Chapo Trap House - 576 - The Wonder Twins (11/15/21)

Episode Date: November 16, 2021

We look at the twin avatars for the future of the Democratic party: Mayor Secretary Pete, through his new documentary “Mayor Pete,” and Kamala Harris, through a new CNN article about how everyone being very mean and unfair to her. Grim stuff! Fortunately the boys have a surefire solution for who should lead the party into 2024, if the Dems are brave enough to take their advice. Grab your tickets to our 12/8 show at Asbury Hall in Buffalo: And have you checked out our new merch drops? Some good shit in here:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You know how yesterday I promised you guys that I had a really gross thing. I thought of but I was gonna I have been Yeah, I have honestly been waiting for this very excited. Okay, so imagine, you know, there's a girl you like and Instead of like DMing her like hey or like even a picture of your dick you DM her this wet outline of your dick on your bedsheets That's one sweaty dick Yeah, and you do it in the world like your dark ass bedroom that you put blackout blinds in but with the flash on So you just see like a salty crust of sweat on your bed. They're calling it the gray duvet cover challenge So sort of like a shroud of Turin but for your dick exactly. Yeah, exactly, but using Um photo techniques of a certain certain individual a certain conservative thinker a certain sweaty individual a sweaty
Starting point is 00:00:59 Conservative individual shroud of urine. Is that anything? Yeah, nice, but yeah, that was the gross thing I was thinking of and I wanted to wait to tell you guys. Thank you Well for today's episode we watched the mayor Pete documentary in my soul my soul has fully left my body So in light of that, I'd like to plug something at the beginning of the show December 8th Buffalo as Berry Hall tickets still available if you live in Western New York There is absolutely no reason for you not to attend this concert if you live anywhere in Canada Though the entire country of Canada, this is your opportunity to see Chappell Buffalo is next to the city and state of Canada If you are a New Yorker who failed to get a ticket to our Brooklyn show get on the goddamn
Starting point is 00:02:05 Amtrak North go up there do it I'll go one further if you're a New Yorker and you either didn't get a ticket to our Brooklyn show or you just like Hey, it's not working for you. Okay. You came here Four or five years ago. You were like, I had this idea that I'm gonna have a show where it's me and my friends talking about the news It hasn't worked. It's not going well. You've tried everything else. What if you became? You know like a cardboard box factory foreman in Buffalo Buffalo, there's a lot of opportunity there, you know if you just if you just want a vibe if you're done with striving and want a vibe Come to Buffalo stay just break into that that candy factory or whatever the fuck they got up there
Starting point is 00:02:51 No, I know look, I know nobody wants to work anymore. No, but nobody wants to work anymore Nobody wants to work anymore But if you have work ethic there, they have excellent job with good benefits going over the Niagara Falls in a barrel You can do that. You can do that every day for ace when there's a pension involved as well If you saw if you're one of the few people in this country who wants to work I recommend barrel. Absolutely. That's that's a growth business our friend Keith Buckley We've often called him the Saddam Hussein of Buffalo in a positive way. Yes, of course But similar to Saddam Hussein, he needs three dozen body doubles in
Starting point is 00:03:31 I think I think you could body double Keith Buckley pretty well just start growing your hair It's true now if you watched The second season if I think you should leave and thought So tables it sounds like a good job Tailgate is renowned for putting people through tables. You could be the table plug Buffalo is the number one location for people who are injured doing wrestling stunts just to Impress them and their friends. They didn't even remember to record it If you think this is I really think I really think like if it's just hey look, you know
Starting point is 00:04:10 We've been standing for years We've lived in this city New York City for the longest time, but it's over. It's finished. Everyone's going home, you know Everyone everyone's leaving instead of going back to shaker heights or wherever you guys are from Stay a while I've been thinking about buffalo, but I'm very excited to go you guys have been I have not been before but I strongly suspect that it has basically the same sort of Great Lakes Third Coast culture that Felix and I grew up with it does yeah, it absent Matt
Starting point is 00:04:43 I feel completely at home there I like you know how much I'm like ambivalent to like hating football like and almost like into hating football Yeah, I stayed in his sports bar for like five hours watching the bull the bills make the playoffs last time and I like had a great Yeah, just feels like right. Yeah. Yeah, I have a feeling it's gonna give me a strong Milwaukee vibes. I'm very excited Yeah, we're gonna steal some headphones and get some headphones stolen from us. Let's go We're keeping the headphones economy going by moving headphones from one source to the other I mean, it's like look, we still want to work. Absolutely. We're on still willing to work and
Starting point is 00:05:19 To that end this is just how how much we love working We did just watch the Pete Buttigieg documentary on mayor Pete Just I think all of us just See if you look you said like when you watched it last night You had to just sort of walk aimlessly back and forth in your apartment for two hours because of how you how it made you feel Yeah, I think I knew how bad this was gonna make me feel because I like put off watching it until like, you know like 1 a.m. And I was right because yeah, I felt like I felt like I swallowed like a charcoal briquette. I Was just it felt so fucking bad. It felt so fucking bad for so many reasons
Starting point is 00:05:59 Uh, and not like not in the way of like, oh, he won because he's transportation secretary as you'll find I think I think No, no, we'll all agree that it's like the main thing I got out of Pete watching this was like We were like afraid of this guy. We were thinking for hours every day like how do we stop this juggernaut? That's why I felt so bad because I watched this thing and I thought how did I ever have any emotional investment? He's what was so what was wrong with me that I had feelings of any kind of for this fucking guy that he Cockupied a fucking fragment of my mind at any given moment. It's just like fuck deep indictment You even I know you you take a huge. I'll watch you you even see it in the documentary that like as it goes on The like Pete's eunuchs that work for him
Starting point is 00:06:48 So like they slowly realized that the guy who they've like they've been gassing up this entire time this guy that they say He's gonna change politics. All he is is The first paragraph on every wikipedia article. That's all he is. He's nothing. He's got shit. He's got fucking nothing Down I wrote it down in my I wrote I took like five pages of notes and I said he's like he is the most Swagless man in the world Uh, he Evan by sold the remaining swag in Indiana in 1998 he has less juice there are people in fucking doodle Dorf who have way more swag than people to judge. He's got shit He's got nothing. He's ass. You're so right about Indiana too, man
Starting point is 00:07:34 Like look at there the theater just look at fucking Mike Pence. He's literally Without moisture. He's got no juice. They're out of it. They have no juice. They have no sauce Freddy Gibbs Like took the last juice that was in it was there It was in Gary because Evan Biden was thinking about Gary when he sold the last swag There was like an ounce of swag and Gary and Gibbs was like, okay, I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna leave like Bob I'm never coming back. They experienced swag brain drain He like yeah, Evan by it was like when Chicago sold there are parking meters and by like no We're selling our swag to Morgan Stanley, but we're gonna rent it back
Starting point is 00:08:10 I like we're actually gonna have more swag and the result is this fucking imbecile who can say hello How are you in eight languages? It's four continents so I mean Not only did I have like a similar sinking feeling watching this movie of like holy fuck How did anyone think that this dude was ever gonna be president or like a conceivable a threat to anything? I mean he is a threat to anything. He's like a fucking road apple comprehensively one of the most empty automatons I've ever seen and Felix you mentioned that his automaton slowly realized like he doesn't believe in anything stand for anything or just there's nothing there
Starting point is 00:08:54 To me the most harrowing part of this movie was watching Jason realize that oh god Yeah, it that left me with like the really sickest feeling was the parts because like he's locked in there with him Like we get to go home. Remember we did that that New York Times article about how chaston is adjusting to life or rather Not adjusting to life and why DC just like add this in the free chaston file because holy shit I mean against my better judgment. I really feel bad for this guy. I feel really I mean, he's corny. Yeah, he is corny. He's a herb I probably wouldn't want to hang out with him, but he seems like genuinely a decent person He seems like a sweet like lame guy. He seems like he seems like like what chaston should be chaston should be like
Starting point is 00:09:38 The type of guy he should be married to is like one of the men who lives in Star-Solo and Gilmore Yeah, or actually, I think it'd be happier with Kirk. He would yeah, he would be like he'd be like Kirk I like think your body is sexy like I like how you're unique like because he's a sweet man He's like a sweet little it's like the only way to hate him is if you're just are totally internet poisoned and anyone wholesome or like Cringy or Chuggy is worse than being a Nazi. You know, he's he's a nice He's a fine guy and he did not he does not deserve this. No, no He's he's he's the I would say he's the most kidnapped man alive. I Got big I got a big like sort of Johnny gosh vibes from their whole relationship. It was it's strange
Starting point is 00:10:24 Look, let's just get into the movie. I'll save the common article for for the end because I think people want to hear about about this film but like for me like The chasen parts were like among the queesiest it made me feel really bad but like I will say that like to the end that like chasen does seem like a Fairly corny but still sincere like a decent person and particularly like the aspects of Chasen on the campaign trail or chasen with Pete where it just seems like in a corny way like chasen does seem to be To to care a lot about and like it means a lot to him personally the the thought of like young LGBT people in this country like their experiences of coming out and their feelings of like what it would mean to have an
Starting point is 00:11:07 Openly gay man run for president or like speak speak for them Like he seems very like emotionally connected to the experience of you know growing up as a gay teenager and you know parts of this country where that's maybe like not the Still like accepted or it can still be a very difficult thing Pete evinces none of that and there are so many parts where chasen is trying to get him to like come out of his shell and Talk more about his experience and Pete plays it off like it doesn't come naturally for me to talk about my Feelings, you know the more private of me feeling it is like the more powerful it becomes but like Pete just has Just chasing trying to get like to to ring the same kind of like
