Chapo Trap House - Episode 248 - Too Many Bretts! (9/24/18)

Episode Date: September 25, 2018

Matt, Virgil, and Will break down all the latest in the Kavanaugh saga including Ed Whelan and his DOA"doppleganger theory" but sadly all before we knew he was a virgin in HS. We then talk Beto vs Ted... and issue a call to arms to the movie theaters, eateries and treat dispensaries of New York City. COME SEE US IN THE MIDWEST

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Greetings friends, it's your choppo We're back from tour as you might have noticed. We're back in Brooklyn. However, this is but a brief respite before we Get on the road and do it all again So if you are in the Midwestern states of this great country Be sure to be on the lookout for choppo coming to you quite soon beginning with oh Oh, October 7th Pittsburgh. Mr. Smalls October 10th Columbus, Ohio the Atheneum theater we will be appearing with Brett and Brian Columbus legends on Street Fight choppo on stage 1010 Columbus at the Atheneum theater October 11th Detroit, Michigan Majestic Theater October 14th Chicago at the house of bubba blues
Starting point is 00:00:48 October 16th Madison at John Barrymore's Theater October 18th Closing it out in Minneapolis at the Cedar Cultural Center and that that show is about to sell out So if you're thinking about coming to see us in Minneapolis buy your tickets now Yeah, move on these they're going quickly and if you were in a part of the country We haven't visited yet. Be sure to remind Virgil about no no email him about this. Yes Also, they're familiar with other cities. We're from a like your point. What are you trying to prove to me if you are come to the Denver?
Starting point is 00:01:21 I know if you are from the the American South if you're from Texas if you're from the Southwestern state We know Texas is a large place. We haven't visited if you are from the Great Plains States If you were from Australia Great Britain Ireland Canada any of those places the only reason we have not booked a tour yet to your City is Virgil Texas is stopping us from doing it. Please. Please let him know how you feel also they named the Venue in Pittsburgh after his penis No, they didn't You can find these tickets at slash tour. It's choppo. Let's go Okay
Starting point is 00:02:34 Greetings everybody It's Monday. We're kicking off the week. We're coming in hot. It's chappotrap house back from tour Hell yeah back on our regularly scheduled podcast schedule, which is strictly enforced if we ever deviate from the schedule Please make note of it. Please comment on the reddit if the show is a minute late Do not hesitate to let Virgil know about it Even if there were extra episodes dropped during the weekend make sure that you comment on the fact that it's a day late Do that we've established this schedule and we live and die by it folks It's three of us today me will men occur Matt Christman. Hey boys Virgil, Texas
Starting point is 00:03:12 Hey everyone I did get an email the other day or somebody you took issue with something Felix said on an episode So I wrote that's never happened before so I wrote a polite polite even-handed response explaining the joke and things of that nature and the guy said I'm I'm sorry. I shouldn't be writing emails when I'm mad. I I take it you don't enjoy this Wow, that's a lot of learning. That's a productive conversation. Yeah. Yeah, fuck you if you think we don't teach people Yeah, we teach people praxis like stop annoying us So as I said, we are back from tour. This is the first
Starting point is 00:03:47 Official choppo the first free non-premium choppo we've done since last Tuesday At the bell house where we closed out the northeast leg of our tour Triumphant and I want to dive right into it if you were at the bell house or you listen to our best of you We were at the bell house. Do you have my headphones? If you or if you listen to part two of our best of New England tour you saw our on-stage Rundown of the Brett Kavanaugh saga today, but holy shit since Tuesday Things have happened Things that this is that's the thing about this year things just keep happening. Everything happens so much
Starting point is 00:04:28 It's like happening way more. It really seems like things are happening more than they used to folks We need to talk about Brett mm-hmm. We need to talk about Brett's trouble. He's a troubled lab What and where are we that nominee Brett? So where we last left our heroes we were on stage at the bell house discussing Brett Kavanaugh and then we had discussed some of the hilarious conservative reactions to Explaining away this very credible allegation of sexual assault. We discussed Brett Kavanaugh's own bizarre Media rollout and history which involves not just his hundreds of thousands of dollars in unpaid debts that were mysteriously wiped out That's just his shady emails to friends about
Starting point is 00:05:13 Absolute op-sec secrecy from spouses and everyone else concerning just what they were doing on the lads weekend his Again bizarre his defenders and PR shops bizarre fixation on how much time he spends with underage girls Love coaching them mentoring them molding young women Since then it's gotten even weirder and I said on stage at the bell house That Virgil I was like you're the first person to say like I think he's done and up until just that afternoon I was thinking none of this matters. They're gonna get their guy. They're gonna have the vote He's gonna be on the Supreme Court hell world 2018 continues apace. I Said on stage now. I honestly he's circling the drain and by this week
Starting point is 00:05:58 I think he's almost for sure done. Yeah, and the reason is very simple like the last time this happened You had a prolonged sexual Harassment or assault allegation against a Supreme Court nominee It was Clarence Thomas and that was the Bush administration filling Thurgood Marshall seat on the court There was a real need for it to be a African-American nominee and the ranks of African-American Qualified like federal judges who were conservative enough to to to put on the bench for a Republican It was pretty thin so they really didn't have a lot to choose from now They've the Farrell Society
Starting point is 00:06:33 They have a fucking injection molding machine in their basement where they just squirt out fucking cottage cheese Into a mold that forms into these psychopaths and there's just hundreds of them They can just drop him and put in a woman tomorrow and this all ends and they get in they confirm them in two days However, they mean they could rush it However, there is some speculation that they're kind of fucked it like people are saying there might not be a way for them to Hold this vote before the midterms. See that would be the problem. Yeah, so they they like that there I'm kind of amazed like this is what they've been waiting for for a generation. Yes, you see it in the defense For decades for federal society has been orchestrating to finally get an
Starting point is 00:07:15 Ultra right-wing majority on the Supreme Court to rewrite about a century's worth of laws and precedent and that Project almost totally fell apart with Donald Trump, but they stuck to it I usually I think these guys are like, you know Relentlessly, you know ruthless and organized in terms of achieving their evil goals But even I'm kind of impressed about how badly they fucked this one up I'm sounding this Kavanaugh guy bungle. There's a million of these motherfuckers. Okay. Here's the thing as I said as of last week of last Tuesday They were in this terrible position of having you know, what is by any accounts a very credible accusation from a person who has since chosen to
Starting point is 00:07:55 Be interviewed go on the record and is literally begging to be interviewed by the FBI Yeah, the other two principles in this case Brett Kavanaugh and Mark judge Conspicuously do not want to be interviewed by the FBI make of that what you will Okay, so if you are the conservative media, we discussed Megan McCartle and John Pod Horitz's reactions to this Which is was essentially I don't care if a teenage murderer gets on the Supreme Court You should have judged anyone for anything they did when they were 17 to Wasn't it funny in revenge of the nerds when Lewis raped that woman? Yes That was that was the conservative media reaction so far hasn't exactly been you know burning up the charts with those ones
Starting point is 00:08:32 So they're in this they're in a very tough position now where they Understand how bad it would look for this woman to testify and go on the record and then immediately Be accused of lying by a just a barrage of like Dan Ackroyd from the movie What's it judge Falcon hyzer? Yeah, the testify the Senate Judiciary Committee where every Republican member is a white man They literally were proposing having their female aides do the question. They know how bad it looks They know that you can't get away with that now and they know that that's gonna be a shit show It puts them in like with with women voters and with just non-insane people as a whole Generally, it looks bad when someone who comes forward to say I was a victim of a you know sexual assault to immediately say you're lying
Starting point is 00:09:23 So what did they come up with? All throughout that week last week you began to hear a little rumblings among the conservative lanyards that by the end of the week This Kavanaugh thing will be put to bed. His name will be exonerated Apologies will be issued forthrightly and he will get on the court All of this was circling around this guy Ed Whelan who you know, I remember from my you know long ago blog days as being a conservative shit he'll par excellence a guy at the highest levels of elite conservative legal thought and Advocacy he's a longtime writer for the national review
