Chilluminati Podcast - Episode 114 - The Lost City of Atlantis Part 1

Episode Date: August 16, 2021

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Starting point is 00:01:42 We pay homage and are loyal to the king of LA and we just control land that he owns. Yeah, Vince Scully. Yeah, we run Vince Scully's city. We're like more managers than we are, you know, owners. You need some in this town. You talk to me. And then I'll talk to someone above me. I will make it known with the leadership that your request has been made. Man, I am so, I'm so giddy for this episode, gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:02:15 This is something that has been on my bucket list for this show since we started the show. It's a necessary set of episodes that we're going to do just as necessary as You're one step ahead of me, Matt. This is exactly what I was going to say because it is, you know, it is necessary that you head to Slash Chilluminati Pod because, you know what? We need you because if we can't put out an episode every week, what are we even doing with our lives? You know what I mean? If we can't come here on Sundays and get weird with each other and make some weird story for you guys to listen to.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Make some weird story up. Is that what you're about to say? I read it online and then I copy it from several articles and I plagiarize it and then I read it. And that's how I do it. But if you want to come and you want to get ticket pre-sales, merch, every month, art, discord, tags of various hues and shades, head to slash Chilluminati Pod because not only do we get all that, but if you contribute at the proper level, you also get 15 more minutes of this excellent show every single time. Every single time you listen to the show and you wish, oh God, I wish there was more of it.
Starting point is 00:03:35 There is. And it's available at slash Chilluminati Pod. And if you already are a patron and you still want more show, hit me up on PayPal and I'll let y'all see what I can do. We don't record even more. That's unsanctioned by Chilluminati. Maybe I'll record a little podcast or whatever the fuck you want. How about that? You know? on PayPal.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Find me there. Always grind, always grind, Alex. I respect the hustle. Hey, hey, hey, I need it. I need it. I love it. We're the dukes of LA. Come on. We don't get paid very much. It's not an elected position. So before we really dive in, I need to, I'm going to have to ask you both to do me a favor. This episode, you have to put away the snarky pants,
Starting point is 00:04:17 which I'm sure can't actually go away. You got to put on your believer pants today because a lot of the things I'm going to tell you, we're going to seem insane, possibly fictional, possibly insane. But I promise you next week, it will all culminate in a historical way that I think you, Jesse, will genuinely appreciate. Let me eventually, on a later episode, I will explain about a house that's very dilapidated
Starting point is 00:04:46 and what you need to know about that. I don't like the way that this show is headed, where there's always like, all right, and now 18 episodes where you just have to believe, and then one where I reveal it was all a lie. I need you to know about this. I think when you learn what this is about, you will probably understand why it's necessary to a degree.
Starting point is 00:05:08 All right? Because listen, in the world of the weird that we, this podcast, so often frequent. I can't wait to figure out what the... If this is something I know, I'm going to let you know. I'm going to just sit here shaking my head knowing you. I want you to make sure you say everything you need to say here, okay? So very few places in the world seem to have an intersection of legend,
Starting point is 00:05:28 paranormal, aliens, actual history. Even when we discussed Skinwalker Ranch as a possible flap in reality, it lacked most of what we're about to discuss today. In the land of the occult alien lore, even dipping into history, few come close to the importance that the fabled city of Atlantis carried millennia after its first mention by Plato. Fabled, but real, right? Yes, we're going to say exactly.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Correct. Today, in today's episode, it's 100% real for the purposes of how we're breaking this thing up. There's so many fables because it's such a real place. Exactly. And there's an absolute definitive source to where you can get this shit. The world of Lost Civilization in fabled cities is actually a fascinating one. I didn't personally think I'd be pulled as deep into it as I was when I first started this little research.
Starting point is 00:06:27 It's filled with would-be treasure hunters, amateur journalists and reporters looking for their big break all the way to the scientifically minded looking to dispel or solidify rumors of said city's existence and with it enormous pride. When it comes to Atlantis specifically, however, there seems to be a very definitive line. Those who believe Atlantis was an actual real city, civilization, trading hub somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean,
Starting point is 00:06:53 whether it be those fruitful trading hubs or not. Those were where the true Atlanteans, the seed for all future civilizations, would disperse through diffusion theory, which we'll talk more about like at the end of this episode next week. Of those who wholeheartedly believe that Atlantis was a story created from the imagination of one of the greatest philosophers to ever exist, Plato. Before you write this off completely, though,
Starting point is 00:07:19 the difference between something like Atlantis and say proving ghosts or that skinwalker ranch is actually real or there's an actual such thing as a reality flap, there's the actual grounds for finding a city of legend like Atlantis unlike something historic to point back to improve something like skinwalker ranch can happen. The example I'm going to use for this is the city of Troy. For years, academics and scientists did not believe and they were convinced that Troy, much like Atlantis,
Starting point is 00:07:47 was a city in a story created simply to teach a lesson or carrying on a historical tale that had changed so much over the years it was now passed on that that truth was more or less lost to the parable that Troy was supposed to be. However, a man by the name of Heinrich Schleimann in Germany could not be convinced the stories and Homer's tales weren't based on actual cities and in time dedicated his entire life to discovering the lost cities and treasures that were told in Homer's tales.
Starting point is 00:08:17 To make an extremely long story short because I'm not going to sit here and break down his whole history the important bits is in 1871, Schleimann and his team began digging in Hisserlik which is an ancient city in Turkey that they believed could be Troy following hints that they were reading through Homer's tales. They would spend three years excavating this site and the day before the digging was to commence in 1873 after having discovered nine buried cities
Starting point is 00:08:46 each layered on top of one another in that site he under the dirt finally saw a glint of gold. After digging further, he and his team discovered large treasures, statues and plenty of remains that placed the site as what is now known as the city of Troy no longer a fable or a legend. Schleimann would become known to some as the founder of modern archeology and just like that everything once believed to be true about the mythical Troy was changed and while Schleimann was certainly an important man in history
Starting point is 00:09:18 I do wish to point out how destructive he also was. You have to understand Schleimann wasn't a scientist or a teacher he was a man with money and a drive and in his relentless search for Troy over the two to three years he was digging in that site he would without a second thought blow away with explosives city after city after settlement layered on top of each other destroying forever who knows how much how many ruins artifacts pieces of history just so he could get to what he believed to be Troy
Starting point is 00:09:51 so while he was definitely important he was just kind of chaotic and was haphazard about how he did everything all that to say that there is precedent to using old texts that were once thought to be stories to find ancient cities and civilizations however as we'll learn there are some important differences and distinctions between the discovery of Troy and what we're covering now as Atlantis covering every aspect of Atlantis every theory and every possible belief is pretty much impossible unless we want to strap in for a 10 parter where you're likely going to end up even more confused
Starting point is 00:10:26 than you were by the end of the Greenstone trilogy so what I've decided to do is break Atlantis down into two parts listen it's still joke worthy a little bit for now it's a three parter don't you understand? I get it, I get it we're only doing two parts we're breaking Atlantis down into two parts
Starting point is 00:10:43 the first part here is what I'm going to call the grand fantasy of Atlantis the most popular beliefs among the truest of true believers and the best of my ability described to you the future society that was Atlantis and how without its existence we would not exist as we do today and next week in the second part will be a much more historical breakdown of Atlantis its origins where Atlantis might actually be if it ever existed as it was written at all
Starting point is 00:11:13 and then we'll contact Michael Reparis from the from the Vigigame Apocalypse and have him come back and tell him about a house so before you begin us down this path let it be known that Atlantis is fascinating just on its own so I can't hate you for an Atlantis episode very excited to be involved in whatever the hell you're about to say but I think the thing that makes this different from Troy
Starting point is 00:11:45 or what is it? Mohenjo Daro I think is what it's called that's another one or even Encore Wat or even Machu Picchu or the place that I can't remember the name of where they filmed Andiana Jones and The Last Crusade oh the Petra City
Starting point is 00:12:06 yes, all those places were very similar to what you're talking about like lost cities even if you want to get really blown away look up what Chitsunitsa used to look like before they just uncovered it all dude that shit is amazing that is honestly like mad it's like a movie it's like Hellboy or something
Starting point is 00:12:26 it's like hundreds of feet of earth over giant ass pyramids and it's crazy that they dug all that stuff out so I get that lost cities can exist in fact I'd be willing to wager like sure there probably might have been an Atlantis what you're about to do today and then they had flying cars and great battles like you're about to take us into a place of fantasy
Starting point is 00:12:49 and I want to let you know that I know where we're going and I'm just going to preface this I would like for you by the end of this to in some way, even on the forums some way someone explained to me how mankind evolving, moving away from Africa like the cradle of mankind, Africa
