Chapo Trap House - 692 - Lindy King (12/26/22)

Episode Date: December 27, 2022

In a sequel of sorts to one of our most beloved movie & holiday episodes, we enter a fantastic & amazingly realized world that could only spring from the singular genius of one of cinema’s great aut...eurs.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I All right gentlemen, this is the episode we've been waiting for This is the episode. I know a lot of our fans have been waiting for I mean I feel like it's been it's been we've waited so long for it But finally like to to engage with it to spend time in that world To see the world that a master a genius has created for us and just to share it with you I couldn't think of a better Christmas gift. So yeah, I mean to spend any amount of time in the world that this sort of
Starting point is 00:01:07 Uncannily rendered beautiful sort of science fiction reality of Tulsa, Oklahoma fellas your thoughts. I mean we like it's just I'm stunned. I'm stunned. I'm speechless Yeah, like I I mean like we all had huge expectations, right? You know, I think everyone did It's because of like the the groundbreaking work that we've seen this creator do before and I think I kind of speak for I know I speak for myself and I think I'll I speak for everyone who's gonna see this that our expectations Could never do justice to what we actually saw It's not just the beauty of the world and the imagination and the richness and the fullness of it
Starting point is 00:01:48 But it's also like the promise that there are things that beautiful in the world that we live in and that we can take Some of that magic with us once we're done watching. Although I have to say when I did finish I was filled with a deep emptiness when I realized that I did not live in Tulsa and that I Have no likelihood in the near future to visit, but you know what? It's you know what? It's not just it's not just the special effects Oh, there's something there's something very human in this story, which suggests that all of us could be Tulsa Kings or Queens, you know and look on a previous Christmas episode, you know We talked about that the genius the God sliced alone and Cobra I didn't think that Tulsa King would be better than Cobra, but holy shit
Starting point is 00:02:39 Here I am having just seen the first six episodes and it was worth waiting for 40 years for I mean slice alone hasn't done anything since Cobra. He's just been working. He's only been working on Tulsa King for the last 40 years. It's taken us this long. We finally have a passion project. Yeah created a Tulsa dome Just outside of the city where they've been working on this non-stop for decades. Did you know that? I'm still on actually work with linguists from MIT and Harvard to create a new language that we hear and speak in this in this Paramount Plus series They actually sounds like a system of mumbles and conjunctions
Starting point is 00:03:29 Yeah, and like, you know, it's just the unit the universe that he created in this the universe of Tulsa is So vividly rendered that people think Tulsa is a real place I think it's a real city There's people who want to visit Tulsa after seeing Tulsa King and you just got to say like no It's it's only the product It's just the product of the imagined ears that created this fictional environment first alone to live and prosper him And for all of us that imbibe his lessons, but if we do that then we can make Tulsa real I really do believe that I believe we can all realize that we all live in Tulsa
Starting point is 00:04:03 And we can live in Tulsa if we if we all want it. Yeah, no, no, Matt. You're exactly right I actually I went to a talk by Mr. Stallone and that is pretty much exactly what he said that like even if you're not like literally a 75 year old mobster who just got out of prison yet who is curiously able to beat up everyone that he meets and You know despite being 75 and 5 foot 4 and mostly scar tissue Every woman he meets wants to fuck him even though we're not like literally that We we can we can sort of live that we can we can take his lessons and we can take his way of being and Be how he is to Tulsa in our in our own environments. I think that's amazing
Starting point is 00:04:53 Yes, I think it's a beautiful message and you know what and I don't want to hear any of the criticism That Stallone and Taylor Sheridan are engaging in tropes about the elderly. No, look, this is this is a real character Okay, this is not just look I know Taylor Sheridan has said some questionable things about the elderly in the past But I look like any any offensive comparisons. I think they fall flat This is a this is a work that honors respects and upholds elderly elderly people's the world over and their Folk ways elderly Italian people especially Absolutely absolutely. There's always gonna be you know
Starting point is 00:05:30 Critics of people who take on this world saying that they like don't understand the customs or like the traditions But I mean, I just got to say that this is the reason This is the reason that we go on web based See it here streaming services to see a new world This is this is why this is why we watch television on streaming Paramount plus this is what Paramount plus was created for exactly took them years to create the Paramount them the Paramount Technology is necessary to render the universe of Tulsa and man-oh-man has it paid off So listen to her you may be asking yourself now
Starting point is 00:06:13 Why are we not talking about the billion-dollar movie that you've been waiting for? for a year is for us to finally See the avatar of the way of water and talk about the world's number one movie instead of a Paramount plus TV series that Probably five people have watched. Well, look listener There's some complications have arisen the gay potion that Matt dosed himself with the dark web gay potion that has had some of adverse reaction to the dark web gay poison that he had to had to take as a result of think saying personal Walker would win The runoff election. It's true. I have been forced to stay in my home for the next week I until I test negative for gay before I'm allowed to go into a movie theater
Starting point is 00:07:01 But as soon as I can I promise I will go I will I will be transported and then we can we will talk about Avatar yeah, we were all responsible obviously like we all you know got tested ever since fast tested Doctors actually said I have the most natural immunity. It's almost like I drink it every day of my life Is what they said which I don't I want to clarify I don't But yeah, no, we got to be safe. We will review this sort of like lesser Not as interesting not as exciting or creative or inventive media franchise later But you know, we're really here. We're really here to talk about I think I think you would call it the successor to not only Avatar but Terminator the Sopranos and
Starting point is 00:07:50 Let's just say Anna Karenina to this is a lot of this is the Bible the Bible Revolutionary Road the secret the Quran The Theravada's or whatever the other book it's called the stuff the Buddha by the way I just want to correct one thing that will said this show is not being watched by five people It's got better ratings than House of the Dragon. Let's go Okay, I'm okay. Okay. Taylor Sheridan cannot be defeated Okay, he has the algorithm for the the Lumpen American television viewer
Starting point is 00:08:30 No, it's not your hipsters Well, I don't want to talk about something they can talk about on Twitter But people who like actually sit down and watch the bulk of scripted television He's their fucking snake charmer and he knows what they want. Yeah. Yeah yellow stone It's already been renewed for a second season. It's okay. So I mean thank God for that I mean look I was being perhaps you dismissive of Taylor Sheridan and the Taylor Sheridan verse as well I know Yellowstone is a huge hit and It's makes makes perfect sense that Tulsi King is also a huge hit. I meant among our listeners
