Chapo Trap House - UNLOCKED 439 - Maple Gladio feat. Dan Boeckner (7/23/20)

Episode Date: August 4, 2020

Dan Boeckner of Wolf Parade, Handsome Furs, and Operators stops by to discuss some of the darker parts of Canadian history, including Mountie Gladio, Nazi connections in Ottawa, and Vancouver Island�...�s noted concentration of Satanists. Support Dan’s content over on Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 reasonably Hello friends, it's your chapeau, we're back again. With me today is Matt, Felix and Amber, we do have a guest, but I will introduce them by way of bringing up the fact that it's a pretty crazy time here in America. We are on the road to accounting for half of the global death toll of COVID. We are coming up on a presidential election that offers really a choice between despair and more despair, just two different competing brands of senility, offering a brave new future for us here in America.
Starting point is 00:01:20 When things get bad in America, we often look to the north, we look to the friendly country on our northern border as holding out hope for some respite from the nightmare that takes place in our 50 states. And I guess what I'm saying is even if you wanted to visit Canada, which you can't now as an American because you are now banned from the government of Canada from crossing the border. What I'm saying is don't start building that great escape tunnel to Montreal just yet. You may want to get on that motorcycle, just crank it up, try to jump over the border into
Starting point is 00:01:57 one of the Canadian provinces, but maybe hold off on that because Canada is a country with a very unique history and one not too different from that of our own country. And by that I mean it has a veneer of polite liberal society that papers over just the raw extraction industries. What else? Let's see. Neo-Nazis, insane, deep state connected mass shootings, the genocide of indigenous people, and a ton of other bizarre occult shit.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Canada shakes your hand and smiles at you before killing you in a gladioplot. Okay, okay, but maple syrup. Just put it in out there. Maple syrup's okay. Gravy on French fries, though. Now we're talking. We're talking maple syrup in Vermont. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Yeah. I go poutine if you're talking Canadian contributions to culture. So here to help us break down the dark side of the moose pocked great northern way is our good friend, Dan Beckner. How are you doing, Dan? I'm good. I'm in the operator's command and control center in Montreal here, just sweating in my non-air conditioned apartment.
Starting point is 00:03:14 But you have interlacking fields of fire. That's what matters. That's right. The grid is active. See? I mean, fuck, it's hot up there, too. It's not just nice and cool and tempered. It's not snowing right now.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Oh, it's oppressively hot. It's sweating like a hog. Well, Dan, there are so many different avenues that lead you to the dark heart of Canada. But the one I want to begin with is a bit of a very, very recent history in Canada that is just really, is the moose just like a throbbing eye emoji that really does offer, I mean, quite a few avenues of inquiry. I'm talking, of course, about the worst mass shooting in Canadian history happened just back in April in Nova Scotia.
Starting point is 00:04:05 And there are so many elements about this case that is baffling. And I guess we should just start with the fact that the official government inquiry into this will now, that has just been announced by the Canadian government, will not be essentially open to the public or like they will issue a report, but there will be no public hearings on the matter. Dan, can you suggest why this might be the case? I think this might be the case because, I mean, the non-black pill interpretation is that the RCMP fucked up so bad when this shooting started by not sending out like a mass alert,
Starting point is 00:04:42 you know? Because the shooting, I think it lasted for 10 to 12 hours. Yeah, it was about 13 hours of a guy's name, his name was Gabriel Wortman. And he spent 13 hours just driving around Nova Scotia and he ended up murdering something like 23 people with a variety of guns. And torching houses, and he did it in a fake police car, too. Yes, that's the most, it's the single most grand theft auto mass shooting in history, I would say.
Starting point is 00:05:11 You know, this might be a weird time for patriotism, but I just feel like we're much more time efficient in our mass shootings and when they talk about lines for health care, no one ever talks about how long it takes to complete a mass shooting. I mean, it's just, it's a really inefficient country. I got things to do. It's a denser population down there, and the population centers are denser. As are our music festivals. This is true.
Starting point is 00:05:38 I mean, the most fucked up thing about the commission shutting down a public inquiry is one of the people on that commission is the former fucking police chair. Like, it's the former police chief of Frederick then. You know, this is, this is one of the people who decided, no, we're not looking into this. So if you like, you said like, Dan, like there is the, there is the non eye emoji explanation for why any public inquiry into this would be, I mean, just massively embarrassing to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police because their, you know, response to this was, you know, and not only that, but Wurtman himself had been, you know, facing many domestic battery
Starting point is 00:06:17 charges and weapons charges for which he was never arrested or even interviewed because of. He also tangled with the police as well. Like he, he confined two police officers to his parking lot for improperly parking. Like he did a citizen's arrest of police officers for parking in his parking lot. It sucks that he killed all those people because he's kind of, I would think he was cool before that. He sounds pretty American, but yeah, he could be like the governor of New Hampshire.
Starting point is 00:06:50 If he didn't kill these people, he could have moved here classic, am I being detained? I picture him like bullying, uh, like Mounties and their horses, like that's to me, that's, that's, that's the only police in Canada. Um, I refuse to believe otherwise, um, and that's that. Okay. Here, here's another element to this case that suggests something much more sinister before doing this shooting that again killed 22 people in Nova Scotia. Uh, the, the, the shooter withdrew $475,000 in cash from, um, uh, the CIBC entry, a subsidiary
Starting point is 00:07:29 of the chartered bank that handles currency transactions. Now why is this interesting? I'm reading here from a McLean's article about it. It says, court documents show, Wortman owned a new Brunswick registered company called Berkshire Broman, the legal owner of two vehicles, including one of his police replica cars, which he used to do the shooting. For the purpose of that company, there is no public evidence that it would have been able to move large quantities of cash.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Wortman also ran his own denturist business and there is no reason to believe it would also require him to can't handle that amount of cash. If Wortman was an RCMP informant or agent, it could explain why the force appeared not to take action on complaints about his illegal guns and his assault on his common law wife. A Mountie familiar with techniques used by the force in undercover operations, but not with details of the investigation into the shooting, says Wortman could not have collected his own money from Brinks as a private citizen. There's no way a civilian can just make an arrangement like that, he said in an interview.
