Chapo Trap House - 750 - Hungwy Man (7/17/23)

Episode Date: July 20, 2023

Edit: sorry just realized this was accidentally set to "private" on soundcloud for two days and no one said anything about. rare "audience not complaining enough" moment. -cw We examine the continued... agonies of Catturd, Charlie Kirk’s incompetent racism, RFK Jr’s donor fart party, and of course the quickly collapsing DeSantis campaign. Did DeSantis say “mmm…hungwy”? Well, empirically the answer is no, but spiritually the answer is yes. Tickets for our live shows in BOTH Montreal and Toronto available here at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello friends, once again, we are back, but before we start today's show, I would just like to remind our Canadian listeners that tickets are still available to our two shows this August in the country of Canada. August 17th in Toronto at the Danforth musical and August 19th in Montreal at the Beanfield theatre. So once again, tickets still available to both shows. Canada, please come out to see us in Toronto and Montreal this August 17th and 19th. Let's start the show. The fact that you buy a ticket and that ticket represents your passage, your seat on a travel that is appointed to a certain time that you can rely on basically arriving in your
Starting point is 00:00:59 destination at the appointed time and then also you can bring a bag with you. Like now, that basic service of like is reserved for like the special subscriber club. Like forget, like fuck first class. Like if you just want to sit and have like a Wi-Fi or like something to charge your phone with while you wait at the terminal, like you have to be in like the Delta Sky priority club. And no, you can't pay to be in that club when you arrive at the airport. You have to get their credit card for it. You have to get credit card debt to Delta Airlines.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Sorry. This is, you're just tuning into our new, the new show, complaints about the way things are. Things are not as good as they used to be. Everything's falling apart. Feel like, hello. I'm already rolling. I've got my mic. I'm recording as well. I be. Everything's falling apart. Feel like, hello, I'm already rolling. I've got my mic. I'm recording as well. I figure you guys can have it. But I'm
Starting point is 00:01:49 here if you need any extra energy or whatever on this app. All right. Go as you use some extra energy. It's Monday July 17th. It's chop-o checking in once more with you guys. Let's bless them, fellow those met still on vacation. Just me Felix and Chris for today. But where to begin? Where to start today? Right before I started recording today, I was just checking in on our friend, CatTurd.
Starting point is 00:02:19 CatTurd II, who is, you know, he's very angry at Twitter still is. But this time with some good reason, because basically, I don't know exactly how this works, but people, if you suck Elon's dick hard enough, he sends you a check now on Twitter, like you get ad residuals or something. Well, like, so I think like all the ad shit we saw is like,
Starting point is 00:02:46 it's not universal. This is not like YouTube. I don't believe that for a second. No, that's like if you're verified and like a certain amount of blue checks to reply to you, you'll get a check. It's like a complete lie and was like only given to people who go, oh my God, like thank you, Elon. So like the Crashing scenes, limbs of TikTok. Like the Crashing scenes are the only good people
Starting point is 00:03:06 who got money. Everyone else is like, you know, like you're like, yeah, no, yeah. It's something like that. I think Mr. Beast got some money too, who I consider a fairly neutral figure. Basically a product of the pure internet. Right, but like all these people represent
Starting point is 00:03:21 like people that Elon wants to get on on board like one normal one whatever the craft the scenes are and then like a bunch of like uh... rooves who already make up the majority of the customer base for twitter blue but he didn't pay off cat turn which is incredibly shoddy work i mean well i mean it is it though because cat turn has been bitching about him non-stop for months now.
Starting point is 00:03:49 So I mean, like, now he wants to check. Well, I don't know. Like, cat turn is, I mean, he acquiesces to everything else that cat turn says. Interesting. Yeah. I mean, like, I'm not so much interested in cat turds, like long-ass response and he's just like complaining about how unfair it is and he's like, you know, my engagement
Starting point is 00:04:12 and all the years I've worked, I've put into my Twitter account. I was just more, I'm way more interested in the people who reply to cat turd because like, checking cat turds replies is like my favorite thing to do on Twitter. And I was just, I was just going through and seeing some of the people responding to cat turn like cat turn heads, turd heads out there.
Starting point is 00:04:31 And the first thing I come across is a guy named Don Looney, Don the Biker 6.6. And his bio says stock trader, not financial advice, old man, lover of animals, I have a pet alligator, one shot, one miss. This guy is just like cooked Florida, just that pure Florida. You sound cool. Yeah. Okay, this is another really great display name.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Adam Brimson designs. And this is a guy, this guy with like a backwards hat and sunglasses, but it's just as artist, crazy, right wing, conspiracy, extremist. That's Adam Brimson designs, everybody. So, so I know that the line has been that, you know, Elon has lost cat turd. Like, what is he going to do with his project now? These lost cat turd, but is it possible? And I know that, you know, nobody's ever lost money betting against Elon's stupidity.
