Chilluminati Podcast - Episode 138 - Minisode Compilation 18

Episode Date: February 2, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:01 This episode is brought to you by Dr. Teals. When you need to relax and recharge, take a bath with Dr. Teals pure epsom salt. It helps relax the body while the natural essential oils help calm your mind. Enhance your self-care ritual with Dr. Teals foaming bath for long-lasting bubbles and Dr. Teals shea sugar scrubs for smooth, glowing skin.
Starting point is 00:00:20 Soak in Dr. Teals to recharge the body, mind, and spirit so you can soak in life's important moments. Find it at a Walmart near you, now available with a fresh new look. Hey guys, yeah, I know, you're a no. You're expecting part five of Alex's mini mysteries and you're gonna get it next week. We had some emergencies happen behind the scenes
Starting point is 00:00:39 that is forcing us to take this particular week off. Don't worry, nothing like life-threatening or anything, but just things that we cannot avoid and have to take care of. So we'll be back next week as we are able to find time to get together and finish off this insane five-parter that Alex has started. And I am just as curious to know what the hell
Starting point is 00:01:00 this last episode is gonna be just as much as you. Until then, please enjoy a mini-soaked compilation and we'll see you guys in the next one. Bye-bye. ["Jilluminauts Theme Song"] Hello, my little Jilluminauts. You're welcome. I hate this.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Every time. Well, okay. Parable. Jillmini Episode 56. We're here for you with special guest, Mike Reparance. Yeah, Mike Ornupar. It's good to meet you. Thank you for having me on again.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Second time over on slash jillminautipod. This is the mini show after the show where we talk about crazy news, reader stories and other crazy stuff. I'm not sure what everybody else brought up. I'm gonna rant real quick. So the government UAP report finally dropped. He's been waiting for this all week.
Starting point is 00:02:04 God, damn it, man. It's exactly what we expected it to be. So first of all, the public only got a nine page brief summary of the actual 90 plus page report that the Congress and Senate got. And the report TLDR says, they go, we can't say it's aliens. We can't say it's not aliens.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Out of the 144 reports in here, 143 we can't explain. And that's basically all we got. What did I tell you? What did I tell you? We're never gonna find out, man. There's no one. Mitt Romney went on CNN today
Starting point is 00:02:34 and actually talked to was Jake Tapper, I think it was. And he basically says he doesn't believe that it is from another government, but whatever it is, don't worry about it because Russia and China are our real threats. So whatever these are, don't worry about it. But he doesn't believe that they're from a foreign government. Can I just, look, let me just remind everyone
Starting point is 00:02:52 what I said before when that general was on TV and he literally said, it doesn't matter what they are. The United States government always has to treat them as if they are from Russia or China because they are a threat, no matter what, because we don't know what they are. And that's just, that's the truth of it. We'll never, you're not gonna find out.
Starting point is 00:03:09 And let me just say, I feel like no matter what, I mean, like, isn't it? It doesn't, you know what? It doesn't matter. It's not, nothing's gonna happen. I was gonna be like, isn't it suspicious? But it's not suspicious because nothing's gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:03:28 It doesn't matter. It's never gonna, it's not anything that will ever be just told what it is. So it's- The government will never tell us. Yeah, I don't know why you would worry about it. I'm gonna- We will never know what they actually know,
Starting point is 00:03:43 what they have, do they have any piece of craft or they have any fucking actual biological material. It's not in their interest. They'll never tell us. It's probably letting more boring than any of us suspect or like- Yeah, no. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Some lights in the sky, who knows? We don't want to seem like idiots so we don't tell anybody. They can't figure it out. Like they just don't know what it is and that kind of, but the other thing that we got out of that report is that they're once again,
Starting point is 00:04:05 they're putting more money into a research organization that's gonna look into these even further. But again, it's that situation where it's just like, they can't explain it. There's no way they can make sense of it. And so they were just left shrugging our shoulders. I don't want to spoil how that's gonna end, but they're gonna be like,
Starting point is 00:04:21 we don't, we can't say, we don't know. It's so frustrating. Well, according to that Reddit post from, you know, seven years ago- Oh yeah, Throw Awealian. Yeah, Throw Awealian. They're still a couple of weeks to go before they make their contact. July 18th, supposedly.
Starting point is 00:04:41 July 18th. Wow, okay. I don't think it's gonna happen. Get ready for those who believe in Throw Aweal Reddit posts. I guess I'm happy that the government didn't come out and just go, definitely not aliens. They basically said, we don't know, which is nice at the very least.
Starting point is 00:04:55 That's a step in the right direction. Keep it a little flame alive. Yeah, it keeps the flame alive, but also cause I don't know if I would, and it's such a weird place to be, like a short of just seeing a UFO straight up land in like a football field, like the government will never fully like acknowledge
Starting point is 00:05:11 what the fuck's going on. And I don't know if they genuinely don't know if they actually know. I haven't talked to my dad about it yet. He was really staking a lot on this, on this disclosure situation. Yeah, he was really, he's been hype about it all year. He's like, these two big things are Loki and the report.
Starting point is 00:05:26 So, I will say it is nice to see government officials now talking in more serious tones that are not laughing about it and are more like, okay, yeah, these things are around. We don't know what they are. We're trying to figure it out. But, you know, for years, it was even just like laugh that off. It was just like, for years, they denied that on media
Starting point is 00:05:45 and was like, it's all fake. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. But now we know at least they're primarily coming out and saying, hey, yeah, we don't know what they are. So it's a step, I guess. Didn't like Hillary or Obama or somebody go on like, some show and they're like, oh, we know a lot more than you do, trust me.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Yeah, Obama did it, like within the past couple of years, like a few people have done it recently. They're just like, yeah, we know things, but we can't share it with you. I mean, I'm sure they know like, we saw a thing and this is what it did. And I'm sure they know all that stuff, but there's no way they can say, if it was an enemy,
Starting point is 00:06:19 like this is the inherent problem with all this. If it's enemy tech, admitting that you don't know what it is shows weakness. But if it's something outside of like, our comprehension, then that also shows like we are woefully ill-prepared for that. But also if it's something that that's ours, saying like, oh, we don't know, Wink is also an option.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Sure, I guess, but the way those things move just don't obey the laws of physics, which is why it's hard for me to swallow that it's even our tech. I saw some conspiracy theory video about this lady scientist who like discovered some sort of like anti-gravity technology and she disappeared and all this weird stuff.
