Chapo Trap House - 746 - Gordian, Not! (7/4/23)

Episode Date: July 5, 2023

Happy holiday weekend, sorry we’re a bit late. To give them credit, the dry boys actually rallied to record as usual on Monday, this time it’s Chris who’s been off grilling and chilling in the w...oods. Anyway, we’ve got takes on the recent Supreme Court rulings, Twitter’s continued degradation, and drama among the loser nerds behind the DeSantis campaign. Tickets for our live shows in BOTH Montreal and Toronto available here at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music Hello everybody, it's Monday July 3rd. We've got Chapa coming at you. I hope everyone is having a wonderful Independence Day weekend. I am broadcasting to you now from an undisclosed location in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. And I'm happy to report. I have fully adopted the beautiful voter lifestyle and it's going great for me. Touch Jetski. That's what I have to say. And when he's worried about, oh, there's riots in France. There's massacres going on in the West Bank right now. The air is not breathable in many major American cities. But you know what? Just Just get on a lake. Get on a lake. Just get in a boat. It's fucking wonderful. Good lake filled. Yeah. Late and by the way, I know we've been talking about bogus health
Starting point is 00:01:16 cures, but I gotta say I've discovered a new one, lake water. I know we support drinking soda on this show. If you drink bottled water, that's literally the worst thing you can do to your body. But I've got news you, Lakewater has all of the nourishing minerals that your body needs and microorganisms that detoxify the cancers in your body and bloodstream. I mean, yeah, it's got those, you know, bacteria that eat brain, but like they also eat toxins, you know, take the good with the bad. No, Matt, I've been living the the supper club lifestyle. They eat brain food. Take the good with the bad. No, Matt, I've been living the,
Starting point is 00:01:46 the supper club lifestyle up here. Went to a fish for I on Friday. Oh, love a supper club. Doing some gambling, a little like scrap, sort of like it's like a slot machine, except it's just individual business cards and you just like lift up little things and see if you won. I bought a round of drinks for everyone
Starting point is 00:02:04 at the bar yesterday because I lost a dice game. You know, it's, it's, this God's people up here. Like I said, I hope everyone else is vacations are going splendidly. But let's, let's get into it for today. We got some, we got some Supreme Court rulings. We've got Twitter continues to circle the drain and we've got some more fun from the Santos world Where to begin today? Let's start with the supreme court got a number of decisions over the weekend Basically, acting affirmative action student loan debt relief And what was the last one? Oh, yeah, and it's legal to discriminate against gay people if you have a business.
Starting point is 00:02:46 So Supreme Court continues to deliver just quoting from Biden here, this is not a normal court. It seems pretty normal to me. It seems like they're doing exactly what they're intended to do. But yeah, where do you want to begin with this? I feel like, so I like your comment that like every gorsuch ruling on most issues is like, it's legal to cut off the hands of an employee for doing time theft, but anything to do with a reservation, he's
Starting point is 00:03:16 like, I'm issuing this ruling from occupied OG Blay lands. Yeah, I'm Neil Gorsuch, he, him occupied Piscatoi land. I always felt like affirmative action as it was done in America was just like, just like a halfway solution that I mean, the kick the can down the road, you know, not that not that whatever replaces it will be like any better or like help people anymore. But it's, I mean, it's the end of like, it's the end of like sort of like a vestige of caring about something, right? Yeah. I mean, it started off as a halfway gesture.
Starting point is 00:03:53 And by now it's just so that universities can tout their diversity to students. Like that's it. It's a, it's a promotional material. Yeah, well we finally stop getting those articles where it's like I have a 3.9 GPA but I had to go to Penn State instead of Harvard. Do we have to go to Cornell and Brown? Yeah, no, I'm not. Not only do I think we will not see the end of that genre of op-ed, I expect to see even more of them
Starting point is 00:04:26 because when the same half-wit kids still don't get into the Ivy leagues, they're just gonna, I don't know like It's like it's like what happened here like in stivocin in New York City, which is like the elite public school It's like everyone was fine that there was like zero black students in that school until Asians just were like the majority of the Each matriculating class so white parents are just gonna get mad at Asian kids for taking their spots at schools. And also, like I would imagine that like anyone who's not white at an elite university, it's not like people will think they got in there because of merit now. I think they'll just be even more put upon as some sort of undeserving minority. Well, Roberts gave him an out in the ruling where he says,
Starting point is 00:05:06 you can still consider race as an impact an individual student. And since they don't really have to say how they make their decisions anyway, that gives them all the way to do what they were going to do. Anyway, all this ruling really does is ring the dinner bell for lawyers so that all of these aggrieved white kids can now sue and it'll just be a constant lawsuit Festival that's gonna be their outcome of this well Lisa at least so finally spending the endowment I mean that would be awesome if they just like got this Lead out completely. I mean that would be the ideal outcome for all Ivy League colleges to be just no more no more college would be
Starting point is 00:05:44 Yeah, that amazing. That is the dream. Yeah. I mean, I guess like the thing that people are pointing out is like to do this and then preserve legacy admissions is seems really hypocritical. But yeah, like our, you know, our line, the official party line of Chappell Rap House says,
Starting point is 00:06:01 no more college, nobody gets into college. Zero admissions to any college in the country. It's going away, folks. party line of chopper trap houses, no more college, nobody gets into college, zero emissions to any college in the country. It's going away, folks. Until these kids learn how to party and stand up to the crusty, the crusty deans. I guess the other rulings were a student debt relief. That's been asked. And I guess the only thing of note to that is that like Biden and his administration never wanted this to begin with and that's why they sucked into the Supreme Court. This is only going one way.
Starting point is 00:06:28 They're not broken up about that. Well, I mean, I don't know about that because doesn't that seem like sort of too many steps if you don't want to do something if you're a Democrat? But usually if a Democrat doesn't want to do something, they just don't do it and they're like, oh, the Senate is fucked up, parliamentarian. Doesn't that seem like just way too complicated, way too many moving parts? I mean, they can, it's surely be, you know, you can just surely stick like, shoddiness or like, lack of will after it struck down to them.
