Chapo Trap House - 732 - Marinating Melvin (5/15/23)

Episode Date: May 16, 2023

It’s Ted Lasso, folks! Yes, after many years of consternation around this show in the Discourse, many requests for review (and Will watching a bunch of that Good Doctor show and reporting back it wa...s actually pretty ok), we decided to take a look at this footballing Yank and his relentless positivity. So, here’s our review of Ted Lasso and what it’s psychotic cheeriness says about TV and America.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You can't possibly be serious Ted Lasso you coach at a football team is like if the Queen was an Indian Well, uh, you know, I'm not much for fairy tales, but around the time my son was three we started watching a frozen and Elsa said let's build a snowman and You know a lot of the guys in the me too movement turned out to be from Jewish descent But I didn't necessarily think that made a pattern So let's me three this team Oh, you're right Ted lasso. I'm sorry I'm actually mean because I was molested and I'm gonna tell you about it despite us meeting for the first time
Starting point is 00:00:42 well Now it's good as Tom Venny to address your trauma that you're immediately telling me By the way, my marriage This is the first time we've both met each other you don't have to write a character when they just reveal all of their Formative traumas and change them instantly after one second, you know, you know I'll tell you what if spreading positivity and optimism were a deadly disease with no cure Then just call me French Canadian flight attendant gate and do goss because I'm patient zero Guys I just spent probably
Starting point is 00:01:33 the last like six of my waking hours watching a good chunk of this show and I feel like I was left in like Jolly West's waiting room except instead of radiation. I've just like my cells have been bombarded with Positivity at like a molecular level. It's it's I feel it's coursing in my veins I don't have much longer. This will be my last episode before I succumbed to Good feelings cancer. I watched uh, too. I watched like I think one and three quarters of a season I just I went through a Dark Souls three playthrough for as long as I could go while watching Ted lasso from the first episode and
Starting point is 00:02:14 It really it's TV is fallen. What else can I say? This is just like it is a repudiation of TV is an art form TV is a way of life It's like anti TV It just the the characters are nothing. There's just nothing it just did there There's no point to any of it. There's there are no characters. There's just moments they're just revelations of trauma and no one's actually a bad person because All they needed was for this hayseed to wander into their lives and be nice to them and then suddenly all Just like 30 40 50 60 years of bad behavior wiped out instantly. They're like, oh, I haven't thought of it that way I'm nice now. This is I mean like I feel like we've talked a lot about on on this show about about like entertainment
Starting point is 00:03:05 that's made nowadays that's like designed to make you a better person and The whole time I thought I was half joking about that until I watched Ted lasso because like every Every plot beat every joke is just like a life lesson to make you the viewer a happier more empathetic person And I think it's pure evil. I think there is something deeply sinister about this show Our friend Alex from Detroit messaged me when I said we might be doing a Ted lasso episode and his thoughts on the show are exactly like mine This is about like mid 21st century like like rebranded American imperialism Where yes, we are going to conquer the world with niceness because okay, I just thought today like Jason Sudeikis said that originally the Ted lasso character was quote more belligerent
Starting point is 00:03:53 Until the election of Donald Trump and he was like, I just don't want to like a contribute to that anymore So the whole show is haunted by the specter of like America as it actually exists and this idea Okay, what I do you know that you know in the um the title sequence the Ted lasso like in the credit sequence where it's like Might be old it again. Yeah, that last up Yeah, the two types of songs in the show. It's either like sort of like I would say like if If if Ben Folds was injected with with twice as many chromosomes Like a rock song like that or the worst post rock song you've ever heard Just the shittiest fucking post rock song you've ever heard in your life
Starting point is 00:04:35 It's by one of the mom for the positivity montages. Oh that explains it. Yeah, it's by one of the Mumford's okay Okay, so like he's so he it's like if you haven't seen the show and by the way, this is a chopper for Monday mid 15th We're talking the Apple TV series Ted lasso and what it means for my soul and the world Okay, so like in the credit sequence He's like he sits down at the dog track at the old football pitch And he's like sitting in the the seats in the spans and as he sits down the blue Graffiti seats turn to red and it all sort of like it like cleans up the stadium like you know like the seats have like You know, you know Sharon's a slag written on it and like the Ted lasso niceness just sort of red washes it this show
Starting point is 00:05:18 Is about American imperialism because like a better opening sequence would be a stand full of like pinched face Cruel sadistic Britons and then Ted lasso sits down and they're all just like changed into like soy American marshmallow men Yeah, but there's their shaved heads. They're just the hair just pops back like a fast Throwing the redness in their face just sort of melts away. They have a healthy pallor again. They're eating vegetables Just open into soy faces Ted lasso Ted lasso is like Genghis Khan through the Ned Flanders filter No, just he just he just he everywhere he goes. He will Decapitate your leaders. He will reroute a river so it runs over your birthplace and he will just a
Starting point is 00:06:06 I'll wash over you with his nauseous positivity. I feel like I had the exact like from the basically the first scene with Ted lasso I was like, oh, he's Ned Flanders But like it's even worse than that because he's not religious at all or at least yeah Which is like a true true psychopath like to be like Ned Flanders without any kind of spiritual element to it is Terrifying and watching the first season of the show I was struck by the idea that like there's the germ of an idea for what could be a very funny show That's basically the same concept except Ted lasso as a psychopath like and then he doesn't actually make anyone's life better Like it's just he he fails it or it's just like
Starting point is 00:06:46 if he's using if he's using all of that positivity to Gratiate himself into people's lives manipulate them torment them psychically and then break them now We got a show or one in which is like A deluded American optimism just crashes into like the cliffs of Dover and melts away at the just generally rotten Rotten personalities of the British, but yeah, they're to them They're so miserable that they defeat his positivity and in fact turn him into him as he shaves his head He gets super red faced Shoving chips in his fucking gob
Starting point is 00:07:22 Oh my god, let's or yeah, we could or add little like historical synthesis to it He's an American stripped of spirituality But going back to England similar to a Mongol returning to the step he remembers he remembers and he recreates Calvinism basically Man, so yeah, we've all watched I'm gonna tear about like a season and a half or so Ted lasso and Felix, I didn't know how much you watch someone you brought up Elsa and frozen I was wondering if you had seen the scene where Ted lasso has a panic attack to his boss
Starting point is 00:07:59 Yeah, let it go from frozen. Yeah, I saw the realistic panic attack scene which One of the better scenes of the show because there's no dialogue There there isn't anyone talking to Ted lasso Ted lasso isn't you know, despite being a 43 year old football coach from Nebraska isn't saying things that like, you know, I I like just someone who's worked in New York media for 87 years would say That's the worst part of the Ted lasso character So he's this fucking shit kicker from Nebraska and he's like well, you know, I used to like listening to brand new But after Jesse Lacey did those things, there's a kick ass
Starting point is 00:08:38 girls the riot girl punk act from Bushwick who I think are cool in a non fetishistic way What the fuck is this character? Call me 1976 because it's not because the bass and ten ago but because the lead singer has been on a problematic podcast just like It's it though the whole show is I mean like how should I describe the basic set? I mean, here's the thing like watching this for the first time after only absorbing it and it's mind-numbing positivity Like second hand through Twitter. I always thought Ted lasso was a soccer coach But no, he's an American football coach. That's hired by
Starting point is 00:09:20 the top bird of FC Richmond to do the classic ripoff of the much better film major league about a much better sport baseball But no, she's like to the bitch owner of the team that wants the team to fail So she hires this what she thinks is an absolute goofus from the Midwest Who is like mostly mainly famous for like a viral moment in the locker room where he's doing the Carlton dance and brings him over to the UK to Coach or manage I should say her foot her footy club that she just got in the divorce from her like rotten ex-husband So she wants to ruin the team. That's like her ex-husband's like true joy in life