Starting point is 00:07:09 I don't know if that has anything to do with it. I don't know if there's like maybe like some country that just like got this research and like figured it out and they're doing some kind of insane anti-gravity stuff. I don't know, but there's all these kinds of conspiracy theories out there about it. Let me just really quickly put this out there as sort of a, for when Mathis is like,
Starting point is 00:07:27 that doesn't look like any tech we have. Lately, in the last 20 years, boy, electric cars have been a cool thing. But also electric cars were being developed in the 80s and in the 70s and in the 50s. And technically in the early 1900s, people were creating electric cars and it's been around for a while
Starting point is 00:07:54 and it was fossil fuel that prevented them from existing. It was the gas companies that were like, nah, let's, let's get it. No, 100%. So all I'm saying is there's the potential for all sorts of things we don't quite understand because we're not allowed to understand them for myriad of reasons
Starting point is 00:08:10 that we aren't even thinking about right now. Do you think big wheels keeping them down? I'm telling you. I'm just saying, if we have technology that can move the way those things are moving at a force, at a g-force that should kill humans if they're sitting in the cockpit, then we should like, no world war should scare us
Starting point is 00:08:29 because we should be able to dominate them no matter what it is. All I'm saying is China has it. Ask why we don't have flying cars right now. Besides, besides like, just think about, think of the logistics of having that shit that works out. Cyberpunk 2077 was not a video game. It was the vision of our future.
Starting point is 00:08:45 I'm just saying like, think of the logistics of flying cars. Where are the stoplights? Where are the lanes? How does that work? What is the height? What happens if one crashes? Like that alone is a pain in the ass.
Starting point is 00:08:58 So I'm sure if there's someone who has a flying anything to like, let's keep it to like three. Three? Should we do three? Okay, yeah, yeah. I mean, I'm just saying, fair enough, fair enough. What do you got Jesse? Oh, get ready for this.
Starting point is 00:09:13 I'm about to take us to a weird place. All right. Vanillin is the compound that carries the smell and taste of vanilla, right? It seems pretty obvious. And it can be extracted naturally from vanilla beans or it's made synthetically. About 85% of all of vanilla is currently made
Starting point is 00:09:35 from chemicals, which mostly are fossil fuels. Well, it is now a problem that the world has because everything from vanilla scented candles to vanilla this, vanilla that, it's one of the most popular scents in the world. It is one of the most popular tastes in the world. And the demand is far exceeding the supply of vanilla beans. So scientists have resorted to just producing synthetic vanilla
Starting point is 00:10:10 or in this case, vanilla. Well, this is my favorite story of the week. Researchers just decided, why don't we, there are all these plastic bottles around. Why don't we break down the plastic bottles into vanilla? And so that's what they're doing. They're using plastic bottles to create vanilla. Imagine if that solves like pollution somehow.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Synthetic vanilla is like simultaneously a very exciting idea and one of the most boring things I've ever heard. That's right. All I could think of is those white Tootsie rolls. You know what I'm talking about? Oh, God. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:10:53 God. Basically Tootsie rolls. Basically scientists and these researchers engineered a bacteria with this pterothlactic, whatever the hell, this kind of acid and they heated it up to about 99 degrees and then just let it do its thing. And it converted 79% of the trash refuse into vanilla.
Starting point is 00:11:24 It's crazy. Yeah, they're like, this could help with the global plastic crisis because we are straight up just gonna like turn stuff into vanilla, which is so crazy. That's the thing they're doing is vanilla, which, you know, it's again, one of the most favored scents, most favorite anything.
Starting point is 00:11:45 And so yeah, I'm pretty sure they're not gonna stick it in like vanilla extract. I'm pretty sure that's not gonna happen. But you know, the vanilla scent, when you light your candles. Yeah. That's where you're gonna have the vanilla on your air freshener.
Starting point is 00:11:57 That's that. It isn't real vanilla, but it's like synthetic and that's what most people are into and that's what they're gonna do. And that's the plan is they're gonna try. They said that about one million plastic bottles are sold every minute around the world and only 14% are recycled.
Starting point is 00:12:14 So they're like, we need to do something with these. Let's turn them into vanilla. And that's my little thing for the week. On top of that, there've been all those stories about how like, yeah, plastic recycling is basically kind of a scam now because China has stopped taking all of our plastic to recycle and a lot of it is ending up in landfills
Starting point is 00:12:32 even if it's been, you know, earmarked for recycling. So yeah, that's great potential news until we hear that it releases some kind of toxic phthalate chemicals or whatever. Or some lobbyist takes it out of. But until that time, vanilla for everybody. It's a vanilla world and we're just living in it. I'm gonna send my radium watch with vanilla.
Starting point is 00:12:56 We're just, it's, we just become like a society that's just like how fallout became like a society that's like gone except instead of like nuclear power everywhere, it's just all like vanilla shit. Yes, yes. Scent and power supply. Yeah. Vanilla planet.
Starting point is 00:13:14 It's just terrible. Anyway, here's what I have for you today. Uh. Dear carbon footprint. Who's got America's largest electrified lineup? Toyota. 15 hybrid plug-in fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles from the new Prius
Starting point is 00:13:34 to the RAV4 hybrid, the Crown and the Tundra i-Force Max. Toyota's the name of the electrified game. As our lineup gets larger, your footprint gets smaller. Get the juice on Juice? Yup, juice. Toyota, let's go places. Dear truck and A, wanna talk torque?
Starting point is 00:13:55 The Tundra's forceful twin turbo V6 will blow your mind. The Tacomas got bite and a taller suspension to claw through that terrain. Man, you'll dig it. Both Toyota trucks are tough on the outside and plush on the inside with luxurious seats and a heck of an audio multimedia setup. Sink back and turn it up.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Nice. Rev it up at Toyota, let's go places. Michael has a listener story, so I'm going to just knock out my new stuff. I want to shout out the Guardian this week for the fucking wildest headlines of the week. First one that I saw that caught my eye was called
Starting point is 00:14:35 Fire Monks Preparing to Defend California Monastery from Blaze, which was a wild thing to read. After reading it, it just turns out that there's like, it's a monastery that they, you know, they have like a sprinkler system called Dharma Rain that's like, actually like a wet- That sounds like someone from Lost, by the way. Yeah, it's a system that like wets the area
Starting point is 00:14:57 around the temple so that they don't, like if there's a wildfire, it doesn't burn down. So actually quite a mundane explanation in this specific case, but Fire Monks Preparing to Defend California Monastery from Blaze was a killer headline, but then we got the headline, massive human head in Chinese well forces scientists to rethink evolution.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Dragon man! Dragon man! That's absolutely right. And the craziest thing about Dragon Man, other than the fact that he has a 15 centimeter skull that's like big, the quote from one of the scientists was just like, this dude has a huge head, which is a hilarious quote.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Apparently it has ample room for the brain. People are thinking like, we've seen a couple samples like this now. They wanna call it Homo Longi from the Chinese word long, which means dragon or long guy. And this apparently is now they're like, it wasn't Neanderthals that became Homo sapiens, it was Homo Longi.
Starting point is 00:16:06 And the craziest thing is that actually this skull that we're talking about today was actually discovered in 1933 by a construction worker who was building a bridge on the Tsanghua River running through Harbin and Heilongjiang province, which is the Black Dragon River, which is why he's called the Dragon Man.
