Chapo Trap House - 747 Teaser - Eric Adams’ Lies

Episode Date: July 7, 2023

The boys discuss the increasingly complex and inexplicable lies of NYC Mayor Eric Adams. Subscribe today for access to the full episode and all premium episodes!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I would love to see like the Washington Post fact check in department like how many pants on fire how would they even begin to Investigate how many pants on fire they should assign to like his claim that the the crystalline entity that lives under Manhattan's bedrock gives the city quote good vibes Well, that's just true. I don't know what you're Yeah, you can fact check that. I thought you're talking about lies that he did. That's the true thing. He stated You have to fact check the things he says where it's like, I knew the real pigeon woman from Home Alone too. And she was 115 and she died last week and we're going to play Empire State of mind to memorialize that.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Okay. I feel like my mantle place. Oh, shit. Come on over. Yeah. And they don't even they don't even think like, oh, we can just get an empty that they is to pretend to be her ashes. They go through the trouble of digging up and cremating a homeless person. 24 hours. You don't know she wasn't the pigeon lady. He's like, uh, the mayor's office is calling like the city morgue and it's just like, hey, can I earmark one of these that are going to the anatomy board or the potter's field so we can burn it down and I can carry a little bit in my wallet. Eric got a lot of people don't know this.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Eric was actually arrested the sticky bandits. He was the one that saved Kevin McAllister. They're still doing time. And actually, they correspond to each other. He was the one that saved Kevin McAllister. They're still doing time. And actually, they correspond to each other. He visits them in prison. They're friends now. That my favorite is the coolest guy on earth. They said that. It's in a letter. It's in this other car. He'll get it. My favorite thing with his conspiracy is is like he involves so many fucking people. Like, you know how like we're all just going snitch to the New York Times. Yeah, you got to tell somebody. But it's like he involves more people in the wallet lie than like, then we're involved
Starting point is 00:01:59 in like the killing of Kennedy. Yeah. There were fewer there were fewer assets in Dallas on November 22nd, and there were huddled around that thing putting little dollops of coffee on it. That eye dropper.

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