Chapo Trap House - 764 - The Schlapp’s Exorcist (9/5/23)

Episode Date: September 6, 2023

We hope everyone had a nice labor day.. Today, we’ve got and episode of rivalries: Musk vs. the ADL, the Schlapps vs. Demonic possession, Men (all) vs. Houseplants, Diarrhea vs. Air Travel, and vs. Mud.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music Hey, all you cool cats and kittens out there in Radio Land, it's Tuesday, September 5th. That's right, Labor Day has come and gone, here, holding the end of the summer. But folks, to sure doesn't feel like that. It's a scorcher out there I hope you're staying nice and cool with the boys from Chop-O-Trap House Sorry, I'm just practicing my radio DJ pattern just the kick things off today It's me Matt and Chris coming at you today gentlemen Let's start the show. Let's do it to kick things off today I just the story that everyone's talking about.
Starting point is 00:01:06 I think we need to mention diarrhea plane. The plane full of diarrhea headline. Sharts on a flight forced into emergency. Delta flight forced into emergency landing by passengers diarrhea. Hot snake. A Delta flight from Atlanta to Barcelona was forced to turn around and make an emergency landing after a passenger had diarrhea, quote, all the way through the plate. Now, okay, this story, how, this story, it's happened.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Yes. How all through the plane? Like he sat like directly into one of the air vents that had just aerosol eyes throughout the cabin. like directly into one of the air vents that have just aerosol eyes throughout the cabin. He's like, I did it his ass down the entire aisle like a dog. Matt, I've given, I've given, I've given this much thought. And basically the only, the only explanation I can have for how diarrhea could get all the way down the plane in some sort of terrorist attack. Like someone just gets a drop-strow and just runs down the aisle
Starting point is 00:02:10 just spraying shit everywhere. I think the most realistic possibility is that, yeah, it just hit him before he got to the bathroom and it just left the trail before he could get there. Yeah, down the old camp leg. Now, there's a lot of agonizing things to imagine. Were you on that plane or were you indeed the diarrhea person in question? But like the fact that it had to turn back and land in Atlanta because like,
Starting point is 00:02:39 I would want like, I would want if I was on that plane. Like it's like, look, you're going to be trapped in or medically sealed soda can with liquid shit. I would like it to, like, the flight to have sort of crossed the terminator at which turning back would be longer than reaching the destination. That's like the, yeah, I mean, that's the situation like that. You know, this is a worst case area because if it happened like a half an hour after take off, all right, that's kind of annoying. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Two hours? Two hours. Two hours. And now you get to spend another two hours in the shit plane and you haven't even left the place that you started from. You're over at the international waters. And instead of getting to disembark in Barcelona, you're back in fucking Atlanta.
Starting point is 00:03:20 In the Atlanta. In Miami. And we're left to the evening. That evening on the Rob lap. Well, our sun to be that, my think is the only real takeaway for that one.
Starting point is 00:03:37 It's a it was a bio hazard situation. Our teams worked as quickly and safely as possible to thoroughly clean the airplane and get our customers to their final destination a Delta spokesperson said We sincerely apologize to our customers for the delay and any inconvenience to their travel plans. I am going to I'm going to go on a limb here and say that Delta Airlines did not fully clean that plane before They're gonna eight three hundred people back on to it. They just give it a little wet wipe And then they're like, okay, this one's flying to Salt Lake City in half an hour.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Yeah, just a quick once over with a hose. There's no way they did the total submersion in bleach you would need. We've been talking about feral files, especially as they relate to planes and air travel a lot. And usually when there's an incident of this level that a plane needs to get turned around, there's an identifiable villain,
Starting point is 00:04:32 somebody who is, you know, you can tell is acting in the wrong. But you can't help but feel for the shit tour in this situation. Oh God, yeah. It's not only stuck on a plane filled with their own shit, but also must if they are normal at all, fuel the insane guilt and shame of their shit ruining 300 people's day. They're all there. They're all know that it's you. You're
Starting point is 00:05:00 right there. Honestly, where are the diarrhea men in that situation? After, after, after trailing shit all the way down the plane, and then having the plane be sent back to Atlanta, I would consider some sort of Muhammad autos style strategy because like, look, I don't want anyone on the plane knowing about it. Look, I'm going to die with them, but we are all taking this to our graves. We're going to, news first into the fucking Atlantic.
Starting point is 00:05:25 We're for anyone knows about my do-do-ass on the plane. And then, but then your posthumous nightmare is realized when they get the black box and the pilot's like, the passenger, seven L, pass the submersion shit on everything. And now he's battering down the copic door. What this means is epitaph. They're
Starting point is 00:05:53 going to send James Cameron down there and they're just like, yep, that's, that's due to, that's due to all over the, this is making me think of a, a airplane based thriller in say the red eye or a nonstop. Oh yeah, a tradition where the shit is found, but nobody knows who did it. And you have the rest of the flight to try to figure out which passenger or crew member it was. It was the pilot. Oh, that's what you get. You get kind of a, it was a Kenneth Branagh, like a hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot altitude. One of you is this shit, though. None of us will be leaving the plane. Well, that's a charming diversion. But can we queue up the Trump clip,
Starting point is 00:06:36 the Trump heater for this week? Absolutely. He keeps coming out with them. Good job, Biden's only campaign strategy is inditing me. That's all they can do. Keep inditing him on nonsense. Going on extended vacations and sleep, sleep, sleep. That's what he wants to do.
Starting point is 00:06:53 He wants to sleep and he wants to go to the beach and sleep. He thinks he looks good in the bathing suit. He doesn't. I love, I love, I love just like the rhythm of, he thinks he looks good in the bathing suit. He doesn't just the way How hot he blow it just flows flows racing other more that just bitchy Broadway hag I love I also like when he said sleep sleep sleep. That's all he wants to do you want to sleep on the beach And I realized like hey like I mean that's relatable all I want to do is sleep sleep sleep
Starting point is 00:07:23 It's real and occasionally bang on the drum all day. But what I realize about this, but what I realize about this is the trope is, I don't know, maybe inded vertically attacking Joe Biden for living the Margaritaville Jimmy Buffett lifestyle, RIP. And I wonder how that will play with voters. It is a question. Like he has, I mean, obviously, presidential vacations are always an incredibly stupid controversial topic, no matter who's in office because it's the heart of it is disingenuous
Starting point is 00:07:55 because the people who complain that the president is, uh, is always on vacation are the people who think that they're terrible and doing a shitty job. So what do you want? Do you want this guy to be a terrible president? Or wouldn't you prefer him to be hanging out on a beach somewhere and not fucking things up? So it's never, it's never like sincere. And I honestly don't think it cares.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Yeah, whatever it is. And I think when they see a lot of older people, yes, when they see Biden and the aviators looking like a melting candle on the beach, they think, looking good, Joe. Or they see themselves horribly reflected and have a terrifying moment of recognition, in which case, no good. They hate him. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:31 I mean, we got to talk to some olds. I mean, for someone of his age, Joe Biden doesn't look, you know, that bad. It's okay. But it's like, I love to see Trump in a business. I love his speech, buddy. Oh my God. It's just something about the sun, you know, just like the softness of it, the sweetness of the skin. There's a whole chapter of what we think about the urban melting and the high nature of the color white.
