Chapo Trap House - 860 - Super Taco Tuesday feat. Alex Nichols (8/19/24)

Episode Date: August 20, 2024

Alex back on the pod today as we touch briefly on cranks from the past and Ye’s nitrous fixation. Then, Biden and his team continue to seethe about being kicked off the ticket, while Tim Waltz’s m...idwestern diet sends the right into some sort of race-based rage. Then, despite his possible PTSD, Trump is still able to toss off some casual insults to cherished American institutions that would get any other politicians run out of town and Bolsonaro attacked by bees.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All I wanna do is live trouble All I wanna do is live trouble Hello everybody, it's Monday, August 19th and this is your truffle. It's me, Felix and Alex today and the Democratic National Convention is kicking off today in Chicago. And Felix and myself are headed to Chicago tomorrow. The whole world will be watching our show at the DNC. But just to open up things for today's episode, Felix been I've been waiting all weekend to ask you this But you referenced over the weekend on Twitter Just a character from out of the past from previous elections. I'm referring of course to Anti Bernie guy of mr. Weeks. I
Starting point is 00:01:21 Will remember mr. Weeks and you said he is currently embroiled in a controversy or I'm hearing Mr. Weeks his name for the first time in years and I'm just wondering if you could explicate for me and our listeners what Mr. Weeks has been up to and how he's made an appearance in this campaign. Okay, so for people who don't remember, and you know, I hope that you do, I hope that you have kept this guy in your mind because you should have. But Mr. Weeks was, he was a 2016 and 2020, you know, like he was in that network of people with like El Jordano and people like that.
Starting point is 00:01:57 RIP, PBUH. Yeah. Peace be upon El Jordano. know, El Giordano converted to Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster on his deathbed, actually. That's what I married. But Mr. Weeks was, he distinguished himself even in that crowd because he was, he was crazy on Twitter and he would say things like, Bernie's a fake fucking Jew, which was hilarious. But then he, you know, he breached containment. He breached containment out of the Twitter world, out of saying insane things in the Twitter world,
Starting point is 00:02:33 and he entered into the real world by buying an advertising truck that would drive around Manhattan, one of those like billboard trucks, if you've seen them. And it had on the side of it in quotation marks, Bernie Sanders said that women who got cervical cancer got it because they weren't getting orgasms. And this was referencing- You never see anyone try and disprove that.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Yeah. No. Yeah. I just say it's offensive. Where's the counter argument? I have yet to see it. I'd like to see the data. Referencing an essay that Bernie wrote in 1969, which, yeah, as Alex said, has not been disproven. We don't know. I mean, prostate cancer, we all know prostate cancer, nutting it reduces the rate of it. So, I don't know. Yeah. What do you think? Like good or bad pipe is good for your health? Probably not.
Starting point is 00:03:24 It's reasonable that it would be bad for your health. Yeah. Has any of Michael Douglas's wives or Catherine Zeta-Jones, has she been befallen by cervical cancer? I think not. Exactly, exactly. Like every time you see a woman with
Starting point is 00:03:36 cervical cancer, she's always got sort of like a nebbish, like, you know, presumably small dick husband. And not a non non pipe laying style husband Yeah But um, he would do you drive around with that advertising truck and had that and it had not a QR code But like the entire URL for his podcast and then a go fund me link for one of those go fund me So it was very popular around this time
Starting point is 00:04:02 Which was like, you know send me the craziest person you've ever seen. Send me to Vermont to investigate Bernie Sanders and prove he's a liar. And you were supposed to, you know, no QR code, anything like that. You're supposed to just write this down in traffic. Donate to Mr. Weeks now. But he is embroiled in a controversy because he has been saying, um, for a few years now that he was Baron Trump's nanny and that Trump, like, he said that Baron Trump, he was Baron Trump's nanny and he's like, Oh yeah. Like, um, you know, if we're taking Mr. Weeks his word over what his career has been, he has been an undercover police officer, a nanny, Baron Trump's nanny. He's been involved in drug busts on the police's side. You know, a remarkable life. Benjamin
Starting point is 00:04:55 Button-esque. But he said that he owned a daycare for the wealthy and that Baron Trump would punch his actual nanny, like his household nanny in front of him and like bite kids. But Mr. Weeks wouldn't kick him out because he said, I'm a safe space for a lot of kids, which I thought was nice of him. But anyhow, he has been, he's, this is my favorite type of thing you see on Twitter is when people of opposing sides are exactly as insane as one another because he's been fighting with like a Trump woman who's been proving that he's an insane liar by being like, wait a minute, you're not licensed
Starting point is 00:05:35 like anywhere in New York for any of this. Like you need licenses to do this. You don't have any of them. And Mr. Weeks proved that this woman who dug up that stuff on him, he proved that she has like eight domestic violence cases against her. So it's really like it's the best stuff you see on Twitter when people are matched up on like an equal insanity level. That has been very, I've been very happy to see him back. I've always missed him. I hope he never goes away. I love Mr. Weeks.
Starting point is 00:06:07 I mean, it's Mr. Weeks. It's been Mr. years since I've since I've thought of him. But I was thrilled that he's made a return because I remember back in in 2020, the the genius to like, like you said, to break the containment of social media by hiring an a billboard truck to just be like you said, to break the containment of social media by hiring a billboard truck, to just be in physical reality sharing your posts with people, I thought was a brilliant, like a brilliant development in sort of political sloganeering, in online personality disorder. But Felix, you mentioned his his career with the police. Shout out to someone who shout out to someone who dug up this absolutely
Starting point is 00:06:49 amazing Mr. Weeks story. This is from March of 2020. He writes, You know why I've never tried cocaine? I was working in a gang unit. They raided a house filled with gang members. Bullets started to fly between gangs and police. A gang member was hit, and one detective threw cocaine on the bullet wound.
Starting point is 00:07:10 It fried his wound, slowed down the bleeding. Because it's a vasoconstrictor, but I don't think it would work that fast. I don't think it would. I think you're giving way too much thought to this. I think it's just like it was like you think it's cocaine is like xenomorph blood or something. It just burns you.
Starting point is 00:07:30 It's the QuickTime event with Arthur Morgan when the O'Driscoll's get him. When you put the gunpowder in your bullet wound and then light it on fire with the candle. I think that's what he was remembering. But when he says, I was working in a gang unit, I was isn't it just called being a police officer? Who works in gang units with the police who aren't members of the police?
