Chilluminati Podcast - Episode 14 - Alien Abductions - The Basics - AKA Mike Rambles For an Hour

Episode Date: October 8, 2018

GET YOUR TSHIRT HERE - We dive into the crazy world of scary ghosts and short men with big hats who like to braid some ladies hair. Soundcloud - @chilluminati...podcast Jesse Cox - Alex Faciane - Art Commissioned by -

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Are you tired of taking antidepressants and just not getting the relief you want? Ketamine treats depression, anxiety and PTSD. 75% of patients get 100 days of relief and freedom from depression. It works. Change your life. Give them a phone call. Their number is 385-474-6946 or visit their website All right boys, it's time. Let's dive in to Shilluminati podcast episode 14. Welcome everybody. Get your hats on. It's time. It's been like 10 episodes. What kind of hat? Like tinfoil hat. Oh boy. Okay. That's what we're doing today. All right. Let's we're going to dive into a topic people have been very, very excited about.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Us returning to and one that I've spent the past like month and a half researching. We're going back into the world of the alien world. We're going back into the world of aliens. Last time we talked about it, we just did the basics. We just talked about the 12 to 13 different alien races and what they maybe want and why they might be here. The basics. I have such a complicated relationship with aliens. Tell me about it. Why is it complicated? It's on again, off again. Do they take you out and then they just don't choose nicely? It's so hot and cold. You know, it's like so much bullshit. It's like a Katy Perry song. You're right. The most believable story of all. Like, you know what I mean? Yeah. I just, they're so, they're so fucked up in that way.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Yeah. No, you're right. Today, we'll either put you hot or cold. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it'll make Jesse colder. And Alex, you might just not move. Oh boy. But today, we're going to take the next step in talking about the basics of aliens. We're going to talk about alien abductions specifically. We're going to talk about when they started getting reported, the template that they all tend to follow, theories as to why they are, they abduct us. And then the final part, the crazy theories as to why they may or may not abduct us. Now, if you want to theories are being as in these theories originally are going to be the believable like real theories. And then it's going to be like dimension layering kind of theories. I'm ready.
Starting point is 00:02:33 I'm ready. If you want to read books, like there's a few books I went through edge of reality is an incredibly good book to it's where I pulled some of this stuff from. And then just rabbit holes online. And then a book by Bill Cooper, one of the granddaddies of conspiracy theories is another one that I then I'm not all the way through yet. I'm still working my way through it. So there's a lot of different books. But if you want to choose one, I'd say edge of reality is where you want to go. But let's begin our story way back in 1961 on the night of September 19. Now, I'm curious, I haven't feeling Alex, you do. But Alex, Jesse, rather, have you heard of Betty and Barney Hill? Of course. Oh, man. Of course, I had one. Perfect. Well, for those who haven't,
Starting point is 00:03:15 we're going to quickly go over this story. We're not going to talk about them in depth. I think they're they're an episode in of themselves. But Betty and Barney Hill are most notably the first publicized alien abduction here in kind of the modern world, like the classic right. They are the question. So on the night of September 19 1961, Barney and Betty Hill were driving home to Portsmouth, New Hampshire on a rural highway. They were supposed to arrive home sometime around three o'clock in the morning. They had stopped at a diner on the way back. I think they had just, if I remember correctly, they were going out on like a little family vacation type deal. But they were supposed to arrive home at 3am. But along the way, they saw a bright light in
Starting point is 00:03:54 the sky following them. Betty saw it in her rear view mirror specifically. Betty insisted that Barney should pull over and try to figure out what it was because she was convinced it was following them. And so she talked them into it and he did. He stepped out of his car, pulled out a pair of binoculars to look at the object and then suddenly two hours had gone missing and they were a little further up the highway than where they had parked and looked at the looked at the object that had supposedly been following them. Unable to account for that time, they eventually arrived home, felt something horrible had happened to them, but were unable to recall what it was and just went to bed. It would be a little while before their memories started to come back and what that
Starting point is 00:04:35 bright light was supposed to actually be and who or what was riding along within that bright light. Barney and Betty were, by all accounts, actually good people. Barney was a postman in the 60s and Betty was a social worker. So they weren't just like crazy people living on the fringes of society. They were both active within the civil rights movement of the 60s as well, which was really important because they were an interracial couple, which is incredibly stressful to be in 1961 and very, very rare in the 60s. After a visit to the psychologist and from having nightmares and random vivid memories of what had happened that night, they were eventually induced into hypnosis and those sessions along with the therapy would be eventually turned into a book in 1966
Starting point is 00:05:22 and a made-for-tv movie aired on NBC in the 70s thereafter. Barney would almost always refuse to talk about it. He very much tried to avoid the subject and every time he went into hypnosis, it seemed like he was in constant pain and being tortured, where Betty was much more eager to try and learn what had happened for whatever reason her experiences were not nearly as bad as Barney's. But Barney would die in 1969 from a cerebral hemorrhage and Betty would live until 2004 and die at the ripe old age of 85. How long after? For who? Betty? For Barney? Barney, he died three years after. No, almost eight years after from 61 to 69. He died in 69. Damn. Yep. But Betty would live on for a while. What they saw that night would become something of a template for
Starting point is 00:06:14 almost all other abduction scenarios here on forward, though obviously details of different abductions would change, but a lot of the same themes would run through them. Lots of time, lonely roads. Yes, almost always lonely roads, almost missing time and we'll talk a little bit about their experiences without going into too much detail as to just to kind of see the template that follows. But after all this was publicized, public reports of alien abductions went up 2,500 percent. Just to give you an idea of the impact that this original, in a way, alien abduction kind of scenario will kind of affect the head on the world. I've always thought that this was the case that sparked a lot of the stereotypical things that you would expect to see
Starting point is 00:07:06 in an alien abduction scenario, right? Definitely. Everyone sort of copied this one. Yep. And I've always thought this made this one fascinating, but also the more I look into it, the more I'm just like, why don't they want to talk about it? What about X, Y, and Z doesn't make sense? There's a lot to it that's fascinating, but I just don't know answers to. Right. Well, now it's the first one, but was it also like, I guess my question is like, how much money did the Hills make off of this story? That's a good question, something I didn't actually fully look into. From my understanding, not enough. They did not live off of this for a while. I think they sold their rights to their story in the early 70s, or rather somewhere along the mid-60s for the book deal
Starting point is 00:07:57 that they made, and then the made for TV movie from 1970. I want to say it was 71 or 77. It was one of those two. It's not something I noted down, because not something we want. We don't want to go into the full life of Betty and Barney Hill, because that's something totally, totally different. I just wonder if this is the cereal of its day. It kickstarted the true crime movement. Everybody's doing it. There's a market for it. Is that what it is, or is it one group of aliens who has really similar methods, so all the stories are really similar? That's the interesting thing, because for the most part, when dealing with these, let's talk a little bit about, first, the type of abduction, I guess, that they experienced before we were too, too much about the differences,
