Chapo Trap House - Bonus: Dream of Californilection feat. Josh Androsky

Episode Date: May 26, 2022

Normal! Natural! Healthy! Sane! It’s an episode on the California primaries! Friend of the show Josh Androsky stops by to give you everything you need to know to vote responsibly in the upcoming ele...ctions in California. But fear not, non-Golden State residents, this episode has laffs for you as well: bumbling Dems, insane Republicans, cop buffoonery, a cavalcade of goofy names! Plus, Josh’s argument for building local power as a possible hope for escape from our dismal political reality. Tickets to the Rally for LA, Tues 5/31 featuring Matt Christman, Los Dug Dug’s, Bill Corbett, Adam Conover, Jamie Loftus and more:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, it's Joppo coming at you with a bonus episode out today. Look, folks, we've taken to planning these episodes out, and we've been planning this one for a while with our good friend Josh Androsky to come, a little bonus episode for all our listeners in the Newsome Imperium to give you sort of a voting guide for the upcoming election. But it is very hard to, you know, plan, show topics, and guess around the news cycle. And obviously, the news cycle in America is currently dominated by yet another unspeakable mass shooting atrocity that has really, I think, pushed everyone to the limits of what
Starting point is 00:00:46 meaning and language and just sort of like, it's just, I just feel like it's just a moment where I know everything feels totally, totally insufficient, and it's like disgusting to like, you know, talk about and propose solutions or say the same shit over and over again. But I mean, also what's played out is just kind of like throwing up your hands and going, oh, like, well, I guess nothing's going to change. I guess we can't do anything. I mean, like, even if that may be the case, I just feel like we're passing through a membrane right now.
Starting point is 00:01:16 And it feels like we've just like made a covenant with evil and death in this country that is just going to choke us all. I mean, I know it's a really fucked up way to begin a show. We're supposed to be talking about, supposed to be hanging out, having a good time with our friend Josh here today. But I just, well, I'm just like, I'm trying to choke the fucking words out of my mouth. But I don't, I just, it's, I'm sorry, guys, I just, this one is just, it's very hard. I just don't know what to say.
Starting point is 00:01:42 I really don't know what to say. You don't want to have a go vote episode now? It's tough. Like I said, it just, every word indeed seems just so insufficient to just the cruelty and evil that pervade our society on every level. But pretending that, like, or just saying that, like, oh, I guess there's nothing we can do is like, I don't know, like the more, the more we give into that, or just like, I don't know, it feels like we're losing our humanity in a very profound way.
Starting point is 00:02:11 And I guess that's all I have to say on that topic. I mean, I'm sure we'll have more to say about it in the future, but it's just as impossible to do a show right now without thinking about this shit that had just happened in Texas and Buffalo and fucking, you know, a dozen other places over the last year. Oh, and I'd like to also just in this, you know, tally of mass murder and atrocity, I'd like to also include the American journalist that was assassinated in cold blood by the Israeli military. We can throw that on the list as well, but yeah, so gentlemen, I want to thank you for
Starting point is 00:02:44 being here talking to me and for the listeners for listening along with us because I feel like we're all, must be feeling some, some version of the same thing right now. And like I said, all the words are just sticking in my throat right now. The thing that I think about with this, right, is like, so what? So the solution is like the Senate, right? And like, that's what they're telling us. They're telling us go vote for the Senate. But we can't get a person who actually would do anything about this past the primary, right?
Starting point is 00:03:16 Like as it looks like Henry Keular, I don't know how to pronounce his name, Henry Cellular, I believe. Yeah. Yeah. Henry Singular. Just be just because the Democratic Party, especially on the national level, but going down to the local level, which we'll talk about later, it's, I mean, and this isn't fucking news, but like they spend their time, their actual fights are against their left
Starting point is 00:03:43 flank, not the Republicans. And so to me, like my only theory of change that I can see that would actually do anything if there's anything we can do, like the Senate might just be like an obstacle to progress forever and it might be a moveable forever. And there's nothing we can do about the Senate. But the only way that I see that we'd be able to do anything to affect this change is to start at the local level, build a fucking base, build a real fucking base, then match it with the other bases in other like regional areas within your state, and then connect
Starting point is 00:04:19 those and beat the shit out of the hack DCCC candidates, you know, and like get them out. Like that's the only thing I can think of is like ruin their lives. But short of that, like that might not even work. So I truly, yeah, I don't know. But we're not going to stop this by just voting in federal elections. I know that. And like I said, everything seems insufficient and like stupid to say like language itself is really breaking down and our ability to like, you know, just meaning in general is
Starting point is 00:04:55 fleeing from us. But at the same time, like as for the beginning, what's also played out is I'm just like, well, we like there's nothing anyone can do. And just like, you know, guns, mental illness, just all of it is just all we like, we just have to accept it. We just have to accept it and make your peace with it. And like I said, it just feels like entering a contract to like lose your soul entirely. And I fully will admit, like this all may seem futile, but I mean, like to surrender
Starting point is 00:05:24 to futility entirely is like, I think profoundly like lose your soul entirely. So this is the best we got for today's episode. Like I said, we want to do one of the boy Josh here. We will be making fun of shitty Democrats, though, if you need something like that. That's going to be like the majority of this episode is making fun of bad idiots. Okay. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Enough of my somber and gut wrenching. Are you ready to laugh, folks? I'm so sorry. We have we have horrible breaking news. A dog was just run over in the parking lot. Are you ready to laugh? Okay. Yes.
Starting point is 00:06:04 The tell for this episode dream of California election. And also if you're not in California, also turn off this episode, stop listening right now. It's not for you. This is only for citizens of the Newsom Imperium citizen report to the vote processing area to get food rations from gruesome Gavin. I will say, I will say though that everybody should listen to this because one of my foundational beliefs in politics is that East Coast bias is ruining our country.
Starting point is 00:06:32 So everybody, including if you're listening to this and you might be like a former former left presidential candidate and everybody likes that's like making really shitty calls in California elections. Everybody needs to pay more attention to this shit because California and Los Angeles in particular, we export all the bad policy to the rest of the country. The SWAT team, thank Los Angeles for that. Prop 22 and the gig economy surfdom, thank California for that, right? Like decimating our mental health infrastructure.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Reagan did it as the governor. Like anything terrible that is going to happen in your town is happening right now in California. So a grim visage of your future or maybe just a little bit of advice on how to stop it before it starts. So was it the prime primaries coming up, Josh? Oh, you better believe it, baby. Primary season in California is the only time that you really have to vote because all the Democrats fucking win anyway.
Starting point is 00:07:38 All right. Well, let's go to the rundown here. Okay. Who do we got on for senator? Okay, so the senator, Gruesome Gavin picked Alex Padilla, who is an LA guy. It's like one of the first times that an SF Bay Area dude will pick an LA guy for fucking anything. But here's the problem.
Starting point is 00:07:59 The like literally the only thing I've seen him do all year has been to roll a tortilla in like a really fucking cool way, which it was really cool, but I'm pretty sure a senator is supposed to do more than that. So I guess he's been better than Kamala, but that's all I could say. That woman's never rolled rolled anything. Not one time. No, she she did. She rolled a joint, but she never lit it.
