Chilluminati Podcast - Episode 115 - The Lost City of Atlantis Part 2

Episode Date: August 24, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Introducing the latest Grilling Hall of Flavor inductees. Meet Summer's favorite hot dog and the classic cheeseburger. One is juicy with Oscar Meyer beef and finished with unmistakable Heinz Ketchup and mustard flavor. The other is melty with Kraft singles ooey gooey goodness you'll want to savor. And they both would like to thank Heinz, Kraft singles and Oscar Meyer for getting them ready for summer flavor lovers like you. Visit to make your cookout stand out from the crowd. Hello everybody and welcome back to the Chiluminati podcast episode 115. As always, I'm one of your hosts.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Mike Martin joined my other two co-hosts, Jesse Cox and Alex Oceane. Yeah, the law the lawmen of the West. What the sheriff? You are the sheriff's of the West. No, I'm criminal. That's okay. It's just crazy that you're in Texas. I know.
Starting point is 00:01:13 And you're like, you guys are the sheriffs. I'm like, dude, you're like a Texas guy. There's always there's always something more West. That's true. Very true. Also, I mean, I was born and bred in like New England. I'm not really a Texan. That's right.
Starting point is 00:01:28 I'm like a spy. One of our presidents was was from New England, claimed he was from Texas and everyone was like, he's Texas. So like, you can do whatever you want. Oh, Jesus. I'm Texan guys. Hello, my Texas, Texas listeners. I am now one of you.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Hello. Welcome. Welcome to what is inevitably, hopefully the part of the Atlanta story that feels a little bit more grounded than our last episode. We'll talk about that in much more detail, though, because something that isn't legend is the benefits you get a patron. Isn't that right, Alex? Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:04 You are right about that. And let me tell you something. Patreon, it's just it's great. And I, you know, it's hard for me to tell as one of the three people who directly benefit from this, not even three, five, six people, six, six people that benefit from this down to directly benefit from this, whose meal tickets are on the line. I don't know who the site's better for. Honestly, me or you, because, you know, we're out here.
Starting point is 00:02:29 This is how we get our pages. We have to work right now. We don't have to be creatively compromised in any way. You know what I mean? We don't have to worry about it because the money's there. Oh, that's great for us. And but for them at home who are paying on the Patreon, like I want to, I wish I could get many soads of my favorite podcast right after the podcast episode dropped.
Starting point is 00:02:49 And I wish that my favorite podcast got all kinds of sick art and I wish I got free merch, not free merch, but, you know, I wish I got sick merch from my favorite podcast before everybody else got. You know what I'm saying? A lot of cool benefits to being on I think it's worth heading down there. If you've never been there before, just to see how you feel. Try it on, you know, dressing rooms are open again at department stores.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Who doesn't miss that? Who didn't need that? And I'm saying head to You can just try it on for a side. Try on the figurative Patreon jacket if you will. Try it on, see how you feel in it. You know, walk around and imagine if you could get many soads all the time. Back to you in the studio.
Starting point is 00:03:29 I, uh, I don't know what happened during that pitch, but for some reason I'm on the Patreon website and my pants are missing. That's what I want from you. That's what I want from everyone. So head down to Where are you? Can become part of the Shilluminati family. All right.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Well, welcome back to the podcast. Everyone who skipped ahead 10 seconds at a time in order to get to this point. Nice of you to join us. Thanks for coming back. You skipped over the ad, but you're here now. You know what? If you, if you aren't on this page by now. We're still there.
Starting point is 00:04:00 We're still there. Let's skip it again. I imagined what I heard. 10 seconds at a time. They're like, you know what? While you, boop, boop, boop, boop. They're like, is he talking about something else or is he, and then I'm like, and that's the best part about being on this website.
Starting point is 00:04:14 says Shilluminati pod. slash Shilluminati pod. Whoa. I'm loving it. Thank you. That's the, that's my. At least two people. So thank you for that.
Starting point is 00:04:25 My new slogan is slash Shilluminati pod. I'm loving it. What do you think of that? Yeah. Nobody's ever used that before. I don't think it's going to catch on. slash Shilluminati pod. Just do it.
Starting point is 00:04:36 How about that? No. That doesn't make any sense. slash Shilluminati pod. The happiest pace place even on earth. What do you think about that? I don't want to get sued by the salsa company. But you know,
Starting point is 00:04:49 In the Atlantis themed New York city. Yeah. I'm drowning in benefits. And speaking of drowning, Mathis, I think we have a little episode to do. We do. We have an episode today to do boys. We do. It is time to now begin.
Starting point is 00:05:08 The second and final part of the lost city of Atlantis. Oh, what a shame. I hope I find it soon. Well, last week was filled with facts from ear to ear, defined by those with the gift to interpret trans dimensional beings on a higher plane, whose mission is to educate us so that we may raise our own vibrations on this meager third dimension and raise the collective unconsciousness to the next phase of human spiritual evolution. This week's episode will be taking a decidedly different tone.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Well, it's fun. I don't know. It still seems like we're lying to people, but OK. No, no, not today, my man. Reporting nonfactual information as reported isn't the same as lying. OK. Exactly. Sometimes you got to do that for cultural purposes.
Starting point is 00:05:59 That's what we're doing on this show. So we are not experts. We are armchair enthusiasts. That's actually important. We will be touching on a lot of scientific stuff today. So there's little minor aspects of like whatever theory it is that I'm speaking about that I may have gotten wrong. I apologize. I did my best to understand as much of this as I could.
Starting point is 00:06:21 But I am not a scientist. Surprising nobody. So that's that's truth right there. I mean, you have science. Ufologist, a ufologist. You are not that either. Ufologist is such a great name for that, too. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:36 I'm a ufologist. Nice. Hell yeah. Garsh, am I right? Listen, while it's fun to hear about the crazy side of Atlantean conspiracy, I posit that the reality of Atlantis is equally as interesting, if not more so, for as much drama as there may be between those who believe in the insane conspiracy of Atlantis and those who want to take a more realistic approach to it.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Within the scientific world of Atlantis, there exists just as much between those who believe Atlantis was real in some fashion or another and those who believe any research and searching done for it is an enormous waste of time, energy and resources and want nothing more than to leave it behind as a simple story told by Plato. And for the rest of us, there's Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Right. And that was a great game. Great game.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Nope. Garbage game. Sharks. Too many sharks. You know, Jesse, this is a tangent. Assassin's Creed, the new one where you play is the hot red-headed chick that I custom made, a hot red-headed chick. Much better.
Starting point is 00:07:41 No sharks. Zero sharks. Landlocked. You got to play Subnautica, Jesse. Amazing. I don't know if I played it. That game is a horror game. And anyone who says otherwise is mad.
Starting point is 00:07:53 You know what? It kind of is though, right? Like for real. It absolutely has horror tones and horror aspects. The dark parts of the sea and the distant roars of the creatures. No, that's just too much for me. That's the worst game ever made. Whoever made that game.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Let me pull you into the sea of Atlantis with me right now, Jesse. Oh, you definitely know they got Atlantean monsters down there. No, thank you. And while some of the scientists who want to leave the story behind might be right, it would be no fun to completely ignore the interesting signs and ruins that maybe, just maybe, Atlantis was real in some fashion. Now, last week I said that there was some precedent for using ancient texts and old tales to find lost cities once believed to be a legend, like the city of Troy.