Starting point is 00:09:07 None of our listeners watch this they all watch you we all know what our fucking stupid fucking listeners watch They watch them like fucking post-ironic bullshit that gets released on like I don't know you can only watch it in a laundromat You you have to show proof of purchase. You bought one sandwich from an Ock As the bodega in order to watch it. They're watching whatever the fuck they're watching I don't give a shit Taylor Sheridan Taylor Sheridan as Matt has alluded to is one of the new gods of TV He is an immortal being more powerful than the previous great great one Ken Olin Ken Olin may write, you know sentimental comedy quasi the fucking family drama
Starting point is 00:09:53 Fluff for the dying generation the boomers, okay? He may be a superstar God at that but Taylor Sheridan He is um, he's really zeroed in on the most important new audience people who were born around 1980 Taylor Sheridan knows their values. He knows how they want to be thought of and portrayed All his shows they are about sort of morally conflicted So guys guys who are rough around the edges but have a heart of gold and this represents the viewers people who are entering their early 40s and Maybe have been disinvited from several family functions for some weirdly sexual comments
Starting point is 00:10:34 They've made about a younger cousin's girlfriend Well, okay, this is all very appropriate for Taylor Sheridan the new God of television because do you guys recall? where Taylor Sheridan got his start before he became the God of movies and television that is right not as a writer director or showrunner but as an Actor on the greatest TV series of all time sons of anarchy a show that I think honestly birthed Choppo trap house like the three of us. Yes basically connected with each other to talk about sons of anarchy and go on street fight and shoot the shit with the B&B about our favorite TV show Taylor Sheridan played the the the sheriff of the
Starting point is 00:11:19 Was it Redwood, California? Yeah, he got immediately merked though Three premier this episode one the season three Yeah, so he plays so Taylor Sheridan's character in sons of anarchy is named David Hale and the head of the charming police department is Is this horrible sort of waterlogged looking man? Unslar whose entire reason for being a cop Charlie other Charlie other. He's had a crush on Gemma For approximately seven seventy eight years. He is a beautiful woman. Don't get me wrong David Hale meanwhile is like a real good
Starting point is 00:12:02 Stand-up cop the kind of guy who rescues cats out of trees and if he touched fentanyl He can hold it out. He'll hold his breath. He'll be fine He's jacked there is this one really really weird scene that I can't get out of my head where jacks is on a stealth mission In the police station for states like stealing some documents and then he sees he's Taylor Sheridan's character David Hale Just nailing one of the deputies from behind just fucking ball slapping on thighs pop pop pop He's just giving it to her. I don't know why they showed us that but they did Oh, I know I know why well we all wanted to see it obviously, but anyway He was a good. He was he was a good. I got some poison out of my body Felix
Starting point is 00:12:48 Well, you know, I some say the poison is letting it out, but um He plays he plays a good artist cop who obviously hates the sons because they cause an excess of 700 murders a week and countless property in a town of 300 people town of 300 people They can't be making more than $500 a week But then later he has to work He has to work with the sons because you know The writers were like, who can we think of as a villain who's like somehow worse than the sons of anarchy? I know a Nazi who fucks his daughter and then he dies
Starting point is 00:13:27 But that is not the end of telly shared in the man He became a god the closest thing we have to a god a TV showrunner Yeah, and and he really is as Matt said he is he is the sort of the the whisperer of like the the the vastly Underserved like red state America TV watching audience, which I think like that I can tell why he's so successful because there's a moment in the the pilot episode of Yellowstone Which was like it has his like tentpole TV property with you know, Kevin Costner being ridiculous and I believe on Yellowstone Now Kevin Costner is now the Republican governor of Montana on this show, which is great So but but in the pilot episode of Yellowstone Kevin Costner's daughter like the sort of Lady Nick Beth style
Starting point is 00:14:12 He sort of cold-blooded, you know He's got he's got a lot of like icy cold-blooded women who are sort of very mercenary and sort of promiscuous It's a it's a running theme here but the Kevin Costner is the sort of the princess of the ranch is at a like a sort of swanky hotel bar in Bozeman, Montana, which is sort of the the cool college town in Montana and A guide of bar starts hitting on her Eight Bozeman people so much But there's a guy at the bar who's hitting on her and he's like, you know
Starting point is 00:14:45 Just like politely trying to buy her a drink and then for no reason she shuts him down by saying So like something about like let me guess like, you know You moved out here from California to like live the real lifestyle Let me tell you something buddy You look like a soft fuck and then walks away and I was like, okay Yeah, I now understand why this is the number one show on TV because nobody watching it wants to imagine that they're a soft fuck But you better believe Kevin Costner is laying hard pipe because he's a man of the old school And that is what Taylor Sheridan shows are all about is about the the clash in values and morality between sort of the
Starting point is 00:15:24 Western male archetypes and what does that mean in a modern sort of pacified soy world and Yeah, and now with Tulsa King. He adds to that mix what happens you take old the old-school masculinity of the American Northeast and the Italian Mafia and organized crime and brought it into a setting the fictional city of Tulsa Well, you put it out something very important about the Taylor Sheridan verse, you know old versus new Reaction versus the New World, but I think another I think the primary reason the Sheridan is so successful and his projects are so big is because his protagonists his heroes
Starting point is 00:16:06 represent the viewers in that the viewers are the types of people who wear those shirts that you buy on Facebook that are like I may be the black sheep of the family, but I'm the one you call when shit gets tough You know, yes Yeah, it's like literally it's all for people are like, oh, I may be the worst member of this family, but I can sure That isn't really at all but my friend made it No, it's like everyone in the family may hate me But if someone were trying to kill that family, they would call me. Yeah, it's people's
Starting point is 00:16:43 It's people who like fantasize about their family being kidnapped so they could like save them and get invited back to Thanksgiving Yeah, yeah, we're like the the solution to all of their their relationship problems is a home invasion that they get Yes, it is it's sort of like the the adult outgrowth of Fantasizing about stopping at school shooting so you can finally have sex when you're in high school Well, so like, you know, so Taylor shared in like here to for his shows are sort of about the folk ways of Criminals and they're sort of old-school customs and existing in the modern world All like, you know, the the old West meets the new West and in this show Tulsa King The formula is what it what happens when the old East meets the new West
Starting point is 00:17:33 It is a show about Mafia capo Dwight Manfredi named after Dwight Eisenhower Dwight the general Manfredi who is released from prison and after serving a 25-year stretch After doing a murder for his like mafia family that he's like, I got my mouth shut I get my mouth shut for 20 literally the only mob guy in history Yeah, 25 year sentence. It didn't flip immediately Yeah, the show makes a big deal out of that when mob guys get pulled over when mob guys get like moving Violations they give up the entire structure of their family. It's amazing how little low how little they give credit
