Chapo Trap House - 796 - Tunnel Kings (1/9/24)

Episode Date: January 10, 2024

We had some other news items to discuss, but the bulk of this episode is taken up with one piece of breaking news: Did you know that there's a tunnel under Eastern Pkwy? Yes we’re discussing the rid...iculous story out of Brooklyn about a group of Chabad-Lubavitch members attempting to dig a secret and unlicensed tunnel under the streets of Crown Heights. We also take a look at Bill Ackman facing some blowback against his wife in his crusade against “academic plagiarism”. Alone, you come India. Buy Amber’s book:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music The reading is friends, it's Tuesday, January 9th, Chapo Kominaccia, it's me Felix and Amber on today's show. And by way of explaining the fact that this is coming out on Tuesday, I would just like to take this moment at the top of the show to send my hearty thank yous to everyone involved, the participants and organizers of the New Bedford Whaling Museums, annual Moby Dick marathon. I want to shake a shout out chain for the invite, the unburied books podcast, and the artist Tony Millionaire, and all of the other chop-oh heads who came out to see me read. This weekend in New Bedford, it was a great time had by all. However, I would like to take this moment
Starting point is 00:01:12 to pick a particular bone with the organization who set this up. Next year you still only three minutes of reading time on that book because the way the chapters were all laid out. I was reading number 73 and I was sitting there like a half hour before my reading and I saw reader 69, reader 70, reader 71. All got to do probably the most iconic part of the book, which is A. Habs speech where he says, I'll chase them round good hope and round the horn and round the Norway maelstrom and rounds British and slaves before I give him up. And I was just aww, that was a rob for me. So I got the chapter right before chapter 39, the one right before chapter 40, which is written like a play, they stopped it at the end of chapter 39 because
Starting point is 00:01:58 they had already organized chapter 40 to be done by an acting troupe. So New Bedford Reeling Museum, I'd like those three minutes, please, and a more, more media part of the book next time. But no, kidding aside. Was it a part where all the sailors are talking to the morning talk? That's a good chapter, though, yeah. I know, but I didn't get to read it. It was done by, it was performed by a troop of actors. I got to read Stubb's soliloquy where he sort of commits himself to AHAB's suicidal madness.
Starting point is 00:02:26 But once again, so thank you to the New Bedford Whaling Museum and the organizers and everyone who said what's up to me this weekend. It was a really fun experience. I'm sorry, I'm getting the weeds here. Was the Melville Society involved? No, I think this is organized by the the Whaling Museum, not the novel society. I'm a member of the Melville society, so I'm sure we have beef or something, you know? Well, well, I remember a perfect segue because if you're going to talk about beefs between sex of obscure weirdos, then the story I want to lead off this show, it provides nothing but that. Okay, so just by way of introducing this story, I would just like to like set this up by saying,
Starting point is 00:03:10 there are weeks where there's a lot to talk about in the news and I feel very like jazz to like get on and record. There are weeks where there's a lot to talk about in the news, but I feel like, oh, that's everything's so depressing and awful. Like how do I ring entertainment out of this? Then there are weeks where there's really nothing going on and I'm like, oh, okay, got a got a film an hour Where we gonna talk about then there then there are days where one news story happens And I am chomping at the bit to get on the bike because this is just pure fucking gold and I'm talking about
Starting point is 00:03:41 The Habad tunnels folks the Habad the folks folks, the Habad, the folks, they're digging tunnels in Crown Heights, a group, a schismatic group of Lubavitchers in Crown Heights, and mere blocks away from the apartment I lived in when this show started many, many years ago have basically been recreating the great escape. And I don't know, a Felix, okay, so we've all seen the video of that dude popping out
Starting point is 00:04:07 from the sidewalk like a Cooper trooper. Felix, when I saw this video, someone replied to me with like, like, like an image that's been stuck with me and like, I'd like to share with you. It said as soon as I saw that video of that guy popping out of the sidewalk, they just got like a sense that like across the country in Los Angeles, Felix was bolt to wake in his bed. Eyes the size of dinner plates like, scat man, crudders in the shining. Just to see like the dibbic soul has been activated. And you just sense that things, the sense that you sense trouble on the East Coast and
Starting point is 00:04:39 then lo and behold. Yeah, they're going up there. They're digging a secret tunnel to be closer to Mosaak. So I saw that the Haseed exiting the sewer, the great, who was just a great on the side of the great. That was Mashaak. That was, they were right.
Starting point is 00:04:56 They didn't say how he'd come back. He crawls at a cheese truck out of the sewer. So bad. So I got, I got sent that video when it had like 200 likes on it. Brace sent it to me. And I had to like, I sat in total silence for like two hours because I was like, this has to have really happened. I have to like, let it sink in.
Starting point is 00:05:19 I have to process this and sit on this for a little while. Because if I reference this event, and it's in a, like this is just a quantum event that didn't happen in our reality, I am gonna sound horrible. Yeah, if I think I'm quote tweeting, what I perceived to be a video of a Jewish man exiting a sewer grade and running away,
Starting point is 00:05:42 and I'm like, you know, I describe it and I quote tweet it and it's really just it's like Samsung advertising new phone. I have to you know, some quantum event happened. People are going to go, what are you? What the fuck are you talking about? That's the most bigoted thing I've ever heard. So I really had to sit with it and once I did and I examined the full thread, so I think everyone's attention got captured by the guy exiting the sewer. But to me, the best part is when the situation before that when it devolves and the guy, like 20 guys go in the hole. Like, it started off like there were no arrests.
Starting point is 00:06:25 There was just pushing and shoving and the cops were like, you can't, with the fuck are you doing, you can't build a tunnel that goes into other people's like back yards. Like, you can't have someone who owns a brownstone and they're going out to her to cook breakfast. And they're wiping the sleep off their eyes and they're wiping the sleep out their eyes and they're making drip coffee and they see just a cat poking out of a little hole
Starting point is 00:06:49 in the backyard. That's the scariest thing I could ever have had. They're like, you can't do that. And they're like, oh yeah. And they start fucking walling. They all go in these holes that you didn't see before. They all go wall-hacking. They're no clipping.
Starting point is 00:07:07 They're moving throughout the fucking building and the cops. These were all like Italian, like Guido cops. It was like the Roman Empire in Japan, circle, really, one AD. Unlike the Romans, they had no idea what they were getting in there. Yeah, they're like, the cops were just like, we gotta clear out the shoole. Can we get everyone out of the shoole, please?