Starting point is 00:13:12 and we all spread out what point in that sort of four million year period did Atlantis become the place we all settled and then branch out from again I'm just going to like sit back I will give you your answer I am waiting for this answer I want this answer
Starting point is 00:13:29 I absolutely have your answer in this episode let us begin finding your perfect home was hard but thanks to Burrow, furnishing it has never been easier Burrow is a new kind of furniture company one that believes furniture and the furniture shopping process should fit seamlessly into your life
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Starting point is 00:14:55 right now get 15% off your first order when you go to slash podcast that's slash podcast for 15% off your first order slash podcast before we move a big shout out to the sources today the two primary sources that I'm using is a book called meet me in Atlantis
Starting point is 00:15:15 by author Mark Adams it's a phenomenal book for those who are interested in the historical aspect of Atlantis I ripped through this book in a day it was such an easy read he's so snarky in the right it's so so good
Starting point is 00:15:28 Aquaman issues 25 through 29 I did absolute reference websites like Atlantapedia which is kind of my hub for using that place yep and countless other websites with that black background white text
Starting point is 00:15:48 giving and trying to weave together the commonalities to all these people's beliefs because believe it or not there's a lot of varying differences between these two these two groups of true believers and how they believe Atlantis came to be now the origin of Atlantis and its people unsurprisingly
Starting point is 00:16:04 is incredibly difficult to trace back the earliest in which I've been able to research and agreed upon generally by those who seem to discuss this sort of thing is something around 100,000 years ago but that is also up for debate as we'll see a little later
Starting point is 00:16:20 it's first and thus it's first and only mentioned thus far in history is by Plato and his work The Timmius and again Incretius exactly what was said is something we'll discuss next week however here's what we do know Atlantis was an island nation
Starting point is 00:16:36 set right for the sake of this episode set right in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean a kingdom blasted and created by Poseidon himself some believe the story goes that Poseidon had a children five sets of twins with a mortal wife bearing him ten sons
Starting point is 00:16:53 each of the sons were granted pieces of Atlantis as a way to rule over the kingdom as a whole which would ensure stability in eons of peace and prosperity how would ten kings do such a thing you might ask? should a single brother rise against and begin war to take land for himself all nine other brothers were to join forces
Starting point is 00:17:12 and quickly stamp out the problem and in that peace was ensured for untold centuries or millennia to this day Atlantis was the wealthiest known kingdom to have ever known to exist rich in oraculum which I hope I'm saying correctly which is a metal only second to gold
Starting point is 00:17:29 while the island itself was overflowing with flourishing fruits flowers and domesticated crops that could feed its people with plenty to spare the island's lush plants not only were able to feed the supposed hundreds of thousands or according to others
Starting point is 00:17:45 millions of people that made up the Atlantis society but also keep a lush and abundant wildlife including many elephants we also know how Atlantis was laid out as a kingdom I'm gonna try and explain it and you can actually look up pictures of it it's easy to look up sitting at its center was a large fertile plain of land
Starting point is 00:18:06 by which rested a short or some small mountain surrounding this mountain or hill the word is interchange depending on the source were a series of concentric circles two of land and three of water I've seen these images, yeah this is really funny all laid out perfectly equidistant from one another as if shaped, quote, with compass and lathe
Starting point is 00:18:30 like Disneyland or something yeah, it's very... like that kind of layout two springs also existed one hot and one cold now historically this is actually known to have happened with a couple of settlements throughout the world so it's not super fantastical that they'd be gifted
Starting point is 00:18:48 two magical springs, one of hot water and one of cold water a canal was then dug that pierced the three circles of water so that ships could pass through into the center this canal was 300 feet wide 100 feet deep while a little over 6 miles in length around the rings the Atlanteans constructed bridges
Starting point is 00:19:09 as well as even smaller water passages large enough for a single warship to pass through next to each bridge the Atlantis interior island was about 3,000 feet in diameter and around it a stone wall had been constructed the stone for the buildings of course was quarried from the central islands and other areas the stone itself was a mix of white, black and red in colors
Starting point is 00:19:32 one of the most defining features Plato discusses when he's talking about it is that its rocks had these tricolor bands running through them being ever resourceful the Atlanteans turned the areas that had been quarried for stone into ports and harbors for ships with stone roots the walls around the outer rings of Atlantis were decorated in brass and tin while the wall around the central citadel quote flashed with the red light of auriculum
Starting point is 00:19:58 auriculum? yeah is that how you say it? am i saying it incorrectly? is that like a minecraft or a calcum? yeah i'll spell it yeah a calcum? yeah that's probably it c-h-a-l-c-u-m
Starting point is 00:20:14 it's second only to gold this is what Atlantis was rich in or a calcum? definitely yeah or a calcum i think is how it's said but however that's just this outside walls and the like it's most defining the most defining feature though of Atlantis could be found in the innermost circle of concentric rings for the kingdom of Atlantis had built a spectacular palace
Starting point is 00:20:41 quote a marvel to behold for size and for beauty now while in Plato's original tale this was a large palace that was also a temple to Poseidon their guardian creator and for some even father the narrative seems to have fallen off those who believe that Atlantis was a very real and a very futuristic place this is kind of where their beliefs begin to split more likely this for them was the place that a UFO filled with Nordic type aliens landed
Starting point is 00:21:09 and began to build their paradise of course and here where we see why the Atlanteans had such a long raining paradise and also the cause of their downfall to the continent of Lemuria which we will also cover sometime in the future the Atlantis theory is like low-key also like oh by the way but also Lemuria had to exist oh well Lemuria, Mu, they're all involved
Starting point is 00:21:33 Atlantis went to war with Lemuria they destroyed each other but that's not I don't know what to say here because I feel like that's a spoiler for the next episode but that's not what Plato says oh absolutely, we are now deviating we are now cutting from Plato's original cloth
Starting point is 00:21:52 and we're going into the world where people have now and you might be wondering where they get information like this they channel meta-beings through themselves and there's plenty of interviews you can read, watch on YouTube books you can buy from these meta-beings who channel Atlantis to give a lot of us so Plato's explanation of why Atlantis is gone is not good enough no, it's pretty good but these meta-beings, you know
Starting point is 00:22:17 Plato just didn't understand that the gods were aliens it was inconceivable to him you know what he saw as gods was aliens, you get it? because remember Plato didn't actually see Atlantis he got the story from somebody else he was in the cave and he saw the shadow of Atlantis cast he's not lost at all first off, how dare you
Starting point is 00:22:35 second second but in the Plato story the powerful Atlantis gets it alright, I'm not going to spoil it no, we're going to I know, we are in the world of the fantastical today, Jesse next week is much more about Plato
Starting point is 00:22:52 and all that stuff you got to take away your scientific pants today, Jesse science, it's literally just the guy we're saying is the origin of this story has a completely different story than what you're telling me right now I showed a mouse, a car and he went home and showed his mouse family
Starting point is 00:23:12 about the car he wouldn't say, I'm pretty sure it's a V8 you know what I'm saying? but this isn't what it is but the difference isn't the difference isn't like and then the gods battled in the heavens over at Lent
Starting point is 00:23:26 and it's not the difference at all the difference is not even the slightest similar this is where modern day believers in Atlantis now separate where's making stuff up because it's cool no, Jesse, they understand the truth because they've been able to speak just because they made it out
Starting point is 00:23:42 doesn't mean it's not right you know what I mean? exactly, thank you Alex, I appreciate it again, this is where they deviate they're saying now that every fact begins with a guess you know what I mean? every fact begins with a blind guess
Starting point is 00:23:58 you're not wrong mind blown I will full on do a whole maybe two episode series about Lemuria in the future and the war that endured between Atlantis and Lemuria can you really quickly
Starting point is 00:24:12 just really quickly I don't know if I can do with this really quick Atlantis according to this theory are Nordic aliens Lemurians are also aliens right, right
Starting point is 00:24:26 another human alien fusion they're all part they're all kind of branch from the same species what do they look like? are they white dudes? or how they roll? yeah, they're absolutely white they look exactly like Prince from 1983
Starting point is 00:24:38 yep we'll talk about it we'll get there Jesse Lemuria, but this is the idea again, this is where we can branch away from Plato in his original story and we go into the land of facts as we channel meta-beings from the fifth dimension
Starting point is 00:24:52 and tell us about a reincarnation as Atlanteans because there are still people with Atlantean blood that walk among us today and I want you to know that Jason Momoa being one of them he's clearly like he's like Poseidon's like one of the ten sons
Starting point is 00:25:05 he's literally the son of the king of Atlantis and he needs to get his shit together okay so it's at this point in the story we start to learn why Atlanteans had such a long reigning paradise and also the cause of their eventual
Starting point is 00:25:19 downfall to the land of Lemuria and other things which we'll cover in a future war of Atlantis and Lemuria in another episode see, Atlanteans weren't humans as we know them now creations are offspring of some distant alien race or those that may be according to some others originated from an alien race that resides on Mars