Starting point is 00:10:02 He is someone who is genuinely regarded on the right wing is probably one of their best legal minds What is conservative legal thought? What is that boiled out to it's every Leonardo Caprio speech from Django and James Okay, okay, so you begin to see rumblings of this theory this idea that there was something out there that would both exonerate Kavanaugh and spare them the difficulty of Having to forthrightly and openly accuse a woman of lying about a sexual assault. Yeah that theory The doppelganger theory the double Kavanaugh double Kavanaugh by the way the fact that they were they were they were teasing it means this was all being organized behind the scenes
Starting point is 00:10:46 I'll know about it. They're on the slack channels and fucking what's apps talking about it Brett, I bet those slack channels smell like come Ed Whelan is a guy who is not only very close friends of the Kavanaugh He is at the was working hand-in-glove with the top right-wing PR shop who was backing up this confirmation This was not just a fly-by-night Twitter thread Eric Garland you snort a line of Adderall drink an IPA Fire off 70 tweets on a Friday night. This was a well coordinated and planned-out thought thing Which allowed them to to claim that Ford is telling the truth about her assault, but misremembering who did it to her Ed Whelan debuted this theory on Friday
Starting point is 00:11:30 I think that involved about a 70 tweet thread that involved the floor plans and Google map shots of the house where this incident supposedly took place in and the day-new month of this entire thing was literally accusing someone else of doing this Naming this person and using yearbook photos to claim that Kavanaugh and this other guy look almost identical to each other anyone who would look at those two yearbook photos would say they look I Suppose vaguely alike in the same way two people in a soft focus black-and-white prep school yearbook shot from the same era Yeah, generally kind of look of being white guys Everyone has the same haircut
Starting point is 00:12:17 Thirsty male boys with mop tops but in no way was this a dead ringers situation Soon thereafter Ford said I know who the person in question. That's being again falsely accused This context is and I know who Brett Kavanaugh is and there's no way I would mistake them I 100% stand by my story when this doppelganger thing came out. I Saw all day online all of these thirsty conservative lanyards who were looking for this life preserver they grabbed onto it with both hands and They were so excited for about an hour. Mm-hmm. I swear to God I saw every conservative wonk and lanyard literally tweet things like oh boy never bet against wheeling
Starting point is 00:13:06 And wheeling you demand and wheeling is gangsta There's a new sheriff in town and his name is Ed wheeling and for a second there I thought They're gonna get away with this to they're gonna get this is just a little fig leaf that they're gonna provide To have these the media be like oh well It could be this and then most importantly people on the Senate Judiciary Committee to be like well that covers that That's the plausible diet of deniability. We need yeah You can get Grassley out there being like you could see the chins here are very similar. I
Starting point is 00:13:37 Thought for a second it was gonna work because I really have I You could not I could not have any possible of a lower opinion of the intelligence or credulity of the Washington media Of course not absolute bird brains. Holy shit. Did this thing fall? Face fucking first almost those immediately even those people were like are you fucking kidding? You're literally accusing a random person of sexual assault You are doing the thing that all the conservatives fretted about when me too began of look We want to see justice done, but we don't want to see crazy accusations harming innocent people and this motherfucker's just like Yeah, that dude did it. Well, it probably didn't help that they spent all this time talking about
Starting point is 00:14:20 Porkies and other 80s movies And then their next big gambit was to pluck a plot line from a minor dynasty spinoff. Yeah In addition to the fact that Kavanaugh and the guy he was the guy who was accused of doing his crime looked I guess vaguely similar Another big again top legal mind on the right. I got your rights for the national review These people talk about him in hush tones like he's like, you know Solomon or something fucking pyramids another big Big element of this theory was that according to the street view and Google Maps the house the party took place at was not within walking distance A Brett Kavanaugh's house, so there's no way he could have gone. He would have gone to that party in the suburbs
Starting point is 00:15:06 Are you kidding me? Yeah, you only walk if you live in the suburbs my fellow suburbanites will tell us this you walk everywhere It's what the whole thing is built around walking. It's not like you drive to like buy a pack of gum and just to just to show you that like this was again not just like a Adderall induced like speedball Eric Garland fucking tweet storm of just some desperate flaying attempt to Just I don't know cover one's own ask and credibility after going to bat so hard for fucking Kavanaugh This was put out there that whole week They had spent sort of feeding the media and seeding it to you and wouldn't you know There was one person dumb enough to fucking just take this gills deep
Starting point is 00:15:44 And I'm talking of course about Kathleen Parker in the Washington Post who wrote an opinion column on Friday Called is there a Kavanaugh doppelganger that was honestly one of the lamest attempts and again If you are a conservative who has been spending the last 60 years salivating over this moment You can't feel good about this is where this guy's defense is at. Yeah, I just I just want to read I don't want evil twins involved if you're trying to be incredible at defense You cannot feel good about where this is going I just want to read a little bit from Kathleen Parker here who is just you know an absolute knit wit This is the only person who was like, you know
Starting point is 00:16:23 What a scoop willing to run with this I woke up and I saw that I saw people talking about it I just juggled to myself and thought boy the universe is really on one today This is how it begins in one of Brett and Kavanaugh's responses to allegations that he sexually assaulted a 15-year-old girl When he was in high school a charge he has denied categorically and unequivocally He suggested perhaps this was a case of mistaken identity Senator Oren G. Hatch a member of the judiciary judiciary committee reiterated this notion Saying that perhaps the accuser was mixed up and on Tuesday the Wall Street Journal's editorial board also floated the possibility of mistaken identity Again weird how they're all they've all found this mistaken identity
Starting point is 00:17:07 Themselves getting the same idea as crazy as that sounds it wouldn't be unheard of and given the high regard in which Kavanaugh has been Held throughout his life, including during high school. It would make the most sense. Oh, would it would this make the most sense? And by the way, I have yet to see a single person who didn't star in the film Salo Who holds Brett Kavanaugh and I regard is it just the other fucking creeps in the fucking rape prep school economy? Hold him in high regard. Yeah, it's the other it's the other bad guys from animal house and and every grasping fucking Networking piece of shit who wants like the fact that their kid was one of his clerks to be on the resume or whatever Could there have been another Kavanaugh ish looking teen at the house that night who might have attacked Ford Kavanaugh Ian
Starting point is 00:17:57 For his part judge has written in a memoir that he was ubiquitous presence at alcohol drenched parties in high school She's speaking of course about Mark judge basically the only other character witness that matters in the case for Brett Kavanaugh A stone mutant as we honestly I have I talked about it at the Rhode Island live show. We didn't put it out I've refrained from talking about it on the show If you but because it's too fucking weird and I don't want to end up sounding like a pizza-gate person But if you were looking to follow a particular white rabbit check out this Mark judge. Oh boy All I will say is by any objective standard. He is a sexually deranged Oh, 100% no question and he is the only other guy who is testifying to Kavanaugh's defense
Starting point is 00:18:41 Yeah, his entire character defense hinges on this one guy who is also in the room allegedly and also his accomplice Yes, this alleged crime saying. Oh, yeah, Brett would never do that. Yeah. Yeah a guy who spent literally his entire adult life Just like doing and saying some of the weirdest most vile things about man not just about Sex in general, but also about rape accusations and women in general his YouTube page look that up if you can it's Hair again, I don't want to go down this rabbit hole on the show Seriously, but seriously like the pizza gate people spent a year looking at Fucking photographs of art exhibits that went in some pizza restaurant. Take a look at these fucking YouTube clips Jesus Christ Okay, so he says
Starting point is 00:19:26 Cases of miss Kathleen writes here Cases of mistaken identity are far from rare People with the same name are often confused as was the case of Ford herself on Monday Drudge report tweeted a link to an article on another site that seemed to intended to discredit her with negative comments by her former students But it turned out the reviews pertain to another California professor named Christine Ford So this is Kathleen Parker in an attempt to make the doppelganger theory appear more credible Sites the drudge report fucking it up already and talking about the same name instead of being looking identical to the person Yeah, so again again weird that the drudge report would also be running with this idea