Starting point is 00:07:31 Little Semitic prairie dogs just like popping up has to have been like the most confusing thing. You would have to, and it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it, is right. This is like if their sturmur had like loony tune animations. I feel like it's your point about like having to sit on this because like if you just start talking about a video of a civic guy popping out of the sewer in Brooklyn, people will think that you're crazy. I want to highlight what I want to highlight what I want to highlight. This is from the the Jewish Chronicles. This is the first paragraph in there and they're right above it. It says I'm not going to argue for this story. I'm not going to argue for this story. I'm not going to argue for this story. I'm not going to argue for this story. I'm not going to argue for this story. I'm not going to argue for this story. I'm not going to argue for this story.
Starting point is 00:08:07 I'm not going to argue for this story. I'm not going to argue for this story. I'm not going to argue for this story. I'm not going to argue for this story. I'm not going to argue for this story. I'm not going to argue for this story. I'm not going to argue for this story. I'm not going to argue for this story.
Starting point is 00:08:15 I'm not going to argue for this story. I'm not going to argue for this story. I'm not going to argue for this story. I'm not going to argue for this story. I'm not going to argue for this story. I'm not going to argue for this story. I'm not going to argue for this story. I'm not going to argue for this story.
Starting point is 00:08:23 I'm not going to argue for this story. I'm not going to argue for this story. I'm not going to argue for this story. I'm not going to argue for this story. I'm not going to argue for this story. I'm not going to argue for this story. confirmed. If you just said, I can hear Rabbi speaking Yiddish in my walls. You would sound like the most anti-Semitic person on the planet. Or just a really religious Jew that had a seizure and now thought he is in contact with someone. It was just like the most... How many New Yorkers do you think called the police and say I hear voices in my walls? And this is the one time they're like, you know what maybe They're probably they're probably the reason they were so many cops there is there probably isn't NYPD code for you know You know you're right. It's probably like a comments gets a frantic thing It's probably like a commons gets a frantic thing. But no, this guy is really happened.
Starting point is 00:09:06 I imagine that guy, I imagine him as sort of like a young professional who's like, oh, he's so afraid of getting fired for saying this. And he's like, I think I just became schizophrenic. I think I'm just having visions. I think I'm just having visions. I've got to just take as much lithium as possible, because there's no way that's fucking happening. But no, there were rabbis no clipping through his house. My first thought was like,
Starting point is 00:09:38 I would be like, well, there goes my mind. That's I was going to finally, I knew what was going to happen one day. I guess I just live with this now. The main thing that surprised me is that it appears that they dug the tunnels themselves. And I just figured they would outsource it. Well, look, it's like,
Starting point is 00:09:57 to outsource it, to outsource even to the Shady subcontractors or guys you hire from Home Depot, like this is so off books that they're not even doing that. Like I said, they are reenacting the great escape, you know, but when they, when they dug those tunnels, they were called Tom Dick and Harry. This one was worked as Tav Dov and Hadasah. But like, I loved like, yeah, so these are like, lovingly homemade tunnels. These were, no excavator was used.
Starting point is 00:10:29 I, like, you know those little plastic shouples you get on a sandbox when you're a toddler? I feel like they use that. It's so uneven and weird. I love the video because it's like, they have like, her buds have like a gang of like 20 somethings, like tons of young men who are just like,
Starting point is 00:10:51 rare and to go and they have like just this mob of these guys and they're yelling at the cops. I can't make out what they're saying, but it's like, I imagine that they're saying like, we deserve a tunnel. What else could you be saying? I sort of read a little bit more from the news account of this as you're a small group of young agitators
Starting point is 00:11:14 according to Habad Sharman Yahuura Khrinsky had been digging a tunnel underneath 770 park, Eastern Parkway, the global headquarters of Habad. The tunnels were discovered in the Habad movement took steps to close them off. Last night, the situation escalated. Videos across social media showed the interior of the Hobad house being torn apart, revealing a tunnel entryway that Yashiva students occupied claiming they wanted to study there. A acidic band clambered out of what appeared to be a sewer system around the corner from
Starting point is 00:11:41 the house, and a hapless police officer was recorded telling the loobovateurs he wanted to shut down the whole shoo-o. I want to clear the whole shoo-o. Oh, shoo-o. Wait, wait. I don't know. I want to fix this tonight. I need the choo-o.
Starting point is 00:11:57 And the why you need to expensive things. You don't have to like this. I'm not going to fix this. That's it. What's the need for husband? Why are you there? We don't do that since the morning. We're not like this. I'm not like this. That's me. That's me. What's your name? How do you know that? We don't do that in the mirror.
Starting point is 00:12:11 I'm like, I just like, I love the details. Like, why are we digging the tunnel? We wanted to study there, of course. We want to study in the hole in the ground that we fucking go. That is the most plausible part, though. Like, we want to go underground to do homework. I have to say, the person that sent me this
Starting point is 00:12:29 was Dr. Brace Belden. We were both working on new research on this. And we came to the early conclusion that this is a space for Hasidic Men to smoke crank and in the away sex workers. Because I look, Hasidic Men have vices like anyone else, right? But there's a special thing, there's a carve out where it's like, okay, I can smoke crack, but I have to do it in a weird hole, so God can't see it.
Starting point is 00:13:04 That's true, That's true. It's true. Anyone, like, you know, I don't think it's at a high, like a much higher rate than other people, like everyone has vices, like I said. But like, the scenic men do everyone else's vices in the weirdest locations you can think of. And that is like, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:22 when I think of a vast underground system, that's what I think it's for. I think in crank and sucking off, man. Yeah. Isn't the last like porn of theater and this in Queens or something and it's just like exclusively, Hossies. Yeah. Yeah, no, yeah, it's they need, um, I mean, talk about a third space.
Starting point is 00:13:42 You know? What? Well, like, I like, I like, I like, okay, like, I mean, this is like, I mean, basically this boils down to like a question, it's sort of like a disputed ownership of what is like the, is, is, what is described as the mecca of the Hobad movement worldwide, you know, like on Eastern Parkway, it's like there are world headquarters. And there's some sort of like dueling proprietary claims about like which rabbi owns this space.
Starting point is 00:14:13 And as best as I understand it, the genesis of the tunnel, the tunnel brawl, was that this group of young men who are sort of like a totally inscrutable different sect of the Habad movement who believe that the previous head of the eastern parkway that the rabbi resided over it rabbi Schneerson who is in their eyes Mosiah he is he is the ancient man if you're ever in crown heights that they put on posters and placards to say Mosiah is here he died like ten years ago but they think he's still alive and apparently they dug this
Starting point is 00:14:48 tunnel to the closer to the ritual bath in which he bathed himself. Still with me? Still following the story? It's not fucking international waters, you're underground. Yeah, no, I like the idea that it's like home-steading if you go into the walls or the land underneath property. It's just, you know, up for anyone. But go down, young man.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Yeah. As Matt might say, now that the It's Free Real Estate is done above ground, the last frontier of America is a subterranean. As I understand it, well, the main schism here is that the tunnel guys, well, their sect is into explicitly saying that guy is moshak. And then the anti-tunnel guys are into just implying it. How, Steph, who I interviewed about the AMIA bombing described it to me. He's an expert. It's very Protestant, right?