Starting point is 00:25:37 this is where things get a little confusing as I'm going to dive further a bit further back in time to our actual true origins for real in the beginning you mean of all people? of all humankind
Starting point is 00:25:51 we are going back to the origin point of how we came to be so just for the record you're saying that the scientific evidence that all people came from Africa is in fact a lie
Starting point is 00:26:04 and well isn't it Asia now isn't Asia now the cradle didn't they find like an even older guy or something I'm not, I have no idea I mean maybe he was an alien we don't know maybe
Starting point is 00:26:17 it's not saying they're wrong because they're not necessarily wrong they just don't have the whole picture because it's impossible for science to go back this far there's no more evidence for it it's all too destroyed and too long ago so the only way for us to truly understand our history is again
Starting point is 00:26:32 to channel higher beings which is how we have this information and only if you select people can do this of course well yeah that's a talent not all of us have not all of us can have the blood of Atlanteans running through us Jesse what if I was a star child
Starting point is 00:26:44 if you have the side of the hawk and you're fighting against the Templars then you're able to see when somebody's right a human or if they're an isu you know what I mean so how do my witcher sense is facted into this
Starting point is 00:26:57 can I like does that help me in any way if you have access to your potions then you're able to activate them at will well should I use Igni or Ard for this process well it depends have you had at least one long rest
Starting point is 00:27:10 I have not no not for a while it's been a while we've got us Ard then yeah yeah it's gonna be Ard then I'll get my quen ready and we'll call it a life
Starting point is 00:27:21 we guys have all played The Witcher okay rewinding now we're spinning the earth backwards boys I gotta bring it back in time in the beginning there was no that wasn't Aquaman
Starting point is 00:27:31 that was Superman right sorry okay I'm just being obnoxious now you're fine in the beginning there was the very first earth civilization that existed nearly eight million years ago
Starting point is 00:27:43 whoa okay eight million hold on wait whoa eight million years ago is the first okay just earth civilization time out
Starting point is 00:27:52 time out eight million is the first earth civilization the first earth and civilization okay let me just remind everyone the first proto-human we have on record is four million four point five or something like that alright it's eight million
Starting point is 00:28:07 human right right right I'm just saying the first human thank you Alex you are on the money but but the Atlantis
Starting point is 00:28:17 you said earlier was a hundred thousand years ago correct we're even further back from alright so the first people haven't even seen Jupiter's legacy that's what that's or Jupiter ascending like that's what I'm saying
Starting point is 00:28:27 like I've never seen that movie sure it's very educational I have seen it I know of the Lungentins and their love of rollerblading okay just wait Jesse you're going to be
Starting point is 00:28:37 you're going to be blown away when you understand earth's actual history I need to be quiet I'm ready alright we're eight million years back earth's first civilization this civilization was known as hybornia
Starting point is 00:28:49 now what we know of hybornia is very little it sounds like it was made up by an Napoleon dynamite this is called hybornia the oldest of the earthen civilizations formed almost
Starting point is 00:29:05 eight million years ago I don't know if he's the guy I don't know if he's the guy give me your tots I can see Napoleon being one of the dudes who runs one of these websites I was on the past week for their Likers
Starting point is 00:29:18 so this first civilization was known as hybornia we don't know much about hybornia very little other than they wiped themselves out with nuclear warfare whoa
Starting point is 00:29:29 empathy I know Jesse it's confusing hang in there during this first earth civilization it was meant to be a sort of neutral zone of sorts a place that other races across the galaxy
Starting point is 00:29:43 who were part of the galactic federation could come and reside peacefully alongside each other they called themselves the galactic federation absolutely correct yes sir it is the galactic federation I guess he's shaking his head right now
Starting point is 00:30:00 I said I'd be quiet I'm just gonna let you I just want to be clear that the people from eight million years ago were aliens beat they beat out Star Trek
Starting point is 00:30:10 to the galactic federation technically Gene Roddenberry owes people some money it's probably a rough translation right you know what I mean they might just be using our own language that we understand
Starting point is 00:30:21 when we're channeling these people we're speaking in words that we understand like how a bumblebee the transformer can only talk with the radio perfect example so we don't know much of that history other than the peace wouldn't last
Starting point is 00:30:34 and they would revert to nuking themselves out of existence while here on earth after the fall of hybornia it took a long, long time for a follow-up civilization to appear this was partly because the planet had now become uninhabitable
Starting point is 00:30:50 for a long period of time due to the nuclear winter in the wars as well as the following natural disasters that had meant to end the hybornia approximately eight million or so years ago and partly because there was much sadness among the galactic federation these were the ones obviously who in turn
Starting point is 00:31:09 decided to colonize earth they were very upset at their failure of an experiment of this kind of neutral planet trying to have all these races live on there so they took time to grieve their loss to grieve their failed experiment before they moved forward the collaboration of peaceful planets
Starting point is 00:31:25 in our Milky Way is specifically the galactic federation by the way it's only within the Milky Way galaxy not outside of it and they were much better developed than we are even now because hybornia was to have been a perfect example of a harmonious society
Starting point is 00:31:41 with various ancient races who in other places in the universe were each other's enemies that all this ended in a war after all was very disappointing to the federation which ultimately strives for peace and unity but time passed earth would eventually restore itself
Starting point is 00:32:01 over time a sort of water primate which appeared to be sufficiently promising to live on our planet of earth discovered on a planet in the Vega star system this wasn't a matter of catching a few of those apes and then bringing them here to earth and letting them loose into the wilds they had to take due care with these creatures
Starting point is 00:32:23 endless preparation is needed with much consultation between experts of various disciplines as in a complicated laboratory equipment and experimentation it's like when Kelly moved to Monterra from the pot from the flower shop into the pot in our house so you can't just rip them out their roots
Starting point is 00:32:39 and plant them in strange soil they had to put the monkeys in a bag inside the fish tank and leave them in there for a little while to get used to the fish tank before letting them in this is easy stuff this is easy stuff exactly man this is easy stuff
Starting point is 00:32:55 I've got five windows open and I'm trying to research a way to already debunk how insane what you're saying is why are you trying to digest it you can't it's too easy to debunk next week you've got to run you've got to be in the ride my man you've got to come for the ride
Starting point is 00:33:11 you can't tell me you can't say there was a nuclear war and that it wiped out everything on the planet yeah eight million years ago okay and I want to let you know that the radioactive decay of anything that would be used in a nuke is like billions of years
Starting point is 00:33:27 so I just want to let you know that there's nowhere in the geological record of like looking through geological time as we go back to crusaceous and Jurassic in 64 million years that there's no just like layer of radioactive fallout it doesn't exist
Starting point is 00:33:43 do you want to know why I already know why because again they had to prepare this planet for these water primates they've discovered and so they had to cleanse and prepare the planet prior to allowing them to it's the flower pot Jesse you got to get some of the soil
Starting point is 00:33:59 and you got to clean it off time out time out time out from the vega star system water primates came from the vega star system alright I must not have been paying attention that's water primate yeah see you were you were lost can I go on a quick tangent
Starting point is 00:34:15 yes please I watched a ted talk one time this lady who was like a scientist she was talking about like humans jumping from being like basic bitch animals to like
Starting point is 00:34:31 smart civilized creatures and they're talking about how most likely like according to her theory and her research like there's a lot of evidence out there for humans being like a ape species that lived like right
Starting point is 00:34:47 on the edge of the of the shore and spent a lot of their time floating in water which is why women have actually like this longer hair scenario so that kids can hang on to the hair
Starting point is 00:35:03 and why we still kind of have sometimes like webbed feet and hands and why we have really big dicks for being monkeys like if you look at like what are you trying to say about apes man well I'm just saying like if you look at a gorilla right
Starting point is 00:35:19 like you'd think a gorilla would have like a huge hunk and dunger right just based on if you're looking at humans but gorillas actually have pretty small Pean zones because I didn't say about you gorilla that's stereotyping I'm just saying like ours are much deeper and much more
Starting point is 00:35:35 we go really far in because the theory goes that we're trying to get away from the salt water you know what I mean like we're trying to get up in there rather than monkeys which can just kind of like rub it on the outside a little bit you know what I mean interesting what the well the more evidence that we came from
Starting point is 00:35:51 the some planet in the Vega star system really I'm just saying like water apes it's not you weren't paying attention humans as water apes is not as outlandish of a theory as you might expect that's all I'm saying we got smooth because of the water you know we got and we'd go in trees and down
Starting point is 00:36:07 the water and kind of live like otters you know something to think about I can see it I can see it in my imagination here and that's real that's real shit I'm not even yanking your chain yeah so Jesse the galactic federation held off on doing a second civilization because they were grieving basically their failed experiment
