Chapo Trap House - UNLOCKED: 335 - Shrugging Towards Bethlehem feat. Brace Belden & Liz Franczak (7/25/19)

Episode Date: August 11, 2019

Come, contract Epstein Brain with us. Listen to Liz and Brace's new podcast here:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I've been on the low. I've been taking my time. I feel like I'm out of my mind. I feel like my life ain't mine. Who can relate? All right guys. So what's up? We're doing a 24 hour podcast to raise awareness of suicide. Folks, you're not a load out there. No matter what people say about you online, no matter how many lies are out there, don't take it to heart. Don't hurt yourself. Yeah. We've got two special ass guests. We've got, you know him as logic, but his name is Grace Belden and Joyner Lucas, also known as Liz. What's up? Let's raise this awareness. Let's do it boys. No matter, no matter how bad things seems to be going in your life, like there's always something to live for. Okay. Let's
Starting point is 00:00:50 get some, let's get some eps going in the chat here. I want to send, I want to do like a prayer, truth, positive love chakra bomb at Jeff right now. Yeah. You love Jeff. Press up to pay respects. Jeffrey Epstein is a victim of cyber bullying and that's what's leading him to self harm. That's right. You joke, but we need, we need to keep him alive. Yeah. No, he has to live. We got to get this out there. We really need to keep him alive. Yeah. It's clear that like as I predicted, there's no dead man switch. They've done the necessary coders, cauterizing the connections. So he's the only loose end. And so they're just trying to get rid of him.
Starting point is 00:01:31 It's hilarious that in the span of like 24 hours, it's basically been like, we're hunting Epstein. He's the, he's the devil incarnate. And now we're like, protect him at all costs. He's innocent. Save Jeffrey. So from what I gather, Epstein was in like whatever cell block nine of the Manhattan Corrections facility. It's the jail that's right by 100 center street. It's just this giant like windowless building that they like, it's not like rakers, but they like house people there. It's sort of like the tombs who are, you know, awaiting trial, but like not on a long term basis.
Starting point is 00:02:04 And the wind he is in is for people who are sort of like high, we would call them in the business high value targets. And somehow they found him on the floor with marks on his neck, blue marks on his neck and kind of like writhing on the floor. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Fetal. And now he's in the hospital. Well this checks out because if you follow Jeffrey Epstein's private account, small Jeff, you know that he was like posting some very dark things that day. He was feeling very low.
Starting point is 00:02:38 All right. I need to, we're going to get into all the, the genuinely insane breaking news about this, but I just, my way of introducing this show and our guests, it's Chapo. It's me, Matt and Felix sitting in on deck. And I just like to say, if you were a listener of this show, you may have noticed over the past, you know, month, couple of months or weeks that us, you know, are your hosts of our show here are beginning to develop a condition known as Epstein brain. Oh yeah. I got it bad. Yeah. Matt has full blown Epstein brain and I'm like rapidly sliding into the abyss here.
Starting point is 00:03:18 And what is Epstein brain? Well, Epstein brain is sort of like Epstein bar virus actually, you know, it's so fucked up. One of the, I was like, I was up to like, you know, five on like Les Wexner's Wikipedia and I was like, it's honestly mentally healthier for me to watch Twitch streams. But I was like, wait a minute, William Barr's dad hired Epstein at the Epstein bar. They're fucking telling us right in front of us. Dude, it's right in front of us. There are so many things that are in front of our eyes that only now we're beginning to notice. But I would just like to say Epstein brain is a condition similar to, for instance,
Starting point is 00:03:57 what like maybe your boomer liberal palates have developed with regards to the Mueller Russia gate investigation. However, with the minor, minor difference that the Epstein brain and conspiracy is 100% true and not made up bullshit like that other stuff. And yeah, is extremely, extremely whips ass. Yeah, no, it's absolutely 100% all true. The Robert Mueller shit is not only mostly bullshit, it's also incredibly boring. So boring. I don't even know who he is about Russia gate, this fucking senile only stuff about Russia gate. That's true is the stuff that involves Epstein.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Yeah, this senile old fuck going like, well, if you'll see here in February of 2016, this Facebook post from blacks for Trump, boring, get the fuck out of here with this. Are you telling me you're not gripped by the revelation in page 7,030 of the Mueller report that proves that Gilroy absolutely knew that Montague lied about the meeting in Terre Haute. Oh, God, I'll be fucking we're going to do a live performance reading of the Epstein indictment. And the conspiracy that involves Don Trump, Jr. being in a room during a crucial moment is not real.
Starting point is 00:05:26 That man has never been allowed anywhere near any important decisions or secret meetings. So as as as we as we slide further into Epstein related dementia, I thought it would be a good time now to bring on two guests that have started their own podcast dedicated in time. It's like basically if true detective season one ran for like 30 episodes instead of just stopping before they got to the truth, yeah, it would be the yes. It would be it would be the true and on a podcast hosted by our good friends, Brace and Liz Brace and Liz Brace.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Welcome back to the show. Liz, welcome. Thank you. Our my wig has been fucking snatched by Jeffrey F. It is so just so a crooked cop tried to murder him last night in his cell. I can't I can't really tell you something like that. He's a tag. Taglione.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Taglione. Who looks he looks like the guy from doom. He's fucked. I don't know. He's the doomer. He's the doomerine, but Italian. So let's just let's just get into this. This is this is NBC News.
Starting point is 00:06:36 It says, is it just a news account of what went down the other night, accused pedophile and wealthy Manhattan financier Jeffrey Epstein was found injured and in a fetal position inside his cell at a New York City jail, according to sources close to the investigation. Epstein, who is being held in Metropolitan Correctional Center as he awaits his trial for conspiracy and sex trafficking, was found semi-conscious with marks on his neck. Two sources told News 4, investigators are trying to piece together exactly what happened saying details remain murky. Two sources tell News 4 that Epstein may have tried to hang himself while a third source
Starting point is 00:07:10 cautioned that the injuries were not serious and questioned if Epstein might be using it as a way to get a transfer. A fourth source said that an assault had not been ruled out and that another inmate was questioned. The inmate who investigators have talked to in lower Manhattan facility has been identified as Nicholas Tartaglione, according to two sources. Tartaglione is a former police officer in Westchester County who was arrested in December 2016 and accused of killing four men in an alleged cocaine distribution conspiracy, then
Starting point is 00:07:41 burying their bodies in his yard in Otisville, Orange County, according to court records. I just want to add a Mueller report-style footnote here. The place he killed these four men at was called the Liquid Lounge that is L-I-C-K-Q-I-E-D. Q-I-D. It's probably the Likud Lounge, actually. Well, I mean, he was actually doing some very smart admiralty law. If you kill somebody in a place that's spelled incorrectly, the murder is invalid. The murder convictions invalid, so free this man, you know?
Starting point is 00:08:13 So I feel like before we can even get into it, okay, like, so there's a strong chance that they, you know, who they are, I don't know, the fact that they bungled this hit makes me think it was the Clintons involved in this. Robbie Moop. Robbie Moop tried to set up this hit. Yeah. I just imagine Hillary sneaking up behind him and she's garotting him, but then she has a Kuru attack halfway through and starts coughing and falls down.
Starting point is 00:08:36 It's those damn vapors again. It's like the college episode of the Sopranos. The thing about us wise guys is the hustle never ends. You drop the files on my husband back there. Your life is just chilling in hell. Let's just say his Adam's apple was Wisconsin. But it's just like, I hope, but, but, but, but, but Brace, like, it's the nature of this case that, like, you cannot discover one seemingly incredibly bizarre new detail about this without
Starting point is 00:09:09 finding out 10 other even more bizarre things. And I feel like before we can even get into Epstein, we have to talk about Tartiglione, a fucking crooked Orange County police officer who fucking murdered four cartel guys and is represented by a top mob lawyer and check this out. It's Hallie in last name, dude. He looks like the Black Lodge version of Mr. Clean. We just made fun of that Q and on asshole for killing the Gambino guy because we said, what's the mob got to do with all this shit?
