Chapo Trap House - 727 Teaser - Guantanamo Ron

Episode Date: May 1, 2023

727 Teaser - Guantanamo Ron We look at Ron DeSantis’ freakout when asked about his history administering Guantanamo Bay’s torture program. Subscribe today for access to the full episode and all ...premium episodes!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I know that I know that we said that like She would find a way to lose to DeSantis, but after the latest, um, I don't know what you did Santa's outburst I'm not sure anymore. He's like he could be the fucking least appealing person who's ever run for president He is it's he's like doing a Greg Stilson's speed run here like just any Artifice of of serious political guy just peeling off and revealing. Yeah, that like toon town screech Screaming like on the daily now
Starting point is 00:00:44 I like the thing about him torturing people at Guantanamo because he's like come on man He's like that was years ago Yeah, do you think that you would remember the haunting face of the man who tortured you as you help Doing the he's doing the Greg Stilson he's announces his candidacy in toon town and I asked like and grabs the the baby from Roger Rabbit to protect himself from one of the talking bullets fired at him He's a toon It's like everything that people said about like Hillary as a person that people were supposed to relate to You know, it is true
Starting point is 00:01:27 It seems to be like triply true for DeSantis He is just he is The least likable person put out as like he's the best. He's he's the best resume guy, but for the Republicans Yeah, but it's just like holy off-putting. I can who is seeing that and going like that's that's all that's my guy The number of Republicans who have had in-person meetings with DeSantis came out and then immediately endorsed Trump Yeah, no, it's the Giuliani effect the same thing happened to Giuliani 2008 where the Mori campaign the worst he fucking did because people actually saw him That's that's DeSantis's fate. He cannot no one can withstand meeting him Well, speaking of hot boy summer, they're saying that he might announce his candidacy in June
Starting point is 00:02:18 And that that's what that's what all the fucking pro DeSantis people say are like, oh wait till he announces Everything's gonna change when he announces what is his voice gonna crack? I Don't know thing is so dark It's like it'd be one thing if you get you know abducted by the global hegemon and take it across the world to be tortured by some You know faceless bureaucratic psycho like or some wild-eyed like O'Brien like believer But then to just have this persnickety dickhead just show up being like that's torture a clock Yeah
Starting point is 00:02:58 Over overhearing this fucking pussy in the other room. I said no fun. I'm on the South Beach diet It's carbs It's force feeding time Not for me sugar Yeah, you it comes to putting That's where he acquired his taste for pudding yep when he was forcing it up the nose of To help this yeah, and by the way like it's like probably 90% of the people at Guantanamo were totally innocent Just you know need to throw that out there as well as part of Ron DeSantis
Starting point is 00:03:35 overseeing on of our torture Gulags, but you know what like that's not an issue that anyone's gonna care about because you know This is America and and people are past that they don't want to hear about Guantanamo with a warranty or moving forward or torture Any of that shit that's that's all that's that's just old stuff. Don't bring it up Yeah, I I do think that there is a general social aversion to Funko pop fascism as represented by Ron DeSantis, but who knows we'll see Funko pop fascism man. That is that's that's hot boy somewhere right there That's that's that's that's the phrase of the year

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