Starting point is 00:05:27 But is it possible that cat turn has lost Elon? Like does Elon at this point just know that he doesn't actually need to pay this guy off because he's so addicted to the product that no matter what Elon does, he's only gonna continue adding to the engagement. He's using the long tweets, he's continuing to post probably 18 hours a day Like, you know, maybe to give you on an ounce of credit
Starting point is 00:05:50 He's like, I actually don't need to cater to this guy because he'll always be back. I mean like catcher will be back Along with them catcher fans like Philip LaFlesh oops. I farted Ultra mega wordsmith, Carrie America. Hodge twins, which are identical twin conservative comedians. It's all the same person, but I love, I like Ketzer's fans more than I like Ketzer. I don't know. Ketzer is more, I like it more than any of the other conservative figures, because I like that he was in like a he was in some like bullshit like steely dan type and in the 70s or 80s called like you know the the musty grapes or some shit Oh, color, wear upon your skin
Starting point is 00:06:45 and the perfect shade of purple on a flower upon a net. He's like lived a more complete life than the others. I feel like I like capture. I like that he, I mean, all the other conservatives seem to just immediately like started decorating Elon, but captured, he has shown,
Starting point is 00:07:06 I don't know if I'd call him in Take Red E because he's just like ultimately complaining about nothing. Like he's just making things up and getting mad about that. But it's something, you know? Like he's, I appreciate how he's like, great, Elon's in charge and I'm being debousted again. All these things that I have no idea what the fuck they mean. I think he's at least made Elon's life worse than I like that about him.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Respect. All right, the next thing I want to talk about is sort of a pick up of Felix, something you mentioned on our last episode in regards to that grouper claiming that Bosn Lerman's Romeo and Juliet was ghetto shakes were Shakespeare for black people. Yeah. And this is an example of somebody who was so bereft of any connection to any human being that they're just like they don't have the references or life experience to even be properly racist. I would just like to keep that in mind at Chris. I just shared this link in the chat.
Starting point is 00:08:11 If we could bring up this is Charlie Kirk talking at the Turning Points USA conference over the weekend. Yeah, one second. And by the way, none of them believe in affirmative action. You're trying to tell me if Sheila Jackson Lee, ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard flight 781 with nonstop service from Houston, Texas to Washington, Reagan, National Airport. I wanna tell you that we have Sheila Jackson Lee on board
Starting point is 00:08:38 and in the spirit of affirmative action, we have Ramon and Cadillac are your two pilots. They've never flown before, but they are black. Sheila Jackson Lee would be like, forget it, I'm off this plane. She would jump like, I ain't flying here. Okay. Okay. Um, you know, where to begin? Ramon, I thought he was going in an entirely different direction when he said Ramon. I've never, I mean, that like, this is the type of thing that you need to step down over. Not because it's racist, but because it's like, you don't know what you're doing. Like, oh, oh, oh, is it one of those estabons who's always wearing a do-rag?
Starting point is 00:09:27 Like, what do you, you did not have the racial knowledge to be leading TPUSA? And then Cadillac is just, I mean, what do you even say to that? I don't even think anyone's grandfather would bring that up as a black guy's name. I think he's thinking about the Reagan era racist trope about welfare queens driving catalax, but they didn't name their kids catalax. Catalax is his stock. It's just like, you could tell he was pressed to kind of come up with something on the fly. And the fact that he came up with a generally speaking, a Hispanic name and then just
Starting point is 00:10:08 a car he associates with black people, you're right. Like his funders need to, the board of TPUSA needs to get him out of there and bring in a real racist, bring in a racist with some fucking, with some contemporary knowledge. Yeah, this is just, I mean, I don't know which is more egregious. I'm honestly going to say Ramon, just because it is, it's like, it's completely with it. It is completely just literally picking the wrong rates. Cadillac, at least, like, I could see a guy who's been
Starting point is 00:10:39 intubated for less 30 years laughing at that. But Ramon, Ramon confused everyone, for sure. And then just just one final pick up on things talked, things discussed in our prior episode. So on last episode, we're seeking to raise this. We discussed a gentleman known as Andrew R15. Well, I mean, this does tell us the last week's episodes in general because he went to go see the sound of freedom. And would you believe it? He knows a novel strategy to combat child trafficking, which is to confront any parent
Starting point is 00:11:16 and child he sees at a supermarket where the child is having a tantrum. Like if a child is throwing stuff on the ground because their parents will buy them lucky charms, they're probably being traffic. And the way to intervene there is to have like the sweatiest of imaginable stand his ground and like, you know, approach it as a student market, like women and children armed
Starting point is 00:11:39 to intervene in human trafficking. The sound of freedom. He said he didn't go as far as to say, like every child who's crying is traffic, but he said, nine times out of 10, it's just like normal child stuff, but that one time out of 10, you really want that on your conscience.
Starting point is 00:11:58 So 10% of every... 10% every all children who are crying are traffic and and warrant some sort of armed intervention He's further expricated because you know, it was a bit it was a bit controversial So he has another long as post where he just says I May not have children right now, but I do want children of my own one day And I found and if I found out something like this would happen to my child, not only would I pray for the wrath of God would punish the trafficker, but also to every lazy and stupid moron that did nothing.
Starting point is 00:12:32 This is why I refuse to do nothing if I hear a child screaming in the store. So forgive me if I'm a little concerned. So like his hypothetical children have been, have been trafficked, and it's not his fault but it's everyone who's ever been around them it's their fault for not rescuing his children that don't exist. He says here now I'm not some reckless vigilante that will take action the moment I hear
Starting point is 00:12:56 a commotion I know this is a very rare occurrence which is why I will be careful to discern a situation but I also believe that when this rare occurrence happens, we need to take action. We can't sit idle anymore if someone is actually in danger because no one is going to like it when something like this happens to themselves. And that is why the message of the sound of freedom needs to be heard. These traffickers and pedophiles are only getting bolder because they know that there's a lot of people out there that will do nothing and more people do nothing, the more power to them.