Starting point is 00:08:55 And every, every one of these grub like Biden beach pictures radiates with it. Yeah. And then you're like whenever I saw's get outraged and like, you know, Trump has now spent like more time with a golf course and he has in the oval. I'm like, good. Dude, what do you want? He's doing.
Starting point is 00:09:12 What do you want? Just you want. Do you want a Biden? If you hate him, do you really want him in the White House pressing the gender button over and over again? At least he's in the Hobath beach that these thousands of, he's hundreds of miles from the gender button over and over again. At least he's in the Hobath beach. He's he's hundreds of miles from the gender button. But no, you want him in there, but national day Matt, Matt, they bring the gender football everywhere. They're president.
Starting point is 00:09:34 I can't. I know. Well, then that, well, then that destroys the whole argument the other way. If he's still working while he's there, then who cares? It's literally just a change of scenery. He's still doing the job. So shut the fuck up. He's still pressing the gender button. There's nothing to complain about. Sleep, sleep, sleep.
Starting point is 00:09:53 So like yeah, there's sort of like a confluence of this with the death of Jimmy Buffett. But I also want to talk about, I saw that guy Richard Hennen and Nenenea, he weighed in on the death of Jimmy Buffett to say, Jimmy Buffett taught Americans to hate their jobs and live for nights and weekends so they could stuff themselves with food and alcohol. But pride and work is what gives Americans purpose and explains our success. Deaths of despair may be
Starting point is 00:10:16 considered a part of his cultural legacy. And I just going to say, I like this guy a lot better when he was a Nazi. Yeah, sure. He should go back to doing that. It was actually more likable when he was talking about the slagetics. Andy Rooney thing is no good. It's very annoying. And I get it. He's kind of doing a bit. I think he thinks he's doing a normal bit with this stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Yeah. You know, like the Bob Sagitt roast type of deal. But he also is revealing because these are j, you know, joky takes that emerge from like a real instinct, like that's what these people do. And his real instinct is to think that it is stuff like Margaritaville that made people hate their jobs over the last 40 years as opposed to it being their jobs that made them hate their jobs. And that to me is the entire worldview and its flaws in one terrible fucking take because I'm sorry that's not how it works.
Starting point is 00:11:08 The objective conditions of working in America, the amount of free time you have versus how compensated you are for the time you spend at work, it's a line that goes down. So why would not satisfaction with work go down to you don't need to hear Jimmy Buffett's to say like, yeah, no, you shouldn't be better if you were eating a cheeseburger right now. You already want a cheeseburger. Then you hear the song and you're like, God damn right. And you keep listening to it. You buy the album and he becomes a star because he is giving voice to a feeling, something that is emerging out of changing material conditions. And then you have troubadours and bars like James Buffett Jr. to show up and say, oh, you
Starting point is 00:11:46 got to say your jobs. Wouldn't you rather be eating a cheeseburger and paradise? And oh, boom, he literally has a, he died with a, he died a real estate resort mogul with a condent spanning chain of a high end luxury spots. And we have to make up for the fact that their job suck. Well, we, we, we are patrons of the Margaritaville Empire, let's be forget. Yeah. But they're reasoning, reactionary reasoning on, on this sort of stuff that tries to make sense of capitalism without actually naming it. It's all essentially magic because it works back from Margaritaville resort
Starting point is 00:12:27 exists. So who benefited from that Jimmy Buffett? How did he benefit it from it by making people not want to be at their jobs, but instead shit face blackout drunk at his establishment? Can I bring you guys in on one of the ironies of Jimmy Buffett from, I learned from the and introducing episode we did on him, which is an anecdote that he would be on tour, living it up at the pirate Margarita lifestyle, at least the rest of the band would be, you know, after the shows that I'll be partying in the hotel room doing all sorts of things. And people would be like, wait, has anybody seen Jimmy? Where's Jimmy?
Starting point is 00:13:01 And one of his guys would go around to the hotel room. He was staying in and knock on the door and open it up. And he was inside hunched over the decks, his desk reconciling all the bills and expenses of the tour and basically doing accounting and the turn to is the guy and be like, don't tell anybody what I'm doing in here. He is a hypocrite. He's like, he's like one of these rappers that's not really gang affiliated, you know?
Starting point is 00:13:28 He saw a market and filled it. That's how this fucking shit works. They don't, they don't get in their little cabals and figure out how can I Jimmy Buffett become a millionaire by disaffecting hard work in Americans. It's hey, there's a lot of people who hate their jobs. What would they like to hear? Well, I will say I was a big fan of his performance as himself in the Harmony Korean film the beach bum Great movie. Oh, yes, it was wonderful. Great movie
Starting point is 00:14:00 Spong cake Watching the sun bake. All of those two is covered with all. All right, well, moving on from Margaret Readeville, I would like to talk now about the lawsuit that I want more to happen than anything else in the world, but is more guaranteed not to happen than anything else in the world. That's right. Elon Musk threatens to sue the anti-deformation league for destroying Twitter's advertising revenue. And what we're like, I'll get to say is, roll out Ken Watanabe. I think he's got something to say about these two participants in this civil action. That don't fight.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Yeah. I mean, there are like mutual judgments where they're both wiped out. Is that possible? Like there's a counter suit. They both win. It's like the end of reservoir dogs. Everybody goes down. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Go to my dad. Stop. Point that gun at my website. Huh. Quite, quite epic. Quite a quite, quite, interesting irony. I mean, like, you know, this is a, this lawsuit is not going anywhere,
Starting point is 00:15:11 but, you know, I mean, something, I mean, look, something happened to cut fooders' value in half, like something's in it. Well, the thing that happened is he bought it, because the value he's talking about is the value he paid for it. He was the only person on earth who is the value he paid for it. He was the only person on earth who would have paid that price for it. The proof of that is that he was forced by the government to pay that price for it. So as soon as he bought it, it lost that value because there was a market of
Starting point is 00:15:35 one at that price point and he filled it. No one else is paying that much for Twitter. No one else is in the same enough as you and has the freedom to do that kind of impulsive bullshit. So that means it will know the market has collapsed for it without anything. You could do nothing and you're still in a situation where you've lost the value for it. And now you've got to find something in the subsequent failure to like epically, you know, make it worth that through magic, which is the what he thought he was going to do. Or I can get there. No problem. Oh, it's not working. Shoes did it. It is like it is a textbook example of how antisemitism functions. It is like, you fucked up, something happened, you're in a bad situation, you had something to do with it, not entirely. None of us do. The guy like Elon Musk, well, has a freedom of action that almost
Starting point is 00:16:20 know human being on Earth has. So it is mostly his mostly his fault you know he can't blame society the way that the rest of us get because he's opposed society that's what all that money does so he fucked up and now somebody else is full it's pretty sure that there I mean it's surprising to me that on their ad revenue is thinking because in my opinion the ads have never been better on I love the ads the ads on Twitter I've been great because like they all now like it seems like most ads I get are in that sort of Universe of like there's got to be a better way style like ads that are on TV at 3 in the morning I saw an ad on Twitter the other day and there was like a video for it and everything it's essentially like a
Starting point is 00:16:57 Like a suction cup pump that you can put over someone's Fucking gob as they're choking to death on Yeah, I just sort of like alternative to the high blip maneuver. He just shoots out like some fucking chunk of steak or something. The only thing I'm surprised about is that that ad does not go at the angle. The big pharma medical establishment will tell you that the high blip maneuver is the way to clear a blockage in someone's throat. This is the Iver Meckin of pulling something out of somebody's neck.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Grieve in cells, especially on that website, missed opportunity. I like the one that's selling mushrooms, psychedelic mushrooms that are just literally poison. And I know, you know, all psychedelics are like, tech are poison, but this is like an actual, where like the hallucinations are part of a package of symptoms of like deep cellular damage. Yeah, they got community notes now on the ads. So people are like, this is literally poison, which is another thing. Those community notes, I'm sorry, nobody wants those as an advertiser, even a company that is a child literal.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Oh my God, that's that is, that is, and it is like they can flag anything you put on there. That is xenomorph blood to to brands. Hey, the philosopher's T. I ordered from Socrates, my genius, alpha warrior is just him lock. It killed me. I am dead. Yeah. Yeah. Or like you're your McDonald's and you're like, blah, blah, blah, I'm loving it. And then there's a community note. Actually, nobody has loved it in McDonald's since 1984 when there were still white people behind the counter. And it was just. Hello, beautiful. Fires. But, you know, like, uh, Elon, I best of luck with that.