Starting point is 00:16:27 But at the time in 1933, this Chinese city was under Japanese occupation. And so the Chinese guy who found it thought it would be valuable and smuggled it out of his work and like wrapped it up in like stuff and like hit it down in a well for 80 years. And then he revealed it on his deathbed.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Damn, to his family, now we have it. So that's the Dragon Man. He's got a chill face. He looks kind of like some type of enormous brow ridge. Like he has a big ass head. So he just looks like a troll doll. Like he just like, he looks like, he has that like weird face shape that they have
Starting point is 00:17:05 like that weird 80s troll shape. But like, man, what a wild thing. Like such a huge sea change in human evolution theory if that's like a real thing. It's like a huge difference in what we've been taught since we were, it's like the biggest thing since Pluto. If you think about it that way, since we lost Pluto or gained them again,
Starting point is 00:17:25 I don't even remember where we landed on Pluto as a planetoid or a planet. Big one, but I don't know. But to close this out, Michael's got a listener story that we got from user foodslut88, which is a grass user name. Thank you. This is titled The Green Flash in the Sky.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Short story. Sorry, I'm on mobile. I have had a handful of strange things. It's important to read the whole thing. I've had a handful of strange things happen to me for some reason, even after the strange prophetic dream, the things that just don't make sense. And the stories I've heard from others,
Starting point is 00:18:01 I'm still very skeptical. The odd thing about all these things I've seen or had happened to me, I don't seem to remember them well. Then something I will hear or just remember will flip a switch and I will remember. Well, listening to the podcast, Flip to Switch. It was about three years ago on a Thursday night in summer, I was 23.
Starting point is 00:18:22 I had eaten, gotten my disabled mother to bed. I more than likely had made myself some tea, coffee, or just shoved a Red Bull in my bag and probably a beer too. Like normal, I was running late to D&D night, but I didn't care. The garage we played in was a block from my house and I would definitely not be the last one to get there.
Starting point is 00:18:42 I double-checked my mom would be comfortable for at least an hour or two and laced up my high-heeled Doc Martens and walked my way over. What? What? My high-heeled Doc Martens. Great mental image, great table setting, I love this.
Starting point is 00:18:55 I went out my front door, turned left to go west to the end of my block, then turned north, crossing over the street to get to my DM's place. It was a lovely night. The air was nice and cool compared to the day, just kinda how it works here in Colorado. After texting my DM that I was two houses away and to just chill, I put my phone away.
Starting point is 00:19:17 I was kinda looking around, being a small woman on a poorly lit street. You don't let your guard down, even when you've known the street you're on for your whole life. Then off to my left, I saw a big green light falling. This was summer, there were no clouds and it wasn't around the fourth at all.
Starting point is 00:19:33 I turned to watch it. It looked like a firework falling from the sky instead of ascending. There was no sound from it, no pops, no whistles, no bangs, just a falling green fire. I have seen meteor showers before. I know what space rocks skipping off the atmosphere looks like and that comes close, but I've never seen them green
Starting point is 00:19:53 or that big before. Two things I find very strange. The first is that I didn't stop and stare. I will stop to look at a dog, a car accident, someone who's kinda hot. I am the person who will just stare. The second is that I didn't tell anyone when I plopped down in my seat when I got there.
Starting point is 00:20:10 I just pulled out my dice box and books. We just chatted till the last one or two players showed up. Apparently the big green flash in the sky wasn't important enough to tell anyone. I'm a big mouth. I will tell you about anything and everything that happened to myself that day, but I didn't bring up the light even once.
Starting point is 00:20:25 I don't think I told anyone in my D&D group. I'll have to check with them next Monday to see if I just forgot. Oh, shit. Lastly, I was sober. I didn't have anything to drink or smoke before I got there. Leaving was a different story. I know I didn't even have a sip of beer before I left.
Starting point is 00:20:42 I know that barium green falling light wasn't a hallucination or brought on by anything I'd taken or been given. I have a decent knowledge of drugs due to experimentation and the awful times I've been drugged at bars. I think I've said that with more gravitas. That's a terrible thing to do. Didn't you see that one?
Starting point is 00:20:59 Jesus Christ. I was fine just barfed on a hood of a cab in New Zealand. And the other times my friends got me home safe and sound. Sure, I just don't know what it was. Maybe space junk falling to earth. I'm mostly amazed. I didn't even break stride. I didn't even stop, let alone sprint to the garage.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Tall heels be damned and tell everyone what I saw. That is one of the few oddities I've had happen. Feel free to read it on the podcast. If I have the energy to remember more weird things, I'll write them up now that I've called this the green flash in the sky. I now must listen to Jeff Wayne's one of the world's from 1978.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Fantastic album, by the way. And hope that I didn't see the green light on the 12th of August. Cheers. I mean, that's a pretty standard kind of UFO site in the sky. I believe you. I believe that you weren't drunk or high. I, you know, sometimes your imagination get away with it from you, but I don't think it was.
Starting point is 00:21:55 I think you saw something that night. I believe you food slut 88. What do we think about? What do we think about a flare? That's possible. Somebody popped a flare off. Like if I didn't see the front half of the of a signal flare going up.
Starting point is 00:22:10 And then I just turned it. It was falling from the sky. I wouldn't be able to tell you because I don't know what a flare fucking looks like IRL. I have never seen like a flare in person before. It's a it's a quite gentle. It's a quite gentle descent on a flare. Is it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:27 I mean, I guess, yeah, I guess, you know, at night where it's hard to see perspective properly, you know, it might be I could see that possibly being something that maybe they caught. What do you think about that? What do you think about the memory? Sit like what do you think about the unwillingness to share? I mean, you know, there are certain times you see things
Starting point is 00:22:45 like just think, huh, that's weird. And then you forget about them until later. That's true. Or mind control. Just put it out there. Alien mind control. I mean, honestly, I think I think what happened is that like a few miles away from her,
Starting point is 00:22:58 there was a crash site and someone happened upon it and began speaking an oath with the words in black in Brightest Day and Blackest Night. No evil shall escape my sight. That green rock might be. Oh, maybe it's the green stone. Right. That's what I'm saying. It could be.
Starting point is 00:23:15 It could be the very same stone. Who knows how that story will end or this one. Hard. Well, that's it for us on this particular chill mini. Thank you guys so much for listening. We'll be back next week. My little chaluminauts over here on Patreon. And hey, if you haven't, go to
Starting point is 00:23:33 Get your live show tickets now before they sell out. October 26th out in L.A. We'll be doing that. And there'll be another show on the 20th. That's October 26th, 2021. Let us know if this if this if this show has happened by the time you're listening to this on YouTube when we finally put this out for everybody to hear.
Starting point is 00:23:53 God, it'll be at least a year from now. I haven't said I haven't asked in a while if you're listening to this on YouTube after the fact when we've put it out for everybody. Let us know what's going on in your life. Find me be like, hey, I'm listening to the the green flash in the sky episode. Let me know.