Starting point is 00:18:12 They give this guy for doing. Yeah, something that no other mafia guy has ever done so yeah, the show begins and it's it's the loan and he's he's it's like, you know first day out the feds and You know like he uh, he's just on a 25-year jail stretch and he's like, you know uh, hoping that he's gonna be like warmly embraced by his like, you know The mafia family that he just sacrificed 20 a quarter century of his life for but like, you know, like there's all this like Emerges from jail. There's like a scene where he's like driving through him and has been chauffeur through Manhattan And he's like looking with a bemused puzzlement at things like The city bike SoulCycle the new World Trade Center of the Apple store. Yeah, I would never do buildings. Yeah, no, it's just one building
Starting point is 00:18:59 Mosque I used to love to pray there That's why I've received a new mob. He's got like, uh, I kept my mouth shut all these years I married this life now. I'm gonna see if this life married me back and And what he gets his answer early on because he's his chauffeur is he just sort of like cruises by scores The famous strip club in New York and he's like, hey, what we're gonna go scores. Let's go. There's gonna be a party No, sorry Dwight Manfredi You're not getting a stripper party for your first day out of prison
Starting point is 00:19:36 You're gonna be chauffeured to the world's ugliest mansion on Long Island To be to immediately go into the worst meeting ever with like the shittiest Mafia family that's ever existed or been portrayed like just The sons of anarchy of mob families will I put this in my note? This is the first thing I wrote down in my notes and I just wrote the phlegm meeting It's like a It's like a bohemian grove for guys who need auric vacuums to suck their mucus out It's like the shitty in the world shittiest Mafia family and now like
Starting point is 00:20:18 Like the the boss who has like some you know some sort of like Sleeve is like a fucking CPAP machine. He's taking hits off of and shit But like his son who was like ten years old when Dwight went to went to prison is now he's like, hey Oh Chicky's man on the boss. What do you say to him? Okay? The underboss is played by Dominic. Um, Lumbanda Lumbanda Dazzy who you may remember, you know, he was he was in the wire, you know He was all he was in yeah fucking the Irishman But here's the thing if you if you know the guy I'm talking about he has a very specific sort of like cue ball head
Starting point is 00:20:55 They give him the worst wig I have ever seen like why why does this character have hair? He's got a full head of hair and it just like it's it's it's if you're aware of this actor It is like okay If you weren't aware that he was totally bald then you're just wondering what the fuck is on this guy's head And then if you are aware what this guy looks like every time you look at him You're just like why the choice for this it's wild. It's like they just stapled a squirrel pelt to his head That's it's Corey Stahl in the strain. Yes Has there been any more bald ass motherfucker inexplicably given a terrible hairpiece and at least now and on that show they gave up
Starting point is 00:21:32 Like halfway through the first season that had him shave his head Matt, are we in real strain hours right now? Oh, yeah, you know, you know, we are real strain hours right now He looks actually the first note I had because I rewatched this for the show today The the only thought I had I don't know why and I just had this intrusive thought that the show should be called Lindy King and the show's about a Paul Scalis fan getting out of prison Like you know trying to make his way in the 4h L and fighting the one It's a show about a guy who's Lindy. Yeah, it's a show about a Lindy man
Starting point is 00:22:11 It's a show about a Lindy man. It is a show about a Lindy man We'll do it. Okay. It's like when he went to jail things were still Lindy and he gets out of jail Everything that's not Lindy anymore. No, no, okay. No shout out to Paul. A lot of people don't know this Paul has followed me and corresponded with me because we're both fight fans since like 2013. I Dude, I was on the Lindy train before anyone but like shout out to Paul if you're Lindy if you you follow the Lindy principles you go to prison for 25 years you get out You're fine because okay, you're all you're still only doing Lindy things. You're still only doing things the ancients did Okay, so it's not like you're you're gonna just start using an iPad now
Starting point is 00:22:56 If you if you're out there real listener if you're going to prison for 20 years if he's doing something really bad Better start getting Lindy. Well, I mean the funny thing is like he goes he goes to jail He probably went to he went to jail in like 1999 or something. So like, you know right at the end of history and then it's just like no You can go to jail in like the 1950s, you know, he gets out of jail. He's like, what's this noise? And it's like rap music or something. It's like no that existed in 1950s he's like Music and it's like, you know Dean Martin or the Stones or something. Yeah, they push it a little far
Starting point is 00:23:34 Like he's like he sees he sees like a woman in jeans and he's like, hey, what the fuck does her husband let her do that? So for his troubles for marrying the game for being faithful to the game for 25 years What is his reward from his mafia family? They're like, hey, Dwight, you know, things ain't been so good lately You know, you get there's not really a place for you here in New York. We got about, you know, six fake jobs left We have six no show union chops for every fucking Italian mob guy in New York left So your reward for your years of loyalty is you get to set up a new mob franchise in the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma and then like, you know, he reacts to that news by Again as a 75 year old man like one shotting this much younger man knocking him out cold because he's got no respect
Starting point is 00:24:23 Got no respect. He's really his mouth is running off. Got no respect You know, he's he's he knocks up. Hey, he's a capo. Oh, but then he's like, yeah, okay I'll go to Tulsa. He doesn't put up much of a fight. He's like, okay, the next scene He's in Tulsa if there was a character that this Literally on the screen 75 year old man cannot beat up. We have not met him Like he he's so yeah He's a you know, he's an old-school guy and like the point is that even the mob isn't Lindy anymore, you know Like they're they're there. They got fucking the Fitbits and fucking they've gone
Starting point is 00:25:01 Gone woke folks. Yeah, they've got the woke mind virus now. Yeah, why you know, why did you go woke? They went broke So he de-camps from Long Island to you know, the middle of the Great Plains of America in Tulsa, Oklahoma So it's a it's a real fish out of water story He arrives at the airport and like a like a cricket jumps on him And he's like, oh, what the what the hell is that and like some nice lady is like, oh, it's just a June bug And he goes that's bigger than my cock and then she spritzes him with holy water and he's like, whoa, whoa, what's going on? I'm gonna be doing a lot of my Stallone voice on this show. It's hard not to do
Starting point is 00:25:44 He gets spritzed with holy water and then meets like and then it meets like the second lead on the show The first black guy who hasn't been trying to stab him for the last time the first black guy He's met in 25 years who hasn't been trying to kill him and he's just like, oh He wants you to take me to take me to a hotel and like he immediately befriends this like younger cool black guy and Hires him as his chauffeur. This scene is awesome. Like I mean, how could it not be? but it's like every every bit of like bad racial buddy comedy, I Yeah, I guess if you wrote if you if you went to prison for 25 years And this was the last scene you wrote before you went in it would make a lot of sense
Starting point is 00:26:28 Because it'll be like it'll be shit like Stallone will be like, hey, just take me to the best place in town and The black guy goes. Oh, so you're gangsta and he goes, I'm not a gangsta You can't go around calling everybody a gangsta and the guy goes no gangsta means cool Like gangsta is just what just what I say and Sloath goes you got to check your fucking grandma Which I also made a note of Anyone is having trouble with grammar It's not him Perhaps the most inaudible man who's ever lived
