Chapo Trap House - 748 - Slave Stealers, LLC (7/11/23)

Episode Date: July 11, 2023

Our review of the feel-good sleeper indie hit of the summer, Astroid Cit- no, it's the new Jim Caviezel-starring anti-trafficking movie “The Sound of Freedom” Tickets for our live shows in BOTH M...ontreal and Toronto available here at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm not gonna make you feel... I'm not gonna make you feel... I'm not gonna make you feel... I'm not gonna make you feel... I'm not gonna make you feel... I'm not gonna make you feel... I'm not gonna make you feel... I'm not gonna make you feel...
Starting point is 00:00:16 I'm not gonna make you feel... I'm not gonna make you feel... I'm not gonna make you feel... I'm not gonna make you feel... I'm not gonna make you feel... I'm not. Jessica, it's children and not for sale. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Okay, we're off. Charlie Delta, we are Go for X-Fill. We're in. As soon as they upload the podcast, then they're ensnared in Operation Honeypot.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Um, wait a second. Wait a second. Oh, we get some quiet for a second. I just want to hold on. Just listen. Do we get some quiet for a second. Just wanna hold on. Just listen. Do you hear that? No. That's right.
Starting point is 00:01:09 It's the sound of freedom. Well, you're not hearing it because we're not free. Can we talk about the title? Like, I, before I knew this was like, you know, a movie about buying and selling kids, I, I thought this was like, you know, one of those movies about deaf people that really gets the community up in like last year's Oscar winner, Kota. Everyone loves Kota, right? Everyone, or the sound of the metal.
Starting point is 00:01:36 The other month can't get enough of Kota. You're ever a saggy mo Kota, but now I thought it was like, you know, I going to like maybe be a movie that's like against cochlear implants. Yeah. And I was like, you know, I'm going to like maybe be a movie that's like against cochlear implants. Yeah. And I was like, documentary. Yeah. And I was like, okay, I'll steer clear of this one, not my business, but low and behold,
Starting point is 00:01:55 it's all about children, children arbitrage opportunities, and you know, how you can get a deal flipping children. You can quit your job by flipping kids. They do what is job to flip kids. Yeah, he's, yeah, he gets some fixer uppers from Mexico. They do way too good a job of showing you step by step how you there is big money in child trafficking. And it's not that hard to do apparently. It's the fastest growing criminal enterprise. As soon as I think over the global growth rate. is big money in child trafficking. And it's not that hard to do apparently.
Starting point is 00:02:25 It's the fastest growing criminal enterprise. As soon as it's going to take over the global growth rate. Folks, it's the fastest growing and a personal enterprise in the world. What if I told you you could get on the bottom floor of the fastest growing criminal organization in the world?
Starting point is 00:02:37 The gross possibilities are endless. I see a lot of people out there in the audience tonight at the seminar, you're thinking, why sell a child when I can sell heroin? Because you only sell heroin once. That was as Jim could be, so it'll explain in this moment. I love that, but like, you also don't have to feed heroin,
Starting point is 00:02:55 you know? You don't have to keep a roof over heroin's head and like make sure it doesn't run away. I love that when he's like making that stupid point and he goes cocaine, you only sell it once. But the most precious beautiful child in the world. You could sell him 10 to 15 times a day. Yeah. And here's the thing though, you never just sell cocaine or heroin once. Yeah. See, you're not done. Wait, but I gotta do that again. I thought that was going to take care of it. I thought I
Starting point is 00:03:30 exchanged you one brick of cocaine for the ascarpheus house and I just sold there forever and do rap videos. Now what? That's what I was told. All right. Well, it's it's it's Monday July 10th and we're back with another episode another a new edition of we watched it So you don't have to and If I've case you haven't figured out already we're talking about the sleeper indie hit taking America by storm It's the the occult arms to dismantle the global child trafficking sex labor earrings That's the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the
Starting point is 00:04:05 world. We're talking the sound of freedom starring the passion of the Christ himself, Jim Kavizel, this is the most famous romance. That's right. This movie. He's a fucking Swiss. Get him out of here. Oh God. Ew. That's what he is. Yes. He's fucking romance. I just assumed he was New Zealand or something. No, I thought that being Maltese was the like most annoying thing you could be as a white person, but he topped it. No, I'm not like German Swiss or French Swiss. I'm the one with the blend of all of them.
Starting point is 00:04:37 I'm the magical sprite. I'm basically Heidi. I'll just say like, before we get into the film itself, I think we do have to give you credit to this genuine independent movie, this movie is funded by a Mormon movie studio. And when it opened, it came about $1 million away from knocking off Indiana Jones and the dial of destiny. And remember, this is a movie that was shot like five years ago. Yeah, it was filmed in 2018. And that just sat on the, sat on the,
Starting point is 00:05:08 sat on the, sat on the self because no studio wanted to touch it. It was too hot. They didn't want to rile up the hoopleheads. So these Mormon showed up with a dream in a vision and they put it out on the streets and the fucking streets are going crazy for it.
Starting point is 00:05:21 And like, look, listen, please believe me, please believe me, this pack, please believe me, this is a movie that would win every Academy Award, where Holly would not control by pedophiles or people who have seen a movie before. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:35 And, you know, like, I know you've probably seen headlines about this movie that like this is the Q and N on style movie that's taking America by storm. Listen, or the movie would have been a billion times better if you were the case. I wish it was QAnon. It was. It was making for someone to make a Drenacrome show me some Hollywood sickos, a like a zip tie on a suburban mall, like SUV handle, something, nothing in here. This movie was incredibly dull. Yeah, this movie, the style of the movie is like Mitchell. That's the genre of movie it is.
Starting point is 00:06:10 It's like so, it's exactly, it's exactly is like muddled and like boring and like it is all slack. There's no tension between, there's not a single moment. I mean, this is a movie about like a slack is about to flip between the scenes of this fucking movie, this is a movie about like a slackline between the scenes in this fucking movie. There's a movie about buying and selling children. Yeah, there's not a single moment of
Starting point is 00:06:31 tension or fear or emotion or anything. It is the flatest movie. It's too bad, too, because it looks like a movie, which is you cannot say about all these things. A lot of these things look like VHS snuff films. This movie has like decent cinematography. It's got like rich backgrounds.
Starting point is 00:06:50 It's got, you know, thoughtful lighting. And it looks, it has like a cinematic feel to the image. So that's why it's so frustrating that they spend 90% of the runtime with a static shot of a guy morosely walking towards a desk before sitting down and staring out a window. a guy morocally walking towards a desk before sitting down and staring out a window. You know what I'm saying? They're God's children. It has like the reliant. I think it's like the greatest example of a Christian movie that like, you know, it looks like, you know, a direct to VH.
