Chapo Trap House - 682 - Longspermism (11/21/22)

Episode Date: November 22, 2022

We catch up with World Cup news, engage in some vile orientalism about Qatar, and take a look at American colleges and universities partnering with gambling sites to wring some more profit out of thei...r students and sports programs. Then, an in-depth reading series on a Peter Thiel-aligned movement of eugenics, biological optimization, “secular Calvinism,” and more dubious effective altruism, all wrapped up in one couple and their plans to out-breed the world. Find all of the programming and subscriber announcements mentioned at the end of the episode here:

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Starting point is 00:00:30 Hello everybody it's Chopo coming at you Monday November 21st and before we start the show today I just feel like days like today I find it hard to start the show and start talking shit getting into the riffing and having fun because of events that cast a pall over anything I could possibly say so at the same time I don't feel like I can turn away from grief and anger so I thought about this all morning and tried to sort of jot down the way I feel right now so I'll just begin the show by saying this on a recent episode I said that the right wings libs of tiktok mid-term election strategy didn't pan out for them and
Starting point is 00:01:17 while it may be true that it has failed politically it is certainly having its intended effect which is the murder of gay and trans people whether it's a libs of tiktok Christopher Ruffo Matt Walsh you know the rest there's absolutely no point in spending even a second engaging with their the whole who me and how dare you politicize this tragedy routine that they're all performing at the same time now but suffice to say every politician and media figure who boosted rhetoric about grooming drag Queen story hour and slandered gay people as pedophiles they do it because they think it'll gain the money clout and political power but
Starting point is 00:01:59 also because they know it will lead to atrocities exactly like what happened in Colorado Springs yesterday we know who these people are and what they want they want gay and trans people to disappear from our society and to achieve that goal they will use whatever means are at their disposal to dehumanize slander and legislate against them to make this country a more brutal and ignorant place towards LGBTQ people and force them from the public sphere they have mostly failed in this regard but if they can't achieve this goal through elections they are more than happy to fall back on simply reducing the number of gay and
Starting point is 00:02:34 trans people who are alive so rather than focus too much on these cowards and the monsters they inspire to do their killing for them I want to instead focus on something I was most struck by in the media coverage of this horror which are the parents of one of the victims of the Q nightclub shooting a trans man named Daniel Aston there are a couple supreme Sabrina and Jeff Aston from Tulsa Oklahoma who moved to Colorado Springs and later their son Daniel followed them there and found a life and community there with them centered around Club Q where he worked as a bartender now what struck me was both their incredible
Starting point is 00:03:13 dignity and strength in the face of the murder of their son but also the fact that they knew their son was trans from the time he was four years old and loved and supported him for his entire life they always knew who their son was and never doubted it and what I'm stuck with is that this is exactly what these people and I'm not even going to speak their names anymore you know who they are want to make impossible for queer and trans people having parents that love you friends a job and a life their goal is to take that away from you in the world do anything to make it happen so it's the duty of all of us the majority
Starting point is 00:03:47 of decent people in this country to stop them to fight this evil and I'm not talking about banning someone's social media account I'll just leave it there for now and end this train of thought for whatever it's worth by sending my love and support to Colorado Springs and everyone else who feels sadness and anger this morning and today okay pause try to try to move on from this but guess I'll begin today with the footy the World Cup is going on news continues life goes on tough tough segue and I'm sorry for this but I have a transition okay okay check this out seems like everyone today is buying slaves but
Starting point is 00:04:36 it also seems like the Qatar soccer team should have bought some soccer playing slaves yes nailed it well thanks thank you got you guys much for that all right this is a b-side I was working on if you guys want to hear it yes okay it seems like everyone is buried alive in the holidays but it also seems like several Southeast Asians are buried alive in the soccer stadium where Qatar's soccer team will bury their wives alive after they lose more games because they're not very good and they have slaves they're gonna kill their wives this is that this is some Orientalism on your part Felix I'm sorry I'm sorry okay I'll
Starting point is 00:05:27 tell you who's not who's not doing Orientalism he's the the president of FIFA I swear to God I learned this today the president of FIFA is a guy named Gianni Infantino yeah Johnny baby Johnny baby so yeah he did he did a Cuomo thing I think this is something that like all Italians do when they're in positions of power I think the Medici's did this when they would get when they would get yelled at they would they would do this they would be like I'm I'm I'm I have the plague yeah Machiavelli's the prince has a whole chapter about this about how when a prince
Starting point is 00:06:07 gets yelled at too much he says his stomach hurts and people can't be mean to him yes he is not doing Orientalism he is doing a Cuomo is so from Johnny baby he says at a press conference today I feel Qatari today I feel Arab today I feel African today I feel gay today I feel disabled today I feel a migrant worker these were the new lyrics to smashing pumpkins today they've updated them I mean I've been enjoying watching the the start of this World Cup because it's just like the fact that they let Qatar do it like just host this World Cup like literally built on the skeletons of let's see 6500 migrant
Starting point is 00:07:03 workers from India Pakistan Nepal Bangladesh and Sri Lanka have died constructing this World Cup Stadium or just did the entire World Cup thing for Qatar I mean I was just watching it on TV now and there was this sort of ad for Qatar where they were like hey we're an American military base hey we have exciting medical technology we're the future and they show a time lapse of the creation of the World Cup Stadium and it was just like I'm seeing like a couple thousand people's lives get snuffed out in real time yeah just a sped-up version of that so Qatar Qatar has always had a more sophisticated
Starting point is 00:07:38 media operation than any of the other gulfi countries like Kuwait has never really had a terrible one Kuwait's has always been kind of good Saudi Arabia's is very blatant up until about a few years ago Saudi Arabia's entire media operation was one news organization and then paying 20,000 people to scream it's an eternal affair at you if you talked about the headings on Twitter but Qatar you know they've had the preeminent Middle Eastern media organization Al Jazeera a very respected media organization they've had for how small the country they are they've achieved enormous
Starting point is 00:08:15 influence they're they're very sophisticated diplomatically and here they showed a little bit of that sophistication I think that they've been paying influencers to tell people that it's Orientalist to criticize to criticize the you know slave to World Cup where there are no alcohol sales I really I do think that because I saw a tweetdecker a tweetdecker you know one of those guys who all all he ever fucking tweets all he ever says is like drinks out of coolers are just better when you went to school bus you know we're gonna be a good day when you had orange juice in the morning you know you know it was good you know that type of
Starting point is 00:09:00 shit I like when a girl double text you you know you know that posting a photo of like a plate and knives and being like how many y'all remember these they went crazy yeah yeah yeah yeah like a picture of gushers who remembers eating these I mean this never posted about Orientalism or Islam or really anything outside of like deck chairs and you know watching Beast Wars I guess he said most of the criticism of Qatar is rooted in Orientalism and it's like who fucking gave you that line like that word you that yeah what the fuck dude but I've seen a lot of that and I really I really do think it's you know how cheap
Starting point is 00:09:44 is it to buy a tweet decker you know it's gonna cost nothing I do wonder are there any Americans on the payroll like that they send a helicopter to pick up some like tumblr person who like bullied a bunch of people in the Steven universe fan art community into suicide and you for years ago it has to be it has to be like a tumblr criminal like someone who has run off tumblr for causing too many suicides and that's like that's like auto like America hiring auto Scorsese to teach us special forces operation paperclip for people who killed 30 people in the Steven universe
Starting point is 00:10:22 community so yeah so if it's not the if it's not they're like the 6500 migrant workers who died being enslaved by Qatar for this World Cup by the way total death toll is probably significantly higher because as these figures do not include deaths from a number of countries which send workers larger numbers of workers to Qatar including Philippines and Kenya the records of these people because their countries fucking keep records it's like the yeah the diagram where like the the parts of the plane that got shot up or supposed yeah all the all the plating it's like no it's the spots you can't see so it's
Starting point is 00:11:10 like it's got to be way higher yeah I mean Southeast Asian guest workers and guest workers from all over from African nations from you know usually very poor nations that's the commonality are treated horribly all across the Middle East it's not just gulfy countries they're treated awfully in places like Lebanon in Levant nations all over but they seems they said there seems to be a very feudal institutionalization of the treatment of migrant workers in these gulf countries everyone seems to have the same procedure of you know taking people's get passports of making sure they can't leave and essentially doing