Starting point is 00:07:51 Was he just a consultant? And then, okay, if he was, why was he going on raids where bullets were flying? I mean, the fact that cocaine can sear your flesh shut to save you from bleeding to death from a bullet wound is, I mean, that's the marquee lie in this story, but I was working with a gang unit. What does that mean? What does that mean? Is he back on Twitter? I got to do my own research on Mr. Weeks, I guess, because I know he got banned from Twitter.
Starting point is 00:08:20 I think he was one of those people that was doing a bot farm. I love that. I love that about the gang unit thing because yeah, it's like, can you pick up temp hours as like a member of a SWAT team? Or was this like as part of his role as a nanny? Or is it just like Mr. Weeks is such a like, people outside of New York don't know this, but in New York, he's such a like beloved, like almost like a Pee Wee Herman type figure that people like doing their jobs around the city, seeing Mr. Weeks walking by and are like, Hey, Mr. Weeks.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Public masturbation. That's what he does with his truck. They're like, Hey, Mr. Weeks, like, uh, do you want to take part in this drug bust or like a bunch of investment makers? Oh my God, it's Mr. Weeks. Do you want to, uh, you want to get in on this merger and acquisitions we're doing? Like, hey, firefighters, everyone's inviting him
Starting point is 00:09:12 to their whatever job they're doing. That's how I picture it. He's like a cross between Pee-wee Herman and with his work in the cocaine gang drug unit, Pee-wee Kirkland as well. Mr. Weeks is a man of many talents. Maybe he's at that daycare and he's interrogating the children of rich people to find out which of their parents have cocaine.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Like do any of your parents have like bricks of sugar that they sell? They have a lot of people coming by their house at weird hours and they have like white powder that they say is salt or something. And then someone's like, yeah, I do. And then next thing you know, there's a SWAT team breaking down their door and he's there. I love that he gets to be part of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:52 But like, I assume Mr. Weeks is still, is still a diehard democratic partisan. Like, you know, he's, he hasn't switched sides. Is he still riding with Biden? Well, assumingly riding with Kamala now. Um, is he going to be at the DNC? I like that is something I hate about the Democrats is they don't really reward people like now, even though they should. Like they
Starting point is 00:10:13 only they only reward people who are like already a part of like the actual party infrastructure, not like, you know, the insane people that maybe get like a few dozen dollars to yell at people. Like that is a different like the Republican Party would reward Mr. Weeks. Yeah, he would have a he would have a speaking he would have a speaking slot to share some of his some of his stories. So some of his Oh, yeah, some of his memories his life experience with
Starting point is 00:10:40 the nation. He is the exact type of person they would get to speak at like an RNC type of event. Like a guy, a guy who goes up there and it's like, I was an undercover police officer slash daycare worker and I was a sniper at night. I was a night sniper. Night sniper. That was my graveyard shift job. If you have night vision, it's really easy. He would switch the law. He would switch the lie and he would be like, Oh yeah, L.A. M. Hoff. I was L.A. M. Hoff's nanny. And she actually, uh, she punched her real nanny for this was two years ago, by the way.
Starting point is 00:11:17 She was 26. Actually, I do have an article today about how Ella Emhoff supports ketamine therapy for her bad back. So hey, will that, if you dump ketamine on an open wound, will that cause any effect? Will that save your life or is that only cocaine? People got to mix it up. People are using too much ketamine just all day, every day. Do it a couple nights a week or something. Like, Elon Musk, he just wakes up and starts doing ketamine.
Starting point is 00:11:48 And we all know about what happened to Chandler. Or nitrous now, if you're Kanye West. Yeah, or nitrous. Like, oh man. Those will just melt your brain, those two together. Yeah. I don't know like how does like someone with like a billion dollars get into nitrous that boggles the mind. There's a there's a lot about nitrous and the people who use it that
Starting point is 00:12:16 boggle the mind. Yeah. But yeah, I mean, it's just not that fun. Yeah, it's a drug for ninth graders. Like, I got to say, though, I mean, like a good representation of the fact that Kanye West did get addicted to nitrous oxide is that he made Milo Yiannopoulos his manager. But I got to say those texts with Milo Yiannopoulos are some of the funniest things I've ever seen when it was just like, yeah, when who, by the way, if you have a full tattoo on your head, I don't even want you being my vet. Let alone me, any kind of oral surgeon. No, no thanks.
Starting point is 00:12:58 But he was just like, issue number one, the full legalization of recreational nitrous. And Milo's reply was, surely you're joking. Surely you are joking. How would that go? Did they think, okay, we're going to use our connection with Trump and do what? Show him Kanye now and be like, oh, look how normal he is. Shouldn't everyone be able to do nitrous? Look how much he has it together.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Like imagine that process, like getting dispensaries open for like listed as recreational nitrous. Yeah. Imagine like the legal battles that would go on and like them discussing that like in the California State House, they're going to have dispensaries that are like, they look like Apple stores and they give you the balloon and the big tanks and stuff. Like it's all written, like as a million people have pointed out, it's already sort of legal.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Like you can get it for whipped cream. You can get it for auto restaurant items for cars. That guy was pointing out, but you can't really get just the giant tanks. Like you can, there are certain places where you can get them, but it's not, there's an, a store on every corner that's advertising. You can huff this shit. It's good for you. It feels so good. Which is, I guess what they want.
Starting point is 00:14:21 I guess I'm for that. I'm for legalization or whatever. I guess I'm for that. I'm for legalization or whatever. I love how in the middle of this conversation about legalizing this so the dentist can own a dispensary chain. That's really what it's about. In the middle of that conversation, him and the evil dentist Milo are going back and forth and then in the middle of it Connie is like Can I have nitrous?
Starting point is 00:14:50 Any he spells it all fucked up he's like he could be permanently like goofified Sir, it says it certainly rhymes certainly rhymes with a certain history. It fixes anti-Semitism. Have you noticed he hasn't said, ever since he started nitrous, he's been really nice about Jewish people. So maybe it is medicinal. Did they invent it?
Starting point is 00:15:18 I don't know if that was us. It feels like it could be us. I could definitely see that. Let's get APAC and Democratic Majority for Israel on board with the legalized recreational nitrous train. It was probably the Yippies. Yeah. You could probably say it was the Jews somehow in a positive way. It was Jerry Rubin or something.