Starting point is 00:20:06 Seems seems a coincidence Mixups owing to physical similarities are less common but weirder and potentially deadly if he were still alive One would need only ask John Dillinger's doppelganger a poor fellow by the name of Ralph Allsman's Dillinger and allsman shared an incredible physical resemblance including similar moles blah blah blah She goes on with this to use the one case of John Dillinger's doppelganger So this is where she says this is where it really gets good at the end She says thus giving both the benefit of the doubt It seems possible to believe both that Ford was assaulted just as she had just described and also that Kavanaugh didn't do it in a case
Starting point is 00:20:47 Without evidence witnesses or corroboration mistaken identity would prove a welcome resolution to this terrible rental And then she ends the article with just anyone question mark I just love that. She literally blaze out at the end there This has nothing to do with plausibility or reality. It's just this is the nicest way to get out of this. Yep This is the most just as the most Pleasing way to not have to accuse someone of lying about a sexual assault. He goes this is an explanation that would make everyone happy Yeah, so takers. Let's just take this guys, huh? Any takers? Hey, you know what according to string theory, they're infinite Really is innocent at least
Starting point is 00:21:26 So in somewhere there is a universe and she wasn't an absolute sex Exactly, how do we know that? That's not him. We can't know folks. Have you ever seen the show sliders? It was all in the 90s. I put this out there. Maybe that other guy quantum left Yeah, exactly. Yeah, Scott back. He was trying to stop them from putting a fucking hard-right judiciary For the next hundred years So the answer to Kathleen's question any takers and Ed Whelan is literally none Yeah, zero people and all and almost all of them that they knew immediately Yeah, how fucking shit this was and they all backed away from it
Starting point is 00:22:06 Immediately, it was the next morning Ed Whelan had to come out and go. I've deleted all the tweets. I deeply apologize We're literally libeling you of a crime and then he has since stepped down from his current position And he's taking some time to his himself to watch I don't know nationals games or whatever Whatever these absolute reptiles do and they're pretending to be human. Yeah, so I think get Trump getting in there has made all these Guys very lazy because you know, they watch him just go out and just shit his pants on national television Be like what? No, I didn't shit my pants. So that's a new cologne. It's fantastic And be like, why do I have to care? Why do I have to actually put effort in if he's not going to and now it's trickle down And they're all just they're they're mailing it in now
Starting point is 00:22:47 Well, as soon as this doppelganger theory was met with gales of laughter for the absolute horseshit desperation It was obviously was yeah, oh The same conservative we were talking about at the Tuesday live show Conservatives in real time were like not coordinating well enough and they weren't all on the same slack channel. So half of them were like She's lying. Yeah, and the other half were saying she's telling the truth, but who cares? It's just bit of high school hijinks and Spoofing goofs and rough housing. Yeah, literally one of the people paid to be his media service called it rough housing on TV That's you know that thing you do with members of the opposite sex and that thing that you if you're saying you didn't do something
Starting point is 00:23:29 You want your spokesman to be out there being like but it wouldn't be a big deal And here's the other funny thing about the doppelganger theory all of these people who are like it is so self-evident What a good decent man He is if that were true and they weren't concerned at all that he may have done this Why would they have had to come up with this idiotic doppelganger theory that involved literally Zillow and Google Maps? Screenshots, yeah, and again. Where is this coming from that? He said oh, we all disagreed. He was a good guy I never heard of this guy until like two months ago. It's not like he's some American hero that we all love Yeah, he's not fucking Steven Spielberg. Yeah. Yeah, I was if you look into his actual legal career. He was
Starting point is 00:24:12 pushing the Clinton Vince Foster thing real hard big time. He was Literally siding with SeaWorld Against their fucking trainers who were mauled or killed by their enslaved orcas Who's to say how many times getting bitten by an orca is too many times? Well, but he helped he helped put Bush in in 2000 a brazen theft of an election talking about us some guys like We'll get to the latest development But it's also really funny that he doesn't remember anything at all can't speak with any clarity about the years He spent in the Bush administration helping them subvert the law torture people and do election theft. Yeah
Starting point is 00:24:49 Well, Matt you asked earlier, you know, why did they how did you fuck this up? How did you all bungle this? Why did you pick this guy and the answer that is because they do genuinely hold this guy and all the creeps like him in high esteem It's true They look at him and they're like what this guy is great and it's only outside of the hot house of these disgusting this debauched pervert den of just Despiring yellow kings whose only fucking understanding of the world is domination and humiliation and rule over others Whose entire being is oriented around controlling other people specifically women
Starting point is 00:25:24 Sexually and otherwise they're like what he's not cool. What he's a great guy like that So they look at his resume. It says alright a prep school Yale worked in the Bush administration work for kensar. Oh, he's great He's a shining star. He's on his way up. Yeah, I mean there was what there was there's basically a short list that Everyone signed off on all the all the Republican Senate You know sign on quote pro fucking choice Susan Collins if I recall correctly the Trump Campaign as you know in their attempts to unify the party ahead of the camp and head of the election Passed around this list and said look, it's gonna be fine. You're gonna get one of these judges Yeah, this wasn't Trump's decision. He doesn't know these fucking he wants to pull
Starting point is 00:26:03 He wanted to put his probably want to put a sister on it Well, no, he said his first choice was Jeanine Pirro because he watches her on television Yeah, it's the only thing he knows or judge judge the Palatano You know what I mean? Yeah, I mean, you know, if if if if Gavinal if Gavinal hadn't been Trump's pick I mean Trump would be a big against this guy and saying, you know, that's the pizza gate. That's what the fucking that's the swamp That's what the sickos are doing. Yeah, and the irony of all this I think anyway Is that if Trump like cared about the summary court or knew what it did or knew what any who any of these people were And just picked and it just picked whoever he wanted if he if he didn't have to be sat down
Starting point is 00:26:40 By the party abarachis and the senators and the generals And given like three menu options If he could just do whatever if he if he fully understood his prerogative here said wait, I could pick anyone that's hilarious And if he did that he would get it. He would get him in he would get whoever he wanted to get Bodido on the Supreme Court Yeah, it would just be another manifestation Ipernormalization and there would just be reams of shit about this person. We don't get too tired to care about it Yeah, well, it's because he's still in that pre-trump mold of a political figure
Starting point is 00:27:12 So that like there's still this vestigial concept that like those old norms apply to this person And so they get this treatment that yeah, the new the new flesh doesn't have to worry about but so far It's just Trump. He's out there on his own. I'm sure they also thought, you know, this would you know, be a layup based on How fucking easy it was In their in this first go around. Yeah, who by the way that motherfucker had a bunch of skeletons in his closet Including credible allocations of fucking domestic violence against his kids. We never talked about that never got talked about Nobody talked about also like the the only way this makes sense as him being innocent is if this like these psychos say some sort of Like fucking Ben Carson said like a Fabian Society at Luminati Soros plot to like
Starting point is 00:27:57 To stop Republicans getting on the Supreme Court. Why didn't they roll it out for Gorsuch to save the stolen seat from that? Garland was was denied. Why do they wait for this fucking guy? But yeah, but the thing is is that like we talked about how He might be done for that. This is bad cuz like what we haven't talked about is that while this insanity is happening Another accusation has come forward in the New Yorker by The first story about Ford there's a new woman who has made an allegation during his college days at Yale and there are I think two other women out there. Yes, no unnamed but Like police reports in Maryland are talking about investigations that are ongoing about people making accusations from when he was in high school
Starting point is 00:28:41 So this guy's a total fucking scumbag total fucking sexual maniac like all of them And you and and that makes you think he's probably done for and I agree He's probably done for but there's two things that might mediate in this favor. One is at this point, especially for Trump It's about winning and it's about owning the Libs. Yes, and also especially for a guy like Trump who does shit Like cabinet. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, he doesn't want to sell some guy out for doing what he does because that's vicariously Criticism of him if if doing that is bad if we all agree it's bad He can't be on the Supreme Court. Well, then why is Trump get to be president? So he has to like he has to he's gonna have that like brain thing of meeting to win
