Chapo Trap House - 756 - Call Your Mother feat. Adam Friedland (8/8/23)

Episode Date: August 8, 2023

Host of The Adam Friedland Show, Adam Friedland, returns to the show with a real alpha energy, asserting dominance of the podcast space with his new Talk Show Hosting kino. We discuss good food, old f...riends, work, war, being on the computer and much more. Subscribe to The Adam Friedland Show: CANADA: Toronto is basically sold out, but tickets still available for the Montreal show on Sat. Aug 19.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music All right, we're back again. It's Monday, August 7th. It's shopperspilepouse. Joining us today is the host of the Adam Friedland show. Adam Friedland. Adam, welcome. Welcome back. Hello, my friends. Hello, my boys. Good to see you. Yeah, it's good to see you.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Is it echoey? It's hot. Don't worry about it. Matt, are you mad at me? If we have to change any more audio inputs, I will fucking kill every single person on this call and everyone listening. I'm not. He'll do a psychic boom attack like a Pokemon.
Starting point is 00:01:08 I miss my friends. I don't miss all the fuck. It's fine. You're doing psychic damage to us right now. You may be drive a bike to your house. It's a free episode. They can handle some reverb. What happens? Why doesn't such a bad move? Does the baseball crank did something? What's wrong with that? Adam is doing diva-like behavior to us. Adam, this is a common theme with you guys. No, it's not with us.
Starting point is 00:01:39 This is not happened to us. For people who don't know We went through a battery of audio issues where Adam had to find several different inputs and it gave us it gave us We'll just signed on Well, yeah, but like the problem the problem wasn't my point is it gave us the experience of Being on one of those podcasts that has 12 rotating hosts. Yes. You know, it's fine, though.
Starting point is 00:02:09 It's in the past. If there's reverb, who cares? I think it's for free listeners. I think it's exactly. No, I don't want to hear anything about audio ever again. Who fucking cares? Podcasts are bad. I don't listen to them.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Exactly. Well, you're right. It's fine. Watch sports. You to them. Exactly. Well, you're right. It's fun. Watch spores. You fucking idiots. What's wrong with everyone? Talk about Lecon or some shit. Who's doing bad? It's good to see my boys. No, thank you. Who's doing it? Who's talking about Lecon? I think the lady that played me mebe back on she is a she is a conslette podcast
Starting point is 00:02:49 see things like laconis really more of a youtube philosopher they don't really talk about about podcasts he was a youtuber also no just like youtubers love
Starting point is 00:02:58 to talk about lacon because you can use you can show pictures better to like uh... like the obscure object or whatever the fuck you talk about. I don't even know what the fuck look on is, dude.
Starting point is 00:03:07 I don't know anything. I just watch a, and just like that, the news section in the city, why they change the name? Because, okay, don't get me started. I'm, okay. First of all, now there are three. Because in real life, they're all mean to Samantha.
Starting point is 00:03:23 But my understanding is she will be coming back this season. But in the last episode, guys, I'm a little bit tired about it because she said that marrying Mr. Big who dies in the series premiere may have been a mistake. She gets back with Aiden, the woodworker, my least favorite carry boyfriend. Yeah, he was broke. And they're doing this just because Chris Doath committed all those assaults in real
Starting point is 00:03:50 life. Who is that from sex in the city? The guy who played Mr. Big. Oh, he did. Yeah, I don't know if a former law and order family. Yeah, that's right. He did. It was kind of like I heard a seventh heaven situation where it was a monster. Yeah. That was.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Exactly. Did you know Chris Nooth? I heard the greatest rumor about him after the me too. He would go to like Columbia undergrad, hang out bars, and he would like pick up girls there, but he would never take them to his house. He would make them sign him into their dorms when he was like 53. He just maybe missed campus lifestyle. Ah, that's true. Learning is a lifelong process.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Somebody should tell him that he is misspelling his own name. It's North, idiot. Yeah, what a dumb dumb. How are my boys? You guys are good? Yeah, I'm doing good. I'm actually going out to LA this week. I'm going to be the warm embrace of the boys by weeks end. I'm looking forward to that, but I'd like to kick off this show by referencing something that we talked about on the last episode, which Felix was not on that show, Adam, you were also not on that show, it was just me and Matt, and I felt that it was something that we were woefully unprepared
Starting point is 00:05:11 and just really was not our lived experience to talk about. I'm referring to, of course, comments made by Rudy Giuliani to Paramore Noel Dunphy that Jewish men's cock stop growing or indeed shrink after marriage because they don't use them as opposed to Italian men's who could get bigger What Rudy Giuliani's expert go ahead? Fucking idiot. Why would he be talking that way about us after everything we've done for him? Yeah, we we made him I know this support we made made him. He was going to be a one-term mayor until my dad made all those phone calls, so people not to go to work that day. Right after I got home from camp. It's so sad. Like, I was like, we make a lot of jokes about 9-11,
Starting point is 00:05:58 but like, I have been thinking about it a lot and it is really sad that a lot of Jews almost are. They have the process so much trauma survivors. It's traumatic. There was like a near death experience for pretty much every single Jew that worked in that building. Think about, yeah. Like now, now it's like, you know, it's like how we look at the movie sleepless in Seattle. Now now it's like, oh, you just fucking Google him.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Oh, you could, you can instant message him. But this was in the era of house phones. What if like your kid picked up the call, telling you not to go to work and forgot to tell you? That would be such a, like my kid especially. I would get so pissed off. I would curse his name. That would be terrible.
Starting point is 00:06:42 As I was madmaning out of that bill. How did it get away with that intro? It's absurd. I would curse his name as I was madmaning out of that bill How they get away with that intro it's absurd. It's a show about selling cigarettes They're like the intro is gonna be the Muhammad Ata and I'll like that the falling man Yeah, yeah, why they have 9-11 as their intro. I don't know that was literally that's the right level 11 I mean, it's that's the most come on. It's it's always more direct. I'd rather say they open in credit to casino. Oh, with the car. With the guy falling and like, you know, falling through all the neon and the opera area. Yeah, I people have been falling out of buildings for a really long time. I mean, before 9-11,
Starting point is 00:07:22 everyone thought about, you know, stockbrokers killing themselves. That's true. That's a classic move. Guy with a striped shirt and suspenders, jumping off a building. Yeah. Just pan-cake. Yeah. It was a big bummer for Eric Clapton's son, who was at that point, the most famous falling out of a building guy. And also a stockbroker, a little off-ribe guy. He was a baby's town of huge and so high. That's why you had to end it all. But yeah, so Rudy Giuliani, Giuliani, slandering the Giuliani, slandering the size and girth of
Starting point is 00:07:56 Jewish men's cocks, but also said the parting of the red sea was not that big a deal because it's happened before. I'm just wondering, I mean, for further thoughts on this lender from Rudy Giuliani. It's made up story for babies. What are you talking about? Oh, fucking Star Wars wasn't that big a deal. Okay, congrats Rudy. Oh, that'd be fake as hell.
Starting point is 00:08:17 It's a story for peasants. It's people that didn't have toilet paper, that they were telling a story about a tide probably. Probably wasn't tide. Rudy's actually right. Yeah, I mean like, who's, I'll let that one go. I'll let that one go. Yeah, you know, everyone has their own theories.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Like we don't even know what's in the Dead Sea scrolls. It's whatever. It's like deleted scenes. This stuff from Neon Genesis Evangelion. Right, right. You know, you don't know if it's supposed to be canon or not because they took it out, maybe they didn't think it was good enough.
Starting point is 00:08:45 But the talks getting smaller is thing the same size because they never use them again after they get married. It's like, I felt we went through all of this like six years ago during me to proving that a lot of Jewish men cheat on their wives so much that they end up on lists. Yeah, they lose their penises. Yeah, they lose their job. Yeah, well, I hope I, I hope I find it. Did you check under the couch?