Starting point is 00:08:33 That's all she would do because you know, the world's worst joint asked to leave Democratic Party. Yeah. David Crosby would be like so mad. You know, you guys follow David Crosby's joint ranking. Sure. Sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Like people will send it will will will submit their joints to the Crosby for for his rating on it. He likes sort of the more of the classic like fatter like 60 style joint, you know, he's sort of sort of old school in that regard. Yeah. I feel like Kamala would like send him a picture of the joint that she rolled and he would just quote tweet it with a picture of a toilet. So is Padilla, is that worth is he worth voting for at all?
Starting point is 00:09:12 Or is there anyone else you could vote for in this in this race? Look, man, Padilla is gonna win. So you might as well vote for somebody else. There is a couple candidates that I think are at the very least worth highlighting. Only two Democrats of interest. The first is and I'm going to mispronounce his name. Akin Yemi Agbede, who based on his candidate's statement seems to be a literal human spam email.
Starting point is 00:09:42 I'm going to read it for you right now. Rescue America, three exclamation points. America must be revised, revived from collapsing. Therefore, electing Dr. Akin Yemi Agbede for the United States Senate is the answer. That is it. That's his only thing. Okay. Well, I mean, that's good enough for my vote.
Starting point is 00:10:00 I mean, if I live in California, I'd be voting for this guy. He sort of seems like, I don't know, he's got Queen of Canada vibes, you know? You know, like, what's her name? What's her name? The Queen. The Queen they have up there in Canada. She's the answer. And I think it's, it is Agbede is the answer.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Rescue America. And then, okay. You also have Armando Perez Cerrado. Yes. Okay. So this one, this candidate's statement's a little long, but I think you'd like the punchline. So Chris, if you don't mind like putting some uplifting music in or maybe something that
Starting point is 00:10:31 would like play in an anti-depressant commercial, hell yeah, California proclamation. My beloved Californians, I empathize without beguilement nor prejudice, how solemn my words must tender to assuage your unfeigned hardship and bereavement, cloaked in the uncertainty of loss. Our prayers and condolences illuminate many a kindred spirit with honorable presence, your noble sacrifice perpetuates our united comfort of hope. I pray our Heavenly Father will bring light to the plight of the world, ease your daily crucifixion and complete economic resurrection for our American family.
Starting point is 00:11:17 This is the way. Donate today on Apple Cash, Venmo, Google Pay or Cash App. Then he literally lists his cell phone number and his fucking home address. It's the first cash app in bio trying to resurrect America. Him hit my line. Okay. That candidate statement reads like he just got hit with the Philip K. Dick pink valis light and then decided to run for senator.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Yeah, it's funny. His picture in the ballot, he has absolutely no whites to his eyes. He's all pupils. Are there any Republicans running for senator in California? You better believe it. I think this one's got a legit shot or at least a pretty good platform and his name is done. Gruntman.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Gruntman. Done. Gruntman. Done. Gruntman. Get it done. Gruntman. Now, look, this might be a misprint in my ballot that I got.
Starting point is 00:12:14 It might be done. Gruntman. But according to my ballot is done. Gruntman. So I'm going to read you a couple of excerpts from his. This one is his was really long. Okay. The first line is in my campaign for sanity, my background and qualifications are the
Starting point is 00:12:34 poisonous fake vaccines don't work. Another excerpt. I am chairman of the Constitution Party of California, CP of Also national straight pride in parentheses, not straight pride coalition. Yes, the straight pride Then in parentheses, normal, natural, healthy, sane. My normal, natural, healthy, insane t-shirt is raising more questions than it answers.
Starting point is 00:13:09 I mean, that's easy. They are attacking the Oh, they I mean, they are. So yeah, that does seem to be happening quite a bit. Yeah. Okay. This one's weird. Stop number, which like, is that an anti-Coby thing?
Starting point is 00:13:31 It's the sequel to the Joel Schumacher movie, the number 23. He doesn't want it to come out. It's too twisted. Yeah. It's the number 23 got everything perfect. Why would you try to add to it? Yeah. Now, if you heard about what was, if you thought you had to handle about the number 23, when
Starting point is 00:13:47 you find out what's going on with the number 24, your head would explode. It would be like the mouth of madness. We would all be running, capering into the streets. Okay. The next one is a racist website about Kamala Harris whose name I won't read because I work in politics. Okay. Um, the next one is candle
Starting point is 00:14:07 Excuse me. What is that? Can we guess? That sounds like a scam to me. No, it is. It's an, it's an anti-Semitic. It's like Hanukkah. We shouldn't be taking work off.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Kids should be in school on Hanukkah. Well, I was always in school on Hanukkah. No way. Who the fuck got Hanukkah off from school at seven days? To be fair. Josh, did you get a week off school? Look, my town was like, my little suburb was like 85% Jewish, so we do things a little differently.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Like our football games were literally like, Goldberg throws it to Rosenstein, Rosenstein, Fumbles, Katz picks it up. Actually more realistically, the football games were, tonight's game is canceled due to allergies. Somebody put milk in the Gatorade and the Gold team has the shits. So, so, uh, Dunn Grundman and his, uh, sorry, Dunn Grundman and his candle crusade, you're telling me he's got a shot here to get the Republican nomination to run for Senate? Well, yes, because I think my personal favorite website of his is, I am a domestic terrorist
Starting point is 00:15:16 org. Okay, now, now, okay, now, now I think you, now, if this is the case, I think you are actually compelled, like you are, is your duty to vote for this guy, the Republican primary, if you can. Yeah. Well, they don't have those anymore, right? Yeah. They don't have Republican primaries.
Starting point is 00:15:32 They've just got the jungle primary now, right? Yes. Yes. So, and this is very important. We're all running against each other. Oh, okay. So, because California is such a one-party state, they just do what's known as a jungle primary where if anybody gets more than 50%, literally like 50% plus one vote, there is
Starting point is 00:15:50 no runoff. There is no general election. You win. Game over. So, yes, and it's Republicans against Democrats. So at the very least, if enough of us vote for Dunn Grundman, then Padilla will be, uh, like dropped below 50%, hopefully, and then we'll get to see my dream, which is Dunn Grundman in a debate.
Starting point is 00:16:12 There's two other things that he says that make me really, there's one that's like a knock on him that makes me worried, and then there's one that's very good. There's one bit of hypocrisy in his platform, which is he wants to promote nuclear fusion, but he also says, and I quote, say no to Homer Simpson fake 97% science. So which one is it, dude? What? Homer works at the nuclear plant. Which one is it, dude?
Starting point is 00:16:39 Yeah, but he's not a very competent, you know, safety administrator at the nuclear power plant. So, I mean, is that the import of that statement? Or is he saying, is he saying the Simpsons are like anti-nuclear propaganda because it makes it seem like it's unsafe or the people in charge of it are greedy misers? I think so. I think they're like, look, please, you take it from me, Dunn Grundman, the guys running our nuclear plants, they're not dumb idiots.
Starting point is 00:17:05 They're not B guys. I like, okay, so say no to Homer Simpson science. That's like calling LeBron and the Lakers, NBA championship, it's a Mickey Mouse ring. You got Homer Simpson nuclear power plants in California. They don't count. This is Simpsons energy, it's fake, and yeah, Homer Simpson is a fraud. Yeah, damn it. More people should be talking about this, especially in ballots.