Starting point is 00:07:02 But like, I'm not really sure if that's true. Possibly. I mean, I don't know. I mean, I think I read something that was like, I mean, they could have done this in a way that it wasn't tested in the courts. I don't know, I could be foolish. I'm on vacation, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:07:16 I guess like the worst. I have no idea. Again, no thank you. They're not going to, they're not listening to me one way or the other. Yeah. I guess like the worst of these decisions by far though is the, when it allows businesses
Starting point is 00:07:33 to discriminate against gay people for religious reasons. I mean, for a lot of reasons, but like, I guess like of note is that there was like absolutely no real case to be tried here. This is just like people who created a fake website that didn't even get like a single gay person wanting them to design a web page for their wedding. And then use that as like standing for this curious lawsuit that allows businesses to discriminate against gay people.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Yeah, it's pretty wild. They just made this complete the Potemkin website. Yeah, the idea that they're standing there is pretty wild. And especially considering that like standing is how they've used, like they've used standing to like corral the number of people that can like get a case before the Supreme Court, you know, like it's a good way to sort of nip in the bud anything before it even gets to the court. So they've just, the fact that they've granted this standing to these fucking clowns is pretty funny. I mean, probably, probably like a premeditated thing, wouldn't you imagine? Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:08:29 I mean, like, yeah, like they have like, this is how they do now. They just like, they create these fake cases that they're, they just put them on rails to get in front of the Supreme Court to do exactly this. But I guess like, I want to say like, they're all bad decisions, you know, hardly surprising We can expect more of them in the future But please take to heart that there are some blistering dissents from Elena Kagan I'm reading from a Jamel Bowie in the New York Times But I don't want to discuss Robert's majority opinion as much as I do justice Elena Kagan's descent
Starting point is 00:09:01 Kagan wrote something unusual. She didn't just challenge the chief justice reasoning. She questioned the courts, whether the court's decisions was even constitutional. What? Wow. Well, the Supreme Court is unconstitutional. You heard it here first, folks. If she was serious about this stuff, she would show up to the next Supreme Court hearing like Reverend Toler and fucking first reformed. That wouldn't get you out. A revolutionary change in the court overnight. Instead, she'd rather just issue blistering dissents. Oh, I'm sure they're terrified.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Well, let's listen to this from a little further. It says here, from the first page to the last, today's opinion departs from the demands of judicial restraint, Kagan wrote, at the behest of a party that has suffered no injury, the majority decides a contested public policy issue properly belonging to the politically accountable branches and the people they represent. She continued, that is a major problem not just for governments but for democracy too. Congress is, of course, a democratic institution that responds even if imperfectly to the preferences of American voters. The is, of course, a democratic institution. It responds even if imperfectly to the preferences of American voters. The court, Kagan, concluded exercises authority, it does not
Starting point is 00:10:10 have. It violates the Constitution, to which I say, good, I'd like more people to violate the Constitution. In addition to colleges, can we please also get rid of the Constitution? Let's do it. Yeah, Supreme Court stuff, like I said, hardly surprising there, but we can expect more of this. The role of Roberts has become a big focus of a lot of the writing about this and the sort of balancing act that he's trying to accomplish. Because Supreme Court recently did not.
Starting point is 00:10:41 They ruled against the racial gerrymandering in one of these states, it seemed to uphold certain voting rights. They did not go ham on the independent electors platform, which would have basically changed the way all elections are run. We've talked about this before, it would basically allow state officials to just decide who wins their state. They chose not to go a whole hog on that, but then they deliver this way.
Starting point is 00:11:07 So like Roberts continues his sort of like, that as we call it preserving the legitimacy of the court through this sort of like, give you give with one hand take with the other sort of approach. Right, he's, I mean, it's a balancing act. He's depending on how things are going that month like news cycle wise. Yeah, I he'll like if people if it really seems like people hate the fucking court Like it the long-term status quo is in danger then he'll
Starting point is 00:11:37 He'll he'll give you like some sort of like pre-2000 status quo or like a regular decision something that like Preserve the administrative state or just the regular way of doing things right but if it seems like the heat is off a little bit he has to throw some bones to the right majority of the court right yeah well I feel like who he like it's not who's mad at the court is not equal I don't think he actually gives a shit if there's some ambient distaste for the court in the population at large, because what are they going to do about it? I think he is genuinely concerned about making democratic lawmakers get to a point where their continued existence, their continued ability to, you ability to draw off of the public teeth is somehow
Starting point is 00:12:29 threatened. He knows because they actually have the power theoretically to do something about the court's influence. So, he's happy to do the stuff that they don't really care about, which is anything substantive because it doesn't matter. It's more stuff to fundraise with domes is a huge gift to democrats in that respect it's helped let give them uh... at least on life that they would otherwise not have they
Starting point is 00:12:52 don't care about stuff like that but things like the voting rights act one and the independent state legislatures one that directly impacts democratic yeah makers who actually could do something independent of any public opinion, which is a Morphus and undirectible anyway.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Yeah, but at the same time, like this wasn't even in the conversation for Democratic lawmakers until dogs. And obviously you can make the argument correctly so that like there probably never was the will within the party to actually do something. But the fact that it was like something that was discussed more than it ever was before really forced them into a position where they have to throw some goodies away towards the democratic side. No, but I think you're right, Matt, in terms of like preserving the ability of black people to continue voting
Starting point is 00:13:47 in parts and states of this country where the Democratic Party very much relies on them. I think you're right, if the court can remain a bulwark for Democrats continuing to be a political party that can win office in this country, then one hand washes the other, whereas ending affirmative action is a huge boon to the right wing. They've been trying to do this for years, but whether black people go to college or not, doesn't really affect Democratic lawmakers one way or the other. They're bread still going to be buttered, so they can give that good way to the right,
Starting point is 00:14:20 but not allow purely racial gerrymandering in southern states. You're right. that, you know, like, not allow, like, purely racial gerrymandering in southern states, because you're right. Like, if the Supreme Court, if they're all that stands in between, like, whether Democrats are even allowed to run for office in, like, half of the country, then, like, then they will be let, they'll be more reticent to criticize the court or question its legitimacy or of its rulings. And like, they didn't even have to take up the independent state legislature deal. Like, they did that intentionally to knock it down and to get a little bit of juice and a little bit of ink for being reasonable and reminding the Democrats that they're still going to
Starting point is 00:14:57 protect their basic interests. And so that's not worth the danger of really going after their legitimacy, which they're clearly terrified of doing, because they don't think that they have the horses, even if they wanted to, to win any kind of real power struggle in this country. Well, moving on from the Supreme Court, I guess the other big event over this holiday weekend was the continued degradation of the usability of Twitter. And this is a topic that I feel sort of embarrassed talking about. All the people, the woe is me or Twitter is dying or whatever,
Starting point is 00:15:35 because I'm still posting there. My soul is trapped there for eternity, whether the website is functional or not. But did you guys have any, I mean, look, I've, we know we made careers out of Twitter. And I've met you guys, I met so many of the people I consider very close friends through Twitter. But do we have any thoughts about through Twitter circling the drain?
