Chapo Trap House - 744 - People Who Died (6/26/23)

Episode Date: June 27, 2023

The boys look at the Wagner Group failed(?) coup(??) of Russia(???) over the weekend(????). Then, some more on the submarine disaster, RFK Jr. and the people who believe current events as a factor of ...time’s linear progression are, in general, a “psyop”. TORONTO: tickets still available to our show there Thursday, August 17: Our friends Steven Donziger and Chris Smalls in association with Little Secret LA are going on tour this summer, find dates and tickets here:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music Hello everybody, it's Monday June 26th, it's Chapa, we're back at it. Hope everyone had a good weekend. I would say that this weekend's events in the news truly Illustrate the perils of being a Russia Ukraine head if you are an American Because man oh man. There's a lot of people are excited and then really disappointed and then some people were really nervous And then super excited what the hot dog man the hot dog man Russian The coup that wasn't, they just, I don't know. Yeah, I mean, I've already written a portion of the speech with Vladimir Putin can give about these events.
Starting point is 00:01:13 And I think it sums it up, the opening line. Sometimes the man that sells you hidden hot dogs can have hidden intentions. I mean, that's basically what he just did. He gave a big speech like 10, like an hour ago, that was, advertises like the epoch making speech, and he came up for five minutes and was just like, you know, there's some fake friends out there,
Starting point is 00:01:36 don't trust those hosts, and then just left. He's like, in a Wagner, guys, you could join the army, you can go to Belarus, I don't care, fuck off, and then just walk away. I want to point out that O'Bungalor the most feckless, disinterested and ambivalent president ever. No one has ever given it shit left. It's less than O'Bungalor. The least shit giving president of all time. William McChrystal who's like an actual general not just like a hot dog guy that commands 3000 like X-convicts. Talk shit. And he was like,
Starting point is 00:02:08 you're fired. I'm going to kill you, fuck you. I do like, it was Stanley McChrystal, but I do love the idea of some sort of horrible J-soc version of William McChrystal. I forgot it was Stan. I guess I just, I meant a little effect, affected out Stanley. But yeah, he got rid of Stanley McChrystal and Putin on the other hand, he took a very conflict diverse approach to the situation. Let's just say, he showed less willed dominance than the low-throw bungalow somehow.
Starting point is 00:02:43 I mean, I have no idea what happened. I never made an effort to even try to understand it honestly. I was just like, can we get some hyponormalization over here for once? My tummy hurts. This is too hyper even for me. So I'm not even, I'm getting sure I try to cover this, but just from this point, given the surface read of it, it just, folks, it doesn't look good. It doesn't look like the Russians know how to be a country. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Well, that was my response, like not just for Russia, but like the entire region. There is not a serious fucking country in the world that uses anything that's like Cyrillic. There just isn't. There isn't. There's no one as serious. It's either. It's yeah. You got Arabic. You got the Asian characters, the congee whatnot, and then you got good old fashioned Phoenician. That's it. Get out of here with that nonsense. We need the USSR or Islam or the Mongols just anything but this. They can no longer have their own countries. Like look, the main duel within the Russian empire
Starting point is 00:03:52 is between a hot dog merchant and a guy who collects wood. That's true, he's a wood collector. This is, it's either very like late antiquity or literally this is like what cavemen would do. I got, if you watch this weekend, I don't know how you can come away feeling that Russia is either our world defining nemesis that is an existential threat to America's future and that is worth giving $7 trillion to the Bobby R. Reenactment Society, militia in Ukraine. Or to think that they're the based shield against global homo degeneracy.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Like, if this is it, either way, I'm sorry, you're living in Cloud Cuckooland. You want it to be a way that it just isn't. If you're the latter camp where you're like, this is the only thing stopping the world from becoming trans. How do you feel now knowing that a well-organized Airsoft team could cripple the entire Russian stage if they wanted to? I mean, every one thing, if you just flatten them immediately, it's like, well, it's not great when your top mercenary turns on you,
Starting point is 00:05:10 but if you can just like drop a fucking fuel air explosive on his ass and wipe him and his bloodline out immediately, that's at least a show of like substrate, but to like make a deal with him through a third party to like just forget it all the Russian guy, right? Yeah. There just be like, let's for now, let's just forget about this. Like that's, I'm sorry, you are weak if you do that. Let me tell you, look, Belarus in the late 90s, they suggested sort of getting the band back together, like making a political union between Belarus and Russia.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Like a Warsaw Pact, part two? Yeah, but like with Belarus is the senior partner. I if I am Russia, I would have taken that I would take that deal now. That's the only guy who kind of seems like he's he's got it together. Yeah. Lucas Shanko. He sure as hell a nip that whole uh, uh, color revolution in the bud. Lucas Shanko is like like, he's sort of like a Soviet holdover that's better than anything anyone has in any country over there, whether it's Ukraine or Russia,
Starting point is 00:06:15 or one of the countries that's so racist, they can only have like 1.2 million people, like Lithuania. You know, and it shows like the Soviet experience is, it's better in the long term. It gives you some juice. It gives you some experience. Like the hot dog man, right? He became a hot dog salesman and caterer.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Lukashenko was head of a Soviet collective dairy farm. Yeah, there's a great video of him. Like he's pissed off about dairy farm conditions and bell roost. And he's like a cow should live in a palace. And it's like, that's way more inspiring than anything. Absolutely. Disney or or a putler has said, or Joe Brandon. I mean, my God, what are the things in the cows in this country? Yeah. No, he's, he's there only hope. I'll tell you another thing. Uh, Lucia go has sides. He is a side. God. That's your sides. It looks awesome. And the strong mustache. Yeah. I, uh, this is one of those
Starting point is 00:07:15 things. Like I always watching tea. I was watching TV. Oh, we can, I was watching, I was watching like baseball. I was, I didn't follow this story at all. But like, you know, I could tell things are heating up on Twitter. And people were like, there's a coup happening in Russia, a pre-gosing of the Wagner group is doing it. Now it's like, Christophe Prozingis to the Minnesota, with the New Zealand Celtics.
