Chapo Trap House - Episode 236 - Space Force: Mobile Infantry (8/13/18)

Episode Date: August 14, 2018

After Matt reports on some meatspace QAnon art and we all agree we could go for a Wendell's Hammed Burger, we have a rare triple header reading series for you this week. We touch on Trump's Space Forc...e, whether socialism will provide an adequate supply of prayer rugs and vegan milk, and if Israel is an Alpha Operator or a Beta App Developer. GET CHAPO TEAM FYM TO 1,000 subscribers: Links to purchase Chapo Audio Book: Audible: Google Play: Tour Dates and Tickets:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following are excerpts from the never-before-seen manga written by Aaron Sorkin news hero attack on demons of error Next time on news hero attack on demons of error Jeff newsroom has been training in 30 times gravity But will it be enough when he faces off with Republican congressman man on his Sunday news track show? Find out next time on news hero attack on demons of error And now the news with Jeff newsroom We're dealing with a situation where we've been saddled with trillions in debt from the previous liberal administration I don't want to sell my grandkids to the Chinese
Starting point is 00:00:59 So what you're saying sir is it adding to the national debt is borderline treasonous. I would say that sir Interesting do you also sir support the current Republican tax bill Darn tootin. I do Sir Kakarot, are you aware sir that the CBO estimates that this tax bill Several trillion dollars to the national debt Oh Oh, then by your own logic sir you are a traitor We are here choppo for those of you wondering what you just heard
Starting point is 00:02:27 It was a little teaser from the choppo guide to revolution audio book That was the Aaron Sorkin anime section featuring voice acting by yours truly I think you're better than me news man. No, that was a good time Brendan came back to do that special section for the choppo audio book So a little snatch of that to share with you again another another late episode I hope that's not a problem for you guys. I mean, I know it's never been in the past But it was my birthday this weekend and what I say on my birthday goes So hope you can hope you can live with that, but we're yeah, I'm a birthday birthday bitch It's my it's my birthday mom. We found out that will is the Stasi of this show. I'm the number one girl
Starting point is 00:03:14 I'm the number one guy this group No, we all had a a good time yesterday and Randomly we were able to do some live on the street on the ground reporting about the Q phenomenon Which is now penetrated the world of really shitty Williamsburg Bushwick Street art Yeah, I was standing outside the place. We were at and I saw one of those black and white shepherd-fairy style portrait Posters plastered on the wall of looked like a warehouse and I was across the street and I looked at it I thought that looks like John F. Kennedy, Jr. And I thought well that can't be that's such a random reference
Starting point is 00:03:54 There's no way that that even all of these street artists douchebags who try to do ironic, you know Re-compitulations of old-fashioned, you know 90s pop culture ephemera or whatever They're not gonna pull John F. Kennedy, Jr. under their ass That would only make sense if it was Q related and that's absurd that that would happen So I walk closer I wanted to confirm that it just kind of looked like JFK, Jr. And I was basically just viewing it through the prism of my broken internet brain But then I got closer and I got close up to it and not only did it look like JFK, Jr.
Starting point is 00:04:26 I noticed that it had in its ear a earring shaped like a cue Confirming beyond a doubt that it was QAnon Street art So the thing has broken containment. It's no longer within the confines of its creators or the dumbasses who follow it. It's now being turned into culture By by the carrion eaters of northern Brooklyn. I I mean, I Look all art is political Everything's political super smash brother tournaments are political. It's political when you shit on your doo-doo ass and first thing in the morning and you have to
Starting point is 00:05:07 Like rinse the shit out of your underwear and leave it on your towel rack till it dries out like everyone does that's political And yeah, no, it's reactionary art. But can we not admit that Q Street art is kind of an improvement over what we have in that area? It's like you either have it's like a girl It'll be like a girl, but she's made out of flowers and she's smoking a pipe and the cloud of smoke just says like Brooklyn but with no with no vowels and it's like cool or then or it will be like a mural of You know fucking cool. Yo, and it will be like Brooklyn state of mind and it's by someone who is born in
Starting point is 00:05:52 The last remaining plantation Like his parents owned a plantation in North Carolina and he moved here because he was like I'm just always belonged in Brooklyn The Snoopy tweeting, but he's like tied off or whatever. Oh, yeah, that's it I was just gonna say there's a mural in Bushwick that is Snoopy and Charlie Brown strung out with spikes in their arms but the spikes have the Twitter logo on them and Charlie Brown is saying to Snoopy. How many likes do we get? Because they're addicted. That's The spoon is your phone. Yeah, that is the third category of street art
Starting point is 00:06:33 Yeah, it will be like, you know dropping fat man little boy on Hiroshima Naga sake except There's an address bar on both bombs And it's like whoa That's not the original thing that I thought it was I love I do love the Snoopy and Charlie Brown one is so great because that really is like something we would do to make fun of it Like why are they in that? Yeah, that's also very boomer I think we have context for Garfield Snoopy is almost a bit like yeah. Yeah, it's very hokey in every sense I much prefer this new art like the one we saw yesterday that makes me feel like I'm in the crying of lot 49
Starting point is 00:07:12 I prefer that I've started looking for fucking for post horns all over the place now I think it's fine if we become cute people Like everything is sort of a sham nothing will ever be done We're just sort of stuck in this struggle forever until you know some epic scientist invents a way to solve global warming But in a way that kills most of the Earth's population Well, that's how you solve it. Yeah, okay. Well, I guess I'm the epic But You know, I think it's cool. I think Q is cool. It's like pickle Rick mega death experience. Yeah
Starting point is 00:07:51 I just got to say I'm lgbt Q anon Human sacrifice this way born into a child zoo this way I Rather than becoming a Q anon person I want to become like a John Kerry type of person or the type of person who says coke of cola and Wendell's hamburgers. No Felix. Oh, we got a bad. We got a really you missed you missed this but on on Thursday when Matt Berlsen and I did the Fundraiser for Julia Salazar. We were coming up some pretty good. John Kerry is imagining John Kerry talking about video games and playing fortified evening. Yeah, and
Starting point is 00:08:33 I'll you know, who wouldn't enjoy staying in all playing a game of the Super Martin Brothers Let us go I think mine was when we were Talking about going to the movies and I'm like, let's get there early for snacks. I Would like a raisin to it. Oh What would John Kerry call goober's buffoon-ish fellows? There's a really bad one that's been Infecting my brain. I mean, I'm never I went to Chicago and it's just like
Starting point is 00:09:07 It's just like I got West brain poison. Oh my god. Well Branson was saying Dave's double whopper And that's just never coming back from that one that you mentioned Smash brothers is political and that was a kicked it off was imagining John Kerry You put playing the who amongst us didn't like the the smashed brothers Returnally smashed he calls Counter-Strike counterintente Let's see. I Want to talk a bit about something
Starting point is 00:09:41 The place we're all gonna be going The grave very soon. No even better. It's what it's like the grave, but infinite. I'm talking space. Oh, yeah I'm talking about a bit. Oh, yeah, I'm talking about the space force, which is something, you know people We like to make fun of it now because it's another one of our presidents buffoon-ish idiot brain fantasies Things things that he does and says to just sort of you know, keep the plot line moving forward
Starting point is 00:10:12 But I get the feeling the writers are a little bit tired at this point in the the run of the TV show So now we got a this or you know, this this did remind me of like During the height of the Iraq war and the insurgency we're during the state of the Union Bush said that we're going to Mars Yes, I think the space is like the the final frontier because it gives perpetually Ailing presidencies like a new big program to think about or do hold up. Oh stop the episode We have to rename this episode In space no one can hear you lie Yeah, they love space because it's big and cool and it's not cool though