Starting point is 00:36:23 how long do they grieve what's the grieving process we don't really know we don't fully know how long it took here's what we do know who could say we don't know hybridian culture hybridian culture exactly hybridia was to have been a perfect
Starting point is 00:36:39 example of a harmonious society with various ancient races who in other places in the universe reach others enemies that is all that all this ended in a war after all that was super disappointing for the federation because they strive for unity who said now how do we know this information
Starting point is 00:36:55 channeled from who like extra dimensional beings which one occasionally a bunch of different ones now let me ask you a question this is I'm just putting this out there why have we chosen to trust the word of this extra dimensional being
Starting point is 00:37:11 because they're extra dimensional so they must have the truth you tell me that there can't be liars from extra dimensions you have to be well you can get on just you got to kind of god you're going to get me into energies you got to be careful the energies that they bring and if they're what if they're what if they're positive
Starting point is 00:37:27 giving you the answers you want to hear because you know positive is it sometimes you don't want to hear what you don't want to hear you just want someone to listen to you and then tell you what you want to hear and then you're trying to teach you the true history of your species
Starting point is 00:37:43 lying purposefully would be a negative thing no well what if it's them telling you the history but it's like the history is a lie well there is something their history books are incorrect what if what they know is inaccurate
Starting point is 00:37:59 have you heard of the Akashi what they know Akashi library Akashi library that mystical library that exists in the astral realm that all truths ever known and will be known you can access even that of your own life sure of course dragons yes that's where you can cross
Starting point is 00:38:15 reference these things if you're talented enough in astral projection to get to this lie these libraries these books and which source book is that in what do you mean when I when I go to use this in my D dc official module yeah is this like is it is it sanctioned
Starting point is 00:38:31 from this people yeah it's not you know it's it's just the truth of the matter young and old can visit with right meditation techniques right okay so time passed on earth and eventually restored itself and and eventually
Starting point is 00:38:47 a sort and this is the part you missed a sort of water primate which appeared to be sufficiently promising to live on our planet was found on a planet in the Vega star system this wasn't a matter of catching a few of these apes and setting them loose here this takes a lot of due process and care
Starting point is 00:39:03 and endless preparation is endless preparation is needed with a ton of consultation between experts of various disciplines as in a complicated laboratory experiment a plan had to be made for what this creature should ultimately become and where society was ideally headed
Starting point is 00:39:19 what is also said this is this is basically the first humans are coming into formation in these of these alien the galactic federation is basically debating what they want to do and how they want to craft these creatures into what would be the first humans this is also
Starting point is 00:39:35 where in this this I don't know how deep into the cult knowledge you are but it's also said the crystal skulls also played a part in this you know what crystal skulls are overall sure sure are the aliens aware that it is the worst Indiana Jones film
Starting point is 00:39:51 you think they know aliens are part of why it's the worst Indiana Jones and they had the knowledge before that they were they was this part of the plan when they brought the swimmers here
Starting point is 00:40:07 to this planet to craft mankind water apes they brought water apes here with their long hair the children on to the long hair when they brought all this here
Starting point is 00:40:23 was it part of their long plan to then when they introduced our people to the crystal skulls it would be through one of the worst indie I'm gonna say one of the worst movies released in the 2000s that whole period
Starting point is 00:40:39 maybe one of the worst shows of all time what I'm hearing is what I'm hearing is not only is Jesse not seeing captain simian in the space monkeys but also but also I need to do a crystal skull episode on this I was gonna say because like
Starting point is 00:40:55 you have to have a base understanding of what the crystal skulls are for I'm gonna try and give them to you now the crystal skulls were kind of a blueprint for human consciousness like a flash drive of like data like a model flash flash drive I know what happens to her
Starting point is 00:41:11 she accepts too much knowledge and it overloads her system it's like the Voyager record so like the aliens basically the idea is they brought these water apes right but was that part of their plan yes it was a hundred percent part of their plan as long as they
Starting point is 00:41:27 as long as we all can agree their full plan the culmination was the release of indiana jones yeah a hundred percent I can see that and a crystal skull did it flop I don't know I actually have no idea if it flopped
Starting point is 00:41:43 I'm pretty sure it made eight hundred million dollars well the aliens did it they did a good job so the idea was were they aware it got a 78% on rotten tomatoes was that part of their plan you know what we could do our next goal over on patreon
Starting point is 00:41:59 the 1251 we can start interviewing somebody who's a channeler I would interview somebody who channels was it also part of their plan that indiana jones kid was named mutt did they they want I don't think that was
Starting point is 00:42:15 that might have been a lamarian I don't think that's a lamarian plan were they fine with casting shyloboff as his kid is it a coincidence is it a coincidence that there is an indiana jones and the fate of atlantis
Starting point is 00:42:31 coincidence obviously here's the thing they should have made that the movie because that was a good ass game if we could base this entire episode on the kind of video behind me it kind of is the fate of atlantis I got it right there
Starting point is 00:42:47 that's a great game it is a great game kind of is based on the game if you think about it so the idea with these crystal skulls for those who don't understand crystal skulls are sort of like a blueprint for human consciousness you know as i said like a flash drive like this idea in this particular
Starting point is 00:43:03 set of lore human history what they ended up doing was they brought these water apes from the star the star system vega here they placed them on the newly renovated earth that were now prepared and then they ended up taking these crystal skulls that they crafted they created
Starting point is 00:43:19 and spread them all over the world and that ended up serving as a blueprint for the consciousness of the now developing new human so in a way it's like kind of like shooting out radio waves and like broadcasting or in like serving as a blueprint for human to develop their own
Starting point is 00:43:35 consciousness this creation process is too complicated to really kind of go into because it's a bunch of fucking who we but uh needless to say it would take a whole episode just to talk about the crystal skulls as alex said question so the
Starting point is 00:43:51 black federation yes yes created they brought i mean just i just want to again yeah no you're good keep the water apes to earth they brought the water they placed crystal skulls nearby who that would then transmit
Starting point is 00:44:07 intelligence the idea of the idea and i'm just following you here the idea of sort of you know self-consciousness the idea that we you know recognize that we exist which many things do not and then
Starting point is 00:44:23 the follow-up is we in return choose to worship a god that is not them actually multiple gods through multiple like we choose how do i feel about right now
Starting point is 00:44:39 that all the major religions are monotheistic how do they feel about that well that's a very good question one that we may or may not answer today's episode just put it out there to the galactic federation our modern day humanity
Starting point is 00:44:55 spurned you and chose a different path modern day humanity is so below what the atlantines were that were kind of a failed experiment at this point and uh we'll talk a little bit about how the atlantines were that's rude as shit i know
Starting point is 00:45:11 but it's just the frankly but not according to how these people once i just watched the end of evangelion and i kind of agree with the aliens you know what i mean yeah yeah exactly finding your perfect home was hard but thanks to burrow furnishing it has never been easier
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Starting point is 00:46:51 off your first order slash podcast I'm sure it would make more sense if you weren't alien that's true yes Alex we'll leave the crystal skull episode in Alex's capable hands and one day Mitchell Hedges here I'm coming for you get ready exactly this will be a nice
Starting point is 00:47:07 in a little tie-in episode for that but basically because higher spiritual aspects and things such as root races were also involved which we sort of talked about way back in the day when we talked about those original like 12 or 13 alien races all of them like it's all muddled into
Starting point is 00:47:23 that crystal skull thing and the creation of this first like new civilization on earth so let's just say that the first creatures that were introduced to an island group in the Pacific Ocean and were guided there now approximately 900,000 years ago in terms of where we are in the timeline
Starting point is 00:47:39 it did not look like the current human in the slightest this island group was called Lemuria or simply Mu so they were the first ones despite the necessary natural disasters they knew human developed itself successfully and around
Starting point is 00:47:55 210,000 BC a new chapter in human history could be added to our story and that is Atlantis's origin point as has been mentioned Atlantis was in the Atlantic Ocean approximately 1500 kilometers
Starting point is 00:48:11 from the coasts of Europe and Africa in this story it was like a paradise there where the temperature was approximately always between like 70 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the whole year the ground contained many volcanoes and was therefore very fertile
Starting point is 00:48:27 Atlantis reached the highest development level that had ever existed on earth even to this day much higher than us much higher than us now both spiritually and technologically people lived as one with nature and with creatures from higher realms
Starting point is 00:48:43 and other planets regularly Atlantis and Lemuria were even members of the Galactic Federation itself so it's important to note that these people that were placed here by the Galactic Federation evolved in such a way and created such a society that they could