Starting point is 00:09:41 And now we have a fucking mob connected dude trying to clip Epstein two days later. I like, I like, I got the wrong guy. I like how fucking after like 2016, there were like some like, you know, more left liberals who were like, apologies to Bernie voters. You're right. I'm joining DSA. We have to do the same thing with Q and on. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Well, it'll be the new rose emoji. I want to, I want to sort of earmark that because no, Q and on, we can get into this after Tartiglione Q and on is itself a scythe from let's just call them the cabal to discredit what is actually happening, which is literally the same thing as Q and on, except Donald Trump's not fighting them. I mean, like one of the chief guys who started the whole pizza gate thing is Jack Pryla sec. He was literally a naval intelligence officer, not only that, not only, not only that he
Starting point is 00:10:36 is like the protege of one Roger Stone, yeah, along with Mr. Pizza Gate, Mike Cernovich. These people pushed, uh, Psobius really pushed pizza gate and Q and on Cernovich mostly stuck to pizza gate, but they pushed them hard and they added all this sort of noise. I mean, also Psobius was behind the Seth Wich stuff, which added just like noise to all of this and made sort of the idea of the Clinton's murderings, the Clinton crime family kind of discredited. Oh, uh, Brace, remind me, um, what famous law professor was featured in one of Mike Cernovich's documentaries about censorship on campus.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Are you talking about the movie Silence featuring Alan Dershowitz? Yes, yes, I am. Oh, I thought he directed Silence, I thought he's, he's, so Cernovich also did this weird thing where he was trying to unseal the records of, uh, one of the main victims that was suing Gislaine Maxwell, which tried to unseal them. He like got kind of rebuffed, I believe, then Cernovich just did the exact same lawsuit. And these were the victims lawyers were literally like Mike Cernovich is a piece of shit. Like, do not unseal these records.
Starting point is 00:11:50 He's working for Dershowitz to try to discredit the victim. And then Cernovich, when the records do get unsealed, like all of them by, or something happens with the, the Miami, uh, the paper and Cernovich is like taking credit for it. But he, it's fucking white noise, man. My man is behind, he's working with Dershowitz, Dershowitz, probably allegedly by me hired Roger Stone, hired Roger Stone to clear his ass. And they're, they're working on this big multi-level campaign. I think Roger Stone, I think that Roger Stone has been involved like from the beginning,
Starting point is 00:12:24 like super deep involved. I have, I, my brain is much farther gone in Epstein brain than braces somehow, which is saying a lot. So I'm on the tip that I'm like, maybe part of pizza gate is, uh, maybe they're onto something here. Well, before we get into all these sort of like double binds and controlled oppositions and false flag conspiracies, there's just two other incredible details about Nicholas Tartaglione, the person of interest who may have tried to suicide Jeffrey Epstein in the
Starting point is 00:12:54 middle of like hot, you know, like solitary, high, so it says here, when you, when you Google his name, you get a story, um, about this illicit phone found in cell of X cop charged in quadruple homicide, uh, Nicholas Tartaglione, 51, a former Briarcliffe man or police officer who lived on old mountain. He lived on the old town road near Otis. Oh, dude, he's hopping on that remix little Nas X. Yo, we got Jeffrey Epstein on the new remix. He faces 17 counts, including four counts of murder and furtherance of a narcotics conspiracy.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Federal prosecutors are seeking the death penalty. Yes. Yes. This guy's facing the death penalty. So check this out. According to a letter of prosecutors filed on Monday, correction staff at the New York Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan saw Tartaglione holding a mini cellular phone in his hand on July 3rd while in his cell.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Okay. Why is the date July 3rd important? July 3rd happens to be the same day as when a panel of judges with the second circuit court of appeals ruled that some 2000 pages of the Epstein case files had to be unsealed. And now a guy who does hits for the mob who's a former cop facing the death penalty in the same holding center as Jeffrey Epstein ends up with a contraband cell phone on the same day or was caught with it, at least the same day that that happened. Second.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Yes. I mean, maybe not as like dramatic to the conspiracy angle to this, but Tartaglione was also involved in the assault of a man named Clay Tiffany, who was known as a longtime Ossening Gadfly, who hosted a public access show where he railed against the Briar Cliff police force called, I shit you not, dirge for the charlatans who won a $1.1, he won a $1.1 million settlement from the, from Briar Cliff Village after claiming that former officer Nicholas Tartaglione assaulted him. See, that's, how are you not supposed to go insane?
Starting point is 00:15:01 Because if I love them, that's, what does God want me to do with this information? If I, if I lived in that town and there's a cranky weirdo who looks like Steve Bruehl on my TV on public access on his show, the dirge of the, of the what's, of the, of the charlatans talking about corrupt cops who keep harassing him and, and beating him up, you know, just for wearing his sandwich boards out in the public, I would just write him off as a crank. And then once he died, I would say, well, he's an old man. He probably died natural causes, then, oh no, the cop that he named personally as someone
Starting point is 00:15:36 who was a million dollars from killed four people and bury them in his yard and then ended up in the cell with Epstein, maybe fucking trying to kill him. So they, they successfully located America's dumbest crooked cop. He didn't even leave his house to bury the body. He's so fucking lazy, like the Chicago, there was a special forces unit of the Chicago police department that was like, they were doing the shield shit. Like they would raid drug dealers and then like secretly sell them and it took them years to catch them.
Starting point is 00:16:08 And in upstate New York, I guess just no one gives a shit, just no work ethic. He got caught by his neighbor who just saw him bury in the bottom. There was a foot sticking out of the ground. He's a lazy fucking moron. He's like, he left a hand sticking out as like a Halloween decor. He was like, oh, I'm doing, I'm doing a fucking spooky solstice event. It's for the kids. He's like fucking solstice.
Starting point is 00:16:31 He's like fucking love solstice shit. It's fucking. He's like fucking Peter storm air in a Fargo. But I took us out. It's just a little bit more about about Clay Tiffany. It said here, Tiffany used his public access show to rail against the village of Breyer Cliff Manor and was a regular fixture at village board and board of education meetings. He may have been dead for up to two weeks when police found him at his osseting home
Starting point is 00:16:54 on March 26 after someone asked for a welfare check. He died of natural causes. So yeah, I'm sure he did. I mean, Italian excellence is like just killing rude Yelp reviewers. That's the equivalent here. This is it's the exact same thing. It's just, I mean, you can say that's silly, but at this point, I don't know what to do with the fact that I was there in front of the Manhattan US courthouse on last week when
Starting point is 00:17:20 during the harrainment or during the bail hearing, they say no, no bail for Epstein. And my just thought is, well, what now if I mean, there's two ways this plays out. If there's nothing behind this, then, you know, you have a regular old legal procedure and you know, everything gets out and we see and maybe some rich people get in trouble. Maybe some documents come out. Maybe some incriminating video is released, but it would all take a natural course. If this isn't the case, then there's no way this can go to trial by the nature of who is implicated by it, which means something has to happen to Epstein.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Like it's just a mathematical fact. Something has to happen to him. And then less than a fucking week later, the motherfuckers on the ground in a fucking suicide attempt. What are you supposed to do with this? So the thing is, even if it does go to trial, the, the fucking lawyer is boys. That's true. Which is, that's what's working with me is that if there's anybody who's like wired
Starting point is 00:18:17 into this shit, it would be him. Here's the thing. Your friends with literally no one inside likely story, dude. I mean, you know, I had, I had an internship like anyone else, but I'm sort of falling out of contact with those friends. How is it that all of these people have like the closest contact you can get with Massad, which means the CIA, like boys hired the fucking Massad or like a cut out company or whatever to fuck with like the people writing stories about Harvey Weinstein.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Harvey Weinstein. Yeah. Harvey Weinstein. Yeah. Well, it was black through black cube. Black cube. Isn't, am I getting this right that Ahud Barak is involved with Black Cube? No, no.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Epstein and Barak are both like in a partnership in a, in a intelligence business. Yeah. No, it's not Black Cube. It's a different one. When all this was breaking, freaking Netanyahu's fail son was like on Twitter being like, you got to look into Ahud Barak. It's like, what the hell is going on? Well, okay, hear me out.
