Chapo Trap House - 752 - Guy Stuff (7/24/23)

Episode Date: July 25, 2023

We’re talking normal guy stuff today, from embracing bronze age masculinity from a certain Pervert, to new perversions from a certain modern masculinity advocate. Also on the docket: Israel loses th...e Times editorial board, and Matt & Felix are held accountable for their deep state ties and banana crimes. CANADA: Toronto is basically sold out, but tickets still available for the Montreal show on Sat. Aug 19.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music Alright you pigs, here's the deal. August 17th, Toronto, Ontario, Danforth Music Hall, August 19th, Montreal, Quebec, Beanfield, Theatre, Tickets available, chopotrap slash live. If you're from Canada and don't come to these shows and listen and subscribe to our podcast, you're fucking dead to me. All right, chop up, let's go. Monday, July 24th. Okay, the kick thing's off for today's episode. So I'm hanging out this weekend. I open up my computer, I check my timeline. What do I find? Matt, Chris, man, co-host of ShapoTrap House.
Starting point is 00:01:08 You stand accused of treat crimes. Felix Peterman, co-host, ShapoTrap House. You stand accused of backing a JB Pritzker color revolution on behalf of the CIA. Once a gentleman account for yourselves. I don't know. Sometimes you fuck up. You know, that's just how it is. Sometimes, you know, someone is like, here's $7 million for J.B. Pritzker's presidential campaign that he forgot to do this year. And I'm like,
Starting point is 00:01:47 got to do this year. And I'm like, mom, okay, what if I want to have four monitors? Wouldn't you do the same? Yeah. Matt, what do you have to say for yourself? To be speak now or forever hold your treats? I'm sorry, I said the word treats. I'm sorry that I did a no growth to the American proletariat, and I will send them all a Lincoln burger basket to make it up to them, which I know they'll love because they're a little fucking piggies. You know, Matt's crimes, and by the way, I've remained continually the most morally and ethically correct chopper host. Thank you very much. But Matt, the straits you caught seem to evolve from a discourse or once again,
Starting point is 00:02:27 like I don't look at Twitter for 12 hours and I just miss it all entirely. So are we going to have bananas now? Is that good or bad? Can someone explain this to me? Are bananas pro-socialist or anti-socialist? I'm not really sure. It seems to break down on the kind of pro-growth versus de-growth. Right, right. It seems to break down on the kind of pro growth versus degrowth. Right, right. We have the social party. Right, right. It's like one of those arguments where it's like one group of people going like, well,
Starting point is 00:02:53 you know, when my communist government takes over, we're not going to exploit the global South for bananas. And then another side, it's like,, well actually when my social Democrat government under a parliamentary system takes over in America, we are going to have bananas but through fair trade. And it's the like 35 year old equivalent of being on a playground and being like, I'm Darth Vader but I also have the powers of Superman.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Well no, well no, I'm actually Spider-Man but I have many of Neo's abilities. It's not going to happen. You can really calm down. It is amazing how he didn't have got considering it. I mean, it pretty much looks like the banana question in the long term is solving itself, you know. We're getting to the point where no one's going to have to have it ask them, what do we do about the bananas? Because the bananas will be gone one way or the other. No one's going to have to pass a bill on the bananas. It's just happening already. This relax. Now it's a classic internet debate where the sole purpose of it is to differentiate yourself
Starting point is 00:04:07 from people who are less good at being epically socialist than you are. I mean, it just seems like one of those things where it's like, I can kind of see both sides of it because on the one hand, you know, of course, that's the whole point. Is that it's a thing that cannot be resolved through a fucking argument? Yeah. It cannot. It's like, well, this is an unsustainable system. Also, you can't just expect to have a popular political agenda that tells people they can't have stuff that they're used to.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Both correct. What do you do now? You just psychological, psychologicalize the other side and say that they're somehow like mentally, spiritually deficient and that you're better than them. That's it. you're done. Can I tell you what I fantasized about happening? Yes, I thought about just imagining this happening like in a public setting, like a university.
Starting point is 00:04:56 A university of old, perhaps, where everyone's wearing gowns and caps shouting at each other. And then I walked down the middle of the aisle. And I like, I do something that draws people's attention. Like I shoot a marathon pistol or something. And then I grab the microphone and I go, in universities, socialists and communists like to argue about bananas. But in some parts of America, the call of your
Starting point is 00:05:25 bandana will get you killed. And then everyone beats the shit out of me and kills me. That's what I want to happen. I mean, yeah, like to Matt's point that like, yeah, like you realize these like these these two conflicting thoughts in your head, but like can't really resolve them. I will attempt to resolve them right now by saying, out of all the fruits that are currently in existence, I could probably do with openanas.
Starting point is 00:05:49 I'd be fine with it. I think I'm mildly allergic to them. They're giving me a throat scratch. No, thank you. They're not that good. Here's a problem. What are we going to stick in the tailpipe of the cops that are given the job of following us around
Starting point is 00:06:01 in a humorous manner? What do you mean? Plantain's tail type of a car. Yeah, plantains. Plantains. I mean, I was suing that they'll be playing in plantains, that they're not going to be a tank. I thought you'd buy a new one.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Fuck it, they better not. But like, you know, on the topic of, you know, the bananas, the sort of tropical fruit problem and the supply chain sort of solving itself. I just want to know, did you guys see the story about how Sam Bankman fried employed his brother to buy a small South Pacific island to preserve a nucleus of effective altruist through an apocalypse? Yeah, a small island at sea level that has no soil to speak of.