Starting point is 00:13:23 That is all I have to say about this. But like it has he done anything though? Cause it makes it sound like he hasn't. Like he had like he just came up with this. And now he's just on the movie. Yeah, he just came up with this. And now he's like, everyone, this has been going on this whole time,
Starting point is 00:13:41 10% of children are being traffic and no one's done anything. Like, okay, Andrew, why don't you go to the grocery store? Why don't you go to the grocery store and to like whatever way that you got that range target, like whether it is like putting the gun in between your legs, just jumping up and down, just doing that. You know, time is a wasted here. I mean, I don't want, I don't want to sound a moral panic about movies, but I kind of feel the about the sound of freedom, the way people used to think
Starting point is 00:14:16 about the Joker with Joaquin Phoenix. And then I think that this movie is likely to inspire violence of some kind. Now, I mean, I mean, not really, but I have really enjoyed sign the reactions to the sound of freedom, including continued videos of people showing up in empty movie theaters to be like, why isn't anyone here? What, the air conditioning's on too much or too little. And just like, or just like something, something's not
Starting point is 00:14:42 right here, something's happening. But I do think that this is the future of all movie marketing. It's because, look, I mean, there's an actor strike now. So, I don't know, I think studios should be buying tickets to their own movies. With the flash of bombs so bad, if Warner Brothers had done the angel studio strategy of just buying theaters full of empty seats, did you stick it sales? I don't know. They should. I'm interested. So like, yeah, that was a lives of TikTok thing. She posted, she was going to the regular time to watch movies, which is like 11 a.m. on a Tuesday, just nothing else going on. Time to go see a movie.
Starting point is 00:15:25 But she like went in and all the seats were empty because someone bought all the tickets and she said, what the fuck? This said, it's sold out and it's totally empty. But it's like, what would the function of that day? Like if George Soros is doing that? Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Like what is the theory here?
Starting point is 00:15:42 Like, oh, we have to prevent this by, we have to prevent this by by uh... we have to prevent this from spreading by word of mouth so will just will by like ten to a million dollars of tickets but no one will actually see it i think so it's like uh... the fact that the movie can claim to be commercially successful is irrelevant to the the cabal if they can prevent i-balls from being she being this powerful
Starting point is 00:16:05 message from being shared or the traffickers themselves are actually staking out the screenings and then when good potential anti-trafficking patriots show up to the screenings, they are trafficking them at the door away from the move. So that is why the movie theater is we did we did say that last time when Matt said that his theater is pretty empty, that's a possibility. But like, I don't get there. They're just throwing things like anything that happens. It's just like proof that people are working against it. Yeah. Not many people know this, but at most movie theater, like most multiplexes, cinemas, there is, they keep one sort of like, their special theater. And it's like, it's like, the last theater. And you walk
Starting point is 00:16:51 in through the door and you go to sit down and what you think is a movie theater, but you've actually walked into the back of a truck on the loading dock. And then they close the doors and you're in a shipping container and you're being trafficked. That happened to half of the people who saw the flash. Luckily, we made it out. All right, well, moving on, let's talk some new business or things that I did not get to on last week's show because we blew the roof off of the cage and conspiracy,
Starting point is 00:17:18 the roof, the roof strategy. But this concerns RFK, RFK, Jr. And there's been some very good stuff lately happening on the Robert F. Kennedy Jr. presidential campaign. This begins with an article I was going to talk about last week that comes courtesy of page six that I think is like the first like Pulitzer level campaign reporting for the 2024 election season, headline, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Press Dinner explodes in war of words and farting. Okay, Camelot, it ain't. Page six regrets the report that a press dinner to boost Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s presidential campaign descended into a foul bout of screaming and
Starting point is 00:18:03 polemic farting Tuesday night. The White House hopeful attended the affair at Tony's on the Upper East Side, no doubt hoping to impress on the ladies and gentlemen of the Fourth Estate his worthiness to sit at the very same Oval Office desk once occupied by his late uncle. But a shouting match over the climate change broke out between two boisterous old men sending the evening down an extremely unfortunate path. The gaseous exchange to which paid six bore reluctant witness began after a guest-ass Kennedy founder of the ecological organization Waterkeeper Alliance about the environment. It seemed
Starting point is 00:18:39 that the mere inquiry was enough to set off apparently drunk gossip con this turned flack, dug to share the host of the event, who became enraged and screamed at the top of his lungs, the climate hoax. Meanwhile, octogenarian art critic, Anthony Hayden guessed, who had appeared to have been sleeping happily for most of the dinner, was roused by the abrupt rumpus. He suddenly opened his eyes and denounced his long-time pal, Desherr, calling him a miserable blob. Shut up, implored Hayden Guest. Hayden Guest tells us he was not asleep.
Starting point is 00:19:11 I was just thinking. He told us and says that he is the one who asked the question about the environment. Desherr continued to scream wildly about climate to the climate change scam while Hayden Guest peppered him with verbal volleys from across the table calling him variously fucking insane and insignificant meanwhile Kennedy a prospective president in the United States watched calmly here it seems to share since the need for a new rhetorical attack and let rip a loud prolonged fart while yelling as it's the underscore his points I'm farting is to underscore his points, I'm farting. I would highly recommend looking up this page six article just to see the, just to see what Mr. DeShirt and Anthony Hayden guessed
Starting point is 00:19:56 look like. Mr. DeShirt. Because it is very fitting. I like that the high level Kennedy campaign dinners are like, like the class that they put pressure in the movie. It's like literally, it's like a remedial and like bad kids class for donors. Yeah, it's like season four of the wire where a bunny has the class for like all the disruptive kids who are just like, yeah, all the corner kids who can't sit still and are screaming the entire time. Other kids can't learn. Yeah, this is like, like you, like you have Mr. Presbo fuck you. You have to be an RFK donor if you're like too fucked up to be a Trump donor.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Like you can't eat, like that's like failing out of the classes they have for like kids on the football team who they want to keep on. This is just this is the most remedial classroom I've ever heard of. I also like that given the age and location of all these people. It sounds like the group of like the last men standing from the people who couldn't get in the room when John F. Kennedy was hanging out with the rat pack. Like a bunch of guys who imagine themselves as like hep cats in like 1963 and just are the ones who made it to 85 before they died of like lung cancer or some kind of stomach ulcer from surviving only on whiskey for 20 years.
