Chapo Trap House - Bonus: This is Sus 6 – Council of Dads, Part 2 feat. Lucy Biederman

Episode Date: May 16, 2020

Felix and his sister Lucy continue their examination of NBC's dramatic television series Council of Dads. Subscribe to Lucy's newsletter here: And read th...e poem Lucy mentions:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, uh, welcome to uh, this is sus. I think this is what like week five, I guess we've been doing this a very long time Uh, it's only five episodes, but it's a very long time because we only do one a week Uh, we have right we have right now. We have our first Return guest our first show that we've watched multiple episodes of besides this is us which I am Also, I am making one final super episode for this is us because I can't keep fucking watching and I'm sorry Uh, we're gonna get to the bottom of that in probably two weeks from now But uh, I am very happy to have back with us. Uh, my sister lucy Thank you so much for having me back. My pleasure. My pleasure. People say it's our best episode
Starting point is 00:00:44 Oh, that's so nice we're uh Lucy's here to do uh episode two of council of dads which I mean, I haven't I haven't talked her about it yet, but I think I found it more repulsive than the first episode Oh, my oh, that's so interesting because I found it less repulsive. I think I'm just like I don't know like I've come to some kind of understanding with it or something I will say before you get into it. There were more things that were more like a real show in this second Yes, yes. Oh, that's a really good point. It's like when I think of the pilot
Starting point is 00:01:17 It's like they invented it out of whole cloth, but it was like cliches put like sewed onto the cloth or something It was like, what are you thinking? Yeah, you're right. This was this followed the model of a bad tv show. Yeah Yeah, it was I will say this. I think I get why you like it more like There was actual conflict in this. Yeah, and in the first episode it was just like Tragedy happens and everyone's like It's okay. I love my family Yes, and I think there was a sense of relief that the guy was gone At least to me he was repulsive. Yeah. Yeah, it's like you knew you were you
Starting point is 00:01:56 Thought he probably wouldn't show up unless he got some flashbacks But that was there was kind of just a sheen of relief over later All right, so you might as well get into it I have I only have three pages of notes this time because I think I was more shocked by the first episode Yeah, first episode. I had about 10 pages. Oh my god Only three pages now, but we might as well. We might as well kick off. Um, all right. So episode two council of dads the family which includes
Starting point is 00:02:29 JJ The baby whose name I forgot. I'm sorry. Uh, charlotte hope hope. Thank you And you know just to make a quick note when they named her the mom was like, I know this is really cheesy But how about hope, you know, that's a person's name. I know this is really cheesy But I think I'll go with it anyway, like cheese and then her husband died Theo uh And lulie are there. Uh, they're being repulsive in a diner Theo, I mean like I am really confused by the timeline of this show because Theo seems to have aged approximately
Starting point is 00:03:12 negative three weeks from his father's death, which was Four months ago, but also his sister got married in that time. Yeah, I don't know Uh, the narration says the who's there is this, um Larry is narrating at this point. Is that the craig T. Nelson? Yeah, yeah Yeah, he's the one narrating it. Yeah, and he goes everything's fine now except Sometimes it's bad and the baby just starts wailing begging for scott the dead father Like yes, I mean you're you're the expert you have you have a newborn baby like
Starting point is 00:03:54 Would like if it hadn't seen somebody in four months, would it be like, where is he? No, it wouldn't know that he ever existed Yeah Yeah, again the confused timeline of this show, but uh In the car ride back from their tragedy lunch, uh, they listened to this awful song Father scott did where he he made it up It's like a funny acoustic guitar song like the mitri martin to help him Um, Theo remember state capitals and I think scott was actually a terrible parent
Starting point is 00:04:29 Because his son is like 19 and he's still supposed to memorize state capitals. Oh my god, you're right Very remedial avenue of education You're right. That's really true. Oh god that scene I forgot about that scene. That's right. He had recorded a his I guess that was like his final video a Disgusting song about the state capitals. That's right Yeah, his son is like Getting a driver's license and like you don't do that in high school. Oh my god. You're so right
Starting point is 00:05:03 Like that's for like an eight-year-old Yeah, the producers of the show have said Allegedly parody May have sex with teenagers all the time as joke That i'm saying a joke, uh, so they should know this Uh, you know the um
Starting point is 00:05:22 And then there's this whole plot point about larry teaching He's infantilizing Theo because he's trying to teach him vocabulary words, but I mean this Theo like, you know, I'm too old for that. I'm I'm on the state capitals now Yeah, that that part really I have a lot of thoughts about the larry stuff, but uh, I didn't yeah I so I guess this is sort of a larry themed episode because he was the narrator. I didn't realize that Yeah, so he's it's like this episode is his theme And like the last episode was sort of lulley's theme because she was the narrator like this time. It's larry
Starting point is 00:06:02 Yeah, it's very um, is it I guess this is what like twin peaks is like, uh the council our first post credit scene after, uh The remedial educational car ride is the council of dads themselves our council of idiots and this scene is terrible. Yeah, uh, yeah The old Q and on idiot larry is holding his dumber friends accountable for flaking out on council activities Of taking care of the world's most irritating family. Yes Uh, they're like, I'm sorry larry. I'll do better, but um He starts ordering them around he goes. Oh, by the way, I'm a Virgo And they go, what does that mean? And he goes, I don't know, but it usually
Starting point is 00:06:43 You know people I usually shuts people up when they ask why I'm so bossy, but larry is like A 65 year old white man. Like why would he know that like he would only know this if he was constantly grooming young men Oh my god, you're right You're right Like that wasn't that's not something that would be in the character as they're presenting him to know you're right That was extremely suspicious and like he's I mean one of the points of this episode was he's way too into the council of dads Yeah, it's the only thing he has
Starting point is 00:07:17 Like you yeah, you're right. Like and that's speech to the oh, that's basically what he says like he is Like weirdly and like disgustingly into it. You're right. Yeah. Oh, there are some really freaky larry scenes. We're gonna get into but uh The doctor of the council of dads Oliver, uh, he seems to be in a bad mood. He just sort of starts out of the meaning Right, uh, we learned that the widow robin's guts, uh, widow to wife has not been attending council meetings I mean, I wonder why they just seem to accomplish absolutely shit, but Right and she has five children, which you know, that doesn't seem to be a problem And I'm like, you know, we'll get into this more But I'm really like hyper attuned to the way that mothers are depicted on network tv
Starting point is 00:08:01 Or actually on any tv at all. It's like wait, she has five She's a single mother of five kids who also works as a doctor But she's only back to work part-time. So it's not a big deal. Yeah this part that I mean, I don't have kids but that like angered me. I was like what I like I mean, again, it's written by hollywood sickos don't raise their own kids So they're like, oh, yeah, you could be a fucking o p g y n and a single parent, right, right? I know it like I mean the the idea of having five kids
Starting point is 00:08:36 I don't I don't know how anyone would do it like having one kid. I don't really know how anyone It's just a normal thing to do that. Everyone does it is so Insanely hard like in real life real life not this kind of thing that It like attacks you with its pretend, you know, it's like I mean, there's something like cruel about it. It's like well, this woman has five kids and is a single mom and is a doctor It's like, yeah, no, it's the same thing all these shows do which is like Oh, well, literally everyone in this family got cancer, but they didn't cry about it They were happy to have each other's love, right like it's insanely
Starting point is 00:09:16 Isolating it's like, okay. Well, I guess I'm wrong about my own lived experience. Yes. Yes. Yes I mean and again, it's like written by people who have like armies of help to help them raise their kids They never fucking don't and then they make these dolls that have no help at all We're just tragedy we falls them every day and they're like, this is like you idiot watching at home. Yes Oh my god. Yeah, it's so fucking insulting. It really really is But, uh, yeah, so we learned that Robin has not been attending the council meetings, uh As the council is leaving we there's some there's a weird moment between Luley