Starting point is 00:17:32 So the one thing that he has against gruesome Gavin, very important quote, free deep state Patsy Sirhan Sirhan. That's a message we can get by. Okay, all right, okay. Yes. Yes. Absolutely. Good.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Yes. All right. I know who I'm voting for. Dunn Grundman. All right, so that's the Senate line. All right, well, then we got a governor. I mean, this is, I mean, come on, gruesome Gavin, this is the Newsome Imperium. I'm surprised he even lets people run against him in California.
Starting point is 00:18:04 I don't know, they all handpicked tomato cans that he can knock down easily. He put down the domestic color revolution once, and is there anything of note in this governor's primary? So gruesome Gavin, aka IRL Peppy Lapue, aka Oil Can Harry, he's going to cruise to real action, dude. Like we have a $60 billion cash surplus in the city of, or in the, in the state of California right now. So that's paper.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Yeah. And people don't go, hey, why aren't we spending that on all the homeless people? They go, oh, that's, that's, that's, that's nice. That's good. I like that we have that saved up for a rainy day. And that's even after his insane $11 billion plan, like, I don't know if this seems like an Eric Adams thing to do more than a gruesome Gavin thing, but he literally was like, gas prices are up, you got a car, here's $800 bucks.
Starting point is 00:19:03 That's not bad. I'm going to pay you to drive, just keep driving everybody. I think the Eric Adams plan for California would be to spend that $60 billion surplus to bury nuclear weapons along the San Andreas Fault and just set it off all at once to let all of the energy crystals out so that when Los Angeles sinks into the ocean, it'll open up huge new opportunities for energy crystal mining in Southern California. You know, the mystics and statistics say it will. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:36 There's, I see here, there's a guy named Leo Zaki, there's a guy named Leo Zaki running against him. And there's a really good quote in his ballot, which is, quote, having been a board member of the California Poultry Federation, I've experienced firsthand how incompetent and self-serving and corrupt the vast majority of those in power truly are. And it's like, dude, he got a fucking firsthand look at the California Poultry Federation. I can imagine there's a lot of dirty deals going on there. Back to that $60 billion budget surplus.
Starting point is 00:20:11 I mean, it's funny, like, I feel like I hear all the time about how California is just like a mismanaged nightmare and that like everyone's leaving the state because of the damn budget. Where the fuck did this $60 billion come from? COVID. So what, just for real? Like a ton of it came from fucking just like Biden giving it to us and us being like, thank you so much, we're just not going to spend this.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Like we spent like a couple billion dollars on the one thing that will actually solve homelessness, which is buying up hotels, motels and like office buildings and turning them into housing. But like, yeah, dude, we're just like sitting around 60 bill saving it for a rainy day. Good thing there's a, you know, things are pretty chill right now. So just sort of like, just keep that under the couch cushions for the moment being. All right, Leo, Zachy and his, by the way, California Poultry, Zachy, does that last name ring a bell to anybody?
Starting point is 00:21:04 Zachy? Zachy Farms, dog. These Zachy Farms air Leo Zachy. He's running. All right. Well, he's, he's sort of the, the, the chicken tendy candidate. Then I see here, there's another person named Marina B. Dawson. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:20 What the fuck? Are these all like, are these all screen names or all these fucking like, like Twitter names that people are running for governor? What the fuck? Marina B. Dawson. Yeah. Dawson, dude. Dawson.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Yeah. Hang loose. Dawson, bro. Uh, she, uh, I'm convinced these are some Todd Gonzalez ass AI people that grew some Gavin had his Silicon Valley friends create to like make it look like he's running against people. But the reason I put Marina B. Dawson on there is her, she has a three word bio, which I think is pretty good.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Uh, F all politicians. Damn right. All right. Yeah. All of the, all of the names for people running for office in California sound like the roster of the baseball, American baseball team from the Japanese video game, like Bobson Dumgren or something like that. You know, you know, Mike truck, yeah, yeah, Mike truck, but we've had some candidate statements
Starting point is 00:22:21 like F all politicians and, you know, and, and, and the candle crusade, stop 24, uh, fake Homer Simpson science, uh, Josh Andraski, you're, you're, let's pretend you're a candidate running for office in the state of California right now. What would be your candidate slogan? I gotta say, if I had one for statewide office, it would have to be something along the lines of Texas sucks. Yeah. Cause Texas is going to California all the time.
Starting point is 00:22:52 That's what I'm talking about. This budget surplus. They're like constantly talking about fucking California, like it's fucking Mad Max fury road out there and they're like, they need to take in refugees from the fucking, uh, from the shiny Pacific coast who all want to come to, uh, I'm sorry, the, the, the, the, like, uh, a state as big as California, but in every way, comprehensively more of a fucking dystopian nightmare than California is like, I, we, like, we were just in Texas and like, you know, I mean, shit, at least California's got good weather.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Like, oh, would you like to be in a state that executes more people than the Taliban, but it's 120 degrees every day. And, um, hey, if it goes, if it goes under 60 degrees, the entire electrical grid, we'll go, we'll fucking shit out. Yeah. That sounds like a great. Oh, yeah. Oh, like for, for no state income tax.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Yeah. That sounds like a good deal to me. I wonder what the state income tax does. Yeah. Weird how the one with the high taxes doesn't have a, uh, anyway, uh, but the thing about the Texas sucks thing is that the reason why is because Adam Curtis on this very podcast was like, we need to like wake up old stories. We need to like, uh, revive old myths.
Starting point is 00:24:05 And I think California nationalism and like California exceptionalism, sure, maybe it will unleash a monster that no one will ever be able to control. But at the very least, I think you could harness enough energy to actually beat gruesome Gavin with it. And gruesome Gavin is the one who consumes the spice and he becomes the God emperor who leads Jihad across the entire galaxy as an, that's a clout. That's the classic irony. We need to wait.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Can you imagine it? Like, like Leo DiCaprio and Ed Bigley, Jr. with solar powered weapons, just like marching east across the planes. We need to wage a Butlerian Jihad against Silicon Valley first. No more thinking computers. No more metaverse. All right. I think on the list, uh, lieutenant governor.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Yeah. This one's surely, yeah, surely, I mean, we got to get rid of this lieutenant governor position. What the fuck? It's like vice president for being a governor. Get the fuck out of here. Yeah. It really is just basically, uh, I think that you're the only thing you're like really in
Starting point is 00:25:08 charge of is like some vague like insurance, uh, like stuff or like possibly like some regulation. It has like a sliver more power than the VP does, which is really funny. Uh, but the only reason I'm bringing it up is because the incumbent, who is like absolutely going to win, uh, Eleni Kunalakis, uh, never said that out loud. So this is like the most like par for the course, California politics story. She literally hasn't updated her website since 2017. She's in the middle of an election and you go to her website and a pop-up comes up that
Starting point is 00:25:46 says, we won. Well, I mean, this is, uh, this is thrifty budgeting. This is why you have $60 billion to play around with out, out of the, out on the left coast. Um, so yeah, lieutenant governor, uh, fake position, don't believe it's real, get rid of it. Okay. Uh, moving, moving up the coast, uh, San Francisco, San Francisco, I should say, experiencing the, uh, like, uh, a level of crime that would make it comparable to, I don't know, Amsterdam
Starting point is 00:26:14 or something like that, but everyone who lives there is losing their fucking minds. And I guess like the only thing of note here is, uh, vote no on the Chesa recall because I'm so sick of these fucking San Francisco people. I'm so sick of them and they're like, you know, oh, like, uh, crime has gone up a little bit. Like, uh, it just, well, yeah, you live in one of the fucking wealthiest cities on the planet. Like just fucking stop fucking complaining.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Oh God. Yeah. I mean, I really, I really hate the San Francisco people again, like they're, the whole Chesa thing is, is, is absurd. Yeah. This, this new tact of blaming progressive DA's for the, like the police's fuck ups. Like I've never seen this before where like the news, the media, other politicians are like not mad at the cops.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Like they're not there. They're mad at the DA for like the cops not doing their job. It's insane. But yeah, like San Francisco, like you mentioned, crime rates like Amsterdam, but every Walgreens is Johannesburg apparently. Yeah. So someone pointed out that the city of Jacksonville has a comparable population to San Francisco, but they have a Republican governor and mayor and three times the murders of San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:27:28 And I'm sure like their DA isn't like, you know, the son of the weathermen or whatever. He's the son of a literal weatherman. Yeah. Yeah, it's Florida. I just, yeah, like I would just like just out of pure spite for these fucking just like tech yimby assholes in San Francisco who are like, if they have to see a homeless person from the fucking orb that they levitate to work on, they think it's like society is falling apart.