Starting point is 00:07:35 What's going on here? No, but it was basically like, you know, I mean, I'm pleading ignorance here. I'm pleading kind of a proud ignorance. My attitude when I heard that there's a coup happening in Russia, like a mercenary group has like captured the Southern military command of Russia. I was just like, good luck with all that.
Starting point is 00:07:51 I hope both sides play hard. Let's just have a fair fight. You know, that's your business. That's YB, not MB. I will say, for my own interest, this mercenary general getting too big for his bridges and then turning on the emperor, like this is a very reminiscent of the Wallenstein and Ferdinand, the second for anyone who listened to Hell on Earth, history
Starting point is 00:08:17 repeating itself, second time, of course, as far as, because this guy is, as we said, the hot dog man. But if it holds, then like he's gonna be hanging out in his penthouse and tractor factory in Belarus and some dude with a halberd's gonna come in and fucking spear him through the river. Could this guy, could this guy, pregozen, could he, is there potential here for him to potentially supplant Nathan
Starting point is 00:08:44 as the greatest hot dog man of all time. Well, he's going to have to organize a, a, similarly compelling eating contest. We need a hot dog eating contest with the, with the post-Soviet, uh, Frank's they got over there. They're, what are they? Like the size of fucking, like, baseball bats are just massive. You can't even, you're like, weeping as you try to eat them. It's not a busy, it's got to be a really miserable hot dog. It has to be made they're just massive. Can't even, you're like weeping as you try to eat them. That's a busy, it's gotta be a really miserable hot dog. It has to be made, it has to be like a blood sausage hot dog.
Starting point is 00:09:12 It's ribbed. Just like a very unappetizing texture as you try to eat it. He was, I mean, he was, he's literally his Putin's caterer. Yeah. Like the hidden hot dogs thing is not an exaggeration. He quite literally sold those to Putin. And he was like, these are great. Hey, you guys want to run a military contractor?
Starting point is 00:09:37 Yeah. No, this is, I'm sure he thought, I'm sure he thought, hey, if I raise this guy up, he will owe it to me personally. And like, this is a wedge against, this is my hedge against like the military as an independent institution that might be against me. Now, I got this guy. He's my guy. And then you send him to war and you fucking Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:09:55 And he's like, fuck you within what a year? Not good, folks. But this is like, you know, in the long run, this is not good. Anything that's happened to Russia in the last like 35 years, not good. That's interesting. But it's kind, you got to admit, this specific thing is funny because it's like, it's egg on the face for everyone, you know? Like, if you're a Russian gate guy, it's like, this is the country that like roped all of us.
Starting point is 00:10:27 This is it like they, this is the country that installed an American president. They got past the NSA, they got past everything. They did it. Like, we said it, but before the hot dog coup, we were like, that's embarrassing. Now it's, it's like if the McPoyles like performed a coup in your country, it's really bad. I gotta say just from just from judging a
Starting point is 00:10:52 book by its cover, I was thinking like, well, like, the coup in Russia, I was like, is the Russian military really gonna, like, you know, like, stand down for this? And then I saw like photos of this guy. And he looks like, he looks like a guy from like, Lutin or Stratford Shire on Rob's, who's just mad about the EU. Yeah. Frog. He's in the science brace. Yeah. No, he, he is a, he's a fan of the club, Dorf FC.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Yeah. All is all around. Everyone takes an L on this one. Yeah. And I'm going gonna say it was the best things are continuing and you got nothing else, but your own side. Everyone just has to go, well, nevertheless, and move on. That's what that's what sucks the most though, right? It's like after this, how do all sides not just go? What are like, what the fuck are we doing? What like who even wants any of you in the territory who can't hope
Starting point is 00:11:45 But no, the fucking war is gonna keep going Yeah, if if this was me if I was any of the parties involved if I was Zelda's me or Putin or anyone I would be going Who gives this shit like fuck this place? I don't care like It's like if you you, you want to bomb out like former tractor factory in eastern Ukraine, you know, like, I get like, oh, oh, like pipelines and stuff. Like, can't we just let the Chinese take care of that? Just put it in that shit. Just belt the road that shit and then just let whoever wants to speak
Starting point is 00:12:21 Russian, do it, whatever the fuck. And then we won't care anymore about this absolute shit hole. This is just it is the most hopeless region on the face of the earth. Yeah. Well, the MacGrab is not doing too good either, but I would put them both in that category. Yeah. It was, it was a fun 18 hours though when people, it was like, I look, I'm, I'm certainly not the first person to put this out,
Starting point is 00:12:46 but like when this news started purcling out this weekend, I was like, a Wagner group, where have I heard of them before? And then I was like, oh yeah, they're the people that kill Ukrainians civilians with sledgehammers. And then they were like, they're now liberating Russia and the end of Ukraine. I was just thinking, really?
Starting point is 00:13:02 That way, that hurts hilarious. Do you guys know gumther? Oh, yeah, who's that again? He's a maniac. Oh, I love gumther. I I'll send you a link to gumther later, but he's okay. He's this Austrian man who like He started out leading like an NGO promoting like flat tax in Austria, but like really went nowhere. But he became so I don't think they're basically. Yeah, yeah, he became a real liberal enough Hitler. Right. He became a huge NATO in EU head. Like he loves the EU. He loves NATO. He loves like even seetheer organizations like the OECD. Like he's so into it that he's like, he talks about it like baseball,
Starting point is 00:13:46 where he was like, Mateus Korman, the current head of the OECD, stinks. He hasn't added a new member in 10 years. And he just leads his bullshit think tank in Kosovo, where he goes all over Europe, especially to countries that are more neutral like Ireland or like, uh, looked in China and we'll go, he'll, he'll make an emoji lane and tweet
Starting point is 00:14:12 where he's like, I will destroy evil Irish neutrality, send F-16s to Ukraine now and accelerate NATO membership for Ukraine. Full EU members now i will destroy evil switzerland newtra neutrality not see policy and he just posted these uh... that he he post all these amazing selfies of him in his target country making the most germanix smile in the most germanix selfies ever and i you know he was he's obviously like big into this war and he was a guy, you know, Wagner's awful, they're killing all these people, which like, yeah, I'm sure. But then literally, on a day, it's notice is like, I call on Joe Biden to recognize the
Starting point is 00:14:58 hot dog man as the real president of Russia, the president of free Russia. Oh, talk, man, take us away. There's actually, hold on, I'm finding it right now, there's an article in, there's an article in a political headline, the US needs a diplomatic blitz to fill the power vacuum by the Wagner, with the Wagner coup leaves behind. I just wanna read this paragraph here, this is by Colin P. Clark for Politico.