Starting point is 00:09:56 And the pussy getting chef anthony and we find out he did not invite her birth mom to her wedding Which was held on like a day's notice. I mean, I really can't blame him Wait, I don't remember this at all. Like I'm drawing a complete blank. They were leaving the crab restaurant Oh, yeah, which apparently was scott's restaurant, which they like never Wait, the dead guy. I don't care. Yeah. He owned the restaurant This yeah, this was never mentioned in the first week. So both I went back and looked at it Wait, so both him and anthony are restaurateurs Yeah, but they never but anthony is like a cool restaurant or and uh, scott is like a family family
Starting point is 00:10:39 crab Emporium but Right Yeah, she's like so you did you just like didn't invite my birth mother And anthony's goes I forgot and it's like you literally like while your dad was dying. You're like, yeah, so I'm getting married with a guy that you met seemingly a week ago and your first meeting was you guys rapping Yeah, like no one should be at that wedding
Starting point is 00:11:06 Yeah, yeah, but why would it fall to anthony to invite her birth mom? I mean we kind of we find out later, but it's like, you know at that point Why would I mean I mean she doesn't know right? Oh good point right? It doesn't even make any sense It's just it meaning it's like they heard the first episode we did about this and they're like, oh, we need some conflict yeah Okay, that part's especially weird because she hates her birth mom for most of the I hate this show, but uh, right so wait and she got wait. Is that when he gives her the gift from the birth mom? No, no, that's later. Okay. Okay. I think yeah, this scene is not ringing a bell at all
Starting point is 00:11:51 I watched it like two days ago and it doesn't have a very long It takes me like an hour like two hours per 45 minutes at these shows because I have to go back to make sure I watch what I watch and write it all down. Oh my god Like I can't believe it. Like your job is really hard and I'm not and I still thought uh, Ron Livingston was coach Taylor I loved that so much Brian was like, oh my god It runs in the family because we watched all of the tv show fargo and at the end of it I was like, wait, is that Billy Bob Thornton?
Starting point is 00:12:24 And Brian was like, it's not supposed to be a reveal like he's been this whole time All right, so So back in the cancer death house the only youngest son JJ bothers charlotte Well, she's trying to find her birth parents on 23 and me like these shows are so fucking cruel to adopt Yes, it's just like oh, yeah, if you're adopted It's a scar that you do you all you have like a spiritual desire to find your birth relatives and parents and you never feel Okay, yes, you always feel bad. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes, and it's like they have to they can't just have one Character finding their birth mother
Starting point is 00:13:08 Or you know birth family both are doing it in the same episode. It's like they can't let it go Oh, like, you know these people, you know, these people don't really belong in the family But if you think that you're terrible Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's so fucking weird like I've known a ton of people who are adopted and they have like It does not appear to be anything like this. No, yeah, right something like just hounding at their psyche Pounding, you know, they're psyche to the ground every moment of the day like I know I know It's also very telling because like the things that are like the issues that the people in the family face It's like
Starting point is 00:13:49 Yeah grief cancer death like gender dysphoria and then like oh, yeah being adopted Oh my god, you're right Like everyone has an issue and and hers is being adopted. Yeah, like JJ JJ gets like Brutally treated by his mom who like or his grandmother who makes him wear like a dress and shit like very Awful thing to do your trans person. They're like that's like just realizing that you're adopted You're right. Like they're all flattened out like every trauma or experience is exactly the same You're completely right But wait to go back to that scene where JJ is dressed in the dress by the grandmother
Starting point is 00:14:28 of mom, you know mom watch council of dance to something she would understand our show and she was like He looked like a mini gregarian muck like She was like, I didn't even know what was going on Like it was like they didn't dress him in like a frilly girl's dress like it was like a gender neutral dress So it was like anyone watching that scene would like have dysphoria That was Yeah, it was like a monk's robe. It really looked like a monk's robe
Starting point is 00:14:58 So it's like it was like one of their terrible tricks. So you look at it and be like, okay, it looks kind of strange But what's the problem? And then they're like no you You asshole, he's being you know misgendered. It's like, okay. I didn't know that Yeah, I didn't know because the thing that you picked from the prop department is so baffling like every other goddamn thing on this show Yes, it's like you what you couldn't tell that. You know, it was Yeah, I like I forgot all about the gregarian dress, but uh, right. I mean, it's like we gave you clues Like I'm sorry. I didn't know like Yeah
Starting point is 00:15:35 so so JJ of course actually wanders in while charlotte is on 23 and me like finding her relatives, uh, right and He doesn't know where robin is everyone's freaking out because they can't find robin. She's just running She's just having a jog. Right when she gets back JJ cloyingly tells her that scott was going to teach him how to ride a bike But then died um
Starting point is 00:16:01 So next we find robin and oliver in the hospital and they have this fucking Demented dialogue. That was inhuman. I Yes, I like and robin's character is Like a crime against women. It's like I got Don't worry. Uh, you know, I'm here for you like Ew, you know that character is so insulting. It's like don't worry. I'll just take care of my five kids and be a doctor
Starting point is 00:16:32 And live in this enormous house. I got it. You don't have to worry about me What I suspect it is is like a 52 year old man who runs the show like read an article in vox explaining What emotional labor is and he's like I feel so bad for women. Yes Then like wrote the care. Yeah, he all the character like especially this Horrible storyline in this episode with ollie. It's just him making her do one emotional labor for him after the next Yeah, yeah, it's like he just defaults to like the writer just defaults to what he's like in his normal life. So like yes, yeah, like She like robin and ollie
Starting point is 00:17:12 So they're walking down the hallway in the hospital where they just treat their friends who are constantly getting cancer Yes, yes, Robin. Robin's like but for some reason there's like 500 doctors at the hospital. Yeah, the doctor to patient ratio isn't It's the biggest hospital I've ever seen but Robin's like so Yeah, um, I'm thinking I miss my husband But I'll handle it and he's like I gotta go Yeah, yeah, it's just the worst like I feel bad acting ever. Yes, and but before he could go Robin asked him uh, if she could if he can ride a bike with JJ at some like stupid charity event and he
Starting point is 00:17:57 He can't for some reason it makes him sad and as he's like Like stuttering can't get it out. Uh, Robin goes It's fine. Don't even say sorry I don't want to hear anyone else say sorry. I got Yeah, yeah just horrible horrible, but uh We the next scene is
Starting point is 00:18:20 Really raises the stakes of being insane. Uh, he's giving a seminar Oh a morbidity seminar Where the hospital evaluates itself over whether they could have saved scott, right? He and he and his speech begins Hello, all the doctors in this hospital Welcome to a regular seminar that we give at this hospital Regarding whether or not I could have saved the patient Hello all the doctors in the hospital that is like dialogue writing on par with when man cow said hello is this That is fucking amazing, I didn't even write that down
Starting point is 00:19:03 I think that just eluded my brain recording it Like it was insane and then he in case we had missed that scene we um He he explained several more times throughout the episode what that lecture was all about. Yeah, I mean I like I was gonna ask my friend who's a nurse in detroit if this is a real thing, but I was like, I don't want to bother him I don't want him to know about this Uh So I avoided it. I'm just assuming it's not a real yeah No, I assume it isn't like wouldn't there be like all these liability issues
Starting point is 00:19:37 Like if you come to the conclusion that you could have saved The patient and there's like a record of it. Wouldn't the insurance company sue you for um, um malpractice. Yeah I probably I mean I maybe I'll ask my friend. Yeah, I don't know. I mean right just because it was in this tv show I was like that's not real like yeah, yeah Yeah, that's like immediate impulse. Yeah with the show like I don't even think people can adopt it anymore I know they do but like this show makes me think not um
