Chilluminati Podcast - Episode 145 - Minisode Compilation 19

Episode Date: March 23, 2022

Patreon - BUY OUR MERCH - Special thanks to our sponsors this episode FelixGray - Honey - Joybird - Jesse Cox - Alex Faciane - Art Commissioned by - Theme - Matt Proft End song - POWER FAILURE - Video -

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Capella University is rethinking higher education. With their game-changing flex-path format, you can earn your degree on your schedule, so you can fit education seamlessly into your life. Imagine your future differently at MUSIC Hello, my little chimney-naughts. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:00:41 No, it's so bad. It's so bad. Never been. Never been. Oh! Welcome back, Chillmini59. Chillmini69's 10 episodes away? We got 10 episodes away from Chillmini69. You got to prep for that. It's going to take me at least 10 weeks to get ready.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Sex mysteries only. That's it. Sex news articles in the Weird World. Got it. I don't know what you guys got for this week, but boop, boop, boop, boop. On Bigfoot Watch, I've got ourselves a new article. Bigfoot may be photographed in Iowa? Question mark, July 29, 2021,
Starting point is 00:01:17 while for a walk in the wilderness, an Iowa man snapped a photograph of a curious anomaly that has given him second thoughts when it comes to the question of whether or not Bigfoot exists. According to local media, the intriguing image was captured by a man by the name of Jeremy as he and his sister were visiting the Whitewater Canyon Wildlife Area in the community of Bernard.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Jeremy saw Bigfoot. Right? Jeremy saw Bigfoot. Right, right, right. Yes, he did. Right, old people, right? Is that something, is that a reference? I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:01:47 It is. It very much is. I'm sorry, I did not get it. Shout out to all the old folks out there who get it. Shout out to all those people who aren't sure exactly if they're Gen X or Gen Y. Yeah. We're dropping the link to his photographs for you boys.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Okay, but, okay. I know you're going to share these. Before I look at them, can I ask you a question first, Madison? Yes, sir, you may. Do you think these are compelling? Before I look at them. It's definitely something.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Okay. But I don't know if I'd call it Bigfoot. Okay. What? Oh, you know what? It's about as good as anything, I would say. It's literally been about as good as anything we've seen. It's a little, it looks like maybe he's got a little, like,
Starting point is 00:02:27 hairless, weaned. Brought area? Situation. Maybe his hands are in like the waist. Oh yeah, like, I don't know. I can't, it's really difficult to tell. See the whole thing is covered in water. It definitely looked like it's standing on two legs,
Starting point is 00:02:40 whatever this thing is. Well, math is, math is, I have a closeup photo. Oh, God, I'm nervous. I have a closeup photo that I think you should look at. Oh, no, What is this going to be? Oh, no. What is this?
Starting point is 00:02:55 I agree that's it. That's just me in the summer. That's just me and Big Bear Lake. Yeah. riding a jet ski on a lake. Yeah, it is amazing. Finally, a picture that's not wobbly. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:03:08 That's not blurry. It's actually shot very well. Oh, my God. And he's literally carving it up. Let's let's put it that way. Bigfoot is carving it up. He is shredding that lake up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:22 As bigfoot would do. Jeremy's final quote was, you don't have to believe me. I wouldn't believe me. But now that I've seen now that I've seen whatever that was firsthand, I think I may be a bigfoot believer now. It's just a shadow figure. It's literally just like a person far away and it's dark. That looks like a furry person.
Starting point is 00:03:44 OK, I'll give you the picture of that. Why is Bigfoot in the water right now? What's going on with that? Why is there like a big thing? He's just getting a drink. Maybe it's like, why is it like Bigfoot fever right now? Like Bigfoot's popping up a lot. Oh, I mean, I'm an answer.
Starting point is 00:04:00 I have an answer that I would wager. Just like during every time where UFOs appear or any time that there's anything stressful in the environment, people see things like whenever there's stressors, people see stuff like this and report it more. And I think because of covid and, you know, lockdowns and all people are taking the time now to go out into the woods more and get away from people. And so people are not used to the woods, go out in the woods, they see a dark figure, Bigfoot.
