Chapo Trap House - 802 - Adult High School feat. Alex Nichols (1/29/24)

Episode Date: January 30, 2024

Alex Nichols a.k.a. @Lowenaffchen joins us to look at a series of certified Good Mental Moments from our top politicians. Then, we transition to doing a live listen to the new Tom McDonald feat. Ben S...hapiro song FACTS. Is Ben bringing Tom down? Is that an AI or is Ben really that robotic? Do you really want to be talking compound interest in your rap verse? Alex puts on his Fortune Kit hat to discuss that and more. Check out Fortune Kit here or wherever you get pods: And the FYM podcast here or wherever you get pods:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I Hello everybody, it's Monday, January 29th and we've got Chappo coming at you. Guest hosting with Felix and I today, back, it's been too long, but it's our friend Alex Nichols from Fortune Kit and Chapo FYM. Alex, welcome back to the show. What's up with you guys? What's up with politics? Well, let's get into it. I got some good politics to start today's show and I right before we got online right before we got on there today I just I had to share this with with Felix because I was I was I'm living on your your affection for my favorite news source
Starting point is 00:01:13 People's Daily China and you shared a delightful story about a dog helping a little girl and used it as sort of contrast with various The state-run media apparatus is of let's say the United States and Russia. And just before we go, we got, I want to do the important news story of the day, courtesy of People's Daily China. Yaya, a giant panda who returned from the U.S. in 2023, will turn 24 this year. Despite her old age, the Pampere Princess is still spoiled. See how she eats happily from her magic handbag, which can conjure her favorite food. So before we get into the what's going on in this country, I would just like to say China, please invade and take over this country and make that the only news that we have to cover.
Starting point is 00:01:55 It's funny when China takes the pandas back because people act like, oh the pandas are gonna be so sad, they're gonna be in a shipping container, they're gonna be, they're not gonna know where they are, they're gonna be so confused, and they're going to be in a shipping container they're going to be they're not going to know where they are they're going to be so confused and they're totally fine they're like oh bamboo this is great and then the people who go to the zoo they're like no the panda the pandas gone he's going to be so sad and he's just chopping on bamboo I recently there was like a diplomatic row and China was like okay well then we'll take these pandas back. And I saw one of those like, you know, like, Atlanticist anti-China people was like, fuck pandas, they're
Starting point is 00:02:32 stupid animals, just eat bamboo and do nothing. Yeah. Why don't they want to rent our black bears? We should send them some black bears and then take them back and see how they like it. I mean, like, I think I've probably seen video footage of a black bear rolling itself into a ball and then like, you know, sort of like snowballing down a snowy hill and then like, you know, smashing its face into like a mound of, you know, ice or something. But you know, it's few and far between. So no one's picking up our bears. If you feed them enough, they get friendly. That's the thing with pandas. Pandas acted
Starting point is 00:03:10 like that, and then we started giving them food. Yeah. No, we should be leasing those, the grizzly bears that they have in Russia that just live in people's houses. I mean, I guess they've been fed well enough, so they're just hanging out. All right, moving on from the animal world to the to the world of human beings and What's what's going on in their brains? How is the mental health of our politicians? And I guess I'd just like to begin this week with the clip We've all we've all seen we've all heard it Chris Please bring up the Biden talking about beer brewing. Beer brewed here. It is used to make the brew beer.
Starting point is 00:03:46 You know, define who Earthrider. Thanks for the great leg. Okay. So this was, um, I was very glad to see Biden acknowledging, uh, the first Indo-European concept of God, Earthrider. That's what I thought it was. I mean, it's, it's, it's Earthrider as what's in the official transcript of his comments at this brewery.
Starting point is 00:04:10 But Earthrider, is this a concept that we're familiar with? Honestly, I think it's probably the brewing company, but... It is the brewery, yeah. I was hoping it was Earthrider, like the person who writes our reality, the almighty. Like thank you for putting the Great Lakes in that one spot when you made the map, when you spawned everything. It's kind of worse that he's thanking the brewery because he's thanking the brewery for making the Great Lakes. Yeah. And it's like if you were thinking the guy
Starting point is 00:04:39 who writes our reality or an Indo-European concept of God, it's like, yeah, no, that guy did it for sure. That guy made the Great Lakes. But the the brewery did not. I don't know why he thinks that. Yeah, he's thanking the brewery for the for the Great Lakes. That part never makes sense no matter how much you look at it. I would, I mean like, I'm a little disappointed to find out that Earthrider is the name of the brewery because I thought Biden had just sort of like accidentally revealed some sort of secret information about The the you know the Arkons that are in control of our reality
Starting point is 00:05:13 I thought he screwed up and talked about the Earth Rider when he wasn't supposed to and We'll see how the the writers of reality deal with that Having some fun at a brewery the next mental health status update of a politician I'd like to talk about is of course the scene recorded over the weekend of John Federman spending the night on top of his office rooftop waving an Israeli flag at protesters. Felix, I think you had the right take on this is that this is finally a job that suits his capabilities. Yeah, Urban Scarecrow. He's like a gargoyle.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Yeah. No, yeah. Zero Palestinian crows will be coming to that building. I like, I mean, people pointed it out, but it's like, I don't even think like most people in APAC would do that. I think it's like, it's the same annoying part of his personality where you remember like, I think it was 2020 when he had that like, very 2017 style like gay weed flag.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Right. Yeah, where just like anytime people are like, oh, don't do this. He doubles down on it. But with this, instead of being like a sort of embarrassing online left liberal joke, it's supporting like the worst country in the world. I mean, it's just so weird. He's like, he's not even Jewish. Israel was never a part of his life. Israel was never a part of his life. Until he was 50, his whole thing was like,
Starting point is 00:06:47 he was the mayor of a bad town and would like go on TV and be like, my town only has one basketball hoop and people would cheer for him. And it's like, where does Israel, like did you just start getting into Israel when you were 53? I mean, like, I don't know this is this is this is not indicative of Particularly wholesome mental health. I mean like he's probably standing. He was probably out there in basketball shorts
Starting point is 00:07:12 He's gonna catch cold just robotically waving an Israeli flag Moving on to the the next the next mental health check-in of current leadership of the Democratic Party. We had Nancy Pelosi over the weekend go on one of the Sunday political talk shows and claim that the Gaza protesters were paid by Russia. And then just this morning told protesters in front of her house to get back to China where your headquarters So Nancy which one is it who am I getting paid by I mean the checks they are coming in but I'd like to know Well, I'd like to know if is it Moscow or Beijing, you know, what where do what where is the return address here Nancy? Is Russia really that anti-Israel?
