Chapo Trap House - Episode 280 - MacKenzie's 60 Billion Dollar Challenge (1/14/19)

Episode Date: January 15, 2019

It's Bernie, Bitch. We talk Amber's new piece arguing the need to get behind Bernie. We also fantasize about what we'd do if WE were getting divorced from Jeff Bezos and end with another dark trip to... Carcosa. Read Amber's Baffler article here: Once more:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay, we're going we're here you're talking experimental sound weapons are they real are they real the answer is yes they are real it has this technology and it's gonna fucking it's gonna destroy the brains of all the American spies I'm gonna come back Cuba they're doing scanner a shit to CIA agents they're blowing up their brains through a hotel wall using sound wave weapons no time it's about damn time and I think China is doing it and their infant mortality rate still lower than ours well they're using sound wave technology to destroy American brains safely and destroy babies dude
Starting point is 00:01:05 we're using sound wave weapons if you think about it that's true we are our voices we are we are a tech war we're tech wars like shatner novels this mid western mumble kills fascists yeah that nasal pitch it resonates in your brain in such a way that it destroys your frontal lobe your ability to resist communism well gang it's us it's your chapeau it is myself will menaker along with amber and Matt for today's episode yeah so we're chilling here we're talking I want to kick things off today the with a quote for you guys today we live in a world in which brain power is the new currency of success hashtag
Starting point is 00:01:50 Julian 2020 we truly are living in the future that we've always dreamed of I mean okay this is Julian Castro has Julian society Castro the bad Castro has you know he's thrown his hat into the ring for the Dems in 2020 there's gonna be so many oh boy yeah clown car words gonna be so many of them and he's kicking off with the phrase for his campaign this is what he's like this is my elevator pitch yeah you got to grab them right away what are we gonna do what are people gonna respond to today we live in a world in which brain power is the new currency of success knowledge is the penis of the mind you know
Starting point is 00:02:34 every time they do one of these things anytime they focus on intelligence or like or education education did they ever think that like most people know someone and love someone very much who is stupid like what about most of us have dumb relatives that we love and we want them to be okay and they're saying to you explicitly their shit out of luck your dumb relatives will be picking garbage out of mitten heaps people with stupid people people with with lower amounts of brain power they don't have any currency have no currency for the new success brain power perishes they should that is that is that is the
Starting point is 00:03:18 flip side of it that's what they're saying yeah it's funny because it's yeah part of it is if you don't have a brain you die but the weird the weird language of it also makes it sound like if you do have a brain they're going to have the brain bug from Starship out of you so you power some monstrous machinery to keep a fucking Jeff Bezos alive for another 300 years yeah your beloved dumb cousin who has third-degree burns on his leg from kicking a gasoline can while smoking he's going to die your fate as the chosen is that you are going to be mined physically it's like a resource they stick the thing
Starting point is 00:04:05 in your back of your skull and connect everyone wins everyone wins it's wonderful I can't wait to have my brain harvest well I mean not not to do like the obvious you know cliche thing here but like you know how many levels of neoliberalism are you on hold watch this your brain power is literally part of like a market yeah it's a currency in a market for success yeah that's what your thoughts and like Nate your thought coins could be used to purchase their bread set yeah you know out of this though I did notice that one of the exciting I mean like this is just you know Pablo all right but I mean
Starting point is 00:04:44 parenthetically it's also based on empirically disproven theory about employment Democrats have been running on the shit for 30 years Clinton in 92 had a similar pitch about how you know you the more what you earn depends on what you know I think that was the line and we know for fact that's not true after 2008 there was this big theory about how unemployment was going to be higher structurally because of a lack of a lack of education to meet people with employment employment opportunities and there was nothing you could do with any other kind of stimulus or fiscal policy because there's just this education
Starting point is 00:05:26 gap that's gonna create a structurally structurally higher unemployment I guess what happened they they fuck it did a ton of quantitative easing flooded the system with with cheap money and the jobs were filled and unemployment went down it's a it's not true it's a fundamentally false theory that they stick to because it's the only alternative to pitch people other than redistribution is to say no we'll give you education instead then you can redistribute yourself with your brain juice well speaking of education other than this you know not you know nonsense campaign slogan I did see the Julian
Starting point is 00:06:01 Castro signed on for a very exciting idea it's called two free years of college whoa whoa so it's just I just love it like it's just amazing you go in with you go in it too so maybe you get a semester it's it's meant for community college or vocational school right yeah so what's the Louis bit where he said community college is where dreams are narrowed down yeah that's what he's starting with that's his that's his bargaining point he's he's starting very long I think he's I think it says you could also apply it to before your college but once again only the first two years and then you're fine and then
Starting point is 00:06:46 what if they just raise the price of the second two years because you're not paying for the first two it's just amazing because as we say these guys love to pat themselves on the back about how savvy they are how they understand politics but they don't understand the concept of an opening bid in negotiations no because they're always the one saying well we have to get things passed if that's true then when you start at two free years then you were accepting you're not gonna end there right because because you got to go through them the sausage-making machine and yet they're always saying like how
Starting point is 00:07:17 about $10 an hour it's like motherfuckers it's an opening goddamn hand Matt you had a you had a great line like okay here's here's the new Democratic policy proposal Medicare for all for everyone over 65 that's mind-blowing yeah they're gonna run on that yeah I mean again like early in the year government still want to shut down not much going on I mean other than just a system shuddering but how much have you noticed oh no of course not I mean I'm running on a skeleton crew and fairness I haven't been trying to fly apparently that that's kind of an app paying now well I hope that all the TSA does go on strike and
Starting point is 00:08:02 they keep the airports running and people realize that we don't actually like need all this idiotic security theater at airports yeah it's like when the NYPD got mad at de Blasio for not smooching their ass enough and they said fine we're not gonna arrest people for petty crimes and then no one cared and it was fine and then they just ended up doing it again cuz it's just what they love yeah they could deny themselves I just smell a little bit like weed for a day and they couldn't handle it I mean it sucks for the you know the people who are literally going without a paycheck yeah but longest government shut down ever
Starting point is 00:08:32 but you know as the government shuts down you know people are looking to the future like Julian Castro 2020 and you know the the carousel of Democratic politicians you know continues to add new members still waiting for a ticket to their ride is our sweet Bernard and I think I would like to talk to you Amber about a piece you rode for the bath or this week that had had tongues a wagon did it I wouldn't know it's called it's Bernie bitch and whoever did the art for this is just on pure nightmare fuel I actually okay so first of all are you responsible for this ever I am of course I am yeah because I wanted to go with
Starting point is 00:09:20 it's Bernie bitch and then I said well I mean people are going to accuse me of being a misogynist which true fair anyway but I want to make sure that they get that it's a Britney Spears reference so I gave them two options and one was VMAs giant bow constrictor I'm a slave for you Bernie Spears and the other one that they actually offered me was flight attendant Bernie Spears and I had requested because like that phrase is really associated with the iconic Britney moment and they gave me the flight attendant Bernie Spears and I thought you know what now this is it this is the more terrifying one well and