Starting point is 00:10:52 It's so cool. I mean you could find an alien out there. You have sex with it You're not Scott. It's got green skin and multiple like rows. It is a dentist's waiting room. No, it's terrible But here's the thing. Okay, you say that you say space is boring and lame Maybe maybe it's a big empty abyss of absolutely nothing and the idea of having peace there is absurd because you can't have anything other than Peace there because there is nothing there But what if you put cool guns in space because that's the premise of Space Force is NASA is boring lame bullshit because there are Bunch of nerds who go up there with pocket protectors instead of air 15s. That's it. They want to just strap some Pizookas to the International Space Station and make it cool to go into space
Starting point is 00:11:30 Well, I say hell yeah, well space is the final frontier of like honestly dude. I wish somebody would fuck with me It's obvious what this is like it's obviously just like an even bigger giveaway for the defense industry But it's also I think there's a part of the brain I mean Reagan started this where it's like Honestly, dude, I fucking hate the Soviet Union. That's like my worst enemy, but if somebody like came and fucked with planet Earth Yeah, dude, I would absolutely kick ass with them fucking respect to them I would fuck around and I would find out it is like Space Force is take away the part that's a defense industry giveaway, which is yet 90% of it
Starting point is 00:12:13 It is 10% the core of the American psyche, which is going somewhere where nothing will happen and going like You are so fucking lucky that there is nothing to threaten me here cuz I'm fucking ready. It's alien straw man Yeah, but what if like there is a spit like if we live through Halo, but Donald Trump is president That's the greatest outcome and that's probably the most likely outcome. That's like the direction everything's going in Can we edit in some like Halo music in the background like? Yeah, oh yeah, imagine like there's like a platoon of Spartans in their induction ceremony and their power armor They're all like seven feet tall because they're genetically augmented and they're like Most of us will not return from this mission. It's our duty to the UNSC and then Donald Trump just fucking stumbles out
Starting point is 00:13:00 And he's like me and Larry Silverstein on a boat. Let me tell you a story Ladies and gentlemen the USS Barron Trump Gundam has exploded on the launch pad Yeah, Master Chief like flying into the Covenant dropship with a nuke and Instead of you know the famous ending of Halo 2 Well, we're famous ending. It is a famous ending to people who actually consume culture. Thank you So when he defeats all the gorillas, right? He doesn't defeat all the gorillas, they're called brutes, but Then the human parlance, but you know instead of like the commander asked chief
Starting point is 00:13:37 What do you think you're doing chief and chief in his iconic one of his few spoken lines goes sir finishing this fight? But he's never even gonna get to that because Trump's gonna be the commander and he's gonna be like just Talking about judge judge Justine Just our best chance though at a Luke Besson sci-fi where there's a bunch of like Rococo Chandeliers and shit everywhere and like Ryan C. Crest runs everything. I mean That is also one of the most interesting like sci-fi Interpretation, so like whatever it could be worse. It could be better than fucking Star Wars Barron Melania multi-pass. I do like the idea
Starting point is 00:14:20 You know the high school graduates who joined the military to get a communications degree or something are gonna be shot into outer space A place that only people with like multiple, you know, like scientists. That's what that's a NASA is. It's scientists I can't underscore this enough about outer space It could not be less hospitable to human. It's horrifying There's gonna take raw recruits and you're gonna be like good luck Oh, it is true. It's gonna be so many people that just joined the military for basic like I'm gonna learn how to run Communication systems. It's gonna be good luck, buddy. Ground control the Jerry dunk. It's gonna be It's gonna be an amazing like adjustment. Yeah, Houston shit's incredibly fucking gay right now. Yeah, my internet's down
Starting point is 00:15:05 the thing I like about it is the is the hooting is a love of it by the swine fans They love this shit. They don't even know what it means. They just hear the word force and that gets them excited They love power. They love they love authority They love the idea of Trump asserting authority and I want to shout out a show that we've ragged on a lot the Daily Show Because they had an interview with the Trump supporter at a rally where they were talking about Space Force and it was, you know Let's laugh at the rubes stuff classic Daily Show, but I thought that this exchange from it actually was very illustrative of the way That they are thinking about Trump in general So they asked this lady with a Trump hat on hey, what about Space Force and she says Space Force is about
Starting point is 00:15:45 Exploration and finding out what's out there And you and the Daily Show guy replies, NASA does space exploration and this is a response NASA is only gonna tell us what they want us to know Whereas I think Trump will send his own stuff and we will find out the truth. Yeah, he's gonna say I just his flat earth alien species that we've been kept from something like that. Yeah, I love yeah 2001 is space Odyssey, but it's like the protagonist is Michael Flynn Jr But the thing about like like like 2001 Space Odyssey Michael Flynn Jr. Is also turning into a baby But the thing about it is is that this shows how they're reconciling their
Starting point is 00:16:27 Inventorate hatred of government right they hate the government they hate every element of the government big government practice They hate it, but they also are Becoming they're yearning for that fascist ruler, right? They love Trump and and they love the idea of him having Total power they think he deserves it because we need to stress they watched him on TV a lot and they like him because of that and they think yes this guy should have total control over everything and The only the way you can square that is that he should basically create a shadow version of every element of government that is Accountable only to him. They basically want to recreate the Sun King only have it be Donald Trump
Starting point is 00:17:02 Like like yeah, it's like NASA's keeping all the good spaceship from us Space Force They're gonna let us know because it's not controlled by some nerd bureaucrats that's controlled by Trump who likes me personally Who's my friend because I'd see him on the TV and he tells me how wonderful I am well It's it's also about like, you know, like they're they're hatred of government, but they're Can't like they hate the deep state and the government and it's all become totally paranoid, but at the same toward them They love the military and it's a space force if you turn NASA into the army That is militarized or like the generals are in charge of it. Then I trust that that's good Their intentions are good for the Space Force because it's the troops. Yeah, it's that's that old joke about how if you wanted to have new
Starting point is 00:17:46 Socialized healthcare just turn it into the military give every doctor a gun and everyone would be fine with it I yeah, I can't wait for like the new version of Three Doors Down Kryptonite That's for people who lost bone density And Had their insides cooked by solar radiation, but but I mean I just wanted to go to the bride It's gonna be like the people now that are really into like Scarface and don't realize that Tony Soprano is bad But like there's gonna be a hero there's gonna be like a Verhoeven kind of like Yeah, man starship troopers my favorite. I love those guys. It's so cool
Starting point is 00:18:28 That's like it's kind of my hero like Johnny Johnny Rico, baby, or it's gonna be You know the I think the more high-end version the guy is the guy who reads doing is like man Paul rocks This is a bunch of books about a cool guy who does the right thing There's gonna be a lot of misspelled tattoos of Paula Trady. Yeah Oh, man, I I need to get Michael Michael on the misspellings of Paula Trady's No, we're gonna but I mean now that we're talking about you now. I'm just imagining Donald Trump nude floating in a giant tank Beautiful could you get the witch out of here? I don't want to talk No, he's the fetus in the model
Starting point is 00:19:06 Trump is Duke Lido and Barron Barron's most perfect Paul I've ever seen Barron is literally Paula Trady Tralania Melania coming in. She is she's a Benny Jezzard witch, obviously Yeah, she brings in like a computer that plays roblox, but on a high dpi and she's like no woman One child has ever played this much. It is perfect that like uh, Frank Herbert came up with teacot names Oh Duncan, Idaho is perfect. Yeah Yeah, um, so we've been uh, we've been making fun of the space force idea
Starting point is 00:19:39 But I have a little selection for you here now that's making the case that maybe Maybe this isn't so silly Uh, this comes courtesy of Matt Lewis of the Daily News who writes This is under the uh, the sort of like the vertical is just called. Why not? And the uh headline is I support that being a vertical the the the case for a space force thinking big There are plenty of good reasons to distrust this president and his latest vague idea But there are even more good reasons not to dismiss the idea out of hand Matt Lewis writes, uh, the idea was ripe for mockery on thursday vice president Mike Pence said that