Starting point is 00:04:28 I think it makes perfect sense to me. I think it could be Jesse. I think Bigfoot would wear a mask. I think Bigfoot would also get a vaccine. Bigfoot would be like, yes, I will take that vaccine. I've no dummy. I may live in forest, but I'm not an idiot. We all live on this planet together.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Yeah, even the monkey man. We must all live. Wait, what? Bigfoot's can't get covid. Oh, peace out, losers. I'm going to learn how to use a skateboard. Excellent. What is this pizza you talk of?
Starting point is 00:05:10 That's all I got. I have a really short one that I just want to throw out there as some good vibes. I'm going to put this out in the universe. We like good vibes. Earlier this week, a Missouri woman won one million dollars in a scratcher Lotto ticket. Hell yeah. Angela Caravella, 51 of Kansas City, told Florida lottery officials she was
Starting point is 00:05:31 on her way home, but her flight got canceled. She had a feeling it was going to be that kind of day. And she decided to do some unexpected things on an unexpected day. So she bought the first ever Lotto ticket she's ever bought. Just past the time. Boom. One million dollars. She decided to take the lump sum.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Seven hundred and ninety thousand dollars is what she walked away with. And I bring this up because I see a lot of people, especially in videos these days, like airports going absolutely nuts. If a flight is canceled or a flight is delayed and people get upset about all sorts of things and all I'm saying is rather than lose your shit over uncontrollable things that you have no effect of and like you can't control in your life. Maybe take a playbook from Angela and just like it's going to be one of them days. So I might as well do something as equally unexpected.
Starting point is 00:06:22 And yeah, who knows? Maybe it could turn out to be a good thing. Yeah. Rolling the punches you had a shitty day in a million bucks. Yeah. Just because you had a crappy day doesn't mean that that is the story of the day. You can always change it around. So put that out in the world like is your flight look good, Jesse?
Starting point is 00:06:38 Like do you have flights that get fucked up often? Because I know I usually have very good flight luck, but I know people who just have terrible flight luck and I can see people like that getting angry. I here's the thing is it depends first off on what carrier you take. It depends on what kind of service you use. Like I refuse and this is I will gladly pay more money not to be on like a spirit or a Southwest. Like I've been on those and they suck.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Like the difference is it's being it's like being on a public bus. Just crammed in and you're treated like crap. And I can understand why you get upset about that. But also there's only so many things in your life you can control. And so you might as well control what you can control. And if you know you're going to get in there, bring headphones, put on like some calm music and like go to sleep on that flight or whatever, because it's going to it's going to suck.
Starting point is 00:07:30 It's not not going to suck. So if you know you bought the ticket for something that's going to suck, you might as well accept how sucky it's going to be and not try to be like, I'm so angry on the 10th. There's nothing that's going to change. All you're going to do is make it awful for you because they're going to drag your ass off the flight. So it's true. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:47 And take it from somebody who has flown coach literally everywhere across the ocean, everywhere that you can find coach. I've done it. You know, I think the more you travel, you the more you realize because that you know, other than the last two years, which have been zero travel, right, like every year, I'm usually on like 20 to 30 flights a year or something like that. Right. And I would say the the large majority of them go off without a hitch. But they all suck anyway.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Like any all all flights are like worse than they were 10 years ago. But, you know, the bad luck, you just got to you got to be a good person about it. It's no there's no justification for having to melt down against some stranger who's just trying to get to the end of their shift. Yeah. You know, in an airport in some state. I don't know where their job is. Like when people go nuts at like the McDonald's, the McDonald's employee is literally being paid way less than they should be.
Starting point is 00:08:48 And they're just trying to get through their day. And you being like, my McFlurry doesn't have enough Oreos. Like that is unfortunately not like that's not the solution. It's just, you know, sometimes you got to be sympathetic to people in the world because, you know, it's not everyone wants the job they have. And yeah, I love that the, you know, I good work ethic and whatnot, but like everyone has bad days. And some days you're not going to get as much Oreo as you want, is all I'm going to say.
