Chapo Trap House - 568 - Root Cause (10/18/21)

Episode Date: October 19, 2021

We send off Colin Powell with a somber remembrance of the man’s career as a Soldier and Statesman. Then we cover cops making weepy videos about quitting due to mandates, touch on strikes, the supply... chain and “treats”, and look at the CIA getting all their foreign assets killed. Finally, a much requested reading from the Book of Rod.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay. All right, kicking off the show Monday, October 18, 2021. Uh, boys, I got a confession to make. I badly overslept today. I just, I had, I got nothing for the weekend. I've got, I got no news. I mean, I just, I don't know what to do for the show today. I mean, so you're like, well, what can we talk about today? What do you, what do you got for me? Wait, did you let you like, haven't heard? Heard what? Colin Powell died. Wow. This is the first time. It's the first time I'm hearing about this. He, he led an amazing life. He led an amazing life. Just what more can you say? He, you know, I mean, if people be able to be surprised and I'm saying that, I'm still going to say it. He was a great guy, led an extraordinary life.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Wow. Colin Powell. Wow. Now that he's dead, can we start pronouncing his name correctly? Colin? What the fuck? How did that just like, how does this, just the thing? Yeah, we're just going to, we're going to call him Colin and no one is ever supposed to ask why. The, because of the famous, the famous meme. You know, the three most powerful guys in the world are Dick Cheney and Colin. Dick a bush and a colon. You guys ever, it was like, it was the whole cash and jobs of the early aughts. But that's, you used to get more for your buck because it was like the most powerful guys are Bush, Dick and Colin
Starting point is 00:01:54 and the best golfer is black and the best rapper is white and the best actress is a woman. I mean, have you guys ever pondered the comedic potential of the fact that the two guys running the Iraq war were named Richard and Colin? Oh, wow. Oh, Colin Powell though. Yeah. Wow. Let's dive into the, I mean, let's dive into the obituaries. We've got New York Times here. Colin Powell, who shaped US national security, dies at 84. Colin L, Colin L. Powell. Thank you. Colin L. Powell, who in four decades of public life served as the nation's top soldier, diplomat and national security advisor and whose speech at the United Nations in 2003 helped pave the way for the United States to go to war in Iraq died on Monday. He was 84. The cause was complications of COVID-19.
Starting point is 00:02:50 His family said in a statement adding that he'd been vaccinated and was treated at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, where he died. Mr. Powell had undergone treatment for multiple myeloma, which compromised his immune system, a spokeswoman said. She said he was due to receive a booster shot for his vaccine last week, but could not because he had fallen ill. If only he got in the booster. Yeah. I saw some funny posts that were like, you know, the vaccine didn't kill Colin Powell, but the you not getting it did kill him. And it's like, that's a good point. Perfectly healthy for your olds. Don't just die like that. We're trying to get, if you're trying to encourage people to get the vaccine, reminding them that you could potentially kill Colin Powell or maybe Henry Kissinger by not getting it is not the best strategy in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:03:40 But now I don't know a lot of people who were like very into Colin Powell and are like, I'm not getting it. It says here, as chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Mr. Powell was the architect of the invasion of Panama in 1989, end of the Persian Gulf War in 1999, 1991, which ousted Saddam Hussein from Kuwait, but left him in power in Iraq. Along with Dick Cheney, the defense secretary at the time, Mr. Powell reshaped the American Cold War military that had stood ready at the Iron Curtain for eight and a half century. In doing so, he stamped the Powell Doctrine on military operations, identify clear political objectives, gain public support and use decisive overwhelming force to defeat enemy forces. When briefing reporters at the Pentagon at the beginning of the Gulf War, Mr. Powell summed up the military's approach. Our strategy in going after this army is very simple. He said, first we're going to cut it off, then we're going to kill it.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Kill what? The Iraqi army. No, he meant we're going to kill it like, damn, we're going to kill this war shit. Well, they did a hell of a job with the retreating forces going on the highway of death. He was really good at covering up and overseeing massacres, that's for sure. Well, I want to get into that, but I'm just jumping ahead in the New York Times obituary too. The last little subhead they had covering his whole career, a painful speech at the UN. It was so painful for him. It was so painful for him. He says here, in a 76 minute speech at the United Nations on February 5, 2003, Mr. Powell pressed the American case for a possible war to disarm Iraq, presenting photographs, electronic intercepts of conversations between Iraqi military officers and information from defectors aimed at proving Mr. Hussein posed an imminent danger to the world. In the Bush administration's most explicit effort to connect the activities
Starting point is 00:05:24 between Iraq and Al Qaeda, Mr. Powell suggested that Iraq's lethal weapons could be given at any time to terrorists who could use them against the United States or Europe. He provided new details about what he said were Iraq's effort to develop mobile laboratories to make germ weapons. He asserted that Iraq had sought to hide missiles in its western desert. Significantly, he cited intelligence reports that Mr. Hussein had authorized his military to use poison gas if the United States invaded. I like the idea that, just a couple of notes here, I remember the mobile biological weapons labs and at the UN presentation, he was like, exhibit here about the mobile bioweapons labs is an artist's rendering of what they would look like if we found one. And then also, I like the idea that they were hiding missiles in the country's western desert. Yeah, if I'm looking to hide missile batteries, I'm going to hide it in the desert. A lot of places to hide missiles in the desert.