Starting point is 00:10:11 also toxic is a better song once it is that's true once again you infuriated everyone because they destroyed their dicks for beating off so hard yeah hot image yep I know I did that's what you can't just make politics about sex appeal you know it's about policy it's about people's real lives not just about you know like it's not just yeah it's not just about wood or wooden and you know you saw you saw all the bedo stuff everyone's just like oh he's gonna make me squirt and you were like wait Bernie's using this arms race we cannot allow a squirting gap you know I suppose you know for our for our podcast you
Starting point is 00:10:58 know I feel like you know you know it's just 2016 again folks oh yeah I'm not like all of these other cowards who are like I hate it I want to die no no I'm ready it is a showdown because we know what happened my body now we get to be even stronger like we saw it happen harass more women there's silence more minority voices it's gonna be more there's gonna be more of this well you know but I think this time around there's gonna be like Clinton we know what happens several minorities running all of whom we can denigrate because of our white dude Bronis it's gonna be amazing but Amber like this is this is
Starting point is 00:11:39 your opening salvo I mean Bernie hasn't even said he's gonna run in 2020 I assume you know I assume you think or at least suspect very comfortable you're comfortable there's an article yesterday about a guy there's an article you never say about me it's that I know a guy okay there's an article yesterday that basically confirmed that he's hiring staff so yeah it's in the works okay so it's Bernie bitch Amber this is your this is your opening salvo January 2019 let's go I'm just gonna write you know read from your article now you read my words it was true then and it's true now Bernie Sanders is the best
Starting point is 00:12:24 candidate the only candidate who can be considered anything even close to socialist and the one to beat Trump a president Sanders isn't some idealist fantasy he is our best bet by a mile he is consistently polled as the most popular politician in America since the primaries and while everyone else has been tweeting or following up with 23 and me Bernie pressured Amazon into raising wages followed up by going after Walmart condemned Saudi Arabia and sponsored the resolution to end support for the war in Yemen introduced the no money bail act committed to a federal job guarantee campaign so powerfully for
Starting point is 00:12:55 Medicare for all that he shifted the entire Democratic Party and saved a woman from being hit by a car not only he is he's the best candidate politically as in the only social Democrat he has the best chance of giving the pragmatists what they say they want a presidential win so this is I'm surprised that's the one you picked well I've got I've got more highlights all right good I prove that I mean there is there's there's further tea about other Democratic candidates there is to oh the tea I spilled the tea you gotta spill I mean I was I was surprised next two years is gonna be just a fucking deluge deluge of
Starting point is 00:13:30 tea it's gonna be the fucking Boston molasses disaster of tea Narciss you're wrong I'm just sipping the team your council to not say chief the tea has been spilled but um yeah no but ember I mean like that's your that's your you know brief for Bernie but like like overall like what were you trying to like like what were you aiming for in this piece I mean like I find it hard I think everyone needs to nut up and get on the same fucking page yeah like yeah now is the time yeah a lot of people I think later in their lives figure out too late that there was a moment when they should have made a certain decision
Starting point is 00:14:11 and when they should have gone hard for something and even if that thing was going to fail it was the right thing to do it was the politically strategic and morally correct thing to do and so I'm doing everyone a favor by telling them that this is this moment so get your shit together I find it hard to believe that you know you wrote something and I was like can she say that and the pages of the baffler I broke 15 monocles you say Barack Obama was the very last horoscope candidate a politician who managed to speak so vaguely that his platform could mean anything to anyone it's not going to work this time around
Starting point is 00:14:50 the Democratic Party is not going to be able to trick people into believing that Liz Warren is a social Democrat ditto Kamala cop Harris a woman whose displicitus record as a prosecutor includes the defense of the death penalty three strikes law and the imprisonment of single mothers for the truancy of their children you really think you can convince anyone that Kamala Harris is a woman of the people Sherrod Brown has gone all in with Russiagate hysteria also he signs his tweets and before you even think of it don't bother with Beto who is to the right of the aforementioned end votes to
Starting point is 00:15:20 the right of the median Democrat does a horse is a horse of course of course so what about a what about Sherrod Brown though he seemed to be like the guy who's like he's all right he's closest I will say though like basically anyone who dedicates a lot of time to Russiagate conspiracy stuff I cannot take seriously and he still has an endorsement here for all at this fucking point yeah still talking about lowering the age to 55 or some fucking bullshit what the hell are you doing yeah no he's not on board he's not on board with the economic program and also I don't think he's a he's a serious contender like if I was
Starting point is 00:15:55 put in a position where I had to choose between a serious contender and someone who maybe was a little bit to the right I would have to seriously think about that but I don't think Sherrod Brown like meets either of the standards this is this is an unprecedented situation for anybody on the left who takes a presidential electoral politics seriously of course that's we have to always say not that doesn't mean everyone but people who do this has never really happened before where in a crowded field especially the left most candidate and the most viable candidate both as somebody who could win a primary
Starting point is 00:16:30 and the general is the same person that's never happened never happens it's it's like the model is like Cusinich and this is like if you look at what Cusinich was talking about back when everyone was going and holding up the screwball loony tune card next to his head every time he talked it's basically the same thing that Bernie is saying except without you know the Department of Peace which was kind of adorable frankly and the emphasis on aliens a little buddy but you've got me if these positions have been mainstream now thanks to you know us our fucking donkey cart rolling down a hill and
Starting point is 00:17:06 destroying the entire village but that was all of that is that it is this incredibly unique situation and and deciding that you need to be aloof from that and you need to pretend that there's some sort of variety of options here when if there's any hope here it's to create meaningful litmus test for candidates only one of whom meets them and then promote those ideas to the largest possible audience by having somebody run for and become president of the fucking United States he's the only option because every other person has amber points out has some they don't have the track record they don't
Starting point is 00:17:52 have the voting record they sure as hell don't have the record in terms of where they've got their money from they're not the most popular politician in America they don't even have the same they don't even have the pragmatic case for them yeah it's it's absurd now when you say something like you know Bernie's most you know he consistently he's pulled as the most popular president that can bounce around and obviously like polls can be jumpy but there's enough of those coming out that it's like look people clearly fucking love burning is he the most popular among Democratic primary voters because that that would seem to
Starting point is 00:18:25 be a bigger hurdle and when you say like he's the most popular politician I don't think there's any way to say it's any way to say something like that right now especially now that the race has started they did see polls out of New Hampshire and again these are all like incredibly incredibly early that has Sanders with a couple points leading over Biden and it's basically Sanders and Biden and then everyone else is like in the single digits Biden is going to fucking dissolve like a fucking sandcastle and a piss storm but like what I find interesting is that the people who Biden is very interesting because like