Starting point is 00:20:09 so Uh, all the doctors like raise their hand and I guess they're gonna figure out if he's a bad doctor or not, right? I Luly comes home to her husband evan, uh, who's dressed like a heavens gate member. Oh my god He really is he's just wearing like a plain sweatshirt and like shoes that he's never walked outside with God that is so true. Like what's that to show that he's just like a regular person? Yeah, that was his wardrobe choices are like, okay. Is he in third grade? Like what the fuck? You're so right
Starting point is 00:20:43 Like oh god, that is so true. And he was wearing like some kind of like what khakis or something. I think yeah. Yeah. Yeah He's like his character is I'm not even gonna say underdeveloped. It's just not a character. No, it isn't anything at all It's just like he's her husband Like did they even bother to give him a name? Like I don't know his name Yeah, I I had to look up that his his name was evan. Oh, like he's just like a bumper for lulus Like he's just like if luly was a pinball. He's a bumper. He has no other characteristics, but he's Yeah, he's laid out their current apartment. Uh, like they're playing they're like, we need to put him in a fresh set of clothes
Starting point is 00:21:20 Like that's just like clothes Yeah, he's treated like an invalid from the 18th century in a sanatorium He's laid out their current apartment like they're playing to lay out like their their future trendy brooklyn shithole because yay They got approved for a um a uh lease. Yeah, that was very understanding of poverty. I thought Um our credit got approved Yeah, I mean amazing the town dullard and the rich doctor's daughter Passed a credit check just amazing Yes
Starting point is 00:21:55 They they have a really annoying conversation about moving to york. Uh, Evan asks It was horrible. Like there was it was like the jokes my friends make where they're like, oh, yeah, Felix isn't on yet He has to go to the empire state building and then statue of liberty. That's what it was like They were with no degree of irony. Right. They were like imagine that outside is new york Hey, I can see the statue of liberty from here It was that yeah, it was like I have you ever seen that movie the island with scarlett joe hanson and ewan migrager No, it's kind of an interesting movie. It's like very middling sci-fi but the concept is interesting and it's like these people
Starting point is 00:22:33 They make these perfect genetic specimens to be like living Organ farms for the super rich in the future. Oh, but they don't know they're doing that But because they grow up in this weird sort of antiseptic Uh place where they can't get sick and are just they're just meant to keep the organs healthy They're all like adults, but their mental age is about 14 and it's about like them two people escaping from there But that's what Evan and lulia are like, but they're like 20 Or 23 oh my god, you're right. They're like just like blanks. You're right. Yeah, you're right. They have nothing
Starting point is 00:23:08 You're completely right Yeah, the So they yeah, they have that annoying conversation about new york and Evan asks her like, okay. Do you still want to move to new york and luli says Yes, but in an annoying way that means she kind of doesn't want to which is how every character says yes in the show That is so true You're right. Like how would he even know you're right? She's like, um Yeah, like he should have just stopped unpacking right there. Like yeah, it was yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:23:37 Oh god, um Thankfully that's the they're like the worst characters in this I would say you're right But I thought that this the kind of response scene to that one was the best scene in the entire episode Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, it was it had yeah, it was the most I mean, it was it sandwiched two awful scenes for those characters, but Yeah, that but I agree with you. I agree with you. Uh Robin teaches uh, jj how to ride a bike. Well, charlotte the eight year old with the fucking neurotic personality of a 37 year old, uh Pacific palisades native
Starting point is 00:24:16 Talks to her equally psychotic young friend about how she put her DNA test and found a relative who she wants to meet and live with Yes. Yes. And did you know that her friend was the daughter of ali and his husband? No, yeah I know it's like there are no people in this town Like why is that your best friend? Like again, like they're so as I was saying the last episode these people are so compliant It's like this, you know, this person's your age. He's our friends And she's our friend's daughter. She'll be your best friend. Okay Yeah, that was a huge thing. I remember about growing up was you
Starting point is 00:25:02 And her brother talking about how deficient the like some of the friends of like our parents were the kids of our friends Right Those aren't your friends. They're like people you see you what you you play with when you go to their house for dinner They're not your best friend. Yeah, and you get older and you're like, oh, we were in different going into different directions as people We like different things. It's not just like, oh our families know each other Right, you will be my best friend like oh, yeah, right, right, right, right exactly Terrible. Yeah, terrible. I mean again, it's like there's a show for people Written by people who don't have any actual friends. Yes
Starting point is 00:25:40 Probably never have but uh Not because they're socially maladroit, but because they're bad people Uh, yes, like this isn't friendship. Like, you know, right. It's networking. Yes. Yes, and um convenience and compliance Exactly. Yeah. Um, so anthony then shows up to disappoint the family by telling them He has to ballon whatever dumb shit they had to do to open it like because the michelin star critic is coming to his shitty restaurant Oh, that is something I really hate about the show No one is like it's like you can tell they wanted to be like, oh, yeah We're gonna talk about normal people, but they're like
Starting point is 00:26:17 After a week of trying to write that they're like, okay, the chef is a michelin star chef The daughter the adopted daughter is a 300 IQ the fucking the the wife. She's Nationally ranked OBGYN right the girl writes for the new yorker, right? Yeah, you're completely right Wait, I like I forgot that I took notes and I just looked at my notes and I forgot to mention something In that stupid scene where the council of dads are meeting and being like this isn't working well and larry's like no I'm really into it they said there's like a um
Starting point is 00:26:52 Really one of them says well, they hired, you know He hired us to do uh to be their dads and then they were saying well, you know robin wants to fire us But you know, he hired us was is there an exchange of money here? No, but like no, but like because of the psychos that wrote like they have to put terms Put this in terms of employment because the people that fulfill these roles for their kids are employed Oh, my god, it's such a tell show true You're right. Like you have no actual community like they're just you know, yeah You're right
Starting point is 00:27:30 Yeah, this it is like I mean, okay like Shows I would I would vaguely put Gilmore girls in the genre of this show or this is us, right? Like our long family drama, right? Right. Yeah, like broadly. Yeah, right Gilmore girls is about like It's about this mother and daughter and like the daughter's like I wouldn't quite say like a genius, but like a very studious Like responsible young adult. She's like a really good girl Oh, right. Yeah, and that's what was good about that show was They're not like, oh the only way to make her interesting is to literally make her a genius
Starting point is 00:28:06 And like every the other people she interacts with are just like They're like, you know From the time she's in high school to the time she's in college Like they're like how people like they're they range from like dumb to selfish to good-hearted to like Yes, they allow characters to just be normal people Yes, and you know like they allow Rory to like Fail sometimes succeed sometimes kind of ambiguously fail or succeed This show would never have that kind of air behind a character's actions
Starting point is 00:28:39 No, even just yeah No one can fail. No one can have a shortcoming. No character could just be of like average intelligence Yes, right. I mean that's yeah another fucking another like Because like I mean it is possible to do good things in this shot like Friday night lights. It's another one. Yes Yes. Yes. Yes. Absolutely. We're ambiguous things happen Like nothing is all or you know, not every single thing that happens is uniformly good or uniformly bad but in this show it's like They think so little of us that they think that for us to have sympathy for any of these characters