Starting point is 00:21:16 I like it. It's really dinged. It's bring a ding ding for this climate change. Bunk. Hey, Dino used to fart in my mouth all the time back at the sands. And RFK is just like letting this happen to like, that's like he's not like, this is ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:21:35 We're above this. He's like, no, we should let this play out. It's a lot of I got to hear both these guys out. Mr. Discharts is a very old friend. We got to hear what he has to say. The room, which included a handful of journalists, as well as Kennedy's campaign manager, former representative Dennis Kucinich, was stunned, seemingly unsure about whether Dishart was farting at Hayden Gas personally or at the very notion of global warming.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Regrettably, we may assure readers that there was no room for doubt that the climate changed in the immediate environments of the dinner table. The candidate maintained a steady composure in the face of the crisis. Former Page Six reporter Flo Anthony attempted to change the subject, telling Kennedy how much he admired his father, the tragic Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy. Sadly, and somewhat inexplicably, another guest brought things back to climate change, leading to another round of yelling. Sadly, and somewhat inexplicably, another guest brought things back to climate change, leading to another round of yelling.
Starting point is 00:22:26 We're told to share it and hate and guess to have known each other for three decades. When asked about the comments about his or outburst the next day, to share it told us, I apologize for using my flatulence as a medium of public commentary in your presence. He also asked us to refer to him as either a galvanting boulevardier or a beer-fueled sex rocket. A beer-fueled sex rocket. How old is, how old is, do you do the shit? How old is he? At least 60, at least in the 60s. Damn. Yeah, this is, I wouldn't say his campaign is like above this. This is like, yeah, this is pretty much what the RFK campaign deserves. Was this the same dinner where he was like, you know, Jews and Chinese people dissent
Starting point is 00:23:16 and serious. Yes, yes, Felix. In fact, it actually was literally the same dinner. I was like, yeah, so I mean, it says that this is the follow-up to this story. The New York Post obtained a video from a recent RFK junior event where he suggested COVID is a Chinese bio-weapon ethically targeted to attack Caucasians and black people and to spare Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people. Okay, like what the first problem
Starting point is 00:23:45 i don't know if you said the first problem i have with this is that oscanazi jews love going to the doctor more than anything so the idea that there'd be a bioweapon to spare them from that is quite disturbing well i mean we still get to go to the doctor we still like get to go to the doctor and get the shot i mean like RFK made this point in the worst way possible, but what was the point? Well, I, okay, I've never tested
Starting point is 00:24:16 positive for COVID. No one in my family who's even gotten it has like even like felt sick ever. So like maybe. But then then I'm sure there's a counter example of a different Jewish guy who like, you know, had to get three limbs amputated because of COVID. So I don't know. Well, we'll have to we'll have to take it up with the scientific community. No, he, he did the thing I hate the most, which is like he said this. He said this was a bio weapon that was specifically made to exclude Jews and Chinese people. And then it was like, I didn't say that. The follow-up here is ABC News, RFK Jr. accused of making anti-somatic racist claims about COVID-19, but insist he was misunderstood. And a brief phone interview with ABC News on Sunday, Kennedy insisted he was appalled. He said his comments about immunity had been misunderstood, specifically over how a news report
Starting point is 00:25:14 implied he was talking about some ethnicities being spared. He also invoked his famous family's history of supporting Israel. My father was in Israel prior to the creation of the Israeli state and spent a lifetime fighting for Israel, fighting the creation of the Israeli state and spent a lifetime fighting for Israel, fighting for its race to exist and for a strong alliance of the United States, he said adding, my own campaign, one of the primary themes of this campaign, is to bring the Democratic Party back to its traditional support for Israel. There is nobody who is running for president today who is a stronger champion for Israel than myself. In an interview with A.P. News outsider, I can really see why they want to take him down. But okay, the guy he's got coming off the bench for him.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Oh boy, it's Rabbi Shmouli Bayotek. It's the official Rabbi of the RFK Junior Campaign who they're trotting out to said that there's absolutely nothing and he's semetic about what he said. He said, well, you know what, Bobby? I think the opposite is true. I witnessed the destination of Oscar Nazi Jews in the New York Acidic community in Crown Heights. They lost 80 senior rabbis in the first month to COVID, all Oscar Nazi Jews. He said that while the two disagreed vociferously on a number of topics,
Starting point is 00:26:19 they still speak nearly every day. The O-Tech added that Kennedy believes Kennedy is an ally to Jews, not an anti-Semite, but he condemned Kennedy's comments. In a statement sent by his campaign challenging the post headline on its story, Kennedy maintained that he has never, ever suggested that the COVID-19 virus was engineered to spare Jews. So, what's the make of this? I do, I did enjoy it. Well, Shmoole is a great character.
Starting point is 00:26:45 Yeah, well, I'm okay. So let's, let's try to see it from his perspective. Okay. Why would the Chinese spare you, like, why would they be like, we need to, we need to make a virus that like, it'll be fun for us and Jews. I sort of picture it like no one at the Jewish can ball asked for it.
