Chapo Trap House - 743 Teaser - Pixar’s Sodas

Episode Date: June 23, 2023

Frustrated with the current state of popular film, the boys pitch “Pixar’s Sodas”. Subscribe today for access to the full episode and all premium episodes!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You can do a lot with that, you can do a lot with that concept, but Felix, I ultimately though, I think still the best idea for any new Pixar movie is sodas. Absolutely. Sodas is, you know, everyone is into that. Everyone loves soda. And I really think we have something with like the antagonist of the movie, the, um, I've kind of switched it around. I think there's a switch. It's the water. We're trying to get our own soda. Well, yeah, no, it's okay.
Starting point is 00:00:28 So at first we think the antagonist is energy drinks, right? They're sort of the buzz Aldrin character. They start muscling in on the sodas. But then like the sodas and the energy drinks learn, they actually have a lot in common. We're going to have Diet Coke is going gonna be played by Ariana Grande. Perfect. And she has an unlikely romance with, let's say, white monster. Played by Ezra Miller. No, Ezra Miller, I think. I was just going off the name. Ezra Miller is, that is a white monster, absolutely. But I was actually thinking that white monster is
Starting point is 00:01:07 more of like an NGK type character. Oh, yeah. White monster is going to be played by MGK. Yeah. Yeah. But they learn they have a lot of good fuck. They learn they have a ton of common and the soda is the energy drinks are hanging out. But really, their enemy, it's sort of like healthy drinks in general.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Like, it's led by Cam but she's just water. But yeah, it's Cam butcha and water. And Cam butcha, I'm sort of like etching it out. I think Cam butcha should be like the mastermind behind all of it, right? And she's like a Karen. Yeah, she's got the Karen haircuts. Yeah, but then water waste my Jennifer Aniston, how about? Yes. Yes. And just with this food, maybe. Mm, another good option.
Starting point is 00:01:51 They can fight for the death, fight to the death for this role. But yeah, their minions are like liquid death, Fiji, and Lecroy, let's say. And I think that's a great movie. Lecroy could have a friend in the accent. Yes. La Croix is a Quebecer. Ah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:11 So at the beginning of the movie, the denizens of soda city, they live in peace and prosperity because like, you know, years ago in the Great War, they banished water and healthy drinks. Because like, well, I mean, I don't say healthy drinks, soda, of course, is healthy for you.
Starting point is 00:02:25 But they live in a happy healthy society of only soda. And then like, you know, the introduction of energy drinks, it's like a little bit of tension there. But then like, you know, at some point in the movie, someone will say, we thought we had defeated them, but somehow water has returned. And water will be like, it will be like, trying to take over and do away with all the fun
Starting point is 00:02:46 and good times of the Absoda city and make it waterville, water town. Well, yeah, and Absoda city is like, it's a refrigerator, but there's so much good stuff you can do there. Like, I was thinking like, the meat cute for Diet Coke and white monster, it's a take on the trapped in the elevator scene.
Starting point is 00:03:06 They get placed inside, you know how sometimes you run out of room for all your sodas. You have to put them in the vegetable crisper. They have to spend 24 hours in the vegetable crisper. And they're like, this sucks. Get me out of here. And then they learn, they're like, wait, you're zero calorie and provide energy to,
Starting point is 00:03:26 but you have a white citrus flavor, but you have a natural cola flavor. Wow, maybe we're actually really alike. I think they, I think they'll be like a big second act, like a stinger in this movie when like people won't be expecting it, but the Coca-Cola classic character who's like the mayor of soda city. He's their leader. He provides, you know, I'm guessing voiced by Harrison Ford.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Jeff Bridges, something like. There should be a successor. I'm kind because he's from Georgia. I'll write. Yeah, I like Jeff Bridges. For coaches, it'd be good. Because he's sort of like a, a he's sort of like a a Friendly sort of source of father
Starting point is 00:04:10 Little elder states in the soda world and he is the most popular mayor of soda city But kombucha and the liquid death minions they you know It's shocking and honestly like some of the adults will cry during this scene They crack his top and he goes flat. And like as the last bits of carbon dioxide sort of like seep away from him, he like he passes the mantle to Diet Coke Ariana Grande. And he's like, you have to fight to keep soda alive.
Starting point is 00:04:39 You have to fight to keep children healthy and drinking soda. Don't let water take over. And you know, like, I honestly, like, I was an adult. There's some good stuff in there for me. And it, you know, soda reminded me of when my dad died when the Jeff Pitches soda character was flat.
Starting point is 00:04:52 I, I, I, I, I, you know, it, it, it, it, it, there will be many realistic depictions of what a panic attack feels like. Yeah, I was just gonna say, if I, if I am not gonna see a realistic and heartfelt depiction what a panic attack feels like. Yeah, I was just going to say if I am not going to see a realistic and heartfelt depiction of panic attack, I'm walking out of the door. Well, there's a great panic attack scene where we think that mountain
Starting point is 00:05:15 do zero should be like, it's sort of like a cute baby, you know, dynamic broad voice is down mountain do zero, by the way. You do a pitch-shifted, Danny McBride voices Dan Mountain Dew Zero by the way. Do you do a pitch-shift to Danny McBride? And it's sort of sad because as you know, it's really hard to find Mountain Dew Zero. There aren't a lot of his kind. He's really lonely. And that's one of the things like you can be new to soda and love this movie. But if you're experienced with soda, there's a lot of things in here that you're gonna catch, a lot of Easter eggs.
Starting point is 00:05:49 How about this? Ooh, I have a great idea for post-credits scene. You know how we think that Jeff Bridges, Mayor Coca-Cola dies? Post-credits scene, he gets recarbonated by the soda stream played by Gell Gado. Oh, by the way, Gell Gato does have the sequel. Yeah. Yeah. I always enjoy to see her show up in a movie. Oh, yeah. I'm so excited by the charisma fountain that is Gell Gato. Well, wait till you see her soda stream. She's going to, she she's gonna like shoot the carbon dioxide into Mayor Coca-Cola and be like, cool this. No. Man, so does this a great movie. Oh, great idea.

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