Starting point is 00:09:17 That's the key to life. Some days you aren't going to get as much Oreo as you want life. Ding. A Jesse Cox statement. Jesse Cox statement. Put it in the book. Add it to my book by the people who are paying for my to own. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:34 He cogs twenty twenty four. Oh, what? No. So for this double set of minis this week, I got two reader stories, but I got a different reader story than last time when we lost the episode so that it's still a surprise for you guys. So this one's from not a chill time. And it's called I've got the Black Shuck Blues.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Hey, everyone, I decided to make a Reddit account specifically to tell you all this story. Let me know if I'm doing it right. I'm not a writer, so if a tangent or right run on sentences, I am sorry. Perfect. So my story only happened a couple of weeks ago during the recent heat wave in the UK. I just finished working. I work as a supply substitute teacher and I planned out a walking holiday around Norfolk and Cambridgeshire in the UK.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Now, for all you skeptic's sake, I will admit to the following facts before I tell you my story. First of all, I was aware of the legend of the Black Shuck before this walking holiday. Secondly, I'd been binging this podcast fairly consistently for the past few weeks. So while she was definitely on the brain. So it was a hot week and carrying a lot of hiking and wild camping stuff meant that I was probably at least mildly dehydrated most of the time. But I was never gone enough that I felt ill, nor did I suffer from heat stroke. I'm pasty and fair, so I get that I suffer in the heat more than most.
Starting point is 00:10:49 But nonetheless, I feel like I had a good hold on all my faculties during my experiences. Whilst nothing odd happened on my first day of walking, the second day was when things kicked off. It was about midday, so I was definitely feeling the heat. And I decided to take a small detour on my walking route to travel alongside the River Waveney near the town of Bungay. Boy, I hope this this is like hard mode pronouncing British towns. So I hope I got this right.
Starting point is 00:11:14 It wasn't as sheltered as I hoped it would be. So eventually, so I eventually stopped, put down my rucksack and went for a paddle in the shallows on the riverbank. It was whilst I was splashing about that I noticed on the other side of the river, this big black dog. The UK doesn't have wolves, but IDK, how else to describe it, really? It was like an Alsatian, but completely black and just chilling, watching me on the other side.
Starting point is 00:11:37 I assumed at first it was someone's dog off the lead, but looking up and down the river, at least from what I could see, there wasn't anyone else about. I was sitting stock still, just looking it was sitting stock still, just looking right at me. I kind of gave it a half hearted way, but it didn't react. I got that weird vibe you get when someone's watching you and suddenly felt pretty self conscious.
Starting point is 00:11:54 So I climbed back onto the bank, put my shoes and back and pack back on and set off walking the entire time the dog didn't move a react. I'd like to say something dramatic like I looked over my shoulder as I walked on and it was gone, but nah, I started walking. I pretty much forgot about it straight away. It was literally about five hours or so later when I swear I saw it again. This time may have been just my imagination. I'd set up camp for the evening in the corner of a field underneath the tree
Starting point is 00:12:21 and was just settling in for the evening when I could have sworn. I saw a black shape of an animal jump the fence at the opposite end of the field I was in. Now I was on high alert, mainly because I thought it might be farmer and his dog coming to tell me to get out of their field. But the watched and but they watched and waited. The more I began to wonder, the more I watched and waited, the more I began to wonder if it was something else.
Starting point is 00:12:42 The field was full of wheat and some hoppy stuff. I don't claim to be an expert, but it was about waist high. And if there was something in the field with me, you best believe I wouldn't have known until it broke into the grassy patch I was camped on. It was a little disconcerting, but the night was uneventful. And if there was something lurking in the field, it didn't bother me at all. The next day was pretty rough. It was about 30 degrees Celsius.
Starting point is 00:13:01 If my phone was to be believed and I didn't make good progress. That's pretty hot, by the way, I didn't specifically see anything. But admittedly, I was pretty head down, keep walking the whole day. I want to iterate again that I'm not an inexperienced walker and I wasn't like wildly dehydrated or hallucinating or anything. But I kept getting that weird feeling like I was being followed. I stopped to have a drink and the hairs in the back of my neck would stand up or I'd randomly get goosebumps, despite it being hot.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Now, being a woman and traveling solo, there's always a certain fear of well, being followed. So perhaps it could be attributed to paranoia. Honestly, I'm not sure what's scarier to me being followed by a ghost dog or being followed by a human. And I didn't really shake the feeling. So maybe I was setting myself up to get spooked. But when I came to set up camp for the night and done which forest,
Starting point is 00:13:45 I felt pretty highly strong, not the vibe I was hoping for for my holiday. So I woke up around 1 a.m. and pitch black and I felt very alert. Normally wouldn't be an issue. I'm in a woods, I'm wild camping, stuff wakes you up. What felt different this time was that same feeling like I was being watched. It's the one shitty thing about tents. When you're inside one, you're blind to anything going on outside.