Starting point is 00:09:20 Yeah, it's a very ironic punishment. You lose your cock cheating on your wife And she's the only one who can find it. Oh my god. I would I'd be lost without her. I'd be lost Yeah, yeah, but he's he's basically saying only Italian men's sheet which is just I don't that's just not true It's not true. I don't I don't. Is he heard of the French, for example? Yeah, but yeah, no. I don't necessarily take offense. I just think he's woefully undereducated. I do have a friend who was, he was Latin American,
Starting point is 00:09:54 and his uncle took him to a house of working women at like 13, and he swears that it was so traumatic that his penis stopped growing then. He's like, he's like, he's like, wait, where are the, where are these things that had cooled down? And he swears that it was so traumatic that his penis stopped growing then. Wait, where are these things? I had cool dead. His uncle was like,
Starting point is 00:10:09 the dead's out there. What the fuck? I got that cry in front of, in front of a second. Well, no, it's just like the Panamanian sex workers. He cried. I can imagine that I would be kind of traumatizing, honestly. Yeah, of course. And then Andy claims his penis stopped growing.
Starting point is 00:10:26 He's scared. Interdulled into a spot. That's a very doctor-druey in analysis. Like whenever I'm on Love Line, when a girl would call, she had like a very like sort of baby voice. You'd be like instantly, you go like, did you get molested when you were three? Because that's when your voice starts, you stop getting deeper.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Because you're in that period forever. I feel like the thing of going to CSX worker when you're a 13, I've heard the only people I've ever heard tell that story are Latin America. Yeah, I think it's part of like a male bravado kind of thing. Although my grandfather, they claim that he, it's family lore that also 13. I mean, you did not want to be entering the eight grade without having gotten gotten pussy. I mean, so I think like dad or the onc needs to take that mission upon him.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Yeah, I think you have to go to the mine at that age. So it's that much of a stretch. Well, moving on from comments made on last week's episode about Jewish men and their penises. I'd like to turn that face right now on this chat right now. I don't like that. I don't like the way you're looking into the chat. There have been many a time where I've been like,
Starting point is 00:11:36 well, you're not, you're not saying it, but I know what you're thinking about the truth about the Jews. He's never said it how loud, but I can just see on his face. The last time I've seen that face, the only other guy who made that face, Michael Richards, right before I laughed back. I'm laughing. I'm laughing.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Six years ago, we would have had you as part of a Ikea piece of furniture. Look, I have made my piece with the shoes. Okay, don't worry about it. What do you mean made your piece? What was your war? The second world war. I mean, I'm the fact that I'm fucking I think my God damn reason. Where'd you make your piece y'all to? I've made my piece. But that's, I don't, okay. Circumstition, like, I don't agree with it, right? You know, I've been on record about it many times. But like that's, like ultimately that's on your parents. No, absolutely, but you know, I don't want to be forced on your father.
Starting point is 00:12:47 It's on the father. And I'm only saying this because of my girlfriend and I've been, I don't know, we're talking about the future and stuff and she's like, she doesn't want it. And I'm like, why? I don't want that. I don't want me judging me with this gorgeous foreskin, walking around my house.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Say something. Say you want me to do that. Like some sort of like Dominican farm system guy. This is beautiful cock. Is she, is she a, is she a miracle? And also like why is she saying that she was unfuckin, there was a Danish guy on study abroad
Starting point is 00:13:15 that she'll be thinking about the rest of her life. That is, that is something I thought about because it's like, I used to think like no complicate, like no debate. If I have a son, never, I'm never getting him circumcised. That's his call. But then I thought about the logistics of it. And it's like who the fuck is going to teach him how to clean that thing?
Starting point is 00:13:34 It's not going to be me. And if I did know what it's no one in my family, it's I'd be I'd be happy to. I'd be happy to. We're both going to prison. We're both going to prison. We're both going to prison. If that happens, hey, I invited my friend to come over and molest my son.
Starting point is 00:13:53 No, no, no, no, no, no. It's something you can explain. The bris is kind of like, it's insane that my whole, my parents invited their friends and there was like catering there. Like my grandma was watching it happen, like my tiny cock. Like there was a deli tray.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Gotta have a catered dog. And there was a fucking old freak. There was a old freak wizard. What's that? Who's gonna come if there's no spread? Just to watch some kids get dick, like a dick get cut. No thing. Didn't even have any food.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Yeah, at least we saw a child's penis. Yeah. I will at least we saw the child's penis. You know what? I accepted it. It was absolutely on my dad who I had older dad, second family. Like he had a whole family with a wife
Starting point is 00:14:44 and then she fucking died on him. And then he was just like lonely and he didn't want to do his own laundry. So he got married again, but his younger second wife, of course, wanted kids. And he's like, fine. So like by the time I was born, unlike his first family, like by that point, oh, it's all the rage cutting kids' dicks off. We love it. It's the do scientific.
Starting point is 00:15:03 I don't cut it off, man. Thing to do. And so when I had born, they're just like, Hey, you know, there's this thing we do now to the dick. And he was just like looking up from a racing form, like, yeah, sure, whatever. Who do you have in the face? I, okay. I so Adam, you had a whole religious ceremony with your, right? Yeah. I, I so Adam you had a whole religious ceremony with your right? Yeah, I Beautiful I remember
Starting point is 00:15:29 I thought there was a camcorder present. Oh my god watch it better. That's better though. Yeah, like I know It's not it's not good because like then doing it in a medical environment where it's sterile Yeah, that's what yeah, yeah, yeah, you had some fucking woman doctor just did mine in a secular environment. Girl do it Oh, yeah I had sort of all been downhill ever since yeah, you're afraid of girls. I mean, yeah, like the first out of a girl touches your dick part of it comes off in her hand. No, the first time I touched a little form in your mom when you're being going out of the canal. Wait, she's grabbed your dick on the way. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:16:18 She pulls you out by the dick. Is that how it works in your family? I'm like, it's obviously in a toucher. She pulls you out by the car. Possibly, maybe. Of not her hands. Yes. My mom was her own OBGYN, of course. It's a family tradition. So what's up, guys? Welcome to the the the sound of freedom podcast.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Now we've been funding child rescue. So what's the what's the baseball crank up to? baseball crank is he's he's been cranking away. Um, he's just like he's in an impossible position now because he's like always been kind of like an anti-Trump conservative, but now he's in the position of being against the people who are against Trump even though he is also against Trump. So he's sort of like, he's pro-disantist, but he thinks Trump being, or you know, indicted. I guess, yeah. So he's just allergic to friends. He, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:11 You can tell that he's feeling a little unscrupulous. He's punching to the right. Cause he's antifa. I would have known just, you know, to like establish his position. Like, I'm not, I'm not another Trump guy, even though I agree with everything they say he went out He came up the other day and said Jeffrey by the way He actually he basically did a rose emoji post he was like by the way
Starting point is 00:17:32 Jefferson Davis should have been hanged. I love what you guys do with your beautiful boys Like that these these freaks that you just keep it's like it's like the reason you have Facebook is you just like watch Freaks for like the kid that with that said he was wicking in high school. I still look at what he does. What's he up to? But you do it with bloggers. Yeah. Is he still wicking that guy?
Starting point is 00:17:54 He, well, he in high school, he'd be like, I'm engaged and we're like, no, you're not. He's like, I'm wicking and I'm engaged. And he used to have a bumper sticker that said, don't make fun of dragons because you'll get burned or something. Oh my God. He's very happy.
Starting point is 00:18:11 He's married. He is married. Was he on I don't think he was vampire style. I think he was middle-earth style. Yeah, but vampire freaks was like a catch-all for those types of people. Even if they were not vampires.
Starting point is 00:18:23 I love the idea of a Wicken in Las Vegas. Good luck, dude. Are you going to go like below altered front of Neptune at the little animatronic thing at Caesar's Palace? Like, there's not even a tree to hug. Yeah, they worship the trees. Yeah, good luck. Oh, wicking in a female deity. Is that right? Yeah, I'll be all you know. Perfect for a Vegas guy. Female female female, female coded. Wicked and lost Vegas is so much like in Israeli settlement. He's getting sunburned all day.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Plucky, enterprising. Racist. I, I, I, I have thought that before though, about all our guys. I think it's think it's beautiful. It's like look at your baseball ball card collection. When you go back to your parents house, you go back and you're like, oh, let's see what, what, what, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:14 let's see what, what, what, a Mariano Rivera is up to. These are all my little boys and you're flipping through your book. It's nice. I admire it. That's why it was a compliment, honestly. Four N.A. and all your guys.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Kevin McRennels. It's the longer. It's my favorite med. The longer you watch them, the harder, the harder of the time you have, like, hating them as you use them. No, you love them all now. You.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Almost all of them. Like I will say Ross, I have this, like kind of love for a lot of them, but the really, there are some that are just like, so repulsive that it never gets to that. Who's still bad? Steven Crowder, like, Oh, he's terrible. It's one of the only ones where like,
Starting point is 00:19:56 the more we've taken in, the more it hated him. It's not funny anymore. Well, there's just no humanity there. The thing with his wife, it's not funny anymore. Yeah, it would like, okay, you know what I mean there. The thing with his wife, it's not funny anymore. Yeah. Well, like, okay, you know what I mean? She's being abused.