Starting point is 00:15:40 He brought it to the DNC in 1968 and that's how it got introduced to the wider population. Well, speaking of the DNC, like I said, this week is the Democratic National Convention. And, you know, this is a sort of a commonplace coronation. But I did want to I did want to check in with the current occupants of the White House. People forget Joe Biden is still president. I know that's hilarious to say, but he is in fact still president. And there was a fairly amazing there was a fairly amazing piece in Axios this morning. Because like, you know, at this point, it's pretty much all knowledge Joe Biden is addressing the DNC tonight. And he's passing the torch off that like people will have generally come to regard his address the DNC tonight as essentially
Starting point is 00:16:24 the caps like the final nail on the coffin of his political career. I mean, he's been in office for what, 60 years now? And this is essentially what would be his exit and like his sort of a legacy defining moment. But like this is this is his exit from national politics. And the Axios piece is basically about how he's still sore about that. And the headline is Behind the Curtain, Biden's Bitter, Sweet Exit. And this is by Mike Allen and Jim Van De Heijn. It begins with this story here.
Starting point is 00:16:55 President Biden hasn't had much to smile about lately, but we hear he got a huge laugh on a recent call when he was told about this encounter at Fenway Park in Boston. A former top White House official under President Obama ran into Mike Barnacle, the morning Joe regular and close friend and ardent defender of Biden, and said, Isn't it great that fucking guy finally figured out he had to quit? Barnacle was tired and wasn't having it. What guy? He replied. Joe Biden, the West winding alumnus replied.
Starting point is 00:17:22 You know something? Fuck you, Barnacle replied, and fuck all your friends or their anonymous quotes from the papers. Put your name on it next time and kept walking. A source familiar with Biden's reaction to the story told us he might still be laughing. About what? An angry old man yelling at someone at Fenway Park? Yeah, that is such a confusing old man story. Oh my God, that is so much like the story, that is so much like the stories my grandmother tells me. I saw my friend, but I thought it was my other friend. What?
Starting point is 00:17:55 Mike Barnacle, probably the most, like, this is like, did Charles, it was Charles Dickens, his father, you know, Mike Barnacle is like, it's too, it's too perfect for what his job in DC is, which is to go on Morning Joe and pretend to be Joe Biden's friend. And then call Joe Biden to tell him a story about him telling one of his former staffers to go fuck himself at Fenway Park because he made an anonymous quote in the paper. But basically... Yeah, that's such a bad story.
Starting point is 00:18:22 If someone was like, hey, I have a great story for you. Someone was calling you fat and stupid and I told them to fuck off. It's like, OK, I just not told me that. And in Axios, it says here, why it matters. And it says, Biden's friends tell us that the president, as the president heads to his Democratic National Convention send off in Chicago tonight, he's somewhat relieved and pretty nostalgic, but also still stunned and pissed about the way he was pushed out of his reelection race. What we're hearing tonight's prime time
Starting point is 00:18:55 speech by Joe Biden Jr. 80. Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. 81 will be a heartfelt passing of the torch. This should take the junior off. heartfelt passing of the torch. This should take the junior off. Yeah, I know why. You don't get to be junior anymore. I've never heard junior appended to his full name, but this is the big picture. For the first time in the epic life of Scranton Joe, it's the end of the road. Until now, aides have compared Biden with a shark.
Starting point is 00:19:17 To breathe, he has to keep moving. Now the future holds a presidential library and retirement in Delaware. Then it says basically that Biden is a some Biden stalwarts blame the press for forcing him out and now see that what they see is fawning coverage of Harris. What were they supposed to do? He gave him no other choice. They gave him the nice route to to leave and he wouldn't do it. They had to like keep pressing the buttons and like threatened to sick
Starting point is 00:19:43 the Department of Justice on Hunter or whatever. Or just start killing his family members. Yeah, this is the Democratic Party. They're not known for springing into action. It got so bad that they had to do... Again... He forced them to actually be proactive for the first time ever. Yeah. Again, like in his in his like interview, his softball interview that was supposed to like clear this all up and be like, hey, I had a cold. It was a bad night. His I'm not too old interview was the one where he said, ha voodoo boo boo. The craziest thing I've ever heard a president say, ho voodoo boo boo. And whether it's whether it's Mike Barnacle or Joe Biden
Starting point is 00:20:27 himself, or these staffers that are seething over what they feel is like the media treating them unfairly. Look, you can believe all of that and like because, you know, that's it. That's what you believe. And you're loyal to Joe Biden. But like, how do you look at this in a presidential election that's gone from like in the space of 48 hours from one that virtually everyone agreed the Democrats are going to lose to one that is the worst case scenario for the Democrats, across the board toss up competitive
Starting point is 00:20:56 election and like all they had to do is that the only reason that that's the case is because Joe Biden stopped step down. That's it. So like, how can you continue to be mad about this and seethe about this? Like all the people who up until a couple of weeks ago that were just like replacing Biden is suicide. This is madness and it would never will never happen. It can never happen. And it's just like, well, now it's happened. And obviously, it's been to the Democratic Party's benefit. They should have done this
Starting point is 00:21:24 months ago, even not years ago. But I just don't get where this anger is coming. I mean, I guess I do understand where the anger is coming from. Like he had his fault, but he did get like, yeah, the entire party kind of decided that they don't care about him anymore, that they're not going to give lip service to the whole Joe Biden myth about like his wife's car accident, Bo Biden, and how he came back from Iraq and Hunter and how he's troubled and he loves his son. Like they're just, they dropped that shit completely.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Yeah. They're just like, he was used to getting that treatment for so long, for decades. And people just shattered the myth because they got so sick of his bullshit. And they just said, this guy's too old, he sucks, he's awful, just get him the fuck out of there. And I'm sure that was a shock to him. But Like I said, they gave him the easy way so many
Starting point is 00:22:09 times. Yeah, yeah. This is entirely self-inflicted from him. I mean, yeah, I can imagine that this is kind of a an upsetting realization to have to face. But like, just look at the poll, get the poll results. I mean, God, it's probably the best thing he ever did. Yeah, but he really was want to kill himself because it was just like, it just like overnight, overnight they're like a party left for dead. Now a viable contender in presidential election
Starting point is 00:22:34 after old man goes away. It's like, it's a wonderful life. Yeah. It's like the episode of a Fairly Odd, the Fairly Odd Parents where Timmy realizes that everyone's actually is better off if he died. It's like, yeah, the angel takes him to see Potter's Ville and it's like, Democrats win election, nation healed, Trump away forever. He's like, he's seeing his family
Starting point is 00:22:56 members and they're like, the one thing we don't miss is Joe Bud and I'm so glad he died before running for reelection. His family, they have a bunch of well-behaved dogs. They have a golden retriever that's like just perfectly quiet and well-behaved. I guess they are better off. Imagine spending 60 years of your life trying to be president and then like, and then you finally do the thing that you've wanted your entire life. And then it's just, but it happened too late. It just happened too late. And you just, and like they cruelly, the party took it away from him just because he couldn't stay awake or speak in public anymore. Yeah. And it's also like for Biden, especially you don't get to complain about this because
Starting point is 00:23:41 like Biden had the most like it was it was his zombie campaign his primary campaign all the way until South Carolina and then Oh Bunkler and the super friends they all got together and we're like okay it's Joe the exact same mechanism that pushed him out is also the one that basically gave him as the nominee in the first place but Joe again Joe is you know or not, he's delusional enough to think, no, I did that myself. Like it's, it's the same thing with like, um, when they have surrogates talk to him, uh, you know, activist or pressure groups, when they had, when
Starting point is 00:24:18 they would talk to Joe after his inauguration and he would be like, I don't have to give you shit because I want you to do anything to help me Which it always made the like we're junior partners in the coalition thing so funny to me because it's like yeah This guy really pays up when it's a with the ledger is do I mean I remember like right after his election there was that I mean I think you're referencing is like a meeting between him and the leaders of the NAACP And they're like he was the first white boy to ever call Trump racist. They were like, hey, we want like that.