Starting point is 00:08:46 because there are differences, depending, but it's not too much. A few running themes as to what they ended up seeing while they were being abducted. One of the big things is your typical grace was what they saw. Barney and Benny Hill had saw specifically. What they saw when it was approaching, the object was a spacecraft with a set of double windows through which Barney could actually see, in quote, at least half a dozen living beings on this ship that was approaching. They were wearing uniforms, and they were all looking straight at him. You could see into the windows of the spaceship. Yes, there was double windows on the ship itself as it was approaching. This is what the details they were able to get out of
Starting point is 00:09:35 him through hypnosis and regression and all that other stuff. Is this the cigar one? The cigar one. Where the ship looks like a cylinder? I don't think so. I don't remember reading anything about that. That's another common thread in a lot of abductions. You see a lot of the same shapes. Saucers, ovoid, cigar long ones, that kind of thing. Barney himself was terrified and he raced back to the car and pulled off the highway onto a winding side road to lose the craft. The couple heard a series of loud beeps and then each felt an odd tingling drowsiness come over them. A sort of a kind of, you know when you wake up and you just groggy and they kind of explain it like that, like a weird haze that they just can't shrug off. And then when they regained
Starting point is 00:10:18 consciousness they were 35 miles down the highway than where they remember being. So that's the distance in which they traveled in those two hours. And their car was with them? Their car was with them. It was basically like they were in the car, something happened, 35 miles down the road, they're back in the car and everything's fine, but two hours have passed. Barney's shoes were scuffed up and his binocular strap had been broken in that two hours somewhere as well. Like I said, they both had a weird feeling, but they could not remember what it was. Two years is how long it would be until they went to see a psychiatrist. Two years before they were like, okay, this shit is scaring me. Like we can't get this off our mind. It's ruining our lives.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Barney. Was this the first anybody official had heard of it or did they like report it at the time? They did not report it. This is the first. Betty talked to her sister about it, but there was no, they never talked to anybody official about it, like a psychiatrist or a news source. Interesting. They should have just kept it to within their family. So they eventually went to a psychiatrist two years later and under hypnosis, what they both recounted that night, they both recounted the same thing. Short gray aliens with big wraparound eyes took them aboard their saucer shaped craft and probed them with needles in the butt. No, not in the butt. I know it's a silly question, but like that's a thing, right? Yeah. Well, it's more likely needles likely
Starting point is 00:11:44 go up noses in belly buttons and a lot of males report a lot of like basically ejaculation machines where shit is just attached to their dog. So let me, let me just stay for the record again. A lot of what you're hearing in this story is stuff that is repeated over and over and over again in various other reports. And which to me, even though I think most people assume like, Oh, of course they're all doing the same way. So they have to be real because it's similar to the other stories. To me, that sounds like just really lazy making stuff up. Right. But that's just me. Yep. So what they both experienced was with needles kind of going into them. Barney had a needle going into his belly button. He remembers the needles being incredibly
Starting point is 00:12:30 painful. Everything about it when he went into hypnosis, it would lot of be screaming from him, a lot of panic from him, where Betty didn't seem to have that much of a problem like her her scenario getting probed and stuff. But she doesn't remember a lot of pain. She doesn't remember like she remembers it being scary and uncomfortable, but it wasn't nearly as traumatic to her as it seemed to be about Barney. Barney utterly loathed everything about it. But like Jesse said, this is that's the kind of the common through bright light, missing time, gray aliens, most of the time brought on board, calm down via the touch of an alien or pleasant thoughts. Just like a vibe that's like, yeah, they usually say something to them. The alien will say something to them
Starting point is 00:13:13 usually in their own mind, kind of a psychic thing. This is weird, but you're gonna be exactly. They'll eventually be put on a slab. Tools will do things to them. It's usually painful. When they start screaming, an alien will usually come over, place their hand on them, take the pain away, and then eventually they'll be put back on the ground and left alone. Don't worry. It's just a jackoff machine. Okay, listen, straight up. If like alien wants to abduct me and just slap something on my dick to jack me off, dude, my windows are unlocked. Come get me. Let's go and just print that whole thing on our next shirt. We just print that quote. Hey, listen, if I just, my windows are unlocked, come let's jack me off. Come on, Jesse, you'd
Starting point is 00:13:54 said yourself you'd have sex with an alien. Yeah, but like, even if you didn't, I would assume you would. Like, I want to, you know, I want to have a relationship with the alien first. You want to get to know the alien. It's not just about jackoff machines and healing touches. If you were in your 20s, maybe, you know, you kind of go through that time. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No. Come on. You should know we better than that. I'm all about class. What I do. Earth girls are easy type situation, but yeah, like a pretty lady instead of Jeff Goldblum at his sexiest. Right. Sure. Yeah, I guess. I'll take it. You know what's weird that this makes me think of is that like in my adult life, thinking back on alien abduction stories, they're usually a lot more like this.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Yeah. Open road, people disappear, but as a kid, and like, I guess maybe in like, at like more mainstream popular culture, I sort of see the like bedroom, like levitating out of the bed abduction. Well, that's not, I don't even want to say that's uncommon either, because there's a whole story. Something I would love to talk about one day too. And I know I tease and people get annoyed that I'm like, one day I'd like to talk about this, but that's just how aliens work. It always branches off into a thousand different directions and you have to just choose. But there is an event that happened at a UFO convention where an entire floor of the hotel all experienced abduction scenarios, but yeah, that entire floor and experience an abduction
Starting point is 00:15:22 scenario, but they all experienced it slightly differently. The types of aliens they saw were different. The types of experiments that were performed on them were slightly different. Something we can talk about. Jesse's googling it right now, I bet. Okay, this sounds insane, but all right. Are you looking it up? I'm trying to, yeah. All right. Yeah, you look it up. I'm going to go over a few more things. One of the other things that's very important as well is that through all these types of, for the most part through these abduction scenarios, these people who are abductives, these victims, because I fully believe that even if they're not being abducted by something, it may be their brain dealing with trauma and kind of
Starting point is 00:15:59 things coming back to haunt them, whether it be a sexual trauma of their past or a type, but these victims, they truly believe that they are, that this happened. They're not, whenever they do lie detectors or any of the stuff, it always comes out that these people fully believe that it happened. Whether it happened or not is still in question, but they themselves believe that it happened. And again, a lot of these things can be put, and even to the Betty and Barney thing, there is a theory that they were living under so much stress of being this interracial couple in the early 60s, that they were under so much stress being- I think they trumped it. That this is their way of dealing with a lot of that.