Starting point is 00:06:20 But I mean, you know, it could have the same underground facilities that Osama bin Laden had, so, you know, never know. Here's my favorite part, though. Times writes here, before the speech, Mr. Powell had spent several days at the CIA grilling analysts on the intelligence, pairing back many of the claims in an early White House draft of the speech that he felt were unsupported. Now he felt confident, he told AIDS before his address in New York. Leaving Saddam Hussein in possession of weapons and mass destructions for a few more months or years is not an option, not in a post-September 11th world, Mr. Powell declared. This to me gets to the heart of how uniquely evil Colin Powell was as a person and a figure in our national discourse, because if he had been a true believer, if he had actually bought the bullshit that Dick Cheney was selling the rest of the country,
Starting point is 00:07:07 he wouldn't have taken it upon himself to so thoroughly vet the material that he was supposed to present. This was this, like, this bare, like, ass covering where he's like, I really did my due diligence at the CIA, really drilling down and, you know, I shaved off a few of the more unsupported allegations in my brief that I presented to the world full of nothing but unsupported allegations. I mean, I don't think it can be overstated that if there was one person alive that, like, could have technically stopped the Iraq war from happening, it was him, and he went along with it like a good soldier. And, by the way, this is a shout-out to our good friend, John Shores of the Intercept. We know now, because of Colin Powell's close personally, Larry Wilkerson, who is his chief of staff at the time,
Starting point is 00:07:53 that on February 5th in front of the UN Security Council, he said this, My colleagues, every statement I make today is backed up by sources, solid sources. These are not assertions. What we're giving you are facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence. Quote, there is no doubt in my mind. In private, Lawrence Wilkerson recalls that Powell said the day before, walked into my office musing and said words to the effect of, I wonder how we'll all feel if we put a half a million troops in Iraq and march from one end of the country to the other and find nothing. We found out. We were fine. It was cool.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Yeah, no. Like, you know, that's why pencils have erasers. Don't worry about it. Well, you know, the Iraqi army that had been dismantled previously, there were no elements of that. There were no Sunnis who were like, oh, holy shit, they're like getting rid of all of us and purging us. We have to create sort of like an irregular terror army. That did not happen. It was fine. I do want to point out that Will did say a roach. A roach? Yeah, I heard that.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Really? You said a roach. Yeah. This motherfucker said a roach. Yeah. Okay. It's true. And it's true that Powell was the one guy who theoretically could have stopped the war, in that he could have before instead of going in front of the UN and saying that stuff,
Starting point is 00:09:12 he could have gone in front of the UN and said, I quit. These guys are lying. And that might have been enough to throw a wrench into it. I don't know. I mean, they were really, really fixed on doing it. So that might not even have been enough. And the media was really down for it too. So even that might not have been enough. But it could have. It's the only thing that could have been a significant roadblock.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Sure as hell wasn't going to be poor Janine Garofalo getting yelled at by Bill O'Reilly. I guarantee you if Colin Powell had done the thing that, you know, people are speculating about and had not played the good soldier for George W. Bush and their war in Iraq, like essentially, because I mean, they needed him to go to the UN because he was the one member of their cabinet that was like trusted by the, like by liberals and kind of the international media. He didn't manage to convince the international press, but he certainly managed to convince a lot of liberals in the US media.
Starting point is 00:09:59 But if he had done the thing that like you were speculating about and just said, I quit, these guys are lying to you. His obituaries today would basically the headline would be controversial figure. Colin Powell dies of COVID. Yeah. But he, but, but the thing is, is that he, he was never going to do that because he was one of them. He wanted to do it.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Yeah. He wanted to do the war. The difference between him and guys like Cheney and Rumsfeld and the reason that he is in many ways kind of a more grotesque figure than they are is that he wanted to do it without getting yelled at by the New York Times and the New York Times is readership. He, he cares what he cared about polite society and respectable opinion while they were invading Iraq, as opposed to the rest of the squad who were, who were rightly saying, as Carl Rove did, you guys are just commentators to the reality that we build.
Starting point is 00:10:49 I way, way more respect that than a fucking mealymouth bullshit coming out of Colin Powell. This, the, the, the, I mean, he himself, he was going to run for president in 96 and he decided not to because he said he didn't have the fire in the belly. And that was basically his entire life is just a weak willed, a little remore for power who, who wanted all of the, he wanted all the benefits and he wanted to be in the room when all the grand strategy was happening, but he didn't want the full implication of what that meant. Don't like, yeah, don't forget the reason that people feel like this is a betrayal erroneously
Starting point is 00:11:25 is the respect that Powell built up as, you know, leading the invasion and Panama for a war that's as fraudulent and as fucking absurd as Iraq, a complete bullshit war where yes, we mutilated and charred, charred people beyond recognition. This probably by the thousands. We don't really know. They're still discovering mass graves in Panama. Yeah. We, he, yeah, he was Iraq, which yes, we had, there was, there was a bonnet for that war
Starting point is 00:11:55 that people never talk about. There was a Kuwaiti child who said she was a dispossessed and, you know, threatened by Iraqi forces and turned out to be the daughter of a Kuwaiti lobbyist, which is not to say that like, oh yeah, no, it's like Iraq should have invaded Kuwait, but more to say like, no, that's, that's not our business. It's not something we should be involved in, which is, and if you, and if you fundamentally like disagree with that, then we see the world, there's an irreconcilable difference in how we see the world.
Starting point is 00:12:27 That's always who Powell was. He was, he was supposed to be better than Rumsfeld or Wolf Woods or any of those guys, because he wore a different outfit while doing the same thing. Yeah. And that's why that, that detail about like days before his UN presentation, he spent at the CIA, you know, grilling analysts and like, you know, excising some of the more controversial claims just shows you that like, I mean, like that's worse because he wouldn't have done that if he had, if he, if he wasn't filled with doubts about the things, the role
Starting point is 00:12:57 that he was given and the intelligence that he was supposed to lend his credibility to. But that's just it. Is that what he actually cared about was how he was going to come off. Exactly. That was it. That was it. And you can hear that in his obituary. I'm just going to read the end of it here.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Two years later, Mr. Powell told Barbara Walters of ABC News that his speech to the United Nations had been painful for him personally and would forever be a blot on his record. I'm the one who presented it on behalf of the United States of the world, Mr. Powell said, acknowledging that his presentation will always be part of my record. Years later, the sting of the United Nations speech still pained him, yet he sought to move on. Let others judge me, Mr. Powell said in the 2007 interview. All I want to do is judge myself as a successful soldier who served his best.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Congratulations, sir. You did exactly that. Rest in peace. All his moral agonizing at the CIA and the day before, and when he's in the convoy of Black SUVs going to the UN, all he's thinking about is, in seven years, will I be able to go on stage at a Black Eyed Peas concert? Will I be accepted in that way, even if I do this? The answer was yes.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Yeah. Well, all you had to do was endorse Obama in 2008 and all was forgiven. That is one great thing Powell gave us, is the greatest Fox News online headline of all time, which is Powell's spur speculation about Obama endorsement by appearing at rap concert. I'm being like, Jesus Christ. He also gave us one of the most baffling old guy attempts at talking about sex of all time in a leaked email in, I think, 2015, and he's talking about the prospect of having to vote for Hillary Clinton, and he says, I don't, I'm not really looking forward to it.
Starting point is 00:14:49 She's not transformational. The fact that he put that in it like an actual email to a person he knew, that's a meaningful phrase really tells you all you need to know, and then he said, meanwhile, his husband's still out there dicking bimbos. Oh my God, he put on a different outfit to write that line. He put his Kangol on backwards. He put on a Kangol and Richie April's leather jacket, dicking bimbos in their own apartment. And I will give him credit.
Starting point is 00:15:20 He did give us Lawrence Wilkerson, who, pretty cool, like in 2005, watching him, he was like a DC Lou Prueltman, because you could always catch him on C-Span, and he'd be like, Abrams is dumb as a rock. Like, this is awesome. That's true. Yeah, he was the spicy one. He was cool. Like, yeah, I don't, I forget if he got fired or like quit or something, but he would do
Starting point is 00:15:48 all these great interviews where it's ostensibly like, I'm going to show you what happens when what happens when the deep state lies and lead up to a war, blah, blah, blah, and there'd be a bit of that. But it was mostly just dishing. And he was like, Richard Pearl's a fat pig. Richard Pearl, by the way, I was checking on this, still alive at 80, Wolfwood still alive. The gang is they're whittling away, Rumsfeld is gone, but, but Cheney's still there.