Starting point is 00:24:50 We talked about this during the election. And he was like, I was the I was the first one. I call I said it when no one else called Trump racist, which that's a great insight into how delusional he is. Every Democrat was doing that. But he's like, I was the first white one. Imagine if there was someone with Joe Biden's stature and build in the NFL. Now imagine what he would do in the NFL as a quarterback. But you couldn't give him CTE. That's true. It might
Starting point is 00:25:21 actually make him smarter. It might actually loop around and you keep hitting him in the head and he keeps suddenly talking like he did in 1972. He gets sacked and he's like, wait a minute. If I keep getting giving NetYahoo weapons, then he's not afraid to go to a regional war. Oh, whoops. Maybe I should get a little dog. Just a little lap dog and I wouldn't have to worry about it. But no, I feel like I think you make an excellent point that like the exact mechanism that gave
Starting point is 00:25:55 like crowned him as the president in 2020 that like, you know, got Bernie out of there, made sure he was the nominee, gave him the presidency, is the exact same mechanism that removed him, removed him from running for reelection. Because it was never him. It was never him. And like, honestly, like, and I mean, like, I think I've made my feelings about Kamala pretty well known on this show. You know, it's nice to say I'm not impressed by her, nor do I like her at all. But I mean, just in the immediate shift in the polling and like other people have made
Starting point is 00:26:29 this point, but like it just it doesn't show like how much how much was just being left on the bench by the Democrats by like refusing to run anyone for president other than these like desiccated party grandies like Hillary Clinton or Joseph Robin at Biden Jr., the third Esquire. You know what? Like not even the polling, but like my non-scientific metric for like checking the temperature of the country, the biggest shift, the most gigantic swing I have seen is in my favorite metric, DJ academics' comments when he posts anything about politics. And like it's, it's insane.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Like, because academics is a big time Trump supporter. Oh yeah. He loves Trump. He loves Trump. Oh, you see UNK's comments at the NRA. You fucking with them or not? Yeah. He's Trump is UNK to him.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Blazing that firefighter and there was a guy right behind him. You know, whenever he would post a politics thing, it was, it used to be like filled with people that were like, yeah, Trump 2020, we're going to get the economy back, you know, woo, like, yeah. Like all types of people going like, we, oh, everything was great under him. Fuck Biden. And now Kodak Black is out of prison.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Thank you, Trump. But now ever since he's, he, uh, since Biden stepped down, every guy who says something pro Trump, there are like 20 comments underneath him. They're like, you're so stupid. You think you like Trump because he got in a song with Kodak Black? You're a idiot. It is an overwhelming shift. It's almost like it's 2017 again in academics' comments. Because not just the quality of the candidate, but the the effect that it had on the baits. Like we've said it before, but having Joe Biden in there exhausted and embarrassed the
Starting point is 00:28:32 Democratic, the Democratic base to the point that they did not want to profess. They did not want to defend him. Yeah. Nobody wanted to show out for him at all. Except just the basic celebrity. Yeah. Yeah. People who endorsed Obama without even thinking because he was just a Democrat and he was
Starting point is 00:28:49 under the age of 80. That didn't happen for Biden. You had to call those people and you had to get Katy Perry on the phone and be like, can you please endorse the Democrat? If you're a celebrity, it does like fuck with your credibility. If you're standing next to like a guy who doesn't know where he is and you're like, this is the best guy for this job. This guy's amazing.
Starting point is 00:29:13 He knows where he is. He's doing great. Yeah. Now, I mean, it was only just like a very small cadre of like elite Biden defenders who, you know, they've they've they've switched, they've switched gears fairly seamlessly. But Alex, who was that? Who is that that account that I saw I saw you sharing the other day? We're like, it was someone it was someone defending Kamala, but they were saying like, all the watermelon people are coming after Miss Stacy. And then all the replies are like, they came from Miss Stacy. No, they've they don't know
Starting point is 00:29:44 what they're messing with Like what the fuck was that referring to? Oh, yeah, that was so I couldn't figure it out I looked at I think it was like miss Denise or something. Miss Denise. Miss Denise. Yeah. Yeah these people who are I assume Israelis pretending to be African Americans Just talking in that very weird way and saying like they're they disrespected our elders are you fucking serious and like just said like that video of that old lady talking about Palestine and they were like oh she's the type of grandma that would tell you to go and fetch a switch and if she didn't get the switch she would she would hit you with the whole tree and
Starting point is 00:30:19 it's like what like one what century are we in yeah like what, like what it just, I feel like I'm going insane reading. When, when is it good to listen to elders? Cause I thought like as a, as a demographic group, elders in this country were dog shit whose opinions they disregarded on everything across the board. And they're not even really elders. They're baby boomers. We're like, they were like the first millennials. They're like, they invented permanent adolescents.