Starting point is 00:11:45 The same sort of care and depth of feeling that he has regarding like the experience of being gay in America out of Pete Was so painful to watch. I think the best like the thing that epitomized like early on They really like people said this documentary is like bad and hollow, but I actually think it's like I think the documentary makers kind of knew what they were doing here I think they they still like followed the assignment of like hey make a make a documentary about this really inspiring guy But the editing in here is very. Yeah. Yeah, someone in here is a fellow traveler at least because it's got to be Yeah, there's a scene early on where chasen is talking about it's like in the first two minutes of it where he's like Yeah, Pete's really good at talking to people and relating to people and the scene
Starting point is 00:12:30 Immediately that it cuts into is Pete talking to an old woman in South Bend and saying oh is that a dinner table? I love dinner tables And also there's one way that this portrait could be sympathetic There's one way that the Pete Buttigieg we see struggling to simulate human feeling in this movie could be maybe Mindful pathos instead of horror is if the narrative that you were going with while watching it is this guy He has this stuff he wants to do for people. He has this vision for politics making things better But to do it he has to try to evince an
Starting point is 00:13:08 Emotionalism and like a charisma that he doesn't have and like the gap there would be sort of the tragic element of the story But there is not a single frame of this movie that talks about anything he plans to do about anything Like there's nothing about policy at all and like that is a choice by the editors and by the filmmakers Like either they're totally brick totally lobotomized by capitalism to the point where they don't think there's any possibilities So of course, he doesn't have follow. There's no reason to talk about policy Or they're leaving this void there so that all you can watch is this guy trying to be president Even though he's not temperamentally suited to being a candidate for no reason Just to do it and that's terrifying the the only like I mean you would
Starting point is 00:13:54 The only hint that you get of anything that he actually wants to accomplish as president or on the campaign trail is to Include people in conversations. Yeah, that's basically the only thing that he shows any Interest in accomplishing or doing it's stunning. Yeah, he's got like absolutely no sauce no vision Didn't seem like he was even that driven or ambitious. No the whole office No, it's like he did not seem like he was one of like like as I assumed he would be or like from my impressions of him Like you're before this documentary that he's someone like psychotic like a psychotic striver and climber Like he didn't even that didn't even come across at all He didn't seem to really want to be doing or it's not that he wanted or not wanted to do it
Starting point is 00:14:37 He just seems so flat and like just nothing. Yes the entire time Like you can't even get at like an insecurity that he wants to compensate for by public approval Yes, you can't get at anything you you can't you can't just get on ego You can't just get on because there's not a lot of like a flashy displays of narcissism. It's just this drive He's the fucking just this terminator. There's nothing interesting about him at all that comes across in this movie If you like him or yeah, he is absolutely at the center of it and it's terrifying Well, I don't like we'll get into it when we get to this part but there are scenes where he's talking to people who are actually
Starting point is 00:15:16 like on the end of policy and on the end on the shit end of the stick in American society and It's like Joe when Joe Was when Joe was saying there are at least three genders When Joe was out there saying look fat when Joe was out there like talking about when black children were touching his leg hairs He displayed like more ambition Somehow this guy who didn't know where he was I really think like if they were if the makers of this documentary were untethered
Starting point is 00:15:50 I would make it because a lot of this documentary like the latter stretch of it is Bernie versus Pete a little bit I would make this entire thing be like primarily Chaston versus Pete, but then Pete versus Joe. Yeah, because it's such an interesting It's such an interesting that kind of because Joe is similar like Joe is also like yeah, I'm gonna do it just to do yeah Yeah, but it's tied to Like this life this narrative like you said like from from being the life-guarded Wilmington to you know going to Congress this this need to be the center of attention to have people hear his Blarney to just listen to him like if try to you know recreate his life in pristine reveries
Starting point is 00:16:32 Pete has nothing There's no he doesn't like the wind comes alive in front of people Honestly, you could argue that he's still running because it's the only thing that gives his life narrative structure And if he didn't have it, he would be lost in the wilderness like fucking Anthony Hopkins at the end of the father That's it. That's it. He's he's Biden talking his auto fish. Yes It's Ulysses like he's just he has to keep he has to keep talking or he will die or he will lose himself like Lear in the storm But Peter Pete is just doing it the one thing that this movie says about people to judge that I think is accurate And that one can honestly say is that he is not a traditional politician. No, nor is the traditional human being
Starting point is 00:17:13 Let's let's get into the movie itself because The very first shot of this movie the very first thing you see on screen I really did appreciate because it was a framed photo of Pete and Jason on the cover of Time magazine and all I could think about was the scene in the big Lebowski where he's in the Big Lebowski's office and it's the mirror of time person of the year on it Yeah, and he's just looking into it and then chase it's like a chase in is like the first thing you see is chased and talking to the director and like Pete is about to sit down for like the vast majority of the like sort of a Like interview portions with him that will serve as kind of the foundation for him narrating the the documentary and
Starting point is 00:17:56 Jason wants the director to ask him about like like how did it feel for so long to deny your authentic self? And you know, I've seen people who are you know? What does he say who did everything to climb the ladder without being their authentic self? And like he's like you think you could ask him that question And it's like he wants the director to ask him that question because like he's asked him that question multiple times And probably not getting anything that seems like a real answer. Yes. Yeah, and it is it's an interesting like this There's a continued harping. I'm like, oh, you're genuine self in this movie By Chaston and by people who are trying to lob softballs at Pete and I think what the people lobbing softballs
Starting point is 00:18:36 Don't realize and what Chaston realizes is about an hour into the movie is like no, this is Pete's authentic self Yeah, he's not hiding anything. This is just all there is. He's like he's like a more He's like a more well-read version of Chauncey the gardener and being there Yeah, but instead of like instead of watching TV it was like Like reading McKinsey reports or something like eating spreadsheets The very first time you see Pete like like not being interviewed but like like a little taste of him like behind the scenes He's he's sitting at a desk signing stuff singing the I'm just a bill song from schoolhouse rock Because he's reminding himself like how laws work because he did he forgot he doesn't know I don't think it's that I think it's him
Starting point is 00:19:30 Trying to like he's like, oh, I know the cameras on me Better do something that's like sort of quirky and relatable and then it's like school rock Is it wouldn't that be cute if I was signing bills singing that funny song that we all remember? Yeah, I think that yeah A classic bit of of that human camouflage. She likes to throw up Maybe he is like the Barney bit like he's like Pete. What do you listen to like pump yourself up? Oh, like I've always really liked clean up Be getting into foreign music like for a jocke recently Another aspect of this film that I think is worth mentioning is that the entire movie I'm absent like a couple a couple songs. Well, we'll we'll get to the song at the end
Starting point is 00:20:10 Which is great, but the entire movie is scored with that kind of very very Cheekly NPR music that they play in the background of their podcasts and radio shows. You know what I'm talking about Yes, like they really it sets a tone. Let's put it that way. I have your like Not not a single moment of him on screen feels authentic But as we talked about like you begin to realize over the course of the movie that it is authentic It's really unsettling. Yeah, it's really unsettling and like for instance, like he's sitting He's sitting in the chair being interviewed by the director and he's like, you know I chose to do this, you know
Starting point is 00:20:43 Like not because I was good like any great man of history or that I would just sort of you know Part the seas and have history be shaped around me But and I don't know what he says after that, but it's just it's a very very weird telling moment by Pete And it's like the whole the whole point of the movie is like can an introvert really be president Yeah, it's way more about that than any other like group Yeah, like I mean like that is way more essential to his identity to come across in this movie than being gay Yeah, it's like Kenan Kenan in J Introvert is really like I would say the absolute most generous way you could describe it
Starting point is 00:21:17 It's like introvert implies that there is something hidden. Yeah that he's showing you a facade He's like a dead. No, he's a dead plug. He's a dead electrical outlet. Yeah, he's all shell. No egg Like there's there's like a frequency that like when people interact with each other like they hit, you know He's not giving it off. It's just not there at all. Yeah Well, I'll say there's nothing there with with Pete and you feel bad for Jason But I would like to talk about the true star of this documentary and that is One absolute baddie. I'm talking about Liz Smith Mmm. She's a star of this documentary. She's kind of a firecracker. I'd say she is
Starting point is 00:21:59 She is the campaign Game master and like she's there to just spit real talk and say things like it's about who he is as a person She's the best and she's spitting facts. She's spitting campaign truths to Pete Buttigieg She's like she cuts through all the bullshit in the room and she's like listen You could go up there and give a baller ass answer about no North Korea and no one will give a shit She's such a badass. I wrote down in the second thing I noticed the second thing I took in my notes was that she was like chewing through her gum There you know, there's Adderall instant release. There's Adderall extended release. Liz Smith is on Adderall eternal release
Starting point is 00:22:40 You know, she's she's booted. It's amazing how they frame her as this absolute Fucking off-the-wall maverick like bomb thrower because she says the F word sometimes. Yeah, and it's like oh my god She's the real life Malcolm Tucker. She just swore Lee there is some great There's so much a great Lee shit in this movie because you really like Pete will do the exact same thing every time they focus on him like giving an answer or like giving part of his storm speech at a town hall and Three out of the four time or two out of the four times Liz will be like that was pretty that was pretty good
Starting point is 00:23:17 You're a fucking rock star But you got a fucking remember that these fucking people don't understand how fucking real you are and then one of the time She's like Pete. You're too smart. That was too many facts people won't fucking get how good you are and then the fourth time Which will no different than anything else. She'll go that was fucking perfect. I love you I feel like I was going insane because like there's a scene where they're doing debate prep and like they're teaming up like the The big grand slam question for him about being gay and like you know what like or sort of like what you know Oh, you're just like a white man, you know, like, you know, how can you you know? How can you demand change when it's just more of the same and like you know?