Starting point is 00:08:25 So like right before doing this insane shooting, he was able to take out almost half a million dollars in cash from a Canadian bank despite not having any indication whatsoever that any like either personally or any of his businesses had that amount of cash on hand. And even if they did, he would not be able to just walk into the bank and leave the same day with a half million dollars in cash. It was a Brinks depot, which is how the RCMP pays criminal informants, like that's the method they use. And you know, the other sort of gladiotype thing about this is that his neighbor, his
Starting point is 00:09:03 neighbor whose name is Peter Griffin. Freaking sweet. Holy crap, holy crap Lois, remember when I was part of P2 Masonic Lodge? His neighbor, Peter Griffin, just recently did a seven year stint for drugs and weapon trafficking linked to La Familia, a Mexican drug cartel with links to the Hell's Angels. Do they know what happened? What happened to the cash he withdrew? Okay, so apparently his family, so workman's family is trying to get it back from the RCMP
Starting point is 00:09:40 or we're trying to get it back like three or four weeks ago. So the RCMP have admitted that they do have like he had a gym bag full of cash and they have it in evidence, but I don't think it's going anywhere. So he was just shooting people with a gym bag of cash? Yeah, where they were covered from his property maybe. But they have the cash, the RCMP has at least some of the cash in his family. Yeah, baby, ski dues all around. What does the family claim?
Starting point is 00:10:08 Oh yeah, those are our loonies that we collected, like where do they say the money came from or are they commenting on it or are they just like, oh yeah, we forgot we had that, that was ours. I think it's just his lawyers have been a comment about it, but I don't think, they haven't given like a reason for trying to get it back from the cops. Just reading a little further from the McLean's article here, it says, a second Mountie who does not know the first one, but who has also been involved in CI operations, also believes that Wirtman's ability to withdraw a large sum of money from the Brinks is an indication
Starting point is 00:10:41 that Wirtman had a link to the police. That's tradecraft, the Mountie said, explaining that by going through CIBC Intria, the RCMP could avoid typical banking scrutiny as there are no holds placed on the money. That's what we do when we need flash money for a buy. We don't keep stashes of money around the office. When we suddenly need a large sum of money to make or buy something, that's the route we take. I think with the Brinks transaction, you've proved with that single fact that he had a
Starting point is 00:11:06 relationship with the police. He was either a CI or an agent. When I was just thinking about this, and it's just like, this is another mass shooting that seemingly has absolutely no motivation whatsoever, like there was no manifesto left, and it bears a lot of the hallmarks similar to the Stephen Panick shooting, which could just be... Still to this day. To this day, it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever in terms of why someone like Stephen Panick would do something like that, or why he was able to take, I guess it makes sense
Starting point is 00:11:44 why he would have an arsenal of that size, but just why he would have so many, that many guns in that hotel room at that time, it could be one or the other. The other thing that has just happened here in the States recently, that is also sort of like I emoji adjacent, not even adjacent, just connected, but the murder of that federal judge's husband in the shooting of her son in New Jersey. This was the Judge Salinas, I think her name was, was just appointed to a case involving shareholders in Deutsche Bank, suing Deutsche Bank over their connections to Jeffrey Epsnade. The guy who broke into her house dressed as a FedEx agent was a longtime right-wing crank
Starting point is 00:12:29 and like men's rights activists. And former opiate Anthony Guest. Yes, former opiate. And Stephen Colbert, interviewee. Yeah. No shit. Now, he apparently also had had had a case before this judge involving, I don't know, like suing Columbia over there.
Starting point is 00:12:46 She was suing to overturn the selective service requirement to only draft mail. Yeah. The perpetrator, or alleged perpetrator Roy Den Hollander, like he, his, he was like a crank lawyer who would like sue bars for having ladies nights. That was what he was known for like 15 years ago. I mean, it's like that can be used to say like, oh, there's, this is just like a crank who had like some fucking bullshit men's right case, men's right case against her and clearly had like some conflicts against women.
Starting point is 00:13:16 But I will say, I mean, it's not like I know one way or the other right now, but like that was kind of one of the things with P2 and Gladio was that the CIA would use right-wing cranks to kill people that were, that were standing in the way of their goals and just go, oh yeah, it was the right-wing crank thing. Well, and they, they also like when they wanted to say infiltrate left groups very frequently found, you know, disgruntled former members of whatever organization that had like an axe to grind. I mean, it's, it helps if they're already pissed off at this person.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Yeah. Absolutely. And I mean, like the, it's just like the weird thing with cases like these, which like, you know, on the surface, like don't these, these spectacular acts of mass murder, which like on the surface, like don't seem to make sense, or you can find like with Roy Den Hollander, like, oh, like there, there's an Epstein connection and like, you know, that obviously like that, that could just be a coincidence or a chimera too. I mean, like, you know, whether it's America or Canada, like not a lot of people need like
Starting point is 00:14:18 that much extra motivation to just go fucking insane and start killing people. But I mean, it was certainly with the, the Nova Scotia case, I mean, like this whole thing with just the cast would draw from like a Brinks truck right before he did it and the fact that they've like, you know, are, are officially, you know, closing any public inquiry into it would seem to suggest that he was, if not an informant and like an active asset of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, but I guess like the speculation or question is like to what end, you know, and I guess like these are, Dan, you spoke about his neighbor's connections between a drug cartel and the Hell's Angels where it's like, you know, like
