Chapo Trap House - 554 - Junkyard of Empires (8/31/21)

Episode Date: September 1, 2021

Once more into the breach of Afghanistan takes: the media now turns to our precious abandoned military ordnance to hand-wring over, and Britain continues to feel the cold shoulder of the Biden adminis...tration. We also cover China’s new gaming ban, and an effort to gin up a BDS movement against the Taliban.

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Starting point is 00:00:30 Alright. Hello, hello. It's Jeff. Oh, we're back again. I'll come at you on a Tuesday today because, you know, we were coming off another executive retreat with the Pot About List boys. They're good boys. They're good boys, people. Check out their show. But, you know, we come back to the city. What do we find? Just right off the bat, Donda comes out and the Felix Biedermann collaboration not on the album. After all the texts of Kanye saying, Felix, I admire you so much. We're both Chicago icons. Like, let's collab. You're on the album. Like, yo, we're doing a... What was the name? What's the name? What would be a good name for the Felix Biedermann Kanye West collaboration? Resale Pussy.
Starting point is 00:01:14 It was about having sex with your friend's wife. It's unceremoniously done from the album. No indication, no warning. Blaming it on the record label, but, you know, we sue you. I mean, like, this is just what happens when two Geminis try to collaborate. That's four faces. Yeah, I'm dreading the moment when all those ferocious Felix Stams go to his childhood home and put signs up in front of it as an in a vicious act of graffiti. That was so funny. For people who don't know, Drake fans went to Kanye's childhood home and put up, like, the graffiti that George H. W. Bush wrote on a piece of cardboard in the Simpsons. It was like, bad neighbor. He's
Starting point is 00:02:02 mean to Drake. They didn't even tag the house. They just put up placards. Yeah. So anyway, yeah, we're back in the city recording information. Basically our new living space and studio in the Barclays Center. I'm now living in Kevin Durant's locker. But, you know, the next episode, we're working on it right now. It's probably going to come out three months from now. There's going to be a long break, but we're going to change the game with our next episode drops. It will be six hours long and it will be similar to Donda, the best podcast guest
Starting point is 00:02:34 spot that Fivio Foreign has ever had in his entire career. Absolutely. But, you know, we're back here. And I guess right off the bat, Joe Biden, said strong, won't have to get us in over. Everyone evacuated. We're out. But don't worry, folks. We'll still blow up children. He had no idea. That's the Biden guarantee. Kids are going to get murdered. We'll still murder an entire family. Like literally people with visas, literally people who are like figuring out how to come here because they're giving visas.
Starting point is 00:03:04 You know, it's like, look, we're still the United States of America. And like, you know, it's just like, oh, 13 soldiers like got to balance those skills, just fucking just wiped out a whole family with a drill strike. And they're like, yeah, I'll take that ISIS. Yeah. Take that ISIS K. But I guess like the big thing now is that it's funny, like there's no more wanting or complaining about it because like that airport, no more flights coming in and out of there. Nope. Yeah, they close the, they close the anti-annies. That's over. No more Hudson
Starting point is 00:03:36 News. Yeah. The Taliban is doing a mass burning of Bogue magazine and James Patterson novels. So it's funny, like now that everyone's out of there, now the big thing to want to complain about is all the inanimate objects we left behind. And I'm just seeing all of these like infographics about like all the shit we left behind in Afghanistan. Let me see this. Bring it up here. Yeah. 22,000 Humvees, 150 mine-proof vehicles, 42,000 pickup trucks and SUVs.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Can you imagine what those mine-proof vehicles could do in America? Yeah. There's some suburban police department that could have used the M1 Abrams thing. Yeah. I am, I paid to be a deputy for the Naperville Sheriff's Department and we always do expeditions to Passchendaele and there are still mines there. Let's see here. 162,000 radios, 60,000 night vision goggles, 126,000 pistols. I mean, the Taliban... This country doesn't have enough pistols. That's like one thing. We probably should go in to get those.
Starting point is 00:04:45 I'm just, as Rina Clifford says, like, there's some asshole saying this from Kevin Meyers' latest column is sobering, but not even Biden's direst critics could have predicted that he would provide the Taliban with around 350 state-of-the-art military helicopters. State-of-the-art means like they were made in the 70s. Yeah. That's the state of the art if you're talking about a Black Hawk. So he says, so, making it the Taliban, the owner of the world's fourth-largest military helicopter fleet. Damn.
Starting point is 00:05:15 I mean, I shutter to think. I mean, like, they're doing the ride of the Valkyrie scene in Apocalypse now to the West Coast of the United States next week. What did the owner of the world's largest military helicopter arsenal accomplish in the same country? Like, nothing. Nothing is a... I think it's nothing. But it says here, ahead of any NATO country, aside from the USA and behind only Russia and China, indeed, Taliban now has three times as many attack helicopters as the UK. I think they can take them. And I think, frankly, they should. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:50 They can also throw in a few dozen light-attacked aircraft, thousands of armored personnel characters, 55 battle tanks, 1,000 mortars, and 110,000 automatic-raised rifles, plus four Hercules transports for good luck, not so much Len Lise as Wander Squander. Wow. How sobering. And these were not wasted before. Yeah. They were doing us a lot of good. There's nothing being squandered in this country. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Like the main thing. You know, right off there, it definitely helped the army that we had spent 20 years building up, put up a real fight against the Taliban. You know, those super transporters were doing, they were ferrying American fast food from Bagram to FOBs. It's literally what they were doing. They were essentially UberXs. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:33 And then, of course, we've got to talk about this, our boy, Representative Clay Higgins, you know, you know, you know, you know he mad about that military equipment. Oh, I'm going madder than a gator at that dentist right now thinking about all that precious military equipment that's going down the train. Clay Higgins made probably, I'd say, like the best speech in American history today. Yeah. Absolutely. Like safe to say, it's better than anything.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Yeah. Speaking in front of the House Freedom Caucus, I mean, like, you know, Matt can interpret it, but he said, let me tell you what would be a good start for the people of Louisiana. And I'm speaking, of course, about the category five hurricane that just slammed into the Gulf Coast. No. Leaving parts of Louisiana apparently without electricity for, like, probably the next couple months.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Yeah. No, it's indefinite. We don't know when it can come back. And if you left the state, don't come back. Yeah. He says, Start searching those help wanted pages wherever you ended up. Change your name, you know, maybe go to New York, claim the name of a guy that you fought
Starting point is 00:07:38 in the Korean war with, find a fur model. Let me tell you what would be a good start for the people of Louisiana, $85 billion worth of a military equipment that was left behind in Afghanistan. What are you going to do with it? Like, what are you like, is that where you like, folks, is it going to be like, I mean, last time when you had to, when you guys euthanized fucking hospital patients who you couldn't transport from Katrina, I guess this time instead of a towel, you could use a fucking M1 Abrams.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Yeah. Yeah, just, we could, we could expedite the process of triage so much more effectively if we just murked people, give every doctor and every nursing home attended a fucking barretta. He says, it would be good start 85 billion worth of military equipment that was left behind in Afghanistan. And Matt, as you pointed out, like, if we had stayed in Afghanistan, it would still be there.
