Chapo Trap House - 698 - Lego-Masters Break Out feat. Bryan Quinby (1/17/23)

Episode Date: January 17, 2023

We’re joined by our pod-father Bryan Quinby to discuss the topic that brought us all together in the first place: Butt TV. Subscribe to the new home of all your Quinby Content:

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Starting point is 00:00:30 Greetings, everybody. It's Choppo Monday, January 16th. Wishing everyone a happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Hope you're enjoying the day off. But the clock don't stop for us. We're coming at you. Please, to announce, once again, we are joined by a longtime friend of the show, Choppo Champion and Thoroughbred. It's Brian Quimby, Murder Brian, back in the cut. Once again, Brian, welcome back. I apologize for knocking my Legos over the second you said my Lego master. Is that Murder Brian's music? The Lego Noi. There's just every podcast I've done for like a year has me fucking around with Legos, which is I fucking swore on my life I would never get into Legos. Like I was never going to become a Lego guy
Starting point is 00:01:26 because it feels like a Disney guy. What's the situation? Were you in? Were you at the swear that? Well, I just you guys know how I am about like, even when I was a kid, I was like, I want to be an adult like 35 year old man. No, I get it. You make deals with yourself where you're like, Oh, you know, I'm never going to be like a Disney guy. And then like all of a sudden, like Disney buys everything and now there's like even cool Disney guys and you're like, Oh, I don't know, but I'm a Lego guy. So I can't make Legos and pro wrestling like I can't make fun of anybody. But I do. Anyway, I mean, like worst thing, there was a in like, I'd say like late 2017 through early 2019, you could audibly hear
Starting point is 00:02:15 the click and clack of my mechanical keyboard during every episode because I was I was gaming. And you know, everyone's got something. Hold on. Wait, this, this, this is the first time hearing of this. Felix was very distracted. The shows are very bad, but he led a wonderful life playing video games while he should have been podcasting. Well, you could do both. I don't really see, I don't see like, yeah, you can. I've done, I probably did 120 episodes while engaged in competitive gameplay and none, none were the wise hair. Listen, it probably made the show better. Honestly, dude, the first, it's so funny that you say that because the first season of Shocktober
Starting point is 00:02:57 is one of people's favorite things that I ever did. And I can definitely hear you gaming while you're doing it. And I'm like, he's fucking on fire, man. It doesn't matter what he's doing. Well, I think it will. No, it like helps me because it instead of just like sitting around, I'm distracting the frontal lobe of my brain that would usually be worried about like taxes or like, you know, am I going to get the heavier credit card that gives me more miles? You know, am I did I fuck up this? Does Delta still are they going to give me the autism console that I get in business class? If I get the platinum credit card? But when I'm, when I've got nothing, when I've got no equivalent to Legos or vaping
Starting point is 00:03:40 or emails, emails is one of my favorite. I'm just, you know, I don't know what I'm doing. You need a meditative, meditative activity or at least high IQ individuals do when you're a five tool podcaster like Felix, you need like when you're that talented at both gaming and podcasting, you need the two things to kind of cancel each other out. Cause if you focus too much on it, you know, you say it's like, you know, trying to start a really good car, you know, in the first gear. I mean, I have been gaming less, um, ever since I reached, um, Master Guardian two and CS go because I don't, that was farther than I ever thought I would go. So now it's just, now it's just all playing with house money.
Starting point is 00:04:20 So it's a lot of emails and things like that now as my, uh, other activity. I might move on to Rubik's cubes though. Oh, you got to get something, dude. I'm telling you a thing in your hand, a tactile thing. I'm just, I'm just, I, I, like I said, I didn't want to be a Lego guy. It just like sort of found me. Somebody gave me one as a gift and, uh, how they get you know, and then when you go and look how much they cost, you just want to die. Like, like you think how much could something like this cost? And I am currently considering a 3D printer to make my own Lego. That is, oh my God. I think that's highly illegal. I think the Lego is going to send a fucking squat, squat team to your house
Starting point is 00:05:09 and not just destroy that shit with a mallet. If you try that is, that is like the toy equivalent of making your own like bathtub fentanyl that kills you after you can't get heroin. Exactly. I just, I'm trying to make it cheaper. And then I was like Googling, like how much is a 3D printer? How much is a 3D printer? I search in complete sentences. Yeah. Because if you find that a 3D printer, if you find that a 3D printer is cheaper than your
Starting point is 00:05:42 Lego habit, then yeah, sure. Go, go for it. It is. I'm telling you, it is. Brian, what do you do with the Legos once they're constructed? Because I mean you must have tons of them. Like where do you store them? Do you store them? Do you break them down after a while? Do you like categorize the pieces so you can build other things? Like are they all just displayed in your house? I try to sell them. And also, yeah, I listen to my wife complain that there's Legos everywhere
Starting point is 00:06:08 around the house. Like why do we have to have a Lego Bowser in our living room where people come and visit? It's funny like it's funny for that to be a problem like after your kid goes to college. Yes. My daughter graduates high school in May and I'm like, I'm just getting into toys really. So she wasn't, I don't, I just, I, when she was little, we went and looked at Legos and I noticed that like the cheapest sets were like 80 bucks and I was like, we're never doing this. We're never, we're never going to get into this hobby. And now it's like
Starting point is 00:06:47 she's never home and I'm the one playing with the toys. It's, it's, it's why it's really weird that you guys have met my daughter when she was like five or six and now she's 18. Wow. No, yeah. Like I was, I was going over the timetable the other day over how long we've all known each other, how long we've been doing this. I have technically known most of you and technically been in the podcast business since undergrad since like 2013. Yeah. I, I, I think I started, I started podcasting weirdly enough. I started podcasting in like
Starting point is 00:07:29 2006, which was like, I don't know. It like nobody knew how to do it. And so all of my shows were six hours long because I wanted to do Opie and Anthony. It's like, oh, we're going to have to really do a long show. They, they, they do it every day. It must be possible. And then, you know, we end up learning that like Opie, we end up noticing once we've started podcasting, like Opie and Anthony play like eight of the same bits every day. Like they, they play like a parody song and they get five or six minutes out of that, which I would have liked to have seen come to podcasting the parody song. But, uh, well, I guess howl does it, how body does it, but like, it just, we left out sound boards and, uh, sound boards
Starting point is 00:08:17 and parody songs, but I am launching a new thing. So I might get a sound board now that would be sweet. If I could go, well, I do have a Lego super Nintendo over here, a Lego NES that I probably could use as some sort of, uh, I mean, sound boards aren't without precedent, uh, you know, come down, formerly come down, uh, made strides in the use of sound boards in podcasting technology. I mean, and I was doing a, uh, uh, um, call-in show, but I'm such a coward that I couldn't do the toilet flushing sound when somebody got annoying or something. I'd be able to do that, but it was just like, uh, I can't be mean to these people. I'm sorry. I don't even know how they did it. I remember somebody
Starting point is 00:09:09 suggested one time that me and Felix should go to Chicago and say that we want to honor Mankow and then bring him on stage and goof on him. And I was just like, I don't think either one of us have that killer in us. Just a face. I don't think I could do that. I think I also like, I don't, I just like Mankow too much. Like I have no malice in my heart against Mankow. With grease man, like I think I could execute, I think I could execute grease man. I think I could be like if I was a state sanctioned executioner, I think I could do it and like, I don't know, go to dinner with my family afterwards. I could go play like late. I could go play like,
