Chapo Trap House - 670 - The Ye Imperium (10/10/22)

Episode Date: October 11, 2022

This episode is about Kanye’s continued right turn/presidential ambitions, but we get to everything from American food culture to failed conservative banking schemes to Gambo to dybbuks. “Freewhee...ling” as they might say. Thanks to all who came out to the L.A. show, still spots open in NYC and Florida, these shows have been hot, hot, hot! Come thru:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 That's that. We're recording. We're recording the episode of the show that we're on right now. Talking, talking, rolling, rolling, rolling. Air, air raid remix, right? Is that it? No, yeah. Rolling, rolling, rolling. Was the air raid remix? Was the air raid remix of rolling? That's the one that he, they did the video at the Twin Towers for, right? Yeah. That's what it's called.
Starting point is 00:00:25 Welcome, welcome to the Chapo Trap House episode for Indigenous Peoples Day. Oh, yes. We will be talking about the air raid siren remix of rolling, the only version of rolling that replaces all the original backing vocal tracks with air raid sirens to satisfy people who are in the air raid siren community, who have been tracking the evolution of sound efficiency, range, and something that they call coning, an audio phenomenon only existing in air raid sirens. You know, air raid sirens, as far as autistic fixations go, one of the more interesting ones
Starting point is 00:01:06 to me and one I can imagine getting into, because the classic air raid siren, it's an analog instrument. It's not, it's a crank, like you just pull a crank and it makes this hugely loud noise. How does it do that? What's going on? How does it do that? I don't know. I would like to find out. Well, it's, everyone knows about dibbaks and golems. Those are the two basic Jewish monsters and creatures of lore. That's true. This is Felix's new interest. It's launching a new Felix interest this week. It's a Jewish
Starting point is 00:01:36 folklore. Uh-oh. I've always been into this. Is this slippery slope, though? Are we going to have, are we going to have a bar mitzvah when you turn 33? No, no. Actually, I did a different thing. There's actually a lot of lore about this. A dibbaks, well, like there is a Yu-Gi-Oh type thing that happens between all the factions of Jews. And of course, the Orthodox and ultra Orthodox, they get the golem. That's the oldest
Starting point is 00:02:00 one. Reform Jews who are more typically represented in finance, media, and you know, like the college professions, right? We're in those. We get the dibbak. It's a more complicated monster. What do you get if you're a conservative Jew, which is sort of like in the middle, you know, oftentimes you can, you know, you can have an email job of your conservative Jew. But sometimes, you know, sometimes it's like, uh, oh, I work for a nonprofit called the Jewish Judaism Center.
Starting point is 00:02:29 You know, um, well, they, You wear a yamaka, but not to the beach. No. Yeah. Yeah. They get, they get the, uh, Mentaaculus and they can, there's a variety of monsters that you can cast out of there. So there's sort of a hybrid class. It's the necronavocon of Judaism. Yeah. And we've been doing, there are underground dual monster duals between all the factions of Judaism and the reform have been strongest. The Dibbak is a very strong monster, but, um, there's a fourth monster and it's just, it's just a little guy and he's the guy in
Starting point is 00:03:02 the air raid siren. And when you crank the handle, it grinds up like little treats for him. And if he gets, if he gets enough crumbs, he'll make the air raid noise. And there are several different types of this little, little, little guy. Um, that's why all of them sound different. Uh, the Dibbak is a, it's a good, it's a good battle monster because, uh, for the damage it, it, it deals out, it restores HP on itself. Exactly. Yeah. There's a siphon effect. Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:29 It's very good. You clearly, clearly grew up on the Upper West side, familiar with these battles that go on. Yeah. This is, this is not IP that I grew up with at all. I'm not familiar with this IP. There were none of these in Manitowoc. No, no, no, no, no, the golem, the golem's a classic strength bill, but it's not very versatile. Yeah. No, I mean, like you get a really good golem can beat an average Dibbak, but like if the average Dibbak has a very good trainer, the Dibbak is probably going to win. That's
Starting point is 00:04:00 just obvious. Oh, welcome. Welcome friends. It's Monday, October 10th, uh, start things off by saying thanks again to everyone who came out to our LA show. It was a triumph. Wonderful. LA witch, Tim Heidecker, and, uh, candidate who goes Soto Martinez. We gave him his biggest office. No, sorry, his biggest audience, his biggest audience about a month before election day. So, well, I mean, I'm sure that was good fun for him, but it's not, I don't think it's
Starting point is 00:04:46 been anywhere as near as fun as the last couple of hours, killing it. Wow. That was like literally like 10 hours after our show. And the recordings are 10 hours of unedited racism. Those recordings are awesome. They're so good. I just, I like how often on those recordings there are like, it's like classic filmmaking. There's so many times where it's like, you're like, Oh, are they on the verge of saying something really awful? And then they just jump right at it. They're like, Oh, his kid's a monkey. It's like, Oh, holy shit. What did they say? They said, Mike Bump. Mike Bonin's kid is being raised like a, he's been crazed like a white kid. You can't do that with black kids. That was
Starting point is 00:05:29 the implication. Yeah. Yeah. And then, okay. And the matters you said, uh, they're, they're really stepping in it because they were going after Armenians in LA. They said one guy has one eyebrow and it's like, what's his name? I don't know what his name was. Well, I guess it ends with IAN. Oh, that's it. I listened. They do be loving that. I have to say the Armenians. Yeah, they love, yeah. No, that's, they're not giving that up. Um, I did listen to the Armenian tape, obviously. And they were actually, that was one of the few tapes where like they liked the guy they were talking about. They still had to make fun of him for being Armenian, but like they were talking about, you know, the one guy, the guy on the
Starting point is 00:06:06 tape with the nasal voice, I forget what his name is because I've blocked everyone who started telling me about local politics. I'm not finding out. Um, the guy who like, when the, Kevin De Leon and Nuri, whatever, when they're trying to be racist, he's always trying to steer it back. He's like, yeah, yeah, yeah. But like the, the, the Jerry monitoring we have to do. Uh, yeah. Okay. Enough of this racism. We got to fix these elections. He's like, guys, this is really funny, but we have to do election. Yeah. We have to, we have to, we have to Jerry Mander, Nithya Raman's district out of existence
Starting point is 00:06:37 so they don't deal with it anymore. So he was like, um, he was talking about how like, you know, some like LA politics scumbag has helped him out in the past and how they like this guy. And they were all like, yeah, we like this Armenian guy, but his eyebrows are ugly. He's Armenian eyebrow. Yeah. His eyebrow. It's, it's just, it's always so comforting with stuff like this happens because it lets you know that at least at a certain level, it's, it's exactly what you think it is. Like you're not really learning anything. That's the funny part when this stuff happens.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Like, Oh, what are they doing? Being racist and doing corruption? Yes. That's exactly what they're doing. Not any more complicated than that. Yeah. It shows it. Veep in some ways is like still idealistic because it shows these people is like more clever than they actually would be. Exactly. It's like they're doing the Veep stuff, but with none of the snappy zingers and shit. Yeah. And like, but like, but they're also just being straight up racist. Like on Veep, they were verbally abusive and it was, the creativity of the writing was like how to go with a way
Starting point is 00:07:31 other than just someone's ethnicity. Yeah. Yeah. Because frankly, folks, that's the lazy track. Yeah. The mediocre mind does and these are the most mediocre minds on earth. And that is why a show like Veep is kind of propaganda for the regime. And the reason that Joe Biden liked it is because yeah, you're showing them as vacuous and evil, but also look how clever
Starting point is 00:07:53 they are. Look how funny they are and how attractive they are relative to the actual Selina Meyer. Selina Meyer. The dishwater dough. Selina Meyer. Selina Meyer. Well, how does. Julie Louise Ruffis is like has gotten comprehensively hotter, the older she's gotten. And I'm saying
Starting point is 00:08:09 like Elaine, all time dime. Selina Meyer. Oh boy. I think part of that boils down to us. We're getting farther away from nineties fashion. Yeah. Yeah. And then the hair thing that hurt. Elaine, her giant, the hair, but who knows? As we say, the culture is snapping back. We'll get to the nineties if we haven't already and maybe we'll look back and be like, damn, Elaine was fired that fit. I think it's Selina Meyer's body count though. She was, she was a hot slut on that show.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Hugh Laurie, John Slattery, Chris Maloney. Those are just the three that come to mind. She fucks Dan. Yes. Yes. She does. And fires in the next day. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:48 The Muhammad bin Sultan guy. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What a babe. Yeah. Yeah. The reality, they're not even that good. They're not even that interesting.