Starting point is 00:29:25 Trump aside if you're looking at the overall conservative movement the Federalist Society Judicial Crisis Network again All these people who have been waiting decades for this moment. They don't want to be denied and here's the thing They do not want to be told no. Yeah, they do not want to be told no specifically by a woman. Absolutely For and that's I take that that's many meanings to that But here's the thing. I forget who wrote about it in Deadspin this week, but there I go. Yeah, they got it exactly right None of these people believe the bullshit. They're saying they don't want even want you to believe it It is all about power. Yes, it is about power and they want to demonstrate to everyone their enemies They're political and cultural enemies and women in general that they can do
Starting point is 00:30:10 Whatever they want and get away with it the rules do not apply to them and they're for you And they can decide and they can decide law that governs your life that does not apply to them Yes, this is about power. This is what they want to achieve So here's what we're seeing now. Like I said last week, they were workshopping a number of different options Overnight they've now all switched to she's lying. Yeah, because they're all lying all the women are lying because it's the only That has they have by the way, that's what the the MAGA chuds ran with instantly Yeah, and it's you know, but I mean, it's the only thing that can work With it with the evidence because like okay fine doppelganger, but what about everyone else and it also conforts to the worldview
Starting point is 00:30:58 Because the entire conservative movement conservative voters are a hundred percent convinced down the line That they live in a country where they are being assailed by a deep state a cultural an economic and an academic Force that is determined to prevent them from exerting their rightful power in this country And they will do anything that they can to stop it and they have the power because of their control of the media and academia and big punch of politics they can do that so they can pull Accusers out of the woodwork until the end of the day because they have that power That's the world they live in that's the world that that constrains Donald Trump from making him to from bringing the jobs all the
Starting point is 00:31:42 Way back or whatever the fuck or pulling the wall or any of that stuff It's this it's this force this this malevolent conspiracy within America And if you think conspiratorially like that, what the hell is getting a few fake accusers? That's easy. That's that's nothing That's like that's child's play. So so there will be there could be 50 people and they'd say yeah, that's just the fucking deep state So now they've all they've all gone into full-on. She's lying mode But now the other thing now after the doppelgangers theory like I said absolutely fell flat Brett Kavanaugh has one more ace up his sleeve and he's told his allies and the Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee He has produced calendars
Starting point is 00:32:23 Personal schedules and calendars of his that he took copious notes on it from 1982 that will show That he wasn't at the party Imagine that in high school just he went back to his mom's house one in the attic Dug through some boxes and found his old high school notebooks, which all said things like Friday night didn't go to a party Definitely didn't do right So that that's where it's at now. That's the last Little wedge that he has left and the other really funny thing that's going on right now that I fucking love I saw that guy con carol talking about it on Twitter con
Starting point is 00:33:01 Con He said, you know, this is not about whether Brett Kavanaugh gets a seat on the Supreme Court This man is fighting for his life It's like I'm sorry. Is he facing jail time for any of this? He's auditioning to be one of nine people who gets to decide law for everyone else in the country I'm sorry. The the burden of proof is there's not a criminal trial This is about you know for lack of a better word his character They tried they wanted to make it all about his fucking character
Starting point is 00:33:31 Well, guess what now it is and his character is completely fucking rotten But it's it's part of that demonstration of power. I mean for little people, you know, you get accused of a petty crime You know what you get to go to jail and if you can't afford bail you stay there until a trial Wait, is that a year? Is that two years if it's taken a while Then that's as long as it takes to see justice done and that's fine But if you are if you're one of them then even being accused of something that might lower your status even a little bit Might make it awkward to go to like signatures. Yeah, let's have fucking cocktails even while still being a federal judge Yeah, he'll still be a federal judge. He'll still be vastly wealthy. Let's say he retires from the federal judiciary
Starting point is 00:34:14 He'll fucking walk in the next day to a white shoe law firm in DC and do more evil for the rest of his life and be well Compensated for it. There's not a single fucking conservative chud and any of the elite DC circles that will turn their back on him for a second Actually, though, it would be funny if they did It would be really funny if like, you know, he couldn't get a table anymore. It's yeah, he's Dan Ackroyd in trading place Yeah, I would like to see at least one Democratic senator Propose impeaching Kavanaugh From the federal to the federal. Yeah, how about lying on your own? You lied under the God during his fucking confirmation. I mean the financial shit alone, which is completely screwed away
Starting point is 00:34:52 We got another email about that saying, you know, how come you guys didn't talk about the financial stuff? It's because I don't even understand it. None of it makes sense. Actually, it's pretty clear The guy had like a $90,000 a year job and as a judge He had like 20 grand in credit card debt and he bought a fucking million dollar house and Just he had it So where does the money come from? No one has ever explained what was the deal with the baseball? He had over he had hundreds of thousand dollars in credit card quarter million dollar in debt He claimed came from buying fucking credit
Starting point is 00:35:27 National that makes sense to me. Why is the in Orioles fan? By the way, he grew up in Maryland in the 70s and 80s free should be a fucking Orioles fan You mutant. Oh, you know what I realized today about the Nationals because David Roth wrote about the name a great piece today about Yeah, all the freak should all the freaks love the Nationals because it's like baseball is like they're one It's like it's it's when they're playing pretend Like they're normal human beings. They're like, I just love to be at the ballpark in summer With a dipping dot and beer when I was a boy my father. I always wanted to be a baseball I just realized this today. I know I wasn't gonna bring him up again, but we read it on the show before we knew all this shit
Starting point is 00:36:06 Mark judge is the guy who wrote that article for the Daily Caller about Conservatives are like the white baseball player Like the lazy outfield. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we read this on the show. I forgot what episode. It's a while ago Who's the Nats thing? Yeah, it was nice Harper. It was he was comparing gritty Run out the run out the pop out second. Yeah, white boy Bryce Harper and then lazy lazy Goldbricker Jason Hayward and then he also not only did he he compared them to the conservatives and liberals liberals are Lazy and conservatives are are lazy but naturally talented because of the extra twitch reflex muscles in their knees and
Starting point is 00:36:48 Bryce Harper is a come-to-play-every-day lunch pill Exactly. That's not super humanly. Yeah, yeah, a guy was naturally getting home runs when he was 12 years old That was also Mark judge again If you want to follow that white rabbit be my guest, but honestly, I think it's almost driven me insane No, I don't recommend it turn into rust coal. Yeah Real rust coal hours heavy shit. Heavy shit, man They're still gonna be in that room Georgetown prep over and over and over again forever So, yeah, the calendars
Starting point is 00:37:26 There's one last thread here and in the Kavanaugh saga that's fucking great and it picks up again on something We mentioned on stage at the bell house The Amy Chua connection the Tiger mom connection We talked about how she was one of these people that they rolled out and did a big op-ed about how good he is to women because my daughter Clerks for him. Yeah, it's just come out you to have him as a mentor since come out That she literally is like the McCabe and Ms. Miller of Yale Law School Keeping Brett Kavanaugh furnished Attractive young women. Yeah, she is even told men
Starting point is 00:38:00 Don't bother applying. Yeah, and then told the women that he likes, you know, he likes you to dress outgoing Yeah, show a little leg. He like, you know, she's told women not to wear suits because that that sends the wrong message He's like, she let her daughter be this creeps fucking. Yep. Clerk these people are Genuinely disliked they do not have a morality. She was out Right out the gate when Kavanaugh was announced with an op-ed, you know I'll pre-read an op-ed saying oh, he never raped my daughter. Yeah, these people are just grotesque The only thing that matters is power and the maintenance of their station They don't even and like they like putting their children through like rituals of humiliation