Starting point is 00:29:18 They have to be 100 each every single one has to be 100% excellent in a way that a human being could never be So it's actually we end up not having sympathy for any of them at all because they're not real people No, they're not they're androids. Yes like think about like Friday night lights um like the people that like the students like or the the dillon panthers they like run the range of Like studious to like rowdy, right? Yeah, but the student the two studious people on the team Uh
Starting point is 00:29:51 Fucking god damn it. What's his name the red hair? Jesse Plemons and uh, matt sarasen like they're It's they're not like geniuses. They just like do their school work Right, right like they're they're the the writers of that show aren't afraid to just have a character who's like Normal smart Like a kind of smart person would be like in high school. God. That's so true. I forgot Jesse Plemons was in that show How did he become the he became the biggest star from that fucking show? You're right. He's oh my god. That's so Everything you're right. He like of all people he was the breakout star from that show Yeah, I mean like Kelly was before but like yeah, no, it's him and he's a much bigger star than mica kelly is now
Starting point is 00:30:37 He Massively yes. Wow. Yeah Not jason street. Not. Yeah. No, it's no or um, who was the hot guy. I can't remember. Oh riggins riggins Oh, it's a few things but he kind of stalled out because he was intruded I think that he thought like true detective season two would be great But it was like that was the season where everyone was like this show Wait, you're right. Oh my god. I forgot he was intruded. Oh, and that's like it's like the worst Interpretation of him that he would be in that like
Starting point is 00:31:09 Yeah, that sucks for him. That sucks. I really like him as an actor. That sucks. Oh, he was Amazing in Friday night lights. He was so good Man, that show that show is fucking you know that michael wants to do like a Friday night lights episode of this Oh my god, that's oh my god. That would be amazing. I think we got to do it It's so I think we if he still wants to do it. I think we have to do it. I love that show so much me too There's an absolutely beautiful poem about kim riggins. I'll send it to you. Okay, great. It is so beautiful I can't wait to read it. Um Yeah, now we we now we have to go back to this awful show
Starting point is 00:31:50 So um After uh, anthony let down everyone, uh We are Because right there so wait anthony drives up to take charlotte after her long day of being on 23 and me and and and he's like or and um, this was a really stupid scene because um He drove up to to tell her that he wasn't going to take her mini golfing Like yeah, why did you go up?
Starting point is 00:32:23 Yeah, like you could have just called rot like it was I know No Again baffling. Yeah, and so robin's standing in the um driveway holding hope and and she's with um With charlotte and I guess ollie the one of the deadbeat council of council of deadbeat dads um Cruely sent his child over to robin's house and so now there's six children in the house And like why couldn't charlotte come over and whatever so you know She has all these kids and she's standing in the driveway and anthony comes up and he's like, you know Not today to it and robin's like it's fine
Starting point is 00:33:05 And then hope starts to cry and she's like yep I know how you feel some of us know how you feel like her martyrdom is so Repugnant to me like oh, you're just gonna handle it though because you have six kids like okay Like that's not how I mean, how is she handling it? Who's cleaning the house? Who's giving who's going to the grocery store? Who's cooking dinner? Where what do they do when she's at work? You know I How is she just like taking care of it? I well the show never explains it because yeah actually give a shit about these Yes, yes. Yes, right. The most important thing is just projecting a woman who can do this
Starting point is 00:33:50 Yeah, yeah, I mean it is it is it does kind of come full circle because remember scott like doing that disgusting rbg cheer It's like oh, that's like how they see women. It's just like a desexualized depersonalized avatar of competence Yes, we're just like it's just like these sort of shitty liberal men being like Us men are still are so stupid you women can take care of it Yes, it's like oh you just like you You have no interest in anyone's human development or community or anything. You're just giving up because of some weird Weird like actually very regressive gender. Yes
Starting point is 00:34:26 And in like doing this thing of women are so strong the strong woman look at her. Um, That's a way of actually like it's actually quite, you know, I respect women so much That's actually quite disrespectful of the experience of what like for instance motherhood is actually like It's like a way of just like looking away from it completely Oh women are strong, you know, I don't fucking know what any what any of it is all about and I don't want to know Ew, that's like like Metal Gear Solid 3 has a way better look at the cut It's a game about motherhood and it's actually way deeper than this show It's about mother. Oh my god. No. Yeah, it's about like the that's it's a game that is ostensibly about the cold war
Starting point is 00:35:08 But it's actually about the vulnerabilities At difficulties of mother motherhood. Oh my god, that's amazing. It's it's really good. It's one of the best games ever made I wish I was watching just all the cutscenes from that game on youtube instead of this fucking show but uh Theo and Oliver are or Larry and uh, Theo are in the cancer house. Theo is of course the the bad son and You know, they're carrying groceries. I guess like Larry gets the groceries and this is also presumably presumably after Larry Watched Theo jack off in a truck or something He's you're right. He does come in with the groceries. That's true. He I guess he likes shopping because he also bought the christmas tree
Starting point is 00:35:56 Yeah, he loves right right because he's a business man Theo has a meltdown because Larry is pestering him with vocabulary words and mentions Uh, that he called his guidance counselors and Theo goes you're not my dad which like Even a 10% what shitty show would be like that's way too on the note. Yes. This is parody of itself. You're right. You're right That's really true. Like that was Incredibly stupid scene. Yes, and I also thought the vocab words he was giving him were too easy to be real vocab words So what is one of the I don't know if one of those words was consent. Okay, maybe not like in my memory it was but maybe it wasn't
Starting point is 00:36:38 Well, I mean it is it is a very grooming heavy plot. It's so maybe but uh Uh, right after that Oliver comes home to his husband and tells him the hospital determined that he treated scots cancer correctly And there's nothing more they could have done Oliver's husband who's like just another character who isn't a human being just like a plot bumper Yes, that Oliver should open up to robin about his grief And that's like that's why he's been acting weird because he feels really bad And he should tell robin about the board clearing him. Yeah, that was a terrible scene And I also noticed they had the same faucet that was advertised in the commercials
Starting point is 00:37:23 Oh, I didn't I was lucky. I didn't get any ads. Oh really? Oh, I must have been a promotion They must like know that I'm the only guy only forced driving viewership But you're on these episodes too. They should they should give you a deal too You're right. I really connected with some of the commercials like I realized that like there was this commercial where it was like, um Uh, is your anti-depressant not working enough? You can take this extra pill to boost it and I was like, oh my god. I really want that So like we're I'm assuming you just got like farm ads, right? Yeah, yeah, and then the faucet the faucet and the faucet was really prominently featured in the in that scene like the faucet was somehow like in the foreground like in um
Starting point is 00:38:11 That was in focus and then the two like husbands in the background were like kind of blurry I think this is gonna be one of those things where it's like We find out that this show is part of like some new financial industry scam where it's like If you funnel the profits from like a kitchen appliance We do a tv show you get some weird tax break. Yes. I mean they're and you know the previous scene Was also in a kitchen They were they were putting away the groceries and then they switched to the other people's kitchen
Starting point is 00:38:42 And these are really like tricked out kitchens like they're completely new completely newly renovated kitchens I have to say robin's house Robin who doesn't hire any help right Her house has to be worth. I would say six million. Yes. I would say so too. Yes. Absolutely. Yes No help like no cleaning. Yeah, like nothing, but no Jesus fucking crazy, but uh So our next scene Is lulie and robin having girl time and this really sucked. Uh, she's Over to show right. They were being wine moms together. Yeah, this really blew