Starting point is 00:08:59 I don't think it's, I think Joe Biden liked it because he's stupid. I think like that's not, he didn't like, he didn't go like, Oh, you know, I'm, I'm going to, you know, internalize all the bad things that are done. He's just like, saw a show and like got one third of the jokes and was like, Oh, Hey, I've done that job. Haha. I don't think I'm, I like that show too much to call it regime propaganda. I think it's great. And it is also regime propaganda. I don't think he can separate the two. I don't know. Okay. If that's regime propaganda, then like everything is, well, there you go.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Boom. Okay. Well, I mean, That's one way of looking at things. Welcome to the Adorno hole. Yeah. Adorno hole. Yeah. It's all fascism. Yeah. Damn. But that's the thing. Because that's true. I can evaluate it on a completely separate axis. Is it funny and do I enjoy it? Yes. Yes. It's good. Is Terminator two propaganda?
Starting point is 00:09:49 Oh, I mean, the camera is always interesting, but like at a certain point, anything that's that big and that you all, you know, it's all gets knitted into a narrative of like reassurance that the system you live in is in some way just because it produces it. Yeah. What's the least propagandistic? So is it like a UV bowl film? Like, is it like the postal movie where there's just like no plot and he's like, Oh, here's a new character I invented a guy who rapes his dad. I mean, have you seen assault on Wall Street by the way? Wait, what? Have you ever seen assault on Wall Street by a bowl? Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Or, or the, the, not the first one, but the sequel to a rampage where he takes hostages at a TV station. No, UV bowl after, after the oh eight crash decided like, I'm going to basically be like, if Ted Kaczynski made movies and he makes, and that's like literally guy like just reciting statistics about, you know, about like who made money off after the financial collapse and then just shooting a room full of bankers. It is like, and yet it has incited no copycat shootings. For some reason that never sparks a flame in the real world is the media present. Yeah. Because of the corporate headquarters of Oxford, United healthcare is, well, yeah, because
Starting point is 00:11:03 like the type of person who commits murders in America is always like stupid. Yeah. That's really like that's like, if you look at like murders in other countries, it's always like a fucked up guy who is like of at least average intelligence, like the German guy who, dude, most suicide bombers have advanced engineering through, yeah, whereas in America, it's usually guys who like, we talked about how like most murders are just like a guy killing his wife because he can't figure out who gets what blue rays, but that is, that's like most murderers in America. And even when, even when like they have been abused and their life has been ruined by like powers beyond them, that you think they could understand like health insurance
Starting point is 00:11:40 or like their job or something, they're like, Oh, I'm just, I'm going to kill like just nine versions of me. Well, that's just it is that murder is an intimate act. And, and people who are going to respond to the horrors of their life violently are going to want to do it, as you said, because they're stupid intimately because they can't, they're not going to be able to attach like, like real visceral emotionality to, to some abstract enemy. It's got to be someone who's who triggers something deeper than them, which is why they love doing it for racist reasons, for example.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Yeah, that's why. Okay. What is the least intimate industrialized country on earth? It's Japan. The only country where they actually killed like a guy that exactly, because it all gets concentrated into one guy who's like, who needs to die for this and correctly recognize it. Oh yeah, it's the, it's the puppet master of the deep state like NATO Christian, like right wing Christian propaganda do lodge that runs this fucking country. Yeah, the fucking, and I'm going to commit my will not to buying an AR 15 on the internet with a credit card. I'm not going to pay back. Instead, I'm going to build a fucking science Farrakah volcano myself to blow this asshole away. And then he, and then what happens? He actually gets
Starting point is 00:12:54 like a change at a meaningful level. Whereas what do we do? Just a bunch of dumbasses who, who order, I want to satisfy all of my, my deepest failures and, and, and express all of my pain by just having them Amazon, send me a gun over the, in the mail so I could just shoot somebody who triggers like the deepest thing. And, and like the real bad guys in this country are never going to trigger those because you have no intimate relations with these people. They live behind the fucking behind the walls and they live like geographically right amongst us. But because of the huge technological wall that money presents might as well be in a different dimension from us.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Behind the green door. That's where they live. Did the, behind the green door. The only way that like any executive will be killed in America, any like a real executive, not for like a vitamin company, you know, that doesn't count. But like a real executive who makes like seven to eight figures is for like, you know, making a woke TV show, like a woke children's TV show on Disney plus groomer. Yeah. Totally accidentally. Well, I got, well, this is a good segue because we've got to talk, you know, like this is, this is the story that's burning up the news right now. We've got to talk about the all star week that Mr. Kanye West has been having. He's, you know, okay. So I began, I started
Starting point is 00:14:08 it, began with a Tucker Carlson interview. It's two, a two part Tucker Carlson. Well, it began, I believe with his fashion line being unveiled with a bunch of shirts that said white lives matter. He was at Paris Fashion Week with Candace Owens and they were both wearing a Kanye Brandon t-shirts that said white lives matter. And I don't think like, I think only Gigi Hadid was shocked by this. I think the only way you can be shocked by this after like the last six years is if you live, yeah, if you eat 300 calories a day, but you like that. I, when I first saw them, the clips from the Tucker Carlson interview were hilarious to me because it was just like, I was trying to, like trying to imagine what
Starting point is 00:14:45 the Tucker Carlson audience would be getting out of Kanye talking about, you know, everybody's like, Anna Winchers, your friend. I'm like, this Gabby girl and Gigi and these people, they would have never said anything negative unless they got the okay from Condon as less they got the okay from Anna. Valenciaga is not a real fashion house. Anna Wintour didn't like my boots. She was very mean to me. But then I realized, I was like, I was like, this is gibberish. And like, and this gibberish to me, let alone the fucking me, Moz and pep peps watching this. But then I realized, Matt, you correctly pointed out that like, thanks to Trump, like all that that audience now has totally imbibed all who they know who
Starting point is 00:15:27 Anna Wintour is. And they, and the, and the, and the register of like caddy media gossip is now one that they have wired into their great, greater like, you know, political ideology, their, their, their oppression and resentment matrix. It's all now wired into these totems because Trump taught them how to do it. And so yeah, they're like, absolutely, Mr West and a Wintour. She's very two-faced. She was so, she was so mean to our president. She wouldn't look, she wouldn't put Melania on the cover of Vogue. That was a thing. That was a thing. Yeah. Yeah. That was a thing. Did you see the, there's a reply to that video. Someone was saying, like, what is a Fox News or you were getting out of this? And it was
Starting point is 00:16:05 just like, you know, one of those, one of those, like, you know, conservative middle age men with like a big square torso, who's just like wearing like a long sleeve polo shirt tucked in, like just maximizing how shitty he can look. And he was like, all I see is an independent, intelligent leader of blacks. It's like very well said. Oh, yeah. But I don't, I feel like I think you, I think you hit the nail on the head with the Tucker interview where you said he stole Trump's whole flow. Yeah. No. And like, they really, but that's, but that's the thing. This is the next stage of Trumpism. That's what I realized. Some of, if anybody, plenty of people have probably pointed this out before
Starting point is 00:16:46 and if they have, they're correct. But, and I'm sorry I'm late to the party, but just seeing this whole thing play out and seeing the way that his words provoke the media response and the way people respond to that response, you see exactly what happened when Trump just decided to fucking cannonball his ass into political discourse when he started with the birther stuff. It's the exact same trajectory. He says something outrageous that pushes liberal sensibilities that gets a pushback from the unified mainstream media, which is not some conspiracy, but it's just a bunch of liberals acting like liberals. And then the response from the alienated Republicans and the conservatives seeing how the liberals act and deciding this
Starting point is 00:17:22 guy must be onto something, which pushes him further in the direction of saying what they want to hear. Yeah. I mean, he's the next one. And like Trump, Trump is this celebrity ification of politics. None of the Republicans can match him completely. Like we talked about the Santas. The Santas is all of that minus the thing that made it work. It's all of the, it's all of the grievances turned into policy, but without the face. Where's the face? And without Trump, there's nobody to come after him. And it's like, it's Kanye. He is one. So in the Tucker interview, he said that he will be president one day. And I'd be like, I think you're right. I'm taking him at his word here. And like, Matt, you and I were