Starting point is 00:08:02 Is Russia really that anti-Israel? No, we love Israel. That doesn't feel like they are. It feels like once they get sick of us, they're gonna go to them. Yeah, that's what I thought was weird. I mean, I've always been annoyed by that because it's something that no one wants to acknowledge. Like, Russia is where Israel buys its white people.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Like that was the whole policy Russian. Yeah, and they're pretty much the same, like, type of government, you know, just like a weird kleptocracy. Every once in a while, those two countries pretend to be mad at each other. But like, no, like, they're, they're, they're friends. Yeah, they have a sort of bond. It's like us in Great Britain. Yeah, that's where we got our white people So we have to kind of always be nice to them no matter how annoying they are English to do like China does with the panda and take their white people back from the United States if we keep fucking around We don't respect the king enough. Okay moving on to Donald Trump
Starting point is 00:09:04 If you don't respect the king enough, okay moving on to Donald Trump You know like people people like to compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler and to his White House as the third rank And you know, though those those comparisons can get a little strained at times But the one area in which I think Trump and his White House really was like Adolf Hitler in the bunker is that they were all Absolutely geeked out of their mind on heroin and cocaine. I'm referring to an NBC News report headlined White House Clinic in Properly Distributed Controlled Substances During Previous Administrations.
Starting point is 00:09:35 New report says. How is it improper? How is it improper if it's a doctor who works for the White House? Who's saying it's the American Medical Administration? Yeah, that sounds like a bunch of kill joys are saying. The president is the boss. He should be the commander in chief
Starting point is 00:09:50 of the military and doctors. He's the head doctor. I said like on, so like someone in that White House had the greatest Valentine's Day ever in 2019. They got liquid morphine, Tylenol 3, and hydrocodone, and fentanyl, which is like, you would only get that in the same day if like literally someone shot your head off. Yeah. Would you feel any of it? Yeah, past a certain point. It's like, what are we doing here?
Starting point is 00:10:27 After the fentanyl, you're just asleep. Yeah. I don't, who knows what happened? I mean, that does make me think that like, with Ronnie Jackson in there, you could just like have a paper cut and go into the doctor's office and ask for all that. They were handing out a lot of morphine and hydrocodone, but the second most popular drug was Provigil, which is an anti-narcolepsy drug, which is so fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Yeah. It's so funny because it's like everyone in that White House is just taking like, like shooting up liquid morphine every three days. And they're like, I'm really sleepy this week. I don't know why Reading from NBC News here It says the White House medical unit dispense prescription medications including controlled substances to ineligible White House staff said the report Which was released this month the unit also kept records for schedule to drugs such as fentanyl hydrocodone, morphine and oxycodone in the same inventory that house records for other medications according to the report, even though federal regulations require them to be kept separate. But yeah, Alex, I agree with you here. This is a real like if the president does it, it's not an illegal drug.
Starting point is 00:11:38 But if the president gives illegal drugs to his employees, it's just because they need to, you know, not feel pain or stay up all day. Yeah, Trump's a product of the 50s. Like he probably saw his mom do this. His mom would just have a doctor and there would be a big rattle or a pills and she would take the yellow one and the blue one and the red one and the green one and it would make mommy all better. That's what he grew up with. That's how she worked back then. Like if you're rich, you get to have a big thing of pills and a doctor gives you whatever you want. And maybe stuff worked better back then.