Starting point is 00:19:00 all the all the hitches to Bernie all the things that could potentially trip him up being you know an old white man being potentially I don't know insensitive to you know women or minority groups Biden has all of that times a million yes at times a zillion and there are people that like Biden that don't like Bernie so wow it's like the problem is actually socialism and not representation it's almost like there's a large contingency of people associated with the Democratic Party as an institution who are more invested in fighting basic social democratic reforms than anything else clearly anything
Starting point is 00:19:43 else clearly beating the Republicans clearly any kind of minority or or religious or racial or gender representation what they want to make sure is that they have a technocrat that does not rock the boat and you know you mentioned in the article to the people who are not necessarily people arguing in bad faith or actually literally on the payroll the Democratic Party or the nation of Qatar or Saudi Arabia or something like that as you read the the gentle souls you know who may be I don't know without without your stern resolve how would you how would you firm put some steel in their spine to
Starting point is 00:20:23 get back on board I mean I think the thing is is to teach people the difference between you know a good faith argument in a bad faith argument and also like help people know when something is bullshit because people need to be a little more skeptical of the self-identified progressive I I wish I could like have like a like a video series where it's like don't waste your time with that Looney and make sure you tell them that you know they're full of shit but this person you can have a conversation with them because like you you are going to have to do that you can't just be a smug asshole to
Starting point is 00:20:57 everyone be a smug asshole to other smug assholes that's it's that's a good rule of thumb you say that even if we have to put cocaine in his coleslaw or if he dies mid-run we'll shove stuff in full of sawdust shove a hand up his ass and operate him like a goddamn muffin yeah because there's no one else there's no one else right you know well that's the other thing like you know whether it's in done good faith or not you hear a lot like like you know Bernie like he's old he had a shot he like he cracked the door open but like you know why aren't we you know working on like like the next like you know so destroyed it
Starting point is 00:21:30 the entire the entire generation X of Democratic politicians were mind poisoned and tainted there they came from bad earth shitty soil bad seeds they are they're they're they're cursed they're poisonous Beto because they put they came up in the world of the neoliberal Tina universe where the they was no alternative and where their tax credits and education shit is all that could be done that was the horizon of the possible and they came at the end of history at the end of history they're in the cave and if you try to show them outside of the cave they'll try to kill you for being a wizard yeah it's like
Starting point is 00:22:08 there is an ungeneration but they're literally too young to run for president that's why Beto looks like that he's like one of those deep sea fish with the teeth you see if you see a Beto make sure he has three leaves instead of four for rubbing him all over your calves to stop them from cramp stopping from cramping um yeah I mean like the obvious other and the obvious other answer would be AOC but she's actually isn't she literally she's 29 years old literally she's one term congressman and yeah and like she literally just got there she's all alone and also we need her in Congress and we need a million more of
Starting point is 00:22:42 them everywhere million more AOCs in Congress and in the House and everything and people say well you should be focusing on that instead of the presidency but what country do you think you live in that's how Americans process politics that's how you get a generation of people who see those policies and say I'm going to run on that and people who say I want that and you build up the alternative funding structures and the alternative organization structures that can challenge the Democratic Party as it exists I just think it's obvious yeah and we just need to keep pointing out
Starting point is 00:23:12 that it's obvious he's old and that's having these conversations not ideal but you know hey you look pretty spry to me yeah he's definitely more spry than Donald Trump yeah he's actually president true his brain is melting in front of us yeah Hillary Clinton has 300 diseases yeah she's she's the last person to have st. Vitus dance they tried to make her into a super soldier but she just got sick from every single genetic mutation she just has a light flu that's her superpower well I guess like the news came out the other week about like there's like some sexual harassment on the burning campaign and
Starting point is 00:23:52 they're gonna really use that like they're gonna they're gonna nail that as far as it goes but like at the same time like there was already things in the Hillary campaign that it came out and it's like wow what a surprise that like your first year your opening shot of the year is a compendium of like medium posts from six to eight months ago and also these various women who were at different different levels within the campaign of a huge campaign meanwhile there was obviously also complaints from the Hillary campaign as well because guess what it's a sexist world there's literally no place where there aren't
Starting point is 00:24:31 sexist men unless you just don't work with men in which case there's that thinks lady who sells the period like I'm sorry like what the fuck does that have to do with burning there's a response by the one people like well what about on the camera what the fuck there is a huge difference between the hill the hill at the camp Hillary campaign harassment accusations and the burning ones and it's that in the Hillary ones Hillary personally intervened to protect the guy who'd been accused wasn't it wasn't he like this cookie like faith advisor Berns Strider Berns Strider yes low tier Red Dead Redemption 2
Starting point is 00:25:09 Karen Berns Strider who was a handsy creep and she knew but she trusted him and so she's just moved him around like a fucking Catholic priest yes that's the difference there's no proof that Bernie knew anything about any of this stuff that these horny freaks in his campaign might have done also speaking of handsy Joe Biden I mean there's like photos of that like he loves giving back my god when he announces the hope the Biden thing it's gonna be like Joe Mentum all over again it is Joe my god his name is Joe Biden it's like when Lieberman because people don't remember this because you're all 12 but when Joe Lieberman
Starting point is 00:25:51 ran for president as grandpa's getting mad about 2004 he had been the VP in the last time right and he was leading up to the the primaries the by far poll leading candidate because he had the highest name recognition oh yeah that's the guy who ran against Gore Lieberman I saw him on the bumper stickers and then he opened his mouth and the fucking teacher from peanuts came out of it and people like oh yeah this guy sucks and he just immediately collapsed meanwhile Biden is gonna people are just like oh yeah Obama's friend with the memes famous orators Joe Biden he's gonna come out and be like yeah
Starting point is 00:26:30 Millennials should work in salt mines until they die also I have groped every woman I've ever met and there's video footage of it I started my career fighting against bussing I don't remember when I said that Obama was clean and articulate anybody remember that and people are gonna go like oh right he's not just a onion guy he's a real person and he's terrible but there are 100% Democrats that will push for Biden over Bernie as more realistic oh no of course and that will be that's what's good that's why I as we're talking about and not dreading this this next year's I'm looking forward to it because of the
Starting point is 00:27:07 clarifying power of this and having all these different people contradictions exactly all these different candidates to provide all these different ways to reveal the fundamental hypocrisy and the bad faith going into so much of these criticisms and how many motherfuckers are gonna talk about Biden talk up Biden and against Bernie and it's like right there you've neutralized that person and anyone who makes those arguments you get no oh you're full of shit and that's gonna go through all of this like people who made X Y and Z claim about what's important to them and then when it comes down to it are willing to back
Starting point is 00:27:40 anybody who isn't Bernie on regardless of how much they violate whatever they claim to have been their objection to him in the first place because what they really object to is fucking policies speaking like you know more broadly of like I guess policies are like the moment we're living in now even though it's hell right we're definitely living in hell at least we've drinks though we've drinks but like the fact that Donald Trump is president I think has sort of like wedged open just a crack just a little bit in like you know what is considered like absolutely it has revealed that the hegemonic politics it