Starting point is 00:08:29 They're not bringing it over here to do what? Clear mines around Lake Pontchartrain. Guys, we left Delta force over there. Imagine how valuable they could be fighting the hurricane. Yeah. I mean, I guess what, like you just have people live like in them or like you make a house out of Humvees Chinook helicopters. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:50 You just stacked them on top of each other. Yeah. That's modular living. Oh, maybe, maybe a hurricane is like the only condition an Osprey can actually fly in. Seems to crash any other condition at all. Yeah. It's like only someone with 180 IQ who's read 10,000 books in the last month can really see through the issues like the Higgins.
Starting point is 00:09:14 And the other thing that's going on right now is this, like, that lady who was like, she was some blue check who works for some like crackpot, like Christian news agency who is just passing along stories, just absolute, just mind palace, just make believe about like there was a bus full of American women with visas, like American citizens who are on a school bus going to the Kabul airport and they were like, no, sorry, too late. And the Taliban took the school bus and killed everyone on the side. What you see would happen was they flash their highlights and that's a game. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Yeah. They got, they got the local Caliban commander got on the horn and told him that if the bus went below 50 miles an hour, pop quiz hot shot, dude, do you think she got the because I saw those, do you think she got them from like, you know, they're just like going around. Who's the dying pundit? What's his website again? Jim Hoff, the gateway, the gateway pundit, like going around like shit, like gateway pundit and like emails, or is it just like she just organically was like, time to write
Starting point is 00:10:17 some fiction. I wonder about the gateway, but I was thinking about him because all these conservative radio guys are just dropping like flies, right? Like they're, they're, they're, they have the courage of their conviction to not get the vaccine because it's that courage of conviction that gives them the power to like talk on the radio for eight hours a day, starting at four in the morning. If they got the vaccine, they just would, they halfway through their, their fucking a lot of time to be like, I don't fucking care, man.
Starting point is 00:10:43 I quit, but they all, they're all dying for the cause. And I just wonder is what about the gateway pundit? This guy who is dying every moment of his life, who's like has a baboon heart and it's like recurrent sepsis. Like he has to know like COVID will absolutely kill him the second he catches it. I wonder if he's, he's committed to it. I think, I think he's probably like, like publicly he's like, I don't, you know, I'm not, I'm not like stopping anything.
Starting point is 00:11:11 I was doing, I'm not getting the fucking shot, but in reality, probably living in the Magneto prison. Absolutely. That's how he's doing it. That's how he's squaring the circle. Um, but yeah, Matt, actually I was, uh, cause like, dude, like, I just look online today, there's like, like four more talk radio. No one.
Starting point is 00:11:27 And another. I was talking about what you said to me over the weekend when you were like, you were like, I sincerely believe that if you're one of these guys and you're like, you're like invading against the vaccine, ripping masks off people's space, going to school boards and like, you know, like, uh, like coughing in the face of kids to prove that like it's safe to do so. Um, and like, and then, and then you get COVID, you're, and then I'm like, you're like, please pray, please pray for my husband, just choking out your last breath on a ventilator.
Starting point is 00:11:52 If in your last moments, you're like, please give me the vaccine. You will, you will, you will net, you will not enter the gates of all. You will not into the Hall of Odin. Burn in hell for eternity. You don't get drag queen story hour with RuPaul forever. Congratulations. You didn't have the faith, but yeah, you're going yet. You are like, you sort of think it's heaven.
Starting point is 00:12:12 It's a football game, but it's just a never ending kneeling. Yeah. Everyone in the game is kneeling. They keep waiting for the game to start. Team comes out and they just kneel and they just won't stop kneeling. It's like a dream. Well, like you're, like you're, you're trying to call someone or like you, you left something somewhere.
Starting point is 00:12:27 You're trying to get somewhere, but like somehow in the dream, it never, you never achieve the thing that you're trying to do. And it's like that forever. Yep. Well, never get the football. Have, if you don't ask for the, if you're like your last words are, I don't, I didn't have COVID. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Uh, you get to go to the handsome hamburger party every day for eternity. You get to eat a ice cold, uh, uh, uh, Big Mac next to President Trump. You patch on the back and cause your big band. No, but like, like, and, and, and after you're dead, if, if your family observes the correct rituals and burial rites, and by that I mean demanding that the mortuary not list COVID as your cause of death. And then even, even are asking funeral parlors to change the official death certificate issued by the state.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Uh, no, like that is, that is an important part of the ritual that will like, that will ferry your soul across the river six into the, into the hallowed, the hallowed feasting halls of Odin and Freya. You will be among the honored dead in Stovokor. Yep. The, that, that is, that is a battle of doodle, battle, duty and honor, the Klingon way. Yep. But yeah, some of these people, some of these babies, like, you know, they lose face in
Starting point is 00:13:34 the last moment. Sorry. No, no, this was a test. Yep. This was the test you chose wrong. You failed. Oh, the other thing of course was, did you see a, did you see Milo saying he's dying of COVID and then showing like posting things on like parlor or gab or getter or one of
Starting point is 00:13:48 these, like, you know, boutique, uh, social media outlets, injecting himself with the Ivermectin. Yeah. Uh, that's total bullshit. Oh, I know. What? Complete horseshit. That would wait.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Well, no, it's horse. But that would require him to be doing something for attention. That's ridiculous. Why would he do that? Why would he just want people to pay attention to him? I mean, like Tucker, like Rhonda Sinitis, like all these guys, like he has gotten 15 vaccinated and so far, absolutely, he's going to be fine. Um, but yeah, I know, but, uh, just the other thing now that like, you know, like, for all,
Starting point is 00:14:21 for all of the braying about what it, you know, I saw, uh, what's that guy that guy's named Richard Engel, like a fucking, uh, like on CNN saying that this is the worst capitulation of Western values in our history, which is like, uh, I didn't know Afghanistan was part of the West. Well, the values are imposing them on other people. So that's the, that is the actual Western value is making other people act like you at gunpoint. We've seen Peter Baker and the New York Times, you know, just be like, I've, I've, I've
Starting point is 00:14:48 talked to experts on the war in Afghanistan, um, who all serve on the board of directors of region and they all agreed that this is the worst foreign policy decision ever made by a U S president. Yeah. And you know, like all the talk about our stay in national honor, all of the, just like every single Afghan person who was killed this, but you know, like during the course of this evacuation, they're going to, you know, ram that to the hill, these 13 American soldiers.
Starting point is 00:15:11 I mean, we, the funny thing about that is like, look, we all knew it was like, I mean, honestly, there's a lot of questions about that bombing in the first place about like, they were like, I said, I said, they were like, oh, like literally like, we're going to bomb this game at the airplay airport. And then they were just like, no, let's leave it open. Yeah. And then all those guys got through Taliban check boards. And then also a lot of the Afghans that were killed after that bombing were just sprayed
Starting point is 00:15:32 with gunfire. Yeah. And I mean, again, we're not hearing stories about their lives or like their families crying. American excellence. You hear a firecrackers, you hear a car backfire and you just spray it down. But for all of that, for all of like, as we've documented over the last like two, three weeks on the show, you look the, the unified media, just like the hegemonic point of view of just like slamming Biden for this and just like, just totally like, this is the worst thing
Starting point is 00:15:57 that's ever happened to America for all their efforts. They couldn't stop it from happening. Biden, I just was listening to his speech on the way over here. He's just saying, like, I'm not going to spend another 10 years in Afghanistan. All the people saying that, like, oh, you know, we could just continue to do what we're doing. He's like, I'm sorry, I'm not buying it. And he's had a lot of other dumb shit too, but for the most part, it's over.