Starting point is 00:06:46 That's, these guys really were the geniuses of the age who needed to be protected at all cost and needed to procreate as much as possible so that their genes could reach the stars. Yeah, yeah. He is like, I guess the real and shitty version of Viet from a watchman. So, according to new court filings, Bankman Fried had shocked out how he would purchase the island nation of Nauru, come the great fire or flood, he would move himself and his colleagues
Starting point is 00:07:18 in the effective altruism movement into a bunker there to wait out the apocalypse. The ultimate strategy, according to the memo, was to purchase the sovereign nation of Nauru in order to construct a bunker there to wait out the apocalypse. The ultimate strategy, according to the memo, was to purchase the sovereign nation of Nauru in order to construct a bunker shelter that would be used for some event where 50 to 99.99% of people die to ensure that most EA's survive.
Starting point is 00:07:38 The memo also mentioned plans to develop sensible regulation around human genetic enhancement and build a lab there, noting that perhaps there are other things that's useful to do with the sovereign country too. Narrow, the world's smallest island state, is located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, 3,000 kilometers northeast of Australia. It has a population of fewer than 11,000 people who live in a land area of 21 square kilometers that has been ravaged by decades of phosphate mining.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Yeah, this is, you'd be better off trying to start a new civilization on the fucking moon or Mars than this shit. Yeah, I do like the idea of like, if they actually got to do this, because like in the event of like a nuclear war or just like an extinction level of that, the repopulation of humanity, one third of all people would be descended from Sean McElwee. The next third would be descended from David Shore and the final third from San Bigman Fried. Well, I mean, that's what the genetics lab is for.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Yeah. I are now some of the kinks in the, the old code there. But yeah, like I, that some of the kinks in the old code there. But yeah, like, that is definitely the most effectively altruistic thing you could do is just buying island for you and your friends to survive the apocalypse. Well, when you are the smartest, most brilliant people on earth,
Starting point is 00:08:58 because you're good at lying to people about how good you are at the computer, you deserve that. I do like that it's like an asthmatic 5% nation. Yeah. It's the fruit of effective altruism. It's fruit of effective altruism. Yeah, but it's also like, okay, that's their plan for like an extinction level event.
Starting point is 00:09:19 This island that is like designed to be the most annihilated by climate change. It's like, it's like during the Cold War, you're like, I'm really worried about nuclear fallout. So I'm going to buy two contingency places in case there's a nuclear war. I'm buying a condo that is literally on top of the White House, suspended like 50 feet above the White House. And then I'm going to live in one of the weird domes
Starting point is 00:09:53 in that like weird Super Mario Church in Russia. Those are the two places I'm going to live if there's nuclear war. Yeah, I'm just gonna wear a target t-shirt and walk around the Pentagon. But once again, the effective altruism, the key word here being effective, bro, you got to start buying a property in western New York, not fucking some South Pacific island where there's like no water or soil great lakes once again billionaires Follow our lead. I mean I'm not buying any property in Buffalo, but no, we we do no no, we don't want them to do that
Starting point is 00:10:36 Okay, I just think like when they think of Buffalo. I mean when they think of like surviving the apocalypse They're thinking of like the island from lost. They're thinking the apocalypse, they're thinking of like the island from lost. They're thinking, um, uh, fucking coconuts and palm trees and I got news for you. Anywhere in the world, there's currently palm trees not going to be a great place to bet the next hundred years on. Someone, someone, someone told me an effect of altruism. I think they might be lying to me, but I didn't bother to check it up. You know, uh Nick like, cost to Walter, whatever the fuck. Of course. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Jamie Lannister. Jamie. So I was talking about how like he only, like he, he refuses to be in a real movie. He only acts in J-Song movies, right? He, he, he, he, he, he will not, he'll never accept being in like a pt Anderson movie where it's like hey you're a set is actually traumatized navy cb's veteran who like gets really into
Starting point is 00:11:31 methodism no fuck you i want to be in a movie called the bullet the bullet collector i want to play a guy who wears a waffle tea headly and uh i i play a guy just named, you know, Coster in a movie called The Dream Farmer. He only loves the PlayStation. I should have said, Jason movies as guys wearing Henley's who kill people. Yeah. Mr. Coster will do. This is your agent here.
Starting point is 00:12:00 We've got, can I get you in on this call with Scorsese? He'd like you to be in his next movie. No, I'm doing dollar for a kill. Yeah, go fuck yourself. I am never filming a movie outside Bulgaria. I am only playing like white guys who join the Aryan brotherhood because of a car accident. Yeah, shock car is a good movie. Shot car actually, it's it's it's it's it's good. It is good. It is a good movie. Shot car is a good movie.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Shot car is good. It is good. It is good. But that is the plot of the movie, basically. A guy basically drives drunk and he becomes like the king of the Aryan brotherhood. But someone replied to me, and this is probably bullshit because I've never heard it before,
Starting point is 00:12:40 but I'm just going to accept that it's fact. He said that Nikolai Kosterwaldu is a, he's an effective altruist, and so he only accepts paychecks, just for the paycheck itself, not the job, so he can donate more money to effective altruism. That's right. But that is like the best answer for that
Starting point is 00:13:04 that I've ever heard. Yeah. Like it's either that or he legitimately loves the genre of movie. You know what's good. Yeah. Check out Brian De Palma's domino, starring Nick Olikasdo with you while Waldo, that has game that has game cube level graphics that movie. Domino is such a book.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Domino is a movie that Olivia Benson would see. Fucking bullshit fake movie. Along similar lines about what someone in your replies told you about Nikolae Costell would do being a effective altruist. Someone in my mentions this week said, told me that Carrie always sucked his dick at the 2002 premiere of Mask of Zoro. And I'm just gonna say, I want to believe. Don't know if that's true, either, but I've now accepted it as fact.