Starting point is 00:39:20 Uh Lulie invented robin over to show her the napkin holders that lulie lose biological mom center as a wedding gift She like it's sufferably intimates to robin how little she likes her birth mom But robin like very weakly tells her she should look at her more generously um This is like you can't even really exaggerate lulie's soy dialogue during this part. It's just she's like, uh, yeah I met her when I was nine and it was awkward That is literally exactly what she said. She was like my mom's like, uh, uh, this is why I gave you up and I'm like
Starting point is 00:39:59 I'm nine It's that is literally the dialogue and delivery. Yeah, it's awful like I was I try not to like hover my cursor over Because I watch dudes on youtube tv I try not to see how long is left in a show because it just makes it worse But I was doing that constantly Me too. I did it so much. Brian was like stop. You're making it worse. Like just watch it
Starting point is 00:40:26 I feel so bad that Brian's watching this It just leaves his mind instantly like he listened to the last episode. He was like, how did you remember that stuff? I was like, well, you know, it's easy because Felix says the scenes, but otherwise I would never think of it again Good. I'm glad it's at least leaving your mind, but uh the uh Um They they then talk about Lulie's move to new york, which she isn't sure about As anyone who's read anyone's face or heard their voice ever could tell you
Starting point is 00:40:58 Right. And also this exact same thing happened in the previous episode as well Yes, where she was going to go to new york, but didn't for some reason that whole thing is repeated in this episode it was No, literally the exact don't more girls would just like be one and done with it Yes Why did this happen to like okay fine if it happened twice over a couple seasons? It's like she plans to go to new york again fine. It happened the last episode It makes me think there must have been like some awfully
Starting point is 00:41:32 You know what I think there was there was probably some like really clumsy black lives matter plot Where there where it's like a cop kills a black person in their town But then they find out like the cop is nice to robin or something And then the network was like we can't do this and they're like fine. She wants to go to new york Just splice in the scenes. Yeah There's yeah something just awful like that like too bad even for this show. You're right like a huge terrible misjudgment You're right. They're like Ali's brother was killed in a um, you know, right in like A big while driving well black, but you know lulies friends with the cop and then they look at again
Starting point is 00:42:12 They're like no this didn't test well Yeah, I know this was a disaster with test audiences. Uh So thankfully the scene is cut short. Um When theo starts texting robin to bitch about how much larry is grooming him, right? So so robin leaves to go confront larry Hey, she's like this is not okay Stop having sex with my son Oh my god, you're right. You're real like you're oh my god. He's real. I wasn't even thinking about our uh
Starting point is 00:42:47 Our suspicions about larry during this. You're completely right No, that this scene blew them up because she's bitching larry out for the council's like immense failures Like they don't seem to accomplish anything. No never there for the family and they push her emotion They put they make her do emotional labor. Yeah, I mean, but the only guy who actually shows up for his designated kid is larry And what and while robin's like no no more counsel like he you guys have held it everything He's like crying. He's like Robin. No, please. Let me Let me just text theo. Can I just text theo?
Starting point is 00:43:25 No pictures. I promise just text But it's insane. He's like this like stoic old man is like Practically crying and he's like don't end it. Don't end it. Don't end it. No. No, no, no, no We'll do it right. We'll do it right. Please. Please. I want to hang out with theo Uh, you're right. He's like a begging her And yeah, she's like no, no, no more. You're done That was very It's very weird. It's a very fucking weird scene
Starting point is 00:43:54 You're completely right and like, you know, I didn't even notice that theo for some unknown reason is his designated child Like the it's three dads and five children So it really shouldn't be a one-to-one thing But it's just like it goes without saying that he that him and theo are the pair Yeah, he only does things with theo. It's so fucking weird So this is I was I've been excited to hear what you had to say about this scene specifically Because it's the next morning the first morning without the council Robin is literally wearing a garbage bag to prevent herself from getting messy
Starting point is 00:44:35 Well making the family's breakfast like this isn't even a submental child wouldn't do that much less like a doctor mother of five I know. Oh my god. I I hated that I wrote in my notes. I looked out and I see it says the garbage bag period Yeah, it's like Homer Simpson would do that Yes, that's a peter griffin thing like what the even they would wear an apron But it's like is it like to show that she's not a good much like she's not good at like domesticity or like What the fuck was the point of this? I have no idea and it was so disingenuous, right? So she was feeding the baby and she was she had a garbage bag on to protect her
Starting point is 00:45:18 But it was it was like when um JJ wore the Gregorian monk outfit It's like you don't know what you're looking at because they've just done it wrong so it's like Her the garbage bag actually looked kind of like sexy and good like it was like one of those like really like Like like black garbage bags with the cinching so it looked like she was just wearing a dress Yeah, they're the really high quality ones, which of course they have those because they're you know rich for no reason And right so yeah, it was like I mean it looked like a fancy dress it like she had kind of like it was sort of
Starting point is 00:45:54 Nipped at the waist and it had kind of cute cap sleeves, but then it turned out to be a garbage bag I was like well it looks good, you know and like if I wore a garbage bag I would just like first of all we have the white ones with none of the like cinching because we're poor But like I think I would first of all I wouldn't wear a garbage bag when interacting with my child to protect myself from my child But if I did it would be like, you know, I would probably just like either like lay it over my front Or like maybe poke a hole in the top and put my head in but it wouldn't look cute like she had it looking cute Yeah, this was it's like they don't know what they're supposed to accomplish in any scene visually Yes, yeah, she tries to so she tries to delegate responsibilities to her family son's council
Starting point is 00:46:49 And she's like and everyone's like well that sounds like something larry would like to do Yeah Theo's having trouble getting his pants on look at larry in here Theo needs to put sunscreen on they're going to the beach today. Let's call larry. Um, they this is So like but the family is like not fio, but like someone needs to wash fios underpants larry usually does that mom Robin So like this part
Starting point is 00:47:24 this really blew my mind because like Everyone in the family except for thio and robin They're like so upset that she got rid of the council like this sub-mental mess constantly let them down Yes. Yeah, who'd drive up their driveway to say Uh, yeah, yeah, you're here. Actually. I just drove here all the way here from Atlanta to tell you that I'm not going to take You mini golfing You're awesome Yeah, no, they just
Starting point is 00:47:57 Yeah, they just have no they're like no The stupid guys who haven't accomplished anything that really weird, but yes So our next scene lulily meets up with her mom. Oh my god younger than her She that I thought that she was going on a date I thought she was cheating on evan and going on a date with a woman like that's what I thought I was like, okay. I mean, I thought that was a date and I especially thought it was when the mom said, um You know, oh my god, you're so beautiful like I thought they were meeting for a day I thought she was I really really thought she was cheating on evan
Starting point is 00:48:36 The mom's like 25. The mom is definitely younger than her. That was so weird and It's right. Like oh, she has a young mom. Let's make her 20 like yeah, like she literally looks younger than lulily. It's so Yeah, this is a really this is a really bad scene by the way I think that was the worst scene in the episode and the thing that I hated most about it Was that they were both wearing Blazers Like that was that was pathetic like you do losers like you're going to meet someone like I'm sorry That's like not something any
Starting point is 00:49:13 Sentient human being would do you're meeting someone for coffee And you're wearing a like neither of you have the kind of job where you have to wear a blazer You're just voluntarily wearing like a chic blazer from express or something like to just meet someone in your private life Ew that disgusted me Like I can't be I was like you losers like why are you just wearing blazers for no reason I mean that may have been like the iciness that we saw at first in the scene that they they saw they but you know It's like when Tony Remember when Tony and junior meet each other in that first season of the sparrows and they both have guns on them