Starting point is 00:20:09 That video is so sad. She's free now. It's fine. They divorced? She'll be fine. They're getting divorced, but like the reason that you never get that. It looks like a unit smash.
Starting point is 00:20:23 What does she look like? I don't know, Google, Google, real quick. This is a boy's hat. This is a boy's hat. All right, all right. All right, I'm sure she is. I'll do it on my time. I mean, I won't treat her bad,
Starting point is 00:20:42 but I won't treat her necessarily. You're not treated necessarily. I'm not treated necessarily. I've never, no, I would never treat a woman to crowd her bad, but I won't. You're not treating her necessarily. Crouter style. I've never, no, I would never treat a woman to Crouter style, but I'm not necessarily like a good partner, you know. Even yourself is a great, you're not Crouter style. I would never say that, but I'm just, it's more of a taller.
Starting point is 00:20:56 It's sort of the opposite. It's sort of the opposite. I'm, I would say I'm like a Casey Anthony style boy. I would never instruct, I would never I'm like a Casey Anthony style boy. It's like I would never instruct I would never instruct a woman to heart to handle these harmful dog cancer pills. But just by not paying attention to her, maybe she would touch them, either get my intention or out of the universe. That's kind of how it is. But the reason that Crowder just moved back to New York, guys, this is the, I'm fucking
Starting point is 00:21:33 going. We have this fine fucking going to eventually. I'm going to fucking eventually. I just, I have his business. He's about his business. You're yelling at me. The man is about his business. Yeah, no, just move. I am just, I am his business. He's about his business. You're yelling at me. The man is about his business. Yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:21:48 No, just move, I miss you. I miss you too. I miss you too. I miss you too. I miss you too. I miss you too. I miss you too. I miss you too.
Starting point is 00:21:55 I miss you too. I miss you too. I miss you too. I miss you too. I miss you too. I miss you too. I miss you too. I miss you too.
Starting point is 00:22:03 I miss you too. I miss you too. I miss you too. I miss you too. I miss? It really didn't go well. It was one of the many jobs I had in Minnesota. Would you sell it? But I was trying to sell Primeraica for like a day. What is that? It's like a pyramid scheme.
Starting point is 00:22:19 And I knew it was a pyramid scheme, but I was like, maybe I could do this because I'm selling it to Gentiles and they're stupid, but I was just too off-putting. And I quit after a day and I didn't make any money. I was like 22. That's why Matt hates us. Again though, but it's like if you buy Primeraica,
Starting point is 00:22:38 it's your fault. What is it? They used to have a ballpark, didn't they? No, that's Comerica. Comerica. No, no, there's also a primarily. I don't think so because that is a fly by night scam ass
Starting point is 00:22:47 operation. I encountered them one time too. Yeah, there's a there's a there's a arena. Yeah, they fell through the cracks really primarily. I feel like they're just lingering as a legacy
Starting point is 00:22:59 operation. They're not cut of the edge scam anymore. Yeah. Well, you used to work for made off, no? I think it worked for Maidoff, what the fuck are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:23:08 You always told me you worked for Maidoff. Shut the fuck up. How we gonna be friends for eight years and now find out you didn't work for Maidoff? Shut the fuck up Adam. I'm sorry, I just missed you guys. This is the fun we use to have. I'm fucking, I swear. If you don't pay attention to out of he's gonna touch the dog cancer pills and kill
Starting point is 00:23:31 I'm telling him I'm coming back. I'm making Jewish him. I'm making the hechie test you with sour It's so funny. I'm Nick is the executive producer of the America's most Jewish product Well, you guys are like the only late night TV show in the game right now. You're the brainerest strike continues forever. Like those are eating. I can't, I hope 1,000 years right. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:23:54 And and sag. Do you guys do solidarity on the show? How so? With the strikes. How what do you mean? You had guests talk about it? Yeah, yeah, we have. What do you mean? You had guests talk about it? Yeah, yeah, we have. Who do you have?
Starting point is 00:24:08 Adam Ruins, everything? Shut the fuck up. I wanna have the leaders of the strikes. I saw him, no, I saw him speaking about the strikes. Adam, I'm like, I'm pointing a gun. I'm pointing a gun through my screen at your face right. I'm reaching, I'm reaching through the screen. Everyone's responding to me like everything I'm saying is insane. What did I do? We have
Starting point is 00:24:27 done. We have done, um, there is content we have done and we'll do on the strikes. You did have Adam Ruins everything is that why I'm not Adam ruins everything on. Uh, we, I talked to a guy, uh, who was a creator of a number of the creator of the brotherhood TV show on Showtime and Rubicon on AMC. We had him on Star Wars. Oh, Brotherhood Wands. Oh, fucking God. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, sorry, I'm knocking everything off course. I'm bad guess Adam is ruining everything currently I'm putting my feet on the couch. I'm putting my shoes on the couch All right, I'm gonna try to let's let's let's just let's just do some order to this to this bad television program podcast Jesus Christ
Starting point is 00:25:18 Okay, Chris let's let's let's talk let's talk Donald Trump because he's been on the far this week Let's talk let's talk let's talk number 45. Let's been on the far this week. Let's talk number 45. Let's bring up the clip we have queued up. So little things like your sink, you know, you buy a sink, and no water comes out because they have regulators on the water, even if you're in a state where water comes out of heaven, or they long, doesn't make any difference. When you take a shower, I like to have, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:45 I have this gorgeous head of hair. I like, when I take a shower, I want water to pour down on me. When you go into these new homes with showers, the water drips down slowly, slowly. You have suds, beautiful, nice, wonderful suds, glad of money, proctor and gambler all that crap that they sell, they say is good, probably cost them about two cents and they sell it for ten dollars, but you can't, it takes you ten minutes to wash your hair. You know what you do, you
Starting point is 00:26:16 just stay in the shower about ten times longer than you would have, it's the same, you probably use more water. I broke all that up. Beautiful suds. How did that happen so quickly? Like that really, that is some medieval, like that is some, you know, the king has like cured my scroffula shit there. How did we go from wonderful, you know, full-strength showers under Trump to just boom instantly, Biden, he just pressed a button and all of the existing shower heads got bad. How did that happen? I have to say I have not had that problem.
Starting point is 00:26:48 How many showers are you sampled? I don't know. My shower is a water pressure is pretty tight. Mine's fine. It doesn't take me 10 minutes to wash my hair. I get those beautiful suds all over my face. It takes him 10 minutes to wash his hair because it is some sort of a monstrosity that involves like a side piece that goes down to his ass that he then has to spend like two hours in the morning whipping up like fucking cotton candy into a little circle to stay on.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Of course, if fucking takes him that long to get his hair wet, the toilets I agreed with him to the toilets are dog shit. Correct. We need industrial straight toilets. Let's do some desalination or whatever the fuck and get some toilets that will actually flush something down to toilet. I've clogged two fucking toilets in two hotels
Starting point is 00:27:32 in the past year. In hotels? That shouldn't happen. That shouldn't happen. That shouldn't happen. What they're doing with the toilets? If you, I've clogged a toilet, you know, when I was like 260, okay, that makes sense, right?