Starting point is 00:38:38 Not just being a tiger mom, but also sending them to be the clerk for some for some rearing drunk It's like they don't think that's bad. They think that's that's initiating them into the world By the way, Amy Chua's husband also a professor at Yale currently being investigated for sexual harassment. What I don't believe it Yeah, that's the tiger mom connection. So it's sort of like these are the people who hold him in high regard Yeah, keep that in mind. It's like That's like thinking that's so frustrating about conspiracy theories and like pizza gate and stuff is that there is something to it There's a there people have an intuitive understanding that the people who rule them Are not human in the way that we can see of it. Yeah, they do not have human values
Starting point is 00:39:20 Yeah, they're not bound by the same morality that normal people are they they their entire lives are built on Domination and exploitation that is their value system and they act it out in every element of their life Everything they do is built around dominating humiliating and controlling it doesn't even need to be like the most extreme exam Right, it doesn't have to be eating a million smaller or more banal way, but the thing is we people We watch too much goddamn TV. We have to put it in like these theatrical Of frames to sort of make sense of it and then even stupider because we watch too much fucking politics TV We we have to like to break it up into teams and be like well because there's this overwhelming elite that controls all of our lives It would be too horrifying to imagine that every single one of them were part of this tribe
Starting point is 00:40:06 So I'm going to imagine that some of these people are good like Donald Trump or whatever They're the good pedophiles, you know, and it's and and but but they're understanding. There's an intuitive understanding that these people do not have conventional morality and that their lives are built around Just control and domination and that that that's what they want. That's what they do It's how they train each other. That's how they like fucking David Cameron having to put his mouth in the dead Dead pigs mouth. Yeah, it's taken. That's part of the ritual That's part of being like we humiliate you then you humiliate everyone else you control everyone else after this That's what it is. And yeah, they don't have to eat babies of the in the baby's brains in the basement of a pizza restaurant
Starting point is 00:40:49 but that that Relationship between us and them and the relationship between each other that is real and This Cavanaugh thing has really really exploited it and shown it of course the actual pizza gate and Q morons Think that it's all a fucking sorrows up. Yeah. Yeah, well, you know back to what McBagan said, you know Oh, I I would absolutely have a murderer on this It's still funny She's obviously just posting brainlessly which I admire that's like that is some just like pure Thoughtless just just pure instinctual posting the purest kind of posting but there is a there is something to that because
Starting point is 00:41:35 We should all be familiar with stories of people who were very violent as young men and turn their lives around and they rehabilitated they made amends and they they pursued law degrees and things of that nature to kind of grace in their life. Yes, but it's not those stories are all people at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder when we're talking about Cavanaugh and this Disgusting DC land prep school scene we're talking about young white men who are
Starting point is 00:42:14 Nordinately wealthy who have some of the greatest privilege in society who were also raised in this You know, it's filled with a sick ideology this grotesque, you know rigid adherence to hierarchy of the worship of violence who have never faced any Consequences for their actions and know that they'll never face any consequences for their actions. They know that there's virtually nothing they could do to be Expelled from the community the only community that matters the communities of power and therefore they are incapable of shame they are incapable of remorse and they are incapable of
Starting point is 00:43:00 Rehabilitation of making a mess. That's the thing is he never fucking that's what was the most offensive thing about the McCartle thing is This teen murderer. She's talking about presumably went to jail Admitted they did it or something. They're not on the court saying yeah, I never did that shit, you know And those people are lying about about me killing their family member Yeah, you know, like they've said I did a horrible thing and I've learned from it This motherfucker has never admitted a goddamn thing and here's the tell it is in the utterly outraged reactions of people like, you know Con carol or like all these sort of conservative lanyards and wawks or whatever who are like all turning into like, you know The crucible by Arthur Miller. It's like I have my name
Starting point is 00:43:41 You know where they're like presumption of innocence is the cornerstone of Anglo-Juris prudence Well, they're really saying is if someone like Kavanaugh denies a crime and that's all we need Yeah, his word is law enough for me. Yeah, and it's just like or you question. He's not facing jail time Oh, he's just not gonna get the job He always wanted to and that for them is the idea that he is it won't be universally They just again a version like you said at the beginning. They just say things like he's universally respected You know and they expect everyone to count you just lap that shit up and just a nation that before today 320 million of whom had never heard of this fucking gooey piece of shit
Starting point is 00:44:19 They're like, oh, you know what? He is very easy at the best of all time as well To go back to This 80s movie analogy that the Conservatives are so fond of now I Think that your average person instinctively Treats these you know Yale prep school conservative psychos With revulsion and they are they are the bad guys in all the 80s. It's true
Starting point is 00:44:53 Yep, he was one of the bad guys in an 80s movie, and I wish that there were a Mass political movement in this country that can capitalize on that revulsion because we know that the Institutional Democrats can't because they bet you are the same people They're the same fucking people who go through Yale and go through the prep schools and all that shit Slops versus snobs, baby. Here's the here's the last thing. I'll say on this Kavanaugh shit Like I said both him and Ford are gonna testify in front of the Senate on Thursday I expect the Senate Republicans to be Absolutely ruthless to Ford in attacking her credibility and memory. It's the only move they have left
Starting point is 00:45:40 We'll see how hard they play it. Like I said, I think Kavanaugh is circling the drain right now But there's always a chance. We're being too optimistic, and they're just gonna take the testimony hold the vote Put them on the Supreme Court if that happens if that happens I really hope all of the Democrat all the liberal people all the resistance people who have been promising for months and months now that they will turn people out Into the street if fucking Muller is fired or Rod Rosenstein gets the fucking axed or whatever Or any of these FBI people if they have Trump fires these people, you know And he does something so brazenly undemocratic that we will turn hundreds of thousands out into the streets to show that this will not stand
Starting point is 00:46:26 I sincerely hope they will do that if Kavanaugh gets on the Supreme Court because that is honestly the only thing left to us and what needs to happen if this fucking Creep gets on the Supreme Court that will now decide law for you know the women and Basically, everyone in everyone in this country knowing full well who he is and what he stands for Hundreds of thousands if not millions of people need to turn out into the streets to show that this is Not just unjust, but he is illegitimate and that the Supreme Court is an illegitimate body Well, there's long as law is being decided by these people. I said last week that I thought he was cooked after Flake came out and said well, we're we're gonna have to delay the committee vote on this and
Starting point is 00:47:13 Now I think I think that the clock is ticking frankly for them to pull the nomination And I mean frankly by the time this episode comes out The nomination by very well have been pulled in which case we're not editing it you all have to listen to this absolutely Well, the thing is is that the easiest thing for them to do is is get rid of him Well, they should do it before these hearings, which they might drag on into another week if more accusers come out And it's just gonna be a gigantic fucking PR disaster for them Maybe some of them think, you know, maybe like Ted Cruz thinks I I've got the debate knowledge here I'm gonna cross-examine this young Billy
Starting point is 00:47:52 Maybe they think oh, okay, you know, there's a there's a chance. Let's roll the dice on this Maybe we'll come out looking real good. She's gonna break on this on cross. Yes. I made it all up Soros money. I have not made a stone. I'm sorry. It's not gonna it's not gonna happen It's it's it's not going to play Kate anyone right now, and it's probably just going to contribute to Gavin Oz The precipitously dropping favorability ratings right now about 50% of voters in the country do not want him confirmed Which is staggering for a Supreme Court judge. Yeah, people generally don't really give a shit They don't know who these assholes are so if they had any sense
Starting point is 00:48:30 They would just pull him right now and there's like well fuck this guy who can yeah But I mean I was thinking about this because the smart play pull him and then there's that one woman Bennett or something Her name is or Barrett or one of these Stay Catholic probably hasn't done any sexual assaults exactly But I was thinking about this and I was wondering I honestly wonder why they didn't nominate a woman to begin with because it Seems like you you you go around all these issues You don't have to worry about any of this stuff probably coming out And then you get to you get to subvert all of the identifying