Starting point is 00:18:35 And like, and the ADL really funny too, because you remember, like a couple years ago before Elon Musk bought Twitter and the ADL was like writing his dick, they released like some, they, they did a tweet where they favorably compared him to Henry Ford and then had to delete it. For all his reasons. Right. We don't like that guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Yeah. Wow. What a coincidence. You get these guys who are not part of a broader like capital class, you know, not like the finance guys, you know, not like people part of a sector. Guys who essentially define a sector by themselves for did must did. So that means they are lump in billionaires.
Starting point is 00:19:13 They're not immersed in like a sector and are like disciplined by a social network. When things go wrong for them, one way or another, I guess you they blame. They will become jurulating. That's all you do. There's no other explanation at that level. When you are in that level of clouds,
Starting point is 00:19:28 if it's either you or some other force, well, it can't be any of the things that got you there, it has to be an externalization of the worst parts of that process into a group of people. And then boom, I got my explanation for what's going wrong here. All right, well, moving on from the psychological roots of anti-semitism among the business genius, billionaire class.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Let's check in on the Mercedes and Mercedes and Mercedes and Mercedes-Benz and Mercedes-Benz. Mercedes-Benz. Mercedes-Benz. Mercedes and Mercedes-Benz. Mercedes and Mercedes-Benz. Felix isn't on today, but Felix his tweet about this had to be dying when Mercedes-Benz Slap the day we beast Satan's publication to pursue Christians and their families, which true fact absolutely Grace they're not really hiding it Felix said match lapones none of your wives would do this If you got caught trying to hunk off your work friend.
Starting point is 00:20:27 He had insane, he has insane game except when he's trying to have sex with guys. But I guess that honestly feels like a wizard's curse or something, you know, you're gonna have like total rapport with women to the point that you can get one to just be your devotee. She would throw herself on your funeral pyre, but you actually want to have sex with men and you have zero game. You cannot fucking fuck at all. You're just awkwardly groping at interns. Yeah. You're fucking you're going beetle Bailey's boss mode.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Chasing them around a desk at turning points. and the no but i would inspire merschlady's uh... and and heard the latest outbursts uh... this billy beast is covering uh... headline inside matchlabs offer to settle the sexual battery lawsuit against them american conservative you can share met matchlabs has maintained at the sexual battery allegations against him are untrue But he's also offered to settle now a quick refresher and battle conservative activists Matt Schlapp made an offer in March to settle the multi-million-dollar sexual battery and defamation lawsuit against him
Starting point is 00:21:37 But the proposal was rejected according to multiple people with direct knowledge in the matter The offer from Schlapp was in the low six figures according to the sources, which Schlapp's accuser Republican strategist Carlton Huffman, who filed the law. That's all I wanted to read. I just wanted to remind everyone that Carlton Huffman was the accuser in this case. And you know, six low six figures, settlement,
Starting point is 00:22:00 oh, oh, Mr. Schlapp, you're gonna have to do a little bit better than that. Yeah, yeah. You're Mr. CPAC, oh, Mr. Schlaf, you're gonna have to do a little bit better than that. Yeah, yeah. You're Mr. CPAC, low six figures. That's what you pay, you pay that much money in like Sebastian Gorka's like forehead wax or whatever. Callish up his big dome. And the thing, Bill and I.
Starting point is 00:22:19 What's his name? Carlton Huffman. Carlton Huffman, yeah. Carlton Hufflpuff. Yeah, just from the name, I know. What's his name? Carlton Huffman? Carlton Huffman, yeah. Carlton Hufflepuff? This guy, just from the name, I know. He's not some, you know, waste role. He's from, he's from a family.
Starting point is 00:22:32 You molested him while he was stressed like David Spade at PCU, you know? You know? He's not a fine young man from a fine young family and they are going to see this through to the answer. Yeah. Yeah. David, Matt Schlapp just doesn't think for David Spade.