Starting point is 00:30:47 They're not elders. I hate when people use the term elders like that. Like they're not Deckard Cain. It's just like a stupid old person. You would hate them if you were behind them in line and TSA, they wouldn't be an elder then. Also, they're stupid old person. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:04 You don't have old person cred if you're on TikTok. You're just a millennial with bad skin at that point. I have white guy tacos and like black. Like mayonnaise and tuna? What are you doing? Pretty much ground beef and cheese. That's okay. Do you put any flavor in it?
Starting point is 00:31:22 No. Here's the deal. No, they said to be careful and let her know this, that black pepper is the top of the spice level in Minnesota. But to move on from Biden to Kamala and Tim Walls, Tim Walls, Tim Walls, VP selection, the pseudo controversy that happened this week, because of some, you know, trickly video in which Tim Walsh declared that he likes white guy tacos.
Starting point is 00:31:48 I mean, well, first of all, I'm just going to say to Alex and Felix, I know that this is this this is a prime form of social media based discourse is when white people get to opine on food. And what is good food and what is bad food and what is traditional food? And what is what is goyslob? larbuboldo it is kind of the perfect discourse for them it is it's a because it gets people talking about it's like because it's a way that he has the best barbecue yeah well actually i have some opinions on this but uh obviously the the right wing is going insane over this and i want to read some of their reactions to it. But like all food discourse is just displaced race discourse among white people.
Starting point is 00:32:29 And it's usually like white people wanting to signify that they're cultured and they like spicy food, or in Tim Walz's case, sort of being self-deprecating about not liking spicy food. And then you have the actual right wingers who have like, instead of ignoring this trifle, this absolute drivel, have chosen to basically declare that declare Tim Walz a race trader for lightly making fun of the dietary habits of Midwestern white people. Yeah, this is a like global right wing problem. We're like,
Starting point is 00:32:58 they hate Tim Walz and they hate Kamala and they hate like lib stuff. But it's like, I don't know. I don't even, I know a lot of like regular Democrats in my family. None of them watched that video. They're not the only people that are like going to the Kamala website and like, or the Kamala YouTube and like refreshing and like being the first thousand views
Starting point is 00:33:20 on a video that's called like, you know, Tim Walts and Kamala chef it up. Are these like insane right-wing people? Like I, I, I cannot imagine consuming that much Kamala content. Yeah. I would just stand right past it. It's nothing like I like white people. Tell like, okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:40 It's like a, it's a hack observation from like 50 years ago. Like white people like mayonnaise. Like, I don't know. I don't know how you get offended by that. Even if you're doing it cynically, there's got to be something better to jump on. Yeah. And they're like, wasn't he governor and someone like got out of jail and then killed somebody like there's really nothing else. Usually that's the case. Well, Alex, I saw right before we came on, Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin was attacking Tim Walz for getting married on the anniversary of Tiananmen Square.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Not even do a Chinese one. Completely unrelated. The thing is, Tim Walz did teach abroad in China. He was in China when Tiananmen Square happened and then he went on a honeymoon with his wife But he got married on the fifth anniversary of Tiananmen Square and his wife said Because he wanted to choose a date that he wouldn't forget But I mean no he was a he was a he wanted to get married to support the Chinese Communist Party and You know, we don't know he was, he was, he wanted to get married to support the Chinese Communist Party. And you know, we don't know. So he was against it, I guess.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Yeah. Well, I mean, that's a normal position. Like I think if you really got, if you got Xi Jinping on the phone and asked him like, was, did you guys maybe do a little too much with that? Like maybe there was like a better strategic way to deal with that. He'd be like, yeah, maybe. You could have smoothed it over if we had like another crack at it. Well, I just want to read this.
Starting point is 00:35:15 This is a this is a news. This is a news summary from Fox News about the Harrison Wall. The headline here is Harrison Walls' racist banter about white guy tacos spurs social media backlash. And it says here, a Harris campaign video released Thursday featuring vice presidential candidate Tim Walls deadpanning that he eats white guy tacos
Starting point is 00:35:37 is getting some blowback from critics on social media. Adding fuel to the fire was Vice President Kamala Harris' snarky response in the video with critics saying it mocked white people. I have white guy tacos and Walls says in the campaign video of him and Harris discussing some of their favorite food. What does that mean like mayonnaise and tuna? What are you doing Harris? Quip back. Walls responded by saying it was pretty much just ground beef and cheese. That's okay Harris then added. Do you put any flavor in it? Uh, no Walls responded garnering a cackle from Harris. The exchange did not fly with Harris and Walls critics.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Some complained of racism, while others highlighted the double standard elucidated by the video, arguing that if Senator JD Vance, Republican of Ohio, were to say something similar about black people, he would get excoriated. And it's like, what kind. Campaign video would that be? What? Like what? Like they're imagining campaign video where JD Vance is just like sitting in a room alone and he's like, black people tacos
Starting point is 00:36:33 probably have fucking shit in them. Like who would that be for? I don't like, okay. Like, yeah, I guess people wouldn't like that. I guess you're right. Yeah, no, it's like, this is my favorite kind of right wing race commentary when they accurately assess that there is in fact a double standard about what kind of racial comments you
Starting point is 00:36:54 can make based on the race of the person saying it and the race of the person is directed at. Yeah, there is kind of a glaring double standard in American life. But hey, look, if you want to buck that trend, go with God. But don't be surprised at the outcome. What's the video that they want from JD Vance where he's just like, oh, I like listening to music the black people way through the speakers on my phone on a bus full of people. I don't want to make this happen. But if JD Vance made a video where he just said, don't wash your chicken, I think you could create a mirror image of this.
Starting point is 00:37:31 If they were smart, that's what they would do. Have a video where JD Vance is like, don't boil fabuloso. My mom did growing up and it exploded. Yeah. My mom did growing up and it exploded. JD Vance raised got the eyeliner on and he's just like stammering about you're actually spreading more bacteria. If you cook it to a normal temperature, it kills all foodborne pathogens. I mean, why not?
