Chapo Trap House - Episode 228 - Supreme Clientele feat. Elon Musk* and Ashley Feinberg (7/15/18)

Episode Date: July 15, 2018

Genius humanitarian and humble dreamer Elon Musk* calls in to talk about rescuing all those kids trapped in a cave and what else he plans to do to humanity. Then we're joined by Ashley Feinberg to tal...k about the Trump family standing techniques and Don Jr's life as a divorced guy on Instagram. Then we dive into the spate of Op-Eds on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and what a great guy, dad he is. *James Adomian

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right. It's Chapo. I'm just going to kick things off right away this week. We're joined now, making his second appearance on the show, someone who I regard as the greatest humanitarian of our times, a humble genius, a dreamer, and a beacon of hope for all of humanity. Elon Musk, how are you doing? Yeah, good. Yeah, thank you. It's so great to be on the show again, to share my vision with you guys. It's great to be with the Chapo clan. Elon, you know, you're coming off an amazing week where you captured the world's imagination and rescued all of those children trapped in a cave in Thailand. Could you tell us a little
Starting point is 00:00:45 bit about that? It's a fantastic week, and you know, it's building on a lot of other fantastic weeks. I haven't had a bad week since 1990 in the political events that happened in that year. But you know, we are, you know, you got to forgive me because I'm here. We're on the ground in Phuket and we're still working on the operation. What we did together with the royal government, the Thailand, you know, getting the 12 soccer boys out of the tunnel. Just really the kind of inspiration that I need for my space force. And I was very inspired by the work of not only the young boys, but also of, you know, the government of Thailand.
Starting point is 00:01:26 We did it together. We did it together. And SpaceX and Elon Musk could not have done what we did without some of the assistance of those people. So I have to be generous in that sense. Probably the most crucial element of this rescue was the introduction of your personal child-sized submarines. Can you speak a little bit about the development of this technology? We've been working on it for years, different programs through SpaceX, one of our projects because it takes so long to get to Mars. We were working on deep space pods so that we would be able to have, you know, children go between Earth and Mars if they have divorced parents, you know, like on an airline, and they'll be able to travel on their own, you
Starting point is 00:02:05 see. And so we were working on that and we thought, hey, this is a perfect opportunity to, you know, reconfigure an existing project and try to get some headlines. And that's what we did. And it was really fantastic. The perfect child-sized pods, they work, whether the biological organism is alive or not, and they're just perfectly made for weaseling their way through an underground tunnel, whether it's in Phuket or whether it's in an undisclosed location where you'll see me surface again soon. Elon, how do you respond to criticism? I mean, I mean, it's shocking to me that... I want to cut you off there real quick if I might will. The way I respond to criticism
Starting point is 00:02:42 is by being online all day long arguing with people on Twitter, because let me say something. You know, you're a socialist this, socialist that. I'm also a socialist, you know. I'm a socialist who happens to believe in the power of the markets and extra political power for billionaires. Some people have said that this rescue that you did of these children, and again, they wouldn't have been rescued without your help, was just simply a publicity stunt to gain, to get some, you know, cheap heat for you and your company. A publicity stunt. That sounds like something that Warren Buffett and his little troll boys
Starting point is 00:03:19 would have put out there. A publicity stunt is when you have a Pillsbury Doe Boy on TV getting poked and you go by Pillsbury Doe. A publicity stunt is electrifying an elephant to prove that your kind of electricity is not the right kind of electricity, which, by the way, we're going to go on a tour of the United States and Canada in the next couple of years, and we are going to be electrifying some elephants just to prove, actually, that the Solar City Vision and Tesla Battery grid is perfectly operational. So it's going to be a positive exercise in electrifying elephants. Now, what we were doing is we're saving children. We're saving children. And we went down there.
Starting point is 00:04:00 We were specifically asked by the king of Thailand. He said, Elon, I have no plan. I don't know what to do. And I was communicating with him every day. We were on FaceTime. And I said, you know, you got to do this, and I'm going to get on the ship there. So we have a little submarine. We also are bringing over a little boring company, large drill. And the good news is the boys are out. And the Thai government has been kind enough to give us the site of the caves. And we're going to use it as a proving ground for Tesla, for SpaceX, for the boring company. Wow. So you're going to put some more boys down there? Well, sure. I mean, that's obviously down the line, but you got to engineer it first
Starting point is 00:04:44 and make sure it's safe and not safe. So you know what to allow for. There are going to be real boys, but not before we put in a little boring company tunnel. We're going to widen it just a little bit so you can just comfortably move a tube of one child at a time through the tunnel. And it's going to be a perfectly horrifying attraction. You know, people are so impressed with this rescue. They're, you know, they're reaching out, you know, to use your genius and your intellect to solve some of our society's other problems. Yes, that's good. I see the check cleared. I've been seeing a lot of people ask you, you know, Alon, what can you do with your
Starting point is 00:05:20 magnificent technology to make the people of Flint, Michigan have clean drinking water? What are you planning for that? So we're talking about the Flint, Michigan. And yeah, sure, no problem. I can get you drinking water. What do you what do you want? Do you want it to be hard water? Do you want to bathe with it? Do you want to drink it? It's no problem at all. The solution is going to be done with nano computers. So we're working on that. We're working on that. We're working on biologically changing the people of Michigan so they don't need the same amount of water. We're working on installing solar panels in people's stem cells so that they can draw energy from the sun instead of from a hydrogen and oxygen
Starting point is 00:06:00 molecules. You know, this is the stuff of this is the we're inspired by the work of Isaac Asimov. We're inspired by the work of Robert Heinlein, you know, we're inspired by some great political thinkers of South Africa and a lot of other places. And we are we're going to make humanity lean. They're not going to need as much stuff. You understand. Wow, is all I have to say to that. I'm also working on a deodorant. There's going to be a deodorant. It's called the fragrance is called Elon Musk. It's going to go into your armpits and it's going to just sort of biologically change your pheromones so that you just that you smell like someone who belongs on Mars. Epic, sir. Epic. Last question. I saw, you
Starting point is 00:06:50 know, a story in the news today that you are one of the top donors to the Republican Congressional caucuses re-election funds. Yeah, sure. Is that the problem? I'm a socialist. I'm a socialist who believes in the revolution of the proletariat through donations to the Republicans. I'm playing a game of holographic chess that you can't wrap your mind around. I can wrap my mind around it, but I would expect a lot of haters online will be upset by this or say that it's some sort of hypocrisy on your part. But I don't think they understand that you're giving them money so that when the time comes for them to do right by you and the people of America, you can threaten to withhold that money. Yeah, all I care about is how they're
Starting point is 00:07:37 going to treat the future of humanity. And by that, I mean how they're going to treat my companies that I'm hoping to make billions of dollars off of. Look, I donate to all sides. I'm not a Republican. I'm nonpartisan. I donate to all sides. Yes, we're working with the Republican caucus to get them to support some very important libertarian issues. Also donating to Recep Tayyip Erdogan to make sure that Turkey just cleans out any political elements that get in the way of a massive SpaceX campus. We donate to all sides. I'm working with the Dutch royal family. We're working with the Saudi royal family. Obviously, we have connections now in Thailand. We're going to have a massive tunnel underneath Bangkok that may drop it
Starting point is 00:08:27 into the mantle of the earth. But what it will be replaced with will be magnificent. Do you see the vision? Add aspera persanguinem to the stars through blood and sometimes the route to the stars. The quickest route, of course, is a straight line between two points. Sometimes that line points directly through the center of our earth. That is why we must drill our way to the stars. Mr. Musk, thank you so much for your time. On behalf of those boys rescued from the cave, I know they haven't done this to you personally yet, so I will do it on their behalf. Thank you, Mr. Musk, for saving our lives. Yeah, we're monitoring with them. We're monitoring like we like what they did. And so we're
Starting point is 00:09:17 going to monitor them and probably kidnap them into an X-Men program sometime in the next 10 years once they've fully completed their adolescence. And yeah, if they can survive in those tunnels, we're going to shoot them in a Tesla to Mars and see if they can survive there. What a beautiful vision of the future. Mr. Musk, thank you so much for your time. Yeah, thank you. Hold on. Let me, I got to attend to some of my engineering right here if you don't mind. Pull his body out of the combine. Every one out of 2020 has like the in-factor. It's like every generation of the star, this Baron, and then like all these other kids are all just going to do like, you know, they're
Starting point is 00:10:15 all going to do QVC ads for like, you know, nine swords made out of 911 metal. But this one kid, this one, I bet the daughter is like a cool, she's going to be like a cool Twitch streamer. She's probably streaming already. Yeah, she's probably like is in phase and we just don't know it. Yeah, she's not going to be one of these useless failed children of privilege. She's going to be a Twitch streamer. Twitch streamers are the only self-made people anymore. That's all untrue. Yeah, no, it is. They're the American dream. You know what? That's 100% accurate. That's also why I'm going to drown myself in a toilet soon. All right. Yeah. So again, thanks again to Elon Musk for calling in and once again, thank
Starting point is 00:10:57 you for rescuing all those children. They would have died without you. Real quick, I want to get things started with a story just very quickly, one that's very much in our wheelhouse. I know our fans love it so much when we talk about fast food franchises and defend the various horrifically disgraced spokespeople for said franchises. I can hear the squealing of the hogs from here. Papa John of Papa John's Pizza, unfortunately, has had to step down as head of the company and head pitchman for his pizza franchise because apparently on a conference call with shareholders or something, he said the bad word. Yeah, he said the N word, the noid. You do not speak that day in the house, Papa. That's our word. So just
Starting point is 00:11:43 real quick before we get into this week's show, I would just like to... Why don't you're trying to have a good time? Some noid has to ruin it. There's a difference between pizza guys and noids. So yeah, I just want to make a pitch at the very beginning of the show for listeners of the show to buy Papa John's Pizza and then record videos of you throwing it in the trash, setting it on fire. Shooting it like Skeet. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Throwing it on the roof like Breaking Bad or just stock up on a million of those little, the garlic dip cups, pour it all into one big jug and then film yourself just pouring it into the gutter or something to protest the censorship. He was forced to say it. That's what he said.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Well, he said that he was pressured to say it. Sometimes I deal with that pressure every day from you guys. Every day, you guys are like, no, just say you're going to be the one who changes. My favorite thing is that he said it because they were talking about bad PR related to the faces of different franchises and he was talking about and I think he probably is still mad that he even had to get demoted for, you know, saying, oh, we're losing pizza share because of the damn kneeling black guys. And he goes, well, you know, Colonel Sanders said the N word all the time was a real person, though. Oh, yeah, it was. Oh, he's an amazing character. It's not just nor McDonald's. No, Colonel Sanders, a fascinating figure.