Starting point is 00:16:15 All like the main guys are still around. And you know, I got to say, as I did when Rumsfeld died, like everyone who's, you know, taking this opportunity to dance on his grave and be like, another bitch, corn cobbed. It's like, no, he won. He died at 84. He had blood cancer. What do you expect of him, man? Like, it's just he won.
Starting point is 00:16:33 He largely did salvage his reputation. I mean, I'm seeing, was it my favorite of the, the, the, the liberal RIPs to him was, I think Joanne Reed, he said, she said, you know, like, so inspirational. He had some tough times around America's wars. And I just want to talk about that real quick. Hitler had some labor issues. It's like a tough time around America's wars. That was his job.
Starting point is 00:17:00 He was in the army for 40 years. He was, he was the top military commander. Yeah. But yeah, what else would his job, what was the thing that made up for that? The Black Eyed Peas Concert? I think that was it. No, the call me maybe video. The call me where he lip synced to the Carly Rae Jepsen song.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Remember that? Oh, that was, that was pretty cool. I thought we were going to get like racial harmony after that, but we didn't. I just want to, I just want to speak here. When he said here, you know, it's just that the UN speech was painful for him personally and would forever be a blot on his record. This is very calculated in his part because he's like, oh, that was the only blot on my record.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Yeah. Shall we bring up some of the other blots on Colin Powell's story career, beginning with his role in covering up the Milai massacre in Vietnam? Yeah. That's killing Willie overall for him. Not only not only did he help cover up the Milai massacre, reading here from an excerpt, in 1963, Captain Colin Powell was one of the, an advisor serving a first tour with the South Vietnamese Army unit.
Starting point is 00:18:05 Powell's detachment sought to discourage support for the Viet Cong by torching villages throughout the A-Shaw Valley. While other U.S. advisors protested this country-wide strategy as brutal and counterproductive, Powell defended the quote, drain the sea approach and then continued that defense in his 1995 memoirs, My American Journey. Okay. We've got that. We already mentioned his role in the invasion of Panama and the many, probably thousands
Starting point is 00:18:31 of innocent civilians that was killed during that utterly fraudulent war, but would it surprise you that he was also one of the leading generals in charge of arming and training the Salvadoran military during the 1980s? Actually, I did not know that one. That's interesting. It says, as Reagan's national security advisor, this is Robert Roberto Lovato compiled this thread here. It says, as Reagan's national security advisor, Powell was among the leading voices advocating
Starting point is 00:19:00 the counterinsurgency strategy that targeted the civilians who suffered the brunt of the war. He even supported Cristiani, president elected as a member of the arena party founded by death squad leader Daobeson. When the offenses of a 1989 made clear that the Salvadoran military could not defeat the FMLN guerrillas, then chairman of George H.W. Bush's Joint Chiefs of Staff, Secretary Powell threatened U.S. military intervention. So yeah, death squads in El Salvador, thousands of civilians dead in Panama, millions of civilians
Starting point is 00:19:39 dead in Vietnam, and then this is just before his U.N. speech. I mean, did you know actually that he actually served under Frank Carlucci in the Reagan administration? Oh man, you have to be a fucking creep to serve directly under him. To report to that fucking guy? If you report to Frank Carlucci, you are down to do whatever, and you did. And the thing is, he won because he will be remembered fondly. He has inaccurately been assessed as breaking with the Bush administration.
Starting point is 00:20:11 And to the extent that he quit, or I don't know if he quit, he stopped serving in the second term, and then voted for Obama, and then Hillary Clinton. I mean, if that's the break with the Bush administration, I mean, he won, though. So Colin, we hardly knew you. Moving on. Chris, could you queue up those clips? Yeah, let's have some fun. I would like to watch a couple of these clips of cops quitting their job because they're
Starting point is 00:20:40 afraid of getting a shot. Not getting shot, getting a shot. This is my final sign off, after 22 years of serving the citizens of the state of Washington, being asked to leave because I am dirty. I've been in these fatalities, injuries, I've worked sick, I've played sick. We've buried lots of friends over these years. I'd like to thank you guys. I'd like to thank the citizens of Yakima County, as well as my fellow officers within
Starting point is 00:21:10 the Valley. Without you guys, I would have been very successful, and you've kept me safe and got me home to my family every night. Thank you for that. I wish I could say more, but this is it. So, State 1034, this is the last time you'll hear me in a state patrol car, and Jay Inslee can kiss my ass. Okay, pause.
Starting point is 00:21:32 I want to point out he said a crucial thing there. I played dirty. Was he like pausing other cops? Yeah, so this is Washington State Trooper signing off for the last time. Can we cue up the next one? There's another one of these. Oh, God, look at this guy. Look at this butterball.
Starting point is 00:21:54 He doesn't need the shot. One text. Due to my personal choice to take a moral stand against for medical freedom, personal choice, I will be signing out of service for the last time today. After nearly 17 years of serving the citizens of the state of Washington, there's been my honor and privilege to work alongside all of you. I want to take a moment to thank those that have helped me be successful. He's really Oscar-speechless.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Yeah. At the end of each shift, to hear the ripping of that Velcro is a relief to my life. He's talking about his shoes. Admonish each of you knowing that despite what the press releases and the news conferences are saying to downplay this role, we all know in this district, on the 19th, there will be 51 of the 75 troopers available and only seven of the 11 sergeants. So please, please, please take care of each other. Be safe and make sure you all go home at the end of each day.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Again, thank you to each and every one of you that have stood alongside me and that we have helped each other out. But as for me, I am out of service and on to new adventures. Wait, what? On to new adventures. On to new adventures. He's going to like a discovery zone. By himself, I want to point out something I love about these.
Starting point is 00:23:38 For the most part, except for one part where he says, I want to admonish people for what the press conferences are saying. For the most part, none of these guys seem to be doing cop speak. They're not going on July 14th. I perpetuated my arm away from the shot and did not connetically receive the penetrating projectile of the vaccine into my arm. They're not doing how cops usually talk. And do you think they're like, oh, I'm quitting?
Starting point is 00:24:07 That's like I have to turn in my service gun. I also have to turn in all those vocabulary. I can never refer to a particular individual again. Nothing will ever happen connetically in my life. I will no longer be optically assessing situations for the Washington state struppers. What I do like about these guys is I really like the idea of these guys. I've been 17 years on the job. I love the idea of them going from what is comprehensively one of the cushiest jobs on
Starting point is 00:24:36 the planet to the actual labor force, like the actual jobs market. It's got to be a rude awakening they're in for. I think they all think they're going to be like cool private detectives or something. Like Bosch. They're all going to turn into Bosch. Oh my God. I would love a noir novel written by one of these Butterballs. At oh, 1900 hours, a female style individual perambulated into my office and displayed
Starting point is 00:25:02 legs that were longer than previously seen legs on a female style person. She produced a cylindrical tobacco style device out of her breast pocket. The breasts were, by the way, heaving and kinetically tearing at the bra material and the silk on her dress. At this point, she approached the desk and the officer who was producing blood flow in his penialistic region and said, you look like a man who can do a lot. She tasked me with locating a certain bird of prey, a raptor if you will, from the island of Malta.