Starting point is 00:14:07 But they also offer like no feeling of safety, their fabric, after all. So I lay there from every 10 minutes, straining my ears to hear something. I couldn't make my mind up if I wanted to get out of the tent and look around or stay in the tent and live that ignorance is bliss life. That choice was taken away from me, however, because, well, the need to pee came on, don't know if it was my nerves or the real reason my body woke up, but it came on strong. So phone with torch on, I climbed out of my tent and shown it around the woods
Starting point is 00:14:32 as I walked a little ways from my camp to do the business. The phone torch only lit the immediate area around me and there was plenty of pitch black very close by as I popped a squat. And that's when everything got all fucked. As I scan the area around me, I spotted eye shine in the gloom, just a single pinpoint of reflective light. But I span my phone's torch in that direction. There was the same shaggy black dog on its
Starting point is 00:14:55 haunches literally right at the edge of my phone's torchlight. Now, as I've said, I've listened to your podcast a fair bit recently, and I'd like to think my description so far has shown that I look at everything fairly skeptically, but this shits this shits me up to think about still. This shits me up to think about still. What? That's a great saying. I like it. It wasn't particularly big or other worldly in appearance, but it had such a feeling of wrongness to it
Starting point is 00:15:20 that I can't adequately describe. Sounds like a not dear, right? Yeah, it does. Now, Jesse says the thing that exasperates him regularly on the show is when people have phones, but don't take photos. And up until this point, I totally agreed with him. But I got to say, taking a photo was the last thing on my mind at that moment. I don't think I've ever genuinely felt that afraid my entire life and all higher brain process beyond pull up your pants and get ready to run
Starting point is 00:15:44 were way beyond me at that point. The dog opened its mouth and like started to make this weird barking laugh. Sounded more like that when the animals seemed to imitate human voices than anything like, I love you. That weird uncanny valley shit where you could mistake it for a person. If it wasn't for the fact that it sounded so wrong. Anyway, it's at that point that I just bounced. I was on my feet and running in into and through the forest.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Genuine blind panic running. Long story short, I got absolutely turned around and lost and didn't find my way back to camp till after the sun came up. And I understand that bolting was a stupid move. But again, I can't understand how blindly terrified I was. And when I did find my camp again, of course, there was no sign of a dog. No pop marks or anything, nor did I feel like I was being watched or followed or anything like that anymore.
Starting point is 00:16:33 I packed up, made a beeline for the nearest civilized area. And when I got to an area with a phone signal, I hysterically called my partner to come pick me up there and then cutting my holiday short by half. Could have been a stray dog that attached itself to me, but we don't really have stray dogs that follow people in the UK. I gather this happens quite a lot in some national parks in the USA. I don't I've never seen a stray dog in a national park,
Starting point is 00:16:54 but maybe I'm the rare one. It could have been an overactive imagination slash dehydration slash heat stroke hallucinations. But I drank regularly, was sensible and never overexerted myself in the hot weather. I understand that camping out in the woods could be scary, but I've been wild camping since I was 16. And the woods have never bothered me. Now, this entire area I was holidaying in does have a legend
Starting point is 00:17:15 of a cyclopean hellhound called the Black Shuck. Apparently, in the 16th century, it attacked a church and you can still find its claw marks in the church door at Blyberg. I know that story. The dog I saw in the woods only had one eye that reflected the light from my phone. But that could have just been a coincidence. And maybe I only caught one eye in the shine and not the other. The Black Shuck is also supposed to be huge,
Starting point is 00:17:37 though the dog I saw wasn't outlandishly large, just big. Could have been just a big dog that decided to follow me, but I can't get over that intense feeling of wrongness or that fucking wild laugh. And then this story can be, of course, shared on the podcast if you want to. But I'd be more than happy to just have a little chat about it with anyone. Fun podcast, going to buy some merch, going to go listen to the first track on the darkness's debut album Permission to Land and cry a bit.
Starting point is 00:18:04 What a way to end. What a story. I love that story. Isn't it great? That's a good one. That is very good. Yeah, yeah, that's a good stuff. That wasn't even like. And then it said, hello, it was just like it had a weird laugh. And they like followed me and it could be anything.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Great story. Huge. I like how willing to be completely wrong they were. Yeah, I love that. And I believe I believe that that that even if it was just a weird dog or something, that that would scare the shit out of me in the middle of the night. I woke up to pee. I go there and I see a big fucking black dog staring at me. I'd I'd be I'd be pissing myself.