Starting point is 00:16:37 You think they trumped it up, ran into the, ran and just ran, threw away their cell phones and went out into the wilderness, had a break? Yeah, just went gone and goodbye and they just forgot all about it. I've heard of other things. What is that called? Where you have the, where you like wander in the night and you have like a, it's called like a something experience where you like- Out of body? A fugue state. A fugue state. Oh, fugue state. Go to Paris or something and you're just like there and you wake up and you're in Paris and you're like, the hell? I'm in fucking Paris. What happened? That is not uncommon. I've heard about that as well, but I thank God. I hope I never experienced it. It would be real. I mean,
Starting point is 00:17:14 I wonder if that's like an explanation for- I mean, it is. There's so many different ways you could explain it, but they always believe. That's the point. It's like most abductees, typically at the very least in their mind, believe that it has happened. Sure. Many people who believe they were abducted don't actually recall the particulars. They just have a strong sense that it actually happened. But, you know, for those who can and eventually recall it always falls as template. Another example is some 22 year old from New Hampshire by the name of Tom told his psychologist in 2005 that he remembers taking a shower, looking at his back and seeing bruises he doesn't know how he got. Then as he kind of explored more, finding gaps of time that he
Starting point is 00:17:56 doesn't remember and eventually regressing himself to the point where he starts telling this crazy story of being abducted by aliens and then that's where the bruises came from and stuff. But, you know, again, it's always that missing time, something happened, figure it out, hypnosis, aliens. It's that kind of thing. Jesse, you look like you would like to say something. It just always seems so backwards to me. The whole idea that it is, I found a bruise. Where do that bruise come from? Oh, I'm going to get to the point where it's aliens, right? And it's always like I've woken up with bruises or like one time recently this past year I woke up like a sprained ankle. You got abducted, dude. No clue how that happened. Don't know how I
Starting point is 00:18:39 woke up with a sprained ankle. I'll tell you. It was not aliens. It wasn't. No, you're wrong and here's what happened. You were resting that night probably, I don't know, looking at porn and some light came through the window and you were pulled in and they wanted to run test. So they poked you with needles. They made you jump jumping jacks and one of your jumping jacks you landed a little awkward, sprained your ankle, they panicked, they put you back, they wiped your memory and that was sure. Yeah, no. You're absolutely right. That must be it. I'm going to hypnosis therapy. I'll bet you figured out. You know what? No bullshit. My mom broke her toe reading one time. She was laying in bed and she crossed her legs and like her sheets,
Starting point is 00:19:21 she didn't realize were like threaded around her foot in such a way that when she like crossed her legs, it like pulled her toe like out and it like broke her toe while she was just like reading a book. She was like, Oh, she heard it go like, Oh God. Yeah, it's crazy. That hurts. That's what I'm saying. It happens sometimes. That's just like life. Well, the other the other problem too is with these people and the reason it's hard to believe a lot of them outside of that if you're just a skeptic in general and don't necessarily believe it is that there's other people out there who are literally doing crazy things for the sake of attention or money. And a good example of that is some woman by the name of Susie had been doing an interview with somebody about alien
Starting point is 00:20:01 abductions and in the middle of the interview, she dropped to her knees and started screaming that she had a message from one of the aliens that she's in communication with and is giving this message to this person. She's interviewing and like, I'm a little mongoose and I can kill rabbits with my bare hands. God, Jeff is an alien. Yeah, it all makes sense. That's why he died when he got whacked with the golf club or whatever it was because he was talking mongoose. I killed his ass. It was weird. It's fucking weird shit. But that's the general outline. That's kind of template for all abductions. So the next thing that I want to go into is why? Why are we being abducted? And why is it always people that are in the middle of an empty highway or far away from
Starting point is 00:20:43 society or any of that other stuff? And why is it why is it these people that seem to just be nobodies that nobody gives a shit about? You know what I would look for, you know, before we go into this is like, like what? I'm sure that there's been different levels of official interest in these types of stories. I'm sure that some people have spoken with people from the government, for example. I mean, that's that's not even hidden anymore. Yeah, I know that I know that people have actually been interviewed for alien abductions. I wonder like if there's correlation between certain details of these stories and people who have or have not been the subject of official interest. That to me would be interesting because in that case, you're looking at like things that like an association
Starting point is 00:21:28 like a like a like a what do you call it like an institution that seemingly has more knowledge about this in the average person is like, well, what about this? What's this? And then you're like, what's interesting about this? And if those are all on remote roads, and those all experience time gaps, and those all experience like, you know, those same little like you move a certain distance, right? That would make me be like, oh, yeah, I'd be curious too. It's like, it's hard to know. The other thing if you want to get crazy conspiracy theory as well as the other thing is a lot of these crazy people who are going out there trying to just sell weird stories could potentially be part of the shadow government trying to spread misinformation so that anybody who ever comes
Starting point is 00:22:05 out with an alien abduction story is instantly not believed because there's so many of people out there saying crazy shit that you no longer want to believe any of them, therefore allowing the government to continue working with the aliens under our own roses without anybody ever figuring it out. Well that escalated quickly. Yeah. I'm just saying it's a possibility. I'm just it's you know the majestic mj12 and all that other nonsense which one day we will get into so always throw out code words when they're like going crazy they're like mj12 mk12 might actually be a real thing or was at some point possibly a real thing with you like there's documents out there man with you but then the question is those documents are they out there for misinformation are they actually
Starting point is 00:22:45 you're right we'll get there I remember my dad was telling me this thing about this think tank decided I think I might even talked about on here before that this think tank decided that the best way to break the news of aliens is to like start people's consciousness of it as a crazy idea yes and then like slowly through popular culture like narrow it down to realism and if you look at like creatures from planet x from the fifties versus a movie like the arrival or annihilation sure they're like getting there you know they're like getting there on the on the on the scale and the amount of stories I've had people send us through email or messages and stuff um one particular from a military dude who talked about the shit he saw
Starting point is 00:23:25 that was crazy that was cool that was really cool I shared that story actually with you guys yeah and like I verified he's a military dude like that is not he's not lying about who he is yeah which is you know so that that kind of shit's cool so let's talk about uh the easy thing first why people on back roads why absolute nobodies in the middle of nowhere who seem to offer nothing other than they live their normal lives see actually no witnesses correct like that's that's that's kind of the most accepted answer right the most accepted answer is because their low profile who cares nobody's gonna question where Benny Betty and Barney on a back highway at two in the morning in New Hampshire who came
Starting point is 00:24:08 home two hours later than they were supposed to nobody gives a shit but if someone was to come in and abduct Jesse for instance he has such a presence online that if or just a presence in general that if he was to be taken and he started making a fuss about it whether people labeled him as crazy or not he would reach a lot I just I could picture you just screaming at hots and then suddenly there's like a big fucking light through the window behind you live on stream and you start screaming the wall blows off people see you get dragged off into the night a thousand people on twitch he's got his mouse in his hand still he's just floating through the window he's like I got a princess Leia in the last Jedi reaching out goes back to his office