Starting point is 00:27:54 And it's like, guess what? It is falling apart, but it's because of you, asshole. Yeah. Yeah, man. It like, I don't really have any recommendations for San Francisco because that city is like pretty gone. But I mean, just follow Shanti, like if you want takes on San Francisco, friend of the show, Shanti Singh, she'll give you all the takes you need.
Starting point is 00:28:15 All right. Well, back down the coast, back down to Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California. I mean, Josh, like, you know, you've you've you've hit us on this show before to the Los Angeles City Council and the importance of LA City Council people. Can you just give us your brief spiel again on why the LA City Council is important? Yeah. So look, here's the thing, right? Like LA County has 10 million people.
Starting point is 00:28:42 So to put that into perspective, that would make it like the 10th most popular state in the country. Like it has more people than the bottom 10 states combined. That's over 20 senators worth of people that are in LA County alone, right? Like over half of the population of the state of California lives south of the LA County line. Like to put that into perspective, it's an unheard of amount of people. It's a mega city like LA County and LA City is obviously the biggest part of that is obviously
Starting point is 00:29:21 the biggest part of that and drives the policy there. LA City has four million people, and yet we only have 15 fucking people representing us. We have 15 city council members to put like to think about that. Like the city of Chicago notoriously politically above board notoriously not corrupt city of Chicago has over three times the amount of representatives, like over three times the amount of democracy, Chicago, then Los Angeles. And so like for that alone, it's the most powerful city council in the country, the most powerful municipal body in the country.
Starting point is 00:30:04 But it's even more powerful because of the charter of Los Angeles. So we have what's known as a weak mayor system, and that's not just because of his chances and getting fucking elected or picked to be the India ambassador. By the way, quick tangent on that. Did you see that his parents hired a lobbyist? No. Yeah. For him?
Starting point is 00:30:26 Yes. Garcetti. Garcetti. Okay. Whose dad was the OJ district attorney, right? Yeah. The guy who also the mayor. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Yeah. Yeah. So Gil Garcetti fucking. So for those that don't know, the mayor of Los Angeles is like a smug CAA prick basically who has like presided over the most insane sexual harassment like in his office. His like main dude is like a serial like assaulter and harasser. And he is incredibly guilty of letting it happen. And so Chuck Grassley of all people is like stopped looking at butter cows and started
Starting point is 00:31:11 ruining Garcetti's life. And so Garcetti's not going to be picked as the ambassador. So his mommy and daddy hired a lobbyist to help him. Wait. Wait. He wanted to be ambassador to India? Yes. I was by his thing.
Starting point is 00:31:26 He was a Biden boy. He was a Biden boy. And Chuck Grassley has injected himself into this. Like he's got out of the, come out of the Dairy Queen bathroom to just spike this guy's ambassador ship. Yeah, dude. It's incredible. Dude.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Smoking that Garcetti pack. Yeah. Oh, by the way, that the actual Garcetti pack is funded by Qatar. Like almost exclusively by Qatar. Okay. So yeah, he's a good guy. Yeah. So anyway, the mayor doesn't have any fucking power like like in again, I'll take Chicago
Starting point is 00:31:59 for an example. Like if Lori Lightfoot's like this is the fucking budget and this is what I want to do to the schools, like that's her prerogative, right? London breed in San Francisco is like, yo, this is the fucking budget in LA. The mayor only suggests the budget, but it's counsel that actually does it. So the fact that we spent, we have an $11 billion budget every year and we spent half of that in the fucking cops. Like that's counsel, right?
Starting point is 00:32:22 Everything that gets built and not built, you know, like all the fucking insanely ugly luxury mixed use condos with like a poke place and like an axe throwing bar underneath them. Like that's all your council member who's deciding not to build housing that essential workers can actually fucking afford. Or oh man, social housing, if you can, if you can even imagine it, right? Like and climate in LA, like when you think about climate, a lot of the times you think of like prime ministers, like sucking each other off at a back room at a Swiss hotel or whatever.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Like that's who's deciding like our climate fortunes, but LA already has the nation's largest publicly owned energy utility in the country, which is kind of the first thing you'd, you'd create if you were going to do a green new deal is the nation's largest publicly owned energy utility. So like literally all of this shit, like homelessness, climate, public safety, all of that, like that's not done by Congress. That's not done by the Senate. That's not done by the fucking president.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Like sure, they can like give money to these things, but the actual policy that affects your everyday life is done by your local government and the most powerful local government in the country is in Los Angeles. So like basically the way to think about it is like an LA city council person. Like we'll get to our marquee candidate here, let's say like our girl, Nithya, for instance, who won her election. Like she represents like and has like the power of money and represents crucially in a democratic sense, probably more people than Liz Cheney does as the senator from Wyoming.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Yeah. Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. And with that power, I mean, she's done some incredible things. Like she, she's pushed the city to decarbonize every single building. So like no more fucking natural gas and new buildings. She's completely transformed the way homelessness is, is, is approached in her district, taking cops out of the equation and putting fucking actually trained like social workers and mental
Starting point is 00:34:32 health workers in those positions, right? Like she's like, there's real power to materially change people's lives. And like a big part of that, right? Is when you're on city council, you're usually not in a body of like hundreds of people, like your average Congress person is, you know, it's, if you've got like a block of like 30 people, like, you know, in, in your like big city councils, like you can affect real change in LA with 15 fucking council members, all we need is four, all we need is four and then you get to eight pretty easily because these people just operate off of petty
Starting point is 00:35:11 personal grievances, not any ideology. All right. Well, getting into, you know, like really the marquee name in the LA city council race, you probably, I've interviewed him on the show, it's Hugo. It's Hugo. Yeah. Hugo Soto Martinez. It's all about Hugo.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Like, you know, if you have the chance to vote for him and, you know, like, what is it? Los Feliz, Silver Lake, like East LA. Yeah, the East side. He is your man. He is your man. Yeah. The East side, it's like Silver Lake, Echo Park, Glassel Park, Outwater, Hollywood and East Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:35:43 And you know, the thing about Hugo is like this burgeoning movement, right, this burgeoning labor movement that we're seeing, like our generation and like Gen Z, like lead, like the retail worker labor movement, right, like these jobs that historically, like, you know, are done by low wage workers to the point of like not having like any power that is like embodied in Hugo, like he that movement to unionize Starbucks, to unionize Amazon, right? Like Hugo spent his last, like 15 years with housekeepers, like immigrant housekeepers, and he was able to go up against fucking BlackRock and win, like, fair wages, health care and respect on the job.