Starting point is 00:13:13 He killed a man. I mean, I killed a few men. Well, he shot a guy. He killed Wendy. No, he shot a guy in a in a dispute over over their restaurants. Yes, he had he had a fat. He had a roadside restaurant and there was a guy who had one like down the road and they were competitors. This is like the forties or something and he was messing with his sign and Colonel Sanders came out and blew him away. I don't believe any of this. The forties were awesome. If you're like a white guy who killed somebody, they don't a chicken shop and you could do literally whatever they'd be like, all right, we're giving you the toughest sentence. We give a white business owner in 1948. You have to hit a rock with a hammer
Starting point is 00:13:52 for exactly three months. You have to wear this stripy outfit like an asshole. I'm absolutely stunned that they haven't done a dollop about Colonel Sanders yet because it's a fascinating guy. He was given like an actual military rank in Kentucky does that that like Kentucky Colonel is sort of an honorary thing that they give. Yeah, they gave Hunter Thompson one of those. There's a Johnny Depp is a Kentucky Colonel. Really? And the thing is he wasn't from Kentucky. He's from Indiana and he eventually sold the his name and the franchise to what became Yum Brands, but they kept him on as as like a guy who would do they would pay him to come and do little presentations at different like openings. Okay, so here's the
Starting point is 00:14:35 real Colonel Sanders and he's he wearing the white suit and he's waving at everybody. But as he got older and he kind of was losing his marbles, he was he would go into his when he shot somebody right. Well, no, that was just business. He would just wander into Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants that he didn't own anymore and go in the back and just start like quality and control things like sticking his hand in the mash. I mean, I do that. That's just like good and the person and apparently the corporate word was just if he comes to your store and starts banging around the base in the kitchen, just let him do it. Just let him do it and then when he leaves you can clean. That's when America was great again
Starting point is 00:15:10 when you would just get abused by elders. There is no elder abuse. Yeah, it's a seesaw. I just how many people had their their childhoods marked by going to a KFC and just seeing the senile potato cake. Just filthy Colonel Sanders swearing and dropping racial. You're at your table with your family and you got your bucket and sides or whatever. He just comes by the licks his shirt and sticks it in the mashed potatoes or swizzles it around. Yeah, he was. He was the Frank Caliendo Kenny Rogers. He was. He was. It was a will sassel. Jerry Lewis was promoting this movie called The Nut, which is just like one of the higher concept Jerry Lewis movies where it's like, what if a guy was just kooky? And also, you know, I said
Starting point is 00:15:55 it was easy to be white and kill somebody back then. It was so easy to make a movie back then because every movie cost $12,000 to make. And you just had to go into whatever producer did the most quailudes that day and be like, what if a guy was sort of Jewish but in a wacky way? And that was Jerry Lewis's career. But he was promoting. There was like a tie in it was one of the first time promotions like a KFC and The Nut promotion. And there's this famous sort of infamous poster of Jerry Lewis and the Colonel Jerry Lewis is like, wow, The Nut loves KFC. And Colonel Sanders looks like he wants to take out a fucking flit lock and blow his Jewish brains out. It's one of my favorites. Like, think how
Starting point is 00:16:36 fucking pissed off Colonel Sanders was during this. Oh my God. All right. Well, before we get too far again into fast food franchises and their disgraced pitchmen, let's let's start the show. And let me introduce our guest for this week sitting in is Ashley Feinberg. Hello, Ashley. Now, if you follow Ashley on social media, and of course you do, why wouldn't you? You will know that you are one of the font you when it comes to documenting the social media of the Trump family. I think you are one of our finest reporters in that regard. And I want to begin by talking about this photo of the Trump family that I saw this week. And I literally can't stop thinking about it. And we're going to make it like
Starting point is 00:17:17 the episode art. So you'll know, you'll know what I'm talking. There's actually two pictures of Trump that I can't stop thinking about this week. But this first one, I honestly think belongs in like the Museum of Modern Art or something. Or the Modern Museum. Yeah. I'm just going to show it to you now. I'm sure you saw it this week. But oh yeah, that's a nice one. Four different ways to describe that for us. So we have Eric, Trump senior, Ivanka and Don Jr. all pushing out their breasts. Like, I mean, the thing that's astounding about this is I don't think any of the men other than Trump actually have like man boobs, but like they stand and it looks like their boobs are exactly as big as Ivanka's. Don
Starting point is 00:17:57 Jr. has an hourglass shape. He's a very womanly figure. So does Jared actually. Is that is that Don Jr. pre crossfit, though? No, that's new. There's a new picture. Oh, his like his like chest thing is definitely post cross because I think he doesn't know how to handle like his new bulk. Yeah, he they're slim thick. When you watch him, when you watch him work out, he's working out like he's trying to injure himself on purpose so he can sue Crossfit. That is what Crossfit is. It's just injuring yourself. Yeah, I was actually talking to someone who went to his Crossfit gym and apparently he brings like his like 20 children with him like half the time and they just run rampant
Starting point is 00:18:35 around the Crossfit gym like forcing people to take photos of them and like no one really says anything because they're all kind of like scared because there's like secrets or is everywhere, but apparently it's a nightmare. It's a safe place to bring a kid just a place where like barely trained people are improperly lifting and dropping hundreds of pounds. I mean, he has enough kids. He can make it anyway. Yeah, he could lose a few. Um, that's yeah, that's what you know, what I find so uncanny about that photo is that all four of them are standing in ways that are different. They have each have an individual standing technique that is just so uncanny and inhuman at the same like their arms are
Starting point is 00:19:12 out at a weirder. It reminds me of like in Hannah Barbera cartoons when people in character would run, but they would have their arms perfectly straight down their sides. Don Jr. looks like he like got polio at like a young age and like and covered super quickly, but like he still like isn't like totally confident and like being able to like balance well. But uh, I mean, Eric's normally better. That photo is an anomaly for Eric. Okay, that yeah, they, um, there's just like Don senior, which like I always wondered about that if he knew, he would be referred to as Don senior when he named his kids. He said he didn't want to. He said he hates it. This is one of the worst deals I've ever
Starting point is 00:19:47 made. Uh, he always stands like, he always stands like he has like dysphoria, but for thinking he's a minotaur. That's actually great. Always like just out his ass. Yeah. He's like, do you think you can get through my maze? Bad chance. No one has. You lose again. Okay. Uh, the next one. Again, just very, I, for some reason, I can't stop thinking about this ever since I saw it. This is a photo that came this week from, uh, Trump's now sort of disastrous trip to the UK, which I want to talk about in a second, but this is a photo of Trump sitting in Winston Churchill's chair. And here, I was just going to show that to you again. Could you describe it? Uh, Trump is doing a very classic Winston
Starting point is 00:20:35 Churchill pose. He has, he has cuffed his pant legs, which I've never seen him do. And I've thought about that a lot actually over the past few days at who, who did he ask to do that? Cause he can't been down that far. And, uh, how long did it stay cuffed? How funny would that be if he got, it was like Steve Mnuchin or someone. Yeah. So he, he's reclining in this old leather chair and he's sitting that way very far back and has his legs crossed and sort of a provocative pose and he has his hand, uh, sort of perched atop his knee and to kind of like the, I don't know, sex touch that you would do to someone sitting next to you. Yeah. He's casting, casting, casting, couching himself. He's going to
Starting point is 00:21:16 meet to himself for sympathy in a few months. I think, uh, so important to set like, I think he, someone gave him a book or a seminar on all of the ways that you can, uh, sit or stand at when you're fat in a way that doesn't make you appear fat. Yeah. And I think that's what he's doing here. He's like very, very high cross to sort of cover his, uh, his girth. Yeah. Sitting down. Yeah. The leg is there to, to, to obscure the gut. And the exposed ankle is slimming. If he didn't have such like a stupid brain where he's like, the suit is the symbol of business and had to like wear one all the time. He would just be a calf tan guy. He would. Yeah. He'd be like Homer. Yeah. He would wear, he would wear
Starting point is 00:21:59 a judicial robe. This is, this is terrible, but I was thinking about the seal your dad and I was wondering like, is, is he ever like, when he's playing golf is the only time he's not in a suit. Yeah. I mean, like my brain was like, well, what does he dress like when he's just around the house? And then I started thinking like, well, he has to shower and then I started thinking about him naked. I think about that all the time. But then like getting out of the shower, I just imagined him like, get it, like going to the shower, closing the door and then coming out in a suit, like he dries off and then just puts on a suit and he's like, ready to go. Your shower is in a suit. Yeah. No, it's, no, it's
Starting point is 00:22:26 the imagining his hair is soft and wet because it's got to be at least like 10 inches long. Like I think about that constantly. Yeah. I think about the sideburn hair. I think about the sideburn hair just lying, like dangling, like these awful like neon orange payas. I don't think it, I don't think it like it's like low then comes up. I think it's the I think it's like his hair is like suicide doors. So what they're like the strands are like coming from the top of his head. The back is completely bald. Yeah. That's where I got to spackle it all up. He was so cool. He is UK trip. James Bond. I know who should play him next. The entire time he was like, Steve Mnuchin, who like all, he will humiliate
