Chapo Trap House - Episode 278 - Vision 2020 (1/6/19)

Episode Date: January 7, 2019

What has happened before will happen again. What has been done before will be done again. There is nothing new under the sun. - Ecclesiastes 1:9 Welcome to 2019!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I Yeah Yeah, try to kick it off. I don't know. Maybe a little bit rusty. Yeah. We haven't had it in a while. In a year. Yeah. All right. I'm ready now. I'm gonna warm me up. I don't know. Why don't we begin by you explaining what happened to the New Year's riddle? Yeah, we got some bad news, guys. We didn't want to get off on a bad leg. There's an ill omen in the land for 2019. Yeah, we're sorry. I screwed up. I didn't write my New Year's riddle. What was the New Year's riddle last year?
Starting point is 00:01:20 Did you do one? Yeah. What was it? A tailor would not be well suited to tailor this sort of suit. Lossed. It was a loss. Oh, yeah. No, I remember that. Oh, right. Oh, yeah. Prophetic. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, my God. Oh, wow. Can you do one where the answer to the riddle is counter sue for attorney's fees? That's the thing. So I didn't write a riddle, but I wrote the answer to the riddle. Yeah. So let's do this. Let's give people the answer and then they can think of one. Okay. All right. The answer to the riddle is a journey. All right. And you know, close your ears if you don't want spoilers for this one. The riddle for this answer is it's a cool place in the mall. You can go to get shoes,
Starting point is 00:02:07 hats, shirts, anything else, bracelets. You just look awesome. No one's gonna know that you're 35. Well, sorry about the New Year's riddle. I know I had a year to write it. But we've been busy. Come on. Yeah. Don't worry. Don't worry. I don't stop believing in you. I picture like it's like a beautiful mind. Virgil's in his study with like three different chalkboards and a globe trying to write the riddle. And he just like any any way I write it, I just get the word journey. I just get the answer is the word journey. So it's the first show of 2019. And man, oh, man, is the year already so fucking stupid. Holy crap. I can't imagine it's going to get any stupider, but I know it will. Has anyone has anyone
Starting point is 00:02:50 tried turning off 2019 and turning it back on again? Is it just weird? Is 2019 feel like the motherfucking season finale of the TV show of 2019 feels like a little bit like that? You know, I've been on vacation. We've been on pod vacation. And it's just, you know, already new Congress, new year, new fit. I already I already want to die. I just it's already made me so pissed off. And the one thing that has already pissed me off probably more than anything is everyone getting mad at newly seated Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib for saying of Donald Trump at a bar, we're going to impeach this motherfucker. Well, I'm mad at her for lying because they're not going to do that. I'm mad at her for lying,
Starting point is 00:03:40 honestly. Because come on, you're not going to do it. I think they will. But I mean, that's that's sancillary. No, I mean, whether forget impeachment, I don't care. I don't even like like impeach him or don't. But like the fact that when I say getting mad at her, I mean, every fucking like shithead, centrist, lib columnist and politician who has literally said this helps Donald Trump, because, you know, when you wrestle with a pig, you know, he'll like it and you'll and you'll both end up dirty. If you wrestle with a pig, you'll get hard and everyone will say. No, I mean, I mean, yeah, so the main like the the main reaction
Starting point is 00:04:16 that I've seen, the annoying one, it's like, right, it's like Jake Tapper. And Jake Tappout. Yeah, Jake Tappout, founder of the MMA and T-shirt Yeah, he used to be really cool. Jake Tappout, Mitt Romney was David. Jeff Flake was on that shit. David Axelrod. Did David Axelrod do it? Yeah, he did. Yeah, I figured he he always like whenever there's a story like this, he's always like, I think people will like it if I just softly tut tut about this. And just no one likes it. No one appreciates it. And it's like, why don't you keep doing this? Meanwhile, he's doing Shatterbait sessions with fucking Karl Rove. Amazing.
Starting point is 00:04:55 That's a good podcast. I like to listen to the Axe Files podcast where he, yeah, he talks to a Skeletor and they come to a consensus about when the deficit mattered fucking rocks. I love listening to it with my entire family. But yeah, no, it is. It's been an annoying time because it's like all the people who like really just seems like all on the center left side, it's all the people who got everyone elected in 2006, who then lost about 30 seconds after is like, no, you guys don't know how to win. This isn't how to win. And it's like, really? Like I kind of got us here. And then on the other side, yeah, it's Jeff Flake who, you know, just his son's Xbox Live name being what it is.
Starting point is 00:05:37 And Mitt Romney. Yeah, but it's like, I feel like I can, I'm going to be honest, I could not even like keep up with this one because it just like this is just a rerun. I've seen this one so many fucking times since he's been president. This exact same story where it's like, it's the same exact fucking thing where someone like, who's like rude or uncivil and then, you know, the heel character, David Axelrod or Jeff Flake is like, this is bad actually. And then someone posts a formulaic tweet where it's like, you know, leftist, impeached its mother fucker liberal. These things are exactly the same. And just nothing ever, it's the exact same thing. New year, same me. I was hoping that we would get new
Starting point is 00:06:23 things in this year. I was hoping that Liz Warren would do another 23 and me or like Joe Biden would declare himself the me too candidate or something. But no, just this again, we're just getting this again. Well, I mean, it has to start off this way because it's nobody's doing anything. It's the they're they're introducing a new cast of characters. They're introducing new new characters to the DC, the DC Carnival. Yeah, this is like the first season of a reality TV show. And you get to you see like them do one outrageous thing. You're like, Oh, all right, that's the that's the one who cusses.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Yeah, well, exactly. It's like apparently on bachelor, the bachelor, one lady came up to the guy with an Australian accent that she made up just so that he would remember her. The same thing. You got to have a hook. She's the sweary Congresswoman now. And and AOC is the Dancing Congresswoman. Yeah. And mid Romney wears that weird underwear. Yeah. Yeah. Romney sort of the bad boy of the new Congress. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Yeah. Marcia Blackburn shoots varmints at the dump. Dan Crenshaw just man, you thought I was fighting kids on Fortnite. Oh, God. Oh, yeah. I love them all. Mitt Romney, though, he's back. And when you know it, basically, I think probably about a month after Ezra Klein did his thing or like as Paul Ryan has like got leaving, he's like, guess what, everybody? I was wrong to believe Paul Ryan. Now that this guy can no longer be a source for me in any way.
Starting point is 00:07:54 And I literally mean nothing to say it means nothing to say that I'm going to say that he was full of shit. Their new guy is going to be Dan Crenshaw, though. That's the new. No, no. I was going to say like his Mitt Romney thing where Mitt Romney did that Washington Post article where he was like, Mr. Trump, now you've done some good things like, you know, slashing corporate taxes at the expense of literally everything else, appointing a rapist to the Supreme Court and child jails.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Yeah. Yeah. And yeah, the child Gulag system. But sir, like character matters and your character is bringing the country down. Ezra Klein just said of that, like, like this is a big deal. Romney's taking a big chance here. And he's like, he's like, he's leading the way for like, you know, it's kind of, there's nothing new. There's nothing new. We're doomed. Groundhog Day, man. Ecclesiastes is the greatest book ever written. Ecclesiastes is the truest shit that has ever been written down. This is just.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Actually, you're thinking of Battlestar Galactica. Well, that's the literal translation of Ecclesiastes title came first. But yeah, no, nothing, nothing new under the sun. I do think I will differ. And I will say that Mitt Romney op ed, it's going to get some burn for a little bit. But I do think the new guy that it's okay for Libs to like is going to be Dan Crenshaw because he went on SNL and he did the epic face of Pete Davidson also made a point about how, you know, you should respect people. He's just he's epic like all the time.