Starting point is 00:10:01 Yeah, it's it's it's much more contrived than major league because major league It's like okay there that makes a little sense there would be like a tax thing or something But this is just like all of my husband who doesn't give a shit about me and like divorce me to Marry an 11-year-old I'm gonna ruin his day by making his football team shitty Doesn't give a shit he clearly just every scene we see him in he's like, oh, I purchased a new slave. He doesn't care Well, yeah, so it's like Jason Sudeka shows up in England like, you know
Starting point is 00:10:40 The shit the ship that brought Dracula over from Romania and like every piece of writing on the show is these like folksy pop culture reference based aphorisms and sort of platitudes that he spouts and just like he's a he's a walking like kitten hang like the poster with a kitten hanging that says like You know hanging there, buddy. He's just a human version of that and For a show that's supposed to be funny He's like the anti Kenny Powers, you know And I was on eastbound and down and he was very funny on that but I feel like this show is like an apology for how how evil the third season of eastbound and down was and
Starting point is 00:11:21 Yeah, like so he just and nothing that annoyed me about this show is that if it's in the world of like premier footballers who are Notoriously like evil bad-behaved people even for professional athletes and like there's very few slags Um, there's no cocaine. There's just there's just no bad behavior of any kind and for a comedy set in the world of professional sports It's really it's really demoralizing for me at least the worst like the worst Personal attribute we see in in a footy star is Jamie. Jamie's like the hot shot. Yeah, he's the young the young striker Yeah, and he's sort of he's sort of like an asshole And you're like, oh, okay, are they gonna do something interesting with this and within like they can't even they can't even withstand the tension of There being a mean character for like a millisecond within like faster than the speed of light like it causes a quantum rip
Starting point is 00:12:15 That they cannot they write it in so quick. They're like actually my dad abused me So, yeah, and of course like yeah, it just there's not nothing ever gets time to sit or cook it any tension is Immediately relieved. It cannot be allowed to be there at all. There's no disparity. There's nothing Yeah, so Ted comes over for this like phony job that he set up to fail in and I don't know like when I first saw the first Episode, I was like, there's no way he's gonna melt the hearts of the of the of the Richmond FC Faithful there's just no way he's gonna get the team on his side But you know, it's pretty surprising that he does. Yeah, no, who could see that coming? I don't know man Like it's just this is a show
Starting point is 00:13:06 I guess that we've like we've made fun of in passing only because you know like I said being familiar with it through through second hand Exposure, but man, this really is like talk about a show for our moment Talk about a show that's like, I don't know in in the in our in the zeitgeist of the present moment Man, oh man, it is Ted lasso and it is super depressing. Yeah, and I say the show is anti TV Because I know I know I know TV is bad, right? That's the point of it. The greatest TV show ever arguably Deadwood was so good. It could not be allowed to survive on TV But I actually I think Ted lasso is anti TV because the point the difference between TV and movies, right? Is that with a movie you want it to be resolved?
Starting point is 00:13:53 You want it to end even in a movie you love you ultimately want it to come to a close and get You know, even if all the loose ends aren't tied up some sense of closure TV this one of the things that supposedly makes it bad is that you you kind of want it to keep going forever And so these these problems or these open threads are kept open forever like stapler and Benson are now 130 years old and they're still doing a will they won't they they still look amazing They still look amazing by the way. I would I would I would I would be their futon Yeah That's like that's one of the reasons TV is bad, but
Starting point is 00:14:33 This should this doesn't have that because there there is no tension. There is no problem Even the problem of like oh the team's sort of bad at soccer, you know Cuz Ted lasso is a football coach That's not even really a problem because like they'll lose games and be like oh We don't care because we all like learn to be positive with our teammates There was one point in the first season where like his assistant coach Beard like sort of actually gets angry at him because like for the whole first season when he's talking to the media and like to his In the locker room and stuff. He's like he's like look listen
Starting point is 00:15:09 I don't I don't I don't judge success by wins and losses is that things more important than winning and it's like not at the Professional level these good. They're not in high school anymore The role of a coach is not to like mold young men into into these are millionaires Yeah, these are yeah, these are multi-million dollar professional athletes like they don't like so like the idea that He's they're gonna get cheered up by some fucking hayseed from Kansas telling them about like the peanut butter He likes eating out of the jar with his finger They do they love it they can't get it. Yeah, I none of them ask why the hell does he sound like that if he's from Kansas? Yeah, yeah, he has like a pseudo southern accent. Yeah
Starting point is 00:15:50 It's like he without with the with the smile and the in the fake charm and the obviously fake accent It would be so hilarious if it was a slow reveal that oh, yeah He's actually a con artist who like stole someone's identity and yeah, yeah That would be a show and like I mean like there's and the fact of the show is set in the UK And like all the actors are British except for like is to take us and his assistant coach is like Just it really must be like there's so much good British television and comedy series rung out of like a completely Unself-aware lunatic who is it like a social atrocity to everyone around him? And that like that could have been so fruitful with this concept of like like you said Matt
Starting point is 00:16:30 imagining him as a con man who just like Like worked his way into athletics and it's just like stealing money by and then like getting into people's Getting past their defenses by his like saying like what is it? Well, what what tell him what the first rule of my fight club is? There's no fight club, you know Yeah, it's just all his like is but all the the aphorisms and just his pop culture references and like he like Felix you're totally right He constantly talks about how he's not on the internet or whatever But like he talks like someone who's only on the internet. Yeah
Starting point is 00:17:01 He he like he talks like he you know in the horrible game cyberpunk You can get little bio mods and operating systems in your brain. He seems like he selected one that was like, you know Gawker writer He got he got that OS installed and he just he knows all I fucking everything He knows what happened in every fucking BuzzFeed holiday party and everything it but What going back to like How this could be interesting like the clash between him and the innate sourness of British people the social faux pas That there's no potential for that because every character including Ted is
Starting point is 00:17:45 So fucking client. This is it a trend. I've noticed in like horrible TV. I noticed it in council of dads I noticed it in this is us. This is a hallmark of like this type of like council of dads Yeah, it's all the same shit all the same shit. It's all the same shit It's all the same type of thing all the same type of like just saccharine bullshit where It all has the same message to the viewer, which is like To fuck it, you know, stop complaining you piece of shit be positive The one commonality between all these things the most important thing is every character is so fucking client No one resists, you know, if they're if they're a you know
Starting point is 00:18:25 Piece of shit angry Brit whose dad beat them one second of Ted telling them Well, you know feelings are like a fire hydrant. So, you know, most of the time there's a screw on them for a reason But on a hot summer day, you gotta fucking let it go Everyone just immediately complies Everyone is ready to tell someone they've known for two seconds the worst thing that ever fucking happened to them They're with everyone just rolls over on their belly. Everyone just exposes their neuter scars to each other it is it's like it's like a vision for the world by just the most evil TV creators ever and