Starting point is 00:27:07 They were just like this will impress them. If we're like, hey, we made this whole virus, but you can't get it, isn't that cool? I think it would be like when Japanese game makers put golems and dibbix in their games to impress Jews. In East Asia, there's a lot of weabism for the Jewish people. Yeah. And so this might be connected.
Starting point is 00:27:30 It's like, you know, in the Japanese Imperial government was given the protocols, the elders of Zion by the third Reich and they were like, damn, you know, these guys are all over. We got to go, we got to start talking with these, these shows and people, they got their shit locked down. They, when they read protocols, it was like in state property, when Bini Seagull saw Memphis bleed kill the guy in the strip club.
Starting point is 00:27:48 He's like, you need someone like that on your crew. But I'm saying, I'm saying to blacks and Caucasians, you either get down or you lay down motherfuckers. I mean, I don't know, Like the whole like Caucasians and Blacks are more susceptible to COVID-19. I mean, like, is this just going off the hashtag Died Suddenly? Like, you know, sort of, we're, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:13 and prominent athletes are like, Lance Reddick drops dead and like that raises an eyebrow or two. I don't know because, okay, like isn't, is that your immunity like fine or not? Like, what, what, what point is he making here? That COVID is still extremely deadly for like just regular white people and black people, but you shouldn't take the vaccine or presumably like get intubated.
Starting point is 00:28:40 But you should, you should take like, I don't, like the anti-body shit that they didn't Florida. I know, like, I mean, I've remarked it. I mean, what's take like, I don't like the anti-body shit that they didn't Florida. I know. Like, I mean, I've remected it. I mean, what's again, like if someone you've talked about on the show over and over again, when it comes to COVID hysteria of either variety, what do you want from me? Like, what should I do? Give me some practical instructions about how to metabolize these claims that you're making, because 90% of the time it just sort of like fuck it. Like,'m not gonna die or I'm not. Who cares, shut up. Yeah, and there's like he's so all over the place with this.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Like I thought like if you're gonna say like COVID's fake fuck the vaccine, okay, but then going in a whole other direction where it's like, oh, actually it's so dangerous that it's a racial bio weapon. Like okay, then like maybe if maybe people should get the vaccine. What are you saying? You don't even know what you're doing. You're not even a good crank.
Starting point is 00:29:30 He saw it. He's so fun. You can't do anything right. Chimuli biotech is the perfect person to be on board with the RFK Junior Campaign. Because he's one of my absolute favorite characters. And one of my favorite things in the video, he released supporting RFK and saying that he's not an anti-Semite.
Starting point is 00:29:48 One of the examples he used that he couldn't possibly be an anti-Semite is that his father was killed by Surhan Surhan for his support of Israel. Less than a year ago, RFK Jr. said Surhan Surhan didn't kill his father and should be let out of prison. Well, that's like the one thing he's right about. Yeah. Like, Sir, like that is like, okay, like yeah, okay, I agree there.
Starting point is 00:30:11 But everything else is just, everything else he like goes out of his way to be wrong on topics that usually don't go together. Like he's a combination of like Chuck Baldwin and the Constitution Party's positions in 2008 and then like Joe Lieberman. It is the candidacy for no one. Well, it's like, you know, it's It's for someone. There are there are people out there. He's his dad's his regis resonating. Yeah Arthgate also got in hot water less. I mean, like, this one's kind of stupid. It says Twitter ignites after RFK Jr calls Ice Cube, influential civil rights leader.
Starting point is 00:30:51 And you know, he got his photo taken with him and stuff. And Ice Cube wanted to clarify that he does not. It was not an endorsement. But I mean, like, this seems like the more tepid RFK Jr. controversy is. Ice Cube, Ice Cube, Ice Cube was a neighborhood activist. Yeah, he's also an anti-vax guy. I'm more care about his work where he like rid the neighborhood of Debo.
Starting point is 00:31:13 They got rid of those gangbangers, a branch of Hukamanga. I forget what happens in Friday, in Friday after next, but I'm sure some more good deeds. If he supports Ice Cube, that's good enough for me. I like that's in the win column for RFK Jr.
Starting point is 00:31:30 So he's not going to get a scolding for me and calling him a civil rights leader, even if it is a bit of a question. Do you remember when Ice Cube, he posted like some like, black is realite thing, I forget, or something. It was like before the Kyrie thing actually, right? This guy like Morton Klein who's the head of a Zionist organization of America, which is like I don't on previous years I would call it like to slightly to the right of APEC it's sort of like gun owners of America versus the NRA
Starting point is 00:32:03 Yeah, but now they're pretty much like openly in LogSec. There's no real reason for ZOA to exist, I would say. But Mort Klein met with Ice Cube to prove he is an anti-Semitic and then in several follow-up posts said, my friend, the Black Rapper Ice Cube, has learned a lot about the Jewish people and the Holocaust. I'm very proud of the Black Rapper Ice Cube. That's now I think about that.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Anytime I think of Ice Cube. Just a mortgloind saying, the Black Rapper Ice Cube, my friend. I gotta say, going from saying, I'll never have dinner with the president to having dinner with the head of with Mort Klein. Sorry, that's an L for ice cube right there. Oh, okay, I found one of the posts. It's good. I mort Klein just had a two-hour conversation with ice cube.