Starting point is 00:13:53 All right, well speaking of people sucking dick, our boy Steven Crowder is back in the news. And, I mean, his problem, I mean, I mean, like if you thought that his wife's billing on him would end his troubles, well, now his co-workers have gotten in on this rack out here, exclusive. Stephen Crowder sent photos of his genitals and enhanced drugs and super creepy workplace ex-staffer say.
Starting point is 00:14:22 My favorite thing in this story is that it was just like, yeah, he only showed his dick to his male co-workers and only when he was in a good mood, only when he was happy. Which you know, actually really feel. Well, at least you knew then, like at least you knew who was gonna be a good or bad day at the office.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Yeah, that's like you show up for the morning shakeup and his cock is out, you know, it's gonna be an easy day. Redhog and morning sailor take warning. Stephen put his balls on my shoulder. I think we'll get out of here by one today. Earlier this month after repeated suspensions, louder with crowdard, the camp from YouTube, we're a command today mighty audience of 5.8 million subscribers. To rumble, a slightly less regulated but much smaller alternative. The show's audience has dwindled on rumble to the point where his last five shows has averaged some 288,000 viewers, a far-fought
Starting point is 00:15:17 cry from the millions Crowder once saw a per episode. One former louder with Crowder, employee, told Mediaite that during his time on the show, he received unsolicited sexually graphic texts that included photos of Crowder's genitalia. Those texts and images were reviewed by media eight. Okay, where who is a congressman that's going to blow these up and put them in like cardboard standouts on the floor of Congress? The people have to see the dick. America demands
Starting point is 00:15:44 it. We need to see the Crowder hog for democracy. The people have to know. America demands it. We need to see the crowd or argue for democracy. The people got to know he showed his dick because he was a communist. It says here in the moment we dismissed it as sort of frat boy humor. In hindsight, it's super creepy and felt groomer-ish the ex-employee said, it always turns out I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:16:05 Yeah, so it's grooming you. You're doing it. You're doing it, ups. I, yeah, I'm a 40, I'm a 47 year old failed screenwriter who is groomed by a 36 year old failed child actor. It always felt like childish behavior in the moment that then felt predatory and hindsight he explained, like he was always testing people's comfort levels with that kind of behavior,
Starting point is 00:16:31 because he was the boss and had no accountability. It just continued to happen. There was no one trusted to complain to. In addition to receiving unwanted sexual text messages, the former employee alleged that Crowder habitually exposed himself to other male staffers, a claim backed up by two other sources. In regards to him exposing himself in general, to my knowledge, he only exposed himself to male staffers. It happened all the time.
Starting point is 00:16:54 It was a regular occurrence. It usually happened when he was in a really good sort of manic mood. So while we were all disgusted by it and it was never welcomed, it was preferable to him being in a bad mood and how he treated people in that state, the former staffer said. Stephen never explained it. We talked about it, it would just happen and everyone would rather throw out a fake uncomfortable laugh
Starting point is 00:17:14 or show clear disgust, which Stephen interpreted as a reward for what he did, he continued. The more disgusted everyone's seeing, the more pleasure he seemed to get from it. It's like how he couldn't understand we weren't in on his joke. Okay, I will say to you, I mean, like, so like similar to stories about Amy Klobuchar beating her
Starting point is 00:17:33 staffers with staplers and stuff, it's just once again, like I have no sympathy for anyone who works for Crowder. Steven Crowder, or that recent story about like labor canvassers asking for water or food and being told to go fuck themselves They're telling you deserve nothing you will get nothing fuck you. Yeah, it's like I was just trying to work at my job of getting as many trans people to kill themselves as humanly possible and I was sexually harassed by a mentally ill man. Can you believe this?
Starting point is 00:18:10 Like you can't me too, Stephen Crowder, if you were working on that show, like you deserve that, I'm sorry. And like, oh, they want accountability in the workplace. Who the fuck are you? The DEI initiative, it's fucking louder with Crowder. And like, okay, people don't understand. People don't understand.
Starting point is 00:18:25 I love over there. It's sad. In an independent media organization by guys or guys for the fellas, this is just how work gets done. Yeah. We begin every show by by flush flapping the dogs at each other, seeing how they look. It's how we pass the time. It's how we mark progress. Get a good dry jack going. Yeah. Yeah. If we weren't sexually harassing each other, nothing would get done. Yeah. That's how actual work happens.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Like, oh, could you respond to this email? It's like, no, can you tickle my balls? Come on, it's jokes. It's a joke around some goofing up. Come on, guys. That's how you get money in this business. This is how you know these allocations are true, by the way, because if you go to Stephen Crowder's Twitter, his tweets are like, what were you, this is literally from three hours ago. What were your thoughts on Barbie and Oppenheimer? Just like, like, hey, nothing weird going on here. Nothing strange being said about me, just, hey, has anyone seen the box office lately?
Starting point is 00:19:33 Going on here, it says, another employee says, he does virtually nothing that a grown man should do for himself, wash his own laundry, prepare his own food, buy his own groceries. Most of the time, someone else does all that for him, so he's like a child that needs to be taken care of and his humor reflects that type of childish behavior.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Another former employee said incidents of genital exposure in the workplace were so routine that they almost became unremarkable. The guys just talked about it amongst themselves, and I don't want to say it became normal, but it became less of a big deal. A different ex-staffer said, Crowder would often make uncomfortable comments during a men's-only Bible study he held in 2021. The staffer said, Crowder frequently remarked that men used to be more physically intimate with each other, and then would reference a passage from the Bible where Abraham's servant put his hand on Abraham's inner thigh to be closer to Abraham's descendants, i.e. his balls. Fellas.