Starting point is 00:19:08 Yeah, it looks like that to me is what it is like very sinister about this show is that the message is that like America is Like we're going to stay in charge of the world and in fact, we're going to reconquer a huge swaths of it But we're going to reconquer it by making everyone Compliance and nice and like and therapy and like there's sort of a therapy brain That you know, like if we're now the masters of the world's trauma And if we share that trauma that we've caused then we can like reconquer the world, right? You should be right you should be like the players and just tell everyone every just dump it just dump it all So, you know one time it, you know, actually I sometimes sometimes I can be a
Starting point is 00:19:50 Standoffish because one time at summer camp They they started a rumor that I jacked off in a sleeping bag and they called me Marinating Melbourne I'm telling you that for the first time now I feel better You should be like that And you should also you should also be like Ted you should also be like Ted someone can someone can just you know can just come over and just bash you on the side of the head with a blackjack and Just like
Starting point is 00:20:27 Butterfly your liver not even take it out of your body just ruin it for you They turn your eyes inside out Make your body and look as close as it can to like Daffy duck in the when they Just go crazy with your body and you'll go well, I guess I got a makeover for free Just accept anything that will ever happen to you, you know, like with a smile skip skip to your next destination I mean like for a show that is all about being in touch with your emotions The one emotion that no one seems really want to touch is anger Which is what I was wondering a lot watching the show is like when is it like I think Ted gets angry one time
Starting point is 00:21:11 Kind of at Jamie for he does the Alan Iverson practice thing to him That's good. That's contrived. That's yeah, like he he will fake get mad with Jamie to like Just sort of replicate a father figure or other times to like draw the team's eye or away from Jamie So they'll be mad at him. The only time he kind of gets mad is when his wife His wife's like lawyer emails him and it's like good news Ted Your wife is never gonna see you again
Starting point is 00:21:46 Oh, he takes it out on Nate. Yeah, the the kit keeper Nate is the kit keeper on the team on Milford and Is that he's their compliant colonial subject who they make yeah, yeah, yes. Yes, it's a compliant colonial subject who You know is Ted solicits his His advice for running the team basically for what plays they should make and it's always super nice to Nate He's the only guy who's ever been nice to Nate But Nate has the misfortune of knocking on his door for some play suggestions after Ted's wife's lawyer emailed him at At 2 a.m. You know going God. Hey Ted by the way, your wife said that she's never been sexually attracted to you You know that that type of stuff and he's like
Starting point is 00:22:31 It's so unbelievable it's so not believable it's so like it's so Falseming that you wonder how did Olivia Wilde ever try to kill Ted Lasso? You know, he doesn't have the malicious vote in his body. He must be really mean Try to murder Ted Lasso at his own home Yeah, I mean that isn't about Ted Lasso. I mean, I'll tell you what fellas I might I'm about to get me some Oakley shades and start recording front-facing videos sharing my right-wing political beliefs Why because my wife left me. Yeah, I hey, well Harry Styles is challenging gender norms But he ain't challenging the norm of my relationship with Olivia Wilde who tried to kill me with her car
Starting point is 00:23:16 I mean, do you read? like the The rather loud Advertisement for positive masculinity in this show embodied by Jason Sudakis and in the article I just read about how he made the character less belligerent because he didn't want to contribute to like the negativity in the world caused by Trump he said I want to write the change that I believe in in the world Do we see this as all like a Kenny PR effort by him to like in his current divorce proceedings of Olivia Wilde? I mean, I was just I mean or he is definitely I read into it. He's definitely in a
Starting point is 00:23:48 War of positions with Olivia Wilde. That's yeah, I mean there is the story about him serving her with papers at like a Comic-con type deal on stage That's that he's going chaos mode like in their big the big magic is man city The story about him lying down in front of her cars to stop her from going into fucking carry Styles Someone is someone by the way is an e1 listener Jason Sudakis real-life doing the e1 technique the Omega male What you know what you know what what is what is more empowering than making your wife almost kill you awesome? I don't I don't know. I don't know if he's thinking that far ahead
Starting point is 00:24:37 I think you know like all actors all actors are so like just fucking You know nothing that I did I think he legitimately thinks that I think he's like I I He probably saw like a now this video that was like You know this woman voted for the first time in her life and then she died and she had to see Trump become president This I'm gonna do a show about therapy. I think he really thinks that I don't He saw it now they saw now this now this video boy master Batesons
Starting point is 00:25:16 Master Batesons sleeping bag at summer camp is tagged with interesting nickname 20 years later He killed himself and 12 others boy 11 Cuckolded by Harry Styles his teacher was gonna sleep with him and Harry Styles came in Wearing jeans that had not been seen since the 1987 Cedar Rapids women's book club We're the biggest jeans ever with butterflies and flowers on them destroying gender norms They're getting knocked down by gender norms Harry Styles getting choked unconscious by gender norms walking in Billowy maternity top billowing
Starting point is 00:25:54 Everyone sees his shitty tattoos. He walks in Walks up to Olivia Wilde and says my favorite thing of acting in a movie is that I'll realize all big in the DVD She goes I want you. I don't want Ted lasso anymore Well, we talked about about Ted lasso, but he's not the only character on this show. There is his other's the top bird his boss Rebecca Rebecca she's she's she's I don't know how does you describe Rebecca on this show? She's like the other main care one of the main characters is like, you know She's she's they sort of set up as the bitch ex-wife who wants the team to fail But you know slowly, you know, she is won over by Ted lasso is basically sick homes without consent to his relentless
Starting point is 00:26:41 positivity, I mean, I wouldn't even say slowly You know that the idea of like Okay, she wants the team to fail He wants the team to be a team, you know really be a team of friends and succeed in their own way Could be like an interesting tension Maybe if I'm gonna really force myself to be objective here, but they they can't keep it up for even like five episodes After like five episodes, she's like she tells Ted the entire thing She's like oh Ted actually I want I've hired you to fail
Starting point is 00:27:14 Because I wanted to get back at my ex-husband and I'm sorry and I'm never gonna fire you now and I've completely given up on that plan They they do the same thing with her characterization, you know She's supposed to be like the brassy boss lady. They do this awful thing where she spends a day with her friend's daughter who's like a 13 year old and They do this thing in every form of media now wherever they write a young person They're like what are young people like profanity, but they like doing it in the most complicated way possible There was in one of the newer resident evil games say the character like this and her defining line is she says to a
Starting point is 00:27:52 One of the monsters sit on a dildo boss They write every young person like this now where it's like they don't say any slurs. They just go you're a piss-swallowing Fuck-a-tron, you know, they talk like Chuck Windig and They do this other thing where whatever women are empowering each other. They can't just be like, yeah good, you know show him They either go you're a boss bitch ass super monster cunt. You're a super you're a super big Bitch monster that they talk like the they talk like the comedians who come on Joe Rogan a lot describing each other sets They do this awful scene there
Starting point is 00:28:37 But they immediately like they every character that has known her forever Like Roy Kent's love interest or her the little kid's friend or mom her friend They're like, oh, she seems mean but actually she's really nice and she has a great voice and she can sing and they show that in like the third episode They're all they like every bit of tension in the show. They immediately release. Yeah, they're not comfortable with it I mean that that's like yes This show is part of of a totalizing vision of like HR our departments taking over the world and that is a story of all personal conflict all
Starting point is 00:29:17 prejudice bias Character flaws just melting under the sauron gaze of American positivity and this show really is interesting to look at in the context of the rest of Apple plus's output Because Apple plus is definitely the most baffling of the streaming services Because it's a fucking phone that decided to make moose shows You know relationship between content and Content creator that other ones do and so you're like, well, okay, what is a phone?