Starting point is 00:17:59 talking about this last night and it just sort of, it hit us like a bolt because for years like we've been wondering what comes after Trump? Because like he changed the game, but like the pretenders to the throne, you have to already be famous. Yes. And the thing about Kanye is that he's mega, mega famous, hugely famous. He's hugely famous. He has the same affect as Trump in that he's like, what interests him and excites him are the same things that Trump is interested in, which is fashion and media. And just also from a point of view of total like black hole narcissism, like that's very key to it. Yeah. All of this is generated by like the mind devoted to the self completely. He has the same, like you
Starting point is 00:18:38 said, caddy kind of like asexual sort of like, like vibe to him. Like it's just, okay. Now like that, the Tucker interview was good enough, but like he kicked it off into the stratosphere with the Instagram posts. And I guess the question is, does Kanye have the potential to be the black Hitler? Because he's going death con three on the Jewish people Jewish people. So tough to say, right? Because it's like, you know, we've talked about this how like the January six people are like a poor stand in for the fry core who are just, you know, World War one veterans who are already dead. So I guess in this, like best possible conditions for Kanye being Hitler are that he has his own fry core, but that's like hip
Starting point is 00:19:20 hop forum posters. Yeah. Who'd also they're not a very good fry core. So I don't the uniforms all include those insane, goofy, giant black boots that you can't even like, yeah, try running in the front of one of those fucking shoes. Well, his holocaust, like he would do it his way where he would like rent out a stadium and make like a replica of his mom's house and then like make Marilyn Manson play a Jewish guy. And then there'd be a whole ceremony where he tries to make like him come back for like a fake renewal of vows and that they'll kill Jews at a rate of like three per day. Yeah, they're never going to get into the building. I mean, attention spans. Like actual black Hitler, probably not American
Starting point is 00:20:01 context isn't the same, but the next conservative figurehead of like the next figurehead of like conservative reaction turned into like a governing of political coalition. And I think that's possible. Now the problem is, yes, he's super famous, but not famous among the old people who vote for Republicans. That's the big problem. But no, no, no, but he's fixing that right now rapidly. And no, but he's fixing that right now because I think what makes it what makes it such such a such a powerful like errors to the mantle of Trumpism is that he's already mega famous, but he is taking the sort of anti-woke culture war stance. Like the White Lives Matter shirt to get buy in
Starting point is 00:20:38 from older people, but like crucially, he is doing it from someone who is on the sort of like the media entertainment side of the cultural divide. He's conquered the realm of music, fashion, like entertainment. So he is he is from the inside of the house making the call to the magma memos and pepeps and telling them that everything that they think is true. Okay, I got one for you. Should is it was it the the right thing to do or the exact catastrophically wrong thing to do for Trump to put Kanye on the ticket if he gets the nomination? I think that like, I don't think the two of them could work together. No, they know they can't. They can't because there would be instantly a falling out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:22 And I think like, okay, what is Kanye would do that if he was interested in a political project, which he isn't right? And Kanye, Kanye's whole thing is, you know, you can tell that he's really mentally ill because he's so annoying. Like, what? His whole thing with his whole thing with Drake, his whole thing, his whole reason that he hates Drake in the first place is like, you have to help me. You abandoned me. He's he says new thing with Drake is like, I thought you were my friend. Why weren't you doing anything when the Kardashians were kidnapping my children? And it's like, yeah, that sounds like a great thing to do to like, just fucking to insert himself into a custody battle with a crazy
Starting point is 00:22:02 guy to just go in and be like, I'm on this guy's side. Okay, so like, you know, people speculated that Trump ran for president because Obama was very mean to him at the correspondence dinner. I'd be like, this is this is the kindling that will stoke a great fire. And I think there's a good chance Kanye wants to run for president to punish the Kardashian family. Yes. So which I say, have at it. Someone's got someone's got to someone's got to discipline those funny, true. They're running wild. Yeah, but I mean, I guess Drake would be like whatever Democrat secret weapon. Oh, Drake really takes him out of his element. He's Canadian, though. He can never be president. Yeah, but he'll
Starting point is 00:22:40 be I don't know. He'll be like a man sharing candidate. Drake Drake really brings out the worst in people. I'll tell you, if Kanye becomes president, goodbye, Euro van. That's all I know. That's going to be the end of our media as a country. He's going to just like actually join like Turkey and Azerbaijan, you know, the, the, the, the Kanye, there are so many parallels to Trump, but like, you know, fit for his time and place in American culture and history. Trump's thing of being the best baseball player in New York, that's replaced by Kanye's maybe even funnier thing of claiming that he's a GD claiming that he's like a notorious gang member in Chicago. That is why areas didn't know. You were in a room with a guy
Starting point is 00:23:25 once like that's it. Yeah. Well, yeah. No, he's like, he claims he was like a GD growing up and he's like, he's rediscovered being a GD at like age 39. Of course. After his second kid was born. Awesome. Yeah. Yeah. By the way, just as an aside, I know, you know, we've often said that there should be some sort of rule banning anybody who in journalism and punitive tree, who is enthusiastically cheerleading the war in Iraq from ever talking about anything ever again, because it's been disqualified. They've been disqualified. I would argue a similar rule should be applied to any cultural critic who spent the decade before the 2016 election, insisting that Kanye is the greatest genius in human history. Oh
Starting point is 00:24:02 my God. Yes. Oh my God. I'm sorry. You're done. You, you, you were a dumb. How am I supposed to trust you when you were looking at this? Because I'm sorry. It's not like, yes, obviously he was less, you know, cracked at that point. But just to look at what he was putting out, which is this, this monstrous performance of the self and saying, yes, this is politically meaningful. This is actually all politics is you're done. Hit the showers. You blew it. Your take on Kanye determines what you think about black people. Your take on Kim determines what you think about women. Remember that? Oh, God. There's so many tweets that I would like to frame of people talking about Kanye West in like 2012, remember all the
Starting point is 00:24:44 fucking shitty memes where it's like Kanye on the, like a, as a communist icon. Oh yeah. Like the line of the line of communist leaders and it ends with Kanye. Yeah. Oh Christ. Well, I got, I got an article. Oh, I'm sorry. Last thing. One of the very annoying like pro Kanye person who I won't say their name. It's someone people would recognize in academic the day that he had Kanye endorsed Trump. He very solemnly posted, wake up Mr West. One of the funniest things he could have done. I have an article here about about Kanye that I want to read in a second. But like, I think another thing that makes this very powerful is that like, it's very important. You cannot be a celebrity. And this like the
Starting point is 00:25:33 same formula does not work for the Democrats because like if Kanye were to try to do like, you know, become like a Biden guy or run for president as a Democrat, let's be honest, they would buck break him. Oh yeah. They would absolutely buck break him. Whereas like, there's so much more purchase for being like a black guy who's speaking truth, you know, is it was independent minded, like from the Republican side, like it's just that the calculation is all there for him. Yeah, if you want, if he if he if he can muster the attention span to do it. Well, that's the real challenge is that everything like with he's younger than Trump's, that means that his, you know, his, his, uh, he's livelier. He's more likely he's touchier.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Can he handle the rigors of like pulling himself, disciplining himself towards the goal of being president. And that's the challenge. But the path is there, whether he can do it is another thing. I, all he has to do, and it's going to be within a few months is just start putting everything together into a QAnon style, uh, attack on culture. Yes. Celebrity from within, from one who experienced it. From one who has conquered the world of celebrity. And it's like, I have seen them. I have watched them dance. I have seen, I've seen them writing their name in the devil's book in the woods. And once he does that, he has, he has the, the Republican party based by their gonads. And he will just lead them wherever the fuck he wants to take them,