Starting point is 00:25:41 So it was just Chinatown where he just kills Fae Donaway instantly. Fae Donaway. No, they're all going to end up having to do MLM shit as though instead of shooting a guy and dropping crack on him, they're going to have to sprinkle Herbalife containers and say that he signed to be on my town line before I open fire. That's what I mean is they're going from a job with excellent benefits that you literally cannot get fired from. And now they're going to have to like a boss on their ass, you know, it won't be a stupid
Starting point is 00:26:16 chief anymore. It'll be an actual boss. But they're doing it for freedom, even though their job is literally to be the arbitrary annihilator of all human rights at any given moment. Like a cop has the ability to deny you as a regular schmuck of all rights, including the right to be alive at any given moment with no fucking accountability of any kind. They're going to defend our freedom. I'm very, very thankful.
Starting point is 00:26:44 That's what I mean. I would love any of these guys to like after working 20 years as a state trooper have to end up in a job where they're like facing the customers and then like, oh, wait, you actually have to kiss their ass. They can't just fucking shoot them. Well, yeah, no, they'll see what they're defending. I mean, I do like that these are Washington guys because I'm just, I don't know a ton about Washington, I'm just going to make a wild assumption that I'm going to assume
Starting point is 00:27:09 is later I got like 30 DMs of people telling me I'm right. I'm going to assume the main crime in Washington is like pillhead stealing from Home Depot and like construction sites. I'm going to assume that's the main that's the main job for these guys. So that's what they were doing for their state troopers. So they're probably just like fucking writing tickets all day. Yeah. I wonder, I wonder how many of these guys are going to fail out of MLM or have a rage episode
Starting point is 00:27:35 working at Best Buy and like they'll have to get into copper wire theft. We'll see some of the perps they used to bust. I mean, I don't mean to, I don't mean to correct you in real time, Felix, but you know, just to ward off the DMs here. I mean, the most, the most prevalent crime in the state of Washington is of course fathers and incestuous relationships with their daughters who are possessed by elder spirits from the Black Lodge, the murders of that sort. Oh, well, I mean, like actually they'll be fine because that's like a lot of what
Starting point is 00:28:05 Best Buy has lost prevention. That happens a lot at Best Buy is because what happens is like, I don't mean to gross people out here, but usually, usually a demon comes from the home audio section and possesses the daughter. And wouldn't you know it? She's in the home appliances section. She's stuck in the washing machine. What do you think happens?
Starting point is 00:28:26 Did you see, this is like related to these, the, the, the Washington state troopers. Did you see that was like a, it was a troop and they like filmed themselves getting the vaccine. And but they were holding up a printer sheet that said, I am doing this under duress. God. And how we're, what is, what has happened where like, I honestly am turning into one of those like a fucking Adam Corolla bitching about participation trophies thing. No one needs to do any more.
Starting point is 00:28:56 What universe is that fucking cool where you're, you, the sign should say I am a pussy. If you don't want the fucking shot, don't get it. Well, I mean, you're in the military. You just want to remind everybody that you have, you're a weak-willed bitch who will do what the state tells you, no matter what your principles say. And you're going to brag about that on the internet. A sounding.
Starting point is 00:29:21 How far we done fell. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, yeah, it's like, you're not even, so like the line of thinking is like, this is medical tyranny. This is fascism. They're going to kill me. But it's like, I just, I need to be able to buy a Hellcat before they have to stop making
Starting point is 00:29:36 them because of the V8 engine. And also, I would love it like if just like, you know, you know, you have to clean the, you have to scrub the head. You got to do 20 push-ups. And it's like, I'm doing this under duress. I just want to know, does it mean like, you know, being ordered to do things that you don't want to do is sort of the whole deal with the army and not only that, but like the army also just like, she wax you up with all kinds of experimental vaccines, especially
Starting point is 00:30:01 if you're going overseas. Oh, all day. Like, you know, any fucking shots like everyone who went to Iraq and Afghanistan got of uncertain provenance? Yeah. But these are the ones that they saw on Facebook. Like, that's what's, that's why this is so depressing. And I cannot, you've ever squinted this and think, oh, look, people are fighting against,
Starting point is 00:30:19 you know, authority or whatever. It's, it's just, everyone is completely trapped in the same partisan funhouse mirror. Like the only thing that can get a critical mass of people resisting something is if they're seeing it reinforced culturally and the only forces that can do that at a large scale are either global homo, our friends, or the, the right wing response to that. And that's, so that's all you can get is, is people have freaking out because it has the wrong brand name because it's branding grosses them out. And that by taking it, they will be owned and then they have to, they have to resist
Starting point is 00:31:02 it. So there we go. Yeah. So, I mean, like, you know, the cops actually did quit, you know, and like, and you know what? Good on them. Cause like I said, they quit one of the comprehensively, probably one of the sweetest gigs you can get is a state trooper in Washington.
Starting point is 00:31:15 I mean, I'm just going to assume they're going to like go to Texas or Florida or something and, and apply there, just go shop for a state where they don't have to get the vaccine, which there are plenty of. Well, you got to start at the bottom. How? Yeah, but there's going to be like overflow, like how many, how many cops can you keep on the payroll? I mean, I'm sure they would love to find out.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Yeah. No, I'm sure. No, but I'm just like a lot of them will, but I'm just saying like, there's going to be at least in Austin, they're going to be cop crust plunks. They're going to have like a mangy, canine, German shepherd, they're going to have like, they're going to have the most fucked up white dreads ever, like a flat top dread. Just one flat top dread. Just flopping off to one side.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Moving on from the vaccine mandate and cops and troops quitting their jobs. I do want to talk briefly about a lot of the, just like two, two rather humorous items from the wave of strikes that are going on over this country right now. I mean, there's a lot of them, John Deere and Kellogg's are the two ones at the top of my mind. I am, we are working on sourcing some guests to talk about these issues because I do think they're important. But the first one is, did you see the thing about how John Deere attempted to keep their
Starting point is 00:32:40 factory floor running with people from like the engineering department? And then within the first hours of them opening the ship, there were numerous 911 calls because people had like driven a forklift over someone's foot. It was like Mad Men. It was like the lawn mower scene in Mad Men. But yeah, no, it was like they were injuring themselves or like fucking toppling over fucking shit on the factory floor, so that's going great for them. And then there was this other one from, this is from the Courier Journal, the Louisville
Starting point is 00:33:16 Courier Journal. It says, the union representing employees at the Heaven Hill Distillery in Bardstown says a truck crash near the facility on Wednesday was caused by a driver making a threatening gesture towards a striking worker. A non-union delivery driver was driving a truck with flammable cargo at an unsafe speed that the United Food and Commercial Workers said in a statement Wednesday night when they quote, took their hands off the steering wheel to make a threatening gesture to a UFCW Local 23D member on strike and the truck veered out of control and flipped over.