Starting point is 00:08:39 However, I also said that there was a notable difference between something like Troy and Atlantis. And while, yes, Atlantis is mentioned in an ancient text with a surprising amount of detail, Plato's stories are the only place that you can see Atlantis directly referenced. Well, Troy had been mentioned multiple times outside of the original stories as well. Mentionings of it being a trading city and so on randomly through ancient texts gave enough credence to the belief that it was real. And through cross referencing texts, they were able to pinpoint where they believed and
Starting point is 00:09:13 were correct about the city of Troy's location. So without all that in mind, I'll be breaking this episode down into kind of two parts. Atlantis, if it were a real place, and Atlantis, if it were a reference to a real place. By the end, maybe you'll have an idea as to why this topic is so frustrating for some and endless source of mystery for others. Before we dive too deep into these two sections, we have to begin with what Plato exactly wrote about in his two works, The Timious and the Cretius. It would be impossible, obviously, for me to cover all of it, but I'll give you the
Starting point is 00:09:48 best summary of it that I possibly can. First, it's a very common belief that this story is about someone telling Plato about Atlantis, that Plato himself got the story more or less first or second hand. However, there's actually zero evidence behind this, as the story of Timious and Cretius is about a story of a story. In itself, the narrator is already unreliable. It starts with Socrates, surrounded by Timious, Cretius, and Hermocrates, I believe how you say that name.
Starting point is 00:10:19 And Hermocrates is like what my brain so desperately wants to say. It sets the scene by reminding everyone that the previous Socrates sets the scene, rather, by reminding the three people that are with him that the previous day, he had given a speech on the ideal city, a reference to his Plato's work, The Republic. He asks his three companions to each tell a story to illustrate his idea of a perfect city. Socrates suggests that Cretius should start, and he does by saying his tale is, quote, a very strange one, but even so, every word of it is true.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Immediately, the book we're reading by Plato tells of someone else, tells of someone else who knows Socrates well, and this particular story is getting the story second hand from someone else, Cretius. So Cretius continues that the story comes from his very old grandfather, who he had heard it from his father before him. So his great grandfather is the original source. And he swore by his tattoo. And it kind of gets that weird, actually, you'll see.
Starting point is 00:11:27 This man was a man by the name of Sollin, and he claims that Sollin was unimpeachable, not capable of telling a lie. Sollin, in real life, Sollin is actually Plato's great, great, great, great grandfather. So Sollin was a real person that's brought up in the story, like 500 years before. Yeah, he is directly related to Plato, but he's he's from way back. The story goes that Sollin visited Egypt, specifically the city of Cy. One day, while speaking with his hosts, Sollin began to speak to an Egyptian priest about Greeks' marvelous antiquity, but was quickly interrupted by the priest saying, quote, Oh,
Starting point is 00:12:05 Sollin, Sollin, you Greeks are never anything but children, and there is not an old man among you, end quote. He continues to explain the story that Greek was once the greatest existence the world had ever known, but the Greeks had been wiped out by floods in fire repeatedly over millennia. Before the greatest of all floods completely wiped them out, the laws and military deeds of Athens had been the greatest ever known, but that it was in the far distant past. And according to this Egyptian priest, that's 9000 over 9000 years ago. And this is at the time of Sollin, which was Plato's great, great, great, great grandfather.
Starting point is 00:12:43 So you're looking at 9000 years ago from that point. The greatest Athenian deed of all according to the Egyptian priest was its halting of the great sea power, Atlantis. Atlantis had ravaged Europe and Asia, and its empire was larger than Libya and Asia combined. This vast empire was located somewhere in the endless Atlantic Sea. In front of the straits of the Greeks called the Pillars of Heracles, they sought to conquer and enslave Egypt, Greece, and all countries in the Mediterranean, but the Athenians, deserted by their allies and alone in this war, fought and defeated the invaders and freed all those
Starting point is 00:13:23 within the boundaries of Heracles. Shortly thereafter, a large earthquake and flood not only destroyed Athens, but also sunk Atlantis within the same 24 hours, creating impassable and impenetrable terrain of mud. Don't you hate when that happens? Yeah, you got to absolutely hate when that happens. Obviously, as well, just to kind of interject, I am also summing down to the best of my ability an enormously long story with lots of details, but all of this is like kind of just the general point of the story.
Starting point is 00:13:57 To say that the narrator at this point is unreliable would be an understatement. The story, if this particular telling is true, would have had to pass through six generations of people completely error-free to be remotely reliable. It doesn't help that in the following book called Cretius, Plato also contradicts himself. In the first book, Cretius, the speaker, the first book's name is Timmyus, but Cretius is speaking in both. In the first book, Cretius claims that he is speaking purely from memory and that he laid awake all night the night before to ensure that he did not forget a single detail.
Starting point is 00:14:36 However, in the second book, yeah, it's insane. That feels like your brain would just start making up memories in a desperate attempt to not forget something. Don't remember what it's like to not have a computer and it's way easier to do that than it is for me to do that right now, but I don't know. It is so easy to get stuck doing the same thing day after day. What you need in your life is adventure. At Motorsportsland, we've been helping people just like you experience outdoor adventures
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Starting point is 00:15:35 The Tacomas got bite and a taller suspension to claw through that terrain. Man, you'll dig it. Both Toyota trucks are tough on the outside and plush on the inside, with luxurious seats and a heck of an audio multimedia setup. Sink back and turn it up. Nice. Rev it up at Toyota, let's go places.
Starting point is 00:15:58 But in the second book, Cretius claims that he has Solon's notes and that he is speaking from the notes themselves. So immediately within his two works, Plato just contradicts himself instantly. It's a memory, one, it's notes. We don't have the notes, so we don't know if the notes ever existed. But the fact that he rewrote the story, kind of rewrote it in a different way in the second book already kind of points to this Plato being maybe making something up. But even if we take the second story as true that he did have the notes, we then have to
Starting point is 00:16:32 believe that Solon didn't mistranslate or misunderstand any Egyptian when he was writing it in Greek and that the priest was also 100% reliable and wasn't himself passing along a story that he may have been told. All that to say that the one and only source of reference of Atlantis is Plato. And even then it's horribly unreliable. And the final point in this kind of preface is that all of this is also completely neglecting the context in which these two books were written. At this point was kind of getting old and before his life came to an end, he essentially
Starting point is 00:17:10 was attempting to write theories on everything. He was literally trying to explain as much of the world, life, heaven, space, time that he possibly could in his final works, Cretius, Timius, and so on, where his giant stabs in the dark trying for him to kind of like put together what he believed to be a perfect world, how creation happened, et cetera, et cetera. It really was a final thought experiment for one of the greatest philosophers to ever exist to say these books are written as historical fact would just be contextually incorrect. So that is important moving into this.