Starting point is 00:20:17 President Donald Trump is hoping to establish a space force by 2020. That is a really short window of time Not gonna really create a space armed forces. Who is this person? Matt Lewis of the Daily Beast? Okay, let's see. I wonder what he what he thinks about, uh, socialized medicine I wonder if he thinks that's impossibly expensive. Yeah, uh, some criticism some of the criticisms are thoughtful Even if we indulge the idea that warfare of the future will require a space presence It is debatable that we would need a six branch of the armed forces Like I don't think there's going to be like what they're thinking I don't think there's going to be battles in space in the future. That's absolutely what Trump's thinking
Starting point is 00:20:55 Garrett 100 that's what Trump thinks over what the moon. Yeah The moon is trash Okay, I mean, I think I think it's more likely that Donald Trump has like a decades old grudge with the moon So this is like you never thought I'd be in this position, huh? This is my issue with like the kind of like conservative pundits that it's like, oh, you want You won't everyone to get a trophy and you won't everyone and it's like no no no I am a very harsh Soviet style socialist and I believe I'm
Starting point is 00:21:27 Straight up tiger mom when you have a dumb idea It's a dumb idea and people should tell you that and they have a double standard for it And that is my problem with them is that they want to tell Donald Trump but like well, maybe it is a good idea You know, maybe they like no that is a stupid idea. You should feel bad. Go practice the piano I honestly what they're what they would like to do these are like the uh the mobile like the the satellite nuclear weapons platforms Or like satellites that can drop like tungsten rods orbit and like to annihilate a city Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what like feature it in the second gi joe movie gi joe retaliation
Starting point is 00:22:07 There was a second gi joe gi joe retaliation have the rock in it. This is a fan It is gonna rock when like the Saudis have like three orbital nukes and a rail gun and shit and they still can't win yemen I like can't wait. I can't wait till it's like absolute like we have to guys we have to give them the orbital platform This is where the k-kodos prediction was the best one. These are just throwing sandals at it and destroying it I can't wait for that. This is the k-kodos was the best one. They figured it out very early on We knew this in the 90s one day. They will build a bore with a board with an ale and it's so big it will destroy them all So, uh, matt lewis, uh, he says Most commenters were quick to dismiss the idea. I can't understand why
Starting point is 00:22:51 But he goes i'm not necessarily championing the idea, but I think we should not automatically dismiss it either America fought in the air for decades before creating a separate air force in 1947 Which was a mistake by the way, they should have created. Yeah, and we spent all that time fighting in space And we don't have a space for us The department of homeland security was created to coordinate homeland security He's listing the perfect kind of bureaucratic bloat and overreach that the conservatives are supposed to be worried about And again, neither of those things should have existed encouraging the ambitions of idiocy Yeah, like what is what's the air force? It's big project been lasted years the f-35
Starting point is 00:23:29 Fucking trillion dollar plane. They can't fly in a rain. Yeah, that's another uh, the f-30 will kill One fourth of them guys who try to eject from it. We create them critical Helicopter that can say nothing, but please kill me Osprey which has killed more u.s. Fucking military personnel. I want to die First press penetrator. Yeah, don't that's amazing. We've created hapsburg military hardware Oh my god, just begging for death Yeah, the f-35 is just a pilot guillotine Criticals the board for the most third world is military
Starting point is 00:24:11 It is. Yeah, I mean just trillion dollars in the military budget to go to a troop murderer Suicide like the the f-35 it functions like the the pilot eject functions. It works You're in the cockpit, but in the front of the cockpit is a giant cannon pointed at your head And that's what blows the canopy off But you have to like make sure you make sure you've got a dog You've got a duck when that cannon goes off the cannon actually fires 10,000 razor blades Projected outward at subsonic speeds because because of lowering lowering requirements to become a pilot The air force is now accepting people with DUIs
Starting point is 00:24:48 But the f-35 the f-35 has a sobriety test thing where you blow it blow it It's also because of pre-existing contract with smith and wesson. It's also revolver with one bullet in the chamber We can't take the bullet out. Look, there's only a one six chance that you'll die I mean, honestly, like it's not even a fatal shot to the head if you shoot yourself in the mouth So just do it Miss Freud, but death drive has never been more like provable Yeah, no, by the way, the f-35 is another pithy answer to the question why we can't have universal health care So just a little bit more he goes
Starting point is 00:25:25 Why is this such a crazy idea? According to the heritage foundations If you say so according to the heritage foundations james j Uh carrafano a foreign policy and national security expert. There's no reason why the air force would oversee this domain The air force doing space is like the difference between selling a car and washing a car different activities If you go high enough and if you level high enough as a wonk You just go back to being what you were as a wonk child, which is like well superman Obviously not the aquaman in his home of the ocean
Starting point is 00:26:01 Yeah, that's exactly why it's ridiculous all of these conservatives They're always every time they bitch about any kind of youth culture or kind of like liberal Mercy or forgiveness or none of I don't like those things either by the way. I'm a very harsh person We've established this but like then they're like well, what if the complete fucking idiot? It actually isn't a complete fucking idiot. Maybe you should be a little easier on this Absolutely confident moron But i'm still trying to get my head around Which activity is he comparing to going into space the most dangerous and most horrifying and most technologically
Starting point is 00:26:37 Complicated activity humans have ever endeavored washing a car or selling one something that which one of those two things Is he comparing to going to fucking outer space something that required first and foremost a soviet union And yes, like america sent people to the moon, but let's be honest We wouldn't have given a shit if the soviet union were doing it first not at all. They kept us honest Yeah, this whole space race was supposed to go to the spot. I mean Well, no, is there is there any greater like participation trophy than what conservatives like give the military She's like when was the last time we won one? Like the fucking first gulf war what the fuck
Starting point is 00:27:15 And it's just like no we have to give them space that we'll give it's like tony buying a j If he has a reward, he'll be encouraged. It's like show me the w's on the board Show me your report card doesn't look good. Yeah public school teachers They want to fire public school teachers for underperforming with their test scores Yeah, how the hell is there not some sort of discipline for these military? No, they're still operating on some Montessori hippie bullshit where you get a giraffe and spelling It's like I wouldn't say we failed afghanistan, but we turned it into a bigger project
Starting point is 00:27:51 Well, no, listen to this. Um, he goes Trump Matt Lewis writes Trump aside though I think the cavalier dismissal of this idea speaks to a diminished ambition to do big things the first How about everybody on earth not die? How about everyone on the planet earth not be cooked to death? Or you know, how about even small things like socialized health care something exists in third world countries I love this like wall the tides are literally rising to kill everybody. This is like You know me me and my wife. We fight every single day. We both throw we both throw Ironing boards at each other. We fucking hate each other. We call we call the cops on each other every day
Starting point is 00:28:37 I think if I have a kid I can save this That's just like going into spaces Yeah, it's no, but it's very but what if we bought a boat? Yeah No, you guys you guys the first and most obvious analogy is to ronald reagan's much derided strategic defense initiative Yeah, because it was stupid Stop giving these people fucking gold stars for trying. It was stupid. Never work. Never work lampooned as star wars The idea was the lampoon. That's what they called it