Starting point is 00:14:56 as, as the, as the source in the McLean's article said, like, look, this is what we do when we need a shitload of cash, like immediately to do like a buy bust or to just put an operation in motion. So again, another clear, another example of this is the Boston Marathon bombing. Like there's a lot of indications that Tamerlane was an FBI informant and that like he was, you know, basically the FBI facilitated that or the bombing or if that facilitated it, like actively aided the Sarnayevs in covered up a triple murder. He likely committed a year before the bombing. That's, that's weird. And then immediately after the bombing, the two FBI agents went to interview a guy who
Starting point is 00:15:38 was connected to all of it, who was Tamerlane's close friend. And in the, through the course in, during the course of the interview, the guy they were interviewing ended up getting shot in the back of the head. And so that, and that's that. So it's that on that. My theory on Wartman is that he was going to do a buy bust, probably connected with his neighbor who's, you know, connected with the Hell's Angels, La Familia conglomerate that is working across Canada. And something went wrong. It got bungled by, maybe got bungled by the local RCMP. And he just lost his shit. And the reason, and the reason that they, that the RCMP did not, you know, put out like basically like a mass alert. Like I've got
Starting point is 00:16:24 friends from Nova Scotia who were like, every time there's lightning, my phone goes off, you know, it's like weather alert, be careful, waves, lightning. And I think the reason the RCMP didn't do that is because they had an oh shit moment when they found out he wasn't just killing people. He was in a cop car. He was burning people's houses down. You know, that was the other thing. He was like tying people up, shooting them and burning their houses down. And like going from small town to small town. And I think they, you know, they basically didn't want to expose how idiotic this like buy bust thing was. And that they'd relied on this guy who was clearly on the verge of snapping.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Exactly. Yes. And then, and then with the, with the commission getting shut down, I can't remember the exact wording, but today there was like a briefing. And the reasoning behind it was we don't want to re-traumatize the victims. I love that everyone uses that language now. And fucking, and fucking yesterday, 300 members of victims' families protesting outside of the outside of the parliament, you know, we want a public inquiry. And then their response is no, we don't want to hurt you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:41 You don't understand how triggering an inquiry could possibly be. I love that. I love that. Like, yeah, if like fucking James Jesus Angleton was alive today, he would accuse his critics of Orientalism. Wow. You're, you're de-spacing a Latinx named individual. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's James Jesus Angleton, actually. Felix Rodriguez would have a field day in front of the, Oh God, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Yeah. He would accuse John Kerry of being a brochulist. That's great. The last good thing that John Kerry did. Oh man. I'm imagining the good faith accusations of anti-Semitism lobbed by Dr. Sidney Gottlieb. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I think the thread with all of these horrific cases is like, you know, whether, like you said the Raiden Hollander thing, Felix, like it could very well be like what it appears on the surface, a right-wing crank doing what right-wing cranks in very, what a small percentage of them invariably end up doing, which is killing a bunch of people
Starting point is 00:18:41 because of ladies' nights at bars. Right. Or like it needed, but it's very easy to just think like, yes, it's, it's that, but also the fact that, like you said, right-wing cranks make the perfect shooters for something kind of, some other kind of operation, or if they're being set up by their handlers, then like, I just think the, the, the common denominator is that there is really no person on earth more dangerous than like a, a, the asset or like informant for a federal law enforcement agency because they are essentially given carte blanche to commit crimes.
Starting point is 00:19:19 They're not, not just, not just that like their crimes will be covered up, but they'll be actively facilitated by the law enforcement agencies they're working for. And then when they feel like they're burned by, you know, their handlers or whatever, they fucking, they end up killing, you know, dozens of people or like with the Stephen Paddock shooting, I know that the conspiracy angle on that is that it was all some kind of arms deal with like the Saudis gone wrong. But then again, like that begs the question, like why shoot 600 people to cover it up? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Yeah. And also like, who could this out? Why would the Saudis possibly need to like buy small arms from like a single private dealer? Yeah. Does that make sense? Yeah. I don't know, I'm obsessed with the Paddock thing and I don't even have like 20% of a
Starting point is 00:20:03 thing. I can believe. Um, I mean, like JFK, I mean, we have our own personal theory about JFK that it's sort of similar to our explanation for this case, which is like, it's an op that got out of hand and then everything after it is like, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, we, we killed the president. Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, but like, but everyone, okay, everyone surrounding the JFK case who was like discarded and take that as you will, was like, it just littered with like right
Starting point is 00:20:32 wing cranks that, you know, the CIA or whoever, yeah, it was just like, all right, all right, you have stomach cancer now, all right, you're gonna die now, all right, see you, you little freak. I mean, if the CIA is bad at doing this kind of operation and, you know, exposes themselves all the time, the RCMP are a thousand times worse. They're bumbling, I mean, they've been busted. There was an indigenous standoff in Gustavson Lake where the RCMP got busted planting fucking IEDs.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Oh my God, I don't know that one. Oh my God. Yeah, and a similar case where the RCMP were employed by oil companies to discredit and eventually try and maim people who are trying to sue said oil companies for poisoning their farmland. So, you know, every time they try some shit like this, it just falls apart in their hands. Do they even have horses anymore, by the way? Are they even mounted in any way?
Starting point is 00:21:36 Yeah, I mean, you'll see, you'll see Mounties sometimes. I've seen Mounties at the Lester B. Pearson Airport in Toronto. If they're not all on horses, they have to change the name. I'm sorry. Yeah, no, I want to Dudley do right-ass Mountie or nothing. You have to wear the red outfits at all times and get everywhere by horse. That's right. Don't get to tack up like a fucking dumbass, oh, look at my ballistic plate.