Starting point is 00:12:11 I think it did. I think it did. People couldn't fuss as much. Yeah. Yeah, we all know Kennedy was getting shot off of all kinds of stuff, but you know. And look what happened to him. He got killed for it. But I don't know, like, who do we think? Who do we think is like the real dope fiend in the Trump administration? You think Trump is getting smacked up on oxycodone and fentanyl or is this just like the people he has to work for
Starting point is 00:12:33 him? I don't know. Maybe you would make him a little happier or angrier. It depends. Some people get pissed when they take a pill. Yeah, I did see a lot of like ketamine, nasal spray, and I feel like that's easy. Like I know who that is. That's like Hope Hicks and then that other like a 29 year old girl who like she worked
Starting point is 00:12:57 for Steve Bannon before. Basically all the like 35 and under Trump women, I think that they, you know, they heard about ketamine online and they're like, ooh, I've got to try it I've got to try it from the doctor that gives everyone in this office heroin Well, that's funny because actually this week I saw another story about how um The feds busted an african drug trafficking ring run by fort bragg soldiers that was moving ketamine from cameroon to fort bragg For yeah, there was like tens of millions of doses of ketamine being moved into the country through from Cameroon via fort bragg
Starting point is 00:13:34 I mean some of it probably got diverted to the White House I mean that really seals it ketamine being over is a cool drug if like regular army guys are doing it, not even special forces. Yeah, that's pretty embarrassing. They advertise it on Twitter. They do. And I'm not taking the one they advertise on Twitter. It's drop shipped from Cameroon instead of Port Red. Yeah, actually if you buy directly from Cameroon, it's like, you know, $30 cheaper like those like like faucet things that they sell on Twitter Sorry, so moving on Superballs coming up. We've got we've got Alex here, you know fortune kit musical musician musician and musical expert
Starting point is 00:14:17 So we got to talk about the latest thing up or not Travis Kelsey and Taylor Swift is the government's up or not Travis Kelsey and Taylor Swift is the government Seeding a sort of like doing a sort of an arranged courtship for these two to promote Biden in 2024 what's going on here? I hope so that would be really funny That would be awesome if they they had Travis Kelsey win They rigged it because they were just so mad at Aaron Rodgers like I get why people think that even though it's definitely not true I get why they saw Aaron Rodgers and they were like, this is our guy. This is the next Tom Brady. He's so cool. They got all his merch. Then the Pfizer thing happens with the Vax and they're like, oh, they're trying to take him down. They're trying to
Starting point is 00:14:55 take him down. And then this new guy is suddenly on the news and he's winning and he's the next Tom Brady now. Like I see why you would be, you would be like someone who, who loved Trump and then Trump lost and they put in Biden. And of course you're going to think it was some sort of fakery. Well, I mean, like, so, so you got, you got, you got the fact that, uh, Jay Travis Kelsey was, you know, he, he promotes or he was, uh, does like an advertising deal with Pfizer to promote the vaccine. But then we have the story from the New York Times. Inside Biden's anti-Trump battle plan and where Taylor Swift fits in, the biggest and most influential endorsement target is Ms. Swift, 34, the pop sensation and NFL enthusiast who can move
Starting point is 00:15:36 millions of supporters with an Instagram post or mid-concert aside. She endorsed Mr. Biden in 2020 and last year a single Instagram post of hers led to 35,000 new voter registrations, fundraising appeals for Ms. Swift to be worth millions of dollars for Mr. Biden. So, I mean, I like the idea that like, you know, how old is Taylor Swift? She's like a woman in her, I don't know, like what late 20s, early 30s.
Starting point is 00:15:59 34, you just said it. Okay, oh yeah. Fuck. So yeah, like, did they really need to court her endorsement of Biden this time around? I mean, maybe she really cares about Gaza or something, but it is funny that they are going all in on like getting Biden to attend the Eris tour, maybe? I guess so. What would that look like? I would love for them to do some sort of some sort of photo up with him. I don't know what it would even be. You can't get him to say a sentence. You can't get him to stay at a
Starting point is 00:16:29 press conference. He'll just wander off. What if they like changed him? How would they change him? I mean, presumably like you would with a baby. Probably like, oh, okay. No, I didn't literally mean like I thought you meant like changing a boyfriend no no we're far past that don't elect him and think you can change him this one has been annoying because I it really sucks that
Starting point is 00:17:01 like all the conservatives learned the phrase psiop Because they just think that's like everything. I saw Benny Johnson he was in a supermarket and he took a picture of like, you know all those like Limited edition like oh, yeah, look at the checkout counter where it's just yeah, you know Princess Diana 25. Oh, yeah where it's just like, you know, Princess Diana, 25 years after her death. Yeah. Yeah. There are a bunch of those for Taylor Swift, obviously, and he's like, look at this, we're in the middle of a massive Psyop.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Did you just find out about her? Yeah. She came out when I was in middle school. Yeah. But she's never, and like, well, listen, this was a weird about it because like, I feel like, wasn't it just a few years ago when like Taylor Swift was being upheld this some sort of Arnie and princess by sort of like the alt-right elements of like as being this sort of avatar of I don't know Ava Braun like femininity
Starting point is 00:17:58 But yeah, there was this invented conflict between her and I guess Beyonce and Nicki Minaj It was like it was very 2014 And now I guess Beyonce and Nicki Minaj. It was like, it was very 2014. And now I guess she's totally liberal coded. I just, I guess, because she didn't say anything conservative, they wanted that to happen. But like, well, she was smart enough not to do that. Yeah. I mean, I know she like, I came out of the, the Nashville
Starting point is 00:18:20 like country music establishment, which is more conservative and I'm sure she lost some fans. But like, I mean, what is she? She's like a billionaire. Like, I don't know, like, what do they want? What do they want from Taylor Swift? I mean, I guess what they want her to do is dump her like sort of, you know, jock boyfriend and start dating Baron Trump. Or Dan Bongino. Oh, yeah. They would look great together. But yeah, no, I do I do remember that. There is a brief resurgence of the like image of Taylor Swift as a conservative during like the
Starting point is 00:18:56 last time that left wing people on Twitter liked Kanye. Yeah, yeah, yeah, because like, Kanye because yeah yeah yeah because like Kanye had some song on like some of his one of his like you know more mentally ill albums where he's like I fuck Taylor Swift in the butt yippee or something yeah like a fake statue of her naked in bed with him yeah just very thirsty and lame I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex. Why I made that bitch famous. Yeah. And like Kim put out like apparently like I barely remember this, but I think it was like that Connie and Kim tried to make it seem like Taylor Swift agreed to it in advance,
Starting point is 00:19:40 but it turned out she didn't. Chris, you would remember this. What is that right? Yeah, they put out a video of like a call that they made you guys remember this like there was some sort of phone on the phone Proving like hey, we're gonna like imply that you had sex with Kanye during a music video. Is that cool? And there's like some At the time Kim posted footage of a phone call between Taylor and Kanye to Snapchat, which seemed to show Taylor approving the lyrics, which she says she never did.