Starting point is 00:15:58 Or is this just, are we going to Blue Sky now? I mean, I've been posting over there, but I think it's the funny part about this story is like the idea of like Limiting how many tweets you see a day. It coincided exactly with the day a billion dollar bill to Google was due for cloud hosting. Right. I I've been Rediscent to call anything like a definitive sign of the end because I mean
Starting point is 00:16:24 What is the story of American internet services except like, it doesn't matter how bad things will get, where else are you gonna go? Most of the web pages will crash the average person's computer through shared data mining and pop-ups now, it doesn't matter, but no one is ever interfered with people's ability to just consume as much as possible,
Starting point is 00:16:45 unless it's something like the New York Times or Washington Post and those are different. Yeah. Okay, for the average person who like doesn't know why this happened, they just got on there and it didn't work. They assume that it's pretty much over. Even it seems to be kind of back to normal later,
Starting point is 00:17:05 but that doesn't matter. If this can happen, then it can happen again. Even it seems to be kind of back to normal later, but that doesn't matter. If this can happen, then it can happen again. I mean, with Google hosting, I've been told that like Google is fairly lenient if you don't renew because it's a, it's sort of a point of no return if you lose your hosting, right? And the fact that it happened instantly makes me think, you just like Elon just told them lose your hosting, right? And the fact that it happened instantly
Starting point is 00:17:25 makes me think he just like Elon just told them to fuck off, right? This is probably going to happen in several other iterations. Your ability to just stare slack-yawd in consume content until the end of the day will be, will be interfered with. And I think that's the end. I don't know. I don't think Blue Sky is necessarily like it. I don't think that's necessarily the next thing. But if under any Elon Musk ownership regime, I think it stays or numbered. I mean, under yes, he is what he's trying to do in terms of Re-shape it the business model and cut cost is clearly doing the Doing significant damage to the structure of the company itself
Starting point is 00:18:14 But the earth the need that Twitter fills is still unotherwise Absolutely insatiably anywhere else and so there's gonna be a bucket to take all of that I guess, emptiness, the loneliness that exists. And the thing that really made me certain of that was when it went down and when everyone was right limited and you couldn't post, people were still at a beautiful summer day. People were still fighting workarounds to like look at posts. Like, oh, if you put everything in a list, then you can see the post.
Starting point is 00:18:46 And if you copy it, paste, like that is how desperate people are to be able when something happens to post about it. And this was the thing that was happening and it was making it impossible to post on the place where you talk about things happening. But people still try to find a way, like fucking McGiver to do it. So someone's gonna come in, the Saudis are gonna bone saw his ass things happening, but people still try to find a way like fucking MacGyver to do it. So
Starting point is 00:19:05 someone's going to come in, the Saudis are going to bone-size ass and like, uh, strip it for parts or something, but I don't think there's any way that that structure that is built to relieve people of their, uh, their social isolation, uh, has been reproduced, uh, replicatable anywhere else but there. So someone's gonna have to take it over, take a huge profit cut, a punch to the face right off the bat, but it'll probably be musk at some point. But yeah, someone's gonna have to do it. Right, I think the most likely option is, like yes, this is all to someone else.
Starting point is 00:19:41 And I don't, you know, let's rewind a bit. You were forced into buying this thing. The thing that everyone always forgets, that he is successfully made people forget that he did not wanna do this. You are forced to buy this thing and now after like a series of fuck ups and like losing the main revenue generated source for this thing that you didn't want to buy
Starting point is 00:20:07 with tons of new debt. You as the owner of the service who are previously bragging about like record users and record user minutes per session, you're on there and being like, go outside, don't use this thing that I bought bought stupid You're gay if you want to use this Fuck you Like it's I mean obviously anyone who uses the cry laughing emoji It's been pointed out is they're having the worst time of their lives. Yeah, obviously He just cannot be having fun and and like he does not want to be doing this shit Nothing nothing. he's tried
Starting point is 00:20:46 to do, uh, his work and the his half-astage explanations for anything are making less it like it makes it. It makes no sense at all. Has anyone ever like on have you ever like, what have you used YouTube at any point? And there have been a pop-up on YouTube where it's like, all right, you can't use this for like a day because of data scraping. What the fuck is, are we in Johnny Newmonik? What are you talking about? They're doing scrape jobs.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Yeah. But he gave us his data, got scraped. Yeah. As it was explained by someone else, Twitter was essentially like DDozing itself on the app. I, yeah, I don't know. I don't know. This, uh, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Who does he sell it to? I guess is the Southeast. The Saudi's just bought golf went up by Twitter. Yeah. Yeah. Why not? Yeah, it would be, yeah, it would be pretty useful to them. Every time you post, you have to pay one of the, what is it called? The Jadsia tax or something?
Starting point is 00:21:54 Jadsia tax tax? Yeah, hands tax. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And as long as we're talking about everyone's favorite person, how fucking lame is the repeated stories about like Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk fighting each other? I like, it sucks that it won't actually happen because Dick Zuckerberg would clear him. Yeah, oh, he would wash him.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Dick Zuckerberg would fucking own him. Like, dude, I've seen Dick Zuckerberg train. He's like not horrible. And the only proof I have of Elon training, well there's that one hilarious. The Lex Friedman photo. No, no, no, before the Lex Friedman post, he has one post where he's like some like idiot, probably Dutchman is making a threat about like martial arts. And he's like, you know, jujitsu judo is Chad blah blah, you know, and Elon replies to it. He's like, this is all very good. I've
Starting point is 00:22:52 traded judo, Kyoko Shin karate full contact and no rules street flights. Oh my god. When he said, I trained in no rules street fighting. That is the most go friend in Canada asked thing I've ever heard it. I trained in no holds street fighting. That is the most girlfriend in Canada asked thing I've ever heard it. I trained in no holds barred street fighting. Yeah, he was playing streets of rage or something. What the fuck are you talking about? Him, it was just him and other like in Neemix, South African aristocrats,
Starting point is 00:23:18 like slapping each other in a parking lot 40 years ago. But he's, Lex Friedman posted still photos, not video of him. Yeah, not video. Yeah. And it was like, oh, guess what, guys, Elon's actually really good, which is like Lex's black belt in Brazil, he's jujitsu, but he's A, he's like tiny, he's like four feet tall. What's the, is there a rank above black belt? Cause he has that one in dick riding. Yeah. Why did you name BJJ? It's the red and black striped belt.