Starting point is 00:36:29 And so, like, we're talking about, like, there's a huge difference between, like, a quote unquote progressive candidate and then electing somebody who, like, has actually, like, materially in the Marxist sense, improved the lives of the working class and, like, has an actual pathway to doing that. And that's Hugo. I know, like, the fundraising has been going good, but, like, what is the state of Hugo's race right now? Like, I mean, like, I mean, it's coming down to the wire here, like, does he, does he have
Starting point is 00:36:57 a good shot here? He has a great shot. So the best way that we know, you know, there's, and just, like, full disclosure, I help with his campaign and another campaign that we'll be talking about in a sec, but, like, you know, we haven't done any polling because polling costs a lot of money and is bullshit. But we have seen the opponent, Mitchell Farrell, who you might remember as the guy that sent, like, 400 cops into a park to stop people from having a candlelight vigil for the unhoused. He's going insane.
Starting point is 00:37:34 He has sent, like, a million mailers. He's getting money. So the police unions jumped in on us, right? The LA police union has dropped almost $100,000 sending fucking insane, like, fear-mongering mailers to everybody's house, the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, the literal eye of Sauron in California politics, the corporate landlord lobby, the California Apartment Association is what they're called, but they are BlackRock, like, they are, like, the corporate landlord lobby.
Starting point is 00:38:08 They've thrown down a half a million dollars against Ugo to basically send people, literal, like, like, you have to see these to believe them. It's like a fucking picture, Amber Rallo put it great, that it looks like a ninja is, like, tearing into your window and fucking, then there's, like, two women huddling, like, scared and it's, like, in red letters, like, Ugo Soda Martinez wants to get rid of every cop. These are dangerous ideas, like, it's, yeah, it's insane. So we have, we must protect, we must protect the Silver Lake Shogunate from the Previdious Ninja Clan.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Yeah, dude. They're throwing shurkens everywhere, they have slain, the emperor's natural born son to jump in line for their, the Shogunate. Yeah, so, like, this is, this is, this is, this is the dark world of ninja assassins that Ugo is going to usher in. Yeah, yeah, they're gonna fucking use their katanas to slice up your filters for your $19 drip coffee, like, you're fucked. So the real thing is that we, we have a legitimate shot to actually beat Mitch to, like, come
Starting point is 00:39:27 in first in the primary, which is unprecedented, but only if people actually throw down. There's two weeks left. There's 13 days, as of today, we're recording this on Wednesday, there's 13 days left until election day. And the other candidate that is getting all of this same money poured in against her is Aya Nises Hernandez. And she is an incredible candidate who's running in Highland Park, Chinatown, Westlake MacArthur Park, she fucking rules.
Starting point is 00:39:59 She co-led Measure J, which is the only successful, like, divestment from the police budget that, like, actually went into social services. And she did such a good job running this that it won by 12 points, even though it was called, like, the defund the police measure. So she's actually done this shit. Like, she stopped a fucking jail from being built and got the money diverted into youth programs as a fucking, like, 20 something. She got this shit to happen.
Starting point is 00:40:32 She also worked for the Drug Policy Alliance, undoing harsh sentences and, like, helping win literally thousands of years of freedom for people, like, she is a force. But she's running against probably the biggest rat fucker in LA politics, who is Gil Cedillo. This dude is in charge of the housing committee and is swimming in developer cash, same as Mitchell Farrell, who Hugo is running against. They're basically the same dude. They, right after the abortion ban, did an event with AEG, whose owner is the reason why Gorsuch is on the Supreme Court and they're, like, quote unquote, progressive Democrats.
Starting point is 00:41:15 So he literally, this dude calls local businesses that put A&E says shit up and threatens them. And it's like, like, has his, like, city council staff call these local, like a coffee shop and be like, hey, you wouldn't, you wouldn't want there to be any issues in, like, the upcoming inspection, would you? It's, it's sending Dudley Smith around to the local Pippinini place, their cage. Yeah. Dude, the $14 smoothie place is getting fucking Luca Brazzi just, like, waiting in line. So these are two very good LA city council candidates that are certainly, if you're in
Starting point is 00:41:58 no district, certainly worth your vote, but if you're not, your money. Yes. Yes. One more, one more thing about Gil, I do want to say that he got his, there's a thing called the California Public Records Act, which makes politicians release their, their like calendars and schedules. And Gil got that and his calendar said for real that he went to El Chapo's daughter's quinceanera.
Starting point is 00:42:21 That must have been lit. I would have liked to have been there. Dude, that would have gone to that party. That would have been awesome. Could you imagine, could you imagine the, the splendor at that party? That was like the happiest teenage girls on the planet at that party. All I can think about for some reason is that there's like an alligator mode, like surrounding the party, like keeping all of the boys away from like, but yes, to the point, like they
Starting point is 00:42:49 do deserve your money to actually fucking do this shit, right? And there's a really great way that you can support them, especially if you live in the city of Los Angeles, we are throwing a massive rally slash show on May 31st, Tuesday, May 31st for them to get tickets to that. You go to slash rally for the word for LA. And you can get tickets to that. You can also just use that link to donate if you can't make it because all of the contributions are split between Ugo and Aonises.
Starting point is 00:43:29 And with Aonises in particular, she doesn't get a runoff, right? It's just her versus Gil in the primary. And with Ugo, the money could make it so that he wins out in this election so that he doesn't have to do a general. These two candidates that would absolutely transform Los Angeles, they could fucking be done, win in two weeks if enough of us throw down even fucking 10 bucks, 20 bucks. If you maybe are one of those people that listens to the show, but works in finance, you can donate 1600.