Starting point is 00:09:25 He's also like in gasey level bodies on. Okay. All right. I saw this thing and made me laugh so hard. There's some woman who writes for like the Daily Wire, one of those bullshit right wing sites posted a picture of Dan Crenshaw. I was one eye and two other congressmen, Republican congressmen who were amputees. And with a caption like, yes, from, from war, just like diabetes. But for more, there were there were veterans and just said, yes, I love this so much.
Starting point is 00:09:52 And I can think is like, what's the soldiers getting their comeuppance? Yeah, she's about a third world is there. Glory glory at the insurgent armies as they wreak havoc on the soldiers of empire. May their blood fill the streets. Do I mean, promise the sands props to Ben Shapino for giving a voice like, you know, he is interested in debate with the JD pond. Do you want any of these running dog, Demsock? Yeah, none of that bullshit. That's real intellectual diversity. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Yeah, yeah. I don't want to, I don't want to debate with social fascists. The only left I will entertain is in the Maoist tradition. The family, the fallacy is like the ocean and the logic is like the fish. You don't win debates with logic and reason. You went debates through class struggle and you're going to struggle along. Through the lessons of class struggle. Oh, yeah. The other thing, the AOC, she's made, you know, quite a splash because the
Starting point is 00:10:51 video of her dancing came out and then she did like the reply video. Basically, like the narrative was like, like the right wing or like the daily wire nerds or just like, you know, can you believe how dumb this makes her look? And everyone was like, what are you talking about? But I couldn't believe it was one of those things where it's just like looking at an Escher drawing trying to figure out who was mad at what. But like, basically now what I like is all the right wing or what they're really mad about now is the implication that they were ever mad at all about her dancing.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Yeah. And then she proposed 70% marginal tax rate and reminded them all why they actually hate her, that and their confused sexual feelings. Yeah. They're all just kind of like really horny. Like that's the thing. I remember seeing this post like right when she first won where it was like, you know, like some QAnon being like, look at this insane woman. And one of the replies was like, I think she is absolutely insane, but she has those wonderful
Starting point is 00:11:48 Latina eyes that I love so much. And I think it does like drive them a little insane. They don't know. It's like our favorite, our favorite guys ever, the guys that Brian found, the horned up libs. Oh God. They're like, I'm going to put my liberal dick in Sarah Palin. Yeah. Fuck the crazy right out of her.
Starting point is 00:12:05 The best phrase I've ever read, I'm going to give her liberal WMD. It's the same sort of thing where it's like they can't like govern their feelings sexually. So it's just like, it's almost like a child. It's like when a kid first like starts to like girls and they're just like, oh, I should pull their hair in class. They're also so used to being fed like a steady diet of like the, you know, the ramen hair girl. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:12:36 They're used to sexy women presenting them with, with red meat, with ideologically. Exactly. They're like getting horny. It's like when George Costanza got sex and food twisted in his head for them sexiness and right wing politics have been fused. They get horny and it makes them more right wing. And they think about right wing stuff and they get some horny because of all the hot ladies they see on Fox and they follow on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:12:59 And now there's a horny, the sexy lady talking socialist stuff and it is frying their brain because it's not supposed to happen that way. They're like, they're like a fifties robot. They're also really having trouble with the idea of not just someone left, but a member of Congress who is young, charismatic, optimistic and very plainly full of life, which is not at all like any of them as individuals or any of the people they like. Yeah, that's absolutely no one. Like everyone in Congress is just, they, they gave up on their souls a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:13:38 And you should just be cynical, literally anyone in there because it just, you know, Congress, usually the best case, they're just people who can get a job anywhere else. They're just whatever freaks from their district who, you know, they, they were drunken lawyers like John Boehner or they're just ambitious freaks. But yeah, no, she is, she is unusually charismatic and energetic. And even their young people are like Ben Shapiro, where their idea of fun is talking about how rap isn't actually music. And everybody in Congress is just a guy who drank the wrong grail and then stumble out
Starting point is 00:14:11 of the cave in the Congress. They're epic Congressman. It's like, it's like when that fucking repulsive thing Rand Paul does every year where he's like, we're doing the Festivus tradition. I give Senator Ben Cardin from Maryland three epic files. And everyone's like, this is the funniest shit I've ever, it's like even those hooting MAGA people have to pretend that's funny now because Rand likes Trump now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:40 The other, so like, obviously like the dancing thing, who the fuck knows? I mean, that, that was just one of those like, you know, viral Twitter things that everyone talks about for a couple of days, but the 70% tax rate thing is more interesting because now like, because I can't even remember the last time and even like liberal politicians started talking about. No, it's been awful. All they talk about is raising our era. Making them pay their fair share.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Making their fair share. It's always very, very vague. It's very vague. And what she's saying is like a 70% tax rate of income over $10 million, which let's be honest, is like, should be a hell of a lot steeper than that. Like the bar should be a lot lower. FDR was saying a hundred during the war too. A hundred dollars?
Starting point is 00:15:17 A hundred percent. Anyone who makes over a hundred dollars gets taxed a 70%. I agree, sir. So immediately, like they're going back to the old playbook, which is, you know, trading off the fact that basically nobody understands what a marginal tax round is. And that like, they're just saying like, she's going to rate, could you imagine paying 70% of your income in taxes to some fucking, like, I don't know, like, like, like a guy who works it like Safeway or whatever, like, and, uh, yeah, like they're going to pretend that
Starting point is 00:15:47 that's like, yeah, the new tax rate is going to be 70%. Like your paycheck is going to go 70%. As wary as I am of like, you know, to anyone on the national political level, it is very encouraging that this is in the purview again, because after the Bush tax cuts, it's always been the debate between 35 and 40%. And that this is now entertained is just a huge shift of a possibility that is incredibly encouraging that we're at least talking about this because it didn't seem like we were ever going to get back into that window.
Starting point is 00:16:19 I mean, I don't want to do like the dumb, like political strategy guy, like court, like, you know, messaging, like horseshit, but like, yeah, you're right, like the fact that like the idea of it is now being debated, not like the idea like, Oh, should it be 36% right? It's that like where it really should be even like, you know, 90% was during Eisenhower. Yeah. Or like, yeah, how about just $10 million is the most money you can have? And then after that, just like, what can't you do with $10 million a year and income? Right.
Starting point is 00:16:48 That's what's so important about this is we're at a Drida Chrome is a billion dollars a kilo. Okay. All right. Okay. I mean, I like about this, we were talking about the morality of redistributive policies and that is absolutely a precondition for any sort of change in this country. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:09 I mean, that's the other thing like the other like the, you know, the sort of, I guess, I'm parroting their idiotic language, but like the fight that she picked on the way in over the like the Pego rules. And I swear to God, I saw all the fucking like the so many fucking Democrat like Lib accounts are just like, yeah, like, you know, we like her, but like, it's just like now is not the time for this, you know, you got to pick, you got to pick your battles and it's just like pick your battles like with this Pego rule, it means that literally there is no legislation that you could achieve as a Democrat, like even the things that you
Starting point is 00:17:42 want to do. And they're like, oh, now is not the time. And it's just like, dude, they're like right off the bat, like, well, you got to go straight at that. You got to go at the filibuster and like all of this shit that is literally created to make sure that like nothing even even with a whiff of any kind of progressive agenda is even possible legally. Well, that's another great thing.