Starting point is 00:29:06 The idea of a defense shield used to shoot down soviet missiles contributed to the bankrupting of the soviet union Not really. Yeah. No what it did But that's only what it did, but none of these missile defense systems work. No Yeah, they still don't know how to shoot a nuclear missile out of the sky. It's all Hoku. Yeah, it's it's not it's just like they're spending money on these guys on going door to door some lightning rods. Yeah Well, the biggest legacy to any type of mission Missile defense started in the 80s is that it became like the cutco knives for every large mission It's like all we and russia do is just go around the world selling missile defense systems to
Starting point is 00:29:47 Countries that hate the shit out of each other and be like it will never fail ever dude. You're fucking set Because we it's like the two countries with two like the most advanced air forces selling Missile defense systems to everyone. It's brilliant. Yeah, it's fucking brilliant like I have to give special props to russia for selling missile defense systems to both Syria And Saudi Arabia selling them to Azerbaijan and Armenia. They're amazing. They're amazing They learned from watching us man. They learned from Iraq war, baby. They got the good leads. Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 00:30:25 And it just like no one really knows how much these things work if at all But it just like god, do we love selling them and do places? Star Wars by the way was not some like Smear that's what conservatives called it. Everyone called it. They were starry eyed Idiots. Yeah, we're just like we're gonna blow everyone. We're gonna form a grid over the entire country And again still doesn't work. They have no fucking idea. It's idiotic. It's stupid It's to give people like uh some sense of security that like oh, well someone shot a nuclear missile at us I think we could uh
Starting point is 00:31:01 Just closing out here. He says uh speaking of costs an obvious criticism of trump's initiative Has to do with money small government conservatives might not be keen on creating a new federal bureaucracy with more overhead I've never had I have a feeling and remember defense contracts and guns in space. Sign me up. Remember how they stopped dhs from being formed Yeah, it's just gonna end up though like a musky and thing where they just literally put a bunch of loose guns in a Rocket and blasted So that if you're up there you can reach out the window and grapple Because uh it's gonna be city bikes for guns
Starting point is 00:31:42 It's gonna be the michael jackson scream video That's what they want to happen and big government liberals might prefer us to see the money spent on nation building at home For example, the mission democrats are asking. How is there no money to fix the water crisis in michigan? But we can afford to fund this trump's space force You can substitute any crisis and ask why we would fund a space force and not insert problem because it's funding Christ Yeah, you could bring up how can someone support the space force but not support say higher teacher pay or universal health care I would argue that not cooking to death not everyone on earth dying
Starting point is 00:32:17 I would argue that the space force fits into the existing national security rubric if health insurance is a universal right One could argue that no other expenditure is appropriate or legitimate Well, certainly not clean water in space like I mean, I would actually argue that Yeah, uh spending money on the space force is not appropriate or legitimate at all because it's a nonsense problem He's saying because it's in because we already have a military. It's just more military. He just says price tag aside I think we are responsible for our own diminished attitude towards progress There was I agree. Yeah, which is why we're going to kill you and take all your money There was a time when we believed in exploration and dreamed of a brighter future
Starting point is 00:32:58 What do you need the guns for with the soviet union? The guns are being pointed out. An actually ambitious nation project if we do fucking Orbiting space platforms with guns on them. They're not going to be pointed up. They're going to be pointed down at earth And that's nothing to do with exploring anything. Well, he's NASA. I mean even ember as you said even though it was a ludicrous project of cold war dick measuring NASA actually did kind of represent the hope of a brighter future And space as a kind of shared project for humanity Which I you know and the thing is it was a cold war relic the reason NASA died at is after because the cold war ended
Starting point is 00:33:35 Because we had no one to keep us honest the Russians were the ones who just sent a thing in a space No reason to do it. No clear economic gain just progress and then we Never would have occurred to us in the capitalist west to do that We did it to show them we could and to compete with them on the as a propaganda effort That was the only reason we did all that exploration stuff if you just go by the gritty brutal ledger logic of capitalism There's never a reason to go into space ever Yeah, you have to have the ambitions and the and the the
Starting point is 00:34:11 Ambitions of communism. Yes that are divorced from capital You have to be able to the idea of human flourishing being its own fucking Goal instead of profit you gotta have star wars dreams But if you just like the the thing he said about the water Like can you walk me through how like this space military like imagine through some He's just like some miracle we find like an asteroid that has like naturally occurring water on it Can you just a just the idea of like we're out of clean water But we're gonna go into space and bring it back down through the air like many many asteroids are in fact made of ice to
Starting point is 00:34:47 Oh, no, no, I know I know but it's like Extracting the water from space to earth And then you put like because it would eventually be like after about five years of space So it's like, you know, honestly, we need contractors for this. We need private industry and it'll be the Eric Eric Prince is going to be the emperor from war hammer He's going to be mostly made out of like the oak leaves that have headphones They're going to find an asteroid in the asteroid belt between Mars and Saturn or Jupiter Anyway, they're going to find an ice asteroid the size of texas and uh black water is going to crash it into michigan
Starting point is 00:35:21 Yeah Um, sir That is how they solve global warming and future trauma. Basically. They take a big chunk of Yeah, the big ice cube. That's what I was gonna say the big chunk of comet ice and dump it in the ocean Yeah, just I I can't wait till yeah, no We're gonna use the only like The the only expansion of government we've had for the last like 30 years Which is law enforcement the military to solve global warming and like matt's talked about this are just gonna be like
Starting point is 00:35:46 border enforcement and stuff, but it literally will also just be like Fucking idiots with tribal tattoos like shooting icebergs Shooting waves. Yeah, you have you have 30 seconds to not hit our coast, sir Just emptying a fucking xm8 into it But again like overall I am really impressed by matt louis's piece here that he finds a way to um polish this Absolute turd idea of the space for it and justifies it by being like hey, you know, it's this little boy We're we've just gotten too cynical. Can't we dream big of a better capitalism and again the idea He's literally talking about is just putting guns in space like that's if you really want to talk about exploration for its own sake
Starting point is 00:36:29 Get rid of capitalism when we can talk as long as capitalism is the guiding logic and ideology of all interactions and human existence We will not have Exploration for its own sake. No, the only reason america did that was because we were trying to compete with a superior state project Mm-hmm. Well, you you mentioned this but this is uh moves on to my Second reading selection for today, which is about the danger The danger inherent in doing anything other than uh capitalist democracy This comes courtesy of a connor freeders dwarf writing in the atlantic everyone's favorite Billy quiz boy. Uh, yeah, I didn't get it. We uh, matt words when I we were gonna we were gonna do this at the salas our fundraiser
Starting point is 00:37:11 But we didn't get the uh the time to but I'm glad I can do it for you here now because this is a doozy courtesy of connor Uh, this is in the atlantic and the headline is democratic socialism threatens minorities I I don't like that. I know who this guy is I just like it's like Connor freeders dwarf, he's like just one of those guys where it's like the only context I know him in is like
Starting point is 00:37:38 Oh, he's one of the guys who's bad at writing articles And but I feel like I've seen his name 5000 times this year It's it's it's the most mathematically white name. I've ever heard in my life just in general though Like our modern media landscape. It is just pro wrestling, but even worse It's like you have you have the heel, but the heel is never like entertaining He never stands up to the crowd and goes like, ah, fuck you unless he's kevin williamson Who's like one of the only good heels in the business because he looks at like the