Starting point is 00:07:18 It looks like it was filmed on a home, Gamcorder. It looks like a film in the back of the yard. Yeah. And the content matches, right? Yeah. It's like, you know, it's like, is that the guy or the other guy? That's the style of film it is. But this is like, it's more jarring here because yeah, this could be, this could be like, you know, the Amazon Jack Ryan show. But it's just, it's constant. Just, the viewer is left to wonder, is this the guy? Is that the guy?
Starting point is 00:07:46 Is that the other guy? And in between that, all the scenes that aren't Jim Cavizel saving a beautiful, precious child from being sold is him in an office. And like a fellow agent being like, you know what the hardest part about being an anti-petophile agent is? By the time we get the kids, they're already molested. They got all the molestation all over them.
Starting point is 00:08:11 That is, that's like a crucial plot point, is that one of the agents is like, you know what I realized? The kid we never prevent kids from being molested. We only save them after they're molested. What if we can only arrest the sick? What if we got them while they're molesting them or before even? And Jim Kovizel's like, I never thought about that. And that just sort of kicks everything into action. This is a, the movie is written and directed
Starting point is 00:08:39 by a guy named Alejandro Monteverde. And he, like he had another movie that he wrote and directed that won some audience award at the Toronto Film Festival. So it's like, like you said, Matt, like it has, like it has the look of something that could potentially be a movie or at least an Amazon TV series. But before I get into the content of the film itself, which is dull as dishwater. I would just say it was so boring. I would just like to say that like formally, like, despite looking cinematic or like looking like,
Starting point is 00:09:10 like it was shot with like a modicum of competency, formally in terms of the editing and the pacing, it was so strange because I feel like, especially in the first third of the movie, there was like not a single character moment or scene that was ever allowed to develop. It's just like one guy would say something to Jim Cavizel who then would look haunted.
Starting point is 00:09:32 And then before like a dialogue or any pot momentum could develop, it just cuts, it seems like the movie was made for people who are very familiar with the story of Timothy Ballard, the Mormon slave stealer who now has an empire, like an anti-child trafficking empire called Hour, which stands for Operation Underground Railroad. And we can talk about some of the Yahoo shenanigans
Starting point is 00:09:58 they've got up to. But like, focus on the movie itself. Yeah, just like this movie treats them like a celebrity that we all know. And we're supposed to fill in the blanks. Yeah, it's like the Johnny Cash biopic in that way. Yeah, like the pacing generally being off is like it's in the last 40% the movie I would say. I kept thinking the movie was ending on whatever scene I was watching. It's so fucking off. Like every, I don't know what that is. I don't know if that's a product of like how long it sat on the shelf or like what,
Starting point is 00:10:31 but it just, or if that was like wishful thinking, but it just always felt like it was, it was about to end for the remaining like hour. Harry Potter, or no, Lord of the Rings Syndrome. Yeah. The other thing, same deal. Elves Yeah, the other way. The same thing. Same deal, Elf's Wizard's Same Thing. The other thing that makes this movie weird is that you're watching it. And all these classic fucking show host's character actor show up. Like a fuller camp. There's Kurt Fuller.
Starting point is 00:10:59 There's the fact I from Southland. This feels like it should be a movie and yet it isn't. Oscar-winnering actress Mira Servino is in this movie for all of 20 seconds. She has four lines. I counted them. She also has two additional lines, but I don't count those because they're texts that she sends them. And so you don't actually her say them. So four lines spoke it. How do you think they managed to do? You think they were like, we're going to tell everyone that your dad Paul Servino was actually secretly executed for eating children, unless you uh, uh, play act in our movie for two minutes. She was like, okay, fine. Oh, man. And of course,
Starting point is 00:11:38 it's a star is, you know, it starts Jim Kovizel who has has the artist, like, frosted die job in this movie. Like his hair in this movie is insane. Yeah. Imagine being a child and being rescued by a man with like, I wouldn't even call him frosted tips. It's like frosted brisket. He's got frosted frost. He's just got frosted frost.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Yeah. It's like it's lacquered. Yeah. Yeah. And he's portraying this real life guy who was actually, I think, appointed, he testified before Congress and he was appointed to the Trump administration in some ceremonial role where he promoted building a wall on the border to stop all the kids from being trafficked over it, I suppose.
Starting point is 00:12:24 But I mean, this operation underground railroad is basically, as it's depicted in the movie, and the credit sequence shows real footage of one of these stings that they set up. It's basically an international version of to catch a predator and those perverted justice people, because they combat the child sex trafficking in central and South America by sending people to these countries and just asking people, hey, can I buy a child? So they sort of like
Starting point is 00:12:52 create a demand for a child. Yeah, another reason. These people just don't get that part of it. Like Christians love to do this during the Darfur War in Africa and South, the Sudanese war. They were fucking create these orgs that would go and buy slaves in Sudan and it's like you're just creating a market for slaves You're a guarantee that there's more of a reason to just grab someone because there's more people who will pay for them And like they were involved in in some case where they like employed the use of a psychic They've claimed credit for all kinds of rescue children
Starting point is 00:13:25 and forced the other. I mean, like, look, I think that this organization does, like, look, I believe that they go to these countries and do these ridiculous stings or whatever, but they certainly, there's a great deal of exaggeration in both like the way he's portrayed in this movie and then their actual like highly dubious rescue work, which involves literally like,
Starting point is 00:13:44 to stop child sex traffickers, you literally like to stop child sex traffickers. You have to become a child sex trafficker. And the line between the two is sort of hard to tell at many points in this movie. Yeah, the reason that I just I didn't really look too deeply into it. I know that there's controversy on all of their claims, but the thing that makes me just prima facia disbelieve them is that this guy in his public embodiment and in guvizal form, what he radiates is Chris Kyle who's too big of a pussy to kill anyone.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, and you know what it is? You know what it is, is like, think of anyone who like maybe even like did rescue some children, right? Let's say like they rescued five children Make up for anyone who maybe even did rescue some children, right? Let's say they rescued five children. And they really were this altruistic person who gave up everything to do this. Do you think they would, if crazy people started calling him this hypothetical guy,
Starting point is 00:14:38 like the divine, say, if you're children, a living angel who rescues children and may keep them perfect forever? guy just accepts all of that. He's similar to Chris Kyle. He's sort of taken on this role and accepted the branding and is like, yeah, I'm actually Archangel, Angel and Michael. I'm immortal. It's been a long time since I've been a hero. I've been a hero.