Starting point is 00:15:26 I just wanna read this paragraph. It says, if Wagner winds up being pulled out of some of the countries where it currently operates, that can create an opening for you, a US diplomatic blitz to help figure out how to fill the resulting power vacuum and regain influence in those areas. In particular, there could be an opening in some African countries where Washington might be able
Starting point is 00:15:44 to offer security cooperation or build partner capacity arrangements in exchange for a pleasure to move towards democratic or good governance initiatives. With China also making inroads into Africa, this is an opportunity the United States should not left pass. Black Hawk down too, black Hawk downer. If the United States and other Western nations don't step in, other actors will. The way Wagner has been used by the Russians could prove a highly attractive model for other countries to emulate.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Wagner generates profits operating through a series of show companies that is invested in extractive industries across Africa, receiving access and rights to commodities in exchange for its security services. Wagner's opaque structure allows it to carry out Russian foreign policy objectives while insulating Moscow from significant blowback, at least until recently. So I got to say this is an exciting new model for the international security space. I think I mean, look, I think United States is just higher Wagner. I mean, this would honestly be the easiest solution here. Like how much are we spending on Ukraine?
Starting point is 00:16:46 Yeah, we can't call this guy up and be like, hey, we'll give you a tenth of that. Yeah, seriously. Somebody will just drop a drop, they'll fail to carry another numeral when they're doing the long division in the Pentagon and they'll just drop two trillion dollars off of the books in your lap. Like seriously, like why don't we just hire this guy?
Starting point is 00:17:02 I don't know, leave or go home or attack Putin. Or better yet, move to the United States. Because I hear it, look, the police departments in this country are dangerously underfunded. Let's not forget armed security guards at our schools. I think that this is a great opportunity for Wagner mercenaries to find gainful employment in the United States and stop killing people with sledge hammers in Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Oh my God, this is the solution to gun control. Wagner, guys in every public area in America. Good guys with guns, doesn't work. Yeah, just don't let them have hammers. I gotta say that everyone who invested in this story, just else all around. Say for us once again, vindicated. No, I was gonna say, not us.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Say for my new favorite group of savvy media consumers. That is the people who reflexively call any world event a siop if saved save 400 Biden's laptop up this. That's the I love that. I was laughing when people were like Jack, pro second, the other like there's a much a new conservative guys. I don't like as much like
Starting point is 00:18:22 there's just a guy named Alex and I see him like get the fuck out of here You're not as cool as grill a mind or any of these guys. I hate the new ones But they were posting like the meme where it's like just all the NPCs are talking and it was them going There's a coup happening in Russia, which is like that is literally how a baby sees the world. That it, like, it just, like, what is the point here? Just, it was made up, like none of this happened. It was all made up to like distract from like,
Starting point is 00:18:56 how San Francisco is bad. Well, that's a thing, is that like, if this was comprehensive, a comprehensive rejection of the news, like I would respect that. That's like a nasty, that's a commitment to like, nostic mysticism. Congratulations.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Go for it. You know, you are a pilgrim in a, in a strange and unholy land, and I wish you luck on your travels. But these guys want to insist that, no, a few stories are real. A couple of things like all the players came because a guy who in shadow stories are like to make it look like,
Starting point is 00:19:23 oh, there's a couple real things happening here. It's like, it's the new one. It's a big, they can make a coup in Russia, but they also, they can't suppress you knowing about Hunter's laptop. I like, they're a scale of things is awesome because it's like, oh yeah, they're basically faking a massive development in the world.
Starting point is 00:19:42 They're faking government instability in Russia during a war to distract from the Biden non-binary luggage thief. Like, their sense of scale is so fucked up. It just doesn't make sense. What I love about the current thing, meme, is that like, isn't that just the basic definition of news? Something new happened that's current. They happened.