Starting point is 00:28:15 has revealed the crisis of legitimacy in party politics and end of better or worse broadly speaking like you know the liberal capitalist order right and I think people are noticing that certainly on the left but they're also noticing it on the right and I want to talk about I just I just read that this morning it was a piece in New York magazine by Eric Levitz who is responding to yet another David Brooks piece that it is essentially responding to Tucker Carlson who's made a big splash on the right because he's like now become like the Trump intellectual figure on the right you know try not to extra we're
Starting point is 00:28:48 exercising our scoffing muscles today yeah so you can exercise your scoff at that but like he had a big thing a while ago where he has opened up because he is now like the most popular pundit of like the Trump voting yeah maga chud right I think because he's he's done this he's like oh actually people are miserable and you know he wrote this book called ship of fools which I haven't read but I've read enough about it that essentially what he's doing is opening up on there on the right this idea that like hey like maybe capitalism like isn't all it's cracked up to be or maybe it has produced negative outcomes in so
Starting point is 00:29:24 far gotta be careful with that shit too because once the right well it starts talking like like exactly you got to be very careful and like what he's actually saying is that like well yeah like maybe the government can do something to alleviate things you know capitalism is caused but what he's really saying is like capitalism is a problem in so far as it has made these traditional racial and you know hierarchies that we really like and would like to introduce a family family structure and you know like a single parent like man works woman stays at home yeah all those things have declined dramatically since
Starting point is 00:30:01 like the 1970s but what he's saying is like capitalism is a problem only in so far as it doesn't deliver the goods that we really want and care about which are these things like you know patriarchal family structure racial hierarchy and you know like the sort of white America the it's the it's the because people pointed this out but the Trump thing when it was when it when he started people identified that it was an attempt to a very nascent attempt by a fraudulent senile idiot to articulate a European-style conservatism but it didn't really have any ideological meat to it it was just his brain synapses firing
Starting point is 00:30:39 what he what he want thought his you want to talk to you what what we knew the hogs responded to and now Trump or now Carl Carlson is trying to actually give it intellectual like bones and sinew around it and an actual ideology as opposed to just like you know the cap like you know capitalism is a problem because like you know all this all this all these great markets and like you know corporate dynamism and entrepreneurship I guess they're like they're finally starting to realize at the end of the day they don't give a fuck about like how white this country is or not like they like if anything
Starting point is 00:31:09 corporations have like gotten more like woke you know like more outwardly like liberal and tolerant in their messaging advertising yeah absolutely and obviously Carlson and the people he represents despises that because if they turn on TV and see like an interracial couple eating Cheerios together they want to fucking vomit and it's literally I'm sorry it's literally capitalism that's doing that to them you know because they're fitting capitalism is very deft you know exactly it can fit in whatever cultural space I think what we're seeing interestingly is both in conservative and liberal like elite
Starting point is 00:31:47 people who are highly invested in you know suturing this this crack in the Fisher are trying to say like they're there they finally said like what they said and this is what Eric Levitt's writes in this piece on New York Magazine I'll link to it I thought it was interesting he's like they used to be like you know going into like the conservative resurgence in the 80s like they could say no it's like it's social liberalism that's the problem that's what's causing the breakup you know money capitalism the all the economy that's all fine now in an attempt to save it because we've realized as you were
Starting point is 00:32:20 saying earlier well it's like the jobs are back you know it doesn't really depend on you know like on you know moral or one way or the other right it'll still work yeah without a traditional conservative moral framework to undergird it they don't need any of that shit is what they're realizing is that like okay that now now actually we're gonna have to save the whole thing we're gonna have to start scolding our capitalist masters and this is what David Brooks attempts to do is he says that we need a moral family structure because we basically well they're gonna get back down into a relevance pretty
Starting point is 00:32:52 is better people in charge of it and you know what liberals kind of believe that too but just from a different slightly like slightly different angle or perspective but it's a meritocratic technocratic exactly that like you know that that all of the you know wealth produced by capitalism is great and it's all the most dynamic system and the only way we can you know ever manage an economy or a society of this scale but essentially you know it all the people it's you know destroyed and all their traditions and ways of life and just you know quality of life continues to go down and wages being stagnant actually we
Starting point is 00:33:27 just need more moral people in charge of it yeah you know so like we need a moral return to moral values both at the top and bottom and conservatives now with David Brooks are even willing to say that of the captains and princes of industry which they never used to touch but again like the idea that this this door has been wedged open the door it goes both ways in terms of what's gonna come through that opening yeah well it's a cliche to say like oh well the Democratic Party is the left wing of capital or whatever but it is and the success of I don't even want to say Trump as an institution because that
Starting point is 00:34:06 makes it sound like you had for a more coherent political program than he ever did but the success of like Trumpism or whatever as like a social movement just it completely undermined both the Republican and Democratic Party that's amazing it's like he's to quote our hero Naseem Taleb it was the black swan because a guy with his degree of independent resources and fame had an independent base of operation to talk to people talk to the people with which you mean that he was not he was not he did not have to sign up to any of the orthodoxies of the Republican Party disrupted and then that man he was
Starting point is 00:34:43 able to say things were no Republican who came up through the regular system could say and so that made people start thinking hey you know what you're right this hasn't really worked for us these these trade system hasn't worked capitalism hasn't worked now of course he's governed the way he just as a bog standard Republican because that's the people who are in power and he doesn't have any of the actual he doesn't have real ideology or the desire to really carry thing out except for this childish obsession with the wall that he has because he's a baby and it's about his ego but and so all he's really done is
Starting point is 00:35:14 tax cuts which they would have done anyway but it has opened this Pandora's box of possibility and yeah this is the thing the Democrats the liberals are are if this is the new array where there's a populist Republican Party they will absolutely become the party of woke capitalism and in fact browbeat anyone on the left who criticizes capitalism by saying you sound like Republicans you sound like Trump you sound like Tucker Carlson I've literally by the way already like seen that I remember Jackman writer Megan Day wrote something about the decline of cities this is really good Robert Fitch book I
Starting point is 00:35:51 think the assassination of New York City it's about how I mean you'd apply it to most cities actually even across the world about how like the fire economy have replaced you know manufacturing and to have like a strong working-class base in a city you need manufacturing and you need good working-class jobs it can't just be fucking real estate and finance and and people were like oh wait so you want to bring back the factories wow wonder who you sound like it's like no people liked those jobs you fucking asshole they were good jobs I don't know how that's gonna work but I do know that if you see that if you see that
Starting point is 00:36:31 territory and to make all crap you respond to it yeah there has to be a left-wing version of criticizing capitalism that's coherent or else yeah it's gonna be a choice for most people between between woke woke capitalism and and a a chimerical and fraudulent right populism that claims it's gonna fix all this problems with capitalism and bring back all of the your beloved hierarchies and that's gonna that's going to create a totally racialized politics even more than we have now to back to our original point about it's only Bernie yeah I mean the answer here is like I know again we know