Starting point is 00:49:01 This is the vote to overturn Roe v. Wade, but that is what we're all talking about thinking about is that I kind of wonder if their concern among the people who made this finalist and Put like put the peanut butter next to Cavanaugh's name so the Trump would lick it We're worried that the base the people who are invested in this the people who voted for Trump because of judges Don't trust a woman to overturn Roe v. Wade. I'm actually surprised that these anti-abortion zygos Are fine with all these Catholics on the court because I like half of them think Catholics are some kind of lizard people They're the only Republicans who read they have No, you're right. Yeah, true the Protestant lump-in reactionary is an
Starting point is 00:49:47 Unlettered before Catholics like they may not be Stamped and they may be a papus, but they are the people who do homework Like they're people of the book like you can't get one of these fucking farm fresh dipshits from Patrick Henry University That wouldn't pass muster you got to get somebody who went through the rigid thing and the only real psycho conservatives who do that are the fucking Herschert Maniac Catholics. Yeah. Yeah, I mean if they well I mean it obviously is a smart play to pull Cavanaugh right now and nominate that insane woman to the court because they would look great I know would sail through like but like I said, I mean the only the only time in recent memory that the conservative movement has turned on a
Starting point is 00:50:31 GOP Supreme Court nominee was Harriet Myers and it was because they were worried about whether she was really a solid vote They didn't think that you know When it came time to ride whether she would really bust exactly and I do wonder if there's some like Maybe not even conscious thought of like we can't you can't risk it We can't risk the thing. We've been working for forever. Yeah on a woman One of us exactly she might get feelings. Yeah
Starting point is 00:51:02 Dewey item might be the wrong time of the month, you know Yeah, I'm cure. I'm curious at this point what the path the victory is for Cavanaugh Just holding they just they hold out and they all just straight gangster shit and just because they have the votes Yeah, I don't know if they have the votes is the thing. I don't I don't think flake is or Collins at this point Is is necessarily a yes Well, the thing is is that the real problem for them is that finally the red state Dems haven't have a cover to vote against them Yes, which they didn't have before that they were they when this whole thing started the reason we were all like this is gonna happen You know in five days a high camp
Starting point is 00:51:41 Mansion who are running for reelection? They don't want to vote against this Trump nominee right before the election and that's you know Hey in those states that is a concern, but now they have a cover to vote against him Yeah, without it And it's just it's just two defections and the the Senate Republican caucus has been very very unified on the big thing so far, but I the fact that flake who is retiring Wanted to Put off the committee vote. I think is an indication that he could ultimately be a no
Starting point is 00:52:15 I gotta say though that The most amazing thing that could happen is This goes on for a little bit. They try to they try to put some lipstick on the pig They try to make Bernie look like he's still alive at the party for a while And then they have to drop it and then the midterms happen Speaking about weekend at Bernie's another 80s not Bernie Sanders and then They have the midterms and they lose the Senate and then they fucking get somebody in the lame duck
Starting point is 00:52:43 Which would be the most baller Norm-shitting move you could possibly do. I was thinking about that because we're about what six seven weeks out to election day Right now. That's really not enough time to select another nominee and then roll it out Do hearings all that shit. No, it's a multi-buff process It would be I they're not competent enough to do that with the Trump in the White House So that I don't think that happens in a lame duck session, I Don't know with like a hard time line and the knowledge that this is the seat. I think they do it
Starting point is 00:53:17 I certainly don't think Mitch McConnell would be above it. Obviously. I mean, there is this one thing that I keep seeing which is that? It it strikes me as bullshit, but it's that oh this the whole me-to-ing Kavanaugh thing has fired up the conservative base It's fired up the Trump voters for the election and I don't think that's the case Well, I mean I would expect it would certainly fire up the people who are fucking disgusted by this kind of thing and if like we again Leading off with Donald Trump and Roy Moore. Let's not forget that was like a few months. Yeah, but let's not forget though According to Eric Erickson, many suburban moms are watching this and thinking what if my son got falsely accused of doing something at a party? I mean if they pull Gavidaw and just pick another judge Pick another nominee that that's fine. That'll play cake
Starting point is 00:54:04 It means people watching the conservatives who care about this stuff who watch it. They know this is about Roe v. Way So there's no personality cult around Brett Kavanaugh as a person. No, which is I mean, but here's the thing I wonder if let's say they did manage to get to 50 votes He managed to ramp through Kavanaugh even after what's going to be a disastrous hearing Would that fire up the Republican base because doesn't that take off the table the main reason they have to go and vote? Republican you've got the five votes in the Supreme Court now You just wait for a fucking test case to overturn Roe and that's it. You don't have to vote Republican anymore You don't have to do anything. That's true
Starting point is 00:54:43 Well, okay, we'll see what happens on Thursday. Yeah, this could all be Make it all be moot, you know, this is this is we're not doing a new episode the content racket We're in we have to talk about the news things happen so much now so We went we went deep on the the Kavanaugh stuff, but that is a that's not the only Political news going on right now, and I just want to touch briefly on I think the the premier Political race the all-star political race right now Beto O'Rourke Ted Cruz, Texas Senate seat
Starting point is 00:55:14 I saw it as of today. This race has now been officially declared a toss-up From just very close, but Kate O'Rourke was closing According to the pollsters. It's now officially a toss-up again. This is a head heart thing Very hard for me to believe Ted Cruz isn't gonna find a way to win this if I was gonna bet Well action, this is Texas we're talking about but we've seen you know, Beto who I'm sure should he become get in the Senate would be You know a pretty standard Democratic Jones, Jr. I don't think Especially for the state of Texas, I think he would fall
Starting point is 00:55:53 somewhere in the center of the the Democratic caucus on a left-right spectrum, which is Not bad for the state of Texas. It's probably better than someone like fine scene in California. Well, no, that's that's an abomination Yeah, I thanks to stop. I just can't stop thinking beat off my pork when I ever see his name now. So thank you staff Well, you know Beto has really Put pressure on Cruz and Cruz is reacting as you as he would be hissing cockroach Yeah, just as nasally as possible
Starting point is 00:56:27 They had a they finally had their debate on Friday, right? Yes, and the moderator always asked one of those questions They're like if you had to say one good thing about your opponent, what would it be? And a rock who I think honestly is like consciously trying to talk like Obama is like oh, he's a good family man He was committed to his family and children. I don't think that's good and then Ted Cruz is like Beto is a sincere socialist like Nicholas Maduro So, I mean that that pretty much sums it up. I mean the thing I saw that that was amazing Was Ted Cruz's people in addition to saying that Beto O'Rourke is going to outlaw barbecue in the state of Texas Totally put out a video of like this is Beto O'Rourke
Starting point is 00:57:10 This is what he believes and it was a video clip of Beto O'Rourke addressing an African-American church and And just and just saying of the Botham Jean case This is an outrage and a disgrace that a young man can be killed in his house by the police And then when called to account for it, they're like, oh, he had a small amount of marijuana You know and you know to me and anyone else. I was just like wow real real deep pull there Ted, you know, this is gonna really gonna damage him, but you know what to Ted Cruz's voters That's the right thing to do. This is what they see forget the context of the Botham Jean case
Starting point is 00:57:47 Literally murdering literally murdering someone in their own house and not even identifying yourself as a police officer What they see is Beto Speaking to a group a room full of riled up black people. He's riling them up Yeah, he's the white man. He's instigating it who's he's the outside Agitator who's you know, and the thing is like the Cruz people know that he is personally a repellent gargoyle Who regular humans find viscerally unpleasant and so for anybody who is maybe maybe they'd vote for Beto Maybe they wouldn't vote he reminds them like I'm I might be gross But I'm what's standing between you and these people taking over these people getting riled up and taking over
Starting point is 00:58:29 Yeah, and so in the polling Cruz is about ahead by about two points or so a lot of polls show something like Beto at 47 Cruz at 49 I realize it's within the margin of error But this is a very well-pulled race and I like to think that that's about where it's at If you had the election today Cruz would probably win by a couple points But that's way too close for comfort the thing is you go into the crosstabs of these polls and it's like 95% of Democrats are Gonna vote for Beto 95% of Republicans are gonna vote for Cruz Cruz has that base short up and Obviously, Texas is a very Republican state and Republicans have a very high voter registration So I think they're just fighting over the scraps at this point. Yeah, I mean it takes it's got a lot of the national