Starting point is 00:32:58 We both grew up poor in black hoods. Cube told me he thanked Jews for starting the NAACP, many black schools in fighting for black civil rights. Cube told me he supports condemning black into all anti-Semitism, and I condemned all racism. This was July of 2012. This is the only good thing that happened in 2020. Yeah, was the ice cube and fucking more climb meeting. To us, Uncle Sam is Hitler without the ovens. That's my favorite ice cube one. Well, moving on from RFK Jr.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Let's check in on the DeSantis campaign. And the first thing I need to talk about, is we need to break down the provenance of the video of DeSists going mmm hungry Hungui okay, so that is because apparently it is fake It is fake, but it's like I have choose to believe it's real it feels realer than any like it doesn't it doesn't feel fake You know how different is that from like the weird faces he makes and the off-putting things does. I think that like the the DeSantis hum hum gooey hum gooey video clip is not true in a literal sense, but this is sort of like a strousy and meta truth. It communicates
Starting point is 00:34:17 an emotional truth that is realer than fact checking can can account for. And I will note that the main fact check on this came courtesy of Newsweek, which is just sort of like the DeSantis man house menu, but you know, it doesn't need to be real for it to be true. Hungui. Hungui. Yeah, no, it is.
Starting point is 00:34:40 He's probably done that in the past, just not on video. But okay, let me ask you this. If DeSantis has just been sated by eating a large and very satisfying meal, do you think he would rub his tummy in sort of contentment? We sort of pat or rub his stomach and go, hmm, yeah. And I think when he sleeps, he gets like like a big weird bubble in his mouth like the horny teacher from Dragon Ball Z. Does he, does he perpetually keep a feather floating
Starting point is 00:35:14 just above his mouth as he sleeps and goes. Yeah, he's a tune. He does all the tune things. Okay, this next one is the first actual victory, or like the first actual good thing I've seen that a scientist campaign do. And that's a Trump pack posted a video showing what appears to be a Rhonda Santas-Canvaser caught on a ring video describing how he tells off
Starting point is 00:35:42 unfriendly people. Eat my balls, eat my big Harry sack, and I'm a little stone, so I don't care. Fuck you, get off my fucking one, then I'd be like, now eat my balls, honestly. Eat my big Harry sack. You're gonna buy his bag.
Starting point is 00:36:02 This should end up a little stuff, so I don't... So there's a rude dissent, thisistine telling people as he knocks on doors to suck his dick. He's high fuck you, which I think is probably the most effective voter outreach that Ron D'Assan this is campaign has ever done. Yeah, I was with this guy. He doesn't seem like a true dissentist head. No, he's clearly someone who's just been doing it for money. Like it's the judge, the paycheck.
Starting point is 00:36:29 But also, the other headline, the state-discampaign shed staff amid cash crunch. Basically, he's running out of money. It says here, if you were the 10 staffers were let go by the Florida Governor's campaign Thursday, according to a person familiar with internal deliberations and granted anonymity to describe them. Each of the aides was involved in event planning and some of them may soon wind up at an allied outside group, never back down. The pro-Desantis Superfactors received resumes
Starting point is 00:36:55 from staffers who'd been let go, a president familiar with the group said. Then we have another piece in the Washington Post, a long slog inside DeSantis's early struggles and effort to rebound. Quote here, nothing in the last Post, a long slog inside DeSantis' early struggles and effort to rebound. Quote here, nothing in the last eight weeks or so would convince anyone, holy moly, we've got to pack up our tent and go home said Republican strategist Dave Carney, who is working on the presidential bid and is a long time advisor to another governor,
Starting point is 00:37:18 Republican Greg Abbott of Texas. He's got plenty of time to recover and get back to where he was in January or February, but a lot of wasted time. They say it does it as express confidence in his position and the ground game his allies are building in early states. We just gave you the story about his ground game in early states. Watch and learn. He said in Iowa on Friday when asked how he diminished Trump's lead. Don't believe me? Just watch. Just watch. It says, but one donor who recently hosted an event for the Santas described hearing the sentiment such as, what's going on? And does he even have a chance from associates? This donor was trying to get
Starting point is 00:37:57 other rich Republicans to give to the Santas, but most wanted to keep their powder dry after his lackluster beginning. Still, even attendees at the Santa's events have been drawn to Trump's charisma, and the former president took the opportunity to draw a concrete contrast joking that his rival needed a personality transplant. On the trail, the Santa's can be brief with voters and terse with reporters. And just to crown off the latest the Sanctus news. I got a real kick out of this is this is a blog done at the National Review by Rich Lowry. Like I say a blog post this is more like a Twitter post. I just like this is the sum total of Rich Lowry is our like little post on the National Review. It says here the only problem
Starting point is 00:38:39 Ron DeSantis has is that he's running against Donald Trump. There's been a lot of conversation about the DeSantis stall lately, and it's true. He didn't get a big bounce from his announcement. There are various reasons advanced for DeSantis not getting more traction. Some of which have validity. He's not an electric campaigner. He's emphasized his anti-woke agenda
Starting point is 00:38:57 to the exclusion of other important things, but we aren't looking at a campaign with the flaws of a highly touted campaigns that have flamed out over the years. No, I think the biggest problem he has is that Trump still has a grip on the party and loosening it is an enormous and very tricky task. If Trump worked in the race, the Sanctus pretty clearly would be the front-runner. That doesn't change his situation, obviously, but we should be clear about what's going on. So that's his problem. He would definitely be in the lead right now if Trump
Starting point is 00:39:24 wasn't also running for president. Yeah, if we let them in entirely different reality. Another article, Rupert Murdoch, begins to suspect this antis is actually a loser. And then like they also said, like a lot of these big money GOP donors are starting to look at Tim Scott. This is courtesy of Politico. Top donors souring on Descentis start looking to Tim Scott. Good luck.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Just like, like, just looking at him in general. I'm really curious for a particular role. They're just, they love looking at him. Or says here, oh, oh, hey, M. Saban. I know it is Andy Saban and a metal mogul and Republican, metal mogul and Republican contributor. Says of Tim Scott, he's the one guy running who's got some personality in
Starting point is 00:40:05 charisma his delivery is terrific that is the main thing people think with him scott is charisma but basically i just um de santis continues to circle the drain um got no charm no personality and he's uh we'll see how he rebrands uh did you see like the de santis campaign put out a video that was attacking Trump on his like support for the LGBT inclusion and the Republican party? Yeah, I saw that and it was interesting because,
Starting point is 00:40:37 well, you know my favorite guy's got Pressler, the persistence. Oh, the persistence, yeah. Yeah, he replied to that and he went, it's pretty good question, I thought, like what do you think of me? Because, you know, Pressler is, how effective I don't know.