Starting point is 00:19:20 What if boys, he's like, let's go leave true detective season one, true detective season two. Boys is Colin Farrell. If this is his redemption and he's got like, yeah, yeah, he's got like a big son who he's trying to like, you know, leave a good example for everyone thinks he's crooked and he's like, this is the last thing, you know, he's going into the forest. All right. Well, the big son, I assume is Weinstein.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Yeah. He keeps getting beaten up at school because boys did, boys did use to get a lot of good like, you know, the 90s people loved reading news stories about lawyers for some reason. What a terrible time. Exactly. Oh God. But now like we just have to read about lawyers again, except now they're bad. I just don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:20:07 But yeah, boys is like kind of in the gutter now. And I think he is trying to redeemation, but I also like in 30% pretty, I will actually I'll go up to 50% pretty sure that he just controlled opposition in this. He is the sort of failsafe of all the Epstein, you know, the Clinton crime family bungles something once again. Boys is there to fuck up the case totally get Epstein whatever life in prison, but make sure none of the shit really gets out. Well, yeah, that's kind of what I think too, because like what's weird is that so some
Starting point is 00:20:39 of the other kind of like 10 gentle figures in this like very vast worldwide conspiracy Adnan Khashoggi and Robert Maxwell, both die who were both like obviously CIA assets, both died like basically penniless and disgrace total ruin, disgraced, both very strange deaths. And I kind of feel like that's what's happening with our friend Jeffery like he's just get it. He's the fall guy. So like move it along, but keep but keep everything in place like his his the Alfred to his Batman.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Um, Gislett, Gislett Maxwell, I cannot pronounce it Gislett Gislett Gislett, but it sounds better to say it to slain. That is great. Opsec by Robert Maxwell giving his daughter that fucking made up as name that I can't totally unpronounceable name. Yeah. By the way, by the way, she was at Chelsea Clinton's wedding as well. Oh, absolute.
Starting point is 00:21:35 She's like an every event ever. Check this fucking factoid out. Robert Maxwell was thrown off a boat called the lady just laying the boat that fucking Epstein uses the yacht that he uses is also called Lady Gislett and well, maybe he's thrifty and wasn't, uh, wasn't that Lady Gislett and the one that Maxwell quote unquote fell off of? Didn't Trump buy that one? Yes.
Starting point is 00:22:00 From fucking a non-cashoggi. Do these people know maybe the problem is just like these people don't have enough friends. Yeah, this is how abusive relations when like your circle just gets super, super like insular and everybody kind of starts fighting with each other and they don't know who to turn outside for help. Yeah. Maybe they had all just started a podcast. The sex ring wouldn't have happened or like Donald Trump should have cut these toxic people
Starting point is 00:22:27 out of his life. I think he did. I'm like, he honestly, like he did cut these like what happened to him, dude, like he achieved like honestly, like amazing things. Yeah. Great shit, man. That was dope. I want to get back to Gislett and Maxwell and her father, Robert Maxwell and his mysterious
Starting point is 00:22:43 death as well. But before that, we're going back to boys for a second. Another interesting, uh, you know, plot line in this conspiracy is the rivalry between David Boys and Alan Dershowitz, which contributed to one of my absolute favorite TV clips of recent vintage, which was Dershowitz going on Fox News to claim that I have quote a perfect quote, perfect normal sex life. I have never gone past the tip in 30 years. So he said here, he said on Fox News, look, I've had sex with one woman since the day
Starting point is 00:23:15 I met Jeffrey Epstein. I challenged David Boys to say under oath that he has only had sex with one woman during that period of time. He goes, uh, he couldn't do it. So he has an enormous amount of hoodspot to challenge me and to challenge my perfect, perfect sex life during the relevant period of time. Here's the thing. He does the whole Clinton thing where he says he's only had sex with one woman during that.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Oh, shit. Oh, my God. That's why he makes the big bucks. That's why he's the best. He's the feast fucking winking at us with that. Um, Robert, like, yeah, it's, it's the, the, the Dershowitz thing is that I have a feeling they're willing to cut Dershowitz loose too. I think he's fucked.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Yeah. I think he's old. He's, he's probably not as sharp as he used to be. He's what, like 81? I just don't think he's, I just think he's of no use to these people and he's completely like out for himself to salvage his own reputation and freedom at this point. But I think, I think he's been like, he, he can only publish articles in Newsmax and go on Laura Ingram show.
Starting point is 00:24:18 That's like, he's been cut, he's been cut off from like the, his real sponsors. He wants it. Like he, like he's desperate. He wants to be in the New York times again, writing like another article about like why Cinnabon's anti-Semitic because an Arab works there or something, but he's not going to get it, but he'll do anything. Yeah. It's, it's, it's like all those articles about him getting kicked off this vineyard
Starting point is 00:24:39 or whatever. And like, let's be clear. Martha's Vineyard is like fucking wicker man, mid-summer, I didn't see mid-summer. Absolutely. It's one of the most satanic places on earth. It is seriously, it is a nexus of dark energy and spirits and they kick, they cast Dershowitz out and that was the fact that the New York times, which obviously is controlled by the deep state as well, published that and like hammered that point home.
Starting point is 00:25:03 That is like a flair that only people with eyes that like are attuned to the, to the, to the kinds of light that only pedophiles can see. Okay. Well, I guess like, this is, I mean, like, there's so many threads here, but like they all essentially lead through the same basic question that, that, that I have about this and what remains, what is becoming so fascinating about this whole Epstein conspiracy. Which is basically this, is Jeffrey Epstein and every, like everything surrounding this case, is it, was he an asset of one or several intelligence agencies?
Starting point is 00:25:41 Cause it's very hard for me to like, given what we know about the fact that he more or less openly operated as a pimp and blackmailer, the procurement of underage women for the rich and powerful, more or less openly for decades. And that not only that, he also more or less operated a completely fraudulent hedge fund, which again, everybody knew was not actually a hedge fund and just, he just for some reason had billions of dollars just given to him by incredibly wealthy people with no discernible evidence that he was like doing anything with their money. And not just given billions of dollars.
Starting point is 00:26:19 People like Les Wexner gave him power of attorney. That's unheard of. That's fucking insane. No one does that. His entire pedigree to that point had been unqualified math teacher at the Dalton school, unqualified quant at Bear Stearns, a guy who'd been caught up in a fucking Ponzi scheme. That was what he was coming off of when Les, Les Wexner just gave him a mansion power of attorney and like half a billion dollars to start a hedge fund.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Well, before that year, Jeffrey Epstein said, New Year, new me. And he was right. He was like, you know, this is my year, and it was what other explanation could possibly account for this. And like, if so, if we take that like as granted, like, what does this begin like, what does the shape of this story begin to look like? Well, I think it's like very clear that he is like when, when Acosta was negotiating the federal immunity deal, the like in the early charges that he faced in Florida, where
Starting point is 00:27:15 he got like federal immunity from just potential charges, which is like totally unheard of. He's on record. Acosta is on record saying that he was told he belonged to the agencies and it was above his pay grade. Yeah. He told that to the Trump transition team. Yes. Basically, Epstein is a pedophile indigo child.