Starting point is 00:29:53 What is a phone want? What is the phone's vision of the world and there is a Kind of a a Recognizable through line in the Apple put output. It's a lot of science fiction for one thing way more than other networks Which makes sense, you know, yeah, the fucking iPhone created our idea of like what the future supposed to look like of the 21st century Some of it is dystopian, but a lot of it is just Positive like they have that one for all mankind Which is alternative history if we didn't end the space race with the Soviets because they got to the moon first and so there's a bunch more So like there's cell phones in the 80s that kind of thing
Starting point is 00:30:31 And so we get to have this fantasy retro futures There's another one called like a better tomorrow or beautiful tomorrow or something. That's just like what if we had fully automated? luxury space communism in the 50s and like there's a bunch of people selling time shares on the moon and Then there's another shrink show with Harrison Ford called shrinking about from the producer Therapy talk like literal therapists all talking to themselves and to each other Like and then you got Ted lasso like and let's not forget the silo and there's something wrong with that silo I'm telling you guys now. I Don't know what it is, but I don't I don't like I don't have a good feeling about that silo
Starting point is 00:31:13 I'm not watching the show But if anyone is you can let me know when I'm vindicated and that there's something off with that silo So the phone is the the Apple presentation is of this like this smiley happy future where everybody Resolves their interpersonal promise problems by confessing their traumas And if they don't they get to go in the silo if you're not willing to do that Yeah, that's the that's the dystopian twist revealed the silo is the silo is where all the toxic people were sent to live somewhere In the mid 21st century the people didn't get under the roof that we're not charmed by Ted lasso It'll be like the new version of that Mongolian capital punishment
Starting point is 00:31:59 They used to do where they would just put you in a box until you starved to death Let's talk about The other most annoying show I'm sorry the other most annoying character on this show I don't know if you guys will agree with me But it's got to be the top slag keely played by Juno temple who's like She's the she's the wag of Jamie the sort of hot shit asshole footballer But then she starts like doing PR for the the team and she then she starts dating Roy Who's like the sort of veteran the veteran the leader of the team?
Starting point is 00:32:34 I really hate this character because he looks like me if I was forced through a TV diet If I if I went into you know, the the You know, Promethe the weird Prometheus spaceship that Apple TV is run from they're like we got to get you on TV But we get we're gonna make your faceless weird. We're gonna we're gonna narrow it a bit And when that show came out there were people who convinced that he was a CGI character Roy that the guy who plays Roy that like his face doesn't look like it's human. It's like it's kind of flat And pixely and I I definitely get that when I first watched it. He's just smooth in a weird way. It's unnerving Yeah, have you ever Matt you've seen a picture of a kill a came star. Yeah, uh
Starting point is 00:33:18 No, let me take a look. Well, like I ran over a dog on New Year's Day. No, that was Christmas Eve Okay, it's not like you did it on purpose. It was a horrible accident. It was a horrible accident Oh, right the guy with the beer. Yeah, it looks like a Sumerian Yeah, he's the real Sargon of a cod Well, I had to come a star of the greatest video of all time. Everyone knows the one. Oh, I know that one I've always thought his beard has like a very digital quality to it Yes, like it's the same thing like it's very well kept up. It's incredibly symmetrical. I could never do that It's he does a great job with it, but it look it's so symmetrical smooth
Starting point is 00:34:03 It looks fake and Roy Kent looks the same way. Yeah, it's unnerving that so keely I watched I sampled later episodes and I've got even into the third season and so, uh, I got to one episode where Her old boyfriend and Roy both say they love her back-to-back at a funeral Uh, and then in the third season though, she's in a lesbian relationship and has her nudes leaked From a previous relationship, which led is what lead led to that viral clip where all the lads In the locker room talked about how much they respect women Hey, listen, I'm with Jamie on this one, you know, whenever I have a relationship and I asked the girl to go through my phone Delete any photos videos, whatever she wants bro for real. Yeah. Yeah, I'm being serious
Starting point is 00:34:46 You know one girl actually deleted candy crush I was devastated But I also understood. Hey, hold on. Once someone sends you a photo, don't you want it? Um, copyright law and private photography is quite marquee. It's not about the law. It's about doing what is right like in the miserables Locker room talk it's it's changed since you and I grew up. It's good. It's good now. Yeah, so like, uh Let's bring up the question of like one of the things that I was most perplexed about like when I was in the second hand exposure to this show Was like all of the stuff about eating pussy. I'm like here here. Here's here's the tweet that kicked off the ted lasso oral sex Discourse, I think you're not ready to admit that what really bugs you about ted lasso is that men go down on women before
Starting point is 00:35:35 Satisfying their own needs you hate that women tell men what they want sexually and get it you feel threatened by confident women Uh, there's a bunch of box eating in this show. I missed that Uh, there was there was like a reference to oral sex early on where uh, keely Sort of like points his down boy and like points down at jamie and then he sort of like, you know Does the oh, all right karen from goodfellas move on her Okay, but I mean I was hoping there'd be a scene where ted lasso was eating pussy with his big I do would like to see it. I'd like to see that cookie duster. Yeah, I think that's kind of like, um, you know goku going super saying three They've got to tease it out for a bunch of seasons
Starting point is 00:36:12 There's going to be a bunch of episodes where every time they cut back to ted. He's getting ready to eat pussy Because you know, he's just the best at it He's he's he's amazing at it and also just everybody if you don't eat pussy guess what you're going in the silo yeah But yeah, like there's there's a there's a plot line in the uh, the first season like I said where Uh, keely is basically like a wag for two of the of the football stars jamie who gets traded and then uh, Joe, uh, Roy kent who like retires or whatever
Starting point is 00:36:50 But there's this whole there's this whole like dialogue where like ted ted lasso and his boys who become like the relationship advice council Start like counseling him on like how he how he shouldn't care about her past sexual history That was that was a good that was a good lesson. I think uh Uh, for for wags and footballers alike, you know, he's like, hey, you're an adult you have a sexual history She has a sexual history Get over it then he's grow up and then he's like you're right ted lasso. I will yeah That that's like you said Felix that issue that was potentially could have been I don't know humor or insight mine from Resolved instantly. He's like, oh, thanks for that
Starting point is 00:37:25 I don't I don't care anymore that that that I'm currently in love with the guy with the woman who had sex with a guy hated Like 12 hours ago. God forbid any tension. Let's just get rid of that immediately It just makes TV worse when there's tension or conflict another another element of the first season that I very much enjoyed was The fact that ted bakes cookies for her for his boss rebecca every single day And it's like it's like a it's a theme throughout the show He's like biscuits with the boss biscuits with the boss and like he like just keeps showing up in her office every morning with homemade cookies and like that's what one of the things that sort of melts her heart
Starting point is 00:37:59 Yeah, it's revealed. It's like a Like he shows up with these cookies and then you find out. Oh, yeah, he's baking those He's not buying them and that's supposed to be like oh that ted lasso and not just the biggest red fucking flag That's ever been flailed Like oh this guy needs to be on a watch list Yeah, that is probably like a detail in every workplace shooter That's ever ever existed. He baked. He baked coffees for the office every monday And then one day he shows up without coffee