Starting point is 00:20:08 We gave you the current things that happened yesterday. So I said at a fun time this weekend imagining a guy who applies the current thing heuristics for the news, but the ESPN. And it's just like mad that the NPCs are talking about, you know, the reds out streak right now. But it's also, also not just the, the Russia coup was a sia up. Also, the catastrophic implosion of the submersible. And I also like the idea that like, this is another really good, like new news, news op this weekend. The people who thought that those five people who were imploded at the bottom of the ocean did it to fake their own deaths or something.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Or it's all fake. It's all fake. It's all just the distraction. It's all just the distraction. They're like, oh, time to read a new script and get and distract people from, yeah. Yeah, the hunter is not being as taxes, I guess. Right, it's literally, it's always like distracting people.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Again, like stakes totally out of whack. It's, I guess, it's like distracting people from the hunter-bidened stuff or like the fact that San Francisco, New York, or bad. Like those are, that's the thing that the matrix is concealing. Even though the only reason these people know about this shit is because the matrix is fed it to them through the same algorithm, sluice pump that everybody else is feedingaling. Even though the only reason these people know about this shit is because the matrix is fed it to them through the same algorithm, Lewis pumped that everybody else is feeding from.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Did you see that, um, uh, meek Mill got in on the summer in his fake thing? No. It was, it was good. He was like, I don't know guys. Rich people don't move like that. Something's up. I mean, that risk I was just getting on a submarine. That was the attitude it was like, would these billionaires really do something like that? They're too busy working on other things. And it's just like, yeah, these guys, that shows these guys are not Wikipedia warriors. If you are, as I am, a fan of the category, missing people from the years 2000 and onward half of that category is like ultra wealthy people half of that category is like you know someone
Starting point is 00:22:13 who made $200 million inventing you know a precursor to sky flying a weather balloon up so high that his head exploded and you never being found again. You say that Felix, but like could this not also be evidence that the old surveys are receiving advanced warnings of some global catastrophe or extinction level event and are just faking their deaths to sort of calmly and without too much fanfare migrate to the survival bunkers in New Zealand. That's definitely possible. But then I would counter that there's clearly like no warning system for ultra rich people
Starting point is 00:22:55 in other countries for when their hot dog guy is going to rebel against him. Also, like, was it Jack Ma, AOL, AOL, A-Wall for like a year, nobody knew where he was? Yeah. Like, this guy would not have this, who the fuck is this guy? I mean, the Pakistani guy is apparently like, he owned all of the food in Pakistan, but like, globally he's not that famous. Like, he could have tipped, pieced out kind of gradually, but I guess, like, they're all
Starting point is 00:23:22 gonna kill themselves to signal their escape. But here's the thing. It's the fundamental problem with this worldview. Is that it's all premised on the idea that if people knew something would be different. They're like, oh, if the rich people just started to go to New Zealand and get in their bunkers right in front of us, we would stop them. No, you wouldn't. They would do it. They don't need to do this. They can just say hey We're going to the bunkers. What are you gonna do to stop them? Oh, what if people knew about hundred Biden? They fucking know They don't care like nobody has any ability to affect anything so you can do whatever you want right in front of their fucking face And some of them will entertain themselves with notions that there is some way out of this by fantasizing that if they just post a little more about it It's gonna create some sort of trigger chain reaction of consciousness raising in the in the population
Starting point is 00:24:10 That's gonna just tip the balances of power But in fact everybody is in this together We're all on the deck of the ship playing the fucking near my god to thee and we're all enjoying the way Down one way or the other however we feel feel, however, it was best for us. And for this guy, the guy who did the ship, it was the fantasy that he had cracked the basic physics of putting a submarine deep in this under the under the water. Like he made this thing that was designed to kill everyone. It was a murder.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Being about the carbon steel, he made it out of carbon fiber, which carbon fiber, titanium, gets worse with exposed extended pressure and which he bought discount from Boeing because it had passed its sell by date for use as an airplane, which generally goes in areas with much lower pressure than as opposed to going through the deepest pressure we can find. 5,000 feet!
Starting point is 00:25:06 Dear Lord, that's over 150 atmospheres of pressure. How many atmospheres can the ship withstand? Well, it's a spaceship. So I'd say anywhere between zero and one. It is, it's like he read that carbon carbon fiber is stronger than steel and he was just like, whoa, I'm not using steel. I'm using something even stronger than steel and he was just like, whoa, I'm not using steel, I'm using something even stronger than steel. He said his chatter is under pressure, which is like, you're sending something three thousand
Starting point is 00:25:31 meters below the fuck. Everyone has bought their own bullshit at every level of the matrix. That's, that's, that's, that's the extended point. It's total complete belief. Our elites used to until very recently, amongst themselves, they all knew they wouldn't even necessarily even have to say it to one another. Then all this stuff is bullshit. Like all these ideas of civilization that we're supposed to represent, we represent our own
Starting point is 00:25:58 self-interest and that we use these institutions to protect that at the very top where we live. Now we have people who have been fully idealized to the very tippy top. People have fully endorsed in their minds the truth of every bullshit, noctrum of capitalist development that exists as a collective a lie agreed upon to push the rock of civilization up the hill. And there's supposed to be somebody at some point in this machine who knows how much of this is bullshit and is operating by some independent understanding of their self-interest. But we have suicidal believers, jihadists at every level of power. The United 93 species is what we're at now.
Starting point is 00:26:44 I don't know, I think the Titanic's a merciful story is still interesting to me. And it's interesting because of this spate of sort of meta analysis of the reaction to this event, where people are holding it up as some sort of like as the or example of how the internet has sort of like stolen our souls and made us all into demons.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Or people are questioning, why did so many people make fun of, five people dying in such a horrible way? And then like, there was all these kind of specious analysis of this that I think people like, people, like there are people defending making fun of it by talking about like, oh, like, if you can't understand why people who struggle to may pay rent or like, you know, like there are people defending making fun of it by talking about like, oh, like if you can't understand why people who struggle to may pay rent or like, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:28 uh, having a, having a chuckle at like these rich dickheads dying in such a fashion, then you don't understand it. Like, and then people are saying, oh, that's bad. It's just this back and forth. And I think what people are missing here is the very, like this story is funny. And they, like, in a very basic way that I think everyone understands about all comedy, hubris, this is about hubris. First is what, tragedy, the first, the Titanic itself, then as far as, it's a very simple comic formula that I think people are overlooking.
Starting point is 00:27:59 And I gotta say, we said that maybe, like, there's a certain admiration for these people who were explosively imploded at the bottom of the ocean. But I got to say the CEO of this company is really fucking evil because it's about money. And they were trying to attract high profile people to promote their company. And you could say, oh, they signed away their lives or whatever, and they were trying to do something extraordinary. But they were taking money from these people, like the Pakistani guy and his son, who
Starting point is 00:28:32 was 19 years old. They were taking money based on safety claims that were entirely unfounded, and of which many, many people were ringing the alarm bell about. So I mean, like that is the tragic and evil part of this story, but the funny aspect of it is just like, it's a simple story of hubris and irony, that's it. And, indeed, almost too perfect.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Like many news stories these days, he seemed to be like, what are we even left to say? And so then that's why, because there's nothing left to say, you have to have a meta conversation about how should we react to it? Because there is no comment to be made, there's just jokes. And so it becomes, okay, should you make jokes? Because we can't even conceive of ourselves as like the subjects of history. We are only acted upon. And so the only thing that like really ignites us like as a moral question that's meaningful when we're debating and the public agora is What should I how should I responsibly react to someone else doing something?