Starting point is 00:33:48 No one was hurt, the union said. It's like, it was a non-union driver with a fucking, with a tank of like benzene gas or something, just flips the truck cause he's doing, hey, he's looking at my dick, asshole. It's like the part in the Bible when those kids are making fun of that dude for being bald and then a bunch of bears come out and just eat them. Is that in the Glendanzig censored Bible? Yes. Is that where Jesus Christ kills a child for making fun of him?
Starting point is 00:34:18 And all the parts of the Bible about vampires and werewolves. Suppressed by the Vatican. Suppressed by the Council of Nicaea. Well, that was what Vatican II was. Yeah. So they're going to release more vampire stories from the Bible and that's how they made Twilight. So, yeah, it does seem like there's a lot of, a lot of strikes going on in America right
Starting point is 00:34:39 now. Yeah. The labor market's basically going insane and then the supply chain problems are all part of that. I've given up trying to figure out what is happening or what's going to happen seems like, seems like there's no real percentage in that other than just buying some canned goods and strapping in. I do, I do think it's funny though.
Starting point is 00:35:04 I've got to say, it's another win for bug men. Do you remember a year ago? You remember a year ago when people were like, oh yeah, what kind of fucking loser would pay money to live in a city? Yeah. I can, I can live in a great house in a rural county where everyone hates me because I just went insane from online and I bought this house. And now they're like, please, I'm starving to death.
Starting point is 00:35:30 There's no more food. All the food has been sent to be put into grub hub shipments being sent to WeWorks. I know, yeah, people, people have been saying that they're trying to starve out non-biting photos. Yeah. Hey, fuck them, stay winning. Back the winning team. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:49 I mean, you think that's like a little hyper ball. It reminds me of a tiny bit. It reminds me of Brace's reply to that communism kills account where she's like, I'm freezing. There's no heat in our house. And he's just like, I'm in a communism camp right now. We've got tons of radiators, tons of warm blankets, I'm warm as hell. But so yeah, yeah, no, we got tons of food in the pod. It's great in here.
Starting point is 00:36:10 We got bugs, all the video games, got all the bugs you can eat. It's wonderful. Well, yeah, no, it is like, it is complaining that there isn't enough bugs coming to your house, that is literally the complaint here. And then the thing is, what has struck me about this is how the demand, I was really baffled when people got mad at us for not taking the supply chain stuff seriously enough. There's no demand for us to do anything, not even to have a policy prescription for it. All we're supposed to do is care.
Starting point is 00:36:49 That's it. You just have to show that you're not a bug man by evincing a affect about this and pretending to be sad about it. The same way that you're supposed to be sad that a bunch of hillbillies and hayseeds did an insurrection in the capital. Is there something you're supposed to do? Is there a political agenda you're supposed to support? No, you're just supposed to care.
Starting point is 00:37:19 That's it. And it's all, you're supposed to care to show commitment to a side, to show that you're one of the good ones. And no, I'm not. I'm a bad one. I've decided that I'm just a bad one. And I don't know who was getting mad at us not taking this seriously. I think it's just because we said treats and that was sort of dismissive about it.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Oh, my God. That was sort of dismissive. Like, oh, gas is $4 a gallon now. People need to get to work or whatever. Yeah, they do. What am I going to do about it? Yeah, they do. They do.
Starting point is 00:37:52 I don't realize to have thought about people like not getting food or whatever, or even creature comforts. I mean, I thought we were pretty clear that this was serious because if the treats, whatever you want to call them, the consumer conveniences of American life begin to go away or get more sparse, then yeah, that is a pretty fucking serious deal. I mean, you can feel bad about it one way or the other. But yeah, it's the thin fucking thread connecting our civilization at all anymore. So I don't relish the idea of that going away.
Starting point is 00:38:22 But also a lot of people being like, oh, getting mad about this shit is just like, well, I mean, you've spent your entire life supporting politicians and causes to make life fucking harder and more expensive for everyone else. So maybe you should feel bad. You know? Well, yeah. It's like, I don't know, like universal health care or fucking like a livable minimum wage or something.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Like maybe when these supply chain fluctuations happen, it won't be so fucking dire for people because they have some breathing room in their fucking month-to-month budget because they're not paying $5,000 a month in health insurance or something like that. Well, we have talked a lot about the CPI outpacing wages, but that is, again, it's like everything else. It's like when you talk about the Great Reset. Okay, yeah, the Great Reset happened 40, 50 fucking years ago. Everything you're seeing now, it's just a new feature being tacked on.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Well, what it is, is it's people who, until this moment, had not been affected by this shit being affected by it. And the assumption has to be that there needs to be some sort of secret machination to instill obedience to this new order. But it's the old order, the structures of democratic resistance, any of this have been totally eroded. It's just now people are coming to terms with the fact that they are no longer going to be able to benefit from a system that stopped caring about the interests of people a long
Starting point is 00:39:52 time ago, but until this point have largely been protected from the consequences of that. Well, I don't know. I think if all of America got together, just like how they're getting together right now at the John Deere factory, and yeah, there are some hiccups right now, but they're going to work it out. I think if we all got together, all the fired cops and troops who quit and me, I think we can make our own on crustables. No, but if there is anything to care about, to invest your hopes in, you know, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:29 hopes in, it's not whining about things or showing yourself to care about some abstract person who's being inconvenienced or harmed by supply chains. It's the fact that for the first time in a while, we're seeing a actual significant upsurge in worker militancy at the point of production, and people are getting together and fucking striking in unprecedented for the era numbers, even absent any help from the Biden administration, even absent a pro act. And that, if there's going to be any pressure against the whatever you want to call it, great reset, whatever the fuck you want to call it, it's going to come not from any politically
Starting point is 00:41:17 structured response to the news, which is what we have instead of politics, it's going to be people organizing. Well, to move on to another thing that's not funny, and you shouldn't laugh at, we shouldn't certainly make light of headline, captured, killed or compromised, CIA admits to losing dozens of informants. Oops. Uh-oh. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Top American counterintelligence officials warned every CIA station and base around the world last week about troubling numbers of informants recruited from other countries to spy for the United States, being captured or killed, people familiar with the matter said. The message in an unusual top secret cable said that the CIA's counterintelligence mission center had looked at dozens of cases in the last several years involving foreign informants who had been killed, arrested, or most likely compromised. Little brief, the cable laid out a specific number of agents executed by rival intelligence
Starting point is 00:42:14 agencies a closely held detail that counterintelligence officials typically do not share in such cables. The cable highlighted the struggle the spy agency is having as it works to recruit spies around the world in difficult operating environments. In recent years, adversarial intelligence services in countries such as Russia, China, Iran, and Pakistan have been hunting down the CIA sources and in some cases, turning them into double agents. You know, I think I'm getting, I think I understand Havana syndrome now.