Starting point is 00:18:01 He's actually challenging austerity, you know, Bernie Bernie Sanders, for all his strong points, I feel like he didn't make austerity in America a big enough issue. He didn't talk about that nearly enough. And it is encouraging that again, this was something no one talked about at all really. It's a very good, good opening of possibilities and introducing things as much as I hate this term, introducing things into the conversation. It was a completely untouched thing. It was just sort of assumed that we would keep pay go forever because it was Pelosi's
Starting point is 00:18:40 favorite way of doing things. Why getting the scope of possibilities, I mean, that is the exact payoff of a left electoral strategy. Exactly. It's the only one in the near term. And what we're seeing right now is the promise of having the most, was potentially the most popular elected official in the country and probably the most popular elected official of her generation in America be a socialist, which is a really just staggering situation
Starting point is 00:19:10 to be in one that I could scarcely imagine two years ago. And obviously, there's going to be down the road, it's going to get messier as the summit of actual power comes closer in the view if that does happen. But at this point, you know, the left is such a, just a scattered, divided and un-concentrated all. It's just kind of an ambient feeling, I mean, and people don't even know what to do with it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:38 And so the, in a moment like this, where you have at least for the next two years, Republican control of at least two parts of government and the Senate still persisting, in the near term, any value of voting, any value of electoral work is creating things to focus people's minds on, the converse issues, policies that might cut through just the malaise and the sense of giving up that pervades everywhere else, this idea of, well, this is just it forever. This is all we can ever hope for. And the only way you're going to get the necessary step of people organizing on a large
Starting point is 00:20:17 scale is if they get the first step of even thinking that that's possible. Yeah. I feel like a lot of the talk around like the left of the new Congress has been centered around economic policy and the Green New Deal, which actually, I actually like that there is, I don't know enough about the Green New Deal itself to say whether it's like a good or bad or effective idea, but it is that there is at least some radical action towards climate change actually proposed, as opposed to just, you know, okay, we're going to reenter the Paris agreements and then not think about it for the rest of time.
Starting point is 00:20:49 But Rashida Taleb, I think the more interesting, the more substantial thing she did, think about all you saw for the last five years was everyone who's pivoting to the left now, like Gillibrand, signing on to anti-BDS laws, and Taleb has come out in favor of BDS. That is humongous. And also wouldn't go on the APAC junket or wouldn't go to the conference. That is gigantic. And Ryan Graham and Glenn Greenwald actually have a piece in the intercept today. Like technically the government is still in shutdown, but literally the first thing that
Starting point is 00:21:24 the Senate is going to do in the new year or debate is an anti-BDS law that would allow states to sue any company they do business with if they support BDS. If there is someone on the national level who puts that in the purview, why do you have to sign a loyalty oath to do Israel on your state? If that is actually taught, that's massive. That's gigantic. I tweeted about this morning, but a blast from the past, Daniel Pipes. Oh, my God, a name we haven't heard in forever.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Daniel lay in the pipe. Daniel. Get my perspective. Rashida Taleb calling Trump a motherfucker by basically saying, like, now you know what Israel feels like. I love the Palestinian is doing swears that the calls have been doing swears to Israel for years. You know what it feels like when you bulldoze someone's home and they call you a head ass?
Starting point is 00:22:19 They're just flying. They're just flying kites over the security barrel that says, Hey, hey, buddy, fuck you. It's a big, it's a big banner that says, Hello, I'm big, but Benny Netanyahu. Daniel Pipes sort of went away for a while because it was like it used to be like you needed a member of your party to have the anti-Muslim multiplier, but now everyone can do it like every Republican can do it. And you know, some Democratic party big donors like Chaim Saban also picked up that ability. But he just, you know, he showed why he's the best.
Starting point is 00:22:52 He's the best at the special Israeli attack multiplier, which is constantly crying. Never stop crying. Never stop bitching about how literally everyone has it out for you. Everyone's rude to you, even though you are the rudest fucking people who have ever lived. Most unpleasant. All you do is just wear capri pants and get into shoving matches at a pizza restaurant at midnight over like, over like a thing where you're going to transport MDMA by RC cars over the Lebanese border, cry, cry, cry, everyone hates us.
Starting point is 00:23:28 I would like, honestly, though, like, I mean, for, okay, like the idea that cursing is beyond the pale in Washington is hilarious. I mean, we've heard the Lyndon Johnson tapes, you know, but I guess these people would say, oh, he wasn't saying in public or whatever. What, Dick Cheney in fucking Senate, saying go fuck yourself. How about, yeah, how about when they leaked when George W. Bush said the soft and word in DM? No, but honestly, to me, it's not enough, though.
Starting point is 00:23:54 I mean, first of all, it was at a bar. I mean, I know she's being filmed, but like, she's just, you know, rallying the truth. Let's impeach this motherfucker, like, you know, that to me is pretty tame. I think I would really like to see in 2019, I want to up the game, Donald Trump is a cunt. Yeah. Just like the Republican Party or their cunts, it's a party of cunts. You have to say it in a British accent. You got to do it in a British accent.
Starting point is 00:24:17 You got to sound like Statham. No, no, I'm saying it in the American way, which is more offensive. I mean, like him and his whole family are cunts and they should be referred to as such. And I want, like, you know, Jake Tapper or someone to have to write an article about how like we've cropped. This is a new low. Well, the reason they freak out about it is and people say, how are you getting mad
Starting point is 00:24:36 about this fucking Donald Trump as president? He called one member of Congress in a tweet, which goes in the Library of Congress, Adam shit. It's so funny. And the response is, well, we can't lower ourselves our level because it's, it's, it's, it's a, it's a minor expression of the greater fear, which is that as Trump ignores and the Republican Party in general ignores and destroys the norms that the Democrats will follow. And if that happens, if the, because the norms are what keep all of this horseshit going,
Starting point is 00:25:05 the norms are what keep, you know, my norms, the norms are what keep, uh, keep the flow, keep the blood flowing, the spice flowing. And if the norms collapse and it, it, and all, and it reveals just the interests behind the norms, then that could be terrifying to the people who actually run the Democratic party. They have a very vested interest in keeping one side holding onto the norms. And of course you respond to them, well, they've abandoned the norms to their benefit. What is the, what's the point of us keeping onto them?
Starting point is 00:25:32 And they won't say it. They have a bunch of bullshit. The real reason is if we drop all of that, then it's just a fucking conflict of interests. And now all of a sudden our actual interests are revealed and that we can't have that. Well, that does seem to be the refrain from like a lot of the, uh, the, the sort of centrist Democratic side about, about this kind of stuff where it's just like, you know, I know, I know it makes you happy to call, you know, uh, um, Eric and Don Jr. the Cunt brothers. But you know, like you're, you're really like, you know, do you really just want to become
Starting point is 00:26:05 more like Trump? Do you want to end, do you want the Democratic party to be like the, the Trump party? And it was like, what do you mean? Controlling all three branches of government? Like what the fuck are you talking about? And like the, look, the reason they're getting mad at Rashida is not because she said motherfucker, it's because of the APAC shit. It's because of the tax rates, like, you know, if like Kristen Gillibrand had, had, or like,
Starting point is 00:26:25 you know, Elizabeth Warren or something, or I don't know, Elizabeth Warren, if Gillibrand or Kamala Harris had just been like, Donald Trump, fuck that hoe, they would like, they would all just be like, there'd be so, they would love it. Don, if Amy Klobuchar came out and was like, Donald Trump is a thought, like, I just want somebody to point out that he is senile and he wears diapers and shit himself. I just want someone to say that. Are we not talking about the fact that he's clearly just his brain doesn't exist? Exactly one political candidate just come out and say that and say, like, yeah, this
Starting point is 00:26:59 is probably the paramount issue right now is that the president is literally senile. That has to end. I forget. Some guy who lost his primary. Well, it's accurate. Somebody just has to be like, dude, you're shitting yourself right now. Do you see that the video of him in where he's like, and I was with all the great generals and they were better looking and better than Tom Cruise.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Yeah. So it's so Dan Quinn. Yeah. He was the motherfucker. There is the wall. The comments about like, like walls, they've been beautiful since the beginning of time. It's the game. Always work.