Starting point is 00:20:12 A full release of the phone conversation in 2020 appeared to show that the footage had been edited down. All very weird. That was definitely one of the first bigger red flags of like, all is not well in Kanye world, you know? Even though we've never been in a ton of those. Yeah, that stuff has aged so badly. All the takes about Kanye and how like,
Starting point is 00:20:29 white people just don't like Kanye because he's so woke and he knows so much about racial issues. Yeah. You don't understand how smart he is on those specific issues. And how dumb Taylor Swift is. That really, that whole thing with Kanye was, I don't think it could have happened to anyone funnier. That really, that whole thing with Kanye was,
Starting point is 00:20:49 I don't think it could have happened to anyone funnier. I mean, if you were on Twitter in 2014, I like for us, it was so funny because that was like, in 2014, that was the only thing people talked about was just, I remember I saw a post that was like, all you need to know about someone's opinions on racial issues is what they think of Kanye. And all you need to know what they think of him is what they think of him. I mean, that still is true.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Yeah, I guess that's true. Yeah, kind of, yeah. Actually, yeah. I was just going to say that Taylor is a genius at keeping her mouth shut about these things because largely she just does nothing and lets all the mischievous flow around her and that's what keeps her at such a high level because she can mean most things to most people. And she has shooters. Yes. She doesn't have to say anything.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Yes. Yeah, she, yeah. The only time she'll like indicate something about politics is when it's like, you know, it's like a 75, 25 thing, like abortion, honestly. Like it's just vaguely signal at that. But um... What did you say, Shelly? She did endorse Biden in 2020.
Starting point is 00:21:51 But everyone was doing that. Like it's easy to forget now, but like in that, in summer of 2020 especially, there were like every celebrity that like never gets involved in this stuff was like, all right, we're done with Trump. That's why you won. Yeah. I mean, Alex, do you remember the, I think I've talked about this on the show before, but when the first, the day when like Kanyeis Trump, someone tweeted very solemnly,
Starting point is 00:22:28 wake up Mr. West. Jesus Christ. I tried to remember who that was. It was someone funny. It's been crazy forever. Yeah. It's just like, because, you know, when you watch football games on TV, like the TV network, say, cut away to Taylor Swift every time she's at a chief game, which is like basically every game this this season and I think that that makes a certain kind of a certain guy kind of guy so Mad but like the thing about the thing about Travis Kelsey you got to remember is that he wasn't good at football until he got the Pfizer vaccine It made him into a beast out there and like I think that's I think that's what they're mad about They're they're mad about the the evidence that the Pfizer vaccine turns you into a football god
Starting point is 00:23:07 It either it either makes your heart stronger Or it kills it if you're a pussy If you're not a pussy it makes your heart even stronger It's like working out like some guys they work out and they'll just have a heart attack But some people it'll make them stronger if they have the Constitution That's very true 5% of people will do whatever it takes. Well, so obviously, Taylor has got a lot of cultural cachet
Starting point is 00:23:32 right now. And where she weighs in on this election is, you know, it's anyone's guess. Because, you know, she could come out and endorse Trump. You know, you never know. That would be pretty funny. Yeah. She should go to the Ares tour.
Starting point is 00:23:44 That'd be great. But no, I've been moving on now. We've got to talk about, you know, music, music, the wholesome music that people of the right wing persuasion can, you know, can enjoy. And we are returning now, of course, to our old friend, Canadian white rapper, Tom McDonald, who came out with a new song featuring, you know, the genius Ben Shapiro. And we're lucky enough to be, you know, have as a guest on the show today, Alex, who ghost wrote Ben's verse for the song. So he's just like, tell us a little about the creative process of working with Ben on this track. Well, they call me the Ben Shapiro of the left based on height. I actually haven't heard this yet I actually haven't heard this yet.
Starting point is 00:24:25 I haven't heard this yet. Oh, really? Yeah, I was putting it off because you guys said you hadn't heard it yet, and I was going to listen to it for the first time on the show. Well, the song is called, it's called Facts. And Chris, why don't we cue that up? And if you could just like, just jump ahead to Ben Shapiro's verse. Man.
Starting point is 00:24:42 I call this an iTunes rap because it only charts on iTunes. Yeah, I have no idea where Ben Shapiro's verse is. So let's get a little flavor from the beginning. That might be true actually. He's a Canadian though. You're a Canadian! Yeah All right, so he's saying I mean You're the listeners will be missing out on the visuals to this video, but I have to comment on the fact that Tom McDonald is talking about his raps are not promoting stripper polls or overdosing or anything cool like that. But like, he looks like, um, like a gremlin of some kind, like he's got braids and a face tattoo. I mean, he just looks very, he looks very disturbing. And he looks like there's someone who is on a lot of drugs. So I mean,
Starting point is 00:26:08 yeah, that's the thing. The average Tom McDonald fan is overdose like 12 times. Like they still have Narcan in their nose from the last time. He's got, yeah. So, I mean, like, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, like, we said, like, where did the American flags go? He's from Alberta. Where the fuck, where the fuck do you care where the American flags have gone? That's basically America.
Starting point is 00:26:35 If any province of Canada is America, it's that one. Yeah, I guess. But Felix, how do you think, how do you think that Tom's verse here compares to a white boy or some of his other or some of his other singles? It's disappointing. I feel the same thing with Tom McDonald that I felt with Alex Jones after Trump became president, where like Alex Jones just became like a boring Republican. Like he used to talk about like funny stuff and do these, you know, Like he used to talk about like funny stuff and do these, you know, great shows where he would wander to Bohemian Grove and they would ask him to leave.