Starting point is 00:22:48 He's like, yeah, actually called called an open is dressed like David Spade in PCU, Tommy Boy and fuck what's the movie where he's running for office? Oh, like she. Yeah, you're right. You're right. You're the same fucking outfit. Yeah, we're the same outfit every movie. The Navy Blazer, tan slacks.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Yeah. But here's the real, here's the really good daily beast article. Yeah, it was same outfit every movie the Navy blazer tan slacks. Yeah, but but here But here's the real here's the really good Daily beast article and like you know, hey are they are they at his Satanic majesty's Service well, let's just see here match lap held in exorcism at CPAC offices after junior employees resigned This is this is the daily he based from September 1st. When a group of employees resigned in protest from conservative activist group CPAC last year, the organization's power couple match slap and his wife,
Starting point is 00:23:34 where ladies felt that was not new because as part of the reset, the shlaps turned to a priest to evict Satanic spirits from the DC area offices according to multiple people with knowledge of the exorcisms. Father Marin, are you there? Oh my God. Where were these DC offices in Georgetown next to a large stairway by any chance? And so, on an afternoon in spring 2022, CPAC employees at their offices in Alexandria, Virginia,
Starting point is 00:24:05 about eight miles from the fabled staircase featured in the 1973 horror classic The Exorcist, found themselves suddenly in the presence of a Catholic priest. The priest sources said, sprinkle holy water around the CPAC premises and bless all the staff, regardless of their faith. As part of the right, according to these people at the priest placed a medallion above doors in the offices and Explain it would help ward off evil spirits Now when I read stuff about a Catholic priest doing like like sanctifying the CPAC offices and then I am and then I hear Reports that like Pope Francis is getting ready to like excommunicate the entire American Catholic Church
Starting point is 00:24:42 Yeah, it's about time. I mean you you gotta protect the brand better than that, man. This guy's a Catholic priest, sprinkling fucking water on Mercedes match slaps, fat sweaty forehead. But this is perfect though. X communicate all the American Catholics. And then these guys instead of just becoming Protestants, because I think they're a little, they like their pageantry a little too much,
Starting point is 00:25:04 to go straight into the former fucking footlocker style of churches. You turn them into an American Orthodox church. So you've got guys blessing office buildings, swing in a big sensor of, sensor of incest at TGI Fridays. Insessed. Insessed. I mean, why not? Certain promises. Let's go. I was also like every service, every service is three hours long hovering over a tray of buffalo wings.
Starting point is 00:25:36 And I got a big cat, a big foam hat. It's like a number one finger on their head. This is my wing and this is my sauce. Yeah. I just, just from listening back through the Rodrares Supercut, I was reminded that one of the issues at the heart of Rodrares friends exorcism was that they had been on a waiting list for a Catholic exorcism for like almost two years.
Starting point is 00:26:03 And yet the series must have a demon in your like almost two years. And yet the show. And you're supposed to just have a demon in your house for two years, while you wait for these motherfuckers. This was part of, we've already been over this. This was part of the, the, the, the, the, the, Roger era. I mean, like, I just like, but the slaps, the slaps pick up the phone.
Starting point is 00:26:17 They got a priest there that night for the seat. That is a bookshed. Yeah, yeah. You know, it is the rich and powerful, the rich and powerful, because skip the line of exorcisms while us, Hoy, Palloy, have to be on the waiting list years and years suffering our wife's torment. See, this is, this is a market in efficiency. This is a, this is a, a bottleneck,
Starting point is 00:26:37 a bureaucratic bottleneck that's creating excess demand that can be solved by freelance exorcists. Yes. And I think that that would be a tenant of the American Orthodox Catholic church is that we would allow market forces to dictate the distribution of. But it's not because like, oh, freelance exorcists, there's Protestant exorcists. Yes. I don't want a guy to beat my wife to death with the old testament. I would like somebody with like no down you please. No snakes. I like like a classic one of those little zip things with all the sacraments in it.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Yeah. Proof that they went through a course. Yes. I want I want them bearing the tabernac, if you will. Yes. I don't know. I don't want to go with like an extension cord belt. Browning her in my back hub.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Well, it's John Constantine. Well, yes, of course. This is such a good point and why would be perfect for America? Because like, what is the problem with exorcism? Regulation. Yes, here's the deal. The official Catholic Church still recognizes exorcisms and like still technically in some cases performs them.
Starting point is 00:27:41 But the Pope has an exorcist, Russell Crowe. Yeah. But the thing is, like, the office that adjudicates, like, the validity of these claims, because like, look, if you're the Catholic church, you can't just give up the ghost and be like, yeah, demon possession isn't real. Like, yeah, we're full of shit. Go go see a, go see a doctor. Just get your, give your wife a vibrator. I shall be fine. No, but like, so like, they have an office that has to like, yeah, like adjudicate these claims and like, it's a very, it's an extremely high bar to clear.
Starting point is 00:28:10 So most people with demon possession problems will be, you know, left by the wayside while they like, you know, find some perfect case that like one in every 50 years that they can say, oh yeah, like that we performed in extra system, it's real. But, you know, that doesn't help the CPAC offices, which are probably now with, you know, that doesn't help the CPAC offices, we should probably do with, you know, demon cum of some kind. The longer those demons stay in there,
Starting point is 00:28:31 the more the more crutches match lap will be forced to awkwardly paw at. The article continues though, it's not just an anonymous, it's not just anonymous sources who make this claim. CPAC general counsel, CPAC general counsel David Saphavian, also a devote Catholic, publicly acknowledged an in-office exorcism earlier this year under the circumstances similar to the 22 event described to the Daily Beast.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Now that we performed an exorcism on a recently vacated office, I'm enjoying my new private cigar lounge, Saphavian posted on May 23rd, referring to a specific office of an employee who had just departed at the time, beats the heck out of the corner of the garage where I could get cell service. Okay, here's my question here. I know it says it's a developed Catholic, but like, I look, I'm a layperson, I'm not a Catholic. Isn't a demonic possession, isn't a human being that like demons want to visit.
Starting point is 00:29:25 They don't want to just possess some office in Alexandria, Virginia. So they're describing it as all outage. The citizens for paranormal activity. Yeah. Demonic possessions are of yes, of soul. It looks like a person is riding a soul of the virtuous. Not like I said, the corner office of an office park in fucking northern
Starting point is 00:29:46 Virginia. Yeah. I mean, if I was a demon, that's probably where I would most. Oh, that's, I mean, that's building in northern Virginia. Their, their idea of demonic possession is probably incorrect, but like office buildings, actual buildings in this country, I would argue, are the places where demons do live, not in us because not, but not old buildings. And no, anybody who enters one and is sit in the in the right share in the right place,
Starting point is 00:30:10 is essentially possessed by the demonic spirit of nihilistic extraction and surplus piling. And so can only act according to that. And if you're in any office in northern Virginia, DC does Silicon Valley downtown Manhattan. Lower Manhattan. These buildings are literally demonically possessed. And because you can quit as a person, say, I get a bad vibe in here. I don't like who I am when I'm here.
Starting point is 00:30:39 And you can go off and you can volunteer and run a tugboat business in the golf. And you will be clear, the demon won't follow you. But whoever goes to fill your chair next, boom, as soon as they sit down, they're, they're fucking possessed. This is the essential ecstatic truth of Ghostbusters 2. Yep. Yes.
Starting point is 00:31:02 The bad vibes accrue and accumulate. Just going on in the article, he says, another source described the 2022 event as the weirdest thing I'd seen. And yet another said, I had no idea that was going on. Okay, if you work for match slap and have been to CPAC multiple times and say an exorcist is the weirdest thing you've ever seen, I questioned your judgment. Because the one time I went to CPAC, that I showed me a demon-possessed person right now, and it wouldn't, it wouldn't phase me in this lightest. No, my God, those, those, those, those dolphin toothed fucking grape routines approaching us and calling us from aesthetic men. We, a lot of, a lot of guys who, who, it, it definitely
Starting point is 00:31:43 maybe realized why the Mac tonight guy for McDonald's was briefly a Oatwright I flooded with yeah, yeah, cuz they look like that they have like scooped faces It's like just these horrible non-uclidean planes It says multiple sources with knowledge of the events said the the right included a prayer circle in Schlapp's office Which one purpose which one person described this performative and inauthentic like a show this source says really really As the priest made his way through the office spritzing holy water room to room employees nudged him towards Matt's office This person said the way he had treated junior high towards Matt's office, this person said, the way he had treated junior police, he was the one who needed it most.
