Chapo Trap House - 735 Teaser - Failure to Launch

Episode Date: May 26, 2023

We cover Ron DeSantis’ disastrous Twitter campaign launch. Subscribe today for access to the full episode and all premium episodes!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is one of David Sacks' questions to the governor. I saw the cover of Time Magazine this week, and I think they were trying to do a negative story because you were kind of scowling in this portrait they made of you, and in the article they called you, compared you to the Terminator, and I think they meant it as an insult, but I thought it was kind of cool.
Starting point is 00:00:19 I thought it was a good thing, because I think we need a cool headed, ruthless assassin to go in and take on the woke mob. Take on our out of control government and take on problems like the one on our border. Again, I think it made you sound great, even if it wasn't their intention. Yeah, you, Ron, you're joking like the other cycle of putting ducks. Your sugar man, give it to me. So I could put it in the garbage.
Starting point is 00:00:44 That's what it belongs. Your foster parents are woke. I know why you eat sugar, but it's something I can't do, man. God, just like that was like a hitting three, then stealing the inbound pass and hitting another three. He's lowering himself into a vat of full strength coke. I'm like, turbidator wrong. This is gone, this is gone. And no, but like, if you were, if you're one of the few people lucky enough,
Starting point is 00:01:22 like listen to this and I, you to this, and I did nod. But apparently, the first 10 minutes of this campaign announcement, which took well over an hour to get to after all the technical difficulties, they shut down the original space, which had like 500,000 people, which I'm sorry, that's like daytime cable TV in the afternoon. That is not big numbers. The Vanderpump rules does like probably ten times that. The first ten minutes of his campaign announcement, he talked about gender ideology. The next 20, he talked about Disney. And then you mentioned David Sacks. I thought it was very
Starting point is 00:01:55 interesting. The last ten minutes of him talking was just, he'll be questions about Bitcoin and crypto and signaling his, he says, I don't really have an itch to regulate that whole space and stop what people are doing there. Really inspiring. It's inspiring. You know, people, people say the internet is not real life and then other people say, yeah, bullshit, it is. You live and breathe it.
Starting point is 00:02:17 And the thing is it is real life, but only in certain like geographically and spatially bound areas, you know, and that is a minority of the time, you know, like most of the time in most of America, the internet isn't real life. But it's possible for it to concentrate and like take over like a local media ecosystem and electorate and that has happened in Florida. Florida has been hijacked by the internet and now they're trying to do a hostile takeover of the non-internet United States. They are still a minority of a minority and they're going to find that out in this quick sonic attempt to turn internet right wing grievance like into a guy.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Like this entire thing is of a piece from doing the insane thing of debuting your campaign in an audio format on a fucking what the seventh most used social media fucking platform to the focus on shit like gender ideology and DEI and the fucking Disney. Like this is all stuff that only appeals to people who have become internet. And you know people I remember like I was like some GLP operative said that Ron sometimes run the Sanctus can be too online as compared to Donald Trump. And like, people have been pointing out, like it comes down to like the different scene Donald Trump being a poster in a rondesanthus being an online nerd.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Yeah. He's like, reply guy. This is like, yeah, Trump, like he's like a guy versus a poster. He bends reality around him. And the thing is like Trump puts his thoughts out on Twitter, but he's reacting to things he sees on television. Television is what mediates his understanding of the world. Correct. And that's where I was around to send this and like, everyone who works for him, including a fucking Christopher Rufo who showed up on, I mean, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:01 a real winner's circle and his fucking, it is an inter- an inner cadre or whatever. But yeah, like they are totally captured and like responding to shit that it's on the internet. And like an effective thing, the fact that they try to roll this out on the internet is just so baffling to me. What are they going for that youth vote?
Starting point is 00:04:20 And like Twitter as a website, you know, as you're right, Matt, is like not even like barely in the top 10 most used social media sites, and barely even works to begin with. Yeah. And Twitter as a website, you know, as you're right, Matt, is not even barely in the top 10 most social media sites. And barely even works to begin with.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Yeah.

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