Starting point is 00:15:01 I've been a hero. I've been a hero. I've been a hero. I've been a hero. sort of taken on this role and accepted the branding and is like, yeah, I'm actually archangel, angel, Michael. I'm immortal and I was sent to earth to save children, which just like it tells me he's like sort of full of shit. And look, I don't want to. He's got the, he's got the Eric Adams thing. He's got to want up himself. It's never good enough. And I mean, like, look, I have a little bit of a, information like this is a from an a Merlin advice has been running about this organization for a while and I just want to read a little bit from just
Starting point is 00:15:31 just give some context for this movie. It says here, according to a source with knowledge and the investigation among the matters being looked into are whether our operators that's operation underground railroad have engaged in sexual acts with human trafficking victims, whether operators have been intoxicated while on missions, whether our operations have created a demand for trafficking victims, and whether our has committed human trafficking itself by enticing people who are not previously traffickers with large sums of money. They also, okay, I'm just going to go and jump ahead here, like, so like, deep that in mind, but to your point about whether you were like someone who was actually, like, truly, you know, sort of devoting their life to
Starting point is 00:16:08 be like a Harriet Tubman for like modern modern day slavery, would they also have an underground X-Fit LLC CrossFit gym, a for-profit subsidiary of the Underground Railroad organization? It's just I don't think that Harriet Perman would do that. Yeah, Harriet Tumman, Harriet Tumman would not sell like her own pre-workout. She had her eye on the fall. I don't think she would do that. She was locked in. Harriet, yeah, Harriet Tumman wouldn't show up on like a promoted Instagram ad and be like, buy my pre- free workout and by the way if you have a Roku stick you can watch this movie I made about how cool I am.
Starting point is 00:16:51 That's I just even have Sheila today I don't think she's doing that. I just I just want to give a little a few more details about this organization and just like once again try to imagine Harriet Tubman in this role. Ballard himself meanwhile who wrote a book called Slave Steelers and is listed as an executive producer. Sorry, Ballard who wrote a book called Slave Steelers and is listed as an executive producer of a planned TV show with the same name is connected to a Utah-based business called Slave Steelers LLC.
Starting point is 00:17:25 is connected to a Utah based business called Slav Steelers LLC. Do they incorporate that into the CrossFit program? They make you pick up an 80 pound heavy bag, and they're like, this is the weight of a really overweight child. Can you steal him away from Farc? Okay, you actually, the end of this movie really makes it seem like it's the Farc Colombian Rebels. Is it a big, hugely involved in the child trade? Yeah, move over to the Catholic Church.
Starting point is 00:17:55 No, absolutely. No, it's the fucking Farc who are doing all the child traffic. And also, if you didn't already pick up that there's something funny about this, the FARC thing should completely get me off. Oh, that's really convenient. It's, it's FARC. Wow. It's like in bad boys too when the bad, the villain kid maps Will Smith, sister or girlfriend or whatever to Cuba. And then they got to go get her back. And they're like, it's all my through the favelas destroying like meth labs and shit.
Starting point is 00:18:28 So yeah, so this movie is a, it's a genuine indie hit. It's steep, it's a product of a slave stealing productions. I, I don't know how to say because a lot of people are saying that they have like gotten tickets to what were shown as full theaters, they go in and there's nobody there. There is this thing that I have seen where the company is doing pay it forward tickets.
Starting point is 00:18:50 So like someone else is paying it forward for you to see this movie. Click on this button to go get tickets, which there is some sort of dirty money flowing into this thing to make it look bigger than it necessarily is. Well, hold on, don't you think it's possible that people did buy tickets, but before they got to the movie, this thing to make it look bigger than it necessarily. Well, hold on. Like, don't you think it's possible that like, there were like people did by tickets,
Starting point is 00:19:07 but like before they got to the movie, they were kidnapped and sold. That's true. Well, okay. It's very possible. They moved the cart that was by the back of their car and then they're gone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Okay, they're like evil Latinos who have contacts within AMC theaters and no No, they're going to see this movie. Well, okay Um, I think it's I think it's a highly likely that like there's a certain MLM quality to the movie sales Yeah, the ticket sales for this movie. It's like how every every like conservative talk radio or TV guy who writes a book It gets on the New York Times bestseller because like conservative publishing houses work with these like contractors that do bulk purchases of books that are never sold, they're just given out as like swag bags at like the you know council and foreign relations, dinner or whatever. So I think the great deal, a lot of that's going on with this movie. Did you
Starting point is 00:19:59 see however the video of that woman who was I think set like people trying to stop people from seeing this movie because the AC at a theater she went to was broken. Some point today the tickets got refunded to my friend and we couldn't figure out why so we come anyways to the theater after dinner and they're like oh well we refunded all the tickets because there's no air conditioning in our theaters. There was air conditioning in the lobby. There was air conditioning in the lobby. There was air conditioning in the hallways. There was air conditioning in the bathrooms. Not the theaters.
Starting point is 00:20:30 They don't have the bartender or anything in the theater. I smell something stinky and I think it's shit. Yeah, they were making it too too hot. They shut it down, but the the lobby the lobby is hot cold But it's like yeah, they use one pipe for the entire thing fucking dollar Can I will say this I did I saw this in theater and it was full. There were heads It was in fact a full sea. I was in the second row That's like that was where the tickets were I was wondering hey are these people actually get a shot and they were there
Starting point is 00:21:00 And I will tell you this not one of them clapped or honked like a goose during the Nicole Kidman glory of movies AMC thing and I got to say I was very, very glad. I can't say the same for Asteroid City, those fucking annoying douchebags. I got to say like yeah this is a different, obviously like different clientele based than like the soy letter box crowd who they think they're the only person who thinks that Nicole Kidman ad is quirky and funny. But I got to say I watched that video of those evil milves screaming about the AC and I just thought I had a flashback to when I was in my early 20s working at a bar petronized by such evil mils. And I really think if I was in a situation, if I was 23 now and like a QAnon milk screamed at me, like as a service employee, because she thought I was like, you know, tampering with AC. You would kill for her. If she, yeah, if one of those,
Starting point is 00:22:02 we could mk alter you. Yeah, if one of those women came up to me and was like, I know what you did to the AC, George Horos, David Rockefeller paid you to fuck with the AC. So we wouldn't see the child selling movie. I would get so hard that I would have to go to the hospital. But that wasn't the only thing. It wasn't just that the, in some places, the AMC was out, but someone resplied to this with the, this is just killed me when I saw this. This guy, Alex, a genetic image, some sort of a, you, uh, Slav, I'm going to guess
Starting point is 00:22:35 Croatian said, I had the reverse scenario. I nearly froze. They turned up the air conditioning so much in a regal that it was unbearable, but I refused to move slash leave the theater. I likely get sick, but I felt a sense of duty to not leave the theater and felt to play considering the content of the movie. Thank you for your service, sir. I love the idea.