Starting point is 00:11:51 everything you can do to make it so that like yeah their deaths aren't even recorded they were never even really people yeah it's essentially the ideal form of immigration that any country's ruling class would impose if they could mm-hmm yeah in these countries that have no other class really because of the way that the wealth is distributed they just are able to do that like it's what we're seeing there in Qatar is just them as we've talked about for this entire show's run the mask falling off right like instead of having the World Cup in a country that has hyper exploitation but has kept it really outside the country
Starting point is 00:12:24 right because it has a it's it still has like those working in middle class political you know formations that there's people that need to be served one way by the state and so all the real exploitation is outside of the country or is not under like the public it has not been publicly validated now in Qatar at the end of this where it's like they can just pay to have the fucking World Cup it's like yeah you're gonna watch slavery carry be carried out in public and extended even to the fucking people in the stands yep people don't want to go and so they're literally importing from these same countries
Starting point is 00:13:06 people to watch the games it's capitalism totally detached from any of the human institutions that are supposed to be served it's it's supposed to be serving like it's not about sports what is what is a fandom any of the things that people are supposed to care about totally non-present it's just money watching itself and then be literally hiring people to be paid to watch it because if there's not a fucking if there's not some sort of wage relationship what's the point of being there and not sports this is something I always thought about in about like 2008 2009 during during the Great Recession
Starting point is 00:13:47 was that these gulfy countries probably had the greatest cash reserve the greatest collection of liquid assets out of any family out of any non corporate entity on earth out of any non hedge fund but it seemed like they in 2007 2008 it seemed like well they did have influence and they did have some institutional presence and things like you know the council for foreign relations they hadn't really been part of a global model monoculture and I thought that's so that's so weird you know that they have such they have such great wealth and it's so liquid but they're not really they're not really
Starting point is 00:14:24 part of this thing yet when will things get desperate enough that they can buy their way in and now we're seeing it yeah right right anytime where it feels like we're at the end of something every like every organization whether it's like you know a sportscraft organization like FIFA or more governmental bodies these countries because they're immense liquid wealth have been able to buy their way in it's yeah it's like the end of formalized it's the end of capitalism as like a machine powered by like the collective interest of a ruling class the individual like nodes of capital are so overwhelming now are so out of
Starting point is 00:15:00 proportion every institution that they get to dictate independently so the Qataris get to buy the World Cup fucking Elon Musk gets to buy Twitter and the things that are so that these this money is supposed to facilitate sports communication are totally obliterated by the individual psychotic interest of this small group of weirdos in the Gulf or this one psycho in America and we're just at the point where the system is deteriorating because even at the top these things are able to operate independently of any greater interests cult socially that would keep the system at a going like it's the termites eating
Starting point is 00:15:40 into the fucking thing I mean and every institution is just being destroyed by them FIFA corrupt disgusting nobody trusts it American colleges to just to have a little my god little segue here and dual fan dual Caesar's the University of Wisconsin brought to you by fan dual yeah with a majoring in gaming history and theory and slot machines in the fucking cafeteria Matt that that story genuinely shocked the heart of the hotel casino I mean it's it's the end it's like the money is there where else is the money come from no public we'll get the fuck out of here but the demands the whole mop the fucking
Starting point is 00:16:19 maw that modern higher education is all those administrators all those well positioned at people making six figures and having a disproportionate political influence they got to get fucking paid and what's who's left to pay them fan duals and fucking draft Kings game so they will I want to get to the the the University gambling sponsorships but just to go back to Qatar for a second this is just a sort of a statistic that provides brings into vivid relief what you and Felix were just talking about Qatar is smaller in total area than Connecticut and with fewer people than Kansas easily dwarfed by the 17 countries
Starting point is 00:17:01 to previously host the World Cup there are 3 million people in the country but only 300,000 of them are Qatari citizens yeah no that is that's known as the Kuwaiti ratio Kuwait had a similar ratio I I've heard that they made more people citizens so I've never confirmed that yet but to go for a second another another aspect of this World Cup that's been been a fun has been the fact that Anheuser Bush Budweiser sponsored this World Cup for something like I don't know 70 million dollars or even I was at 700 million dollars for an astonishing amount of money to sponsor this World Cup games and Qatar has banned the sale
Starting point is 00:17:46 of alcohol in the stadiums which has led I think to some to an this World Cup has already had its own let's go Brandon moment did you guys see this no during this was during the the Ecuador get match against Qatar which they won and the Ecuadorian fans in the stands were chanting Karemo Cerveza and the Fox broadcast said that they were chanting see say put it did you see a weird Mike Sernovich saying that he supports the banning of alcohol sales just convert that once again you were totally he is but a few words away from just saying the words he's gonna say the word God there is no God but God Wahabism it's
Starting point is 00:18:34 just come on in common water is fine the Jordan Peterson is gonna be I think the last holdout but he's out he's it's ticking clock we were also to it treated to I don't know like some some great some great videos or some of the fans in Qatar include including some of the some of the English supporters hanging out with with like being in treated to like palaces filled with lions last night we met one of the Sheikh's sons and he took us back to the palace and he showed us he had lions and everything basically we were obviously on a bit of a hunt for some beers and he was like yeah yeah we saw face so face so we jumped into the
Starting point is 00:19:09 back of his aim to use a land cruiser ended up in a big palace and then we were in the back he showed us monkeys is exotic meds and they're just the hood for some beers and they end up in a palace with a lion so right on to the Scousers in Qatar right now my favorite thing like sort of linguistic cricket that we've seen around this is you you saw a little you saw the start of this a little bit in Brazil when people criticized Bolsonaro for clearing out the the rainforest where very right-wing or authoritarian or in this case feudal nations adopt almost like Maoist English to defend themselves where these
Starting point is 00:19:52 like hard right or yeah countries literally ruled by Namir will if you criticize any practice they have we'll start talking about like periphery nations and and like it just like it sound like there's someone from like the Marxism listserv in 1993 I saw I saw Robbie Williams people criticized him for for going and some Qatari elements defended him by pointing out like oh he's English you know colonialism is bad which yeah certainly there's in a morally rigid world you know England or America for that matter has no room to morally criticize Qatar I'm sure and Robbie Williams as it aside he said if
Starting point is 00:20:39 I couldn't perform anywhere where there are human rights abuses I couldn't perform in my kitchen which raises more questions than it answers but I think I that defense is always so interesting to me where they start talking about like colonialism and neocolonialism and sometimes even like mental colonialism because all of these countries they're all part of the GCC NATO Council for Foreign Relations blob like they're all like you're just because you talk about colonialism you're you're still part of that thing you still are partners with America they're still an American military base here you still shared
Starting point is 00:21:19 golds with American intelligence in Syria what the fuck what kind of fucking defense is this it's the same thing with Bolsonaro talking in that talking in that way when you know his presidency was literally given to him by the American justice system see but here's where culture war gets to play its role because how do you make sense of this like you're part of this board that you're defendant that you're saying you're being opposed oppressed by how are you being oppressed when you're part of it culturally like the global homo is imposing this this behavioral standard on you and then you get to even though
Starting point is 00:21:55 you're part of this machine and you're a monstrous thugocracy that like the just has no real democracy any of the things that you claim to respect it at least holds on to a vision of like social order that is you know based on coercion and that is the promise to the extraction capital that is seeing like the total end liquification of you know the economy of the world system under capitalism the ones that freaking out about it are the ones who are scared not about becoming you know rich guys in a bubble surrounded by robots that's fine but by being being gay in the bubble that yeah having their vital
Starting point is 00:22:34 essence and sense of self being destroyed from within by the decadence of idleness that you know it's like if a guy with a base Twitter account if people found out that he worked for like Facebook or George Soros and to defend himself he said well you know in coercive capitalism I have to have to work within this system I have to work work within you know the global homo neoliberal whatever system but it doesn't matter because I'm retaining my cultural baseness yes exactly it's a lot of version of that all the all the grippers and all the American right wing are going to gravitate towards a