Starting point is 00:27:07 So it's like I mean like his mafia family they were just like, yeah Here's a play like or don't even like you buy your own play ticket to Tulsa Nothing is set up there, but they're like, yeah, you got to kick $5,000 a week back to us It's like what like what are you gonna do there? Just see the fucking sights? Well, no not Dwight the general man of freedom the first thing he does even before he goes to a hotel is He comes across a legal marijuana dispensary now This becomes a major part of the plot and it introduces our third lead played by Martin star from Party Down and
Starting point is 00:27:38 other various comedies the you know sort of like as the stand-in for the kind of the New World millennial sort of like nerd stoner kind of like a guy who could not be more different like the the world in his frame of Reference could not be more different than Stallone. So here's a question that I had This is a legal business. This is a legal marijuana dispensary And and Stallone immediately just starts extorting him for protection money, but like from who it's legal The way the way the way the way the way the writing and he goes what games The thing is like the show doesn't even give a justification like he doesn't even give one and it's like that's fine He's a dumb, you know mook or whatever, but the guy just gives him the money and then does not call the cops
Starting point is 00:28:30 Sorry, my cat was acting a fool. Yeah. No, so like he's just like the way he the way he like the way you the way I was it this was explained to me the viewer I was watching like how are you as a member of organized crime? Able to like extort a legal drug business for protection when they can just call the cops and be like hey There's this Italian asshole trying to take me down for money and they'd be like well Yeah, obviously you're you're a licensed vendor So he just the way he explains it to Martin Starr's character is that hey look you may got a lot of money To say but like the feds could take it away from you at any minute
Starting point is 00:29:04 I guess he was just like a half million dollars in cash in a safe But he's like hey, you know you gotta start laundering that so he's like he was not committing crimes before he met this guy And then now he's involved in a money laundering operation with this dude to to wash his money that like apparently the feds can just take Because it's still illegal at a federal level. I don't know it did not make much sense to me But you have that opportunity for a lot of wonderful bands between Sly and Martin Starr What a mismatched comic duo they make I will say Martin Starr a Chapel all-star just one of the greats amazing on party down one of the funniest characters But yeah, this is the laundering money thing as you have pointed out
Starting point is 00:29:48 Raises many more questions that it answers Do we think that when Stallone's character was in prison? He was reading Intercept articles about Jeff Sessions DOJ doing civil forfeiture dispensaries in red states. I Don't know hard to say. You know, it would really get the FBI more likely to seize your assets if you're colluding with a fucking Convicted mafia guy Yeah, yeah, I mean, I mean, I guess like yeah, like maybe the feds could steal all your your legal marijuana cash
Starting point is 00:30:22 But like it just it still doesn't make any sense my Martin Starr's character just like acquiesces this ongoing business Or because he's a fucking millennial bitch Yeah, well the show goes to great lengths and I actually really like the way the show goes to great length to be like Actually Martin Starr really did need the partnership and help of an experienced Italian American gentleman who has you know Work experience in the crime related fields like when they go into their next big business You want to talk about sons of anarchy low sons of anarchy style low rent crimes? Another big part of the show is Cornering the nitrous oxide market at festivals in
Starting point is 00:31:07 Illegal weed dispensary which probably prints like a hundred grand in profit like a week or something like that and then they're like Hey, I'll duck's big move. We're gonna sell this gas It's the good son is laughing guys the people at the circus you say that you say oh How could that be such a big deal? But it's apparently a big enough deal that it immediately puts them in Violent confrontation with the 1% motorcycle gang who is also selling nitrous at festivals The name of the bad biker gang in this show is literally black Adam I mean black mick Adam is the name black mick Adam is the name of the 1% or motorcycle gang that he runs a fell love
Starting point is 00:31:46 But every time I just think of black Adam is the name of the bad guys on this show Uh, so I like the idea just rewinding a little bit to the money laundering like yeah I mean, I guess there could be jurisdictional fights over legal marijuana I'm typically not under a Democratic president, but I mean whether it's fully legal or fully illegal That is Sylvester Stallone is the last guy. I would want setting up my money laundering operation Does that seem like it would have been his specialty in the mob? One of the one of the things in the early episodes that's a recurring plot is him trying to get a fucking debit card There are multiple scenes of his trying to get some sort of credit or debit card and failing like yeah
Starting point is 00:32:37 Yeah, his money laundering thing his money laundering scheme for this business It's like yeah clearing like a hundred K a week in that income would be what he's gonna be like Oh, we're selling CDs all these kids We're selling a hundred grand worth of CDs every week. I've got these old rosemary Clooney records. We're gonna loan the money I know another another great part about the scene where he first begins extorting the marijuana dispensary is Martin Star as employees include a white guy with dreads who's like whoa, man You're freaking me out and then like a really high white girl probably also with dreads and like a nose piercing Who's like when he accost them? She's like
Starting point is 00:33:24 I'm really triggered right now. He's well took what's trigger? What's that? Oh, yeah, there's a lot of good millennial So much good millennial stuff on this show. Yeah, Sylvester Stallone in case you were worried that he just lets woke is him happen around him He does not No, he does not not on Dwight the general man Freddy's watch. I'll tell you that Dwight Dwight the general man Freddy Fire Christopher Rufo who bricked the midterms. He sucks higher Dwight the general man Freddy. He killed it What do you want to jump ahead to I want to jump ahead to the scene in episode two That involves him and Martin star going to see like the people who grow all the weed than Martin star cells
Starting point is 00:34:11 It's like on an Indian reservation. It's like that like and you know He he uses his mafia business genius skills to like negotiate a better deal that this guy probably didn't even need to begin with But because they're on a weed farm He's eating like, you know apricot preserves or something and the guy like the head dude in charge of it is like just so you know Those are infused Raspberry preserves or whatever and it's like infuse or what and he's like well, you're on a marijuana farm So like he's just been dosing himself with weed and then he's like, oh, what do I feel so good right now? And then he's like they're in the car driving back and he's like it's sly smoking a joint
Starting point is 00:34:47 Which like honestly, I really appreciate it because like I always think it's the loan is such a you know Kind of like throwback old-school guy, you know, he's like something of a reactionary So it was good to see as the lone character, you know, just chill out and smoke a dupe But of course he gets high and the bullshit he starts talking about is like I gotta ask you a question Like what's what's going on in this country right now? Like you're a generation like what's going on with all these pronouns? You wake up after 25 years GM is my electric Dylan's called public a Phone in the camera. Come on and these pronouns. What the fuck is what the pronouns? He she him they the boom bang