Starting point is 00:27:31 They always work 100%. So it's not used in the Rose Garden with the Kevin McCarthy, the minority leader. Oh, that was so cool. Thanks, Steve. He calls him Steve twice. Yeah. He's like, Steve, Steve, thank you, Steve. So it's kind of maddening to think about wondering if everybody either just doesn't
Starting point is 00:27:50 know that the president senile or just has a tacit agreement to, you know, let's just not talk about it. You know, that's just how it works. There was that article in the Times. I don't know how much you can credit it because who knows who was talking to them that made the claim that the whole reason that Trump has decided to shut out the government over the wall funding is because when his advisors were first sitting him down to figure out what his messaging would be when he decided to run in 2014 and they wanted to make sure that
Starting point is 00:28:18 he hit immigration on all of his speeches, but they knew that he wouldn't really read off of teleprompters and he just kind of talked about himself. They needed a thing for him to say they needed a thing in his head so that he would remember it so that he would remember to say it so he wouldn't just talk about how many times he tried to fuck marky post that he talked about immigration and so the wall was a mnemonic because as a as a guy who builds things that appealed him on that level. It's tactile. It's like, okay.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Well, it was an acronym for winning against liberal losers and they're just like and then so because it was a simple concept, a concrete, literally, yes, concrete concept. He was able to remember it and talk about it in all the speeches and it helped work. It got all the hogs oinking like crazy. That's also why it's appealing to them. They're as stupid as him right there as uncapable of abstract thought. They are as captured by symbols as he is and as fearful and dumb, but then he got in there and it's stuck.
Starting point is 00:29:18 It's the only thing that's stuck. So now he would do anything else. He would compromise anything else. He doesn't have any real other beliefs, but this thing, the wall has to happen because it's the only thing that he spent four years thinking about. It's funny because the other kind of tent poles there repealing Obamacare, renegotiating NAFTA. I mean, those are far too abstract for him to do anything about.
Starting point is 00:29:37 I'm pretty sure he has said, we've killed Obamacare. So that's check. No, he says that a lot. And then he said, oh, yeah, we got rid of NAFTA. That's done because they changed the name and they changed the people. These are thorn. He complicated abstract wall is a real thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:51 It's either a wall or it is exactly. And that he could grasp it. And so it's and then so he will, he will have the government not ever reopen apparently according to him. He will. He will just hold on until there's one TSA guy in every airport. I mean, I'm one for that kind of fight fucking TSA guy doing all of the rectal searches. Yeah, I'm for that too.
Starting point is 00:30:10 The TSA doesn't know. It's great. I hope this happens. Bring it. Just grind the entire government down. That would be ideal. I know it's hurting the people who are getting their paychecks, but I mean, this is not a tenable situation having this, this fucking King Ludwig like late Habsburg drool case
Starting point is 00:30:29 being president, especially with the Democratic Congress. I mean, they can't go along with what he wants to do and be a meaningful opposition. So something has to give. I don't know what it's going to be. I think like, no, they can, you can do a lot of bipartisan stuff with this Congress. Like you can pass a nonbinding resolution that officially acknowledges that Donald Trump, like the guy who found Wendy's, his name wasn't originally Dave Thomas and Donald Trump told him to change his name to that.
Starting point is 00:30:54 It's a good burger name. It's one of the great burger names that we love to hear. You say Dave Thomas, that's a man who grills a great one. Oh, they're square. I've also told them square. Everyone else is round. When you get a circle, you're getting cheated. There are no corners.
Starting point is 00:31:12 The corners are the best part. Corners of the burger. Amazing. Kevin McCarthy and Nancy Pelosi, like smiling side by side, and they're like, we've, we've, we all admit that he, he came up with the idea for the girl Wendy and had sex with her. Because we're reaching a kind of an, an inflection point of insanity because lately he's been threatening to, and obviously he has said insane things in the past, some often though with prompting sort of like he's like a improv one-on-one student, they're like 13th amendment
Starting point is 00:31:42 and they have to throw it out to him and he's like, oh yeah, no more, we're going to get rid of that. Like with the Axios thing and birthright citizenship, which he never followed up. Which by the way, I don't blame Axios at all. If I had that opportunity, of course I'd ask him some dumb shit, but just see what the dumbest thing he'd sign onto is. And that, and some people predicted that he's probably just not going to follow that up and something he, the guy said to him and he's like, yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:32:01 But once again, too abstract for him to really grab onto. The wall is so real that now he's talking about using quote, the military aspect of eminent domain, war invasion, yeah, like the eminent, like when they did the eminent, the military version of eminent domain to annex Poland to do that and declare a national emergency to just bypass the entire congressional process, which is of dubious to non-existent legality. And once again, they might be able to talk him down. They give him a busy block, you know, they put on blood sport and maybe he forgets about it, but the fact that the government is shut down in this way and is a unavoidable crisis
Starting point is 00:32:44 because that's the thing. It's been sort of almost miraculous, except for the people of Puerto Rico, that how few relatively few real crisis moments there've been in the, in the Trump presidency, because obviously that would be a disaster if he was supposed to provide, preside over any really threatening moment. Well, that was Puerto Rico. Exactly. We've seen what happened.
Starting point is 00:33:03 That's what will happen to anywhere else where this happened. And so this though is a prolonged crisis moment because it's going to get worse. Like the longer it's not open, the more people are just going to stop coming to work and the more danger that, you know, some of the mechanisms of government services become. And if that happens, there's going to be some sort of resolution to it. And we know he won't take anything less than 5 million billion because then he's a pussy. So I don't even know, it could get even stupider really, really quickly. I think it could too.
Starting point is 00:33:36 I mean, it's, it's hard to see where, where this is, where this is resolved. I mean, I still stick with what I said on our last episode where I presume this is resolved through some kind of, you know, $2 billion dollar compromise. Exactly. Yeah. The smart move. And he swallows it because he's already, he's already said things to that effect where he's already kind of laying the groundwork consciously or subconsciously for himself
Starting point is 00:33:59 to eat shit. The smart move is the Democrats to give enough for him to, to take it as a win himself and tweet about how it was a win. But I don't know. I mean, if he really digs in, then he might not take anything less than the full amount. And if that's the case, I don't know how the Democrats can really give up that, especially with a new Congress that they control the gavel of. I mean, it depends how they want to resolve it because they can just, you know, chop
Starting point is 00:34:24 up one spending bill and just pass multiple smaller spending bills and just fund the government department by department until you get to the last one. We'll see. I have no idea. I think here's the power move for Pelosi. She takes a book out of the 50 cent playbook and says, we'll give you your funding provided you on camera, read a chapter from Harry Potter. If you just read a book on camera, read human language.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Yeah. Like, yeah, you just have to read like the first three paragraphs of a Harry Potter book on camera, but like, you have to be like, you know, they would just have to give him something randomly. He might have to be my prepare phonetically or something like that. I swear we watched him read something recently because I remember there was this big controversy over whether he could read. Well, it was, there's a video we've talked about a while ago.
Starting point is 00:35:16 There's a video of him in a deposition where it's a lease that he had, that was one of his properties and they asked him to read a paragraph of it and he's incredibly resistant. He says, I don't have my glasses and he's like, there's a lot of words here. You want me to read all these? And then he starts reading and they sort of trails off and he doesn't read the whole thing. Yeah. So, I mean, he could read.