Starting point is 00:23:09 vision of society that is basically a gulf monarchy like that is that their vision of because what is what is the model it is hyper techno libertarianism right no taxes at all basically free god citizens who would reign over people without fucking citizenship at all under a a civic code that applies to all of them but of course only really applies to those who don't have the money to have their own private indulgences the way that the aristocrats used to be and the way that you can maintain a coherent society even in the bubble the thing that they're afraid of losing through decadence and so they're all going to
Starting point is 00:23:45 adhere to that vision like the big hump is going to get them to accept Islam but I think it's inevitable as we're seeing at the fringes and that that's like the thing that aligns every facet of capital that is like imagining itself in insurgent resistance to global homo like that is the vision they're there in their heart even if they don't know it that they're moving towards well I I said I wanted to return to this but as long as you're talking about capitalism sports and decadence I do want to briefly mention this New York Times article from over the weekend headline how colleges and sports betting
Starting point is 00:24:21 companies caesarized comp college life in order to read millions of dollars in fees universities are partnering with betting companies to introduce their students and sports fans to online gambling and I suppose like I know I talked before about how like it happens so quickly that like I almost didn't notice it but still I'm still somewhat shocked by it every time I watch like a professional sports game on TV that like every single commercial is just in treating you to gamble on sports like which used to be the province of you know the mafia you couldn't say college athletics I mean like we I guess I
Starting point is 00:24:58 shouldn't be surprised at all that they're following suit and shoveling their students into the maw of hey place your first bet you got a thousand dollars on a fan tool or whatever but the one thing they will not allow is for the for the honor of their sporting programs to be undermined by paying students oh yeah of course yeah we got some fucking dignity around here I will say okay a little bit a little bit in defense of sports gambling it's certainly more it's certainly closer to what you would want out of something that is a real equity or real derivative than crypto oh yeah okay I will I will
Starting point is 00:25:36 say there are more fundamentals and information you can get than crypto like we did low what did we learn from FTX that every single like altcoin and everything like that is a Ponzi scheme where they all promise to pay 40% APY and the entire game is just getting out before the bank run look at least at least you could be an ace Rothstein in sports at least you can find out which quarterback like fucked up his knee it's a little bit more legitimate well this is interesting because one of the theories as to why exactly the the crypto crash is happening when it is is that you saw this huge movement of young
Starting point is 00:26:15 you know guys money to legal online gambling and away from crypto as soon as crypto lost its veneer of like no this is actually an investment because look at the number going up as soon as it got a volatility went into it and it started shaking down a little bit people decided hey if I'm gonna gamble I might as well have fucking fun doing it instead of staring at this stupid little thing going up all day I can at least watch a fucking game yeah absolutely I mean look there are some good uses for cryptocurrency there are real slot machines where you can win crypto that you can then convert to fiat and then
Starting point is 00:26:48 there are CS go skin gambling slot machines you can do online I've done both they're great but again if you're a sports guy why wouldn't you just take your fiat the money that you can use on everything right it's just gamble on the thing that you like yeah it's a no-brainer by the way smooth willy Apollo is taking the 49ers against the Cardinals tonight that's not my lock of the week and by the way use code chopo and Caesar's for I'm just kidding that's not a real course like this looks like a horrifying new low for colleges but again you're always seeing it's just a step down a road that's already pretty
Starting point is 00:27:25 worn how long how long have they been having fucking credit card companies set up fucking tables at like orientation you guys just show up at freshman orientation they're like hi you're 18 you're horny you want to party here's a card that will basically let you party yeah and yeah and what and what is it what you know whether it is Steven Schwarzman or you know George Soros or the Morgan Stanley or Merrill Lynch whatever fucking pavilion what is George Soros except the world's greatest sports gambler it's true I'm currency yeah because he yeah you know it's a instead of being like instead of
Starting point is 00:28:03 being like oh I think USC is overrated this year he said Malaysia sucks this year I'm gonna make ten billion dollars yeah look he's gonna make money for ever all the right people back home and why mess with a good thing look if you seen if you looked at any tape on the dong on the Vietnamese dong you know this currency is washed okay why do you why do you have to go on Charlie Rose cuz they can't fuck with me like if I'm on Charlie Rose like I'm some normal schmuck I want to read that just a little bit from the The Times article it says other schools too have struck deals to bring betting to campus after Louisiana State
Starting point is 00:28:41 University signed a similar deal in 2021 with Caesars the university sent an email encouraging recipients including some students who were under 21 and couldn't legally gamble to place your first bet and earn your first bonus and when University of Colorado Boulder in 2020 accepted 1.6 million to promote sports gambling on campus a betting company sweetened the deal by offering the school an extra $30 every time someone downloaded the company's app and use the promotional code to place a bet about 75% of college students say they've gambled in some way including playing the lottery in the last year
Starting point is 00:29:15 said Mary Drexler director of a problem gambling center affiliated with University of Maryland School of Medicine nearly one in five say they do weekly she said so yeah I mean this yeah this is all this is all for a jing sign but I would like to reiterate what Felix said better this than crypto better absolutely than putting even a scent into cryptocurrency I don't think that's arguable I mean no fundamental in crypto I mean and we're looking at it it does seem like there was a shift to gambling from crypto which means it's not like they're doing both like they're economizing and they're figuring I'd
Starting point is 00:29:53 rather have my money in the gambling sphere than and having some fun for God's sakes making it recreational but like the only reason the college is the only thing that changed between this moment when they're doing this and 20 years ago and they only had credit cards on campus is the legal framework if they just legalize something that used to be illegal like and that is what is left to privatize in the economy that's why we're gonna see this like continued creep of legalization of all kinds of vices because there has to be more profit for the formal economy to absorb the because like the the machine can't recognize
Starting point is 00:30:30 even though it depends on black market money it can't recognize it as money right so it's being these are home markets are going out of the loop and they're just gonna get added to continue to create nor revenue streams for existing legal corporations at the expense of the illegal ones the cartels and whatnot and the poor mafia's oh all the guys used to run numbers now they can't do that anymore they're like steel workers they're out of here but that's just it's just getting rid of every area that used to be outside of the formal market is gonna get absorbed in I am here I am interested in that because you
Starting point is 00:31:06 know with crypto there is still like yeah there's a use for it in black markets but I also think that with crypto what we're obviously seeing is everything falls to the center as gravity takes hold it will eventually get to the point where yes Bitcoin still exists Ethereum still exists and even the weirder one still exists but you have to get it from JPMorgan or Goldman yes yes I wonder if there will be some type of deal there you know where it's like okay we're gonna look the other way when you fucking exchange this with a cartel guy for you know two keys of coke or whatever they'll have to figure
Starting point is 00:31:45 something out because it like if you can't use it for that then why does it exist yeah it's just it's yeah just a pure speculative asset well I'd like to spend the the latter half of the show today touching on an article that really does delve into a lot of what we've just discussed on the first first half and over the last couple weeks of the show too I mean this is a this is a story that deals with Sam Sam bank run fraud this is a story that deals with Elon Musk paying his employees to bear his children this is a story that deals with Jeffrey Epstein trying to freeze his brain and balls so
Starting point is 00:32:34 that he can be an immortal sort of stud horse for the rest of eternity this is an article that was in business insider last week headline billionaires like Elon Musk want to save civilization by having tons of genetically superior kids inside the movement to take control of human evolution by Julia black so yeah it's okay so like a movement to take control of human evolution I wonder how this will turn out so the article focuses on this very sort of ambitious I don't know teal-sponsored couple and their attempts to sort of gamify human reproduction to ensure that their superior genetic stock dominate the
Starting point is 00:33:24 human race and the millennia to come so I'm just gonna begin here sitting in their toy field family room on a Sunday sunny September afternoon Simone and Malcolm Collins who were forced to compete with the whales of two toddlers as they mapped out their plans for humankind I do not think humanity is in a great situation right now and I think if somebody doesn't fix the problem we could be gone Malcolm half-shouted as he pushed his sniffling 18-month-year-old Torsten back and forth in a child-sized Tonka trunk along with his three-year-old brother Octavian and his newborn sister Titan Invictus Torsten has unwittingly