Starting point is 00:35:33 Wow, oh, you know what my pronoun is guess Time's up. I'm good as an it can't take this shit anymore that Amazing amazing probably my favorite scene on television that I've seen this entire year of watching TV I would say in my lifetime. Well, I love this team for so many reasons Um primarily among them that he like just names like no like pronouns that everyone has always said Like he
Starting point is 00:36:10 It's like he's not even mad at the concept of like Dio pronouns or like stating your pronouns He's just mad at like the idea of using pronouns of referring to yourself like that article of speech Yeah, it's pissing him off unless you're referring to yourself or others by their proper noun by their full name at all times Don't talk about them. Also. Also That his his pro like That's a classic conservative joke like you know my pronouns are let's go Brandon or whatever But like my pronoun is it I can't take this shit
Starting point is 00:36:46 Just boggles the mind. It's so good. He's awesome. He's like call me call me it now Oh Sylvester Stallone is uh, he's he's it. Okay, we should respect that But I feel like it's going back to something you said I told the agree with you Christopher Rufo lives of tiktok huge fucking losers Brick get get the white man Friede get Frank Stallone and says slide get Frank and slice loan put them in charge of Republican messaging They'll sort out these gender youths and the teachers. They would not have like lost the Senate Then that would not have happened to him Christopher Rufo is a loser
Starting point is 00:37:28 lives of tiktok loser if you stuck either of them in Oklahoma They would not they're definitely not becoming the kings or queens of Tulsa. I'll tell you that much not in the least no way Maybe maybe maybe the Tulsa jester. That's the most they can hope for And then going back to the first episode he then meets like it's just sort of like he he's slowly but surely Puts together his own rag tag crew out in Tulsa of you know people that you wouldn't think would be involved in a mafia enterprise But you know what? He makes it work. They're sort of like the gang that couldn't shoot straight a little bit a little bit a little bit outside That's color. He's coloring a little bit outside the lines Well for a mafia guy a that he's like employing a black guy
Starting point is 00:38:09 Well for a mafia guy a that he's like employing a black guy at all with Business or anything like that. So like the fourth member of the crew that he meets is a bartender at a cowboy bar played by Garrett headland who you may remember from inside Lou and Davis. He's a sort of John Goodman's chaperone He also played Neil Cassidy in the on the road movie movie. He was a failed hunk He was he's one of the many attempts to do a younger movie star that failed because we don't that the the Conditions are no longer Applicable so he had to end up going back to TV. Yeah, the economics for hunks
Starting point is 00:38:47 Post-boyship administration really are tough. Yeah, but you know good to see Garrett in a TV show But you know, he's an ex con too. He's done some time and you know He I'd say it's like the name of the bar that he runs is called bread to buck. He runs the buck breaking All the barbacks have to just find new skirts to put black guys in But at the bread to buck bar At the breeding club He beats the love interest to the show now Felix I'm interested to see if you clock this. Do you recognize the sliced-alone love interest from another TV show that I know
Starting point is 00:39:31 You're a fan of wait. No way who is okay? She was a character on Veep. She was not in the main cast. She was a recurring character She was Selena's college friend who comes in to consult for them, but never does anything Yeah, she just rephrases everything they say back to them a very funny character And I really like seeing her on this show as well, but I was like she's awesome I was like, what have I seen this woman before but yeah, no, she was on Veep. That was her other big TV credit Before Tulsa King. Yeah, she is the I don't think that's her though If you're talking about the ATF agent, she was on Veep
Starting point is 00:40:07 But she was the Republican vice president who becomes president after the botched election. Oh Okay Is she the fake Latina? She's the fake Latina. Hold on. All right now. I need to look this up All right. Yeah, Andrea Savage. She plays Laura Montez. Yeah, all right. I was wrong I was wrong. That is Laura Montez. Good call. Yeah, there's a Republican Vice president. Well, that was a funny character. Yeah, not as funny as the other one that I thought Yeah, probably because I like that character so much and I'm just I'm rooting for all my v-peds and I'm rooting for everyone I'm Tulsa King now. So he encounters her
Starting point is 00:40:44 Who's there for her friend's bachelorette party and like one of the drunk bitches She's with sidles up to Dwight and she's like, are you famous? I love this scene If you lady lady if you gotta ask if someone's famous, they're not famous and then she's like Can I take a picture? I think it's selfie with you and she's like listen Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't like having my photograph taken. I love so he's like once again combating millennial culture and then the love interest comes over and she's like, hey Why are you mean to my friend? And she's like, well, you know, you if you'd been a little nicer We would have invited you to the party and he's like party. They still seem like a party and then she's like, okay
Starting point is 00:41:22 What's your idea of a party and then the next thing is that he's taken the bachelorette party to a strip club and he's showing these gals a Good old-school time. That's a lady. That's what all ladies want to do is go to a CD strip club in Tulsa offer their bachelorette with his 75 year old man So well, here's the funny part He then takes her home and they have sex and then the woman is horrified to find out that he's 75 years old And I was like lady unrealistic. Do you have eyes? That is the most I'm sorry. That is the most unreal. That is the most unrealistic thing in this entire show I could buy anything else except for like a millennial or younger woman being like you a 75 year old
Starting point is 00:42:06 That is the opposite is the opposite of reality like if you if you Women eventually marry their grandfather. Yeah, if you what like, you know what, you know what makes you You know any woman horny fellas out there our listeners are you know, they're millennials They're creeping up there. They've long passed 30. It's it's time for you to learn a few tricks of trade Tell that girl you're casually seeing that you're experiencing hip problems really play off the angle Girls around 25 love it when a man is old and I guarantee you if he had told her in real life If that really happened the equivalent of that situation, he says I'm 75 She would have squirted with such a force that would it would have destroyed the hotel
Starting point is 00:42:58 Hey Dwight the general Manfredia would have been like the Normandy landing all over again how wet she was getting yes So she's horrified to find out that the guy she just fucked was a high school senior when Kennedy was assassinated But that's all not not always done with this character because the next day we find out that it isn't Matt already looted to She's an ATF agent. Oh and then like in her morning meeting. They're like, hey guys Just something to be on the lookout for FBI is just tapped our shoulder and let us know that a well-known mafia associate has just come into town And so if any of you have had sex with them in the last 24 hours To say so yeah, they're sitting or they're sitting off. Fuck me Yeah, they're sitting around the office currig and they're like, so does anyone like the fuck any criminals by mistake recently?