Starting point is 00:23:51 He definitely has that. He has a tentically done in a drink, dick riding. He's trained with all the Gracie family and riding dicks. Yeah, he is. I mean, I really do think that he's so mystified. Like, Lex Friedman is dumb as shit. My friend Charlie this week told me that at one point, Lex at the outbreak of the special military operation,
Starting point is 00:24:13 Lex unfollowed everyone except for Putin and Zolinsky, which is the dumbest fucking that is so fucking. Get them both funny show. Get them both funny show. We'll clear this up. Yeah, so Lex Friedman seems like someone who like, his house is arranged like chess pieces or something. And it's like, I'm always in a game,
Starting point is 00:24:33 he's that stupid. So he's absolutely like mystified by Elon Musk and probably like, even though Elon's like fat and weak and like bad at fighting, he's like, oh, he actually beat my ass. He's just so hypnotized by Elon's bullshit that he let it happen. But Mark is, you know, there's pure hatred
Starting point is 00:24:56 and pain behind Mark's office. Yeah, exactly Felix. Like, I mean, I know Elon Musk must not be having a good time, but like he seems like a genuinely dim-witted of, whereas like when I mean, I know Elon Musk must not be having a good time, but he seems like a genuinely dim-witted oaf, whereas when I see, the fact that Mark Zuckerberg is doing Brazilian jujitsu, you're exactly right. I see those photos him training, and I just see hatred.
Starting point is 00:25:15 I see rage at that girl at Harvard that didn't call it back or whatever. I think he's so sick of just being synonymous with like, weak chin dork, that he's turning into a killer. He's going Tyson mode. No one has ever liked it. That's the other thing.
Starting point is 00:25:33 He's not exactly like Elon is like less popular than he used to be, but he still has fans and he's had a lot of fans in the past. There's never been a period where people are like Mark Zuckerberg's awesome. People have always been like, kill him. He's the sky-hate looking at him, kill him now. He's always been detested.
Starting point is 00:25:54 And I really think he's sick of it. Look, I've seen a lot of celebrity training footage. Mark's not the worst, I've ever seen. He can kind of kick. He kind of knows who he's doing. It's not bad for I've ever seen. He can kind of kick. He kind of knows what he's doing. It's not bad for a guy who just started like in his 40s. It's more than enough for him to destroy Musk. The UFC said that they would put this fight on.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Dana White, they don't fucking, Dana White, this, he said, he said, first of all, this is not a gimmick fight. Yeah. We're not, yeah, this isn't like Japan. This is a real fight. This is not like Mickey Rork does a boxing match with like a, like a 70 year old homeless man in Russia. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:44 I mean, this isn't a joke, folks. gimmick fights in MMA. The USC has put a few of them on, but they were more commonplace in pride, which was the OC's biggest competitor in Japan. And pride, like the USC's gimmick fights, I think are stupid. They're very low, low imag it was it was stuff like you know see we're gonna have CM Punk fight like a 4-0 guy like oh my god Oh, can a pro wrestler's 40 fight no We're gonna we're gonna have James Tony the heavyweight boxer in light heavyweight boxer fight Randy Cotor a former USC heavyweight champion. Oh, I wonder how the guy who has never had a single MMA fight. I wonder how that's going to go.
Starting point is 00:27:27 Yeah, it's only ever used his hands. Yeah, he's going to get taken down instantly and yeah, our triangle. Well, which is what happened. But when in Japan, when they had gimmick fights, they were awesome because the gimmick was always like fat guy versus homeless guy. Actor versus alcoholic. Just like you get to frantic versus guy we fooled him to coming here.
Starting point is 00:27:55 It was the closest thing you could get to the real life version of the history channels, Deadly Us Warrior. Yes. Yeah, or Gladiator match. They were great. They had legitimate fights and they had those fights and they were awesome But Dana like hates that because he's like, you know, they made a mockery of the sport by having a former NFL player fight a Four-foot-one Japanese guy
Starting point is 00:28:18 And it's like no, that's what the sport should be He's like who would, who would win it? Who would win it when they get a step in the octagon? Mark Zuckerberg or a thousand ducks. Yeah, I, yeah, I, it sucks if this won't happen though. That's really what's sad. Well, I agree with you, Felix, that Zuckerberg would, would absolutely wash Elon Musk.
Starting point is 00:28:39 But here's the thing, I'm breaking down the tale of the tape. The only thing I think Zuckerberg might run into a problem with is how do you get a lock around or your arms or legs around musks, like the enormous trunk of his torso, like just how wide and sort of large his whole upper butt. And it only large in a jacked way. I mean, his abdomen is very,
Starting point is 00:29:01 just okay, you're disturbing to look at. You're joking, that is literally there was an undefeated, this isn't an MMA, but this is in Greco-Roman Olympic wrestling. There's a guy, fuck what was his name, the Correllen, Alexander Correllen. He was this undefeated Russian Greco-Roman wrestler. He looked like he looked like he was out of the comic book. He was a robbery field illustration. He was terrible. He looked like he looked like he was out of the comic book. He was a roblly field illustration.