Starting point is 00:29:31 That's it. Can I just say that like I Was pretty much sick of the submarine story since it started like I There's nothing I hate more than like a movie or even a real world of that that That's like, oh no a guy is trapped in nature Who gives it shit Socks, Revenant socks all that shit socks back go to go to a fucking hotel No, I'm not in this bad like I don't care, but I No, it's bad. No, it's bad.
Starting point is 00:30:02 I don't care. But my least favorite thing about this has been like the people that are like, what happened to empathy? Yeah. Like shut the fuck up. Like people do this with every like 10th news story. Like they're everything they post is just like, you know, there should be an AIDS tournament. Here's my top 10 countdown of people being killed by police.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Here's the funniest blood spatter patterns. And then like every 10th news story, it's like we're living in hell and we're the demons. We're out of empathy. It's like a new form of trolls remorse. It's just completely insufferable. But this was like, I guess for a lot of people, this was like their one intent thing, where they were going to bring up that like the internet's a horrible place where people say terrible things. I mean, you're asking, uh, where is our empathy as a society? Uh, Felix, that makes me think of you. Remember, you guys remember the, like, uh, like a week or two ago when, uh, the
Starting point is 00:31:13 news story of, uh, how Elizabeth Gilbert self canceled her new book because it takes place in Russia because there was like reader backlash about, like, you don't release a book, it's like, you know, an anti-Soviet portrayal of Russia in the 20th century. And she self-canceled it because readers were like, it's bad to publish it, but you shouldn't be telling Russian stories now.
Starting point is 00:31:37 And Felix, so perhaps I'll mind your comments about how you've never seen an Iraqi demand that no story featured in America and ever again, but like the Iraq war killed about a million people. Like where the fuck is our end? But like everyone just forgotten about that now. No one gives a shit. Yeah, I mean, it's like at this point, like no one,
Starting point is 00:31:54 like no one has ever wanted to think about this. But like this shit where it's like Russia shouldn't be allowed, like no Russian athletes should be allowed to compete in any like Olympics or Olympic qualifiers or any type of like international sporting competition and like Did no Russia should be able to enter Europe whenever I see like Americans proudly trumpet that It's like you shouldn't that rubric be applied to us like what like If you're going to apply that to Russia, has an America met that, like
Starting point is 00:32:26 a thousand, that criteria a thousand fucking times over. The justification always is like, oh, there aren't enough, like, there isn't enough will in Russia against the war, not enough people are protesting. And couldn't that just completely work with America? I mean, some have been lot in, like, like, I guess ethical justification for killing all And couldn't that just completely work with America? I mean, some have been lot in, like I guess ethical justification for killing all those civilians in the World Trade Center, is that America's a democracy
Starting point is 00:32:54 and that it's people are responsible for the conduct of its government. Like I don't think that doesn't make them a mass murderer, but food for thought, at least when it comes to the empathy arms race, and who is responsible for what stories get told? Well, yeah, yeah, I mean, empathy just, it's another word morphed by online,
Starting point is 00:33:15 and empathy just means like, now just like pointing out that other people are cruel. Yeah, that is the case. I mean, I do kind of wonder though, does she just write a real shitty book that she kind of didn't want to publish? Or maybe she couldn't finish it? She had readers out and it's really bad. Because I could see someone like, oh, oh, you know what?
Starting point is 00:33:35 Thanks to the, because of my sensitivity to Ukrainians, I'm not going to publish this book. And then it's just like, now we don't have, it's the same reason people can play in the about how wokeness ended their careers. Everyone's looking for an alibi in the culture war for why their lives are not exactly what they want them to be or they can't do what they want to do. I can't finish this book.
Starting point is 00:33:50 I would have, but for the fucking Russians, whatever the fuck. Or you know what, maybe she actually this does think it's a good book and she really did that. I wouldn't have thought that before, but the fucking guy got in the submarine. That's what I can't get my head over. It's like, it's one thing when you're the
Starting point is 00:34:04 evil mind executive signing off on weakened safety regulations that might very well lead to catastrophic loss of life. You're not doing that and then going out on Monday with a fucking pick and a fucking headlamp and getting down in the mine anymore. You are not safe from that. The consequences of that. He did it. He got in there. He believed in his carbon fiber death pit, uh, pit, pill, whatever the fuck. Yeah, like a, like a positivity, honestly. Well, I guess I got to, um, the next thing I want to talk about because, uh, I mean, we talked about it last week, but, um, there's been some more developments in the, uh, RFK junior presidential campaign. There's a big profile of him in the Atlantic.
Starting point is 00:34:47 But first, I got to ask you guys, did you see the footage of him working out? Man's nipples are disturbing. Get the shirt on. Didn't like nipples at all. He was like shirtless, doing some bench presses, but wearing jeans too. No, what? That's a classic move. Pretty much identical to Joe Rogans. Is there like a certain type of guy who has the same nipple? Cause they are kind of in the same ballpark of guy. Stereoid, is that type of guy
Starting point is 00:35:10 all have the same unnerving turkey-based or nipples? Well, like a growth hormone could affect something like that. I just got, before we get started an RFK talk, I gotta say, I did not know this before this weekend. Okay, no one told me he got hept from fucking doing the worst heroin ever. I did not know that the solicitor either. Like I thought he is voice sounded like that
Starting point is 00:35:38 because he like, it was one of those things, like, you know, they made him too warm as a baby when he was born and so we couldn't make fun of it. You know what I mean? It's like, oh, like, oh, like, don't make fun of him. Someone like, like, his mom drank some type of cider that fucked his voice up. It's this thing that happened in the 50s all the time. No, he got hepsi from like sharing needles. And I have to say, I did not think his medicine thing could get more annoying. Holy shit, has it though. Like this is the guy that walks
Starting point is 00:36:15 me, it wants to debate about like mercury. You, but you don't know anything about needles. I mean, it's kind of funny because when you think about it, like a lot of the people who love RFK in this election and are pulling for him hate, uh, the, the, the, the the black or Hunter Biden, but in important respects, they're basically the same guy. And in many respects, like they're the sion of a political dynasty who spit the bit and did drugs to deal with their inability to, to fit into what they were supposed to be, that destiny had bestowed to them. And then one of them, at least at the decency,
Starting point is 00:36:50 to just like make bad art and be a human trafficker. But Robert F. Kennedy had to in this late, like male menopause moment, persists on like trying to redeem his family's legacy now when it's far too late, when you've been a dicking around doing Hollywood bullshit your entire life. Here's the difference. Uh, Hunter is an uppers guy and R.F.K. was a, uh, that is true. I just, yeah, I don't, the world is really people have it totally backwards.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Hunter never like shoved himself in our faces, you know? It's true. Is they want to see? He never said, he heard in our faces, you know. It's true. They want to see, he never sent you here, but here's like, unless you're an escort, Ayo. It's everybody on OAN trying to make me see his dick every day of my life. He did, right.