Starting point is 00:48:59 join the Galactic Federation as their own standalone entities the airspace above Atlantis was controlled with all kinds of different airplanes which are discussed in the oral traditions and old Sanskrit texts of peoples across the world
Starting point is 00:49:15 such as the Hopi and other Native American tribes the Irish the Celts and the Indians but I must put into parentheses that is highly up for debate and heavily up for interpretation because where these come from it's not as definitive as they'd like you to believe
Starting point is 00:49:31 Atlantis also built submarines and computers there was free energy from sunlight and quartz crystals and there was a type of television entertainment system that they had only natural material was used and everything that was no longer
Starting point is 00:49:47 needed such as waste was recycled or dematerialized they did not have trash piles like this integrated trash is kind of like the best way to describe it somehow in a way kind of like how the wizards got rid of the poop out of their
Starting point is 00:50:03 buttholes yeah the exact same way yeah no it's we don't really know what that means other than they kind of just dematerialized their own waste throughout the year these were people who enjoyed celebrations
Starting point is 00:50:19 in ceremonies such as solstices to celebrate the love and unity with each other and that of Mother Earth and to this point I want to talk about also the peoples themselves they were as is mentioned many times supposedly higher than we were now and not in the THC
Starting point is 00:50:35 sense and more in the spiritual sense I was gonna say there's no way they're higher than I am these people had a higher consciousness understood the world and the unifying consciousness that sit above in a higher dimension had telepathic powers
Starting point is 00:50:51 in a healing ability so they could lay their hands upon somebody and remove their illnesses everybody was extremely tall somewhere around six and a half seven feet and large people and there are supposed photos of archeologists
Starting point is 00:51:07 with mummies from Atlantis that were taken by the Smithsonian a well known product of the Illuminati so you cannot trust the Smithsonian about another episode no but you will be surprised at how Minnesota comes into play next week
Starting point is 00:51:25 not that surprised yes Jesse what were you saying nothing I sure the Smithsonian is part of the Illuminati the Smithsonian is part of you look it up you can google it it makes a perfect sense if you think about it right if you just take a minute
Starting point is 00:51:43 and think about it just open your eyes you are saying the exact same bullshit that every aunt is posting on facebook like if you just do your research covid is not even real that's what you're doing right now
Starting point is 00:51:59 I doubt we're looking at the same websites okay I'm good I'm gonna link you boys I feel like they're on the exact it's actually not even real I'm gonna link you guys a supposed photo real quick this is gonna be
Starting point is 00:52:15 right on zoom here I'm just gonna send it this is one of the photos that I came across when doing my research of finding these supposed mummies yo he's a big boy he's a big lad looks like he's got pants on
Starting point is 00:52:31 he kinda looks like he's got some pants on and then there's one more photo as well yep here it is I'll share this with you again if you're listening seriously just google mummies of Atlantis that's another episode that's a whole other
Starting point is 00:52:47 there's a second photo those are the only two photos that I could find these are mummies that were supposedly their photos were taken before the Smithsonian came and took all mummies everywhere around the world and now only allows us to see them when they deem fit because they're trying to hide the truth from us
Starting point is 00:53:05 so they only allow us to see the mummies that fit the human history narrative that we've been taught in school and by our own government those bastards let me ask you a question yeah well you're welcome too the men who are in these photos how tall do you think they are 4 foot 1
Starting point is 00:53:21 I'm just saying I'm just saying do you think that they're 6 feet these men in these photos do you think they look like they're 6 feet tall they could be here's all I can tell you is that supposedly these mummies were 11 and a half feet tall right
Starting point is 00:53:37 but like the men in the photo yeah well if you do if you take that for its word so they're probably like 6 feet yeah you know alright so the men in the photo they look proportionately 6 feet tall for sure and not at all like they're much shorter men
Starting point is 00:53:53 but like whatever it's cool it's fine but you think they found a short guy to take a picture with the mummy rather than the mummy itself being 11 feet tall that really seems more plausible to you should I answer this or should I wait until next episode
Starting point is 00:54:09 please don't answer this should I wait until next episode to say that people lie all the time no need okay moving on word now the sources for this next bit vary however I would be remiss
Starting point is 00:54:25 if I didn't also mention something that allowed these people to thrive as much as they have in the middle of the Atlantic ocean in essence alone while the general warmth of the place came from the many volcanic bodies beneath them it wouldn't be enough to keep them really safe
Starting point is 00:54:41 there would still be of course victims to other natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes and so on for life to exist in such an undisturbed utopia for multiple thousands of years luck would need to be on your side in a way that would break statistics unless
Starting point is 00:54:57 unless the very center of that magnificent kingdom that we talked about when we were talking more about Plato's area instead of that being a temple to Poseidon was something else something that could in addition to controlling the weather
Starting point is 00:55:13 winds and general climate around it also control the seismic activity and volcanic activity that lie beneath them ensuring that Atlantis and its people can and did thrive now what is supposed at the center
Starting point is 00:55:29 is basically this two schools of thought one, it was a machine given to them by the Galactic Federation basically when they first came it came down put these water apes on the planet they also left technology behind and they were able to use it
Starting point is 00:55:45 and bring it back reverse engineer the technology and create this amazing device the other side of the line believes it's a giant fucking crystal and they were able to channel the energies of life, the planet extra dimensional beings through it
Starting point is 00:56:01 and while accessing this crystal they could keep the weather and the volcanic activity and seismic movements at bay simply by being so in tune with nature and mother earth itself that this crystal was all that they needed what do you think
Starting point is 00:56:17 which one do you believe are you a machine believer or crystal believer I feel like I'm more crystal you know what I mean yeah if we're doing like a which beetle are you I feel like I'm more of a crystal guy than a machine guy
Starting point is 00:56:33 fair enough, what about you Jesse which one do you think it was a machine then I'll dare you remember we're believing for this moment if you had to choose between one of those two well I mean if I had to choose between one of those two I would choose the combination
Starting point is 00:56:49 that it was a machine that was powered by a crystal but they didn't truly understand the crystal's powers but they understood how to repair the machine so they were just the caretakers of the machine powered by the crystal that then kept everything going
Starting point is 00:57:05 obviously you leak and never believed chills before yeah chills at my spine it rings true to me a lot I feel like it's very obvious I don't know why we just didn't all just assume I'm getting fifth dimension vibrations right now that tell me that you're speaking words
Starting point is 00:57:21 yeah no that didn't come out of my mouth that was channeled through me by EmoTep oh my holy yeah did I mention I in another lifetime I was Nefertiti
Starting point is 00:57:37 I'm so dude when I try to channel I get is like Charlie Manson I don't know he just wants to murder people what what the hell is this a cry for help what if Charlie Manson this is the name that came to my head
Starting point is 00:57:53 I'm sorry people in history that's the one you were like you know who really talks to me well okay can I please defend myself for a god damn second Charlie Manson Charlie Manson Charlie Manson
Starting point is 00:58:09 like he's done maybe it really is just Charlie man not Charles Manson it's just a dude named Charlie Manson it's a guy named Charlie Mason he's like an old time newsie I'm back in the world of the serial killers to be fair for my next
Starting point is 00:58:29 multi-parter after this one so that's gonna be my defense for now oh fuck during this time of the Atlanteans this was what was known for them and historically for those who look upon the Atlantis history as the golden age of Atlantis
Starting point is 00:58:45 and life there probably looked amazing interaction with higher creatures and extraterrestrials was something that was entirely normal and usually a daily occurrence various spaceships would fly through the sky and light beings without a body
Starting point is 00:59:01 were a daily sight on the streets of Atlantis just streets of Atlantis is like a GTA game or something submerged the streets of Atlantis those who evolved spiritually often also learned to communicate with the world around them both with the living beings and with Charlie Manson
Starting point is 00:59:25 with Charlie Manson and with matter that most of us regard as lifeless there's like plants, walls dirt, that kind of things yeah walls were made of natural things and they could speak with them
Starting point is 00:59:41 there's Jedi that can like touch objects and see where it's big except there was actual consciousness in a way that existed in these things like the walls like what's up dude yeah just hanging out all day long
Starting point is 00:59:57 I can't imagine the conversations were amazing with those things fair enough this way the high priesthood of Atlantis could raise the vibration of a material like stone with their minds so that it almost became unsteady to behave in a more liquid manner and it became much lighter
Starting point is 01:00:13 I genuinely like what they mean is like these priests could with their mind like hold out their hand and you would watch a rock become to just kind of like turn liquefy before you and like warble and move around in this kind of bizarre manner so they made it into magma or they just warped reality
Starting point is 01:00:29 no not magma no they just warped the way it's described not magma it's just like they turned it into this liquid matter like not truly liquid it's just a lighter like liquid looking material it's very difficult to describe because I truly am not as enlightened