Starting point is 00:23:54 He rattles off some answer about you know, oh, you know when I was serving in Afghanistan Like I could still lose my job under don't ask don't tell and then Liz is like you're giving the people straight lines You're giving him straight lines. Our whole life is straight lines. You got to get some fire in your belly You know, they want to hear about you they want to hear about this, you know I think she describes him as look at this young midwestern veteran who's kind of out there And then and then they show the real debate where that question actually happens and the answer he gives on stage is I Virtually identical to the one he gave in debate prep and you see her in the back in the spin room watching it And she's doing the Nicholson nod like yes. Yes Pete's killing it right now
Starting point is 00:24:37 And it was just like I don't understand and then like the other really funny part about her job Is like she is the master of earned media and that's another interesting thing this movie shows is just just how important Earned media is for the success or not of a candidate and like they didn't earn all of it They gave some money to some dude in Nigeria. I will go to my craved man and cystic. Yeah Yeah, no fuck. Yeah, they should have talked to him for the like the only person who could have like pitched Pete as a human would have been that guy. Yeah So my favorite my favorite scene with Liz Smith is keep in mind in the context of a police shooting Where a black man was killed in the streets of South Bend?
Starting point is 00:25:18 Liz Smith is breaking down the media hits for him and he she breaks the bad news to Pete that she goes Megan McKayen who's a big fan of yours said you looked lost out there and Joy Behar another big fan Said you didn't seem prepared and she's just giving them the rundown on what happened on the view that morning Yeah, can we talk about the town hall after the shooting? Yes? Yes, because that is that is when I started That is when I got a stomach ache Um, so the way this dot like the way that like Liz Smith and like Pete and Pete's eunuchs talk about it like right when This storyline of the documentary the shooting in South Bend first happens It's sort of there. It's like almost like they're trying to make it seem like the police and the man who was killed
Starting point is 00:26:04 Conspired to ruin Pete's life. Like how could this happen to Pete and this was right when he was preparing for the first debate yeah, so Pete goes to a town hall and and Everyone like all these black residents of South Bend are like rightfully yelling at him and being like like what the fuck are you going to do? Like what like like this has been going on forever. Nothing is changing like what what do you? What are you actually proposing and Pete? I wrote this down because it's so insane. It shows him as just having nothing He said he sees all this. He sees these people like crying and yelling and he goes This is the beginning of the conversation not the end. I believe in the city. Thank you for coming
Starting point is 00:26:45 Okay, and then that that is what I realized what Democrats meant when they said George Floyd is on the ballot They meant that every time that a black person is killed by police that One Democratic mayor will hold a town hall with it where they get yelled at and will pretend to cry like Pete does at the press Grom after Pete was the blueprint I gotta I gotta shout out Ben Mora from seeking derangements because he pointed at this out about this very scene in the documentary that would seem very fishy to me And it's the part where Peter saying it's like, okay He got a couple of very angry questions from the black residents of South Bend and he gave he gives this absolute
Starting point is 00:27:21 Pablum in just absolute drivel about this is the beginning of the conversation not the end And I'm here to hear your voices because this community matters so much to me and the camera focuses on Pete and then he's like thanks bye and Then there's this like smattering of applause and wooting that really seemed like it was edited in This is the beginning of the conversation not the end and I need everyone to participate and stay involved So you can decide whether or not you believe in me, but I believe in this city I believe in you and this is part of it and we'll keep it up And I thank everyone for caring enough to be part of this
Starting point is 00:28:03 And I thank everyone for believing that there's a way forward in our community because this is our home So thank you How do you think this is because they did not show the crowd reacting to him You just saw his face and you you heard what I think is Maybe dubbed applause to make it seem like he didn't shuffle out of that fucking the town hall to crickets or booze Because it would because it's like he just had these people like like really angry pouring their heart out And he would just like gave some on give some answer where he's just like we'll continue to talk about this And I care very much bye
Starting point is 00:28:40 He went back to his home planet, and then there's just like this weird moment of like canned applause I mean it could be real, but I when Ben pointed that out to me and I saw it in the movie It seemed very much like a little bit of journalistic sleight of hand or documentary faker a I would think that if you She zammed that applause It would you would originally find it it was used in 1998 for a talk show called the Jimmy Fallon of Malaysia You'll hear if you isolate that audio you will hear people at Pete's supposed town hall the supposed ovation He got yelling in Malay and someone else has pointed this out about this documentary But the way they deal with this police shooting and Pete's just general like his record as
Starting point is 00:29:27 Mayor of South Bend as it relates to the black population of his city It seemed like they were like only focusing on this police shooting as like that was the incident that like you know He dealt with Gracefully and not the whole secondary issue about how the black police chief was like fucking like fired from his job for trying to blow The whistle on a lot of the shit that was going on in the police department under Pete's watch It seemed like they were like Like a retconning of like that was his racial issue on the campaign and not a bunch of other stuff that he dealt with even less Satisfactorily than this police shooting. Yeah, but it gives them that I think a lot of it is based on
Starting point is 00:30:04 What footage there is and that town hall is is Robust with drama, you know, everything else is just sort of a headline Okay, can we talk about the we talk about the scene the date night scene between him and Jason? Who is that's when I really started to feel nauseous is They're at like, I don't know like Dairy Queen or something. Yeah, they're a Dairy Queen They're at the DQ and they're eating their little cups of ice cream and Jason goes Can we eat the ice cream before dinner and Pete goes his date night to do whatever you want And then they just like sit across a four micotable staring at each other. Yeah
Starting point is 00:30:40 Just sort of moving Blizzard around a cup that is when Matt I think you said that Pete is Don and Jason is Betty. Yeah, that's when it that really hit me But it's like man Don had swag Amber said that. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Oh, yeah, Amber said it Yeah, Don had swag like Pete's version like Don is like he's a cypher because he's like Yeah, he stole someone's identity and he had this fucked up life Pete just sucks Like in Pete's version Pete couldn't even do the carousel Pete's version of the carousel is like reading the Wikipedia Summary for the article on an afro pessimism to an autistic child at a UN event
Starting point is 00:31:23 And it makes 12 people in the world cry and they're all they're all journalists Yeah, well, that's just it is that we watch this and one of the big questions that comes up is how did this absolute zero? Briefly be be one of the real top contenders for the Democratic nomination in the polls And in everything and it's because of the fucking media because this guy is like clear Reptilian hollowness is least perceptible to the people who are most influential in determining the narrative of who runs for president That is how fucked it is. We've got a situation where the people who basically have no lizard detectors are in charge of Determining political narratives while everybody else is interacting with the real world and most of them see boot bootage Edge and see him as this hollow bullshit artists unless you're a
Starting point is 00:32:11 Journalist or the the civilians the non journalists who are most like journalists fucking early-state primary voters Fucking Iowa and fucking New Hampshire voters who basically all spend the entire presidential race Acting like journalists and consuming about as much media about the fucking race as journalists produce. Just they're just guppies Just just like fucking blue whales eating tons of krill and they just they see him through Journalist eyes through the meritocratic eyes where having the resume and saying the words and going through the motions is all that you need to do terrifying There was another scene where you know like Elizabeth says of people to judge in particularly like his answers about you know being a gay man She says he sounds like a tin man up there
Starting point is 00:33:02 She says he sounds like the fucking tin man up there And then she's really happy with his answer like later which sounded identical to what he was saying in the debate prep But there's a moment where he talks on stage about how when he was a kid He would have done anything to not be gay or if there was a pill he could have taken You know, I would have taken it. He says one of the most insane things. I've ever heard He says the pill thing But he's like if there was a knife that could cut out the gay part of my soul I would have used it but thank God that we don't have that knife like that