Starting point is 00:27:14 And then after Trump became president, he'd be like, Democrats hate the Trump tax bill because it will it will give small businesses more money. And it's like, OK, great. And I can't hear this anywhere else. But I feel like he won. And he did. but it made him boring Yeah with Tom McDonald white boy the song where he goes into some sort of high school for adults and raps about That's in the video. Yeah, or if I was black if I was black is awesome
Starting point is 00:27:40 He's I think it's like his apology for white boy boy He's like if I was black everyone would yell at me they would accuse me of committing felonies and I don't know why he made that song then my favorite. They're trying to kill me if I leave my home Oh, I love that one that one. That's a Really great song. saying express how you feel. Target on my back. I think they're coming for my head. I know I recognize that then I bet they want to see me dead. They're gonna kill me if I leave my room. And that's the best video. Okay. But I'm like, like after he's he sort of figured out that like conservatives are a reliable audience. iTunes rap, as Alex said, like, since like conservatives, because they're broadly older people are the only people who still buy music on iTunes. iTunes gives a great insight
Starting point is 00:28:56 into what old people are listening to. And, you know, it's a great, it was a great business move for Tom McDonald, but it's really, it's like a creative low point for him, I feel like. Well, I feel like it's interesting. Like I remember if I leave my house, they're going to kill me. It was a great song.
Starting point is 00:29:14 But like after listening to Shapiro's verse, I have a profile of Tom McDonald from Rolling Stone that came out in 2022, right around the time White Bullion, if I was black, was sort of becoming controversial. And in the piece, like they spend some time with Tom McDonald and they're gonna kill me if I leave my house. He's a huge COVID paranoiac and like is like a stringent masquer and sort of, what is it? Social distancing type of guy.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Cause his girlfriend has asthma or something and he's against the vaccine, but he's like really, really, really really strict about n95 masks which I thought was an interesting detail. Yeah him and Vladimir Putin they're the world's two conservative covid's golds. Now before we get into Ben Shapiro's verse on this song I just like to note that, like, you know, Ben Shapiro has made a number of public statements declaring that rap music equals crap music. And, you know, like declared his, because, you know, he played violin since he was seven years old or something. And based on that musical expertise, he has adjudicated that rap music is in fact not music. And Alex, I remember we had, we had, we had joined ages ago to talk about the sort of genre
Starting point is 00:30:25 of conservative rap. And you made a point that like is obviously evident in this video, which is that like, similar to the Daily Water movie, Lady Ballers, which is about like, you know, like any loser guy is still better than the best woman at basketball. I think someone like Ben Shapiro who hates rap music has a like sort of, like has a need to be, participate in it as a way of kind of like denigrating rap music
Starting point is 00:30:49 They say that even I the lamest person on earth can do rap music better than black people So yeah, it's that easy And then there's no way to really dispute it because they point to iTunes and it says number one on iTunes because everyone's uncle Bought it you look on Spotify and it has 8,000 plays, but to them, that's enough. They say, well, I can rap as good as Lil Pump. Let's hear some more from Fax. Before we hear the Shapiro verse, we see Tom McDonald standing in front of a wall of monitors with Ben Shapiro's face, and he looks exactly like the grinning man that appears on most Apex
Starting point is 00:31:27 twin imagery. My pockets are fat, homey and epic, don't be a waff. Dog and siamak, I'll homey no cap. Look at the grass, look at my charts. You're blowing money on strippers and cars. You go into prison, I'm on television, dogs. No one knows who you are. Keep hating on me on the internet. My comments action all woke care-ins. Did I make racks off compound interest? Y'all live with your parents.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Nikki takes some notes. I just did this for fun. All my people down the list, let's get a billboard number one. This ain't red, this ain't red all right okay so wow let's go let's go behind the bars with Ben Shapiro um it's just that yeah i mean like really robotic it's like i mean this seems like like an ai like you just like i was gonna ask if it's ai yeah it's not like it's hard to get Ben Shapiro, but yeah, that was just so weird Yeah, I so unmusical. I don't know what like that not like I feel like Even for like Tom McDonald fans. Shouldn't we be past the novelty of like what a nerd is rapping?
Starting point is 00:32:41 Like is this 1998? What are we doing here? Weird Al Jankovic, they're better. Can't see it, why do they nerdy? Yeah. But yeah, but I mean like sort of similar to the Tom Tom's verse, like Ben's coming in and he's saying that like he's basically just advertising the thing like, you know, all the things, all the other things that rappers promote, like, you know, having sex, doing drugs, being cool. I'm not about
Starting point is 00:33:05 that. I'm making money off compound interest and talking about facts on my webcast. Is he trying to be anti-Semitic to himself? Why are you talking about compound interest? Why are you saying that? Don't say that. You're selling fence? I'm taking rent. That is so fucked up. Are you ready to hear a little more of it or should we dive into this Rolling Stone piece? You can ride in the street, you can ride in the street To the funding of the police, now there's no one to protect you I ain't no one to protect you, I ask myself what we're banding to Let's just keep it real fast, don't care how you feel man If you want my pronouns, I'm the man, I'm the man who don't respect you
Starting point is 00:34:02 I love a pronoun joke where you just give your pronouns. Oh man. Alright, I don't think there's much more. Enough of this. My pronouns are he, him, get used to it. Does that thank you? What are his face tattoos? Does one say hog? Oh yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Well, his old, he had this thing in like 2018, around the same time as White Boy and Dear Rappers, a hangover gang, but then he got sober. So he still has hangover gang like tattooed across his face. Oh, it's like one of us forever. Yeah. Johnny Depp's tattoo. Yeah. I just want to share a few details about Tom from this Rolling Stone article. It says here, perhaps you've seen the music video for White Boy, which currently has more than 22 million views on YouTube and made him minor celebrity of a carpenter turned pro-wrestler, turned rapper named Tom McDonald. God, listen, nail this guy to a crucifix and he could be our Lord and Savior. Carpenter?