Starting point is 00:23:12 himself just to protect like bonds and like monetary options and shit. And he had to think that don't talk about Brexit. Don't do it. Don't do it. He's like, got it. And then the second he gets over there, he's like, Theresa May, honestly, looks terrible. She wants to put everyone in a burka. Yeah, she should be wearing anyway. She's screwing up this deal and Jimmy Seville would be a wonderful PM. It's just terrific. Brexit. Brexit is Brexit, folks. Okay. That's all there is to it. That was his big insight when I asked them about it. My favorite was his meeting the queen. And I got to say classic Frank Dreben scene from making gun. How genuinely angry and disgusted the Queen of England must be to be around
Starting point is 00:23:53 him. Only good. That's the last thing she fucking remembers before she finally dies. Never going to die. It must have been really weird for the queen to meet like a stupid spoiled rich guy who flew on Jeffrey Epstein's plane. Like a totally new experience for her. The Queen of England has probably never met someone so racist. She has met more chomos than Chris Hansen. No, yeah, that was incredible. The scene of them walking together was great. But now it's like, obviously, like Trump's social media presence is well known. But Ashley, I want to talk to you about Don Juniors. Don Juniors is sort of like one of your favorite characters. Oh yeah. I mean, he's like the extent to which all of them are like complete
Starting point is 00:24:36 idiots is like astounding. And to be with like, without question, the dumbest one of all of them is like an astounding. It's incredible. I've never seen anything like it. How are you dumber than Eric? We're a vodka vodka. Well, yeah, a vodka is an idiot, but like Eric looks like a late Hapsburg Prince. He's got the jaw. He's got like the gums. Yeah, the huge head face, the butt head face, the constant sort of like like he's trying to think of a math problem. Eric just looks like a dullard and yet somehow John Jr. is dumber than him because Eric knows enough not to like say shit out loud. Yeah. Yeah. Eric like, I mean, Eric's mouth looks like one of those 70s desserts where it's like, put chicklets
Starting point is 00:25:13 in a thing of Jell-O. But yeah, it just, he fooled everyone by just looking the absolute dumbest. But you know, Don, he probably has like purchased Kevin Rudolph singles on iTunes. I mean, his mom and his dad were both unquestionably doing like a shit ton of drugs when they had him. Not that they weren't with other ones, but like, I'm sure they were more haphazard with the first one. Don Jr. has every Kevin Trudeau mega-memory book. You know, that's his library. It's just every one of those. Don is the kind of rich, the kind of dumb guy who thinks he's a smart guy. Oh yeah. He thinks he's a sly business magnate like his father. Because he reads Ben Shapiro. And he also emulates his father and his only
Starting point is 00:25:58 real desire that's expressed constantly is for his father's affection, which makes it so funny that he's the one singled out as the one his father. Who hates the most? His mother was Ivanka? Ivana. No, he's my sister's mom. She's my daughter. She's my sister. I made a great deal, folks. I reduced redundancies in my family by making my daughter one of the mothers of my children. Another deal, one. Do you remember reading the story? I think it was in Ivana's memoir about how she tried to like use Don Jr. as like a sort of custody chip and sort of going all in to be like, I want a hundred percent full custody of Don Jr. And Trump was like, OK, sure. And then she was like, I don't want to drop that.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Don sends someone. Don sends someone. Don Sr. takes someone to take custody of Don Jr. of a child Don Jr. And then after a few hours goes, oh, fuck this. She was like, take him finally. You're going to have him and don't want to send him back in a limo. Don Jr. is interesting because in some respects, he is Superman on Krypton, which is to say he's as dumb as his dad. But his dad has a superpower. He is the most amazing, the most amazing personality type on earth, which is that it's like nearly impossible for him to feel embarrassed. Yeah. Like he's he looks like shit all the time. He's wearing like these like his pants look like zumbas. They're so big on him to hide his like weird body.
Starting point is 00:27:31 The zipper is like two feet long. Yeah. Yeah. The longest zipper in history every day. There's like a news report that's like all of this guy's closest friends say he's the dumbest piece of shit alive. And he's like, that's made up. Good job. It is just like everyone sees him look like shit all the time, act like a fucking idiot. And he's like, I'm so good at this. Everyone is jealous of me. And his son like can only feel shame. Yeah. His son got all the shame he never felt. That's true. He believes his dad when he says everyone loves him and he's brilliant. Like he has no reason to question that because he doesn't have the capacity to like understand that they're very childlike. Yeah. Well, he hated his father
Starting point is 00:28:12 for a while. According to his classmates at the University of Pennsylvania, where he was nicknamed diaper Don, because he would piss himself after he got drunk all the time. And he would find him literally passed out in the bushes in front of the dorms is that he hated his dad in college, which I mean, what really you hate this just monster associate there was like one story where like his dad was like taking him to some baseball game. And he like came to his door room and Don Jr. like came out all like stoked and like grinning in like a Yankees uniform. And according to like Don Jr.'s college friend, he said that Trump like punched him in the face, told him to like put a suit on and that he was going
Starting point is 00:28:48 to go in the car. And like multiple people have said they like saw this, but I didn't even explain it a lot. I but I mean, that's one of those it's like Trump at the Stormy Daniels, right? Like it's like, I believe he's like morally would do that. But it's like I just like I can't picture Donald Trump having sex. I like can't picture him like punch punch. I can picture him slapping slapping like a very weak. He's never thrown a punch in his life. But I in that I love that story, though, because it just there's so much going on like the punch takes it like mutes everything else in the background. But it's like this brand is rewatch it and realize new things like you have to wear a suit to the baseball
Starting point is 00:29:26 game. Like that's the type of dumb guy Donald Trump is where he's like, the first rule of respect is style. He just has to you if you're going out to eat, wear a tuxedo. I don't care where it is. Yeah, it's like the tragedy of Don Junior is that it's he hated his from all accounts. He hated his dad for good reason in college and he probably had some fantasy that he was going to be able to break away from his control and become his own man and not have to deal with him. And then he realized at some point. Oh, no, I'm a fucking moron. I can only exist as a remora fish suckling off of this corrupt empire and he had to stuff all of that resentment down and just just become his name about like eight pinstripes
Starting point is 00:30:09 see it. Yeah, it's like that is brutal. Well, he actually some you catalog a lot of like very depressing Don Junior Instagram. Yeah, I want to talk about there's no other kind. Yeah, I think it's interesting. He always uses the cry laughing emoji. He fucking loves that cry laughing emoji, but it's it's a tell. Yeah, it's such a good time. It's brutal. It's fucking brutal. He everything he probably that thing where it's like he in the story it's like he wore a Yankees jersey. But Don Junior probably wore like a full Yankees uniform like socks up to his knees. It looked like an asshole. Somehow the baseball full kit wanker. Yeah, because of like some genetic disease, he probably got knocked out in one
Starting point is 00:30:57 blow by his dad's glove. And it's just like the most formative moment of his life. And it just cry laughing emoji ever since. Yeah, well, speaking of cry laughing, one of my favorite through lines in the Don Junior Instagram saga is his ongoing divorce and now relationship with Kimberly Gile foil of Gil foil of Fox News. Gavin Newsom's ex wife. What the fuck? Bizarre. What? Yeah, Gavin. Going back to our last last week's theme of the show is the disgusting incestuous eyes wide shut like relationship between every rich person in America. Newsom has piped the whole squad. Gavin Newsom is the fucking Drake of Democrat politics. Fuck everybody. No, but Gavin Gavin Newsom probably fucked
Starting point is 00:31:43 Jerry Brown and like forgot about it. He's like, whoops, I see one of my favorite things that that that in your coverage of Don Juniors Instagram is the sort of like divorce guy motifs that he keeps coming up with the divorce guy bracelet. Like I remember he you should put he had a he had a zippo lighter into school. 100% freaking awesome. My man. What are your what are some what are some other your favorite like Don Don Junior divorce guy material? I mean, well, the thing that like baffles me most about him and he has not followed any like like Instagram porn accounts or Instagram models, but like he only follows like like giant skull rings, like guns, lighters. There was like one where he was like, look
Starting point is 00:32:29 at me like making a fire and like he like clearly like forced him one to like film him for at least five minutes, like building this fire. But if you look in the back, you can see that there's like two other guys around and identically like composed like fire pit and he's like clearly at some like learn how to camp training thing. And it's so depressing. Well, you know, he's got to train for he's got to train the first being outdoors because he's got to get out all of that aggression against his father on endangered species. Yeah, he could feel anything is imagining that when he blows elephants brains out, it's Don senior. Yeah, that elephant like it's like big pussy is the fish in season two.