Starting point is 00:18:39 That was a good one. I'd be pissing myself while I was pissing. You get it? You know what I'm saying? Well, thank you guys so much for supporting us over on Patreon. I hope you enjoyed this mini. We're going to bounce and we'll be back next week. Well, we'll be back very soon, rather, with a brand new mini.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Thanks for the money. Suckers. Why are you going to be like that? What do you mean? I love them. I love that they do this. They love they want to get abused by me. They want to get sold to and they want to get abused. Why? Who? What?
Starting point is 00:19:10 It's fun. It's fun. We're you know, it's a fun little thing we do here on the show. It's good. It's a good vibe. Thank you for supporting us. Come on. Capella University is rethinking higher education with their game changing, flex path format. You can earn your degree on your schedule
Starting point is 00:19:30 so you can fit education seamlessly into your life. Imagine your future differently at Dear traction, Toyota's got 20 vehicles with available all-wheel drive and four-wheel drive to grip every twist and every turn. Come rain, slick, sleet or snow, leaves, mud, gravel or sharp turns. Tackle the trails in the nimble RAV4. Drive steady in the classy Camry all-wheel drive
Starting point is 00:19:57 or turn up the traction in the beefed up tundra because Toyota's got an iron grip on driving excitement. Find those wheels at Toyota dot com Toyota. Let's go places. Hello, my little Jilomina. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh. Oh, oh.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Oh, oh. No, I don't know. This is actually a mini soda 59. I was off by one the last one. So we're 59 now now we're now we're 10 away now. We're 10 away from 69. I was off. I won That's fine. I get to feel the whole excitement thing a whole second time. So I'm like, yeah, exactly It's time. I am excited for this one because Jesse. I'm here to make you happy. I've got science This little article
Starting point is 00:20:54 Lights from behind a black hole Jesse Einstein's theory of general relativity General relativity has been proven accurate once again by the recent detection of light from behind a black hole Research researchers observing x-rays flaring from a supermassive black hole picked up a number of what they describe as luminous Echoes that were smaller arrived later and had different colors than the flares from from from the front of the black hole Any light quote any light that goes in the that black hole doesn't come out So we shouldn't be able to see anything that's behind the black hole said Sanford University Research scientist Dan Wilkins the research has concluded that the black hole's enormous gravitational field was warping
Starting point is 00:21:43 space-time as Einstein predicted and allowing the luminous echoes to travel around the black hole. So Yeah, that's exciting. Yeah, that's so basically once again like space seems to be this Fabric of some sort that is being changed and maneuvered and scientists were able to once again confirm that Einstein was in fact Correct again. So if you see any movie like interstellar, for example, it has that black hole scene I get any scene with like a black hole when you get to the edge. There's that sort of like warped light effect You know, just think about it. It's not just 2d Right warped right isn't just like all the way out of going. Yeah, that's neat. That's super cool Dude interstellar by the way if you're interested in black holes that is some
Starting point is 00:22:28 interstellar specifically has some wild Visuals that represent black holes in that movie that is crazy shit. Yeah, that movie is For it's weird that movies one of those ones where it's both. I love it and both like it's alright I don't know how to describe it like I can watch that and be like that was entertaining as hell But also just be like it's alright It's cuz it has like a like a non science sort of like message at the end that kind of lands weird after being so Sciencey, right? Oh, I've never seen it and most of the time when people talk about it I hear like the story is almost like eh, but the visuals are incredible. It's an awesome adventure, too
Starting point is 00:23:04 It's just like a different movie maybe than you're expecting It's very Nolan and that a lot of his movies the story is like eh But what it is the concept because he's always like I'm gonna try and elevate it's fascinating like the last couple too Yeah, the last movies. It's like what the hell this was amazing, but also like if you break down what the story was you're like I got it. I still got to see a tenet. Yeah, I want to see that so bad It is one of those movies where when it ended I literally spent an hour on YouTube being like did I see what I just thought? I saw it's like that kind of thing. Yeah in my mom like bonded as adults by getting super into Memento when I was younger. Yeah, that's like how we like side each other as equals for the first time