Starting point is 00:38:11 He does literally the pro wrestling thing of like, uh, you fucking ruse. Why don't you go to move to a city where there are jobs? But they're mostly just guys like this just sort of like squirmy guys who write like half-baked articles that are sort of pounced on the moment they're written and then you have You have the sort of face heels like david from and it just like I can't wait till this is automated. I do not like knowing the faces to the names here to know who all these guys are awful Conner writes, uh, this is the the subhead Nothing better protects victims of bigotry than a system where they can pursue their needs and wants outside the realm of popular control Now I'm not gonna read all of it, but like Conner
Starting point is 00:38:54 He teased it up by referencing two recent articles in jackabin magazine that attempts to uh, explain or Define what So what socialism means is like beyond just like a better welfare state or more social spending and they define it as Democratic control of the economy basically Um, and Conner is very frightened by that and this is how he interprets that message I'm skipping through about the middle of the article, but he goes, sorry
Starting point is 00:39:25 I feel like I actually did have to look up his face after you mentioned that because I realize I don't know What he looks like. Oh, he looks like you'd expect him to my man got no lips. Yeah, he looks like you'd expect him to He looks like a playmobil man Yeah, I was gonna say that I've never seen him, but I just imagined that he looks like one of those shiny Uh, cartoon boys on the side of like a margarine box for the 1950s something like that. Would that be wrong? I'm just I'm just so sick of the little boy on the tube of callus caviar I'm just so sick of these guys specifically the guys who are like well
Starting point is 00:39:57 I'm a classical liberal. It's like I honestly It's just so boring like no one gives this shit about these. No and no one believes it There's no not a real thing in the real belief no Americans agree with this shit being a classical liberal is like it's like Speaking fucking that's like clean clean on actually because it's like yeah, you can technically do it But like okay. Yeah, it's you know, they should just replace all like, you know concerned rolling like You know concerned rolling like like a right wing under a veil, right? It's just give me trump supporters I think these are people who think we would solve a lot of problems by switching to the metric system I mean, that's the thing. It's like these these are so it's so
Starting point is 00:40:38 Intervating just because it's such a huge percentage of the media Dialogue is conducted by these people and they speak for no one They have no popular constituency on earth as visible in office would be to listen to Howling trump supporters in these things at least you know that you're getting A reflection of an actual political tendency with influence and power in this country And you can that can make you figure out like what the terms of the debate are these guys are in cloud kuku land let's see how Connor attempts to address the growing populism of socialism in america and how he's going to try to convince us that this is all
Starting point is 00:41:15 Actually very dangerous and the thing that we think we want We actually don't because we haven't thought about it enough the way he has He writes instead of individual capitalists deciding what to produce and they're endlessly varied constantly competing private businesses Quote without any democratic input from the rest of society Control over industry and decisions about what to produce would reside in state planning agencies And imagine their decisions and and imagine their decisions perfectly If improbably reflect the actual democratic will of workers Whether in a nation or a state like ohio or utah or a metropolitan area like maricopa county or oklahoma city
Starting point is 00:41:52 Popular control is finally realized. So how popular is islam? How many muslim prayer rugs with the democratic majority of workers vote to produce? How many karans how many headscarves how much halal meat would be slaughtered? What share of construction materials and a majority of workers appropriate to new mosques? Oh, I thought this was political science I'm in racist remedial math. You're giving me a word problem Under capitalism the mere existence of buyers reliably gives rise to suppliers Relying instead on democratic decisions would pose a big risk for muslims and Sikhs and hindus and jews And maybe even catholics we would be at the whim of a mass of I guess hooting shud socialists
Starting point is 00:42:37 Who would demand that they only make like a replica dale ernhardt of Intimidator Like you know a mass of working class people is just as reactionary As he is deep down when he sits at home at night and says racial slurs whispering them into a teacup to feel better Yeah, you know, that's just such a weird like anti anti-semitism like you know, look You have the jews control money in the media, but they need it or else the Masses the socialist masses would kill them. It's like their version of a gun This is uh, I think what connor's doing here is is sort of clever in that he is taking
Starting point is 00:43:16 uh, presumably his liberal audiences fear of The the pop, you know the the masses and their ignorant stupid beliefs And transporting it to being like well socialism means that all of those um, you know All the dumb people who with bad beliefs that you don't agree with would now have control over how many you know They would they would they would be in charge of the mosque planning commission. The world is stupid and mean Unlike, you know, the people who read my columns um, they're definitely more dangerous to you than I am and that's what these people have always said to like a kind of
Starting point is 00:43:54 a class of like Say antisocial Liberal reformers that are fundamentally contemptuous of the working class And like like these things are bound bound to their identities and not and not manifestations of capitalism And I also like you know I mean he's using the the fear of like a centrally planned economy to be like democratic control of that state planning would you You really it would hinges on the fact that that a capitalist economy has in fact been kind and noble to minorities
Starting point is 00:44:24 Exactly. I mean, this is the thing that he's like under a centrally planned economy It would be really hard to build a mosque in a local municipality unlike it is now Which is just like, you know, they're they're doing mosque, you know Ribbon cutting ceremonies every week in this country because that's what the free market demands And he goes this gets even better. He goes Right now under capitalism Vegetarians and vegans have more options every year But there aren't very many of them five percent of americans are vegetarians
Starting point is 00:44:54 Three percent are vegans would the workers find a societal need to produce vegan milk vegan meat or milk substitutes No one knows the answer How important would worker majorities consider hair products for african americans? What if a majority of workers decided that only english language commercial reading materials should be printed in the united states? Oh, it sounds to me like he's confused socialism and national socialism again. He's pulled that old goof I I think his understanding of the way Economies get planned and they do get planned whether they get planned by capitalist or whether they get planned democratically Economies are in fact planned
Starting point is 00:45:33 They're just planned poorly or not And he he just thinks that you know, the majority of people are awful and he's a good person And he wants to make sure that all the every minority gets what they want and actually working class people would exclude People because you know, they don't read Connors Friedersdorf. How do they know that it would be? I think he's also assuming that in a socialist society Like every single decision would be just decided by a majority vote And it's like, hey, are we going to give rights to gay people show of hands, you know
Starting point is 00:46:06 And it's just like well there. I mean, obviously not every law is created that way and that's not exactly what democratic input over Crucial elements of how our society is run entails So he's but also we know very well the the larger the structure the more socially liberal Laws it produces. Yeah Yeah Connors should ask, you know, if the Bolsheviks took over what would what would they do about women's rights? Well, they legalized abortion and women owned property and getting divorced and they decriminalized homosexuality I don't think the majority of russians they bounced around on that. You know, I wonder how they felt about that
Starting point is 00:46:42 And there was a reaction to it. Yeah, halla, but their initial response was to yes liberalize all that shit If contraception at every cvs in wallgreens sounds better than popular control. By the way, I'm from a state where Where they were allowed to say, I'm sorry. I don't prescribe Mm-hmm birth control to unmarried women. So fuck off He says if amber you say that but if contraception and every cvs in wallgreens sounds better than popular control You may be a law's off air capitalist Or at least recognize why democratic socialism can be a nightmare for many sorts of people Does he really think that birth control is that controversial?