Starting point is 00:27:47 But then I clogged a toilet when I was 195, which is incredibly like emaciated for me. That should happen. It wasn't like a big fucking. Yeah, it wasn't like a big fucking log. We've been Biden made a worse toilet. I mean, not Biden, but the housemaid. There have been like flow reduction toilets
Starting point is 00:28:06 introduced into the market. So it's a counterpoint to like electric and high-pitched vehicles. And I was always, I'm magon straws too. The straw thing, straws of music. There was a while there where everyone just decided overnight to switch to the cardboard straws, and then it was ridiculous. But I will say a lot of places now have figured out how to do a non plastic straw that will not like instantly melt as you drink out of it.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Like the technology has progressed. But yeah, the plastic straws water unusable. It's a more efficient means of drinking at the same time, though. I'm sorry. I know this is ableist, but if you have a problem with your straw, the solution is you just take up the beverage and you turn it to its side and put your mouth next to it. What the fuck is your problem? No, get the way. Get.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Come on, dude. What if I'm lying in bed? What if I'm lying in bed? What do I do then? What about a fucking milkshake? We drink a milkshake. How many milkshakes are you drinking? One a day.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Milkshakes? That's like once every six months, fancy drinks every six months. What are you? A fucking fellow. Tell us you that your parents tell you that they're getting divorced. That is when you should be drinking milkshakes. No, no, what? Do once a month, you are in the global point one percent.
Starting point is 00:29:21 You have a milkshake once a year. I, yeah, maybe, maybe you like, you know, maybe two or three. I have ice cream a milkshake once a year. I, yeah, maybe you like it. Maybe two or three. I have ice cream a lot, but I don't know, milkshakes. You're from the made west. You probably had them with dinner. No, you have milk with dinner. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:29:36 A big old glass of coffee. It's a big old glass of coffee. These goys milk with dinner. I had milk with dinner every night. I had milk with dinner every night. Yeah, we did that in my household. You did? Yeah. Everyone gets a froggy throat. Yeah, we did that in my household. You did? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Everyone gets a froggy throat. Not me, I'm normal, dude. No, no, no, no, no. Really? Everyone gets, sounds like snakes. Sounds like a, you problem. Sounds like a skills issue. No, you get too, you get too froggy.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Ma'am, maybe. I, guys, I feel like we're at the Algonquin roundtable right now. No. No? No, it's the best thing to drink after you physically exert yourself. That's the other thing. And I feel like it goes down. It's more refreshing than water in a lot of ways. Did you have it with ice?
Starting point is 00:30:18 No, no, no, no. 2% milk just out of the fridge. I never, I never thought why are we drinking this and I was just felt natural, you know, I'm from Wisconsin, the dairy state. It felt like it might even have been state mandated. And what did you have on the plate? Salas berry steak, you know, yeah, typical terrible food, terrible, terrible American cuisine, which like that is one thing America people talk about everything's gotten worse in the
Starting point is 00:30:43 last 40 years. And yes, but one thing that is absolutely the America people talk about everything's got worse than the last 40 years and yes, but one thing that is absolutely the case opposite is food. Restaurants are better. Coffee has gotten, coffee has gotten remarkably better. Well, and just what you what are you are likely to do? Restaurants are better. What a random American is likely to cook for their family is also vastly better. Because yes, we're talking so very sick.
Starting point is 00:31:02 And most of all the thing that was the bane of my goddamn existence was the fucking Bush baked beans every other goddamn meal some bush baked beans and my step-mom would make me eat them And I would just I would what I would do is I would stuff them in my mouth and then I would take a big swig of the milk to like Take it down like I'm taking pills So that's why I have my as I got got older, I was like, I'm leaving milk behind bad associations, but yeah, I refer to it. I can't have it because it makes me crap my ass.
Starting point is 00:31:32 I really understand the rage of your people. We had milk with dinner while my mom was cooking restaurant quality meals. Wow, congratulations. My parents were good. Thank you, Sue. I imagine in the Midwest, everyone is just sitting at a meal, having Salah's very steak and saying thank you to each other, but not meaning it. Everyone's being polite, but in their mind, they're like, fuck you. Yeah, yeah, kind of. One of the things my mom would make for the family, like for reunions and stuff, it was her specialty was
Starting point is 00:32:07 pasta sauce. She'd make a big old spaghetti, pot of spaghetti sauce. You know, there's some degree ofy, but for her, the ingredients were like two big cans of prego and then some pacante salsa. Yeah, that would be the spaghetti sauce. Yeah, you had a hot salsa. It was hot. It was the Zillion stuff or the mild stuff. It was mostly sugar. The bottled one, like a Prago and the Raku, they just like they judge that shit up. It's basically cotton, it's candy. But yeah, so you know, she added some chunks from the salsa. Oh, for texture. Yeah, that's actually. Oh, my. You know, I don't know, but then another thing that would be made of meat, but yeah, but my stepmom
Starting point is 00:32:57 had it made a meat sauce for the for the for the noodles that was literally just like meat. There was no seasoning to it at all. It was just like a lembre sort of on. Cause you guys are riding on some sort of finding agent, but it did not have any flavor. So it was just a hamburger helper. Well, we had that seasoning. The burger helper has got seasoning.
Starting point is 00:33:17 That was good. The hamburger helper is not bad. That stuff was great. I was always happy. I was always happy. I was always good. I've never had it. It helps the shit out of that hamburger.
Starting point is 00:33:25 I'll tell you that. I used to go over to my Mormon friends house and that their moms would make hamburger helper and they used to have kings, Hawaiian rolls. Well, those are, uh, kings, Hawaiian rolls are great. Yeah. That was a fucking great. So good. The zest, the Italian was the hamburger helper of a choice for my family and I loved it.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Oh, because they're from the old country. Yes. And then sometimes, nobody wanted to cook, the Hungryman TV dinner, which is still in my mind some of the best fried chicken ever made by a human. It was like, had something like 5,000% of your daily sodium. And then it was these pieces of chicken
Starting point is 00:34:02 where it's like you bite into the fried crust and it would just like break off because it was like a half an inch thick. And of course there'd be the little brownie. You're absolutely right. Food, like restaurants have gotten way better. Yes they have. Food is way better. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:19 I've been rewatching Seinfeld, the restaurants and the meals they were having looked like shit. People have maybe go to a red sauce Italian place. Typhoon barely came out like maybe three and a half years ago. Yeah, no, Typhoon is insanely new. That's I dropped three years. I know everyone working. We're working with a bad sample size here. I we had all types of delicacies. We literally, we did high park. Get out of here. Yeah, the South side of Chicago, me, chief Keith, King Vaughan, little jerk. We were all eating Thai food. Yeah, because you were in the best boss food.
Starting point is 00:34:54 That's where the South started started in the 80s and then spread like, uh, uh, at the cuisine as we know it is and, and, and like high dining, we're all invented in the go-go 80s in the big cities. Not, well, I went from one of them, sir. We didn't have, we had like one Chinese buffet. That was it. The standardized Thai food menu, an American Thai restaurant, was imported by the monarchy of Thailand.
Starting point is 00:35:17 Yeah, that's true. That's why they all have the same menus and then to promote Thai cuisine. And Thai, and Pad Thai, I think it was in the 90s, tie. I think it's a great job. He's probably. Yeah, hell of a job. Do an hell of a job. Congratulations to the tie royal family for their wonderful dish. Shout out to the tie. Pad tie is not like a traditional ancient tie dish.
Starting point is 00:35:34 It's like a modern project, a state building like project. In the 30s, the tie dictators just said, we're getting it. We need a national dish. And I don't want it to be fucking rice. So we got to get a noodle dish The noodle fucking dish and we're gonna call it after the country and it's fucking tie tie and you're eating it Now we all love it is right there in the name Right well, yeah, we got the night at people who said this before and it is true. You're all pedering out
Starting point is 00:36:00 the nicest the nicest restaurant in my hometown is in like it had indirect lighting and Something like a leatherette bank hat or something to you know something other than just fluorescence and You know hardback chairs was the pizza. Yeah, Nick told me that he had neighbors across the street that would put on like ties It was nice in there. They had the like the glass shantle ears over your table It was nice in there. They had the like the glass shantle ears over your table. It was dark. Some of my earliest memories were the twilight of the quality pizza. Yeah. It got really bad once I turned like four. It was sad. It was very sad. Turn it in my, uh, my little bookit report to get a free personal pan pizza. Well, it's, it's sort of a book report to get a personal pan pizza.