Starting point is 00:49:55 I think this is like the equivalent. Oh my god. You're right So like like you came with your freshly purchased blazer from the local ball that's still in business So Lily very clumsily rejects her mom's Offers of both the napkin holders and advances in her life. Um, right Like she's ready to leave which begs the question of like why she came in the first place Just like how anthony drove all the way from atlanta. It's like I just drove here to tell you right Yeah, I came here to tell you I don't like you and I don't want to see you ever. Yeah Yeah, it it turns out that in the napkin holders there are pictures of her dead dead Scott
Starting point is 00:50:35 Uh, and she's able to coax Lily into staying and having a coffee with her right So, I mean, this is just the checkoff is gone in the bad scenes. It's like, oh, we're gonna release two scenes of these fucking corn balls Yes, yes, yes Oh, by the way speaking of the checkoffs gun, which really every scene is constructed with the checkoffs gun But um, the garbage of course she forgot to take off the garbage bag and JJ said, uh, mom the garbage bag You still got the garbage, but yeah, thanks you little shit So at the hospital Oliver this seems very insulting Oliver and Robin talk, uh, Oliver tells Robin
Starting point is 00:51:15 He makes her do so much emotional labor here Yeah, Oliver tells Robin that he was cleared in treating Scott, but Robin is mad at how distant Oliver's been And they start shouting at each other in the hospital cafeteria with hundreds of doctors in it Yes, like about how he didn't ride do the charity bike ride with JJ. Yes, and Oliver screams in front of Like the same people who he's like, all right guys, uh, did I kill my friend or not? Yeah, right all the tendons of the lecture, right? Yeah, he just screams I don't know how to ride a bike and he didn't tell Robin because he was ashamed And he's ashamed because he couldn't save Scott
Starting point is 00:51:52 And Robin is like moved at how much of a failure Oliver is right right rather than being like, you know enough I have five kids like I don't want to you know, coax you through that. She was like, oh honey Yeah, yeah, but like after she's about to heal Oliver, but she gets paid to work on a Oh, right, right, right, right Oh, that's right. That's right. And that's that she explains during the garbage bag scene that um, right As a patient's pussy is dilated four centimeters. So and everyone's like cool mom So right then that then she has to go help that person, right? Yeah, but she's like we'll pick this up again, Oliver I forgive you, right?
Starting point is 00:52:39 Oliver takes a bus ride To Atlanta with her friend, uh, Oliver's daughter. Oh, right. No, charlotte takes the bus ride. Oh, right. Wait, so Charlotte and um, Oliver's daughter are take a bus ride to Atlanta, right? Yeah, to meet the girl that charlotte found is related to our 23 may and her adopted mom The sister seems or I guess the sister. Oh, yeah, some kind of relative. I don't know. Yeah. It seems like correctly Absolutely disgusted with charlotte charlotte. Yes. Uh, yeah, so I spent a while and yeah, we're kind of related Oh You're right. That's a girl's like just looking at it with a stony eyed glare. I was like, yes
Starting point is 00:53:22 Yeah, finally this family gets what they fucking deserve That was like the end of the joker to me when the joker is like you get what you fucking deserve The sister just sort of like just ice league larry got her that was great That was wonderful. You're right. Oh god, but unfortunately charlotte got a lot of support from oh the friend's name is tess from tess She was like, yeah, it's you're still like the coolest person I know. Yeah, I but um Back at the restaurant, uh
Starting point is 00:53:53 Lulie's mom tells the origin stories of her napkin holders, which is I guess scott's family would never have dinner Uh, I think that's what wait. Go ahead. That's like yeah, that's like what they think a poor family is like completely But we don't hear anything about that because the mom is like, you know, your dad's family was and lulie says not great Like she doesn't it's like if it's not great. I don't want to fucking hear it Yeah, she she asked Lulie if she wants to know why she was given up and lulie immediately shuts it down Yes, no, they're like kind of having a moment. Right, right, right So back in the hospital, they're in the room where oliver did the you know cancer board thing
Starting point is 00:54:36 And robin tells oliver to forgive himself for scott's death. They stare at a giant projected image of scott I know Like that was insane And and then they then they have this like heart to heart and of oliver's like this is gonna sound weird, but I miss him Yes, yes, he goes this is gonna sound weird, but I miss his voice It's like that's one of the first things you miss about someone who dies Like why would that like I that was so and he paused for such a long time
Starting point is 00:55:11 He's like this is gonna sound weird, but and then he allows her to take some of his emotional labor She's like no, you know, tell me and he's like I miss his voice Like why would that be weird? Yeah, and especially since the guy was a singer like he wrote that terrible song like, you know That is like that's like one of the big Nostalgia triggers you have is like someone's voice again. No one in this show has ever missed anyone who's died right right? He right. He's explained. He's displaying something that is
Starting point is 00:55:43 You know Somewhere in the neighborhood of a human emotion and he has to preface it by being like this is gonna sound Really fucked up, but I actually miss his voice Like I thought you know if you want me to miss like I miss his feet or something like yeah That's Larry Larry comes into the room and he's like I miss theos feet when I even just spend one day away Like they um I want to you know those experiments they do where it's like they have they have a bunch of chimps and like
Starting point is 00:56:20 It's not like chimps in a lab But like in nature they observe if like one of the chimps die how they react to death and it's like What they found out is that like a lot of higher primates Understand what death is and they have grief but like deer if a deer dies in front of other deer They don't know what's going on this freak out. Wow I want to see how the writers would this show would respond if one of them died I think it would be like the deer because they clearly don't understand what death is Or loss or grief. They would not react like primates. No, you're totally
Starting point is 00:56:55 Yeah, they they this scene ends as uh robin and oliver like have the conversation about how annoying and Unfunny scott is I mean played like wasn't he so great wasn't he so great, but it's like no scott's stocked I'm glad he's not around. Yes, but everyone is Yeah, he's very glad to lose him Uh, we then see larry teaching jj how to ride a bike, which I guess means the council is back like seen missing right, uh Or larry is just freelance grooming, uh larry then goes fishing with theo and they have a conversation
Starting point is 00:57:28 This part's fucking nuts. They were larry's like Listen to yo my wife left me Uh, my kids hate me. I never talked to them. I'm very lonely You're right and theo has exactly the same reaction that he did in last episode Oh my god, like everything is the same as the last episode. It's like this already happened last episode Literally they had this conversation and he was like all right. All right cool, man. Oh, that's so cool Yeah, so then they're like back at it like you're like jokingly adversarial relationship where larry gives him vocabulary awards and like asks for him to sit on his ass
Starting point is 00:58:12 Making his back or whatever And they don't even go fishing like after that two and a half minute conversation. They just pack up all the gear And then oh, yes, like what the fuck why were they there? It's like that's why this I know the show is a tax break because every scene is like they had to rent out like a rich guy's private lake or some shit Yes, and it's like they didn't even have to be there. They could have been in a fucking dual shed Oh my god, you're right and it is in georgia. That's one of the tax break. Um states Brian kepp is making money off this dog. Like I need lee fong to report on the show lee if you are listening
Starting point is 00:58:49 Please like look into the show. I'm sure there's some fucking dark money kicking around We need to find the uh, like a geolocation for that pier they were on Who's here is that the only People that can end this show are either the viewers not watching it or lee fong Finding out that it's a scam lee. We really need you. I don't want to I hate this show, please um So at anthony's restaurant charlotte and her crew come by um Anthony assist charlotte in her lie about her mom being there the lie that she told her, uh