Starting point is 00:22:00 No, fuck you. You wear a big dumb hat and a red jacket. Horsey, a bright red outfit, you know, completely sort of innocuous kind of goofy demeanor. That's what I want in a Mountie. Yeah, strapping, tall. Well, talking about the JFK shit and our cousin podcast Trunon's budding obsession with Operation Gladio in Europe, it's like, well, why is it that intelligence agencies from their very inception seem to have been intimately connected with criminal organizations
Starting point is 00:22:36 and violent right-wing psychopaths? The answer is, well, A, they're very good and have no moral qualms about torturing and killing people, but like two, I mean, their beliefs are essentially the same. I mean, they are overwhelmingly like violent right-wing organizations that despise the left. And then, you know, and then if you're not talking about criminal organizations like the Mafia or drug cartels or, you know, paramilitaries or whatever, just individual psychos as well are very useful because they essentially believe all the same things as well.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Like this guy, Wurtman, had been pretending to be a cop for years and apparently had, like you said, arrested cops for being in his parking lot, but essentially had been, wanted to be a cop, but was constantly at war with them because he didn't respect them because he didn't regard them as being as smart or good at being a cop as he was. That's a specifically dangerous personality. Yeah. Yeah, wasn't that a character in Minehunter? Yeah, basically.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Yeah. Yeah, Dennis Rader was that Dennis Rader stopped, stopped doing home invasion murders after he got a job as like a security officer and he was able to sublimate his homicidal urges through bossing people around. He was notorious for her like he was like a security guard for a homeowners association or something and he would just harass people over like petty bullshit. There was one woman who he would like constantly harass, he threatened to have her dog killed and like, she was like, this guy was a nightmare, but I mean, I guess for her it's better that
Starting point is 00:24:10 he did that rather than fucking like came into her house and strangled her to death. Yeah. That was where he got off. That's how he was able to get off. Yeah. I mean, that's, you know, problem solved. That's a, that's a harm reduction. Just give them power.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Yeah. They'll be fine. No problem there. It's like, it's like the, yeah, it's like capitalism and the steep, the deep state expression of it recruits people who have a certain authoritarian mindset. But then there are some people who have the right mindset, but they're just not emotionally stable enough and you can't assimilate those into your formal networks, your police officers and your prison guards and stuff, but they sure make handy freelancers.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Yeah. Yeah. I mean, like this is a, and the mafia as well has often used like mentally unstable individuals to carry out murders that it seemingly, that, that look like, you know, assassinations that look like essentially the act of a lone schizophrenic, you know, like lunatic, basically, that famously Frank Colombo assassination was that. Yeah. Um, just the, just the last line from this McLean's article about this giant cash withdrawal
Starting point is 00:25:19 is it just says here, but another Mountie says, this guy always wanted to be a Mountie. He was acting like a Mountie. He was doing Mountie things. It's clear to me that it's clear to me that something went wrong. We're doing, we're doing, it's, it's Mountie things. You wouldn't understand. Well, I mean, this is like, you know, he says it's clear to me that something went wrong. I mean, this goes back to our conversation with Tom O'Neill about Manson.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Is that like, is it that something went wrong or is it that something went right? Yes. You know, something went too right and kind of spilled, spilled outside of the bucket of being right and slashed around in the community and now a bunch of people are dead. Well, okay. Well, I mean, that, that's one aspect of it. But if we like, so why the aperture here for a moment, like, you know, and, and, and another point of comparison between Canada and America is that, you know, uh, you know, in America,
Starting point is 00:26:13 we're currently and have been for a while now undergoing this moment of, um, controversy and revision over, you know, should we have, um, so many statues of like, uh, former Confederate generals and, you know, leaders of the KKK in, uh, in state houses and various public places in, you know, across mostly the South of America. And you know, people are like, yeah, let's get rid of these statues. Let's tear them down. Canada is even more insane because you guys have not just one, but several statues to like actual fucking Nazis who carried out the Holocaust.
Starting point is 00:26:52 And it's seemingly only now are people beginning to be like, Hey, is this controversial? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. This is my biggest shock in the last few years of like following Canadian politics online is I never knew this a few years ago, but right sector just completely owns Canada. It's insane. It's fucking insane.
Starting point is 00:27:16 I would have never known that. Yeah. That's on poverty. See that that's that's the genius of if you're, if you're from an ethnicity, don't come to a big country. You're just going to get, be subsumed in the, the morass of, of, of, uh, you know, melting pot assimilation, go to a country with a small population in a large number and boom, run that small, largely ethnically homogenous population.
Starting point is 00:27:43 What could go wrong? Cause like what you're Ukrainian in America, it's like, uh, the Holodormo, it's like, shut the fuck up. But when you're, are you craning in Canada, you're, you've got to let your louder voice. I mean, the, the, the sort of Banderites, I guess we'll get into this, but the Banderites in America, uh, are way more organized than the Canadian ones, uh, but they have kind of been not assimilated into American culture, but like assimilated into the Cold War era ideological deep state, you know, whereas, whereas in Canada, they've kind of, uh, that
Starting point is 00:28:18 group, that ideological group of Ukrainians has kind of been allowed to spread out both to the left and to the right in a way. Yeah. And I, and here's, here's the rub about the, like the Nazi memorials and, and you know, uh, in Canada, is it like, it wouldn't, obviously this never would have happened if they were literally just statues to like, you know, Himmler or Goebbels or like any of the Nazi high command, but instead it's because it's like not the, the Nazi German Nazis per se, just all of their allies in countries like Ukraine who did carry out much of the Holocaust.
Starting point is 00:28:53 And I'm just gonna. I gotta say that the statue, the one statue that, uh, that everyone is talking about right now that has finally brought this like issue to the fore is actually a statue, a statue for a Nazi division. It's the, the 14th SS Waffen SS Galatian division, who were an actual fucking Nazi unit made up of Ukrainians. So it's a, it says here, it's a, um, it's a sent half honoring members of the SS division of the, the SS, uh, sorry, how do you say that, Dan?
Starting point is 00:29:26 Uh, I think it's Galitian actually Galitian division of the Waffen SS, the Nazi party's military branch whose long list of war crimes includes the Holocaust. Yes. Yeah. The pillar is located in a Ukrainian cemetery in Oakville, Ontario, which is vandalized of the words Nazi war monuments sometime around June 21st. Early in the investigation, the police classified the vandalism as a hate crime, meaning the SS members are the ones who are the victims of hate here.
Starting point is 00:29:56 In response to David, uh, Puglies of the Ottawa citizen, the Halton regional police spokesman stated, this incident occurred to a monument and the graffiti appeared to target an identifiable group. The fact that that identifiable group in question is an SS division didn't seem to matter. That is a fucking tell right there that like, okay, we're defining this as a hate crime because someone in the Ukrainian community complained about it saying that SS 14th Galatian division equals Ukrainian. That's a tell, you know, that's like, that's like, you're kind of, you're kind of showing
Starting point is 00:30:32 everybody, uh, what your ideology is, which is you think that division was good, you know, you think these people are heroes. So I mean, I mean, like the question is, and I'm, I'm, I'm reading here from a nation article about this. And the question is, like, who built these monuments and like, how come it took Canada so long? Like, it would just essentially welcome them with open arms. And the answer is, I mean, this is kind of like a weird, both official and unofficial
Starting point is 00:31:00 like paperclip that happened in both in America, but also especially in Canada after World War II, where it says here, basically, the United States and Canada took in thousands of concentration camp guards, SS fighters and other Nazi collaborators from Ukraine and other nations such as Latvia, which had its own SS division, won one at honors today with parades. There are several theories about why the US and Canadian government welcomed these murderers. Some say it's because it helped them fight against the USSR in the Cold War and indeed declassified Syria, IA materials admit to it.