Starting point is 00:36:44 They had a litter. They had a litter. That was a book report to get a personal pan pizza. They had a litter. They had a litter. That was a program. There were a lot like a Castro's cube. Yeah. Yeah. We're crispy cream donuts.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Trying to, trying to persuade the little slabs of the Midwest to fucking crack a book. And it's called book it. It was just like Venezuela where you know, but you eat, you eat rats. And if you wrote down during the during the during the 80s when Daniel Ortega would visit a Democratic lawmakers, he went to one of those pizza huts. And that is how he increased literacy. It was a bad idea though, because you're telling the kids who are the kids who read are probably already the most the most indoorsy, the least likely to get any exercise. And you're shoving them full of pizza.
Starting point is 00:37:25 You're plumping up the good bowl. Krispy Kreme used to give you a doughnut for every A. I remember, I used to go with my report card. Mm-hmm. What I'm really getting, what I'm really getting, Matt, from your tail or from your culinary tails, is World War I was just the worst thing to ever happen to you.
Starting point is 00:37:45 It was terrible. Like it really, you know, actual German food. It's not like the most, you know, bold, flavorful thing ever, but it's good. You know, it's good. I would have, you know, are you telling what I'd have done for some pass and feffer or a fucking schtussle as a child?
Starting point is 00:38:03 I would have been, I would have been amazing. Yeah, now. Woodrow Wilson, Woodrow Wilson, who invented nationalism, so it would lead to globalism. One of his worst crimes is what he did to you people. It's true, he went out a lot of fun culture and our delicious foods. You had a great cuisine and look how it ended up.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Well, I mean, two parts of it got turned into the national cuisine. It was like the Germans just said, okay, we're gonna knock off on the German stuff. the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the I never had a pig knuckle. Those are good. Those are really good. Matt, you're saying you wish you could be more in Germany? I mean, you know, just a little more texture than what we got. It's not an overall negative thing. We don't put the same thing on the Japanese. And they were right there amazing food. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:39:01 They were right there with them. There's nothing wrong with being proud to be German. They did a lot of great stuff. But it's bad stuff. Everyone did. If you think this is auditioning for Richard Hannan in Nia's new op-ed, just spot. I just know this has always been my line on them though. I think it's like you prevent Nazism by letting them be themselves. It's true. If we've got, yeah, I mean, I would say that they are sort of, they're the, they're the premiere white people, you know, and as a result, they did the best stuff and the worst stuff. They're really good at BDSM when you're the number one of them on the
Starting point is 00:39:36 whites. You're going to have the best in the worst record just because of, you know, the, the, so Matt, you're going on the record number one whites, the jerk, the area and race. Luther marks, but literally everyone in the 19th century, basically. No, the only real whites, the only the wany and Jews, the few of them that are left at the Jews with the German Jews amongst the premium Jews. They're the worst ones. They're the worst one. Robert Moses, he destroyed the city there was some good ones now well marks yeah call marks mother much mother fucker what do you do what was his mark right
Starting point is 00:40:15 right I got I got two more I got two more Trump posts for you got two more Trump posts for it uh I miss him so much this is from I mean because like you know he's been indicted. And I like the, I always like when you can tell that he's actually writing the post because like we've talked about this before, you can tell the ones that are done by committee. And the couple that he spit out this weekend was definitely the real McCoy. So the first was, I purposely didn't comment on Nancy Pelosi's very weird story concerning her husband. But now I can because she said something about me with Glee that was really quite vicious.
Starting point is 00:40:50 I saw a scared puppy she said as she watched me on television like millions of others that didn't see that. I wasn't scared. Nevertheless, how mean I think to say she is a wicked witch whose husband's journey from hell starts and finishes with her. She is a sick and demented psycho who will someday live in hell.
Starting point is 00:41:08 She is a sick okay. She is a sick and demented psycho who will one day live in hell. She will live in hell. She will live in hell. I love that because it sounds like it was translated from Japanese. It does it sounds like it was translated from Japanese. It does. It sounds like a Buddhist curse. Yeah. Our husband's road to hell starts and begins with her. That is.
Starting point is 00:41:32 He's only saying that because of the he's good at the sock market, right? And well, yeah, and then I think it, no, he's, he, he's referring to the hammer. The wear the hammer and the hammer incident. Well, Paul Pelosi, I don't know if you guys knew this, but he really knows how to pick him. Yeah, it's amazing. Over on me. Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna must talented to do it really. How does he? How does he do? It's amazing. It's like he's like a he's like a new Warren Buffett. He's like no Stradamus this guy. And like both of these, like, you know, going at calling Pelosi a demented psycho, Trump is at his best when he's being bitchy about wings and this next one is even is a right out there. The shocking and totally
Starting point is 00:42:09 unexpected loss by the US women's soccer team to Sweden is fully emblematic of what is happening to our once great nation under crooked Joe Biden. Many of our players were openly hostile to America. No other country behaved in such a manner or even close. Woke equals failure. Nice shot Megan. The USA is going to America. No other country behaved in such a manner or even close. Woke equals failure. Nice shot, Megan. The USA is going to hell, Megan. Nice shot. So nice shot. You've damned us all. That's the funny. People complaining about the woke, the woke team, the woke team lost. It's like, I'm sorry. You are pretending to care about women's soccer. Wokeness is one.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Wokeness is winning in your heart every moment. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. He's like, what the women's soccer team just eluded the flag? Like 10, 20 years ago, back when things were based, according to you, it was no one who was not a woman, a specific kind of woman cared about any woman's sport, and they made a big show about how much they didn't care
Starting point is 00:43:11 about women's sports, and they made an even bigger show about how much they didn't care about soccer. And now you're out here like, oh no, oh, our ladies, they lost it on the pitch today, I'm gutted. It was not tears in my eyes, but it was not from a master class. It was from a master loss of pride in America, which isn't hell right now. The next Republican presidential candidate, like after this cycle, we'll call Megan Rapinoe, a white feminist. College, college comes for everyone. Enjoy your woman's soccer guys and defending
Starting point is 00:43:43 the citadel of masculinity. Rapinoe gave a really funny speech. I think during Obama, she gave a really funny speech after they won the World Cup, where she was wasted. And it was like the closest to the Sam Hyde Ted Talk, IRL that I've ever seen. She made no sense. It was meandering.
Starting point is 00:44:03 It's very funny, You guys should watch it. But yeah, like I he's you know, calling, calling Bet Midler a washed up psycho. I just that was like there's a hurricane or something like that. There was a national disaster happening. I recall correctly. Yeah. And he just stops to be like that washed up psycho. Bet Midler. But it's just when he's being a caddy bitch to other other women. Like yeah, it's other ladies. He's just a Jewish woman. He's just a Jewish woman. He is a Jewish woman, that's true.
Starting point is 00:44:29 Yeah. He's my grandmother. He's like, no one said thank you, no one, no, like, you know, just everyone wants me to die. You'll be so happy when I'm dead. They hate me. I did everything right. And they had died at me.
Starting point is 00:44:44 When he talked it with the football, the handsome football player part. Oh my God. The way the way where he, the way that he was like, by the way, I bought all the food. Yeah. You're welcome. And the way was like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:57 These hands, these hands of football men, you know, someone should get them. I wish I was their agent. Yeah. I can't wait for the careers in the NFL. It's going to be so lucrative. You know what's another thing in the audio clip we played of him talking about the suds?
Starting point is 00:45:11 This is another sort of like, just sort of like tick that he does when he starts like riffing about stuff. He'll always like, he brings up the proctor and gamble company and he's always bringing up these like big, like proud American like capitalist firms to just shit on their product
Starting point is 00:45:26 Who's being like? They sell that garbage. They probably cost them two cents to make but it's garbage. I'll buy it anyway You know with a Coca-Cola company. I'll keep drinking that garbage He likes the likes to celebrate the greatness of American companies by pointing out what cheap shoddy products They all produce and how we all love them. We got to make them great again. We're gonna fix it We're gonna bring back folks. Patrick and we're going to bring back the satanic moonman on the packaging. We're going to do it.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Adam, what do you make of all these indictments? You think Trump's going to jail or you think he's going to escape off this one? Like you did everything else. I don't know. I just like if I learn too much, then I have to talk longer on the phone with my dad. Adam, you were telling me the other day that your parents are afraid of in cells now. You said your parents and their friends and my parents might aren't your relatives. Yeah. And then what the guess we have last week, who's a
Starting point is 00:46:16 legend, I mean, will knows who it is. Yeah. He was talk, yeah, he mentioned in cells to they all there's I don know what, I think there's something on Liberal Facebook now that's like. Instead, it's not coming. No, it's so mean. No, she's from America. Don't shoot. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:46:35 But they think that they're watching cartoon pornography and it makes them basically al Qaeda. I mean, it's so mean that the worst thing in the world is not getting pussy. The worst thing in the world is not getting pussy. And then they're making them out to be beyond like just losers. Then they're making them out to be fucking yeah, Osama bin Laden. It's the meanest thing I can imagine. Yeah, you're just be nice to these people.