Starting point is 00:34:03 joined an audacious experiment according to his parents calculations as long as each of their descendants can commit to having at least eight children for just 11 generations the Collins bloodline will eventually outnumber the current human population if they succeed Malcolm continued we could set the future of our species okay one thing someone did try this someone did try raising the perfect baby they tried raising a baby who never even tasted processed sugars who never saw cartoons who only heard Beethoven and Mozart and all his days were spent in athletic pursuit and eating raw liver and listening to
Starting point is 00:34:44 classical music and hearing philosophy it was Todd Moranovic the quarterback Marv Moranovic tried to make his son into the perfect athlete he tried to make Todd into the perfect athlete by doing this doing every goofy thing that these people are doing and wouldn't you know it by the time he was 18 he completely fucking burned out he hated his life and the second that he left the house he like just got addicted to drugs and became one of the biggest football busts of all time oh don't tell me about it oh we drafted him instead of Barry Sanders Jesus Christ they could have had Brett Farve and Barry fucking Sanders at
Starting point is 00:35:23 the same time but they got Todd fucking Moranovic that fucking Polak piece of shit it's not his fault it's not his fault okay his dad ruined his life Marv really fucked his life up but I will say Marv made some amazing discoveries and strengthened conditioning science but holy shit did he ruin his son's life you cannot do this to a kid they're gonna they're gonna explode they're gonna explode one way or another well yes they're not having eight kids but here's the thing though that is what a a peasant would do to try to make a god among men right that's what a blockheaded Polak would do the kind of
Starting point is 00:35:59 people whose job it is in life to you know smuck out the stables of the true a lobal elite these guys are training their children to be mind samurai yes okay okay through reality with their brain blades okay and prove themselves worthy basically of the machine that they worship I take it back I take it worthy of the internet I take it back you know knowing that these are feel funded people this is a deal project it is gonna be enormously successful it is going to like all their other like everything everything he does like like masters it's it's going to be that thing that they have the new internet
Starting point is 00:36:39 that's going great who doesn't have cuban on their phone it will be I guarantee none of these kids are going to get addiction addicted to gas station weed it's not going to happen I would just like to also just pause for a second and reflect on the fact that they named their newborn daughter Titan Invictus that should give you a you should go to jail if you do that you know so there should be a registration system like in Germany I'm sorry where you have to have your name for approved by the state that's beyond an approved list and if you even bring this shit to them you should be reported to child protective
Starting point is 00:37:15 absolutely and by the way if you want to raise your kids to be successful there's only one method that we know to work that is worked for all all all all of time for people of most classes for people in most circumstances at least one parent has to be kind of a bad parent yeah you got it you can't have you can't be batting a thousand from both sides of the plate yeah you need you need a real three true outcome type of guy with like bad fielding the dad has to kind of not know what he's doing a little bit well these I mean now come at 36 and his wife Simone 35 well let's just say that they think they I mean they have it all
Starting point is 00:37:56 figured out they are pro-natalists part of a quiet but growing movement taking hold in wealthy tech and venture capitalist circles people like the Collins is fear that falling birth rates in certain developed countries like the United States and most of Europe will lead to the extinction of cultures the breakdown of economies and ultimately the collapse of civilization I love that by the way I love tech people bemoaning the the collapse infertility and that the destruction of shared commutals spaces in the real world yeah it's like people don't meet each other and have sex anymore they're just I wonder why off on
Starting point is 00:38:30 the phone well but but here here's the thing though like I mean with it they're talking about themselves and like this will become more clear as the article goes on but in fact they are plant not just planning for but hoping to facilitate the massive collapse of civilization for everyone but them yeah they would like to live three-ish time we gotta save the best of us yeah exactly their wardrobes Simone told me later are meticulously curated to protect the project the kind of gravitas their work requires beneath their thick black rimmed glasses hers round his rectangular the couple look as they
Starting point is 00:39:07 would put it biologically young I that way is normal and cool and back away from you at a barbecue if you started saying shit like that okay I just want to I just want to like underscore they said their their wardrobes project the gravitas that their work requires so immediately the question in my head is what do they what what are their jobs what's their work that's so important that they need to preserve the light of consciousness for another bleep on the boop black I bet okay they work they work for gummly fuckler don't ding dong zingles aggle and blooper together they write books and work in the VC and
Starting point is 00:39:49 private equity worlds Simone has previously served as managing director for dialogue the secretive retreat co-founded by Peter teal while they were he's just like his he's he's Peter teal's like a cruise director basically like this guy entertained oh my god yeah it's the middle-aged woman from wet-hot American summer but radius yeah I'm a I'm the chief key jangler for keep Peter teal I keep him entertained I keep him slapping his sticky hands together and glee it says here while they relate to the ants the anti-institutional wing of the Republican Party they're wary of affiliating with what they call the
Starting point is 00:40:28 crazy conservatives okay I'm sorry like not not a single jug hooter is as insane as these two no you are you are trying to become Genghis Khan yes yeah yeah it's like that's it's like they don't want to do the thing like they don't they think they're trying to preserve the heroic tradition of humanity right the people who historically rules through the ranks of common people to become notable through their through their deeds they want to preserve that from the muck just taking over in some sort of horrible this disgenic hell but what they forget is that technology has changed it so that we're not
Starting point is 00:41:08 selecting we're not our meritocracy is not selecting heroism it's selecting who can be the most hollow empty fucking slave to the machine who is the best at carrying out the will of an algorithm that does not allow room for humanity that or and heroism it's the opposite it's everything that is shallow and empty and weak about humanity reified into a value system that you get to perpetuate because it doesn't require the consent of a bunch of people it requires you controlling a line of code in a room in a basement so you get to then you imagine I'm saving humanity you're actually doing humanity and
Starting point is 00:41:45 ensuring the only thing left is this flesh appendage to a machinery of capitalism these are people yeah I mean they're they're doing exactly that but these are people who imagine that like they see no conflict in their mind between save like saving humanity means preserving their genetic future and then they and they justify that by thinking humanity is doomed without continued access to our high-quality seed are great we got the best seed folks our high quality high IQ genetic stock to returning to the article while pronatalism is often associated with religious extremism the version now
Starting point is 00:42:29 trending in this community has more in common with dystopian sci-fi the Collins's who identify as secular Calvinists which suggests that certain people are chosen to be superior on earth and that free will is right on it I would like you to be predestined into a wood chipper they believe press okay I'm sorry secular Calvinists it's no secular it is theology it is the theology of capitalism born when capitalism was born in the culture of the 17th century what emerged out of that was a Christianity shorn of any communal obligation just a pure bullet of
Starting point is 00:43:09 selfishness that could then be turned into a logic of domination of the entire fucking world and eventually have the mystical part with God anymore because we know too much about science and we need to know too much about science to listen to what the machine wants to tell us so we can't be bothered with that spiritual bullshit we're just gonna now create a new God out of our own fucking minds and our and our own reflection and that's what we're gonna protect but it's still theological it's still a fucking God I'm sorry it's not it's not the product of you doing all the riddling on earth and then looking at the
Starting point is 00:43:43 computer long enough oh I figured everything out which is what these psychos actually believe yes I I'm so I'm so glad that we're beating back woke capitalism and we can replace it with this new thing which is Christianity without God which has never existed before that isn't just what America is yeah and instead of God you have a bloopy Elon Musk like wokeness is a religion Elon Musk Elon Musk wokeness is a religion this is a fucking religion you're just you guys are all just fighting about what to tell the murder bots in our our floating like cruise ships with the Morlocks in the fucking
Starting point is 00:44:22 steerage and the Eloy up on the Lido deck that's the question is how are we gonna fucking how are we going to dominate these people and the only question is what what kind of cultural decals do we put on the murder bots do we put a rainbow flag on or a fucking totem cop that's it they believe pronatalism is a natural extension of the philosophical movement sweeping tech hubs like Silicon Valley and Austin Texas our conversations frequently return to transhumanism efforts to merge human and machine capabilities to create superior beings long-termism a philosophy that argues the true cost of