Starting point is 00:35:18 How long was he a carpenter? Was he in a union? Because if you're talking about helping my uncle with his debt, I don't want to hear that. But Felix, it describes the other music video. It says, it is set in a Southern California classroom where the musician who is white wears blonde box braids and sits in a desk in a row of board-looking students. Just as he starts rapping about how he shouldn't have to feel bad for being white, the students start to make faces and throw paper at him. The teacher, played by a black actor,
Starting point is 00:35:48 tries to quiet McDonald down, waving his arms and wordlessly shouting. The rest of the classroom begins to taunt him. White boy, don't say that. White boy, you so bad. McDonald overpowers them with a scream of anguish, his voice rising above all the others in the room. White boy, white noise, sayin' shit I can't say with my white voice." Yeah, that song is very powerful because the stuff he says is like, my family never owned slaves, I would never say. There's an implied N word. He's like, I would never say, and it, yeah, it takes place, as I said, in the adult high school, where everyone argues with Tom McDonald. I think that's like where they make you go after you go to prison.
Starting point is 00:36:36 It's like remedial driving or something. Yeah. You have to go to Tom McDonald classes if you really, really screwed up in life. Go on here. It says, but McDonald started something more vicious than a conversation. you have to go to top mcdonald classes if you really really screwed up in life uh... go on your says but mcdonald started something more vicious than a conversation even if you've never seen the video for white boy you know precisely the type of person who would put it on repeat
Starting point is 00:36:54 uh... he'd gifted the culture war a new text eventually white nationalist discovered the song mcdonald said he spent hours deleting their comments celebrating him that freaked me the fuck out he said claiming that that as a Canadian he was unaware of the chaos this track would unleash. Of course he brought it upon himself. I was like, yeah, yeah, yeah. We're not all on the same internet.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Yeah. He's like, I'm sorry, I'm Canadian. I don't know about any of this stuff. You can't say how she goes to a different school. You're all just posting on Twitter. Yeah. But going on here, it says, four years after White Boy, McDonald is eager to show people, I'm not just some brainwashed, right wing zombie. When we spend time together this
Starting point is 00:37:33 winter at his place, he's ultra paranoid about COVID, requiring us to stay masked and socially distanced even outdoors. He suggests that he isn't against abortion or gun control, and that he watches videos about intersectionality What I would love to see what he means by that. What is that is that like from the griot? He reads the root I Would love to find out what he means by that because it can't he cannot be doing like there There's no way he's doing that. Does he mean like interracial porn? Well not on YouTube
Starting point is 00:38:16 Unless it's closed It's like it wasn't gonna go back to this like Canadian thing It's just like you don't even go to this high school and then he's, he's weighing in on all these American culture. And you know, when you're in Canada, it's like all our culture war issues just become backwash for their like, you know, trucker convoys and stuff like that. But like, he's just like, yeah, like we're, we're in the face tattoos talking about like, I'm proud to be white. And then he's like, damn, all these white nationalists are commenting on my shit.
Starting point is 00:38:42 I didn't, how could this happen? It seems like they would hate the way he looks Yeah, I know amazing how people can suspend their hatred for someone Yeah, like white guy dreads and all these piercings and all these face tattoos and all this shit where if their daughter brought that guy home It would come out with a shotgun, but once he says I'm racist. It's totally fine Same thing with 4g auto blow and all those guys. Oh, why do they support that? And I don't I really don't get I don't get the appeal of being a white nationalist if you have to hang out with guys who look like that.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Like, shouldn't they be clean cut? What's the point of the far right shit if we don't have clean cut guys like we used to? For face tattoos, we might as well be cool. I love it's 4 you out of blows great But I love like the guy whose face is even fatter than his I was a Jimmy Levy that guy Yeah, guys guys head is like it's just his eyes are like closed because like his face has pushed his like cheeks and Forehead together. Yeah, I love him and Jimmy leave it for you out of blown Jimmy Levy My favorite song they do is Target is Targeting Kids.
Starting point is 00:39:48 That one's awesome. Whatever happened to that? They used to be so mad at the store. Oh my god. No, it was like a new thing every week. They like, I ran out of things or they ran out of things that were like turning kids trans. But like, yeah, you know what they they did with Target? Like a similar thing to when people on Twitter will post like the Starbucks stock falling by like point seven percent and being like, oh, look, the boycotts working. I saw one of the worst things I've ever seen on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:40:21 It was someone who works at McDonald's saying they cut my hours, but I'm glad because it means the boycott is working. God damn man, that sucks so bad. That's really, really bad. I mean, it's like, it is, it's a double-edged sword, right? Like, it sucks to see and it's embarrassing that post where that girl was like, why do you think McDonald's is bringing pink shakes back because the boycott is working? It's embarrassing But also the fact that like people that stupid are like they know about Palestine. That's a good sign You know those people. Thank you tiktok. I guess. Yeah, I mean look 20 years ago
Starting point is 00:41:03 Those people did not know what anything was. People who would say that stuff. But now they, hey, their heart's in the right place. Yeah. When I was a teenager, if you knew about Palestine, you were weird. Yeah. Like, why do you know about that? Why do you know what Gaza is? But now it's normal. Continuing in the article it says here, let me just, okay. So McDonald grew up in Edmonton,, Alberta a city of a million inhabitants in central Canada where the average high in January Is 20 degrees Fahrenheit his dad was a contract negotiator for oil rigs after high school McDonald worked in construction specifically carpentry when he wasn't building houses or on rigs He performed in pro wrestling matches on pay-per-view wrestling against XWWWF competitors and touring on Canada's professional circuit as all-star Tom McDonald.