Starting point is 00:24:08 I want to know. Yeah. I want to hear it. Make sure I hope everything's going well in your life. That's it for us. We'll be back next week. Thank you guys so much for listening. We love you. Hello, my little Chiluminauts and welcome back
Starting point is 00:24:22 to the Chilmini episode 56. Hello, what's up? And welcome back, Michael. For thanks for hanging out with us for a little extra. Thank you for inviting me that to the two parter that left us all satisfied. Yes, totally. Totally said no questions left unanswered.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Everything I feel like sometimes you just got to have a scandal. You know what I mean? Sometimes you just got to start a scandal. You just got to have a little. You got to start a scandal to rile everybody up every once in a while. It's canceled, dude. You're going to start a scandal and it's going to get us. I don't want to be a part of a scandal.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Can I be part of like a? It's you know, it's just a it's just a it's a firmer. It's a murmur. I don't want to be a part of a firmer. I don't I don't want to be a part of any firmers. None of that merger. All right. Well, get your stories ready. I'm going to be nice and quick.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Hey, guys, Bigfoot was once again not only caught on camera, but it became a viral TikTok video. Was it like those dancing Bigfoot's like? Look at the corner of my bed. Bigfoot's like the article. It's a YouTube video right in the front of the article that's already queued up at the time. So we're going to see Bigfoot in the background.
Starting point is 00:25:33 You know, this is this is some good stuff. Shut up. I can't wait. You're going to see him in the back. Oh, there he is. And there he goes. There he goes. Dude, it's good. Do we like it?
Starting point is 00:25:49 Do you like? They do a slo-mo after. What do you think? All right. Here's the truth. It is perfectly dark enough to be visible in that split frame and no animal, no animal, no nothing that lives in a forest like that is going to be that dark compared to the rest of the forest. Like natural selection would have taken those dudes out long ago because they're so dark that they would have been visible
Starting point is 00:26:15 to like hunters or predators or anything. I'm just saying science proves that it's so it's like pitch black. Pause it. Pause it at 48 seconds. OK, that's where you get your best view of it. Maybe 49. Oh, yeah. He's loping. Are you kidding me? Look at him. He's loping through those trees. It is not as good as it's not as good as the Paterson Gimlin,
Starting point is 00:26:38 but it is the same body shape that we've got. Again, too dark. He's too. He's too. His fur is too dark for him to be of natural to that area. What if he's like from Predator? Like maybe he's just trying to lower his heat for the sensors for the sensors. He's going pretty quick, man. He's keeping up. That is easy to be detected on this.
Starting point is 00:26:58 This video being angled directly at where this thing would be walking. Maybe that's just a short sliver of the listen. All right. Bigfoot is on camera. You're telling you're like, I can't. Why are they filming this this one direction? I mean, they're trying to get the driver. Maybe they asked him a question or something. And they decided to film directly off the windshield
Starting point is 00:27:20 and not the actual driver responding. Well, they're at the windshield and then they turn, I think. But yeah, the only thing that's weird about it for me is that it like turns to the driver. Yeah, then you see Bigfoot. But like, you know, wouldn't that be how it happens? That's what I'm saying. I'm not saying it's definitely Bigfoot, but you never know.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Most certainly not in the zeitgeist right now. I don't know what's going on. I don't know why it's happened, but somehow, you know, how sometimes, you know, all of a sudden there's two movies about Truman Capote at one time. I feel like right now there's like a everybody's thinking about Bigfoot's. I don't know why it happened to me. I'm thinking about Bigfoot's. I think it's happening. I just mentioned it randomly in, like, the 100th Chilluminati episode
Starting point is 00:28:09 as like a joke, I mentioned the Bigfoot. And then it's it's just been Bigfoot after Bigfoot. It's just that we just have that kind of influence now. What can you say? You just dominate the Bigfoot world. The Chilluminati bump. Yeah, is that Chilluminati bump? All right, who's taken it away next for me? Because that's all I brought today.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Bigfoot was seen on camera, very believable. Whoever wants to take it from me, you may. OK, well, I have one that's just kind of like I like this because it's crazy that it happened because there's a screenshot of it. I hope it's a real screenshot, but the thing really did happen. This is like an article on CNN. I'll give you the I'll give you the link so you guys can see the screenshot.
Starting point is 00:28:47 But apparently for four days, a dude in Louisiana got 50 billion dollars deposited into his bank account. Holy crap, just 50 billion dollars were put in. And that you can even see there's like a there's like a little pick of his phone and the the money being removed from his account, the 50 billion dollars. And nobody knows how it happened. This kind of goes along with the other thing that I was talking about the other day, which is like my new thing that I obsess over is like
Starting point is 00:29:24 things that are going wrong that we don't know anything about. Like we basically the other day, I did this. I did one about a two grenades that went missing from a pack of grenades that were taken off of off of a train. Like somebody found a bag with a box of grenades in it in their backyard and two of them were never recovered. Like what happened to those two grenades? And one time, like some guys did like a mysterious
Starting point is 00:29:52 late night sniper assault on the power grid and like blew out the power to one area. Just like really efficiently with like a two man crew. Like stuff like that, to me, is like the dark side of this type of line of thinking about stuff is like, you know, obviously, I'm not too concerned with whether stuff is true or false. I think it's just interesting to examine what what kind of stories we tell each other, right? Hence the Greenstone. But like I feel like, you know, there's something weird about that, right?
Starting point is 00:30:21 Like things being tested, things like little weird mistakes here and there. It's like the plot of like a Doctor Who episode or something about like slowly an alien taking over. Like, for example, I mean, I guess this is not really an example, but like in this new story, it says that the last time that something big like this happened with a lot of money, it was much less money, like 50 billion dollars is totally crazy. But in 2019, a couple in Pennsylvania got in trouble.
Starting point is 00:30:51 They faced felony theft charges because they got one hundred and twenty five thousand dollars dropped into their bank and they just like. You know, didn't say anything and just like spent it, right? But my thought is like, you know, it's who's fault is that? Like that whole that whole like element of behavior and like where? Like if you're if your system tells you you have money, like don't you have that money? I don't know, like it's it's weird to me.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Like if it's a gray area, I think. Yeah. Well, I mean, not legally, because, you know, which side has the money to retain a bunch of lawyers and write legislation? Right. But I mean, like if you dropped one hundred and twenty five thousand dollars and someone else picked it up, like they would they be on the hook for theft charges if they didn't go, hey, who's is this? It's not mine. Right. Right. Exactly. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Or what if every what if a company put a lot less in a lot of people's accounts? Like what if what if a company put a thousand dollars in everybody's accounts and they just all spent it and then they were like, hey, we need that back. Or you could subscribe to Netflix for ten years each and we're good. You know what I mean? Like, I don't know. Like there's just weird, like people being manipulated by giant forces that we can't control energy going on and, you know, it's paranoid. It's paranoid thinking, but it's like it's really weird.
Starting point is 00:32:16 It's stuff that weirds me out. It's the stuff that I actually do think about when I'm watching scary videos at night and freaks me out. Meet Nate by day. He works in I.T. But when he gets on the bike, he becomes nature, Nate, an outdoorsy type with his head in the clouds and a weak supply of trail mix in his cargo pants. Nature, Nate leaves no trace except for native wildflowers.
Starting point is 00:32:45 If a tree falls in the forest, he'll help it get back up. And nature, Nate rides with Geico because getting specialty coverage for his motorcycle is the natural choice. Geico Motorcycle, expert coverage for both your sides. It's Jeep four by four season. Make your next adventure epic and hurry in now for great deals. Now, well qualified, returning FC ALSCs get a low mileage lease on the 2023 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Laredo four by four for three twenty
Starting point is 00:33:09 nine a month for twenty four months with three thousand nine ninety nine two with signing tax title license extra. No security deposit required. Call one eight eight nine two five Jeep for details requires dealer contribution a lease or ally financial. Currently, this must end by six three twenty four extra charge for miles over twenty thousand residency restrictions apply. Take delivery by five thirty one twenty three.