Starting point is 00:17:49 There's a whole lot more obviously in these books about not just Atlantis, but everything. And that's the important bit for any and all Atlantis hunters and Atlantis curious. It's essentially to know where Atlantis even comes from historically. So with all that laid, if Atlantis was real, where is it and what happened? So the first set of places that I'm going to cover are places that still exist today. Places that if they were Atlantis changed over time, perhaps weren't even named Atlantis to begin with. And we're simply a civilization that had grown to a grown to become a legend over the course
Starting point is 00:18:25 of generations and then eventually kind of turned into Atlantis. Like Atlanta, Georgia. Yeah. That's that's the that's where Atlantis is. We've known it this whole time. Hey, dude, that is like one of the best. Futurama jokes of all time is when they only seen a couple episodes that get Donovan to like do his Atlantis song, but he does it about Atlanta and it's just that's actually
Starting point is 00:18:49 great. Yeah. Going into this too by another preface is even the researchers within this are constantly arguing with each other. Everybody seems to have their own pet theory, their own cherry picked facts to certain areas as to why they believe they're right. So in a very similar to the UFO world, the Atlantis world of those who are genuinely trying to like use history to research it are filled with people who constantly kind
Starting point is 00:19:14 of nitpick at each other's own theories and there's not really a unifying belief here. So moving forward, understand that this is kind of an amalgamation of tens to twenties of people's different beliefs and research and shit kind of chiseled down to what I consider the best possible theories. So sorry, there's a lot of preface here, but it's important to distinguish last episode and this episode and what kind of to expect going forward. So places that if they were Atlantis that changed over time, there are a few such places that hold the most evidence for that today.
Starting point is 00:19:47 And the first that we're going to cover are the Malta Islands, though relatively small in size now, it's far from impossible that Malta thousands of years ago was a much larger landmass. We also know that somewhere between 3500 and 2500 BC, the Mediterranean's oldest known temple building civilizations lived right in the Maltese archipelago, predating the great pyramids of even Egypt. Have you any of you ever like seen multi island pictures or ever been in that area? I mean, I know what Malta is.
Starting point is 00:20:20 I've never seen, especially not ruins in the context of like temples on Malta. I don't know. But I'm aware of Malta. Yeah, it's like, it's like south of Sicily. Yeah. Yes. It's it's very close to Italy. Yeah, it's a well, we're going to talk about that, actually. I haven't thought.
Starting point is 00:20:38 No, go for it. Yeah. I was just because it probably seemed a lot more exotic, you know, like non globalized world, right? Sure. Yeah, I can see that. Imagine like during this time, I don't feel like we give the Greeks and Italians and, you know, like the Egypt, like the Mediterranean wasn't navigable. Like they got around.
Starting point is 00:21:01 It wasn't like it was a huge, I mean, you know, it's still a massive ocean. Like it's a sea, but like they got around. It wasn't it wasn't too crazy. I'm I'm curious what they're going to say, because literally he said in what you stated earlier, that he literally was like the pillars of Hercules. I think he's what he said. Yes. That's a huge Gibraltar. That's like a known commodity.
Starting point is 00:21:25 So that's it. We'll talk a little bit about that, but that's actually an interesting point because according to different people who are searching that the pillars of Hercules are maybe two or three different areas. They're not necessarily the straits of Gibraltar. I personally believe you literally. That's what it's known as in history located where Plato was. Like this straight to Gibraltar way to the Atlantic Ocean.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Like it makes 100 percent. But if you just move certain details around, you can have a whole other thing. Yeah, I got into this recently on some episode that we were talking about antiquity, but like it's it's it's a double edged sword because you you think about movies like Hercules, the Disney Hercules or something like that, where they're kind of like just mapping current society onto ancient Greece or whatever. And you're like, that's crazy. There's no way it was like that.
Starting point is 00:22:14 That's like such a just comic comedy version of what it was like. And then you actually look at the ruins and you look at how society ran at that time. And you're like, no, like they call it civilization for a reason. Like we all kind of end up people who live in a city now and people who lived in a city in ancient Greece. Like there's a lot that's the same between the two lifestyles. But at the same time, a lot of the things that we rely on in our life today, like internet or something like that,
Starting point is 00:22:44 you know, things that give us like hard, fast definitions and answers. Yeah, like that's the big difference between now and then. Is that like the information wasn't like. Verified, it wasn't like whatever. So things like the pillar of Hercules, obviously, that's Gibraltar, which again, I agree with what Jesse's saying 100 percent. But, you know, oh, my God. Yeah, what's funny, too, is like Alex's picture is frozen.
Starting point is 00:23:13 So we just hear like noise happening. My my my little like thing that's attached to my microphone is like for some reason, the wires like around my feet. But the thing that I'm saying is like, you know, it makes things so much less provable. And so multiples of things did like things like you think about today, like who started the French dip, right? And there's like two places in L.A. that are like, yeah, we're the we're the place
Starting point is 00:23:41 that started the French dip, right? And the only reason that any argument is ever put to rest nowadays, because we have it written down. But like back then in ancient Greece, if there was like 50 places that were like the original this, they would all like everybody would believe all of them because you would never even probably see the other ones. There's also the interesting historical. I don't know how to what you would call this.
Starting point is 00:24:04 The idea that the Straits of Gibraltar, being called the Pillars of Hercules, is it one of those things where it was mentioned by Plato and then they named it the after it then afterwards and it's only been, you know, 2000 some years. So we just like, oh, well, that's what it is. But at the time they named like it's named because it represents what was already written down. You know, I mean, honestly, do not know. It's it seems like it's no way to know.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Also way off topic. No, go for it. Sorry. No, no, just go. What are we going to say? Go ahead. Oh, what's up time? Well, Alex mentioned the fact this is way off topic, but I have to bring this up.
Starting point is 00:24:47 If you are interested in like ancient societies and how they ran and like. So there's a YouTube channel where this guy is a chef and he makes ancient Roman food. That's really interesting. And so one of the things he did is he made ancient Roman French fries and he's like, all right, Rome, Europe did not have potatoes. That's from the New World. So what they used are like tubers and shit and they would like cut them into fry
Starting point is 00:25:14 shapes and then the ketchup because they didn't have ketchup. What they would make was basically like a wine version of HP sauce. That's great. And so he was like, yeah, I made it. It's delicious. And I was like, I love, I love that they were like, yeah, no, they would serve. They like definitely had fish and chips. Like be aware that the Romans fucking had fry carts too.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Like that's so funny to me. Yeah, just like we've said this on the show countless times, but humans have always been humans. And yeah, oh, and like even even the graffiti is some of my favorite shit of like ancient Rome graffiti and Greece graffiti. It's like, yeah, you're like, dude, somebody you suck somebody's cock. Or I was here, you know, like that kind of shit that we write today. It's all the same.