Starting point is 00:37:18 for sure that the Center for American Progress and the American Enterprise Institute collaborated to create some phony academic study about how populism equals authoritarianism yeah well they're terrified because they're terrified they're terrified of people they I mean ultimately too I realized when it like as this kind of you know presidential ramp up is happening I'm realizing the bigger political differences I have with people have to do with whether or not you are contemptuous for people in general or not it's like whether you think that they are capable of self-government and sort of basic
Starting point is 00:37:53 democracy and whether you think they're deserving of very basic social democratic securities or not that's kind of it like from there you can have the argument but there are so many liberals who are not even willing to have that argument because fundamentally they're more invested than their kind of fantasy of what these institutions should how they should behave and how they should operate then they are in any kind of fantasy and kind of a harmonious democratic basic humane governmental system I mean I just think like the bottom line is again even for people who are pragmatists who just you
Starting point is 00:38:27 know the people who like I just want the nightmare to be over I just want a Democrat in the White House like here's the thing like you better get comfortable with populism because guess what it's the only game in town now and if you're not fucking gonna get on board with it guess who is yeah fucking Tucker Carlson yeah and like you know these like almost pseudo fascist I mean not even almost it's got a touch touch of the fact well I mean the next time there's a cuz just imagine the next time there's a there's a serious financial crash and the person in office is you know the brain powers the fuel of the
Starting point is 00:39:00 person oh my god and all they have to answer with is another bailout and more fucking vouchers for community college classes in H-fac repair and sandwiches for everyone and and like we've created a we've created a nanobot that we can unleash into the water system and when you drink it you know how to code like something like that if that's the alternative to some rampaging hooting fascism that says we need to bring these malefactors of great wealth as FDR use they call them into into heel and along with that smuggle in a ton of horrifying revanchist racial and and gender
Starting point is 00:39:43 concepts you're gonna find that those that those things that are so appealing on television and make you feel so good to to represent these values are really thin on the ground because they don't help people not starve I mean again back to Julian Castro you're running for president you want to like you want to grab people how about um everyone deserves to have health care I mean like yeah like it's very inspiring and practical stop talking about the AI or whatever the sorry common you know like he's gonna be our first he is he apparently he is saying Medicare that is interesting because it is now be but
Starting point is 00:40:24 the problem is this is where the rubber really hits the road for the long time the question was making that first something that wasn't met with instinctive revulsion like when Hillary Clinton spit blood and foam and adrenochrome out of her mouth when she even heard the phrase and said it's never ever happening and in two years that has been metabolized into the Democratic Party so you now you have a lot of these people who are in any other other way sort of Obama era Republic Democrats saying Medicare for all so this is where what that means now becomes the real terrain of argument what is Medicare for all is it a slogan or
Starting point is 00:40:57 does it mean a genuine decommodification of health care and that is where the specific plans actually come in to meaning something because if a guy like brain juice Castro can say Medicare for all you have to wonder what he means by that and it has to be spelled out yeah Bernie has an actual bill and has supported other bills previously that have like actual concrete policy prescriptions to them what we're going to see and what we have already seen is a lot of talk talk about affordability yeah and accessibility accessibility suck my dick watch for those words because they are bullshit they are a trick you know
Starting point is 00:41:39 exactly what you're getting with Bernie you're right that is a good shorthand to like yeah look for those buzzwords or this qualifiers access is my favorite one yeah access the fuck everyone has to have a must that we want everyone to have access to health insurance everybody in America has access to LeBernadine or that one place the Cirque the place in Chicago where they give you like a fucking whipped cream enema I don't know I'm not aware of Elinio whatever you but you have to pay for it yeah you can walk in the door but you have to be a little fucking people yeah but they can say do you have the money exactly it's like
Starting point is 00:42:19 also you need to be wearing shoes I would I'd just like to take a whiff could I just smell the kitchen for a minute there's another bit of economic populism to talk about this is a I guess sort of like politics adjacent but the other the other news and sort of gossip I remember one was talking about last week was the Jeff Bezos divorce I saw a lot of people fascinated with this that dude wrist at all yeah Matt you actually know like what are the specifics of this who's who do you get horny for you got it all for me stop shaming as Felix like we stop he's Felix isn't here so I need to pipe up on his behalf you know
Starting point is 00:42:55 pipe up for those who pipe down yeah I saw a lot of people out there shaming Jeff Bezos for being a sexual being because he because he took all that he said hey a live girl and he said I'm going to see you and you're going to see me and my eyes and my body okay okay here's an interesting question this goes back to Matt Matt you and I our friend government former governor Mark Sanford yeah you know he his political career was ruined by him having you know being feeling effusively romantic and you know hiking the Appalachian trail and being sort of gooey and romantic loving too much
Starting point is 00:43:37 obviously you know you know anyone's private you know text messages to a lover of any kind being leaked is like you know a nightmare but is it more embarrassing to be like Jeff Bezos and like be like I want our eyes to meet and do the crossword puzzle holding you in my arms or is it more embarrassing to just be like sup dick on hard is it to JR Smith but the classic and still the gold standard you trying to get the pipe what is more embarrassing is it to be like slightly corny but romantic and effusively loving or just like just just purely horny there's no good way to be horny I think that's probably true
Starting point is 00:44:16 in the cold light of day I mean in context any kind of horny is acceptable depending on the person who's receiving it and the circumstance but what she's throwing the floodlight on me we're talking about spectators yeah no as soon as someone's looking as soon as soon as the fluorescence are flashing on it it's not it's called it's true it exists between like embarrassing or nice but once you observe it it becomes humiliated yeah and I also feel like yeah one of the good things about living in New York is that like we know that and my most one of my first vivid memories about like living in New York was getting
Starting point is 00:45:01 out of like the like I like I was coming up and there was a people there were two people in passion embrace at the top of the stairs and I drunkenly screamed this isn't fucking Paris and like three different people went that's right because that's how hide your love it's disgusting it's disgusting no one wants to see it and they especially don't want to see it when you're your net worth is like larger than a small country's GDP largely the most mid-sized country yeah sure yeah like well I mean that that is I think why people are fascinated by by this conscious uncoupling don't you have the dignity to hide your horny shame and
Starting point is 00:45:44 also like well no you understand the internet like everything you don't do anything on the internet everyone's gonna see it that's the thing it's like Bezos you know you you could read any of our emails to right now you know someone's eventually gonna see this but maybe that's the hubris well because no one thinks it's good you know it's gonna happen to them but people are fascinated this by this because it's like it's like the it's the same reason people are fascinated by the New York Times wedding columns yeah the wedding announcement stuff is that they they love fantasizing about you know as David