Starting point is 00:33:26 Jeep is a registered trademark. Who take it out? Well, who wants to go? I'll do this really quickly. Hey, um, earlier this week, I was talking with a dear friend of mine about, you know, weird factoids and he brought the fact that the liver can regenerate like your liver. Like, of course, you can drink too much or you can have too much Tylenol or whatever. But overall, the liver is the only part of your body that can regenerate
Starting point is 00:33:59 like fully back so you can give your liver to someone else and then grow another one within a full year like a complete full liver. Um, and I brought up a whole thing about, like, well, why don't we study that and figure out how to use that for the rest of the human body? And apparently the real reason is because it's very much like the way cancer cells grow in that the liver is regulated and, you know, it's complex to like regulate regeneration. And so the difference between like a growing back healthy liver
Starting point is 00:34:34 and then like a cancer cell is, you know, a razor thin line. So that's one of those things that scientists are trying to figure out. Anyway, this took me on like a deep dive into the world of regeneration and renewal and all sorts of stuff like that. Because it's like, man, the body is super interesting. Turns out that recently there was a study that this is from the 23rd of June that apparently Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons has a study about, you know, going gray, right?
Starting point is 00:35:07 And your body and aging and all that stuff. And they were saying that there are mechanisms that they are now trying to understand about stress and how stress can actually, it's always been like an old sort of like wives tale. But the idea that stress can cause you to go gray, that whole idea of like, you're so shocked, your hair went gray, like that kind of thing. And they're like, first off, totally true. That is accurate.
Starting point is 00:35:29 It can happen. It is 100% true. However, they have, as they studied, determined that based on all the information and all the like fine microscopic looks into hair, they were like, oh, guess what? Turns out that the aging of humans is not a linear thing, right? It's a fixed biological process, sure, but because it's a process, it can possibly be halted or even temporarily reversed.
Starting point is 00:35:57 And they're studying the fact that like, turns out if you are, for example, stressed about something, you get gray hair, you can reverse that effect. And sure, a 70 year old person is going to have a harder time reversing that effect than say a 10 year old person. But the idea is, is, is, you know, you reduce the stress levels, you change, you know, your life and you can reverse that process. And it's fascinating to see that they're now studying this losing weight. I mean, here's, they say like losing weight, for example, is a
Starting point is 00:36:29 stressor, which is why people who lose a lot of weight lose their hair often. Right. Like they lose hair or people. So like, because your body's like, you know, it depends on how fast you're losing it, right? Like if you're a great example is people who get bariatric surgery, they lose a lot of weight very quickly, but they also lose hair. Like that's one of the side effects is they just like, because their body is
Starting point is 00:36:50 like, oh, no. And so it goes. I think don't new, new moms also go through that a lot of the time after having a baby, they lose a lot of hair in their postpartum. Yeah, there's, there's, it's essentially just like stress on your body. There's so much stress and your body's just dealing with it. And so they had a study where these participants wrote in a stress diary about their levels of stress and they compared the color data from their
Starting point is 00:37:13 hair and basically long periods of stress, increased gray and short, no periods of stress, like the gray decreased. And they could see that there was sort of like, you know, in guys like Beards, for example, or in their hair, they could see that like, sure, they're a graze, but like the gray in the gray, like, like went away a little bit. And so it's fascinating. So they were like, look, obviously the older you get, the body has a harder time doing this stuff.
Starting point is 00:37:43 But based on like the mathematical models, there is like a threshold that you need to reach before, you know, all the biological factors and things push you over that threshold and just like force it to happen. But like, for most people, if you're in your like thirties or, you know, we have friends who are, when they were 20, something started graying and they're like, yeah, no, that can be reversed. You are young enough that you can literally stop that from happening. If you just like, I don't know, take a week off.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Like that's what they're trying to like, calm it down a hot minute and think about yourself before you think about like all the other things in your life. And so that's kind of medical news for not YouTubers. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No shit. So I thought that was interesting. I was like, oh, cool. Another body factoid. I had no idea about it's crazy. We're still learning such integral things about our own bodies
Starting point is 00:38:35 and how they work like this far in. Yeah. Yeah. All right, Mike, what do you got? So I stumbled across a story thanks to a thread on best of next door, which is one of my favorite Twitter accounts, but talking about the watcher. And this was an incident that started in 2015 in a town called Westfield, New Jersey, where this family bought this expensive house in an upscale neighborhood and started to move in and within days got a strange letter
Starting point is 00:39:05 addressed to the new owner that read, Dearest a new neighbor at 657 Boulevard, allow me to welcome you to the neighborhood. How did you how did you end up here? Did 657 Boulevard call to you with its force within? 657 Boulevard has been the subject of my family for decades now. And as it approaches its hundred and tenth birthday, I have been put in charge of watching and waiting for its second coming. My grandfather watched the house in the 1920s and my father watched in the 1960s.
Starting point is 00:39:36 It is now my time. Do you know the history of the house? Do you know what lies within the walls of 657 Boulevard? Why are you here? I will find out to be right. But this began a years long campaign of harassment by this person that only called themselves the watcher and the people in this house spent just as long trying to figure out who this was.
Starting point is 00:40:04 Like it wasn't they eliminated like the other people who would bid on the house because they'd like backed out voluntarily. They thought, OK, well, we have these neighbors next door that have this son with a history of mental illness. Maybe it's them, but they they maintained their innocence. And it could be other neighbors. Some of the neighbors started to think like, well, these people are clearly making up this story themselves for attention.
Starting point is 00:40:29 And and that became like a narrative. And and it ended up like years later that the family like didn't feel safe living there. So they ended up like renting out the house and the renters say like, yeah, we still get creepy letters sometimes. And, you know, we we made the owners put up cameras all over the place just in case anyone tries to come here. But it was like this this family under constant threat
Starting point is 00:40:51 with these cryptic notes coming through. And like it's it's an unsolved mystery. And so I read about this on the cut dot com. It's it's a pretty fun read, the haunting of a dream house. And one thing that raised my hackles up just the slightest bit was that one of the suspects, so police staked it out for a while. And they saw this this car idling out in front of the house for too long. And so they went and talked to the driver and she said, like, oh, no,
Starting point is 00:41:19 I'm I'm just the girlfriend of a guy who lives nearby. But, you know, he plays a lot of really disturbing video games, including one in which you play as a character named The Watcher. Like what? I don't think I think she misremembered The Witcher, honestly. OK, yeah, that makes more sense. I was like, The Watcher, what game? Yeah, I can't think of any. But yeah, me, yeah, I can think of as the Marvel characters.