Starting point is 00:41:49 Going on, it says here, Rockefeller, this is referring to his girlfriend, Nova Rockefeller. Rockefeller's fear of dying from COVID is so acute that at first I think there's no way I'll ever be able to meet McDonald in real life. She tells me she still wipes down all her groceries and holds her breath to check her mail on her suburban street. She and McDonald build elaborate sets in their garage, spare room and backyard. One is a mental asylum complete with padded walls and fluorescent lighting. Another is an apocalypse bunker. There's a madman-esque living room with a bear rug and roaring fireplace. For one video, he brought a vintage car that's still in the front yard. So actually, I kind of like this. He's like, all his music videos, he just films in his house. Yeah, just pretty cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:30 Just like all the best stuff. He's DIY. What year was this? This is from 2022. Okay. I guess it was kind of reasonable to be that afraid of it. Yeah, I mean, COVID was still going on. If you just have asthma. At this point, I hope he's not still doing that. I was not just destroying his career and just never leaving. Growing up, McDonald's favorite wrestler to watch was Stone Cold Steve Austin,
Starting point is 00:42:55 who stick included guzzling beers and occasionally beating the shit out of his boss, the then WWF chairman. But the anti-establishment wrestler also played the hero. McDonald recalled the moment as a child as a child Bullied at school. He saw a match between Austin and the Undertaker pro-wrestling terrifying undead zombie Steve Austin came out and he was like this little six-foot dude with a shaved head and like didn't have the pageantry McDonald recalls Unexpectedly starting to cry as a child calls unexpectedly starting to cry as a child. That's what to me to see a person go up and fight in spite of the fact that they would
Starting point is 00:43:27 probably lose. Steve Austin won that day. A few years later, he'd gut punch a.k.a. Stun Trump himself during one of the future presidents' appearances promoting his show, The Apprentice. So, man, starting to cry because Stone Cold Steve Austin fought the Undertaker at Summer's Lamb. That just that justifies all the bullying. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:47 That justifies all the bullying that you're the guy who's crying at Stone Cold Steve Austin. Like, they were right to look down on you. I'm sorry. Yeah. Oh, Stone Cold, you, the way that you pretended to slap a guy in the back really hard, I realized that I could accomplish my goals. I really respected the way you saw Vince McMahon rape women and didn't do anything. It really spoke to me.
Starting point is 00:44:10 So yeah, so hopefully, hopefully, I don't know, I think Ben Shapiro's musical career should continue to continue to flourish. I think we I think you guys, you know, start selling features to other rappers, you know, it's 500k a feature. Or like, you know, a couple hundred thousand if I like you. Yeah, you can pay like five grand to get Snoop Dogg or Gucci Mane. They do features all the time for everybody. If you follow them on Spotify, you have a feed of just the worst shit. It's a 30 second feature from them. So Ben Shapiro, it should be less than that.
Starting point is 00:44:42 It should be like two dollars, but he's probably charging like 10,000 I would I would guess unless it's just a favor for Tom McDonald. Yeah, no, they wanted they wanted to link and build he Ben Shapiro saw the they're gonna kill me in my house and thought hell have some of that I do need to do a quick fact check on this Ben Shapiro verse This name of the song is facts. He says you, you're going to prison. I'm on television. False. Ben Shapiro is not on television. Daily Wire is not television.
Starting point is 00:45:10 That is a web show. You're right about that. Wait, who's his enemy that's going to prison? Just black people? Yes. Maybe they're right. A judge in Georgia. Just like reading through his verse,
Starting point is 00:45:24 the implied you on all of this is indeed just black people, mostly black women. Oh, okay. All right. Did you guys know that Palm Beach used to be run by the Romanovs? Really? I learned that this morning, the mayor of Palm Beach in the 80s was the heir to the Romanovs. He was the son of the Russian Grand Duke.
Starting point is 00:45:42 Oh, when you said that, I thought that like at one point, Paul Beach was like, it was one of those things like where there'll be an island that's like in the Caribbean that King Charles is their head of state still. Like how the president of France is always the co-prince of Andorra. Yeah. They don't have to be afraid of him though, because the second he got down there, he would die. Yeah. If he got got down there, he would die. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:06 If he got to the Caribbean, he would die. He would just roast. He would turn into a prune. A menuel Macron and some priests are like the co-princes of one of those weird European countries that has like 300 people in it. Yeah, I think Monaco, or not Monaco, is Andorra.
Starting point is 00:46:20 It's not Monaco. Yeah, yeah. The president of France is always the co-prince of Andorra, which I it's one of the few remaining Personal unions like the old days. Yeah, or one monarch would own two countries. It's kind of cool I like the I like the idea that someone can like lose reelection as a prince even if it's just co-prince Okay, oh, well, I know here's a story that we didn't get to last week with talking to Derek Felix Okay. Oh, well, I know here's a story that we didn't get to last week with talking to Derek Felix the story about the Israeli guy who walked into Gaza and was blown up by the idea of yeah, I've been trying to figure out this story is
Starting point is 00:46:53 Very confusing. Um, they were supposed to send out Goliath And we both fight and then we get it over with. They were supposed to do it. I so his like, um, his family is like, can you believe this happened? Can you believe that, uh, Israel accidentally blew our, our nephew up? And it's like, yeah. Before he got stuck in his tank. I don't, I don't, but I don't know what this guy was going for. I like the only thing I could think of is like he bought into
Starting point is 00:47:30 Israeli propaganda so much that he thought that like, you know, Palestinians are so cowardly and stupid that he'll just be able to do like a no weapon challenge run. Didn't Napoleon do that or Julius Caesar or something? I feel like that's a classic thing, like walking without armor to the front lines and you're magically unhit. He's probably going for something like that.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Well, he's just going for it. But the headline from Haaretz is, Avivu is in Gaza. The Israeli who entered Gaza and was mistakenly killed by the IDF. Two weeks after hundreds of terrorists crossed the border fence and massacred civilians, 29-year-old Avivhu Mori walked a half a kilometer into Gaza unimpeded until he was killed by the IDF. Two months later, his family is still waiting for
Starting point is 00:48:16 answers as to how the former soldier was able to cross the border fence. I like that they're waiting for answers to the question of how is he able to cross the border fence and not why was he killed immediately for walking around. They put the fence back up. I thought they knocked it over with bulldozers. Why would they put it why would they put it back up while they're invading? I don't get what's going on over there. That country sucks. Sick of them. I'm really sick of them.