Starting point is 00:46:15 Brooks once said the co-mingling of accounts and SAT scores you know I love also fantasizing about divorcing Jeff Bezos exactly this is getting more powerful than that because you know in Washington State community property state 50 and she's overnight gonna become the richest woman in the world boom so what like 60 billion dollars something like that yeah I was just thinking like before we get into the you know ethical question of you know does she deserve it the most lucrative way that's great but just what what you do with 60 billion dollars I would my heart would explode like yeah like week two yeah
Starting point is 00:46:59 I would not last it's just it's actually like I don't know how you could remain sane yeah there's no way get me the coke the kill pollution have no you would have to give it all away immediately yeah Brewster's million style yeah like do a contest different people come to you with different ideas like shark tank yeah exactly but for good as opposed to like a machine that jerks you off while you're watching sports or whatever the hell I've never watched I'm buying I'm buying in on that Mark Cuban Dallas Mavericks see I thought I'd 60 billion dollars like I mean it's just like yeah you could be your own government
Starting point is 00:47:39 basically and what I would do I mean they are is I would create I would create and I'm sure rich people already have versions of this but I would create like on some like oil Derek and like or some like the oil platform and international waters sort of like Metal Gear Metal Gear Solid yeah I would create my own private anti CIA I sort of like like a good like a good intelligence and mercenary for so you would make you would make the Q and on thing real like you create a white hat intelligence department to fight the black hats yeah kind of that's what I would use it to like basically just do
Starting point is 00:48:15 like ops and Compromat and not like you know assassinate anyone spy comics real not like you know not like assassinations or anything like that but like just it just embarrass and people I don't like that would be cool and they have an addictiveness would be very necessary Southern's magic Christian just to do like insanely elaborate pranks on people I hate I mean you'd probably get a lot of value if you just did what WikiLeaks did before Julian Assange went nuts in the cupboard and create a independent NSA and just hack the fuck out of yeah yeah that's what I mean like all that just steal everyone's
Starting point is 00:48:55 private shit dump it all out there and see how long it would take before they just like shot a missile at the golden sack out there you know Bank of America HSBC fucking yeah the Pentagon I would create like also create like fake conservative think tanks and just try to lure all the people we've done reading series and into some sort of like plush you know like corporate offer them like here's 30 grand to come talk about you know excellence in business and and you know America why America's founding fathers you know value values of thrift and diligence or whatever but then do like an act like a magic Christian
Starting point is 00:49:34 thing where like the other everyone else in attendance is like the dregs of Arkham Asylum or something like that on a cruise ship so they can't leave I was thinking on a cruise ship and you just park it next to Somalia and wait no I would do like trying to do like like Bain type shit you know I would try to create my own nuclear weapon because that would be honestly that that's your hedge against the drone strikes that's true they would kill you they would for sure kill you yeah so I would try to buy fuck buying with $60 billion I'm creating my own nuclear program yeah I'm doing it I'm doing it in secret I'm
Starting point is 00:50:11 doing it like miles underground like Iran does yeah I'm creating a nuke I'm putting on a dead man switch to my heartbeat like Mark Sheen it's fun and from there we can start having some real fun oh my god yeah yeah let's do it you just gotta all right so you have to seduce Mackenzie Bezos and then divorce her 30 billion dollars to do it in that state to Washington yeah I think New York is also anywhere that's community property yeah anywhere that's community properties there's no no prenup okay I would also with no you get 30 and then you go to Vegas and put it on black and then you're back to 60 I've got a system
Starting point is 00:50:57 yeah um I would also do like indecent proposal stuff so people I hate I'll be like here's a billion dollars let's make it happen and just make them betray their families and sell their soul to me for laughs you know I'm not gonna say that I would actually have sex with their wives I would just like wills the nicest one of us when when you get money it opens the abyss and into it goes everything I forgot about the abyss yeah into it it just creates you know it's just like a possibility is also you know the black hole you know on a drug that only billionaires get yes oh that's the other thing I would immediately get
Starting point is 00:51:41 access to the sex and drugs and only rich people are allowed and are allowed to have yeah you get the fuck the gray alien they have an area that that's fucking dog star pussy holy shit off the chain um or like Ozzy Mandias maybe stage a fake alien attack and use it to do world peace I would inspired by your idea of creating the white hat intelligence part I would get to the bottom of pizza gate I would not like not the fake one but like I would I would like put a team like real hitters and I would follow them until they reveal their secrets and like I would tap their phones and I would hack all of their
Starting point is 00:52:26 private communications I would get because you know who they are you know who gets the full investigative treatment 24-hour surveillance total total penetration of their communications and yeah until it's all revealed and then you just fucking you put it out there of course probably wouldn't matter that's what we've real realized at this point but that's when the private drone army comes in okay well what about Mackenzie though what's she gonna do I probably like create some like nonprofit to privatize public education you know like what all the whole school is mom she's gonna she is yeah she did they
Starting point is 00:53:08 homeschool yes I think she's gonna get a group back with 60 can you imagine how much groove you could get back oh my god start dating the guy from maroon five seriously anyone it's like she could just like watch a movie and then order somebody like it like a like a fucking takeout pizza it's like she's like ooh fosbender my room tomorrow you know five o'clock you can't you can't oh that's another good idea I would pay Michael Fosbender and James McAvoy to come perform X-Men first-class for me or or or just watch it with me I would pay I would I would get celebrities to do hot couch bullshit with me movies like a
Starting point is 00:53:50 live DVD commentary and just like you know smoke weed and like look at my my iguana terrarium that's the size of Rhode Island or something yeah higher Tom Hardy to just do all of his voices no you got the Bain voice you've got Venom voice you've got the Eddie Brock voice I would just have him do all of his wacky voices I'd hire Tom Hardy around and be Venom to me I'd hire Tom Hardy to just like carry me places yeah I do that yeah exactly that'd be nice like more like master blaster okay well like I'm doing good here Tom just keep going yeah we're going to my lawyer's office next beautiful bimbo and we
Starting point is 00:54:33 love him yeah yeah I love it let's make this happen all right let's get that paper who's gonna who's gonna do it though you know patrons out there you we got a ways to go yeah it's a ways to go before we get to 60 billion dollars but again here's the funny part I mean obviously I saw that Jill flip Avik in the Guardian you know her take was like I hope she gets half of the money and not only that she deserves it because we have the same highlights and you know what I'd say that is like obviously like in the context of you know a divorce or whatever like yeah like you know legally
Starting point is 00:55:09 she deserves it that's not a divorce okay people who are like that like they don't have marriages they don't have divorces they don't have children everything is an asset or a project like no it's it's an immoral like the risk of getting to fire and brimstone it's such an immoral amount of money that anyone could have exactly it shocks me that anyone's like well what does feminism have to say about this and it's like feminism says redistribute their money well yeah anybody can have a billion dollars and deserve it here yeah here's the more well she homeschooled the kids yeah like here
Starting point is 00:55:46 here's the more pointed and meaningful question is does Jeff Bezos even deserve half and the answer is of course he fucking does it no I mean it's just absurd if that's one of those things that just shows you these issues like a lightning strike to just eliminate everything if you think that anyone could deserve billions of dollars there's anything they could have done in their life to deserve that much money friendly but what's just right no one earned a million dollars stolen no one I I just I hate to I we just read like a little bit she met Jeff because they worked in neighboring offices at a