Starting point is 00:29:26 He was terrible. He was like fucking undefeated. He was so fucking good. It's so strong. And he would pick up these guys who were like 300 pounds by the time they rehydrated and just throw them. Like just threw the air like they were ragdolls. His street came to an end when he went against Rulon Gardiner.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Oh, right. The American guy. Yeah. The American wrestler who later ended up on the biggest loser. World's biggest loser. Yeah. Yeah. A very strange life rule on Gardiner for a lot of reasons. He dropped out of world's biggest loser. I remember watch that season. He went home halfway through the show. Well, he lost like he lost like 50 pounds in a week because he's a wrestler and can cut weight and then was like fuck this but No, then we ended back he came to back. That's why he went Really weird really tragic life ruin Gardener, but ruin Gardener was able to beat Correllen because Correllen his famous move was to Correllen lift where he got behind you and like Did sort of like an S grip and through you he he could not get his arms around gardeners of American gut.
Starting point is 00:30:26 That is, so there is some precedent towards that. But Musk does have those really unnerving, gross little legs. And if Mark, Mark could just get a single leg and probably drag him to the ground. You remember, you remember like when you were kids there was that rumor that Marilyn Manson got his lower ribs removed so we could suck his dick? I think Mus got about six extra ribs
Starting point is 00:30:50 put in to stop him from sucking his own dick. Yeah, he looks like he swallowed a bird cage. Yeah. That picture of him on the boat is, oh, it's not good. How do you look like that? What happened? That's not how a human body looks.
Starting point is 00:31:10 It's like, it's not the normal way that I get fat. You know what I mean? It's odd. It doesn't add up. It's like if he was eating 3,000 calories a day, but only those weird zero sugar candies that are like plastic. It's like if you got all your calories from things that your body can't digest. Man, it's like that Lex Friedman guy, like seeing him again, he's like,
Starting point is 00:31:37 I can't wait to see his three hour podcast and video format on Twitter. But I got to say the more I hear about Lex this, Lex that, you know, he's the goofest to Lex G's talent. Yes. Lex G is the true Lex. He is the true thought leader. And I don't want to hear anything about Lex Friedman until you, until people properly put some respect on the name of Lex G.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Lex Friedman is, yeah, that is, it really is a huge black marker against, against the nation that we made that guy famous. It really is a huge black marker against the nation that we made that guy famous. He's like, what does his deal? He's like an MIT guy that like, stupid people think are smart. Yeah, well, he's an MIT guy and he'll do, like, he'll have a podcast where he'll have like,
Starting point is 00:32:19 I like Alan Dershwitz on and then the next episode, he'll have on like, his victims. Yeah, his victims. So it lays a ledge victims. And we like see I cover, I'm nonpartisan. I cover every side of every issue. Like this is a linsky Putin follow strategy. Yeah, he had Kanye on and Kanye was like, do you know Jews involved from from Stakes. There was a surfeit a million years ago and Jal Jews came from it. And like, it's just like, I don't think that's true.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Let's look that up right now. And that's like, that's what kind of show it is basically. No, I don't even think he's really an MIT guy. I think he's like, he calls himself that, but he really, he just like showed up in a classroom one day and like, they thought he'd really made him leave or something. Or he did like an extension class,
Starting point is 00:33:09 like how to eat an orange. He's a research scientist at MIT. I think he's probably the lowest here of research scientists. He's the guy, people send him to print stuff out for them. But the MIT name is enough such that like Joe Rogan listeners can hear it and be like, oh, this is Joe's like smartest friend. This is Joe's in-house scientist. I think I think smart guy that does like combat sports is a very, it's a very effective way
Starting point is 00:33:41 past a lot of people's defenses because you're like, oh, a smart guy who's also a joke. Like, that must be the coolest person in the world. It's, they've ruined combat sports. Like 10 years ago when you went into like an MMA gym or a Moitier BJJ gym, even if, like, even if you got good at it, and you could beat up like 99% of like normal people who had never trained
Starting point is 00:34:05 in any like fighting or anything or don't any sport. You did know that this was like a nerdy and anti social pursuit. But now like gyms are filled with people who are like, I'm doing this so I can get better at, you know, my MBA classes. I'm doing that. I'm doing this to be a better consultant. No, I mean, like, fighters should be like, uh, our favorite, our favorite MMA guy, who's the guy who blew a drug test and said it was the, said it was because the goat he ate was laced with cocaine. I think that was Piquinho, Alexander Noguera. Um, there might, it should, it should be guys like that. And like Mike Perry. Yeah. Yeah. No, that's, I, I'm It should be guys like that and like Mike Perry.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Yeah, I'm not Mike Perry. Yeah, no, I miss MMA should be filled with like people who they have the person I was that you imagine a sell sword would have had 600 years. Not like the self improvement crap. Yeah, moving on. I know I've said to you guys in the past, maybe I've said it on the show, but in surviving some of the doldrums of the news cycle, I have said that I think our show should send a gift basket to the DeSantis campaign for how fucking clutch they've
Starting point is 00:35:21 been coming through, providing us with material for, you know, to a year before the, you know, over a year before the next election. But have you guys been following the latest dust up in DeSantis world involving the, just like, I don't know, like the DeSantis men, you know, like these Virginia creeps that populate his campaign. The latest news is that like, basically one of the young DeSantis men has been outed
Starting point is 00:35:46 by Breitbart. It's like a Trump dissentist flame war over the release of private messages in which this guy was like, you know, just saying, you know, like Jews can, you know, just saying like pretty standard conservative anti-Semitic stuff about, you know, oh, we can't trust Jews and shit like that. But just the fucking begrieved way that this guy is crawling on the cross now about like, oh, they released my personal messages. And it's just like, I don't know if you've been following this, but I don't know what exactly
Starting point is 00:36:16 the two sides are disagreeing over here. Because like, who's more racist? Like, I mean, is it the Trump people are saying that like, this is out of bounds or something like that? But I mean, I can't say I feel any sympathy for this guy because he's like, I mean, is it the Trump people are saying that, like, this is out of bounds or something like that? But I mean, I can't say I feel any sympathy for this guy because he's like, did you read his long-ass post, this Pedro Gonzales guy? I read the part, I, the only part of it I remember, which was very funny, his way of like, explaining it and being like, I don't hold these views now, was he was like, I actually,
Starting point is 00:36:41 because I got into politics like three years ago, I speed ran my entire political development. So I went from normal conservative to like, you know, anti-semitism. And now I'm in my final form based to Santa's guy. Now I'm in my final form, guy who would like a job. That's exactly. I was posting for the epic fun of it and trolling and asking the JQ and being based, but then I saw this guy and I realized he might be my meal ticket. So all of a sudden I decided that maybe we shouldn't be an I-Semitic, at least in public. And that's what I said, that's what it is. It's like, you know, that can, some people think it's bad, some people think it's good.