Starting point is 00:47:20 Look, you know what? Who's he hanging around with? This is actually This actually butts up against something that a lot of kind of left-leaning people believe too, which is that Actually, the community is the more liberal and merciful and forgiving unit. It's not Okay, the community is reactionary community justice, by the way is most commonly recognized in this country as lynchings The bigger you go The better the law is produced you want to go big communities community is a reactionary concept
Starting point is 00:47:52 And when the smaller A unit that gets to decide something the more exclusive it's going to be And what connor's doing here is that he's making it all about Again, like consumer products and like all of course all the nice things we get to buy and are marketed to and all the various groups That have their their whims catered to because there's a market for that's what freedom is for him Yeah, but but again like when you're talking about what democratic control of the economy what you're talking about is Uh, who gets all the fucking money produced by a society? Which is sort of a bigger question than who gets to buy
Starting point is 00:48:28 What products? Yeah, yeah, well if you want to talk about like sort of real Consumer rights or whatever when you have a large block of people that aren't completely eliminated from the economy They have more political power And also like the birth control thing like is literally like i'm sorry. We're 52 of the population like No connor i'd feel very confident if we put that just up to popular support There would still be birth control There would be more birth control available than there is now on the ideal system that you seem to like so much
Starting point is 00:49:00 This is this is this is the real tell though. He goes Uh As hyac put it our freedom of choice in a competitive society rests on the fact that if one person refuses to satisfy our wishes We can turn to another but he added if we face the monopolist We are at his absolute mercy Socialists are attuned to the ways individuals are vulnerable in capitalism But blind to the ways it frees us from the preferences of the majority Nearly all of us would hate abiding by the will of the majority on some matters
Starting point is 00:49:30 Do you understand that like the majority of people don't give a shit what other people do because it doesn't affect them People really overestimate how much of uh, kind of right-wing sentiments Are they come from above they come from a uh, they come from an elite Uh hyac by the way was a big fan of the peniche regime. So it's good to know that That's what I mean by the tell here. Yeah, it's just this idea that like no one no one gives a shit Like literally working class people like they don't give a shit They turn to cultural conservatism because it's literally the only like political access they have This is idiotic
Starting point is 00:50:07 It's never going to be a majority the idea that it's just a bad a A bane whore is yeah, it's the kind of stuff these guys tell each other to scare their fellow called Is a consolation prize for having a miserable life And I think the other thing like connor as the classical liberal and he started out as sort of like a ron paul libertarian got and what he's doing in this whole article Is uh reversing what the usual libertarian take on democ like you know, mass democracy is, which is that it's bad because it gives minorities too many rights.
Starting point is 00:50:40 These are what, like, real libertarians think about democracy. This is, like, the Hans Hermann Hoppe or Murray Rothbard or, like, the real... If you're a... Kevin, even Kevin Williamson, this is the... Oh, absolutely, Kevin Williamson. The standard conservative thing about, like, we're a republic, not a democracy. Yeah, keep your ship. You're gonna take my stuff. Again, the problem with democracy in the traditional sense is precisely that it protects minorities too much and that if you give the masses too much say over a democracy, they will invariably give themselves too many rights and protections from people like Conor Friedersdorf and the owners of the Atlantic. But what he's doing in this article, and we should
Starting point is 00:51:15 be very clear, is that he's flipping that around on its head and using it to play on the sympathies and prejudices of a liberal readership who are worried about, you know, the dumb ignorant masses who are racist and backwards and, you know, against contraception and African-American hair products and vegan meats and meat substitutes and shit like that. Well, all I gotta... You say that, but what if one of these democratic socialists decides to strap a mask on and go into Gotham City and declare to the people there that the city is theirs now and then they get to take all the stuff, but he actually has a timed nuclear device in the back of a garbage truck that's driving around the city and is going to blow up and kill
Starting point is 00:52:00 everybody no matter what happens. Well, you know, we all think it's going to be cool when Bain takes over your city, but what if it's not? He's got a bomb, folks. Folks, what if it's not? Yeah. All right. I'm going to move on to my last selection for today. I think, Felix, I think this will be a treat for you. It's just sort of... It can't be written by someone who is in an NPC. Unfortunately not. It just went right through me. It was just like... It's like gamma rays. It was like eating. It was like somehow I drank a broth that only had cholesterol in it. I just feel sluggish and like, oh, God. How is there... It's like if you want to be a free market guy, how is there a market for this guy? There isn't.
Starting point is 00:52:46 No, there's no way in front of it. It's all fucking boring. He doesn't exist in an organic economy. In a completely organic economy, I would eat him. Oh, that reminds me of a hilarious thing he did a few years ago, or maybe it was last year talking about socialism. He tweeted something along the lines of socialism. You take the people's labor and you make it like common property, but I'm a writer. What is that? What are you going to do with my work? Everybody, don't worry about it. I love the idea of Stalin being like, we need more of those resort columns. Get to work. The people demanded this is for the Soviet Union. They love reading your takes about fucking God knows what. People love the literary equivalent
Starting point is 00:53:31 of sitting in lukewarm bathwater and drinking a cup of milk mixed with flour. Okay, Felix, maybe this will jolt you. I honestly think this is going to be like the adrenaline needle from Pulp Fiction. Right? Okay. Opinion, New York Times. Let's go. Does Sasha Baron Cohen understand Israel? You always know what to get. You always know what to get. The comedian's new show makes a mockery of Israeli machismo, but he doesn't know who we really are. This is by Shmuel Roser. This is what I've been waiting for, dude. This is my favorite. I'm going to guess what it is without having seen it, but I'm going to guess what it is. And it's like the awesome new type of Zionism. And it's coming for everything, right? We've
Starting point is 00:54:20 all agreed this is coming for everything, where it's no longer like the mid-2000s salivate to Americans, which is like, we're the strong state. We need us to civilize this region. It's going to make it sort of like Identitarian, but like this feel-good Hollywood Identitarianism, where you're like... You're pretty close. You're pretty close. This is birthright magic. Well, it's not just that, though. You think that we're like cool, gun-toting macho dudes, but actually we're civilized cucks. Yeah, that is exactly what this piece does. I'd just like to point out that Shmuel Rosner is the same guy who wrote an opinion take for
Starting point is 00:55:05 the New York Times. I think his last one was during the latest Gaza massacres. The headline was, Israel is entitled to protect itself by any means necessary. That was his take on that. And he says, Sasha Baron Cohen just doesn't understand Israel. Sasha Baron Cohen speaks Hebrew fluently, and I think his parents live there. I think he has a pretty good idea. Yeah, but until you've worn like pre-pants every day, and like your day consists of waking up and getting to his shoving match at a restaurant called like Pizza Fiesta. You live the true life of an Israeli man. So he writes here, I first met Colonel Iran Morad 25 years ago. Well, sort of.