Starting point is 00:32:27 CPAC is being terrorized by a demon. Self described as the daily beast, the statement attributed to matchlapsed. The good news is the leadership of CPAC knows how the epic battle against the beast ends. I'd short the stock. Wait a minute. So the daily beast is the devil that they're exercising. So why didn't they go to the offices of the daily beast? Well, because it had like, I don't know, it had pierced the, you know, angelic membrane of the, the slap barn, the, the slap fuck barn. Yeah. Now, I think every, as you say, like they were trying to get it into
Starting point is 00:32:58 Matt's office, everyone kind of understood, okay, if we are exercising anything, it is Matt's compulsive need to honk us off. Yep. Maybe he could take this moment to like really reflect on what he's done and be like, okay folks, this house is clean now. Meaning I will stop trying to honk you off. But yeah, like I, I saw the idea of like Max Vonsindal walking around, being, being escorted around the Alexandria, Virginia by Northern Virginia's horneest couple, Mr. Slatees and Matt Schlapp. I like to think of them as a even less wholesome couple from the people under the stairs.
Starting point is 00:33:39 All right. Well, let's let's depart from politics for a second because I have a I got an opinion piece here in the Washington Post that's it's pretty interesting. And like basically I don't I don't know if this is of recurring segments on the show, but you know, it's a question that comes up from time to time. That question is, um, men, what are we killing these days? What are men up to killing and destroying? Um, what are we up to? Like what are we killing these days? What are men up to killing and destroying? What are we up to? Like what are we fucking up these days
Starting point is 00:34:08 by ending the life up? And the answer is houseplants. This is an opinion piece in the Washington Post by Karen Adia titled, Why Do Men Kill Women's Plants? And fellas, we've got some explaining to do. Cause I like, you know, let's dive into this piece. Like what, men, what, what is up with this? So she says here, I begin, there's that saying,
Starting point is 00:34:34 it's better to be a warrior in the garden than a gardener in a war. I've never heard that saying before. Have you ever heard this phrase? Wait a minute, it's better to be a warrior. Okay, it is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war. Oh, I see. Uh, why would a I mean, I genuinely, I mean, I would have a sort of a truism.
Starting point is 00:34:57 I mean, I mean, is the word you're going to fight the plan? Would it just be better to not be in a war? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. That's what I'm saying. And if it is better to be in the war, anything than doing the same thing in a war. Right. Like if you were a gardener in a war, they would probably take the trial out of your hand and give you a gun and you'd be a warrior in a war.
Starting point is 00:35:15 And that's the word I'd like for long. Well, you could be a warrior in a garden forever and just miserably failing to properly garden. Like you can't leave the garden until you get like a crop to sprout and you're just hacking at it with your sword. You have no idea what to do. That could suck. Matt, I do.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Like your idea of a warrior in the garden as being antagonistic to the plants. So your goal is there to eradicate plant life in your garden. Which is like the opposite of what you want in a garden. So he's doing a bad job. And maybe there's consequences for that. Maybe he gets fired. Maybe he gets evicted. I was just sort of thinking of an example of gardening during the war. And you know what? It was all those British officers that became POWs during World War Two.
Starting point is 00:35:58 All those RAF officers that were sent to like the greatest gate for whatever. They got the garden. That's true. They had a great time. Yeah. No bigger fucking teachers pet nerds than the officers who tried to escape from POW camps during World War II. You fucking made it. You served your country. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Just chill out. Do drag for each other, which I know you guys love more than anything. Yeah. Have you a little garden plot? They got to do Panto. Yeah. Have a big little garden plot? They got to do Panto. Yeah. A big sleep officers with their friends. The convention for big officers from two work.
Starting point is 00:36:30 They were not allowed to work. So they could just hang out. You're, you know, you're going to win at that point. The Germans are fucked. You're going to go home in a while and you're not going to get killed in the meantime. What are you taking a load off? You fucking lunatic. Signing yourself extra credit in World War Two. No, thank you.
Starting point is 00:36:52 All right, but back to what I mean, I say that as coming from a long line of cowards, my grandfather followed here before the, for the coast guard in World War Two. Good move. Yes, Mr. Chris, she missed Christmas. Nope, Mr. Christman, that is every officer's duty to resist the enemy and evade scapsh of escape by any means necessary. Yeah, slip up or look, slip up or look. They're like Matt, you're about, you've got tunnel duty and you're like, these chathathamums are going to tend to themselves. You've got tunnel duty and you're like these chathathamums are going to tend to themselves
Starting point is 00:37:31 Look later tonight. We're all going to put a broom mobs on our heads and pretend to be beautiful ladies Yeah, I'm gonna just be very grateful and have a have a sock hop leave us alone That's the fun shit about war. Yeah, well, I mean that's it. You know We just came up with a great example of being a gardener during the war But let's see what this article goes Nearly three years ago one of my favorite trees in the world my parents 22 year old fig tree was butchered by some clueless landscaping warriors Looking to make a quick buck and now she includes in this a tweet that she documenting this at the time it happened October 16, 2020. She tweeted putting her dad on blast on Twitter. She said here, my dad let the tree trimmers massacre the fig tree, my favorite tree in the
Starting point is 00:38:13 world. I am livid. I need to walk this off. When she says month later, months later, as I tearfully predicted, the tree was so injured that a large part of it died. And then another follow up tweet. Many of y'all remember my distressing tweet thread last year about the tremors that came in massacred our tree. I wish it had a happier ending. What was once the beautiful wood of the fig tree is now being burrowed out by ants.
Starting point is 00:38:35 It's like looking into the decaying corpse of my old friend. I wish I could go after the scamming landraper's who this, but they aren't even a registered company. This, this, this certainly escalated. This, this article is going places and I think like this fig tree is really kind of like a, just a stand-in for the fucked up relationship between this woman and her dad. When did this, this thing happen? When was the initial tweet? It's happened like three years ago.
Starting point is 00:39:04 It's, she's been thinking about it that way. Well, I mean, like the article is from September 1st. I mean, this is still in her mind. But she writes, I wrote about it at the time, utterly enraged at the landscapers and my father who would allow them to mutilate the tree. So angry that I took a pair of scissors and threatened to execute his favorite
Starting point is 00:39:24 post-pothos right in front of him to give him a taste of how I felt. Like it's, it's, it's, you know, I mean, like I don't think it's just the fig tree here, you know, well also, yes, this sounds like there's some, some electra complex stuff going on here, but also you can't forget how psychotic the relationship is between Brits and their lawns gardens, like their personal, this isn't a British person. What? This isn't a British person.