Starting point is 00:25:59 I love the this is again, super up in Star Trek when someone's like, it's years and years and years in the future. And someone's like, I could use a hot fudge Sunday. I always thought that was super endearing because it's like, yeah, you know what? I'm in space. It's a mess. I could use a hot fudge Sunday. Like that sounds exactly like how it would be. The thing that blew my mind was when I was at the Getty Villa and I saw a
Starting point is 00:26:25 I think I used this exact same example last time, but it was like a guy who makes coffins and one of the coffins is like open there to be at his shop and has like ads on it for like deals for the coffins. And I'm like, this is like a fucking smog shop. It was like a fucking shop up the street, like a body shop up the street. Like it's the same shit. There were like many of them in the town. We all had like there's probably like Yelp even like on the like fucking
Starting point is 00:26:52 what do you call those things where they post bills and shit? And you know, for a fact, the coffin dude also made the best coffee table. And he like help with your fence. So yeah, for sure. I love it. Yeah. Ancient civilization, like if you ever going to look at Atlantis, you're going to be forced to go into Greek's ancient history. Just and it's it's so fun and it's so fascinating.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Like Greek had like this period of literacy and then had a period of like a re-dark age where they know like the whole society could no longer read or write for a few hundred years and they became literate again. Like it's it's fascinating like what these ancient civilizations went through. Yeah, and definitely not us right now, right? Definitely not us getting super literate at the internet age, right? Somehow go in the information, Dave. All right, moving forward.
Starting point is 00:27:33 All right. So continuing with Malta, it also wouldn't be far fetched to think that the islands over time went through massive natural disasters over the many generations that would perhaps take off the box of a flood, wiping out the ancient civilization of Atlantis. Is Malta known to have had a huge natural disaster? I think it was affected by, oh, God, none, none that matter, like specifically to Malta being a convincing place beyond a few cherry picked facts.
Starting point is 00:28:03 None that matter. Out of the area that we're going to. Yeah, I don't know that matter. The things that we're going to talk about, I think at Malta is my least like likely to be the place. But none that I can none that were kind of like brought up in my research immediately. There is there is a few that are going to come up later for other places, though. The Maltese islands also have matching colors on its beaches.
Starting point is 00:28:26 If you remember last episode, we talked about the Atlantis having white, red and black rock and Malta matches that. But perhaps its biggest argument that Malta is indeed the place that Atlantis once rested is the infamous Malta cart ruts. Do any of you know what the Malta cart ruts are? At least off the coast that are like underwater. Yes, there are a few. So yeah, basically, the Malta cart ruts are pretty much as described
Starting point is 00:28:53 small indentations in the soft limestone on the island that can be found between the main island and some of its satellite ones. They can be found running between temples as well as running directly into the ocean itself. Most believe that these are, as you probably would have guessed for yourselves, evidence of trading or moving materials, building materials and what not across its civilization and the different islands, perhaps even bringing offerings to temples. You can actually see some pictures of them. I will throw a picture or two in Twitter right now for you.
Starting point is 00:29:26 I mean, it's it's pretty it's pretty straight forward. Yeah, it's it's pretty interesting. I don't know if it means Atlantis, but it definitely means that at some point in the history of this island, like it was probably one whole island instead of three like one big island, one medium island, one baby island. Right. At one point, it's probably a whole thing and then, you know, disaster. Yeah, I agree. I sent you a picture of what they look like or so you have them,
Starting point is 00:29:50 but they're pretty much what you expect them to be. Yeah, it's super interesting. Yeah, they're they're around four thousand years old to be believed. And the more they traverse through the through the soft limestone, the more that particularly became ingrained. So it's likely these were regular paths that people traveled constantly and they were pretty straight lines. However, those who believe Malta may have a very well-been Atlantis
Starting point is 00:30:13 to believe that there's something else. If you remember, in the first episode, I described Atlantis in great detail, thanks to Plato's incredibly detailed description with its concentric circles, canals, bridges and so on. Some believe that these cart ruts are actually evidence of early irrigation systems being put into place that these were the the system specifically used by the Atlanteans themselves, but not calling themselves Atlantis at the time, of course.
Starting point is 00:30:40 That's the biggest kind of like physical evidence that Malta has. That is a super like it is one hundred percent like where a cart went multiple times. Yeah, there is no like it was irrigation those. That's not how irrigation worked then or in the past. Like that just is. But I brought you there in the year eleven hundred and I showed that shit to you and there was no way to cross check it. I was like that was the irrigation.
Starting point is 00:31:08 The people who live there would be like, we've done a terrible job. Like there's no right. I just mean, if you were like a dumb person from back then who didn't have access to the Internet, and I was like, that was Atlantis. Look at that. Wouldn't you be like, whoa, that's crazy. Yeah, you know what I mean? Like, I mean, if I was an idiot, yes, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:31:26 You're right. Because I think about that. Yeah. Well, like if you don't have the Internet, you didn't have like an education like you had today. Like I just, you know, I think about that all the time that like mummies were like like mummy like fraudulent mummies were like a thing like in ancient Egypt. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:31:41 Because they were already old. Like just thinking about it in those contexts, like tricking somebody about an ancient civilization back then, though, like my assumption was that Plato's story was like a tale, like an allegory about because the whole point of the books was like why Athens is like a great place to be. And he was hyping up Athens. The whole point is like there was this big empire and they were all bunch of pieces of shit.
Starting point is 00:32:11 They were so awful that the gods literally smote them and Athens, who was like the beacon of free society, kicked their ass. And that was the moral of the story. It's it's a tale all this time. It's fucking Star Wars. It's the evil empire taking over the the galaxy and the rebel state of Athens all alone, fighting them back. It's like, I mean, I who didn't drink his milk, Kevin, his arms come off.
Starting point is 00:32:33 It's just like a cautionary tale. You know what I mean? It's like, yeah, don't be like this stupid ass people. You know what I mean? If we're going to talk about places in Malta, I want everyone to know this is very important to this day. You can even go there. They have a complete and totally walk aroundable set from the movie
Starting point is 00:32:52 Popeye, that old ass movie, Popeye, Rob Williams, Popeye. Yeah, the sound check. The city, the city still exists. The city they built for the movie. You can literally go there. It is an attraction. It has five stars. 15,000 reviews, five stars.
Starting point is 00:33:11 The people love it. I'm down. We should go one day, boys. I'd be down. Hi. If I, oh my God, I would be drunk and I don't want to do the entire time. I don't want to do any plans. I just don't want to do any work.
Starting point is 00:33:24 I'm going to eat some sausages. I'm going to dance. Yeah, let's do it. Go find a weird goat somewhere. And they're like, you must kill it. Like, I read an article that said that every hot dog that you eat takes 36 minutes off your life. Did you hear about that?
Starting point is 00:33:38 Hey, what? Every what? Every hot dog that you eat, like some other foods. Ask the boss or something. I it's just a real bad. It's a real bad one. Corn dogs, like a week. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Well, hopefully you're eating some other stuff to add those minutes back. Well, yeah, yeah, I am. I mean, healthy stuff. You know, tonight was Brussels sprouts and chicken. And now. Yeah. All right, all right. So now we're going to the point where Malta isn't necessarily the right place.
Starting point is 00:34:03 There's some debatable evidence that Malta maybe in the big stretch of no, it could be Atlantis, but here's the evidence that kind of goes against it. First, as Jesse brought up, are the Pillars of Heracles. While there's no consensus on exactly where the Pillars lie, the majority believe that it's the Straits of Gibraltar. But there's we would make sense. Yeah, which would make a whole lot of sense, especially in context of the story in Plato's life as there.