Starting point is 00:59:28 23 and me relatives. Oh, right right because the mom of the um, the 23 and me relative was like, you know, I'm concerned about this Where's your mom and charlotte's like, uh, she went shopping And the mom was like, okay. Well, you know, let's go to where she is so that we're okay with this And so she was like, well, she's at a restaurant and the restaurant was anthony's restaurant. Yeah. Yeah And but it's the very night that the michelin star people are supposed to come Yeah, it would be funny if it like if they just made it like again, this would god God forbid you make this show more human and interesting it would
Starting point is 01:00:08 You know something funny you could do with that like b-plot is like there's just a really annoying big yelp user Be more I don't know Fucking michelin star chef, of course, right. Oh my god, exactly right, right, you're right Or what if anthony didn't drop everything for the michelin star people and was like, no, sorry. You're on your own I said I care about this michelin star Yeah, yeah, I mean He's but I mean he finally does he like realizes that he's being bad and he He like show it's like thank you for being so cool and he goes. I'm not that cool
Starting point is 01:00:48 I'm gonna tell your mom and I'm driving you back to your house and He just got anthony decides to skip the critics michelin star visit and drive charlotte and her annoying friend back home right Lulee tells evan she doesn't want to move to new york and instead write a boring essay about her dad Right, right, right. She's going to stay stay home to write an essay. That is literally what she says She wants to write an essay like a five-page double-spaced essay about her Forget moving to new york I've got an essay to write and but actually I really did think that was the best scene of the entire episode because
Starting point is 01:01:27 Evan was like you said yesterday you wanted to move to new york and she she didn't really have an explanation Because they couldn't think of something for her to say she was like, well, I don't know what I think all I know is I don't want to move to york. I want to write this five-page essay And he was like really pissed like he was like, you know, you I packed up our house Like you said you wanted to move to new york like and she was like well now I don't and he's like you're being really annoying And I thought that was like there was like a little bit of like a that was like the most Like actual tension in the entire two episodes we watched. Yeah, that was like the most friction we've seen Yeah, I guess that you're right. That is the best scene. Yeah, uh
Starting point is 01:02:13 I mean after that we're treated to just a fucking steaming pile of shit Oh my god, we're seen in the entire series Uh where like for an every single person in the series is in that room It's oh god. All right. Hack it. Like this is gonna be rough. Yeah. Oh that was excruciating. Yeah, the family is convened waiting for charlotte and her friend to be returned by anthony Uh wall anthony is arriving larry has a fight with robin about how he's like you need us Oh and rob it and the scene begins with robin's right. They're all just sitting around, you know um twiddling their thumbs anxiously waiting for um charlotte and tess and anthony to come back
Starting point is 01:03:00 And it is literally every single character in the entire show besides the people who are driving there. Um, and um Robin opens the scene by scene being like I should have seen this coming And larry. Yeah, and larry goes. Yeah, you should out. It's like you should have seen it coming that she would do a 23 in me and try to escape to atlanta and go to anthony's restaurant on the night of the mission star and have him drive her back with Tess like why should you have seen this coming? And yeah, and larry is like way way too into this like yeah larry's a fucking freak so
Starting point is 01:03:38 So charlotte and anthony show up and anthony this really pissed me off because anthony's like You know why your kids did this because you fired the council of dads and it's like You didn't do anything No, and you know anthony's all like he did this at the um at the funeral too when um, jj was dressed as a gregarian monk he was like um He he for some reason stepped in and gave a five minute speech. It's like funny. You don't even know of these people Yeah, you don't do anything for that. You just like having moments. Yes Yeah, he's like what charlotte needs right now and he did the exact same thing with jj at the service
Starting point is 01:04:20 He's like, you know, jj is one of the bravest young Children on this on god's green earth and blah blah blah blah like he did the same thing with charlotte He's like what charlotte means right now isn't what jj means or what lulie needs or what your other fucking children whose names i can't think of dean You know She needs to know that her mother is going to be there for her And and robin's like, oh, okay It's like why are you letting this man who doesn't have any children who wouldn't even take your child mini golfing once after your husband died?
Starting point is 01:04:59 Lecture you about what your own daughter needs Yeah, no, she just robin is so fucking compliant Yeah, this guy if i was robin and this guy was i'd be like, well, what the fuck if you done asshole Yeah, like you couldn't take one of my children mini golfing for in a single afternoon I have all five of them all the time Yeah, yeah, she's but like because every character is totally compliant Uh, she's like you're right and anthony goes good. Come on charlotte Tell her and charlotte goes i feel scared because i lost one set of parents already and what would happen if you died
Starting point is 01:05:39 I hate charlotte I yeah, she's such a gross nerd So yeah, uh Um, then charlotte charlotte goes. Oh my god. I like crossed the line. I'm sorry and robin goes Robin says no, you're right. Right. Why does she she reveals that and then she goes. Oh my god. I'm sorry Yeah, robin goes. I fire. I fired your backup plan Epic fail. Oh I I wanted to like I think I wrote down just like gun here. Yeah, I just wrote gun in the notes
Starting point is 01:06:15 Uh, so like there's after she says epic fail. There's an immediate smash cut To charlotte's face, which I guess like this scene is supposed to show that robin is getting into charlotte's Interest of what memes from 15 years ago Like that was the thing when I was in high school like what the fuck like Yes, kids charlotte's age like this shit they're into now. It's like Yes, spongebob, but with way a wave cap on and a gun right the airpot like it's like It's literally I was 15 when that fucking meme started the how She wouldn't say that if she was supposed to be like a hip like fucking computer zoomer god damn it
Starting point is 01:06:56 Fuck this show. I know and I mean she's exhibiting the same psychotic behavior She did last episode when her dad was like rbg rbg and she just like smug she loved it She couldn't get enough of it. It's like Yeah, it delighted her Yeah, like I mean the idea that this child would have any friends even one hired by her family apparently Like, you know, it's not credible It isn't at all. Um so
Starting point is 01:07:27 lulie and evan Then show up to the I guess family convention that they're having yes to announce to them that they're not moving to new york Which was actually very selfish because charlotte was having a moment of her own But yeah, but then they write he and you know what but evan hadn't even Oh my god, this show is so so Sexist evan hadn't told lulie that they were not moving to new york. Yeah. Oh my god. That's right It he just walked out and said, you know, I have an announcement everyone and they're like what and he's like
Starting point is 01:08:06 We're not moving to new york and lulie was like what? Like I I so they were moving to new york for her pretend career at the new york Or which I still think she's just trying to figure out like, you know when the subscription place just calls you back That doesn't mean you have a job But I guess they're moving there for that and um And so she's ambivalent about it Doesn't know whether or not she wants to go and he just decided that they're good news. They're not going to go Yeah, baff again fucking baffling. Yes
Starting point is 01:08:39 Also, it's like if you saw the entire every member of the family in the extended cast of the family in one room Wouldn't you be like, oh, no, did someone get cancer again? Oh my gosh, you're right. You're right. This is a very tragedy stricken family You your first impulse shouldn't be to go in front of everyone and be like, hey everyone. We're not going to new york You're right. Oh my god. You're that's so true This is a very hapless family. Like you should just like okay. No one was hurt this time But someone's gonna get cancer again soon and they're all gonna be gathered like that again You're right. Like you need like a designated survivor for this family Like not everyone should be in this room