Starting point is 00:09:51 well, not Lego. So they have like weird new toys. I had to get my niece like a $170 magnet playing thing. I think I could do that with my niece after executing grease man. But if I was mean to Mankow in person, it would be tough for me to live with myself. I mean, there is something about like the guy, like I really like guys that lie. Um, exactly. He is the biggest liar. I have, I've never heard somebody say something. So when he said, and I heard it, I played the audio that he was the last person to talk to Brandon Lee before he died. He was the guy who loaded the fucking gun on set.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Well, no, he was on the phone. Brandon Lee called him and said, I don't know. I don't feel good about this scene. It's like, oh my God. He's such a good person. Like just like this is like Brandon Lee, Brandon Lee thought he was like, he had like 30% idea that he was going to die. And he's like, who should the last person I talked to be? I know Mankow, Mankow, tell my story to the world if I pass on. He's such a fucking good person. I know. Herve Villachez. He was the last person to talk to Herve Villachez before he died. He was also So
Starting point is 00:11:15 He was interested in not dying. Don't call Mankow. Yeah, definitely not. He's also the last person to talk to Chris Farley before he died. So Pretty sure that was the hooker in the room with him when he died. It's wild though to be a guy that, that like tells somebody. I did a clip of him recently on Twitter where he was in Monte Carlo and Oh, sophisticated. It was who went like a James Bond tux and everything. Yeah, he was dressed up. He was dressed up and he said he was going in to have lunch with some prince
Starting point is 00:11:47 or some royalty and everybody replied to me and said, that guy's been dead for 20 years. Like He's like, yeah, I'm about to go on a date with Grace Kelly. I was the car that I ran Mariska Parrot, our today's mom off the road. But that's what I've always found fun about like those guys or any of the guys really that like I found is like the best ones are the liars and the ones that take credit for like being the first to like the whip them out Wednesday thing is my favorite one, right? Like there's three people that take credit for that. And like, like Howard Stern said
Starting point is 00:12:34 you put a bandana around your antenna and women will show their tits to you. Opie and Anthony said, put a sticker, the whip them out Wednesday sticker and Tom like us said to flash your brights at people in LA and women will show your tits, which is like that one doesn't even work. No, no, no, that's how you accidentally get involved in a gang initiation where you're killed for flashing your lights at someone. So like Tom like us is actively trying to get people killed with this whip them out Wednesday thing. I just want to I just want to go back for a second because I think listeners of our show, they you know, probably through through Shocktober, I think like they might
Starting point is 00:13:16 they're probably really with man cow and Stern and Opie and Anthony, but could you just give just a little background on anyone who's not familiar on the grease man guy who never lived. He could dump Felix could dump a gallon of barbiturates into this guy's veins and then take his knees out for ice cream without batting an eye. So just feel us in on the grease man. He's he's has said truly some of the nastiest stuff I've ever heard. And like for people that sort of listen to Shocktober and know about it, it's like we we listen to people say nasty stuff. The whole point of the fucking show is to listen to people say nasty stuff. But the grease man, he talks like a baby. You know, like he has like a weird baby thing.
Starting point is 00:14:05 He has these really strange like what's he has these really strange like parody songs that don't make any sense. It's Friday, the weekends here and we'll have a kid of me will relax, hallelujah, hallelujah, and take off our slags, hallelujah, hallelujah, and sit around the house in a rotten and new way. But he said some of the most racist things I've ever heard somebody say in my life, the dude got fired, came back, got fired again. And it was it's correct. He said something about Lauryn Hill that is it's just you don't even want to repeatable. Unrepeatable. That's what's crazy about grease man. It's like you listen to a show and like I would say a good 40% of it is like, yeah, literally baby talk.
Starting point is 00:14:58 It's him going like a Goo Goo Gaga boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, when you got your shimmy boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, just like stuff you say to a toddler to entertain them. Then the other like 30 to 60% is like it's parody songs, but it will be like Mambo number five reworked to be about how you can never get paperclips to work, right? Like that type of thing. And then the remaining content is like Turner Diary shit. It's like it's like just like beyond just like casual racism. This is black tie racism. This is like he's like calling black people like so be human. Like like like say like the type of stuff that like Varg says. And it's he is one of the most astounding puzzles
Starting point is 00:15:52 that we have ever worked on. He calls. He calls blow jobs, snarlings. He calls having things. You get some snarlings. He calls having the the general vision. Yeah, he calls having sex, having missionary sex, hobbled a G and then having anal sex, bobbled a G. Hey, I got a hobbling story for you. I go ahead. I hear you talking all the time about you and Oscar, you know, double duking. Yeah. Me and my Pappy, we did the same thing. You and your dad do? Yeah. Well, we double do the same girl. He was getting a snarlings. I was like, who's your daddy? Who's your daddy? Who's your daddy? And like he just has these words where you're like, what the fuck are you talking about? And then he's one of the
Starting point is 00:16:44 most evil men in the world. Yeah. Yeah. It is like it is kind of like how the Nazis were obsessed with finding Santa. That is kind of the situation we're dealing with with Greece, man. This is a really weird dude, man. Just like a real relic of like, I don't know. The thing I always come back to is like, like real hard, like dudes would just listen to this stuff in their car on the way home. And like, I think about like a construction worker listening to Howard Stern talk about the Golden Globes for an hour and a half. What is going on? Construction worker on the way home from the job site. Just on the way home from the job site to get some boobledy boo from the old wifey back at home. To get some who's
Starting point is 00:17:36 your daddy? Who's your daddy? Who's your daddy? That's another one. That's that's doggy style act. Another thing I will note about the grease man is that he's he's an outlier on in the shock jock of the shock jock species. Because most of them, whether they're like us or bubble the love sponge, they're gentlemen of a rotund caliber. They're big guys. And the images that you shared of grease man, he's just he's very gaunt. It looks like his skin is just stretched over his face like a foreskin being pulled back or something. He's handsome. I I will give him not now he I think the evil in his heart has like kind of made him. But when he his whole thing was like that, like the story, the biggest story I heard about
Starting point is 00:18:30 the grease man was that he was afraid for people to see him because he would go on the air and talk about how he lifts weights and, you know, he eats tuna fish to make himself stronger and shit like that. And then people saw him and they actually got mad at him because of how he looked. And I just that takes me so back to like growing up when when it's a shame that everybody just sees everybody now. Yeah, it does hurt the magic of some of this stuff. Yeah, except for I think bubble the love sponge is like the one person where he looks exactly as you would imagine him or like to imagine him. But grease man, grease man did get into bodybuilding and he got into bodybuilding. I mean, he did get like
Starting point is 00:19:23 decently strong for a 40 year old man, but it just it made him look more like a concentration camp command command dog. Well, and I'll say this, like all these guys, like I don't end up liking a lot of these guys, but the one I truly love. And like I never have gotten into any of these guys shows except for Bubba the love sponge. You know, I do, I do. I don't he says he's working on it. Okay. I've been told this might be a lie, but he says he's working on a four part documentary series about himself for Netflix. And I think that's gonna just that's content gold right there, Brian. I hope he's not lying about that.