Starting point is 00:26:51 which is going to be, of course, he's got to do an album of all proofs. Yeah. Over the edge. Instead of skits on a rap album, it's just proofs. It just drops the kind. If he like ran for president, his coalition would be so fucking weird because it's okay. Like pretty much like no women, right? That would be tough. Yeah. That's it. That's a huge obstacle in his way, but very few. He would be, he would depolarize is the thing. He would race. You're talking about like this is, this would, this would, so he would get a lot more men from different races. He's going to get so many, how many white black guys is he going to get? How many Hispanic guys and, and white guys from the democratic pool who are going to be drawn to
Starting point is 00:27:34 the, the specific cultural message of like being a guy and dealing with these fucking women and their Jewish people supporters. How many? Yeah. Can you win an election with like very few to no women? Well, we'll find out. That's tough. That's tough. All right. So I have an article here about the Kanye West mega weekend. This is a, from the Jewish Chronicle, a courtesy of Dominic Green, who's a Wall Street Journal columnist. So like, okay, before I start reading this article, which is by the way, a defense of Kanye West in the Jewish Chronicle, can, can you guess what musician this author will use as a negative contrast to Kanye West? Roger Waters. Ding. How did I know? Easy. That was a meatball right on the center of the plate because I knew
Starting point is 00:28:24 this guy was British. And for like British Jews, like Roger, Roger Waters is worse than Hitler. Like he is, he is just their object, object of hate. They, they do not, I think he could be their most hated guy on the planet. They really hate that guy. Yeah. More than Corbin. Cause like, well, at this point, what are the worlds here that are to conquer? They've got everything tamed nicely. He just, he is the only guy who is like famous enough and independently, you know, established enough in people's minds that they can't cancel his ass. Yeah. So that's why they're going crazy. Cause he's not a guy who they can spend money against in a, he doesn't have to run for in a primary to be the guy from Pink Floyd. So there's no way that they can
Starting point is 00:29:07 obscene him that way. So they just have to yell at him and more and more until I don't know, someone's, they're going to send the massage guys to kill them. Who knows? Well, he's like, Roger's like 81. That's what's so funny about it. Just the constant campaign to like remind people he's bad. Yeah. All right. This is, this is a, uh, uh, in the Dominic Green writing in the Jewish Chronicle headline, ye gods give Kanye West a break. The road to rehabilitation is long. And if anyone can Kanye can like, I just like, you know, the road to rehabilitation, try to imagine if Roger Waters tweeted, he's going death con three on the Jewish people. Yeah. Yeah. It's also like, hasn't Kanye been on like a road to rehabilitation for like 15 years? I'm sorry, but it just,
Starting point is 00:29:51 isn't it always like, I'm better now. Uh, okay. So the article begins a few years ago, I went to see the Rolling Stones. Keith Richards had lately had another deer, another near death experience getting out of his tree, falling from a palm tree headfirst onto the beach. In fact, causing a cranial injury so severe that the doctors told him he could never take cocaine again. It seemed ominous. So I thought I'd see the stones while the critical mass of them were still alive. The concert was at Foxboro, the giant stadium where the New England Patriots play. The support act was still on when we arrived. So we got as far away from the stage as we could from the bleachers at the wrong end of the stadium. We could make out a little speck of a man running around on the stage
Starting point is 00:30:31 and up and down the runway, waving his arms and shouting furiously. One of the things he kept shouting was his name. So eventually we realized we were listening to the rapper called Kanye West. This was before Kanye West became Mr. Kim Kardashian. And then apparently having mislaid some of his marbles, a brand called Yay. Because as he explained it to the radio host Big Boy in 2018, I believe Yay is the most commonly used word in the Bible. And in the Bible, it means you. So it's I'm you. It's us. It's us. Are you doing a bit there as him? Or do you think that's how it's pronounced? Yay? Is it Yee? In the Bible, it's Yee, I think. No, but Kanye, it's Yee. Yeah, but his no name. He calls himself. Is it Yee? Is it Yee? Okay, Felix. Okay, but Kanye was
Starting point is 00:31:19 Yee. Well, when Kanye, no, yeah, he's when he's called Yee, he's Yee. Yeah, I didn't know that. In the Bible, it's Yee. Yee's us. I don't know. Yeah, because I thought it was Yeezy. No, he's never, but he's never called himself like Yee. I don't know. I've literally never seen it said. I've only seen it written down. Same for every single word ever. I only hear people talk about Kanye. I've never heard him referred to whatever the hell that diminutive is. Well, he okay. This is another reason why I think he might not be president. He changed his name to Yay, and it was like everyone has to call me Yay, and no one did it. Well, you know, Trump had his bankruptcies. You know, you always kind of overshoot your gas, but then you got to regroup.
Starting point is 00:32:02 But Trump's like not as annoying as him. Like I cannot tell you how annoying he is. Here's the thing though. Everyone is getting more annoying every day and therefore more in order to each other's annoyingness. No, no, opposite, opposite. No one, no one is more tuned in to how annoying other people are and talks about it more than the most annoying people. Right, but that's what draws them together is that they all listen to each other complain about how everybody else is annoying. I think if there was a sustained thing every day, he's on TV for hours, and it just like his interests don't like stick, you know, like obviously, well, that is true. Like Trump was able to create this like dog like relationship between
Starting point is 00:32:42 like the way that dogs read human facial features. That's how he read like the crowd, like what they wanted, what they wanted to hear about. And so he found himself convincing himself that he cared about those things too. And Kanye doesn't, I think, have that kind of relationship with the audience yet. Because he's less needy, frankly. I mean, at least not the same way Trump is. He doesn't need to like pander to them. He's needier in a higher way. Right, right. He needs to be Trump is needy in an immediate way. Kanye is hiring in a higher way where he has to be remembered as like a cultural figure than a historical figure. Because he believes in God, which Trump doesn't. I think, yeah, difference. But it's always like, it's always like a new
Starting point is 00:33:24 thing, right? Like now it's black Israel, it's stuff. But before that, it's like, oh, education, we should teach kids how to like make shoes in school. I'd like to know and then like prison stuff. That's something everyone says. And then when they actually do it, it's like making bread. If he does get people's off, if he gets people on his side, he can also like Trump did, convince people to care about what he cares about. So it's a, it's a, it's a given flow. And I think that there is going to be some diffusion and some just brain warping to the point where they, of all this, they decide to themselves that they care about what he cares. But there has to be, there has to be like a backing issue with Trump. Like, yeah, it was,
Starting point is 00:34:02 he's so important to his movement, obviously him personally and his personality, but immigration, immigration, it's true. It was one issue. It was the one issue that like every Republican in the base cared about. And they felt like that no one, no one represented in DC and no one who could win the nomination ever talked about enough. Okay. But now he has Hollywood sickos. And I think that'll be the, that's the, that's the next step because it gets less and less, it gets more and more deterioratory, de-territorialized. This time goes on because obviously immigration, you could say, oh, immigration is a crisis in America for X, Y, and Z reasons. But as a cult, as a thing to vote about, it was totally detached from reality. It was just this ambient anxiety
Starting point is 00:34:44 about being culturally unseated. This is now the even more abstracted version of that. It's, it's like, oh, it's not the immigrants. It's the calls coming from inside the house. The enemy, just like Islam, it used to be Islamic terrorism, terrorism, that's gone. Now the enemy is within and Kanye is now identifying it. Hollywood sickos, though, as something with like, first of all, there was like electoral success around immigration hawkishness. That's like on, on, on the state and senatorial level, like people like Tom Tancredo, but the Hollywood sicko thing is more diffused. And there's less, there's no, there's no equivalent to like the wall you can put there that becomes your signature policy.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Right. It is harder to make it concrete. Yeah. Without doing, like without promising explicitly to do the QAnon purges, say, Hey, the stuff you said was happening privately, we're going to do it publicly. And I, the system can't metabolize that. Okay, Matt, I think if, if Kanye West found out that the three of us attended one of Virgil Abloh's fashion week after parties in New York City, there's a good chance he would start the purges. Yeah. I mean, yeah. That's a tough one. Continue with the article, though. He writes, as with the yay bit, the spellings are all original. Sadly, yay is no longer us. Okay. Here was the tweet. I'm a bit sleepy tonight, but when I wake up, I'm going death con three on Jewish people.