Starting point is 00:33:10 It's like that elephant like turns to him and it sort of has like Don seniors facial composure almost and it's like, you know, I came up with the idea for roller rinks. No one gives me credit. Actually, were you the one who broke the story of you found Don juniors accounts on hunting message boards? Yeah, that was so funny to me because even on these message boards, people are like, you're fucking stupid. What the fuck are you talking about? What were his comments on hunting message boards? I mean, a lot of it was like, like boring like hunting shit and him asking to buy everyone's guns, but also like he would he would post on like, like people like post stories about
Starting point is 00:33:54 like how this like one kid finally like stuck into this liberal bully and like post him in the face and how kids are getting too fat. And like these like stupid like bullshit stories you like tweets about now. But like back then he was just I guess testing on his material on his hunting buddies. That's great. I like I like Don juniors Instagram posts where you have like his workouts and stuff, and they'll show his incredibly like, you know, wet face and he'll be like hot crossfit 120 degrees like, you know, got to grind hard every morning like that, which like it is crossword is sort of the perfect thing for him because it's like he thinks because it's hard, it's the best like just because it's the most difficult
Starting point is 00:34:34 and cumbersome. It's the best workout. Yeah, like it is the top stupid guy workout. Yeah. Well, I hate him. Man, I had a great workout today shredded both of my ACLs. That's how you know. Yeah, I have a kidney failure. Like you should like, yeah, I just catch my retinas. He was bragging about working out in like a very hot gym. That's like any actual professional athlete like Jordan Burroughs famously he's a American Olympic wrestler, one of the one of the best of this generation. And he famously like changed the way a lot of people cut weight because he's like, no, it's like stupid to like put on sweats and work out in a hot room. Like you're going to kill yourself. Yeah, do it gradually and
Starting point is 00:35:15 people are because wrestlers are all like, like very hard working sort of O fish, but dedicated guys like, Oh, thanks, dude. But the CrossFit guys are just like 30 years behind and they're like, I'm going to have brain damage. That is what I'm doing. I want to put my head in the microwave. I'm committed to it. So moving on from from the Trump family and all of their wonderful ways of standing, sitting and just being shuffling around. They're human doings, as we mentioned before. They're I mean, human evidence, honestly, they really do often seem to be creatures wearing human skins. They look like they're in physical pain in their bodies. It's like how they're standing like they don't really looks like he is his
Starting point is 00:36:00 entire body is on fire when he's like sitting or like standing like he like wants to like remove his skin from himself. Okay. I mean, that famous picture of him on the log. Yeah. Yeah. It's not change history. Oh yeah. You're right. It looks like he's losing his balance, but like the thing he's trying to balance on is like just the earth. They've all got whole and zollern bone deficiency. I always think about this. It's our friend Michael who we've brought up a lot found the greatest Facebook post he ever found, which is a picture of a guy crying in a car that he posted himself and it's don't let the tears fool you. I'll still knock the fuck out of somebody. And that's so Don Jr. Oh yeah. That's him. That's
Starting point is 00:36:41 his essence. Like don't let the tears fool you. That is he is that guy. That's his soul. Yeah. Real quick before we move on, speaking of incredibly wet faces, I know you guys also the Jonathan shape. Hell yeah. The other day. Yes. The most close up shot imaginable. No, I made it. Just glistening. I don't know how many he took before he posted the one he posted because there's no way that was his first try. Got to hit those angles. Snapping like you favor lashes look fantastic. He has beautiful eyelashes. Yeah. Yeah. They were very close. I was very surprised. What if it was a viral marketing post with like, uh, like, Maybelline. I think he's like working with Rihanna's beauty. Oh, Fenty Beauty. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Fenty Beauty X Jonathan shape. Yeah. But he got cut about the elbow because he was doing and one moves and a guy in a full like Kobe outfit, not just the jersey, just fucking sliced him like a paper cut. Like I didn't like, I thought he was asking if you should go to the emergency. I thought it was a joke at first. Did he ever say what caused it? Like an elbow. He was playing hoops. He was playing outdoor summer hoops. Come on. He said at least three times. It was a hoops injury. Yeah, sure was. I think that he was cut by some, uh, some in-decker's discourse. No, he was cut when the guy he was guarding crossed him over and a McDouble fell out of his and he slipped on it and cut his eye.
Starting point is 00:38:11 It sort of like dushed me out because it reminded me of something I did when I was like younger. Really anything I make fun of, I've done. But, uh, like when I first started training, uh, like when I did jujitsu, I'd like get my nose fucked up a lot and I would just like loudly complain about it. So like girls would think I was like tough and cool. Oh, my nose is fucked up again. Want to know how I got that? Like, no. Do you want to know? No, I don't know. I still like hate how you look in your personality. Oh, uh, well, I actually got it in jujitsu. Just like listening and that's like, like late in life athlete, like milking an injury. I can't really make fun of him because it's like, I've been there
Starting point is 00:38:50 for a month. I mean, I would have respected him so much more if he had not deleted the Bofa tweet. That's true. Like Josh TPM fucking like own his, uh, Angela and Strawberry and Strawberry Tweet and the Chicks of Pussy. I can never completely dislike him now because he has still not deleted that tweet. We were at like this big party watching the UFC when the Ashley, you were the first person I showed. I was never been more happy in my life until Jonathan Shea tweeted what is Bofa. But before that, uh, okay, so moving on to an actual news story from this week, uh, I guess the thing that the big thing this week is, uh, Trump's Supreme Court pick, uh, Brett Kavanaugh. I want to talk a little bit about this guy.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Not so much. I don't care about him personally. And like, honestly, every time there's a Supreme Court nomination, it's like my least favorite style of news cycle because it's just also wrote and like the same thing happens. And like mainly what I hate about it is that we all have to play that like, or everyone in the media and the Democrats and Republicans all play this, uh, game of make believe where like they, they can see, they all pretend that they're considering the nominee and that they always talk about whoever it is as this sort of like they're intellectually voracious and just over above everything. They just love the law. They love the law more than anything. They love debating the law, writing
Starting point is 00:40:11 about the law. And it's this like whole, uh, Kabuki theater where we have to pretend that we don't know exactly, especially if it's like a right wing guy from the Federalist Society like Brett Kavanaugh. We all have to pretend we don't know exactly why he's being nominated and exactly what he's going to do on the Supreme Court. I mean, I will keep an open mind. I will respect precedent and, uh, we'll see what he says. We'll see how he answers my questions during the committee here. And I just like, it really doesn't matter. I, I hate it so much. And I'll tell you exactly why it doesn't matter. I want to talk a little bit about, this is a piece that was in, uh, The Daily Beast this week. It was a very good
Starting point is 00:40:47 piece by Jay Michelson about this guy, uh, named Leonard Leo, who is like the, uh, you know, capo of Supreme Court appointments for the right. He's this Federalist Society goon. And I just want to talk a little bit about this guy in light of the, uh, the Kavanaugh nomination, uh, reading from this, um, piece, uh, Jay Michelson writes here, uh, at the center of the network is Leonard Leo of the Federalist Society, the association of legal professionals that has been the pipeline for nearly all of Trump's judicial nominees. Leo is on leave from the Federalist Society to personally assist Trump in picking a replacement for Justice Anthony Kennedy. His formal title is executive vice president, but that role
Starting point is 00:41:29 belies Leo's influence directly or through surrogates. He has placed dozens of life tenure judges on the federal bench, effectively controls the judicial crisis network, which led the opposition to President Obama's nominee, Judge Merrick Garland. He heavily influences the Beckett fund law firm that represented Hobby Lobby in a successful challenge of contraception and now supervises admissions and hires at the George Mason law school, newly renamed in memory of Justice Anthony Scalia. Leonard Leo was a visionary. So this is a really important Leonard Leo was a visionary, said Tom Carter, who served on Leo's media relations director when he was chairman of the U S commission on international religious freedom. In an
Starting point is 00:42:11 exclusive interview, he says he figured out 20 years ago that the cons, conservatives had lost the culture war, abortion, gay rights, contraception. Conservatives didn't have a chance if public opinion prevailed. So they needed to stack the courts. And that's exactly what he's been doing with great success. It goes on to talk about, uh, he was responsible for the picks of Alito Gorsuch and now Kavanaugh and Roberts too. And they all share with him a arch Catholic fundamentalism. This guy's a member of the Knights of Malta. Oh boy. And, uh, is, uh, it says here, Leonard's faith is paramount to him, Carter said, when he traveled staff members had to find a church near wherever he was staying so he could attend
Starting point is 00:42:53 mass every day. Again, this is why it doesn't matter. This is why everything you read about Brett Kavanaugh doesn't matter. This is the only thing that should be discussed in this context in that he is another, uh, right wing religious fundamentalist who is being put on the court to roll back the last 50 or 60, if not a hundred years. Wait, Brett Kavanaugh wants him to mass every day? No, no, this was Leonard Leo. But Brett Kavanaugh, as we're going to about to find out is also a very religious Catholic as well. But how is he in a car pool?