Starting point is 00:20:08 They should absolutely let him do that. They did a fucking like 12 hour documentary about some bullshit, like 90s ad campaign involving a jet. You remember this? Yeah. Yeah, they will give anything a 10 hour fucking documentary treatment. The guy who let his wife get banged by Hulk Hogan and inadvertently destroyed Gawker absolutely deserves a fricking documentary about inadvertently also kind of destroyed Hulk Hogan, although he has Hulk Hogan has money because of this, but like, I don't think any of that racist stuff comes out if that set because he's racist in the sex tape. And I just don't think any of that racist stuff comes out if which is crazy. Hulk Hogan just had sex and he wants to be racist immediately.
Starting point is 00:20:58 It's sort of like the George Costanza thing of like eating while you're having sex. Yeah. Life's two greatest pleasures. And the story though, the story about how that tape went missing is like, I think a great mystery. I would say that because Bubba says he didn't sell the tape. He didn't make any money. It did ruin his life. Like he was living in, he used to have a $12 million dollar mansion and he was living in a fucking his car next to his studio for a while after that. He like lost his job. He lost his friends and shit like that. So he claims he didn't do it. And then there is the other side where he's probably lying because like, why would you tell the truth about that?
Starting point is 00:21:49 Well, we talk about one of my favorite guys. We're talking about guys. There's one gentleman in particular that Brian, I wanted to have you on to discuss. And that man is Dwight the General Manfredi. Yes. Tulsa King. That's right. I'm sorry if you've not caught up on Tulsa King. But the season finale is, you know, season one is now concluded. And I really do feel, Brian, I had to get you on to talk Tulsa King because as I said from the first episode, this is the show, this is the show on TV that's giving me that Kurt Sutter sons of anarchy feeling. And the finale of Tulsa King had a couple of the best sons of anarchy moments like on a TV show that I've seen since that show along the air. So just to start
Starting point is 00:22:32 out, Brian, like your your your experience with Tulsa King and your relationship with Dwight the General Manfredi played by Sylvester Stallone. So first off, like, I didn't. So somebody asked me this yesterday, right? Like in the 2000s and 2010, there was their but rock was this type of music that was sort of an amorphous undefined thing. But it ended up being like just kind of a crappy copy of grunge, like post grunge stuff. And I love mud. Yes. Yes, exactly. So it kind of sounds like Nirvana. But it's not I now somebody said, is there but TV? And I was like, you know what, I think everything I like is but TV because the king. Yeah. Yeah. Because you think about
Starting point is 00:23:23 like these shows are kind of like prestige TV. Like they have the beats and kind of the the story. Generally, like they look well done. Like they got good actors. Yeah. But they're not there. They're incredibly stupid. Like, yeah, I watched the first seven episodes in one fucking night. I just I just I couldn't stop. I have the same thing. I could I I just yeah, I I went in the sprees of Tulsa King. It's not the type of show I watch one of and I'm like, oh, love time to do, you know, whatever. No, that's just the rest of my fucking day. And like I am I consider myself like a student of prestige and sub prestige. I think I coined the term showtime prestige, which is like a very specific type of premium cable show.
Starting point is 00:24:16 The type of Ray Donovan. Yeah, you're Ray Donovan's your billions that type of thing where it's like, yes, it's like it's like a marriage of an FX show and an HBO show where it just it has like the stupidity and fun of FX, but some of the trappings and even pretensions of a real prestige show. Tulsa King is like is the first of its kind I've seen that's like, I don't know what I would call it. Maybe like stars prestige, even though it's not on stars. It feels like it should be on stars. Yeah. Yeah. It doesn't even it lacks like the complexity and subtlety of like homeland, but it is so thrilling and so so eminently watchable, watchable to the point that it will take over your day. It's
Starting point is 00:25:01 a new genre of prestige. I don't know what I would call it. Maybe like idiot prestige. It is. I mean, that's the shit. I started the mayor of Kingstown too. I couldn't get into that. I had a hard time getting into that. It's too much of a bummer. It's like that last year of Sons of Anarchy where it's like, this isn't fun anymore. This guy's just a mass murderer at this point. But like with Tulsa King, there is there is a thing in Tulsa King that I think is perfect that I that I love. And it is when the dumbest guy in the world is the smartest guy in the room. That's what makes a good TV show. It's like it's like acts on on billions. Like he's not like the character is not written to be a genius,
Starting point is 00:25:48 but he wins all the time. Jack's Teller is the perfect. Like he's what a dumb guy would think a smart guy is. And I think that is like that's what makes perfect TV. So I mean, like along those lines, I just have I have a few notes on how Tulsa King the season one wrapped up. And you'll remember our last episode in Tulsa King. It's like basically tensions are brewing between Dwight Manfredi and his what you know, what should be his mafia family back in New York. You've got Dominic Lombardazi. And I remember I made note of the ridiculous wig he was wearing in the first episode. Well, thank God that paid off because after Dominic Lombardazi kills his father in a bathtub to take over
Starting point is 00:26:34 the mafia family as to sort of announce his coming out as a mafia don, he removes the ridiculous wig to reveal what we've all known that he's just a just a completely bald guy. He's just got no. And I gotta say, I gotta apologize to Tulsa King. I did not trust him enough when we were talking about it the first seven episodes, because I said like, Hey, at least when they did this with Corey Stahl in the strain, they had him get rid of the wig halfway through. Not only did they have this happen with his wig, but it's a character beat because he's got the wig on when he's drowning his dad in the bathtub. But then it's a dramatic reveal
Starting point is 00:27:11 when like they're carting the body away and all the well wishes are in the house and he comes down the stairs and it's revealed that he has removed the wig to show he is now no longer hiding anymore. He is now going to be the mafia Don and he's going to take the family in his clutches and his baldness, his true self is being revealed in that moment where as opposed with Corey Stahl in the strain, they were just like, Okay, nobody's buying this. Let's just say that he wants to, he wants to evade capture because he's on the run, whatever, just get that fucking wig off his head. Well, something I loved about Tulsa King is that it is about a 75 year old man that every