Starting point is 00:37:35 All he wanted to do was to get paid in Chinese diamonds and like make, you know, hair-brainedined art projects and shit. And you know, against his will, he's become a national news story just because he has an incredible amount of expertise on Ukrainian national gas, whereas RFK, I feel like RFK has been annoying people for like decades. Yeah. Yeah. All I want to say about the, um, the RFK workout routine and like, look, I mean, he looks great for his age.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Like the proof is in his. Except for the nipples, except for the nipples, but I will say I will push back gently, but firmly on the, uh, the commentary I've seen in the vein of, this is the swoleless man to ever run for president. I'm sorry, how quickly we forget about one John Delaney. Delaney, that's the real guy. The lady could wanna would crush him.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Delaney is Mr. Universe. I met John Delaney, I shook the man's hand, I stood next to him. That dude is twice as yoked as RFK is. Absolutely. Yeah. Delaney is pretty bricked up. He's more solid looking than RFK. Definitely. He's not a newcomer to the weights that much is true. I have to say, I was, this is, this to me is funnier than the current thing thing. All the Republican guys who are posting like shirtless pictures of RFK and going, oh, this is the guy that has no chance against Joe Biden.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Like they just, they bypassed anything and gone straight to the psychosexual. Where like, we don't know, they're so argument in there. It's just like, look at him without a shirt on. Do you really think he would lose to Joe Biden? Yeah, you're forgetting though, about the constitutionally mandated presidential election arm wrestling contest that all both major candidates have to do.
Starting point is 00:39:41 The over the top factor of women's lives. Well, look, John Delaney may be twice as yoked as RFK, but RFK, you know, if polls are to believe, be believed is currently something of about 20% in the Democratic primary, which is impressive. And because of that, of course, CCIA official Mockingbird media outlet, the Atlantic, has to come through with a profile on RFK called the first MAGA Democrat. And I got to say, if you're RFK's people, why did you allow him to be profiled in the Atlantic? You must know what he's like.
Starting point is 00:40:19 I mean, you must know what it's like to talk to him. And I got to say, I think he's cool. Okay. Yeah, you love the sound of his voice. Everyone does. All right. I just want to dive into a little bit this this the the profoundly Atlantic of RFK. It's here begins. Robert F. Kennedy's speech is warbling crackling scratchy, sort of like Marge Simpson's. His voice, he told me, is fucked up. The official medical diagnosis is spasmatic dysphonia, a neurological disorder that causes involuntary spasms in the larynx. He didn't always, on this way, his speaking style changed when he was in his 40s. Kennedy has said he suspects an influenza vaccine might have been the catalyst. This idea is not supported by
Starting point is 00:41:02 science. I suspect the catalyst might have been something else injected into your body. I think that that could be perhaps a culprit. He was telling me about his life with one arm outstretched on the velvet sofa of his sweet at the Bowery Hotel in Lower Manhattan. It was the end of May and a breeze blew in through the open doors, leaning to a private terrace. Two of his aides sat nearby, typing and eavesdropping, a security guard, sitting the hallway. Kennedy was flashing, finishing a plate of room service, risotto,
Starting point is 00:41:31 and his navy tie was carefully tucked into his white button down shirt. He's taller, Tanner, and buffer than the average 69 year old. He is, after all, a Kennedy. His blue eyes oscillate between piercing and a drift, depending on the topic of conversation. He told me that he's surrounded by integrative medical people,
Starting point is 00:41:49 naturopaths, osteopaths, healers of all sorts. A lot of them can't- No, they're realist doctors. A lot of them can't be shaman. Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, well, get there. He says, a lot of them think they can cure me, he said, last year Kennedy traveled to Japan for surgery to try to fix his voice.
Starting point is 00:42:07 I've gotten these doctors that have given me a formula, he said, they're not even doctors actually, these guys. I asked him what he was talking, what he was taking. The stuff they gave me, I don't know what it is. It's supposed to reorient your electric energy. He believes it's working. He just, he can't not talk about this shit. I understand like it's all people ask him about,
Starting point is 00:42:28 but like, I don't know, maybe just like redirect the conversation to your healthcare policy or something. Well, I suppose this is this healthcare policy. It's reorienting everyone's electrical fields. Well, that's it. I mean, this is the era of like totally personalized candidates who reflect people's neuroses. And he is the rich but idle person in America
Starting point is 00:42:47 feeling an ambient sense of agitation and guilt and of course impending mortality trying to make sense of that and they turn it into this thing about how they got to fix what's wrong with them. And you know, that's a very common pathology, but now we have entire political candidates who can just just to embody particular brands of mostly boomer pathology because those are the people who vote the most. This is what people have always wanted. Presidential candidate who just is a chiropractor. Because when he was 19, Kennedy jumped off a dock into a shallow water, which he says left him nearly paralyzed.