Starting point is 00:36:07 It's, I'm a bit sleepy tonight. It's such a funny way because, and then he continues, the tweet continues. The funny thing is I actually can't be anti-Semitic because black people are actually Jew. Also, you guys have toyed with me and tried to blackball anyone who opposes your agenda. Felix, once again, I think you were also right that Kanye's black Israel light turn is way more interesting than all his weepy gospel. Oh my God. Yeah. No, all the God shit was so boring. It was just like, when people acted like it was his great cultural turn, it's like, yeah, I've never seen a crazy musician like decide that they're Christian now. I've never seen that. Bob Dylan did that shit. Yeah. They've all done it. They've all done it. But like,
Starting point is 00:36:51 this is actually, yeah, this is actually something shout out to the black Israel lights because when I was growing up in New York, they had bar none, the best show on channel 35 public access. It was the best talk show that's ever existed because half of it was videos of them on the street screaming at people, mostly Hasidic Jewish people. And then the other half of the show was Collins where they would scream at people from the studio. He should bring that show back. But okay, another, another unfulfilled, he didn't go death con three on Jewish people. He woke up and it's like, you know, he's like, Oh, they did cancel culture. That's death con three. Well, remember death con three is only the middle of defense condition between one and five. So,
Starting point is 00:37:35 I mean, I don't know where he was before. So maybe he went up to three from two in which case he's relaxing his feelings of hostility towards the Jewish people. I think he got hit with a fucking drink dart. It's funny because I kind of wonder if he just, he realized, wait a minute, is one or five the bad one? And then he couldn't remember. So he just put, I'll be safe. I'll say the middle one. That's smart. This just seems like a thing he'll give up on. I'm sorry. I just, as someone who's observed him, as someone who likes a lot of his music and is, you know, is familiar with the man, this seems like a thing in a year. He'll be like, I didn't do that. Well, it depends though. It depends. It depends. We hugely on the response that he gets. Yeah. If,
Starting point is 00:38:14 if he, if there is a concerted effort to like drive him out of mainstream like a celebrity, then he's not nowhere else to go at that point. And he kind of has to double down on that. That's the only card he can play. Yeah. The reactions I've seen this morning from some of the people angry at Kanye, who have all taken to pointing out that Kanye has more Twitter followers and there are Jewish people in the world. They're not exactly making the best case. Seriously. It's like, that's the thing. When you're chosen, they're, you know, you know, there aren't a lot of you. I mean, it's the whole, it's, it's supply and demand, you know, the value scarcity increases value. That's pretty common sense. I read this thing
Starting point is 00:38:52 about how they quantify that. And then there's like core Jews. That's like, I guess both parents, but then there's stuff called like, um, um, Nate, like Jewish adjacent and like extended Jewish universe. That's you're in that. Yeah. Um, I think if you have, if you've seen every Cohen brothers movie, yeah, done, done and done. Um, no, another example of that, that what you're talking about Felix is, uh, my favorite, my favorite sports call on this and return gentlemen, Jason Whitlock, they were like, he's like, Oh, like you'd like you, people were like, Oh, he can't cross this line. And people were like, what line are you talking about? And he's like the way non religious Jewish people like are controlled the media or like, blah, blah, blah. Like, you know, classic anti
Starting point is 00:39:39 Semitism, but with this new distinction that is again, very important for the right wing now between non Jewish Jewish people and religious Jewish people, because religious Jewish people are very right wing. And like they're the allies, but you still need Jewish people as this internalized threat and enemy that is like the, the, the load star of the, like, you know, yeah, the load star for like a kind of like anti Semitic culture war about like, they, you know, they control the media and like are degenerating our culture or whatever. Yeah, it's, it's the mutation of like the Zionist Jew versus the non Zionist or ambivalent Jew. Yeah, it's the same, it's the same framework as that. So that way you can, you can, you can, uh, inoculate yourself against accusations of anti Semitism
Starting point is 00:40:20 because you're like, no, I, I'm friends with, I'm actually considering myself quite close to many religious Jewish people, but the 90% of Jews in America who are generally secular, they're, they're, they're, they're pigs and dogs. But that, that, that's why I think it's a non starter is because the only guy who followed him was Jason Whitlock, who's like the dumbest man on the planet. He's like, yeah, he jumps on, they're not bringing their best there. He jumps on every stupid, he thinks every stupid thing is the next thing. He's like, oh, we're, we're gonna make a, a, an anti woke red lobster on it. We're gonna, yeah, we're gonna, we're gonna make a hospital that doesn't serve atheists on it. Like just any non starter Whitlock's fat ass jumps on it.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Um, uh, the speaker's like, uh, similar, uh, to the, the, the anti woke red lobster. Uh, did you see, um, Cacanya's friend Candace Owens, um, shilling for like the anti woke bank. Yeah. It's already gone. Oh, yeah. Already. Yeah. Already clapped. And she was just like, watch out Wells Fargo and Bank of America. One of the things they were offering is they were going to offer debit and credit cards that were made out of the same material as a pistol shell casings, like guts, so based, that's so like just your dishes for babies. And apparently though, oh, oh, that doesn't actually work. We're not actually scanning a card machine machine. You fucking morons. Could you put like, uh, friends on your card?
Starting point is 00:41:42 I bet you could have a friends card friend card friend card with little friends on the card. That is worth it. Like not having FDIC. Yeah. It's worth it. Yeah. I want to take the gamble. Yeah. Yeah. Imagine the bank is capitalized on NFTs completely. Imagine I, that's my dream is going to the grocery store at like 6 p.m. and holding up an entire line of single moms, trying to put my gun metal card in that won't scan that is like run it again. Yeah. Run it again. Yeah. It just has, it just has like fucking friends all over it. Little papers for the spot so it gets stuck. You find the pull it out. They got to get a fleet of pliers. Just everyone's fucking hissing at me. Oh man. I wish it was real. Back to the article. West meant DEFCON 3,
Starting point is 00:42:33 the U.S. military's term for being halfway to a nuclear launch, but also halfway from not having a nuclear launch. Okay. Okay. Perfectly positioned. He has had a busy time beginning with wearing a white lives matter t-shirt at a fashion show in Paris last week. Some might think that a fashion show in Paris is exactly the right place to wear something daft and tasteless, but the slogan the ADL says is associated with white supremacists. West then went fully postal last week on Instagram to his 18 million followers and gave a two part interview on Tucker Carlson show on Fox. West told Carlson that Jared Kushner had manipulated Donald Trump and organized the Abraham Accords for personal advantage.