Starting point is 01:09:22 Yeah, so they throw a shitty party because the two Most baffling members of family aren't leaving them yet Uh, lulie asked robin if she's disappointed in her for not moving to new york then instantly compares herself to flannery o'connor Oh my god. I hated that. Yeah. She was like Like I don't think robin really knew who flannery o'connor was like, um, lulie's like, don't worry I'll just be like flannery o'connor and robin's like, okay Yeah, also like flannery o'connor would hate lulie. She would hate the people that wrote the show They're the exact centers that she talked about like that is such a good point
Starting point is 01:10:01 You're so right. Like you're right. Why are you right? And you don't like flannery o'connor lulie Like just go away and work on your five pages. Like what like you what did she like like? I don't know like wonkhet. Probably. Yes. Maybe. Yeah, that might be a little bit too hip I'm serious Um So lulie's mom michelle, I think she likes a print version of like Like any whatever print version of magazines are still being printed. Like so maybe like she subscribes To you know how they like I think they still print like cosmopolitan. It's just like really small and thin
Starting point is 01:10:44 I think that's what she likes. Yeah. No. Yeah. So lulie's mom michelle is at the party Michelle and anthony have this weird moment and then it's like, oh, right lulie's actually anthony's daughter They fucked like 20 years ago. Wow. Like this show fucking sucks so much. It sucks. It's really bad I know like and they can't let lulie just be the The daughter of someone who's not robin. They also have to make her have another Like she she's not she's she doesn't belong in the family at all. You know
Starting point is 01:11:22 Like it's like they can't give these these kids a break like they're riding them on how Like different they are like it's it's like it's the opposite of tolerance. Like it's terrible So, yeah, what are we going to find out? Like is theo a hologram? Is hope like a hallucination when she's still born and it's just like oh, she's a big tearing around her corpse There are actually no they had no kids. Right, right I mean like leave her alone. Like it's enough that she you know is like she's she's another race than the rest of the family She you know, she has a different mother like can't you leave it at that you have to keep hammering it in again? I guess no. She'd be look. She doesn't she belongs even less than you might think
Starting point is 01:12:12 Yeah, yeah, it's like really beat they're really beating you over the fucking head Yes, and but then it's like, you know, she doesn't belong at all if you think she doesn't belong at all. You're a monster Yeah, they always do that. They always like that was the point of this episode like the subtext of this episode was like The whole thing with charlotte was like, oh blood related people will disappoint you But didn't like non blood related people also disappointed her greatly like what what the fuck like it's like Oh, you should be are you happy for charlotte because she's gonna find her sister. Guess what her sister fucking hates her This is a real family, but it's like you were just telling me her real her Quote a quote real family that isn't blood related to her was disappointing her. So what are you telling me?
Starting point is 01:12:56 What the fuck is the point of this? Yes. Yes. Yes, right exactly. What is the takeaway here? Exactly, right? Oh That they just need infinite chances. Well, shouldn't like her biological sister get infinite. What the fuck is your point? Right. No, I think it's just this like they just want to like they want us to feel or I guess, you know You're supposed to feel good about yourself That you're watching this diverse family and every second of every interaction You have to be reminded again and again how diverse they are And if you've forgotten or if they seem to settle into something you they need
Starting point is 01:13:35 They need something else to happen to give them more diversity points So that your you know endorphins are triggered again by how good a person you are watching this a diverse family Yeah, no, it's somebody just they love getting the rush of adding new bullet points to the fucking character Exactly and with each successive bullet point the character becomes less of a human being like no Oh, yeah, they just have things happen to them. Yes. Yes So at the end, uh after this bomb kind of bombshell revelation, right There is a weirdly comical, but supposedly heartwarming scene of Oliver learning how to ride a bike Every single character was in that scene. Yes
Starting point is 01:14:20 Like if you are an adult learn do adults even have to learn how to ride a bike? Like can't you just like you probably know the learning curve probably is them as high as when you're a kid, right? Like you probably could just do it. I would think like yeah after a few tries. I I don't know Yeah, I mean, I don't know. I don't know why he has to learn how to ride a bike like he's Whatever, I know I know Larry's narration closes us out saying that the family that the council needs the family as much as the family needs them Well, that's certainly true for you Larry Yeah, it's the only thing keeping you going now
Starting point is 01:14:55 Uh produced by Jerry Bruckheimer the end Yeah, this was you're right. Yeah Or what no I I actually you still think what you thought that like this is better than the last episode because it's like You kept reminding me that They reuse so much That it almost like it doesn't count as a second. Oh my god, you're right It was kind of like a remake of the first episode like where are they going to go from here? I like Really hated watching this and I don't want to watch it again
Starting point is 01:15:26 But I think like I mean there's like at least another three months of quarantine. So I think we're gonna have to Yeah, you know, we're gonna have to watch another yeah, okay I would like to watch another like I'm genuinely curious And I I don't know why but I didn't I really didn't hate the exp I think maybe I just was like, you know Like Theo I was groomed for this one. Like I was like, okay, I know what I'm gonna be getting This one, yeah, you know what's amazing is I think we went twice as long as our first council dads at But like yeah, literally all the same events as the first episode. I think yes This is
Starting point is 01:16:07 This show is more than the sum of the shitty parts just because it is such a window Into the empty souls of its creators. I completely agree like I kind of okay And I have to go because I hear Beatrix crying, but okay Yeah, but I like I just I just want to say like I feel like there's something I like need to work out about the Like what there there's just something about the like How Self-satisfied they want the viewer to be and how flat that falls because they won't let any character exist as a human being Like it's like I need to keep I mean to sit like they're it seems like they're painting themselves into a quarter
Starting point is 01:16:44 Like I need to see where they go with it and they're trying so painfully not to be like Racist homophobic, you know Like just all those things and and you know, they're they're skating on such thin ice. I really want to see them fail Yeah, no, hopefully they really fuck it up. I really I would love You know, I don't care when people are like, oh this network show did it bad that like wasn't sensitive I don't care all these shows are bad But like it would make me happy to see the producers of the show go through that I come they deserve it because it is insensitive. They're just not making any like quote-unquote mistakes
Starting point is 01:17:23 But it's deeply deeply insensitive to like, you know to anyone, you know, but like especially I mean, I don't know. There's just yeah, I need to like get at what's so offensive about it about the portrayal of people with like diversity aspects, you know Yeah, we're gonna we are gonna keep watching this awesome Yeah, no, we're definitely gonna keep watching this. I am I I love doing these episodes with you But I hate watching council of dad so much that I am like I'm looking forward to watching a million little things Oh my god, like tomorrow that one sounded really bad
Starting point is 01:18:01 And I it's harder on you because you have to watch all of these like that you're like that's so different than me Just having to watch it like once every few weeks. Oh, you're gonna you're gonna hear my psychic break in the final This is us episode. Oh my I felt I'm so close to it. Yeah, it's I it is This is us is going to it's What I have planned for it is either gonna fall very flat or Or people will really love it, but it's just um It will show how much these shows have gotten to me. Oh my god. I can't wait to hear that How could they not like okay, okay wait the address is crying so much. Okay. Okay. All right. I'll let you go. Thank you again
Starting point is 01:18:39 Oh my god, I love just let me know if you want to like want us to put anything in the show description Okay. Oh my god, I'll I'll do the poem. I'll I'll send the tim riggins power. Okay. Perfect. Yeah. Yeah, we'll put that in the show description Okay. All right. This was so fun. He looks like I had a great time. I love you This is where we go

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