Starting point is 01:00:45 to some of these people but it's not magma I will tell you I know that for certain it did not turn it into magma the priests then were able to just by using their hands or simple tools take large perfectly fitting blocks of stone from the rocks
Starting point is 01:01:01 and build walls or pyramids with it so that's literally how they would build warble the rock cut easily just like cutting through butter like a perfect stone and they could pull that stone out of that rock while the remnants of the rock would rematerialize and fall to the ground
Starting point is 01:01:17 so that's how they kind of created there like again it's impossible for us to ignore because these people were so far advanced compared to where we are on a spiritual level that reminds me that I need to do a Coral Castle episode as well hey how have I done that
Starting point is 01:01:33 isn't that didn't we I swear to God we did a Coral Castle did we? are we at that point where we are starting to forget the topics? I worry about that all the time we've talked about it for sure I don't think so
Starting point is 01:01:49 we'll have to look back before we look it up however since these people could also raise their own vibration they could levitate themselves up to tens of meters above the ground if necessary they could literally fly this ability was also
Starting point is 01:02:05 used for travel so now and then you could see people flying through the air in Atlantis amongst the many ships and spaceships and flying airplanes frequencies were also used for the transfer of knowledge one person who had certain knowledge
Starting point is 01:02:21 programmed water with the correct frequencies after which another drank it and also acquired this knowledge he literally was able to pass on his knowledge by vibrating the water with a certain frequency and then you kind of matrix download it
Starting point is 01:02:37 by drinking the water isn't that a cool way of such a cool idea that's like one of those when you're writing a big open world science fantasy epic you need a couple cool things that make your civilization interesting
Starting point is 01:02:53 this is a good one programming water to be drinkable the knowledge is great we did not do the coral castle no we did not why do I think it doesn't matter did you hear how transfer
Starting point is 01:03:09 he transferred knowledge I'm buying in for today it is nonsense it doesn't make any sense I'm not going to question it literally it's impossible for that to actually occur that's not how water works
Starting point is 01:03:25 that's not how the body works it doesn't make any sense that vibration like there's actually a principle that there's no principle only a path is still based on today no that's not true you're just making stuff up now
Starting point is 01:03:41 I'm not making stuff up the people in which I had to read while during the research is making stuff up here we go this is important so some highly developed extraterrestrials such as the Syrians the Syrians, Cliadians and Arcturians
Starting point is 01:03:57 chose to reincarnate here in human form and lived lives here for thousands of years the higher the development the more you can determine your physical form which led to many tall beautiful people naturally because the aliens were already
Starting point is 01:04:13 so highly developed as a species apparently it's actually common for extraterrestrial souls that once they have reincarnated on a planet they can no longer call for the help of their space family if anything were to go wrong I've heard about that so sad yeah it is it's just like
Starting point is 01:04:29 you gotta know what you're gonna sign up for if you decide to reincarnate in a body like this on earth in this way life on another planet can be experienced to its fullest so when Atlantis perished these groups were in the same boat sometimes literally as other Atlanteans
Starting point is 01:04:45 who had fled for the land groups of reincarnated aliens looking for individual experience this is the reason that skeletons and mummies of these beautiful Atlanteans tall people around the world have been found in countless burial mounds in North America
Starting point is 01:05:01 the bodies look different from ours and that's because they were different the golden age was led by a spiritually highly developed group that called themselves children of the law of one the law of one is one of the most important universal
Starting point is 01:05:17 laws and means that although everything appears to be separate in reality everything forms one whole and is part of the quote creator some view as god some view as just a singular consciousness looking to experience itself in a mortal form
Starting point is 01:05:33 how you interpret who the creators seems to be kind of an individual thing the matriarchy the matriarchy led the children of the law of one group mostly lived on the Atlantean island of Posida which was one of the largest three islands to remain after
Starting point is 01:05:49 a sequence of natural disasters hit Atlantis around 28,000 years ago so Atlantis thrived for good almost 200,000 years before things began so they started getting hit by natural disasters and other things the other two islands were called Og and
Starting point is 01:06:05 Arian of course Atlantis was located on the mid-Atlantic ridge the underwater mountain chain which runs from north to south and which forms the fault line between two tectonic plates New land continuously forms along this line due to the growing
Starting point is 01:06:21 earth this sometimes creates volcanic activity in landslides and because of this Atlantis fell into periods of great destruction for a total, a grand total of three times the last one around 2,500 years before Christ proved fatal
Starting point is 01:06:37 to the entire continent now again this particular nugget is debated as there are some who fully believe that the natural event that wiped out Atlantis was actually caused by machines Lemuria had that they were using
Starting point is 01:06:53 against Atlantis during a war this last period of months of catastrophes was initiated by abuse of high technologies by the population of Arian this was the largest island and it was the
Starting point is 01:07:09 high priesthood of that island that had fallen prey to the evil intentions of extra-terrestrial visitors the group the sons of Belial arose from this the self-declared superiority of this Arian race, now you understand
Starting point is 01:07:25 where the superiority of the Arian race comes from would continue to play a role in world history up until today including in Nazi Germany and in various secret societies Dude, Nazi's looking for Atlantis is like I can't believe that's like real
Starting point is 01:07:41 another batch episodes I'd love to do is just Nazi and it's occult roots and like Hellboy origins, yeah as soon as the Arians came under the influence of these evil extra-terrestrials they started to interfere with other civilizations more and more
Starting point is 01:07:59 now here the believers tend to dip back into Plato because they start cherry picking what they believe they don't but here they believe according to Plato they built up an army of more than a million people and an enormous fleet which ruled parts of North America
Starting point is 01:08:15 in the Mediterranean Sea now this is obviously an example of where these true believers it starts to become obvious where they're cherry picking because a lot of the Plato story they interpret as aliens instead of gods and in these fascinating like
Starting point is 01:08:31 these aliens came and created the civilization but when it comes to numbers or armies and stuff they're like no Plato said a million people so it must have been a million people not that Plato might have been just using a number to sell the idea of countless men but they truly believe that it was an army
Starting point is 01:08:47 of a million people and an enormous fleet which ruled parts of North America and the entire Mediterranean area they learned how to split atoms using intense solar energy and how to use those atoms to build nuclear bombs this later destroyed the asian empire of you
Starting point is 01:09:03 the ruins of two large cities which used to be you now Pakistan Parappa and Mohenjo Daro are still supposedly radioactive because of this man you'll dig it both Toyota trucks are tough on the outside
Starting point is 01:09:35 and plush on the inside with luxurious seats and a heck of an audio multimedia setup sync back and turn it up nice rev it up at Toyota let's go places they also showed increasingly
Starting point is 01:10:03 less respect for mother nature as time went on with which they had up until which up until this point they always lived in harmony with mother nature and they never got used to it and they lived in harmony with mother nature but they always lived in harmony
Starting point is 01:10:19 with mother nature and there is a big difference between what they did with mother nature and what they did always lived in harmony with Mother Nature. They use their genetic knowledge to set up cloning programs to develop a low developed slave race that could do all the dirty work on their island.
Starting point is 01:10:38 Surprise surprises where a lot of racist kind of theories kind of sprout from as most ancient humans kind of origins tend to deviate into that way for some reason. In addition, humans and animals began to be merged together, leading to creatures, including centaurs, mermaids and the Yeti, which was a human and bear hybrid. The Yeti's a bear? Yeah, the Yeti, according to this, is a human bear merger. It's a human water ape merger. Mermaids are human dolphin mergers and centaurs are obviously human horse mergers.
Starting point is 01:11:13 And they were messing with all this stuff now because Atlanteans were losing their way. They were their own ego was becoming too large. As with many myths and legends, these stories are based on, quote, actual facts. The two latter creatures, mermaids and Yeti's, still live on today in small groups, far away from modern civilization. Animals around today, such as the cheetah and the panda, are also the consequence of genetic experiments from eons ago, like various crops, such as the banana. Because Atlantis didn't go down immediately, as Lemuria did, but sank in a chain of
Starting point is 01:11:48 disasters, which took months, a large portion of the approximately 25 million inhabitants, which is the higher end of those who believe to live there, were able to flee. One group requested and received asylum in the Agartha Network, another mystical land that maybe we'll cover during the Lemuria episode, just as the Lemurians and started to live actually underground. So Lemurians went underground as their civilization crashed. Others spread out across the coast of the entire world up to the east of Asia. This explains the large number of numbers of typical Atlantean stone circles,
Starting point is 01:12:24 hinges, burial mounds, dolemen, geoglyphs, cave drawings and stone walls, which have been found everywhere in America, Ireland, England, around the Mediterranean Sea, China and Africa, which a. True, that's why there are like that's true, but they don't look the same. Like they're some of the they're so basic looking. It's just like, of course, that they built these kinds of tombs and these burial mounds with these rocks. What else were they going to do with them?
