Chapo Trap House - 853 Teaser - Price of a Vote

Episode Date: July 26, 2024

Will, Felix & Kath discuss the moral imperative of Gaza with a new Kamala candidacy. Subscribe today for access to the full episode and all premium episodes!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And like if you want to remove things from the arena of moralism or like, you know, trying to to engage with politics like it's a terrain of morality, which is always fraught and usually, you know, difficult to do and it, you know, it's, you're on thin ice whenever you do that. But I'm just thinking strategically here, if you're so desperate to vote and feel good about it, that you'll look the other way on something like what America is doing to Gaza. And not the Republican Party, not Donald Trump, but the Democratic Party of the United States of America, like the American government. What they've done to Gaza and the Palestinian people for the last nine months.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Then really what you're saying is like, what can't they do that you wouldn't support? And that they won't assume that your support is already baked in? Because if they can get away with doing that, like, I mean, where is the line for you? Yeah. And like, does that put the Pugethe movement in a stronger position than before? I mean, I don't know. Make me the argument here. Yeah, and it really is. It's all of a piece.
Starting point is 00:01:06 There is no sequestering this issue. It is all the piece. Yeah. People in England, people in England thought Keir Starmer is mostly good, except for this Israel stuff. But you know what? He's soft left. He'll be fine. They are starving children.
Starting point is 00:01:21 They just signed the Starve Children Act. Well, yeah, it's always of a piece. That's I mean, that's the other side to this here is because like, you can say that like, oh, like, it must be nice to be a one issue voter, like to have the privilege to be a one issue voter. Oh, your purity test. On like, you know, like, because, you know, like, hey, like, you live in this country, and I care about the rights of people in this country,
Starting point is 00:01:39 which would be imperiled by like, you know, Project 2025 or whatever. And fair enough. That's true. But here the flu side of this is like on Israel or like foreign policy more broadly, but Israel specifically is such a perfect stand in for everything else. Because like, how can I trust your judgment on, I don't know, an earned income tax credit for fucking, you know, two child households or whatever, if they're willing to go along with this shit? Right. If you think human life is that expendable, I don't trust you on anything. Or again, like how can I like trust you that, you know, like something I've engaged with other women about,
Starting point is 00:02:14 how can I trust your political project to, I don't know, do anything about standing up for women's reproductive rights if you're signing on to, you know, support the killing of women and children in Gaza? You know, like- Or that you're willing willing to you're willing to imperil that fundamental right to keep this ongoing. To continue to kill women and children in Gaza. These arguments are really morally disgusting to me.
Starting point is 00:02:37 And again, it's all part of the same moral project to me. You can't build walls around these things. And people asking you, especially like, I get this vibe from women voters, people asking me to choose, you know, like, abortion rights that haven't been protected over, you know, the continued genocide of of guys and men, women and children is disgusting to me. You know, once again, there's no there's no evidence to support that the Democrats will do anything about it anyway. So you're asking me to make this this like black box choice, there's no evidence to support that the Democrats will do anything about it anyway. So you're asking me to make this like black box choice that there's no evidence to support, you know, like we'll pan out on it. Yeah, it's...
Starting point is 00:03:12 And again, as I've said before, like, you know, this is my show, so I'm offering my opinions on, like, you know, what I will or won't do when it comes to voting in this upcoming presidential election. But as far as you, listener, or anyone even who hears about this, I'm not the fucking voting police. I'm not hopping in your mentions if you say something positive to be like, well you support genocide much? Like that's lame to me. I'm not trying to jump down anyone's throat here. I'm just trying to explicate or make clear what I believe and why I think Kamala Harris is not doing it for me. And I laid out what she could do, despite the fact that she is wholly unexceptional and bad on most other domestic, political and foreign policy
Starting point is 00:03:50 issues. I just told you the opening of which I would swallow my pride and vote for her. And she's not going to do it. Like I said, I'm willing to be surprised. I am willing to be surprised every time that they don't. Every time that you know, Democrats fail to, you know, cut off aid, the price of the vote goes up. Yeah.

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