Starting point is 00:38:28 Yeah, if you if you ever if you ever killed like 12 people and wrote a manifesto That's like, um, I'm sad. I'm doing this because I'm not gonna be able to see the hangover three after I kill myself You know you did that before Ted lasso writing a letter to gianna michael's Let's see what are some other characters around this show there's um There's higgins who's like the head of football operations. He's just sort of like the doormat for rebecca He's just another nice character There's oh, I like when they introduce the mexican guy whose only characteristic is just going. I love life
Starting point is 00:39:08 I love football football is life. And like that's it. He just goes around singing like what's it? Danny Danny Roja and he just runs on the field going Danny Roja Danny Roja. I love football Again, really really cool character. I enjoyed him. He kills a dog. He kills a dog by accident But then of course he gets over it very quickly Yeah, he does do it on purpose. Of course Yeah, it's like he's taking a penalty kick and like the team's mascot like chases a pigeon right in front of his ball And then gets brained to death. I mean probably the funniest moment on the entire show at least of what I've seen so far That's the other thing. It's like people like this show was
Starting point is 00:39:44 so well reviewed I'm so popular and like is it like is this show a comedy because like there are If it is like a precious few laugh lines for me. I don't know about you It is it is but comedy means like a different thing now. Yes. It doesn't mean it doesn't mean you laugh at it It's not like you're like, oh, that's good. Yeah, it's not like well. No. No It's not like 30 rock where it's like. Oh my god. There's just so many great jokes per minute or something like that or Um, no comedy or even like a comedy a comedy in the way this pranos is where it's like, you know There aren't so many laugh out loud moments, but you're like, wow, that's a really funny characterization or what a funny moment or
Starting point is 00:40:24 You know, it's cosmically funny. It's well comedy now means like, oh, I'm not going to feel tense or bad while watching it Yeah, comedy just means relaxing now and also also nutritious Yeah, like I'm watching this and through watching it. I am an exposure to its its message and positivity I am gaining that I am becoming Ted lasso and then I get to carry that lasso with this with me into the world I mean, like there was a you know for a while all shows all all content had to be political because there was a belief that we're going to just by conveying the world and conveying what's wrong with it and Analyzing that it's going to motivate people to change it. Well, that did not happen
Starting point is 00:41:09 But now since we're not going to change anything about the structures of the world We can change ourselves by exposure to content like Ted lasso that will allow us to deal with the horrors of the world more More constructively because we'll know you know what everybody's hurting and if you just share your hurt with others They'll share your theirs with you and then everybody will be If not in a better position Uh materially uh emotionally more centered. I mean that is a fascinating thing about this show is like what you're saying
Starting point is 00:41:39 Is it like at some point? You know probably due to the election of donald trump It's like and the fact that this show is set in the uk has also I said so disturbing to me because like you know The british sense of humor is people at their worst Yeah, like traditionally to me That's what I think is funny about the human condition like that to me is what comedic situations come from is people at their absolute worst But now it's like The a like people at their worst that's bad
Starting point is 00:42:07 So the humor is supposed to be something that makes you feel good And I guess i'm disturbed by that that's what I find sinister about this show Is because I think like without the Sort of pressure valve release of being able to laugh at everything that's really horrible or even recognize it We will become sort of I don't know the opposite of what this show is intending I think will become sort of emotional eunuchs or something Uh, what are some other uh fun moments from this show? I made it about like
Starting point is 00:42:33 A little bit into the second season, but apparently the show now There's sort of a backlash against it like do you have any idea? Why fans as the show gotten too edgy in the third season or what? I haven't seen any of the third season. Um, are there any Are there any like big changes like this Ted? Ted maybe like has a racial awakening or something I don't I don't I don't celebrate I don't celebrate christmas anymore. It's a jewish holiday You know, you don't see no dang menorah in my office
Starting point is 00:43:07 The episodes I know are getting longer They're getting it started off as like a half hour show and now they're like 50 minutes So that might be part of what people are sick of I don't know I mean, I watched the second to last I watched this I think the second to last episode that's been aired Which is like episode eight of the third season which is the one with has the the leaked nudes and the and the locker room convo and it seemed very similar but just I I think I was already after only watching a handful of episodes and watching this episode which again It's like 45 minutes long just feeling like I was staring into the fucking Chernobyl reactor. I can't imagine
Starting point is 00:43:47 Even for people who liked it. I I got to imagine that at this point having watched all of the previous episodes You know The particles are starting to build up in your bone marrow and making you a little nauseous Matt I uh Matt someone told me that um one of the more recent episodes is 70 minutes long Yeah, which you know, I don't even understand how that happens You know, I if I was writing this show, I don't even know how I'd make the episodes last longer than 20 minutes Yeah, because again, there's just no fucking conflict I think it's the same thing as you know the classic problem of eternity or the problem of heaven
Starting point is 00:44:24 Yeah, you know if you right let's say you watch 40 episodes of this even if you like it It's so just flat like there's no real difference between any of the episodes And if you're making it all the way to you know season three or four where the episodes are 70 minutes long You would I mean you would have to be on a fucking cocktail of all cocktails to Not have that get to you. That's what I mean about like there is a very sadistic element to the show Which is just like how relentlessly it punishes you with its niceness and like I I watched the first season with Catherine and I just kept like turning to her like when Ted says something like So cloying and saccharine that would just turn to her and go. I don't feel so good
Starting point is 00:45:08 Minds help me hurts. I think I threw up. I'm gonna throw up Do you guys have any other like like standout moments or scenes that stick out of your mind from this show Well, there's the there's the dart scene from the first season Which was one of the first big viral moments the show had where? Oh, right. Okay. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, he has to he has to show out for the the his boss and like Like sort of one up her evil ex-husband with a game of darts Yeah, and he reveals through this monologue that uh, oh, you didn't think Ted lasso who is good at darts
Starting point is 00:45:45 Ah, Ted lasso played with darts every day at the bar with his dad until he was to died Right, which you find out later or before that he killed himself And then of course there's a scene where it's just him and a therapist talking about the death of his father Which you know, that's Not what I tend to enjoy in a comedy series is you know The mundane Mental health maintenance that people have to go through to just function I'd rather watch them kind of bump against one another
Starting point is 00:46:17 Instead of just resolving everything, but some people really get off on it There's a way to make that type of thing funny. They're you know, like, uh, I don't know if you guys have seen the comeback The Lisa group. Oh, it's a great show That is a great show. It's so funny Very ahead of its time in like funny wellness culture and even therapy talk stuff, you know years ahead of its time That's a way to incorporate that stuff and make it funny the the sopranos Yeah, look, we all know Tony Sopranos a socialist You know, that's the main comedic element of that show. Yeah, but secondary therapy scenes are funny