Starting point is 00:27:52 time he punches somebody, he nearly kills them. Yeah, he is a physical force. He is the strongest, fastest man in the entire state, in the entire region. He is like, I don't think there's anyone who can physically stand up to, yes, this man who was born presumably right after World War Two. Brian, you described to me it's like a 75 year old man with the physique and the physique and the physical power of Jack Reacher. This is Jack Reacher as a senior citizen, but you know, he's got class. So like Dwight's, you know, former mafia family, the old Don dies or is murdered by his son, the bald son takes over and the first owner of business, we got
Starting point is 00:28:44 to whack this freaking guy Dwight. I'm tired of his disrespect, his fucking, his mama Luke. He's like, Oh, he's a made guy and he go like, What the fuck are you talking about? I'm bossing his family now. And then meanwhile, back in Tulsa, Dwight puts together his own family, including the former employees of the marijuana store. He's now extorting. He just shanghies into being in his new mafia family. And they're like, they're like, Are we going to be killed by the mafia or a biker gang? And he's like, Not if we stick together and be a family. You got a family. He does. He does the kidnapping version of employment. And it's just like, like Dwight Manfredi's criteria for like, who should be in the mafia is just like, Have
Starting point is 00:29:34 I met them? Are they the first person I've met? Like, literally, literally his, his like, combination copper regime consigliary and underboss is the first guy he met, which is his Uber driver. That's like, that's enough for him. Did I meet you? Okay. You have, you have all the responsibilities in the world. I, I, I, Matt pointed out to me, because I'm not good at this stuff that one of his partners is Vinnie Del Pino from, uh, yeah, I recognize that guy, but that's another guy. Like, I think one of my favorite parts of the show is that guy like really does try to kill Dwight Manfredi. And then within one episode, he's like, Hey, let's work together. You know, it's going to be really fun. Like he forgives
Starting point is 00:30:23 the guy for shooting at his head while he was learning to drive. And not only that, not only does he forgive, uh, like the guy who tries to kill him during the driving test, he does so much more than that. He gives him his self-respect back because, you know, he's been hiding out and he's like, you know, you can't hide for too long. Sometimes you've got to stand up. And the guy's like, thanks guy. I was trying to kill an episode ago. You really, uh, you've given me my life back. Oh, by the way, my wife has left me, but you know what? That's a good thing. Cause I can be a real, I can be my own man now. So that, that is a, that is a metaphor for his namesake, um, the, uh, the, the real Dwight,
Starting point is 00:31:04 Dwight Eisenhower for Operation Paperclip. He does his own Operation Paperclip with all the guys that were previously trying to kill him. Uh, another thing I like, there's, there's another, like, so the, like his mafia family sends, sends a guy from Brooklyn out to Tulsa. And then what happens? Dwight just recruits him. He's like, you want to join my family? And he's like, yeah, okay. These guys suck. All right. I'm with you now. I know it takes, it makes it seem like Tulsa really has, has it going on because like everybody that comes to Tulsa in this show is like, you know what? I love Tulsa. It's great. It is. I've been to Tulsa before. Yes. Including the guy that
Starting point is 00:31:47 Dominic Lombrazano sends by train cause he hates airplanes to Tulsa to like see what's going on with Dwight when he's then met by the crew, the whole mob family to show up and just have like a stand and glare confrontation. Dwight's like, Hey, you want to join us? And he just, he just walks over and he's like, I'm with you guys now. Forget Brooklyn. Tulsa's for me now. Matt, I love that. Your vision, your vision of running a fucking, your vision of running a casino in the back of a honky tonk on a Indian reservation that has me inspired to leave New York City and it's promise. That scene was incredible because like the whole season is building up. It's like these guys from New York, they're going to, they're
Starting point is 00:32:34 going to, they're going to whack Dwight, you know, and they, and they go out to Tulsa under the guise of some armistice, you know, to make peace, to break bread with Dwight, but they're only going there to kill him. And you think that this is going to like come to a head and maybe they're going to like take a, you know, try to, try to kill him or something like that. But like essentially Dwight just shows up to their hotel and like meets them on the rooftop pool, like just sort of like you said, Matt stands and stares at them with his crew. And then he's like, if you ever come to my fucking city again, I'm a fucking kill you. And then they're like, all right, bye. No, but even better than that,
Starting point is 00:33:08 even better than that, he like, they're like, oh, how many of you guys you got in your crew? And then Dwight's like, see those guys over there? See those guys over there? They're with me now. And the guys that he hires to be his like, his muscle and his crew are literally two sets of cowboys and Indians. So he's got both cowboys and Indians being like shooters for him. And like, that's it. We never see Dominic Lombardo and his bald dome again. They just go back to New York. I mean, assumingly, you know, season two of Tulsa King, I'm sure they're going to keep this going. Yeah, no. Yeah. It'll keep going. The war will keep going. But Dwight only Tulsa in New York. He can only expand his gang. And the gang includes,
Starting point is 00:33:51 okay, we already went over Uber driver. Guy tried to kill him. There's like a self harming emo girl. Yeah, that's one of his soldiers. Who's who happens to be a crack shot? They them who worked at the vape shop, who is also was taught to was taught firearms by her suicidal father and uses them to commit just cold blooded murder. Yeah, she she's a guy right ahead. The first episode she was like, you guys are triggering me right now. Yeah, she yeah, she is the first day fab to kill a made man in the mafia. I would also say that I I think the scene that really I bought into and my wife bought into is is when they're smoking weed in the truck and he's just talking about pronouns.