Starting point is 00:47:05 They don't get pussy. They want it so bad. They're so lonely. They're so lonely and they can't get pussy. I don't know. I've been saying it's so mean. I don't know. I think like the current insult ideology is that they all claim that they don't want to
Starting point is 00:47:19 get pussy because women are disgusting and then it's like that. I mean, I love that. That's called pussy. Yeah. They want pussy. Well, like, okay, it's like that. I mean, I love that. I love creating. That's called fuzzy. Yeah. They want pussy. Well, like, okay, it's like the difference between like a big L libertarian versus a small or whatever, right?
Starting point is 00:47:34 You know, there are a lot of involuntary celibates in this country, but maybe you're referring to the ones who self-label is in cell, or maybe some of them who do. It's like, you know, there's a... It's a prejord if it's not an identity. It's not someone that's like, oh, I listened to Insel podcast, and I'm like, I got all the Insel merch.
Starting point is 00:47:54 What, what, what, you think it's, it's become our merchandise, it's become a slash merchandise. Well, it's become one of those, and they get those of these guys, right? What? Well, it's become one of those, and they get those of these guys. Right. Well, it's become one of these like, Americanized words where it's just like, the way that like, you know, when you hear a politician talk anytime in the last 20 years,
Starting point is 00:48:12 it's clear that they just take racist to mean bad instead of it's like literal definition. It's the same thing. I heard someone call like the weekend an entitled, and, which is just like a chat that's like, that's right. That's what is wrong with the world. It's something about Doja Katz boyfriend, and in such like, you only know who he is because he's fucking this woman.
Starting point is 00:48:37 What are you talking about? No, it's a, yeah, so it's like a slur. It's like a purge or an, no. Right, it's a purge or an, where it's like, okay, what you mean is like massage and just or sexist or something, but it's like, that's what it means. But you're saying in-sell because it's a word
Starting point is 00:48:50 that you learned online and it's a pejorative. It means you're not getting pussy, but it's just like, this has been frustrating for me for like five years. You remember when the Joker was coming out before like in-sells are gonna do that? Oh God, that was so funny. That was a funny, that was one of the funniest things ever.
Starting point is 00:49:05 So the dumbest fucking things I've ever seen. No, it's just how they've learned words from social, like TikTok, like Gaslight. Privilege. Yeah, they have many. Every was fucking everyone's gaslight. Like, even, can I be honest with you guys? Autistic dropped five years ago. Now everything's autistic. Yeah. Now, everything's autistic.
Starting point is 00:49:25 Yeah. Everything is autistic now. How are you going to do this guy? What about just being rude? People are rude. Isn't it? The new, rude people. Oh, but oh, he's so autistic.
Starting point is 00:49:36 I don't care. I'm not fucking, I'm not fucking Seagman Freud. You're just rude. Words came like a stable definition through repeated use in context. And that's the thing. With, if it's online by definition, there is no context. It's just whatever you think it is.
Starting point is 00:49:52 And so every word gets turned into, oh, that's a thing that means bad. I'm gonna use that to sound smarter when saying what I wanted to say anyway. And all meaning that's annihilated. It's Patti Poole, baby. Yeah, no, it's the exact same thing is half the time. It's like people using it as a majority of the other half the time.
Starting point is 00:50:09 It's people using it as a self-id, which is, I think, more the case that happened with autistic. People use autistic just to a shorthand to show that they were really into something. They're really smart, really. Watch out for me. The new thing is skits of... Yes. New thing, and that is the most fucking irritating thing in the guy. No, they're just like, Oh, I'm a I'm a skit so because I read the Wikipedia article for MK Ultra. Watch out for me. I'm like Ted Kizinski. Yeah. You're not even annoying
Starting point is 00:50:39 like a real mentally ill person. You're annoying in a different way. Yeah. I read a lot of posts that they may be go crazy. I've discovered demons are real through the internet. And I can see through their illusions. Yeah, it's just trying to turn themselves into, you know, just through sheer repetitious belief. Like I am, I'm touching the divine in my madness. But it's like all you're doing is looking at posts, man, that cannot ever translate to
Starting point is 00:51:09 what do you want it to do. Every self I did skit so is just there and invaders him guy. It's the same fucking thing. I am so fucking sick of it. You know what? You know what's another term that's like recently entered the vernacular, but it's also like experience like a rapid, definitional creep in my opinion. That's the phrase the goat just in for greatest of all time.
Starting point is 00:51:30 Have you guys noticed the like, yeah, women just fire. That's right. But the younger kids, when they say like, the goat, I think they just mean this is my favorite of a particular thing, not the greatest of all time. Like, Adam, when I was watching the NBA draft, one of the, one of the guys getting drafted, they were like, oh, who do you think is the goat? And he said, like, to me, the goat is Paul George. And I was just like, wait a second.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Paul George is a good basketball player, but like, I do not take. That's just like, I think it's just a kid that was born in like 2013. Yeah, probably. He's just like, you can't blame me, he's a baby. He doesn't, he doesn't know about when Jordan was playing, playing against, uh, truck drivers who played real defense. Yeah. Well, of course, I don't know what it means to play against guys with CDLs because
Starting point is 00:52:14 what is good supposed to say for a greatest of all time? What time that is gone? Like, the past does not exist. If you did not directly experience it, it is not real. So the greatest of all time just means instinctively, the, my favorite guy I saw. Yeah, it's just hyperbole. That's hyper. That's just what that's that's nice. And it's also a compliment. Yeah. I'm fine with people complimenting each other. Everything is tearing each other down and you are everyone is be be every girl has B be and every is on. He's sick nowadays. Maybe people are just nice to each other. There's some don't,
Starting point is 00:52:51 whoa, with this crap. Watch sports, be nice to your friends and your family. Call your mother, call your mother. Call your mother. Call your mother. Call your mother. He's sitting there by the phone right now.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Just pause the show, call your mom, tell your lover. Call your mother. Call your mother. Call your mother. She's sitting there by the phone right now. Just pause the show, call your mom, tell your lover. What? And then what? And then what sports center, pardon the interruption? Have you been watching it is what it is? Oh, the camera on a fucking spot, guys. The camera on me sports talk show.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Yeah, it's amazing. It's fantastic. It's incredible. There's really, I don't feel like camera on me. camera on you gay on Instagram. He called me gay on Instagram I think he said homie took it too far But one of the finest but one of the greatest moments my life a hero of mine. Yeah, he said Yeah, yeah, but oh they were like I watched one the other day where there's a guy gradi dick that just got drafted
Starting point is 00:53:44 By the Toronto Raptors and Fat Joe tweeted, I like Dick from Kansas, because he went to University of Kansas. And they were losing their minds. It's fantastic. Yeah. I highly recommend that. No, I just, I feel like it all just stems, and you guys probably talked about this on the show a lot, but like it just stems from fucking loneliness.
Starting point is 00:54:09 People are so fucking lonely nowadays, and they're trying to make, like, my friends of middle school teachers, she said that kids are dumb now, because they weren't at school for two years, and they're weird. They were socialized. It's very sad.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Well, yeah, yeah, younger people. And now they're not gonna live. Well, while I'll say broadly under 30s, it's like the way that a prisoner will count every crack in the wall on their cell. When you're lonely and there's nothing to bounce your words or thoughts or feelings off of, and no tactile
Starting point is 00:54:45 sensation or anything else. You put everything into categories. You assign everything to these broad words, sort of a lesser definition. You organize the little that you have. When that Taylor Swift thing happened, which Taylor Swift was with us. Oh, with you. Yeah. The Maddie. The Maddie. He would think I, I, I didn't, I didn't pay any attention to it for like four months, right? And then I checked my mentions. And they're like,
Starting point is 00:55:15 mm hmm. They were, they were literally like people were, someone said that I will never know peace again. They said, you will never know peace again. You've never known what to begin with. Yeah, whatever. I was like, what is this? Why? I didn't understand. And then another girl said, I'm going to push you in front of a train.