Starting point is 00:43:22 We're going to get there. But I just think like this is the, this is the real, the context with which this nomination or any nomination by a Republican president should be viewed as part of a highly organized and disciplined and ruthless and in a way almost admirable if they weren't so evil, uh, attempts to stack the course of people who are reliable ideologues who will vote to overturn Roe v. Wade, to overturn the right to privacy, which undergirds the right to abortion and contraception, to overturn every labor law. And basically, as I described it earlier this week, if you have a right that you think is foundational to your, uh, dignity and existence as a human being, get ready to have it given to either a private
Starting point is 00:44:02 corporation or a religious authority, because it's not going to be yours anymore. It's going to be theirs. Uh, that being said, everything I read other than this this week about Kavanaugh was about what a great guy he is. Yeah. I mean, he's a good dude. Uh, everyone who's asshole kid got a clerkship from him says he's wonderful. Yeah. Everyone at the Raytheon Acres bridge game league where they do the bridge tournament,
Starting point is 00:44:30 they say it's great. And that's not good enough for 300, 400, however many people live in this country. I'm trying to figure it out. Uh, that's not good enough for them. Uh, then we should just not have us report. Is that what you want? Yeah. Really? Do you not want nine fossilized psychopaths determining whether you live or die? Is that the world you want to live in? He's going to be there for a while. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Maybe we can get him to start doing CrossFit. I mean, I obviously opposed his, uh, his, you know, ideas, but he is the Supreme Court
Starting point is 00:45:01 justice to most look like Steve little from he's bounded down. He's got that going for him. Uh, and also it's interesting. Like the New York Times had a piece, the liberal case for Kavanaugh and it's posted that shit two minutes after the announcement, which means that everyone on that shortlist, they had a fucking pre written, uh, this guy's actually great article by some liberal who is somehow incestuously related to them. Either they're fucking street law school, taught them at, at school or their stupid kid is their clerk some way that they're connected to them where that person being on the Supreme Court raises
Starting point is 00:45:40 their status. That's what they, that's why they think this guy is so great is because him being on the Supreme Court reflects well on them or their family. Uh, here, here's a, here's a perfect example of that. Uh, in the Wall Street Journal, Kavanaugh is a mentor to women. This is by Amy Chow, the, the tiger mom. Oh God. Right. Tiger mom. For those of you who don't remember, it's a book about being a furry parent. Uh, no, but like a series of identical articles, and I'm going to share a couple of them, all
Starting point is 00:46:11 sketch out this idea that where they basically say, I don't know how he's going to rule in the court, nor do I care, but you know what? He's a wonderful man and he's like a role model to young women. Again, like, and this is all very calculated because the really the main issue with this is that they're finally going to have a majority to overturn Roe v. Wade, which I fully expect them to do. So they want, and you want you to talk about anything other than that. And the way they're going to do it is by appealing to, you know, liberal sensibilities about what a good guy he is and, you know, how he believes that like, you know, he wants women in the workplace or whatever. I just want to read
Starting point is 00:46:44 here from, uh, from Amy. She writes, Judge Brett Kavanaugh's jurisprudence will appropriately be discussed in the months ahead. I'd like to speak to a less well known side of the Supreme Court nominee. His role as a mentor for young lawyers, particularly women, the qualities he exhibits with his clerks may provide important evidence about the kind of justice he would be. I've gotten to know this side of Judge Kavanaugh while serving on Yale Law School's clerkships committee for the most of the past 10 years. It also affects me personally. Last year, my daughter accepted an appellate clerkship from Judge Kavanaugh, which is set to begin next month. Wow. In addition, no man, there's no man that
Starting point is 00:47:22 has been as good a mentor to young women since Charles Manson. You know, on one hand, like the fate of hundreds and millions of women in reproductive rights. On the other hand, uh, someone is going to enable your daughter to become as repulsive as a human being as you. So like, who really wins here? I think it's interesting that it is the tiger mom. She's this like, she became famous because she wrote a book about how to like, psychopathically abuse your children so that they can play the violin real good. But her most recent book is about how tribalism is tearing America apart. And I think it's interesting here that she's just like Brett Kavanaugh. What
Starting point is 00:48:02 do I know about him? I don't know. He gave my daughter a job. So I'm going to do this big puff piece on him in the Wall Street Journal. Well, that does tell you what they mean. What she and other people mean by tribalism is people having any kind of ideological commitments because they, it's just a big world is a big country club. It's a big, it's a big network of, of, of, uh, glad handing and mutual back padding and, and, uh, back scratching. And anybody who wants to disrupt that is being tribal. I mean, her, her big endorsement of Kavanaugh is that, uh, she wasn't worried that he was
Starting point is 00:48:32 fucking her daughter, which is like, not like a, not like a, like a big, uh, Yeah, this is at the end. It says, uh, these days, the press is full of stories about powerful men exploiting or abusing female employees. That makes it even more striking to hear judge Kavanaugh's female clerks speak of his decency and his role as a fierce champion of their careers. If the judge is confirmed, my daughter will probably be looking for a different clerkship, but for my own daughter, there is no judge I would trust more than Brett Kavanaugh to be in one former clerk's words, a teacher, advocate and friend. It's good that, uh, Tiger Mom here, uh, is very concerned about powerful men exploiting or abusing their employees,
Starting point is 00:49:09 which Brett Kavanaugh will make officially legal to do. You have no right to read to redress against the sexual harassment of the workplace. But yeah, no, of course he's not going to fucking, uh, uh, do sexual harassment on anybody. It's hard to do that when you wrapped your dick in a horse hair and fucking barbed wire because you're an arch Catholic psychopath because you're the fucking, uh, albino monk from the Da Vinci code. So, uh, on Facebook, uh, someone posted something, someone sent this to me, they like blacked out the name, but, uh, someone posted on Facebook that anyone who went to Georgetown law school in 2010 would have been very surprised to learn he was married. And like, I mean, that
Starting point is 00:49:54 could mean one million different things, but like, I mean, maybe it means he like, he, uh, he played UNO with his friends real late at night. It's like, well, buddy, don't you have a wife? Maybe people fucking hate UNO. Again, I mean, like, I just go back to that line about the Leonard Leo guy and this like incredibly well funded by dark money, like right wing groups that are just like plotting to, they understand that they are a moral minority that wishes to exercise a veto power over everyone else in this country. They know they can't win politically. So they'd love the
Starting point is 00:50:27 Supreme Court because it's a lifetime tenure with which they can, you know, like their claw like hold, uh, over, you know, law and authority in this country. Uh, and that largely why the Supreme Court should be abolished, but just keep that in mind. These people understand their immoral minority, but they have no problem, uh, lording undemocratic power over the rest of the country. Uh, next article, this is, this is the worst one. This was in the Washington Post and it's almost identical to the one that appeared in the Wall Street Journal. I don't know Kavanaugh, the judge, but Kavanaugh, the carpool dad is one great God. Yes. Give it to me. I am so sick of hearing about these people's fucking lives. No, it's important
Starting point is 00:51:07 because as part of the job of the, of the most, cause you know, they say that the most junior Supreme Court justice, he has to close the door and pick everybody's children and get coffee and pick up everyone in America's kids. So I need to know how he is as a carpool dad. This is by Julie O'Brien in the Washington Post and the article begins with like a little like, just lets you know, Julie O'Brien lives in Chevy Chase. If you don't know Chevy Chase Maryland is probably one of the most evil, uh, zip codes of this country. It's where literally all of the neocon or rack war architects live on like the same block. And it's also where Chevy Chase is.