Starting point is 00:33:31 Yeah, there's a possibility of that knife being made. Yeah He was into CIA. Yeah. He's like I got the The research had not gotten to the critical point when I was a teenager Yeah, like when Pete was Pete was in the CIA. They're like, hey, we have this like knife that only cuts out the gay part of you It's like a neutron bomb and I'm like and this is also like I forget if it's the same context But like he talks about how he's like when he came home from Afghanistan from his I need to underscore Three-month tour of duty in an office in Afghanistan He says I realized that I have only one life to live and that I better start living it meaning that like he came out of
Starting point is 00:34:09 the closet when he was 33 years old and I like and then I don't know married Jason not too long after that and then Jason says like to the comment about Oh, if I I would do any I would have done anything not to be gay as a teenager Which is like, you know, I mean, I'm not saying that's like an inauthentic thing for someone to feel especially like you know Growing up in a place where being gay is like not accepted But Jason seems sort of hurt by that comment and he asked Pete He was like, you know, he was like sort of like you did you really mean that or like did you want to commit suicide? Which is like, you know, it's a very profound like question
Starting point is 00:34:42 And I'm sure it's one that like a lot of gay teenagers have felt in this country and Pete gives him absolutely nothing Pete just stares at him blankly like he doesn't register it and it's just very strange because I really I really felt in this movie that like Whatever Pete's experience of being gay and coming out of the closet was in America is Categorically different than Jason's and like most every other gay person who goes through that. I mean, that's that's just how I that's the feeling I got watching it like there's something that's not That's clicking between the two of them were like that this that their experience of identity is like categorically different from each other's What what what would you say the point is where chased and realizes that like oh my like oh my god Okay, and kidnapped. It's the scene. It's the scene. It's an Iowa caucus night
Starting point is 00:35:28 When they're watching TV and they're watching the other candidates give their speeches and Jason remarks to him You're the only candidate whose spouse wasn't on stage and Pete just yeah, Pete goes. Yeah, yeah But you but you were up at the end you can't and he says yeah But no like I wasn't on stage with you giving the speech and he was just like yeah, we'll get you out there Yeah, it's goes it goes like Jill was on stage And he goes well in the back. Yeah. Oh Yeah, I was Iowa is a great scene because a like yeah, Pete like kind of stole it But like it did not seem like a happy night
Starting point is 00:36:04 They were all like all 12 of Pete's Unix were packed into a double tree with Pete and chased in two of these imbeciles are throwing a nerf football back and forth over the over the distance of five feet and There is yeah, that's stiltifying Everyone else's spouses are up there including I want to remind you Joe who was Was termed a non-viable fetus like an hour into like That shit man Joe like do you ever does anyone remember how bad Joe fucking tanked and New Hampshire?
Starting point is 00:36:39 Oh my god, no this fifth in New Hampshire like There's a Pete There's a point where Pete is talking about the Iowa caucus and he says like they always say there's three ways out of Iowa as a candidate You win you finish close or you exceed expectations, but those are the only ways out of Iowa Not for Joe Biden. Not for Joe. The only way out is through the bottom. Yeah, okay There's there's another really like really Painful moment with Pete and Jason and like similar to what we're talking about earlier and they're talking about
Starting point is 00:37:11 Trying to be parents and the possibility of having kids together and starting a family and Pete says to Jason I think about parenting or when I think about being a parent. I think about it almost completely through you. It was Yeah, he's just sort of like yeah, like when I imagine myself as a father I think about you having like you just doing that role or like he did not seem very like enthusiastic about the idea of starting He was essentially admitting that that he was only gonna have a kid because Jason wants. Yeah, that's that's pretty clear There's telling it. It's like if you are not here saying we need to have a kid. I would not be having yeah And do you remember the scene you were the scene with where we're before the Iowa caucus where Pete and Joe meet and have a little Little me have a little little bands to each other. Oh god. Yes
Starting point is 00:37:59 That was awesome Once again right before that they show Biden supporters like like firefighter like firefighters or Biden like pushing some Pete supporter and like Roughing them up and I was like god. No wonder he won But yeah, yeah, the the Joe die-hards that like the 7% of people who were rocking with the Joe Saduk are the Joe Saduk are all I love them Did they were like every yeah, they've got more than any of the other fucking Cream puffs that they had on the nerd campaigns Imagine beating this shit out of someone for Joe Biden
Starting point is 00:38:34 Just they just awesome. They just they just like dive into a formation of Pete supporters doing the hi-hi-hopes dance with truncheons Yeah, what happened why are you in that crutch? Oh These these 63 year old men who were supporting Joe Biden in New Hampshire formed a Macedonian Phalanx and ran me through They were all wearing letter jackets I was your dad been taking the divorce. Not well. He became a tercio for Biden My dad shot a graphic designer with a fucking R-boost pistol They're doing at the at the Joe Iowa headquarters, they're doing the throat singing but instead of like all those bodies being drained into a ritual pit
Starting point is 00:39:24 They're just pouring Miller Highlights into a big bucket Passing that around having a sip before getting out on the trail Joe Joe watching his war is 63-year-old like perfect square firefighter warriors doing like the Delaware Haka for him That's who the that's who the documentary should have been about like God. Yes Like what's your deal if you were like when everyone was like not just like Joe you should drop out But like Joe you should kill yourself I remember we were we asked that question ourselves when we were on the campaign trail and interacting with these state people We're like what drives you if you're a Biden stand
Starting point is 00:40:06 I remember we went to the Biden headquarters in Des Moines and it was just these like Angry looking old people like when we showed up and I thought one of them was gonna get a fucking Double barrel shotgun and chase us off their porch. Yeah, but they wanted him But dude they wanted it so much more than the deep people. Yeah, my god Did they want it more the people wanted to be on fucking tick-tock doing that stupid dance? Yeah, and the Joe support the Joseph orders just wanted like they will die for heavier cars More relaxing TV milkshakes. Yep. There's it. They're fucking awesome Like Joe should Joe should have black shirts and it should be these guys
Starting point is 00:40:47 Absolutely these guys would have washed anyone at Charlottesville. Oh god. No question those pencil neck geeks Yeah, no the the Joe black shirts would have fucking ran the tables two other very funny Pete on the campaign trail moments from Iowa is like there is at the same event he's doing he's doing the handshake line and This woman like ask him. She's like She says, you know, my brother died of a drug overdose and now I am you know The guardian of his children and I'm raising them and I was just like I wanted like like, you know Like where do you stand and like like issues related to addiction and like our and then we see, you know
Starting point is 00:41:25 It's like obviously like, you know, this is someone with a very like, you know tragic touching story and he just goes check our campaign website You know, we have a whole we have a whole thing about mental health and addiction. Thank you for your story And then a girl comes up to him and thanks him because she says I came out as autistic Thanks to you and then she was just certainly it was like his coming out story She was like, I came out as autistic and that's hard and he was like again, thank you for your story I think she was like trying to give him a hint You know, I came out as autistic Pete and I'm glad I did you got something to say I
Starting point is 00:42:02 I just want to note that there's a lot of David Axelrod later on this movie because Axelrod Who is sort of first? Obama's first one for the presidency. He was the Carl Rowe figure. He was the hand of the king Yeah, he was Obama's most loyal and in this movie. He's basically a Greek chorus like you see Yeah, he sings the fortunes of Pete as they go up and down. Yeah, and he's um, he's friends with Pete and he says at one Point in sort of like the last third of the movie, you know, um, Pete Is it really someone who emotes? Which is an amazing thing to say like that is like
Starting point is 00:42:41 Think about saying that about your friend and you just don't chew on that at all Oh, that's weird. He doesn't really he doesn't really do the thing that human beings are known for that's just something about What man a couple a couple things of note about the Iowa caucus because this was like, you know Big flashback times for me watching this part of the fucking movie But you remember the scene with him and Biden were like they'd be there by chopping it up at the barbecue He's just he's just giving him the glad hand or whatever and Pete says divide and he goes He's like, yeah, he's like, you know, he's like Joe is like up. I think no matter the outcome are you know Our party's in good hands. I think I think we have a pretty hands strong hands at play here
Starting point is 00:43:21 Which is something you say to your opponent when you're beating them and then Joe just goes That's great. I'll see you pal and smiles and walks away We just like really kind of like I don't know it speaks to me that that Joe knew what was up before any of us did Yeah, it was like adorable. Yeah Here are these early states with their six delegates apiece while I'm sitting on a fucking Giant stash of southern delegates that you cannot get anywhere near have fun dude Joe. Oh my god Joe is like Joe is just like his impishness in the scene The the Maltese egg painting is nothing next to the Irish trickery that Joe is about to display