Starting point is 00:16:16 They couldn't stop him from doing it. The bottom line is there is no evacuation from the end of a war that you can run without the kinds of complexities, challenges, threats we faced, none. It was time to end this war. So now they're complaining about all the inanimate objects we left behind. And then the other thing is all the dogs we left behind. Did you see that? The heckin' puppers.
Starting point is 00:16:45 The heckin' puppers have been left in crates, you know, all the service dogs that we left behind to be rounded up and killed by the Taliban. That's the really outrageous thing now. And the other thing is like, this idea that like, I mean, the idea that there's still like thousands of Americans in Afghanistan who are just stuck there. And I'm just sort of thinking like, okay, like, if that's true, like, I mean, I probably like hope they can get out of the country, but like, I mean, didn't they have like months to fucking just get out of Afghanistan?
Starting point is 00:17:12 Like what the fuck were they doing there in the first place? I would like to know what everyone was doing there, honestly. It's not, I mean, it's just not a place you go like to vibe generally. You have a reason for being there. So yeah, there's another really good thing. This is one of my favorite clips I saw this week. This is a, this is Glenn Beck was talking on the Glenn Beck show and he was talking about like, they are lying.
Starting point is 00:17:35 That is a lie. I have more than 240 requests from people coming into our email that's saying, please, can you help us get out? It's a lie. And I just love the idea of like, if that's true, you're an American like stuck behind enemy lines, like the Taliban is closing in, closing in email Glenn Beck's radio show. He's going to get you out. He's going to help you.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Colonel Sanders to the rescue. Obviously like in light of the drone strike that, you know, I mean, like, look, he's still Joe Biden. Yeah. He's the guy he's always been. So like, I mean, that's, that's monstrous and like, obviously like, you know, millions of people are about to be evicted into, into, into, you know, into COVID that if with no federal assistance, like all that shit's about to run out, millions of people are going
Starting point is 00:18:18 to be thrown out in the streets in this country. And the Biden administration's response to that is we're calling on all law schools and law students to come together to come up with some ideas about how we can deal with this. These are the, these are the procedural tricks that Merrick Garland, uh, everyone was salivating about. Yeah. There is so much. I just, um, I saw a lawyer who I know, um, to breaking my rule that all lawyers on Twitter
Starting point is 00:18:43 are tied for worst lawyer of all time. This guy seems to notice talking about, but, um, you know, I was curious, like, what could the DOJ itself actually do? Turns out a lot. Yeah. It turns out a lot. I just wanted to know all the things and like, yeah, no, they could, uh, there's something they could file under the FHA that, uh, it's disproportionately impacts, uh, Latino and
Starting point is 00:19:07 black communities. They could do that to throw a wrench in it. There's a shit ton they could do, but Merrick Garland's thing is just like volunteer if you're a lawyer, just find, you know, find any eviction case in your city and just be like, Hey, what's up? Cause I mean, like obviously in light of those things, like it, it's weird. Like it, it doesn't feel good to me to like CC sing from Joe Biden and be like, yo, he's killing it.
Starting point is 00:19:35 But I got like, I'm like, let's go, let's go to the list of just the Irish Joe rundown this week. You got him falling asleep on camera while talking to Naftali Bennett, the Israeli PM. That was, that was pretty great. I just like, I don't want to like him. But like that was one of the best things any American president has ever done. Hands down. I'm just waiting for him to just, just pull up the, like the jerk off hand motion the
Starting point is 00:19:59 next time you start talking. There was a, the New York post had a photo of him checking his watch, the memorial for the 13 dead American soldiers. He's had it. He's done. He's, he's, he's on the way out in every sense. So he's lost any of the, any of the, the, uh, handholds onto conventional behavior that have dictated politicians decisions before now, he's a, he's a truly free man.
Starting point is 00:20:24 The only one we've got in America, literally like he's got a figure like, okay, I've got like what like 500 hours left. Yeah. Right. When I die, I'm going to like just blow away like dandelion spores. Yeah. My body is not even going to last after a second. My heart stops.
Starting point is 00:20:42 It'll be like how vampires died in the sun and true blood, but no, this is the most Irish Joe of all. We have the telegraph, the Tory paper in the UK headline, Joe Biden holds grudges and will punish Britain for Afghanistan criticism allies. British cabinet met insiders quoted as suggesting the U S president looked Gaga and described him as do lally. Joe heard that shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Yeah. Well, I thought this was interesting because about a day after there was a thing leaked from the American side that the British kept that gate open. Yeah. And then the ISIS cake I got through, which is interesting, interesting and you know, I've seen Joe have better tricks than this still, still in this, in his advanced age. And I do wonder what he has in store for the UK. Seriously.
Starting point is 00:21:35 It's like maybe those, maybe that a hundred thousand assault rifles we left there end up in Barry. I know this article begins Joe Biden with quote, will to remember comments about his mental locality emanating from senior figures in the UK. I mean, not really. Come on. Yeah. He's not going to remember that.
Starting point is 00:21:55 I mean, what do you mean? What he means is like he's told his granddaughter to tell him that they said that every day. He got a tattoo of it, like that's okay. Yeah, it says it turns over a photo of the queen. Don't put your biggest drug dealer in the world. No, you say that like, I mean, obviously he doesn't remember much, but like, you know, obviously you remember stuff from his youth and how good his dad drove a car. But I think even with his brain, you do remember vividly, slights against you people have annoyed
Starting point is 00:22:29 you, people have insulted you and Britain, they're about to face the rat. You're about to face the wrath of a fully operational Joe Biden. Yeah, he's going to get into a Gundam suit and just drop kick the London eye. I mean, this is, I have really enjoyed watching the British reaction to it. That's the funniest thing of all. Yeah. Because like half that country is like, we should go back in. Like they didn't have anyone there for the past seven years and it is like, it's, I mean,
Starting point is 00:22:59 it's pretty unmistakable what it is to me. It's just them like, it's them realizing it's over. They're never coming back as a global empire in no circumstances. They're finished. Yeah. And going like, wait, one last one. One last, let us do one last, let us do a little bit more boy, boy play. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Let us put on our pith helmets and be perverts in the Orient just one more time for old time sake. Come on. Like, uh, like Tessio and the Godfather for old time sake one more time. No. Get out. Nope. Get in the car.
Starting point is 00:23:30 It says it came after cabinet insiders were quoted as suggesting the U.S. president look at Gaga and described him as do Lally in the wake of the fall of Kabul. I mean, we've heard saying, we've been saying he looked to Lally for years. No, I'm like, do we get any credit for that? Do we have any grudges held against us? No. Well, we didn't like, we didn't partition Ireland. We tried when we were there.
Starting point is 00:23:50 It says the Brits have their view, but they should be careful. What's been said as offensive and he will remember it. He actually has a long memory. A U.S. source told the telegraph, it's always been his way that as somebody says something really bad to him or about him, he doesn't speak to them again. He does bear grudges Boris Johnson should know that the source added added the president is not Gaga. He actually picked up his game quite a bit since the campaign comments by cabinet insider
Starting point is 00:24:21 is calling Mr. Biden Gaga were first printed in the UK, but were repeated in the Washington Post and read in the White House. It threatened to plunge the beleaguered special relationship to a new world, this special relationship. Sorry, Britain. But it's time for us to open up this special relationship where we're being poly now as a country. Well, I mean, like, what are we going to get out of that relationship now?