Starting point is 00:51:42 There is, there, if like, I had to pick any place in America that has a yellow king ceremony is Chevy Chase. There is just such a dark energy if you go there. Yeah. Everybody, everybody lives there and they're in their fucking closet. They've got an unexplained black robe. Well, Kavanaugh will have an explanation for his, uh, okay. So, Oh, damn, I want the ceremony robe to work again. How embarrassing. Okay. So this begin, Julie O'Brien begins here. Much has been written about Brett Kavanaugh as president's Trump nominee for the Supreme Court. That's the exact same fucking lead. Why do you, why do you even, they don't even do
Starting point is 00:52:23 it? I know it's not even true. Again, like, I, I suckers. No, I don't think it's a stress to think that like these people are just given like, you know, forms by these, this weird Leonard Leo, like in today's society. Yeah. I don't even think it's that. I just don't think these people like try that hard. I know I think it's like for them, it's ridiculous to think that like anyone would not like the guy from their carpool or who gave their friend a job. So they're like, well, you know, there are many judges in America.
Starting point is 00:52:54 I mean, all they need is like a public endorsement of this future Supreme Court justice to have his ear, like when he becomes justice. So yeah, she writes, uh, yeah, much has been written about, but the discussion has focused on his record as a federal judge and his, in his legal career. Gee, I wonder why. Yeah. But I'd like to talk about him as coach K, like the one at Duke University. This coach K is also a mentor to student athletes who love basketball and is a repellent shit in his scum bag, like coach K, but his players are sixth grade girls. Brett, Brett's older daughter in mine have been classmates at blessed sacrament school, a small Catholic
Starting point is 00:53:36 school in the district for the past seven years on evenings and weekends. You're like, you're likely to find Brett at low at a local jam or athletic field, encouraging his players or watching games with his daughters and their friends. He coaches not one, but two girls basketball teams. Who gives a shit? His positive. Are they winning though? Are they good teams? Yeah, what's the record? His positive attitude and calm demeanor make the game fun and allow each player to shine. The results have been good. This past season, he led the blessed sacrament school, sixth grade girls team to an undefeated season and a city where they did EY championship in the local Catholic youth league. To the parents with players
Starting point is 00:54:16 on the squad, it's no surprise that the team photograph with the trophy is displayed prominently in his chambers. Right next to a photo of him shaking hands and grinning with like Pinochet or, you know, a father Macey L or that, you know, the opus day he found her who had like six kids that he molested. Yeah. I am just, I got to say, it's not really germane to this article or Kevin on himself, but like, can the Catholics fucking calm down with what they name their schools? Every fucking school. This is bloody nails, sacrament. I mean, that's only good part of Catholicism. That's metal, man. Yeah, rules. I think they need to cool it. What? What do you prefer? You know, Protestant names that are like
Starting point is 00:54:57 friendly hands. Yeah, that's awesome. You don't want to go to school and have a positive attitude. That's like Heavenly Gate, LLC, a religious corporation. It's just like, yeah, of course, your kids are going to grow to be like ambitious judicial freaks. If like you, it's like eternal bloody destiny, lower school, like come on, man. Brett's contribution to our school's community extends beyond the sidelines. He and his wife, Ashley, support their two daughters and other children. That's me. I should disclose that. Whoops. They support their children at countless school and church functions throughout the
Starting point is 00:55:32 year. I bet you could count them. In the summer, Brett is the carpool dad, often shuttling students to and from practices, games and activities. How many activities are there during the summer? This is this guy, a fucking judge. I didn't realize he was like a... Get back to work, you fucking asshole. Yeah, you're not a chauffeur. Competitive stations of the cross. It's called Lyft.
Starting point is 00:55:54 It's also like, I like how this is like a reason why he'd be a good judge is like, he, he helps his daughters fucking do whatever, you know. He knows how to drive. He fucking raises his kids. Can I, can I, can I get a little spicy here? I think all the stuff about that he, he coaches two, you know, sixth grade girls basketball teams. I think this is all coded message. This is all like code to the people who are like in the sect. They're like, what they're saying is, folks, he's really dedicated to disciplining and policing the bodies of young
Starting point is 00:56:24 women. He loves to tell them what to do. I got to say, either, I don't think if you're an adult man, you should be coaching sixth grade girls teams. Yeah. Catholic, Catholics can't coach basketball teams anyway, because they can't tell the girls to run suicide. Brett is a steady presence at his daughter's events, even if it means racing across town just to catch the last 15 minutes of a game or program.
Starting point is 00:56:49 15 minutes isn't enough to, I don't think that is not count and the mark for Brett. That's a half-assed. Here he goes. Brett's friendship and mentorship have touched my family in an especially personal way. 30 years ago, my husband died. One of the many difficult aspects of that loss was that my daughter had no one to accompany her to the school's annual father-daughter dance. That first year and every year since my husband's passing, Brett has stepped forward to take my daughter to the dance alongside his own. He's taking someone else's daughter to the
Starting point is 00:57:33 father-daughter. Brett gave my daughter her first chastity. My dad died, and I can just say that the last thing I would ever want is for literally anyone else to take me to one of those father-daughter dances, and I would feel way too uncomfortable to say no. So it seems like a cruel thing to do more than anything. My dad died when I was 21, and Brett Kavanaugh still took me to the dance. It was kind of weird. I was like, I'm not even a girl, dude.
Starting point is 00:57:57 There's no dance. We'd do all for this also. I mean, it was heartwarming to see them step out on the dance floor that first time for that special dance to the song from Eyes Wide Shut that they played. That's the backwards chanting during the sex ritual. That's only endearing if he goes to the dance wearing his judicial robes, holding a gavel, and he says things like, motion for punch. Wait, did that say they were father-daughter dances every year?
Starting point is 00:58:33 Yeah. To what age? 38. Until you get married. Yeah. And so you get married. That's like, Catholics have to relocate. I'm now becoming a Zionist for Catholics, because it's like, I was against them at the start
Starting point is 00:58:48 of the segment, but now I realize they've been infected by Protestantism. Oh, it's true. It's a Protestant junk. No, it's true. You need to get out of America. Absolutely. This doesn't happen in the Vatican because it's Italy and they don't acknowledge their daughters.
Starting point is 00:59:00 That's true. Don't clip that. I'm just giving you history. That's not offensive. This T-Pain song overruled. Oh, man. That is delightful, Virgil. I love it.
Starting point is 00:59:08 It just finishes up here. I'll leave it to others to gauge Judge Kavanaugh's qualifications. Why are you fucking writing this? I'll leave it for others to judge his actual qualifications, but he says, but as someone who would bring to his work the traits of personal kindness, leadership, and willingness to help when called on him, he would receive a unanimous verdict in his favor, the ones who know him. All this shit literally doesn't matter if he's a good guy or not.
Starting point is 00:59:43 All that's important is how he will rule as part of the Supreme Court, which we know. The guy who put him on the court is a member of the Knights of fucking Malthus. All of this is coded. It's for gullible liberals who do read the Wall Street Journal op-eds. To tell them, look, there's no way he's going to overturn Roe V. Wade. He coaches a girl's basketball team. Yeah, no, I mean, all of these are geared towards professional liberals. And you're right, it is obviously coordinated.
Starting point is 01:00:12 They're there to soften opposition among liberals, among people who already have soft enough heads to begin with, and they just soften them a little more because there's nothing they like more than to imagine their leaders as regular people and evaluate them as such. Just think of, not think of them in terms of just these replaceable cogs in a political machine that is determined by the interests of the parties, but as free individuals who rule and vote based on their inner character. And if you can just define that, then you'll know how they're going to rule and how they're going to vote.
Starting point is 01:00:50 No, we know how they're going to vote because we know how Opus Dei feels about women, sexual and religious minorities, the 20th century, Vatican II. Over control. Lockner era psychos is not a return of Roe v. Wade, hope I'm not of girls to coach. One of those memes that's like a boarded basketball player. She could have given you 20 points again. I could have let the league in assists against blessed Virgin summer day camp. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:26 And again, you know, we say it all the time, but this is why, you know, Donald Trump's such a good president because he, there are literally no stories of him being nice to his kids or like anyone. And he just won on his own merits. Imagine someone trying to write a story like this about Donald Trump. Oh, there's a lot of stories of him being super nice to Ivanka. Oh, yeah. That's true.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Yeah. He's still, yeah. Well, you mentioned, you mentioned. Oh man, I had a really bad one. I'm not even going to say it. Say it. Donald Trump is such a dedicated father, he started a homeschool wrestling league with Ivanka.
Starting point is 01:01:59 Oh, yeah. No, you're cutting that. You're fucking cutting that shit. It's not. Oh, whoops. Damn. Don't clip that. I fucked up.