Starting point is 00:20:36 I mean, it's like that. It felled. It was a game about that. When the all-male Bible group gets a little sus, like, what are you doing? How are you reacting? Are you getting me? I guess sounds like a pious young man who wants people to have the same reverence and intimacy of the biblical patriarchs. Yeah, fellas, would you hold the meat of the founder
Starting point is 00:20:59 of monotheism or not? Need it or keep it? Let's see, going on here, it says, multiple former staffers and a source close to Crowder claim that the conservative fire brand would offer and ask staffers for prescription drugs like Colonipin, an anti-convolsant to use to treat seizures and is also prescribed to treat anxiety
Starting point is 00:21:18 as well as cannabis goes and opiates like Perkiset. Mediaite reviewed text exchanges between Crowors and former employers confirming these claims steven was known for passing out prescription drugs fairly freely what employee said why the fuck you complaining he sounds like a great boss i thought i had tough day work take this perc 30 you'll be fucking floating i mean that that's a fair trade like you have to see steven crownors meet but then you get like like a handful of downers. Most people would go for that. I do, I am tickled by the idea of Stephen Crowder
Starting point is 00:21:54 asking all these church nerds to find him drugs. He's like look, look, I need perks, I need Rocksy's, I need Oxie 80's, the ones without without the tamper proof seal, I need I need rocksies, I need oxy-80s, the ones without without the tamper-proof seal. I need fucking tramadol, I need all this shit, you need to find it for me. And all these guys who have just gone to mega churches their whole life come back to them with a handful of Tylenol, St. John's Whart, Melatonin. Here, Steven, this is the hardest stuff that I have in my house. Well, I mean, a little advice if you are a current lotter with Crowder staffer and he's, you know, putting the full court press on you to get him some perks.
Starting point is 00:22:32 I mean, press pills are just as good and they're like kind of opiates. They're usually pretty reliable. So, I mean, get some pressees for Crowder. Yeah, get some press, like literally whatever you find like on the street is good enough. And if it doesn't have like the percussive logo, if it doesn't have the M, if it has something like, I don't know, a really poorly done Bentley logo,
Starting point is 00:22:59 that's even better. Yeah, there's a minion on it, that's a good sign. Yeah, yeah. I mean, remember, remember back like during the, when his home security system was leaked to Yashar Ali and he was like screaming at his wife about their dog. And Felix, you said he was taking the dog's chemotherapy medication. I mean, out, get in the fucking loose. This, he really, he's the ump in RxK nephew's song. Yeah, I'll jump the perk and he's getting gay with the employees.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Well, I was always good to check out with how things and you know, like I glanced over it in this article because this stuff about him jacking off and taking perks was too funny. But God, going from 5.3 million viewers to 200 about like 300,000 on rumble. Oh, God damn. I mean, the checks, as long as the checks clear, I think that's the only thing that matters. Yeah, but like, I don't know, like him in Tucker, like when Tucker was the Twitter show, I thought that was gonna like,
Starting point is 00:24:11 I don't know, I was like naively, I was like, oh, this should be a good format for him. But now this motherfucker's on like, thanks the fucking Elon Musk, and like dozens of views on his, you know, this fucking episodes. I mean, I think that the path here is pretty clear that he will soon be putting the dick out on X-Bio's cells.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Yeah, only fans. Only fans, it's come, it's the solution to all of his problems. Oh, oh, wait. No, he's, Tucker is, there's gonna be some brand synergy. He is going to be a third in the island boys only fans. That's it. That's it. That's it.
Starting point is 00:24:49 That's it. They're twins. They're twins. Are they're Dicks identical? We don't know. Who is one of them circumcised and one of them's not? Tonight we're going to find out. Space docking.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Get that fucking seal. We're a fucking, this is a Gemini program up in this motherfucker. But yeah, we really like, yeah, I someone pointed out that it is like on paper, it's horrifying like just the concept, right? Like the single most successful like right wing propagandist in modern America, right? Him and the richest man in the world link up. And they're like, let's, you know, let's collab. That's a horrifying idea. The result is I have no idea what Tucker is doing. I don't hear about him at fucking all. And they're doing the thing,
Starting point is 00:25:40 they're doing the same thing that Netflix did with the Queen's Gambit where they're like actually 700 million people watch this show They're doing that with Tucker's show where they're counting everyone who scrolls by it as viewing like a full 30 minute episode So they're like oh 70 million people watch this interview with Andrew Tate. I haven't even seen a single fucking clip of it No, like I Hey, I haven't even seen a single fucking clip of it. No. Like, I like seek out a lot of this stuff. I just do not hear about it anymore. No one is fucking watching this. Well, this is actually a perfect segue into our next topic for today.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Along the lines of right wing influencers who are also on that gayshit, did you guys see the profile of the Bronze Age prevert by Rosie Gray for Politico? I mean, Bronze Age prefer, it's one of those guys that's like very influential on the new right. And I feel like he's talked about and he's like esoteric in like these kind of hush tones
Starting point is 00:26:42 of reverence and awe. Look, I understand Politico is an exactly the most esoteric news outlet, but I read this article being like, you know, like these kind of hush tones of reverence and awe. Look, I understand Politico isn't exactly the most esoteric news outlet, but I read this article being like, where are we going to get to the Grim true Grim and brutal truths? Where are all the Grim and brutal truths? Because I'm reading, I don't know how much you guys know about this guy. I haven't even just like, absorbed it secondhand. Like, I'm not going to read his fucking book, but reading this article, he just like, comes across as basically like that, like a younger Victor Davis Hansen, like those like all the neo-co,
Starting point is 00:27:10 who are really strong for ancient Greece and Rome. But like, I guess like his evolution is that he has shorn himself of any need to promote or like America as a project and heterosexuality as a lifestyle. Yeah, so it's basically that. It's like a refined, you know, real masculinity in the classics type thing, but very much refined for the modern age. He was like, he was a really big figure around like, do you remember when it was a big deal,
Starting point is 00:27:43 like the banning faction versus the Geofonco faction in the Trump White House? Yeah. And he was like, you know, reading him, reading his book was like, that was a big sign if you were a White House staffer that you were on like the base side, you know. Yeah, like in this article, like Michael Anton, the sort of, um, he's like the, he's like, well, you know, like, you know, who's the big guy, like the big Sartorialist? Michael Anton's like the little Sartorialist. Yeah, yeah. Michael Anton, as her Wotnik Kohn is, he was a guy on the National Security Council, which I always laughed at that. Ezra Watnikone is like a name they would make on Achan
Starting point is 00:28:26 to make fun of a Jewish guy. Like, can you calm down? Be a little less Jewish out there with your name. But yeah, no, basically everyone who got like shit canned from the Trump NSC or, do you remember that Kai, what the fuck is that guy's name? Kai Patel or Kai, something Patel? You know what I'm talking about, the Trump lawyer? No. No, I mean, I've like probably, I mean, I'm like, yeah, no, it's not bringing any bells.