Starting point is 00:24:43 That is like, it's literally like James Corden. Yeah. No, that's what we got from this fucking bullshit. Some pervert in a furry costume, disgusting, thrusting sexual emotions at innocent passers by fucking menace to society. There are probably literally millions of disgusting Americans who could do James Corden's job one hundred percent. That guy who who's saying the what the Hamilton song about Fauci, yeah, that should be James
Starting point is 00:25:12 Corden. Yeah. The guy who's dick comes out all the time. No, he's better than James Corden. He's pants dude is like it's far superior to night show. Yeah. He should be found out there. That should be the only late night show is pants dude.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Yeah. The guy who comes out, he says we have a great show for you tonight and then boom, dick falls out. Every guest pulls just yanks down the basketball shirts. Oh, the best thing is that he's like always embarrassed when his pants come off, but he has like an 11 inch car. It's a huge dick. I love him.
Starting point is 00:25:53 You should be excited. And it will say publicly that everything is fine, that our ties have never been stronger. But behind the scenes, we are at a very dangerous moment for him, Mr. Biden. It's my way or the highway. He added it's incumbent on Boris Johnson to come to the defense of the special relationship. When you have individual MPs talking like this, it's harmful, but when the prime minister says something, it reverberates around the halls of power in Washington, Johnson needs to take dramatic action to secure the relationship.
Starting point is 00:26:20 You know, Biden, what is the dramatic action? He's going to come home and Boris Johnson is going to be like in a in a French made costume holding the pot roast like he's going to live in the relationship back up. He's going to he's going to bring the spice back yet. There's nothing to be done. They're the only thing they could do that would like make Joe Biden happy is give up Northern Ireland. It's true.
Starting point is 00:26:43 That's literally it. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. Read between the lines here. Yeah. Read between the lines. What are they really talking? What's Joe?
Starting point is 00:26:51 What is what is Irish shows revenge going to be? We know during the campaign, he was happy to have photos of him and Jerry Adams arm and all. Yeah. It's coming soon. He's he's calling up Boris Johnson. Go and listen, Mac. Why don't you tell your wife I he won those medals down in Flanders?
Starting point is 00:27:05 I mean, that's the thing is like, what is the UK's hand to play? Yeah. It's like we've already seen it. It's for like Rory Stewart to call Joe Biden irresponsible. Yeah. Oh my God. That guy that's really going to resonate in fucking America. They have nothing.
Starting point is 00:27:19 They have no hand. They can play. They're brexit it out. So it's like, what else are you going to do? Yeah. You took your ball and went home. Oh, like, oh, no, are you going to have a trade deal with Australia that would really hurt us?
Starting point is 00:27:31 Oh, oh, no, really sounds really sounds like you guys are in a jam. Why don't you join the EU and pivot towards Europe more? That kind of Rory Stewart, and I haven't thought about him since our UK trip, but I just saw him back here. I just saw him like just a video speaking on the news, well, William the fuck face back in the news. Jesus Christ. Every time I see him interviewed and I like have to remember who he is.
Starting point is 00:27:53 I'm like, are they interviewing this man because like he he's so sick. Local man has mysterious condition. Yeah. He just wants to meet us. Meet some politicians. This is make a wish. I like the photos he posted when he's campaigning where it's like he's doing a disgusting smile with everyone, but the only black guy he just looks like he looks like he has like 40 warheads
Starting point is 00:28:17 in his mouth. His lips are totally sealed. After Kabul fell, Mr. Johnson tried to speak to Mr. Biden by phone, but it took 36 hours for a conversation to happen. And another phone call a week later, Mr. Biden point blank rejected Mr. Johnson's request for a delay to the August 31 withdrawal deadline. I mean, sounds good to me. I don't want, I don't, look, I know, I know we've been on this Joe vibe in Irish Joe,
Starting point is 00:28:43 Jack and on shit. Like I don't, I don't like doing it. When I, when I read stuff like this, it just, I got, I mean, the nice thing is he's going to do something every day where you're like, Oh yeah, he's been a piece of shit for like 90 years. Yeah. In a rare TV interview last week, he hit back at the cent Ignato Ella is saying they had a choice to stay in Afghanistan despite the US pulling out.
Starting point is 00:29:03 I mean, go for it. Yeah. Facts. Fuck it. Drop the Bengal answers in there. Have fun. There have been, there has been a torrent of criticism of the president from ministers and MPs over the botched withdrawal, which left British officials scrambling to get UK
Starting point is 00:29:16 citizens out of Afghanistan. Mr. Johnson and Ben Wallace, the defense secretary have pointed the finger at Washington and explaining why UK troops could not remain in Afghanistan. The prime minister told parliament, the mission in Afghanistan could not be continued without American support and air power. Well, the Taliban have a bigger air force than them now. Yeah. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Good luck. Good luck with that. I'm off and off and they're going to fuck your shit up armored cars and tanks and guns game to take away our sons, but every man must stand behind the men from Delaware. The man from Delaware. We support him. Come out, you Mac and Jacks. All right.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Well, moving along to internet, you know, we've been talking a lot about Afghanistan, but there was another new story today that I think warrants bringing up. Atlanta limits online video games to three hours a week for young people. New regulation will ban minors from playing video games entirely between Monday and Thursday. Now, I mean, obviously, I want Felix to stick on this, but I saw that Jeff fuck guy and I'm bringing this up because I saw him say, I'd love to hear the dirtbag left. What they have to say about this and what I have to say about it is once again, President G killing it.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Like I just absolutely he's doing the right thing here. I mean, yeah, I wholly support it. I don't like, I mean, like just as I mean, like, I just don't like the idea of the government like telling you to do that, that you have to do that in general. But like that's an apply to people over 18. What? It doesn't apply. Right.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Right. I mean, that said, like the effects of like all this, everything that we have now on children, we don't really know, I feel like. And I can't assume it's like amazing. But again, that said, I don't like a universal government prohibition on it. I, yeah, we'll see, we'll see. I mean, like most of the Chinese players that run into are students in Vancouver who are over 18 and living in North America anyway and buying every CS Go skin in the world.
Starting point is 00:31:21 So we'll see. I just, I'm just respect, I respect them for just trying, just giving a shot, just trying to interject, just seeing, seeing the writing on the wall of what happens if you just let kids vent all of their energy, all, all, all of the feelings they have into this fantasy realm and, and knowing that if you just let it happen, you're going to create a generation of people who just can't function and, and just giving some attempt to, to interdict that now, whether it'll work up, my guess is probably not. But I just respect the effort.
Starting point is 00:31:56 I respect, I respect that the attempt to like impose some sort of a limit, some sort of a fucking limit on how much you can just escape things. I mean, to that end though, I'd say like smartphones are infinitely more damaging than online games. Well, that's the problem is like, that's one half of it, you know, you can like set limits. But I mean, if you don't give people, if there isn't something for people to do otherwise, then it's not really helpful, it doesn't, it doesn't, it's not cumulative, you know, you have to provide a context where life can have meaning and, and you can only do that so much with limitations on things.