Starting point is 00:43:45 So like yeah, basically that's that's the end of episode one now I'd like to I'd like to now spend like the rest of it. Just talk about some highlights from we've done the good guys Good job setting up the pilot and the concept for the show, but you know, the show's still ongoing It's in its sixth episode But what are some other highlights from the the next couple episodes because there's a I already alluded to the pronoun Conversation in episode two, which like I said is probably the funnest moment. I've had watching television all year Um, but there's one of the favorites for me is so yeah Dwight decides they we're gonna make some money selling nitrous to these kids at this music festival where they run a foul of the
Starting point is 00:44:26 1% bikers who are already there and their leader is of course a scary Northern Irish guy because that's that Kurt Sutter DNA infused in here that you can't get out. Yeah and then they those the Bikers of course end up beating the hell out of his is soft Minions and then they go to Dwight and they're like, what do we do? Oh my god, like this guy's and he's like you guys ever read Sun Susana war Yes, yes, yes, you know, you don't got to fight sometimes you just you do strategy
Starting point is 00:45:03 And then the plan that he comes up with is they just go to where the bikers are get a bunch of baseball bats and just beat Them up. Yeah, that which they handily do they successfully beat the shit out of a larger number of motorcycle criminals Led by 75 year old Sylvester Stallone who of course knocks everybody the fuck out and when he says so they're like so like They're okay They're at the fairgrounds and then like Martin saw or whatever is just like okay What is Sun Sue we say we should do now and then Stallone goes in the Ottawa Sun Sue says at some point in his life
Starting point is 00:45:41 Every man's got a gross set of balls Just pop some of the trunk and there's like 15 baseball bats in there So I was like what happened to the greatest victories are achieved without violence and it's like okay Sometimes the greatest victories are achieved without violence other times they are achieved with violence though So that's what we're doing now But okay Matt the the other okay what the whole Sun Sue narrative made me think of Brian Quimby so much because it was Like a perfect like Brian Quimby like as well. This was so much in his wheelhouse I told him to watch this show but like explicitly like the perfect dumb guy thing of referencing the art of war and then doing the exact
Starting point is 00:46:16 Opposite of what that quote is supposed to Then there's one more element to the the room the nitrous oxide baseball bat art of war rumble That I thought really that we really must comment on it's that he employs his chauffeur's dad To come along and and do an act of gang violence with his son to sort of reunite them because like the dad is worried that like Son you're better than this you need to go back to college You don't need to be working for this criminal and he's like dad. I'm my own man I can do what I want and then Stallone just sort of meets the dad and is like oh you want to complete up some bikers with Alright, I'll help my son
Starting point is 00:46:54 So my son's gonna go out beating bikers. I want to go out and beat up bikers with it You know, it's like how you want to you want your kids to drink in your house so they don't get into trouble Yeah, they really that was a conflict. They pretty quickly scrapped My one of my highlights. It's a it's a darker scene but or set of scenes but it is So insane that I still want to mention it So obviously like every single character of of his type every character like this where it's like a Wizondold tough guy. He has a daughter who doesn't like him every character like that. Yeah, that's right
Starting point is 00:47:36 Yeah, so let's do Stallone's character. Obviously. He's got one of those so there's this revelation that She was raped by like one of his associates But the way that they like reveal this is so insane Basically, she's like, um, you know, you know, you don't give a shit. You're never around blah blah blah And he goes, oh, what are you talking about and she's like, well like well one of your associates He did something never mind and he goes what do one of my associates do to you
Starting point is 00:48:14 And he and she goes, let's just say he showed me why they call him the package Which is Dialogue it's like dialogue from a fucking porno used to describe this character's rape It's insane Just out of this world. I don't know how that made it in but this it like I mean, it's hard to pick a favorite moment though. This is just this is really the Successor to sons of anarchy more than any it more than even the Mayans which I love. Okay Taylor Sheridan If you're listening to the show or if people are connected to the Taylor Sheridan verse, what would it take?
