Chapo Trap House - 755 Teaser - Matt on Biden’s Weakness

Episode Date: August 4, 2023

Matt expounds on the relative weakness of Biden as a candidate, even after further Trump indictments. Subscribe today for access to the full episode and all premium episodes!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The thing I, the reason I actually pointed this out is I don't give a shit if I didn't have a nominee because I know it's not going to change. But what I see is especially after the indictment again was people just squawking and freaking out about how we don't realize what a danger Trump is to democracy. How closely came to doing a coup and how likely he is to do it again if he gets back in and how important it is to get rid of it. And it's like, okay, that is your stated passion. That's what you think. That's what you're telling us you care about for this next election, right? Which is of course a way to say we have to vote for the Democrats. But what would,
Starting point is 00:00:34 if you assume, which you probably shouldn't, that hollering online has any meaningful effect, like doing it has a purpose other than just venting, What is the most tactically effective use of your speech on any social media platform? What audience should you be talking to? The general random person, just hollering, ineffectively had him that Democrats are good and that Trump is bad. Blaming leftists for pointing out that things aren't as good as they could be because you're making other people, hypothetical people who, again, you can't control or really press and whose individual decision-making doesn't matter to the outcome. What about the Democratic Party itself?
Starting point is 00:01:12 Way fewer people, hypothetically, more susceptible to public pressure. And you could, you believe in changing minds, right? You believe in the free marketplace of ideas or you wouldn't be online. My God, maybe you could change one of their minds, just convince them, not even pressure them, convince somebody in power that Biden doesn't have to be the nominee. If you want to stop Trump, getting somebody else in Biden should be your top priority. And the way to do that, if any of this means anything, again, not a good assumption, but we have to assume that they believe that at least, then they would be hollering at Democrats to find another nominee.
Starting point is 00:01:45 And the fact that they aren't means that they're full of shit about how scared they are of Trump being president again. QE fucking D, I am sorry. Because you're just hollering at people, you're just trying to feel good about how you're better than the fucking hippies. If you think this is the end of democracy, you would not do that pigly bullshit.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Or are you that lukewarm? Must I spew you from my mouth? Spue it. Speak on it. And to the people who are applying to you, well, who should run instead of Biden? That's a YP not an MP. Yes, actually that's a YP Ask out I think it just shows that like they're afraid to even ask the question, you know, like they have no power But it's like okay, we all have no power. Why are you yelling then? Who are you yelling at? What is this? Put it somewhere more productive. This is the exact same shit as what happened in 2016 You know like only Trump could have won against Hillary, but like liberals want to have it both ways which is basically like
Starting point is 00:02:44 but liberals want to have it both ways, which is basically like, Trump is the huge threat to democracy that could possibly exist, and so it's very important, it's circular logic, right? And so it's very important that we back, you know, a historically weak nominee, because if you start to question the first side of that assumption, which is, or the second side, which is, why are we running such a weak nominee, then somehow, you know, you're, you're mucking up the gears of the second side, which is, why are we running such a weak nominee? Then somehow, you know, you're, you're walking up the gears of the party establishment, which, you know, I'm sorry, yes, good, we should.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Well, the real, the real dark card here that they don't want to speak is that even this premise that I'm saying, hey, maybe change the minds of Democrats is kind of faulty because what we all really know is that the Democratic Party is not really a party anymore if it ever was. It is a employment association of self-interested grasping psychopaths. It's like a homeowner's association.
Starting point is 00:03:36 And sure, they've always been those people in party systems, but they used to be harnessed to a institutional structure that they depended on for their careers and that they were invested in. That doesn't exist anymore. It is just a place to hand business cards around and make your individual career, which means not only is there nobody who if they had the revelation from reading your posts decided, you know what, we got to do something about Biden be the nominee.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Not only is there nowhere for him to press, no button for him to press to make that happen. No one he can talk to to make that happen within the party. Unless maybe God don't kill me, but JB Pritzker, if only because he has $3 billion, that's it. If you don't have that,
Starting point is 00:04:15 you're just an individual actor, you can't do anything. But beyond that, they're never gonna have that realization because they are lizard dizz, a system that has selected for lizards. The only people who could thrive on those hot rocks are lizards.

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