Starting point is 00:44:59 human extinction what wouldn't be the death of billions today but the preemptive loss of trillions or more unborn future people okay I want to you into this part right here now because this goes back to the Sam Sam bankland fried and the effective altruist philosophy that we've been talking about over the last couple episodes so a big part of effective altruism if you look into it is this buzzword long-termism and I think that the author of this piece I think just very pithily summed it up what long terms what long-termism means is that you know you may think that morality
Starting point is 00:45:37 compels you to act upon the pressing issues of today be it climate catastrophe or global economic inequality long-termism would have you believe that that's actually foolish and there is no greater moral crisis than the eventual extinction of then the eventual like expanding of the Sun and burning of the Earth's surface to a cinder several hundred million years in the future or another big problem they think is worth focusing on now is the humanity's domination by Rocos Basilisk and so that some AI dominated future but I mean like you can see you can see this light of hand here because like oh you
Starting point is 00:46:17 know like normal philosophy would have you believe that like your moral your moral sense as a human being is should be determined by your own life and the things you see with your own eyes and feel and experience and what you know to be true about the world that you live in no that's just short-term thinking what you should be doing is giving billionaires even more money so they can save us from the Sun burning out a billion years in the future and in fact that means that any goal that that like or any means through which these rich people are trying to save us is justified and in fact any effort to limit
Starting point is 00:46:53 their power from saving us from AI or the Sun burning out is immoral isn't it amazing that the two biggest threats are both things where you have to give these people all your money and resources and power that it's AI and the Sun blowing up yeah because the because this is just like the Qataris or Elon Musk it's it's all part of the same phenomenon of the wealthy becoming able to detach themselves completely from any structures of disciplining them you know towards any value beyond their specific mind that's why they all either want to be immortal literally like the life extension guys that we're talking
Starting point is 00:47:31 about or they want to have a zillion kids because they think that their genes are gonna then be panspermic and recolonize the entire galaxy that's it but it's it's it's it's the same as the apocalyptic religious drive all of it is a fear of death which is what happens when you have no consciousness of anyone outside yourself like nobody else but you is real and that is how these people live I mean it's increasingly how we're all being like bred to live but because of them being where they are and the lives they live the disconnection that the profound disconnection that defines every moment of their life they are
Starting point is 00:48:13 completely detached and also I mean I think another thing that should be underscored about long-termism and effective altruism is that no one save for maybe this weirdo couple here but the most prominent proponents of this philosophy don't believe it for a second Contra Matt Matt Iglesias I mean Sam bankrun fraud even said as much yeah he was like oh you mean the moral philosophy I was stumping for that basically says I should be allowed to make as much money as possible absent without any guardrails or regulation as quickly as possible so I can save humanity a billion years in the future
Starting point is 00:48:48 yeah oh yeah to learn that that was all bullshit and I was just what I was saying to con rubes like fucking Matt Iglesias Matt Iglesias stack authors it's so oh I love this this is my mmm the Iglesias thinks he's the smartest man on earth and here he is taking just the the most rubelike just he looks like a cornpone hillbilly off the fucking turnip truck for having this guy go I believe in effective altruism that means very light regulation for the crypto industry like moral consequentialist philosophers because for him that means something like he's willing to go out on a limb for them because that's his job
Starting point is 00:49:27 in his job isn't just telling people this stuff his job is believing it yeah that's how he generates yes takes is he has to believe it in a way that bankrun fraud does not he can just get suited and like give this guy a run a bullshit at a bar that means nothing to him thinks about a second after he leaves Iglesias has to hold it in his heart if he wants to keep that fucking dupe on circle penthouse condominium of him so he has to get burned he has to get out but of course what does he do just basically act like it never happened and delete all his tweets about it now I'm gonna go back to being a foreign
Starting point is 00:49:56 policy guy now yeah yes yeah and you know how we love to compare every every billionaire now whether it's a bankrun fraud or a mosque or even a Bezos to their predecessors to JP Morgan or John D Rockefeller Andrew Carnegie how you know if any any half-witted CEO of any big bank if they were given the broad charter that FTX was given they would have quietly made 97 billion dollars in five years and we never even know their face how everything everything now everything that the new class billionaire does it is supposed to look like an advancement like this is so this this goofy shitty Todd Moranovic
Starting point is 00:50:39 eugenics is supposed to look like an advancement but it's actually they took out the part of the Jenga Tower that was holding it together yes they took they did it's like Elon Musk firing all the non-essential people at Twitter although all those all those old guys John D Rockefeller the the stoic northern Baptist you know why did he not think oh why don't I just take God out of religion why don't I whatever you know why don't I just make myself God yeah because because having God in it makes it makes it sturdy enough to last forever yeah makes it so that you know what storms your castle yes it makes it so
Starting point is 00:51:16 that you can build an evil dynasty that lasts forever yes and these fucking dobes are like wait but if we take God out and make ourselves God then we'll go even higher why don't we build it why do we have to why do we why do we hear in Babylon have to go to heaven why can't we just build a tower that goes up there what's the problem why can't we just do that yep they're trying to get heaven on earth and what are they doing well that's happening making hell folks they're doing it they're Geo-fying the hell they're doing Geo-hell while they're trying to do Geo-heaven this is such Geo-hell returning the article says what
Starting point is 00:51:51 these movements all have in common is a fixation on the future and as that future starts to look more and more apocalyptic to some of the world's wealthiest people the idea of pronatalism starts to look more heroic it's a proposition uniquely suited to Silicon Valley's brand of hubris if humanity is on the brink and they alone can save us then they owe it to society to replicate themselves as many times as possible the person of this subculture really sees the pathway to immortality as being through having children Simone said according to tech industry insiders this type of rhetoric is spreading at
Starting point is 00:52:28 intimate gatherings among some of the most powerful figures in America it's big here in Austin the 23 and me co-founder Linda Avey told me Rafi Grinberg a pronatalist who is the executive director of dialogue said population decline was a common topic among CEOs elected officials and other powerful figures who attended the groups off the record retreats in February the PayPal co-founder Luke Nosik a close musk ally hosted a gathering at his home on Austin's Lake Travis to discuss the end of Western civilization another common catchphrase in the birth rate discourse you want to have ten kids who all have ten kids and
Starting point is 00:53:07 everyone is just gonna obey your word forever that's how you're gonna prevent Western civilization from falling apart the thing that you started taking apart that's how you're gonna prevent everyone from taking the other tires and putting them on cinder blocks to quote and every and all of their jobs are gonna be founder right there all everyone's gonna be a founder except for like the few Polish people we keep around like breeding rats yeah to quote a great man a true great philosopher an Eastern mystic an honorary member of the mafia and yakuza your family hates you I mean really like they're not like none of
Starting point is 00:53:46 these people's kids like them oh god really you previous previous Eastern moral philosophies would have you believe that the greatest moral good that you can confront evil by quote snatching away every motherfucking birthday I will snatch every motherfucking birthday but no effective altruism and pronatalism would have you believe you fight evil by by creating more birthdays billions and billions of birthdays yeah never gonna be snatched away yeah the Sun is trying to snatch everyone's birthdays when we create enough birthdays we can have birthdays and the stars but into like all these people's kids hate them do you
Starting point is 00:54:22 think when they turn 30 they're like this yeah the fuck you're gonna hate your parents when they saddled you with that fucking lemon oh my shitty pair my shitty parents named me fucking Claudia named me Claudius Titus and Victus even though I'm a girl they made me like eat raw liver for the first 19 years of my life I I can never enjoy anything because of how I was raised but clocks ticking I better just pump out 10 kids right now to make them happy yeah it's like and every and the kids some of them are gonna be founders some of they're gonna take to their parents values and they're gonna be the good