Starting point is 00:44:07 The max the max that you could donate is $1,600. But all of the money goes towards fucking knocking on doors of like monolingual Spanish speakers. These these districts are like overwhelmingly Latino. They're poor districts that are being gentrified, 12,000 people, 13,000 people were displaced from both of these districts. And that's working class, usually working class Latinos. And so like this money goes to bringing them in and like creating an actual base that will
Starting point is 00:44:40 outlast these two candidates. These two candidates don't care about power. They care about giving that power to actual workers, and I just think that if we're ever going to fucking fix anything, we have to start in these deep blue areas. Like my theory of change is that Bernie and Corbin lost in large part due to the fact that nobody has ever seen the government do anything good for them ever in their lives. So they don't buy it. They don't come and participate in elections because why the fuck would they every single
Starting point is 00:45:16 person that they elect, it doesn't do shit. So if we can get in deep blue Los Angeles, a couple people that are committed left, you know, socialists to legitimately like do transformational policy, then we can show the rest of the country that it's fucking possible to show the rest of the state that it's fucking possible and build on this momentum to actually get Medicare for all in California. To actually get a housing guarantee, social housing for all in California, and then the rest of the country can see, hey, this shit doesn't suck. And then hopefully, ideally, like the people that are power hungry egomaniacs will be like,
Starting point is 00:46:02 well, this is a way I can get elected is to do these wildly popular programs. Who knows? It's the only way out that I personally see. But also, to your point earlier about the diversity in progressive liberal Democrats and ones who come from a labor, like an actual union background, it's like, the power base that you build and are ultimately accountable to will be, like you said, people who work in hotels, housekeepers, actual people who have working-class jobs and not basically like a permanent consulting class and nonprofit, whatever you want to call it, the usual liberal
Starting point is 00:46:41 nexus of professional scolds and hall monitors and wealthy people. Yeah, man. And look, I don't know how much we've really tried this before, to actually get people that are bound to movements, the way that A&E says is bound to the movement against police violence, the way that Ugo is bound to the labor movement. They are who they are because of those things. I don't know if we've ever, like, as a, whatever, as the quote-unquote left, like, legitimately attempted to put these people in positions of local power, like local power and then
Starting point is 00:47:16 build off of that, because you're not going to fucking beat your senator. You're not going to fucking take down Kristen Sinema first. You have to fucking win the Phoenix City Council or whatever before you can build a base big enough to fucking take down a monster like that. Okay. Are there anything else in the city council races of note before we get to the mayor's race? Nah, I mean, look, if you live in CD11, which is the west side, which is, like, the most
Starting point is 00:47:44 toxic district in the city to the point where, like, I'm, like, almost glad that it'll be the first part of LA to be reclaimed by the sea, like, vote for Aaron Darling. Look, there's a lane in the primary for a Bernie guy to win in that district. I don't know about the general, but there's a lane in the primary for a Bernie guy to win. Aaron Darling, civil rights attorney, literally sued the city and slumlords and, like, like, is a guy that is, like, the real deal. So if you live in the Godforsaken west side of Los Angeles, then please vote for Aaron
Starting point is 00:48:21 Darling. All right. Well, let's go to the mayor's race, because, okay, he's talking about deep blue, deep blue Los Angeles, but, like, your next mayor may be, like, a proto-Trump asshole. This guy, Rick Caruso. Yeah. Okay. So Caruso is, like, an insanely interesting and, like, wild aberration, I feel like.
Starting point is 00:48:44 So now that everything's fucked, now that, like, space-time the fabric has been ripped, like, there's just these kind of, like, interdimensional beings that, like, pop up and, like, he's one of them. He's the smoothest, shiniest dude I've ever seen in my life. He's, like, he's, like, comes out the gate, fully laminated, right? Oh, sorry, I should mention, he built the Grove and the Americana. So, like, he is, like, the luxury mall guy. He has spent 24 million of his own dollars in a quest to turn the city of Los Angeles
Starting point is 00:49:20 into a luxury shopping destination. Like, that's it. Like, that's all he really wants to do, and he is everywhere. He's running a strategy that we in the, um, the lanyard biz call the Gabbo strategy, which is that he just fucking yells his name, everybody is yelling his name over and over and over again until that's all we can talk about. That is the only, he, in particular, is the only person that's really getting any play in this election cycle in Los Angeles.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Well, he's gotten all this, he's gotten all the celeb endorsements, right? I mean, like, you, like, I mean, he's, like, you described him as, like, a midway between Mike Bloomberg and Donald Trump, but also someone who's friends with Gwyneth Paltrow and Snoop Dogg. Yes. Yeah. He, so, you know, he's doing the Trump thing of, like, wanting to be friends with celebrities, but he's doing the Bloomberg thing of paying people to like him.
Starting point is 00:50:21 So, so it's like all, like, the crusty, the clowns, sort of, like, celeb fluensers who are, like, backing him, like, he just got the endorsement of, like, Snoop Dogg, for example. Uh, and, and so he's just paying all these celebrities to endorse him. He should, he should go on cameo. That seems like a, he could get a lot of celebs there to cut ads for him, just, you know, a couple hundred dollars. Like, Eric Estrada, maybe.
Starting point is 00:50:48 That's a really good idea. And I have to reveal that. So we, we, I worked on the, um, one of these horrible recalls against this guy, Mike Bonin, who is, like, he, like, had a leftward journey that abandoned his horrible constituents, basically. Like, he just, like, went off on his own path of righteousness. But one of the ideas that we had to fuck over the recall was to do a, get a cameo from Donald Trump, Jr., uh, saying that the recall was great and that he loved the recall.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Oh, we gotta, you're gonna allow the recall just with his, like, all, like, Xanax voice. Just like, let me tell you right now, I love Jose Cuervo and this recall, baby. It's something that Don Jr. tries to talk like his dad and then, like, it totally fails at it. He tries to do, like, the hand motions. He tries to do the voice and everything. It's just, oh, God. I mean, it's just, like, whatever he butted off of, the Trump spore, uh, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:51:46 someone dumped some chemicals in the vat or whatever or, you know, fucked up that cloning process or whatever because he is a pale imitation of his father. Yeah, it reminds me of a story I heard from a girl who dated one of the main, this lead singer from 311, which is that he would get so fucked up that he would go do karaoke and sing his own songs and everyone would boo him and be like, he doesn't sound anything like 311. You suck. Okay, so that's, that's Rick Caruso, uh, is there, is there anyone worth voting for
Starting point is 00:52:23 in the mayor's race? I mean, I'm looking at some, I mean, certainly some funny names here, like, like Mike Furr, Mike Furr, Giuseppe Buschiano, aka Joey Buckets. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, okay. I will do a very quick rundown. Mike Furr dropped out of the race, uh, to spend more time dealing with his federal corruption
Starting point is 00:52:48 charges. Um, as one does, uh, and the most impactful thing he did all campaign, and I wish I was making this up, um, is drop an ad featuring Jason Alexander as the voice of his mustache. Okay. So, yeah, there's an issue with Hollywood being in this, uh, like election, which is that everybody that has a bunch of money like gets like really slick, well-produced campaign ads that are like truly insane, uh, Giuseppe Buschiano, aka Joey Buckets, uh, he is the Caruso Cuck.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Now, um, he dropped everything. He like literally like, you don't have to do this, but he is stepping down from city council to run for mayor, and Rick Caruso swooped in, stole his whole tough on crime Republican platform. And now Joe Buschiano like went from like polling at like 20% to 1%. So, yeah. Yeah. And a big reason why is because, um, he basically spent a million dollars on two particular
Starting point is 00:53:47 things. One is, um, insane videos with Napa know how style guitar music. And the other is taking his family on flights across the country to, uh, various Italian locations. Um, he would do these fundraisers in like the part of Chicago that just has like red, white and green flags. Uh, so he would, so he would just go to like Arthur Avenue in the Bronx to do a campaign event for the LA mayor's raise.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Yes. Yes. Okay. So, you know, it's like a scandal when like the money, like the first. So you have to like, uh, periodically like release what you're spending your money on. Uh, and his were just like, first class flights for the whole family to New York City. And then you would see pictures of him on fucking Mulberry street or whatever, like, uh, just like with a dude that looks like Junior Soprano.