Starting point is 00:39:51 This is a regular American. This is Karen. She was in the Western University, being a communication study. You know what I just assumed they were British because this is exactly the kind of shit that's always in the Guardian. You know, like, this because this is exactly the kind of shit that's always in the Guardian
Starting point is 00:40:16 Yeah, I killed my wife's favorite tree. It looks like it's the death penalty for me by Adrian. Yeah, I was just like, oh, this is gotta be This is a pretty. No, no, this is a regular American world. Wow. See I I'm not quite sure where this is going, but I feel like that first paragraph is already a tell because if she was motivated by a pure love of natural growing things, then she would have an instinctive aversion of taking out the death of one green thing, the fig tree, on another growing thing, the poethos. This is, it's not about the plants, it's about something else. Yeah. Okay. So she says, here, she writes, after that column was published. I was flooded with tweets and stories from women who spouses, boyfriends, fathers, and male neighbors had destroyed their favorite shrubs, flowers, herbs, even plants that had been handed down to them from long gone relative.
Starting point is 00:40:58 I was reminded of the fig tree, if you ask, go a few days ago, and my sister informed me that the samecapers had come back and asked whether there was any pruning to do. My sister told me she put into the tall, spindly, fig shrub going from the dead trees from the tree's dead trunk stumps. Apparently the men looked embarrassed, said Stari and drove away. They're lucky I wasn't there. I would have threatened to prize the tires off their truck if they ever came back again. But that inspired me to put a call back out on Twitter, now known as X, for women to share their stories. And so she puts that, says out the bad signal and says, I would still love to compile stories of women who had to deal with men destroying their
Starting point is 00:41:37 gardens, favorite flowers, or trees and vines that have a long history. Hellhath no theory, like a woman whose plants have been wrecked by mindless men. The responses I got here were well horrifying. If you're a plant lover, read your own risk. Tree triggers ahead. Now, uh, now, listen, before I embark on some of these horror stories, I would just like to have it stated for the record that I have had a Jade plant for probably 16 or 17 years, the same Jade plant. And it's going strong and I have another 15 or 16. So I am one of the good ones, ladies.
Starting point is 00:42:17 I will not let a plant die if I can help it. But listen to some of these responses. One reply says, I had a boyfriend that destroyed a gigantic and beautiful orchid. I'm talking about three to four feet tall and at least two feet wide because he was jealous that one of our mutual friends, a man, gave it to me as a trade for my help with his business. Okay, that's a man problem. This guy is psycho. Come on, that's not, that's not Homer Simpson. Go, oops.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Okay, next one. I lovingly recreated a medieval style, Erbil Lawn in our backyard, husband and parentheses. Now former had a service move along while I was out of town. They alerted him to the weeds in the lawn and offered to remove them. One application of weed killer and six years of work was gone. Oh, Christ. See, now that's what we're talking about.
Starting point is 00:43:12 That's what we're talking about. That's a male ovary. That is male ovary. Wow. That is some fucking, that is some king of queens level, some Jim Belushi grade male ovary. Congratulations. Just riding a, riding a John deer over like a bed of rose, rose Mary or something. You got a propeller beanie.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Drinking a beer. It does, it does take a special kind of husband oafry to not have notice that your wife has been cultivating one part of your lawn for all the five, six years. Just like the one time he went out of town, he was like, oh, I wonder why we've never mowed this part of the lawn in six years. Next one says, my husband had weeded, quote unquote, so many of my perennials, he mowed over in a
Starting point is 00:43:57 zalia bush. He planted a mumb where my panties were and killed that. I can go on and on. So now I take him with me to the nursery and tell him the price of everything I am buying that he killed. There you go, hit him on the wall. There's a few more. I'll see. Early in their marriage, my parents and toddler at my parents toddler, my parents and toddler
Starting point is 00:44:18 and me spent some time living with my mom's grandparents. Her grandparents had great minds that they were very proud of. And wouldn't you know my stoned father wound up killing them in an attempt to prove my mom was and still is pissed? There we go. This is the good stuff. Keep this coming. I like this. A friend of mine, he's got the fucking Hendrix on
Starting point is 00:44:36 and giant headphones. He's got a booby the size of a fucking Sunday time is coming out of his mouth. Ha, ha, ha. A friend of mine took a job in another town at the start of her divorce. Before she could dig up her flower bulbs collected over the years, he completely covered the bulbs with rocks, baking them in the Southwest sun. He knew what they meant to her, intentional, vindictive, spiteful. I mean, yeah, like that's not Oferi.
Starting point is 00:45:00 That's just cruel stuff. I don't like that. I don't like that the ones where the guys just being a psycho. All right. Well, I mean, there ones where the guy's just being a psycho. All right. Well, I mean, there's more, there's more similar tales. But now she has some commentary on it. She says, I don't know whether the destruction of plants and gardens is commonly considered a sign of toxic or even
Starting point is 00:45:16 abusive characteristics in a relationship. But maybe it should be. Plenty of women points out that the men who would destroy their plants were now their exes. I'm not saying all women are earth goddesses, blessed with the innate horticultural talents, and of course not all men are out there murdering every tree and shrub they can get their hands on. I do know men who have gorgeous gardens and are quite good with indoor plants.
Starting point is 00:45:38 From what I could find, there haven't been many studies on the gendered aspects of American law and garden care, or yard work, and why men sometimes kill plants they shouldn't But for me growing up lawn care was male work and no surprise manicured lawn grass remains a symbol of male material success So it's like they're sort of like the lawn right which is like that that is like the man theowner, the sort of the barren, you know, and like a pretending of the loin is man work because you have to do battle with it. You have to, you have to, you know, you got to cut the grass. You're just clearing the shrubs. You got to clear the shrubs.
Starting point is 00:46:15 But then the brush and shrubs. But then there is gardening, which is, you know, yeah, I think fairly can be the nurturing is gendered. Yeah, nurturing. Like, and bring forth either, you know, like, food to eat or flowers, you know, which is, you know, that's, that's, that's for, it's a bit, it's a bit for nourishing one way of the spirit and the body. Um, as Crystal DeCosta wrote in Scientific American in 2017, the state of a homeowner's lawn is important in relation to their status within the community and to the status of the community at large
Starting point is 00:46:47 lawns connect neighbors and neighborhoods Their viewed as an indicator of socioeconomic character which translates into property and resale values lawns are indicative of success. They're a physical manifestation of the American dream of homeownership They are also something that I think should probably be made illegal They are also something that I think should probably be made illegal. I think we should have, because like, okay, the roundup that you need to pour into like groundwater to keep a fucking lawn looking like it is, is just like going to make it so that we can't eat food in the coming decades and like an estimate of all the cancerous effects of Roundup, but also it's just like the water wasted on fucking watering lawns. It's just that.