Starting point is 00:43:14 He's got to sell buildings. Got to sell some buildings. I mean, yeah, that was a coincidence. That whole thing where he went into, uh, they went into office with him having this gigantic zillion dollar white elephant building and then he's doing these, uh, course, six, six, six, bar, and then all of a sudden the goal, the goal, one of these golf, uh, hedge funds just fucking takes his office hands. That's a coincidence. And what are you to come on? Right. I mean, like it would be disappointing if Jared Kushner did anything that wasn't in his personal interest. Yeah. What else do you do on that? Yeah. Sticking to geopolitics. He said that the media want Lizzo, a portly flautist noted for showing her bottom in public.
Starting point is 00:43:52 To say that in the name of the demonic idea that stuffing your face is healthy. I mean, hasn't Kanye had like lipo done? He's had some of the most he's had a lot of micro lipo ever done. This is all how it's all, it's all yelling into a mirror and it's all narcissism. He's looking pretty swole these days himself. His neck is looking pretty that. I think he might be feeling a little insecure. I think the opposite. I think he looks, um, he got like facial micro lipo. That's what it looks like to me from the interview. I've never, I guess I would know how to recognize facial micro lipo. I've never seen it. Would you just compare it to older pictures of him? I noticed it. Um, why do you think they would want to promote unhealthiness? Carlson asked
Starting point is 00:44:32 as the host of the most popular cable show in America. He is as much the media as anyone is. It's a genocide of the black race. West explained they want to kill us any way they can. See, this is why he's going to, this is where it could happen because obviously you have to deracialize that, but it'd have to turn into the greater, you know, narrative about culture, destroying us. But it's that same activated, uh, paranoia on among Republicans that they're being sought for destruction for their identities. When in fact they are being immiserated universally by the relentless grind of capitalism. No, they don't want it. They don't want to genocide black people, but the thing that makes money involves pumping out as much
Starting point is 00:45:14 fucking cheap calories as possible in a way that will guarantee that people get obese and that the obesity is concentrated at the lowest levels of the socioeconomic level, which means it will concentrate around racial minorities and specifically black people. That is a guaranteed outcome of that result, but that's not the reason they're doing it. Right. Where they already did that. They already pumped the poorest communities full of the worst food that wouldn't even be served to fucking pigs in the European Union. Uh, everything else is post facto. And then like, you know, you can look at like health outcomes in this country and like begin to wonder why black men across the board have like the worst health outcomes and
Starting point is 00:45:51 every fucking like stroke, heart disease, diabetes, like, you know, across the board. Yeah. And it's just frustrating because, because we can't talk about the structures, we cannot talk about the reproducing structures that govern our lives, like the capitalist relations that make everything the way it is. We can only look at a culture that's coping with that and then decide that its signals are what's making us do it. So like, even if you accept the notion that, oh, these ads are trying to make people say it's okay to, these ads are there to tell people it's okay to be fat, it's because, well, you know, if everyone's fat, why not, why not make them not feel bad about it? You know, like that's the impulse that governs everyone
Starting point is 00:46:30 through that chain of thinking that gets to that. It's not, we want people to die. It's, well, look, they're dying anyway. Everyone's fat as hell anyway. We can't do anything about that. And maybe we could make them feel better about it. We're gearing towards a future where like only, only like the middle highest earners are not fat. Yeah. So we might as well, we might as well like try this sort of half-baked combination of like academic and culture stuff where you get like the Nabisco professor of body positivity. Like, yeah, right, right, right. It's fucking, it's fucking, yeah, research papers that are like, no, you naturally like want to fuck someone who's 700 pounds. I gotta say, that was demonic.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Insane, insane. There's no such thing as good or bad food. Oh my fucking God. And like, look, yeah, in a moral sense, like, no, I don't think everything has conflated. No, I don't think anyone's a bad person for being, yeah, but like, there's, there's never seen food that is healthy and unhealthy in terms of like the nutrition that provides your body. Our entire social order is reproducing things, us doing things that are bad for us. Yeah. If not just eating food, but voting, participating in society that is destroying the goddamn world. It's all bad for you. So I think like the thing that's, what's frustrating is that the, there is an impulse among all of this racial panic and gender panic that generates these movements,
Starting point is 00:47:48 a desire to like rip the VR headset off of us, basically, the recognition that like, oh, like, all the things that we think are helping us cope with the world we're in are actually also like connecting us to it and making us unable to do anything else. So we got to like destroy it, but you can't because it's set on top of a thing that generates it. And politics, the thing that politics is supposed to do, which is a, a disciplining structure that subordinates your basest instincts into like coordinated action towards a goal, not just getting your, not just relieving the sense of like anxiety that you have for living a life that is terrifying and alienating. No, directing that somewhere. That instinct is supposed to pull action towards
Starting point is 00:48:36 the causes, towards the structures, but we don't have that political poll anymore. So everything is getting towards this frantic culture wide clawing away at like the goggles to try to get them off our face. It's like the, if they live glasses, if you only saw like a half a layer deep. Yeah, exactly. Like, like all the, like all the body positivity and like fat acceptance stuff, a lot of it is just like, it immediately goes to like the moral idea because that is, that is the basis and only way that we can see things. Like people are obsessed with calling media bad because they can't figure out that the protagonist is supposed to be good or bad immediately. With the, the, the obesity stuff, it immediately goes to like, is a, is an obese
Starting point is 00:49:18 person a good or bad person? Yes. If you're on the other side of it, if you're on like the now politicized conservative side of it, it's like, no, you're a bad person, you're a drug addict, if you're obese. Yes. And the other side of it is going so far in the other direction, not just are, are you not a bad person if you're obese, which is the base truth you're working with. You're a bad person if you don't become that, if you're not immediately desiring that. Yes. Like if you don't think, if you think this is unhealthy or like fucked up in any way, if you point out that obesity rates have skyrocketed since the nineties, did everyone's genetics change? If nothing's being done to the food, then you, you are a bad person. And that is, that is the,
Starting point is 00:50:00 that is the half a layer of illusion taken away. Yeah. Trying to look at it. And then if you're on the other side of that, it's like, okay, then I'm a bad person according to you. I'm gonna, I'm gonna have to flip your values because obviously they're wrong. If I don't think I'm a bad fucking person because of that, I'll be determined to be a bill. And yeah, meanwhile, no one really talks about like what food companies do to our food. No. What, like anything related to agribusiness. It's all just, yeah, it's all just, you know, what's in sports illustrated. Yep. Yep. Well, it's like, we are trying to determine like who's going to be like the, the, uh, the, uh, who's going to host, who is going to be the Lord Michaels of America?