Starting point is 00:24:52 there's just a lot about abduction that doesn't make sense right and I feel like we're good first and foremost before you get to like nitpicking stuff yeah of course all right imagine you are an advanced alien race and you are traveling the cosmos the point where you can come to earth with frequency you abduct us to test us but you can't like make it so we don't remember permanently or you can't uh like you care enough to send us back to where we were right I there's just a lot that if I was an alien I would just be like throw them out the airlock we're done some people think of it like we're like a like you know some people keep ants yes well like well that's a theory too because where earth is scientifically in the universe according to scientists where earth is
Starting point is 00:25:53 we're in the boonies of the universe super far out we're super far away so if any aliens in near the core of the universe existed they'd be so beyond advanced well just galaxy the core of the galaxy not the galaxy yeah not even see the universe but they could be so at far advanced compared to us that we would be just like weird animals to them well most of them wouldn't stop best we're like a doctor who episode about capitalism that's actually really good yeah that's but it's like a bizarre thing where I don't understand what the purpose of it would be why they would do it what the really there's no there's no reasoning behind any of it well and there's no sign of some reasoning I know what it is I know what people
Starting point is 00:26:40 said it is but it's nonsense right it doesn't seem so it is so let's start with the easiest one and one that we kind of already tapped on one alien west world alien west world um let's talk about the first kind of like I think most digestible one the one that like Alex you kind of brought up already is that we're like an ant farm right what do we do with animals we tag them we track them we watch them they're interesting to us we learn things about them to to aliens we could be the very same thing uh there are plenty of alien abduction scenarios where when that they when they remember they're they're getting something implanted into them or they're getting something pulled out of them what if those things are merely just tracking devices that they're just
Starting point is 00:27:18 randomly selected people and these aliens are just interested in our evolutionary process or a process of living and they can they just want to watch and when people get abducted a lot of people get abducted multiple times throughout their lives they're just doing checkups they're doing like what we do with wildlife where we just capture capture and release we capture them we run some tests we check some things on them and then we put them back out in the world and then kind of wash our hands we'll be like we'll be back in a year or two and we'll see where they're at that's that's that's a theory out there but they put pretty airtight they never no they never do they never like it's like yes the aliens will be back unless there's the rare case there sounds
Starting point is 00:27:54 like I was abducted 15 times well there there are a lot of cases where abduction is run in the family where supposedly supposedly again let me just say this when I say things all of it comes with caveat of supposedly but that's kind of like a podcast rule I think especially when it comes to aliens and shit all of that is very supposedly and there is no evidence or any of that nonsense like other than what we have of testimonies and maybe some weird markings and scars on people but we don't have any like legitimate physical evidence of being like we don't know what this metal is or any of that stuff unless we want to talk about Roswell which we can talk about another time which is a whole another book I have to read still you know what's so crazy is the game chasers
Starting point is 00:28:41 there's some youtubers they started like a small paranormal channel they were like the first people to get access to that hanger where they like brought the bodies in like years that's cool yeah jealous yeah I know right um it's out there for us to reach we just have to make the weird phone calls so oh yeah that's true um so I'm going to say that's baseline right that's like the easiest most digestible we're only just going to get weirder and weirder from here as far as theories are concerned the next theory and the one that I know we've talked about on our last alien episode is the the breeding program that the grays at the very least and they're tall white overlords because the grays are a mix of supposedly biology and computer they're they're not fully organic
Starting point is 00:29:24 they are a weird cyborg type creature that their their race or what what they've at least told us again if if aliens have abducted us and they have said these things who knows they could be lying we don't fucking know but their breeding program which is they take us they they scoop out our eggs and they jack us off for all the jizz that we've got and then they mark us and they do some tests and they send us on our way because their genetic code is breaking down and we're the closest thing that they have to what they used to be so they're using us to create hybrids which we're like a mentally gimped breeding race well you gotta imagine their science in advance that they can do it because there are abduction stories out there of women being abducted having their
Starting point is 00:30:04 eggs scooped out all the other nonsense and then they get they get re abducted later and they are they're given these these human looking babies and told that this is your child spend time with it breastfeed it and they're like they have to do all these things and then they take the baby away and then they get put back on earth and their memory is wiped and uh the the theory or at least what we've been told is that their alien race is dying and they need our genetic code so they're using us as a hybrid to keep their race going and because we're so similar to them because again if you go back into ancient times they possibly came here fucked with monkeys they were you know created what we are as humans even though the reptilians were here first like bubble we're like the frogs
Starting point is 00:30:39 from Jurassic Park yeah yeah more exactly like they we are the frogs from Jurassic Park so that they can keep their race going that is another theory the other theory is they're doing a breeding program not because they need to to um not because they need to save their race because our planet is so rich in organ energy which is something that they desperately need that they are creating hybrids so they can infiltrate our world and eventually our government and take over from what is organ energy organ energy oh god that's organ energy is a very specific type of energy that comes you got to think of it in more of a psychic manner that they use and kind of substantiate themselves on and it is a very important resource in the galactic whole all the alien races out there
Starting point is 00:31:24 uh us technically it's like our human essence yeah it's like our human like oxygen powers mojo it's already too much this is already too much it's it's it's it's a lot to go it's a lot to dive into and i it we're already 30 minutes into this fucking podcast and i we need to keep going it's too much it's a lot so but uh you know infiltrating our government and and attempting to take over our government as well and or or take over the world in a way that is peaceful that when they eventually reveal themselves we're okay with it because they've been with us for centuries and centuries and centuries so that that's another theory as to uh why that they're taking us but that's like the two main theories as to why the grays are messing with us uh usually it has to
Starting point is 00:32:06 do with hybrid because almost every gray abduction scenario has to do with our sex organs almost every time they always want our eggs and they always want our jizz which is which again is like you can't see it but jesse jesse said the thing is and then he just leaned down and just like rubbed his head in this very stressful way only would we as like human beings make it about sexy stuff right like of course the aliens when i come and take our dicks and our like boobs and vagina and shit because like that's what they're about wouldn't want that shit it is maybe nonsense all right not all right real talk there is nothing about like when we study animals are we like yeah let's like go jerk off a bunch of animals that's not what we do but if we needed to create that lady
Starting point is 00:33:01 did that to a dolphin remember that's like that's not what we that's not the basis of science you wouldn't travel thousands of light years to do that like you wouldn't do that she was kind of in like a love no relationship with it it wouldn't happen okay but what about what about but jesse what about like when we're trying to bring back the mastodon or something we need to start doing hybrid you would do dna shit you wouldn't mess with that you would like to impregnate some other animal like a problem you wouldn't you couldn't you could not bring back like a mastodon the way you're thinking it you would literally have to like breed something else to have mastodon dna and have to change the dna codes like it's not the problem with this is that it always gets to like
Starting point is 00:33:48 Descartes level of like maybe it is real and they have the power to stop us from knowing about it which is right right right which is not again this whole thing is ridiculous i it's it's ridiculous i i can say that i believe in the concept of aliens but the things people are ascribing that an alien would do to us on earth is ludic like well of course it's the psychic energy and of course there's star children that's bullshit the sergeant that we make i love that you know that term and i didn't have to say it star children you know the hybrids star children aka the hybrids yes yes they are are literally like a person who doesn't believe you know a lot of terms yeah because i like how else are you gonna realize it's all crazy town it's the literally the concept that like no but