Starting point is 00:54:56 little boys and girls and the other ones though are gonna not be able to hack it in there but none of them are gonna like turn to the good you know because their lifestyles won't allow it they're all just gonna become different types of hunter-biden or Eric Trump or fucking Yair Netanyahu this new like global fail-sun class of people who can only fail to live up to like the best pretensions of their parents values yeah but like all of this this disgusting awful stuff that they they can they're pulled towards because they never saw an example in their fucking lives of what actual like moral behavior looks
Starting point is 00:55:28 like so they don't know how to they didn't embody it that's who they are it's it's like these people are what trying to do eugenics but of course they are doing disgenics they're creating the worst versions of rich people there could possibly be yeah least capable of doing anything but letting a machine run everything for them idiocracy if you will yeah and okay okay well you know how they took the God out of Christianity they're taking the despite if the way these people love to talk about humanity about how humanity is special because according to them even though this is not true we're the only species
Starting point is 00:56:03 that works together as a species wrong even wrong by the way wrong might completely fucking completely fucking wrong but you know if you do accept that is a special thing about humanity yes that is a special good thing about humanity in many cases but you're taking that part out yes you're removing the part that you're saying we hated to spread across the galaxy the part that we're supposed to hold like a like a dying flame in our cupped hands is the garbage it's the shit part it's all the worst most selfish impulses reified by this machine that does all the dirty work the reason we don't act that way in
Starting point is 00:56:41 our daily lives is because it hurts other people and that makes us feel bad the machine lets that happen out of our rate out of our observation and in another room and we get to live in a fantasy world where we're not responsible for that that's what that's why these people can't stop talking about Roco's basilisk and the Matrix being real in AI because the fantasy isn't that they they build something that's so great but so so awful that they're a genius like Oppenheimer that's not really the wish the real wish is that the awful machine that runs everyone's life the problem with it is that they built it what they
Starting point is 00:57:15 want for the next machine is for a machine to have built it even less responsibility yeah and so then they get to be just a little little babies little Wally babies in their thing and the ones that the the anti woke people of this class they think no no the reason I'm based the reason I love Trump and urban and nationalism is because if we keep that like vigor we will prevent that from happening we'll keep heroism it's like no it's already left the building everyone who has those values is a fucking lying piece of shit who just wants to stay comfortable Alexander the Great is not walking through that door
Starting point is 00:57:49 right by the way talk about talk about degeneration and yes things ain't what they used to be you're a Hitler you're Hitler you're Franco is Orban the fucking the fucking night manager of a restaurant the night manager of a restaurant a country of three million people that only gets to have electricity because of EU runoff that's your fucking Hitler you fucking loser you're not even getting out of orbit well okay a few words on that that's their that's their Hitler well here's their Albert Einstein meanwhile the Collins has said a mutual friend had been encouraging them to fly to Austin to
Starting point is 00:58:29 meet with Claire Boucher the musician known professionally as Grimes who is the mother of two of my children okay Grimes who follows about four one thousand four hundred and seventy people on Twitter followed the Collins's while this piece was being reported it makes sense considering that Musk who has fathered ten children ten known children with three women is the tech world's highest profile pro-natalists albeit unofficially he has been open about his obsession with Genghis Khan the 13th century Mongol ruler whose DNA can still be traced to a significant portion of the human population one
Starting point is 00:59:02 person who has worked directly with musk and who spoke on the condition of anonymity for this article recalled musk expressing his interest as early as 2005 in quote populating the world with his offspring who else wanted to do that who can I think of that had a big old farm in in New Mexico and a big old townhouse and an island who else wanted that exact thing makes that photo of Elon and Gillet and sparkle just a little bit more and and Epstein's claims that he was brought into advise Tesla musk has increasingly used his public platform to advocate the cause tweeting dozens of
Starting point is 00:59:44 times in the past two years about the threat of population decline if the alarming collapse in birth rate continues civilization will indeed die with a whimper and adult diapers he tweeted in January these worries tend to focus on one class of people in particular which pro-natalists use various euphemisms to express in August Elon's father Errol musk told me that he was worried about low birth rates and what he calls productive nations the Collins the Collins is call it cosmopolitan society Elon musk himself has tweeted about the movie idiocracy in which the intelligent elite stop
Starting point is 01:00:18 procreating allowing the unintelligent to populate the earth that's what you're making that is the world you're making he would be if idiocracy was real he would be Terry Cruz yes they would love him what do you do you tweet about Harambe all day you're a fucking idiot shout out shut up smiling object who the thing he took he posted about Trump where he was like haha my I'm a big pussy waiting for Trump to fuck me that was yes yeah he was like I'm a big wet pussy Trump fill me up oh my god though here's where it gets into the real like Nazi shit though musk was echoing an argument made by Nick Bostrom one of
Starting point is 01:00:58 the founding fathers of long-termism who wrote that he worried that about declining fertility among intellectually talented individuals could lead to the demise of advanced civilized society a meal Pete Torres a former long-termist philosopher who has become one of the movement's most outspoken critics puts it more bluntly the long-termist view itself implies that really people in rich countries matter more a source who worked closely with musk for several years described this thinking as core to the billionaires pro-natalist ideology he's very serious about the idea that your wealth is directly linked to your
Starting point is 01:01:32 IQ he said I mean he is personally disproving that thesis on a daily basis right now yeah if you if you ever wanted any proof that wealth and especially wealth now wealth and whatever it is that we're doing now is just who was holding the potato last there you go I says musk musk's ties to the EA and long-termist communities have been gradually revealed in recent months in September text logs released as part of musk's legal battle with Twitter showed conversations between musk and the prominent long-termist William McCaskill who works at Oxford's future of humanity Institute where musk is a major donor
Starting point is 01:02:12 in the messages McCaskill offered to introduce musk to Sam bankman fried a now disgraced cryptocurrency entrepreneur who had donated millions of dollars to long-termist organizations McCaskill never explicitly endorsed pro-natalism and he declined to be interviewed for this article he did however devote a chapter of his best-selling book what we owe the future to his fear that dwindling birth rates would lead to technological stagnation which would increase the likelihood of extinction or civilizational collapse one solution he offered was cloning or genetically optimizing a small subset of the
Starting point is 01:02:45 population to have Einstein level research abilities to compensate for having googling overall you have you have your Google gland is gonna get enlarged that that's their genius idea how much is giving people health care how about that oh wait a minute you mean like increasing the ability of like the collective intellect of the entire human race to be you know connected and allowed to you know bounce off each other and and create die like new concepts that could not have been created by a single fucking consciousness or a group of people living in the exact same conditions the sort of exchange that
Starting point is 01:03:20 generates meaningful innovation you fucking scumbags like I got to say though like we got accused a lot of black pill being doomers and whatnot and I honestly feel like the degree to which that's true is that I think we're all sort of talking around the fact that like the vision these people have of like where society is gonna go is going to come to pass most likely they're gonna get what they want in the near term they're gonna get their walled garden of techno feudalism and so however we want to define it and then we're gonna and people are gonna move in it or fall into the the the excluded zone outside the
Starting point is 01:03:54 more losses the wall yes well I mean there's so many people in there who are gonna be working more and more exploited but they're gonna stay exploited or get spit out like over time and that's probably gonna happen but I don't I can't just call that doomerism for the same reason that I think these guys understanding of like the idea of humanity as such dying out as like bad as like a thing we have to stop it comes from the same premise that humanity will exist in the wire but that's the opposite the humanity is gonna be extinguished inside the wire but humanity will actually be saved outside of the
Starting point is 01:04:27 wire there's still going to be people living they're not gonna be living in lives that are gonna be legible to people like us because of what we expect out of the social contract and how deeply we're wedded to it even beyond thought but like those lives are going to be human fucking lives and people are going to live and try to live and out of necessity they're going to come together they have to because the there because they can't turn a machine on and let it do all the fucking work yeah no I I feel yeah I feel the opposite of doomerism even though if you just listen to this or just listen to like our John