Starting point is 00:29:03 But there's a Trump lawyer, cash patrol, cash patrol, sorry. He was gotten to some like January six type trouble, you know, one of those boring federal court cases where it's like, did you get an email or not? And I read some funny transcripts where the judge is yelling at him for wearing a t-shirt and federal court while representing himself. But it's like like those types of guys, right?
Starting point is 00:29:29 Like guys who are fuck ups, but could get it together enough to like get a jurist doctor, right? And then work in the Trump White House. Those were the BAP guys in watching that. Well, it's like whenever I like encounter a second hand, it's like they refer to his book and like his persona is this kind of like thing that's passed around like dissident groups, like a sort of like encode or whatever. And it's this like, you
Starting point is 00:29:53 know, a creed accord, masculine fitness and, I don't know, fascism or whatever you want to call it. But basically he's a Romanian guy. he's a Romanian-American guy with a PhD from Yale. It says he, it says he published an article titled, Jair Bolsonaro in the populist crisis in Brazil in palladium magazine, an online journal that was associated with the anti-democracy pro-authoritarian neo-reaction movement. His name is Alamariu, I'm not going to show that one. I announced on Twitter he was retiring his account though it's unclear when or if he posted on the account previously and no earlier posts were visible and tagged far right figures
Starting point is 00:30:33 like Steve Saylor and Ann Coulter. Hi Steve, I close my account but reopen to post some new articles. Hope you follow back. You might be interested in this one about Brazil he wrote to Saylor. But like what's again I was just reading this article scanning for Grimm and brutal truths and This is here's where you get like, you know, I don't know I don't know if like Rosie growl. I just kept expecting to see something I hadn't seen before
Starting point is 00:30:58 But we get stuff like this a Bap argues that modern society should take after ancient Greece, when beauty, strength, and courage were prized above all else. In particular, BAP prizes the classical conception of masculinity and once men to emulate it. The key relationship that gave society its strength in civilizations like ancient Greece, BAP argues, was not that between men and women or within families, but between young men who performed great deeds together. In BAP's ideal world, these male friendships should be a young man's focus.
Starting point is 00:31:27 In his telling modern society wants to weaken these masculine bonds because of their threat to the established order. Every great thing in the past was done through friendships between two men or brotherhoods of men, and this includes all great political things, all acts of political freedom and power he writes in Bronze Age mindset. To which I got to say, like, I mean, shit, like going from my own life story, I agree. I mean, like, we linked up, fellows, we got, we got a plug and we've been all we can be ever since then.
Starting point is 00:31:53 I think we've done great and powerful things together as our sort of bond among, you know, young-ish men. It's true, but it could be improved if we fuck each other though. I mean, feel it's the way. I think that's the, I think that's the undercurrent here is that it's, it can only get you so far unless you're just, yeah, linking Dix and doing the, the fritage with the thigh stuff. That's, that's where the real energy comes from. Well, I've been lifting less weights and I have been doing more
Starting point is 00:32:21 bloodies now. People have made fun of me for that, but I like to think that I prestige weightlifting, like I already finished it, you know? I did it at one point, many years ago, I have a 500 pound dead left, so I don't have to do it anymore, I proved the point. And I would say my Pilates abilities will make me better at having sex with both of you. Well, you know, look, society wants you to refuse the load.
Starting point is 00:32:50 They want you to refuse any load that's offered to you, but in ancient Greece, that was not the case. That was a no-loads-refused type of place. That's what Greek democracy actually refers to, a democratic acceptance of loads. Going on here, here's some more, here's some more agreement brutal truths. From a eugenic point of view, we should accept and encourage the so-called gay liberation movement, BAPROTE. He believed he wrote that it is very likely that the majority of human males are homosexual. Furthermore, it is better to encourage them to be so in order so that the few two to three
Starting point is 00:33:24 percent of men who are alpha by nature should impregnate most of the women. There will be social chaos in an era of destruction upon us, but human nature will benefit as the majority of men who are homos will no longer breed. This proposal presages a key plank of modern baptism, the degeneration of family life and the valorization of the male alpha. Baps post on Salah where his profile picture was a fully nude male figure shot in back from black and white from behind. Sometimes amount to juvenile shit posting.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Obama won because I masturbated. He post on November 7, 2012. His post show and interest is the same theme as it continues to animate his career today. Which men are gay and how not gay he is bodybuilding genetics nationalism beauty. I mean, once again, I know this is like the dissident new right, but where, like, just the gay shit is the only stuff this new. Like, it goes on to talk about how one of these,
Starting point is 00:34:16 sort of like Neocon Bush administration creeps named Edward Lutbach, who is a huge like Israel, Iraq war hawk is also, he's like an 80 year old guy who just, you know, like he's finally coming out. He's like, he's like Christopher Plummer and beginners. I read this guy and I realized I'm one of the gay alphas. I need to fuck a young boy. Where is he?