Starting point is 00:34:36 some of us are special don't you get it like we're not just boring humans leading our boring lives we're special little selfish to like apply human thought processes to yes aliens and aliens not gonna think the same way you think a real true alien it's not gonna have the same motivations that you as a human have fact it's just the way it's gonna be yeah i mean yeah i agree and that's why it's unrealistic but very unrealistic incredibly unrealistic but that's the other but the explanation to that is that's why people believe that they're probably lying that the aliens aren't doing what they're doing because of what they're saying they're just lying to us and we don't have any reason to not think that they are so you know they could be lying you don't
Starting point is 00:35:17 know what they want our jizz for maybe they got a jizz that and it's just gonna maybe maybe our jizz and our eggs are like their currency and that's first off insane but secondly where the poop like where the like wampum of the of the aliens money doesn't grow on cheese money comes out of our dicks no that's that's very patriarchal of you very patriarchal of you um but it's one of those things where it again it like brings value to humanity and this is one of the biggest issues i've had with all the things we talk about is it's all just like bullshit excuses for us to feel like we're important in the universe when like we're a speck on the corner of reality i i almost look at it like while i'm with you and i'm skeptical about aliens though i'm probably a little
Starting point is 00:35:59 a little more open-minded i think than you jesse on some things at the very least i i i actually see the other way around where they're these aliens are treating us like we're not we're not important at all they scoop us up like we're fucking animals and drop us off like we're animals they don't they don't treat us with respect in any way but then they poke us they brought us they they they milk us and then and that's it so then why make hybrids maybe if you don't respect the thing why like there's no one no one that i know because earth is a valuable resource rich planet to them maybe don't understand about it maybe maybe like m class planets are rare in the in the galaxy no they're not no they're not the galaxy's huge the galaxy's huge the universe huge
Starting point is 00:36:39 star trek is a lie no it's it's it's it's a bs concept where it's like we of course the aliens come to earth because earth's important it doesn't matter what the reason it could be earth has gold and they get gold to power whatever or earth has psychic energy or earth has who knows what people humans create or garden energy but that goes back to the idea that humans are more important but all yeah all of these reasons are just like another variation of god made earth yeah right it's just another variation of we're important and so it's how we tell the story now going back to the base story the very very beginning ignoring all this other bullshit there exists a possibility that maybe this couple was abducted maybe mm-hmm but everything else that has come out since
Starting point is 00:37:28 is reasoning and bullshit like explanations for why all that would happen the government is spreading misinformation to keep us confused and keep you i get it i get it sure yeah okay yeah i'm kidding i'm kidding yeah to talk to before we break away from the sexual like abductions as well because we are going to bust away from that type of abduction here and a very very scientific reason as to the happening is something that i said a little earlier is how you deal with sexual trauma in your past right your brain is trying to turn an event that happened a few years ago into something that you can accept even if it's aliens that's more acceptable to your brain than uncle joe fucking with you you know when you were younger or whatever and that's a very real thing
Starting point is 00:38:06 that your brain can do where it just transforms something into something else so you can keep living your life without concern so that's something to keep in mind as well then we go on to the godly specifics still yeah still um uh the the next thing is the government the aliens are working with the government that and after the around that time in the 1950s after sometime after we learned to split the atom and cause devastating problems the aliens the government and the aliens came together and made a deal uh they we would they would trade us technology in in turn for rights to abduct x number of people per year and that deal is with multiple different alien species including reptilians grays nords and all those are the nonsense uh
Starting point is 00:38:46 uh other type of aliens out there as well at least the ones that are currently working with us here on earth um in that they run they just run scientific experiments on us because they're just curious and want to mess with us like animals as well and they still use this for mostly penis related purposes well reptilians don't when they abduct they they don't do that kind of thing they just kind of test our bodies and check things out they don't they don't drag the the the weird sexual thing mostly has to do with grays grays are the sexual ones for one reason or another they're the ones that are like we want your your sex stuff um but that's another one too and the reason that we became important to aliens is like i said we learned to split the atom and
Starting point is 00:39:23 that's when things started the a these aliens started to show up we were a blip on their radar now because we we've accessed the power as destructive and powerful as splitting that's why it happened in the fifties yeah that's why all this stuff started happening sometime after uh the the nuclear the nuclear weapon was discovered because now suddenly we're at least a little important but again that goes back to jesse's theory of well that just means we're just looking up for a reason to make ourselves important whoo yeah yeah um okay so those are like what i would call the three main grounded theories the theories that we can look at and go at the very least there's some weird reasoning uh onto this we're gonna start jumping into the the next layer
Starting point is 00:40:11 of explanations as to why we're being abducted some of my favorite explanations and also some of the most insane and this has to do with transdimensionalism and the universe itself being a sentient being and uh all those other things let's get to it off the rails let's go baby i'm ready so first there's the argument that maybe aliens don't even necessarily exist in our dimension maybe they exist in another dimension in the fourth dimension or whatever and that's the reason they can get to us but uh an alien experience and there's some i don't want to say evidence but there's some things to kind of talk about to back it up is that it's it's partly physical but also partly psychedelic it's like so many people who are on acid see aliens yeah yeah exactly
Starting point is 00:40:53 because and there are there people like well when you do this particular drug it opens your mind to this particular dimension it's like all right whatever you talk about sure maybe um but that these aliens are coming not necessarily to do scientific experiments on us but um because they're attempting to introduce to our race introduce to our species that that there is there's more than logic and math in the world there are things that just don't make sense and that these abduction scenarios uh one specifically where people are abducted in a group of other people everybody else in the room is like in a weird suspended animation but you're not and these aliens are directly talking to you and they can do these all these
Starting point is 00:41:32 things is almost think of it like a layering right so the way this happens is you're sitting there i'm sitting here playing a game all of a sudden Maya stops moving everybody stops moving aliens are outside my window they they they walk through the wall you know and then i can leave yeah and then i can leave with them through the wall and then i go onto their ship and they do all the things that they do and uh there are their abduction scenarios where they are taking other worlds or showing other things as like a reward for being good and letting them do experiments on them and that that theory is the idea that this what they when they travel their their technology the way their technology works is um almost for some reason always magnetic it always has to do
Starting point is 00:42:10 with magnets and magnetic stuff but they're layering their dimension on top of ours but keeping us within a bubble to keep us safe but still be able to interact with us but that's why everything else just freezes at least to your perception because now they're layering their fourth dimension for instance like a blanket over but they cut a hole out for you so that you can still operate super high level fish beyond like and a lot of the things that people see in this particular type of like psychedelic weird abduction scenario is stuff that they can immediately relate back to themselves stuff that uh when when they go back and they they think about the things that they saw they can connect it to either like their particular passions whether it be religion or