Starting point is 00:59:16 Focus because it is so surprising this the Democrat do so well Texas sound Cruz is such a perfectly repellent figure Such a comic opera villain. Yeah, and Beto O'Rourke is the like good-looking Obama s He's the guy who's gonna save us like if he has the money to Introduce himself to the state if he did win he would a hundred percent be Talked about as the 2020 Democratic nominee. It would guarantee No, no they would Talk about it before he ran for president. Yeah, no, I mean people would talk about it fine I don't know if he would actually run. I don't think he would but I'm saying is he would be on
Starting point is 00:59:57 lists until the minute he Instantly he would be yes. Well, that'd be idiotic. He would instantly become a leading figure in the Democratic Party He's a giant would be Instantly idiotic because that receipt would go back to a Republican and they'd never get it back for another fucking generation because you don't get to run against a Collection of slugs in a trench coat like Ted Cruz every fucking time if he was running against the standard like cornpone Texas Republican he'd be up. He'd be down by ten points. He was running against John Cornyn or one of those guys He would not be fucking competitive. So what really holding Beto O'Rourke back is
Starting point is 01:00:37 Just good old-fashioned Disenfranchisement Texas is a terrible state to try to register to vote somebody pointed out before The New York primaries someone I presumably from Texas said, you know, New York Has way worse voting laws than Texas that might that might very well be the case New York is pretty fucking bad at shit like that But in terms of registrar trying just trying to register to vote. It's a nightmare in Texas According to a nation article from a few years back from one of the times when you know Democrats were going after the fool's gold of Texas They pointed out that in order to register people to vote
Starting point is 01:01:16 You have to take classes and get some certificate from a county government Yeah, and you can only register people vote in that county. Yeah if the demographics of the Texas registered voters Match the demographics of Texans Then Beto O'Rourke would would absolutely win by which I mean there would be far more Hispanic voters Yeah, well, thank we're gonna get Six more years of that that butter sculpture. I don't know. I mean, it's still close is the thing. It's very close I mean, here's the thing
Starting point is 01:01:53 Even being a cynical as we all are in this show about the Democratic Party and electoral politics politics in general Man, I don't know how you can't be rooting for Absolutely now because here's the thing, uh, like I honestly don't think that there is any real hope for electoral politics in the near term And when I say that politics is spite, I don't mean for other people. I don't mean for chuds. I mean for me to yeah Oh, yeah, it's like I'm only invested in this to the degree to which I can get visceral pleasure out of seeing the pain and anguish of people I hate and and just Imagine the story like of Ted Cruz if he were to incredible, right? Like think of this This is a guy who is just a pustule a
Starting point is 01:02:35 Inhuman grotesque monstrosity whose entire life he's been reviled and hated by regular humans because they don't register as another human being and His use that to power a resentment and a will to will to dominate and he has decided well No one's gonna like me. I'm not gonna get you're not gonna ever get anywhere through charisma So I'm gonna become a debate king. I'm gonna learn all the stuff. I'm gonna be a nerd Remember the video of him in high school I mean, he is the puny human guy that we've talked about yes in exemplified like the Steven Miller type and And so he put his faith in the meritocracy to give him his position of domination over the world
Starting point is 01:03:15 Like he's like America's a meritocracy. I might be grotesque I might look like a bobfish But I will be smarter and more prepared and more dedicated and more ruthless and more willing to do anything than anybody else And that will lead me to the top and that's how he won his first prime and it got him there And it got him to the Senate and it got him to the precipice of the White House until party kegmeister Donald Trump Idiot son of privilege moron never studied a moment of his life never learned a word of any
Starting point is 01:03:45 Subject never did a debate class doesn't know his fucking ad hominems from his two quo queues Rolls down a hill in a beer barrel blows up next to the stage is like hey Where the bitch is at and beats his ass not just beats him humiliate by the way your wife is ugly Yes, and your dad killed John F. He humiliates him not just by insulting him to his face and beating him in the primary Making him campaign for him Making him go before the RNC and like try to get a little bit of dignity back by failing to to To endorse him by name and then getting an entire room full of fucking chuds to boo him on national television And then Trump walks in the room and all the cameras turn to him
Starting point is 01:04:26 Yes, and so then he slinks back to Texas to finish his term and of course regroup for his in his mind I'm sure his imagined Nixonian return to power and then if he were then at that point it's like alright I'm gonna do I just got to get reelected and then boy watch out dude Skateboards in fucking dweed smoking. Do I shoo gang pump punk rock? Fucking smart ass Burnout like he got wedged by a jock and swirled and hung from the flagpole And then the fucking burnout shows up and just blows chew smoke in his face and just rides off with the fucking Senate seat That is just a Shakespearean fall
Starting point is 01:05:06 But it won't happen probably it might I mean I'm a little optimistic I wouldn't bet on it, but there's definitely a chance. I'm gonna a chance that wasn't apparent a few months ago My my my my can fit my investment in the midterms are two races only trues eating shit and Scott Walker eating shit That's all I care about. I mean I would I would dismiss me though if he didn't have What if he weren't sitting on ten million dollars right now and just raking it in month after month? But I mean to be honest like all the data nerds keep pointing this out, and it's true Well, you're spending all this time talking about Texas meanwhile Democrats are poised to win upset victories in Arizona and Tennessee, and it's like yeah, but that's fucking boring
Starting point is 01:05:48 Yeah, like oh a Kristen cinema that fucking awful who will be Worse senator, yeah, and oh, yeah, then beta is gonna beat some nobody with Sally McCool or whatever the fuck and like in Tennessee Sally Mackenzie they fucking like they strapped a car battery to like the decaying corpse of their former governor And he's gonna shambles across the fish like who gives a shit you have a chance to see Ted fucking cruise one of the most repellent figures to emerge in the national stage in our generation Humiliated in a way. We've never thought possible. Of course. That's what you're gonna focus I realize every dollar you spend in Texas is gonna be 50 times more consequential in a place like North Dakota Which is a heated Senate race, but like I like you said yeah, I want to see him lose it be hilarious
Starting point is 01:06:33 Oh, and you know something I that I'm sure all normal people wonder is how Cruz could be even at a 50% level of popularity In the state of Texas Ted Cruz who does not remotely resemble a human being who is the biggest fucking Smarmy phony baloney asshole that you'd ever meet and And I've seen videos of him speak to the swine of suburban Republican Texans and I realize oh god. It's because everyone Who supports him is also a fucking pudgy fake cowboy asshole
Starting point is 01:07:15 Yeah, no, they love it. They see him one of them. It's like yeah, he's a fucking He's a he's a fucking tube of Pillsbury stuffing with a fucking cowboy hat on so am I like I'm fine full of bullshit I'm from fucking Iowa I came down here and bought a fucking F-150 and put a put a hat on and I'm as full of shit as he is Yeah, they're all shambling blobs who Strap on fucking guns to their Fucking they wedge pistols into the teeth next to their next to their fucking cell phone holster Yeah
Starting point is 01:07:51 speaking of Humiliation and grotesque abominations humiliation grotesques and degradation I just one last thing from the elections that I got I mentioned that was so fucking funny Paul Gosar who is running for Congress as a running for reelection As a Republican in Arizona. Yeah an attack ad was cut on him That featured a bunch of people being like Paul Gosar is the last person you should want representing Arizona, you know For X Y and Z had one of the best turns of any political ad I've ever seen it gets there these these personal Testimonials about how Paul Gosar is untrustworthy bad and corrupt
Starting point is 01:08:33 They're all of his siblings Six of his siblings of his nine siblings six of his nine siblings I hell was happening in that household cut an attack ad for his his opponent in this race And they were like, how do I know Paul Gosar is a piece of shit? He's my brother. He's my brother He's my brother. It was one of the funniest political ads. I think I've ever seen yeah cold-blooded and then he responded by Well, my family members are just their their soros sicko libs who prized political extremism over family ties What I like Stalin would have wanted what I love about this is a phenomenon. We've talked about at great length on this show MAGA Facebook chuds who are