Starting point is 00:48:57 Okay, you already said Tulsa King season two already been green lit. It's a big hit What would it take to incorporate Kurt Sutter as an actor onto Tulsa King? What would it take for him to reprise his Armenian hitman character from the shield? But he's in Tulsa and also for Kurt Sutter to do his directors trademark of Having a limb cut off being given AIDS being given hepatitis losing an eye having Being cuckolded
Starting point is 00:49:29 Being like having an Amazon Alexa shoved up his ass and having the Alexa Recite all the most traumatic memories of his life Just all these things like maybe there's so many things that he could do like he could they could have him get fed into an Industrial meat meat grinder or something. Yeah, maybe it's like could like reminisce about his time in jail and Kurt Sutter could reply in flashbacks Reprise the role of Otto from sons of anarchy like you said and Dwight could just be like I'm gonna throw you something Bodie will be talking like Martin star one of the Millennials
Starting point is 00:50:02 You think you've got a rough today with all these pronouns and go to work. Let me tell you about the most raped man Yeah, he go yeah, he goes up to the black guy. He's like who's the most raped guy, you know, and he's like what? I don't know anyone like that. He's like, well That's right because you never met anyone who got raped as many as my friend auto You know why he got raped because he believed in something Yeah, I would love to see Kurt Sutter in it But for the I mean Mostly though, I really do just trust Caller Sheridan's instincts like he he is he is keyed in to the
Starting point is 00:50:52 The sort of for the people in the audience who have played the game DSX when you link into cybernetic Human consciousness Taylor Sheridan is that but with the cybernetic unit consciousness of TV He understands it in a deep way that I don't think anyone else quite does Ken Olin gets a little bit because Ken Olin knows so many evil, you know, heartstring tugging tricks But Taylor Sheridan, I have to say he's using his powers for good You can tell that with the the daughter subplot So she admits this that she'd been assaulted by one of his associates when he was in prison
Starting point is 00:51:30 And she says don't do anything about it, you know, I've I've gone I've moved on and all that and of course Opportunity for Dwight to show some growth and like respect his daughter's wishes. No, he immediately goes Finds a guy and beats him to death. Yeah in front of all the other mafia guys And then I'm so space open and then immediately goes directly from doing a murder right back to his daughter Probably 15 minutes after they had this conversation and she's like dad. Did you murder the guy who raped me? And he's like, yeah, what do you want? I told you not to though He's he's got blood dripping off of his fucking hands from beating this guy to death. It's like I didn't do I did it for you That's what I did it for the honor
Starting point is 00:52:14 Oh, no, that's why Taylor Sheridan is such a fucking genius though because like the 48 year olds who were watching this and there are millions of them This is like this is the big That is like they get to watch that scene and it replaces the real reason in their brains Why their daughters don't talk to them like they see that they're like, they're like, oh, oh, that's actually what happened Like, oh, I actually did that and that's like why she didn't come home for Christmas Not because of like something insane. I said or did It's just like lover not because of what I keep the fucking the the genocidal Minions memes like you posting on Facebook
Starting point is 00:52:58 Yeah, not because I told her that like Taylor Swift got executed and gitmo for being a pedophile I gotta ask you guys the new generation this country. Honestly, what the fuck is going on with all these minions? Minion everywhere so as some other good like sort of Millennial Lindy versus new Culture class is him discovering like coffee shops and then he's like hey Can I just get guys get this espresso in like a cup like I'm not like a normal cup and like you know The the the blue hair behind the counter is just like I think it's really cool that you're that you're green But like we only use recycled paper here, you know, but if you want to bring your own metal cup
Starting point is 00:53:40 That's why I need to and then he brings his own espresso cup to like a Starbucks and pours the espresso and a little Little porcelain espresso Little have a little cafe that that is what's so great about this show is like they do like they do a bunch of stuff That's like well-tread, right? We're like an older like badass character Rages against the modern like you know since we've been seeing the coffee trope for over 30 years now I mean we famously reference the I want some coffee flavored coffee. Okay exactly We've referenced the all-time great Dennis Leary bit that was literally from over 30 years ago but there's just like a certain panache that
Starting point is 00:54:23 You share it and it's the loan bring to it. It makes it feel new that they really take a bunch of ankles that no one else would take and The fact that it's it's not Dennis Leary or it's not like I don't know Clint then it is this I would say probably the most confusing Physiology of 75 year old has ever had Really just add so much to it just a terrific show. I mean look, I'm sure I'm sure if you an unfortunate few thousand of you Have the grave dishonor of having to go home to the holiday go home for the holidays to Missouri or one of those places Well, why don't you watch this show with your parents? They may have their values, but you will still love it It's a little family body fun for the whole family. Yes
Starting point is 00:55:13 Oh One more one more scene and character that I'd like to bring up is that one of the guys that he adds to his crew is Like a former New York mob guy who's like hiding been hiding out in Oklahoma for like 20 or 30 years Like about the same amount of time since Dwight's been gone He's like he's lit out and he's like not witness protection But he just like fled the mafia and is now working on like a horse farm in Oklahoma for some rich lady I played by Max Cassella who was also in inside Lou and Davis and he was also on the Sopranos He's the dude that Artie Bucco beats up who's like fucking his hostess or whatever
Starting point is 00:55:50 He was what a Tony many boss on the Sopranos Yeah, yeah, and he's on this show and like he sees the loan in a mall and immediately thinks that like he's been sent to Oklahoma to kill him right to assassinate him for you know breaking his Breaking omwerta and leaving this thing of ours, and then there's a hilarious scene where he takes it upon himself to strike first And attempts to kill Sylvester Stallone while he's taking his driver's ed exam and nearly domes the driver's ed teacher Leading to like a fucking car chase where like the it's drivers ed instructor is like in the passenger seat the whole time I think I'm dying You're not dying if you're dying you'd already be dead that what the driver's ed scene is great and
Starting point is 00:56:36 you know frankly as Someone who will one day be taking driver's ed again gave me a lot of confidence Yeah, when I exactly like keep your keep keep your cool check your mirrors, and you know don't get shot in the head But you know basically he despite the fact that this guy I nearly murdered him He's sort of he's just like yeah, you look for me now, and then he's part of the crew and you know what he loves it He's having fun again. He's these fighting bikers hitting them with baseball bats He beats up the guy whose dog keeps shitting on his lawn It's like you know he's forgotten what it's like to be Lindy and now that Stallone's in town
Starting point is 00:57:12 He can be in being an organa he can be in a gang again, and that's what this shows about it's like You know in this modern world in in in this world That's you know lost lost sight of things like honor and tradition people have lost sight of being in gangs Yeah, I mean that's what that social atomization does you get rid of gangs bowling leagues all this stuff So like this is you know we've been we've been making fun of this show that like it's a this show Isn't it an assault on you know the woke mind virus and millennial culture, but really what it is. It's about chosen family It's about the gang that you choose rather than the one you're born into yeah no, and I don't think I really don't think so much that it's like an attack on millennial culture because like
Starting point is 00:57:55 What I see the show as at the end of the day is that like okay? There's this tragedy that they're really like isn't a mafia in America anymore We've talked about it a bunch how sad it is how good it would be for there to be a mafia How many activities they would provide for people how it was just nice to have them around you know? But um it shows that even if you are a millennial even if you are clinically lip-tarded as as you know I am as you are as we all are You can still start your own mafia in Tulsa You need it. It's true. Yeah, there's still there's a frontier out there
Starting point is 00:58:34 There's places where they don't know nothing about protection rackets and you can just walk in and get some clueless guy to just give you money out Of his safe. Yeah, and and the young Millennials sure they could not start their own mafia But at the same time the experienced copper regime Dwight Manfredi he could not have his own mafia just as an island. He needs them. We need community We need to work together the old and the young we can both learn from each other and together We can recreate the fun of the old mafia even with pronouns Even even even even with cell phones even with girls wearing jeans. It's like look Stallone Dwight Manfredi he needs to be taught about things like uber and
Starting point is 00:59:16 Having a driver's license and paying taxes But then like you know Martin star and like the chauffeur character They need to be taught about things like yeah, I'm doing murders on the orders of old and ran Running protection rackets doing racketeering, you know, just classic stuff like that that they don't teach anymore because They're teaching the 1619 project in schools and not how to run a book how to take that What what a spread is and how to how to get money out of a degenerate gamblers Tulsa is in your hearts if you want it Yes, that's the message of the show. Yeah, look, I know I say it all the time But TV is back and boy, how do you never go away?