Starting point is 00:34:47 But you think he's going to say something like mean about pronouns, but instead he's just like, you know, you just got to be who you're going to be. You know, I'm too old to figure this stuff out, but you got to be who you're going to be. And I'm like, okay, that was like a little more mature than I expected from the surprisingly reasonable. I feel like there was like after the midterms, there was an emergency rewrite where they're like, okay, like normal people have rejected culture war. We have to make Dwight Manfredi anti Libs of Tick Tock. Maybe that's maybe that's someone who goes after in season two. Someone has tried to extort the local school by putting their teachers on Libs of Tick
Starting point is 00:35:28 Tock. And Dwight Manfredi has to beat up a hideous Habad woman. I was I really hated that the that the ATF agent that he charmed turned on him like that. Yeah, to me, cold blooded. Yeah, that's too much for me. I can't. I don't want him to spend a lot of I hopefully he's out of jail right away. Yeah. In the new season. Because I don't I mean, when he was in jail, he did read a lot of good books shows like this, like the judicial system, all you have to do to get out of like a 30 year prison sentence or a 30 to life prison sentence where you are like on tape committing several murders and record hearing is like send a letter to three judges. You have to like do a favor
Starting point is 00:36:20 for a few for a guy who's also in jail and he will somehow get you out of your your gas price sentence. I really I'm not too worried about Dwight going back to prison. That just not what happens in these shows. I'm not worried because season two is going to open with another 20 year jump into the future and he's coming up with his his next 20 year jail sentence. And he's now he's now 130 years old and they're like flying cars. And he's like, what the hell? I used to be on the ground. I can't take this shit. Yeah. And his new mafia is like the maid from the Jetsons. George Jetson. It's funny that he it's funny because like he I'm guessing that he seduces the ATF woman again and she gets him out.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Yeah. What my guess is because he has also like that's the other thing about him is like he's just everybody all the women want to fuck him. He's 75. But he does. He's out there in her cowboy hat just like yes please. Dana Delaney by the way still looking great. Absolutely. I think I think it's going to be more of an emotional play because he already like he's already shown his sexual prowess. But it's going to be something like, hey look, I know you got a job to do, but I've just spent I've spent, you know, sort of my life in this thing. I'm just meeting my daughter for the first time when you're going to let a guy like me get to meet the people meet the people most important to him. Let me be
Starting point is 00:37:57 around my family and that'll like touch her heart in some way. Or if they go really stupid, he'll represent his himself in court. Yes. Yes. I mean, it is wild because we keep hearing these reading these stories about like people from like California and New York, like moving to these towns and like driving the rent up. And now Dwight Manfredi is doing that just simply by himself and with all the people that are like his daughter moved there, her kid. I don't know if her husband was there yet. She might not see him. I don't know. Did she leave his ass? Yeah. I wonder if because he was like, I'm not leaving New York. He's the most reasonable guy in the show. He's the most white negative guy in the show too.
Starting point is 00:38:48 More so than the people are trying to kill him. The people who are trying to kill him are like, we have to kill him because he is like he is Dwight Eisenhower. Like he is a general. He's a commander. He's a threat to him. And the husband is the only guy who's like, this is a 75 year old murderer. Like why are we like reorienting our life around him? Yeah. Everyone else is like, no, he's cool. Also, in the last episode, it flashes back in time to show you the crime that Dwight went to jail for, which is spectacularly stupid. It's basically some MOOC is getting shaken down by like the bad mafia guys by the bald guy and the dude who played Lucky Luciano
Starting point is 00:39:29 and Boardwalk Empire. The guy was like, this Dwight's got no freaking respect. So they're like beating the shit out of some guy that they've like handcuffed to a radiator. And they like burn his face with like a spatula or something. And then like, he's like, oh, God, don't help the money, please just call Dwight. And then like the like his other guy, the guy who fled to Tulsa is like calls Dwight. He's like Dwight, you got to come. They're burning this guy's face. So like they come to this like the fucking abandoned building in Brooklyn. And then like, you realize that Dwight wasn't trying to kill this guy, but like the other two idiots just knock over like, I don't know, an oil burning lamp or
Starting point is 00:40:04 something. They dropped, they dropped, they made a potato masher into a brand. Yeah. And then they dropped it on some rags and it was a fire to explode. And then so like, so then like, they're like, oh, shoot, we better get out of here. And then like the guy who's handcuffed to the radiator is like, Dwight, Dwight, you got to help me. And then he tries to shoot the handcuff and he's like, oh, it doesn't work. He's like freaking premium steel. He's like, oh, shit. And the guy's like Dwight, Dwight, you got to help me. And then Dwight's like, oh, I'm going to help you. I'm sorry. And then he just shoots him in the head because he's like, I'm not going to let you burn up. I'm not
Starting point is 00:40:41 going to let you burn. And then he like walks out, walks out of the building and there's like cops already there. So like he basically, like an earlier in the show, he said, yeah, I killed the guy kind of in a way. I did him a favor. And it's like, yeah, you know, in a way it was an act of compassion, you know, he chose to, he chose to shoot a guy in the head rather than watch him burn to death. So we realized what assholes the whole New York mafia has been. And as I just, just mentioned, like the, there really is no climax between him and the New York family other than a tense meeting at a rooftop pool that ends in basically just two people walking away. And that's it. However, however, I do need to talk about
Starting point is 00:41:21 the rebel outlaw Motorcycle Club. Black Adam. Black Adam. Now, Brian, I need to talk about this because I mean, I feel like my podcasting career really began with the observation that the Sons of Anarchy are killing roughly two dozen people a year for like an annual income of probably $30,000, like the crimes. So like Taylor Sheridan and Tara Twinter have created in Black Mac Adam an outlaw Motorcycle Club that is even dumber than the Sons of Anarchy, right? But actually profitable. Yeah, actually put some stacks together. So they don't even explain what they do. No, there's no explanation for how they have that money. The main Black Adam guy, like the scary Irish guy has like a flash drive with like $8 million
Starting point is 00:42:11 in cryptocurrency on it. Or it's, it's in some like bank in the Bahamas. And then the Martin star character just hacks him and takes away all his money. That just takes it. He said them a phishing email. Yeah. Yeah. I'm so conflicted, by the way, by Martin star being in this because I love Martin star. I've loved doing all his iterations. One of my favorite TV actors. A guy should be in more things and obviously incredibly happy to see him on screen in anything. But seeing him in this is like a little depressing for me. It is like two me like two me. Martin star should be like up for an Academy Award for some like bullshit, you know, a 24 movie about, I don't know, a diet that kills people. I don't know some
Starting point is 00:42:58 elevated horrible should. But instead he's in Tulsi King. And as much as I love seeing him in this, I do want more prestige or prestige for Mr. Star. Yeah. The thing is, though, this is, I think TV now, I do think that the prestige TV thing is, is very dead. Like I can't think of anything that I've watched recently that had those I'm better call Saul. I think maybe better call Saul is that that's going to be the last one. I think that's the last of the genre. The only thing I think that was a fucking spin off. And like the new the new Cadillac HBO series that just debuted is a fucking adaptation of a video game zombie thing, too. It's over. Yeah. Zombies. The only like the only two like going concerns that I could have seen as prestige in any other era,