Starting point is 00:47:25 I mean, it's all to maintain this parody of our old relationship with nature. It is literally like, we just need to have a little therapeutic valve for the fact that we just wrenched ourselves completely for many relationship to the natural world. So we got to create this little curated parody of it like a serial killer who like poses his victims into merry configurations. But yeah, the common thread in the responses I heard from women had nothing to do with grass, but with flowers, herbs, trees, and vines being ruined by men who either refused to listen to women's instructions or had tipped over into rage.
Starting point is 00:48:04 I've yet to hear of a woman poisoning a man's lawn out of negligence or spite, but it's happened. I'm all ears. See, I think maybe the thing is like, the lawn is in conflict with the herbs, the vines, the flowers, and I guess the lawn mower, dad, they're all all just you know chaff to be um sliced the mode destroyed and brought and brought to heal yeah all you have is the blade well as she has character fact and warrior in a garden yeah only with the blade the next paragraph says is it the sense of power they get from wielding large sharp tools or women's labor is especially in the home is valued less than men's is it that our gardens work with flowers, vines, and heirlooms pass down is also less valued.
Starting point is 00:48:49 Or can it be that these men are jealous of the time, energy, and dare I say love, that women give the gardens we care for? We know that spending time in nature and caring for plants and flowers are sources of stress-relief, well-being, and joy. The stories that paint men as blundering idiots and women's gardens obscure the very real harm these men have caused and the very real pain many women describe feeling when they discovered their plants dead. Perhaps this gets to a larger point about society, gender, and nature that has been a running theme throughout history. The male fear and the male fear and
Starting point is 00:49:20 contempt for nature and women that leads some to see both as things to be cold, controlled, colonized, and wrestled into submission. Anyway, as to my parents' fig tree, she has seen better days. But like so many of the American women I know who've survived neglect, callousness, and well-men, she's still kicking. So you can't keep a good tree down. But that sounds like a good tree. I mean, I think there is a useful lesson there for guys, you know, pay more attention. That's always a good suggestion. You know, be less Doug Heffernan And more I can't even think of an alternative because they're all like that
Starting point is 00:49:56 I would recommend just getting into it like I said I've had a jade plant for like I said said, as long as I have, because they take almost no upkeep. So like invest in plants that like succulents that you have to water, if you forget to water them for a month, they'll be fun. Or cactuses are also quite good. But you know, orchids, you know, if someone because they're orcans in my house,
Starting point is 00:50:17 I'm killing that shit. I'm killing it immediately. I also think a lot of guys need to find ways to get into things that are maybe through the more analytical realm, you know, like how one might like research and build one's own PC at home. So just figure out the ways that you can approach something like a science project or a manual to be cracked or a math problem to be solved.
Starting point is 00:50:40 And that will get you into the garden mindset. I tip my cap to the lady who showed her husband how much everything he ruined cost. That's the way to actually pierce the bubble. Yeah, that's the way to get it real cool. Yeah, you turned the thermostat up by a degree. And every day in the country knows exactly the cost of that one degree temperature of heat.
Starting point is 00:51:02 So yeah, and yeah, like you said, just think of producing a beautiful bushel of heirloom tomatoes, like a character build. You know? Exactly. You gotta invest in the stats. Think you get, you know, a delicious BLT. Yeah, think about like all the item fusions you need to do or all the fetch quests you need to do to make a potion
Starting point is 00:51:23 in Skyrim and just apply it to your garden. It's all just gaming. Absolutely. Game, gamify your garden. Call gaming. Gamify your garden. Thank you. Well, um, uh, yeah, shout out to, uh, shout out to all the ladies who's husbands are taking a weed whacker to their, their precious hobby. Bobby. Ladies solidarity with wife. The what why W O O wives of who is the new coalition. We are establishing today. Yeah. I think that does it for me to die. I got a good one. Anything else going on? Oh, what do I see here? Gunther has thrown Israel under the bus. Because yeah, Gunther is power levels are going up dramatically very quickly.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Israel must have dismantled this punishment for her moral neutrality against the Russian genocide against. Oh, was this Gunther follows me now? Yeah. I respect that he went with the three states. He's like, no, everybody knows about the two states solution. That's for Normie. So it makes me gunk there is that I'm proposing a tri-state area.
Starting point is 00:52:30 What did I do? I did not, I have not, I saw the headline, but I did not catch up with the thread. What are the three states that he is proposing? I actually didn't see him like get specific with it. Because I think he knows that Jewish and Muslim or or or I don't know palestine in Israel. Yeah, they just out administered a bump a bumper state. That's going to be a lot of the truth. He threatens all these states who being broken up in like not just two states, not just three states, but let's say a dozen different states break it all up. He gets off on it.
Starting point is 00:53:04 The more states the harder he can get i don't i i i i maybe it's like uh... two states with charousel is like a danzig like international city you know administered by the you and i'm sorry not the you went may not of course yes i think that would work i don't know but i just love that he's he's pushing the envelope he's taking he's taking it seriously like everybody else in the NATO coalition is just
Starting point is 00:53:27 politely ignoring the fact that Israel is like, yeah, fuck you. We don't care. We don't care about your little fight with Russia. We're good. And only Gunther is like, Hey, are these guys on our side or not? It's like they have their own deal here that is not necessarily in our interests. So expect the ADL to put a gun through in their sites pretty soon now. I got my money on Gunther though. Yep. He's a grinder. He wants it
Starting point is 00:53:51 more. He is the reincarnation of Hitler after all. I know. I was to the last thing of note. Did you see a former deputy solicitor general of the United States in Neil Katile, Neil Katyal at fucking Burning Man, wearing a fucking propeller, beanie, baseball hat, and like the most Dan Flash's t-shirt, I bet about Dan Flash's button up, I've ever seen in my life. Okay, look at that photo. And imagine that you are a like African child enslaved on a cocoa plantation and that's
Starting point is 00:54:23 the last thing you see. Yeah. It's something. All right. I know. Obviously, I've never been to Burning Land. And I just the whole I will not get into this is absolutely baffling to me because I think I get it. They're like, oh, it's for tech libertarians who want to do drugs. But then like, for tech libertarians who want to do drugs. But then like fucking Chris Rock was there. Fucking Grover Norquist goes every year. Yeah. The fucking Hillbilly Trubador was there.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Like what is bringing this together? You know, like Bohemian grove to me has like a logic. I don't understand what is bringing people together at Laplaya. I know they make a big burning man. It certainly seems more than, you know, it's always had that like tech libertarian background, but it certainly seems like it has broken containment of even those nerds over the last few years. Yeah. And that this year's flooding is the ragnarok that it has been courting as it has moved further and further away from the values of let's get a bunch of horny hippies to live in communities.