Starting point is 00:46:55 There's a way to you know Take humor out of there But not if you think that therapy is like just this be all and end all towards becoming a good person Yeah, that just it just you know, hey, we look we had our laughs out there when Ted Lasso was telling people Well, princess bride heck of a movie. Now the decent therapy laughs are over There's a scene in this where the whole team watches the iron giant and cries during it. Oh, fuck you Fuck you I'm so sick of this fucking bullshit
Starting point is 00:47:29 I fucking hate this shit my entire like This is something I've experienced my entire life. Just um, I remember going to camp and all like the most like You know Mastering the sleeping bag being made fun of my formative trauma made me mean No, you know, like just the most like like the kids are a few years older than me You know, like the spitting everywhere like most homophobic like edgy kids like they would You know, you'd get to know them. They'd be like I cried or an iron giant Shrek Shrek's actually really important to me
Starting point is 00:48:06 Like fighting fighting Nemo fighting Nemo's that I really fighting Nemo's actually really good because I have a younger sister That just it's been like the number one move for Emotionally stunted dumbass Americans is they'll take a literal children's movie and be like actually there's really good stuff There's really good stuff in there for adults and kids India in the dart scene uh, Ted's monologue is sort of like All the people that bullied me growing up. They just weren't curious And like my whole life. I've been curious and like the people who discount me They never asked any questions. Like do you know how to play darts?
Starting point is 00:48:43 Are you actually a dart expert? I'm like, I've been proven them wrong ever since then, you know Like watching this show I I kept thinking about uh, mel Brooks's famous line that uh, Tragedy is when I cut myself shaving comedy is when I walk into an open manhole cover and die Ted Lasso sort of sort of like re sort of remixes that for the 21st century and the the answer is Comedy tragedy isn't when you cut yourself shaving. It's actually comedy when hey, I know there's a little blood on your face Don't be mad. We all came into this world with a little blood on our face Tell you what take a little square toilet paper stick it on your face. You got toilet face But hey, actually it's stopping blood from going on your face. Everything's good now
Starting point is 00:49:21 It's all over and tragedy is when the proud boys stormed the capital And I think you could write this show What about what about Ted's relationship with his his ex-wife because like uh His ex-wife because like here's the weird thing like the show I mean, I haven't watched enough of it yet to know if it really like dels into it But like Ted lasso has no business taking this job because as I said like the most shocking thing to me about the first episode
Starting point is 00:49:55 Is the reveal that he's an american football coach who literally doesn't know the rules of soccer Or like how to play it's the idea that he would say yes to this job Is something an insane person would do but then it's like kind of revealed that he said yes to it to like flee His failing marriage and like guilt over. I mean, I don't know But it's like it's never fully fleshed out Because like I mean he's like left the country and like left his kid that he supposedly like does everything for and who Mails him like army men and stupid arts and crafts that he made for him and he's like, oh, here's my homemade kazoo can't have that It's only one
Starting point is 00:50:29 For kids and he's getting he's giving all his players a little plastic army men to inspire them and shit but like He's doing this while his family's falling apart and like it sort of implied that like he's He's was crazy enough to take this job because he was like his marriage was failing like is this fleshed out in Yeah, I will I think the I think like you interpreted it As well like that's sort of how it appears, but I think the way it's intended is like um They
Starting point is 00:51:00 Somewhere in the first three episodes they asked him like why he's doing this basically and he's like my wife needed some space So it's not that he's like fleeing from his failing marriage. It's like Oh, I'm he's such a good guy that he's giving his wife space And in that time the wife has realized that she doesn't love him anymore And it's like it's them trying to create like this uh this big thing in his life his divorce the destruction of his family and everything Uh without there really being any villains because when she's like, I don't love you anymore ted reacts like I don't know like uh roey kent told him. He he's injured for that one game Oh, well, that's okay. You know, maybe you'll love someone else
Starting point is 00:51:42 I'm gonna go. Yeah find someone else in the third season the wife the ex-wife and her new boyfriend and the son common visit uh ted lasso before Leaving the kid so that the couple can go to paris and ted lasso gets brick and triggered because he thinks they're gonna to Uh, get they're gonna he's gonna propose to his ex-wife there and he's like ah darts the concert they're gonna get married Uh, I think rebecca's like hey, you know, she's your ex-wife move on stop caring and he's like shah. Heck you're right Another dilemma put to bed. Yeah Horrifying 20 seconds where there is some tension in the air
Starting point is 00:52:24 That it's uh, it's funny that you you point to the inherent absurdity of the premise. It must be Stressed that this show started off as commercials. Yeah. Yeah Ted lasso character was from commercials and it was a joke. What if an american hick football coach had to coach a foot uh soccer team when he didn't know anything about it And then they decided to make it a show and yeah, instead of like, oh, what about a funny culture clash between some cracker? You know asshole And uh people with a different sport. They're like, no, that will make january 6th happen. So By the way, january 6th happened anyway, so
Starting point is 00:53:04 Swinging a miss here with Ted lasso trying to prevent it Which is apparently what they were like they were seeing through time and they saw january 6th And they're like, oh, we got to prevent that somehow We'll make Ted lasso nice instead of being an asshole. The real Ted lasso would have been leading people Yes, absolutely That would be that would be that would be such a funny show To show that the true evil lurking beneath like american positivity I mean, you know what we haven't really talked about it
Starting point is 00:53:31 But doing a show about collegiate football coaches as a full man. Yeah, oh my god You might as well. You might as well do it about fucking, you know ss officers They're the same. They're the same thing They're psychopaths. They're entirely psychotic. Yeah Yeah, the real Ted lasso is in the Senate. His name is Tommy Tuberville. He gets up there every day Yep Okay, imagine Ted lasso being like, you know, some people call him white nationalist. I'll just call him americans. Yeah Tommy Tuberville just said the urban Meyer the long time college coach
Starting point is 00:54:07 He coached the uh to jaguars for one season and he did like started not going well and he just decided to spend his time Mentally torturing every player Yeah, oh my god a tv show about urban Meyer's one season in the nfl would be fucking hilarious The photos that came out of him like this isn't going too well. I'm going to make everyone else pay for it And then like and then was like getting shitfaced with like 17 year old girls in jacksville. Oh, dude Ted Ted Ted lasso getting like a john marant Uh make him a soccer make him a soccer player And he does like a scared straight with him
Starting point is 00:54:45 Where he introduces him to one of the guys who lied about killing bin laden I would like to see The the film these the makers of this show should have looked at january 6th and realized. Oh, no, we have it wrong We responded to trump exactly the wrong way by trying to make our television this insane hr positivity happy talk Of cult festival. We've driven everyone insane. We actually caused january 6th instead of prevented it The real Ted lasso would like he not only would have like commanded ashley babbitt to her death You know, he would have been Ashley go out and get him. You're the fastest one charge that guy with a gun
Starting point is 00:55:31 Like 10 seconds after her death, you would have been like she was a federal agent. Yeah, she's gonna betray all of us Let's call it bomb threats to this bitch's funeral Oh my god Oh, fuck I've lost it. Oh, I was gonna say I A tv show about john marant playing basketball in china after he gets drunk No, yeah, but in a country where they'll give you the death penalty for having a gun That guy loves guns I think like well