Starting point is 00:42:52 science or whatever it's almost their abduction scenarios are almost semi personalized for them which is why there there's the theory that it's at least a partially psychedelic experience because it's meant for you it's meant for you alone this abduction scenario is not meant for your sister or your brother it's tailored to you because they're connecting to you in your mind and a psychic way so your your brain is interpreting whatever is happening however they're gonna do it yeah yeah exactly and and they they know that and that's that's also why like they're always weird and they're they're talking to you in an English language but it's also never fully it's like weird English or broken English or whatever language
Starting point is 00:43:31 that they abduct or whether it be Spanish or Chinese it's always your home like your native tongue but it's also always awful little bit it's always always weird out of curiosity like where does this theory like who propagates this theory there's a few people again the best book i would suggest reading is edge of reality that's where a lot of like you can get the basics of it and edge of reality is written by somebody who uh his name is i'll tell my head i don't remember i can't read it hang on i'll get it hang on i'm getting it i'm getting it if you guys can see oh yeah yeah yeah but we could see J. Allen high nick is edge of reality right here uh written by J. Allen high nick and jox vele the the important
Starting point is 00:44:15 name here is J. Allen high nick because he was hired specifically at the time by the government to go and disprove these abduction things that's what his job was and that is that is verifiable that's easy to figure out but the more he researched the more he looked into it the more he couldn't explain half the shit that he was finding with evidence and he slowly went from i'm hired to just be like no this is the reason to swamp gas this that and the other to there's too much i can't explain something is going on so in every one of these unexplainable things uh as far as like just uh scorch marks left on the ground where the ship apparently landed um things being broken things being mismatched that kind of thing uh and then just uh their their recollection and
Starting point is 00:44:57 them being able to have enough evidence that their story holds enough truth that they couldn't explain it away with a scientific theory or or like this is the reason um he never outright says he believes aliens exist that's not that's not his job but he he does say there's too much he couldn't explain to say it's something isn't happening and this is where the dimensional theory comes from well he talks a little bit about the fourth dimension and the in the different types of um encounters you know close encounter of the third kind that kind of thing that kind of comes from him he talks about the different types of that rating system or whatever yeah it's a rating system more or less and this the psychedelic experience i believe my memory serves uh is
Starting point is 00:45:36 what is considered a close encounter of the fourth kind where it's a higher elevated kind of uh encounter with this extraterrestrial species good book to read even if you're explaining that jesse uh well nonsense it's still nonsense again when you start getting into these more psychedelic things there's no real way to be like it doesn't exist because it's just it sounds silly to begin with it's just so far fetched you have to like exactly tie it back around to science somehow for it to be yeah incredible yeah um but that's what he he classifies fourth kind that close encounters of the fourth kind is when they have to do with psychedelic experiences that there's no way to prove one way or another this is based on reports that he investigated and he's classifying
Starting point is 00:46:17 them i see some people are like so people are like i came through a dimensional ball it's like a bubble and i'm in there i'm like yeah he what he did is like he fought he would always go through them and he would file them away and find similarities between them and then kind of create a ranking system out of the different types of similarities of different types of encounters we're like i think a close account of the first kind is just like a visual like i saw something in the sky and it just kind of gets ranked ranked up and up and up and up after that but that's like the big thing is that like they're they're transdimensional beings that are physically there but using a psychic energy to kind of take you away and that kind
Starting point is 00:46:56 of thing and they're they're there to try to enlighten us or at least try and get some sort of message to us but it's never clear what it is well that's the problem with it is it's all like things you'll notice the more that makes it makes it really scary right rewind to the beginning of this episode yes you'll notice that the more we talk about it the more crazy it becomes it go get crazier and crazier and the reason why is because the more you start telling the story of aliens right and the more you start saying oh well the aliens are this well then when someone like me comes along and says well that's bullshit that can't be true the next logical step is to be like well that's because the aliens are this when i'm like well that can't be real like let's cause they're from
Starting point is 00:47:38 this and eventually we get to the same level where it's very much like a belief in god right where it's down to fate like literally i can't prove that god doesn't exist and you can't prove to me that god does exist so we just have to accept beliefs on that point right and that's the same thing with the aliens where it's like how would the world be different if if what the guy the crazy person is saying is true how would the world be different well yeah and that's what's saying like the idea that you saying to me oh well they're from another they're from a different dimension like i literally cannot disprove that right that doesn't make that doesn't mean that it's real it just means that you've gone to a point where you've created something that is so unprovable
Starting point is 00:48:25 yeah that i can't disprove it because it's so fantastical and that's sort of where it's just miss yeah that's where all these mythological things build to where a point where like well i don't want to have to have this argument anymore so i'm just literally gonna trump you and take it to the next level yeah i'm going to take you all the way that is a lot if you ever just do kind of cursory research online that's the kind of people you're gonna come across there's the people who will consistently escalate it until you can't be like well i can't prove it like you know like that's it's a lot of what those weird like geocities types of websites are in existence for right but you know that that we're just kind of talking about you know the theories of why people are being
Starting point is 00:49:01 abducted the other one is that uh the not not it's not the aliens that are trying to show us that the the universe is in it as it is and you know we should leave logic at the logic at the door that the universe itself is a sentient being and that it is reaching out to us because it's now our time to learn that the universe is a sentient thing and it's it's trying to show us the best way it knows how which is these these alien races that are always at the very least humanoid in some way graze aliens even reptilians they always stand on two legs they they stand upright they they you know they but you're saying they're similar sort of like formulations of the will of the will of
Starting point is 00:49:45 the universe and trying to so it's not just us just sparing this but like tentacle monsters get like gray little tentacle beasts that yeah exactly that it's a way for them to eject their dicks off and take their sperm and tell them about again the universe being alive but like all all of the abduction scenarios everything that we're talking about like when we say the universe might have sentience right we're applying our form of sentience to it that kind of stuff which is why yeah it's impossible for us to rationalize have the shit yeah we we but but at the end of the day every single thing we talked about be it you know uh the mysterious lights following them or someone coming to the window or what
Starting point is 00:50:29 like yeah all of that can be based off of any type of lighting right it could be sun moon artificial vehicles whatever paranoia right like um the fact that that people want to believe mental illness there's a million things it could be right there the all the people who were like I was laying in bed and like it went down I could literally just be night terrors night terrors are a real thing that do happen where oh yeah like the reality your reality and the dream reality we created like mesh and you it like happens and you think it's real but it's not real um missing time she could be anything from literally like there's one time I was driving my parents house I fell asleep on the road and woke up on the like I was going down a hill and
Starting point is 00:51:16 woke up coming up the other side of the hill I was scared to die I was terrified I was like oh my god one time my way to school when I was younger it's like one of the first years that I could drive a car I did that I just lost like 45 minutes driving to school like I literally I like I don't know what happened but I know that it wasn't I know it's because it's tired it was late at night and nothing to do with aliens showing up like there's all it's also sometimes let's be real people could just be lying and be like oh yeah no I I'm missing four hours not because I was sleeping with my mistress but because literally aliens right or I mean drugs are a huge thing that could happen yes that that is like physical evidence every time there's physical evidence