Starting point is 00:34:45 I mean, I think it's just like, because like the Neocons, they were inspired by, you know, like the Roman Empire, but they wanted it wed to the project of like American Empire. And I think like the new thing with BAP and the dissonant right is that they're like,
Starting point is 00:35:00 fuck America, America's evil. But we still want an empire. We still want to be like, you know, a console or some sort of pretend, I don't know. They, I don't know, they just want dick basically. I'm not sure. I guess that's the idea. Yeah, you create like a international,
Starting point is 00:35:14 a nationalist international of dudes who are DTF and they all meet each other in bathrooms and then they take over the world. As a classicist, he's very serious, Lutwax said, Baps ideology reflects a very deep interest and a sophisticated take over the world. As a classicist, he's very serious. Lutwack said, Baps ideology reflects a very deep interest and a sophisticated understanding of the Bronze Age. Lutwack believes that European cultures are dying out
Starting point is 00:35:33 because of the abandonment of a Bronze Age ideology that once made them great. Once you don't have young people, you don't have young energies, you just have very cautious old people. Society cannot be vigorous intellectually, culturally, or in any other way God this is like the gay guy at the retirement home
Starting point is 00:35:48 We're all the young man fuck We need an injection of youthful energy back into our culture this this is this sounds like looproll Yeah, this is pro looprollsman. Yeah bitch. Yeah, bitching at his apartment. I was in fire Island the other week And there was honey. I was looking around for the other week, and there was, honey, I was looking around for youthful energies, and there was none to be seen. It's only 30 over 30 over here. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Modern people must cooperate, be sensitive, avoid conflict. Modern men must treat women as equals, but women love warriors, let's say, and the Bronze Age concept of individual freedom was antithetical to anything social, was antithetical to society, it was truly individualistic. And the Greeks were happy with that, but the central fact about it is the affirmation of life
Starting point is 00:36:34 as an individual artistic act. I pointed out that most men nowadays won't have the opportunity to die in glorious combat. Let Wax countered that he himself had volunteered for three different wars with the Israeli armed forces. So I experienced that and I felt totally exhilarated and empowered by it. The Bronze Age pervert is raising the fundamental question
Starting point is 00:36:53 before European civilization and its American extension, which is, are you willing to admit and acknowledge this kind of life-affirming ideology, which is what this is, let Wack said. So it doesn't sound like that many young people are into this. It sounds like it's all like 53 year old Bush administration veterans. Yeah, it's all guys who like were too closeted to like really enjoy their 20s, you know, to really like get caught out.
Starting point is 00:37:20 And now they're sort of looking back wistfully. Yeah, these are all guys who spent their 20s being like, you know, I don't know if we could send DVDs of step brothers to the troops in Iraq. That might rile them up too much. And now they're like, I'm supposed to fuck men in a military campaign. This is like a man of thing. It's like, there's already plenty of places to go and violently die right now in this world.
Starting point is 00:37:49 And there's gonna be more in the future. So why write a book? Just go and do it. But Matt, go find the old. Go find the old. What's stopping you from doing it? It's an ideology that celebrates life, okay? Go and do it then.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Stop bitching about it. Stop being on the internet. Stop writing books. Like the wrong kind of gay guy. I read this article and it was just like, I know that the dissident right, it has very much like, associates themselves with being like completely antithetical
Starting point is 00:38:15 to like the neo conservative era of like the Bush administration and the War on Terror. But all these guys just seem like they're still swimming in the same backwash, but like their imperial project just fucked up so that they're now like fuck America. I like dick now. But what are they doing? They're still voting for Republicans, right?
Starting point is 00:38:32 I mean, what else are they doing? Anything other than what the rest of us are doing, the rest of us fucking house broken neutered males. I'm volunteering for the Israeli Armed Forces. He should go back. They'll take them. Don't have much more on the, that's the Bronze Age pervert, everybody. I got a, like, just basically a, like, a quick triple pack.
Starting point is 00:39:23 A super fun pack of drivel from the New York Times this week. And I'm not going to read all of these things here, but I just want a little little quick hits from the heavy hitters, Tom Friedman, Nicholas Christoff, Brett Stevens. And I'm not going to torture you guys too much with reading. I'm just going to be like a paragraph from each of these bozos. And we'll just see what's up with the world of the New York Times. Beginning with, it's time to start discussing
Starting point is 00:39:50 the unmentionable by Nicholas Christoff for the New York Times. He writes, Israel is in the headlines of voking to mulch you as debate, yet one topic remains largely unmentionable. So let me gingerly raise it. Is it time to think about facing out American aid for Israel down the road?
Starting point is 00:40:06 Ooh boy, what do we think? Wait, Christoff is cutting off the money, Spigot to Israel, is he just, oh, there's this right wing government to theirs, he's had enough of him. Because I guess like, like in the minds of these people who are so horrified by the current Israeli government, they're like, it's basically because they're making Israel look bad, and that's why we're beginning to broach the unmentionable topic of cutting off the ridiculous military and foreign aid. He says, the 3.8 billion in annual assistance to Israel
Starting point is 00:40:37 is more than 10 times as much as the US sends to far more populist nations, the far more populist nation of Niger, one of the poorest countries in the world, and one under attack by jihadis. In countries like Niger, that's some could save hundreds of thousands of lives a year, or here in the United States it could help pay for desperately needed childhood programs. There's a legitimate counter-argument that any reduction in aid could be perceived as a pullback of support for Israel in ways that might invite aggression by say, Iran. That risk can be mitigated by approaching the issue as a long- of support for Israel in ways that might, by aggression by say, Iran, that risk can be mitigated
Starting point is 00:41:07 by approaching the issue as a long-term discussion for the next bilateral memorandum of understanding about aid due by 2028 and likely to stand for 10 years and by reaching other security agreements with Israel. What are you making this? Are we finally gonna say enough is enough for Israel because Nicholas Christoff is beginning to feel a little bit disturbed.