Starting point is 00:43:55 also HBO are white lotus and succession. Those are the only two conventional things holding that flag. As far as like, you know, Sopranos, Deadwood, Rome, there's really nothing, nothing else like that. I think I think we are heading for a more unpretentious time, perhaps. Taylor Sheridan is just going to make it. Oh, my God. He's doing everything. Dude, like he's going to he's going to he's going to eventually there will be a TV series covering every year up until the year like 2022. So it'll be Yellowstone 1984, a Yellowstone origin story. And it'll just cover all the Yellowstone Ranch and like every every every era of American history will be fully saturation. Taylor Sheridan coverage here. The battle space has been prepared. Yeah. And then
Starting point is 00:44:44 you know what the next prestige thing, the actual next prestige thing after white lotus and succession that will be made in 15 years from the culture recycles that I think we can pitch and we can run. It will be a prestige show about the interpersonal war between Kurt Sutter and Taylor Sheridan. Well, have you guys because like I I tried to watch Yellowstone. I couldn't get into it. Not for me. The first episode is 90 minutes. You don't do that. I went with open range, which I think was actually very fun and cool. I don't know if you guys watch that yet. I don't know how Amazon pilled you are because like I think it's it's horrible. There's like nothing nothing great on it. Well, the boys is OK. People people. I really like the boys. Yellowstone gets
Starting point is 00:45:35 I like the boys a lot too. But people told me Yellowstone gets like really good and crazy and over the top if you stick with it. But like the first couple of episodes that I watched of it just felt like sort of like the right wing version of the West Wing. You know, we're like yeah. We'll just say like like libertarian canards but in a cool way. And and Kevin Costner just is so ridiculous. Like it's just whereas Sly Sly is like good ridiculous. And Kevin Costner doesn't know how stupid and insane his performance is. Yeah. Exactly. Yellowstone. He's just talking like Kevin Costner just doing a bad Clint Eastwood impression. And it doesn't. Yeah. Where it's like it's just being sly. He's white. He's a general. Yellowstone is like it's a show for
Starting point is 00:46:19 like Trump 2016 to Biden 2020 voters. That's like the type of person who watches that show. That's why it's so successful. It is for the most median of median Americans. It is the biggest. It is one of the biggest shows on TV for sure. And you hear that all the time about how like this show is just a juggernaut with like these massive ratings. But it's like I don't know if I I liked like the things I've liked recently are our Reacher and oh god there's no better show. It was the most perfect show. And like I really liked that and open range and shit like a lot of the stuff I like is like comedy stuff which was like unheard of years ago. Yeah. Because like everything's a dramedy now. You know. And and leaning heavily
Starting point is 00:47:15 on the drama part of it. It is very hard to find somebody doing actual real comedy. Well Southside is a show that I Southside is very good. I recently recently have have been been made aware of it. It's very good. Goliath. I really like Goliath on the Billy Bob show. Billy Bob show Goliath is terrific. I think I watched the first season of that. I thought it was good. I like has anybody seen Sneaky Pete which is not watch that. No I've not seen it. I watched. I think I watched the first season of that. And I was like that's fine. But that's as much as I need. I don't need anymore. There's so many of these things that there's so many of these things that have come out recently that had like nine seasons like Animal Kingdom is a show that I truly don't
Starting point is 00:48:04 that may and will should watch it. We should we should be watching Animal Kingdom. But I just am convinced that like 50,000 people watch Animal Kingdom. I would say the for me my my favorite show currently in the TV multiverse beyond even Tulsa King. It is a very soy choice. But I would have to say I like the boys the most. I feel like it has the most Jejeune that Banshee had. Not just because of Anthony star. It has a very 2006 ism to it. I truly truly love that show in a way that nothing else is really really doing it for me in that same way. I still watch billions. I think I really like Corey Stahl. He's just not the same as not Bobby acts. Not Bobby acts. I mean like Damien Lewis. I don't think he would like to hear this. I don't think he likes this
Starting point is 00:49:07 about himself. But he was born to lead show time shows. And they need him. And Gia Mati is doing a hell of a fucking job carrying that thing without Bobby acts. But it's just not the goddamn same. And I just thought the same once they stop making Gia Mati's weird sex weird sexual fetishes a big part of the show. They've come back. They've come back. Okay. Good. Good. Thank God for that. I just realized we're talking about comedy in the guise of drama and vice versa. I got to talk about like two of the funniest moments on television that were like that I've seen in years that were contained in the Tulsa King season one finale. All right. So I was talking about Dwight and his New York family that like that that battle has been deferred to season two. But the showdown between
Starting point is 00:49:58 him and America's worst biker game Black MacAdam Black MacAdam exploded in the season finale. So like the leader of Black MacAdam is like this just an Irish guy. I don't know. I don't know how he ended up in Tulsa because it's somebody like he's mad at Dwight because he's like you come here to my land and start taking money out of my pocket. Just like dude what the fuck you got off a boat at Ellis Island like two days ago. What the fuck you taught. How did you end up in Tulsa. So Dwight and his crew like they empty out this guy's bank account. So he's going like he's got all his guys he's got all his guys like lined up outside of barn and he's like what are you gentlemen going to do about it. And then just one guy one guy is just like oh man I don't know. I think maybe like the
Starting point is 00:50:47 ATF and FBI are like really looking hard at us right now. I think maybe we should like lay low for a minute. And the dude just takes out a gun and shoots him in the head just straight up. Just just shoot some dead in the face just for being like hey can we just like maybe like just circle back to this maybe. So he just executes this guy and he's like we don't need. We have apparently we have eight billion dollars in a bank account somewhere. Maybe we don't need the the looker from our nitrous balloon sales. Not antagonize the multiple federal agencies that are on our shit. We just got rated by the ATF a day ago. So this is like what. So it's like OK it all goes like Dwight and his crew. They're holed up in Dwight's place of business. The bread to buck bar. OK. So like they're like he's like he's planning out like operation overlord which for Dwight the general man for you is like you get your guys and you just sit around
Starting point is 00:51:39 a pool table waiting for the bikers to attack you. So the head that the head of black Adam the blackest Adam of them all he's like all right lads you know what the fuck to do. Here's what they're going to do. We all know during this bar he's like so here's the plan. We're going to walk single file through the door one at a time. He gets all his money all the gang. They go through one door. They're not like he's not like you to go around the back. You know. No. No. All of them run through the same door at the same time like the fucking three stooges and then like they're just in a fucking it's just a bottleneck and then Dwight and his crew popped out from behind the bar and just it's like a turkey shoot. They just shoot all of them in a row. He's showing fires one bullet it goes through three guys. The cell farm girl. She says just so many guys to hell that day. I want to read