Starting point is 00:56:24 Manhattan hedge fund the kind of job usually staffed by ambitious people who are who either are or go on to be very wealthy they were married within six months when she was just 23 good age for a first marriage I gotta say and move to Seattle soon after Mackenzie in other words made significant sacrifices to make Amazon work mm-hmm okay no one named Mackenzie has ever made a sacrifice in their life ambers make sacrifices crystals make sacrifices Mackenzie's did not make we're gonna get a billion comments looking up like some incredibly hard luck story of someone named Mackenzie I don't care how could
Starting point is 00:57:03 you I don't care this girl had to like you know choose whether she wanted to lose an arm or a leg to save her younger sister no it's completely fucked up it's like it's she didn't have to do that she could have hired an entire South American country it's worth of nannies and she didn't like this is this was not a sacrifice she didn't make a sacrifice she made a choice when you have that much money it's not a sacrifice it's a choice yeah that's a good point when you have when you're that wealthy like yeah there's nothing as like a personal sacrifice sacrifice you might also consider the possibility that maybe
Starting point is 00:57:39 she's just one of those weird freaks that wants to homeschool her kids about AI or whatever like it was clearly not a sacrifice she wasn't like bought on the fucking slave market either yeah there you go like Melania has made a sacrifice billions of dollars and she divorced him and I'd have that's like the only person I could maybe you see an argument maybe yeah the surfing it because oh Melania yeah yeah well she has made sacrifices she has made significant sacrifices to and she like got her parents to come here from fucking war toward Yugoslavia or whatever the fuck yeah I'll talk about
Starting point is 00:58:17 poor Melania before Mackenzie Bezos here there's this I'm trying to find it there's this insane quote about that Jeff Bezos made about how he decided to marry her this is what he said about this was in 2013 they're talking about his wife he says quote I think my wife is resourceful smart brainy and hot but I had the good fortune of having seen her resume before I met her so I knew exactly what her SATs were also Satan yeah David it was right just from the center of the earth landed here on a fucking comet a hundred thousand years ago controlled civilization ever since the dawn of time yeah nobody deserves
Starting point is 00:58:57 no billion dollars you're operating off the assumption that that kind of money can be earned that that that it's not theft of people surplus labor just as the basic thing I mean forgetting about actually a which we know because even if they weren't treating them better than they do and we know they treat them as basically channel even if there was you know even if there was a fucking break more bathroom breaks and a 401k they're still fucking exploiting people's extra surplus labor and and they're doing it in a hyper aggressive fashion that allows them to have this absurd amount of money in the first place and if you
Starting point is 00:59:38 were if your assumption is that that can be worthwhile especially since what's the big innovation here you just get stuff delivered to your house yeah it's like hey you know if you say if you give the if you send things through the mail the post office they have to use it they have to send it like that's the innovation that's the genius insight that's the thing that that broke the world open and made him earn all of this what these guys are really like good at right like the extent to which they can be like described this I don't know visionaries or geniuses or whatever is that they're geniuses in marketing yeah
Starting point is 01:00:10 yes and like like that's that's that is actually what they've discovered or created it's not anything you know useful to humanity or like you know good and they were hasn't not even innovation people already knew that we could order stuff off of the internet it's just that he consolidated and got a monopoly and I guess like Steve Jobs figured out that people wanted their computer is to look kind of like like the future and like the future don't have a jet pack so you gotta have people thought Star Trek was cool yeah that's what we all want to you know a tricorder in our pocket yes and well that does really show that I mean
Starting point is 01:00:43 innovation has sort of ground to a halt many meaningful sense and all we really have is this is an is is an entire economy based on figuring out packaging ways to get people to buy new shit I mean like there's two curing new disease exactly one of them is marketing and if we are that's fucking public research that's doing it and most of the people who end up really curing diseases what do they do they give the fucking thing away yeah what was the what was the country that just figured out how to cure AIDS and infants Cuba that would oh right yeah yeah oh there's doctors in that country but yeah it's a two-prong
Starting point is 01:01:18 thing one is convincing people that the old garbage is good and you should buy it and the other is making sure that you don't build things too nicely so that they break after a year by the way less incredibly efficient ask resource allocation when instead of having durable goods that could last longer and require fewer resources to make we make new one every year that breaks immediately that's fucking efficient but Matt those little African children mining the precious metals need those jobs they do it's true and they can't code yet we're working on that though yeah we're going to we're going to send
Starting point is 01:01:54 drones to drop off we're gonna drop off the coding devices and I by the end of this century vision 2100 those sweet young African brains will be hooked up to the knowledge cortex and their precious knowledge juice will be sucked up to power the the extendo life machine there are so many brains out there that just are they're shut out of the knowledge marketplace right and we need right for the picking we need to free them we can wring them out yeah get all the good stuff in there the precious mine grapes so how about to close things out this week y'all want to get real dark okay y'all want to go to
Starting point is 01:02:34 Carcosa hell yeah I was saying give me give me billions of dollars and I will create the white hat yeah pedophile hunters bring all this to the light okay and Matt of course I know you're familiar with this Amber you said you weren't oh yeah the story in here Amber this is one Ed Buck are you familiar with this don't make the obvious joke yeah we're gonna leave that aside okay LA writer has been sounding alarm on Ed Buck for over a year long before a second man died in the political donors home writer Jasmine Kanek has been publishing accounts from his alleged victims when authorities in Los Angeles
Starting point is 01:03:12 found Timothy Dean dead in the apartment of Ed Buck a Democratic activist and campaign donor early Monday morning Jasmine Kanek was not surprised just six months ago Kanek had posted a warning on Twitter that something like this might happen quote if another young black gay man overdoses or worse dies at Democratic donor Ed bucks apartment it's going to be the fault of the sheriff's department and LA district attorney for not stomping him when they had the opportunity to Kanek wrote on Twitter in late July when you know that that's exactly what happened as this is setting up in basically in the spirit
Starting point is 01:03:46 of about two like about a half a year two very young gay black men who were like basically homeless have died of OD from a drug overdose in this guy's apartment and the second one just happened yeah in July 2017 Gemel Moore a 26-year-old black man died from a methamphetamine overdose in bucks apartment shortly afterward Kanek followed a tip from a colleague and reached out to Moore's friends and family who had discovered a journal among the possessions returned with Moore's body they were disturbed by what they said they found Moore's journal said that Buck got him hooked on meth and had
Starting point is 01:04:21 drugged him against his will since Moore's death Kanek has collected a trove of information or an attempt to make the case that Ed buck is a predator who prays on it down on their luck black men by inviting them into his apartment and suggesting they try methamphetamine injections or slamming Kanek 41 an award-winning social commentary and former congressional press secretary started to investigate buck just a few weeks after Moore's death Kanek set a tip from a colleague led her to look into the prominent political activist leticia Nixon Moore's mother told Kanek she had a lot of concerns and was not