Starting point is 00:22:56 I love imagining just like in my mind, it's there in the control room. It's obviously an evil Jewish guy. The cold meister is there. Yeah, the evil Jewish guy, a cold Meister, and then like three MS-13 guys with hair drop tattoos who are played by the guys for training day. And the evil Jew is like, make it cold. Why is it? Why are they leaving? Don't they know they're gonna get sick? And the MS 13, the MS 13 guys are like, I don't know. They're just, they're going to watch it. No matter what we do, they're going to get us. It's like, if they're going through that level of sabotage, why wouldn't they just like not show the movie? I will say that it was cold. It was very cold in the theater,
Starting point is 00:23:45 but I also stick it out for because I felt I owed it to the show, and to the listeners. Well, listen, I will count to that. Because I'm also a hero, like that guy. I look like it, I did not see this movie in the theater, but let me just give you some background here. At the end of this movie,
Starting point is 00:24:02 there's like a post credit sequence for Jim Cavizel and plurers you the, to just like pay it forward and buy, just buy out theaters, and just send people your church group, your friends, your family, just send them to see this very important movie. And I took that message to heart, so I've been torrenting this movie from the same Indonesian gambling website that Felix watched the flash on. So that's all I watched this movie, which I think added to the experience. But look, Matt, whether it's all, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:32 they're playing a little fast and loose, so the number is everyone does today. And the point is, this was still $1 million away from that Indiana Jones movie, right? And Indiana Jones movie. He's so old. Why do they keep making him do this? It's just cruel. Nearly got beaten by child flippers starring Jim Kaviesel. They got to leave Harrison Ford to die. Let him turn into a weed. Let him turn into marijuana and then blow away. He's miserable. I will say, I like will, I watch this torrented and same advertisement for the slot website as the flash. I think it's the same guy getting cams of all these movies, but doesn't watching a shitty cam of this make you more like that's like how you would watch
Starting point is 00:25:26 this if you were being trafficked. Yeah, and added to the realism and just the one one last thing about the the ticket numbers for this movie. Since this movie has come out, we have had a someone from the attorney general's office of Alaska bought tickets for everyone in their office to see this movie and Dana White of the USC has just announced that he has bought tickets for every employee of UFC to go and see this important new movie and look, that's how you know a movie has the momentum of a runaway freight train when people's annoying bosses are buying out theaters to make you go see it.
Starting point is 00:26:05 I will say that I'm glad I saw in the theater because I got a real confirmation of a political trend that's ongoing. The people who went and filled that theater and who clapped at the end were demographically not the Republican base but the Trump base. It was older whites and younger Latin families. That was it. And it's like, you look at that and you're like, that is the, those are the people who are Republican
Starting point is 00:26:30 because they make good stuff to watch. You know, the people who are engaged with like the psychic world being built by Trump and like his backwash. And child trafficking is key to the whole thing that brings it together. Well, Matt, you bring up a lot of the young Latino families seeing this movie. And I think another interesting thing about this, you know, this sort of independent success of this movie is for a movie in America where like basically half of the dialogue in this movie.
Starting point is 00:26:56 And there's probably about 20 pages of actual dialogue in this two hour movie. But half of it is in Spanish. Like half of all of Jim Cavizel's lines are in a foreign language, which I thought was interesting. So we've sort of given you the background here, the sound of freedom. But let's talk about the film itself. The movie begins with a portrait of a man winning father of the year in Honduras after he canes his children over to audition for a talent show and then they're putting a shipping container. I don't do that with that one. Someone is winning the bad dad contest.
Starting point is 00:27:32 That is just like how do you fall for that? Hey, like first of all, it shouldn't get passed. Hey, I noticed your kids are hot. Yeah, seriously. That it shouldn't get past that, but even if it does, hey, your kids are hot, I want them to be in a beauty pageant, but in order to do that, they have to live with me. How the, how do you, how are you just like, okay.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Oh well, I'm not gonna see, it's simple, you just, you say, dad bring the kids to the audition place and then when they shows up in the morning, you tell them, no, dads can't be here. Come back seven o'clock tonight and then they go and do that. And they leave and then when they come back, they're gone. It seems like that's the kind of thing
Starting point is 00:28:18 you could do literally once in a town. So I don't think they really established this was the first time they'd ever done that because I would imagine that would get around. They were previously doing it to people who like didn't like their kids They like that happens to them that four years later. They're like, oh wait, we had a daughter Yeah, they're like printing out slips. They are the fake brochures They just would like see somebody being a note like clearly annoyed by their kid in public We like you want us to take about your hands?
Starting point is 00:28:45 I'm like, fine. I was waiting for someone to say that. Let's give her thought, your kid had talent. No, well, we do. And then the credit sequence is sort of cobbled together like CCTV footage of kids being just like brazenly scooped off the streets of not American countries.
Starting point is 00:29:05 I love that part because it really does. Like, it gives you the experience of like viewing this question of, you know, child trafficking or whatever, totally through the lens of a social media feed. Yeah. Just disconnected videos that are scary and upsetting. And you don't know who are they from, you don't know what the context is. You just know the image and you feel threatened. And it's like, oh my god, and this movie is like literally projected through that prism.
Starting point is 00:29:28 And so it's very, I think artistically savvy to put that right there to like put people in that mind space. So stop thinking about this. Just feel. And well, I think it's like there's really the feelings in this movie are very ursats. It's just very like template. Like you hear the music and you see like a single teal rolled down someone's cheek and then like you're sort of
Starting point is 00:29:52 made to feel a certain way. But like I just once again, I'm astonished at like just how flat everything in this movie is. Oh god. There's just no stakes at all. There's no stakes. Everyone is like diad to zero. And of course, they're following with Kavizel
Starting point is 00:30:08 because he is just in the fucking center of the earth. Like, he is just this void. And you know what? Like, you could see people like trying to like work with it. Like, like, there's a subtext in all the scenes with like Kurt Fuller and Bill Camp, where there kind of be like, come on Jim, work with me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:27 I'm gonna just get, it's nothing back. They get nothing from him. He's just like, all he does is like, look haunted. Like that, that's his thing. And like, you know, he was a good actor. He was a good actor. Jim Kovizal was, is it, was a very good guy. Deja Vu, terrifying.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Oh my God, he rocked in that movie. And Terence Malik's then read line, I hear though, my little bird, you tell me, that that movie and Terrence Malik's in Red Line. I hear though, my little bird, you tell me that he is an absolute nightmare to work with. This high-strung freak who's created a whole gallery of mental torment to avoid confronting his demons is this hard to work with. Interesting. That is probably why in this movie, he has the worst action here, a one-liner ever. I think, and it's, I think you guys are going to talk about it. It's when the, early in the movie, after they introduce the character, he's
Starting point is 00:31:19 like, he's doing like a one-man sting operation on a pedophile, and who, who looks like one of the Beastie boys in the Sabin' Alex video. He does, he does. Oh my God, he's like Nathan Cochise, Nathan Wind. He's like, straightening this guy along, and then finally they like get him to like an iHOP where they arrest him. And the
Starting point is 00:31:47 pedophiles like um they kind of try to I think the director of this movie probably watched in too deep before directing the scene. They do they were like oh we need to replicate that you ain't no cop J. Reed scene. So the pedophile is like, what the fuck? I trusted you. And Jim Gavisel in action here aligned that no one will be repeating, says never trust a pedophile. Trust the pedophile. Which makes it seem like he's like a undercover pedophile.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Like he's still a pedophile, but is like working for the cops. Yes, that's the worst. We're supposed to believe it first. Oh, he's pretending to be a pedophile Yes, that's the worst. That's the worst. Yeah, that's the worst. That's the worst. That's the worst. That's the worst. That's the worst.