Starting point is 00:37:58 Why not do that if you're the Trump campaign at this point? Like you're not, it's not getting better. You may as well like just go, go for what, go for something you really want to do. JD Vance, he can do a different video about a different race every day. So going on to the Fox News article, see folks, it's funny that white people hate spices, not racist at all. Just funny posted The Daily Wire as Ben Shapiro. And it's just like, okay, look, A, like it's not that funny. I mean, like you said, this is like the limpest form of observational, racial humor and self-deprecation you could possibly come up with.
Starting point is 00:38:36 But like, it's also not racist because it's like, well, it's a white guy saying it about himself and it's also a white person. So, once again, it goes back to this double standard that look, I don't, I don't make the rules, but I will enforce them. And like if Ben Shapiro wants to violate that double standard, he's, he's free to. But where's my favorite? Oh, this is my favorite one. This isn't cute.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Walls is being used as a clown to mock white people said Fox News columnist David Marcus, if Walls doesn't like spicy food, that's's fine but it has nothing to do with being a white guy and then find them in my favorite reaction Hispanics are not tacos said Senator Ted Cruz in response to the remark. That was good. Hispanics are not tacos. He was the only guy I thought that came out of this looking good because someone needed to say that. What point he, I, I, what point was he trying to make? Was he saying that like they were pandering to Latinos by making tacos? I, it doesn't really make sense.
Starting point is 00:39:34 I don't know. Yeah. It doesn't seem like Tim Walz was trying to pander to Latinos. Yeah. It didn't really have anything to do with that. And like the, the, the, the guy who said like that this is not funny. He's being used to mock white people. Like, no, the point of that video is to pander to white people, not to minorities.
Starting point is 00:39:52 It's the payers are white people who like, you know, want to have a sense of racial camaraderie where they can kind of poke fun, where they can like, you know, poke fun and racial difference, which is everyone's been very, you know, like obviously, like hesitant to do because of, you know, things like double standards and the country's current climate. But like, yeah, this is a video to pander to white people. And to his point about how if he doesn't like spicy food, that's fine, but it has nothing to do with being white. I would say that's true. But that is definitely not true if you're talking about Midwestern white people. And out of my limited, but I shall say Midwestern adjacent life experience,
Starting point is 00:40:26 I can say that that is 1000% true. 1000% true. The mid, the Midwest white guy dad does indeed think pepper is too spicy. Yeah. It depends on generation really. Like I'm not the first person to make this point, but a lot of gen X and millennial guys, like normie white guys are really into hot sauce. Like way too into hot sauce. They get like the diarrhea fuel hot sauce that's meant to give you hemorrhoids and they just pour it all over everything. And they're like, I could fucking handle it, man. I could fucking handle bottles and bottles of this shit. I'm so cool.
Starting point is 00:40:59 You mean that Reaper pepper, bro. I want that Reaper pepper. Well, that's like, yeah, Tim, Tim Waltz type, right, a version of spicy food. But his son, who is wearing like DC skate shoes when he's 39, he is doing all the hot sauce challenges, you know? Yeah. Wait, here's another really good one. Ian Howarth, a conservative speaker, writer and podcast host, argued that Walz's remark would cause riots if it was done in reverse by a Republican. I just want to say, just say the thing, what would that look like if it was done in reverse
Starting point is 00:41:33 by a Republican? The fact that they can't even speculate on what that would sound like should give you the idea of how offensive it would probably come off as sounding. Trump saying that tacos are too spicy? That like I went to Mexico and had the authentic food and it was too spicy. I don't know. I don't think people would even notice. And then best of all, weird Mike Cernovich got in on it by finding a weird Mike Cernovich did some actual gumshoe shoe leather reporting in that he found a an award-winning recipe that Tim Walls had
Starting point is 00:42:06 won at some Minnesota state dinner, a hot plate dinner, or a hot dish, sorry, sorry to my Midwestern brethren, a hot dish dinner, which is, you know, goyslop. It's goyslop. You put slop in a dish and you feed it to goys. So he won a hot dish recipe, and in the recipe that he posted his own recipe that won the award, the ingredients included garlic powder, onion powder, and chili powder. So he's lying about not eating spices. If he's lying about that, what else is he lying about? Kui Bona, ask yourself, who benefits?
Starting point is 00:42:41 Yeah, I'm missing good gumshoe reporting like that. I guess he thinks chili powder is really spicy. Like he he's kind of mixing up the meanings of spicy in the sense that it has spices and like seasoned versus spicy. Like when people say spicy, they mean it's hot sauce. It's like hot pepper. And oh yeah, one more from Jack Psobiak argued that Harris's comments had mocked white people. The Kamala campaign is now making videos mocking white people for not seasoning their food, a popular anti-white meme online. Not even making this up, says Psobiak.
Starting point is 00:43:17 An anti-white meme. It's just like, like I said, this is the corollary to why conservatives can't do political humor because they start with a comedic premise, but then they get too mad at the thing they're supposed to make fun of before they have to like be funny. And then they're just sputtering angry. This is like, they don't believe in believe in like sort of playful self deprecation at this point because they they get too angry about being attacked and saying white people
Starting point is 00:43:40 don't season their food is anti white racism. More than that, like, you know, all things being equal, it would be very easy to make fun of a sort of NGO, professional activist friendly system of language that the Democratic Party has adopted in certain things. It would be pretty easy for a political party opposed to the Democrats to do that. But you can't do that and like say that you're, you know, your lamb, your lambasting wokeness when like, it's very clear, you just like, you want to do that, but for yourself, you know, it's, it's, you know, it's just like all
Starting point is 00:44:24 the Zionists who say they're against toxic identity politics. It's like, no, you're just against someone else doing it. You want to do that. You're not against it. You just want it only applied for yourself. So it makes a bunch of things well flat. It's unfair because broadly speaking in our culture, you can make fun of white people in a way that you can't make fun of black people if you are white. And they're saying that's not fair. I should get to make fun of black people and no one should get to make fun of me or my race or any of our quirks or personality traits. Also, like, every, everything that you see on like Twitter trending is like the most racist meme you've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Yeah. There's plenty of that now. You can go and find it anywhere, you know? Also if you think about it for just a second, like the self-deprecation that's not actually hurting white people in any way, like economically, socially, financially. It's actually part of a strategy to sort of normalize the racial hierarchy that we already have and sort of give it a smiling human face.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Like, oh, us white people who still own all the money and all the property, we sure like our bland food, right? Like they don't get that that's a voicing power. Yeah. To defang a racial hierarchy that don't exist by being like, oh, like, look how goofy we are. We drive a car like this. Yeah. They just get offended by it. Like, you can't make fun of us because we don't have hot sauce. You just don't get it.