Starting point is 00:23:47 All right boys, who's next you know what I'm gonna jump in here Update the mysterious flying man is back at LAX Jetpack guy he's back the federal aviation administration confirmed a pilot contacted air traffic control this past Wednesday Reporting a possible sighting of a man wearing a jetpack Dude a boy 747 pilot reported seeing an object that might have resembled a jet pack 15 miles east of LAX at 5,000 feet The federal aviation administration
Starting point is 00:24:26 5,000 feet a mile in the sky Yeah, good. I'm a boat caution air traffic controllers alerted other pilots in the vicinity again, this is one of many sightings of this person and It is been happening all through 2020 and is still continuing now in 2021 I thought we had an answer to this didn't we well the FAA they said they have they saw no unusual objects on radar Mmm, and of course like I said this follows similar sightings in 2020 and early 2021 there was a video potentially in December of 2020
Starting point is 00:25:04 But many people believe that isn't a man that it's a drone that is made to look like a man Yeah, I can see that but also we've seen photos and videos of that dude who flew around New York City Yes Yeah, that is like a real-ass thing like I don't know I mean, I don't know if he's going a fucking mile into the goddamn air, but like you know, he maybe he could I don't know I don't know what the science is on that. Yeah, and so that's it's update. It's back Whatever he is back. If you see this guy in the picture there You know what I mean? Like it would be like
Starting point is 00:25:40 You'd be like up there and like trying to fly and it would be like I mean you can't see me, but I'm shaking back and forth I'm like, you know, like when you go down a hill on like a skateboard or a bike you get the speed wobble There's so many things to consider Yeah, no a great example is there was a story this past week about a guy who got into like a Bubblecraft and tried to run from Florida up the East Coast, right? Except he ended up going south because again ties Like there's a million there's a million things you have to think about and the air is the exact same And so a jet plus you can be like upside down in the fucking air, which is
Starting point is 00:26:21 There's a million things that can go wrong and a million things to count for flying is lots of math at the end of the day and so It's interesting that This person hasn't like actually or drone actually caused a problem So I don't know that is especially in like the LAX area where there's so much There's so much air if you sit can hate LAX so goddamn I like they're about to get a train, which I'm like so excited about but we're good They need that real bad if you go. I think there's some YouTube videos where it's just like a
Starting point is 00:26:57 Camera sits there, and they speed it up, and it's all the planes landing at LAX if you I mean I'm Alex and are pretty close to it at any given time you look up, and there's like Planes all over the sky. Yeah, they fly right over my fucking head all the time I can't it blows my mind that someone be like I would love to be up there in the middle of that right? Yeah, I don't know I imagine you put a lot of time and effort into that and even that seems dangerous In and out burger like eating your double-double at that like one where you can watch the planes take off And you see some fucker get shredded by
Starting point is 00:27:33 Like Like a rabbit in a fucking f1 car like just getting like that shredded into dust That in and out burger is on the corner I don't know if anyone has ever experienced this view live in LA or have been to LA But there's a stop light right there, and that stop light is Directly under where the planes come in and there are times where if you're there stuck at that light the plane is I don't even know maybe 200 feet away. Yeah, like your car violently shakes as it flies overhead. It's crazy
Starting point is 00:28:06 Here's a traveler tip for people who are coming to LA, and they think they want to eat at the LAX at the airport You know burger just go okay Within 10 miles. There's like 15 in and out burgers. Just go to another one There's not a fucking line Every time I drive by there. There's like an 800 car line. I'm like, why are you here? There's no way that food is like banging compared to the other ones where they're not like working their ass off for like a Big-ass line all fucking day By the way speaking of LA
Starting point is 00:28:39 October Who is coming to see us already? I'm super hyped for that. There's so many people and we still have some tickets left We are below 50. We'd love to get rid of them. Hello 50. Holy. We'd love to get rid of them Dude, this is gonna be the biggest show I have ever done by a factor of four. Yeah, you'll be all right. You'll be all right So I'm not I'm excited. It's gonna be wild experience. It's gonna be wild Yeah, we'd love to see you all there, especially those of you who are on patreon. Yes We gotta figure out something fun to do on in between day Agreed. Yeah. Oh, we should just like get into nonsense