Starting point is 00:32:29 That's the worst. That's the worst. That's the worst. That's the worst. That's the worst. That's the worst. That's the worst. That's the worst.
Starting point is 00:32:37 That's the worst. That's the worst. That's the worst. That's the worst. That's the worst. That's the worst. That's the worst. That's the worst. That's the worst. That's the worst. That's the worst. That is what I heard that line all I could hear is RxK nephew
Starting point is 00:32:45 and my mind saying Jim could he's will thought that dumb ass shit was hard. He's so thought that never trust the pedophile line was hard. Mel Gibson thought that bar was fire. No one's gonna be saying that. No one. He's not going to make my back. My Mexican owner that good young pussy is. I'm doing operation underground railroad. Okay, well, I mean, like this is some background of like what leads up to the never trust the pedophile line. So like we're introduced to this could be is all he works for Homeland Security and they're like anti-pedophile unit And he's like he's put away hundreds of pellets pedophiles, but he's never rescued a victim of child sex trafficking and like the rookie New guys over in the corner Pukin is guts out He's like I've been to hundreds of murder scenes, but you know, there's something like, once you see all these images, it just, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:47 it stains your soul and the Jim Kovizel is like, I don't really thought of it that way. So then he, um, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the benefit of that he did, they arrest. I thought this was a pornography cataloging job. That's what it was. This was what said the old classified, wanted government officials to catalog pornography for a child for a child.
Starting point is 00:34:08 And one of the things that's what I've been doing, I don't know what your problem is. He, actually, there's a brother and sister, they're the ones that are taken in the beginning of the movie. And then he has this pedophile in custody, and then he takes him out of custody and begins to try to like get under his skin by being like
Starting point is 00:34:27 you know in this job I have to watch everything everything and I love it when you're exposed to that kind of beauty you know you know the secret truth about what all men are really like and this guy is like oh tell me more like he's, any chance you're just playing me here? No. So like, the plot is he just becomes, he begins to act more and more like a pedophile to set up these increasingly elaborate stings on pedophiles as he seeks to track down this brother and sister that we see taken in the first part
Starting point is 00:35:00 of the movie. And like this sends, this leads him to quit his job and homeland security and go to Columbia where he's just basically freelancing with Bill Camp. And I want to talk with the Bill Camp character because when I say the Bill Camp character, I mean the only character in this movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:18 He was the only figure in this film that had any personality, any backstory, any memorable lines, and it was only when actually acting. So like, you know, let's say one thing though, about before we say goodbye to him for the rest of the movie, Kurt Fuller, because there's a scene in this movie where it's supposed to be a confrontation between Tim and his superior officer about whether he can go to Columbia and try to like pursue this and actually get save some kids instead of just responding
Starting point is 00:35:42 to this. And instead of it opening with any kind of, you know, hey, I'm going to have to think for you. It starts with Jimicaviso looking out the window for Lorneley of an office and Kurt Foller going, what's wrong, Tim? And then it's just from there him like pulling teeth from this moby teenager. The fucking stage. How is pedophile school today? Fine. Well, yes, we get Bill Camp at least. And Bill Camp is the only, as you say,
Starting point is 00:36:14 the only spice in this chili. He is our only capsaicum. And basically, like, he's playing a character like, I think there's was he an American who worked for the drug cartels or were they trying to I was like, he was like, I'm an American face worked for the drug cartels or where they tried to get out. He was like a fucking American face of the of the Medi in cartel. And like you know, he's a guy who was like a cart, he like laundered money for the cartels
Starting point is 00:36:33 in Kelly and then did did a bid for them and is now out and he becomes sort of Kovizel's contact in the Colombian underworld because he's a guy who's like taken upon himself now to buy children. But buy them because he's a guy who's like taken upon himself now to buy children, but buy them. He's a child, he's a child, he's a child broker, but he's doing it for good. He's doing it for good. Yes, he's doing what they did in South Sudan, something. And this leads to my favorite scene in the movie, the only memorable moment of this movie. Like the only thing that stands out in my head is the scene where Bill Camp's character is gonna like,
Starting point is 00:37:08 should I, you know, hip-covies all to the Colombian underworld and he's like, okay, first things first, you can't come in here dressed like the, you're walking out of a banana republic at. You gotta look like a horny pedophile American. So that means big loud Hawaiian shirt. Flip Flapsops cargo short Fieri casual. He's like telling him to dress like every guy that's going to see this movie
Starting point is 00:37:35 operator on vacation. And I like that the um the guy that this movie is based on Tim Ballard is uh like a uh a Mormon. So like when he goes abroad, they're like, could you dress and act like a clueless American? He's like, sure. Got it. Good and good. We need you to look like a complete asshole. I don't know if I can do that.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Before he goes to Columbia, he gains the confidence of the pedophile he arrested to have him personally arranged for him to buy a child, the brother that was taken earlier in the movie. And Kavizol, like arrested like this, this other gross pedophile who's like trafficking this kid across the Mexican border, he arrest him at the border and freeze the brother that we saw get taken in the beginning of the movie. I don't know if you guys caught this, but after he frees him, he takes him to eat at a restaurant called American Burger. Yes, I wrote down American Burger.
Starting point is 00:38:36 That was supposed to be like Jerusalem after four years in the desert. That was the Holy Land, was American burger. That's how you know nothing bad is ever gonna happen to the kid again. The kid has eaten the flesh. He's the burger. That is American communion. He is the burger.
Starting point is 00:38:56 That is our refrigerator. And a high fructose corn syrup soda that there's your blood crisis. All of that is in the war hammer future of America. That is literally our priest will be dressed like operators and feed you a burger. And you, and then you take, and then instead of your like confirmation name, you get an operator name. It's gone. Yeah. Black top.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Dingo. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know about you guys, but for me, all of these scenes with Kavizl and the young boy reminded me of this Simpson's episode where he becomes a big brother to that kid. He's like, pop up baller. You are so learned. It's pronounced learned boy. So so he's a so baller is pretty chuffed that he rescued this kid and reunited him with his father. But unfortunately, the sister is still missing. And he's just like, Oh, I can't, you know, so the family has just got personal. Yeah. Yeah. This shit got real as Martin Lawrence said. Yeah. And so that's like that's what leads him to quit his job at home and security because usually I love the cup shy of his best intention. He's a saint. He's a living God. Usually he gets
Starting point is 00:40:16 K, usually in a movie tropes, you get killed 10 months before you get your full your full pension. No, and I like the Kurt the Kurt Fuller character like doesn't try to dissuade him from any of this. No, he's not like he's not like no you can't go to Columbia and and buy children under the guys. He doesn't say I'll see what I could do like maybe you've got some banked vacation time that I could like bridge out like nope just don't let the fucking door hit you. Where the good Lord split you. Felix, what the fuck are you doing? Are you making dinner? What are you doing Felix? Are you considering an elixir? I'm doing a fucking make it potions.