Starting point is 00:51:58 the people who are like the doctors they go to are never the doctor at the emergency room it's always like dr j c willy cuddy and it's always some weird guy who's like yeah well of course this piece of glass was a microchip right mm it's it's just like everything else like bigfoot or all these other things rather than having a non shaky camera or like and it we exist in a time right now where everyone has cameras on their phones no bigfoot photos nothing right yeah uh when we have things like aliens everyone has has camera phones everyone has all this stuff nothing we have no it's just we have some some video footage of ships in the sky or weird things in the we have some video footage of UFOs UFOs are not aliens that yeah they're unidentified
Starting point is 00:52:46 flying we don't know what those could be it could be anything yeah yeah and so we just have to like accept that there's a lot here's what i'll say not i will choose to believe that 99.9999999 percent of alien induction is bullshit but that point zero zero zero zero zero one if it's real that's awesome and crazy and cool and amazing but the vast majority of the stories are like come on really for realsies is this well you should definitely like throw a flag in the air just to be like once betty and barney's story came out public announcements went up 2.5 thousand percent sure yeah because people people just want to feel like i don't know in port the other thing too and the the counter argument i would have to that is like it's especially now
Starting point is 00:53:38 people come out but people still come out a lot of the time alien abductions when they come out it ruins people's lives it's true then but but you know a lot of times people do i mean there's plenty of people who like i've encountered in my travels online who are just like pathological liars they will just paint themselves into a corner all the way to like george castanza go into the house in the hamptons like sure totally crazy people out there and so it's not difficult for me to believe somebody being like i was i was abducted it's crazy it's like munch house in almost but like worse in a way mm-hmm and i i don't know i i don't know what to believe but because i do believe that there is some reason why certain things have received official
Starting point is 00:54:22 attention and why some things have been right officially paid for like the government the funds like there's no lobbyists for this right there's not like rich proalien people that are donating to get these programs happening right there has to be some level of genuine concern out there for unidentified things and the stuff that's been declassified the last couple years has been pretty compelling in some cases and you get some pretty surprising people who are like yeah no aliens like john glenn was like yeah no aliens i think i think was john glenn i can't remember who it was but it was somebody like that who was like no actually when we were up there i saw fucking aliens bro well yeah oh yeah they never said aliens they saw things out floating around them
Starting point is 00:55:07 well what i'm saying is some of them are like they were this we talk about them this way this is what the government told us they are this is the thing and i don't know if it was i'm not going to say it was john glenn but i know that there's like people like that high-breaking officials that all have these stories and trump you know it's so funny going back and forth with him i mean obviously there's a lot more pressing matters to deal with the news regarding president trump at the moment but like back when it was a lighter time you know there was a lot of talk about him maybe like being the one to like de-gaff enough to like declassify a bunch of alien documents as if it was a serious concern my argument to that be like the shadow government would judge him
Starting point is 00:55:48 too fucking stupid and dangerous to tell him any of it it's true it's true but you never know i mean you don't know how deep it goes or whether it's actually just an upfront thing that the military is like very cognizant about we don't know how much to believe like people usually come out of these high-ranking jobs with like kind of similar stories but at the same time the more public stories get the more similar they become the important thing i'd say about that is those people who come out the high-ranking military officials they they come off at least to me more credible because they're they're always the same stories but they're not being abducted right they were like we have weird things and we we we know we use these terms and that kind of thing
Starting point is 00:56:24 um but back on the topic of reasons for abduction a couple more i want to talk about uh one is uh one i maybe should talk about before we went to the psychic shit uh is the mother hypothesis do you know what the mother hypothesis is no it's uh basically the idea that we are direct descendants of the graves okay we are the reason that they're harvesting our stuff is not because we're similar but because we are directly descended of them in some way or another and that we are in a much earlier stage of evolution than they are because we're so far away from from that but we we are created in a very similar way than they are that you're looking at a gray is being like that's going to be what humans kind of look like in a few more million
Starting point is 00:57:07 years if we if we make it that far i see and that you know we they're like the mother to us that they either they created us gray specifically created us or the same thing created the grays and us just a different time this is literally the plot of the movie prometheus i've never seen prometheus so it's a good watch everybody loves it online you should check it out yeah that that is a lie um so that's another one is is the mother hypothesis the other one is that grays are actually humans from the future and that they are time traveling back to the past because again very similar to some of the earlier things we as humans are dying off in the future and that the last time we had sustainable dna was where we're at now and so they're coming back to us to
Starting point is 00:57:54 harvest that so that they can go back to their time and fix their dna let's go throw that out there because that's something i probably should have talked about before going in the insane shit that just seems like something you wouldn't have to do that regularly right you know if you're like if you're like trying to fix the dna right you just grab like a couple people you're like oh shit okay we got it let's go right yeah i don't know like i have no idea how that would work i just that's just my hot take on that specific the question is like how fucked up are they in the future i guess like it how how problematic is there is their situation yeah i mean granted these these are all just completely and then you can think like well if they have time
Starting point is 00:58:35 travel why don't they just go back to a time where they weren't as dead give them the time travel technology so they could travel back in time and fix it then but then that might create a different universe because that leads us into the last one of the last theories is parallel universe theory where they're overlapping their universe in two hours and their world and their physics and their science is so not the same as ours that we can't make sense of it so our brain is just making sense of what we're seeing and what we're seeing isn't actually what we're seeing it's just the reality that our brain is telling us that we're seeing so the grays aren't actually grays but they look like grays because it's the closest thing our brain can turn them into to accept what they
Starting point is 00:59:12 look like like a mortal combat versus the dc universe type situation yes that kind of melding of two different universes yeah and we we don't really know why they're here maybe they're just observing us maybe they've they've just recently quote develop the technology and they're just exploring and checking out different things but then again that goes back to why us why humans why are we the important ones maybe we're not maybe they're actually messing with all alien is the mother theory the time travel theory as well uh they can they can come together because here's the one that i think is my favorite one is that they're just us from the future yeah and they're time travel they're not aliens they're just time travelers i like that what's
Starting point is 00:59:53 the most fun out of all the bullshit theories swallow that one more is that out of all the bullshit theories i like the idea that it's time travelers they're time travelers who have come back to the past and they're like doing they're messing around with stuff i think that's just fun it's more fun than all the other fakes so what if there's like an alien planet that's like pretty close by but it's like not that close by but like if you're like a young alien and you have a hot new ship it's like a pretty funny thing to do this is joy riding you guys want to go fuck with like some earthlings real quick you want to swing by like jack them off a little bit i know it's weird but it's like it's like when you go cow tipping kind of it's like earth is out of like