Starting point is 00:42:43 I get it. The guy shows up in your office and goes, hey, 15 of the agents of the, of the, uh, informants you recruited just got fucking murked. And then you just so, uh, my tummy hurts. You know, like, isn't this like just guy, I mean, this rhymes with everything else we're talking about so well, because like, you know, we've been for weeks now talking about the, the absolute obscenity and insult of how quickly they pass that have victims of Havana syndrome healthcare act.
Starting point is 00:43:13 But like these are all people, these are not, this is not James Bond who's getting fucking Havana syndrome. These are all the upper management of like the CIA and state department who like, you know, go on official junkets and work out of embassies and shit like that. The people they rely on are getting fucking executed by the Chinese military and the Iranian government. They're not getting any healthcare coverage. They're not getting Havana syndrome.
Starting point is 00:43:36 They're getting a bullet in their head. Maybe they need more Havana syndrome. Like they, I mean, like, let's just take them at their word. It's real. Like it's, they already suck at their job. Yeah. They're not good. They, they, like the CIA always does this.
Starting point is 00:43:52 Every time they've just like taken a huge one on the dome, they're like, Oh, and you, well, guess what? Uh, all, everyone we've ever recruited has been murdered like they like kick and scream on the ground about how much they saw and how they never win. But yeah, it's like, well, maybe this is like an X-Men type thing and there's a solar flare mutating your cells, but it only works in people who eat at cozy nine times a week. And it's going to make you better at not getting your agents killed. Just needle.
Starting point is 00:44:24 Yeah. We need to, we need to spread it out. It's like, uh, the, you know, that will the, the dust, the eternal's dust. No, I don't even want to talk about it. I don't want to, I don't, I don't know about the eternal's dust. I don't want to bring them. I don't want to talk about that movie. I don't want that movie has, if that movie succeeds, we truly are doomed as a society.
Starting point is 00:44:47 If they can just say, Hey, here's some guys, none of you have ever heard of standing in a field and one of them has body dysmorphia from doing HGH and you're supposed to feel bad for them. And then they, a hundred million people see it. We're lost. We're lost before. Matt, are you, are you saying that, wait, the characters that nobody has heard about, you're talking about Kingo, buddy.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Are you, are you implying that, wait, you're saying that Drew Ig isn't people's favorite character from the comics. I would leave, I would leave this one to the real geeks. That's every time, every time, every time you see Kingo, you should be going, that's Kingo. Yeah. You should be raising the roof every time you see Kingo, the most, one of the most his beloved figures in comic book history.
Starting point is 00:45:31 Yeah, I'll tell you who I'm really excited for. And this is a really fucking cool role. Like, I'm sorry to swear, but I'm just so excited as a comics fan. The character Herman. Yeah, he's actually- Is he a thinker or a fighter? He's sort of both.
Starting point is 00:45:48 He's like the best scientist ever because he's the first scientist. And he's actually played by Doug Benson. It's pretty sick, right? His powers is getting really high. I'm excited. I'm seeing the internals. No, the CIA's thinkers have a van syndrome.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Their fighters have been stuffed into a fucking coffin and buried alive somewhere in Pakistan. All right, would you guys now like to close out the show? I know people were begging for this. I can't believe we let this one slide, but I know you must have- All right, would you guys- You gotta let it ferment a little bit.
Starting point is 00:46:37 You gotta give it a chance. You gotta let those tannins build up. You gotta decant it. You gotta leave it out. You gotta let it breathe. So important. Would you guys like to now dive into- And you know, I say this, this is no exaggeration here.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Would you guys now like to dive into what I believe is comprehensively the most insane thing Rod Dreher has ever written? Wow. OK, here we go. That's Sam's gun. And my favorite part about what I'm about to read is that, ostensibly, this blog post
Starting point is 00:47:14 is all about the author Gary Steingart and his fucked up circumcision. It's about Gary Steingart's chronic dick pain. And I gotta say, shout out to Gary Steingart. He was actually pretty good friends with my dad. And when we were in Dublin on our tour, my dad came over to hang out. And on the last day we were in Dublin,
Starting point is 00:47:39 it was actually a blooms day. And I was out with a bunch of Ambers, Irish friends, and they took us to a pub that was featured in Ulysses. Ulysses, Bloomsday, a great combination. So I'm in the pub, having a few pints, who walks in Gary Steingart. So I flick it up with him, and I sent it to my dad. And I go, dad, you've got to come out.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Like, he'd retired for the evening, but I was like, dad, you've got to come out to the bar. Gary Steingart in his fucked up dicker here. So I mean, nothing but respect to Gary. But OK, here's Rod. And he gets right to it. It's in the first paragraph. You know what's coming.
Starting point is 00:48:17 I have never given circumcision a single thought. I have never given circumcision a single thought other than to consent to my son's circumcision. Europeans think it's weird for American Gentiles to be circumcised. And I think they're right. Wow, I agree with Rod right off the bat. But he just did it anyway.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Yeah, yeah, he just did it anyway. Way to be a nonconformist. And I think they're right. But I remember the one kid we had in my elementary school class, a black boy who had been born at home and who was not circumcised. All those boys wanted to stare at his primitive root weiner when we were at the urinal during research.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Yes, let's run that back for a second. A black boy in Rod's elementary school class was not circumcised. And according to Rod, all those boys wanted to stare at his primitive root weiner when we were at the urinal during recess. Where's Robin D'Angelo when you meet her? When they were at the urinal during recess?
Starting point is 00:49:22 You go to the urinal before recess. What the fuck is going on here? Rod went to school at Burghine. That's like, all right, kids, save it up for recess. Save all that piss up for recess so you can have a good time. Primitive root weiner. Why boast of those words? I mean, obviously, primitive is very problematic.
Starting point is 00:49:43 That goes without saying. But for me, but also, it's like, well, duh, he's Rob Dreyer. Of course he's going to say that, but root and weiner. It's the perfect Rod Dreyer phrase. Yeah. Because, I mean, this is why Rod is the king. Like, he cannot help but shade what's on it. Like, he cannot veil in any sense what is actually on his mind.
Starting point is 00:50:05 And he's just like, I'll have you know, I've never once thought about circumcision, other than my own son's circumcision, which I consented to. But for the last 45 years of my life, I have been thinking about this one, Black Kid's Dick. You know, Proust's Madeline? It's like that. Only it's a dick.
Starting point is 00:50:24 It really is the perfect Rod phrase. It's what I would use to explain it to somebody, to explain Rod as fast as I could, because it's racist. Yeah. It's like homoerotic, but also like not in a regular way. Oh, no. Not even like in a regular repressed, you know, conservative guy way.