Starting point is 00:55:38 And then folks, boys, lads, even Adolf Hitler had the class to put us on the train, okay? Okay. And this child wants to push, so I called my sister and I was like, what's going on? And she's like, okay, I've been waiting for you for this phone call. And so she explained it to me. And she was like, Taylor Swift is making all of her albums over again because Scooter Braun owned her masters or something. So now her fans, I guess all of her albums are about different breakups, right?
Starting point is 00:56:15 So now her fans are having to relieve the traumas of all of those breakups all over again, but this time they're worse, right? And I was like, what the fuck does that mean? all of those breakups all over again, but this time, they're worse, right? And I was like, what the fuck does that mean? What does that mean? And then, but it makes me really sad. Like, people are so lonely that this is like their cause or something.
Starting point is 00:56:37 This is like, they're like civil rights movement or something. I want to restore. Adam, Adam, I heard a, I heard tells once of in Saudi Arabia, like middle class and higher women who would just have to stay inside all day and let's say at a male guardian to Godside with them. And even then, once they were able to start watching South Korean soap operas, they would get so invested in them that they would like attempt suicide because the overwhelming rush of emotion in the void of nothingness.
Starting point is 00:57:14 Similar type of thing, not as dramatic for us. Same type of idea though. It's energy that has nowhere else to express itself. And this is the only real spot, the only area where you are allowed to really go crazy like that because everywhere else it will get you locked up or something. No, far be it for me to tell you guys, your crap, but it's just that the economy doesn't have jobs for everyone. See, this is by the way. The economy doesn't have enough jobs to absorb that, but that's people.
Starting point is 00:57:49 And so therefore, they're pushed out and they're alienated. There's this push to have kids go back to work. You know, like Sarah Huckabee Sanders just signed a bill in the law allowing more child labor in Arkansas. And she's just smiling there to table with these little kids and suits. It looked like they're about to be executed. And I think that that is of course bullshit, but I do think that there should be like a,
Starting point is 00:58:15 I mean, if you want to address that issue of getting people to do some meaningful activity that brings them together, then, you know, turning education into an applied process where you're like brought together with other kids, maybe from other places and brought around a project to accomplish your level of skill. And in so doing learn to do another level of skill and then, you know, be integrated into a social order instead of yes, what we do now just expect people to sit in front of their computers all day and then say okay now be in a human being Good luck. So you like you think they should go to the triangle's shirt ways No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no I agree. The fact that they're not even fucking each other anymore. Yeah. That's not fair. Like, fucking someone, like going out and meeting someone and and and hooking up with them implies that you feel like you're part of a community at least, right? Like, there is like some sort of like social kind of like understanding. You have enough right? Well, well, you know, I could go out there and I could try to interact with somebody and it'll be,
Starting point is 00:59:27 it might be embarrassing, but it could also be really good. I think now people in their minds can only imagine bad outcomes from interactions with anybody who they don't know very, very well. And as a result, it's like safer to just pour all that energy into the fucking computer and just thwart it and tie it off from pushing me in front of our train. Well, well, what you said, what you said about like, what you said about like, um, they're not being enough jobs to fill the space. I mean, there are plenty of jobs, but there aren't plenty of jobs that are that allow you to be a not invisible person.
Starting point is 01:00:07 There are more jobs than ever. At least it's like 1900 where you are a totally invisible person. Where you are a door dacha or you sanitize the aisles and CVS. You were a person that those with jobs that make them a real person in our world just look over you, do not acknowledge you. And coincidentally, a lot of those invisible person jobs are jobs that abrogate a lot of the filler space in our life where we would previously go out and engage with people. You don't even go to the restaurant to pick up your food anymore.
Starting point is 01:00:50 That's for someone else. They leave it at your door. You only see their name on the little notification. There are a billion fucking jobs like that that prevent you from ever seeing anyone and engaging with them. Yeah, I will say when I saw the controversy this week over that Richard Benihana guy and all of his like, you know, sort of race realism past blog posting, the leaving all that aside, his comment that he was a too high IQ to work at McDonald's. When I read that, I was like, we need to have a
Starting point is 01:01:22 saloon to bring back selective service. Like we need to have a universal draft of 18 year olds in this country, but to do four years in the service industry. Because like, that is the modern day equivalent of the sum or veridone or something, is dealing with the human wave attacks of the American consumer. Yeah, being just humiliated and prostrated before. And like, I think it would straighten a lot of these fucking, but a lot of these BPD, schizo autistic, bombs out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:50 You know, just do your time doing the fucking shitty, done and job and maybe like you'll connect to some people or regain some of your own humanity and get a little humble for Christ's sake. Yeah, some humility. We all use that. Jesus Christ. Or we could just go to the war like our grand father. I mean, that is the, that's the ultimate way out. That's how you should just be what a guy did.
Starting point is 01:02:08 You go to the war. That doesn't work. That doesn't even work. That doesn't even work. We don't have to do that. It shouldn't be work. But like that doesn't even work anymore. Have you met people who've gone to the war? They're just as bad. I mean, of course, they're all selling books. That's just it. It's not the same thing. It's not the war anymore. It's just a bunch of things. The guys from my high school, a lot, yeah, they're all like, kids that like, didn't man. It's a bunch of theaters of action. And it's not, and it's not, uh, it's, it's, it's selective. People join. So it's, it's, it's not a collective experience. So it can't be the war for anybody. Yeah. Like even like going into comedy is so it's not a collective experience, so it can't be the war for anybody.
Starting point is 01:02:45 Yeah, like even like going into comedy, it's just pathetic. Like, my dad just came to visit, and I was like, I had this talk with him like 12 years ago where I was like, this is my calling, and I found my thing, and all this crap, and I'm like, Dad, I apologize. Like, that must have driven you insane for your son to be like, I'm a clown. This is my. And I'm like, Dad, I apologize. That must have driven you insane for your son to be like, I'm a clown. This is my identity. I'm coming out to you as a clown. Previously, you just had to be the wise guy in your unit
Starting point is 01:03:14 in Korea. Yeah, you know, I'm like, the one with, you're cracking the wise crack. And the guy in Moscow, this guy in Moscow, he was, no, there's like a, my girlfriend's grandfather went to art school and he went to Korea and there's a really cool picture of him. Like, he painted a nativity scene for his unit
Starting point is 01:03:39 because it was Christmas, right? And so that's, I mean, he wasn't like, oh, I need to go to NYU. You know, like, he was a yelling at his parents. I just have to kill like a third of this country. Yeah, yeah. No, I mean, like, yeah, it wasn't like, yeah, of course. I'm not advocating that war is good.
Starting point is 01:04:00 But maybe. Maybe. That's how I'm imagining. Is it? I imagine like a national service. You know, a general mat that would be so sick. General who? Matt.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Matt. You. Oh my God, you'd be a critical. I know I could never. I could never. And resupplies. No, I'm a Libra. I can't make decisions.
Starting point is 01:04:20 It's not going to happen. I can. What did you say, Libra? When to attack and what the rest of the Libra? No, thank you. Get all. Why did you move to LA? You say, Lebra, a serious cool question like that. Cool question like that about you about you, uh, fucking being with a general fucking, uh, Monty, uh, planning D day. No, I could. And you're like, oh, I'm too much of a Gemini
Starting point is 01:04:46 for the shut up man. I mean, that just moved back to New York. That is why do you go there? I wouldn't kill anybody. I'm saying I would be very proud of this. I'm too much of a Lee Rose. I used to know a king. I used to know a Titan.
Starting point is 01:04:57 That is, you were a thousand feet tall. In Matt's defense, Monte and Eisenhower and MacArthur would also have said that. No, Monty was BPD for real. That's true, who did? They all were. They all were. It used to be if you were a man's man, if you were Andrew Tate, you wanted to fucking musical theater. If you were a big fucking fruitcake, you were a general. Monty.