Starting point is 00:43:25 For decades, he could hardly turn. Charles Trotheimer special. Yeah, for decades, he could hardly turn his head. Seven years ago, at a convention of chiropractors, a healer performed a healer performed a 30-minute manipulation of energy, making chanting noises while holding his hands six inches over Kennedy's body. The next morning his neck felt better. I don't know if they had anything to do with each other, but you know, it was weird, he said. Though he's been a premier member of the Premier American political dynasty his whole life and a noted environmentalist for decades,
Starting point is 00:43:59 most people are now discovering the breadth and depth of Kennedy's belief system. He has promoted a theory that Wi-Fi radiation causes cancer and, quote, leaky brain, saying it opens up your blood-brained barrier. He has suggested that antidepressants might have contributed to the rise in mass shootings. He told me that Ukraine is engaged in a proxy war and that Russia's invasion, although illegal, would not have taken place at the United States didn't want it to. Okay, so one seemingly reasonable belief. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:44:29 They're all going to blow. Broken clocks are inherently right. If they're just taking every contrarian position, some of those are going to be correct. Just as you're, Kennedy reached a new level of notoriety in 2021 after the publication of his conspiracy-altrees, the real Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the global war on democracy and Public Health. It sold more than 1 million copies, according to his publisher, despite censorship, boycotts, from books, stories, and libraries, and hit pieces against the author.
Starting point is 00:44:53 The book cemented his status as one of America's foremost anti-vaxxers, and also helped lay the foundation for his Democratic presidential primary campaign against Joe Biden. And what's so frustrating frustrating as all the stuff that he's saying about the medical establishment and it's a hostile relationship to the American and global population is true. Yes, of course. That is accurate.
Starting point is 00:45:17 And the relationship of regular people to the medical establishment is one of alienation, exploitation and emisseration, of course. But because this is just a guy, establishment is one of alienation, exploitation and emisoration, of course. But because this is just a guy, just one dude who's kind of well-known because of his family, we're not getting in his campaign an embodiment of that grassroots alienation from our institutions of health. We're getting one rich, cranks, neurotic freak out.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Yeah. And that means it cannot be connected to any actual plan to do anything about any of the actual causes of any of this actual bad stuff. We're only going to get things that can make him feel better, little emolience to patch on him, like everything else, a fucking facial scrubs and and and goose, duck, goose stick animals, whatever the fuck, whatever it takes for Robert F. Kennedy to feel good about himself. And that's not going to be what it's going to take to make Americans less sick, less sick and by the institutions they live under. And the technology that they're suffused with.
Starting point is 00:46:14 I mean, yeah, like it's just that this ambient, like, for instance, like the idea that Wi-Fi causes cancer or leaky, maybe it could, it could, but like, I mean, how much you how much shit do you find out 50 years later? Oh, yeah, I should not have been pumping DDT directly into children's nurseries. That was a bad idea. We should not have been giving children little cartons of lead paint with their free lunch at breakfast. That was a bad idea. And then, then it's too late. So, who the hell knows what we're doing to ourselves? Well, yeah, what I mean is that like you can take each one of these individual things And I guess like they they sound like Craig great, but like and maybe in some cases they are but I mean I think it's all just a way of
Starting point is 00:46:55 Displacing the fact that we like everything about the world we live in and we've created in our our the environment that we create for ourselves This cancer-causing or We live in a dying dead world of the environment that we created for ourselves is cancer causing or sick and so many ways. We live in a dying dead world of cost-initience. Like it's it ain't just cigarettes people it's not just cigarettes giving you cancer like it's it's in everything we consume going on here it says multiple area eras multiple eras of Kennedy's life have been marked by violence and despair. He was just 14 years old when his father was assassinated.
Starting point is 00:47:26 His second wife, Mary Richardson Kennedy, struggled with mental illness and died by suicide while the couple was estranged and in the process of divorcing. He told me he believes that almost every American has been exposed, mostly within their own families, to mental illness, depression, drug addiction,
Starting point is 00:47:40 and alcoholism. In 1983, Kennedy himself was arrested for heroin possession and entered rehab. In 1983, Kennedy himself was arrested for heroin possession and it entered rehab. He recently told the Washington Post that he stole regularly attends 12 step meetings. Kennedy maintains a mental list of everyone he's known who has died.
Starting point is 00:47:54 He told me that each morning he spends an hour having a quiet conversation with those people, usually while out hiking alone. He asks the deceased to help him be a good person, a good father, a good writer, a good attorney. He prays for his, he prays for his everyone. Doesn't everyone keep a mental list of people they know who have died? Is it that just like part of being a person? Not me. You die in later days. Yeah, you're on my mental role at X. I know a few people who I'm unfollowing your ass on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:48:28 But this year, he prays for his six children. He's been doing this for 40 years. The list now holds more than 200 names. You know, like, I mean, I guess this entheirs me to him and was certain, like, you know, especially being a, you know, I don't know, like his history with drug addiction or like, you know, his more contemplative moments. But I would just like to share, I mean, like just this, this in light of a recent health
Starting point is 00:48:51 policy roundtable that he hosted that featured this woman Sherry Tenpenny. Are you guys familiar with Sherry Tenpenny? Sherry Tenpenny? Yeah, she, this is another nepotism baby. Her dad was the villain from G.K. Shannon, Greas. I just want to give some highlights from uh Sherry Tenpenny here.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Sherry Tenpenny is an is a leading anti vaccine expert that claims that COVID vaccines are creating are, COVID vaccines are creating quote quantum entanglement between those who take them and the Google credit scores and the D matrix and all of those things. There's a D matrix now. What the fuck, but COVID vaccines are causing quantum entanglement among people who have taken them. Listen, listen, lady. Okay. I know that your great grandfather invented the dime, but that doesn't mean you're an expert on this. Here's some other Cheryl 10 penny highlights. She declares it is anticipated that by the end of 2022, every fully vaccinated person over the age of 30 may have the equivalent of full blown vaccine-induced immunosuppressed AIDS. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:50:05 Well, I mean, hey, good, man, that did happen. That happened to someone I know. Yeah, that happened to everyone, everyone. You know, like 70% of Americans have AIDS now. Well, you know what's so funny is that if this mirrors an exact neurotic political expression, mirroring it, that says that this isn't't occurring that we have this airborne immunosuppressive time bomb in the human population only it was caused by the Vax the virus itself. Not the vaccine. Omicra. So, but those are people on the other political side, but they are
Starting point is 00:50:40 expressing the same anxiety about COVID and building the same case about it from opposite sides of it because of their cultural demographic tranche. But it's expressing through the same lens, the same anxiety, which is a recognition of a real crisis. Shit, we had this fucking disease just go crazy and we never really did anything to stop it. Now it's just around.