Starting point is 01:02:07 Damn. They always have a way to trick you. You know, like you were talking about these, uh, uh, this, uh, the federalist societies and conservative legal group and how profoundly successful they've been getting their nominees through two, you know, rather different Republican presidents and just the sheer amount of power dedication they have within that party. And it's not just the Supreme Court. It's like every federal in the federal court and like they, like the federal society exists
Starting point is 01:02:37 like basically to just groom the next generation of like, you know, black eyed psychopaths to like, you know, eviscerate us. That is probably the greatest power within the Republican coalition right now. Yeah. Oh, yeah. They're not liberal legal groups as societies, but they obviously can't exert that level of devotion or influence in the Democratic party because if they could, they would have never gotten Elena Kagan on the Supreme Court.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Yeah. So do I or yeah, sure. But here's the other thing. Like, again, I have to say I almost admire it, despite how evil it is, is the fact that they're not afraid at all of the, of the fact that, like I said, that they're a moral minority that wishes to use power to exact their vision or to inflict their vision of the world on everyone else, I got to say, like that's kind of the point of politics at a certain level. So you kind of have to admire them if they weren't all so evil and should be like.
Starting point is 01:03:27 Well, having, having a zillion dollars to do it really helps. In the Daily Beast article, it does it by the end of it. It's a very good article. I recommend you read the whole thing, but it does talk about how it's very hard to say who funds all of this, but we know for sure that the Koch brothers and the Mercer. Yeah. Speaking of like facts of like the fact that like just suspiciously all of these articles are ready to go, like literally the minute Kavanaugh's name was announced.
Starting point is 01:03:50 Here's what I was wondering. Remember when, when Obama got Kagan and Sotomayor, do you remember reading in any venue the conservative case for Sotomayor? No. No. No, I just, she was a dumb bitch. That's all. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:06 She's a, yeah. She's a dumb. She's doing identity politics. Yeah. Yeah. She's a griller. Yeah. She's a really anodyne comment about being a wise Latina, like augured, like the doom
Starting point is 01:04:18 of American culture and was, yeah. Oh man. Fucking Pat fucking Buchanan was on TV and his face was just bright red and steam was shooting out of his ears and he was firing two pistols at his feet and hovering above the ground. He was so pissed about the wise Latina thing. I remember that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:35 And again, it's because and she's the best justice we've gotten. She is. Yeah. She is. She's way better than Kagan. And I'm sorry. Yeah. Dude.
Starting point is 01:04:45 I don't know, man. Hear me out here. What if there was like a 900 year old Jewish woman? Get this. She's similar to a black rapper. No. How would that be? How would that make sense?
Starting point is 01:04:58 You take her initials. Okay. All right. You got it. You got it. No, it's RBG. Yeah. RBG.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Yeah. Okay. Who does that sound like? I don't know. Big lurch. That's a deep cut. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:14 I was going to say Chief Justice Keef. There we go. That's a rose emoji display name. Jake politics. Like retweeted fucking Chief Justice Keef's post. Quote tweeting Washington Post Malone. Oh, fuck. Oh, I got so many of this.
Starting point is 01:05:33 I have so many of these. Oh, man. Here's another example. The reason you didn't read any of those articles that were like, you know, I've been in the Federalist Society my whole life. I've dedicated my life literally to turning back all social progress made over the last 100 years. But here's why Sotomayor is such a good person.
Starting point is 01:05:52 Yeah. You should at least be considered. You didn't read those articles because those people aren't fucking stupid. Yeah. And they're very successful at getting what they want unlike their opponents. And Merrick Garland was nominated. He's a milktoast beige ass fucking room temperature milk ass motherfucker center right motherfucker white dude.
Starting point is 01:06:14 But he though they nominated him because they thought well they want to check to him and they'll give him the same sort of benefit of the doubt that these people do about Kavanaugh. They'll be like, well, Merrick Garland is he's and he's on the same circuit as Kavanaugh. He's been there nine years longer and they would think like, oh, the conservative case for giving Garland because, you know, we talked about the idea was amazing fucking softball coach or whatever fuck. No, like the idea was with Garland was like, we're going to nominate a guy so moderate that they'll really look foolish if they try to stop it.
Starting point is 01:06:47 You know, like they'll look crazy. They'll look real bad. You know, so extreme. They didn't win an election like two years before by being like, we're going to turn Iowa into Rhodesia. Like everyone didn't know they were nuts and they benefited from gerrymandering and this dark money network. You can't like if they had been explicitly running on since 2010, we're absolutely out
Starting point is 01:07:08 of our minds. Yeah. I mean, the one thing that would have been a good move that it's someone says on Twitter forgot who was that if they had nominated Trump's sister because she's a judge and like she's actually like a liberal judge. Like they couldn't have like said no to that really because that would piss Trump off. Well, that is true. It would have pissed him off.
Starting point is 01:07:28 That's true. It would have very much. I mean, because, you know, they had a very data game plan and they were very well funded and they had all of the cards and denying Garland the seat. There was nothing anyone could really do about it once they decided that they were going to ignore those norms. And then there was really nothing to be done. I mean, really the criticism of Obama and those guys is really just that they nominated
Starting point is 01:07:50 Garland in the first place, someone who no one on earth could get excited for and then this kind of didn't point it out because they assumed they were going to win. They didn't think it was going to matter. They think like, well, he'll he'll get in and then she'll she'll put Garland up again. It still sucks. Yeah. Yeah. I remember a few months even after the nomination when it was clear that Grassley and McConnell
Starting point is 01:08:11 would refuse to hold hearings that the demand wasn't a point approved. Garland, the Supreme Court demand was just hold the hearings and Garland would go around Capitol Hill and do photo ops with Democratic senators and just smiling, grinning, their legs crossed, talking to each other and thinking, when this goes on the front page of the Washington post, McConnell will look so bad, sir. People have made this point with Mitch McConnell. There's no real Democratic equivalent to Mitch McConnell whose entire thing is like, yeah, hate me.
Starting point is 01:08:44 All you fucking want. Good luck. My voters aren't going to vote me out. Reed was a little like that. Reed was kind of like that. Yeah. But just from like, if there was someone who was like, Mr. Senator, I didn't comp you with the 10 years.
Starting point is 01:08:56 You were not a guest. You were not my guest. I didn't comp you. I didn't comp you every time you came. At the Tangiers Hotel, did you not promise me that I would have a favorite? I was never your guest at the Tangiers Hotel. You were never my guest. I never comped you.
Starting point is 01:09:06 I don't comp you at least two or three times a month at the Tangiers. I'd like to answer that at this time. You know what? I was present at that dinner. Fuck Harry Reid, but to his credit, that character is unfair because Reed actually punched a guy on FBI surveillance for trying to bribe him, unlike his counterpart in that movie. Harry Reid was a little bit like that, but someone who had better politics than Reed, I'm not saying like I expect like, you know, someone to come out there and be like Mitch
Starting point is 01:09:32 McConnell, but for like socializing, trans or something. I mean, they should. They should. But like just someone who from like, just doing the stuff that Democrats even say on their website, even that substandard stuff, if they were just would go that far. It could, yeah, it could be, it will never be Chuck Schumer ever. It will never be Steny Hoyer. It will never be any of these motherfuckers.
Starting point is 01:09:54 Well, your other problem is that the whole, like most of the Senate Democratic caucus is totally rotten and the Republicans march in lockstep. McConnell only has to deal with what? Maybe two holdouts, one because he's too insane and the other because she was primaried and it's still bitter about it. Yeah. I mean, I think we should be clear like, it's very, very unlikely. Maybe I think it's very unlikely that the Democrats, even if they were entirely unified, could stop.
Starting point is 01:10:19 Which they will. Yeah. If Bernie Sanders were the majority leader, how much legislation do you think he can pass out of that Senate? Even if he does all the procedural tricks, he still has to get to 51. Exactly. And like, look, the best, I mean, the best we can hope for from these people is that they provide a united front and, you know, loudly and angrily, you know, have some fucking, you
Starting point is 01:10:37 know, firing you about and be clear and honest to the American people about what this actually means. Well, Kavanaugh's got a two, three Democrat votes. Yeah. High camp and mansion have already said it. So yeah, all barring anything truly incredible. I mean, there's baseball ticket. That baseball ticket shit.
Starting point is 01:10:53 Oh, the baseball ticket thing. Yeah. There's some weird shit going on in there. Oh, thank you for reminding me about that. The baseball ticket thing is so funny. He, when I originally saw the headline where it was like Kavanaugh went thousands of dollars in debt buying baseball tickets. Hundreds of thousands.
Starting point is 01:11:06 It was $200,000 that he spent on nationals tickets. Just like all baseball lovers. To take to take unspecified people to baseball games and come to an unspecified number of times. Yeah, which I got to say, like imagine the fucking ghouls that he's taken to those baseball games. Baseball games exist. Like, I mean, like they had no proof.