Starting point is 00:40:51 He seems to always go to these places where Republicans like lose Senate races by like 40 points. And he's like, well, I'm going canvassing. But he's like this openly gay Trump guy who's just disgustingly positive and goes around doing all this shit. And it was like, okay, like, is there a place at the party for the weirdest gay guys who have ever lived?
Starting point is 00:41:17 All the Trump gay guys from 2016, like Scott Pressler. But then more interesting than that, a bunch of just normal Trump people, like the regular shitheads you see, they're just like, by blue checks and Trump, but aren't like media figures, they were just openly saying, this is unnerving and turns people off, and it's just like, pointlessly hateful, which I found very interesting. I don't know, like, that's probably, like, mostly just because it's like in opposition to Trump, but it is, we have said that before, that like, Distanthus is so off-putting
Starting point is 00:41:57 and like, just cruel for the sake of cruelty that it turns off like, even people who like, share most of his opinions. Yeah, and it's just like, like the thing is like, Trump did very well with the message that he wasn't the normal Republican, and that he was like inviting gay people
Starting point is 00:42:14 and not white people to like, everybody said, what do you have to lose? You know, hop on the board. Hop on the get out, get down with the party. In 2016, in 2016, Trump won, because he was seen as more moderate. I don't think that exactly will happen again, but it is like, even though it's a stupid reason to vote for him, that is an important piece of the formula.
Starting point is 00:42:40 And it's something that just no one will ever see with DeSantis, I don't think. And the last thing I want to talk about in regards to the Republican primary is, remember that guy, Bergham? Doug, is that his only name? Doug Bergham, who is this again? He is the North or South Dakota governor who's running for the Republican nomination. Doug Bergham, we talked about him like two weeks ago. I do not remember him. Yeah, he's the governor of North Dakota who is, you know, despite our awareness, running for the Republican nomination for president.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Okay, says inside the GOP presidential candidate gift card ploy, turning campaign finance upside down. Doug Burgham, the Republican governor of North Dakota, is running for president, but he has a problem. Most voters don't know who he is. Burgham has a solution for that to make a splash on the debate stage, but there's another problem.
Starting point is 00:43:40 The Republican National Committee requires at least 40,000 individual donors as one of its criteria for allowing a candidate on the debate stage. And Bergum is far from a household name who could gather all those donors. So Bergum once again come up with a novel solution. He wants to give 50,000 campaign donors $20 all purpose gift cards in exchange for a $1 contribution. It's a $1,000,000 gambit that could work a lot more effectively than spending one million on a bigger number of television ads. But the clever strategy could create its own set of thorny problems according to experts who say it may not be legal. Beyond that,
Starting point is 00:44:14 the RNC may not find it meets their new donor requirements for qualification. Some believe this game, while perhaps on savory, does put a past legal muster as a campaign expense. Bergen would not need to qualify for the debate if he were to candidate they said. So in that sense, his expenses past the FEC's irrespective test. Other experts, however, have argued that the ploy appears to be a reimbursement scheme which would violate the straw
Starting point is 00:44:36 donor band. Contributions in the name of another person. And some city could add up to an on mass conversion of $950,000 in campaign funds to personal use, which would be another serious violation. So basically, they're going to give you $20 to donate $1 to his campaign. So if any sort of entrepreneurial listener is, that sounds like free money to me. I got to say, I, similar to I forgot who Doug Berzum is. I just, if you put a gun to my head and made me recap,
Starting point is 00:45:09 what you just told me, I think I would die on the spot. I do not, this is like one of those schemes where like kids say they're selling candy bars for a basketball team. He's incredibly complicated. And like I would even, I could even see this working because if he was explaining this to me in person, I would give him $3 to stop trying to explain this to me.
Starting point is 00:45:34 Well, it's already working. I mean, you've been made aware again of who Doug Bursam is. So, in a very literal sense, I guess. I mean, in a very literal sense, I guess, you know, I'm where... Nothing else. I just associate him with like the feeling of being taught a card game, I guess. But he's, you know, we're talking about him again. Yeah. I associate him more with Thulean perspectives. Thulean perspectives on government.
Starting point is 00:46:03 I wish. We should be so lucky. I guess like, less than going on is actors are on strike now. I gotta say, I was kinda surprised by this. Like I was, I'd assumed that like the studios were going to basically give a better deal to SAG to like sort of drive a wedge between them and the WGA to like make the WGA strike harder. I just thought they were going to cut them a
Starting point is 00:46:28 better deal to sort of cleave them off from the other major industry union. But it appears it's it's they told them to go fuck themselves too. So no movies or television for a long time. That should be fun. Yeah, I was already sad that you know, we weren't getting any new SVU until Quarter four 2023 but now there's just now there's just really nothing to look forward to did you see Ron Pearlman threatening to burn down the house Producer yeah, that was kind of cool. I did see him play mode. I did see someone I saw a funny exchange someone was like there's Ron Proman like think he's the characters and he plays in movies and someone was like oh yeah, you know
Starting point is 00:47:11 I think Ron Proman's a tough guy he pissed on his hand before he met Harvey Weinstein and that's like It doesn't strike me as like tough that doesn't that's like not something that like a scary criminal would do That's just like you know you you have pissed on your hand too. I mean, I don't wash my hands after I peel over them and I touch people all the time. That's just, that's a normal behavior to me. I'm not a tough guy. I'm no hero.