Starting point is 00:44:06 What a great little if you if you didn't know anything about the present that primary and you just showed someone that Clip and asked who won they'd be able to tell you. Oh my and it's like Pete like I remember saying that like in 2019 I was like Joe is going to like I was like, I don't know I was I was early and saying Joe is gonna win and then of course like everyone else I worry. Yeah. Oh my god, you know, where he is like I yeah, I said fifth place in New Hampshire I'm sorry. It's just amazing like Joe was going to destroy Like Pete thinks he's good at what Joe is actually good at and Joe is gonna end up right him and people would be like Like, you know later and later in 2020 like oh, what the fuck are you talking about and it's like no
Starting point is 00:44:50 That's what Joe is born to do Pete wet red Wikipedia articles. He did not he was Joe was really outside Dude, Joe was really at Costco. Yeah, you said you said that how like the only thing that that Pete Proposes is like a value ad is that he's gonna tell people stories or whatever the fuck or hear their stories You're gonna fucking tell people stories better than Joe Biden and like Pete's they're like, oh Pete has such an amazing story Wait, you mean a more amazing story than the man who lost everything like four times in his life. Yeah Yeah, what it comes down to is Buddha judges industry Biden is in the streets. I didn't like that's yeah He's like the contrast is our policy. That's like, oh, oh really you went to a you went you took a semester abroad to Afghanistan That's cute. My family got decapitated the day before I fucking got inaugurated into the Senate
Starting point is 00:45:41 Oh, wow, your dad was a professor. So you speak all these languages. Yeah, my dad was the only white union man on the east coast in The 1950s who like was broke He was he's the single man disproving the book settlers My dad's the biggest loser in the history of the white working. It's true. Yeah, he had it's actually fascinating so his dad married up he married into a a lace curtain Irish family and And he ended up glomming on to like one of the rich uncles But he picked the most like feckless dipshit amongst them who just completely failed to bring him along on his coattails
Starting point is 00:46:20 And then he had to go to Delaware and sell cars Like how do you fucking fuck that up? Like the best time in ever for a guy like him and he's like, oh, sorry We have to like move states. We have to move to fucking Delaware because I spent all the baloney money And that's Joe dude, that's Joe and that's why You know, we're gonna get into a little of the future of the Democrats in the future of the presidency I really think and I have said this to people in my life No one in the world is more equipped to be the president who everyone hates than Joe Biden He is there to absorb. He is the sin eater for the dying American empire
Starting point is 00:47:02 People don't like dude when mit romney was running for president everyone like half of people were like, fuck you You know, you're the fucking bank capital guy. You could tell it ate at him because he's not he's never lost Yeah, he's not a loser Joseph fucky if anyone can handle not just like the not just the nose of their plane like skimming the water a little bit But fully crashing and hitting the bottom See, yeah, it's amazing. Like they're just like the third hitting 35 percent approval rating and just standing pat Can you imagine what any of those fucking live nerve-ending dipshits would be doing if they if they're fucking administration was in this position? They would they would be like the vice presidency right now. They would be like Kamala Harris
Starting point is 00:47:45 Well, we'll get into Kamala in a little bit But like just just two two more quick things from the Iowa part of this movie that I want to take note of One is the scene where they're waiting for results to come in and they're all yeah They're throwing the nerve football around and the unix or like they're looking at their phones all panic because they're like Oh, like the results aren't coming in. There's a technical difficulties All I'll say is that in that scene Liz Smith seemed pretty calm and not surprised Yep Very very interesting point number two and you guys can tell me if I'm wrong about this
Starting point is 00:48:14 But I want to know how you guys remember it this movie Maybe made it seem like Bernie Sanders spoke before Pete Buttigieg that night. Do you guys remember that in the documentary? Completely they completely retconned it. They completely retconned it They show Bernie speaking and then Pete's like you think we should get out there and say something They make it so they make it so Pete doesn't announce victory in Iowa until days later when he technically has more sds And it's that is not what happened. That is Pete declared victory at like 8 p.m. Yeah, they definitely that timeline. I was there who were there. They don't want to emphasize that Although they do have the thing where where Bernie goes on the plane the next day for someone to declare victory
Starting point is 00:48:55 Without an official tally. I think uh, that is wrong But they did not give you the impression in this narrative that that's what happened Um, and it's just like as the movie goes on it becomes like among chasen and the people around him It becomes this question of like there there's two questions. It's like one How do we use being gay as the answer to the political problem of being a white man running for president in 2020? And I don't think they come up with a satisfactory answer, but then there's another very telling moment where Cheson says like other rhetorically or or to Pete. I think he says to the camera to the director being interviewed
Starting point is 00:49:31 He says what's the difference between the face the world makes you show and you're shifting understanding of yourself and it's like these very like like Very disturbing Realizations about like identity and or lack thereof With with this with him as a candidate and with him as a human being with him as a man just in general I spouse a lover a friend a husband a father And it just it leaves you with a very queasy feeling And then you realize you realize that like what you're seeing of Pete on the campaign trail and the way he talks to the media
Starting point is 00:50:04 The way he talks to angry constituents the way he Uh talks to people on his campaign. He talks to chasen in the exact same way. Oh, it's that yeah perfect Do you guys do you remember the scene and this this is probably like the most Upsetting part of the movie you remember the scene where like they're they're sitting at a diner And chasen's head is on the table and they're just like Pete sits across from him And just silently starts eating a pastry or something And then chasen does this little thing where he his head is like on the on the table And then he sticks his finger out and starts wiggling it and then Pete just does a little finger game with him on the table
Starting point is 00:50:38 It was like this moment of like supposed to be like authentic You know intimacy between a couple this sort of this keyhole glimpse behind the curtain But the whole thing seems so fucking Stilted and fucking awkward and like I think there's a photo of them kissing but like is there any scene in this movie where they kiss each other backstage towards the end of the movie it honestly kind of looks like Pete scrunches his face up a little bit before the lips hit just because like he's like he's doing the josh hallway He's wincing or something. Yeah, it is not it is incredibly stiff. Pete and josh hallway should run again
Starting point is 00:51:13 They should get married. I mean everyone says like they should do a dynastic marriage that gets rid of our two-party system once and for all To fuck the 30k voter election that is the 5k vote just have just have that be sealed Like like the like the bedding jester wanted to do bring house harkonnen and and trade these together If Pete and josh hallway docked you would create the most swagless entity that has ever existed A human black hole a hollow man. Yeah I mean, they're both people that joined the military for their fucking resume So, I mean just imagine what that's saying fusion dance would put the fucking the brain power that that would fucking produce Wait, I think you're getting mixed up with um, tom cotton. Didn't you
Starting point is 00:51:56 They both went to ivy league schools, but I don't think hallway went to Hallway wasn't a military guy. Yeah, tom cotton did the peat where he like he went a little bit That's the difference between like a yeah, tom cotton actually killed people No, tom cotton. He didn't tom cotton like got them to give him like a combat badge and like a like he he has bullshit You know, we we a really so he just seems like a psychopath. No, he's a psychopath He's just one who never bothered going and killing people to get it out basically like he's like mayor peat in that way Really, it's cotton and peat who are the true years of each other Like those guys are the same guy tom cottons metals are like they're like a linden johnson's metals situation
Starting point is 00:52:37 From what I understand, but like again, it's like it shows how unimpressive peat is because like Cotton did win a statewide election. Something peat has never done ever. Oh, man. There's another scene where uh peat is about to he's about to go out there and declare victory a second time in the Iowa caucus And she I'm like, you know, he's getting out there and chasen is like sort of dropping a hint to him and he's going Do you think you could do you think you could say something? Or could you speak to a gay kid out there who like doesn't believe this is possible? And they could could you speak to like their experience about like what this means for them and you tonight? And peat just goes maybe they should call this movie. It never gets better