Starting point is 00:50:39 Like that's who we're, imagine we're voting on. I was like, who gets to program SNL each week, who gets to put on things and then we get that, that, and evaluate like an aesthetic assembler's like fat and black or whatever and disabled, that's good. Or, uh, you know, the old area and ideal is good. And then we're going to fight over what we should be watching every day. Gambo. We should be watching Gambo folks. Finally some Gambo. I gotta tell you, finally some gambos happen. Since the time jumps, uh, I'm enjoying that, that, uh, ever since they started jumping forward in time a lot, uh, I'm getting more Gambo. There's more Gambo ask hijinks. Okay. When that dude got his head cut off out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:51:18 Matt, Chris and I were all watching it. We all turned to each other. We got a Gambo has a Gambo has, has, has finally occurred. A wild Gambo has emerged. Should I start watching it? I mean, you love the lore and there's times of war. Yeah. Like that. There's a little in joke thing where like, uh, there, there's a line of, uh, potential suitors for, uh, for the princess and, uh, a little, uh, a young Blackwood and a Bracken get in a fight and one of them kills the other one. It's like, Hey, you guys, you all love those, those, those futon families from the Riverlands, the Bracken and the Blackwoods. We love them folks. That sounds good. I mean, I have to stop watching SVU. Are you watching like classic
Starting point is 00:51:54 Christopher Maloney era? I'm not watching like the new guy. We don't allow the guy, the guy, the guy fucks Mariska Hargitay. Yeah. A lowly, a lowly cop fucks her to be a New York Yankee or a prince. It's a fucking guy who makes $60,000 a year. Fuck you. Disgusting. Yeah. I hated it. Hated when they did that. Awful. So you mean you're transitioning from your, uh, your white woman, a comedian consumption era when you were doing true crime, YouTube's and law and order SVU. Yeah. He'll just become a white woman. Yeah. Well, I think I'm gonna talk, man. I'll be worried about you. I think I'm going to be trafficked soon. Check your door handles. That TikTok was so good. Okay. The zip tie on, on the, the, the side mirrors of the door handle.
Starting point is 00:52:52 That's the classic one I heard before, but the, the, the, the new, the new, uh, the new evolution of trafficking techniques that I was not aware of in this TikTok was putting some sort of like fentanyl pouch in the door handle. So when you touch it, you get like, whoa, you pass out or whatever. Yeah. Oh man. Imagine a squeegee guy accidentally touching the fentanyl part on your car and just collapsing. I'm not gonna collapse and getting right for the day. It's like, oh man, feel it. Great. He just whistles, walks away. That's the funniest thing about like that fentanyl shit. It's like, we're like, wouldn't there just be like a million people dying every day if it just kills you on time syndrome, baby? Every, we have a collective Havana syndrome where you want to call
Starting point is 00:53:32 it anything you want to call it any name you give it. It's the same thing. The, the, the tendrils are buzzing with the coming apocalypse. We have no cultural language to discuss that. So it gets suppressed and sublimated into physical symptoms and the narratives around those symptoms. And that's now our politics for podcasters. Of course, the Havana syndrome is IBS. It's true to be true. Not me though. My VMs are like a fucking Swiss watch. What bully for you might have been really bad since the Ned Fulmer incident. Yeah. This is like when I told come town, I know I've never had a rectile dysfunction or needed blue shoes. They're fun to take just sometimes. I've never done it. It's like doing batting
Starting point is 00:54:22 practice with a cork bat. Yeah. Apparently I didn't see it. I will see it before the week is out, but there was the new SNL this season debuted Saturday. Brendan Gleason, right? Yes. Brendan Gleason, a lovable Irish lug. I'll, I'm sure I'll enjoy it with quotation marks, but apparently there was a sketch about the five, the fall guys, the fry guys, the try guys, the try guys are on SNL like a reference. This is, you got to put the phones down and find out like what it's like to like go to a deli and think of something funny that happens in an interaction you have in your human life. Imagine if you will an adherent to the Bushido code of samurai, but he worked at a deli. Yeah. See that we're talking. What if your neighbors had large peaked heads and talked like
Starting point is 00:55:10 robots? What if that was the thing? How would you deal with it? What if you knocked? What if you opened the door one time and there was a shark? These are questions that you need to be asking yourself. You need to put on a fucking doobie brother's record, smoke some fucking Maui, Maui, nothing above mids and just talk out the episode. Instead of putting your fucking Twitter screen next to your Netflix page and that destroying your brain with the most powerful THC ever devised a fucking to me, putting in your head and just watching your screen all week and then getting ideas out of that. That's what I touch fucking grass. Seriously. It's the sketches could be about anything, man. You have to have it literally. They've never done anything else.
Starting point is 00:55:59 They went, they like people writing for SNL now. They went from school to SNL probably like they went to school, then they went to like college. Maybe they did a couple of years, but doing stand up and then in the shit. See, never had a real motherfucking job. I mean, I either obviously, but it's like, this is a, this has its own effects everywhere. I perceive like, you know, like you could say like, oh, like the weed's too strong now, but I perceive a similar shift in drug induced creativity and film and television that plays out according to, you know, according to the plot in SNL, the shift from cocaine, classic era SNL, where they were fucking doing races down fucking desk tables. They were doing a yard of cocaine
Starting point is 00:56:42 to Adderall. Yeah. Yeah. Like you have all the, it's okay. I got a prescription for this. But none of the feelings of God like euphoria. Yeah. Because it's not illegal. It's got to be illegal, baby. You got to have your PA go and meet a guy in the, in the, in the cafeteria at Rockefeller center. Back to the Kanye West article. West is now suspended from Twitter and Instagram for anti-Semitic statements. The president of Iran is still holding for it. So I had to get that in there. I had to get that in there. They do look, they do like, like British Zionists love that. Like being like, why does community still have an account? Yeah. Yeah. The Twitter's banned in Iran. How come this asshole has a Twitter account?
Starting point is 00:57:24 How's he a ban evasion of his own country? If this, if you would think that that would be part of the sanctions that we've had on that country since the hostage crisis, you know, yeah, like you can't have, you can't be on our Twitter. What the fuck? West is possibly an under sedation too. In 2016, he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder after being hospitalized. His manic outbursts have long been the subjects of cruel jokes. It is cruel or still for Fox News to put on air as someone who is plainly ill. Oh yeah. Yeah. Like that really, really, really real breach of morality from Fox News. Imagine if they put someone insane on television. That's wild. Yeah. I like that. That's what crosses the line from them.