Starting point is 00:15:53 They have bumper stickers that say, you know, he's, you know, around or whatever. I don't remember what it actually says, but there's a ton of those, you know, dented vans, like, with that bumper sticker on it. I still don't totally understand how it relates to going underground. And I do like the fact that when the police arrived, they all just went real housewives and started just like flipping tables as if those were going to be barricades or something. It was the weirdest confrontation I think I have ever seen. Yeah, that is the best way to describe it. Incomprehensible confrontation.
Starting point is 00:16:37 And Amber, I saw an argument on like a crown heights like a local message board where one one Jewish guy is like this is great. I love the tunnels. Mosheck is here. Like no, not connecting the two thoughts. It's just like it's supposed to be one of those things like it's raining. Therefore, you know, there are clouds in the sky. Like obviously the tunnels are here. Mosheck is here. One would not be here without the other. And then the guy underneath him is like,
Starting point is 00:17:10 look, buddy, I think the tunnels are okay, but we know what the Messiah is here. You sound crazy. It's so bonkers that it just reminds me of sitting around Thanksgiving, and everyone would be talking about like the weather or changing their tires or I don't know, firewood or whatever redneck talk about.
Starting point is 00:17:32 And then like randomly out of nowhere, some elderly aunt would be like, any day now, meaning Jesus is coming back. Anything like just a non-sector. It was very Protestant to just have those non-sequaters in there. Everything about it is so weird that the NYPD, who, you know, will say are thoroughly trained in like, uh, subduing or subduing. Proud, personal, personal.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Yeah. They just refuse. Stand no idea what to do. They have no idea what to do. The person like the, like you said said Felix, in any past life, that NYPD guy, like trying to control the Lubobbatures, was like a Roman centurion. Because he looks like the most Italian guy ever.
Starting point is 00:18:16 And he goes, look, we just, he goes, are you from Israel? And he goes, I can't even understand what the guys are saying, but he goes, are you from Israel? And then he goes, looks at him and goes, you don't do that here in America. You need to read it. You need some sort of bonded tradesmen to do structural work on a building.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Because apparently they were digging the tunnel and they started doing this back to ring COVID, apparently. Like I said, I keep the thing of the great escape. And you know what, how the houses like, they wear the wool coats to your round. I think this is all just a cons that they can like sneak out the dirt that they're shoveling out of this tunnel and dispersing it on Easter Parkway.
Starting point is 00:18:52 So no one gets the wiser as to what they're up to. But if I could just read a little bit more from this, it says here, about six months ago, it appears that a group of Yashiva students associated with a messianic movement began to dig tunnels, connecting the synagogue with an unused NICVA to gain unauthorized access to 770 when the Kabad authorities learned of the illegal tunnel network which could have threatened the integrity of the buildings above it It called in a cement truck to fill in the tunnels
Starting point is 00:19:16 It was the arrival of the truck which began pouring cement into the open tunnel that caused the chaos. And the resulting conflict, at least 10 arrests were made by the NYPD who evacuated the shul and locked the doors yesterday evening. The tunnels are now being filled in. Rabbi Yuhuda Khrinsky, chairman of Habad, said, these odious actions will be investigated and the sanctity of the synagogue will be restored. He also gave thanks to the NYPD for their professionalism and sensitivity. I mean, and apparently they were digging the tunnel under the women's victim. Under the women's victim. So I'm just saying like at the next service, like the women's half of the synagogue is just going to fall through. What are they going to do? What are they going to do after they're on the reg? That's a whole issue. They got nothing now. They got, you know what? I just saying, I think it might
Starting point is 00:20:04 be a patriarchal religion. They don't even let you do the the thing that you have to do. I also there's no way that guy didn't know was happening. Oh no, some young agitator. No fucking way. I just I love the idea that like their solution to this problem was like we need to study the Viet Kong. We need a fucking tunnel system. We need to put Pooji sticks outside where the I don't know where the cancer lives. We need to take him out. We need to, we need to fucking suicide bomb the guy who sells HTC phones in this neighborhood. They, I just, I don't, again, just like how, I don't understand how the tunnels
Starting point is 00:20:53 connect the Messiah returning. I don't understand how like, they're like, okay, we have this dispute with this guy. Let's do what Bugs Bunny did to Florida. Let's just saw this building, so it falls through the fucking earth. South America, take it away. He took a long, wrong turn in Albuquerque
Starting point is 00:21:15 and just like a fucking make-up bath with a bunch of naked ass, juices, falls on his fucking head. I don't, oh my god. I don't understand. It doesn't make any sense. Also, these Jews have not had a history of manual labor for what, like, a hundred years. I like to think I'm a pretty handy person. I don't know if I could do a great escape style tunnel without fearing it collapsing on my head.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Amber, Amber, necessity is the mother of invention. And you know, like if you build it, a mosaic will come. That's what I'm learning about these tunnels. And you keep saying, I don't understand it. I don't understand it. Amber, it's not for you to understand. And this is, and this is really what I gotta say.
Starting point is 00:22:04 It's a close culture. Yeah. for you to understand. And this is really my guy. I would say that are like necessarily have an aptitude for traditional manual labor or like being handy in a traditional sense where something breaks and you repair it in a way that makes sense. But they, they, they will engage in it. If it's part of like, an insane, just an insane multi-step scheme that makes no sense. Like, we knew a guy in New York who he had, his group of friends was incredible. It was like a focus group.