Starting point is 00:35:40 He's not illiterate, but he might be at a point where I think at one point, focus long enough. We know, we know for sure, like, you know, his age or the people said, like, he really doesn't like reading. Yeah. So, maybe at one point in his life, he probably knew how to read, but like, I think it's, I think he's actually lost that ability. Can you not like reading?
Starting point is 00:35:57 I think it's, I think it's, I think it's atrophied to like, or like, I don't think he can. Yeah. He's a senile man. Donald Trump. If you're listening to this, I thought I'd lost my ability to read too. I thought I would never read another book again. Then my friend Andrew issued me a challenge.
Starting point is 00:36:15 We have to read Carlo of Nowscard's 70,000 page autobiography, My Struggle. I know you like that title. I know what you're thinking. A Norwegian man describing everything that has ever happened in his entire life. Not your thing. Wrong. It's incredible. I'm reading my first book I've read in like four or five years, Donald, and I think you
Starting point is 00:36:34 should do the same. And I think if you, you know, had a little bit of Nowscard's reflection, you could bring the jobs back. All right. That's it. That's another good one. That's another just abstract thing. The jobs are back.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Yeah. I think he could just say all these things and the people will believe him. Oh, yeah. It's like we've joked before about he should just say that we built the wall. That was not a joke when I first heard it. And the hogs would believe him. And it would be really funny watching the liberal media try to say, actually, the wall hasn't been built because there's just such relentless fact-checking nerds.
Starting point is 00:37:06 But I don't think that's on the table because he would know the wall wasn't built. What I like is the scam that I mooted two years ago, the actual scam, to build the mega chuds out of money by basically fundraising a wall is now legislation before the House. And a massively successful GoFundMe by a transparent grifter. What is it? Like 20 million now? Yeah. By a limbless scam artist veteran.
Starting point is 00:37:33 So what is he going to do with the money? He has promised to find a way to give it to the government on condition that they use it for the wall. And apparently there's a, the precedent he cites to say that that is legal is that some billionaire, they were running out of money to refurbish the Washington Monument a while ago. And the National Park Service didn't have the money, they didn't have the appropriation to finish building it.
Starting point is 00:37:53 And he said, I'll give you this money to build, to build it. But of course that doesn't involve the eminent domain and all the massive, it wouldn't involve all the other elements of the moving parts of government regulation that would have to go to build this wall. So it's not even comparable. Could you go to this guy's house wearing a cheap suit and a big sash that says mayor and say, yes, sir, I'll take that money, deposit it right in the treasury. Thank you for your service as comptroller on a big sash.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Yeah. And the other one is some, some chud congressman for Mississippi or something is proposed a bill in the Congress to allow for the sale of ball wall bonds. It's from Ohio. Actually. Oh really? I think it's missing. We're talking about different bills.
Starting point is 00:38:34 They might be two different bills. Yeah. Like war bonds, but for the wall, wall bonds and honestly that would be legal. That is a, that is a way to fund government services and it would be basically a voluntary tax like the people who buy stock in the Green Bay Packers, but for racism, so like people who buy stock in the Green Bay Packers, most of them yes, and that won't go anywhere obviously because the Congress is now democratic, but yeah, I mean people would do it. They'd fund it that way.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Oh, of course. I have a good idea for, like this is a small, small like test pilot we can do before we do the big go fund me grift. Say that we need to get P90X for our nephews to get them in shape so they can woo a Casio Cortez. You guys remember my big round nephews when we're getting them ripped so they can seduce this socialist femme fatale and convert her to magaism. We have to, we're, we're, we're locating John based out personally trained my enormous
Starting point is 00:39:39 fat ham nephews. We need, we need $300,000. They will all see a kinetic, erotic, romantic ops. Sorry, back to, back to Alexandria for a second. Can we talk real quick about how the God Randy G Dub did it again? He did it again. Oh my God. Randy's the king.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Like the, you know, the really, yeah, one of the greats who's had more, who has done more to national level, national level upset conservatives like trolling is about upsetting your enemies. Who has viscerally angered more and higher level conservatives than Randy. Oh, Randy. He's put the most points on the board. Yeah. No question.
Starting point is 00:40:22 Randy is like Ted Williams. Just such strong fundamentals. Oh yeah. No. He's the splendid splinter for sure. Yeah. I don't even see content from him that often. No.
Starting point is 00:40:30 He doesn't post that much. Whenever I see it, it's just, it's a massive thing. Yeah. That's the 400 batting average. And there's like three twitchy articles about it whenever he tweets. Yeah. He's the last guy to hit 400 in the league for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:41 And in case you're not aware of it, you know, as he got into it, Steve Scalise, we tried to respond to her and, you know, rack up some, you know, some, some, how dare you. By doing the same thing they all do, which is pretending to not know how marginal tax rates work, including Grover Norquist, who has an entire job as the tax code pretending that he doesn't know how to fucking marginal rates work. And then, you know, she responded to him and then Randy replied to both of them where he was like, snipe his ass. And then of course he made it into this thing where he was like, wow, like I tried to have
Starting point is 00:41:13 this hashtag debate with you, but your, but your opponents are keeping it hashtag classy. It's really, it's, it's, you can just reply with the baseball emoji. You can't get in trouble for that. And now of course they're going to take, they take away everything fun for people. Yeah. And of course there's a nascent, as you would say, effort to make her renounce Randy G. Duh, campaign advisor, Randy G. Duh, the engineer, the Kasia Cortez, honestly, this is like, I mean, everyone has been rightfully impressed by her clap backs and all that to
Starting point is 00:41:48 the degree that that matters, which is very little, but this is the kind of thing they can get tricky because if you get enmeshed in this kind of stupid thing, that's the kind of thing that they try to do to Sanders during the primary was try to get him in the thing where he had to denounce people on Twitter, which went, that's a fucking, that is quick sand. That is the morass. That's the tar pit. You get in there.
Starting point is 00:42:09 You're never coming out. So if this is a good test, if she does feel in the need to in any way address Randy, don't do it. And if Rashida Salim, if she apologizes for calling Trump a motherfucker, like, I'm also probably going to have to hang myself. What's really fascinating to me here is, thanks to AOC and Steve Scaley's here, we're seeing civility politics, the civility politics, which is fundamentally a reaction to everything used exclusively to fight the left and fight any question of class consciousness or class
Starting point is 00:42:45 struggle in the country. We're seeing that play out now in the halls of Florida, the United States Congress. Yeah. And also it's like, as you were saying, Virgil, like it's also we're seeing laid bare, like what civility politics is really about, which is occluding any possibility of a popular sort of political language or discourse that is capable of identifying the enemies of our society or the opponents of us having a better future or life for anyone. And like, I'm sorry, that's what politics is.
Starting point is 00:43:23 No, that's populism. And that's all right. As Evan McMullen pointed out, the right wing populist blame minorities and immigrants. Left wing populist blame rich people. It's all or like this idea, like, oh, like, you know, like, let's not, you know, demonize people. And it's just like, uh, no, no, they these people are demons, real, I'm not demonizing them.
Starting point is 00:43:45 I'm just like that, like they literally, like, like they are the Satan, they're demons, like they are. They're sucking off his dick. If you believe in the concept of evil, you know, these are that would be evil. These are living goblins. Imagine just think of a fucking health care executive, think of somebody who works for a farm, a high level at a pharmaceutical company or an insurance company. These people are the cabal of death panel monsters.