Starting point is 00:31:33 This point to where they were used as strike breakers to weaken the resistance of labor movements. Underneath those, a much simpler explanation. American and Canadian elites led in Holocaust perpetrators for the same reason they denied asylum to Jewish refugees on the MS St. Louis who desperately tried to escape the Holocaust only to be rejected at every port of call. Antisemitism. So I like, I like that we got Werner von Braun and those guys and then Canada is like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:32:00 we'll take the guys who murdered like 35 guys who are trying to organize a pickle factory in Kiev. Pretty much. Take those guys. There's a sort of, yeah, there's a Ukrainian immigrant community that because of the legacy of the Soviet Union, regards many of these figures as heroic figures of resistance against Russia and like Soviet domination of Ukraine. And like the thing is when you get into the apologism for why these monuments are allowed
Starting point is 00:32:29 to exist in the first place, much less not be, not be desecrated literally every day because they're a monument to the people who did the Holocaust. It doesn't take long before you start hearing the phrase Judeo-Bulshevism. Oh yeah. It's at the end of every single argument online with every single like what about argument about, you know, oh, the Soviets did this, the Soviets did that. And I think the reason the statue, this statue vandalism thing is, I've been kind of obsessed with this since 2015, 2016, when it came out that our foreign affairs minister's grandfather
Starting point is 00:33:09 was the editor of the biggest Nazi propaganda outlet in occupied Poland, Krakowsky-Bishti. Okay, all right. Thank you. I know the especially fucked up thing about it is it was also an imprint on medium. Okay, Dan, you just, you opened up another huge door here, but in case, you know, listeners, you may have missed that. The current deputy prime minister or like shadow deputy prime minister or deputy prime minister?
Starting point is 00:33:38 Shadow prime, basically shadow prime minister, yeah. The shadow prime minister in Canada's former foreign secretary, Christia Friedland, her grandfather was one of the premier Nazi propagandists of all time, one of the great, one of the greatest of all, one of the greatest in the game to ever do Nazi propaganda. One of the best. So, so basically this, this information had been floating around. The Polish government was actively looking for this guy's name is Mihail Szomiak. That's her, that's her granddad.
Starting point is 00:34:10 And some Canadian communists, this guy Alex Boykovich and his friend were doing research at the University of Alberta archives and found Szomiak's personal papers, which included copies of fascist papers that he had published in Europe, other fascist papers, and a pretty damning picture of him and Emil Gazner, who was the Nazi in charge of sort of coordinating propaganda in Galicia and, and occupied Poland. So, you know, like kind of a big dog, like he went to Nuremberg, I'm pretty sure. As evil as America is, like I can't imagine this being allowed to just sort of like, just skate by here in America if it turned out that like a major figure in either the Republican
Starting point is 00:35:01 or the Democratic Party, their grandfather was like intimately connected with like the Third Reich and the Holocaust and their propaganda efforts. I mean, where it gets interesting is, is Christia's response to this is when she was finally sort of like, this had come to light, her response was as such, she says, it's no secret that Russians do not like you and banned you from the country began the question. Recently there has been a series of articles in pro-Russia, this is the other journalist setting up the softball for her, she says, recently there has been a series of articles in pro-Russian websites about you and your maternal grandparents, making accusations
Starting point is 00:35:37 that your grandfather was a Nazi collaborator. I'd like to get your view. Is this a disinformation campaign by the Russians trying to smear and discredit you? Which they have a tendency to do? Friedland replied, the dishonesty of the slobs that we all know and love. Her response to that very hard-hitting question was, it's public knowledge that there have been efforts, as US intelligence sources have said, by Russia to destabilize the US political system.
Starting point is 00:36:09 I think that Canadians and indeed other Western countries should be prepared for similar efforts to be directed at us. I am confident in our country's democracy, and I am confident that we can stand up to and see through these efforts. I don't think it's a secret, she continued, American officials have publicly said, and even German Chancellor Angela Merkel has publicly said, that there were efforts on the Russian side to destabilize Western democracies. I don't think it should come as a surprise if these same efforts were used against Canada.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Here's the thing. I could imagine if this happened in America, look, obviously, the sins of the father or the sins of the grandparent should not pass down to the child. If your grandfather was a Nazi and then you had nothing to do with them or didn't really even know them, and essentially living a good and decent life and devoted to public service in whatever country you're in, fine. When it comes out, this seems like an odd reply to just be like, well, yeah, it's true and I unequivocally condemn and I'm ashamed of any association, my family, the actions
Starting point is 00:37:09 of my family. But this just seems to be like the response is just not, she's not denying it, but she's just saying like, yeah, this is Russian. The information is being weaponized. It's true. I'm trying to remember how Gorka handled any inquiries into his family history. I want to say that I think he's just sort of lightly touched on it. I don't think he was just like, he's just like, they were resisting, I don't remember
Starting point is 00:37:41 what he said. Yeah, Amber, you're right. Like the Judeo-Bolshevism line of like, oh, you don't understand what the Bolsheviks did to the Ukraine was so horrible that like, yeah, like, I don't know, accounts for all the shit they did in World War II. But yeah, what Gorka did was essentially about like the Vitezi-Ren or whatever, was just to say that like, yeah, like this was part of a heroic Hungarian like anti-communist movement.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Right. Like, you know, downplayed everything else that that entails, if you're talking about it. That gloriously failed. A bit of a light touch, yeah. You know, the freelance stuff makes a lot more sense and, you know, because of this state of journalism in this country, no one really did this, you know, but it makes more sense when you look at her family history and you realize that, you know, she loved
Starting point is 00:38:31 her grandfather. She worked with her grandfather at his newspaper. He had a newspaper in, I believe it was Edmonton. So that's where she first learned to be a journalist. So he stayed in the journalism business. Yes. This is what you're saying. He also had a weird, weird position.