Starting point is 00:32:36 I mean, they're just going to be us in like 50 to 100 years. No, it's true. That's just it. Is that they see that and you can see them just trying to press buttons. But the real, the real levers are the ones that, that could actually change that are the ones that are untouchable because, you know, they're the ones that generate all the economic activity that, that keep the, the party in power. I mean, it was, I did see another, I saw a post from like a journalist that was like,
Starting point is 00:32:58 I'm, oh, look at the, how can you look at this and say they're a normal country, which is like hilarious for so, like that's the thing that goes, that they do in China that you're like, all right, that's it. This is Nazi Germany, this is not children playing roblox, can only play roblox for three hours a week. But also it's like, well, what, I mean, what does this country do to like younger black men? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Like below a certain economic line where it's just, it's like, you can play as many video games as you want. And by video games, we mean a low intensity civil war in your major urban center where there are literally no social services and you just kill each other and we don't give a shit. So yeah, China waging, waging wars against, against the gaming scourge. I just hope that it leads to kids finding more wholesome, fun activities. Like maybe you'll see a sturgeon people pushing hoops with large sticks or putting balls in
Starting point is 00:33:57 a cup. That would be funny if they did do like you tried that, like there's just no online games and the only things you can do are like playing jacks, but it just creates the same shitty environment. You're still like swatting people, revenge, born and shit over jacks. Like who the best jacks players, whether like, like whenever a girl tries to play jacks, they're like you stupid content. Yeah, you call the cops on someone because they took your favorite eggy when you're playing
Starting point is 00:34:24 marbles. Yeah, it's just like just how things are and just you play it for like 14 straight hours. Yeah. Yeah. You like you. You die of exhaustion playing Jack. Well, that is like okay.
Starting point is 00:34:39 There is, there was this guy that like my sister worked with who, who like, you know those people who anytime you just hear a tidbit of conversation, it's like, you just like, you feel like you have heartburn. It's like, oh boy, that's the most depressing thing I've ever heard. Um, one of the things he said was, uh, dropped out of university on account of playing too much bridge. So like, you know, maybe that's just like a thing, you know, maybe they're just always when did he go to wait, where did he go to school, time travel, university, he was very
Starting point is 00:35:14 old. Okay. All right. One of the only reasons I'm like saying this on the show is because he's like so old that I like don't think it would ever get back to him. I would feel really sad about that. I mean, it could be like, uh, like, uh, like Twitch streamers should just start like jumping rope.
Starting point is 00:35:29 You know, like, uh, like Ninja is just doing hopscotch. He's like the best hopscotch around the world. It'd be good for cardio. Get kids moving again. I'll Obama tried, but all she had was, uh, was scolding people and making them eat shitty lunch. It's not going to do it. Uh, I mean, Catherine had the idea that we need to get back.
Starting point is 00:35:46 We need to get people back into like novelty, novelty items, like, like joke stores. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There should be subsidized joke stores in every major American city and small ones to get people, uh, learn close in magic, uh, figure out how to, uh, do the hand buzzer thing effectively, uh, squirt, squirting, uh, squirting lapels.
Starting point is 00:36:07 I mean, fake vomit, fake vomit, you get, you get, you get, you, you give a child to give a child, put down the screen, give them some fake vomit and fake dog poop. That's hours of just growing their imagination, um, making them physically fit, um, just giving them, uh, the confidence to become like full mature adults. Yeah. Absolutely. The little buzzer, the little hand buzzer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:28 They love that. That's a mouth strap. Yeah. Yeah. Well, the world becomes your oyster when you can play hilarious pranks on everybody. Although I don't know how you can handle how you square, uh, universal, uh, pranking with, uh, more guns than people in the country. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:42 It might be a few misunderstandings. Oh, yes. Someone just fucking wipes out a shopping mall because they got hand buzzered. That is what would happen in this country. Oh, for sure. Yeah. Somebody gets like the, uh, the, the gum that like turns their teeth black and they just machine gun an entire school, someone gets hit with invisible ink.
Starting point is 00:36:59 The other thing, the other thing is too, there'll just like always be inequality still. And it's like, it's not like reciprocal pranks. Like there's just going to be a class of people that always prank and a class of people who are always getting prank. That's true. There's, yeah. An astonishing inequality between prankers and prankies. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:17 It's just like the children, the children of privilege, they'll be laughing once they put fake dog poop on someone's car seat and then like, you know, like the poor and working people, they're just going to think someone took a shit in their car. Yeah. One percent of the population of 99% of the woodpeak Christians, they're doing 99% of the hot foot and the itching powders. We'll see, we'll see, we'll see if Chinese children be, you know, take up wholesome activities like pranks, close magic.
Starting point is 00:37:46 And you know what? Like thanks to CRT in our schools, American kids aren't learning to count cards anymore or gamble. They're learning about privilege instead of how to play blackjack. There are no more slots classes in America. It's really sad. Well, as we learned, the fucking pal guys, they got each shade at the swap. Those kids, they never learned how to fucking pick a slot machine.
Starting point is 00:38:04 NBA Cam. Cam never broke again. Yeah. Had a very good system, but it all kind of fell off the rails the last, our last slot session. Yeah. See. And you know, it's like, cause yeah, they're, they're products of, you know, an American
Starting point is 00:38:14 educational system that is, you know, teaching kids about their feelings instead of about, you know, the suits and, and, and multipliers and bonuses and somewhere in the darkness, the gambler, he broke even, but in his final words, I found an ace that I could keep. You got to know when the whole idea, I just thought, well, I think we'll be back to like a, there's, there's some domestic issues to talk about and then we're, we're definitely like next week's show. I mean, I'm sorry. We're moving on from Afghanistan, but because like today is officially the last day of the
Starting point is 00:38:52 war in Afghanistan. I do have one last reading series to mark the end of the war in Afghanistan. This one comes courtesy of Dan Schnurr and Dan Schnurr. Are you sure that's your name? Man. Are you sure you didn't like sneeze like 40 years ago when a job application is like fine? Whatever.
Starting point is 00:39:13 They never had the heart to correct anybody. No one's taken him inside and been like, are you, are you positive to your last? It's going like, if you've ever seen your birth certificate, are you sure that's on there? Yeah. Writing in Dan Schnurr, writing in Jewish Journal, one of the best headline, one of the best fucking deadlines I've seen in a while. Will there be a BDS movement against the Taliban?