Starting point is 00:22:36 You'd go to his house and he would have like a 57 year old Latino repairman, like a black comedian in his mid 20s, a youngish acidic guy, a 45- Oh, a woman wearing a hijab with a prosthetic leg. Yeah, yeah. It was insane. It was awesome. He just totally organically knew all these people, but the Haseed guy there, he talked to me one time, and he explained how in like a 400 step plan, how you can smoke
Starting point is 00:23:08 in a rental car and they'll end up giving you $35. And that all is to say that like, you know, maybe these guys aren't like in their day-to-day lives wouldn't be excavating. But if it's part of an insane plan in service of $45 that works out to like half a cent per like hour of labor over the course of three years, they'll do it. Yeah. And again, all they do is all they do is study. So you know, they probably got some like, you know, how to DIY YouTube videos up. Yeah. Yeah. You like those videos are guys in India like build a pool with their hands, but
Starting point is 00:23:51 do things thing in the world. Yeah. But what I want to say like overall about this story, is that like, I want to really like thank the laboratories and the the Havad community in New York because like, every bird for gifting us with this like the what will be probably the funnest story of 2024 because I got a feeling the rest of the rest of this year is going to be all bad probably we're gifting us the funnest story of 2024 but I guess I want to say like I have to admit to a certain grudging respect for the aesthetic community in New York City despite the fact that I regard them to be a group of malingering women and children abusers, there's something about the fact that
Starting point is 00:24:28 like everyone else in New York City is like so stressed out all the time and just ground down by like the the the chore of having to live in New York City and to get along with everyone and and make rent and fucking like you know just it's just a constant rat race but you got you got to give it to them. They're just doing their own thing They don't give a fuck about anything else. They don't give it there. They're they're they're too blessed to be stressed They don't give a fuck about building permits the fucking dig a tunnel. They don't care about structural integrity You remember when COVID was going on and they were just having like 9,000 person indoor funerals
Starting point is 00:25:01 Yeah, like you just have to tip your cap at a certain point and just be like, you know, they're they're they're they're doing their thing and they don't give a fuss about anything else. centrally located libertarians, which is the weirdest thing to me like I understand the the omnis and the men and I it's like they live outside of town, they got their own thing going, but to do that exact same thing in the middle of the densest metropolis in the country is, I mean, they really, they figured out how to section themselves off without the benefit of geography. They're just full on libertarian. It would be like, it would be like if Waco was in Crown Heights. It's so bad. Yeah. Downtown Dallas. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Yeah. You know, like, uh, I'm kind of where you're at, where like, previous thing is that like, upset me. And it's like, look, I think it's bad to be like, hey, uh, woman who I have nine kids with, you can't have the Android phones that aren't listed anywhere else. You're not allowed to contact the outside world.
Starting point is 00:26:14 You can't leave. I think it's bad to do that. I think a lot of stuff that you do is bad, but this is kind of won me over. I remember the first time, yeah, I saw them though. It was like moving here and there was a woman like freshly shaved head. Like she had just got out. And there was protests because they were trying to,
Starting point is 00:26:42 they said, well, in a whole lot of claw, women can't have smart folks and like that's what the protest about this woman who had just left shamed Ted was holding up a sign that says sorry to bring down the room but it said a cell phone never raped me it's like oh this isn't this is dark shit yeah yeah yeah but that's why I think this is dark shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But that's why I think this is good, because it's like instead of like abuse and a culture of silence and like beating up any black kid who's unfortunate enough to like bite through the neighborhood
Starting point is 00:27:17 at night, this is like good silent film type mischief. This is the type of thing they need to get into. And I have to say, I love the idea of hollowing out all the infrastructure and the foundation and everything around the women's part of the building because when they fall through the earth, there's just gonna be forever, forever. There's just gonna be a whole, a huge whole new ground filled with wings. There's gonna be a canyon of wigs in New York and everyone can come and see.
Starting point is 00:27:51 It'll be the new wonder of the world. Just a hundred, I do love that they went with like the 63 Jackie O with the pill box had. It's just gonna be those exact wigs with pill box hats which might give them an amazing like that that could save their lives if they hit bottom it might be like one of those things when you slide out of an airplane yeah they're incredibly thick they're they're very you know I think they're they deflect at least most small arms fire well I mean like look I think I think other communities in New York City should like sort of like take, take from this example and do some sort of unlicensed infrastructure
Starting point is 00:28:31 work on the city. Like, I'm currently considering a project to tunnel into the club basement because they turned me away at the door for being too old and heterosexual to get into this club. So I'm currently engaging in, you know, Michael Charles Bronson in the Great Escape Base, so I'm getting into that fucking club, I don't care. Ah, well, you know, speaking of a, you know, one group that I've gained the book-ruging respect for through their absurd and idiotic actions, I'd like to talk now about an individual who I gained a lot of respect for her absurd and stupid actions, but I've lost it precipitously. You look, she's not talking about the great poster and artist Neary Oxman. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Yeah, like, so a little bit better than that. She is the wife of Bill Ackman. Ackman and Oxman. It sounds like, I don't know, like phase 10 of the Marvel universe after they've cashed out all the eternal characters that no one remembered. But it's like, he's the Hitchman.
Starting point is 00:29:40 He's the Hitchman. He's like, so Bill Ackman, like, he's the guy who's been like, you know, sort of behind this, this Harvard, Bruhaha. I mean, he got very angry because, you know, Palestinian students got angry that their relatives are being killed and he was just like, oh, I want their names. So I never hired them. And then, you know, he was promoting, heavily, the President Gays, Plasiarism thing and the lone behold that turns out his wife, who was a a professor at MIT who gave orbs to Jeffrey Epstein
Starting point is 00:30:06 She plays rise much of her She she plays rise much of her MIT thesis from Wikipedia and other sources and But like basically like I'm annoyed by this because Similar to Yint Lindy-Yakarino. I don't like people who are like perfect beautiful idiots having to get involved in political Controverses that like sort of soures it for me. Yeah, I like before I knew anything about this woman, I was like, oh, she's going to be the fucking worst, you know, because like you're running out on a piece of paper. It's like MIT, she made art for Jeffrey Epstein, she's married to fucking Bill Ackman. Oh my god,
Starting point is 00:30:43 this lady probably sucks. She's as rally. And then you read her post and you're like this is a perfect mind. I had no idea. I found a treasure trove of old nirry oxman posts not even old from like a few years ago. And they are all it's all shit, love isn't measured by time. Time is measured by care. In an age of hugs, be a kiss. It's all just things from like Airbnb art. Yeah, but even like that would even, the stuff in those things would even be too clever for her. It's great because she, I really come out liking her.
Starting point is 00:31:29 And I think we could get Bill Ackman thrown in prison because this woman is not capable of consent. I have a few of her actual tweets. Do not be grounded by your dreams. Dream up your grounding. And like, you know what I mean like what yeah No, like I remember like they have the construction of Airbnb text base art, but they make no sense. They're just gibberish
Starting point is 00:31:55 Like yeah, don't be grounded by your dreams dream up your grounding Okay, here's another one. No, no clue. Clickbaiting and fly fishing. Two opposed forms of existence. One produces rage. The other inspires generosity. In the age of the Anthropocene, empathy is just as valuable as carbon sequestration. Without it, we are lost. In an age when we can have it.