Starting point is 00:44:12 These are the barriers of our time who decide who live and who dies all for their own. It's like barrier was a monster, but he still lived in a shitty little house. You know, these guys are doing it for their gigantic, disgusting, empty mansion. You know what was funny? Joe Manchin went off about Rashida to leave and said, Oh, I hope you don't use that language around your son. It's like, what language do you use with your shithead pharmaceutical CEO daughter? Is it definitely should be a lot worse than that?
Starting point is 00:44:39 Oh, would you use your language or anything? I'm sorry. You're an adult. Like cursing is part of our language. Like if you don't like, I'm sorry, if you don't curse, like you're like Mitt Romney. Yeah. That's just like that's weird. It's untrustworthy.
Starting point is 00:44:52 It's also you're probably evil. I just. If you can't say the word motherfucker about the motherfuckers who run and control everything in this country, then it's just like they're going to kill all of us. I have never, no one has ever looked more like they would die in a monster truck related mishap than Joe Manchin and just for whatever reason, it hasn't happened. Just still have to. Do you use that around your daughter?
Starting point is 00:45:18 What are you? Her fucking dad. God fuck off. And then fucking Claire McCaskill on the way out being like talking to gang of shit about. You lost. You fucking lost show Donnelly, too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:32 And she was just like, well, you know, I don't know if this message can win in red states. Like you fucking lost in a red state in a state where right to work and decriminal right to work was roundly defeated and decriminalizing marijuana passed easily and a minimum wage hike was on the ballot and won by a big, big margin. No, it was they on Donnelly and McCaskill, honestly swear to God, think that they lost because of her 100 percent. They think that because they had to answer for her crazy shit and Bernie's crazy shit in the haulers, that's why they lost.
Starting point is 00:46:04 They're a hundred percent, even though the only reason McCaskill won last time when there was no AOC talking anything was because she was running against a guy who said rape is cool before Trump showed up. I mean, I think she honestly still would have lost against that aching if you'd run this time. Yeah. Yeah. No question for sure.
Starting point is 00:46:22 So it was just a perfect confluence of the moment before sort of the fall from from grace of that scandal cycle that could last for more than an hour and again, like an opponent and when McCaskill came out with that shit from that, you know what I heard none of? I heard no hand wringing about circular firing squad or, hey, we need to we need to fight Trump like, you know, we need to let's hold our fire for the real enemy. Right. No, I saw people clap with all the Center for American Progress fucking slugs clapping around the black back and leaving a wet mucus trail going down it on her fucking way out
Starting point is 00:46:57 the door. You lost Robbie Mooc coming out, be like trying to give advice about the Dems, literally Robbie fucking Mooc was just like, you know, about about the motherfucker thing and Cortez, he was like, you know, this may excite some people, but like this is, you know, like if it's just a message, you know, without focusing on Trump, you're playing into his hands. It's just like you wrote the book on losing an election to Trump and then went overseas to try to literally not technically lost an election, but basically lose an election for Theresa May.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Wait, you're being unfair. You're being you can't just pin those two elections on Robbie Mooc. You're forgetting that he ran the D triple C in 2010. You remember? Oh, yeah. He knows all about winning congressional elections when they lost 60 seats. Okay. They could have lost more.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Yeah. What if they lost 300 Robbie Mooc who put press gangs at the border of Wisconsin and Michigan to keep volunteers from showing up like, like to turn back from California. We don't come to your kind around these parks. Take your time to go back to Iowa and get on, go on, get back to your Oprah book club. And you know, like I sort of feel like, since you were saying earlier, like, you know, even for the one, the people that we like and are rooting for, it's going to be, you know, in the long run, this goes on to be very, very hard for them not to suck.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Oh, they're going to suck. Probably. It's going to be very. Congress just it makes you. Oh, like I'm I'm rooting for them. But like, you know, let's be very clear about, like, you know, again, like this, this civility policing and all the advice they're being given, like, what is really being offered here, which is just, you know, yeah, a politics that precludes any possibility of identifying
Starting point is 00:48:46 the, you know, class struggle or the enemies of a common good. Well, and the other thing is, is the cornerstone of this and what makes it hard for them to understand what's happening and why you see such weird takes about how, oh, these guys only like Bernie because of how big his dick is and how he's fucking pimp and how, you know, he's got no hair and that's alpha or whatever, is because they really can't process politics outside of the lens of personal, personal appeal of individuals. And the thing is, like I saw the movie blob, Bob Chipman saying another liberal who has to pretend to like Acasio-Cartez right now because she is riding high and she's doing
Starting point is 00:49:23 good and has good news cycles. She's also young, a woman and a minority. Exactly. So he can't not like her, even though he's probably not very happy with what she's doing in terms of protesting against Pelosi and trying to go against the caucus and proposing crazy things like a 70% marginal tax rate. He said, she's doing great now, but just wait until the bros decide that she's a, she's a neoliberal sellout.
Starting point is 00:49:48 And of course that's him just trying to sharpen his axe against who he's really mad at. But the fact is that if she does, if she's bad, if she proposed, if she does do bad things in Congress, how is it hypocritical or some sort of betrayal to then criticize them for that? Their idea is you, you pledge fealty, it's feudal or fucking feudal peasants. We all know that's like the way we process everything now. You have to, you swear allegiance to some political figure, you swear your sword to them forever and no matter what they do, you have to defend them.
Starting point is 00:50:21 And the idea that what they're there to do is pass fucking policies and that your, your commitment is to the policies and is to changing things. It's not to individual personalities. They can't, they can't, they can't compute. It doesn't make sense to them. Another, another interesting angle to that, to like, yeah, like the, the, the weird way that like this kind of anti politics is that like, you know, yeah, when you, you know, are critical of a politician or you support policies that are like, I don't know, outside
Starting point is 00:50:50 the mainstream or you use, you know, harsh language or messaging, like, like, you know, what we do if we're just talking politics or offering an opinion, people react to that like it's always like, like that, that everybody is always thinking the same way they do in terms of like, you know, campaign optics and strategy. And like, you know, how does this look or optics rather than like, this is just what I think is true. Like I think the democratic party sucks and is like actively harming this country and the world and like they need to be done away with before anything constructive can happen.
Starting point is 00:51:23 I don't know if that's a positive message or one that would win an election, but I just happen to think it's true. The fact that I have a platform and I'm saying it, like, I don't know what the political I'm not like thinking strategically about what the political effect is that I just like happen to think if I say what I believe is true and say why I think it's true, then maybe like other people will think the same way. Well, that's mostly group might already agree with me without knowing it. I think some people genuinely think that way and they're because they're Democrats because
Starting point is 00:51:49 they're conditioned to losing their petrified of it. And so they do think in these very strategic terms, but I think a lot of it is disingenuous. I think it masks their genuine positions. They say, of course, we all accept that this is the right thing. Oh, yeah. Of course, this is what we want, but it's not going to play. It's not feasible. It's not canny strategy.
Starting point is 00:52:08 Terry McAuliffe talking about. Exactly. Of course that we want Medicare for all. It's just... No, you don't. You know, like he's like, we just can't pay for it now. No, you don't. Or like, or yeah, like I don't, you know, yeah, universal education, but I don't think we should
Starting point is 00:52:19 be paying for the kids of rich kids to go to college. The answer to all of that, by the way, is like if you're worried about rich people getting access to universal benefits or like getting away with something, just tax them more. Exactly. Just raise their taxes. If they're paying taxes, it's not free for them. It's pretty simple. But yeah, Terry McAuliffe, I really want Medicare for all really, then who's going to pay for
Starting point is 00:52:38 your cheese pizzas and your fucking Bahama, Bahamas vacations in the Epstein sex dungeon? If there aren't health care pharmaceutical executives. Well, that, I mean, we're talking about like, you know, moving that window, maybe the singular most powerful thing Cortez and Taleb and everyone can do right now is force all these fucking monsters who for the past two years have been saying, yeah, of course, I want everyone cut you. Of course. Of course.