Starting point is 00:27:35 He is insane, like, I just want, I just want to put some things in perspective here. The man who hired him at the Dalton school, I'm trying myself, I'm a graduate from. You and Matthew Glacius? Yes. Is the Glacius really a grad? Yep. Yep. He's involved.
Starting point is 00:27:53 He's got to be involved. Brace and a Glacius would like just spit ciphers in the Dalton parking lot, give anything to go back to those days. Felix, there's no parking lot. Come on, dude. It's from Manhattan. Oh yeah. Okay, fine.
Starting point is 00:28:04 The child bar was an agent of the OSS in World War II. The OSS as the virgin, virginal, chapeau, World War II nerd listeners will realize is the precursor of the CIA, the operation of strategic services. So he got hired just out of nowhere by an OSS man. He gets hired by Greenberg, this guy, Allen Greenberg at Bear Stearns. Allen Greenberg, I just want to make note here, was really good friends with Roy Cohn. Who also very well had a fucking blackmail ring among wealthy people in New York. And was also McCarthy's lawyer way back in the day.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Allen Greenberg. And was a Bob lawyer. Allen Greenberg was also the chairman of AIG and was forced out before AIG completely collapsed. He was a gigantic player in the insurance industry. Roy Cohn was also Donald Trump's mentor. Also true, yes. There are so many intelligence agents in this story that it's literally impossible that
Starting point is 00:29:08 Epstein himself. He said he fucking used to fly around in the 80s, excuse me, in the 80s and the 90s, looking for recovering people's stolen money for the government. And he worked for like African, like in Africa, doing who knows the fuck what, like probably giving Edie a man of $6 million or something. Well, that's the thing. It's like, whatever. What money were we recovering from African dictators in the 80s?
Starting point is 00:29:34 We were giving them that money on purpose. Right. They were our clients. We were recovering the money from giving them the weapons. And he's like, nobody's auditing Jonas Savimbi's books. Exactly. The thing is, he's also, there is a picture that just came out of Epstein and Clinton sort of like looking very relaxed, sort of leaning towards each other on the table.
Starting point is 00:29:56 It looks like they're about to record a podcast. Exactly. Someone else posted a picture of the inside of the low leader Express and it is the same. It's the same place. Yeah. No, it's the place. It is almost certain that that picture was taken or people are pretty certain that the picture was taken.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Like when they were visiting the fucking Sultan of Brunei, who is like the probably the most noble of the CIA agents out there, but like it is. Here's another, again, unfucking believable, just digression to this story. Donald Barr, William Barr, the attorney general's father, who gave Jeffrey Epstein his first teaching job. Unqualified for. He was not a college graduate. He had a high school education at that point.
Starting point is 00:30:45 He gave him a job teaching math at a prestigious New York City private school. In addition to being an OSS agent, Donald Barr was a like wannabe science fiction writer who wrote, he wrote a book, the plot of which was that the main character is kidnapped by a race of ultra rich decadent aliens as a sex slave to take part in their weird rituals and in the jacket copy for the book, it says that the alien race that owns the sex slaves do it because they were quote, so bored with their wealth and power that they needed new heights of decadence to entertain their otherworldly lusts with. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:23 There's an innocent explanation for all this. All these people are introverts and can't leave their circle. It takes a lot of energy for them. It takes a lot of spoons. Yeah. Honestly, I get why he had to write that as like they were, let's say, cosmopolitan aliens. The thing about Epstein is that he's never, he was not qualified for any of the jobs he ever had and the gloss on it was, well, he's a math genius, but there's no record of him
Starting point is 00:31:52 ever showing any genius or attitude to anything in his entire life, which just if he was like doing cover for the thing he would want to do just to be more convincing, he would show, you'd have like an algorithm or something. The only thing he showed any aptitude for was being a pedophile, which these are the yes, he's like an indigo child, he's like the world's greatest pedophile. And they literally like, it's like, it's like when they find the new Dalai Lama, you know, they put like the implements in front of him and like they see which one they pick out. You know, it's like he picked out a fucking flight log or something and they're like,
Starting point is 00:32:23 he's the one and they just raised him up through the ranks to be their procurer because somebody in that job has to be at a lower rank. You have to, you have to be beholden to you or else he has an independent power source. So like he's the only person in the world who doesn't have imposter syndrome. Do you ever, do you ever like search for a subject and like the podcast thing and you like, you see all these podcasts with like, you know, 20 listeners or whatever and it's like two guys talking into their phones, basically unedited. Think of how many versions like, and they live in New York, think of how many versions
Starting point is 00:32:54 of Epstein there are that didn't make it, who just like live in Bushwick. They've got an ankle monitor on, they're not allowed within 500 feet of a school. They've not been able to hold a job. Yeah. They're just like, you know, they'll probably have me on someday. You know, it's like, it's, it's still holding out to get noticed by the CIA. They have, I can be a great asset. I promise.
Starting point is 00:33:20 They have, they have like, they have like a car and they're like, yeah, next year's year I'm getting a plane. Like I promise I already like found the perfect one. Brace and Liz, let me ask you this, like, given that that's like what we, you know, are intuiting from the broad outline to this case and the, just again, manifold and insane connections like everyone and everything that come up in it, like, how do you guys like imagine or conceive of Epstein's role to one or several intelligence agencies? Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:55 So how do I conceive of the connection of one or two, my several intelligence agencies? But like, what did he do like for them other than the obvious? Like how did, how did this scheme work? Like what, like, what, like, how, what did he do for them? So going back to the whole history of American intelligence, not even talk about intelligence agencies from other countries, they have been closely linked to the mob and just to crime in general, right? So it could be that Epstein started totally on his own and just like, you know, you worked
Starting point is 00:34:23 as basically a pimp for these people and kind of like a money manager, you know, they're, they're kind of guy they went to less Wexner is the only proven guy, but then there's Leon Black and stuff. And my theory and the theory actually I just stole from somewhere that I read, but it makes sense to me is that he would have these parties, these people would be videotaped, they would be presented with a videotape or be, you know, sort of implied that it existed and told the age of the girl or whatever. And then they would be asked to put money into this hedge fund because from what I understand,
Starting point is 00:34:52 he had like no staff on the hedge fund, it was just him like putting it into like a computer program or whatever. The CIA, obviously they knew about this man, like, come on. But I'm guessing that they probably kind of use that as maybe a slush fund for off the book stuff, kind of like similar to Benko and Brosiano during Operation Gladio. It's interesting too that like, you know, he really can sort it with a lot of politicians as well, you know, like they say that there's a well known prime minister that's going to be named in these documents.
Starting point is 00:35:23 People think like that. Who did you think it was? I think that's Barack, right? No, dude. That's Tony Blair. It's got to be Tony Blair. It's Tony Blair. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:32 I haven't seen him being mentioned, but I wouldn't be surprised, certainly. It's allegedly going to be Tony Blair having sex with a child on videotape. I mean, it reminds me, it reminds me so much of what you hear about Scientology, that it's just like cultivating like troves and troves and troves of like possible blackmail just to keep really powerful people in check for like a rainy day. But like, wait a second, like, wouldn't this all not work? Isn't like the effectiveness of this strategy of blackmail, doesn't it also rely on the fact that like a ton of rich and powerful people, like for lack of a better word, like
Starting point is 00:36:07 fucking children? Well, I mean, I don't know, like it's like, I bet that some drunk 65 year old lawyer who's got a billion dollars could probably be seduced by a 16 year old with that like internally telling himself that he's a pedophile. I have a different, I don't, I honestly don't really buy the blackmail thing. Okay. What's your, what do you got? I think that he provides a service.