Starting point is 00:53:23 Oh man, so like I mean honestly like not much happens in this movie after Iowa because there's nothing to show Just yeah, like and the only the only possibly Illuminating for the historical record or for peat as a person the only illuminating thing this documentary Could actually portray is the obama phone call when he dropped out But they retcon that shit too and show a second obama phone call where obama is just like uh, you did good peat And this is after he's dropped out they make it seem like obama called him then and talked to him And you know, I wanted to see the obama phone call because it's like obama is like the michael jordan of the peat hollow
Starting point is 00:54:05 Shit like obama is actually amazing at the shit that like peat's imbeciles think that peat is good at Oh obama is putting on that human suit. He put it on better than anyone else He was really the man at that of just saying bullshit and people going crazy for it that is that is jordan playing a pickup game against like A pretty good eighth grader Yeah, um, so yeah like uh Not much more happens in the movie and then like there's a scene where you know where peat drops out And he's like well, that's how you end a presidential campaign, you know
Starting point is 00:54:39 He's like we just looked at the numbers and it just wasn't there. I mean again A complete travesty of the historical record given what we all know actually transpired I mean he had no reason to drop out before super tuesday, but even if he did his justification is Yeah, you know we got a crowded field got a got a if there's a crowded field you have to get out You know you got to unclutter it. It's like why well. He does he does say one thing He does let one thing slip when he goes. Um Well, I mean it's a crowded field, but we can actually help. Yeah, exactly. We can do something which is like yeah We can stop burry. Yeah, that's the unspoken
Starting point is 00:55:14 Assumption there so and and then when he's like well, that's how you end a presidential campaign then the movie drops What I think is the best song choice because we've already heard hi hi hopes But though those are all a diagetic to the film The the the non-diagetic music after Pete officially drops out and hangs up the phone Is perfect day by Lou Reed And the climax of the movie is like a montage of him like saying goodbye to everyone over Lou Reed's perfect day Which is I just started like what's the the Pete Buddha judge version of perfect day is like we uh, we shot animals at the zoo And later on some Netflix too. It's such a perfect day
Starting point is 00:55:54 I'm glad I spent it with Pete. You just keep me hanging on Um, but yeah during the perfect day scene I um, I expected to see like an end of casino montage where everyone who isn't Pete Who isn't uh, Liz Smith or that ginger guy who the interview is killed Just get shot. All right. I have no use Yeah, where you going jackoff That's his dog He's not one of us. Yeah, he's dog fled to Costa Rica
Starting point is 00:56:31 But you know his puppy got arrested for her drug dealing and then you know that hey why take a chance God, I want to documentary about Liz Smith. She's so much more interesting than Pete Buddha judge Well, Liz is awesome and Liz throughout the movie wears some of the worst fits of all time Liz Smith She like Liz Smith has money and she dresses like a Two-episode arc villain on freaks and geeks. She dresses like a mean teacher on freaks and geeks I think someone pointed this out on twitter But there's a scene where she's wearing like a fucking Austin city limits t-shirt and she's like I'm wearing our campaigns a little too white
Starting point is 00:57:08 She's wearing a guns and roses t-shirt at one time. Oh, she's the best She says that I bet when she get when she gets off of work She takes off the Austin city limits t-shirt and and puts on one of those like target mountain vintage mountain dew soda t-shirts She's awesome. She's fucking that's my favorite thing in the entire movie is when any like just her What she think like how good she thinks Pete does just Is it's completely random? It's rng. It's a randomly generated number Whether Pete like was too smart or it was fucking perfect and oh my god. I'm crying you're the you're the smartest I mean, I think that's interesting about the movie is I think it shows what these media consultant jobs really are
Starting point is 00:57:52 It's like you're a rainmaker So like when when you're in the debate prep, you're like terrible got to do better got to be more personal You're like the tin man. You're giving people straight lines And then when the candidate gets out there on the new gets out there on the real deal And in front of millions of people behaves exactly the same way Then when they get off stage, you're like Pete you're killed that you're the man And like so they think that like you help them There's a comment of like yeah, it's like oh and it obscures what Liz Smith's actual job is which is like hey
Starting point is 00:58:19 Have Pete and Jake Tapper have a swagless off on tv Like that they're her real they can't show her real job because this is ostensibly a pro-peat documentary even though I have I do think you know, I do think there was some artistic choices here Yeah, I'm gonna be wrong. There was there was a there was a couple ops working on this movie. It had to be Oh, yeah, I know there are some there is either uh one chopper success daughter or 12 fail kids in the editing room hard to say and you know like the uh
Starting point is 00:58:50 The the finale of the movie and again like this is the least triumphant political documentary Documentary that is clearly like an advertisement for him running for the accident Like the fucking like his triumph at the end of the movie is being transportation secretary and the last scene of the movie is him And chasing walking hand-in-hand like down the national mall at night and he's just like wow Here's our new life as a cabinet secretary in the the lamest fucking cabinet position You can possibly have in a presidential administration and the one that everyone now is mad at him over Like because they're they're they're blaming him for supply chain stuff which and gas I will say like a little a little bit erroneously, but like I'm not gonna get in your way if you're doing that
Starting point is 00:59:31 I really don't like to have fun I mean so like that's the piece documentary and I think now we should transition into like where this is all leading And like what what is this sort of what is the context under which this movie was released? And that is clearly the 2024 election and the fact that we have seen like you know an article in politico um, and it's just basically about how the democrats are looking to 2024 and they're like It's Kamala or Pete and that's the future of our party Oh, we just watched we just got exposed to like damn the x-ray of his soul as he called it at one point his campaign
Starting point is 01:00:07 Yeah, he says at one point that fucking movie says many people say that campaigning is a MRI for the soul I would like to know who has ever said that because that is some serial killer shit I don't know what the fuck that's supposed to be the results of that MRI. Is it just a fucking black? Uh, so they'd be like, are you wearing a lead outfit? Like this is the most swagless beta in the world. Yeah, and according to conventional wisdom It is him in 2024 to replace biden or it is kamala harris and that's the option just The 30k election that felix predicting might happen sooner than we thought I mean it might go lower than 30k after this
Starting point is 01:00:45 Because like if you had if you had an entire summer of Pete as a presidential candidate People are like people are like burning their voter registration cards in the street like draft cards in 1970 And okay, so like the context I want to get into is like, okay There was there's an article last week about how like, you know the party's future Is either Pete Buttigieg or Kamala Harris and I want to dive into this cnn article today, which relies on the over a dozen anonymous sources in the vice president and president's office talking shit about Kamala that like clearly Given the choice between the sitting vice president and his transportation secretary They are clearly think the transportation secretary is a better bet for them in 2024
Starting point is 01:01:31 You know what? I don't know if that's the case because I read this article And I think you can make like on its face because of the loser stink wafting off of every quote in this piece And how it emphasizes dysfunction in the in Harris's office and the fact that the author Isaac Davor Uh is a like democratic party cut out 100 percent. Oh, yeah, it does feel like oh, they put the beam on her But that is a subtext you can read from it, but the actual article really is Exculpatory it is a bunch of people complaining that people aren't being nice enough and helping Kamala enough like that's the actual text and These people are so up their own asses at this point that it wouldn't rule me out that the democratic party is like
Starting point is 01:02:15 Oh, no, nobody likes to Kamala. Well, let's complain to the press about how everyone's being mean to her That's the hillarys and they thought people would like that because they would like that because that they care very much about fairness Well, and this whiner this like this whining this Martin Prince teacher teacher Well, you forgot to assign her's homework loser whining in this fucking piece comes off as Sympathetic to people in a certain lanyard class. It's only to regular people That this peers disgusting and repellent and loser talk But also I mean the article does like I mean it's it's it's Kamala's people It's a number of people and they're complaining that Biden is essentially handicapping her
Starting point is 01:02:56 And Biden is not doing enough the pitch here And like she was chosen by Biden to be his VP. Her approval rating is lower than Biden's is right now Yes, and they're like they're speculating about like they're they're looking for ways to fucking just offload this dead weight And Kamala is feeling like she is not being groomed for office as you would expect of someone who is the Sitting vice president for a guy who is 90 years old in a dubious mental capacity I think there's absolutely a faction of the democratic party that is doing that Uh, and they're probably the ones close to biden, uh, but I'm still not sure if this article is they're Uh doing their leaks or the leaks of the pro kamala faction because I honestly think it could be either