Starting point is 00:41:46 And it kind of it kind of made my blood boil a little bit, reading this like to be for anyone to be treated this way. I think like if it were me, because there was reports of like stuff on the front lawn had been vandalized, like I would probably just sit there all night in the darkened windows of the house and just stare out at the front and wait for someone to come. And then reading down further, it's like, oh, yeah, the father did that. And then he got a note saying, like, I saw you staring out at the lawn all night.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Like binoculars and telescopes are wonderful inventions. Well, if I was in the air, I'd be I'd be horrified, but also extremely mad. Yeah, I was kind of excited, I think, at first. Yeah, all the stuff about, like, do you know what's in the walls? Yeah, like so classical, like, yeah, they apparently had someone like an inspector come and check it out and say, no, it's just, you know, not much insulation. That's the only thing that's wrong with the walls here. The watchers like, exactly. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:42:44 You found where I tore out all your insulation. Yeah. Yeah, that is fricking weird. It's bizarre. I that reminds me of the Circleville letters, which was it turned out to I forget what it ended up being in the end. Who wrote the letters? I don't know that they ever came to to the end of the situation, but it was like this guy was like trying to shame somebody for cheating and then like put a gun in a mailbox or something to like try and take someone out one time
Starting point is 00:43:12 with a road sign. It's it's great. Like people do that. Like I like people are fucking crazy as as unbelievable as that story sounds. It it is a real thing that is so insane. Yeah, that's the watcher to God. That's a cool fucking name, though. I do like the name. And it's all this all this weird, creepy stuff about like,
Starting point is 00:43:32 have you brought the new blood? As I ask the house is mine. It responds to my orders. Professor like nothing ever happened. Energy. Yeah. Wild. Well, thank you so much, Michael, for joining us once again here. Thank you for letting me chill. Many. Yeah, no, it was great to have you as Alex said.
Starting point is 00:43:48 You have such a crisp voice. It goes a long way. People can find you at once again, Vigigame Apocalypse and the laser time podcast. Yes. Yes. And you can also follow me on Twitter at wikiparas. That's W I K I P A R A Z. And we'll be back next week
Starting point is 00:44:07 with another chill mini for all you wonderful patrons. Thank you all so much for the support. We love you. Goodbye. Hey, bye. Hello, my little chalupinots. And welcome to chill mini something. Fifty. Fifty seven. I want to say it's fifty seven.
Starting point is 00:44:23 It might be fifty eight. Hell, yeah. I can't believe we have fifty fucking seven, eight weeks of chill minis already at this point. Bounty. It must be bounty to log on to slash to not be prodded, see all those. But if you're watching this on YouTube, there's been a hundred by now or something. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:44:41 Must be at a hundred at that point by the time this hits YouTube. The value is unbelievable. Unmatched. Unmatched anywhere. Today's mini sewed boys. I don't know what you brought, but I'm just going to. I'm going to take it right out the gate. I don't know if you've realized today
Starting point is 00:44:57 at the time of this recording is July 18th, twenty twenty one. No aliens have. Oh, I've realized. But here's what I'll say. It is only eight or nine p.m. where I live. OK. And in Hawaii, it's only five o'clock. The throwaway lean post that we covered multiple times, pretty in depth, that predicted that on July 18th, twenty twenty one, that the extraterrestrial
Starting point is 00:45:21 would make significant contact with humanity. It has not occurred unless. That was there a guarantee that everybody would know. Well, do remember that in typical hoax like fashion, the last post he made a few months back really kind of went back on everything he promised in the first post seven years prior and establish plenty of outs for so if something nothing happened, well, maybe something happened between aliens and the government.
Starting point is 00:45:48 And we don't know because it's not time for us to know yet. However, significant contact between aliens and the government has happened in a way that has happened, hasn't happened before. That's what people right now in the throwaway lean subreddit are saying, because it's really hard for some of these people to swallow that nothing is happening. Welcome. I'm thirty five years old. I've been an alien since far as I can remember. Get used to this flavor of disappointment, everybody.
Starting point is 00:46:09 This is what it's like to be a U.F. Oh, it's like it's never going to happen. It's like that game on PSN that came out. Everybody thought it was the new Kojima game. And then there's like a whole subreddit about it. And then they were just like a bottle one. Yeah, the blue bottle thing. Yeah, that was not that was like a couple of weeks ago. You know, not even a long ago.
Starting point is 00:46:30 Yeah. So unfortunately, the subreddit ended up growing really, really big over the past few months. People were fucking hyped for this shit. A good I would even say a majority of them are were good natured, like excited, where they're like, I don't think anything's going to happen. But this is super fun and what if. And that's really enjoyable. That's like kind of like the vibe over there for the most part.
Starting point is 00:46:51 But there's still a good number of people over there who are either saying that they keep the one piece of evidence they keep going to is that apparently about 20 hours or so ago, their meteor activity in the sky was insane. There's like an official meteor like measuring thing you can check out online. Apparently it was nuts. And a really big one came through one that people quote unquote. And this is people on red at mind.
Starting point is 00:47:13 You have never seen before. And so there's a lot of people who believe that maybe some sort of contact has been made between the world governments and aliens tonight. However, we unfortunately do not get to see the fruits of that labor. Other people are saying he meant tomorrow, not today. Don't know why that's the case. I don't know why people believe that, but it is the case. The exact same thing as our last episode.
Starting point is 00:47:36 No, it's not because they're not trying to take your belongings and then kill you at the end. But the same fundamental like, all right, the world didn't end. But like it is, though, is that happened with in 2012 to remember that? Remember that? Yes. And that was dumb then, too. Twenty ten was also another world ending year.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Two thousand, we're all supposed to get Robo killed. That's in 2020. We were all going to die of that virus, remember? And then that went away completely. There's no more virus. Yeah, no, it's very similar. There's I mean, it's not as lethal or dangerous, obviously, as something like that.
Starting point is 00:48:16 But it's the same kind of mentality that kind of transfers over to people wanting something to happen. Don't get me wrong. The problem is discussion. Discussion blossoms. Piece of hope. Yeah, exactly. That's the problem. People take it and they run with it.
Starting point is 00:48:27 And then it's like, you know, it's like Smash Bros. where they're like, if I don't get Minecraft, Goku, Halo, Doom Guy, I'm going to be pissed because that's what I'm owed. Doom Guy. Those people are fun. Oh, God. Yeah, I'm not going to lie. I'm not saying I was expecting it.
Starting point is 00:48:44 But of course, I had a sliver of like, what if? And like, that was, you know, hoping that maybe something would happen. It didn't. It never fucking does. Even when something from the government is supposed to come out, a report, the report literally is a bunch of nothing. Well, listen, if there is a patron from Hawaii, OK, and you're listening to this, just let us know how it went down. You know, the last couple of hours of this thing.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Yeah, we still got. We still have seven hours in Hawaii for it to be today. So, you know, let us know. Let us know if you're out there. Let us know what happens with aliens or next Thursday. Yeah, what? What if it was all you never know? The cosmic calendar is different. You know what I mean? Maybe he's going to.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Maybe the aliens are going to come down when Trump gets back and walks back into office and I'll be like, you know, 2021. Hand in hand together. Yeah. And Trump in a gray walking up the White House. His new vice president, more. Oh, that's all I got today, because I just wanted to talk about it a little bit and kind of like the vibe over in those who are really expecting something to happen and stuff.