Starting point is 01:05:04 Candy in the Metaverse episode or any of that listen are you maybe feeling despair but no I really do feel the opposite because hey seeing how chintzy and shitty their plans are seeing how little seeing how little thought they have put into it seeing how unimpressive these people are like okay look if trade unionists were willing to go up against an actual impressive terrifying guy like John D. Rockefeller yes we should not be afraid of these people will they succeed in the short term of course they will people like this always do but their plans are so fragile and so shitty and so fucking
Starting point is 01:05:48 dumb and we are so obviously at the end of something and every movie make the hastens the collapse of the thing they're trying to keep they're trying to protect but all digging their own graves every moment because oh we got to save humanity at the year ten billion meanwhile you're making the very thing that allows you to fantasize that you're gonna keep your sperm around that long can falling out follow you look at some bankman fraud is the perfect example of that he did not have to do that shit but he was a geek to the gills just like fucking Hitler on tanker chocolate yes but all you can all all you can do
Starting point is 01:06:25 outside of obvious political activities in workplace democracy though is to retain your humanity the thing these people gleefully rip out of themselves okay okay here's a great example you want to talk about people gleefully ripping humanity out of themselves sitting around the breakfast table after the 6 a.m. daycare drop-off and morning strategy walk the Collins's take every day Malcolm read aloud a text message from his mother she wanted to know how he and Simone plan to monetize their pronatalism hobby remember everything is transactional she texted hatching machi during a stint at a venture capital
Starting point is 01:07:05 fund in South Korea where the fertility rate had fallen to about point eight one Malcolm became obsessed with the idea of what he calls demographic catastrophe he was astounded by people's fatalistic take on it Simone said so following up on a conversation Malcolm had broached on their second date the couple committed to having seven to thirteen children because of their relatively late start Simone's pre-existing fertility issues they knew they would have to freeze their embryos for later use in 2018 which they now call the year of the harvest they devoted themselves to producing and freezing as many viable embryos as
Starting point is 01:07:43 possible okay I'm just gonna like I'm just gonna just interject here and say this is the first step eventually like freezing embryos and sperm and all that and I'm not against like you know IVF or or methods for couples they can see who have a problem or who want to delay pregnancy and I'm not attacking that I'm saying the embryo and sperm forms of these people to soon be followed by the brain like the brain freezing and and and and downloading facilities it is the duty of all humanity to wipe out any chance of these people's sperm embryos or brains being preserved for even a second after their death yeah gotta wipe
Starting point is 01:08:22 that out kick out the plugs the year of the year of the harvest I would I would love to see like an Encino man stirring Elon Musk he gets he gets unfrozen in the year 30,000 and he's like oh who is ready for bad luck Brian oh people are just like I don't know what language they're speaking then probably probably like a new form of like Farsi Japanese in Farsi Japanese they go what the what it what what's bad luck Brian what's what's socially awkward penguin who's to be epic with them and then in this like this this new environment where he's just showing up like as he would imagine as a god to the natives instead
Starting point is 01:09:06 they very quickly realize oh he's the most embarrassing person on earth yeah this guy is oh god and like they're very polite because it's the future they figured that shit out so they're not mean to his face but they he can see in every interaction the pain expressions as they just try to try to humor him yeah in the the future in the year 30,000 when there's a one-world government that is like at Star Trek run by Stacy Abrams she's still around we couldn't get rid of her she she she lost the world popular vote but she her campaign give they got a lot of electoral votes in Indonesia she went really hard there that there is
Starting point is 01:09:44 a museum for all people like this all people who throw froze themselves 28,000 years ago there is a museum of extinct memers and shit posters in Madagascar where all these people live and share Babylon B articles and the people come and watch them and they're just horror they're just shocked they're like oh god okay and they feel so superior it's like watching a show about the 50s when they're all like oh look at these guys being casually sexist I'm better than them going on it says your Simone and Malcolm then took their data export to a company called self decode which typically runs tests on adult DNA
Starting point is 01:10:28 samples to analyze what the Collins is called the fun stuff sitting on the couch Simone pulled up a spreadsheet filled with red and green numbers each row represented one of their embryos from the sixth batch and the columns a variety of relative risk factors from obesity to heart disease to headaches the relative part means that these scores can only compare each embryos risk to that of other individuals with different genetic constitutions as opposed to absolute risk scores the Collins's top priority was one of the most disputed categories what they called mental performance adjacent
Starting point is 01:11:03 traits including stress chronically low mood brain fog mood swings fatigue anxiety and ADHD the test they performed also provided a risk score for autism a diagnosis Simone herself has received which they decided not to take into account Simone compared her autism to a fine-tuned race car even if she struggles with certain real-world situations she said if I'm on the track and I have my pit crew and I have the perfect fuel she can dramatically out compete other people Malcolm said finishing her sentence Matt this gets exactly to what you were saying yeah I have the perfectly engineered brain to extend my light of
Starting point is 01:11:42 consciousness provided that I have the perfect pit crew and fuel around me at all times otherwise if I hit a fucking a fucking pothole I'm gonna fucking collapse and also what is it it's being on the computer that is the soul facet that you're putting all of your points into your bill that's completely stacked around that which means that other stuff is not just it's not ornamental man those are load-bearing structures of like basic consciousness and you're losing them the Collins's themselves have been called hipster eugenicists online something Simone called amazing when I brought it to her attention Malcolm's
Starting point is 01:12:22 going to want to make business cards that say Simone and Simone and Malcolm Collins hipster eugenicists she said well it's funny that people are so afraid of being accused of Nazism when they're just improving their own embryos Simone added after noting that her Jewish grandmother escaped Nazi-occupied France I'm not eliminating people I mean I'm eliminating from my own genetic pool but these are all only Malcolm and me so yeah she's only doing eugenics to herself so skipping ahead just as here the Collins is worried that the overlap between the types of people deciding not to have children with the
Starting point is 01:12:57 part of the population that values things like gay rights education for women in climate activism traits they believed are genetically coded is so great that these values could ultimately disappear I yeah I'm sure I'm sure they're very concerned about that well this to see that's this is the psychosis of a of a ruling class in crisis there they think they're in charge and yet things keep getting worse and like that contradiction can't be resolved so they go insane and it's it's some variation of this fantasy about how there's some people out there who if they win then the thing that matters which just
Starting point is 01:13:32 coincidentally is just basically like my own demographic aesthetic preferences really then then that isn't humanity anymore and that can only be can only persist if your fundamental premises there's somebody has to be suffering for my comfort and the degree of suffering depends on the degree of material wealth and what they're trying to come to terms with is less wealth less stuff just to hand around less place less stuff for to feed mouths less food less everything how is it going to be a portion and you know I don't want to try to save everybody we have to save the best but what the best is is just
Starting point is 01:14:12 personally them I don't want to make this like too much about like oh me my personal identity here but I am I am fascinated with their belief that political beliefs are genetically predetermined because I would just like to provide a counter example to that my own fucking genetic code and existence on this planet take of that what you will but and also I'm sorry as a child of adoption I do find everything about these people to be morally repellent like I mean I like as a moral imperative here like the idea that like you need to have 13 perfect children but like the adoption never occurred to you or the
Starting point is 01:14:50 idea that you could teach values or that like sort of culture and human community are transmitted through things other than your blood and jizz no because what does what else is there the other stuff can't be quantified the other stuff can't be fucking put on a vivisection table and picked through logically so it cannot be processed it can't be it can't be recognized as real so it gets thrown out of the equation I guess I would like just a little bit more from this article before we have to close out today but quote you have to create cultures that reward and have structures for large families Simone explained pro natalist
Starting point is 01:15:24 pet issues include everything from increasing housing development to changing laws around car seat regulation one study found that people would stop having children when they couldn't fit any more car seats in their vehicle during the coronavirus pandemic the Collins has tried to raise money for a family-friendly startup town they called project Eureka where all community rules would be ultimately set all disputes resolved by the Collins's hell yeah this is like a new witch a tie and a boy and his dog basically yes yeah this is Matt okay that a boy and his dog Jason Robards character in that movie