Starting point is 00:40:51 I'm doing a, I'm doing a child ceremony. No, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm decanting tea. Sorry. I thought I, I thought I had it away from my mic. Decanting tea. Okay. So him and Bill camp come up with the mission that they do in Colombia is basically create Epstein Island part two and by 50 children at the same time. Now, this gets into the thing we talked about earlier where in some respect, because like, you know, they talk to the child traffickers and they're like wow we've never filled the
Starting point is 00:41:27 order that big before I guess we'll just go out and kidnap some more kids. I mean it's like the position to the limit teams in Scarface. Oh my god, it feels like I had it. I have in my notes here. So cool if they had puts some like peppy editing in there. It looks nice. Background. I have my notes here. So cool if they had put some like peppy editing in there. It looks nice. Background. I have my notes here.
Starting point is 00:41:47 I really want to push it to the limit style montage of him buying children in Columbia. Yeah. Just like the same thing of like the banker watching him come into the bank with just like just like double bags full of kids squirming around and be like how are you going to wander all these kids? They're walking through the McDonald's play pen with duffle bags that walk. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Ha ha ha ha ha. Turn it, turn it, turn it, turn it. Push it to the limit. Limit. I love that like he's like doing that. And you put it in and out like he, after telling his boss, I'm quitting this job to like buy kids full time.
Starting point is 00:42:32 It's like, yeah, that scene told me he's like an incredibly shady operator. If they're like, because that job, it seems like highly specialized, it takes a lot of training and money to like get an agent. You have to pass a background check. It's hard, right? Like not a lot of people get to be federal agents. You got to be a four year college graduate for one. Yeah. And if one of them is just just quits, I imagine that's like usually a pretty big blow to a department. But apparently he was so shitty. Just like, okay, have fun, have fun buying those kids. Oh, thank God, we get rid of this asshole.
Starting point is 00:43:07 One more line item off the budget. Deadweight out of here. The guy who just would catalog the already catalog cellopronography and cry. Now we don't have to pay him anymore, great. I wanna talk about, like the one bit of like acting in this movie is of course Bill Camp.
Starting point is 00:43:27 And the scene where he explains the Kaviesel, why he got involved in buying children for the purposes of liberating them from child slavery, is this kind of like, it's the only real acting in the movie. But Bill Camp tells this story about like back when he was in the life and he was like doing coke, he was like, you know, back when he was in the life and he was like doing coke He was like he was you know blow he was you know gacked up on that pearl that Colombian
Starting point is 00:43:48 Poud fish. Oh, yeah, yeah, that booga sugar and he had a condo overlooking the bay And he was like coming out of a bar and he like he saw this like hot young woman And he like picked her up and went home with her a paper for sex and then he says that like after he got done paying her for sex He noticed that she had like, hello kitty. Like I don't know, so there's some very childish pedicure or something like that. And then he was like, that's when I realized she was 14. And I was like, how much coke were you on, man?
Starting point is 00:44:17 Like I don't, and he was just sort of like, and that's when I realized, I was like, what the fuck? I mean, maybe it's just like, they didn't so he didn't care or whatever, but like he was just like, it's this moment of like, you know, Bill Kim's a good actor,
Starting point is 00:44:30 but he was like, I saw this darkness in her eyes, and I realized that like, I was that darkness. Like I was the man who like, fine, so. And you guys realize that what this makes Bill Kim's character is a literal white hat petal. Yes. And he is wearing a white hat for most kids.
Starting point is 00:44:45 He's a child. And now he is stopping children from getting fucked. So like when people see all these Q and I and people get stitched up for some sort of child to be a stuff, that's not hypocrisy. It's understood. You need to know the beast in order to defeat it. And some of these people are going to have that.
Starting point is 00:45:00 But you've got damn it. They get results. It's like what a dense and Washington says in training get a good narcotics officer knows and loves narcotics. Good. Doc. Doc. So officer has narcotics in his blood at all times. I've already described 98% of the plot in this movie. Like I know that that's it.
Starting point is 00:45:22 That's it. And then like like they do they do, they do the Epstein Island sting and they arrest a bunch of guys. But the, but the sister is not among them. And then like the last 40 minutes of this movie or so is you want to talk about unethical practices and supposedly altruistic and, you know, altruistic charitable works. He pretends to be a doctor to get into the FARC controlled parts of Columbia and give vaccines to children, only to steal a girl from FARC rebels. And that, that would seem to sour the deal in any other future.
Starting point is 00:45:54 I don't know, doctors without builders. Yeah, that's like when the CIA burned a bunch of vaccine providers in Pakistan when they were looking for Ben Laden. Yeah. That, that, that and like, why would FARC just like buy a child? Well, he's like, that's a pedocamander. He was really good.
Starting point is 00:46:11 Yeah. It's just, you're just supposed to accept that. That it's like, not only are they evil terrorists, communists, they're all pedophiles. Like you have to be a pedophile to get into FARC. And like the sister is being used to process cocaine and also a B.S. X. Because like what they don't understand is that,
Starting point is 00:46:30 yeah, if you've got a social hierarchy like that, it's going to be harder to be pedophiles at the top than in the proven hierarchies of capitalism where we know guys are trying to get children to have sex with and which he has nothing to say about in this tire-fucking movie. Instead, it's the one-fark chomo. And this is supposed to be the climax of the movie. Is him stealing this girl back and getting, you know, fairing her to freedom, to the sound
Starting point is 00:46:57 of freedom. But there is just zero tension. There's just zero danger. It's just so boring. It's so boring. It's so. Yeah, it is Mitchell. Yeah, I gotta say like there is this date. It is not total bullshit. Like that that re the sting at the petto island that happened. Like they show the videotape at the end of this movie. They show the actual footage. Like it did occur and Ballard was involved. But like
Starting point is 00:47:22 that's one thing and like that is one story. If you ended the movie there, you would have basically a souped up and over-legubrious version of a relatively true story. But that's not good enough. We're talking about these guys. Always have to top themselves. That's not good enough because there's still a hole. And so actually, there was one girl left and I went into a dangerous rebel held territory to snatch her, which of course is the part of the story that is the hardest to collaborate because, oh, geez, it's the rebel territory. That means you can't know what happened back there as opposed to a military operation that went out like right off the coast of Columbia. So it's like, I'm sorry, you can see where the bullshit
Starting point is 00:48:03 just like starts exploding off the screen. Like I said, I mean, maybe it's because there were gambling ads popping up over the last 20 minutes of this movie, but I don't really remember much about it. He of course he does free the sister and the whole family are reunited. And I don't know, does he see his wife and family again, Ever? I mean, no, you show, they show you a picture of him of his like 18 picture him over the old ending credits. And I got to say, the kids are disturbing looking. The children all had something wrong with them. I don't know what it is, but there was something about the cast of the eye. It was unsettling to look at. That's all I remember. And I had a
Starting point is 00:48:43 company text that I thought was very funny because it said, you know, in 2000, whatever Tim created a way of a revolution in a way, I meant now, you know, our underground railroad. And he says the entire idea came from his wife. And it's like, well, you could have actually shown that in the movie, maybe. Yeah, you could have shown her saying, hey, I think you should do this instead of just like, my God, those children. I support you. I have to say like this movie was incredibly just like not even I wouldn't confusing is like too exciting of a word. Yeah. But like you don't care. Confucian right. Trying to chase it around like you can't be asked to like move up your seat to chase any of the strands of this plot. But like I'll say muddled. It's a. Yeah, it's Mitchell. That's very good. Yeah, it's Mitchell. Ask and it's muddledness and it's sort of like indeterminability of multiple characters and everything. But it's not because it was a shitty camera because we actually have a control group for that.