Starting point is 00:48:43 It's complete dick. I am a diamond in silk. I am a diamond in silk. Supporting president Trump and triggering all of the lips. I am a diamond in silk. I am a diamond in silk. Supporting president Trump and triggering all of the lives. I'm looking for pictures of Nancy Pelosi's feet.
Starting point is 00:49:09 She won't go barefoot. Her city has shit on the street. We're coming for dummy crats. Alex, can you give us a roundup or preview of anything? What's going on on Chopper FyM right now? Who are the guys that you're investigating recently? Let's see. What have we been talking about?
Starting point is 00:49:26 There's Vinny Mack, the sex doll guy. He had a sex doll and he got married to her on YouTube and then killed her and had a funeral on YouTube. Then he tried to date real life women again and they didn't want to date him. So he got a new sex doll. And this time she's black. So that's that's what's up with him. Maybe America is getting too woke.
Starting point is 00:49:47 We're watching some of the transvestigators. There was one of them last night who was saying that RuPaul is FTM. I think all the drag queens are FTM, like they were born female and then go male and then... Transition to male and then do you drag as Female to male transsexuals. Yeah, it's the ultimate disguise And it makes no sense They're like the only possible goal would be to confuse the most easily confused people of all time Who just sit at home on a laptop all day Have you seen the transvestigators begin to begin begin to crack the seal on the most important
Starting point is 00:50:23 Transvestigation of all time, Donald Trump. Oh, yeah. He has birthing hips. Yeah. Because, yeah, like, I mean, he has a sort of a fey mannerisms that he carries himself with. But like, the transvestigators think that every single celebrity and world leader is trans.
Starting point is 00:50:44 So, I saw a thread where someone was like, yeah Like he like it like yeah, this definitely is this she definitely is or she definitely is a trans trans woman or trans man But we still have to support we still have to support him I don't know. I'm gonna confuse with the pronouns now myself the people are even more insane because they don't really have the Trump brain He's just kind of one more guy like Boris or anybody. So they can just say he's FTM. They'll say it is all of them, all of them. And that means all of them. Then sometimes people will argue with them being like, well, actually, my brother actually met this celebrity and he had
Starting point is 00:51:19 sex with her and she was totally normal down there and he didn't say anything weird and she says no, it is all of them. And then she'll post that they're they're actually secretly trans. I love horrified house guests and Simon Woods and all the greats. I love I love this stuff because like they say that when you ask them like why would they go through all this trouble? Like it seems really complicated. Their answer is that like by inverting the genders, it's a mind game. It's meant to freak everyone out. Yeah, but it's also a secret. That doesn't happen already. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:56 That's the thing about so many Psyops, like why do they have to do anything? Why do they have to put in work to make us not care and make us complacent and shit? Like that's just what the TV does. But yeah, like, but the other aspect of this is like, whatever, like hormonal or medical interventions, like this has been going on for like 70 years, would like that would have to be the case. So like, according to them, like thousands. Yeah, thousands.
Starting point is 00:52:20 I think it happens in like the Bible and like Nebuchadnezzar and like the Roman emperors and stuff And I don't know how they did it. So like how good how good were they at doing this stuff when like, you know Ava Gardner you born a man. Yeah, they were so Marilyn Monroe, man Like I mean, it's like what were they doing back then? I mean, I was like fucking I mean like it's worked phenomenally Well, yeah, some of those surgeons in Weimar, Germany, they must have escaped that institution. They got out. So like, I mean, what I wonder about the transvestigator
Starting point is 00:52:51 people is like, at what point did they begin to doubt your own like assigned gender at birth? Like, what point does this become like a scanner darkly style thing where it turns out you're investigating yourself the entire time? I guess that's the upside of having like an old photo and a photo album of your tiny little baby penis Yeah, the nirvana cuz then you can see okay. All right, it's always been there. They didn't get to me But yeah, Donald Trump, you know, like, no matter what gender he was assigned at birth,
Starting point is 00:53:33 no matter what gender he identifies as now, no matter what gender-based con he's currently engaged in as part of the Illuminati gender swap, transvestigation, global conspiracy. But you know, like, a good man is a good man. Got a good woman is a good woman and they deserve our support, nonetheless. No, what kind of drugs you don't see on that slip that got released? No estrogen. It would be on there. Alright gang, let's wrap it up there for today. I want to thank Alex Nichols for joining us today. You can find him on cha-po, FYM, and Fortune Kit.
Starting point is 00:54:10 Links to subscribe in the show description. Absolutely. Thanks for having me on, guys. Our pleasure. Always a joy. I would also just on your behalf shout out that Fortune Kit just released an album of all the songs that you guys made on Spotify. That's great. All the Fortune Kits songs are a delight. If you like, you know, like the episode one songs, the Fortune Kits. Yeah. If you want a Hot Wheel Menaker feature, it's even worse than the Ben Shapiro feature.
Starting point is 00:54:36 We get on that. Yeah. All your friends are on there. Yeah. Check it out. I'm going to go out with some great big God on this. We love our great big God. All right. Till next time, gentlemen, see you around. I know in heaven Dave Dwayne and him will sing for me. Great big God, now I believe it's true that big Dave is up there singing bass with you. Now I believe I will meet the couriers when I die.
Starting point is 00:55:33 They knew the size of God Colossal as he raised, raised seven years in the courier's reman.

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