Starting point is 00:54:46 Well, you know what they say, a man who does not spend time with his family can never truly be a man. La famiglia. Uh, Gina Viola. Okay. So getting to the candidates that you might actually want to vote for, Gina Viola is the left candidate for mayor. She's a organizer with white people for black lives, if enough people vote for her, that
Starting point is 00:55:04 would be really nice. Um, but she just doesn't have the money or the name rack to really do anything. So vote for her. Cool. Like literally vote for anybody that isn't Rick Caruso so that he doesn't get 50, you know, 50% of the vote and just win outright. She's cool. Vote for her.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Um, the other person that you could vote for that's fine is Karen Bass. Um, who is like most likely going to make the runoff. Um, she is running a terrible campaign. Like she very clearly has like D triple C people running her local election that don't realize that like Bernie won the city of Los Angeles by like a huge margin. Um, and she, her platform is pretty good. I mean, compared to the other mayoral candidates outside of Gina, her platform is great, but the way that she talks about it is fucking horrible.
Starting point is 00:55:54 Uh, and you know, she's just doing this like, you know, tacking to the center bullshit. Um, so whatever, uh, like she's not going to hire more cops. She's not going to fucking put cops on homeless people. That's really all you can ask for from the fucking mayor. Well, as long as you're talking about, um, cops here, uh, Leslie, it's the, um, LA County Sheriff and, um, uh, Josh has Los Angeles, um, made any progress in the area of, I don't know, not having your sheriff's department controlled by neo-nazi gangs or is there a non-neo-nazi gang member candidate running for LA County Sheriff?
Starting point is 00:56:34 Yes. There is one non-neo-nazi. So there are like five neo-nazi gang member candidates, including the current sheriff. Uh, and one candidate. Like, yeah, no, uh, so you get to the one candidate, but we got to talk about, I'm sorry, Alex Villanueva. I mean, this guy is fucking whiling out. This dude is out.
Starting point is 00:56:56 I mean, I remember we had like Sarisa, Sarisa Castle on a long time ago to talk about her reporting on the fucking, all of the gangs in the LA County Sheriff's Department. This shit recently where he's like literally going to prosecute the journalists who like released footage of like beat, like, you know, like torturing some fucking prisoner in like an LA County jail, and they're saying like, like that's the crime and not what was on the fucking video. Like literally like just straight up freedom of press, freedom of the press issue, like threatening, like to bring the full weight of the sheriff's department and all their
Starting point is 00:57:26 neo-nazi gangs down on journalists who cover them and all of their crimes. Yeah, dude, uh, like, so this is, you know, we, I did mention, you know, deep blue LA, but there is like a streak of like insane conservatism in the Democratic Party, right? Like the right wing of the Democratic Party is in power in Los Angeles. So they, there's one thing that, that they seem to really hate, which is journalists. Um, it's like, for example, Mitchell Farrell at Echo Park Lake at his like big thing. Over 30% of all journalists in America who were arrested and detained, uh, they all were arrested and detained that one night at Echo Park Lake, right?
Starting point is 00:58:12 Like, um, Villanueva does this fucking bonkers press conference where he's like, and he, he has a very like low energy Trump kind of thing. He kind of talks like a little bit like, uh, what's his name? The son of that church guy who like is always getting in trouble for doing all those. Oh, Jerry Falwell, Jr. Yeah. That sounds like Jerry Falwell, Jr. Uh, and so, you know, he's like out there, he's like, man, we're doing a bad investigation
Starting point is 00:58:36 right now. Uh, we're, we're seeing the real, the real, the real crime here is, uh, that, uh, you know, this was, this was, uh, uh, uh, personal sheriff's department information and compromise and investigation. And then he shows the investigation on like a big screen behind him and it's a picture of the fucking, uh, officer who was the whistleblower, uh, a picture of the, uh, candidate that one of the candidates he's running against because he's got to throw him in there and the journalist who reported it.
Starting point is 00:59:06 And so this other journalist, like a, a veteran crime reporter named Frank Stoltz, uh, in, in, it was like, Hey, uh, quick question, um, are you investigating a journalist for this? And he was like, I'm not a liberty to discuss. Uh, and then, you know, the day after it was like, uh, no, actually I'm not, uh, I'm not, uh, I'm, I never was going to invest, I just did a PowerPoint. Yeah. But when we, when we, like, we put the, the photo of the police whistleblower, the journalist
Starting point is 00:59:36 who wrote the story and his opponent in the, uh, sheriff's race, you know, just like sort of putting like wanted, dead or alive, basically, like posting, posting that at a press conference. Yeah. He like had, he did clip art to make it look like they were like tied, you know, like, uh, where the red string is like tied to them. Uh, yeah, it was really fun. Um, he's fighting with everybody, including the LAPD, uh, which is, uh, it's like, uh, like that doesn't happen often.
Starting point is 01:00:02 He's like going to LAPD jurisdiction to be like, uh, they're, they're like, Hey, we're in charge here. And he's like, not anymore. You're not like, he's Robert Davying, like the LAPD in their own jurisdiction. So everybody hates him. So right now, um, there, there, there is a development in the neo-nazi gang story, which is that just as, as we're recording this just yesterday, um, like one of his deputy gang members, uh, who has now turned against the deputy gangs, uh, like, uh, uh, was under
Starting point is 01:00:39 oath naming names, uh, of, of other deputy gang members, like under oath being televised live, uh, and he, uh, during that moment, I would love, uh, to play a clip of what he was doing while that exact thing was happening, which was doing a PowerPoint about how you shouldn't live on, uh, a bus because it's a bus. It's meant for, for, for, for going to point A to point B. So you shouldn't have a homeless person living on there. Uh, and he would, he described what a bus is and described what a train is. The question here is planes are for people to fly trains for people to travel buses.
Starting point is 01:01:23 All of these things are modes of travel. None of them involve people living on them at all. Uh, Josh, I mean, the thing that one must keep in mind about buses is that the wheels on them go round and round, uh, round and round. Yes. Round and round. So through part of the town? Through the whole damn town.
Starting point is 01:01:41 All through the town. All right. Well, this is, I guess it does make sense. Um, so the last thing I want to bring up about Villanueva is that he did an insane campaign ad, like a totally unhinged campaign ad, um, in a cathedral, uh, that looked like it was filmed by whoever directs the Kurt Cameron evangelical movies. Uh, it's like him praying. He's like, God, I hope that you shine your light on all the police officers that are
Starting point is 01:02:10 trying to save our community, uh, and like behind him are like BLM and Tifa, like, like holding like torches and pitchforks, like behind the fucking, uh, stained glass, uh, and there, there's one, uh, one, one whoopsie, uh, he never got permission to do that. So the archdiocese of Los Angeles made him take the video down. Lord, give me the strength to protect the public from violent crime. In a statement, the archdiocese of LA said in part, the video was filmed without the appropriate approvals of the archdiocese. Policy prohibits any filming of ads on archdiocese property for candidates running for office,
Starting point is 01:02:56 and it does not endorse or participate in political candidates campaign activity, which we, in a, in a, in a county where 40% of the people are like Latino Catholics, uh, not a great deal, not a great thing to, uh, get the arch diet, like, like old Abolitos who would have never heard of this race are now voting against him because he upset their favorite, uh, person, church. Okay. Uh, is there any hope of getting this asshole out of there? And is anyone, is, is the person, is there anyone who's going to replace him who is like
Starting point is 01:03:33 I said, not a neo-Nazi gang member at the very, at the very least? Can we just, you know, have, have that very low bar to clear for, you know, anyone in law enforcement? Unfortunately, no. Uh, the person who is going to probably win is a guy, another great name named Cecil Rambo. Get the fuck out of here. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:53 Get the fuck out of here. Yeah. No. No. Fuck off. Yeah. Cecil Rambo. Um, so here's all you need to know about Cecil Rambo.