Starting point is 00:41:27 He's not the only one. I mean, Martin Indyke just came out and said that too. Like, there actually are some people who have been caring water for these motherfuckers for decades who are now like, okay, you know, if you don't want this relationship, then we can do that. And it'll be interesting to see. I mean, if how far that goes, I mean, I assume at this point it's all just an attempt
Starting point is 00:41:50 to sort of, you know, snap them back to reality and maybe discipline them a little bit, but it doesn't seem like they're gonna take any advice from anybody. They seem like they have decided on their course of action. I highly doubt though that it's anything other than a bluff by a bunch of, you know, in their own minds, well-meaning, want guys who think that anybody gives a shit
Starting point is 00:42:12 with they write in the newspaper. Right. I was surprised to see that, like, yeah, Martin Indig and there were a few other guys that were on that. It was a surprising group of people that you would not expect to see. But yeah, I generally agree that, yeah, it's a ploy. It's a ploy to hopefully make Israel behave more normally, make them remember that they're supposed to be a proxy. But I mean,
Starting point is 00:42:42 you know, it's just, it's way too far along for them to act normal now. No, yeah, there's no normality happening in Israel. They're like, okay, if you're Israel and you're accustomed to being able to like, you know, with American politics, go as far as like, you know, an election on like the Evanston Illinois City Council and be like, this guy's anti is real. Like, spend him and like campaign against him. You're not pulling back from that, you know, you're not like you, you're not pulling back from your ability to make people go to your stupid joint addresses to Congress that everyone has to go to for some reason. I mean, like, maybe one day in the distant future, this may actually become
Starting point is 00:43:31 something that's possible. I mean, the fact that these guys aren't immediately being killed for suggesting this is heartening to some extent, but I, yeah, I would need to see something concrete before I really get my hopes up. Well, hold your hopes right there because Thomas Friedman's coming through. Only Biden can save Israel now. Well, if that's the case, Israel, you guys had a good run, pack it in, pack, take the lab because you're, I don't know I mean like even leaving aside because what's Thomas Friedman starts weighing in on this like he just that canary
Starting point is 00:44:11 is choking out its last breaths like I don't know what's the over under on Israel existing in like 50 years time the with if they continue with this should I mean they got nooks so yeah well either still be there or they'll just be a big crater in the ground well Joe show. I mean, they got nukes. So, they'll either still be there, or they'll just be a big crater in the ground. Well, Joe, I mean, I think they'll exist, but like they'll, I mean, it's just going to be like super Russia, meaning that it'll be like a mega-claptocratic, like, rump state that's run on pure graft. And I don't know, the
Starting point is 00:44:50 process where the like, everyone is selling each other nukes will be fun. But it will be basically like, yeah, super Russia, which is kind of appropriate given the immigration patterns there? You know, I just I just saw Oppenheimer yesterday and I've decided that I'm a Yimbi for nukes now I'm like yes build ever build nukes everyone build build build atomic devices We need to like just zoning laws have really capped the number of nuclear devices and That nations that anyone can do and I think that's wrong So I'm saying yes to atomic weapons everywhere.
Starting point is 00:45:27 We just got to let nuclear weapons developers build enough of them and give them to everybody. The market will sort of like, you know, like eventually nuclear weapons will trickle down to the people who really need them. But there are a lot of people that really need an A-bomb and we're not building any right now, so that's a problem. Has Bullet actually did, they got around that
Starting point is 00:45:47 in a very clever way a few years ago. They, there was some dispute with Israel and they pointed a bunch of missiles at an Israeli nuclear power plant. And they were like, you know, we may not have a nuke per se, but we're prepared to turn this into a nuke. I've worked, apparently. There's something I heard on Radio War nerd. I wish I had to have the details a little better, but I always saw that was cool.
Starting point is 00:46:15 I just want to read you like just quick from Thomas Frieden here. Dear President Biden, he opens up his columns like it's a letter. Dear President Biden. In October 1973, the armies of Egypt and Syria launched a surprise. Don't tell him that. He forgot it. And he's going to forget as soon as you finish for telling him to him again. As the Israeli army fell low on ammunition,
Starting point is 00:46:39 your predecessor Richard Nixon ordered a massive air lift of weaponry that helped save the only Jewish democracy from being destroyed from the outside. 50 years later, Mr. President, this Jewish democracy urgently needs another airlift to save it from being destroyed from the inside. It needs an urgent resupply of hard truths, something only you can provide. I love Thomas Friedman so much. Nobody is doing it like he is. Mr. President, sir, we need an 500ccs of facts.
Starting point is 00:47:10 Stop. We need an airlift of stern talking twos now. Have some more falafel Connor. He says, but I'm afraid this is really government. Needs another dose of your tough love, not just from your heart, but from the heart of US strategic interests as well that ought to do it I think yeah he's just gonna know we should do straight talk it to him he's gonna stop halfway through and start reverently describing the 1956 Ford Fairlane and that's gonna do the job uh look I'm about practical
Starting point is 00:47:43 solutions and like look look when Thomas Friedman and Nicholas Christophe are saying Israel needs some tough love, then like, holy shit, are they really pissing people off? But like, look, we're not gonna cut off our military or foreign aid to Israel. We're gonna let them continue to bulldoze settlements and fucking steal people's houses and shoot ambulance drivers and shit, whatever,
Starting point is 00:48:03 whatever the fuck they want. Here's one practical thing I think America should do to put Israel on notice. And that's kidnap Jonathan Pollard and send his ass back to jail in America. Yeah. Yeah. Just render his ass back to fucking the feds because fuck that guy. Like did he like literally like proliferate nuclear weapon technology? Yeah, that was yeah, that was basically it. I mean, actually, you know, I support that now that I'm a Yimbi. So I take that back, but still his ass is going back to the feds.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Well, the supposed to deal with Pollard is that he, the nuclear, the nuclear information, Israel didn't want like, Israel was already had new, because they were developing them, but they were selling that to Russia, so Russia would give them a population transfer. Right. And so they could get a much needed white people injection. That was the whole deal with that. It's insane that they let him out.