Starting point is 00:34:29 But there seems to be a debate about everything when it comes to Atlantis, even amongst those who are truly searching for it. And the closest place that could be considered the Pillars is too far away from it to be the same one as spoken in Plato's works. It just doesn't fit. Oh, you mean from Malta? Yeah, from Malta does not fit for Malta. Additionally, there are mentions of mountains around Atlantis.
Starting point is 00:34:51 However, the closest mountain to Malta is Mount Etna in Sicily. Maybe perhaps at some point, Malta was connected to the boot of Italy before, you know, before the eons before it separated and waters rose. But but even then, it wouldn't be surrounded by majestic mountains as Plato suggested. Now, granted, there is debate that the word he used, which is Montes, M-O-N-T-E-S, can be translated into hills. But even then, there's not enough there to suggest
Starting point is 00:35:19 that Malta was surrounded by these glorious, quote unquote, hills. It's cheap four by four season. Make your next adventure epic and hurry in now for great deals. Now, well qualified, returning FCA less seas get a low mileage lease on the twenty twenty three Jeep Grand Cherokee L Laredo four by four for three twenty nine a month for twenty four months with three thousand nine ninety nine to its signing tax title license extra. No security deposit required.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Call one eight of eight nine two five Jeep for details requires dealer contribution, a lease through Ally Financial. Currently, this must end by six three twenty four extra charge for miles over twenty thousand residency restrictions apply. Take delivery by five thirty one twenty three Jeep is a registered trademark. Summer is back and so are the deals at Larry H. Miller Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram Sandy right now. Get up to eleven thousand two hundred and fifty dollars off the twenty twenty
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Starting point is 00:36:19 bonus cash. Seven hundred and fifty dollars C.C.A.P. non prime finance through Chrysler capital on a proof credit. All prices are plus tax title license fees and a two hundred ninety nine dollar dealer dot fee expires five thirty one twenty three. So while it's fun to think about, perhaps Malta is not the most convincing theory overall, with very little to no physical evidence at its disposal. It requires a lot of stretches to connect, but there are, in my opinion, some better matches.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Perhaps one of the best ones isn't a civilization that exists anymore, but did at one point exist. An ancient civilization discovered in nineteen hundred that of Crete, specifically the discovery of the city of Gnosis. If this sounds familiar, it's because it was beneath the palace of Gnosis that King Minos had created the inescapable labyrinth that the half man, half bull, a legendary minotaur would be put. If you're looking at it, it's canosis.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Think of it that way. Gnosis. No, no, it's Gnosis, but like it's no. Oh, yeah, with the K, with the K. Yes, I look at it up. Yeah, this is also important with the minotaur because the legend behind the minotaur also ties in with Atlantis. Poseidon had had slept with King Minos's wife. Oh, yeah, it's his son. Yeah, it's his son. The minotaur is Poseidon's son.
Starting point is 00:37:33 And so that was placed under this giant palace. And that's where he would be let loose. And again, Poseidon is the one. Yeah, the last and remember Poseidon is the one that created Atlantis in the mythos that Plato put forward that we talked about last episode. Now, what was once legend, much like Troy, ended up being truth. The excavation of the Isle of Crete began March 23rd, 1900. And through its vast efforts, the large Palace of Gnosis would be discovered
Starting point is 00:38:00 and within a plethora of ancient knowledge, treasures, and maybe even a hint that Atlantis wasn't really Atlantis. But Atlantis was a reference to Crete. The building itself was huge, comprising of hundreds of rooms. This is the palace that sat in the center comprising of hundreds of rooms and within fragment and within those rooms, fragments of large wall paintings could be found as well as large urns, a sophisticated plumbing system.
Starting point is 00:38:28 More tablets inscribed with an unknown language at the time. Chambers decorated with frescoes of griffins all anchored by a carved gypsum chair that they eventually dubbed the throne room. Moreover, the theme of the bull seemed to be fucking everywhere and graved into gemstones, gold signets in ceremonial bulls. Ceremonial bulls head shaped vessels known as Ritons and in dramatic frescoes that covered the palace wall, one of the most famous and famous being the bull leaping fresco.
Starting point is 00:39:00 This shows a single bull in three youths, a woman at the front, the back and a young male leaping over the bull with them in between. Kind of this weird bull leap frog. And some believe that that was maybe a fun game that the kids played back then, which seems horrendously dangerous. But who knows? There were images of Minoans capturing wild bulls and some displaying wild bulls walking through the large palace openly
Starting point is 00:39:26 just as described in Plato's story of Atlantis, where they hunted wild bulls with staves and nooses. It's important to note that the Minoans in the pictures were hunting wild bulls just represented with giant nets. In addition, we are also near certain that there was some form of relationship between the Isle of Crete and Egypt, as Minoan pottery had also been found in Egypt, while images of long haired visitors bearing wearing loincloths, bearing gifts were all which was a typical signifier
Starting point is 00:40:00 of the Cretans were found in a tune in tomb paintings at the Theban Necropolis, which may lead Cretans to the idea that the story of Atlantis came from a priest in Egypt, perhaps mistranslated or perhaps bore from a kernel of truth from the Isle of Crete that blossomed into this fantastic story over generations. Maybe just didn't know the name of it could be that simple. Or yeah, or telephone over the course of time or this real story got just turned into this kind of legend to teach kids, you know, a certain lesson, et cetera,
Starting point is 00:40:32 now, as for the natural disaster that destroyed this island in the city. Well, we have something that might have done that. An eruption of Mount Thera, only about 70 miles away from Crete did happen. An explosion that that some scholars posit was four times more powerful than the eruption of Krakatoa and that exploding would have sent huge chunks of earth into the ocean and sent enormous waves and earthquakes, essentially quote, sinking the Isle of Crete and wiping out the majority of its civilization, becoming just a story to the Egyptians in the future,
Starting point is 00:41:07 creating the Atlantis legend that we know today. So that's kind of in like a lot of the main places to look. This is the one I would I would posit, at least out of what we know today. If Atlantis was a reference to a real place in some point in the story's journey through the history, I can definitely see it being something like the Isle of Crete, something that wasn't actually Atlantis, but eventually became Atlantis over time. It is close to Athens, close enough where you they could have had like an actual
Starting point is 00:41:38 war, right? Because when you look at Athens and compare and you talk about like, all right, well, in the history of ancient Greece, you have like, oh, well, Troy would have been on the edge of what you consider Turkey, right? And, you know, Athens is right there on the water and that whole area that they would travel back and forth on. And, you know, Sparta is like further down and you can see how they would fight. And then Crete is sort of at the southern tip of what you consider most of Greece and right in between Turkey and Greece.
Starting point is 00:42:09 And then like just look at the map. There are all those little islands you have to imagine. Maybe there was more connection in the past. And we all know that during different time periods, there were land bridges and things in places that are not land bridges now. So like, you know, for a story, it kind of feels sciency. Is it real or no? But like, if you look at a map, you can see. Oh, maybe. OK.
Starting point is 00:42:33 There's there's enough there that, granted, they could just be coincidences that but there's enough there where it kind of sits in the right place. It's not too far from places. You're like, OK, maybe at some point. But it's not fantastical. It is the most like down to earth version of the story. That's like, no, there was just like a seafaring group of people and they were tough and then the calamity occurred and that was like it.