Starting point is 00:36:29 I think that he is, he is a, he is a trusted source for stuff these guys like to do because some of them are pervs who genuinely have these attractions. Otherwise, I think that there is a ritualistic element to this abuse that's not necessarily involved like real mollic worship or anything, but that involves at the highest levels, a communal violations of taboos and hyper exploitation of vulnerable people to express and solidify bonds, basically just high level, depraved networking. And then you need to be able to do that in a comfortable, safe environment where maybe there's a CIA agent at the door, so he's going to make sure that like some fucking Chinese
Starting point is 00:37:13 guy isn't there with a fucking USB that can just get all this stuff so that president G can just fucking wreck everybody's shit, you know, tomorrow afternoon if he finds out about it. And so they're paying for the discretion. The blackmail stuff I think is more related to why he always involves these political figures and like the high level, like all the arts people and the scientists. It's to keep a buffer of powerful people who are vulnerable if he gets in trouble. And that means that that he also protects everybody else involved in the network.
Starting point is 00:37:45 And that yes, because if it's blackmail, they're not going to keep going to him, right? Well, don't go to fucking Epstein's Island, he'll blackmail you. It's go to Epstein's Island. You got to pay for it, but it's worth it. Or you got to go to Epstein's Island because we're all doing this and we don't trust you unless you do it too. You're not going to be in on it unless you do those two theories are mutually exclusive. I think that, you know, traditionally in this line of business pimps and whatnot, the blackmail
Starting point is 00:38:13 and the presiding the service go hand, I don't call him a pimp in a cool sense, it's a pejorative. It's I think that these, these things go hand in hand. You provide the service when necessary. And then maybe sometimes when you're given a nudge by a certain handler, you might do some blackmail. I mean, obviously it is all blackmail to begin with, like at its core because he has the fucking video. If this was just providing a service, you would not be opening up a safe with young
Starting point is 00:38:39 name plus allegedly Tony Blair, but that's the, that's the, that's the dead man switch. That's the protection. It's not necessarily something that they're using to extract the money from these rich guys. Oh no, not at all. I don't think so either, but I think that provides like, yeah, let me do that's why I mean, comparing it to Scientology, I think is instructive because supposedly the same thing that Scientology does in order to like keep you in the ranks and kind of keep you
Starting point is 00:39:05 closed in, in their like, you know, whole pyramid scheme is that you have to go through all these levels and you like hook yourself up to these things and you tell them your deepest darkest secrets. And then they're like, haha, we got it on you. Now you can't say shit about what we do. And it kind of like protects the, the group. It's like herd immunity, but for perverts. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:26 So Matt brought up the idea that there is like a ritual element to all of this through which the, like, you know, the bonds of people at the heights of power are consecrated and their relationships are sort of sanctified in a sick and like kind of satanic way amongst each other. Absolutely. Through, yeah, like the, you know, ritual and actual brutal exploitation and cruelty towards the most vulnerable, aka the young, you know, children. Yes.
Starting point is 00:39:54 So this gets into what the fuck is going on with that temple on his island. So if you look at a, if you look at the temple from a bird's eye view, if you look down at the temple and you see those strange sort of like designs in the front, you know what I'm talking about? Yeah. On like the, the, the, the, I don't know what you would call it, just the area in front of the temple. If you trace, if you, there's a path leading down from the end of it, from the left end
Starting point is 00:40:21 of it, if you're looking down facing the, the barred door. And if you print that path into like a straight black line, it spells pedo. So obviously what's going on there, there's, there's been sort of these drone footage and you'd be able to see inside. There is what appears to be a twin bed in there with like a bald up t-shirt as a mattress and a ladder. Just like a Brooklyn apartment. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Yes. And I mean, I, I mean, obviously I believe that there is a fucking elevator that goes down to like a subterranean sex torture chamber. I can't prove that yet, but the bed itself is worrisome because all the story, I mean, it's not worrisome. I mean, it's obviously, it's pointing us in the right direction, but all the things that people posited about it, that it was a music room, that it was a storage shed, which is a really bizarre thing to say.
Starting point is 00:41:14 No, it's a bed and the door bars from the outside. I don't know, Brace. I, I keep all of my old bicycles and clothes inside the black obelisk. Yeah, yeah, true. It's, and they have the fucking sundial, dude. The sundial. No, I'm sorry. No non-wikin human has a fucking sundial on their island.
Starting point is 00:41:38 And the thing is, it's under-reported. He also has an island called big, like I think big St. James Island, right next to Little St. James. Yeah. Yeah. And there's been no reporting on that that I can find. Brace, it's basically like Ilsa Nublar and Ilsa Sorna in the Jurassic Park world. I bet he does have, like, DNA mutant experiments on that island of some kind.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Absolutely. He's trying to make a younger woman. That's where he plays the most dangerous game. What if, I mean, the ultimate end game, it's not that he has a dead man switch of black mal. He has a dead man switch of T-Rexes that will be released in major American cities. Well, that wouldn't, that wouldn't be a problem with me. I could easily outsmart it and then sort of take it down with the trap, probably involving
Starting point is 00:42:23 like construction vehicles, something like that, a crane, perhaps. Well, as an empath, I would be able to speak to the T-Rex. Yeah. So checkmate, Mr. Epstein. Here's the thing about, like, obviously, like, there's always talk about the island. What are we going to do about the island? Is anyone on the island? I don't, it doesn't appear that anyone's on there right now, although I'm sure there
Starting point is 00:42:43 are some, like, fucking Morlocks down there guarding whatever secrets. But the obvious solution is that somebody goes to an island, to the island. Somebody has to go. Well, do a fucking, like, a D-Day landing and just occupy that fucking island. Exactly. Occupy Epstein. Well, there's a pretty good DSA chapter on that island. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Yeah. Well, it's why DSA. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I wonder if this episode is going to get us in trouble. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Dude, they haven't let us upload ours to iTunes yet.
Starting point is 00:43:16 It's just on SoundCloud. Okay. Well, okay. Here's another, and Brace, she told me about the, like, this is, like, again, like, if your brain isn't melted by the end of this episode, we haven't done our job. You, like, okay. Dynacorp. Dynacorp.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Dynacorp. Oh, sorry, Dynacorp. Dynacorp. Yeah. Dynacorp. Dynacorp. Dynacorp. Again, it's Dynos.
Starting point is 00:43:41 They catch all CIA contractor companies. They do, like, trains for people. They do transportation. They just do all the shit at the CIA. It's the CIA, right? It's like a national, it's a security contractor. They call themselves a global service provider. But they do a lot of flight stuff.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Oh, God, this is tough. They are very famous for, well, for doing a lot of fucked up stuff, but most famously for a child sex slavery ring in Bosnia in the 90s, and then later another child sex slavery ring in Afghanistan much more recently. Of course, Epstein is linked in, like, a million ways, and then there's, like, Leon Black that's linked to him that's linked to fucking Blackwater, which is, like, directly linked to them own fucking Blackwater. Through Apollo management, right?