Starting point is 00:55:50 Morad is the fictional brainchild of Sasha Baron Cohen, the famous prankster and comedian who has been stirring controversy with his new show who is genius. Who is America? Yeah, the colon. The colonel, one of several of Mr. Cohen's new alter egos is an ultra macho ex-missile agent who travels around the United States duping Israel loving conservatives into embarrassing themselves, for example, by pulling down their pants to fight terrorists. So of course, I don't mind the I didn't meet the real Morad, but I met a Morad or someone resembling him. My wife and I were young Israeli volunteers in a small North American Jewish community. One day we got an invitation to a lecture by a retired Israeli military officer.
Starting point is 00:56:32 He was in America trying to boost Israel's image and his tools were his thick Israeli accent, his brash manner, and his captivatingly dry observations. You know, the retired Lieutenant Colonel told his crowd of mostly mostly elderly Canadian Jews. We could throw all of the Arabs into Jordan, but the world won't let us. I assume he meant Jordan the country, not Jordan the river, but who knows? That's a funny joke. Oh, I love to try with. Yeah, yeah. If you know this, but Palestinians don't feel pain. The Lieutenant Colonel became part of my family's folklore to this day. We use his phrase as an absurd excuse for our simple failures. I truly tried to convince the pigeons to get off the balcony, I might say to my wife, but the world won't let us. Oh man,
Starting point is 00:57:16 I would love to be a fly on the wall in that family. It sounds like a wacky place. Let me tell me tell me more about your family's inside jokes. Yeah, could we could we get this guy like a 24 episode commitment for Bravo reality show to watch his awful family make their hilarious jokes? We found so much humor in our maraud and in case you wonder, yes, I do remember his real name because he seemed outdated even then in the mid 1990s, like an effigy from the 50s or maybe the 60s. He can't think of any earlier examples because Israel didn't exist. Well, I mean, also you don't want to talk about what they did in 48 little things you want to gloss over. He goes back in the 50s and 60s when there's a hotel that got a very bad Yelp review.
Starting point is 00:58:03 He says back in the 50s and 60s when Israel was still thought of as a land of camels and Oozies. They'd be lucky if that's what people thought of them now. But we weren't that country anymore two decades ago and we are certainly not that country today. No one helped us. We did it by ourselves. I love that. That's my favorite little Israeli PR trick when they're like, yeah, well, we used to have nothing. Now look, we have like a Tifa's factory. We invent apps that are just like shittier versions of Google Maps. And it's like, yeah, you're like an incredibly well funded imperial proxy. It's so cool. It's like, it's like if you like the people on the space, like people just act like the space station was just like unaffiliated with the government or
Starting point is 00:58:50 something like, yeah, just me and my friends put it together. This thing that orbits around the world. But he can't decide like what is actually he's mad about because he's like, you think we're Oozies, but actually we're more like a Hello Kitty Beretta. What are they using to massacre all those people? Decide what's offensive about the stereotype. Like, who are those guys doing all the shooting people and like laughing about it on video? Like, well, were those guys not like that guy? Well, he says today the military is not as dominant in Israel's culture as it used to be. And Israel is more westernized, more capitalist, more focused on trade and high tech innovation. We're not violent. We're capitalist. Yeah. The idea that he's creating a dichotomy there,
Starting point is 00:59:30 what the fuck? Do you guys remember when like they were like rolling out the PR campaign for Gal Gadot? And they just like that they're like, the hot Israeli chick who held a gun thing was very much a part of the promotion of the movie. I'm just trying to under, yeah, wait a minute. So the United States, that's a capitalist country, right? Yes, very not a very prominent military in our country, not a dominant institution in American life at all. Well, you know, not in our culture. Yeah, of course not. Yeah. Every other movie isn't about some fucking ass hole. Every other sporting event. Yeah. So he goes, Morad is a caricature of our past, not our present. Oh, weird. And yet we cannot escape the image. Again, this guy's last column, I think, was about how
Starting point is 01:00:15 literally just mowing down. Yes. Just unarmed people. Unarmed Palestinian. Just no scoping, airholing, like medics and children, you know, as they approach a fence. Totally justified. Totally justifiable. And he's just like, for some reason, people have this image of us as some sort of military obsessed bloodthirsty culture. Oh my God, I just realized something. Shmuel is reverse Ellie. He's like, no, we are diaspora boy now. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. No, he's saying Morad is Israel man, but Israel man doesn't exist anymore. Yeah, all diaspora boys now. He goes, we cannot escape the suspicion that there are still some morads in our midst. Brave commandos who become political leaders or arms dealers or pundits. Israelis who are blunt, macho, crude, boisterous, pompous,
Starting point is 01:01:00 and trigger happy. Israelis who forget to shed their uniform mentality even when their services are no longer needed. What's the damage for us? Does it help Israel to have this blustering, masculine image or does it hurt it? We still have dangerous enemies. So maybe keeping the stereotype going is useful. We seem tough after all with our big muscles and love of guns. What do you mean we? Yeah. On the other hand, no one would confuse you with them. On the other hand, the Morad caricature makes us look bellicose and pigheaded, if not downright absurd. And it probably makes us seem hideous to many Americans, especially young ones, especially liberal ones, the Americans with whom Israel already has an image. I wonder how that happened. This is this is this just shows
Starting point is 01:01:44 you how that the cultural insanity that is infected everyone where representation is the only thing that matters and actual things that occur. This is trying to recoup Adam Friedland. That's what this article is like. They you just massacred a ton of people and you're still bombing Gaza right now. In fact, there's there's reports saying that they're now just literally indiscriminately attacking civilians now, like even changing their their like rules of engagement and stuff to be even less cognizant of civilian casualties than ever before. And that doesn't that's just a weird that's just a unfortunate byproduct of Italy of Israel doing the self defense that it's it's it deserves as a sovereign nation. It's this guy going on TV that's giving people the bad
Starting point is 01:02:33 fucking idea of what Israel is like. Well, there used to be a back before we had a totally collapsed media world where everyone's sort of in the same pool of just open mouth shitheads lapping up the same pool like muddy water. The two tiered like half spara system used to be kind of like you know this is during the Bush years it would be you know towards conservatives who would be like we're the only civilizing force you know we are we're going to keep this place in line we were the bad neighborhood yeah but then there's a specific one that I was thinking of and it was on the Joe Rogan podcast he was talking about his Israeli friend and he's like yeah I have this Israeli friend he's so great we just go to his house and they play drums all the time and dance
Starting point is 01:03:22 which like sounds fucking awful but he's like yeah and I was like why man you guys are so awesome like why are you like this and he told me well we live under the threat of debt constantly so we have to celebrate life and that's the other type of that's like the type of Israeli that's been sold and then resold by guys like Peter Bynart, Jeffrey Goldberg, the liberals, Zionist types who were able to trot this one out like you know look I don't like I don't approve of everything Israel does but it's just that everything they do is literally defend themselves so I kind of do but I'm saying that I don't but they are literally the most endangered people on earth and that was the way that you could kind of you could have uh two streams coming out of the same urethra for a
Starting point is 01:04:10 while but it's impossible for them to do the second one now a they've just gone they're just so openly right wing that like Bynart like he got detained trying to go into it yeah you can't even be a liberal Zionist anymore which is fucking incredible they've given up on that uh in general there has been this sort of like psychosis with uh proxy states in that region Saudi Arabia and Israel where like they can't they can't have them it's fucking mask off now well they're responding to it by taking this kind of like reactionary anti-masculinity line and like you see this a lot in the U.S. as well you saw it with like the rise of the British Empire as well you had these like massive giant powerful nations committing like excruciating acts and like that the cultural response to it was like
