Chapo Trap House - 751 Teaser - Trump Summons a Dybbuk

Episode Date: July 21, 2023

Ancient Israeli artifacts end up stolen at Mar-a-Lago. Subscribe today for access to the full episode and all premium episodes!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 uh... writing here in rolling stone it says israel lent several antiquities to the white house in two thousand nineteen including ancient clay lamps for a white house hannika event unfortunately donald trump was president at the time which means the artifacts are now in mara lago in israel can't figure out how to get them back her at support it on twos day the artifacts were only supposed to be in washington dc for a few weeks
Starting point is 00:00:21 israel ison the director of the Israel Antiquities Authority, told Rez that because they are so valuable, he wanted someone to pick them up instead of having them shipped overseas. The pandemic derailed these plans and the artifacts remained in the White House. Israeli authorities learned several months ago that they wound up at Mar-a-Lago. Folks, they said, they said, I shouldn't open the Ark of the Covenant. Is that I do it? Is that I open the Ark of the Covenant?
Starting point is 00:00:43 I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. But do it. What are the, like, okay. Knowing what we know about so-called Israeli antiquities, I remember there was a big thing about Netanyahu how he was trying to prove that his family is indigenous to Israel.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Yes. He had some like fake coin, like the type where you put a penny in one of those museum machines where you crank the handle. Yeah, yeah. Where he was like, look, it says Netanyahu, an ancient Hebrew. And it's like that name never existed outside of Hungary or Philadelphia until his family came to Israel. But like there is pretty much no chance that these are both like,
Starting point is 00:01:28 you know, ancient Israeli and origin or authentic. Like they're either they're either like stolen like Arab artifacts or it's like another fake piece of shit. Like it's a it's a coin star machine that they say is 7,000 years old. Remember that remember that guy who who presented those uh, Thanos gems. Oh, it's yeah. Oh my god. Yeah. That's probably what they're talking about. That got one of the CP one of the CPAC like opening act bombs. Yeah. One of the guys who would have got taken up by the sandman. Yeah, but like those, those stones are probably like in a change jar in Marlago. Well, I mean, like, okay, I'm inclined to agree with you Felix that like all the entire Israeli antiquities business, it's either not israeli or bill
Starting point is 00:02:25 for or like simply simply not old enough to be considered an antiquity but here's the thing what are the chances though i mean like arc of the coveted maybe but what are the chances though that in some of these artifacts they are legit and trump in edmar lago now has the ability to conjure a dibbick. Should he preserve certain artifacts and relics? Can he conjure a dibbick? If he conjured a dibbick, it would be kind of like the movie Candyman where it's like there are these awful, like terrifying gruesome murders, but just of like the 78th most important person in the FBI. Like not even the Biden's just like, yeah, Nellie and Bruce or just people, people he hates that no one even remember.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Probably Jack Smith would be at the top of the Dibbick hit list right now for Donald Trump. Yeah. The Prague golem shows up at Grammar C Tavern like fucking front of the side. But I mean like I just you know, it's just one of these things where like you have to give it up for, for demand. You have to give it up for, oh yeah. Just like, I'll be just absolutely.
Starting point is 00:03:32 And then like once again, whether it is, and look, we've talked about this before on the show. I don't take seriously any of this national security documents at the golf course. It's funny to me, but it's even funnier that it's potentially that he's doing the same fucking dog and pony show to like dentists and golfers, but with like, I don't know, the original 10 commandments or something. Mm-hmm.

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