Starting point is 00:46:06 I'm moving on from the democratic side. I take it. I do. I do want to think about Trump because look over the past couple of weeks, or at least since his near death experience, I've been worried that that our former president has sort of lost a little bit of his shoes that he is PTSD. Yeah. He's experiencing trauma. He's confronting
Starting point is 00:46:27 his mortality in a way he probably never has before even as an 80 plus year old man. So it's been it's been a bad couple of weeks for Trump and I was beginning to worry that like, you know, like the whole the whole interview with Musk, he just was despondent and sullen the entire time. He didn't want to start with the, uh, the shooting. Yeah. Dumbass Elon was like, all right. So, uh, now that we've got started after two hours, uh, uh, do you, do we want to talk about when you almost got killed?
Starting point is 00:46:55 Yeah. I was like, Oh, well, uh, yeah. That Elon is so inept that it's like, imagine, imagine if like there was a podcast that you agreed to do and you forgot about it and it doesn't start for two hours because the host is like, I don't know. He fired everyone that does production for the show. And then the moment it finally starts, it's like, okay, so let's talk about the scariest thing that ever happened to you that you don't really like talking about.
Starting point is 00:47:26 What was your worst breakup? Yeah. Worst memory of your parents, go. He's like being interviewed by Hannibal Lecter. The late great Hannibal Lecter, when I went on his podcast, the first thing he asked me to show was my most traumatic memory of childhood. And he told me not to lie or else he'd know. Quit pro quo, quit pro quo, the late great.
Starting point is 00:47:49 But no, so I've been worried about Trump. However, I'm pleased to say that there was something happen over the last couple of days that snapped it right back into focus and gave me that old Trump feeling again. And I'm referring, of course, to the event he did with Miriam Adelson, where he was flanked by like a dozen Israeli flags and spoke of her receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom as,
Starting point is 00:48:15 I gotta get the full quote here. He says- When we gave Miriam the Presidential Medal of Freedom, that's the highest award you can get as a civilian. It's the equivalent of the Congressional Medal of Honor, but civilian version. It's actually much better because everyone gets the Congressional Medal of Honor.
Starting point is 00:48:34 That's soldiers. They're either in very bad shape because they've been hit so many times by bullets, or they're dead. She gets it, and she's a healthy, beautiful woman. It's very good. So there are so many things. they're dead. She gets it and she's a healthy, beautiful woman. So there are so many things, and there's a follow-up to it today where he was asked to clarify his comments on... I just wish we could get through one event about Mary Maddelson without someone commenting
Starting point is 00:49:00 on how hot she is. So the reporter asked, can you clarify your comments where you said the Presidential Medal of Freedom is much better than the Congressional Medal of Honor? Many veterans are upset about that. And Trump's response was, I would rather get it. People who get the Congressional Medal of Honor are often horribly wounded or dead. They're often dead. When you get the Medal of Freedom, it's usually for other things. Like you have achieved great success. And this, this is like, like I said, this is what I mean. Like it brought me absolutely back to Trump because not just that he said that Miriam Adelson is better than all medal of
Starting point is 00:49:32 honor winners while being flanked by the Israeli flag, it's him sticking to his guns. And like any other politician would have cringed away like a dog and be like, well, obviously I meant no disrespect to our wonderful veterans and soldiers and their Medal of Honor winners. Well, he goes, no, I'd rather be alive and achieving great things and riddled with bullets and getting the fucking, getting a trophy. Do you realize that this would be Mary Maddelson's second Medal of Freedom for the exact same thing? She has two Medals of Freedom?
Starting point is 00:50:04 Trump already gave her one for like, that's what he's referring to. But no, he's saying he'll do it again. Oh, he'll do it again. Yeah. Yeah. So she'll get two for the exact same thing. Like not even, there isn't even like a pretense of like, oh, she started Adelson's Angels, a charity for disadvantaged pit bosses. It's mostly for giving money to settlements. Yeah. And it's just like, it's his refusal to back down because anytime he's shitting on the troops, I think he's going to go up in the polls. I think Kamala should be very worried right now. But he still has the ability to go off the cuff and produce some of the funniest moments in human history. Like a guy
Starting point is 00:50:50 running for president standing behind the Israeli flag saying that this crone who gives billions to settlements is better than our Medal of Honor winners because he hasn't been riddled with bullets. Think about being that guy who's running against Jackie Rosen in the bottom. of the medal of honor because he hasn't been riddled with bullets. About being that guy who's running against Jackie Rosen in the bottom of the guy with the face. Like, yeah, that scary pizza, pizza, ghoul, scary pizza pocket, man. Think about being him and hearing that. And, you know, maybe he'll think about looking as scary as he does now that Trump said that. Should have married a rich guy. Yeah and then also Trump says uh people point this out
Starting point is 00:51:33 like does Trump think Kamala is attractive or not because he this is something he has flip-flopped on because like I don't know I don't know if he's flip-flopped but like originally he said Kamala is very beautiful and she's very pretty. But then this week he said, I'm much better looking than her. I'm a better looking person than Kamala. It's just like- I think he's when he's complimenting her, he's doing his weird sarcasm thing. Yeah. Hillary, what a beautiful woman. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Oh, she looks so good. Yeah. Like that thing he did when he would talk about Bruce Orr and he would be like, Yeah. Oh, Bruce Orr is his beautiful wife, Nellie. Yeah, what a looker. Yeah, that disgusting bitch. Like anyone knew who, you know, Nellie Orr was or what she looked like. It's the same thing. Trump, like I said, like, imagine if any Democrat had made a gaffe, like saying that actually the Medal of Freedom is better than the Medal of Honor.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Think how quickly they would be disciplined. If Kamala had made that gaffe, she would drop out of the race. And this is why I have to, on some level, like and respect Trump, is because he can say things that just absolutely shit on the history and honor of this country and mean it and get away with it. And everyone still loves him because the people who care most about our flag and our soldiers love Trump more than anything. So he can just say shit like this and pledge fealty to a foreign country. Yeah, they're veterans. They follow orders. That's what they do. They find the biggest guy and they do what he says. That's what they're good at. Oh, sorry. I just found another more commentary uh, Tim Walls thing. And this is, this is, uh, some guy responding to the original poster. This guy says, Tim Walls is who they
Starting point is 00:53:13 want you to be. Not a leader, not a strong father, not an authority, an assistant coach, an effeminate. He was the governor. That's a leader. I love the idea that he just topped out an assistant coach and Kamala was like, Oh, what about this guy? Vice president. How would she even have found him? A pretentious thought. And then he's responding to the original post by some guy named Bowtied Ranger. Bowtied Ranger.