Starting point is 00:42:54 We're out of the Atlantis fantasy world, Jesse. We left that behind. I promise. But the idea of Atlantis being in the Atlantic and then the people of it, of Athens being like enough of this bullshit. Yeah, that seems like a huge stretch. And considering like what goes on in the Atlantic, you know, where would that even be? Yep. So we don't know. So we got one more place that I want to look at before we move into
Starting point is 00:43:23 one last up kind of topic on this episode. The last physical place that actually exists, the final actual place that Atlantis could be that we'll be covering is none other than back in Greece, specifically Santorini surrounding it beneath its waters were undeniably circle like formations that would fit the description Plato had put forward, which initially sparked interest in the potential connection to Atlantis. As the archaeologists began to survey the area, they came across an ash covered field near the fishing village of Akratiri,
Starting point is 00:43:58 that's A-K-R-O-T-I-R-I, where they saw something beneath the landscape that intrigued them. The archaeologists then directed their team to dig in that location and the laborers almost instantly began to recover Minoan style architecture and pottery. After six days of digging, they found large storage jars filled with remnants of wine and oil, kitchen utensils, loom weights, animal bones, frescoes, stone walls and holes where disintegrated
Starting point is 00:44:30 wooden beams had once held up two and three story buildings. What was initially a search, this initial search wasn't actually for Atlantis, but a lost city called Helike. But now, because of the discovery of these Minoan these Minoan artifacts, it suddenly became connected to the Atlantis mythology. The theory is that this little area, this little this specific part in Greece might be, quote unquote, proto-Atlantis, the place that existed before the Isle of Crete had been taken
Starting point is 00:45:01 and had this huge palace built on it, that this is maybe where they originated from and then moved out into the sea and then ended up colonizing or what have you, the Isle of Crete later. That's all that exists in Santorini as terms in terms of physical evidence that this is the place that it was. There is similar looking rock. There's the red, the black, the white rock is all places kind of have that. And there's the ringed structures under the water.
Starting point is 00:45:27 But there's not much more than that because the ring structures, quote unquote, not their structures, but the ring formations under the water don't fit perfectly with how they're supposed to be in Plato's story. And so immediately there's already people who are not entirely sure. But only sticking point. I would be like, oh, maybe this is it. But I mean, yeah, but there's a lot. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:49 It is an interesting city or city. Oh, my God, Ireland and that it does. It is like the ring of a caldera of a volcano. Like it's very obvious this thing is like underneath that is a hole where something exploded at some point, which is neat. And anyone who is interested in Santorini, just, you know, every image you've probably seen of Greece or it's like houses on a cliff and it looks beautiful, but it is pretty much it.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Or if you play overwatch. Oh, the green one overwatch is literally that. Yep, it's gorgeous. It's beautiful. But that wraps up our quick look at the three physical places that exist still today that have any evidence that they may have been a city that could have been Atlantis at some point. The next step we want to go into is that it was a patent.
Starting point is 00:46:42 So the last things we want to talk about before we go into the last big theory is that there's also a theory that Atlantis was also in reference to a semi mythical city called Tartesos. Have you heard of Tartesos before? No, never. OK, cool. So Tartesos is a semi mythical harbor city. Tartesos, T-A-R-T-E-S-S-O-S.
Starting point is 00:47:05 It's a semi mythical harbor city in the surrounding culture on the south coast of the Iberian Peninsula at the mouth of the Guadalupe River. I'm just giving you a quick wiki explanation of what this place is supposedly. It appears in sources that from Greece and all the Near East starting during the first millennium BC, Herodotus, for example, describes it as beyond the pillars of Heracles. Again, one of the bigger pieces of evidence that it may be. Sure. It was Atlantis.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Roman authors tend to echo the earlier Greek sources, but from around the end of the millennium, there are indications of the name. There are indications that the name Tartesos had fallen out of use in the city may have been lost to flooding through several authors attempt to identify it with cities of other names in the area. So the idea is that the history of Tartesos has since has been referenced in multiple pieces by multiple authors, much like Troy, very much likely existed in some form.
Starting point is 00:47:58 And since it fits a lot of what Plato described as Atlantis in terms of, you know, kind of hitting all the check boxes, being near the pillars of Heracles, being wiped out by a flood, being a trading city near the port and a great water peoples. They believe that maybe Atlantis was actually just Plato taking Tartesos, renaming it for the purposes of his story and just kind of repackaging it into his tale that he was telling in that moment. So it just kind of like to freshen it up.
Starting point is 00:48:26 It would be Spain. Is that what you're saying? It's yes, it's over. You can actually show you a picture of where it is. Hang on, I'll give you a quick look, a quick clip. And why is it semi mythical? What? Because it hasn't been discovered yet. But people just wrote about it and they said that's location people who wrote about it, multiple authors, Romans referenced it as well.
Starting point is 00:48:47 There is there's references through it, through all of ancient history. However, it's also very possible that it got wiped out by a flood at some point and what remains of the city are buried under water where we can't get to them yet. There's a picture of a map where it likely they believe it likely to be to be somewhere around there. Interesting. And the final kind of yeah, you just looking through. There is like there is like water kind of where. Like that there's like a inlet of water.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Yeah, like this little water, linguists, legustinous. Yeah, the idea is that it wasn't a separate, a separate full island and that Atlantis was actually just a port city, like a point or a port place that got wiped out by a flood and then Plato just kind of sprinkled some little movie magic. Yeah, a little embellishment. Yeah, exactly. Literally, just some embellishment and moved on some less credible stuff. There are people believe that the Antarctic is actually
Starting point is 00:49:46 Atlantis and that at some point, thousands of years ago, Earth's wasn't in the position that it was and that the poles were actually more along the equator at that point. And then slowly over, slowly over time, the Earth kind of like tilted and the Arctic became the extreme north and south of the planet and got cold and that the actual Atlantis is maybe one of those. What evidence they have of that is extremely small to basically non-existent. So we're going to move on now to the very final thing, the thing that people
Starting point is 00:50:17 have reached out to me the most about between this week and last week, a thing by the name of the right cat structure. Do you know what the right cat structure is, gentlemen? Is this the one off the coast of Florida? No, this is in the Sahara Desert. Oh, OK. All right, let's go. Is this the thing that. So I think I know what this is.
Starting point is 00:50:35 So there is. I have no idea if I'm correct in this, but it looks like from if you're like looking from above, like a satellite image in the desert, it looks like either a meteor impact or something, but it literally looks like it has the concentric rings, but it's made out of dirt in the desert. Yeah, a hundred. This is exactly what we're talking about. Some people came up, they came forward and was like, this is like a new thing
Starting point is 00:51:01 that people have discovered, unfortunately, for those people who believe it's new. It kind of picked up popularity again in 2018. Around a time, a couple of videos were released that really hyped this place up. However, the right cat structure has been known. It's existed and knows what it's been about since 1965. Countless videos, articles, theories ranging from aliens to natural happenings around the right cat structure. And I can see why it's so intriguing.