Starting point is 00:38:46 The military is a great, great place to like, learn skills that, you know, you can find a career in. Yeah. Exactly. You know, in more sense, when you find out that her mother, his daughter, Helena Freeland, who's like, she ran like, I think a feminist bookstore in Alberta and was like kind of a public liberal, she was involved in rewriting the Ukrainian constitution after the Soviet Union fell apart and her uncle.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Wow. A real feminazi. An actual feminazi. There she is. And her uncle, her uncle Bogdan, worked for USAID, USAID, which is, you know, the soft power arm of US intelligence. He worked on a special project which was de-collectivizing agricultural land in Ukraine, basically chopping it up and selling it off, privatizing it.
Starting point is 00:39:44 So you have a whole family that is essentially carrying out like a generational ideological project based around fascist, like exterminationist Nazi ideology that has just been passed down and, you know, and they're kind of returning to the homeland. And with Freeland, her version of this is Operation Unifier, which is like basically hundreds of millions of Canadian taxpayer dollars poured into the corrupt black hole of Ukraine to forward like kind of a nationalist policy, you know, snipers selling them sniper rifles training as of battalion. So that's why her grandfather being a Nazi Ukrainian nationalist, Bandarite, matters.
Starting point is 00:40:34 And I think it was really hard for the Canadian public to put all of that together in their mind. And what made it even harder was that the journalists that should have been sort of probing into this instead just ran cover for her. So I'm talking about like Jesse Brown from Canada Land. I, you know, before it came out that these accusations of her grandfather being a Nazi were true, I messaged him and was like, hey, why don't you guys do a Canada Land episode on Ukrainian fascists in Canada?
Starting point is 00:41:09 And he pitched it over to his co-editor Jane Levineko and they made a big joke about it and were like, this is fake news, which is like, I'm Ukrainian. I know this is fake news. So, you know, like, so, and then, you know, I think the worst, but the worst culprit in whitewashing this was a former vice editor and I think he writes for foreign affairs now, Justin Lange. I'm familiar with this guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:36 So he, he put a piece out basically claiming that the Russian embassy had approached vice editor with some like information about Kristie Freeland's grandfather, which they chose not to publish because they knew it was like erode. It was supposed to corrode Canadian democracy. And it's genuinely shocking that like this like former like Gavin McInnes like fashion do's and don'ts like early 2000 hipster website is so fucking responsible for the dissemination of just like Cold War hangover misinformation about like not just like the West, but everywhere. It's completely insane when you look at vices, foreign reporting, and I mean, I'm just saying
Starting point is 00:42:28 it makes you wonder because they're fucking, I gotta say, credit where credits do, credit where credits do. Red Cajina called that one. Yeah. That's true. If you call everything a Psyop, eventually you will be there. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:44 This is never to be correct. That was one where she got, she got the daily double this when you when you're fishing with dynamite. This fucking broke this fucking broke my mind though. So he laying published this article defending Freeland and dismissing these claims and then tweeted out that show me X paper was like many others anti Semitic and was censored by the Nazis. That does not make it a Nazi newspaper.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Let's go, dude. It's like, all right, when you're getting like fucking editorial cues from Emile Gazner and Nazi high command, it's like, so fucking Ling's defense was that show me I was forced to do this and he would see it. He just like Marvel University, you know, he's like, maybe he would, maybe he was sneaking in anti anti Nazi propaganda, well, they're publishing shit like how to recognize a Jew in your neighbor. Yeah, he put like an acrostic in the article about identifying Jews by the shape of their
Starting point is 00:43:47 eyes. Look, that was like just because my newspaper runs the comic strip beetle Bailey does not mean that we are an arm of the US military industrial complex. It's just it's just the comic about a buffoonish private and a general who gets horny for his secretary. That's it. Exactly. No, I mean, like you say, like he was doing the Kurt Vonnegut mother night thing, like
Starting point is 00:44:09 he was doing Nazi propaganda, but it was all actually secret coded messages to the allies about how to win the war about how to be good. Yeah. Yeah. And this this would culminate for Ling in this psychosis would culminate in him publishing a McLean's article about how Putin was going to install a Manchurian candidate in Canada. Why would you bother? Who gives it?
Starting point is 00:44:32 Yeah. Well, talk about just a low return investment. And it's also funny because it would seem like as every as the details of the story that you've just told us, it would seem to suggest that a Manchurian candidate has been implanted in Canada, but it wasn't the, you know, Russia or the former Soviet Union doing it. It was the fucking remnants of the OUN, you know, was Banderites, you know, and I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:00 And I think the reason people are engaged in it now is because graffitiing a statue to an SS division is a lot easier to be revolved by than something that is wrapped in like flak, you know, like like that something that's something that's, oh, maybe it's a Russian op. You know, there's nothing to hide behind. It's a, it's a statue to an SS division. Did you say there was also a connection to British intelligence with all of this as, as there are, if you're talking about Nazis in the way.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Yes, Felix, there is. No, I don't believe that. Yeah. It's so good. So, my partner, Devoic and I were, we're doing some deep research on this yesterday and dug up a whole bunch of wild shit. Because I had always, it had always bothered me. I knew that the Ukrainian community here back at the turn of the century, the turn of the
Starting point is 00:45:58 last century through the 1930s was fairly left. Like they started something called the Ukrainian Labor Farmer Temple Association, which had like 167 branches across the country. And the, and the UTLFA like also started the first workable public Medicare in this country. Like before we had Medicare, they had something called the Workers' Bed and Outline Association, which would provide. It's like that in New York too. It's like, it's like that in New York too.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Like you have some very, very, very right wing, like Ukrainian immigrants and descendants of Ukrainian immigrants that are essentially like, have like Cold War hangovers. And then like you go to KGB Bar, which was literally like a social, it was started as a socialist club for Ukrainian immigrants. Like there's very, there's like a big tradition of left wing, even like Stalinist Soviet Ukrainian social clubs. And then also there's some Nazis. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:06 So in this country in Canada, that left wing element was absolutely sidelined. And in some cases, like a lot of cases, their halls, the labor halls or temples, the places they met were appropriated with the help of the state by right wingers. So and essentially the way that happened was in 1940, and this is the British spy thing, a man named Tracy Phillips came to visit Canada. He's a former British colonial officer. He worked in the Balkans. His expertise was basically splitting indigenous populations in British colonies between, you
Starting point is 00:47:48 know, two different groups and pitting them against each other. Yeah. You put what you'd like the classic move is you take the group that had been disadvantaged before colonialism and put them in charge so that they can carry out your will and then also get revenge on the group that they felt were, you know, that was oppressing them previously. But it's like, it's a brilliant move. And you see it play out across all kinds of European imperialism throughout, you know, across, you know, the centuries.