Starting point is 01:12:54 It's not compelling enough for me personally. It looks like the various populations that inhabited. So this escape, by the way, is known as diffusion theory. And depending on which researcher you talk to, diffusion theory happened or hyper diffusion theory happened, where it happened under a much shorter span of time. But the idea is this is where the seeds for modern man happened. These people escaped and scattered across the world. And these groups of people that lived on created the Mayans, the Cherokee Indians
Starting point is 01:13:23 and a bunch of other groups across the world that would then kind of lose their connection to who they once were, all these technologies, and then kind of quote unquote, start over again and become the humans that we are kind of today. It looks like the various populations that inhabited Atlantis, each went their own way after the destruction and didn't much desire contact with each other after that. It's difficult to track which group went where, but as far
Starting point is 01:13:48 if people have been able to put together the Atlanteans, which directly descended from the extraterrestrials, mainly went to America and perhaps to Agartha, the Cherokee Indians in Southwest America, for example, have always said they descend from the Pleiadians. The Aryans most likely mainly made their way to the British Isles in northern Western Europe. According to legends of native inhabitants, there were sometimes dozens of years between the arrivals of the of these attractive people
Starting point is 01:14:16 with their blue eyes, blonde hair, blonde and red hair. So perhaps they had first tried living somewhere else or they then wandered along the coast for years before eventually winding up there. Even today, lots of graves filled with red ochre can be found along the coast of North America and Europe. This was typical of Atlantean usage. This probably also counts for the less developed human race that had been used by the Aryans for slavery and genetic experiments.
Starting point is 01:14:43 Now, these is where, again, it because every goddamn fucking stupid story has to always like break into some sort of slavery. They call these memories the furbolgs, and they lived in the English and Irish myths of imps and goblins. So the slaves became devolved further. They were like humans and they devolved further and they became goblins and imps in the stories. But in reality, when those stories were happening, they were devolved
Starting point is 01:15:11 slave people who escaped Atlantis and then just became more animalistic. A mole. Yes, pretty much. Finally, the children of law one, rather the children of the law of one seem to mostly spread out across the Mediterranean, the north of Africa, Sumeria and the Asian colonies that they had founded earlier. In North America alone, over 200,000 ancient pyramids, geometric forms and so called effigies have been found, such as the serpent mound in Ohio, with a length of hundreds of meters, usually made of earth
Starting point is 01:15:45 because there was much less stone there than in Atlantis. You ever go check out the serpent mound, Jesse? We had to go as a field trip when I was a kid. Well, I've been there multiple times. I had a feeling. I had a feeling. Is it cool as shit? It's neat. It's it's one of those places just like many of the things that are sort of like bigger than, you know, what you can see
Starting point is 01:16:06 with your eye sort of like, I imagine the Nazca lines where when you're there, it's like, oh, that's a huge, I want to see that. Yeah. But like, you know, when you're above, it looks like something. But why are you there? Look after your tour. Yeah. I will say, I appreciate it now much more than when I was there as a kid. Let's just put it that way. Bear. Yeah. These things show similarities to the pyramids of Giza in Egypt
Starting point is 01:16:30 and the Tiak, Tiakhuacan in Mexico and refer to various astronomical events such as equinoxes, solstices and lunar calendars. The great mound of Cahokia in Missouri was even as large as the great pyramid of Giza, but just as hundreds of other large mounds, it was largely dug off at the end of the 19th century by order of the Smithsonian Institute, a known Illuminati tool. These structures no longer have the technical perfection of the former home country. I have no Illuminati tool.
Starting point is 01:17:02 I hate that. I look, let me just state, I hate any time science is like, and then they're evil. I hate that shit. And then the scientists are clearly evil. That's why their arm of the government, you can't trust. Oh, of course. Obviously. These structures no longer have the technical perfection of the former home country due to the intense natural disasters which hit the world for years
Starting point is 01:17:27 in the aftermath of the fall of the continent. Once the because remember Lemuria as a continent went under water. Yeah, it got totally destroyed and that caused rains, earthquakes, floods and all those went on for years until a vinyl until finally that they halted the loss of material and professionals with the right knowhow was so large that their previous standard of life had become unattainable. They could no longer go back to the world they had before. Also, because now people only wandered around in smaller groups
Starting point is 01:17:59 which were often not more often than not in the best. They were often not in the best mental condition. However, if sufficient knowledge was present in the group, they reached a fairly high level now and then again, they're raising each other's vibrations. That's why it was so important for so many people to be around each other. The ability to use sound to lift weighty rocks from the ground and stack them on top of each other actually remained intact and nearly intact in nearly all groups for generations.
Starting point is 01:18:26 On the heavy pillars of the ancient city of Gabykili Tepe in Turkey, inscriptions have been found that seem to be about a comet like event in the past that led to a catastrophe. I'm not sure why. Again, the they it's frustrating because they simply see a comet and they immediately link it to Atlantis without without much more than just a kind of a painting. But they'd they'd say that that comet was part of the reason Atlantis
Starting point is 01:18:54 finally went under. The act of destruction of knowledge undertaken by the extraterrestrials after Atlantis and Lemuria fell who saw their chance after all of that disappeared caused this skill, the levitation skill, to eventually disappear as well. So basically Atlantis fell, Lemuria fell, a bunch of extraterrestrials who had kind of been waiting in the wings, evil ones who wanted to kind of swoop down and saw their chance to kind of like scoop up
Starting point is 01:19:20 what they could, took it as their opportunity to come down and take all that technology and leave Earth with it because it was so sought after by those who were not as high a level as the Atlanteans. In case you're wondering where all that technology went, they got taken away by scavengers, so to speak. Even people who still have much Atlantean blood in them today, such as the Irish, the Basques, the Mayans and the Tibetans, barely know this technology anymore.
Starting point is 01:19:47 Whoa. Yeah. Yeah. You're telling me that I am part Atlantean. Me too, actually. Yeah. Not me. I'm Irish.
Starting point is 01:19:56 So you're letting me know that I am. I have you might have that. I'm trying to levitate my computer. I mean, you don't know the right frequency yet. That's all. You got to find the right frequency, the right vibrational noise. Might as well just be like,
Starting point is 01:20:16 mommy, may me move. Maybe, mommy, may me mash my M&Ms. Did you ever play the condemned games? Hell yeah. Criminal Origins. Come on. Yeah. That vocal power he had.
Starting point is 01:20:27 Yeah. Maybe he was an Atlantean. Oh my God. Oh, there you go. Dude. He had Atlantean power. Think about it. There's the connection.
Starting point is 01:20:37 They're trying to send us messages through entertainment to this day. Well, well, well. Atlantean blood is most commonly in the Irish, the Basque, the Mayas and the Tibetans, but even they barely know this technology anymore. After the fall of the Atlantean Empire, the negative extraterrestrials, which eventually took over the command of Earth, literally left no stone unturned in order to erase everything that still carried a reminder of the Atlanteans, which is also another reason.
Starting point is 01:21:05 We can't find any existence known record because these negative energy extraterrestrials came into Earth and literally wiped it all out because they didn't want anybody to ever have knowledge of this ever again. Can I put this? I'm just going to put this out there to everyone. Yeah. Now the negative energy extraterrestrials. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:25 I imagine they are one of them for sure. Do they see themselves as villains? That's a good question. Because negative energy does not necessarily mean evil. That is our perspective as positive energy beings. But like, are they all right? They do what they do to survive. You know, they're the hero of their own story.
Starting point is 01:21:50 That's what makes a great villain, though. But maybe these guys work. We're the villains. Maybe this is like I am legend. You think the Galactic Federation is evil? I don't know. That's what I'm saying. Maybe that's the twist, man.
Starting point is 01:22:03 Not my federation. Hashtag not my federation. Okay. You talked to me when we're talking about the Romulans and the Vulcans and that type of politics. Okay. So you might be wondering then, you know, other than the initial fall of the empires and the initial swarm of aliens who came and took the technology away.
Starting point is 01:22:24 Swarm. How were they able to? That's the best word I got with you. I'm with you. Yeah. Sure. Yes. How could they wipe out so much history in such a short amount of time?
Starting point is 01:22:33 Well, that's where their their tactics changed. The wiping of Atlantean history wasn't done out in the open, but through secret societies under the control of these more evil extraterrestrials. Again, reptilians is a great example because they are one of them. Among others, the Roman Empire. Yeah, go ahead, Alex. I was just saying like one of their teams is the reptile squad. Well, one of the the negative entities that are that are interfering with it is
Starting point is 01:23:00 a reptilian. They were always been. We're like less like the Federation and more Justice League versus Legion of Doom. Yeah. Technically. Yeah. Here's the thing though.
Starting point is 01:23:10 And this is something I'm going to put out there because it's something I left out, you know, eight million years ago when they made their first attempt. Right. But even before that, the reptilians had Earth. So the reptilians, but they were from Earth. They're like, underground. The old school origin of the reptilians that came to Earth and colonized Earth had to push away the reptilians.
Starting point is 01:23:32 So then let me let me state negative. Why do they keep calling them negative when they were here? That is some no one. Oh my God. No wonder they were nor they were Nordic. They were some white ass dudes colonizing another place and it's a tradition. We kept alive. Well, well, well, you think you think.
Starting point is 01:23:56 Racism came from Earth, dude. Are you crazy? No, clearly, clearly it came from the Galactic Federation, which hashtag, not my Federation is much more racist than the one that we know and love already. Yes. Absolutely. Maybe the negative one is the good one. It's a good baby.