Starting point is 00:51:25 This structure initially discovered in 65 is an enormous bull's eye, also known as the eye of the Sahara. What's so intriguing about it is twofold. On the scientific side, it's still somewhat of a mystery. What was initially thought to be an impact crater was found to have too little melted rock around it for that to be the case. And on the Atlantis side, it contains concentric circles similar to those spoken about in Plato's tale.
Starting point is 00:51:51 However, just because something is still a mystery to science doesn't automatically make it proof that it's a fact and a conspiracy. That's important in knowing, going into this. This theory essentially is a conspiracy theorist starting package. It gathers together lots of circumstantial evidence, blows out, blows out it's important and emphasizes certain aspects and goes on to ignore anything that doesn't fit. And most importantly, to any conspiracy theory, ignores all genuine
Starting point is 00:52:20 scholarship to create the illusion that you're onto something. The idea is to create enough smoke to convince yourself and others that there is definitely a fire. The argument is essentially that the right cat structure or the eye of the Sahara fits Plato's description of Atlantis so well, it essentially amounts to proof, right? The biggest, the biggest piece of provided evidence is that the eye of the Sahara is a series of concentric rings that precisely matches Plato's
Starting point is 00:52:49 description of Atlantis. Unfortunately, the only simple fact that is both are concentric rings, which is not unlikely at all to happen naturally in nature. They do not match up with Atlantis's map provided by Plato. And this is a great example of interpreting a general, a general similarity following basic geometry as if it were a specific match. Concentric rings are not uncommon in nature, as there are several natural processes that that can create them.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Impact craters, obviously you're one of them, but this right cat structure is not an impact crater. It is an eroded dome of magma. Well, the theory admits that it is a natural structure. It gets around this massive problem by simply claiming that the Atlanteans built their city into the natural formation of the rings. That's what I would do if I found this perfect. The perfect Minecraft tactic.
Starting point is 00:53:46 Exactly. Yes, I'm saying the theory further has to use some creative imagination to argue that the right cat structure, if it were fed by rivers and therefore filled with water would have two rings of land and three rings of water, but that is not remotely obvious at all. The rings are not discreet, not complete in places, and it's unclear how water would fill the structure if you were to fill water. You could count four rings of water if you look at the structure as a
Starting point is 00:54:16 whole in a particular way. And while the return argument is it is impossible to know how the structure may have looked hundreds or thousands of years ago. You have to keep in mind that same argument can then be mirrored back at you. It's Jeep 4x4 season. Make your next adventure epic and hurry in now for great deals. Now, while qualified returning FCA less seas, get a low mileage lease on the 2023 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Laredo 4x4 for $329 a month for 24 months with
Starting point is 00:54:46 $3,999 to its signing, tax title license extra, no security deposit required. Call 1-889-25 Jeep for details, requires dealer contribution, a lease through Ally Financial. Currently, this must end by 6-3-24. Extra charge for miles over 20,000. Residency restrictions apply. Take delivery by 531-23. Jeep is a registered trademark.
Starting point is 00:55:04 Summer is back and so are the deals at Larry H. Miller Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram Sandy. Right now, get up to $11,250 off the 2022 Ram 1500 Big Horn. Make it happen during the Memorial Day Sales Event at Larry H. Miller Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram Sandy. $4,500 dealer discount. $1,000 engine retail bonus cash. $2,000 select inventory bonus cash.
Starting point is 00:55:23 $2,000 national bonus cash. $1,000 CCAP bonus cash. $750 CCAP non-prime finance through Chrysler Capital on approved credit. All prices are plus tax, title license fees and a $299 dealer dock fee. Expires 531-23. The evidence leans in favor of science, not that of conspiracy. This is also an example of ignoring details that just don't fit your narrative. Plato also described a canal that ran through the walls of to the
Starting point is 00:55:49 inner structure, connecting rings, but no such canals are remotely evident on that photo or in the evidence of the of the Rycat structure. The theory argues that the size of the Rycat structure also matches Plato's description, which after translation is approximately 23 kilometers. However, since discovering that the Rycat structure, NASA puts the size of the structure at 45 kilometers, well, well larger than Plato's initial. Wording further is the dating of the death of Atlantis from 11,600 years ago, quote, precisely, that this matches the date of something by the name of the
Starting point is 00:56:30 Younger Dryas. If you don't know what the Younger Dryas is, the Younger Dryas is a comet disintegrating into Earth's atmosphere, which was a kind climactic event, which took place between 12,900 and 11,700 years ago. This event was basically a temporary return to the glacial condition on our planet. With decreased average temperatures in Northern Hemisphere, it primarily affected the Northern latitudes and North America more intensely. Theorists claim that an event that lasted 1,200 years precisely matched
Starting point is 00:57:02 an event that was supposed to have happened in one day, 100 years after the Younger Dryas ended. So even trying to match up the times of the fall Atlantis in this natural disaster that would have happened around this time are off by around a hundred or so years. Moreover, scientists and researchers, they say there is no reason to think that the Younger Dryas affected the equatorial regions of the planet. And the right cat structure is at 21 degrees latitude.
Starting point is 00:57:32 So really, it was in the wrong place and at the wrong time for the Younger Dryas to be significant whatsoever. But Atlantis, I know it's another forced thing to fit into something into the story that's not entirely all that compelling. All this also ignores ignored Plato's description that the city was wiped out by an earthquake in a single day and sank into the Atlantic. Next is the idea of the surrounding geography, that there were mountains to the north, the city was surrounded by flat planes and open to the Atlantic
Starting point is 00:58:03 Ocean to the south. Yes, there are mountains to the north, but this is hardly an amazing match. Surrounded by flat planes is not much of a precise description surrounded by how much, what kind of geography, and the right cat is in the Sahara. So there is desert sands where there aren't mountains. They're not really planes, nor is it surrounded by them. But an even worse force fit through this is the opening to the ocean. The idea refers to a sand drift to the southwest, which is somewhere around
Starting point is 00:58:34 like more to the west, but however, this is not south. It also doesn't open up to the ocean, which is to the west. The theory has to imagine that this part of the Sahara was flooded by the Atlantic 12,000 years ago. That also solves the problem of the right cat not being on an island. Perhaps it was back then, but it did not, but it did not sink so much as become landlocked. So yeah, you can make something sort of fit
Starting point is 00:59:01 if you're willing to make stuff up as needed. The evidence that we currently have says that the Sahara Desert is at least several million years old. Yeah, there is no evidence that the west at Western Africa was underwater thousands of years ago, and ignoring fatal problems like this is a classic feature of pseudoscience and conspiracy theory. It is also significant there is absolutely no evidence of a city in the right cat structure from 12,000 years ago.
Starting point is 00:59:29 Plato wrote about an advanced large city. Where is the archeological evidence of the civilization built by Atlantis? Where are the remains of a city's worth of artifacts of the technology? Even a shard of clay pot, anything. But there is no evidence of engineering, no walls of any kind or any improvements to the natural structure of people living there. You simply cannot have an entire city and leave zero behind. I mean, we talked about the city of Troy.