Starting point is 00:32:18 I mean, I'm, yeah, yeah, can we try to, I don't think we're gonna get to the bottom of this one, but can we really start I don't think what you're gonna get to the bottom of this one because we really start like What's yeah, like she can't mean literal fly fishing obviously I think she does no she does it cuz like one one like clickbaiting is like oh, it's like you're at a desktop It's you're in the moment you're like I'm I'm I'm I'm raged by this. I want to get some clicks and then you're you know You waited into the river you're flicking out your lure You're just like the the current is passing you by, you know, the sun is out, you're grounded. You're dreamed in your grounding when you're fly fishing.
Starting point is 00:32:52 I, yeah, I, but what, but what if she didn't say, you know, ladder and former, what if she went, she bought the hipwaters, she went out to Montana, and she just became like a vengeful person based on fly fishing. And she's saying clickbait is unlikely animal friends. I feel like if she and Eric Adams had sex, it would produce the events of the comic book preacher. And when Shooted does a even angel baby out in the world and infest the body of a young man who's forced preach in South Texas. It's a, you know, who knows what phrases these two
Starting point is 00:33:37 would come up with? Okay, here's another like, this is another parod tweet here. So actually, because while carrying bags filled with recyclables to my daughter's school earlier today, I found myself asking, how is this little bag going to make a difference? Later tonight, she challenged me to count all the stars in the sky one at a time. Hope is the ability to perceive infinity as a measurable quantity and act upon it with conviction and innocence and equal portions. Be it fixing the climate crises, saving lives or counting stars, I am still counting.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Okay, I was about to say, I was about to say this is tragic if Neary's daughter, like clearly knowing what her mom, right, right, literally, yeah, count all the, count all the sand on the beach. Yeah. But like, literally Neary's daughter, knowing what's up with her is like you know Do it like doing the things kids do Fucking with their parents knowing her dingbat mom will literally try to do this Literally stand outside like a fucking turkey
Starting point is 00:34:44 One fuck I lost my count. She was there for four years before Bill Akman got her. I just thought like maybe her daughter's also on DMT or something, like it does sound like they are on a similar wavelength. It could be a trick totally, but maybe they're just vibing out to the same drug. I mean, that, the, the, count all the stars of this guy, that is like a normal thing, like
Starting point is 00:35:10 a, a three year old or four year old says, right? Like they, they love, you know, it's like they're, they're learning language and they're, they're learning like sort of primordial jokes, right? Wait, why, why are she counting cans anyway? What does that have to do with it? What's that program? We got so in the weeds about the language, I don't know, are they having children do recycling in New York City public schools? I think you're missing the forest from the tunnels here.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Nuri Oxman is an MIT educated ding bat. She does yarn art for rich people. She's a moron. She's a moron. She's a moron. And if you look, the question about counting how many stars in this guy, didn't RxK left you do the same thing on American terrorists? What he has at the Kingdom Hall, and he's like,
Starting point is 00:35:55 who counted them? He said, you can do the stars. How you could count them? Show me them. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Yeah. I so like this, right. This one's amazing because like the premise of it is, it's hopeful to think that like basically that infinity isn't infinity, right? Because if you, if you could quantify, if you could count it, that's not what infinity is. I don't know why that's optimistic, but she has such a dog brain that she's literally trying to do that like before she goes to bed. She's like, I think I can achieve a way of counting that breaks reality.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Okay, but by 11 p.m. probably. Okay, Felix, I watched the, I was with Catherine, we were in the hotel and we watched other Twilight movies this week and people were like, I commented on it, so people were selling me all kinds of insane twilight facts, which honestly, doing it episode on those books and movies would be fent would be amazing because they are a true glimpse into the Mormon, mind palace. Yes. So, Stephanie Meyer rewrote the first twilight book from Edwards perspective and someone today sent me a page from that book where it
Starting point is 00:37:05 describes like Edwards internal monologue in which to sort of suppress his natural desire to drain the blood from Bella. He begins to calculate how many insects are in a square foot of dirt and then keeps expanding the area to like the school, the county, and then just keeps doing insect math in his head to like prevent him from sinking his teeth into her or something. Man would rather count it insects than get there, but the fuck? But I mean like she's I mean she's she has a genuinely beautiful mind but her husband on the other hand is is just immediate and like he has nothing of nothing of value to contribute. Like time is love caring for Earth or something like that. And like in it, what I love about Bill
Starting point is 00:37:49 Ackman, and the thing is I didn't really know who Bill Ackman was until like he started spouting off about this shit. I just like knew it was a guy who had like a billion dollars in white hair and he's sort of like, I don't know, the male Phoebe Bridgers and the financial world. I guess that's how I sort of conceived of him. But like, his defenses of his wife are like only, he's making it worse for his wife at every passing moment because like in one of his defenses of her, he writes, at some point she was asked to give him one of the orbs, small resin sculptures that her group made,
Starting point is 00:38:19 which MIT used his gifts for donors to the university. Near East Group made many of the gifts for MIT and media lab donors as her work is unique and beautiful. MIT used this gift for donors to the university. Near East Group made many of the gifts for MIT media lab donors as her work is unique and beautiful. She doodifully did what she was called, referring to giving making her students craft orbs for Jeffrey Epstein. I love that.
Starting point is 00:38:35 I love that because it was like, but if he didn't say that, I don't think I ever would have known exactly what Mary did at MIT. But they literally, they spent tens of millions of dollars to have this woman do fucking arts and crafts. I thought MIT, I thought they invented computers that were so scary that they came up with particles that ended the universe. I didn't know they were doing, they were doing, you know, fucking, lilyfrow over there. No, her art is like the people who cover trees with yarn. Like, I've seen pictures of it.
Starting point is 00:39:07 It's that type of stuff. I hate textile art. I hate it. I said, it was, there was one outside of my apartment in New York and it was just like, it was like sagging and mildewing and I'm just like way to like make the landscape of this part of Brooklyn even more disgusting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Yeah. But yeah, I just like, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built, built,'t jump high enough when he said, you know, fire or expel all of these pro-Palestinian students. So they came after her for some plagiarism in her, in her fucking degree. And by the way, I mean, like, I hope this just keeps going because I think everybody is plagiarizing all the time. Wait, I don't think there's anybody who hasn't advanced in the data who doesn't plagiarize something. I think they're all, they're all capping a thousand percent and they're all guilty. At that level, for sure. But like like Bill Akman's reactions to his wife doing like textbook blatant plagiarism of the dumbest kind, like literally copying from Wikipedia, he like he's they've settled on this defense now where they're like there are unwritten codes and rules and you never go after someone's wife.
Starting point is 00:40:20 And it's just like you made her like you made her involved in all of this by opening your fucking mouth in the first place. And another thing that really annoys me about of this is a Felix. I learned from you that this Bill Akman guy is the character, is the guy who the character of Bobby Axelrod is based on. And that makes me so fucking mad at how billions has lied to me. I thought Bobby Axel's a cool genius, but no, he's this fucking, he's just this moron. No, Bobby Axelrod is a composite character.