Starting point is 00:50:44 It's homoerotic in like a body horror. Yeah, yeah. He got everything. Like, he's clearly like some part of this is as erotically fixated for all these years, but in a way that is very difficult to imagine as like erotic and not just horrifying. Like even he cannot, he can't.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Yeah, it's amazing. I mean, it's like if Pinhead wrote a letter to Dan Sadler. I mean, I'm actually glad I waited this long to do the piece, because he does have an update at the end where he tells further into why he used the phrase primitive root weiner. Yeah, let's hear it. All of us boys wanted to stare. And that's the other thing we wanted to do.
Starting point is 00:51:32 It wasn't just that we couldn't help ourselves. It was that we actively wanted to look at it. Can we interview the other kids? I would like to know who else will go on record saying that that was what they were doing. OK, I just like I got to read the rest of the paragraphs. Let's just see if we can get through this without any interjection, because I think like the cumulative
Starting point is 00:51:48 effect of it is quite something. OK, OK. All us boys wanted to stare at his primitive root weiner when we were at the urinal during recess, because it was monstrous. Nobody told us that weeners could look like that. The kid didn't know why his penis was so strange looking, and neither did we.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Third grade, man. OK, so I just when I first read this, my favorite part of this was when he just goes at the end. Third grade, man. Like, man, aren't third graders weird? It's like, no, no, you are the strangest man alive now. Yeah, it's not about how odd, you know, like school kids, you know, like bodies, difference, you know, like,
Starting point is 00:52:36 I mean, there's something understandable there. And in the way young boys' minds work. But like Rod's mind, because I don't even want to compare his mind to that of just the sort of like impish buffoonery of young children. Like there's something much, much more malevolent and deeper on here. Third grade, man, and he is so fixated on making you understand
Starting point is 00:53:00 that it's a universal condition. Yeah, exactly. Oh, yeah. Are we all like this? Don't we all remember when we were like riveted by the monstrous wiener we couldn't help look at? And he says it was monstrous. And then the fact that he uses the phrase wiener multiple times is like, I guess. Yeah, it's like he's trying to defuse it in some way off a little bit.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Yeah, exactly. Like, oh, it's stuff. That's a wiener. Like an adult man doesn't have a wiener, you know? So he's like, this is just kid stuff here. Yeah. But like, I mean, come on, man. Like, it's just, I mean, I mean, it's been like a running joke about Rod for years that I mean, like he is like, like he is gayer than like putting a man's cock in your mouth and sucking it. Far, far, far.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Like he and like that's why like that's why all he writes about like there are cultural conservatives that demonize gay people in a way that is about like. Also, I put this, there are there are there are cultural conservatives that like make gay people and the increasing acceptance of sexual minorities in popular culture or in a broader American society. They make it into a culture war issue that it's about like, oh, you know, this is a, you know, breaking,
Starting point is 00:54:16 it's leading to anarchy or breaking down the family or making us less masculine as an Asian. And then there are writers like Rod who are fixated on the issue not because of like they're fixated on the actual mechanics of gay sex and like and like and like what they regard as the uniquely extreme and depraved features of like a gay a gay man's life, which is which is like, you know, promiscuity, fisting, you know, just they're they're like shit.
Starting point is 00:54:49 I mean, for lack of a better word, they're they're they're fixated on the anus as like that is the threat to American society and to the West or whatever is a man's asshole. Yeah. Yeah. I. So there are other like conservatives who, as Will said, their main issue is, yeah, like gay stuff, culture war, etc. And there are even guys in that fold who are like people think they're closeted. Like we've all talked about, you know, how much we love Marcus Spockman.
Starting point is 00:55:21 But Rod is Rod brings something that's it's sort of like how like when Trump is like no one takes any risks at New York Fashion Week. It's not even like it's not even gay. It's like this is like a new thing. I feel the same with Rod because he it's so fucked up. What he ends up saying always that he always couches it in like, oh, you know, this was normally like everyone did this.
Starting point is 00:55:46 Like he'll write something that'll be like, you know, every, you know, man, a lot of Gen Xers probably read this. You know, you know, growing up in the 70s, it was ridiculous. We all grew our hair out. We had bell bottoms. Everyone had that day when they were 19, where they had helped the mailman at gunpoint and forcibly explored his body. Everyone did it. We all did it. We all thought about it. And Rod, that was just being a Gen Xer.
Starting point is 00:56:11 And Rod will always have like this. Like he's like, dear readers, I assure you, it brings me no joy or pleasure to have to describe to you in exquisite detail. Yeah, yeah, I am forced to do this. The people need to know. Simply because we need to get beyond euphemism when we talk about the gay lifestyle. And I'm going to hold a flashlight under my chin
Starting point is 00:56:33 and essentially do the audiobook version of a gay porn that I just watched. I'm like, I analyze frame by frame like the Zapruder film. Then he just like, he goes on talking about Gary Stongard. And I, you know, like Gary had to deal with a midlife with a late circumcision gone wrong. So, sorry, Gary. Yeah, sucks, dude. But then, OK, let's go to the update.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Because, you know, we don't need to drag Gary down with this ship. It says, update, for some reason, discus won't let me reply to some comments wondering about my phrase, primitive root weiner. That's big tech censorship for you. Hey, I thought it was funny. Yeah, that's definitely what you thought. Yeah. Hey, I thought it was funny.
Starting point is 00:57:18 More than half the boys in my class were black and everybody white and black. But this one kid was circumcised. None of us have ever seen. How do you know that? Yeah, how do you know? Well, yeah, how do you know all of them were? Wow. He doesn't know the difference, right? Like, we don't know why his was weird.
Starting point is 00:57:39 So how the hell are you like, are you doing? He must be taking like attendance, like dick attendance. Yeah. I mean, his taste is different, too. What if this is like the only thing he has photographic memory for? It's like perfect. Like every gym locker room he's ever gone into. He's got a he's got a mind palace, but it is a mind locker room. And it's a perfect room.
Starting point is 00:58:02 And it's a perfect photo realistic remembrance of every penis he has ever seen. Well, the best movie of all time being Rod Dreyer, like being John Malkovich. None of us, none of us had ever seen an uncircumcised penis before. It looks very weird to us like a root ever seen an uncircumcised wiener. Only every time I look in the mirror, Rod, we used to have. OK, this is this is really weird. He says, in case it wasn't already. I just we used to have to stand at a Petroff at recess, whip it out and do our business.
Starting point is 00:58:41 So I mean, I knew he grew up in the south. But like, yeah, I think he went to Carcosa Elementary School. I love all the boys learning up and recess at the Petroff. They all whip it out. And, you know, all of a sudden there's a there there's one that's different. And Rod is just like the terminator fucking like like just zooming in on it or whatever. But I had to bust out our jeweler's loop. It's like this is what they did at recess.
