Is a taliban takeover of afghanistan now inevitable? No it is not
Starting point is 01:22:16 Because you have the afghan troops have 300 000 Well equipped as well as equipped as any army in the world and an air force Against something like 75 000 taliban It is not inevitable. Mr. President. Thank you very much. Your own intelligence community has assessed that the afghan government will Likely collapse. That is not true Is it can you please clarify what they have told you about whether that will happen or not? That is not true They did not they didn't did not reach that conclusion
Starting point is 01:22:51 So what is the level of confidence that they have that it will not collapse? the afghan government And leadership has to come together They clearly have the capacity To sustain the government in place And do you see any parallels between this withdrawal and what happened in vietnam with some people feeling none whatsoever? Zero what you had is yet entire brigades breaking through the gates of our embassy Six if i'm not mistaken
Starting point is 01:23:22 The taliban is not the south of the north vietnamese army They're not they're not remotely comparable in terms of capability There's going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof Of a embassy in the of the united states from afghanistan. It is not at all comfortable So the question now is where do they go from here? That the jury is still out, but the likelihood there's going to be The taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely

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