Starting point is 00:56:06 That would be the real Ted lasso because like the chinese coach would like would teach him like You know, you grew up in a place called like Falling windbrook or something. You know, john, you don't need to slide John you never knew king ball and you don't have to slide for him So I'm doing it. Stop doing instagram lives with your gun. We're gonna auction the gun to pay for The the um half centennial of the moderately prosperous society And that's chinese Ted lasso job or aren't excellent great show everyone loves it I mean, I think it's weird that like this show is set in the world of sports and professional sports and like athletic competition
Starting point is 00:56:51 And I think like the sinister nature is that they're they're they're they're they're they're pointing the soy laser directly at one of the last bastions of toxic masculinity Which is sports and our ability to Wed our self-esteem to competitions that we have no bearing on the outcome of And once they take that away, I mean, yeah, what do we have left? What do we have left as men in this country? It's weird that it was sports, especially soccer, but I think it kind of had to be because you have like There is this like hidden pillar of tv that no one ever talks about but it's very important And it's sort of like lifestyle porn
Starting point is 00:57:30 It's very rarely discussed people talk about it a little bit with succession about how it's like It's something that's like, um, I think it's notable about succession that it's like sort of tasteful wealth Yes. Yes. Yeah, and it's like it's It's an amazing art direction I will say this is an observation my brother and sister had that I think is brilliant Billions is a way it's like way closer to the truth what it's actually like like everyone was over zips Yeah, like the real the real billionaires in the world like the real hedge fund manager guys who are out there They're wearing the worst jeans you've ever seen a fucking rolling stones graphic tee
Starting point is 00:58:09 That looks like it's from target would cost $7,000 and like a bracelet with a skull on it That's what they're really wearing and hanging out with Hanging out with james hatfield during his therapy sessions. Yeah, uh, I need to I need to go to metallica to get my mind off the big trade and uh That you know, it's in both cases great art direction But I think for a certain like a certain type of tv For most tv really there needs to be some lifestyle porn aspect that like Creates like a comfortable baseline for the viewer. Just it's Makes a nice atmosphere for people
Starting point is 00:58:46 The sopranos have this sopranos has this in like an upper middle class sense kind of it They bring it up as the show goes on Um with ted lasso, they needed like a source of wealth that no one would feel like morally complicated by So like sports are perfect because you can have you can have this like sort of I would say warren dem a line show kind of right Where people have like 30 million dollars, but it's not from managing a hedge fund or being rupert murdoch or the mafia It's from like, you know talent and it's okay because um, you know They only make this money for a limited amount of time and sometimes they go broke and at least they're not bobby axelrod
Starting point is 00:59:28 I think it had to be sports for the show because there's other sorts of wealth that would have been like, you know Unicky enough, you know what I mean? Yeah, but like the wasted opportunities to do a comedy series set in the world of premier Premiership football like the level of insane corruption that goes on in like European football clubs Because like a like half of them are owned by like saudi oil sheet. They're all by saudi Yeah, yeah, yeah, but they're like the players themselves like they make Jarrah moran and ray rice look like fucking boy scouts like the european footballers are really out of control And just like although all the all the salacious wags goss up all the fucking coke that they put on their faces like
Starting point is 01:00:13 I just it's so offensive to me that this is a show about professional sports and there is no bad behavior There is no one fucking up. There is no one messing up Or are behaving atrociously in a way that like is actually sort of thrilling vicariously Look at like, you know anyone out there look at any picture that christiano rinaldo takes with his sister weird It's a weird fucking war. It's with strange stuff is going on there The most normal player is like, you know marcus rashford and they started an mi5 investigation on him because he was like I don't think people should you know, I don't think people's buildings should collapse and kill them
Starting point is 01:00:53 And they're like, we were gonna kill you you fuck We hate you Actually the one the funny observation and character that's in this second season is the introduction of a dutch player Who's really rude? But everyone that was good. He's just dutch. He's just dutch And I thought that was like the one kind of funny moment. Yeah, I watched yeah God, what was they do there is one thing the last thing I saw Before I was I couldn't play any more dark souls 3 and I couldn't watch any more of the show
Starting point is 01:01:21 It was the episode where the Nigerian player like he protest against you buy air That's that's like the one time where there was like any kind of winking a nod towards the skeeziness of the sponsors and the economics Of association football in europe that like, you know, some of these sponsors are morally dubious If not all of them, but they of course boil it down to one. It's do buy air and they they have the entire team Join in his protest where they all put duct tape over the do buy air logo on their uniforms Does that ever get is there do they extend that storyline? Uh, I don't know, but I'm imagining ted lasso giving the team a lecture about the abraham accords right now And he's like it's like my good friend alan dershowitz said if there is grass on the field you can still play
Starting point is 01:02:08 The real ted lasso would be one of those uh, one of those uh, christian guys who like doesn't use word palestinian He hates it. He's like they're they're from samaria They're they're they're they're the descendants of the phil diddly little astonance We're gonna have smoke them with the jawbone of an ass They're all from jordan. There's no there's no palestinian culture the moof. He told hitler to do the holocaust Are you using my jawbone to smoke these jordanians because I feel like an ass right now And uh, yeah, and uh, and also another another very unexplored mind of comic gold is like british football fan culture is like There's like the lads at the pub who like when when ted lasso
Starting point is 01:02:58 Like you know first becomes coach everyone in richmond calls him a wanker They're like oh wanker And then it becomes just like within you're right felix within one episode It just becomes a return of endearment. They're like you played like shit out there on the pitch wanker Good game though. We love you. You're one of us now. Yeah Oh god, um, I know for most people this puts them in a very calm state. Um, that's you know, that's why it's gone on so long Um, I would um I tossed and turned all night after this. It's all so
Starting point is 01:03:32 I need to watch some banshee Yeah, I think they I think fans view it as as a televisual thunder shirt. Yeah, that's really it That that really is the success of this show Um, it's relaxing for a certain type of person. I won't begrudge you Look, you probably think you you don't love it out there that I think the tales of banshee Are centering but they are for me And you know, if you're if you're psychotic If if you're like travis the champ and you're one misnose of xanax away from ripping someone's eyeballs out
Starting point is 01:04:11 This is for you Yeah, for some for for some for some people this show just feels like getting a deep tissue massage And for me, it feels like getting my teeth drilled one at a time by a dot c doctor played by lorenz olivia Uh, well, yeah, I it's just uh it After having finally witnessed the show it's It's everything I expected it to be but so much worse like yeah a billion times more more psychically damaging to me And and more like and more just condescending too and in evil than I could possibly have imagined
Starting point is 01:04:46 This is the new american empire people. It's Ted lasso. Some people were were upset at me Uh, you know, I was posting about watching this which in part I get a little because it's like, um, You know, there have been so many posts about Ted lasso and how it's bad. I get it. It's well-pred territory It is you know If you think this way, I don't think this way If you do think this way you're where you're like, I need 300 faves You just post about Ted lasso. I don't you know, for me, it's a game of how few faves I can get How disgusting can I be?