Starting point is 00:55:27 It's true. The first birding man was on a beach in the Bay Area. It was that out in the middle of nowhere. And it was like, we're just gonna get together on the beach and we're gonna have a bonfire, we're gonna vibe out. And they're like, we gotta keep this going, man. And eventually it leads to, you know, like a J-soc guy who's responsible for 15 hospital drone bombings on
Starting point is 00:55:47 fucking N-D-M-A, listening to Diplo. Yes. And eating like Dolphin blow hole croquettes. It's like fried calamari, but it's just a little hole of a blue whale. They're all sad to go around it. It's like, it's like a giant cable. They're all doubling one end. It's like a giant cable.
Starting point is 00:56:09 They're all doubling one end. Yeah. The burning man is that I mean, like, I know a few people have gone for years and years and years, you are outside of that, like, the, you know, the Neil Katyal class. And the attitude is always very funny to me because you look, you know, over the weekend, you're seeing pictures coming in and that look more like Mad Max than maybe anything I've seen in the real world. Like Fury wrote it. Yeah. It's like the part where they got stuck in the mud and they have to like shoot shoot at the bullet farmer over his shoulder.
Starting point is 00:56:38 Yeah, exactly. Exactly. And then I check in on some of my friends like, Insta stories or whatever, who I know are there. And they're all like first story. Way steep and mud, what am I gonna do? Second story, honestly, this might be my favorite burn ever. So, you know, obviously the character building. Yeah. So obviously the the Rathon class attendance of Burning Man is
Starting point is 00:57:07 You're rotating, but I gotta give it up for the the lifelong burners who who are during through this You got you got Neil there. He's wearing a fucking looking like a complete prick But I'm sure he's like rolling face having a great time. He's got to get his boys Fucking Samuel Alito and Amy Kobe Bryant and Claire's style. Get the Supreme Court to go to Burning Man. Give him some fucking, let him candy flip and give him a billion dollars. And maybe we just realized, hey, the Supreme Court bullshit, we don't need it. Again, Grover and Mark Wisco's there every year. It doesn't work that way.
Starting point is 00:57:41 Okay, get Holland Court to go there. Get Holland Court to go there. He'll fucking have a psychedelic experience. You know what? He's like, I'm burning all of my Hitler memorabilia in the giant in the man. No, he's gonna have a Hitler stuff. He's gonna
Starting point is 00:57:52 see Hitler and he's gonna be like, you know what? He's actually made some good points. He seems like a nice guy. I'm actually kind of stoked that I own all of his silverware now. I'm just imagining getting the entire Supreme Court out to the playa and to do and enacting
Starting point is 00:58:09 an inverse Supreme Court to judge them like when the scarecrow is presiding over court in Dark Knight Riders. Except it's like a panel of white guys with dreads doing devil sticks, holding them accountable for their moral crimes from the top of the mountain of junk and like art RVs. Yeah, but then that's time to render judgment. They're like, we just realized literally, all of us are only able to afford to come to Burning Man because of decisions you people made.
Starting point is 00:58:38 So congratulations, you're actually in charge now. You're absolved, you're gonna give you blood red robes and you preside over the great sacrifice. And here's the thing I actually had the hardest time getting understanding about Burning Man. When I hear, okay, yeah, you go out and it's just a giant rave in the desert. You drugs, you have sex in like a camper or a porta-body.
Starting point is 00:58:57 Okay, I get that. It's a music festival without the music. Perfect. But then this shit about how like, oh, we're also building like a giant erector set the whole time. Yes It's like how does this how does this time management work here where it's like you come down off a 15 Psychedelics and then you got to like get together and build an IKEA tablet and Ikea
Starting point is 00:59:17 like bookcase. It's like the size of Like a four-story building. I don't understand that part of it All the erector sets are constructed by on Filipino guest workers of like a four-story building, I don't understand that part of it. All the erector sets are constructed by Filipino guest workers. See, this is what I wondered. Do they just like have, do they just like fiver out a bunch of people on private helicopters, just to a mass, or no, a task rabbit, they just have them all like helicopter out and drop from parachutes. It's actually, do that shit, like have an Allen wrench on their hand. It's like the limits of like psychedelic experiences
Starting point is 00:59:49 because I could very well see Neal and company, you know, like rolling face and having some sort of like blur moment and feeling of oneness with the universe where they concluded that like, you know what? Everyone else who's not here are insects and should be squash. Ha ha ha. Other, I guess what, like, you know what? Everyone else who's not here are insects and should be squash. Other, I guess what, like, we're all just part of one conscious being.
Starting point is 01:00:10 I mean, like the people here, that went outside of those bubbles, don't we? You could sort of imagine it, like the West, the gods, godhood sort of emanating sort of like rays from a central sun, you know, like if you put it on a flag, maybe, there would be like slightly off center, there would be the sun, and then the rays of the sun
Starting point is 01:00:30 would be coming out of it encompassing the world and touching all those who are benighted and not touched by God's goodness. That kind of thing. Well, I hope they had a lot of a Nestle chocolate to keep the energy going during the six mile hike out of the mud. I have enough. I ever met in to deal with the Ebola outbreak. Yes. You talk about worms, Jesus Christ. That I watching that floresce watching brace just be like, I'm going to pretend I'm a burning
Starting point is 01:01:02 man and tell him when the pairs of Bola to to premium influencers tick-talking about the extent and un contested or Bola outbreak at Burning Man. I just had to I had to doff my cap to to brace when I went to a IRL Labor Day hang of mostly offline people yesterday and heard the rumor bubbling up. Did you hear that there might be like some kind of like bullet out break there? I heard that that was true and I was like that the fact that you can you can post something so hard that that it breaks containment into the real real world. I mean, I don't know if this can be attributed entirely to brace, but let's just say I want to believe.
Starting point is 01:01:50 Another headline here, I just have to share before we get off today. This also the Daily Beast, President Biden has been briefed on Burning Man chaos. Quote, we are in touch with the local people, he said, while adding he was focused on getting everyone out. Thank God for that. We're there to help. with the local people he said, well, I think he was focused on getting everyone out. Thank God for that. We're there to help. I would love to be in the room as an aide tries to explain
Starting point is 01:02:10 what burning man is to Joe Biden. I mean, I would, it should be that hard. You just be like, it's, it's, it's, it's Woodstock with gender, sir. It's a gen, it's gender Woodstock. And I think he would get that because he clearly gets, he knows Woodstock, you know, he was, he was outside shaking his fist at the hippies when it happened. And he certainly knows gender. He knows what the gender stuff is. He knows enough. There are at least three of them. It's not his business, but they're on his side. That's all he needs to know. So it's gender would stock gives him all the information he needs to know. All right. Let's put a pin in it there for today. Fellows fellas, do you have anything to plug or share it at the end of the day show?
Starting point is 01:02:47 We are plug free other than that Roger. Right. But it seems like people are discovering it. So, all right. No new business for today. No business. So, just say goodbye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:02:59 Goodbye. Good bye. Goodbye! And there's a wrong one to blame, but I know

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