Starting point is 01:04:55 getting a lot of answers from the authority we started to figure out there was a pattern in practice where he solicited and went after young gay black men usually men who are homeless HIV positive and were in need of food or money Kanek said citing in-person interviews he conducted published people who say they had met buck for sex and drugs not all these men were on drugs when they met Ed buck Kanek added but Ed buck got them on drugs so this guy this is now two people fitting the same profile who have died in exactly the same way in this guy's house in LA and in neither case his charges been
Starting point is 01:05:29 filed no the first time they just chalked it up to an accident and to that at this point it doesn't seem like there's any indication that they're gonna charge him this time either just like whoops listen to this Ashley Marie Preston a transgender activist and former board member of the Stonewall Democratic Club of Los Angeles said she and Ed buck were friends temporarily during their time on the board Preston later worked to eject buck from the club where he had been a lifetime member during a mound retreat for the Stonewall Democratic Club prior to Moore's death Preston said buck joined her for fresh air on the
Starting point is 01:06:01 portrait of a cabin then he pulled out his cell phone and he was like he's so hot and I was like who and he showed me his phone and there was a black man sitting in a dark room and the only light in the room was from the light on a lighter and he was smoking methamphetamine so he's just sharing this openly with people I mean I don't know where you want to go with this story this shit is super dark and this guy has not been charged with any crime and when I saw this story happen like you know the news account said like you know prominent Democratic donor linked to like you know second drug overdose death
Starting point is 01:06:35 in his house and I saw one of those I don't I forget who one of these like Democratic Party people were like wow really irresponsible of you to say that it's a Democratic donor this guy wouldn't even be in the top 20 donors in California yeah you know like this is this guy's nobody and then in that and then we have guys who eat children's brains like in fucking Hannibal someone someone immediately just posted a picture of him shaking hands with Hillary Clinton so it's just like well I understand if you donate like 10 grand you can do that you can just get like you know the the yeah whatever but still
Starting point is 01:07:12 kind of odd insanely to pray like this guy is a legitimate psycho who's now killed two people yep and probably not top 50 psycho creeps probably even in the California Democratic Party there's probably a guy there's probably a guy who goes to Indonesia to hunt people with blowdarts or something yeah I mean that the real high money shit doesn't occur in the US border oh no no you got to get elsewhere for that stuff so some people when they have money they dream of smoking weed with Tom Hardy yeah having him maybe massage me a little bit or rough housing a little rough little wrestling maybe doing the venom voice
Starting point is 01:07:52 while he wrestles me pretending that he's venom like living inside me and talking to me giving you the goop getting gooped up Tom Hardy and you know some people do shit that's even more depraved than that some people the homeless money and power are evil and she should have our evil and this goes back to the I mean this is where I'm taking an awful circle here this is like to the original point that Eric Levitt's makes in his piece about how people are trying to salvage you know the people who run capitalism by being like if only they were just better people and the answer is we don't need
Starting point is 01:08:29 better elites we don't need elites or we need elites to have far less power yeah and like that's the thing way way less well the chew go hand-in-hand the chew go hand-in-hand like they you know we got to take away a lot of their money and create the institutions that are guess what a counter to them which are like you know labor unions like that's yeah labor union like that like and working-class politics and power is like that like what we like again politics is the solution to political problems and the political problem that we face in this country is that too few people have way too much fucking money and power and
Starting point is 01:09:06 they're all literal psychos they're blood they're not just killing you know individual people like but literally all working all life at the end all life on the planet yeah like Exxon tomorrow Exxon knew that we were headed towards doom with climate change 40 years ago and said well let's not let that get out fucking Johnson and Johnson was oh yeah there's a there's a asbestos in your talcum powder people are gonna get cancer like well we'll put that one on the bottom of the pile and these yeah these are the people who are supposed to be better all right fine the guy gets in there and he says wait a minute we
Starting point is 01:09:43 shouldn't be giving people talcum powder with asbestos in it they're like that's nice and you know much it's gonna cost not to do that and then he's gone and then they're gonna get a guy who's willing to do that and guess what he probably hunts people for sports yep and again the answer to when you you know see weird stories about you know a guy who's praying on young and vulnerable people and making them inject meth until they literally fucking die and then get away with it obviously the you know the conspiracy angle is the tempting one as we've talked about before it's the sort of literary one it's the one that that's
Starting point is 01:10:14 fun and and it has a narrative yeah and it like we we we intuit something about it like you know immediately the answer of course is that it's not conspiracy it's politics and it's out in the open and the political problem again is that people like Jeff Bezos are allowed to have 60 billion fucking dollars even cough up in a divorce yeah first place there's no conspiracy to that yeah right there that's such a 90s thing and there was a there was a I remember some Portlandia joke when some guy was like you know one of the armist in characters was like no I don't own a car did you know that all cars are made
Starting point is 01:10:51 by a corporation like it's this very 90s thing that I feel like people are still kind of stuck in and it's like no that's it's not a secret yeah the fantasy the fantasy of conspiracy theory isn't even really that there are evil people controlling things it's that they have to be secret about it or that there's some way that they would be brought down if it was revealed because it's all in the open right it doesn't matter yeah you have to bring them down by organizing countervailing institutions but that's it is yeah it is very appealing to think you know once they're revealed yeah their power will
Starting point is 01:11:28 just dissipate but the institutions that brought them to that level will still persist and they're the institutions that are going to adjudicate their guilt or innocence and that means that that sunlight is not going to do the job because because it's all actually not the best disinfectant bleach and fire fantastic it's great and you know I mean it's not the score points and the Democrats this is just like well yes it is of course I'm always do that obviously but like yeah like you know QAnon or like you know Maga people will be like oh it's proof they're all you know they're all gay sex predator degenerate
Starting point is 01:12:05 sickos and it's just like haha Dennis Aster was a long server and he was a Republican and you know Margaret Thatcher the queen goddess of the conservative movement the the the the Diane to Ronald Reagan Sam had pedophiles in her cabinet that she knew about and protected the entire time she was apparently like you can't even write about no yeah I love those libel laws they got over there not even that like scarier shit than that yeah no like mailing shit to your family all right anyway well we're not in England hopefully we'll be there soon though and we'll say all that shit on stage and give us a right
Starting point is 01:12:45 clobbering it'll be like Benny Hill except for being chased by a bunch of those barristers with the wigs yeah well actually we do hope to be in Lynn soon that's a little giving a little news there gonna happen it's gonna happen yeah nudge nudge wink wink UK maybe so yeah that about doesn't for us this week I just like you plug again the choppo store is now live you have a selection of t-shirts that are for you to peruse and like I said it's for dads grads trads and chads and chats not versions no versions no versions of shop dot choppo trap house dot com that's a very Bob law blah shop shop shop
Starting point is 01:13:31 shop on behalf of me will medicare amber and Matt bye bye it's pretty bitch we're seeing this incredibly large company getting involved in almost every area of commerce and I think it is important to take a look at the power and influence that Amazon has you know right now in this country we don't talk about it enough wages are much too low free education decent paying jobs health care free education health care free education jobs health care free education jobs

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