Starting point is 00:40:45 He's based on a few guys. He's based moron, Steve Cone, that the guy who forced him, his employees and ran the mess into the ground after $1.5 billion. Yeah, Steve Cone's awesome. I love him. He's a fucking psycho. I love him. He's what I want my hedge fund guys to be. Someone who like, you know, does all the stuff in billions,
Starting point is 00:41:08 where it's like, I paid a guy to pretend to be a fucking Malaysian guy's wife for five years. So he could help me how much grain was gonna come on a ship so I can make $700 million. He does all that shit. I, Steve Cohn, rocks. He will assassinate a minor league pitching coaches father-in-law To make 30 thousand dollars. He's the coolest guy Bill Ackman sucks Bill Ackman got out smarted by her
Starting point is 00:41:34 Belife that never would happen to Bob the ass for Steve cone He wasn't he shorted or he shorted her my life. Yeah, he shorted her my life and like did all these interviews where he's like it doesn't It's stupid. I took the vitamins and they didn't do anything. And everyone was like, okay, Bill. And then Carl Icon was like, I actually think Herbalife's pretty cool. And he bought a bunch of their stock and Ackman lost
Starting point is 00:42:01 like hundreds of millions of dollars. He sucks. And my favorite defense he did of Neri was when he said, imagine this is happening to you. Imagine that a reporter is emailing you saying, you copy and pasted a Quora post. Can you hear me? PhD thesis. Imagine that's happening.
Starting point is 00:42:23 Imagine that happened to you and you were an introvert. Yeah, and it's like Bill, you were saying that we should publicly whip all these 18-year-olds not long ago. Bill, what are you talking about? I know, like, and it's like I do agree. You shouldn't be like, like before I knew about Neary, I was like, yeah, screw her. And now it's like, let's rescue her from Bill. Let's, you know, like, like,
Starting point is 00:42:50 let's make a non-eval place where she can make yard and fucking Christmas ornaments and shit. I'll stick a tunnel under the MIT Media Lab. Yeah. It's probably just been like blasted with whatever the version of NK Ultra still is running in MIT. Like she's just like out to lunch, you know? Oh, oh my God, wait, what if,
Starting point is 00:43:10 what if the Hibag guys, they're white hats, and they know that Bill Ackman is bad, and the tunnel is meant to go all the way to Greenwich, Connecticut, to rescue Neary. Oh my, I think we have a new QAnon. Yes, yes. They're going to invade his like fucking giant mansion that looks like the Protestant Vatican. It's like they're just pop through the floor.
Starting point is 00:43:34 That's so fucking cool. Imagine, okay, imagine all these 20 year old hazees. It's like Bill or dark 30. So you guys like the shittiest beards you've ever seen. It's like, it's like, it's like the shittiest beer you've ever seen. It's like it's like it's like the raid The last evil compound. He's surrounded by like black cube and black water guys all these fucking Steril and out operators are like 340 Neary is not leading her arts and crafts room We have a legal is in the nest
Starting point is 00:43:59 We have her counting all the blood cells in her body your wife is here sir And he's like, ah, good. I'm going to lose another $300 million trying to short the Stanley Tumblr today. And I'm going to get a high school student fired from the JV Cheerleading squad. He's doing all that stuff. And then suddenly, just like the raid these Jews are
Starting point is 00:44:26 repelling down his mansion and they take their they take their hats and they throw it like odd job and it To cap it takes a lot of you guys That's so fucking cool. Oh man. Oh man. Yeah, I feel like yeah, that's little like rotun starch-fed bodies They could just ball up. Yeah and that's little like rotons starch fed bodies, they could just ball up. Yeah, the black water guys are firing, three, three, eight rounds into them. They're somehow going through their torso,
Starting point is 00:44:52 not hitting any organs. They're just hitting body hair, nothing. Yeah. I mean, free neary from this horrible entrapment that she's suffering, let her do her stupid art, free from political controversy. But no, her stupid husband Bill Ackman is making that impossible
Starting point is 00:45:14 because he's writing probably 10 posts a day. Each of them 20,000 words long, further inditing his life and like defending her from these charges that are like totally, I mean like cannot be defended defended from and he keeps saying this thing about like there was no due process involved in this We were only given 90 minutes to respond to business insider. What do you mean due process? This isn't a fucking court I really would do process. What are you talking about and then like oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:45:41 And then Christopher Rufo saying even the mafia doesn't go after people's wives and kids. It's like yeah yeah they kill people for money but they would never reveal someone's wife's plagiarism of Wikipedia. I love how he's sort of like transitioned himself into like pretending to be like everyone perceives him as some gravy-stained daygo and not just like the nerdiest kid who brings a briefcase to school. Yeah, with Phil, okay, I gotta say this. One of the worst emails are calls you will ever get in your life. And I hope this never happens to you. Is someone on the other end, you pick up.
Starting point is 00:46:17 Hi, I'm writing an article about you. Yeah, that's the worst. That's true. Oh, I can tell you about a couple of those phone calls, I've instantly killing you and myself. That's happening. But you know, it's, it's, after the first time it happens, it's not so bad. You know, it's like, okay, we went well, unless you get one, once you get one phone call from a journalist telling you that you've been added to a hundred million dollar lawsuit. There's nothing. There was no due process there, by the way. But yeah, you'll usually make, unless you did something crazy, you know, unless you killed
Starting point is 00:46:49 someone last year, you're probably fine, unless you're a really crazy person. But like, if you, you know, I am a successful businessman, but I'm not a billionaire, like Bill Ackman. But if this is inside a wrote an article where it's like It's not even me this stupid woman you have sex with is bad at homework. I don't care But he is like he's going to kill himself over a fucking business insider article Like that is so pathetic to me We've had you, articles written about us,
Starting point is 00:47:27 unfair articles about things that I said on purpose to bring people smiles. I think there were unfairly brought up in and out of context during a 12 year mental breakdown that is ongoing, unfairly, persecuting me. And I was fine. I never was like, you, you, sir, are the mafia.
Starting point is 00:47:51 But he's gonna fuck it. He's gonna be a family annihilator because this article that 3,000 people are gonna read. He's insane. Steve Cohn would have already paid a guy to, I don't know, like crash a blimp into the MetLife building. He would have figured something out. But Stupid-ass Bill Ackman is just making it worse.
Starting point is 00:48:17 And they've already, Bill Ackman, because he has billions of dollars, was already able to, I don't know, angrily call up the owners of business insider and they announced that they're doing some sort of like internal investigation into the quote, the motivations, not the facts of this story, but their motivations in publishing the facts, which is like, I don't know, it's funny when some rich asshole is revealed to be a huge hypocrite. I would think that that would be the motivation behind any news article of this sort. Dude, business insider is page six for business.