Starting point is 00:39:34 I've been trying. I've been like, it's hard, man. It's like really difficult. I mean, most people are like me, like that's the best place to get opium. It's the best place to get gemstones. And like dancers, shall we say? Yeah. I mean, I, you know, it's like you go on, you go on Etsy now and I'm like, if you like
Starting point is 00:39:59 all these Afghanistan sellers, there's great deals on night vision goggles and the Black Hawk helicopters. You can't, you can't get that anywhere else, but it's going to be, yes, like I think as a consumer, you do have an ethical duty not to support the Taliban by buying stuff that they're selling. I was going to surprise my brother-in-law with a Bradley fighting vehicle. It was just going to be in the living room of their apartment one day. So it says here, the boycott divestment sanctions movement and its followers might actually
Starting point is 00:40:24 have the opportunity to do something good this week. No, really. The United States Human Rights Council, which usually devotes most of its time to criticizing Israel for defending itself against terrorist attacks. That's exactly why they do that. It's called an emergency meeting to examine potential human rights abuses committed by the Taliban during their takeover of Afghanistan. I really love this because like right off the bat, he's like, the people who like their
Starting point is 00:40:48 entire thing as human rights, I mean, usually they're full of shit because you're always talking about Israel, but like just so happens that they found a human rights abuse that's actually real. Now, now we should take them seriously. There are already reports of Taliban militia ordering women to give up their jobs and to remain indoors. Sending schools for girls and forcing young women to marry their fighters. Not to mention the persecution of ethnic and religious minorities and whippings, beatings
Starting point is 00:41:15 and other violence against Afghani civilians where it's like, yeah, like that. This is sort of the human rights council. This is their beat. So yeah, it would be bad if a country violently persecuted an ethnic and religious minority within its own borders. Yeah, I hate to see it. It would seem that this should be an open and shut case for a UN entity with the express purpose of promoting and protecting human rights around the world.
Starting point is 00:41:40 But over the years, the human rights council has dedicated the overwhelming majority of its time to Israel bashing to the point where the Jewish state has received an official condemnation from the council on no fewer than 78 occasions since it was reconstituted in 2006, more than the rest of the world combined. I mean, like, what do you think that is, dude? I mean, it's like, look, all of these resolutions are non-binding. I mean, Israel is also in the country more than any other country in the world that is in current and open violation of more UN resolutions than any other country in the world.
Starting point is 00:42:12 But because America and the UK is on the security council, it'll never amount to shit. So I mean, you should be happy, dude, like it's just none of this shit matters for you. You can keep on doing what you're doing, keep on ethnically cleansing the West Bank, keep on bombing Gaza, keep on basically running like an open concentration camp in front of the rest of the world. It's fun for you. They just have to deal with some non-binding statement that, yeah, it's really bad that Israel is doing this.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Yeah. That's the most annoying thing is when somebody who is just exercising right of conquest, ruling by the fucking sword, then also wants everyone else to sell them that they're actually nice and doing a good job. It's like, there's some things you just have to give up if you're going to do that. And that's one of them. I'm sorry. In other words, the atrocities, cruelty, and the barbarism that is a feature of daily life
Starting point is 00:43:01 in Iran, North Korea, and Syria, just to name a few countries, is of less concerns of the commission's members than Israel's efforts to protect its citizens against the constant threats of violence from its folks. But that's what they say. Yeah. Assad's doing that shit to protect his people, too, in his mind and in his population. That has no, you are just deciding that they're in the wrong and that Israel is on the right, but the logic is precisely the same.
Starting point is 00:43:28 And also, it's like, I like, I don't know if I agreed with when we had the IRGC train American police. Yeah, right. When we, you know, when we make all literally everyone in the House of Representatives, every senator, like every governor, go to the Syrian American political action committee to pledge loyalty, make it illegal to boycott Syria, don't always agree with that. The three to four billion dollars a year we give every country in the world with no strings attached.
Starting point is 00:44:00 I like what you're just saying. Like, he's like, oh, like, I guess you're saying, oh, like, all the atrocities and barbarism that Israel does. Like, I guess like, oh, it doesn't matter when North Korea, Syria, and Iran do the exact same barbarism and cruelty. It's just like, well, dude, you're throwing yourself in with those countries. You're just saying they do it more than us. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:20 That's it. Yeah. That's not usually true. Yeah. So the United States, the European Union and Canada have all criticized the tribunal for a single-minded focus on Israel as have two former UN secretaries, generals, and even the council's own former president. Israelis have to act like the UN is the UN and Deus acts.
Starting point is 00:44:38 They have to act like it's like the single political entity on earth. Yeah. The fucking UN is always fucking with my shit. It's like in the reality, it's like they act like, like they act like UN is Eric Bogosi in and uncut jams, but it's actually those two dorks who you won't let it be this fucking guy. Oh, you brought your heavy. It's Canada.
Starting point is 00:45:00 But earlier this year, after the terrorist organization Hamas launched several days of missile attacks into Israel, the council wants an unprecedented permanent fact-finding mission against Israel. Oh, no. Yeah. Someone's five. There's a fact-finding mission that's been launched against Israel. It's like, dude, you're launching just like airstrike after airstrike into your own concentration
Starting point is 00:45:23 camp. Also, someone's going to find out the facts. Oh, no. I mean, it also Israel is basically, basically Israel is running fact-finding missions on American campuses. That's true. Find out if a 19-year-old said something that wasn't nuanced enough about Israel. You're fucking putting people's names and faces up and trying to prevent them from getting
Starting point is 00:45:42 any fucking job fully funded by the Israel lobby, fully funded by Israelis. If we're really, if we're going to prohibit fact-finding missions, then everyone in Canary Mission, if they're an American citizen, should be imprisoned and deported. It says, oh, yeah, this fact-finding mission, the first time in the UN's history that a member state was subject to such an inquiry. The council also commenced an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by the Jewish state. And for good measure, called for an arms embargo to be imposed on Israel as well.
Starting point is 00:46:13 I mean, you have your own arms manufacturing companies, but just like, just the idea that like, their endless supply of money and weapons would be cut off or like, even just slightly reduced is like, no country in the world has ever faced such fucking, such prejudice, such an unprecedented assault on their sovereignty. Yeah. Meanwhile, we're like not letting countries get fucking access to vaccines or even being able to use financial instruments, let alone fucking weapons manufacturing. It is exceedingly improbable that the council would shift their focus from the imagined
Starting point is 00:46:46 transgressions of Israel to the actual atrocities taking place in Afghanistan. But if leading voices in the BDS movement were so inclined that Taliban's rampage of violence, misogyny, and hate-mongering could prevent, present them with an opportunity to demonstrate that their concerns about human rights violations are not just an excuse to engage in the continuous exercises of anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. If the BDSers decided to set aside their single-minded bias and hatred towards Israel for just a short period of time to focus their spotlight instead on the Taliban's daily outrages, it could help pressure the Human Rights Commission to make the same adjustment.
Starting point is 00:47:23 To what end? Yeah. This is the infuriating thing about this article, because obviously the headline is moronic on its face. I mean, boycott, divest, sanctions, okay, we're going to sanction the Taliban now, I'm sure we already are. Yeah. And then boycott and divest, it's like, okay, damn, all these American corporations are
Starting point is 00:47:43 going to have to divest from the Taliban. I mean, as we talked about for the last two through weeks on the show, the divestment, the people fighting against out of the CIA, those are the people who were invested into the Taliban or Afghanistan. And boycott, it's like, okay, there's nothing to fucking boycott. What are you talking about? It's like, at no point in this is there an ask for what the BDS movement should do as applied to the Taliban and Afghanistan, except for just only talk about the Taliban and never
Starting point is 00:48:10 bring up Israel. Well, that's the thing. Yeah, that's literally what they want. Like just do it for a little bit, and then people will think you're being more fair-minded. But I really don't think that that's the idea. The idea is, how about you just talk about them forever and just leave Israel alone? Come on. And like, yeah, whether you're for or against it, like the BDS movement is like something
Starting point is 00:48:30 that grows out of like a popular movement, like led by like civil society in Palestine to be like, if you care about the Palestinian people, like here is something you can do. Like, why should it apply to every other fucking country in the world? This is about Israel and Palestine. This is about Israel's treatment of Palestine and something that you can do to boycott just simply boycott products that are made in the occupied West Bank. That's it. Granted, the temporary orientation would do nothing to reverse or even weaken the entry
Starting point is 00:49:03 anti-Israel hatred that flows unceasingly from either BDS supporters or council members. It's just like, again, like nobody's stopping them from doing any of this shit. It's just like maybe more than it has been like 10 or 20 years ago, particularly in America, like people are noticing and like speaking and getting mad about it or like trying to make an issue out of it. But as far as the media and our government goes, like nothing has fucking changed. No. Absolutely nothing has changed.