Starting point is 00:53:06 I want this. I want that. Make them argue for austerity. Make them openly say they want it. Yes. Make them openly say they don't want everyone to have cover to everyone to have health care. Make them openly say what they want finally. Make them all look as shitty as Claire McCaskill finally.
Starting point is 00:53:19 Say who you are. The one guy who looks like he might actually take that up, take, take up the challenge. Joe motherfucking Biden. He appears to be ready to go out there as right now the paper leader in the Democratic field and go. Yeah, I'm going to be the austerity guy. Go on. I'm going to say means to social security.
Starting point is 00:53:38 Raise the retirement age. I'm going to be the guy who tells the truth. I'm going to be the West Wing straight shooter where you give me credit for telling you the truth and not sugarcoating it, not trying to kiss your ass with free stuff that's got out there instead of of young people. He's like when young people say they got it hard today, give me a break. He was like, I'm going to start another Vietnam just so that they do have something. Did you see the Joe Biden that it was like an old article someone found about Joe Biden
Starting point is 00:54:04 where it's just it's such a Dan Quinn story where he's like, he's a lifeguard at a pool and he's like, then some black fellows came up and I'm like, oh, I already like where this is going. Joe, I told you ever seen a senator from Delaware with feet like this? Yeah. No, buddy. He started dancing. Well, he said one of them was named corn pop, which like corn pop.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Yeah. Holy shit. Corn pop. Yeah. I was already making the soy face. He did either like a switchblade or something. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:32 And then Joe got the chain. And this is so Dan Quinn. He goes, and then I took a bat wrapped in barbed wire or chain and I said, you may stab me corn. He's wrapped right around his wrist. His wrist. His wrist. He's like, you may stab me corn pop, but you're going down with me.
Starting point is 00:54:45 It's so. How did I miss that? He's had such that's like, he's just Trump without dementia. No. It's the same personality. That's why I probably also is the same. A relationship with women. I struggle.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Yeah. No. He's going to be the guy who just decides I'm going to get every, I'm going to get all of the grandparents, all the Democratic grandparents who resent their kids and I'm going to have them run and then everyone else is going to split the kids and I'll have all the angry grandparents. And since they vote more, I'll get the nomination. What are the chances of like a Biden, Romney unity ticket?
Starting point is 00:55:25 And then like, I really will have to just like, like self lobotomize. If Biden got the nomination, you're going to be talking about Romney as a possibility if he would take it. Definitely. Like Madis. Madis. Yeah. Somebody like that.
Starting point is 00:55:41 Oh, I have a for the Romney Biden super ticket you got. You want to. Oh, you want to think about something? I really do. I really do. Miranda and Kenny Chesney do a duet where it's like, you know, I'm from the rapping part of America and you're from the country singing part. I think you'd all come together and say, you know, no more of this Russia stuff.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Let's we have more common than we have. It's like accidental racism. Yeah, right. It's gonna say. Yeah. Oh, it was so good. So good to think about. I love it.
Starting point is 00:56:12 I love thinking about. I just love to imagine it. We love it. We love it, folks. Madeleine Manuel is he's rapping on stage and he's like, you know, you may you may sing a country tune, but and I make vote for the left that don't make me a loon and then Kenny Chesney just takes out his guitar and he's wearing like a shirt with 50,000 rhinestones on it.
Starting point is 00:56:30 And he's just belting it out and Joe Biden's doing like the old man like slow clap and nod to it. And Mitt Romney is doing the one permitted Mormon dance, which is the floss. Dude, I love thinking about this. He's like, hey, like, you know, I'll forgive you for your funny hair. If you forgive me for my magic underwear. Oh, yeah. Dude.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Oh, let's make it. 2020. Oh, we got we gave you guys another shitty thing that's going to happen. Sorry. None of the good things are happening. We did it again. This one's going to happen. Hope you like it.
Starting point is 00:57:06 And only it's the shopping cart with the wheel that only makes it go one direction. Yeah. I mean, this is like, you know, like what we sort of tried to describe in the book about the Democratic Party is that like they basically only exist to like they're only like an algorithm that just compromises with like whatever the other thing is doing, no matter how insane it is. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:27 They're only splitting the difference. And so they can only go like, but like, I like the only thing they actually believe in is that like the point of politics is to compromise, which is why we're getting things something like, oh, let's just put like, you know, half of the children in jail along these lines, a sucker, look, go south a little bit in the globe. Our boy Bolsonaro becomes president already. And you're already seeing articles in, you know, the Economist and like, you know, central, you know, centrist, I guess liberal political journals just being like, Brazil's, you know,
Starting point is 00:58:00 new populist president has some wacky ideas, but some sound plans for reforming pensions. And it's just like, they will literally take their like the number one most important thing he needs to do, reform Brazil's outdated pension system. And in exchange for that, he can bulldoze the entire rainforest and literally kill every gay person in Brazil because like, that's what they, that's what they want. Like that, like that to them is like, that's the reasonable compromise, you know. That's going to be great. Le Pen, same thing.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Whenever they take, whenever any of these psychostake powers, there is something in Bolsonaro's face that I've talked about, he looks like he's always going to burst into tears. And if this was a betting pool, if I had to bet any money on any world leader self-harming and possibly killing themselves, Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil. So, you know, maybe keep an eye out. Keep an eye out. There's some people who say he has colon cancer just because he looks so shitty compared to
Starting point is 00:58:56 like two years ago. That would be funny. It's interesting. I saw the other day and this kind of goes back to the whole kind of promise, but the peril of having a very popular socialist elected official, Kamala Harris posted a brief clip of herself also dancing and says, you know, for the record, I like, I want to add more dancing to politics too. I can't wait to see Tim Cain hit the yah-yit.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Fucking awesome. Oh God. Fucking tight. And all the, you know, all the replies on that were, you know, it was all just like movie blob soy face shit about, you know, you know, keep slaying out there or, you know, hello 9-1-1. I want to report a murder of the patriarchy and, but the thing is, I mean, the online is terrible.
Starting point is 00:59:47 It's going to keep being terrible. And a lot of these people that you see online, a lot of these commenters, a lot of these just really dumb people expect or want the 2020 Democratic primaries to be beauty pageants, basically. And because if there are no actual political issues at stake and you really believe like, oh, everyone's just on the same team. And so you have to be nice to each other, then therefore you're just kind of fighting over what you're deciding based on what image, like that's it image and the most obvious
Starting point is 01:00:15 image aspects are gender race, pretty much. But I really don't think that for the actual people who are going to vote and decide this, by which I mean like 500 people in a high school gymnasium in Iowa for some fucking reason. I really don't think it will be a beauty pageant. I think that this will be an actual fight for the future of the party. It will be fight among the constituent interest groups of the Democratic Party and a particularly vicious one.
Starting point is 01:00:43 Well, I hope so. The bloodier the better. It needs to be. Let's hope it's a dance of dragons. But you know, that said, you said, if it's a beauty pageant, let's hope so because now it's finding Lincoln Chafee. It's time to shine. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:56 Fucking beautiful man. Gorgeous. It's just a perfect, a perfect wasp. Just generations of inbreeding, providing this graceful, cultish man. Imagine like, okay. So it's the way it's like Harris, Gillibrand, just all these people who have focused us at everything. They're perfectly phrasing everything and then Chafee shows up.