Starting point is 00:44:26 Uh, I can't remember what it's called. They all have all these fucking names. I got it written down somewhere. But Epstein's plane shared a fucking tail member with a Dynacorp plane, and Epstein borrowed a Dynacorp plane to go to his fucking sex ranch in 2002. Literally, like, he is, like, inseparable from them, because, and it's, that's really, I think, an important link is the link to Blackwater and the link, excuse me, the link to Dynacorp.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Because a lot of it, like, in the 90s, there was a huge epidemic of sex slavery coming out of the former Yugoslavia, because they would, you know, they would take these sort of desperate and white women, and they would ship them to New York where people like Epstein would either sign them up to Victoria's Secret Models or keep them in sexual bondage for years. It's a pretty important link, and we'll be going on to, we're actually going to have a guest from, from the Balkans to, to describe this to us in an episode. But it is insane. Uh, and then you said, uh, what about Dan Blazerian, sort of like, a tech bro extraordinaire?
Starting point is 00:45:26 I think Dan's like a tech bro. What is he? Okay. So Dan Blazerian's dad. He's a mafia guy. So Dan Blazerian's dad was a financial criminal, more or less, who embezzled like vast, like eight-figure sums. Uh, Dan went on to be, wash out of Bud's training and become a poker player.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Okay. Um, same with me. No real involvement. No, I mean, he like, he's like founded a few websites and shit, but I wouldn't really call him a tech bro, or a tech guy. I mean, he sells, like, he's got like a weed comment. It's, it's, it's like, it's pretty much. I thought his whole thing was just like Instagram posts with girls.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Like, that's not what he does. And they're girls, but they're also like, you know, guys like Dan Blazerian, who by the way, has no chin and I could beat his fucking ass allegedly, he, um, he like, Bilzerian doesn't just like hang out with girls because girls want to hang out with Dan Blazerian. Bilzerian gets modeling agencies like the ones that Epstein worked with to supply him with people who kind of straddle the line between prostitute and model. The other thing is Dan Blazerian's, uh, you know, he's a big gambler, right? Like he's always telling his stories about he gambled $500,000 and lost it and it wasn't
Starting point is 00:46:32 a thing because Dan Blazerian is laundering money for people. And he posted a picture a couple of years ago where he is flying above a series of islands. And if you look closely, and if you put it next to a picture of the islands next to the, uh, you know, little St. James, you realize that he's flying directly above St. James Island. Um, there is virtually no way that Bilzerian and Epstein aren't connected. And especially because Bilzerian's whole thing is basically hiring prostitutes to hang out with him in like a rented private plane.
Starting point is 00:47:06 It's almost certain that he allegedly, uh, was connected to the circles that Epstein himself allegedly, uh, either trafficked in or, or ran himself. Allegedly. Yeah. All this, all this is alleged, by the way. Oh, yeah. This is, this is just the most hard alleged and we're not alleging this. We just have alleged it.
Starting point is 00:47:25 We're just, you know, saying what they've said. But like, but yeah, but back to like, that basically Epstein's plane was registered with a private security contractor associated with the CIA that's already been associated with not one, but two human trafficking networks. Uh, Garrett, there's more than that. I think they were associated with one in Haiti too. I know the Clinton initiative was, and actually there was a bunch of sex rings going on in Haiti pretty much since the nineties, or I'm sure before, but since the nineties that I
Starting point is 00:47:54 know about. Um, and yes, absolutely. Like it's Bilzerian's Bilzerian shared the tail number and he shared a fucking plane. He like used one of their planes to go to his sex ranch. This is Epstein. Not Bilzerian. This is Epstein. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:09 No. Yeah. Bilzerian is not a rancher. You can tell by his jaw. The like darkest endpoint of all of this is realizing like, oh, this is about global human trafficking and drug trafficking, and everyone is involved. Like that's like the probably craziest, darkest, and like I literally just, I just googled Dan Bilzerian in quotes and Epstein, and that was like the first thing that came up.
Starting point is 00:48:36 Like any, if you just Google anybody who has two million dollars, they're friends with Epstein. Have you seen that thing about his black, have you read the black book? No. What's this? It is like, it says like list of phone numbers and people. Oh, right. Right.
Starting point is 00:48:51 Right. Yeah. He has like the fucking, like the grandchildren or excuse me, like the great, great grandchildren of the fucking Kaiser in there. Oh my, literally the guy from the end of the Hellfish Simpsons episode. He's black book. It's insane. He has everybody in there and it's like, it's obviously that doesn't prove anything,
Starting point is 00:49:14 but he, you know, the flight logs, I think it's, it's people talk about the flight logs, but with the butler, the person who really like turned over the flight logs originally or who turned over the black book, excuse me. He said there were names circled in red that he circled and his ex-butler who died of probably the same cancer that Hugo Chavez died of, you know what I mean? Oh wait. Okay. So actually I was just going to bring up this butler thing because again, like I saw this
Starting point is 00:49:39 for you and again, like I, it's just you read this and you're like, what, like what the fuck? What the fuck? Yeah, man. He said, okay, Epstein's butler did five months longer in jail than Epstein did for the crime of not turning over his black book to investigators, which he claimed he needed as a form of life insurance and now he's dead. Yes.
Starting point is 00:50:04 He died of cancer, which he got and then six months later he died of. Yeah. Life insurance. Yeah. Yeah. Well, he, he lost the book and he was fined, I think fifth, yeah, he was fined as well and then sentenced to, yeah, a year and a half in jail, insane. But he had circled certain numbers, certain names in red and he had said that these people
Starting point is 00:50:25 were involved. I believe there was like Spacey, Chris Tucker, Gislaine Maxwell, obviously, but that hasn't really been reported on too much. I think it's might be a little too close to home for, for certain magazines and newspapers. Wasn't Dodie L. Fayette in the book too? Or was it his brother or something? Like the connections with the royal family is super fascinating to me as well. It just was reported that apparently Prince Andrew and the queen have been talking about
Starting point is 00:50:55 his connection to Epstein and what it's going to do to the family. You're killing, you're killing your mother, Andy, you're killing your mother, Andy. You're killing your mother, if that was possible. But we know it's not. So Prince Andrew is Fredo and Jeffrey Epstein is Mo Green. There's a really weird conspiracy theory that I really like unsurprisingly, which is, do you remember when Kevin Spacey, like when he got axed or he went down or he got canceled, whatever.
Starting point is 00:51:23 And he did that weird YouTube video where he's like in character. Okay. Yes, I remember that. So at the end of that video, which is like so weird for so many reasons, least of which is just like, I'm imagining him talking to his personal assistant. Like, we're going to do this right now. Like no one else is involved. It's just his idea.
Starting point is 00:51:44 So he, at the end, he takes a sip from a mug and like shows the mug to the camera. And that mug has the like something about like God saved the queen. And so all these conspiracy theorists are saying it was like a message to the royal family. I talked about this on the other podcast I did with Nick. So the mug is a commemoration of the queen's coordination in 1951 and it's got the seal on it. It's got, it says, West Mr. Abbey, second of June, 1953. And then there has a quote from her, presumably from her coronation, it says, throughout all
Starting point is 00:52:22 my life and with all my heart, I shall strive to be worthy of your trust. And then, I'm sorry, Spacey's main accuser on the stand pleads the fifth and the case goes away. It's dead. It's dead. Free man. Dead in the water. And there was, and there was a out point of not exactly the most convincing accounts
Starting point is 00:52:41 on Twitter being like, see, look, I always said he was innocent, like kind of bot looking accounts. That's unfair to say about my account. Yeah. I can't believe Chris Tucker is involved in this. I know I was wrong. I thought it wasn't him, but it is. It's the rush hour guy.