Starting point is 00:47:37 I just like keeping pissed on my hands and touching people. Yeah, that's how you get into the GDs. You have to have pissed on your hands for three minutes. I mean, like, I, when friends' pressure was addressing, I mean, apparently one of the things that was proposed by the American Association of Producers or whatever, was the background actors could be scanned digitally and then have their likenesses used forever without being paid a single cent. That's a brother disturbing development and all this, but that's fine. Yeah, it is nuts though to like see these guys go on TV and plead poverty about like we can't possibly like their demands just aren't realistic and
Starting point is 00:48:19 understand like actors and writers are sort of like the highest echelon of union labor in terms of like the type of job they do and the amount that they get compensated for their work. But it isn't saying reading some of these stories about how like the elite, the cast of Orange is the new black has received like 30 cents in residuals for like what Netflix claimed was like the biggest show they've ever done. Right, right. And it's also like a lot of them are like the highest echelon of like Union Labor, but there is,
Starting point is 00:48:48 there was like a robust middle class of actor that could make a very good living, like appearing as, you know, good character actors on network or streaming TV shows and make like, not an extravagant but pretty good income through residuals. And it seems like everything that's like that in America, any indirect path to comfort and anything below just the highest level but still taking advantage of some part of the system has slowly been
Starting point is 00:49:27 phased out entirely. That seems to be completely impossible now. You just, you have to either be in the highest here of the acting profession, or you have to like do it in addition to working for DoorDash now. And like, that seems to be the way things are going and so many aspects of American life is like, things that were once taken for granted, just in terms of like, do I pay money for this product that I can use after I buy it? Or like the expectations that you have of like what exchanging money for a good or service
Starting point is 00:49:59 and titles you to is now being like, that only encompasses like the theoretical use of that good or service, but to like actually access it, you need to like as I was talking about airlines, you need to like be in like, like pay again to enter some higher tier of like, to get like the luxury a service is what the like used to be like the standard that you could expect of anything. And like, yes, the same thing with jobs as well. Yeah, like, and the ultra ultra elite have like the people like, for instance, the people who own airline companies, like would never fly commercial ever. And like, they're like, they take advantage of infrastructure that exists that we all like depend on. And like, could the next president just make
Starting point is 00:50:43 private air travel illegal? Because I mean, like, air travel is wasteful enough as it is, but at the same time, it, like, it convinces time and space in a way that no other mode of transportation can do. And as such, it's very necessary and that, like, the, you know, access to that should be, you know, widely available. But it's just like, they've created for themselves this like whether you're like Bob Eiger or Zazlab or guys like this like they they I just like the way they feel entitled like $500 million over the last five years for like owning a movie studio or whatever, but like if you if you can't still make money as a movie studio without paying the people who fucking create movies for you.
Starting point is 00:51:27 Then why should there be a movie studio? Why are you entitled to all this fucking money? What do you do for it? What entitles you to all this shit that everyone else's demands on you are so fucking unrealistic? Anyway, it just seems like everything is getting shittier. Everything sucks and everything is getting shittier and shittier. Like everything sucks, and everything is getting shittier and shittier, and all I can do is, what can one even do, just throw up your hands?
Starting point is 00:51:53 I mean, I don't know, but it sucks, everything sucks. Sorry. All right, actually, can I make a plea to our Canadian listeners before we exit the show? All right, Canadian listeners of the show, as you might remember, we are going to be in Fair Canada in August, in Montreal and Toronto for two live shows. I would like to ask our Canadian listeners of the show
Starting point is 00:52:20 to suggest to me, who are your favorite awful Canadian media figures? Who are the best shitheads in the Canadian media? Opinion columnists, TV presenters, people who I can give, I would like to give an accurate and full-bodied rundown, or I'd like to make a selection from some of your choices of the worst members of the people that you have to deal with and see on TV and Canada all the time, that I may not be so much familiar with, but I would like you to email, use the subject line, Canadian shitheads, and just share with me some links to, keep know, keep it brief, like, you know, just give me
Starting point is 00:53:07 one or two people of your favorites. And suddenly links to columns that you may think would be funny for us to explore on stage in Montreal and Toronto. So yeah, chopper trap house at, subject line Canadian shitheads. Chris, is there still tickets available? There are tickets available. The Toronto show on August 17th at the Danforth Music Hall is almost sold out, but I think that we're actually going to release a handful more tickets in the next few days. Montreal tickets still available. Despite our ticket master Bungle saying was sold out almost immediately,
Starting point is 00:53:43 we do have a fair amount of tickets left for that. Get those while you can. Alright gentlemen, that does it for today's show. Talk to you again soon. Bye bye. Before I get office, the motherfucker who said we're going to keep this thing going until people start losing their houses and their apartments Listen to me motherfucker
Starting point is 00:54:09 There's a lot of ways to lose your house some of it is financial some of it is karma and Some of it is just figuring out who the fuck said that and we know who said that and where he fucking lives There's a lot of ways to lose your house And we know who said that. And where he fucking lives. There's a lot of ways to lose your house.

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