Starting point is 00:37:25 I'm not going to tell you what to do in your group chats. That's your business. But worse than that, worse than any prejudice, Pedro Gonzales broke the primary rule of group chats. He was constantly sending his own tweets to have their cast them up. It's useless. Yeah, he was, he was, he was under the guise of like,
Starting point is 00:37:46 look, this is how you should talk about Jews, but really he just wanted to engage. That's really what was going on. Because he, I saw a few screenshots where he's like, look at this post, this is how you take on Jews. See, I named like two Jewish neocons and one guy who is Jewish and that gets people thinking. But it's like, really you just want like the guy with the most followers in
Starting point is 00:38:07 Paris to retweet you. Yeah, pathetic. Very skeezy. Yeah, Pedro halfway. He's like playing Pedro. But once again, I think this is like a real telling example of the difference between Trump and the Santa's world. Because like we talked before on this show about like,
Starting point is 00:38:25 the shooters Trump has, which are all like Bernard Carrick, like cops who have gone to jail for smoking crack, just like corrupt attorneys of every stripe, like people with no souls are conscience. And then compare that to this dickless asshole who says, I'm just gonna read here, it says, a response to the controversy about me. The golden rule for surviving controversy is don't apologize, but I'm based with a Gordian problem, I'm not connecting the future to the ox cart of the past. The
Starting point is 00:38:54 dilemma is this, you are never supposed to apologize. The people sticking their necks out to defend me, deserve an explanation. So it's like, okay, well, here comes the apology. What a fucking pussy. Yeah. The Gordian prop. That's not what a Gordian not is fucking dickhead. Wait, Felix, I know you didn't read to the end of this post, but I just want to read the last paragraph. It says here, um, I'm glad I'm glad I'm glad this happened. I also don't expect Trump's people to stop trying to time my future to who I was yesterday when I was ironically closer to them.
Starting point is 00:39:26 And like his future, the Gordian ox card of the past, this was like a year ago. These posts are from my guy. They're not speaking though. You're forgetting. He's not at all. He's not on the internet. So time dilates around him. He's the headshot.
Starting point is 00:39:40 The headshot. The internet stuff. He's the thing about politics on the internet for for an army hundreds of years Pedro the headshot was just speedrunning politics until like Till his post about Jews came out and then all the golden rings flew out of them I Saw the only other time I saw this guy before He was arguing with like a Trump grouper
Starting point is 00:40:08 time I saw this guy before. He was arguing with a Trump grouper. The Trump grouper was like, uh, shut the fuck up, like, you should be deported. And he was like, ah, that's where I'm going to catch you in your own logic. I Trump should have deported me, but he did not. It's just the war, the war and voter lists is seeming off of him. It doesn't matter that he's sort of sad. It's just so warren. That's what I want to keep reading from the end of his his long apology post. He goes, I expect them to continue using any means necessary to silence me like they try to do anyone with a sense of shame against those with something to lose and families to feed because it can cost them everything. It's the reason others don't
Starting point is 00:40:48 defect or say silent. It is excruciating, but the only way out is to let them hurt you and consign yourself to the flames of public judgment until nothing is left to burn. In dune Frank Herbert called this attitude of the knife, chopping off what's incomplete and saying now it's complete because it's ended here. I hope others see this down to 18 hours a day. This is like fucking doom. Jesus Christ. Wow, deep over here. The attitude of the knife. God, the desperation and dorking. Just like just like the the zero swag no pussy getting energy of all the DeSantis men is really something to behold and
Starting point is 00:41:30 I mean like this dovetails perfectly with like did you guys see the DeSantis anti Trump ad where they were like they're basically saying like Trump is like the as the most pro gay Republican president And they're right, you know like and it's like it's an ad where it's like all this like, uh, swaggy music playing over it as Trump is like saying Caitlyn Jenner could use that ever bathroom she wants. I think she's a wonderful lady. I love the LGBTQ community. QI everyone. There's some folks that are questioning that's okay. Where there's no part of the community.
Starting point is 00:41:58 And then they like put in all this like evil, super villain music as it cuts over, like badass, glowing eyes, the Santa is being like Florida, legalizes throwing gay people off of buildings. Yeah. But like, it just, it just reminds me of like when Hillary was running against Trump and she was just like, Trump is a different kind of Republican. He's not like all the rest of them.
Starting point is 00:42:16 It just, yeah, they make in that ad, they do, it's like a, it's a very online ad. As most of the Santa's campaign is, they are, they're trying a, it's a very online edit as most of the dissentist campaign is, they are, they're trying to do dark dissentists, they make, they make it so dissentist as Patrick Bateman in a broken psycho at one point. But it's like, if they're good at one thing over in the dissentist team, it's accidentally making the case for Trump, which seems to be all they ever do. This adds perfect because if you watch this ad without knowing all these signifiers, these
Starting point is 00:42:52 very online signifiers, your takeaway is like, Trump is fun, DeSantis isn't. Regardless of the culture of worst stuff, Trump comes, you walk away from that going, oh, those are some funny trump moments yeah i know here's the santa's the guy who's just never seems like he's ever enjoying himself and even the music that they cut it with like the supposedly bad trump art like he sounds funny and fun and then it comes to the santa's and it's just like you're like like video game boss fight music you're like exactly without the signifiers, you could watch that ad and be like, wow, the Santis is really a shit. That is really evil. Better vote for Trump. But like, you know, it goes to the thing, it's like, what is this Pedro guy apologizing for? Because I know he's like, now a Trump apostate, but isn't the Santis just trying to be more Trump than Trump? Isn't he trying to be more racist than anti-Gay and anti-Semitic than Trump is? Well, you can't.
Starting point is 00:43:44 I think you're trying to be more racist than anti gay and anti-Semitic than Trump is well you can't You're supposed to still you're still required to cover it up a little bit Depending on the power of the constituency that you are Defaming so you have more leeway with gender stuff Then you do with racial racial stuff and you have more leeway with racial stuff than you do with anti-semitism anti-semitism you have the least way to publicly come out with uh and so then since that was the bulk of the stuff that his former DM partners leaked that he had to do damage control because you no one is allowed to just uh bring up Jews yet. It's I mean it does highlight the impossible position that Yep. It's, I mean, it does highlight the impossible position that the Sanctus is in because, you know, as you ask that, like, what is the Sanctus trying to do?