Starting point is 00:49:46 I watched another shitty movie on a shitty camera like weeks ago. I watched the flash on the same cam guy is an output with the same gambling ads and the same shitty audio and way too dark video. And for how shitty as it was, and how bad of a movie the flash was, I still knew what was going on. Yeah. So you can't even blame the fact that we got the worst or it.
Starting point is 00:50:21 I mean, like the first 20 minutes of this movie, I literally thought that like scenes were cut out of the movie by the Shitty Camry. Well, the opening thing where he stings the petto is deeply, deeply confusing and marched in its execution. Because it starts with them doing a fucking breach infiltration of a petafiles home where this little guy, you kind of look like a derastinated Christian bail with a bull cut. He gets busted and they find all these tapes of children getting molested from other countries, you know, not in America.
Starting point is 00:50:53 And then he has a conversation with his partner, whatever, who's like, this is fucked up. Maybe we should try to stop it. And he's like, whoa. So he strikes up a friendship with the peto, convinces the peto that he's a peto, and then says, I would really like to actually experience the pedophilia stuff instead of just watch it and He gets this guy to connect him to this network that brings the brother up to the Mexican border And then he has this second part that is the most baffling because he does this He lets him out of prison with this vague thing of like oh, I'll knock down anything that they put against you
Starting point is 00:51:23 but you know he remains him into custody. And then they take go to the the I hop and he says, hey, a kid's coming. And so once he's got him, he starts laughing. And he goes, you're under arrest for crimes against children. And then the cops command and kick everybody's door down. And that's when he goes, I trust you, he goes, never trust. But he's already been arrested by that point. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:46 They're double arresting him. Yeah. It's the same guy. Like, you're supposed to show rungs of a sting, where a guy gets arrested and then he stings another guy. You don't sting the same guy. And like, okay, I'm not, you know, I'm not a lawyer. I'm not involved in law enforcement.
Starting point is 00:52:03 But like, after you've already arrested someone, they're in custody. Then the person who arrested you takes you out of custody, out of handcuffs, out of prison, and then asks you to commit more crimes on his behalf. Isn't that kind of the definition of entrapment? Yeah, that's entraping a guy. Like, you can't look at these like, not just, yeah, you're being charged for crimes and going to
Starting point is 00:52:27 children again. Yeah, that's why I think muddled is better than confused because when that was happening, I just couldn't, I couldn't follow it so I didn't, I just stopped caring. And then I was able to enjoy every new part by itself. Yeah, like I said, I, I don't know what, how much more to say about this movie, the one last comment I want to make about it is at the very end of the movie when it gives you like the footage of the real staying. And then it hits you with like, you know, the real stats about, you know, how many kids
Starting point is 00:52:55 are trafficked and like it's like the sobering moment. The way they phrase it is that there are more people in slave today than when slavery was legal. And this is a thing I'm hearing a lot of lately. And I guess I can't help but wonder, especially like their connection, they're trying to play up that like they're the modern day equivalent of Harriet Tubman, even though there's weird Mormons who go to fucking Central America and just give money to people to buy their children. Did you guys not like in the way that that's phrased, did you not feel that there's like an implicit thing
Starting point is 00:53:27 that like by saying that there's more, actually more people in slaves today than during slavery, that guess what, like slavery during America wasn't that bad because it's worse today, elsewhere. Well, they're definitely saying it's worth today, yeah. That is like a sneaky aspect of it. Yeah. Yeah, like why do we care about that?
Starting point is 00:53:42 Well, this already gone, by God's be gone, this is happening now Yeah, and you know like Obviously, I think this organization is ludicrous, but like look anyone who says this movie is bad is just accused of being being a pedophile now So I will say I don't think that our underground railroad is Trafficking children for the purposes of sex. I think they're definitely and I'm just saying this is just a guess on my part I think they're traficking kids for the purposes of sex. I think they're definitely, and I'm just saying this is just a guess on my part. I think they're trafficking kids for the purposes of adoption,
Starting point is 00:54:08 which is what a lot of these Christians do. Like when they, when they, they say, this is real child stealing. These bad poor countries. Yeah. And they are, and like, you know,
Starting point is 00:54:18 adoption is, I'm sorry, like I'm saying this as a kid, it was adopted. Adopted adoption is literally Zilling Children. But, yeah. It's, it's connecting buyers and sellers. That's all you're doing.
Starting point is 00:54:26 You're introducing efficiency into the market because slavery is ultimately inefficient. It's, and do you remember at the 20, I forgot who's 2020 or 2016 RNC, but when they brought that cop up, who arrested those two people for fentanyl and then like took their kid? Yeah. There's just so much of that.