Starting point is 01:04:03 He shot three people in the line of duty and two of them were fellow deputies. See this guy, some people say, A-Cab, this guy's living it. Yeah. Yeah. It's worth voting for that with, with the track record, with the KD ratio like that. I'd say he's worth, worth, worth, maybe throwing a vote, a vote for our boy, uh, our boy Cecil Rambo. So let me read, let me read this quick quote from it.
Starting point is 01:04:28 Uh, an article written by Saris Castle, knock LA about him, uh, quote, Rambo fired at three dogs in the yard, but missed. Fuck. So it's got, well, I mean, at least he didn't, I mean, at least he didn't hit any of the dogs. What is he thinking? It's like dog. Why do cops love killing dogs so much?
Starting point is 01:04:47 So it's our favorite thing to do other than killing people. I, I, I don't know. I feel like it's like, why, because they can do it because they can kill something that's like kind of a part of your family, but there'll be way less questions asked about it. I mean, why do hot topic teens love Morrissey? You know what I mean? It's just like something that they do. Uh, but great to finish the quote.
Starting point is 01:05:07 Uh, so deputies heard the gunshots of him trying to, to shoot the three dogs, prompting one of them to, to come around to where the guns were, to where the shots were. And at that point, uh, Rambo began firing at them, uh, he fired 18 shots while the other deputies fired three or six, uh, and, uh, he, he, he hit a deputy whose name was deputy crook shanks. Stop, stop. I, I, I object. I object this whole damn election is out of order.
Starting point is 01:05:49 There are too many fucking stupid names in it. Where are these people coming from? Okay. So the last stupid name is actually a good candidate who, if enough of us vote for it might actually make the runoff, he is the only fucking candidate in the, in the race who, who, who, who, for sheriff who, look, I understand people who are like, I'll never vote for a cop. I fucking get it.
Starting point is 01:06:08 Uh, but this dude for our neo Nazi sheriff's department where are like at least one of our former sheriffs is in jail for kidnapping and trying to assassinate an FBI informant who is looking into all of his crimes. Uh, there is maybe, I think an argument for trying to get in somebody, the only candidate who has actually ever tried to hold the gang members accountable. So this dude was in internal affairs. His name is Eric strong. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:42 Well, you know, that's, that's not so bad. And it sort of sounds like a, like a porn name, but, you know, it's a little low hanging fruit. Yeah. Yeah. Well, low hanging a lot of things. Um, so Eric strong, um, worked in internal affairs. Um, so the thing this is, this is really fun.
Starting point is 01:07:02 The thing that put the deputy gangs on people's radar was a Christmas party brawl between two of the gangs. So two of the Kings got in a brawl at a Christmas party and everybody in the local media was like, Hey, uh, why did like two groups of deputies fight each other? And it was revealed that they were opposing gangs and one of them was basically just stomped out the other one. And so Eric was the person assigned to this very case. And he was like the guy who's like six foot seven, uh, there's only one of them.
Starting point is 01:07:45 I, I know him, uh, that guy, we need to discipline. And every other sheriff official was like, I don't know who you're talking about. And he was like, there's one guy who is six foot seven, who is about six inches taller than everybody else. Oh, and he's a sheriff from the video. He's six foot seven. He's a sheriff's deputy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:05 How come he didn't hoop? No, man, where's Terry Rogier to tell us, but yeah, six, seven, and, and he fucking like is on the video and, and like the, the, the higher ups basically forced this report to say that we had no conclusive evidence of who was involved in, and he's like, that happens every fucking time. So he has the only plan to get rid of the, the deputy gangs that might actually work, which is split up the deputy gang members so they can't be in a gang together at the same fucking station.
Starting point is 01:08:41 And then also put them in jail. That's a good start. So he's sort of the, the, the Edmund X Lee figure in this sheriff's deputies race or sheriff's race. I mean, which was the guy that, uh, from walking tall who held the big, uh, oh, uh, Joe Don Baker, Buford Pusser. Yeah. He's, he's our Buford Pusser.
Starting point is 01:09:00 I mean, another, I mean, honestly, uh, another name that might fit in this election. Uh, final, final question, uh, just back to Cecil Rambo for a second. Um, those dogs he shot out, were they pit bulls? I mean, he was, he was in South. Okay. All right. All right. So, okay.
Starting point is 01:09:19 All right. I, I, perhaps justifiable in that sense. Uh, just kidding folks. I love all dogs. Pit, pit bulls. We love them. I want to blow the whistle on hurting them. I like to blow the whistle on them, hurting other people.
Starting point is 01:09:30 In fact, I'm, I'm blowing a whistle right now is what approaches me on the street. Um, yeah, so, I mean, look, like the main thing is that your vote doesn't fucking matter in federal elections, but it actually does. Well, I mean, Jessica Cisneros might prove that otherwise. Your vote kind of does matter, uh, on if there is a legitimately better candidate. But look, you have the most power to affect real change at the local level and all the shit that is like actually making your life terrible on a day-to-day basis is done by local politicians.
Starting point is 01:10:04 Well, there we go. Um, Josh, I want to thank you for coming on and, uh, hipping us to, uh, you know, the, the, you know, the greater LA area, but also, uh, California politics. I mean, uh, you know, Josh, am I, am I in Wong Kar-Way's chunking express? Cause I feel like I'm California dreaming right now. I wish I could be out there with you fellas. Wish I could be out there. Uh, stuck back here on the East coast, but, uh, you know what?
Starting point is 01:10:27 I do feel a little bit better, um, you know, electoral politics aside, just because always a joy to talk to you, Josh. So much fun as usual. Oh, I love you, buddy. I love you all. Uh, one last plug for the show, slash rally for LA. It's going to be, uh, amazing legendary 60s and 70s Mexican rock band Los Dug Dugs are playing, which is fucking insane.
Starting point is 01:10:51 Um, uh, we got our boy Cushbomb. He's going to be doing, uh, we're, we're going to play a game where we, uh, we get his take on presidents. Uh, we do what we're going to do a presidential speed round. Uh, we're going to have Adam Conover, uh, we're going to have Chris Estrada. He's amazing. Jamie Loftus, Bill Corbett is going to do a fucking bit on the show, uh, and, uh, we're going to have a couple more really cool special guests, uh, that are lined up.
Starting point is 01:11:22 One of whom, uh, wears suits all the time and has a middle initial in his name. So if you know who that is, uh, he's really, really good at comedy. Uh, we're very excited. So yeah, stay tuned. All right. Um, and then, uh, links for everything, links for all that will be in the, uh, show description. Uh, Josh, thanks for hanging out. Love you.
Starting point is 01:11:43 Bye. Cheers everybody. Bye-bye. All right. Bye. Thanks for hanging out with us. They rise in the East, at least it's settled in a final location It's understood that Hollywood sells Californication

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