Starting point is 00:59:57 The city of Troy was buried under seven different civilizations that existed on top of it over time, but it was still there. So if if the right cat structure is in Atlantis, what is it then? Well, scientists still have questions about the eye of the Sahara, but two Canadian geologists have a working theory about its origins. They and I'm going to take two Canadian geologists word over anybody who dives on the Internet for theories. Just and really, really, who wouldn't know crazy time to be alive.
Starting point is 01:00:28 They think that the ice formation began more than 100 million years ago as the supercontinent Pangea was ripped apart by plate tectonics and what are now Africa and South America were being torn away from one another. Molten rock would have pushed up toward the surface, but didn't make it all the way, creating a dome of rock layers like a very large pimple. This also created fault lines circling and crossing the eye. The molten rock also dissolved limestone near the center of the eye,
Starting point is 01:00:59 which collapsed to form a special type of rock called breccia. A little after 100 million years ago, the eye violently erupted that that collapsed the bubble. That collapsed the bubble partway and erosion did the rest of the work to create the eye of the Sahara that we now know today. The rings are made of different types of rock that eroded different speeds and the paler circle near the center of the eye is volcanic rock created during that I mean, it looks it looks totally natural.
Starting point is 01:01:30 It doesn't look like if you really like if you zoom out, you're like, well, that's crazy, but then you just zoom in and you're like, oh, no, no, that's just fucking like water that did that. And even then, the people who have gone in there, because again, they believe Atlantis like lived in these natural structures, there's zero evidence that any human's ever did anything down there. There's no evidence of cities or mining or chipping away. There's nothing.
Starting point is 01:01:49 It's just a giant bubble in the middle. Like you can imagine seeing it from space, like this giant kind of bubble bubbling up from from Africa and over millions of years, it eventually collapsed on itself. And because it formed all those different rocks and they erode at different speeds, you get those rings. Because they're different types of rock. It's cool.
Starting point is 01:02:08 But that, in essence, brings us to the end of what I will call our scientific side of the Atlantis episode, gentlemen, while there are tons of other theories out there that have less evidence than what I presented you now. But if you stretch the black sea or it's like, you know, in the Bermuda Triangle or all the different things, is even theories where like they the reason that it said 9000 years is because it was a mistranslation that followed a mistranslation.
Starting point is 01:02:37 And if it was actually 900 years and then you do the math, then it fits better. And like, that's the kind of theories that you're really looking at when you dive into Atlantis. So if you want to know more, that's what you're in for. I would highly again recommend for our sources, the Atlantapedia, which was a super great kind of a meme, doesn't it? It just seems like an old ass meme.
Starting point is 01:02:55 They're like, yeah, this is all just like you say, like, you know, you know, now we have Batman and shit. So it's like branded. But back then, you know, it's just Atlantis. And another shout out to the book Meet Me in Atlantis by Mark Adams for anybody who's interested in just the history of Atlantis. This book is just such a freaking good read. And he's just it's an easy one, really, really fun.
Starting point is 01:03:15 But I will say, stepping away from this, if Atlantis existed, I am in the camp that it was likely the Minoan Empire, like the Isle of Crete that was just likely translated and passed along and just got warped. And whenever Plato heard of it, either decided, like you said, dude, you know, Hollywood movie magic it up a little bit, or he was told it as a story and just passed the story along. But I hope you feel a little sated now that we've done a history version of Atlantis and you don't feel as crazy as you did in the first episode, gentlemen.
Starting point is 01:03:47 Not me. I mean, you still feel you feeling feeling better, Jesse? Dude, please, I love when we get knowledgeable on this show. I have a great time. Certainly. Like, look at the Rosa Crucians that I was talking about during the Green Stone episode, right? Like jokes aside about the Green Stone, like the Rosa Crucians, right?
Starting point is 01:04:06 Everybody was like, yeah, they're real, dude. And then if you like go back and you read the real thing, it's like, yeah, these guys are like made up to like show a point. And like the fact that it's gotten this far, that like people today believe that they were real, even though like in the primary fucking source, it's like, this is fake. Yo, this is fake. You know, it just opens that door of like when it really is harmless,
Starting point is 01:04:29 when it's really not like somebody trying to make a buck, like the idea of information spreading like that, just because it's a cool idea or it's just like a great story, like think about how many times you've retweeted an article without reading it. Just think about it. You know what I mean? Like, you know, the last thing I think I want to leave like in terms of like Atlantis is just it's just like once you realize that Atlantis
Starting point is 01:04:52 came from a book where it was already like sixth generation information being passed down and you kind of take that at its word a bit crazy. The other thing too that I didn't really touch on too much is that Plato was known to kind of write and code a lot of the time, just kind of like mathematical code and like lessons and stuff. But that was the theorists take that to the extreme with Atlantis and think that his Atlantis story is in the story of Atlantis. Coded in his messages is the real location of Atlantis.
Starting point is 01:05:24 And you need to like figure out what code he's using, what crypto language he's using to try and like pass along his lesson. And that's just an even further stretch of insanity. If you ask me, this is my opinion. But as much as I love the crazy world of like crazy shit, Atlantis is one of those things that seem too far gone for me. And just as a reminder to everyone, historical reminder, Plato was like one of Socrates boys.
Starting point is 01:05:50 Yes. And Socrates was killed for corrupting the youth. Yes, he was saying, oh, this dude definitely was speaking code. Could very well be true. I mean, maybe he don't want to be killed for corrupting the youth. So I mean, that's very, very, very true. And I think that's an actual like thing that people talk about. But that was great. Thank you guys so much for letting me go through our crazy Atlantis double
Starting point is 01:06:15 parter. I'm so glad that the land has been done. It was a really fun topic to research. Next week, we have a guest coming on the show, everybody, with a special, a special topic that is going to be more along the lines of like Tomom Shudd, I think. So it's not the Greenstone part three. Just so you guys, you know, it is not Michael Rappar as he's not coming from a Vigigame apocalypse. Not yet.
Starting point is 01:06:36 From I am always concerned that at some point you're going to be like, and that is where we arrive at the old house. Now, I'll be like, oh, when that happens, I'm going to let you know, I may have to do it like a get up and walk around. I'm going to get you so good when it happens. I'm very, very excited. I'm so good at this. Trust me. I'm ready.
Starting point is 01:06:54 It's almost as if this whole thing has been a giant ruse of some kind. Oh, now you've got me curious. Now you got me curious. Hey, it is the end of August, guys. And in a couple of months at the end of October, October 26th, to be precise, we are going to be doing a live show out in L.A. How do you like my pod? It's going to be such a good time. Go to You can go get your tickets right now.
Starting point is 01:07:18 We don't got many left. We would love to see you. And hey, here's the truth. Honestly, real talk. You don't even have to come to the show just by the ticket. So we can say we sold out and I would be like real pleased. That would be just a bragging rights. Like, I don't even care if you like, I don't even care if you're there.
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Starting point is 01:07:53 All right, we got a mini so to go, dude. Thank you guys so much for listening. We'll be back next week with another excited one. We love you and goodbye. Get out of here. Anyway, me and my wife were sitting outside indulging on our porch one night, enjoying ourselves. I needed to go to the bathroom, so I stepped back inside.
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