Starting point is 01:03:38 Maybe both at the same time not knowing uh that they're both contributing to the same project. Uh, let's let's let's let's suss it out here I'm just gonna read the article begins Uh worn out by what they see as an entrenched dysfunction and lack of focus key West Wing aides have largely thrown up their hands at vice president Kamala Harris and her staff deciding there simply isn't time to deal with them right now Especially at a moment when president joe biden faces quickly multiplying legislative and political concerns The exasperation runs both ways interviews with nearly three dozen former and current harris aides administration officials democratic operatives donors and outside advisors Who spoke exclusively to cnn reveal a complex reality inside the white house Many in the vice president circle fume that she's not being adequately prepared or positioned and instead is being sidelined
Starting point is 01:04:24 The vice president herself has told several confidants She feels constrained in what she's able to do politically and those around her remain wary of even hinting at future political ambitions with biden's team Highly attuned to signs of disloyalty, particularly from the vice president Um going on here. It says defenders and people who care for harris are getting frantic when they're annoyed some pass around an onion story Mocking her lack of more substantive political work One with the headline white house urges kamala harris to sit at computer all day in case emails come through When they're i love how they think that that's sympathetic to her that that article isn't making fun of her That's amazing when they're depressed
Starting point is 01:05:01 They back down the erin sorkin style rumor that biden might try to replace her by nominating her to a supreme court vacancy That chatter has already reached top level levels of the biden orbit according to one person who's heard it And they go on to talk about how um, she really really did not want to be the point person for biden's border policy Yeah, I mean, I don't blame her because they put her out here to say do not come Don't come don't come and she correctly recognizes that all of you that all the issues she's being given They're like kamala you're taking point on this are the absolute dogs and losers that there's no fucking She's gonna get no fucking points for from anyone for doing And uh, it goes on here. It says when biden picked harris as his running mate
Starting point is 01:05:47 He was essentially anointing her as the future of the democratic party Now many of those close to her feel like she's he's shirking his political duties to promote her and essentially setting her up to fail Her fans are panicked watching her poll numbers sink even lower than biden's Worrying that even the base democratic vote is starting to give up on her Kamala harris is a leader but is not being input in positions to lead that doesn't make sense We need to be thinking long term and we need to be doing what's best for the party said a top donor to biden and other democrats Imagining how to make the case directly to the president You should be putting her in positions to succeed as opposed to putting weights on her
Starting point is 01:06:22 If you did give her the ability to step up and help her lead it would strengthen you and strengthen the party On the one issue harris has asked to be assigned voting rights Progress has been slow in part because biden focus is focused on passing his own domestic agenda Even though harris has said privately the filibuster must be scaled back if real progress can be achieved biden has said as much publicly too And though harris has told confidence that she has been enjoying the good working dynamic directly with biden Those who work for them describe their relationship in terms of settling into an exhausted stalemate Suspicion has sprouted out of the bitterness last month white house a's leapt to the defense of transportation secretary pete buddha judge
Starting point is 01:07:01 Who is being hammered with outrage by fox news host tucker carlson and like-minded online pundits for taking paternity leave After the adoption of his twins in september harris loyalists tell cnn They see in yet they see in that yet another example of an unfair standard at play Wondering why she didn't get similar cover any of the times she's been attacked by the right It's hard tell it It's hard to miss the specific energy that the white house brings to defend a white man Knowing that kamala harris has spent almost a year taking a lot of the hits that the west wing didn't want to take themselves Said a former harris aide reflecting conversations last month among several former aides and current allies
Starting point is 01:07:40 That's it goes here Uh white house aides say they weren't pitting one against each other going on it says That's different from when harris has created problems for herself White house aides believe such as when she didn't push back on a student who accused israel of ethnic genocide West wing aides weren't going to clean up that up after her But even when harris has faced her own manufactured outrage from the right like when an innocuous tweet about Annoying the enjoying the long memorial day weekend was said to be her insulting dead veterans White house aides also remained virtually silent. I mean, I I do have to say to kamala. It's like
Starting point is 01:08:15 Are you fucking new here? This these people gave you a husband They found a fucking they found a 55 year old jewish man for you to have a marriage with You are you new? Did you just start at the democrats this week? Are you your husband doesn't have a belly button kamala? You should know how this works Oh my god, yeah, no, it's I mean, what does she expect? What is going to happen in the biden administration? It's not it's she wants somebody to fix it for her. It's just it's Oh, it's a participation trophy culture. Let me tell you. Yeah, like she's trying so hard
Starting point is 01:08:55 It's not fair and like you're supposed to give a shit lady your vice president. You're trying to become president We don't have your power. What are you supposed? We're supposed to feel sympathetic for you I thought that was I thought politics was supposed to be the other way around I thought the politicians were supposed to sympathize with us Feel our pain and all that bullshit if they couldn't do anything else now You're supposed to feel bad for politicians. It's the same thing with actors It's like what you were saying about kumail and his dysmorphia. It's like see Eternals to make him feel better about himself see the new ghost buster
Starting point is 01:09:28 So Ivan Reitman can fucking get over his daddy issues And vote for the democrats so kamala can feel better about being you know, exactly Yeah, and the border thing is like okay Well, you know what you would do if you wanted to be the most powerful person in the world You would take this awful situation that you are the the guy who you willingly Were the vice president said yes, I'll do this The party that you have devoted your entire fucking life to I remind you the party that gave you a family Okay
Starting point is 01:10:02 You would go wow Well, you know, this doesn't look good But maybe I can find I can have some rhetorical flourish that will make people not not as mad at it Maybe I can do that. No, it's just feel bad for me I'm the real victim of the border because I I'm the I'm the I'm the asshole. They're yelling out. Yep Jesus Christ. I mean, yeah, I I mean, I don't even I don't even want to give this idea to democrats. They don't deserve it They don't deserve any of my great ideas. Of course, but kamala is a loser. Pete is nothing
Starting point is 01:10:31 Yeah, but you know who are neither of those things You know who someone who is everything and you know who's someone who's a winner There are two currently elected democrats One who is one a statewide election one who is one an election in a city that might as well be a state I'm talking about the super ticket something we've never tried before a neuro atypical black man And a a large man who really isn't that smart but is very likable Something we've never democrats have never tried eric adams And j.b. Pritzker. Oh, man. There's your I thought you're gonna say bill de Blasio
Starting point is 01:11:09 No, bill de Blasio the bill de Blasio is he's trans. He's gonna be also You can't unless you want to sacrifice new york's electoral votes. You can't have two people from the same state on the same ticket Yeah, no way. No way. We I disagree. I think an all new york ticket would would be a fucking Be a blue wave election probably because everyone does move to new york, you know, everyone loves it But I just like jb. You have to balance adams's veganism You got to have somebody who likes to party and like it's a sausage. You got a you got a balance eric adams likes to party. Yeah, but I mean like Like uh tailgate party like midwest party. Okay. Yeah, you got to get those people like they don't know about going to the club
Starting point is 01:11:47 They know about going to the grill and they fucking get jay. They know that jb gets that when people in chicago say they're hung over They literally mean they're hung over from eating too much. Yes. Yeah That is the main thing they do and that goes for a whole like that That third coast culture that we come from those are all electoral votes up for grabs and all of those people are hung over from meat Yes, jb is like, okay What I think is most important about jb is You know all pete idiots and pete's fucking journalist helpers are like, oh, he's so smart. I mean a he's not no