Starting point is 00:49:44 I'm not surprised if you're new to UFO excitement, genuinely enjoy the taste in your mouth in this moment. This is the taste of UFO. This is the taste of fandom. Oh, oh, oh, oh. That wording actually, not that I mentioned it, but oh, well, I like it. That's fun. Who's taking it?
Starting point is 00:50:03 OK, so I have an article from the Adirondack Daily Enterprise. It's a New York newspaper about the Adirondack region area. St. Lawrence County shout outs to New York. Apparently, this is from a couple of weeks ago, apparently in 2020, there were one hundred and thirteen sitings of Bigfoot reported in New York. Oh, nice. The New York Bigfoot.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Yeah, I mean, they got, you know, you'd be surprised how much rural area there is. Everybody thinks in New York and they think of Manhattan. They don't think about how Spider-Man couldn't even get around most of New York because there's so many trees. Yeah, I'm swinging it. I'm swinging it as a Spider-Man, but there's a little bit of Bigfoot fever. I'm going to take you guys to Messina.
Starting point is 00:50:59 I apologize. I'm pronouncing that wrong. I'm not up on the Adirondack, like regional names, I apologize. But I got a bunch of quotes. This is a quote. This guy, Michael Gehmond, was driving home on County Route 37 and 11 30 PM, June 20th. Here's a quote from him.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Something bipedal ran across the road within 50 feet of my car. This thing was extremely fast. I was going 60. It crossed the road from right to left in less than a second. It was not a deer. I've seen plenty of deer. This thing was brown or gray, shaggy and had arms and legs that moved in a circular motion. I don't know exactly what that means.
Starting point is 00:51:39 I'm picturing like a like a rodeo clown falling through the air kind of vibe. In terms of circular motion, I don't know exactly what that means. But apparently he posted on his Facebook. He posted that story on his Facebook and that made other like he posted that. And then he heard from other people in the area who have had big foot sightings is another one from a guy named Eric Lawson. That's not spelled how you think it is. Eric is spelled A R I C.
Starting point is 00:52:06 He said, I lived there in 2011 and I started walking my dog outside at night around eight 30, the woods in the back of my house went on for miles and miles. I was out there a couple of nights and I kept hearing a loud screaming noise. It sounded like nothing I've ever heard before in my life. Sounds like a mix between an elephant and a bear goes right through you. It's deafening. And so he I guess he lived in a place called Louisville. Louisville.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Yeah, I don't know if Louisville slugger. I don't know if it's the same. I don't know if it's the same Louisville. Maybe it's Louisville, New York. I'm not sure Louisville. Maybe it's how they call it in New York. I'm not sure. But he lived there from 2011 to 2015.
Starting point is 00:52:52 He wasn't a big foot believer. But here's another quote from him. He said the summer of 2013 was when it started getting really bad. Every night I would have company over and every time we were outside, we would hear this thing screaming one day. I came home from work at eight a.m. And my neighbors were all outside. And while I was at work, one of them ran through my yard
Starting point is 00:53:10 and destroyed my birdhouse. There were big footprints in my whole yard and hair stuck in my fence. What year was this? That was in 2013. He has no pictures. No, he wasn't there. He he got home of them, though, like of the damage. He got home. I don't I don't have it here if he posted it.
Starting point is 00:53:28 But he got home from work in the morning after working like a late shift. And he found his whole neighborhood in an uproar over it. And so there's a place called Seaway Valley, Bigfoot Research that has a guy called Dean Gleason, who that guy reached out to after the recurring incidents. And they did a week long investigation. The DEC came with him and they all went back into the woods. I don't know what the DEC is.
Starting point is 00:53:57 I'm not sure what the DEC is. The extended cut, I don't know. The director of everything. Cool, maybe from the from the Bigfoot Research Center. They all went back to the woods around 3 a.m. They were doing tree knocks and the thing was doing tree knocks back. One of them through rock into the brush and a minute later, something through the rock back at them and let out a huge roar.
Starting point is 00:54:18 So that's pretty crazy. And then that guy Gleason began. Turns out that guy, he began it because he wanted to have sort of like a UFO style service for people to report their Bigfoot sightings to. And then we got a quote from that guy, Gleason, who says, I've been doing Bigfoot Research for quite a number of years. I've had six sightings in this area. I used to have a Sasquatch sticker on my Jeep and I had 40 to 50 people
Starting point is 00:54:40 come up to me throughout the community and tell me their stories. A lot of people think Bigfoot Research is a big joke. People laugh at me. Some of my own family doesn't even believe me. But after doing it for 10 years, he believes the animals are harmless unless provoked. He says, I don't want any of them to get hurt or people trying to find them and mess with them. I really feel they don't bother people unless they're provoked.
Starting point is 00:55:00 I've only ever had one get aggressive with me. I've only ever had one get aggressive with me. I've been in the woods with a lot of them and they've always left me alone. The United States has a lot of habitat for them. They're a worldwide phenomenon. Every country has a belief in an animal like this. There's a lot of credible evidence and as DNA technology advances, I think a lot of people are going to be surprised.
Starting point is 00:55:19 So there you have it. And there's a picture. The one picture that is there is of Gleason and he's got a what he says is a plaster cast of a Bigfoot footprint. Though I will admit, if I'm going to link you guys this right now, I will admit, it just looks like a slightly foot shaped piece of earth. I don't know. OK. I don't know what to take a look at this thing.
Starting point is 00:55:39 I don't know what to tell you. That's the one picture that comes with this piece. Yeah, he's looks confused that a camera is pointing in his direction in the picture and I can't. It does look like a hunk of fucking dirt to me. I can see like it's slightly oval shaped like a foot is. Yeah, I wonder if there's just like a rear window syndrome for people in the woods and covid where they're just like something's out there.
Starting point is 00:56:02 I'm here. I'm home all the times. Now all the things that I'm not used to hearing. They're out there made me. I'm oh, yeah. And here's OK. No, I'm like, I'm blown away. So I did I had a deep dive because I was like, is it Louisville or Louisville? It's Louisville. What's crazy is that Louisville is straight up.
Starting point is 00:56:22 Minutes from Canada. Like I was like, where is this in upstate New York? Where's the set? It is like you're an hour away from Ottawa. It looks like like this is and I guess Montreal as well. It's like right in the middle. It's wild. It is as far north as New York can go.
Starting point is 00:56:43 That's why it is in the forest. I love that environment for Bigfoot, the snowy giant tree vibe. Right. Let me give you. I want to tack tack on a little bit more, Alice, because Bigfoot has also been seen recently. And this comes from July 13th out in Michigan. There's video of him crossing a river. Dude, I saw that. I saw that footage.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Yeah, send that to me. Yeah, there you go. It's in the I linked at the time. It should share you at the time when you can start seeing that. Yeah, I saw this. I this looks honestly. This is like as good as the frickin, like, you know, Patterson Gimlin film to me.