Starting point is 01:01:14 He's got like a CVS receipt running out of his pocket and he's like, oh, sorry, I forgot. I thought I left that in the car and then he's, does anyone validate parking here? He's just interrupting. That's America's choice. My dad died. I'm sorry. That was the greatest thing. They're like, you voted for this thing.
Starting point is 01:01:31 Give me a break. I had just, I'd been there a week. Dude, I'm catching a lot. My back hurts. I just got up three hours ago. I can see why he's your guy because he's got the excuses. Yeah. He's the best excuse.
Starting point is 01:01:44 The lag in the Senate was very, very, very bad. You know, lawmaking is all about peripherals. No, I just, he's, there's a very human, Gill-like quality to Lincoln Chafee. He is a Gill. He's a Gill. I'm casting my lot with Lincoln Chafee. Want to close out? Want to, want to do some New Year's Rod and Eve?
Starting point is 01:02:03 Yes. Want to Rod in the New Year? Rod in the New Year. Okay. I just, just want to close out by checking in on Rod Dreher because, you know, he's had some, I mean, his brain continues to become extremely powerful. It's so big. He did do, I was a little disappointed.
Starting point is 01:02:19 He did have a big article on Fortnite. It was a big blog post on Fortnite, wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be. He didn't address the issue of playing as a female character if you are a boy. Because that seems like, that's Garrett, that's right. Taylor made for him. It was just. He doesn't know enough. He, that's like, that's only a thing for people who are like sweaty at the game.
Starting point is 01:02:40 I wish that if he watched like e-sports or streamers, he would know that everyone likes a boy as a girl, but he doesn't. He's not a cultured man. It was more just about like how he doesn't let his kid play Fortnite and it's making it hard for his kids to have friends and no one likes, no one likes. It's not that you try to exercise every playmate that comes to your house. And actually, by the way, Rod never gave us. Throwing holy water at their friends.
Starting point is 01:03:00 Rod never gave us an update. We never got a fucking update on that exorcism. She's dead, by the way. Clearly. They killed her. They dumped her in a fucking well. Oh God. That's going to be haunted.
Starting point is 01:03:09 How did they find a well in Manhattan? It's so cool. They're so, they're so, they're so trad. They found a well. Uh, no, uh, he did, the Fortnite one was mainly just about how like kids are addicted to video games and blah, blah, blah, blah, you know, blah, blah, blah. Destroy them. Um, this one, I'm not even going to, I'm not even going to give you any setup or tell
Starting point is 01:03:29 you what he's talking about at all. I just want to read this one paragraph, like at bereft of any context. Give it to me. This just says update two. Oh boy. Oh, good. Updates really are where the meat is. Update, update two, hey deniers, just ignore the fact that a US, that a democratic US congresswoman
Starting point is 01:03:48 flew the transgender pride flag outside her office. I guess that didn't happen given how this is extreme, no big deal, and we don't see this in our daily life. So it just must not be a real thing. Also prostheses aren't dildos. So if the democratic congresswoman affixes a prosthetic penis to the door of her office in solidarity with prepubescent FTM trans children, don't you hypocritical republicans dare call it a dildo?
Starting point is 01:04:15 Did that happen? Well, okay, let's, I can't imagine that it did. This is just like reading that is just like looking at a magic eye poster. So somebody put a transgendered flag up and he said, oh, you don't think that's a big idea? But what if she put a prosthetic dick there? Well, I mean, just I guess some backstory, this like the post he's really talking about is a company that sells prosthetic penises for like transgender children.
Starting point is 01:04:42 Oh, really? Yeah. Like to like, you know, put in your pants or whatever. Oh, okay. It's a fake. Yeah. Fake penis. All right, and that's a good thing to think about all day is you have, you know, trying
Starting point is 01:04:55 to raise your kids and write your art. Just think about it all day. All day. Just don't stop. Think about it for the rest of 2019, Rod. Just a fake. Never stop thinking about it. He describes it as a fake penis for an 11 year old girl to put in her pants.
Starting point is 01:05:07 Oh my God. I just, I knew we were in for, whenever anything starts out with, hey, deniers, that just such a, that's such a good, like, hey, you're all seriously fucking pathetic, you know, you're you're a bunch of fucking, I can't believe you guys. You're not thinking about the, you're not thinking about the FDM insurance children all day, like I am. So he thinks it's like a moral crisis that they're, this thing that doesn't affect him at all.
Starting point is 01:05:38 He doesn't know it. Like, so what's his solution to it? They just are put into like state run religious camps or something. I mean, I think that would be his preferred option. Probably. But you know, it's like with Lincoln said, let's see, if you gave me 12 hours to chop down a tree, I would spend six hours thinking about transgender children, Dildos. He's just such a, ah, it's like, can't you do anything else, man?
Starting point is 01:06:01 Literally like half of his day is just obsessed with like thinking about trans children. This is literally all he does. He's just such a rotten person. I think Rod listens to our show because I could picture him listening to the show and hearing this and just chuckling going, yeah, I guess I do do that, huh? No, he's chuckling at us. He's like, you fools. You don't know.
Starting point is 01:06:25 They're going to come for you one day. Well, Rod, Rod, I know who's, Rod's going to have a great 2019, right? Oh yeah. It's not just going to be spent alone and seething and reading letters from other similarly isolated freakish people. Writing letters. Yeah. Who are like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:40 We're just like. Accidentally killing more people. You know what they're going to, Thanos is going to make all the Avengers trans. Wow. Just what a fucking shitty life, man. God, you suck, man. So another thing to look forward to in 2019, prosthetic dildos just sticking off the door of every congresswoman.
Starting point is 01:07:01 And if you go against it, buddy, you better believe they'll make you suck one of those dildos. It's just so his like, it's like. They're going to put that on their door. Oh, then we'll, you know, this is crisis point. There's a prosthetic dildo on the office door. Then what? What?
Starting point is 01:07:18 What? What even happens? You can put it on all the doors. It's just. Rod just play Fortnite, honestly. Yeah. Yeah. Just anything.
Starting point is 01:07:27 Play Mijong. Do like what my grandmother does. Play bridge with her friends. Do something, man. It's just that you're having a bad time. I love the Rod. I love the Rod Fortnite stream. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:37 Yeah. He was really good. You should start to twitch. Good. I'd subscribe to it. I don't need a lot of money to that, Rod. I know you're listening. Start at Twitch stream.
Starting point is 01:07:46 I would like to see what his emotes would be all the, all the, all the orthodox saints. That's Saint Barnabas. Okay. I got some Saint Barnabas. It's going to 260. Two headshot. Get fuck pussy. Let me see some St. Stanislaw.
Starting point is 01:07:59 I was in chat. Well, here's to. Another. Here's to 2019 fellas, glad to be starting off the new year right back in the trap. We're eating into the new year boys. I still don't know what that means. I'm not really sure either. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:14 I'm glad. You know, and the only time I've heard it is from like this fat white Twitch streamer who like, he says it annoyingly, like he'll do something and we'll go, yeah, I eat. And I just, it's just so stupid to me. I don't know what the original extraction of it is, but I just like to think about Tim Kane doing it. It's cool for me to think about. They should make him, he should run for president.
Starting point is 01:08:33 Tim Kane. Oh yeah. Why is it he made Tom Cotton super ticket. Nobody's talked about Tim Kane. He was the last VP nominee. Usually that guy runs for president. He was the first. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:43 Edmund Muskie. He's the first man in America to speak Spanish. Well, our brains will continue to grow and get more powerful in 2019. Oh yes. And we hope that you will be there with us. So happy new year everyone. See you everyone. Bye.

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