Starting point is 00:44:31 And I thought for a moment, and you're right, it's like he's trying to both be more Trump than Trump is on the cultural stuff, right? He's trying to go say, I go farther than Trump ever would, but at the same time making the case that he's more normal than Trump. He's going in opposite directions. Both these things cannot be true. And it's just like he can either attack Trump that well without like spitting on himself,
Starting point is 00:45:00 without cutting off his own nose, nor can he really make the case for the existence of his candidacy without contradicting himself. But Matt, speaking of the point about how the anti-Semitic stuff, if the group chat was just nothing but racism and homophobia, this would have dinged him less. I guarantee you, you probably wouldn't have written a 3,000 word apology. But like listen to the way that the Santas, like the De Santas people are defending this Gonzales guy. It says you're plenty of others been interacting with Gonzales's response, including Trump attorney turned De Santas back or Jenna Ellis, who liked the message on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:45:38 The article sadly reads like a liberal hit piece, Gays Against Groomer founder and De Santas supporter Jamie Mitchell added in reply. Pulling the anti-Semite in a racist card is standard leftist practice. I'm Jewish and even I recognize the issues and problems elite Jews cause, which give all Jews a bad name. They're scared of you. Keep up the good work. It's like just debasing yourself this much for like a campaign that isn't going to make
Starting point is 00:46:04 it out of New Hampshire is wild I'm just like I I just love how fucking pretentious this apology is listen to this paragraph the true exit to the cave if there is one is finding meaning in those small spaces Untouched by the shadows of politics or light breaks through for me that was growing into fatherhood and learning to learn to live through my kids. And we're learning to live for my kids. It is a long work in progress, but I'm trying, which is also why I could no longer count in his Trump and decided to quit his party for good. I'm sober now for three-home months, one accomplishment that you have. What the fuck are you talking about? Like what? There
Starting point is 00:46:53 was just such a strong assumption that everyone reading this wants to know about his life. You know, but I agree with you feel like it's like this wasn't nearly as good. I mean, for like, as 10,000 word post go, wasn't nearly as good. I mean, for like, 10,000 word post go wasn't nearly as good as the Lawrence Southern divorce announcement, which is one of the most insane things I've ever read. That was, that was like trying to read Finnegan's wake, getting through the end of that shit. I read all of it. And the only thing I was able to draw from it was that she's basically like, all right, since no one's asking, here's what happened. My husband is a insane liar and a member of the Australian deep state.
Starting point is 00:47:29 And I haven't been posting for a year because his boss is at the Australian CIA said that I'm so annoying that it breaks international laws. Also, I have ADHD and I live in Traile Park now. Anyway, I'm going to be doing a podcast again. That was sick. That was... That's what posting podcast again. That was sick. That was, I mean, That's what posting is for. That was great.
Starting point is 00:47:48 I really, she really, that was the best thing she's ever done. I was, I really enjoyed that. Even though it was way too long. She didn't use the phrase, the Gordian knot tied to the ox cart of the past and then reference the Play-Dose of the Cave and Frank Herbert's Dune in his, I'm done with
Starting point is 00:48:08 this anti-Semitic shit. Still racist though. The Gordian nod thing is, I mean like offensive in its most literal sense, not in the sense of like, you know, you need to apologize, this offended me personally, it just offends the senses, You know, I don't like to hear it. I don't like to see this person speaking. If you should apologize for anything, it should be the apology. Yeah. I just like some of the other defenses in this guy. It says here, um, pro descent is conservatives have been sharing each other's messages of support for Gonzales since Breitbart revealed the extent of his anti-Semitism
Starting point is 00:48:46 Scott Morfield of town Retweeted Jodersky's message as well as a similar message from Prodacantus influencer David Reboi The slime job attack on Pedro from Breitbart as well as a host of people at the very top of Maga world behind the scenes It's totally reprehensible, Reboy wrote. Edding the Gonzalez walked away from the scene. He was in a few years ago and is an honorable man. God, just like the stink of loser,
Starting point is 00:49:12 them coming off these people where they're like, they sound like Rachel Maddow. They're like the slime, news to slime fake news outlet, Breitbart with their reprehensible personal attacks on an honorable man and father. Quite nerdish. Like this is the thing that Trump gifted people was not having to act this way. Not having to.
Starting point is 00:49:32 That's fucking debase themselves before the gods of propriety. And now you're going to recreate that because you have some fantasy, the dissantist and power is going to be anything other than just another fucking Republican. You've really convinced yourself that he's gonna squick at sworn in and then his eyes are literally gonna start glowing red. And he's not just gonna do Chamber of Commerce shit just like every other fucking Republican. Also, like, just in the most practical sense, how many votes do they think that Pedrogens Hollis would move in the primary. Are you really like, do you just really like your most valuable service is the LTP? Yeah, but they all have to come to his defense rather than immediately throw him under the
Starting point is 00:50:16 bus. They're like, Pedro's just so honorable. Yeah, like they're all replaceable. They're all fucking replaced. Yeah, like Dave Reboy, who you mentioned. Reboy. Reboy, who you mentioned. Reboy. He's this guy.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Dave and Reboy. David, David Reboy is like this. He's like this five one, like fire hydrant. It's like power lifter, dude. Who just really, he looks like someone was screwing around when they made their sim. He looks like someone was screwing around when they made their sim But he like he's the only to Santa's
Starting point is 00:50:57 Flag who I could maybe identify on site, but they're right like they're just all interchangeable and all of them are former Trump guys Like all of them. I just want to know like what the darkest ones. Yeah, yeah The hangers on the hangers on they don't have like will you write like all the origin the people who are Trump from the get go they have this like sleazy sheen to them yeah you know I'm a fucking detective who tried to light his wife on fire I'm a lawyer I'm a lawyer who's banned from practicing law literally anywhere in the world you know I'm, I ran the biggest Ozzy scheme ever, the Marriott Miss Islands. I'm a D agent that was importing heroin into a Marriott. Exactly, yes, exactly, exactly.