Starting point is 00:48:59 I mean, Robert Hanson. No, it's really nuts. Robert Hanson, same time he just died. Just died in prison. Jonathan Pollard, um, no, yeah, he's, he's got a fat pension in Israel too. So just, they would cough him up, send him back. Send him back. No, it's just send a fucking send us a seal team six to just wipe his ass.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Bag him and then the zip him up on a helicopter and get him on it. And they've used the ice cream truck. He would, the, um, those are my favorite comic strips of all time. The dry bones. Yeah, dry bones, the Zionist, uh, the Zionist web comic, where it would just like, they, they're like 20 comics where there's no joke. It's just the main character of Dry Bones, which is just like a 50 year old bald Jewish guy going, please Obama, free Jonathan Pollard. He hates Mondays.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Yeah. It would be anything that would make the Dry Bones guy like do a suicide bombing or something would be worth trying, I think. All right. And then finally, this is Brett Stevens. He's not talking about Israel, but he is turning in this column. What I learned in Ukraine, so you know you're in for some good shit here. He says here, last week, a friend asked me what I could learn from a four day trip to Ukraine I was planning that I couldn't glean just by reading the news. It was
Starting point is 00:50:23 a fair question. With the trip now behind me, I can answer. I learned that Ukrainians have no interest in turning their victimization into an identity. I learned that for all the aid we've given Ukraine, we are the true beneficiaries in the relationship and they are the true benefactors. Ben Wallace, Britain's usually thoughtful defense minister, suggested, oh, they moved on from the Epistons, I guess.
Starting point is 00:50:46 Well, good to play in defense. Suggested after this month, it's NATO summit that Ukrainians should show more gratitude to their arms suppliers. That gets the relationship backward. NATO countries are paying for their long-term security in money, which is cheap and munitions which are replaceable. Ukrainians are counting their costs in lives and limbs lost. Is our Brett Stevens learning? I mean, I don't know what to say about that. Yeah, they're definitely getting the better deal
Starting point is 00:51:12 with this fucking bargain. Do you know we're in the Wikipedia article for dry bones? Really? Yeah. What does it say? Well, I'm sorry, I suppose dry bones has a Wikipedia article, but we're the entire, we're really just the entire criticism section.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Really only people who have ever ever criticized it. Yeah, because it's that good. Yeah, it's one sentence. The comic strip was criticized in an episode of the podcast, Choppa Krapaus, for it's a legend, pork quality and racist undertones. It's a legend, pork quality. You can say a quality and racist undertones. It's a legend pork quality. You can say a legend racist undertones, but I mean, look at that. He can't be bothered to have two circles for the two eyes on the guy. The fucking, that it's a Venn diagram.
Starting point is 00:51:55 It sucks. Oh, it was what we were talking about. Um, how about, how about Vivic Ram about Vivek Ram swamma how about how about He's he's creeping up there in the polls. I mean like he's tied with the Santa's and some of these fucking polls And you know, he's getting a lot of burn right now. I think like what would he guys make of Vivek and As a possible dissentist substitute. I mean obviously every bit is doomed and stupid But what do you make about Vivek because I've noticed that like now that he's getting a lot of burn and people are like, oh, this guy,
Starting point is 00:52:28 this young whipper snappers onto something, certain segments of the Christian right are like, he worships a fucking cow. He's like, he's not gonna swear on the Bible. He's a fucking Hindu. Like, you know, how many lives is this guy led already? Fuck him. Yeah, but he's trying to lean into it.
Starting point is 00:52:42 He's like, yeah, but, but I don't gay people are not good. We have that in common. It doesn't matter if it's Jesus or the elephant guy. We're all in agreement on the gays. I don't know. Do we think Rump Swami has more sauce than we originally thought or is this a sauce for Raj? No, this is more like this has more to do with the Santa's sucking. Yeah, yeah, Vivek being anything. Vivek continues his perhaps fruitful campaign to one day be the Republican Secretary for Transportation one day years from now. Yeah, I think he might be the mayor peter this thing, but he'll never get that kind of media phenomenon because of media's liberal bias, but he could just Yeah, stick around longer than you would think for his original profile and then yes get get some minor post as a reward
Starting point is 00:53:36 Yeah, the create I'm sorry the creator of dry bones alleges that him and For other computer programmers built an artificial intelligence program that had quote the personalities of a Jewish mother and a Jewish uncle called mom and Murray. Okay, I take back every bad thing I've ever said about Ted Kuzginski, he was right. Is he lying? He has to be lying. There's just no way you did that dry bonds. I don't believe you I cannot wait for the mom and Murray AI to take control of Israel's nuclear arsenal Sky net started covetching on August 2023
Starting point is 00:54:20 All right, uh, August all right. We can we can we can we can discuss the dissent this fail parade Dawn Thursday because let's wrap it up here for today fellas Once again, I'm gonna remind you Canada we're playing there in August 17th and 19th it gets available at slash live Gentlemen, till next time. Bye-bye. Thank you.

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