Starting point is 00:48:13 Exactly. So he's in the country and he is doing a cross Canada tour talking to diaspora communities to get to basically check the temperature for, I mean, publicly, it's to sort of make a bridge to these diaspora communities. But what he's really doing is working for British and Canadian intelligence, finding out who's a fucking socialist and who's not. And he focuses on the Ukrainian community and realizes that most of the community is left.
Starting point is 00:48:42 It leans pretty far left. If they haven't been assimilated, you know, they're pretty far left. So he helps the Canadian government start something called the UCC, which is like the body that kind of represents the diaspora now and excludes all of the leftists. So does not let socialists join the thing that will represent Ukrainians in Canada and packs it with right wingers, packs it with people from the clergy, and then eventually it gets packed with SS 14th Galatian division members. So erases the leftists contribution and voice in the Ukrainian diaspora.
Starting point is 00:49:25 And this guy is like a virulent anti-communist and he succeeded, you know, and then the people they brought in post-war from these displaced person camps acted as strike breakers and, you know, community leaders and they were mostly like bourgeois, a lot of them, compared to the first wave of immigrants. The first wave of immigrants were farmers, you know. These guys like a lot of fascists are from the bourgeois. So they easily manipulated and dominated the diaspora. And this is a story that's repeated throughout Europe and America after World War II.
Starting point is 00:50:01 It's just like as soon as the Nazis were defeated, like the enemy became the Soviet Union. It became Bolshevism, which is what Churchill and much of the leaders of the West wanted to fight to begin with. What they always regarded as the real enemy, they were almost like disappointed that they had to fight Hitler to begin with, you know, like that they couldn't make that work. And then like, you know, after World War II, I mean, the fight against, you know, it didn't happen immediately, but like certainly in terms of like the OSS and what would become the CIA, this was their goal all along was to fight the next war.
Starting point is 00:50:36 And then like in doing so, it involved absorbing much of, like if not Nazi leadership, then like Nazi affiliated groups in those countries to be there, the kind of the tip of the spear against to wage war against the left in what we're now essentially democracies, right? That's right. At the ballot box or in trade unions and otherwise. And lo and behold, what that involves is employing people who, as we talked about at the very beginning of the show, are all violent right wing psychopathic mass murderers that occasionally spill over into, you know, fantastic acts of public violence, be it they be the assassination,
Starting point is 00:51:17 mass murders, bombings, kidnappings, things like that, that seem like they're like, oh, this has gotten out of hand, but are really just the template for how to wage war on the left in the Cold War paradigm. Yep. And internally, and if you want to purge a diaspora of left leaning politics, the best way you can do is put a bunch of violent psychos in it, you know, like just, you've got a Yugoslavian diaspora that's causing problems, just ship in some mustache, you know, moving on here. Just like just wrapping up here, we have some just some quick hits about a few other fun
Starting point is 00:51:56 details about Canadian history. Now, Matt, you brought up something that that I and I don't think even Dan was aware of about the Canadian leader during World War Two, Mackenzie King, because Canada was William Ly, Mackenzie King, the Liberal Front, Canada was a big part of the Allied effort, you know, I mean, they were a big part of D-Day. Many Canadian soldiers served and died in World War Two in the Western Front. But, yeah, the leader of Canada during that time was a guy named Mackenzie King. What is it?
Starting point is 00:52:26 Yeah. And he, after he died, no one knew it at the time, but after he died and his diaries were revealed, it came out that he was heavily into the occult, specifically paying mediums to do seances where he communed with people, the people he communed with included Da Vinci, his parents and grandparents, some of his dead dogs from his past, and FDR. I was totally unaware of this. Yeah. So, wait, so I assume I assume he had contact with the actual FDR while he was alive.
Starting point is 00:52:59 But then right after he died, he was just... Which one to talk to? Yeah. Right after he died, he just... The medium was serious. So, yeah, like right after he died, he just kept the conversation going through a medium. Yeah. There we go.
Starting point is 00:53:13 And then another similarity with America is a spate of satanic panic surrounding Vancouver Island that had to do with the game Dungeons and Dragons. When did this take place, Dan? This would have started in 1980 with a publication of a book called Michelle Remembers by Lawrence Pasther, and he co-wrote it with the subject of the book, Michelle Smith, who he married. That sounds really, that sounds really healthy. Yeah. That's definitely...
Starting point is 00:53:44 Yeah. That's a good ethical, collaborative relationship. No, I'm not grooming her, I degroomed her, because the satanist groomed her. It's actually the opposite of grooming. So the book purports to be her experiences that he has pulled out of her mind with regressive hypnotherapy, which is totally not a thing, and it's just basically like one horror after the other. It's the story of a young girl who's being sexually and emotionally abused by satanists,
Starting point is 00:54:26 and eventually by satan himself. So... A lot. Yeah. I mean, come on, you're telling me it was satan himself and not one of the lesser dukes of hell, like Baphomet, Azazel, all things like that, or just one of the... Baphomet is such a scumbag. He's always like, if you want to meet satan, you have to blow me.
Starting point is 00:54:44 And this is why we can't have burger records anymore. He's basically like a really sleazy roti. Yeah, that's why Bark doesn't talk to him anymore. The split. That's why he worships like Norse forest gods instead. Gentlemen, gentlemen who respect women. Exactly. Norse forest gods are actually really nice.
Starting point is 00:55:10 They're like really humble. Right. And I mean, there's something to the traditional kind of sort of chivalrous idea of it. There is a place for women in that world view. And they get to wear those medokinitops, I understand. So it's great. Those are pretty good. Or if you're talking about the Greek pantheon, it's like, look, if you want to have sex with
Starting point is 00:55:33 a human woman, just like be normal, act normal, and just appear before her as a swan. Yes. Simple. So this was all based around Vancouver Island and like how did Dungeons & Dragons get involved in it? Basically, the whole thing was purportedly happened in Victoria. And then people like my mom and everyone she knew were like, oh, Victoria is the world capital of Satanism, which is something that you'll hear occasionally floating around to
Starting point is 00:56:05 people who are interested in the occult. It later came out like, obviously, this whole thing was completely made up, right? And it was almost like kind of like a weird sex fantasy thing that they had going with each other that became a bestseller, Michelle and I, right? Again, like I said, hot. By the way, there's really good journalism about this from a woman called Debbie Nathan, who was a feminist working for a feminist editor. And she covered the satanic panic shit and was like, this stuff is all made up.