Starting point is 01:05:03 yes but the men are becoming more refined and learned and they're doing away with like the masculine ways whatever it's like the problem was never the fact that you liked sports and scratched your balls it was really more of the colonialism thing well but that that is like it is interesting though like this article is such an anachronism and anachronism to like you know two or three years ago because everything just moves so fucking fast now but these imperial states Israel and Saudi Arabia are in our proxies they I think they're a bit responding to Trump and a bit responding just to their own internal decay just the psychosis of being an ethno state or the psychosis of being a fucking monarchy uh where it just all the caution and procedure that you may
Starting point is 01:05:49 have had not obviously in what you do to your subjects but in how you conduct yourself how you make your way through the outside of the world how you make your sales it's gone away yeah it's just psycho you're telling Canada you're gonna 9 11 that yeah you're fucking that fucking school buses you're taking out the strap on fucking Atlantic editors so it's this article is such it is it's sort of cute I feel like I'm in 2014 but that that is amber also brings up an interesting point uh don't call me macho don't worry shmuel we're not yeah yeah yeah well like can I just read this one thing because it echoes what amber's point was identical to what you just said he says of course maraud is a more a rep is more a represent a representative of america's
Starting point is 01:06:34 peculiarities than he is of israel's and what we learned from him is a little troubling israel's most avid supporters in america might like us more as crude machos than as startup entrepreneurs they might even don't know what I would at least it's honest where is he getting the idea that these things are conflict conflict with each other but this is the other is the one makes the other but one is a pr present they're both pr presentations and their argument is that this is an optics issue this is the other israeli thing I hate that just love it doesn't drive me up the wall at all the way where israeli's act like they're out fairly discriminated against by americans yeah they are just our our our aj soprano you're the reason we're the reason you exist we're the reason you're
Starting point is 01:07:19 still there but I think it speaks to that that this weird um yeah the kind of increasingly psychotic behavior and I think israel and Saudi Arabia are both very instructive in this because they are the two states that basically have figured out that like especially now at donald trump as president like if they haven't figured like they basically know that they are unrestrained by anything else in the world opinion as long as they have the united states backing yeah they're going to keep doing whatever they want however they want and they basically know that like they can do anything to other people like uh do a genocide in Yemen mo mo down fucking doctors and journalists fine they know america will never ever yeah even gently reprimand them let alone
Starting point is 01:08:00 cut off their military funding or uh military support so they have this like they're now they've they've become basically incapable of even understanding what other countries might think about them or how the rest of the world opinion works or sees them you know what it is they're american now yeah yeah yeah exactly yeah we transferred it to them yeah exactly we transferred everything it came it came along with it it was like a virus so it along with all this fucking but at the same time like they may not be they're not worried about what anyone else in the world thinks however they are very concerned about what americans think about right right even though they have the government sewed up i think particularly uh israel and saudi arabia as we saw with their
Starting point is 01:08:40 insane uh canada tweets last week uh they're really concerned about what american culture thinks of them which is why i think even something sort of dumb and like the sasha barron cohen israeli character i think that's what they feel the need to make a response to it i think that's why shmuel feels compelled to write this article because the idea that uh israel could be satirized like that uh so brilliantly by someone like cohen both to expose a caricature of israeli culture but in doing that really creates something where like what he's used that character to do is create something that allows the right wing in this country that can't resist showing their true selves to yeah you know because they have this weird they think israeli israel israel is macho too and they
Starting point is 01:09:26 respect them for that so like when the character says like you know we will show our our dick to the terrorist and uh we will suck them to show they hate to be you know and then like that's why he's getting all these you know george's like yeah fucking george estate representatives to like you know my moral sex with him or stuff like that but no i think it speaks to the fact that how reliant they are on uh u.s support because it's the only thing that matters to them so the idea that people could now be laughing at israel i think is very is more frightening to them than they want to let on i i i do have to say as someone who's always giving very pessimistic cultural takes you know in the positive direction i could not have conceived of a character like this and like uh something
Starting point is 01:10:12 that's like a pretty big pretty well-received comedy just making fun of israel so much the last one i even remember like this in american comedy was the shitty israeli counselor in wet hot american summer yeah oh he was great you know touch the hilarity teach so good it didn't even touch the funniness of zionism it was just like oh yeah this is just like a greasy type of rally guy but this is just they're just uh it Mediterranean sleezes yeah it's great yeah yeah which by the way is fine i really don't this is also i think like uh kind of liberal feminism has obscured larger problems here i no one gives a shit if you go to beach and discote like no one gives a shit about that it's really the uh imperial project that's the problem okay b macho meat heads that's charming sometimes i don't give a
Starting point is 01:11:06 shit it yeah it's like picking that it is like really cherry picking the criticism though right yeah it is like oh you know i know everyone's that's the thing you notice i know that everyone's mad at israel right now like it's true we do have kind of a man spreading problem it's so good it's so good yeah let me just close out the article here with shmuel he writes and what about our own character what about the possibility that without realizing it we israelis really are all morads when i was working on this article i called a friend of mine a former paratrooper to get his thoughts are there still a lot of morad types in our country i asked him and then he gave me shot his phone and then he gave me the answer that made it all clear he pulled my underwear right over my head
Starting point is 01:11:51 he's like still writing articles word boy every israeli who serves in the military knows that we still have morads but for every idiotic morad we also have two prankish coins that's why we can afford a laugh which one murdered everybody in the gaza was that a prank i like what he's closing out was that just like a really hardcore home alone style deal with like paint cans hanging on string he's saying we can all afford a laugh at this even though he's desperately trying to betray the fact not trying to betray the fact that he is deeply threatened by this satire of his really deeply threatened by the satire and he's deeply threatened by cohen who is a more like intellectual and i think socially observant person than him by a mile but he says for yeah we have two prankish
Starting point is 01:12:38 coins and it's like he's saying i'm that guy yeah i'm the funny comedian i've been known to enjoy a joke an invented person in a palestinian walk into a bar so yeah uh that was uh that was shmuel rounding out uh this week's show i'm just doing some good israeli identity politics well speaking speaking of doomed identitarian nation projects i have a plug go for it uh team choppo fym the twitch project we're under uh our proxy state our proxy state um rodigio for gamers uh we have a youtube channel now we have a youtube channel now and god bless erin burtovo on twitter for curating some some really fun games some really funny riffs uh really really funny game of fortnite we had with keith buckley from every time i die who's on
Starting point is 01:13:34 the stream sometimes but we need your help we need a thousand subscribers on that youtube page so we can title it something offensive that gets us banned but we do need a page url we need a proper page so please subscribe to it if you're into gaming content we'll put a link to one of the videos of the channel in the description to the show so you can do that and who among us does not enjoy a tube to yourself that's right but uh oh also metal gear stream probably coming this week again my back feels better now and i move my setup to my couch so will can come over and over else cool looking forward to it uh yeah no there's the tour yeah there are dates for that now there are dates slash tour yeah um philly dc portland main camp in connecticut camp in
Starting point is 01:14:27 connecticut rhod island boston massachusetts baldemore philly dc boston new york the whole all your star all the favorites let's go oh and the uh oh and the chapel audio book too yeah you're hearing it's like it's like the book but we read it so it's like the podcast and book form oh also i am selling on my personal etsy store a transcription of the audiobook all proceeds go to me okay guys till next time bye bye oh

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