Starting point is 00:51:36 But all the de-santis people are like people. The original, like, there were like, like, 20-year-old Catholic converts who have like never gotten married, never been liked by anyone, and they're just like, they're the how dare you, sir, fucking contingent of frightening politics. And they were all politics. Most importantly, they were all people who were for crews until it became impossible for crews to win.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Yeah. And they have to go with Trump. That is the most important thing about them. These guys are fake friends in the beginning. Every, especially certainly on the right wing, every right wing political movement is gonna need, it's share of geeks, as you'd call them in a James L. Roy book, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:11 the kind of guy who builds a stuka di bomber so they can huff the glue, those kind of guys. Yeah, they're useful, they're shock troops, they're true believers, but you need something other than them, and that's literally all the Santa says. It's geeks all downeks all the way down. Oops, all Geeks campaign. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:30 But I guess like what I'm wondering is like for the sort of DeSantis adjacent grippers, like what was it about? It like that like compelled them to make this conversion from Trump. I mean, I think that's right. I think it's like that they never let us begin with. I think it's because of your job. Yeah in because it's an insurgent thing. There's you could potentially get a gig in this administration. There's Trump has already
Starting point is 00:52:53 been in power. He's already got those networks set up. Like if you're not in yet, you're not going to be in the next administration, but just Santhus is a possibility of advancement. But just the fact that they're like, you know, trying to be this like, you know, red meat, you know, fucking muscular, like presidential campaign that they're going at the top dog, Trump. And then they act all fucking as surprised when someone leaks fucking personal group chat details. They're like, this is a bridge too far, sir. This kind of sleazy journalism won't stand. And it's just like, dude, if you come bridge too far, sir. This kind of sleazy journalism won't stand. And it's just like, dude, if you come at the king, you best not miss. You best delete those fucking JQ posts from the fucking group chat or, you know, make sure you got real hitters in the DMs when
Starting point is 00:53:36 you're spitting that kind of shit. Yeah. You gotta have done collected plenty of your own stuff. You gotta have a clear destruction. Well, I bet it's the most loser is, the most loser shit in the world, which is like everything, anything is allowed except for when it's directed at me. Then it's a politics of personal destruction, how could people be so cruel? How could you, how could you do this to me?
Starting point is 00:54:02 I am a father. How could you be mean to a father? Pedro should change his avi to his child. So like a baby picture. Because like whenever journalists and media figures do that, they're like, it's equivalent to being like, you wouldn't hit a guy with glasses. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:54:18 They're special. You wouldn't insult a father, would you? You can't have like your most recent post is like, you know, we need 100% of trans people to commit suicide. And then your next post is like, wow, this is what we're doing. We're writing articles about fathers. What the fuck are you doing?
Starting point is 00:54:39 Again, in coherent, self-cultured victory. Oh, man. Oh, wow. Just just dickless zero pussy. Um, I guess there's always talk about fathers and sons. I suppose we should go out with the entertaining news story of yet another video of Hunter Biden's smoking crack, but this time he's in a car driving 170 miles an hour. And you know, I like David Roth made this point. But who the fuck is he sending all of these videos of him smoking crack to?
Starting point is 00:55:10 Matt, you said it. Why can't he just do snort coke and smoke crack? Just being in the mold. Yeah, just drugs. Why do you not call it like emphasized all the drugs you do? That is cringe. You're just supposed to do the drugs. He's like an Iranian filmmaker under house arrest.
Starting point is 00:55:26 He just makes a movie about him smoking crack all day. And he's like, I'm standing up to censorship. Do you think that this is another case of like, he's an annoying member of a group, Jim? Yeah, crack smokers. Yeah, crack smokers united. That it's just like, said he's sending he's sending posts of him smoking crack being like juice this yeah get this out there it is it is
Starting point is 00:55:52 engagement on this one it is baffling like I don't I don't know that anyone in the history of crack smoking has ever recorded themselves this much besides Besides like, I mean, it wasn't crack. It was heroin. Audebisi is the only other guy. And he was going heroin. But I mean, it's something realm of hard drugs. Well, yeah, it's like fear of loving in Las Vegas now. We are somewhere around Barista when the crack begins to take all 170 miles an hour. Scirt, just whipin'. Whipin'. Jesus Christ. Yeah, and you're fine motor skills, not as good as you may think they are when you're on cocaine.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Well, in his defense, those are separate videos. The smoking crack and then driving 173 miles on his way to Vegas are separate videos. But you kind of have to guess maybe unfairly so that he was perhaps had just used crack during a drive. Is that unfair? Is that incorrect assumption to make?
Starting point is 00:56:55 Yeah. See, I wasn't aware of that. I was only saying that fake news headlines that there were like Hunter Biden smokes crack driving a car at 170 miles an hour and I was like, damn. No, that's how the fake news lies. They take two activities that are fine to do on their own. You can buy them. But, um, it's just like, I mean, I don't know, I guess like he just, he's the oldest millennial
Starting point is 00:57:20 Hunter Biden because like, you're right, he can't just, he can't just like be a fail son drug addict. He's got to like document every second of his life and share it with his lawyer and friends like hey check out this red hot chili pepper song they're like Hunter you're doing court they're gonna put you in contempt yeah that's I give it away give it away give it away now I feel like more than the chili pepper so I feel like I know so much more about him when he sent the young or the 21 Savage song. That told me so much about him, you know, that there is like, there's this like attempt to still be the classic elder millennial thing to be young forever.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Yeah. He might, he wants to like just stop it like 33, you know, nothing past that. I get it. It's just Christ. I get it. It's the correct age to die 33. Yeah. And you know, his father was pretty influential too. All right. Let's wrap it up here for today. I got more jetskiing to do. But before I go, I was just like to remind our friends in Canada that our shows in Montreal and Toronto on August 17th and 19th just coming up next month Tickets still available at slash live. Hope to see you up north. All right. Until next time gentlemen. Bye-bye Hey, B.C. you, my dream, see what's good for you I'm sober now for three whole months, it's one accomplishment that you helped me with
Starting point is 00:58:57 The one thing that always tore us apart is the one thing I won't touch again In my sick way I wanna thank you for holding my head up late at night While I was busy waging wars on myself You were trying to stop the fight

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