Starting point is 00:51:03 That's weird. And then we had this vaccine that just came out on unprecedented speeds and to stop it. Now it's just around. That's weird. And then we had this vaccine that just came out on unprecedented speeds and everybody got it. This is all very weird. And things are getting worse. There are be real results of this stuff that's still linger. And so we can like really see around us this darkness and this is a way to give it a name.
Starting point is 00:51:23 I got to say though say though, airborne aids, I'm not that concerned about it because like HIV, not that big of a deal anymore. Look at that, Johnson, he's loving it. He's loving life. Some more, some more 10 penny highlights. It would be the magic Johnson of COVID. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:37 She says, COVID vaccines are designed to turn humanity into transhumanist cyborgs and electric avatars that are connected to the hive mind. I mean, once again, I hope that's true. I hope that's true. We need folks. We need a hive mind now more than ever.
Starting point is 00:51:54 I don't understand. We always kind of need to the hive mind. But now the singularity that all the tech people are trying to build, this is it, right? Like that's the horizon we have left. It's not Jetsons in flying cars. It's emerging with the machine. Get with the program, honey. These are like the John the Savage rebels in the Brave New World.
Starting point is 00:52:13 And that is why people, like, there is a certain, like, a bromance to this sort of self-delusion because it at least, like, speaks to a deeper reality that consensus reality, by definition, has to suppress. And my favorite 10 penny claim is that, we will see a tsunami of deaths in 2023, and that by the end of this year, everyone will have a minimum of probably five, probably 10 or more close friends and family members
Starting point is 00:52:42 that have died. I mean, it's June. So, all the people who died. Best to keep an eye on that. Because of people who died. I haven't had that yet. Nobody has clotted around me that I know. Johnny jumped in front of a subway train.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Julie took a vaccine in a jugular vein. That he was 11 when she pulled the plug on 26 reds and about a level one. So yeah, just like you look out for the impending deaths of all your close friends and family business. Honestly, this is the good news. This is good news. You don't have to worry about anything.
Starting point is 00:53:19 You literally never have to hear another word about Russia. Never have to care about climate change either. You can just relax. Enjoy yourself. Have fun. Don't see flash though. That's not going to help. I guess just to close out today, Chris, can we just hear the, I was wanting to hear the sound clip of Trump coming. Can we bring that up again? He's coming again, folks. Did you send that to me? Let me see. Let me see. Oh, it's in the out, bring it up right now, folks. Uh, did you send that to me? Let me see. Let me see. Oh, it's in the out, bring it up right now, Senator.
Starting point is 00:53:45 I think I did just, uh, bookmark that because I, I knew that I would need it eventually. Here we go. Here we go. Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, Yeah, one more time more more Again again again again again What could possibly bet the context there Well the context't, look at the news cry on it says, Trump, I will stop World War III. I will let Putin hit the back wall, so he doesn't nuke America. You will withdraw from Ukraine because of my head game. In general, I like don't get people who are like,
Starting point is 00:54:47 Intar FK when you can just vote for Trump. But this is like, case in point, think of how annoying it would sound if RFK tried doing this. No, my lord. Holy shit, it would break glass. Animals would go feral. So many of you share all kinds on this particular account. They'll clip me off my feed.
Starting point is 00:55:12 I'm going to come to get a tight 10 from Larry David on RFK, Jr. New season of curbs should be lit. I mean, like we've talked about it before, but that is actually the reason to vote for RFK. Oh, yeah. So then, so then a new season of cryptocurrency enthusiasm will take place in Washington, DC. All right. I think that, uh, that just does about wrap it up for today's show, but I've got some, I got some plugs to do at the end of the show.
Starting point is 00:55:38 So, uh, to our Canadian fans, if you live in Montreal, you, you lose, you sold out. They also sold out immediately, immediately. But if you are in Toronto, particularly the six, you can still see us in Toronto. It's ticket still available. Wait, is it in the six? Oh, yeah, that's six guys. The whole thing is the six.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Or in the other neighborhood. Matt, Matt, I would not consent to doing a show in Toronto's most notoriously dangerous neighborhood. I want to be safe when I travel abroad. Okay. So I'm not going anywhere near the six. I want to take a pilgrimage to the ancestral Ford lands in a toba choke, whatever the fuck a coba doke, whatever we pronounce that. No, but if you're if you're in Ontario tickets are still available for Thursday, August 17th at the Danforth musical, which may or may not be in the scariest neighborhood in North America, the sex. So yeah, Canada, there's still opportunity to see us in Ontario in Toronto. Please come out and check it out. I would also like to shout out a some upcoming and upcoming tour, put on by our friends at Little Secret,
Starting point is 00:56:46 featuring the friends of the show, Chris Smalls and Stephen Dunsinger. They will be in, you can go to little, hot labor summer tour, links will be available, dates featuring Chris Smalls and Stephen Dunsinger, Denver, July 12th, New York, July 19th, Atlanta, July 22nd, Los Angeles, July 29th, Chicago, August 17th, and Detroit, August 18th. And if you go to the New York show,
Starting point is 00:57:13 also featured, we'll be some other friends of the show, Young Chomsky, Neil Liberal Hell, and we take Manhattan, are all playing the New York City date of the Chris Smalls Steven Donzinger Summer Hot Labor Summer tour. So some summer tour options out there for you. But yeah, that does it for us today. Toronto please, please sell out our show. Gentlemen, till next time. Bye bye.
Starting point is 00:57:44 Bye bye. our show gentlemen till next time bye bye Chiro can't show you let the gimmicks go right So that I have a tightest enough of a manhand Slime be it now, we're living in the head Body-old, you don't train on the night that you was wet They were two more friends of mine Two more friends that died

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