Starting point is 00:48:46 That is why you read it. All of those fucking WeWork leaks that I got were just like footnotes in business insider. They anonymized people to bitch about like, you know, multi-billion valued fucking tech companies to just be like, there's no soap in the bathrooms. Like, it's so fun. I recommend it to anyone.
Starting point is 00:49:12 That's how I found out, like, Adam Newman was a barefoot guy. So, well, I mean, just, I'm just, just cheers to the fucking bomb bill acne. There's absolute bozo for fucking ruining the life of his beautiful life And that was who's a wonderful artist who I think I think our orbs should get you know I don't think I what is Jeffrey Epstein the only one who gets these special orbs, you know, I would like an or I want to know I know yeah free free neary did you see um?
Starting point is 00:49:41 You know my favorite guy in the saga, probably the only guy who came out looking good. The guy who should be married to Niri. Oh, the Indian guy? Yeah. KK at scientist underscore KK on Twitter. Can I, can I, this is like Lady Chatterle's lover. I want to read you some of their beautiful responses.
Starting point is 00:50:06 Neri says in 2016, if you get stuck with anything, just change scales, then four years later KKK scientists replies, I sex you early. Again, in 2016, Neri Oxman tweets, I miss a straight line. Four years later, again, in 2020, KK scientists, I sex you. In 2016, again, wanting to want is more wanted than wanting. But then it takes new X chromosomes to live by second-order derivatives in Leibniz notation. I sex you for years. Love doesn't care about time. It times care. Okay, lifetime, but alone you come India. This is who she should be with. This is the last story of the art crime. He's made for what he likes. Yeah. That is the only thing you can say to
Starting point is 00:51:12 those thoughts. All the other replies are like Gen X guys who shouldn't be allowed on airplanes being like, you your words are like a soft bullet, Neary. And I'm like, you know, it's a fucking guy named Howard. And it's like Howard thought down. Neither of you are capable of consent. Shut the fuck up. But her and KK, like they are, they are made for each other.
Starting point is 00:51:35 When someone says this bird brain shit to you, when someone goes up to you and it's like, we put our lunch in a container. Well, what do we do with the greatest moments of our lives? We just remember them. All you, what do we do with the greatest moments of our lives? We just remember them. All you, what do you say to her? Except I sex you come to Carbala.
Starting point is 00:51:52 You know? I think he's a winner Bill Ackman, so fucking loser. What do you think this guy would say if like, business insider was like, we're writing an article about you. You'd be like, oh fucking, I all have sex with you too come to India Fuck you too. You think I'm done with this There I had no due process to the I sex you come to India tweets
Starting point is 00:52:16 I only had 90 minutes to respond. I only had 90 minutes to reply to every tweet saying all sex you come to India That is I have to say that is the is the funniest Indian reply guy I've ever seen because it's like, usually you see those guys reply to like famous women and shit. Neri Oxman is such a weird, like she's, honestly, she's very beautiful, but like, it's such a weird show. Like how does he know about her?
Starting point is 00:52:38 Especially like eight years ago. Like, it's so bad. I want to interview that guy. Like, is he an actual scientist? Is that how he knows her? Maybe it's all. If that's Bill, then I take back everything I said about Bill. Okay. Do you want to talk about is Taylor Swift gay or not? Because I mean, I've been like that. No, man, matter on record with this. He's sexual. Well, just the I sex you tweets made me think of, uh,
Starting point is 00:53:15 and my favorite tweet this week. What the hell is this Taylor Swift? Your coward ass is always hiding behind press releases. You were a spineless lobster. You're still gay and that's final. I just, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will And I think like, because like her music is so popular, I think because like people read into like experiences that they think she's writing about like directly like one-to-one correlations of their own life. And like I think she has like, there's now like an emergence of a kind of like a like
Starting point is 00:53:58 a gay swifty contingent who is obsessed with like interpreting these kind of like non-verbal, sort of cues and signals from Taylor that she is part of the LGBTQ community. Then there are some questions. There's a quick LGBTQ and on. But like, I actually have to say, I remember this on the message boards like from like 10 years ago.
Starting point is 00:54:23 I don't remember why Taylor Swift kept coming up, but I remember a woman like saying like, yeah, there are public profile closeted lesbians, okay? Taylor Swift and she was getting really mad about it. So I wonder if she's like the leader of this. I mean, I'm talking like 10 years ago. I just thought she was a professional beard, like looking at her dating history,
Starting point is 00:54:47 but like, I don't think she's gay, but I do think there's one, there's one cult leader of this movement that has been working for years and years and like led a kind of, a kind of QAnon for Taylor Swift sexuality. Well, I mean, like, well, Amber, as you correctly stated, you and Matt are firmly on the record coming down
Starting point is 00:55:09 that she is ace, that she is asexual, or Matt says he thinks he doesn't have genitals, she's sort of like a biblically accurate angel, or something like that. I think she has them. I simply think she has never had sex. It does not occur to her. It is a no interest.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Well, the LGBTQ Swiss true and not, the LGBTQ and non-Swifty contingent has gained purchase in the op-ed real estate of the New York Times. And that's really what I want to talk about, because of this great op-ed piece in the New York Times, titled, Look What We Made Taylor Swift Do by Anna Marx that sort of lays out some of the evidence here. And I just like to read a little bit from it, including one of my favorite
Starting point is 00:55:48 openings of a New York Times op-ed piece, ostensibly about the sexuality of Taylor Swift, it begins like this. In 2006, the your Taylor Swift released her first single, a closeted country singer named Shelley Wright, then 35, held a nine-millimeter pistol to her mouth. That's the opening. That's the opening. Tell me right, then 35, held a nine millimeter pistol to her mouth. That's the opening. That's the opening. That's the opening. That's the opening. That's the opening.
Starting point is 00:56:09 That's the opening. Honestly, yeah. I still think she's ace. I think she's one of those non-a romantic ace people. And I think she's like a lot of professional beardry. Yeah. So like, the first couple of paragraphs I was talking about this country's signal who came out
Starting point is 00:56:25 And like I'm like sort of the difficulty she faced because you know like Nashville is a more conservative and Entertainment culture and she writes What if someone had already tried at least once to change the culture by becoming such a hero? What if because our culture had yet to come to terms with homophobia? It wasn't ready for her What if that hero's name was Taylor Allison Swift? And I just want to show like, these are some of the dossier assembled of like the evidence for Taylor Swift's gayness.