Starting point is 00:52:57 Same thing happened to me. I was like, oh, it's not really Chris Tucker, but it's fucking Chris Tucker. And wait, is Chris Tucker's name underlined in red? No, he's just on, he was on the African trip, the notorious African ship with Spacey and Clinton. Matt, don't make me send you the picture of Chris Tucker, Bill Clinton and Michael Jackson. I know it exists. I mean, we could probably talk about this all day, but I want to just like sort of reframe
Starting point is 00:53:22 here at the end of like a larger, like big picture question. Like Brace and Liz, like you brought up at the beginning of the show, this idea of kind of like false flag conspiracies, like QAnon and Pizzagate, which we've made fun of heavily on this show, but yet like at a certain level begins to look more and more realistic in certain ways. However, at the same time, it's like, you look into like, you know, who's promoted and you know, disseminated these ideas or memes or conspiracy theory in our culture, and it's all people who are actually connected to this like literal, satanic human trafficking community.
Starting point is 00:54:02 But I want to say like broadly broader about like conspiracy theories and how like seductive and easy to get involved or like, you know, go down this rabbit hole. For instance, like we know for a fact that the US Air Force propagated much of what became like the UFO mythology in this country, yes, like the 50s, 60s and 70s, like they've pretty much copped to that, like that they have seeding like fake documents showing that the Air Force like, you know, was dealing with flying saucers to like certain, you know, influencers or conspiracy people to make it seem like they were as a kind of way of distracting people from the shit that they're really up to.
Starting point is 00:54:40 But I guess what I'm asking is like, how, how is there any way to know like, like, how do like, that we're, that this is all leading us down the wrong path? Or is there anything politically useful out of this other than just of how insane and entertaining it all is? Well, the depra, the depravity of has like never, I mean, fucking Catherine the Great got fucked by a horse. You know what I mean? Like these people have been depraved since the beginning of allegedly, allegedly.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Well, I think she's very litigious. I've spoken to the horse, ridden it too, if you know what I mean. Alan Dershowitz represents Catherine the Great, David Boyce represents the horse. He's sued a Russian peasant for $7 million. But so it's, yeah, like there's a lot of, and there is a lot of disinformation. We're trying to come to this from like a realistic perspective, which is like, I don't think that the Jews are behind it, which is kind of what QAnon is saying. I think that there are some of my people behind it, yes, but we're behind everything.
Starting point is 00:55:41 So it doesn't really make any difference. We're high achievers. Exactly. I mean, it doesn't really, there's like nothing we can do right now, basically. And like that is like, I've like been trying to, well, I guess, I mean, we can do the same stuff that we would do otherwise, which is like try to like make sure all rich people go to prison, which would probably sort out a lot of these problems. But it's, and like make sure the prison is like a hole that like they can't get out of.
Starting point is 00:56:08 But yeah, like it does kind of boggle the mind because it's like, well, what can I do about it? Like I can't go arrest these people. I can't like, I don't know where the fuck Jerusalem Maxwell is right now. No one does. But the thing is like in court, this will never come out. So it is like, and this cannot just be like the territory of like kind of the Alex Jones, who is also kind of a disinformation guy because he puts in real stuff next to fake stuff.
Starting point is 00:56:33 This has to be looked at with clear eyes and also with people with minds that can only say the word Epstein. Matt, when you were, when you were on the podcast talking about the Dutrouu affair, I mean, I think it is good to remember that when all of that was happening, like almost 400,000 people in Belgium were out in the streets protesting. Yes. They ended up bringing down a lot of the government and its legacy in Belgium has been like really terrible for all the politicians there.
Starting point is 00:57:06 Yeah, they've been pretty, they haven't really had a functional government since then. Yeah. But also at the same time, it never, nothing would ever really came from it. Dutrouu is still in jail. He's never followed up on anything he is or anyone else has said. The thing I think that's so fascinating about this and the reason I think a lot of people are fixating on it, not just because it's got a lot of meme potential, which obviously it does, but because in a world where as Felix likes to point out, everything is always the
Starting point is 00:57:35 same every day, only somehow slightly worse. And it doesn't feel like there's any way out of anything. This whole Epstein thing felt like it was maybe a chance to get some sort of revelation, some reckoning, some peek through the miasma at like the actual workings of power that are obscured by the daily fire hydrant of idiocy and bullshit that we're, what we're trying to reckon with. And then the fact that the fucking came up, they were willing to do the thing of just in public in front of everyone with all of the fucking world's attention on it, try to
Starting point is 00:58:14 murk the motherfucker in jail, honestly, I feel like that's a two for one. Like if it works, hey, good, Epstein's done for, we don't have to worry about it anymore. But honestly, one way or the other, even if it works or not, what we're getting the message from is that you can't win. There will be no revelation, there will be no reckoning, no matter what, we run this shit and you walk out every day knowing what happened, knowing that they were willing to do that, that they were willing to hire some grease ball to try to fucking murk Epstein in front of everybody when it's the biggest domestic story going without any fear that people
Starting point is 00:58:50 are going to go, what the fuck? Because all they can do is say, what the fuck? Yeah. And there's nothing else to do about it. This is something that I said, like at the end of fighting in the age of loneliness, and it's that we do, like this is an irregular age because we are defined by a complete lack of conclusions. There's no tight bow on anything.
Starting point is 00:59:12 There's no even definitive bad ending. Everything just goes on and on and on forever. We never even get new people. We're just recycling the same fucking assholes forever. Yes. But it changes, enough things are crazy, enough things tease at the idea that things will burst open or stop or explode or wither and die in some way and don't, that just the perfect amount that it drives people even more insane, that it drives our concept of time even more
Starting point is 00:59:41 insane, that we lose our concept of linear time. We lose our context for the past, for other events, for events in our own lives. And it exacerbates the feeling of being beaten down. If you really want like nothing to come of this, the answer isn't like that you terrorize normal people. It's that you just beat them down every fucking day. So even if they do see something like this, they're just like, oh, that's fucked up. All right.
Starting point is 01:00:08 I guess I have to like go to my job to afford $75,000 of medication or I have to worry that my rent is going to increase by 50 fucking percent this year. And then they just get these little bursts of stimulus that are enough to make them go, what is happening to the world, but not enough to make them go, maybe it's more fragile than it seems, maybe we're at the end of the cycle, just what the fuck? Yeah, I think also it's like, you said meme potential earlier, and it's like almost even more than that, because I think like people are very desperate, like each time there's some like crazy revelation about Donald Trump or even like starting with the election and
Starting point is 01:00:46 like every subsequent event that happened after that, it's like, surely this shall be the time that the fever break, like surely something will change, you know, like waiting for like just as crazier and crazier as it gets, like you say, that it has to collapse on itself, but it's not, and I think that like, yeah, and I think like reckoning with that and that system, it's like really important, you know, because that's going to be, you know, you have to kind of like re theorize and rework and say, well, okay, if the system isn't going to collapse on itself, then what do we do? It just feels like the gesture that encompasses the moment is a shrug does all you can do
Starting point is 01:01:33 is shrug at the shit, you're like fucking Clooney and Siriana, no matter what happens, all you can do is fucking shrug. This is, this is something I used to, something I used to say about like 9 11 conspiracy theorists, like back when I was like, you know, an online left lib is like a 13 year old would be like, how do you believe in, you know, the massage blowing up the WTC or lizard man or whatever, any of these ridiculous things, and then you like go out like your next post is like, yeah, is anyone looking to buy some speakers, you know, and I would always make fun of that. I would use that as like sort of proof that they don't really believe this.