Starting point is 00:49:28 There are like major Western countries where the split is like 65% of the public is against Israel. It doesn't change anything. Yeah. But there is no structural pressure anywhere. And even as like they have this, honestly, I really feel like these guys at a certain level, they must know that it doesn't matter what the population actually thinks about Israel because even if their opinions change, that's not going to change.
Starting point is 00:49:58 They're still going to have to participate in politics by voting for one of the two parties that at the top are all dedicated to maintaining the structure as it exists. It really does feel like they just, well, I got to do something, right? Like I got to have a job. I got to go to work every day. And this is a way for me to do it in a way that's nice and comfortable and beautifully because there's no stakes. There's no requirements on my part.
Starting point is 00:50:22 I don't have to worry about doing a bad job at it because it doesn't fucking matter what I do. And I get to be published in newspapers and stuff. And despite Joe Biden literally falling asleep, but again, who wouldn't fall asleep? I think that fucking moron, that fucking idiot drone on, like just anything not to hear his voice. Yeah. Just like, I mean, you don't have to be an old man to fucking just like just want to
Starting point is 00:50:44 check out of whatever this asshole is talking about. But despite all of that, look, Joe Biden, like this is one special relationship we're not opening up. Yeah, no. No. Yeah. I mean, hell, if they wanted to get Joe back on their side, if he's like pipped, miffed Israel, they just have to remind him of the King David Hotel bombing and all the lime
Starting point is 00:51:02 music got blown up and they'll be like, okay, never mind, you guys are cool because he only really hates the British. On the American side, the only thing that would change that special relationship would be, as always, an American Napoleon. Yeah. It says, but, but it would, it says, or weaken the anti-Israel hatred that flows unceasingly from other BDS reporters or council members. But it would eliminate one level of hypocrisy from their core arguments.
Starting point is 00:51:28 There's seemingly myopic belief that there is only one country on the planet that deserves scrutiny for its conduct. Like, okay, I mean, obviously that's horseshit. Like, I mean, everyone is aware that there are like a lot of countries that do a lot of terrible human rights abuse, ours included, to our own citizens and others. But the thing is, if you're an American, I mean, you know, like this is not like a novel insight, but like, why, like, why does Israel, why single them out for special abuse? And they're like, oh, like North Korea does horrible things too.
Starting point is 00:51:56 It's like, my tax dollars don't pay for North Korea to do that. And like, we're actively trying to stop North Korea from doing that instead of assisting them, doing whatever. Any bad thing, like, we're at like, you have a special responsibility to this because America has a special relationship with Israel. You can't have it two ways. Yeah. Well, they would very much like to though.
Starting point is 00:52:15 They would very much like to continue to please have it two ways. Thank you very much. And we said it over and over again on this show, if these people just want Americans to shut the fuck up about Israel or me to shut the fuck up about Israel or stop singling them out, then stop taking $4 billion a year and all the excess military aid that we give you on top of that. Stop vetting our senators. Stop vetting our lieutenant governor candidates.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Stop vetting our American college students. Yeah. And like, yeah, then you would be just another bad country in the world and we wouldn't need there. There wouldn't be like an added imperative for Americans or American politicians to speak out against you because we would be like, not at least, you know, we would still just, you know, probably look the other way, but we wouldn't be actively abetting your atrocities and crimes.
Starting point is 00:52:59 But yeah, that's the thing is it's the forgetting the fact that we're, we are paying for it. Their insistence that we like it and not just like at the government level, but at the citizen level that every American not only a seed to it, but a seed to it happily and to be part of a project for it, no matter what they do, that that is, it is a bridge too far as it should be for any fucking person. It's like, my God, we already have no fucking dignity or autonomy in this country. You want to literally come into my brain and set up shop so that I can fucking just be like a, a see and say that just repeats whatever the fuck is coming out of your propaganda
Starting point is 00:53:38 shop. Their implied belief that Israel is so uniquely malignant in its behavior that human rights abuses everywhere else in the world should be overlooked or minimized reveals their true road and true innovations. Be legitimizing and ultimately eliminating the world's only Jewish state. I mean, just in that sentence itself, it's just like sort of like, oh, I'd be lying if I said we weren't committing human rights abuses, but like, we're not the only ones doing it.
Starting point is 00:54:02 We're the only Jewish state doing it and that makes it okay. Of course, calling out the Taliban would have no impact on the core falsehood at the heart of anti-Zionism. The ridiculous notion that Israel's efforts to defend itself and its people against violent terrorism somehow violates the human rights of those committed to Israel's destruction. By those committed to Israel's destruction, they mean like a teenager in Gaza who just got his head blown off by a sniper. But at the very least, it would temporarily cast some necessary attention on the genuine
Starting point is 00:54:32 brutality and actual carnage being committed in Afghanistan. I'm sorry, like all of the violence that took place over the last couple of weeks and are pulled out in Afghanistan, all of it, and let's say even times it by 10 or just like take every exaggeration, like just assume the worst, assume it's 100 times worse than what we've seen, doesn't amount, just in terms of pure body count, doesn't even match Israel's latest assault on Gaza. And also, okay, we're going to highlight the crimes of the Taliban. We're going to BDS the Taliban.
Starting point is 00:55:04 What's that? Oh, there's really nothing to BDS. Well, I guess we got to invade again. Like, that's it. That's all we could do. Whereas the reason that the BDS is a live current is because it is a way to intervene in a foreign country's human rights abuses without blowing anybody up, which is basically off the table in every other country because there are, quote unquote, official enemies.
Starting point is 00:55:26 So our intervention, I mean, even sanctions are fucking acts of war, whereas here you literally could just press a button and stop the fucking money from flowing in. And that doesn't require any fucking pallets of opium changing hands or C-130 gunships machine blowing up hospitals. You just press a button and stop fucking money from going in. And that, to a lot of people, is a very attractive proposition because it's a possibility of affecting human rights at places where they're being violated as catastrophically as any place in the world without signing on to a larger American Imperial military project.
Starting point is 00:56:08 And they're saying, no, you don't even get that. You don't even get that kind of valve. So I guess the only thing left we got to do is invade Israel. They won't listen to reason. But yeah, I mean, it's the idea like whether it's America or Israel, I'm like, you know, when you bring up, like, you know, in response to this idea that like, oh, like the Taliban are killing innocent Afghans, Afghans, Afghans, sorry, like, yeah, like, that's terrible. Like I mean, like the violent abuse of people anywhere in the world is terrible.
