Chapo Trap House - 757 Teaser - Enlightened Eric Adams

Episode Date: August 11, 2023

The boys discuss how Eric Adams deluge of lies are in fact a zen-like annihilation of self as New York’s Mayor ascends to a higher plane of being. Subscribe today for access to the full episode and... all premium episodes!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a really good one. A few weeks ago, I heard Adam speak at the Bethel Gospel Assembly in Harlem. Adams who has claimed a history of fighting and boxing matches told the congregation, I was so good in the gym, but I'd get knocked out in the ring. In the spring of 2021, Adams made a campaign stop at Gleason's, the Brooklyn's boxing gym. As Adam's hands are being wrapped ahead of a photo op, he was asked, have you ever boxed before? No, Adam's replied. Adding that he'd sometimes punched a bag at the gym.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Okay, this is going to last summer during a speech at a Dominican flag raising ceremony in Bowling Green Park, Adam's abulantly noted, I may have been bored in Alabama, but I'm Dominican, baby. Like, what's he talking about? That's a bite message. Yeah, yeah. Like, I call me bite-noppalous. I'm great.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Okay, oh, bye. I'm gonna smash a fucking plate. I mean, saying I'm Dominican baby. It's like whatever. It's probably, you know, Dominican day or something like that. It's not a Dominican flag. A lot of Dominicans in New York City. But saying, I may have been born in Alabama.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Like, why, why live? Like, where is that come from it's the kernel a i at the end of metal gear solid to because i heard adam's repeat the line six months later at an event hosted by new york congressman a drano spiot adam's mother was born in alabama but adam's was not he was born in a park slow possible adam said that when he was six or seven,
Starting point is 00:01:25 his father took him to Harlem on Saturdays to hear a man giving fiery speeches. Only years later, did he realize the speaker was Malcolm X. In the first few years of Adams life, Malcolm X did make occasional and high profile speeches in Harlem, but he was not making regular Saturday appearances. When he was assassinated in February of 1965, Adams was four. assassinated in February of 1965, Adams was four. He's he's master of the same thing, Trump has, which is if you just say shit all the time, you can't be to the track of it. So no one, you could, the risk of any specific thing you say, fucking you over goes to zero, basically.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Yeah, nothing can be held on to. So you get to say, and the strategy should be you say whatever you want, but you just whatever you want. But like, but here's a crucial thing, you can't be too consistent. Yeah, but you wouldn't, though, if you're just saying what's around the top of your head, you're gonna, if you die like this, you're gonna be bullshit, and you're gonna be making stuff up just stream of consciousness. The worst thing you can do, if you're gonna lie, is to lie about the same things consistent with it. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:02:26 The best thing you can do is to constantly contradict yourself. And you don't know what's a lie and what isn't. It's asymmetrical informational warfare. It's like an exuse madness strategy. Yeah. And it's undefeatable. You cannot be it. Eric Adams is the perfect guy for this age
Starting point is 00:02:45 because it's not like Joe Biden, it's disinformation by restriction, censorship, cutting off the pipeline. Eric Adams understands the information age we live in. He watched that common commercial probably 500 times. He actually thought he was in the common commercial. I was in that commercial. He's like, I was coming. And that's the guy who would show us how to use Windows 7 when I lived in Brooklyn.
Starting point is 00:03:11 He understands that, no, all is done by DeLus. Yes. Metal Gear Solid 2. Sounds deliberative. He's a gene. And the key to the bet does is the deli is, it's relatable. It creates a character that people could like, they, some of them hate and are, find off-putting, but huge other, huge percentages of people are going to find relatable and magnetic, same
Starting point is 00:03:33 thing with Trump. And like Biden, he, because they will cut off and they won't let him be back because they're afraid of what it'll say, you just, he just becomes this remote phony that you can't wait to shoot him in the head. And like, where has it come from? Like, when Adam's found his Like what I like like when Adam's found his his sweet spot telling stories about his diabetes and stuff Biden's like was most successful with off the cuff talking about corn pop I don't know what fun of corn. We need to add that I was so stupid. Yeah, he killed it. What did good? Okay? Be like water. Yeah, there is stagnation versus flowing water.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Yes, the way of water. Flowing water, the only thing that can fight against Cacate, rot. And flowing water in the American sense is the circumstances of your birth, your diet, everything that was like, what your childhood was like, who you are, everything that happened in your life, it was like who you are everything that happened in your life.
Starting point is 00:04:26 It is a constant state of flow. Yeah. Because the thing that you are the premise you're operating on is that everything that is happening is is happening because of your will. You are you are in charge. The world is made up of your desires and that is a form of insanity. But those sort of things are sanded down by encounters with reality. And for a couple of select people, God kissed people, their fantasy never contacts
Starting point is 00:04:52 reality. And so they get to go through life with a really good reason to believe that they have made everything happen. Like, like, they should believe that he has magical powers. Yes. And he's aware of New York. The lowest, the lowest of existence, I will kill myself. I will kill myself by saying I'm gonna kill Biden or whatever, right? The highest form enlightenment as the Buddha's understand it, there is no self to kill. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:18 There is no self to kill. I was born in Alabama, I was born in Park Slope. Yep. I heard Malcolm XB, I'm a boxing champion. I got knocked out of never boxed. I've never touched a tag. He's no self to kill. Forcibly because anything that happens can't be anything.
Starting point is 00:05:35 There's no friction because there's a total of liquidity of narrative. You're making the narrative new every moment something happens. Well, here's some more narrative additions from liquid snake here. As Adam's tells it, his adolescent ears were marked by extreme highs and lows.

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