Starting point is 00:59:56 I think I think you know, I think Tulsa King's about about halfway through this season I mean, well, I think we'll have to come back for the you know, like a season wrap up Maybe we have some have some guests, you know, cuz you know this show it's it's giving me that sons of anarchy magic It's giving me that feeling for a bad TV is good TV. Good TV is bad Yeah, I like like look man. I I fucking love like actually good TV. I know make fun of prestige TV The white lotus I fucking I think it's amazing. I love it. I've endlessly sung its praises Madden and love it Sopranos you you've heard me say everything about it but also
Starting point is 01:00:36 This type of TV needs to exist too and it's great in its own way and also this is my final plea Taylor Sheridan, please hire all three of us. We would do nothing but That would be oh my god Millennials scumbags that you're trying to own Yeah, we can make the owning of that If you need a trailer to punch up the Martin star character, we just get our numbers, please. Yeah, I I I cannot think of a more fun job than like writing for Taylor. Yeah, we would be so good at it, too You know the um, you know the fake prestige show that I that I made up the frozen garden
Starting point is 01:01:15 I was like just trying to come up with like a fake like a fake like sort of sub prestige show that would be on AMC Like something that they would try where they're trying to like recapture the breaking bad magic But it's like not as good of a cast or writers and it's called the frozen garden And it's about a detective who hurt his knee while playing like college hockey So he had to become a detective and he has to solve his step daughter's murder And he has a bill Taylor Sheridan, please let us write the frozen garden. All right. Here's here's my here's my writing packet I'm gonna submit this to Taylor Sheridan right now a potential future plot line on Tulsa getting okay
Starting point is 01:01:59 Like how do we how do we deal with Dwight in this modern world of apps and things like that and opportunities for crime there within? So he discovers the app grinder the gay hookup and he gets on the gay hookup app and arranges dates with gay men And when they show up expecting some dick from you know a 75 year old daddy with big muscles He then extorts them for being gay even though it's totally normal and okay to be gay So they shows up for the date and like maybe he has sex with them But that takes photos and he's like hey, you want your wife finding out about this and he's like, dude I'm gay and I'm not I'm not man. It's like, okay. How about your job and like they're like, yeah, I own my own business This is it's an okay
Starting point is 01:02:37 You don't have to be blackmailed by this but then of course all of them will end up being blackmailed by him anyway Because they'll just give over money He's starting starting openly gay men for being gay Okay, that's that's it makes as much sense as doing a protection racket on a legal business With no like organized crime anywhere around to threaten them. Okay. How about this? When seven so Martin star he goes to see an unnamed live podcast show I'm not writing in cameos for ourselves, but if mr. Sheridan you see that fit. We would be honored and So he goes there. There's a DSA table and you see he's a cute girl
Starting point is 01:03:24 She's got a she's got a Monroe piercing because it's Tulsa and they still think that's cool there And he's like, I just I really want her but I don't know what to do and Dwight is there obviously He's not paying attention all that he notices like all the different types of pride flags, right? He's like wait a minute. I got an idea and his new racket that his rag-deck gang comes up with is that they're going to make pride flags? With increasingly made up stripes to represent things that like aren't on other pride flags And if you don't you don't have don't have the new flags with stripes yeah, and they can extort you Yeah, yeah, yeah, like if you like he'll oh, oh like your flag doesn't have people who are in federal prison for RICO charges
Starting point is 01:04:14 You're not a real ally like that. I think that would be a great sort of line We could introduce the DSA girl as a character But then have it so that the DSA girl is actually a mafia mole sent to spy on Dwight Ah, but then she really falls in love with Martin star I couldn't have like noticing that your pride flag doesn't represent aro ace people's and it would just be a shame Something happen to you is really be a shame if you were excluding asexual people right? You do a lot of thinking when you're in the can about ten years in I realized I'm pan Or no, he would he would he would say he would say something like I realize that pan ain't just something that you put your moots at Ellen
Starting point is 01:05:00 Okay, this writes itself, okay Oh, yeah, no, no, okay, so no he discovers that Martin's father is in a Polly relationship and it'll be like what the fuck back in my day We used to just Give my goomba Brazil on a Saturday. Oh my god Yeah, then he real then they realize it like the goomba city open goomba system is really just Polly Yeah, oh my god. Yeah, and it's just like, you know a beautiful linking of past and present man You know, maybe it's make more sense. I didn't know, you know, I've been in a Polly relationship this whole time
Starting point is 01:05:36 Oh, you know at the Copa Saturdays were for your primary partners, but Fridays are always for the thirds in unicorns I got I got this secret document. It's a list of all the shittiest men in Tulsa media Oh This show writes itself god damn it Somebody good stuff. So please hire us. There we go. That's uh, yeah, so that's uh, that's Lindy King That's our submission to Taylor Sheridan to hire the three of us as actors writers showrunners You know, look, I can do it all Taylor. I can do it all and you know, like I said I could I can punch up any character who's um gay cringe and lip-tarted. Yeah, no, we're all writing from personal experience here
Starting point is 01:06:28 Um and and like we would love to write for this show, but we will like write for any show you create We'll even create one for you and you can just say you did it. We don't care. We just want to be involved Let's link and build let's like yeah, we think you're awesome We're so glad that you've dethroned the villain Ken Olin to become the new king of TV. You rock sir So there you go. That's uh, that's Tulsa king. Um, I promise avatars coming soon. Yeah, we will do that Once I test negative for gay, we'll do it. Yeah All right, until next time everybody. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye You

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