Starting point is 00:52:39 a little more into the scene and the presence of the biker gang because I don't know if I've told you guys I have heard that there is smoke. There is a rivalry. There is hatred between Taylor Sheridan and a Mr. Kurt Sutter. What do you think that this scene was Taylor Sheridan sending a very strong subliminal holy shit. Yes. Yes. I do. Yes. I do. It's like this is your son's of anarchy. This is what would happen if they went up against the fucking Tulsa King. This is what would happen. Yes. I'm Tulsa King. You're you're Irish bullshit dumbass. I think that's what I was. I was just going to ask like what is with these guys and the Irish thing. Like it's widely considered that sons of anarchy got bad when they decided. Yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. And it's just like why. What is like Irish
Starting point is 00:53:42 guys are the toughest guys in the world. But when you're in a show about Italians they're always going to win. Yeah. Italians are tougher than Irish. Yeah. The Irish have never won an American movie against the Italians. No. Puerto Ricans or black people or anything. The Irish go here's the thing. The Irish mafia exists and they're called the police. The cops. Any major northeastern cities. Yeah. The Irish mob as an actual criminal gang. The only time it has ever been portrayed as more than three people is the movie The Departed. And we've got like every Irish guy who's like tough psycho with any kind of ambition just becomes a cop. Everybody who is like doing it's like sitting around in a bar type crimes is a dude who like couldn't pass a civil service
Starting point is 00:54:29 exam. Exactly. The Irish mafia being in the Irish mafia. It is like the National Guard if the mafia is the real military. It's just nothing. Like if you're an actual if you are of Irish descent and you have any criminal talent you're just loaning out to any other ethnic gang. Being in the Irish mob is just it's giving up. You're the weekend warrior of organized crime. I mean soda bread. Yeah. No. If someone is three guys and I think that for all of Los Angeles there are probably three guys who would openly say they're the Irish mob. If the entire Irish mob showed up my doorstep to try to extort me I would laugh them out of my building. I'm not afraid of them at all. The least feared criminal gang. So I don't know what
Starting point is 00:55:19 Sutter's deal is with it. But I think that I think that that will theory is correct. That this is them. This is shared and stunting on Kurt Sutter and being like your Irish bike dickheads against against my Kalsa Kings. They get instantly. Yes. And I know by the way because like they even try to build up the Irish guy is like a real mastermind. Yeah. Like a classic evil like a puppeteer who's going to have like a long term plan. And at the end nine episodes it takes them to just walk into a building and get shot in the head. I'm like horns. Okay. Reading a little more into this analogy into this metaphor. Who was the leader of the sons after Jack's Jesus Christ death moment? Chib. The Irish chibs. Oh yeah. The Scottish Irish
Starting point is 00:56:18 kind of your mix of the two. A Scottish guy who was really into Ireland. His wife and daughter were stolen by a member of the IRA. It's very confusing. But he represents the sons. That is chibs and chibs gets gibbed. And that is it. That is the metaphor. Taylor looks like chibs. He kind of looks like him. Yeah. Yeah. Taylor Sheridan I think is look like I said Yellowstone it's not my type of thing. I clearly it's not for me. But Taylor Sheridan if he's shown anything he's got something for everybody. He's stunting Kurt Sutter right now. He's stunting the fuck off. Just dancing on his dancing on his grave. Kurt Sutter got canned off his own show. Yeah. Yeah. Taylor Sheridan is behind two-thirds of scripted television. I kneel. I kneel to Taylor
Starting point is 00:57:16 Sheridan. Taylor Sheridan I bend the knee to you. If you need anything if there's anything outside of your incredible realm of expertise if there happens to be something that you need my assistance on I will make that show for you. Let me let me let me bring it let me bring a full circle though because there's one more there's one more thing that happened in the Tulsa King finale at the very end that I was dying I was rolling this is a full circle moment because this income this is everything the four this encompasses all four the all four of us are all of our interests in television. So I mentioned that that the bread to buck saloon Dwight sort of adopts it as his base of operations and becomes a business partners with like the former you know rodeo like Bronco
Starting point is 00:58:01 Ryder guy played by Brian Hedlund or whatever he goes business partner and then like his so his plan is like oh I'm off you guys to open a nice classy joint got some good food got some good music little gambling in the back you know to run a casino right because that's like a license to print money and like they they get like an you know like uh like uh they get um the the Native American guy who grows all their weed to like sign the papers so that they can open a legalized gambling like nightclub and they need to rent it but they need to renovate this rather seedy cowboy bar so like the like after after the massacre there which is like it's funny that like that just happened and there was no investigation it's like 15 guys were murdered
Starting point is 00:58:44 10 guys that shot the bar and then like it's not notable guy they just buried behind the bar yeah so it jumps ahead like three months into the future and then they reveal the renovations that Dwight Manfredi has done to bread to buck saloon to make it his like uh supper club and casino and I swear to god guys I don't know if you had the same thought I did but what he does to the bread to buck saloon is exactly what John tafford does to every bar yeah he bar rescued the saloon and it comes in everything's all like sort of sleek and shitty and modern and comprehensively a terrible like a terrible in every way awful yeah the bread to buck saloon had some had some character and had a little bit of flavor and this is that apple
Starting point is 00:59:31 besification thing that tafford does to every bar Dwight Manfredi was in prison for 25 years and people were sending him kites describing acts throwing bars that's what he was doing instead of studying law it is it is funny that that theory you had because like in well actually that happens in wrestling but it also happened in the fast and furious movies where there were contracts that talked about basically the rock can't take too much damage in this match ven diesel can't take too much damage in this fight and like that it was like this big story and like in wrestling the same thing happens is there's two companies one guy in and one of the companies get somebody from the other company they beat the crap out of the guy and make him look like a fucking loser
Starting point is 01:00:24 so that it kind of makes it worthless so i could see taylor share it and being like look i'll fucking knock motorcycle gangs right off the leaderboard at this point but just just the fact that like that dwight's vision for like his ideal like like he's finally freed from new york he could have told us his city now and he's planting his flag with a night club a classy nightclub casino that looks exactly like what john taffer would do to a bar where they used to drink drink piss out of a shoe and then he's like the theme is uh corporate it's a it's a business bar and like so there's a printer you know instead of a beer tap or whatever is there's a fax machine it's just brought taffer in oh taffer is a guest star on tulsi king oh my god well and they owe they it's on
Starting point is 01:01:12 paramount plus which is the company that owns uh bar rescue they should have brought taffer in and had him put a disirono machine in there and fucking everything it it it barely looked different but it looked like shit the new version yes it looked like what it looked like what a mafia guy would think a cowboy bar looks like i think well it's like it's the same thing with taffer it's he's like he's just sort of like oh we need we need a theme here and it's just like tulsa okay i'll put up i'll put up framed it like glossy photographs of the city of tulsa in the bar just to remind people that that's the theme we're going for is tulsa oklahoma i finally went to a john taffer bar rescue restaurant and it was pretty good and incredibly horrible experience