Starting point is 01:02:06 And now as an older person, now as someone who's, you know, more of a West Wing liberal, I'd say I am now, but you know, someone who, yeah, reads about Les Wexner and Prince Andrew and Iran Contra and the Lincoln, Lincoln credit ring and all this shit. And then I'm like, all right, enough of that, I'm going to go play Fortnite Battle Royale with my friends. It's like, yeah, that's just like adulthood. You just, whatever crazy thing you find or think about obsessively, and then you're like, all right, yeah, think about getting a new mouse pad because it just, it's, in America,
Starting point is 01:02:41 it's very hard to keep thinking about that. Well, it's also like, it's kind of that, what did they call it, analysis paralysis? Yeah. It's where it's like, you start, you go through all these like wormholes and you're like, you're connecting the dot and you're just like, uh, I mean, it just paralyzes you because it's so overwhelming and also totally insane, but probably true that you're just like frozen, you know? Here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:03:07 I am probably the only person on this cast that I've ever arrested a pedophile for. There's actually, we arrested probably two, I legend pedophiles. I don't know. I mean, they were an ISIS, which, you know, they do that kind of stuff. You can make your dreams a reality. I had a brain, I still do it to some respect and to extent. Now I have Epstein brain and it's, it's, there's tunnels on that island and I don't think that island is guarded.
Starting point is 01:03:47 People can get there. You can go in the tunnel. If you get a periscope from the tunnel where you talked about your kids and shit and just like regular stuff, but you're in the tunnel and people like got it that you were an approachable periscope person and then they saw you in the pedophile tunnel, you could change a lot of people's mind. I would suggest that there could be something politically useful here. If you, you know, if you're a listener of the show who has sort of like a boomer, liberal
Starting point is 01:04:13 parents who were really into Robert Mueller and Russia, if you got them hooked on this Epstein tip of, like I said, a conspiracy that has the added benefit of being all real and also like genuinely insane and interesting unlike this Robert Mueller shit, however, the huge stumbling block there is that they will have to, you know, sort of remove from themselves their residual affection and adoration of the Clinton family. They'll have to cancel their faves. But that's a two for one because you need them to get rid of that. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:04:46 So like if this is a gateway drug to getting like, you know, Facebook boomer liberals involved in this and you could get them interested in and through this sort of cleave them from the just awful Satanic Clinton family who were still adored by these fucking people, you know, despite all like, like I said, like forget everything we knew about Bill Clinton before this Epstein shit, they weren't they weren't ready to hear even that. And you combine that with this, it's like, come on, what more do you fucking need to know about these people? They're not your friends.
Starting point is 01:05:20 We want to do with the podcast is get into Epstein like someone was saying before is connected to all of this shit. Like he is connected to Iran Contra. He is fucking connected to some of the fucking gladio people. So it's like by exposing the fact that this is like this isn't just some like crazy conspiracy read about them like real Newsmax dot, you know, IR or whatever. It's fucking like it's a real thing. They're actually doing it.
Starting point is 01:05:45 And there's a political reason that they're doing it. Like it's not just like, oh, it's slightly cabalist, but like, it's important to expose the links here because it's important that people understand that these things happen. They're not just like, like Iran Contra isn't just some piece of history that you kind of like, it's not like World War two, you're like, Oh, wow, that's crazy that that happened, man. You put it up that the people who did it are fucking currently in the government right now doing it again.
Starting point is 01:06:08 All over North with the present NRA until like two to go all over North, the current Attorney General helped sign off on the the fucking pardons that put the capstone on the first Iran Contra investing and his fucking dad hired Epstein, the head of Trump's transition team, the head of Trump's transition team was a key Iran Contra figure. These people never go away. No one ever goes away. They just recycle fucking everybody all the fucking time because they're part of it. They're part of the people who the fucking atlases who hold this shit together.
Starting point is 01:06:42 They're there. Why would they ever be able to go away? They know too much shit. Yeah. I guess my whole thing is I think a lot of people like the CIA, like, well, they used to do like, you know, they used to do all the stuff, but you don't really hear about them anymore. Like they just do data collection now or like, you know, the FBI used to do Cohen's
Starting point is 01:06:59 Hellpro, but they would never do anything like that or it's like different. That's like James Comey. They're still fucking doing it. Yeah. This show right now, all of us are CIA operatives. We punch in every day. We sign checks, but that's not a joke because the funny thing is, is this is why it's so this is why this is truly maddening.
Starting point is 01:07:17 And it's like, because I like talking about this did all like, this is real. I feel like this is real. I feel like we're talking about a real thing. But I know that there are people out there who are as committed to be grounding in their analysis who are also 1000% convinced that you and all of us are also CIA operatives and that this is all a propaganda operation, that this bucket pass and yours is a propaganda operation. And I know today's yes.
Starting point is 01:07:44 I know that's what blows my mind is because there are insane conspiracy theories about me. Yes. That aren't true. That like it. It's like, well, then what? Who? Who?
Starting point is 01:07:56 Who? Who? Who fucking CIA? Honestly, that would, if I found out I was a CIA agent, that would be more reassuring because that's like, oh, I don't have to differentiate. It's just all true. It's all true. I don't have to work in anchor anymore.
Starting point is 01:08:11 Well this is Metal Gear Solid 2, the most brilliant game of all time, predicted that information would be controlled not through censorship, but by an overwhelming deluge where you can't determine what's true and what's not. Yep. Well, yeah. I think we should leave it there. I mean, there are so many proofs in this episode for you, the listener, to follow yourself. But I would like to say if you want more proofs, you should listen to the Truinan podcast
Starting point is 01:08:40 with Brace and Liz. If you'd like to hear Matt on Truinan, he's already recorded an episode that's out with them, which you go into more detail about the Belgian case. Yes. Did you drop it? Did you drop it? It's fucking insane. I mean, we didn't even talk about that at all.
Starting point is 01:08:56 It is a fucking mind wipe. No, I had no idea what this shit was until like two weeks ago when Matt put me onto it, and it is so literally unbelievable and blood curdling that you cannot believe it's true, and it is all 1,000% real. It's fucking gladio. Another thing you should look into, Operation Gladio, another thing that is real that seems like it can't be real in a world that makes sense. You know how every one of those fucking Woptegos in Italy was a member of the Communist Party
Starting point is 01:09:26 from the late fucking 40s until like 1991, and they never won an election? It's because of Gladio. Yep. The mob, the CIA, and the Vatican all working together. I would also like God, the strategy of tension, the years of lead, Polonia's train station, Aldo Moro. Fucking hang. We're going to be hanging from Blackfriars Bridge with fucking six stones in each fucking
Starting point is 01:09:49 pocket. Look up. Anyone listening to this? Look up. P2 Lodge. P2 Masonic Lodge. Propaganda Due. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:09:58 Well, this is exactly why they offed Kubrick. That might be true. That might be true. I think it's true. Look at the eyes wide shut. I've just been spinning the cylinder on a revolver in my bedroom for the last 10 minutes. Well, Brace, Liz, I want to thank you guys for coming on. I want to thank you for your brave work hunting down the pedos.
Starting point is 01:10:26 Thank you. We're going to solve it. It just want to be clear if disappeared and then like our bodies are later found and then like the police are like, oh, we signed a bunch of child porn on their computer. Like, you know, they're totally disgraced. You can't trust them. In my case. It's not true.
Starting point is 01:10:42 In Liz's case, it is. So once again, Brace and Liz, thanks so much for joining us again. Like just again, it's the disease is vibrating inside me now. It's the disease is talking to me right now. It has a will in mind of its own. But yeah, staying on the main brain, if you'd like more of this, I'd like to go even deeper down the rabbit hole. True Anon podcast, there will be links in the show description.
Starting point is 01:11:11 Once again, thanks so much for joining us. Matt and Felix, always a pleasure. We will be back soon. World after world after a world of chess It's a world of hope, and a world of kiss There's so much that we share, but it's time we're aware It's a small world after all It's a small world after all
Starting point is 01:11:41 It's a small world after all It's a small world after all It's a small, small world.

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