Starting point is 01:11:26 Like they are saying he wasn't even like those like Paul Manafort's rugs. Yeah. Because in the Washington Post article, it said you don't have to provide proof that this is actually what the money was for. He didn't have to name who they are. And I can't imagine why the White House would like come out and like announce this like unless it was to like seem like they're being super transparent about something that's actually like him fucking like buying hobos to kill or something.
Starting point is 01:11:49 Like I don't know if he went to these games, these hundreds of games, or he just bought the tickets for something. He bought like ticket apparently like it's like ticket packages so like you can take you and 14. And then he was super in debt and then he took it off real fast. He took the whole basketball team to every single nationals games. And you know what, you know what beer costs at baseball games. Come on.
Starting point is 01:12:09 $100,000. I mean, a quarter million dollars. I there's like no way this isn't just some like fucking nefarious thing where he's like it's like some complicated Byzantine scheme where like the CEO of Merck pays him for like a ruling where it's OK for Propecia to kill the first born of your kid. It was in the Bible. It's fine. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:12:31 And that was the one story if he just was going into debt because he loved going to baseball games like 200,000 dollars of debt. That would be I don't care about any of the carpool shit, but like that's cool. That would be like, all right, confirm this. That's a man who knows what he likes. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, just so he's probably going to be on the Supreme Court and the baseball tickets
Starting point is 01:12:51 thing would be a good example of how a competent opposition party could potentially make a big deal out of like imagine if Sotomayor had a quarter million dollars in weird debts. You know, so the thing is he's probably going to be on the Supreme Court as I've outlined I think I think we know how he's going to rule. Oh, yeah. And if it's, you know, women's rights, civil rights, labor rights, environmental protection of any kind. Right.
Starting point is 01:13:13 It won't be even a single square mile of land in this country that won't be opened up to like the oil and natural gas or mining industries. If your job poisons you knowingly, you will probably not have any legal remit to sue them. You know what? Minimum wage. Minimum wage will probably be gone. Just death penalty for striking. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:32 No, yeah. I mean, labor laws already got fucked by this court, but it's going to get way worse. So I want to close out by saying like we know where this is going. We know what's going to happen. I think it's intolerable. I think the Democrats should absolutely start laying the groundwork now to as we've talked about packing the court, not abolishing it outright. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:52 I mean, that's the dream. But that's harder. Yeah. I mean, the constitutional amendments. The pragmatic position at this point is pack the court. Yes. Yeah. That's the pragmatic middle position.
Starting point is 01:14:01 Exactly. Put eight in. Eight. Yep. Ideal position abolished for fucking court. Yeah. And by the way, I've seen a lot of people, I've seen a lot of people going like, oh, you want to pack the court?
Starting point is 01:14:10 Well, next time they're probably going to get it. They'll just pack it. Yeah. They're going to anyway. Just keep going back and forth like that itchy and scratchy. Yeah. They're pulling bigger and bigger guns. And also they won anyway.
Starting point is 01:14:19 They're never going to stop. They're not going to stop before like, oh, actually we're going to do the right thing. And they're like, oh, fuck. We have to do that. Just keep doing it until every American is a member of the Supreme Court. That would be better. I don't know how people are still playing this. They got to have the fucking Supreme Court cases determined in like Yankee Stadium.
Starting point is 01:14:35 Exactly. The point is contrary like, I mean in the baseball tickets thing is a good example of this, as well as the deep, deep dark money that funds all of this, this idea that these Supreme Court justices live in this like magisterial castle of the law untainted by political influence is an absolute fantasy. These guys are political actors and operatives and that is why they're being given this authority so that they can act a political agenda. This guy hasn't been in a fucking cave his whole life and he's being called to service.
Starting point is 01:15:03 He was in the fucking Bush White House. Yeah. That was the other funny thing is when he worked for Ken Starr, he definitely thought a president could be impeached. And then lo and behold, he discovered as soon as he started working for a Republican White House, you know what? They just worked so hard. That's what he said.
Starting point is 01:15:16 He said they worked so hard and it's so hard to work for the White House that I just don't think it's constitutional to ever prosecute a president for high crimes. Yeah. And people have credited him with growth and willing to admit he was wrong because when there was a Democratic president, he was trying to get him impeached. He thought that presidents were liable to courts and then you know what? It's just such a complicated job. You can't be distracted by that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 01:15:42 Wow. He had a real growth moment there instead of just it all being absolute opportunistic or shit with no fucking underpinnings of any kind of meaningful principle. For me, in closing, we know where this is going. This is, you know, these assholes are going to be with us for the next 40, 50, 60 years deciding what rights we can and can't have. If that's the case, forget the Democrats, what they should or shouldn't do with back in the court.
Starting point is 01:16:11 For everyone else, you need to start preparing yourself now to break the law and create the network of support and solidarity to continue whether it's abortion or unions or striking. We need to build now the social and political networks to carry on as if this didn't matter. Because I'm sorry, living under these people is intolerable. No person should have to submit to it. It wouldn't be a civilized side. You shouldn't. No.
Starting point is 01:16:43 The only way to live as a human being with dignity and as a citizen of this country is to start, is going to be breaking the law. Providing abortion services in the states that are going to make it illegal. That's a first step. But there's many, many other things. For example, they're going to require individual citizens, many of us, to consciously break the law. Take labor, for example, where they're explicitly trying to repeal the entire new deal.
Starting point is 01:17:12 That's the whole concept. And how did the new deal get put there in the first place? Because of massive illegal action by unions, by militancy, by sit-down strikes that were not legal, by violating judicial restraining orders and things like that. And wildcats and things, just general outlaw unionism. And then the new deal existed and it kind of co-opted the labor movement into the framework of the Wagner Act and of the Labor Relations Board. Well, if you're going to get rid of that, then you're going to have to bring back the same
Starting point is 01:17:49 kind of disregard for legal niceties that prevailed before those mechanisms came into place. And if you are one of these supposedly good billionaires who are like liberal and don't like this, start creating the same kind of networks now, not just for the courts, but start donating your money to have a huge pool of resources available to provide legal counsel and bail and protection for people who do break the law. Well, we're not going to see that because for most of them, this is going to be good and they're going to be happy for it.
Starting point is 01:18:17 Anyway, that's my closing thoughts on Kavanaugh and the Supreme Court. What do you guys think? Yeah, no. For the definite immediate future Democrats are still going to think this is a sparring match and that they can only hit as hard as they want to be hit while they repeatedly get knocked out by a 73-year-old man with wimp bone as if they were his own son. But for everyone else, you know those aren't the rules. So, in conclusion, Brett Kavanaugh is a land of many countries.
Starting point is 01:18:54 On one hand, he'll make this country a far worse place. On the other hand, he helped like 30 girls all named Mackenzie had bloody, sacrament, eternal life. No, they're not dunking. Kavanaugh probably makes them all like dress up like Larry Bird. Oh, yeah. No, no. They do the fundamental drills.
Starting point is 01:19:14 They do bounce passes. Layups only. Bounce passes, chest passes. Brett, who are your favorite basketball players? Larry Bird, John Stockton. Kevin McHale, Bob Cousy, George Curvin. He's like, I don't want any dribbling on this team. Chest passes, bounce passes only.
Starting point is 01:19:30 Yeah. Brett Kavanaugh, like his warm, like all the other coaches are doing like suicides and plyometrics and he's just having them like throw medicine balls at each other. It's like, this is a good old-fashioned workout before they ruin the game. Who's they, Brett? You know, obstaculars. Protestants. You know, as well, when you're talking about abortion rights and Roe v. Wade, it's really
Starting point is 01:19:53 fundamentally a class issue because some fuckface like Brett Kavanaugh, if he happened to live in a post-Roe state that had banned abortion on demand and his basketball playing, Mackenzie Daughter got knocked up, he could always pay for a plane ticket to New York or a state where abortion is legal. Republicans have always done that. They've always done it. They've always done it. Always.
Starting point is 01:20:14 Well, conservatives in every nation. It's going in, obviously, in a post-Roe country. It will be harder for people of less means to do that as well. It's harder for them to get abortions today, so you don't really have to wait to find and support organizations that pay for abortions that do abortions. Look them out. Look them up. We've mentioned a few on the show in the past.
Starting point is 01:20:41 Go and, I don't know, send a post to the receipts whenever you encounter someone like Deplorable Debbie, your big, fat piece of shit, Al, on MAGA Twitter. Smelly Hillbilly. Donate it in their name and then tell them to buy the book. There are parts of Texas where there is not an abortion provider within 600 miles, which makes it essentially de facto illegal for anybody who doesn't have the money to be able to travel that far. So yeah, that about sums it up for this week.
Starting point is 01:21:12 Ashley Feinberg, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you, Ashley. It was a blast. Thank you. Please keep us all posted on the antics of the Trump family. The most wacky kids. Yeah. What are they going to get it to next?
Starting point is 01:21:24 Oh, I can't wait till they all spend the night at the museum. The Holocaust Museum. All right. Good night, everybody. Bye. Bye.

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