Starting point is 00:56:43 But like, if you aren't an American, like, yeah, you can condemn it, sure, like we all condemn it. Like, I would assume any decent human being would, but like, your power to affect it is minimal. But if you are an American, like, you have a special moral obligation to condemn the actions being done in your name by a country in which is ostensibly a democracy and that you are a active citizen and participant. I mean, that's why it is worse that Eddie Gallagher killed 12 Afghans, 12 Afghan children
Starting point is 00:57:11 that if the Taliban did the same thing, if you are an American, right? And that we're at the end of the day, like they really just want us to give up the fantasy that we have any control over this. They just want us to, to accept that these can these relationships, these, these conditions are imposed on us, and it's like, fine, you know what, whatever, we'll do that. But then to take the extra step and say, you also have to not just accept your powerlessness, but to invest it with meaning and to say, actually, I'm glad I don't have any power over this, because it's good what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:57:51 It's very, very good. It's, it's just, it's the totalitarian instinct of the, of, of, of anyone in that kind of power. The Israeli state is, is in a position now where it is able to imagine itself with this total totalizing control of its own population. And then that indicates an ability to exert its influence everywhere else, just like us. I mean, they really are just like a concentrated version of the United States. And their demand really is just everyone's mind.
Starting point is 00:58:25 They just want everyone to, to sign off, no matter what. I will say this, if Israel is getting down about singled out, about not having like 100% of Americans, like maybe it once was, maybe he once felt that way, there is a group that loves you so much. They've attacked everyone in your region. I mean everyone, but you, ISIS, it's true, like, Hey, what about Iran? What about Syria? It's like, yeah, ISIS has that exact same opinion.
Starting point is 00:58:55 They're much more pissed at, at, at, at Shia, at, at other regimes that they have no sweat. They have absolutely no sweat with Israel. Yeah. Israel doesn't really seem to have any sweat with them. Yeah, exactly. Patch up their height, their fighters sometimes too. Let's close it out here. It says, the much more likely outcome is that while the Taliban destroys a country, terrorizes
Starting point is 00:59:16 its people and subjugates its women, destroys a country that we've been doing the last 20 fucking years, the BDSers will remain silent. It's like, because look, Afghanistan and the Taliban, isn't their fucking issue. Yeah. Like that's not what it's about. It's about you and the conduct of Israel towards the Palestinian people. I'm sorry. We can't, again, it's just like, before you talk about anything Israel does, you have
Starting point is 00:59:39 to go down the list of like, not just current day historical crimes, you need to condemn every, you need to condemn Genghis Khan for what he did to Baghdad. There are people in India who do that one. Hindu, how do you pronounce it, Hindu people like to do that one. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. You think we're bad? What about what Genghis Khan did to us?
Starting point is 00:59:58 It's like, okay, man. Every living descendant of Genghis Khan owes reparations. Khan breaking. The human rights council members will express their concern or issue an ineffectual statement or of admonition against the violence. Yeah. Just like they do to Israel. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:17 Ineffective. They've invaded Israel. Like what are you implying here? Then both will go back to their more accustomed and hypocritical work of singling out the state of Israel and its people. That's really sad. Yeah. It's just, I mean like, you're getting singled out because you have, like you are singled
Starting point is 01:00:35 out among every other country in the world in that like you were allowed to do things because of the United States of America that no other country on the planet would get away with. Yeah. So that looks kind of internationalized that consistently and it was against American interest. You would be punished for it. So like, no, like they should be thanking their lucky stars that Israel is singled out in this way because they're singled out because it is only, it's only a byproduct of the
Starting point is 01:01:01 like huge and ridiculous like innate advantage that they have that allows them to, like I said, dispossess the Palestinian people of their land and sovereignty. Yeah. Well, they just, that's the sit though. They have, they're have that so they need a little more. They have that, they need more. It's never, ever enough. It can't be enough.
Starting point is 01:01:22 Even, I mean, it's a combination of these people just sitting around in offices needing something to do. But also like, well, all right, if we've done this and we've, we've sanctified this regime and we've gotten away with this for so long, then the next step is seeing just how farther we can push it, how much more we can dictate the flow, not only of policy, but of public opinion. And I think the interesting thing here is like, I mean, it seems like insane overkill because like, as we've said, like, despite like whatever, whatever, like, even if it
Starting point is 01:01:52 is a significant shift, it's certainly among young people in, in public, in like, you know, American public opinion on like, is it, is it cool for Israel to do this? Or like, I mean, like, who, who is the more sympathetic party in this conflict? Like, even if that, even if that change among young people, like is significant as we've laid out, it has absolutely no effect on like our government's policy. It's not, it's not, not changing a single democratic politician from pledging loyalty to Israel. It's not shutting off the billions of dollars in money or the lockstep fucking support that
Starting point is 01:02:22 we have over like, you know, vetoing any, any resolution in the UN that from ever being applied to them. But I think like, one of the reasons that they're so touchy about this or like that they are interested in literally like investigating college kids or like, you know, any professor of Middle Eastern studies that doesn't tell the line is because I think they realize because of this special relationship that allows them to, you know, conquer all of Palestine and subjugate every Palestinian within Israel's borders while saying like, no, we're not occupying them is dependent on American public opinion to a large degree.
Starting point is 01:02:56 So that like any, any minute change in the, you know, change in the direction of, you know, whether the, where the winds are blowing, they feel it acutely because like, you know, if American public opinion ever gets to the stage of like the public opinion of like, you know, other comparable modern democracies vis-a-vis Israel, it could have a very devastating effect on them in the long run. But I mean, like, again, like not, you're talking generations in the future here, but you know, like that, I just think like, yeah, like, like any shift in American public opinion and like, I think especially among American Jewish people, like who are under the age
Starting point is 01:03:35 of 40 who have a completely, you know, unprecedentedly completely different view of this situation that their parents do, I think they kind of see the writing on the wall to a certain extent and are preparing for an eventuality in which they don't have like the implicit 100% support of the American government and only like 80% support of the American government and its people. Yeah. We'll see. You know, hopefully somebody in Israel calls Biden senile.
Starting point is 01:04:03 We'll see what happens. I mean, you know, it's interesting. I mean, I don't know. I'm sure like they like, they're a lot of the right wing and Israeli press is like, you know, going, going to Joe Biden for like falling asleep in front of their leader. But honestly, like, I have not seen a lot of like Israeli politicians or like the like the Israeli media condemning Biden for the Afghanistan pullout or attacking him. I mean, maybe I just haven't seen it, but it seems like they are being a little bit
Starting point is 01:04:26 more, a little bit more ginger than the British press. Well, that's because there's they're going concerned. I mean, England is done. England is ran the fuck through. Yeah. Like they are blown. They're just, they're just hanging out waiting to get claimed by the ocean again. They're not even going to be able to hold on to whales and Scotland.
Starting point is 01:04:44 Yeah, exactly. Yeah. It's just going to be like Ray Winstone just roasting on an awful beach in England is a part of piss. It's a part of piss. Right. But yeah. And then ultimately 26 plus six, what does it equal one baby?
Starting point is 01:05:03 What does it equal one in the name of love? All right. That does it for today's episode. Till next time. We will be back. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Thank you. I'd beg done, I'd bleed it, all my mothers were polite But all the time I'm thinking of me little Armalite And it's down in the Vauxite, it's where I long to be Lying in the dark with the Provo Company A comrade on me left and another one on me right And a cup of ammunition for me little Armalite

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