Starting point is 01:05:22 So I I you know, I take myself out of that that criticism is not valid for me But I do I do get the fatigue from people posting about it But then there are people who are like great what another take about Ted lasso For people who miss who oversimplify it as a show And it's like what what did I miss? What was the great subtle plot elements I missed? I I I I don't half-ass any of my TV watching. I always watch at least like 80 hours of it While doing a walkthrough of dark souls, right? Oh, I've I've beaten that game like 50 times. You know, I know all the roles
Starting point is 01:06:01 No, like to get to get your mind on the right frequency to like really Vibe with what you're watching and sort of go into a tonic state. You need to be you know Like you need to be in dark souls mode. Yeah, but you know, yeah people There are people who should know better who were like you're oversimplifying it and it's like no, I think I I gave it the respect that it deserved. I evaluated it like I would any other TV show But there are you know, there are even normal people who love this Well, I think we should leave it there for that was our exposure to apple tv show Ted lasso Tune in next episode. We'll be diving into the silo folks. Get the goddamn silo
Starting point is 01:06:41 We're getting in the damn silo get the silo I think I would rather watch more Ted lasso than the silo to be honest with you What you don't want to know about what's wrong with the silo They're not telling us everything about the silo The silo just looks grim Put on the silo tonight Like we're not going to find out that Ted lasso. Yeah, it's like a secret con artist That's not going to happen, but there are there's definitely some kind of twist because it's going to happen with that silo
Starting point is 01:07:07 It's not what you think every show like that is just lost Every fucking show like that where there's like a crazy object or location. Oh, it turns out it turns out there's a black hole there Uh, do you guys see that uh, just justified is coming back? Yeah, it's a city primeval. Yeah, yes I thought that you guys would be excited about I'm very excited Yeah, I mean no, I don't think well, I'm no walton though. No boy But hey, it's Timothy. Oh, Timothy only fans though. Timothy only fans is in there. Well, okay, okay No boyd for now, but we thought we thought bobby axe was out of billiards forever. He's coming back in the middle of next season Okay, do you real tv's about patience?
Starting point is 01:07:50 um, I honestly think that Ted lasso could maybe get to the bottom of this or i'm sorry, uh, I feel like Uh, marshal reyland givens could maybe get to the bottom of this silo business Justified is a good it's a good, you know other side of the coin for Ted lasso because They are he's also a shitkicker who's bad at his job Yeah, but being bad at his job. Is it like exculpatory? There's no it's just he's just shitty at it He's just really bad at it Okay, a culture clash a culture clash like police procedural About us marshal reyland givens having to work for I don't know the the uk's equivalent of the marshal service
Starting point is 01:08:34 And just to see how even worse he would be at his job without a gun Like if he can't get himself out of situations like when he loses Someone he's supposed to transfer to a prison or something like that Would that the first job they'd have him on it would be like you have to you have to get the gender critical people to kill marcus rashford That's his first job for the mi5 and he would just blow the whole thing up He would ruin it and you know, uh before we before we uh sign off for today Look if you're looking to watch a funny tv show that hasn't been played out on twitter Check out this show called the good doctor. He's a doctor, but with autism
Starting point is 01:09:11 Well, just a rough time to be a tv supporter Law and order organized crime and svu still going strong Is law and order organized crime any good? Should I watch it? I enjoy it You know, it's silly. It's silly. It's silly. How like, um They're always like stabler We need you to go undercover because he's been on tv 500 million times during the course of svu Like tv in universe tv. Yeah, he's always interviewed about every case And you'd think that people would recognize him either from that or for being a
Starting point is 01:09:47 Top for like 78 years, but no no one does. He just shaves He shaves a different type of goatee and they're like Oh, you're a criminal He shaves his head down one millimeter like He's like yeah, just shaves one millimeter hair off is already bald dome and that he's in russian mob His baldness represents his pissed level Like the baldery is the angrier he is I'm into the uh, the carisi years of law and order svu now
Starting point is 01:10:17 That's super kathleen and i are in our in our in our watch through of the only good tv show ever created law and order Carisi they I like what they do the first episode you ever see him on They like you're like, oh is this like, um Is he a shitty cop because you know, they have him talk to like a something some horrible situation like a 14 year old girl who's Like been forced to be a sex worker and he's like listen to me you little skank But then they just you know by three Yeah, he was actually being a good cop
Starting point is 01:10:53 Because as he rightly put it out a girl who's been pimped out since she was like 13 years old That isn't used to responding to men who are like positive and nice to her So he was like all right, bitch. Where's my money and she was like, I'll tell you anything That's true, but like uh, that that's the rationale But like neo could carisi who's now a da would never do that you never do that Rawlings is back though. There's a she's gonna be in a three episode crossover between svu and uh organize crime Still gambling maybe maybe I don't know. She was wearing a hospital gown when we saw her another kid. I don't know All right. Well, that's enough long order. This is Ted lasso show
Starting point is 01:11:32 uh Ted lasso Good show for good people and will make you feel good when you watch it and it'll make you a better person It's just like look is it funny? No, but is it is it wholesome? Yes, and if you like and if you take seriously not the um, I won't say jokes But if you take seriously the lessons chances are you could get a bird to slob your knob Yeah, that's what really matters. All right gang till next time. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye I'll tell

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