Starting point is 01:24:15 Not a good, but their vibrations are low vibrations. Those are people know I will fight with. I will. I will join and their native metaphor to fight against the occupational Imperial Empire metaphor. I will join them. Oh my God. Don't get us in trouble, Jesse.
Starting point is 01:24:32 I'll join you people. So paint my face respectful way. And I'll get my own Academy Award for it. It'll be great. My whole Academy Award, dude. Mm hmm. All right. So the secret societies, among others, were in the Roman Empire, colonialism, the
Starting point is 01:24:52 regime of Pol Pot in Cambodia, and Nazism were a result of these secret societies looking to wipe away this history, in particular, the discovery of America and the systemic systematic extermination of tens of millions of descendants of Atlantis in North and South America and the Caribbean that followed were a genocidal program that's hardly, hardly paralleled in world history. This is reductive bullshit. This is reductive bullshit.
Starting point is 01:25:20 So one big con, baby. This is reductive and it makes us not take what we did to people seriously. This is bullshit. Don't listen to this. Yeah, Jesse is entirely correct on this, but this is what these people believe and that's why it must be put forward. That's how I feel all the time, Mathis. Don't worry.
Starting point is 01:25:45 Some traces were hard to erase though, such as the racist, the racist negative blood, many Atlantean descendants across the world have blood type. Oh, they're red and blonde hair and their DNA. Of course, because they have red and blonde hair, their DNA in the languages they speak, for example, the language of the of the Native American tribes along the Amazon in Brazil called to pay Guarani chose a remarkable amount of similarities to the languages in the Bosques in Spain and
Starting point is 01:26:13 France, the Atlanteans that settled down in Northern Africa named the mountains there after their own mountain, the Atlas. And even now, some words in the language of their descendants, the Berbers match those in, for example, Bosque. The same applies to the language in of the Sioux Native American tribe in North America, native peoples in Guatemala, and the original inhabitants of the Canary Islands named Gwanches, which were completely eliminated by the Spaniards under the directive of the secret society to wipe out
Starting point is 01:26:45 what remaining Atlanteans and what history they still had off the face of the earth. Brutal many burial. Many burial rituals of people across the world are also familiar or similar mummification of bodies in the fetus position of the fetal position, such as on the Canary Islands in Peru and in Egypt and the use of ochre red colors often play a prominent role as they used to in Atlantis. In many animals, Atlantis still exists in the collective consciousness.
Starting point is 01:27:18 There are migratory birds, for example, such as the petrol, which still fly to parts of Atlantis that used to be above water every year. They circle around here for a long time as though they know there should be a place to land somewhere. There is also a butterfly species named the Catopicillia, which leaves for a journey across the ocean from French Guiana every year. Their subconscious probably still contains the memory of an island far out in the sea with an unprecedented abundance of flowers filled with nectar
Starting point is 01:27:52 for them to sustain themselves. But once they arrive, I'm sorry I'm laughing because Jesse's head just doesn't stop shaking. I just I don't know just keep going. Yeah, absolutely. We're almost there. We're almost done. But once they arrive at this place and there's nothing to be found,
Starting point is 01:28:06 they become disoriented. Sorry, hiccup. Oh, another one. After fluttering about for a while longer, exhaustion kicks in and they die on the waves one by one. According to my favorite, according to channel channeled sources, many souls that experienced the fall of Atlantis at that time have now reincarnated in this way.
Starting point is 01:28:31 They saw all sorts of karma and have the opportunity to bring about the transition to a new era properly this time. One of these former Atlanteans is the author Shirley Andrews. You may know that name. If you're familiar with this kind of garbage you writing, although we consulted various books during our research for Atlantis, her book and in particular Atlantis insights from a lost civilization to many stand out.
Starting point is 01:29:01 But I personally, you know, hand in the air did not read this because it wasn't the focus of what I was trying to do in this episode, but we have I have an excerpt from we have an excerpt from an end page in her book that we can read here. Quote, although they lived long ago, Atlanteans were in essence the same as us. They were equally intelligent, laughed and smiled, loved became frustrated and angry or chased a goal with determination.
Starting point is 01:29:32 They could count and calculate, make estimates and make plans and they thought about past present and future. For thousands of years, the strong spiritual people that inhabited Atlantis after the destruction of 28,000 years ago worked on the preservation of a balance and harmonious civilization. They were aware of the relationship between them and a spiritual creature of a higher order and religion and maintaining the beautiful nature in which they lived were central in their
Starting point is 01:30:01 actions. Once they had reached the point that they only needed a few hours a day in order to fulfill their daily needs. They devoted themselves to enjoying each other's companionship with love or to contemplation about their role on earth and position among the cosmos. Whatever the truth may be, the history of Atlantis is long lost to us now.
Starting point is 01:30:23 But this is all we know of the once great Atlantis civilization long lost to time. Yay. And that's the end of part one of Atlantis. Next week, we will discuss much more in-depth the true history of Atlantis, actual archaeological research and Atlantis though it may not be a true place, might be a reference to places that did exist that was just exaggerated upon for the sake
Starting point is 01:30:53 as Plato tended to do of making a point teaching a lesson and basically creating a parable for his students to learn from. That is going to be a wildly different flavor of episode next week. So I hope you're excited for that one. I love them all flavors. We do love all flavors here at Shilluminati podcast, but I don't want you to I don't want you to just be left off with
Starting point is 01:31:14 like this is where we're going to end now. As you know, we always whenever you start a multi-part episode, you always got to make sure all the parts pay off before the end of the multi-parter. You know what I mean? Right. You cannot end in the middle of nothing and leave everybody curious as to how it might end.
Starting point is 01:31:29 It's shameful to do that, honestly. I'm glad to get that out of there, man. Atlantis is such a fascinating, such a fucking bizarre, a bizarre topic simply because of just how it is historically fascinating when we will again talk about that more next week and what it's really led to in terms of like people's archaeological digs and some fascinating things they learned through science. But then where this all spins off into the fucking insane and
Starting point is 01:31:56 the UFOs and aliens and because of course aliens are involved in all this. It really is like Assassin's Creed. Like oh, yeah, it's funny. It's funny because I know they went and like did a little deep dive into some like American real old school cultural conspiracy theories and it's so it's almost fun to go play those games having been so submerged into this world because it's
Starting point is 01:32:23 like almost like I made a game for myself based on the lore that I learned from Chiluminati. You know what I mean? It's really it's really funny like it's kind of a neat little thing. The one thing I want to say like there's a lot that's wrong with it, obviously, but the one thing that I think we've talked about in the past is that the idea that human civilization only was able to become what it is today because we come from
Starting point is 01:32:46 some greater civilization, the diffusion theory, again, as it was called, it discredits humanity's own ingenuity that we wouldn't be able to create these pyramids and these temples and these civilizations as they are through our own ingenuity that they had to come from some greater civilization and that we wouldn't be able to do it on our own and that we are some other water ape from another planet. That stuff is like the stuff that's infuriating because it's
Starting point is 01:33:09 the same theory and falls into the same conspiracies that Egypt couldn't have built their own pyramids and aliens had to have helped, right? Or that Stonehenge had to have been done by aliens and humans wouldn't have been able to put it together. It's an insult to our own species that we wouldn't be able to do this shit on our own that it must have been something else. But there are many things wrong with it.
Starting point is 01:33:30 That's just kind of where I rest on it. We will be back next week with the final part of Atlantis and the actual history behind its creation and where it is in today's society. Thank you, boys, for joining me and thank everybody. Thank you. Yeah, wow. Do we have a special event coming up?
Starting point is 01:33:53 I mean, we do. In October. You can go right now to the Chulmanadi pod website. And there get tickets for our live show in October in L.A. Come on down. Let's get weird with it. It'll be super fun. And if it's not fun, you know, to blame.
Starting point is 01:34:20 Listen, I'll do my part. Like I said, Patreon folks, all Patreon folks get a guide to places to eat in Los Angeles coming up close to the time. And I'll secretly appear at one of them in between in between the days of the show. How about that? I don't want that's very creepy. Maybe you can maybe hang out and have a burger with me.
Starting point is 01:34:40 You know what I mean? Like maybe I don't want to replace. All right. Keep an eye out. It's a burger place. No, no, no burger burger place. I just can't stop thinking about burgers, guys. They're so fucking good.
Starting point is 01:34:50 All right, they are. They are delicious. You know what else is good? The mini so that we're going to go do now. Oh, yeah, we're right. We're going to go do a mini. So thank you guys so much for listening. We appreciate your support on Patreon.
Starting point is 01:34:59 Grab those tickets. Get yourself some March and we'll see you next week. Patreon. Bye bye. Chulmanadi pod. Hi. Anyway. Me and my wife were sitting outside indulging on our porch one night,
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