Starting point is 00:53:40 I'm going to the guy who wears a bow tie for my advice on masculinity, but it says, he is quite literally the sum of every white male in modern commercials. Always the fool, subordinate role, fat dad, bumbling customer, ignorant questioner, cynical inquirer. And I think someone raised this today, but like, the American right wing is obsessed with family relations and portrayals in TV commercials. Yeah. And in fact, they think dads are always being portrayed as sort of oafish or incompetent. They're very, very tilted about that.
Starting point is 00:54:14 And now with Tim Walls, they have like an avatar of like Homer Simpson, you know? I saw one of these guys going like, oh, I bet Hollywood would never make a sitcom where like the like man and woman, they're both virgins. The husband is respected and competent. The children are submissive and they follow. They follow Christian values. And it's like, that sounds like such a great show. Everyone would love that show. I'm sure. They have that. It was called Seventh Heaven. And the dad did, you know. And the Cosby show.
Starting point is 00:54:53 Yeah. He was respected. He was a doctor. I guess a bit of international news before we go. Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro was attacked by bees yesterday and had to abruptly end the speech he was making to a few hundred supporters. So we can add attacked by bees now into the long list of Jair Bolsonaro medical conditions, injuries, and animal attacks.
Starting point is 00:55:17 Did they attack the people around him? No. I saw the video. The bees are very concentrated on him in the video And the guy who was leading the rally is trying to play it off to the crowd and look, you know I got a translation of this but in Portuguese He was like look everybody the man is so sweet that even bees won't leave him alone That thought was pretty clever. But like this is as he's choking on bees like the candy man. He's like, ah
Starting point is 00:55:42 This is as he's choking on bees like the candy man. He's like, oh, oh, they're stinging me. Like, how does that? Is he using honey on his skin? Yeah, I have never seen like a gang of bees ignore everyone and go towards one guy like that. Like, he might be trained. Yeah. These are Lula's bees. Lula's bees.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Like he might be trained. Yeah. These are Lula's bees. Lula's bees. I, I, I, I have never seen such like a one sided war waged by animals. Like it's, it seems like all the animals got together and decided they're all going to kill this guy. Yeah. I wouldn't be in South America if animals hated me that much.
Starting point is 00:56:22 South America, Australia, basically the entire Southern Hemisphere. I'm staying away from if I have made an enemy of the animal kingdom. He should never leave Jose Aldo's guest bedroom with the guest bedroom. I did see you found the Bolsonaro friend account who said please please pray for Jair friends Yeah, he's being transferred to another hospital and might have to go through surgery God is with you captain Bolsonaro, and it's a sad little frog well that is an old one that is from like like eight Hospitalizations ago, okay? That was when the county bearer ran him over Knocked him over he Yeah, that was that was one of like, if I if I recall
Starting point is 00:57:13 correctly, one of those hospitalizations where they were like getting poop out of him. Yeah, yeah, putting better poop back inside of them. They're doing they're taking out the bad poop and putting in the good poop. That's a real thing. There are school transplants. And like if anyone would get them, it would be either Brock Lesnar or Jairo Bolsonaro. Maybe that's what the bees are trying to get. They're trying to get all that good shit inside of him. He's trying to build the honeycomb inside of his body and all the good stool that he currently has.
Starting point is 00:57:45 They gave him diarrhea as a stool transplant. They took out solids and put in liquids. It was very sweet. That's what attracted the bees. All right. Let's wrap it up there for today's show. We are like I said, Felix and I, Felix, Chris and I, we're all heading to Chicago tomorrow. And Wednesday night we'll be joined by Truanon for our official DNC show. It's sold out, but I hope to see you in Chicago. Hope to say hi if you see me around walking on the streets or at the show. But we'll see you Wednesday night in Chicago at the DNC.
Starting point is 00:58:20 And before we leave, Chris, we have a couple of announcements. Yes, just a few quick announcements on ongoing projects first for, uh, because I've gotten a few requests about it. Um, earlier this summer, I announced a video series from, uh, Vic Berger and his editing crew, uh, that led with the teaser, the silence of the lamb super cut, which I can't believe how relevant that has continued to be. Trump loves the silence of the lamb riff, but unfortunately Vic had to, uh, drop out of doing the rest of the series due to a personal family member.
Starting point is 00:58:50 And of course all love to Vic and his family. So we respect him, but there will not be any more of the, uh, Phantom of Mar-a-Lago series at this time. We might revisit it in the future. Who knows, but on ongoing projects that are definitely happening, I announced it in July, who knows, but on ongoing projects that are definitely happening, I announced it in July, but Matt's Spanish civil war book, the final manuscript was delivered on Friday. We are going into production soon.
Starting point is 00:59:20 I am hoping that September will be the pre-order month. And again, if you didn't hear the first announcement, we are turning some of Matt's unproduced podcast scripts for his Spanish Civil War series into a book, a hardcover book of Matt's history of the Spanish Civil War that will be available for purchase. We are making all of our sales as a one month pre-order and then we'll send whatever's ordered to the manufacturer and produce all of those. We will make copious announcements about when you can buy the
Starting point is 00:59:46 book. Uh, but the work John White did on the design looks amazing. The book is going to be, uh, beautiful and all proceeds will go to Matt and his family. So to help him in his recovery. Uh, and Matt's very excited about getting the book out and we were very excited about delivering it to you. So hopefully within the next few weeks, we will start getting those orders underway. Very good news. Huzzah! And that does it for today. Well, Chicago, we're coming to you. See you soon, everybody. Bye-bye. Can't find it any other place Taki Taki Taka-O-Bell From tasteful water, only original
Starting point is 01:00:26 Taki Taki Taka-O-Bell

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