Starting point is 01:05:26 All right. Fine. I'm a yucky doodle dad and date. As long as I can get every hand, I'm 45. Hello boys. And there'd be articles written where it's like, is George Gershwin a toxic influence on newsboys? And then the corresponding article in the fashion section, Gershwin, a toxic influence on news boys.
Starting point is 01:05:49 And then the corresponding article in the fashion section, General Patton unveils new epilots and golden helmet. Fabulous. What's your favorite war? The US civil. It's always going to be my boy. Number one, number one. One one I started with. It's I think that was my, no, that was my first two for a real. Yeah, you always love your first. It was crazy. Yeah, it's nuts.
Starting point is 01:06:09 So sick. Anyone here, anyone here? Antieto, yeah, that was, that was fucking wild. What do you say, baby? Yeah. Anyone rock with the Russo Japanese war like I do? I mean, what a weeb. We fucking weeb over here. I'm a fucking US war. They fucking own
Starting point is 01:06:27 They fucking own They did own the show. Yeah fuck that entire part of the world Japan rocks except for a few things that they did It is kind of the VP it is kind of the BPDs versus the toxic Russo Japanese if you want to versus the autistic Sorry, that's yeah, that war is very funny. The Rousseau BPD, the Japanese Autist, you know what the Japanese, well, not all Japanese. Chinese and Japanese Buddhists, they say. I say they're different. Okay, they're different. What?
Starting point is 01:06:57 I would say Chinese, Japanese, same thing. I said that both of them have a belief that similar to this, where no one is innately born with a soul like we say in our Judeo-Christian tradition, your identity is a combination of social, economic, and historical factors, but if you want, you can create a soul over time, like your own science project, you know, and the words of our friend Sean Moore had. And maybe that's the answer to all this. Yeah, we have to be able to make a project out of our souls. And we currently are not allowed to do that.
Starting point is 01:07:36 It is literally priced out of the marketplace. And everyone is creating these dark, twisted, pathological, reactive souls just because that's the only space they can actually do so, because pathology could be endlessly absorbed by the system and monetized. You could do it if you're up in middle class.
Starting point is 01:07:58 Well, yeah, of course, money allows you to do anything, but the thing is, even in the context that you live in as somebody who is like higher up, makes it harder to even do anything, but like, the thing is even in the context that you live in as somebody who is like, higher up, makes it harder to even do that because you have to deal with everybody else who's constantly miserable and has been turned into a fucking meat puppet and confronts every day with dead fucking eyes. Yeah, but at the end of the day, you got you. And me, you know, I'm like halfway there, getting my soul. You be Zelda or no? I don't support them at all. Fuck them.
Starting point is 01:08:31 Why? Cause a pro harbour? No, no, no, no. I support mostly Japanese game studios and publishers. I hate Nintendo because of their litigness and animosity towards modding. Why, you got sued by Pikachu? No, I never did. They would net. Do you think they would ever try that on me? Say, the best lawyer in Japan would get beaten by a half-Jewish parolegal. Do they ever think it's a law school? I would take out the greatest lawyer that country's ever produced. They're gonna learn a lot of things,
Starting point is 01:09:06 but I would fucking destroy them at law. They would not touch me. Ace of turn up. Yeah. They tried to make a video game about being an attorney in Nintendo. They really don't get it. It does make, I think you're right,
Starting point is 01:09:19 because I'm pretty sure that almost every Japanese legal case is settled by everyone getting into room and just politely nodding at each other, just like doing little bows. You went in there and they're like actually just open your mouth, they would just be stunned. You destroy them. Yeah, you would go in Johnny Cochran, Razzle, Dazzle style. You'd be making things rhyme. Streets would not be ready.
Starting point is 01:09:41 Yeah. And they're also, okay, you called me a weeb, but in Japan, a lot of Japanese people are weebs for Judaism. That's true. That's true. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. They, well, everyone, I've told this story a billion times on the show, but when Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were allied, they sent in Japan, protocols the dealers of Zion in Japan because they had no historical animosity or really contact with any Jews. They read it and we're like,
Starting point is 01:10:11 these people are fucking awesome. And a lot of people think that actually. Yeah, but even after that, most people think Jews are pretty cool. Mm-hmm. I think you could. Yeah. That's being a little sad.
Starting point is 01:10:24 I'm sorry. What is the face? Pop the left with your face like that. I read the code. I opened my mouth with the middle of this. Yeah, we didn't put the fucking chords here up in your pasta sauce. Oh my God, you have hot, sour, sour dinner. Woodrow Wilson, not us. Yeah, but if you play any Japanese game, tons of Jewish things pop up.
Starting point is 01:10:47 Shibri, the Hebrew demon of blindness. There's a Pokemon called Golem. They love Dibbix, they love all our monsters, they're really into it. It makes me feel better about me being into there stuff because there's an exchange. No one has a current account deficit. It's equal trade. Well, like they have their native, like they've got their troops and goblins and ghouls
Starting point is 01:11:12 that they have, they like them all. And so they can accommodate really any other religious tradition that's heavy on little guys, little goblins running around. And then like, oh yeah, like we got. Yeah. That is one thing Christianity really does suffer for lacking. Even Islam has gotten gin.
Starting point is 01:11:28 Like what, angels and devils or whatever, they either possess people or they like just watch you from a cloud. There's like nobody like running around. Nobody you're gonna meet like going to the park in Christianity. Wait, in what? In Christianity, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:41 Well, I mean, just Jesus Christ when he's been resurrected. In post like 1800s Christianity, yeah. But like, oh yeah, medieval Christianity was great. They really, they really tried a bunch of interesting things with Christianity. They really tried spicing it up. But ultimately, Jewish John Calvin, the lawyer, was like, hey, it silly seeds is over, you know? You're either on the list or you're not. And you are not going to meet a scary little devil
Starting point is 01:12:10 in the park. I mean, I don't even know what we're talking about anymore. But I think most people think Jews are really awesome and pretty funny and handsome, cute. There's a lot of people who don't like Jews, but in America, they're very popular in America for sure. No, America is the best place for us. The Medagon don't want us.
Starting point is 01:12:36 Don't forget that. Oh, shut up. The Medagon don't want us. Shut up. Shut up. We're like above white people. We're above like regular white people in this country. It's so crazy.
Starting point is 01:12:49 I mean, Dinesh D'Souza is really popular. This is none of this is going on in the pod. I can tell you Chris is a exing this. He's like, we're gonna be on post-left watch with this. We got to wrap it up. We're gonna be on a bad way. We're gonna be on a bad way. We're gonna be on a bad way.
Starting point is 01:13:04 We got to put a pin in it for this for today. Guys, thanks for having me. Thank you. Our Canada shows almost totally sold out, but hey, why not slash tour. We'll be in Toronto and Montreal, August 17th and 19th. Hope to see you there. Live, slash live, sorry.
Starting point is 01:13:24 That's slash live. Sorry, that's how push off slash live. But yeah, Adam, thank you so much for coming on the show. And congratulations so much on the Adam Friedland show. You guys subscribe to tabs on YouTube, subscribe on Patreon, we are an independent production, we appreciate all the help we can get. On ironically, as said before, the Adam Friedland show is the most interesting and funny and
Starting point is 01:13:47 genuinely innovative thing I've seen. I just want the boys to like it. I don't care about these pigs out there in the world, but if you say that, that makes me feel fantastic. I really... I think, no, it's fucking incredible. It really is. We worked on that. On that dance for four weeks. I think, no, it's fucking incredible. It really is. We worked on that dance for four weeks.
Starting point is 01:14:08 It's the hardest we've ever tried and anything. And it all paid off. Oh, not yet. Well, it was a good dance. Eventually. Yeah. Eventually, I'm gonna get Tucker, goddamn Carlson on there.
Starting point is 01:14:20 Yeah, that'll happen, I'm gonna show him. What's what? He'll do that, no question. I really, I'm my two biggest I want are Dolazal and Hunter. I think Dolazal. Dolazal is getting a problem. She's misunderstood. He was a mean to her. I think Hunter would say yes, but like he would get like, drank darted and dragged to promises. Yeah, immediately on the way to the f**ker WTN Mark Mary Mark yeah that's like that's like bye bye
Starting point is 01:14:50 bye thanks guys Mark Mary thank you thanks out of freedom show. I'm going to live up, I'm going to lay down low, on the out of freedom show. I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go,

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