Chapo Trap House - 745 Teaser - Doctors: Mississippi or Kazakhstan?

Episode Date: June 30, 2023

We discuss medical licensing as it relates to the proliferation of quack medicine, and the relatively low number of practicing doctors in the U.S. Subscribe today for access to the full episode and a...ll premium episodes!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yeah, I think people might kind of trust the individual doctor if they are fortunate enough to be in a place where they can develop a relationship with an individual doctor, but you know, in the abstract, the field of doctors, yeah, I think there's a lot of distrust and even hatred there. Yeah, and part of that is because the American Medical Association has worked for a hundred years to restrict the flow of doctors into the workplace in order to drive up their rates, right? They've been the most successful professional organization
Starting point is 00:00:36 in the world at elevating their professional class to like God-like levels, right? So where the average starting doctor salary, something like 350,000, which they justify because they say, well, you know, we have a million dollars in medical school bills or whatever it is. And it's all just like a ridiculous system. You should be churning out, you know, two, three times as many doctors as you're doing because there's no shortage of applicants to medical schools. And they should have starting salaries that don't signal to them that they
Starting point is 00:01:11 are many got demigods, you know, roaming the earth and, and, uh, touring people at their whim, you know, like they should have a much more, that there should be much less space culturally and socio economically between them and the public that they treat. Yeah, and unfortunately, I mean, for rhetorical purposes, a lot of people who agree with us about either single-player health insurance or more preferably just nationalizing everything, or more preferably just nationalizing everything, we'll bring up like, oh, this system is suboptimal for doctors too. And that is true because the throttled amounts of them
Starting point is 00:01:52 and the way that cares administrative does cause like a select few of doctors to take on like just an insurmountable workload of patients to maximize profits, but like a lot of them do want them, want it this way. A lot of them do like the current system because of the social cash and the profit hearing and affords, unfortunately.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Absolutely. The valid argument that the AMA types have for high doctor salaries is how much it costs to become a doctor in this country. The amount of death, the accrued six figures easy. And they say, we have this on our, as fucking interns, we have this on our backs. Well, the answer is simple, you make it cheap. Yeah. Boom.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Done. We got Cuba has managed to do it. You can educate people on anything relatively cheaply. But that would increase the number of doctors that would decrease their pay-in more importantly, it would decrease their social prestige. And that is at the end of the day what they really can't be. Well, this is if he has half as many doctors per capita as Kazakhstan, you know what, like, Jesus Christ. And we've got all the money for the country with all the money and resources. And we can't put a doctor in communities the way that they can. I was going to say about social prestige is like doctors often act like their gods because if you or a loved one is
Starting point is 00:03:26 Seriously ill they might as well be and I can imagine that feels pretty good

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