Starting point is 01:16:02 what they do to Don Johnson is exactly what the Collins's will be doing to drifters in the future yeah please check out IQ Jones at LQ Jones or IQ LQ Jones IQ Jones LQ Jones also seen in Casino which was referenced earlier in the show a boy and his dog starring John Johnson wonderful movie when fun raising stalled they redirected their focus to the Collins Institute for the gifted a specialized online lab school that is partnering with the Barry Weiss co-founded University of Austin and the teal-backed 1517 fund musk similarly created a boutique education program at Astra for his family and employees
Starting point is 01:16:39 children that has since expanded into the online school Astra Nova the logic behind the Collins Institute reflects their thinking at large if you want to make the future better for everyone and you could choose to dramatically increase the educational outcomes of the bottom 10% of people or the top point 1% of people the Collins's say to choose the point 1% what I know about the concept of diminishing returns this that seems like a pretty fundamental concept that you should get pretty quickly in life that like the marginal the marginal value of that at that those levels is how much more good at computers can you
Starting point is 01:17:17 get man there's other stuff there's other abilities there's other places to put some blood flow for God's sakes just read the last fight to close out this article if scientists at companies like conception succeeded in creating viable embryos out of stem cells they could in theory produce a massive number of them combined with enhanced genetic screening parents could pick the optimal baby from a much larger pool there's a seductiveness to these ideas because it's very grand Torres said it's about taking control of human evolution as for Simone and Malcolm Collins Malcolm said we're trying to give our kids the best
Starting point is 01:17:53 shot in life they just happen to believe that their kids best shot is also humanities all I'll say about this is like these are fucking rich well-off college educated people your kids no matter what are gonna have about the best shot at life that any human being that's ever existed on this planet have but they have to keep justifying spending the money the money has to keep getting spent I love that I love this yeah in 20 years oh my god it's a miracle our kids self-replicated is upper middle class yeah we've got to be right but they have all the money they have to spend it they have to spend the
Starting point is 01:18:30 money to feel like they're in control of their lives because they have no other control elsewhere even though they're supposed to be in charge they have the same rights that everybody else in America and in the West has to fucking spend money and so they're gonna spend it all how on protecting their bloodline just they're fucking fantasy they're they're a little just like a way to justify just continually doing what is making everything worse including every other part of your life by the way because these people are all fucking miserable you don't think they enjoy their daily strategy walks I mean in
Starting point is 01:18:58 a perverse way like they've self-actualized through like like moral inversion they're like these weird sadomasochistic I mean it's the end stage of Protestantism it's the Puritan mind Calvinism without God Calvin without God so it's like the Puritans were they happy I mean they certainly were motivated they didn't seem that way they were motivated and the thing is to for them motivation is what matters because it gets results because that's the way that they've their brains have been trained to see everything but that's not the only thing locomotion like forward is important but you also have to breathe
Starting point is 01:19:32 in between and I don't think there's a coincidence that all of these people are gacked out of their mind on amphetamines 24-7 because they're trying to deny the reality of like the pause that defines like you know being alive they want to deny that that's part of life and something that we can lose we can just cut it off like it's not as vital as the things that we like the the compression moment the the will forward to quote viral video sensation short angry man yells at busking trumpet player a true artist respects the silence which serves as the basis of creativity it's true and capitalism does not allow that silence
Starting point is 01:20:10 the only silence I would like to experience is just when all the monitors go oh yeah rain balls and sperm freezing facilities these absolute freaks yep humanity if we are to survive the next thousand years as a species I simply will leave you with pull the plug on the brain balls sperm and embryo breeding facilities of these sick fucking freaks yeah deny them their fantasy we're all in this together everybody yeah you can't there's no escape pad there's like it's either a literal one for guys like musk or some imagined genetic one for these assholes we're all gonna rise or sink as a fucking human
Starting point is 01:20:53 race as part of a a greater fucking biological organism that is life on earth oh here's another thought to consider that may be the I don't know genetically pre-desert pretty like the genetically predestined qualities that these people are self-selecting to replicate and enhance to create the best human being for the next thousand years perhaps unforeseen consequences or eventualities will arise that make them in fact the worst possibly selected traits to survive coming centuries and millennia and in fact there are many qualities now that these people are now seeking to
Starting point is 01:21:29 eradicate through eugenics that will be the key to humanity's survival in the coming centuries and millennia I mean if the machine we have any hope at all if the machine shut off tomorrow these people could not feed themselves in a literal sense I mean and then there's a lot of anxiety these people have about that which is why there's a big like trad element to this but like they all understand that like the machines would be do the actual farming they would be gentlemen farmers they would ease into it like a warm bath they sure as shit wouldn't have to figure out tomorrow like the lights go out what do I do to
Starting point is 01:21:59 fucking put food in my stomach there's still that that those skills exist yet but yeah they're being bred out of the the people who want to be the only people left on earth so where's humanity then where can you be a hero that these people imagine they are when you have to do what the machine tells you to do because you don't know how to do anything else I mean that was about as productive a reading series as we've had on the show for a while I think that this yes it's really like in a chilling way synthesizes a lot of what we've been you know talking about and mulling over on this show and you know whether it's
Starting point is 01:22:33 through news you know recent current events or just these metastasizing strains of I don't know the tech utopian thinking that continue to I don't know yeah should choke out choke the dying embers of humanity that we have left in us out but only in there only in the walls that's the thing only inside the wire is that and that's not where the story is going to be told that's gonna be the fucking artifacts that get picked through all I gotta say is best of love to Octavian Claudius Invictus just like get into weed in high school you'll be just just smoke just get smoked out you know couch surf for a while that's
Starting point is 01:23:15 like probably the least damage you can do you're all all that's going on is your parents are walking backwards into inventing nexium yeah you're fine you can do something else in Donald Trump Jr.'s biographer autobiography he writes about how after college he actually went and was a ski bum in Colorado I think for a couple years and he talked about enjoying it but eventually kind of coming back into the family business so that you could you know wear a suit and get paid and he talks in the book kind of like I kind of wonder what if I'd stayed and if he had he would have been the most heroic fail son in human
Starting point is 01:23:49 history he would basically be fucking parsley he would be like the new Hercules the guy to be like yeah I'm just gonna I'm just gonna have a regular job and like yeah get very high and like hit on milfs while I'm putting their skis on he would have been so happy oh my god can you imagine something he's eluded his entire life he has to be hip deep into fucking elephant guts just to feel something and it's not it just eludes him he could have had it in the fucking ski chalets every time you like every time he touches Kimberley Gargoyle's rock hard chest he's just thinking about what if I stayed I don't
Starting point is 01:24:31 know I mean that doesn't for me for today's episode I mean wow it's a weird transition but we I do think we have to plug the the new the how on earth the yearly thing oh yes yes because this is actually this is this is these are people who don't have a subscription yet yes exactly this we plug this on the subscription episode last week but we have a new subscription tier that you can subscribe to an annual tier that will be available available for a substantial discount until Thursday and then a regular discount of about a month for free for an annual membership to our patreon there's more
Starting point is 01:25:07 information about all of that over on a patreon blog post that I will link in the description here but if you want to get a discount on a year subscription to chapeau trap house that option is now available over on slash chapeau trap house and I will just say we also announced some new series is all that information is in the same blog post I will just say because there was some confusion the annual subscription gets you exactly the same thing as a month-a-month subscription it just saves you a little money and all of our new bonus series is will be available for every subscriber there is one
Starting point is 01:25:38 subscription it gets you all everything it's just a matter of how much you're paying and for what time and on this show we talked a little bit about Calvin ism without God if you're interested in what Calvinism was like with God then check out Matt and Chris's upcoming history minute series on the 30 Years War hell on earth yes yeah that's where all this shit was born and like it's only transformed over the years it's never been it's never left yeah so if you want basically the origins of this mindset that will all be contained within hell on earth launching January 11 all right gang till next time
Starting point is 01:26:38 one

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