Starting point is 01:12:22 No, he's not he's just he's nothing jb. No one thinks jb is smart jb doesn't think jb is smart But that doesn't no one won't know biden won because biden is not smart and has never been smart and also jb had a jb had a similarly endearing Trans gaffe as biden did because biden has of course the hilarious thirst at least three genders And jb had the amazing tweet where he said to protest anti-trans bathrooms legislation You should go into the other gender bathroom as a and when he said when people met got mad at him for that He was like, I didn't mean it
Starting point is 01:13:00 He's you know what it was like. Okay jb. Don't worry about it. Just like with biden Well, because I mean like the The common denominator here is that they're not winers. Yes. They're not fucking winer I mean, right? Kamala is a winer and pete is just a zero. Yep. Yeah, he's got he's got nothing going on And and and if they run either Kamala or pete in 2024, I don't care who the republicans put up there If it's trump, he may win all 56. Oh if it's any other republican
Starting point is 01:13:28 Like it's it's it's it's it's gonna be it's terrible like you're going to see you're going to see a an acceleration of the uh, non-college educated push move towards democrats across all demographics and even more importantly, you're going to see a Continuation of the drop-in voter participation among traditional democratic constituencies Unless it's eric and jb. You're correct about your only and here's the important thing You don't have to say like, oh, what about their positions versus v as of each other? This is there's no difference. This is the democratic party That what there's has nothing has anything to do with policies those policies are set in
Starting point is 01:14:10 In uh corporate boardrooms. These guys are just playing in on in front of the camera for us So who do you want to do that? Who do you want to be the like the cork in the stopper preventing like full fascism that you're so terrified of if you're a democrat This will do it. This is if every election is the most important election over lives I can only think of two democrats that people will find likeable You could say no gruesome. Gavin is not playing. Oh, no. No, no, no way. No way. They love his shit But like not he leaves those borders powers are worth nothing gruesome Gavin people over there they love it when their governor goes to evil weddings
Starting point is 01:14:49 They love that he's slick. They love that he's aerodynamic. They love that he's fuck everyone in the state People in the rest of america know not so much They see jb a good natured large man who inherited a fortune and is spending his dividends on ribs They see Eric Adams a man who lies for seemingly no reason at all They see themselves. That's us. That's who we are. That's america. Give us that Adams was strongest in the primary among voters who Failed to turn out for hillary and would do so again in a similar condition. Eric Adams. I want to see I'm not saying just anoint these guys. I think we need an introduction period. I would like to see
Starting point is 01:15:32 Eric debate Kamala. I think he would you know what Eric Adams did? Either before he officially won the election or right after you know what he did he went to monaco I know He went to monaco like james fucking fun He was just just fucking uh, just stunting in monaco. He went up to the fucking He just he's like I'll blow $10,000 at the craft's tables. Who gives a fuck? I'm sure he probably knowing Eric Adams He probably went up to a blackjack table and said put it all on black The thing that's nest needs to be reminded about about about Adams is that this is a guy who
Starting point is 01:16:10 Has been trying to become mayor for like 30 years And he has been like on a success grind mindset non-stop for that entire time He has been like he still has fun though improving himself like Eye on the on the ball Uh, like all this stuff to like make it up the ranks the first the police department and then state politics It's purely through grind set and it worked People thought he was a joke he wanted for congress in the early 90s when he was still a cop
Starting point is 01:16:41 He couldn't even get on the ballot. He tried to do like a write-in. It was a joke. He's the fucking mayor new york He's the only democrat a democrat from new york new york city mind you and fortly new jersey He would win you told Obviously because his life is an mlm. Yes, it is jb He's the other because he hasn't written at all But he's nice and jolly about it because of that because he hasn't had to work for it No, bless. Oblige defined like a fucking like a Uh, uh, staypuff marshmallow man made of no bless oblige and bondonomy
Starting point is 01:17:14 Bonomy, it's the dude. This is this is not just a solution to democrats problems This is the only way you keep america going. Is it absolutely? Absolutely. Well, well, we you know, we've We've just outlined a way out of this brutal death trap of either kamala or pete running for president in 2024 Let's see if the democrats take our advice. Let's see what they do. Yeah, let's see Let's see how this goes. I I know where i'm putting my money. That's for sure. It is going to be um, what it actually is going to be Michael bloomberg and um, uh, who who uh val dennings? Yeah. Yeah, that'll be it. Yeah, and they are gonna
Starting point is 01:17:55 It's gonna be trump and trump's vp Uh Penses. Oh, he's done four. Oh, yeah. No way. Maybe the santas. I don't think i think trump doesn't like yeah He's too threatened by him. You have to be yet. My my dream would be my pillow guy I think it should be michael indell. I think trump like would probably want to pick lindell I think that people in his orbit would say it's too weird But he's not he'll never pick the santas because trump is like He thinks that he like thinks of himself like an aging starlet. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah very star is board deal
Starting point is 01:18:26 Yeah, he's all about his style. He sees the santas. He's like the one republican with a national profile who has like any little bit of swag Yeah, and to say, you know, I love what the santas does Uh, where like once every two months, um, they kill everyone in florida And then they're like, oh, how come how come no one's talking about how our cases are lowers now? After 10,000 people died You gave everyone covet like okay. Yeah, the fine everyone had every new variant It burns through the population of florida like a fucking forest fire And then when and then when it's out, he's just like, uh funny how no one's talking about our caseload is among the lowest in the nation
Starting point is 01:19:06 That is pretty that's a pretty funny move. Uh, it's like, you know, I I do think like Someone told me that, um, the vaccination numbers in florida are artificially inflated because rich people from Latin America come to florida to get vaccinated and then they count that towards their vaccination score That sounds about right. That sounds right. Which it makes sense because it's like florida always had a higher rate than I thought of But it's like, oh, holy shit. They're like getting fucking It's what I don't know. I don't want to go and get too much into covid discussion Uh, I think that like a lot of things with the virus are More out of our control than we'd like them to be. Yeah, but just like as
Starting point is 01:19:44 Like to do the after all those people die to be like, well, look at that. We beat covid for the fifth time this year It's so fun. Such a good move. Such a great move. And it works too Because again, you can put the numbers on tv and you're like, oh, look, we're down Look, we have a very low and it's just like, okay, put that next to your population Yeah, he's he's got the swag, but like that is specifically what trump doesn't like about Yeah, and lindel has swag, but lindel is like lindel, uh, to borrow a great a great term from my favorite philosopher Richard james bangston, uh, phase banks Mike lindel will sit on the knee for trump. He's he's he's he's no spring chicken. He just loves trump. He
Starting point is 01:20:28 What about, uh, bobert as a vp? Oh, now you're talking now. You're talking. He wouldn't pick mg. Yeah, he wouldn't pick mtg because she's busted She's just unattractive But I think bobert I think he could like squint at her and be like, okay, come on over here Yeah, and I don't think because he's a woman. I don't think you'd be threatened by her You know, it's gonna be the funniest thing is when all those like all those guys who are like trying to be like Like a dude who's running as like a national conservative marizona. They're all auditioned to be the vp And trump just imagine that
Starting point is 01:20:57 Just breezes past them. All those teal dudes. Yeah. Bye. Bye No, he's gonna pick a star. Yeah, you're not a star, baby. I'm ready for my close-up. Mr. Blitzer Well, uh, yeah, so that was the mayor Pete documentary Um, almost as bleak as um our political future in this country I think no matter what things are looking up We're either going to live in the Pritzker Adams Imperium or we're finally going to break this thing up. And you know, I mean Yes, yes, I think we're gonna break this thing up And you know, I mean, yes, yes
Starting point is 01:21:27 And you know people people may you know, they may raise their eyebrows and us boosting JB Pritzker Eric Adams But keep in mind that we're literally communist. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. We're yeah. No, we're literally coming the JB Pritzker would be the end of neoliberalism Do you realize that? Yeah, it died in let's say march It came back it's back again We're gonna kill it again and then when it comes back a third time JB will end it It's like COVID in Florida. Yes, we've been neoliberalism for the seventh time this year All right. Well, I think that uh, that does it for today's episode on uh, mayor Pete mayor Pete. We hardly knew you literally Yeah, I had no idea. I really did. I really didn't know him. I did not know who he was until I saw this movie
Starting point is 01:22:08 And now the answer is nobody Nothing till next time fellas till next time I'm bye. Bye. Just a perfect day Feed animals in the zoo Then later a movie to and then home Oh Oh, such a perfect day. I'm glad I spent it with you Oh such a perfect day. You just keep me hanging on
Starting point is 01:22:52 You just keep me hanging on Oh, we did it. We did it Joe

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