Starting point is 00:59:09 And like, why were all of the boys peeing at the same time at recess? Just yeah, it's like they're ready to get picked for a team. You know, Rod was like the root beener always got picked last for the Petroff. This is like this is I love the south because like every single thing they do to this day was invented by some guy who owned like 4,000 slaves. Yeah. And when he died, like never had any kids. And when he died, they found like 30,000 pages of letters to another 70 year old man who had
Starting point is 00:59:42 leprosy that are like, I want to hold you against my bosom, betwixt my thighs and wrestle you like we did when we were young and you taste your root, nursed and be with you. And like all their all their traditions are things that that guy invented. Yeah. Where he's like, I just think that it would be nice if all the boys peed at the same time in every school in the entire state forever. Because yeah, we used to stand at the Petroff at recess. You know, as one does whip it out and do our business.
Starting point is 01:00:17 Little boys being little boys, things were noticed and comments were made. We thought the kid was deformed. I brought it up to my dad later and he said it was a common thing for children in the country born at home. I was trying I was trying above to make fun of how weird it is coming from a circumcision culture to see an uncircumcised penis when you don't even when you didn't even know such a thing existed. For the record, many years later, I was in an all male gym shower in the Netherlands as an adult. And someone and someone asked me in all honesty if I was Jewish because I was the only circumcised
Starting point is 01:00:53 person in this shower full of white men. I think we are good. I hate to use the word again, getting to the root of something. I think that they like it maybe he is obsessed with this because it is like chances are if you're an American, you probably are circumcised and for Rod, it's like, oh, you like made me Jewish against my will. Circumcision is like tough because it is simultaneously funny to talk about it all the time to be a guy who's obsessed with it.
Starting point is 01:01:32 But at the same time, it is like this is kind of insane how everyone just plays this. The cranks are right about this. It is it is not it is not like female circumcision. But it is. I mean, it's on the same wavelength. You don't know the fact that as he said, like, I never thought about it. They just said, hey, should we do it to your son? He's like, sure.
Starting point is 01:01:58 That's wild. That's fucked up. You should think about it a little bit. It's a thing you're doing to a dick. It is crazy, right? Like it is sort of fucking nuts. But it just it just sucks. Because yeah, if you're like, you you do seriously want to think about it.
Starting point is 01:02:16 But then it's like, yeah, everyone who thinks about it is like this or like the intactivist guys that everyone labs at. But they're right. Yeah, it's tough. I bet I bet in like 70 years, this is going to be one of those things where it's like, oh, you like you made fun of anti-rock war activists. Yeah. And we're just like, sorry, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:02:35 Like I'm willing. Sorry. Yeah. God willing, God willing. But I mean, just like back to Rod and his brain, like, I mean, like what I said, like the rod is uniquely obsessed with the, like I said, the intimate details of gay sex as like the main reason he's opposed to being gay. Because, you know, I mean, if you weren't gay, it's like not really an issue for you.
Starting point is 01:02:59 Like, you know, if you don't want to do that then, well, it's a big deal. Yeah, if you're not into cruising, like it's not a problem. But like, do you think like the whole racial element here sort of like colors some of his weirder obsessions about race in America as well? Oh, yeah. Perhaps. I'm just going to go out on a limb here. And that word primitive.
Starting point is 01:03:21 Yeah. Primitive there is doing a lot of work. Like he's afraid of, he sees like gayness and blackness as these tempting adivisms. Yeah. That are going to pull him away from his, his civilized Christian heterosexual life path that he totally wants and prefers and is natural and right and shut up, stop, stop it, stop making him look at those websites. I think it was a Carl Weber who pointed out, yeah, the primitive is being like the most
Starting point is 01:03:54 active word there. But like Rod in a certain sense, like he longs for a kind of primitism, primitism. Yeah, that's the thing. That's why it's so insidious to him. I mean, like say like when he like he defends civilization, but he means it's like a very narrow bandwidth, like, you know, Western Christian civilization is collapsing. But like it's Western Christian civilization that has led to this like decadence that he thinks that he prefers a more primitive, I don't know, he prefers a, you know,
Starting point is 01:04:21 more primitive root weiner to a, you know, more civilized Western one. I have, there's a guy he should have linked up with when he was in Northern Europe, back when he was still in Northern Europe. Another man, another man who harkens back to a pre-Christian time. Yes. Perhaps a man who lives in a car and has 12 kids and worships like pawns. Yeah, but he isn't circumcised and Rod is and that's a deal breaker. And let's be honest, I mean, like, I know Rod at the end there is like was,
Starting point is 01:04:53 you know, he was, he was, he was stung by the idea that someone would mistake him for being Jewish, but like in Varg's point of view, Rod is a thousand percent Jewish. Every Christian is. And to that extent, like Varg is right. Yeah. Like every American, like every like. They're circumcised for Christ's sake. Right, right.
Starting point is 01:05:10 Every Crank American, even the ones who like call Vatican to Vatican Jew, like they're like, Oh yeah, of course I'm going to like circumcise my kids and like circumcise and like my grandkids will be like, I'm not even going to think about it. Yeah. It's like, maybe you're the Vatican Jew. Whoa. You think about that? Mm hmm.
Starting point is 01:05:26 But yeah, no Varg, like Varg's idea that like most people are Jews. Hey, it's pretty cool. Like it's pretty unifying actually. Yeah. Because there's only like, there's like out of the entire world population, who does that leave who's not Jewish? Like I guess like most of East Asia and like India, but even then it's like most of us are Jewish. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:51 Just most of us. Well, that concludes today's episode, but once again, just Rod, what a beautiful mind. The most beautiful. And he's, and again, like I ended his update. It's just like, I love his insistence that he's the normal one. He's more, he's normal. You guys have the dirty minds for thinking any of this is weird. I think like action items, we're always talking action items, what you can do to make things better.
Starting point is 01:06:25 Everyone, let's get Rod elected to the U.S. Senate so he can't block any of us anymore. That's true. It is sad that I am blocked by him. It sucks. I like, I want to see everything. If I could follow Rod, I would have alerts set up for him. Absolutely. Because I'm legitimately curious like what, what he thinks about like anything.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Mm hmm. Discus has been blocking me from commenting on his blog for years now. No, he's awesome. And I hope he never stops. Yeah, never stop, buddy. I was just, I was listening to the other day to the thing we did where he's in the, he went to the garden party in Hungary. Yes.
Starting point is 01:07:07 And he's taking the cab ride back with a guy who's like, I'm a big fan of your writing. We're, we're in a car together for some reason. By the way, like Blues Clues is gay now. Yeah, no one else can do what he does. I mean, like if these, if these kids TV shows continue to be on, you know, covertly just sort of covert vectors for gay propaganda, then kids will think it's normal to like grow up among, you know, like a group of boys and be like constantly looking at and
Starting point is 01:07:43 assessing other men's penises. That's what they want. That's what they want to turn people into. It's like, you know, you're going to be at the Weiner trough. And it's going to be like, it's going to be gay. Yeah. Instead of just male camaraderie, like it should be. You'll stop.
Starting point is 01:07:59 You'll, yeah. I mean, it's encouraging you to notice the penises that are around you, their size, their shape, their smell, their texture. Okay, gang. I think that does it for today's episode. This is ShapoTrap House signing off. Bye bye. Bye.

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