Starting point is 00:57:20 I can see that little it looks like a Bigfoot carrying a baby. Like a baby monkey on his on his shoulder. Yeah, it's got orange for more orangutangie looking, at least in this video, like me, which I like, you know, like I feel like I represent representation matters. Yeah, I agree. Yeah, this comes from no looks like just a person to me. Which is exactly what a Sasquatch would look like from a distance.
Starting point is 00:57:45 A person. Yeah, because they're the missing link. I don't know. It's like a person if it is a person, it's a person who seems to have some kind of other person climbing on their shoulder and they seem to be wading waist deep through a river. So I don't know. Yeah, it's all I mean, and we'll see.
Starting point is 00:58:02 This one is the it's called Michigan Bigfoot video crossing Cass River is the YouTube. It looks like a guy. So I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Bigfoot kind of looks like a guy. You know, it's like it's one of those things.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Sweet, Jesse. Yo, I want to talk about something that I've been hearing all week and has made no sense to me. So I actually I looked it up. So I kept seeing news articles about Moonwobble. Yeah, this is sounds. It sounds incredibly like Moonwobble. Time out. What?
Starting point is 00:58:38 Like when I first there's like the Moonwobble, I was like, hold on, is this what does this mean? So just like, you know, a little back story, the moon since I think it was like since 1720 something when we first documented it, the moon has a wobble period where, you know, because it's in orbit and orbit isn't like a closer and farther. Yeah, like as a wobble.
Starting point is 00:59:03 And it's basically every 18 years or so every 18 to 19 years. The moon has a wobble and that affects tides on earth. Obviously, everyone understands that the moon affects tides. And as it goes around the planet, it doesn't go around us in a perfect circle, right? It just like we don't go around the sun in a perfect circle. And so the moon as it, you know, moves in and out and all the different things, tides change.
Starting point is 00:59:27 And so what happens is that the wobble of the moon affects the amount of tidal change. And so what is going to happen according to scientists in 2030s during that decade of the 2030s? So 10 years from now, it's going to be brutal, guys. The wobble will be bad to the point where normally if like a tide rises six or seven feet, it's going to be like 1020. And so they're like global warming is really messing with all this.
Starting point is 01:00:00 Yeah, it'll be like the first time the ocean is already high when it's wobble time. Yes. And so basically they're very, very worried and they're like, oh, hey, do you see this thing that's happening right now in Germany and Belgium where like the streets are covered in water? Yeah, that's going to be like coastal cities everywhere. So you should be prepared. We as a like they were talking about Florida and this article.
Starting point is 01:00:24 They're like, hey, in Florida, you know, get ready. If you're, say, in Louisiana, maybe get a little prepared. So basically everywhere that has a coastal city, they are warning, hey, look, I know it's not a thing right now. But roughly a decade from now, it's going to be very, very bad. The lunar cycle is expected to get crazy during that time. The wobble will be bad. And so they said they're going to be like nuisance floods or, you know,
Starting point is 01:00:54 just like even sunny day floods where like there isn't even rain. There's no other source of water. It's just the tide rises in an unpredictable way. And suddenly a thing that would not flood before is now flooded. And there's nothing you can really do about it because no one was expecting it. And so they were saying that, like, you know, we are predicting an exponential amount of flood.
Starting point is 01:01:17 And a great example is that in 2019, there were over 600 floods that were poured in the U.S. And the projection wise is like, it's going to be way worse than that. Like just we're talking multiples worse than that. And that's, you know, something to consider and think about that. Wow. The rest of the, you know, solar system and planet and it's doing its own thing.
Starting point is 01:01:44 And we're just like adding to it. You know, stuff can get bad already without us being around. Every time someone talks about solar flares and things, it's like, yeah, yeah, solar flares like that can happen. But like we're definitely not helping. So no, no, we are not. And I and yeah, it's one of those things that reminds me of that clip of Ben Shapiro, where he's like, I don't understand why it's such a big deal.
Starting point is 01:02:07 If that's going to happen, you're just going to sell your homes and move away. And somebody was like, to who, Ben, who sell your home to who? Who would buy that fucking house, bro? Yeah, who's going to move into my flooded home where nobody's allowed to live anymore? It's definitely one of those things where the problem. And this is why I think it's a huge thing is everyone's solution is like, OK, recycle and get an electric car.
Starting point is 01:02:30 But it's like this is governmental change that needs to happen. There's a bit of corporate change, like, you know, as much as you want to recycle at the end of the day, the major pollution things are not like you and I. This is this is going to happen. We're not going to figure out a way to lower the sea level. That's not in the car. You can't do this. This is already going to happen.
Starting point is 01:02:56 So get ready as time goes on for a lot more things that are just going to happen if we don't buckle down and make this a priority in our lives. Yeah, what's messed up is we will buckle down once it's already too bad. Once stuff is horrible, then we'll be like, we really need to fight the change on this. It's what people do all the time. No one is like floods and tsunamis from all before this year.
Starting point is 01:03:25 Yeah, yeah. I mean, like it's no one's ever out there. Like, man, I didn't really need to cut back on eating burgers before they're fat. You know, no one ever does that. Like, you man, we're just that's who we are. We're like, oh, man, I really should, you know, start walking more. It's like, oh, you could have done that already, but like, all right. Fingers crossed we, you know, something gets done. But be ready, like Jesse said, just be fucking ready.
Starting point is 01:03:56 I mean, it is Alex, like Alex pointed out, it's going to happen. Like this isn't this isn't like a high hypothesis. They know there's a cycle and they know that we're coming up on another one of these cycles. And that's just like it's what's going to happen. And it's going to be a rough decade, the 2030s for at least water. Who knows what else is going to happen. But at least for water levels in the 2030s, it's going to be rough water.
Starting point is 01:04:20 Water is going to be a problem in a lot of ways. Let's put it that way. So get ready for that. And fucking, you know, take care of the goddamn planet over. You can, you know, it sounds like it's like one sided political rhetoric coming from one side of the political spectrum. But this is like, it's not like there's two separators. It's bros got to figure this shit out.
Starting point is 01:04:39 It's not like only one home right now is on fire. If you're like, we got to put that shit out. Capitalists, capitalists is like, I got to make money anyway. I can't. I don't care if I burned down the trees. Eventually this will affect your bottom dollar. Just put it out there. Like you'd be a fool not to be concerned about the environment because eventually like no one can drive your car if the road is water.
Starting point is 01:04:59 You know, your money is not going to do any good if the stores are flooded. Yeah. Yeah. Wild. Anyway, on that note, take care of the planet, everybody. We'll be back next week and each other and each other. And each other. Love one another. Be good to each other and we'll see you next week. Goodbye. Peace. Anyway, me and my wife were sitting outside indulging on our porch one night, enjoying ourselves. I needed to go to the bathroom, so I stepped back inside.
Starting point is 01:05:28 And after a few moments, I hear my wife go, holy shit, get out here. So I quickly dash back outside. She's looking up at the sky. I look up to and there's a perfect line of dozen lights traveling across the sky. Yeah. When it comes to work, communication is key. Even if you don't have a writing job, sounding unconfident, indecisive or passive-aggressive can hold you back professionally and hurt your team's productivity.
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