Starting point is 01:00:28 the jurisdiction of space cops yeah so they just like it's like going to tiwana for them it's like oh you want to like go fucking do something a little bit illegal it's like go fuck with some earthling i'd accept that that'd be that'd be that'd be hilarious um it's equally as likely as the fucking any of the other ones yeah well of course right then there's the idea that the uh the aliens like the whole going with that whole theory of them trying to infiltrate our government with the reason we have wi-fi and cell phones and internet's because aliens gave it to us but they they did it in a devious way we were supposed to reach our own emotional intelligence level before we got these crazy technologies but they gave us all these crazy technologies
Starting point is 01:01:07 before we reached that level and that's why we're destroying ourselves because the aliens are just letting us destroy ourselves with this technology that we shouldn't have yet because we're not fucking ready for it but we have it anyway i mean yeah it would it would put me it would put me at ease about a lot of big questions i have existentially to know that our technology came from aliens specifically we're not supposed to have this we we went too far that which we're well out of our depth i'd be like oh thank god i kind of believe that i was able to adjust to the real world yeah i kind of like i kind of believe whether we got the tech from aliens or we just developed it ourselves we are not ready for the technology that we have we're still too primal until it's
Starting point is 01:01:46 too stupid to have like the internet or what if we're all in a simulation and the aliens are dlc well there's a theory that we're all simulation dlc well we're all there's also this there's two theories with simulation that we are all in a in a simulation and it's aliens like who created the simulation to observe their own evolutionary process oh that's interesting it's like a more complex version of the time traveler theory yeah yeah and but that doesn't explain you know abductions unless it's them just messing with it or then there's also the theory that we are in a simulation that future humans created and they're like right what about the theory that we're all in a big giant marble that's in like a cosmic game of marbles oh that is uh called the men and black
Starting point is 01:02:32 theory the men and black last 20 seconds of the movie yeah men and black last 20 seconds theory but that that's that's the uh in a weird way that's the representation of the multiverse theory where we're just one of many many different mult universes yeah it's a very zen version yeah exactly we're just you know playing game by aliens um but as far as like the major i mean as far as the major abduction scenarios and theories that's them um without going into too much detail as to like how in depth the government is involved in the government's own hybrid program that's something we can talk about uh at a future x-files fan fiction yeah that that right there that episode that somehow an arrow or just like blew by is what i would consider the this this episode
Starting point is 01:03:13 is like the final basics episode abduction basics yeah so we've we've now covered basics of abductions yeah exactly we've now covered the basics aliens as far as race is a concern and the basics of oddly white supremacist yeah yeah oddly some of them anyway definitely white supremacist uh and then now we've talked about the basics of abductions and the kind of template so in the next alien sexual yeah oddly sexual the next alien episode we do at some point in the future will be a specific event something big that has happened that there is there is evidence for at some type of evidence for at the very least something that we can now break down and we can we can like literally go over very similar to tommy karate the the the details of who was involved i'm hoping
Starting point is 01:03:56 to find some story that i just am like blown away by i would love one that like involves the government and some verifiable facts pick maybe some dubious footage right no i well i get it i'm ready so that is the uh that is the alien abduction episode everybody um i've been to take the amount of research i have to do and then just break it down into like i can't go down that tangent i can't go down that tangent i can't go down that tangent i just gotta try and keep it focused is stressful but i'm very pumped to finally be able to do and say we can do a focused alien episode next it's gonna be great so excited i'm so excited what would you wear on your body while you're focusing on a specific alien event what sexy glow-in-the-dark clothing could you maybe buy
Starting point is 01:04:42 oh is that all right so that you'll look great wild uh it's a sign you can wear it's a sign you can wear it's a it says chilluminati on uh-huh black t-shirt green logo with an eye looking to the sky indicating you know we're looking for aliens yeah and it glows in the dark so you can wander out in the forest by yourself without any tools for survival and wait for the aliens to come get you sure it's also getting ready to wear at your local comic store or when you're eating nice delicious ninja turtle pizza or you're at any gaming convention to show your low-key allegiance to other chilluminati fans there's tons of uses and you look so good in it i agree uh everybody who sends us pictures you guys you rock that t-shirt better than i ever could so um i just don't look
Starting point is 01:05:28 good in clothes i just like to be naked no times no this episode he's naked right now you're dirty for the kids nope this listen this podcast is an explicit content warning on it i guess i guess that gets us out of it then i say the p word a lot on here pizza pizza that's right right sorry kids ear muffs uh but thank you for listening we we appreciate it um i don't think jesse has been moved in any way i'm not but i will say it doesn't change my opinion doesn't change either i still think that like yeah aliens exist i just don't think they give a shit about her if they i still i still feel pretty groovy about aliens i gotta say me too um but i i'm i just we needed to get to like the like laying down the foundation of the future i just we can't dive in anything deep and
Starting point is 01:06:13 complex and then have to like take 30 minute breaks to explain what this is or who these are why these aliens are doing what they're doing i just like to lay that out there has to be one there has to be one event that is just so convincing there are a few man what about the one that i said that we talked forget the name of it now uh but the one where like the ships were seen in the sky throughout the entire town the phoenix lights straight the phoenix lights is one yeah that's that's definitely one i don't like in mexico that's similar to that yeah like there's a bunch of those out there i just i'm so interested in breaking those down i would love to get to the end of one and not lose my enthusiasm for it a little bit because every once in a while we always have to get to the point where
Starting point is 01:06:50 we're like well then there was this other thing that's obviously what everybody saw and it's a bummer but like i want one where there's still a question i want one where jesse's like we don't know yeah uh we'll see we'll see that dream continue to get there one stuff on our reddit i think the next alien one will be a multi-parter too i'm ready i'm ready so all right well thank you guys for listening to basically mathis ramble for about an hour and jesse laugh at him and alex be somewhere i would never laugh at you i'd laugh at these insane theories right of course of course um we'll be back uh we've got a couple of neat little hopefully like spooky october episodes come in your share your stories on reddit and give us permission to read them yes please or
Starting point is 01:07:34 talk about them on the podcast please or go back to a story you already posted and comment on it that we have permission to read it that would be great i would i would love to to to do some spooky stories uh as always the plugs we plugged our t-shirt go check it out chilluminati you'll find it uh we are about to break 500 reviews on itunes which is fucking crazy if you want to push us over the edge please do it's awesome we we sincerely appreciate the love we're now on spotify as well all the pod beaners came out to let us know that there's like five or six of you guys i swear yeah there was a few people who came out on the subreddit uh and made a little thread of like they're a part of pod bean represent yeah we should let pod bean know that
Starting point is 01:08:17 somebody who uses pod bean finally met somebody else who uses pod bean nobody came out and said that you stitcher or tuner though and we're on both of those so shout out to the tuners and the stitchers of out there stitch luminati and the tune luminati stitch luminati tune luminati uh and if you guys want to obviously tell us stories the subreddit luminati pod is there the twitter chilluminati pod is there you can chat with all with with us there and you can tweet at us independent independently at jessie cox at uh fasiana a for alex and at mathis games for myself thank you for listening to us we love you guys very very much and we'll be back very soon with a new episode happy october yeah happy october father's day is just around the corner and what better
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