Starting point is 00:54:47 There's so much of that of like these like just glossed over whitewash stories of like a good Christian family just like finding a kid and taking them. Whether it's like from a foreign country or like somewhere in America, then you never get the entire story. But it's like, from what we know about like foster homes and shit, like how do you think a lot of these are going? I think there's probably a lot of shit going on like with the Ukraine right now, because they're... Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:55:17 They're white babies. You know, there's a lot of people like, a lot of American soldiers like, save children in Afghanistan or whatever, who are like orphaned and their parents show up being like, excuse me, like you stole our child, can we have them back? Remember Madonna? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:32 Yeah. We're just like, this is all a process of like fully neoliberalizing the global supply chain of children. Introducing markets and regulation to every level. I mean, was there any other, was there any other funny part of this movie that I forgot or any moment of this movie that you remember? I mean, I watched this movie today and I've already forgotten it. Not the movie, but I did see something today on Twitter. And it was like, it was people who are like deeper into QAnon than like, like this movie is for the normie crowd, right? Yeah, there's no real,
Starting point is 00:56:02 there's barely even any, but the people say, oh, it wings a Q and on. Barely. There's almost nothing here. I know this shit. And I'd not see in anything. Q and on is so much more interesting. Oh, yeah. movie, you know, there's like the supernatural comes into play with Q and on. But like, people who are actually into Q and on, they were bitching out this movie because they did my favorite thing that people do, which is what they find a photo shoot that like a celebrity has done, where they do the poses that every celebrity in every photo shoot ever will do, where it's like their arms are crossed and they're like, this is a satanic pose. Oh yeah. Yeah. and they were doing that with Jim Kovizel. They were going, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:47 I thought this was okay, but now I have serious doubts about the messenger. And then they were, they were showing the agent, the founder of Operation Underground Railroad. They were showing pictures of him wearing a tie that has had the Masonic symbol on it. I see a goody proctor. Yeah, she's been watching the milk calves. I'll just, I guess the close that I sort of read one more thing from this Adam Merlin piece about the real Timothy Ballard. It says here, Ballard laid out a secret plan to monetize his child's sex slave wrestling on profit. That's what you want to do. a ballerid laid out a secret plan to monetize his child's sex slave rescue on profit. Yeah, that's what you want to do. monetize the
Starting point is 00:57:27 Roth. Ballard laid out a secret plan to monetize his child's sex slave rescue nonprofit and proselytize perspective converts to the Mormon church to close associates. When asked about the relationship between the entities on the whiteboard and what the terms sizzle and covenant mean in this context, a spokesman for our said, no comment. They created a sizzle reel to monetize and proselytize the work of their child buying non-profit. They want to act like they're Harry of Tubman, but what they actually are, actually are, is OCP from Robocop. Like, they are bringing privatization and regulation to the child market.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Because they're saying, we'll adopt these kids or somebody will, we could make this worth everyone's while, but if we brought it above board, because that's the thing, they don't want to stop what's actually happening. They don't want to stop what's actually happening. They don't want to turn off the spigot that produces these sort of social relationships. They love that stuff. They just want this element of it to stop being upsetting to them, to imagine.
Starting point is 00:58:33 And you don't stop it. You can't stop it that way. Well, you can do is monetize it and turn it into a different narrative, a different skin. So it's no longer a child application, it pulling kids from their families, it's something else, it's something better than that. When in fact, you're just talking about the misery
Starting point is 00:58:53 accumulating at the bottom of a social hierarchy. Human trafficking for conservatives, it hits the same tone as toxic living situation for people on the left. It's the same, the same go fun me tactic. But do you guys remember Eliza Blue? Oh, is that like the Nazi girl who like not not not not see I'm thinking of Prussian blue. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Well, Eliza Blue is different. She was, she made her name being like an anti-human trafficking
Starting point is 00:59:22 person. Oh, she's a complete nutcase. And she's a play liar. Yeah, I told a liar. Yeah, she told these insane stories where she was like, apparently she got trafficked like 12 times. Yeah. You know, like she was just escape and get retrafect. And it's like all like made up, right? Yeah. And she was so, like she was so brazen.
Starting point is 00:59:42 And she broke the carton of rule of running to the mods to get people suspended when they would point out like this is there's something f**kty about this story that she eventually like got ostracized from the conservative sphere, right? And I wonder if that you know it was a bit of an accelerated timeline because she wasn't, she wasn't as deft as Tim Ballard, maybe. But I wonder if that's like, that is going to be a common trajectory for people in the conservative online space. Wasn't she the person who came forward and said, I'm the mascot of Elon Musk's anti-Petokampaign. Yeah, that was a lies of this.
Starting point is 01:00:26 Yes, that was her. That was her. I wonder if that's going to be like, every online faction, every online political faction has their own like Icarus pattern. They all have their own types of people that rise fast and quick and burn out hard. And maybe for conservatives, this is it, people who like monetize human trafficking.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Because it's such a salacious thing. And to involve yourself in it, you have to lie so much and so blatantly. And to maintain those lies, you do have to kind of run to the mods. Yeah. I don't know. Maybe we'll have with Tim Ballard or they'll get him for wearing the Mason tie. Well, with the success of Sound of Freedom, just maybe like some sequels, the look of freedom, the smell of freedom, just keep this franchise going.
Starting point is 01:01:22 The touch, the feel of freedom. And like, look, here's the thing. Okay, the next movie though is gonna be sort of a meta movie. It's gonna be the look of freedom. And it's about the real Tim Ballard trying to make a sequel to this movie. And it's about like the Jim Keyvies will be playing him, but it's about how he has to go to Hollywood
Starting point is 01:01:39 and recruit pedophiles who understand how to make a fucking movie that's entertaining. And he has to get like, yes, they like recruit them with a sting that they're making like an evil godless, hell, we would pedophile movie. But no, they're actually making the opposite of that. They're just using pedophile movie making techniques to make it interesting to engage in to watch. That would be cool because yeah, you could have Jim Kovizel reprise his role as baller, but then Tim Ballard could have Jim Kovizel reprise as Rolls-Ballard, but then Tim Ballard could play Jim Kovizel. Yes, this is like the rehearsal. Charlie Kauf could never. Yeah, I think that would be cool. I don't have anything more in the sound of freedom.
Starting point is 01:02:16 I just, I really appreciate it. The movie for just thank you movie in a time that feels very, you know, uncertain. Thank you for giving me a way to pretend that I am some sort of night-errant, setting free sex slaves here, left it right because what? I post about your movie, I watch it, and then I'm vigilant in mall parking lots, and I get to be a fucking hero.
Starting point is 01:02:41 And I'm a publican. That really is like the greatest thing you could do for your movie is to make just seeing it in active activism. Mm-hmm. They were the, yeah, never started that. Yeah, no, this is the start. They're running the left wing playbook.
Starting point is 01:02:54 They're creating their alternative space within decaying neoliberalism out of the carcass of the old dying left consensus. That's why I think that they're gonna have a ton of like rising stars that burn out. That they're just going to replay like 2017 to 2019 left. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:13 I think it's just the exact same. Nothing changes. It's just different people going through the same motions. So many DMed Lame hot pants. You know, you know, Tim Ballard, Tim Ballard posting hello, Grand Forks North Oh, the secret chalice. Tim baller going to, Tim baller going to like a Bob's for Liberty event. Hey, I'm thinking about starting a women's anti-trafficking group, yeah. And we can, and we can all post our bodies in there.
Starting point is 01:04:00 So in case any of us get traffic, we can identify, identify each other later, you know, KC up into tattoos. I'll have it in my database. All right. Only a few people are really going to get these ones. If you did, though, you owe us more money. Yeah. If you get this joke, you're a fucking free loader otherwise. Yeah. If you did though, you owe us more money. Yeah. If you get this joke. You're a fucking freeloader otherwise. Yeah. If you get these jokes, man, then you probably know us personally.
Starting point is 01:04:34 Yeah, I would guess. Alright, that's the show. Bye-bye. Bye. Bye. We are so moving, get out, get in the way

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