Starting point is 00:58:02 Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. Exploiting the mental illness of this entertainer on, for Tucker Carlson. Yeah. That's, that's a bridge too far Fox News. You thought, yeah. Also, like, like crazy famous people like that. That's how they heal is by going on TV. That's why they go out. It's therapy. Yeah. They go on TV after they have an outburst. Like my, my favorite TV appearance of all time, Michael Richards. Oh, with Jerry Seinfeld. The Afro American. Yeah. When I'm sorry, it is the funniest thing ever. Maybe so fucking good. Seinfeld is a piece of shit as a human, obviously. I mean, the fact that he collects cars is all you need to know. You're a comedian who makes a bunch of money. If you're
Starting point is 00:58:41 in a kind of entertainer, it makes a bunch of money. And then you're left with the existential question. What do I do with this giant pile of gold? The answer is buy a bunch of little cars. You're a fucking piece of shit, but nothing. And obviously the 17 year old guy, he's dicey. But to me, the grossest thing he ever did was when fucking Kramer drops the N word and then goes to apologize and starts talking about the Afro American community. Oh my God. This asshole is going to yell at this crowd and say, it's not funny. Fuck off, dude. That's funnier than anything Jerry's ever done on stage. Ever done in his life. That was probably the greatest TV appearance of all time. Yeah. You got to talk it out. And so
Starting point is 00:59:20 he, I think if he gets a few more interviews, he'll like calm down again, but then it's going to get ramped up and like, and we're all on a roller coaster. We're all, we're all living like by the whims of these, uh, these guys at the top, we're getting more and more normal every day. Well, you do like interviews for celebrities or like detox. Like you start out on like a something close to what you get on the streets, which is a Tucker Carlson. Yeah. But then when you're like, you're weaning off, you go with something light like Meredith Vieira and we'll know he's cured when he's like doing that. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, here's where we get into, you know, if Felix called the shot early on, quite accurately. So here's where he gets into Roger
Starting point is 00:59:55 Waters. Compare West to Roger Waters, who turned up over the high Holy days in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine. Waters, who insists he has nothing against Jews, only the existence of Israel, said that British and American Jews bear responsibility for Israel's actions because they pay for everything. I'm sure that's a very good faith, uh, reprint of what he actually said in the interview. I'm sure he said exactly that. Roger Waters, who will always be a delusional bigot, but Kanye West, who has performed in Israel, will recover from his delusions and their bigotry. Oh, okay. Okay. So that's why he's a good person. Okay. I mean, that's the thing is, as long as Israel is, is affirmed and can exist, then who gives a shit how anti-Semitic any
Starting point is 01:00:39 particular person is outside of Israel? Because, oh no, they do anti-Semitism. What'll let, what'll happen then? Jews come to Israel. Oh, it hate for that to happen. You realize that they don't actually think Roger Waters is anti-Semitic. Otherwise they would love it. Exactly. They want to scare the Jews out of the West to Israel to win the demographic war. Yep. Yep. I said the same with Kitty Helper just the last week, but yeah, like, and also though, if, as long as you support Israel, you can say anything you want about Jewish people. You're shaking the board towards the bottom. You know, you're getting all the crumbs together, but if you, if you're against Israel, then they, they can't have a state. They can't have their nukes. They can't defend themselves
Starting point is 01:01:19 against the rest of us. He says he deserves a break. You could see the pain on his face as he told Carlson. If we saw ourselves as people and not a race, then we would treat our people better. That is the American problem in a nutshell. The road to rehabilitation is long. There will be meetings with rabbis, a trip to the Western Wall, and another high-profile interview to apologize about the previous one. If anyone can, Kanye can. Just ye watch. Okay. So this is a question. Does, is that going to happen? Is he going to do the full walk back? Because if he's going to get healed, he's going to have to do something publicly to exemplify it. What does he have to go to Israel? Does he have to go to the wall? If he does do it, it is going to be couched in that. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:01:59 it's going to be like, look, I like Israel. Yeah. And then, then maybe, yeah, then maybe he is running for president. We'll see. Yeah. So if he, if he is able to accept that, those terms, then we might be seeing the stirrings of the, of the next, the next link in the chain. Damn, I feel like Black Hitler. You know what? I wish I could find this, this best screenshot ever of the guy going like, everyone Google this, we're the real Jews. And then the first comment under his Facebook status is, can you just like come pick up your daughter? Because that really is, it's a microcosm of what's going on here. I think we need some more lost shrubs of Israel. Yeah. We need to, we need to go out and find some more. The Irish. Some have claimed. I've
Starting point is 01:02:41 heard that one. I don't need. There's also the Anglos, the Anglos claim. Our friend Elron, Mexico said the Cajuns were also a lost tribe of Israel. You have to, I don't know. You have to get real at some point. The, the Anglo-Saxons claim that too, that they're a lost tribe. And of course the Mormons believe that the Indians are a tribe of Israel. Okay. At this point, it's like there are more people who are Jewish than are not. Yeah. Well, that, I mean, that can solve anti-Semitism. Chinese, Chinese. Okay. Lost tribe of Israel. I honestly have never heard the Han put forward as to the lost tribe of Israel though. That's a good one. Gotta get those numbers up. The only people, they're going to have to find some more lost tribes if they want to, yeah,
Starting point is 01:03:17 keep it, keep it going. The only people who both like have never claimed this and you know, I could actually see would be the Basques because like no one knows where they came from. It's true. They got the language. It's out of nowhere. Yeah. No, no other connections. It's very interesting. No Indo-European roots. Yeah. Their language is awesome. Yeah. They put X's wherever. They go ham. I go ham with them X's. They got the little guy, the divot guy above the eye. I was like, Oh, you thought that'd be a dot? Wrong bitch. It's a tiny little you. Well, I for one, welcome the Kanye Imperium. I think it's going to be awesome. I'll wear when we all have to wear those stupid foam insulation shoes. Okay. Okay. Like and, and the track suits. I'll be fine. I'll
Starting point is 01:04:00 have a great time. People, people get very sensitive about music. So I'll just say this. Can we agree that his clothes and shoes are like the shittiest thing anyone's ever created? Like the ugliest clothes and shoes anyone has ever conceived of. They look bad. I gotta say. They look like shit. I probably like his music, you know, more than anyone out of the three of us, but like his clothes suck shit. You're fucking terrible. They look like shit that they wore on the ship in The Matrix. Wear it to the rave. Yeah. We're to the Zion rave. Yeah. Just dog shit. And I liked a lot of Donda, but the shoes are stupid. I'm going to get a pair in anticipation so that when the
Starting point is 01:04:40 pull pot comes in there and they're shooting anybody who's not wearing yeas. I'll be okay. It's an all hype beast army. A bunch of just decked out clods. And let it have a long knives, but for gap executives. I am. I think Mandy Moore would beat him in an election. Mandy Moore. Yeah. She's on. This is us, right? She's on. This is us. The thing is they need a celeb. But the problem is they can't get one. They're not raising one in time. And it's catastrophe. Like they need Matthew McConaughey yesterday or the rock that are really in trouble. They need someone to answer that. They need someone to answer Kanye because Mandy Moore.
Starting point is 01:05:17 Why Mandy? Where are you getting Mandy Moore from? She's on. This is us. She's a woman. And like she just, she always seems to be just being this like pleasant haze. And if Kanye is up there just like screaming about like whatever topic he's on by that election, you know, see if we did have a socialist movement in this country with any kind of organizational institutional haft, it would be Mary Ann Williamson, but sadly we don't live in that world. So we're going to get some like off brand Hollywood, Hillary. It's not going to be good. What about Taylor Swift running against Kanye Oprah Winfrey? Oprah would be the club that she's, she's the closest to like a democratic Trump. I think it's Oprah really.
Starting point is 01:05:55 Yeah, maybe. What about Diane Feinstein? I think she still got room for one last job. Honestly, that would make sense. I mean, that is the next step from like Biden. If it's just the continuing dissolving of the democratic party to its pure machine parts, then who's next Nancy Pelosi? Would she have to be the next candidate? You have to do an exoskeleton. You have to know it would be really funny if Kanye lost by like nine points to Diane Feinstein. And then she just fucking dies. We're like, look, I just didn't think, I didn't think Jesus was a banger. I'm sorry. Not voting for him. I'm voting for Mecca Feinstein.
Starting point is 01:06:35 I, okay. I honestly think Christ is king foreclosed any possibility of him ever being president. I really do. I do. All right. Well, I hope we can find our place in the Kanye, the Kanye regime. I'm already preparing myself. I'm sorry for going to Virgil Abloh's party and ruining it. All right, till next time, guys. Bye. Bye. Yeah, plug the dates. Oh, yes. Plug the dates.
Starting point is 01:07:02 This, okay. If you didn't get a chance to see this in LA, you will still have two opportunities to see us this Friday the 14th. We are in the Town Hall Theater in New York. That's right. Chappell on Broadway. On Broadway. And then the week after that, we're going to be at Revolution in Fort Lauderdale. Musical guests in New York will be 95 Bulls and Donzie in Fort Lauderdale. Very much looking for those. Donzie? Oh, wow. So last two dates on our fault tour, Chicago and LA have been fucking awesome. Really comforted in New York and Fort Lauderdale.
Starting point is 01:07:34 I am a bit of a pedantic note. These shows have been great, but we got a lot of stuff to get through. We got the band is not really an opener. They're just playing a few songs and they play later. So don't, don't show up like 30 minutes late thinking you're going to skip the opener. If you're not there, like by 10 minutes after the show starts, you're going to be missing significant portions of the show. So show up on time for these. If you don't show up on time, you should kill yourself. Chris is going to find you and spank your bottom red, bright red. That's an incentive for people. That's sure. Nevermind. No, he's never going to do that.
Starting point is 01:08:03 He's holding the spankings, spankings for prompt boys only. Instead of doing a signing line, everybody who's there like five minutes before the show starts, I will do a spanking line instead afterwards. All right. Cheers guys. Bye-bye.

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