Starting point is 01:09:20 Really just annoyed that their relatives and grandkids won't call them back or or like their posts or Countinance their bullshit to any regard or even invite them to Thanksgiving anymore We're now seeing this play out in actual political races featuring a candidate's own family who just doesn't want someone Just doesn't want anyone. Oh someone with a lot of time on their hands Who's who's a member of all these conservative Facebook groups should make a gimmick Twitter account where you just post screenshots of? People complaining that they've been alienated from their families for being totally insane and insufferable in one last bit of you know unrelated to the elections or anything, but definitely related to our Today's theme of humiliation
Starting point is 01:10:02 grotesquery and degradation John pot Horitz is back at it again folks our treat our treat boy is back Talking about the real issues everybody else is doing corkboard fucking thread shit about Brett Kavanaugh's evil twin This motherfucker is talking about the real issues as where we last saw John pot Horitz on the stage of the bell house in Brooklyn Last Tuesday he was defending again. I've already said it defending Brett Kavanaugh's reputation by referencing the film revenge of the nurse Yes, pot Horitz is back folks this time. It's not political. It's about treats this time What he cares about the real care you will of course all remember his epic meltdown about shnippers The fact that shnippers, you know
Starting point is 01:10:51 Acquiesced his insane demands and gave him free treats because they were like a half an hour depressing pot Horitz won't one of these motherfuckers be like shut the fuck up pot Horitz is back at it folks from last night Dear at AMC theaters you need to hire more people to work concessions at the It's a gold mine and you're losing business due to extreme inefficiency and slowness It's a goal. He's literally saying I have a gold mine that I would give you in exchange for enough treats I demand Italy no fewer than five people to serve me treats. I require a Small militia of treat servants. You're the milk thud station was completely left unattended What I'm the poor fucking tea danger working at that concession stand and it's a John Pador. It's waddle up there
Starting point is 01:11:38 Just yeah, just just blot out the light in the doorway what I want to serve the soda machine can't handle much more She's gonna give what I'm watching Jumanji. Welcome to the jungle. I demand an orbit of Of fucking attendance circling me at all times like a fucking diorama of the solar system I love it. It's a gold mine and you're losing business due to extreme inefficiency and slowness I want my treat and wouldn't you know? Yeah, I know he he wants teenagers to literally just place gummy bears in his mouth While he watches mile 22 Wouldn't you know it AMC guest services? This is like Hitler at Munich. Yes, no more
Starting point is 01:12:23 This guy does not have a constituency. There aren't put Horitz fans out there. I swear They're a few there's like five. There's five of them and they all live in Manhattan Exactly Chamberlain coming back from Munich treats in our And you know what I'll say it right here I live in New York anyone listening to this who is runs any sort of business that involves food stuffs if Pod Horitz complains to you on about you on Twitter if you tell him to fuck himself I Swear that I will pay you all of us. We will endorse. We will do a buy-cott of your
Starting point is 01:12:59 Get everyone we know to buy a shop at your store Yes, buy your treats eat your hamburgers if you tell this grotesque ball of suet next time He spouts off about your service to go fuck himself if you know, but you have to literally say go fuck yourself that man Yes, yes If snippers had done that if they'd said go fuck yourself to Pod Horitz We were recorded an episode in snippers. Yes eating it and talking about how good it was We would be a quarter episode at snippers like one of those zoo crews. Yes, we're coming to you from the TJ Oh, Michael Hall hands outside the airport
Starting point is 01:13:37 We're counting down all the rock-block classics today and you can like here You know the sort of the day into the background of people getting you know two for one drinks or whatever Yeah, yeah, so all New York City eateries This is your opportunity and movie theaters apparently movie theaters and any service industry in the New York City Tri-State area if This disgusting treatment this fucking Bob spouts off to you on Twitter and Your customer service account tells him to literally go fuck himself You will be that is a goldmine because you will get the chopper
Starting point is 01:14:10 We will go and we will record an episode in your fine establishment. I just want to rest This is what you don't do though. This this is an example of what not to do AMC guest services at AMC help supplies my sincere apologies John we can do better I'm sharing your feedback with theater management. So this can be addressed Richard Sir dick don't sign your tweets or if you just DM me your address I'll be happy to treat you to a garbage bag full of popcorn Tell him to take all the milk dudge and shove them up his fucking ass And then shit them out later so you can enjoy his treats tomorrow in the commentary
Starting point is 01:14:47 By the way, this is AMC theaters 84 Street. I used to see John Potter horror It's waddling out of that. Oh shit all the time. That was my local theater I saw him at Rambo 4 and die hard for So this is also we all know John lives in the Upper West Side Again, if you were an Upper West Side movie theater eatery Consider yourself on notice if you capitulate to him like I said like Hitler and Munich Then we will not have there will be war Yeah, but if you pick if you show strength and negotiate from a position of strength and honor
Starting point is 01:15:22 With the full backing of the chapeau militia the chapeau treat militias Dude, I can put it away. Okay, you guys y'all know me. You know, I love a treat. I will eat your fucking treats I will go I will go order for order with that piece of shit I will I will kill myself I will die face down in a fucking hamburger patty no to defeat this man all Upper West Side eateries and movie theaters You're on notice you have the support of the chapeau treat militias. Yes together We will put an end to this awful ogre's By the way one last pot horse you like a mafia don just shaking people down one last pot horse mention
Starting point is 01:16:01 I finally found when we did the mega pot horse episode that detailed his life of embarrassments and humiliations I did read the Yelp there's someone responding to his Yelp review But I couldn't find the initial Yelp review. I found the response that was like, yeah, dude I was in the restaurant. You made you you made a huge fool yourself and people literally applauded when you left the restaurant This is the actual John pot horse Yelp review that spawned that reply. This is from John P on January 16th 2016 one star Tonight I showed up for a 730 reservation at this restaurant and was told to wait at the bar There was no room at the bar
Starting point is 01:16:41 But when I emerged for the restroom the rest of my party was standing by the door Uncomfortable having been told as I had to wait at 742 the restaurant half empty still had to treat it That's I went to the major D and said I thought this was inappropriate. Oh, you're giving me attitude He said you've only been here 70 minutes. I told you we'd see you when we were ready I said, are you kidding me? That's the response from killing me. What kind of attitude is that? He then said just leave. I said I said look I'm happy to go on websites and write all about this. He said go ahead you fuck This is a true story
Starting point is 01:17:28 Don't go to this this is what you do do. That's this is guvison gallant. Yes, this is gallant tell tell This ogre to fuck. Yes off if this mater D is listening or if anyone knows this mater D Let us know we will go. Yes, we'll go there. We'll eat. We'll get you t-shirt Free t-shirt for anyone who did chopo merch for this major D in this restaurant If they step forward, we'll eat a meal there. You can sit us whenever you want We were we were at we were excellent. It has to be like this asshole We can't let this continue this giant man, baby this sticky fucking infant who's lived his entire life without any boundaries
Starting point is 01:18:10 Expecting everything to be catered to him and in wielding He's a fatally small fucking internet influence to bend these poor service industry workers to his will it does the fucking line Has to be drawn. Yeah. Yeah, what is he gonna? What is actually is he gonna do to AMC theaters? People are gonna stop watching movies. Yeah, the fat man complains. Yeah, it's actually five shut it shut five Geriatric shut-ins on the Upper West side. I'm gonna go and see fucking a boat trip, too I don't think so. I mean, this is this is the irony of all this, you know John Potthoritz and his father Norman founder of neoconservatism. I'm a fucking neoconservative about these assholes Absolutely, we need strength an honor to confront the only thing they understand is not you cannot negotiate from weakness
Starting point is 01:18:52 No, you do not understand diplomacy They only understand strength and swift violent retribution Chappos stands with the oppressed major D's waiters concessions counter workers of the world balloon animal makers Hot dog Street cart vending guys. I mean like rickshaw drivers
Starting point is 01:19:18 Central Park horses who have to carry his Corpulent girth can I ride the horse? Why can't I ride it? They informed me that the horse would die I said, I'm happy to tell you about how I killed a horse online I'm paying for it. So that that is our line in the sand. Yeah, and that is our show for this week Mm-hmm choppo trap house signing off till next time guys. Bye. Bye. Bye

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