Starting point is 00:56:39 They're throwing gay people, poor people, people who live in trailers, immigrants in jail over like the fact that like, you know, four year olds don't know the difference between real and fantasy. And she was summarily like blacklisted from like everything, like both right wingers and like feminists like Gloria Steinem and speaking of CIA, Gloria Steinem. Like speaking of fucking not really like, it's on, it's on her like resume. It's not even like, yeah, she's proud of it. She's expressed.
Starting point is 00:57:18 It's like anyone who tried to like, in good faith, investigate that stuff was just there was this unholy sort of marriage between like feminist and extreme right wing, like, you know, tipper gore moms who would just work to destroy their fucking career. And it was like traumatizing for them. Anyway, so justice for Debbie Nathan. This is a climate and a good rule of sorry, a good rule of thumb is that recovered memories that are given to you by a therapist through hypnosis are is a hookup, especially if you recovered them with his dick.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Yeah. So they banned fantasy novels, science fiction novels and Dungeons and Dragons in my public school district for years, years and years and years. Do you remember some of the sci-fi books that made the ban list? Yeah, it was just basically anything that was science fiction. So like at the time, I guess it would have been like Larry Nivens, like Man Kazin Wars or like, you know, just any anything like like the Wing Commander novelization novelization of the computer game Wing Commander.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Yeah. I mean, could you could you read like Gene Wolfe? I mean, he was half. I don't know if they considered like Catholics also for which I think it was a very opinions on it was a blanket ban, but my friends and I were pretty, pretty bummed that like, you know, like, yeah, like being a nerd and not having access to the wellspring of nerdom, like it's amazing you didn't have like more mass shootings in Canada before this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:56 It's true. Well, it was just our school district. So, you know, who knows? Maybe maybe couch and like is a hotbed of potential shooters. Well, all of this, you know, be it in Canada and America and the Dungeons and Dragons connection to Satanism, a cult and mass murder. This of course would go on to be brilliantly dramatized in the CW Teen TV show Riverdale. Season three, especially griffins and gargoyles is just about the best fictional depiction
Starting point is 00:59:26 of satanic murder connected to a role playing game that you are come across. I will eventually be investigating the TV show Riverdale much, much deeper. Dark Jughead everybody. In case you haven't noticed, I'm weird. Dan, I want to thank you so much for coming on and just just just sort of giving us a sort of keyhole glimpse into the dark history and background of our wonderful neighbors to the north. But before before you go, I mean, I just wanted to ask you, you mentioned you alluded
Starting point is 00:59:59 to it briefly, but like, you know, you are a touring musician by trade, and that has been wiped out entirely by this COVID shit. And I'm just wondering, like, how are you getting by? How is your band getting by? How are other musicians dealing with this right now? Because, I mean, like, you can't there. No venues are open. Many venues are closing like long, long standing music and performance spaces are now all going
Starting point is 01:00:22 under, and, you know, the idea that you make a living getting people into closed areas breathing the same air, and that's there's no indication that that's going to come back anytime soon. Yeah, it's all over. So basically, none of the bands are making any money. And that touring is 100% like it is the main source of income for any musician like no one really makes money off of streaming, licensing is like a third of what it was even five years ago.
Starting point is 01:00:55 So the way I'm making money right now is that Devoica and I started a Patreon called Biblioteca that's basically a platform for us to put out operators demos, which is my other band, put out like do live streams. I've got a thing where I just sit around and listen to records and talk to people. And that's that's been good. But it's but yeah, please subscribe to our Patreon because that's how we're making money. That's how we're surviving. That is the answer.
Starting point is 01:01:29 It's just, you know, COVID is making it's making everyone a podcaster, you know, everyone's getting in on that Patreon model. But what we're saying, Dan, is that we're going to have to break your legs. Sorry, this is our gig and you can't you can't muscle in on this shit. No podcasting yet, but definitely like live streaming stuff. Make sure it stays that way. Well we will you'll have the link to your Patreon and you just put out a new operators track, right?
Starting point is 01:01:58 Yeah, on the Patreon. Could we use that for our outro music to give people a little taste? Yeah, absolutely. I'll send it over. Oh, please do. Once again, Dan Beckner, thanks so much for spending some time with us to talk about Canada. Thank you guys for having me.
Starting point is 01:02:13 Cheers everybody. Bye. Bye. Cheers. And we'll see you next time. Living blind in isolation, and I'm feeling nothing Every star in retrograde Deminate for the days of the week when you're falling asleep and thinking of tomorrow
Starting point is 01:03:07 This is a city of throes, so hard to find an exit And a vanishing neighbor's, someone else with stranger race Out in the heat of the mountain streets, you look around, you look around And all that brings you sorrow, sorrow And you're bound to lose your love Bound to lose your love Bound to lose your love, but you don't know Now I'm a walking phantom
Starting point is 01:03:45 Night watch at the radar station I had to keep the lights on, it was no kind of occupation They were prepared to live, remain in the core, it's a shader thing, you know, tomorrow And you're bound to lose your love Bound to lose your love Bound to lose your love, but you don't know Ooh, in the cold Wherever you are, wherever you go
Starting point is 01:04:26 I'm the observation from the system Ooh, in the cold Every day, every face All the faces of the ones you love Now my mind is sea glass Washed up on a perilous shore Shining in the hot sun Melted down right to the core
Starting point is 01:05:24 I need a total shutdown I want a universal circuit breaker I know you're tired of this It's time we let home within the roses Shadow, shadow Here on the screen is the final dream I'm gonna build a machine that only brings you some room And you're bound to lose your love
Starting point is 01:05:51 Bound to lose your love Bound to lose your love, but you don't know Bound to lose your love Bound to lose your love Bound to lose your love Bound to lose your love Bound to lose your love Bound to lose your love
Starting point is 01:06:48 You

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