Starting point is 00:56:52 It says here, in 2019, she was set to release a new album, Lover, the first since she had left big machine records, her old national-based label, which was, which she has since said limited her creative freedom. The aesthetic of what would be known as the lover era emerged as rainbows, butterflies, and pastel shades of blue, purple, and pink. Cutters, colors that subtly evoke the bisexual pride flag. On April 26, Lesbian visibility day,
Starting point is 00:57:18 Miz Swift released an album, The Albums Lead Single, Me, in which she sings about self love and self acceptance. She co-directed a campaign music video to accompany it, in which she sings about self-love and self-acceptance. She co-directed a campaign music video to accompany it in which she later will describe as depicting everything that makes me me. It features Mrs. Swift dancing at a pride parade, dropping rainbow paint, and turning down a man's marriage proposal in exchange for a pussy cat. Interesting. I mean, as the evidence begins to be assembled, you know, it's sort of like, you know, I feel like it's just like Jim Garrison here. Yeah. Then Mrs. Swift performed Mrs. Swift performed Shake it off as a surprise for patrons at the Stonewall Inn. Rumors that were perhaps more, perhaps a little more than fantasies swirled in the queer
Starting point is 00:57:57 corners of her fandom. Stoked by a suggested post by the fashion designer Christian Serrano, would Mrs. Swift attend New York City world pride march on june 30th which he wear a dress month from a rainbow which he give a speech if she did what would she declare about herself i gotta say this is just a there okay if you are a shantoo uh... appealing to the gaze who are the most loyal fans in the universe is just a good business move.
Starting point is 00:58:25 And it doesn't always work. Katie Perry tried and fell on her face. And I think Taylor Swift is about that money. I think she's about that bag. Yeah, absolutely. You want to get on the side of the gaze. I don't think it's going to work too much. Because all the things that heterosexual women do and like fandoms or they're like all like all you know like the slang words that they use and sort
Starting point is 00:58:48 of the fan culture. Like it's the genesis of that comes from gay fandom and like they're the one that starts with like oh we're gonna you know get the slay a cost mother or a cunt you know things like that. Absolutely and I think even when you look at like I don't think there are that many Katy Perry stands. Like, you know, you've either got him or you don't. I think there's probably some some very, uh, Buttigieg style millennial men who, who, they've picked Katy Perry instead of, you know, Robin or something, but those are losers. Or Megan Trainor.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Yeah, Megan Trainor, like that mother, that mother song, like that was, that was a sweaty, sweaty grab for gay affection and attention. I also could not figure out was she talking to her husband and saying, call me, I, that was a very disturbing, confusing song. Mother's, mother's Taylor Swift must be gay. It must be incredibly gay and that's final. Well, yeah, I mean, just just a best of luck to Taylor and Travis. What I will say about Taylor Swift is, does she have to go to every single chiefs game? Like, what is this fucking high school? Like, okay, if they get
Starting point is 00:59:57 the playoff, that's one thing. Maybe that the home opener, but she was at every fucking chiefs game this year. It's just, it's trying a little too hard. What's her quote unquote boyfriend's name again? Travis Kelsey. Okay. I'm stealing Molly's take on this, but she predicts that Travis Kelsey and Taylor Swift will get married because they have the exact same like energy
Starting point is 01:00:19 and including this down to sexuality, they are both actually sexually attracted to their jobs. That is where they derive all satisfaction, all, you know, reward, and they are on the same wavelength there. And I think that that is, and I think that Travis is the perfect, like dog brained American energy
Starting point is 01:00:37 given from his old tweets, that are very much in that like Nellie genre of just like, damn, moon, huge used tonight stuff like that. I think there's nothing better than watching movies on hashtag TV. I think I can see that. I Chris, I think the one like mutual beard is always a good arrangement. They could do a well and jada thing. But I additionally, like you need someone with a big, big beaming smile, a wholesome style tight end, and that is not a joke, that's what he is.
Starting point is 01:01:12 Yes, he has a tight end. Well, I mean, yeah, I guess just a wrap up today, show, Ms. Whiff your gay, and that's final. Ms. Oxman, you need to be saved, and that's final. The Hasidic Tier one operators are tunneling. Tier your yard dungeon as we speak. The halacic raid is happening. Bill Ackman's evil compound.
Starting point is 01:01:37 You will be saved. Bill Ackman, you are done. You were fucking, you were done. Because like the only thing that's going to stop your way from going to jail for plagiarism is the halacic raid. Oh, do you imagine how cool it will be when like the the head like the raid guy of the raid he could he fucking Garrett spill act then with Teflin. That will be so cool. That'll be so cool. No more fucking 70,000 word tweets that only make his life worse.
Starting point is 01:02:11 They are gonna do it, I believe in them. They look, they already, you know, no clip against the NYPD. They can take down Bill Akman's craft knobs. Well, Felix and I discovered they have flame throwers and there's a genre of Jewish YouTube video where I don't know if it's one guy or if it's built up, it's the pool guys, but he sterilizes or kosherizes houses with the flame thrower, but it's always like David Getham music. He's so good at this.
Starting point is 01:02:48 It's so awesome. It's so good, yeah, no. This guy would be on the raid, dude. So he's sterilizing houses by burning them down? I think he does it on like granite counter tops or whatever. Okay, okay, okay. And stuff.
Starting point is 01:03:04 But you know, maybe you might accidentally burn. Oh, what? Like, because like maybe like, oh, is this like a kosher law thing? Like, because like, maybe like, like, like, shellfish was previously maybe used on that marble countertops. And you got a blabber with a flame. Like, they have to have kosher. Oh, that makes sense. I thought that sounded crazy before you was flint. It's dangerous. I mean mean ship lap is still very popular no matter how There's a lot of dry wood in the kitchen these days. Oh my god
Starting point is 01:03:31 Yeah, well, yeah And so you know the to the people at 770 Eastern Parkway. I just say like just keep doing what you're doing Don't but don't anyone stop you just like shine on you crazy diamond And I'm I'm getting into basement one way or the other. And I'm just I'm still thinking of I'm still thinking the few looks as like a Jewish scatman, brothers, but like it has a huge poster of Rachel All right, all right gang till next time. But would you have any plugs do any plugs to do? Uh, I remember his book. I am. The book. And then put it on Instagram so I can post the things and because I don't have anything to post now nobody wants to see my hiking trips or my dogs. I just got to do all the books and take pictures,
Starting point is 01:04:28 set it to me, I will or tag me, I will repost it and be forever grateful. One day I will repay this favor to you. All right everybody, cheers and let's have ourselves. Let's keep the energy going into January. Let's keep digging tunnels everybody All right I'm not who told you I was the millie star. They told me no question to buy. I'm not gonna stop going to the kingdom hall. The people ain't your friends anyway.

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