Starting point is 01:02:02 all together just was like the service was terrible like in a way like that that whoever was serving us was sitting at a table on their computer and they would walk over every like 15 minutes and be like hey do you guys want something and then the food tasted like shit and it was just like wow he he just it's beautiful that it's kind of like a carny trick that he just goes in move some furniture around and then the company can be successful for six months because they got a tv john taffer is not the entire thing that they give you for being on bar rescue is that now you're on television and the local people whose lives are completely barren of anything to do or any meaning are like oh let's go to that place as i saw on the tv show
Starting point is 01:02:51 and that gets you like six months worth of uh worth of income john taffer is like the world that you could then bet like gamble with and maybe make your mortgage if you hit red yeah john taffer is like the world bank or the imf going into these developing countries they do not recover from taffers giving micro loans to horny alcoholics i need to like they bar owners across america i know i've said there are too many bars maybe merge uh and start a non-aligned movement where you're not where you're neither you're neither with uh you're neither with john taffer nor gordon ramsey you're sort of starting yeah we have we have a place that it's really funny we have a place that gordon ramsey like made over in town
Starting point is 01:03:41 and uh it's in what used to be the old wonder bread factory and like so that would lead to that isn't that a sign of uh america today yeah wonder bread jobs go away and some smug british asshole comes in and makes a a gastropub and what used to be something that provided the thousand jobs for a community yeah it changed the name to city tavern it was like as generic that'll i don't really stand out if you saw the sign outside it really looks like something they went to like michael's craft store and bought like it's it's one of the the worst vibes and i was just like they could have called it like wonderland or something like that really do the history thing but instead they were like what about city tavern um the thing that didn't get a lot of play from
Starting point is 01:04:34 john taffer that really bums me out i watched the first episode was the one where he would fix your marriage like it was a real bummer that people didn't gravitate to that the way they did bar rescue because that is a way more psycho thing to have john taffer involved in sexy bar if john taffer if john taffer fixed your marriage you were i don't know weeks away from killing your spouse and that's probably what happened six months later too john john taffer we saw the two touch bco system on your wife's coach when when we stood in when me and matt stood in that room and watched john taffer there is a truly fucking psycho energy to the god you're just standing there and it's like this guy's fucking yeah he's yeah screaming and everyone he's so mad at them for
Starting point is 01:05:27 letting small business down for 15 minutes it never slowed down it is like 80s wrestling promos he went up there screamed for 15 minutes and then walked off stage and was gone and it was amazing before that he made everyone take a vow to support small business yeah it was wild and he spoke shorter than anybody he was like the main event at this at this american for a prosperity thing and he was shorter than bobby jindal and jeb who we also got to see one of my favorite memories from that is we were sitting behind this person when when bobby jindal came out and the woman just she like leaned over to the person she's with and was like that's bobby jindal like she was like super excited and it's always like bobby jindal was the guy i had bobby jindal i had that moment
Starting point is 01:06:23 i had that moment when covering the 2016 primaries um when uh i was at a uh god wait it was some some loser okay it was someone who was just um just floundering i think it was um uh a marco event in uh yeah some some pub in new hamshire that looked looked like it needed a ramsey makeover and carly fiorina was supposed to make a later appearance and these two mass holes uh two guys with like who looked like they would be sent to kill dwight men freddy actually they were wearing floor length leather jackets and they just showed up screaming where's collie we're here to collie fiorina and it just gave me the insight into like what what kind of a fucking dope you have to be to be really into like the republican primary not even like not even like ted cruiser donald trump
Starting point is 01:07:24 carly fiorina like these two these two fucking mass holes these two guys who are probably like the the only thing i could guess for their job is like failed loan shark they're like oh the woman who like ran hp into the ground that's who we like i have this thing where um basically every band that ever had a hit still has an audience like there's still people who will go see every like the blue dabu d guys that like there's there's or i'd listen to a podcast where the guy's a real big fan of aqua the the barbie girl and he like fucking travels to go see aqua and i find that fascinating and in the political version of that is some republican that got one percent of the vote that somebody's really excited yeah i mean it's when those people were excited about bloomberg
Starting point is 01:08:20 i i remember when when like in 2016 there was a period where we were just sitting on twitter watching people fucking go nuts about bloomberg being the president and i wonder what they're doing now they're probably working for the lincoln project but i wonder actually what they're doing uh they're extorting vape shops and it's also carly feo all right gentlemen let's uh wrap it up there for today i would like to thank our one of our oldest podcasting friend brian clinby but before we let you go we should let all listeners to this show know that you have recently had a change of address on it's slash murder ex brian it's all the stuff that i've been doing for a few years plus you know i just finished this week all of the shocktober season
Starting point is 01:09:14 one will be up there like i'm getting my archive up there sort of slowly and uh also uh you know currently work the last episode scheduled to post on friday i just did a mini series about dang cook called now we're cooking where we watched a few uh dang cook things and then decided if they were cooking and i'm gonna spoil this for you the only thing that was cooking was mr brooks that was the one thing that was good the rest of the stuff was shit and uh i'm starting one called listen this is my ted talk where i have people where i'm gonna review ted and ted too a half hour at a time with different people um because somebody brought up i i think like it's weird because he's kind of lost some some star quality but like seth mcfarland is like a like i i recently would be going through
Starting point is 01:10:11 hbo max and see a million ways to die in the west on there and i was just like i can't believe people even saw that and uh so i want to do a seth mcfarland thing i've never seen ted and ted too so uh i'm pretty excited to try it but also it's you know again we've got like shocktober i have a series called i'm sorry that will was on that people really love it's where we make fun of public apologies which is kind of mean but we pick people that are bad so yeah i just do series yeah plenty plenty of murder brian content uh now now under under under all under one umbrella and i'm commanding you the listener to like and subscribe on patreon to the the new brian quimby patreon but murder ex brian slash murder ex brian link will be in the show description
Starting point is 01:11:03 but uh thanks once again brian for coming on the show uh that does it for us today gentlemen bye bye

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