Starting point is 00:29:14 You know, I have an idea, but I have an idea, but we'll see if it's possible I don't want to like make anybody see there at the SGS show as well So if you've got tickets for SGS and you're not gonna get to see me at Chiluminati, I'll be there Tuesday Thursday went a wombo combo is what it is. That's what it's called officially now in my mind the wombo combo wombo combo Get some fries with that. I guarantee I will guide you to it one at least one delicious place to eat I'll put a little guide out or something so you guys can go to a bunch of places to get a little patreon exclusive LA dinner guide. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, exactly LA lunch and dinner breakfast lunch and dinner by Alex Yeah, I like it. Look at that. That's just that's a reason to come to LA just by yours by itself. He's not wrong
Starting point is 00:29:56 He's not wrong. He's gonna take you to a place Especially if you're like from the Midwest and you're coming out here. You're gonna be like what the hell is it? Midwest and knowing what's available to eat versus what Alex will be like. This is good. Trust me You're gonna be like what is this? It's gonna be put together. You're gonna love it. I promise This is a post by Triceratops Jr. Which is a great name That sounds like a rock band from the 90s That's what I was gonna say
Starting point is 00:30:24 Let me know if that's a reference to dinosaur jr. Cuz God bless you if it is This this story is called the jazz ghost, which is why I'm reading it I don't know. I haven't it's a complete blind read. So here we go. Hi there I'm a longtime listener of the podcast and I've been meaning to send this story in for a while now So I hope you all enjoy to begin this happened almost two years ago now I was a freshman at Oregon State University Go Beves and I was very heavily involved with student media on campus I was majoring in music production at the time
Starting point is 00:30:56 So I volunteered a lot running the audio board for our student TV station and DJing at our radio station So to say the least I'm very familiar with my way around an audio board. Okay, there enough. You're hired I had that I had that life when I was in college. I was in the radio TV film department I know your vibes when this event happened to me I was doing my late-night radio show on a Saturday night, although it was now Sunday morning at this point But who cares I've always done late-night shows because thanks to FCC rules You can only play music that swears after 10 p.m. And before 6 a.m. That is true Yeah as a busy college student. I was not in the mood to go through all my music to make sure it was clean
Starting point is 00:31:36 I wasn't even allowed to play my own music on the radio at school. I had to like play out their list So there I was alone in the booth at about 1 30 a.m. All the lights on the floor were off They are set to a timer which turns them off at 11 45 p.m. I had just put on a live counting crows recording and was just sitting and joined the vibes We know all the bangers Like anything related to Shrek. I know it really well Just sitting and enjoying the vibes and all of a sudden jazz music starts blasting and when I say blasting I mean like
Starting point is 00:32:22 Unbearably loud. I quickly freaked the heck out because I was tired alone and not prepared to hear that at 1 30 Well laughing all around laughing all around And what I I lost my place I I'd quickly jump to the audio board and turn down the channel my music was on all the way But the music kept playing I checked every other channel that the music could have come from to see if I had accidentally turned it on But the sound was not coming from anywhere on the board This was strange for a number of reasons the most prominent being that music can only play through the speakers in the DJ booth If it goes through that audio board
Starting point is 00:32:55 I walked out of the booth and into the dark hallway and lo and behold the music was playing through every single speaker on the floor To map this out the floor is like a giant square The DJ booth is in the bottom left corner if you go up the hall and to the top side of the square You have the bullpen where we do all our student newspaper and magazine stuff Along the opposite side are all the administrative offices and then in the middle of the square is our big TV studio I went and checked every speaker and it was all the same jazz Needless to say I was scared After about five minutes the music stopped playing and all that was left on the floor was this eerie silence
Starting point is 00:33:34 I quickly ran back to the DJ booth packed up my laptop made sure that the automatic music Rotator was playing and got the hell out of there I actually work for the radio station there now and I still do late night shows But I have never had this happen again One other DJ I talked to had a similar experience with loud music playing But he couldn't remember the genre so I have no way to confirm if it was the jazz ghost At least that's what I've come to call it The rational person in me knows that it wasn't a ghost
Starting point is 00:34:01 But to this day I have no rational way to explain how the music came through those speakers in the DJ booth Every other speaker on the floor can be accessed in different ways, but those DJ speakers are special That board is the only way to access them So in my mind it was either a ghost or some hacker who really likes jazz music I'm not sure which one I prefer which is a line from the last story I read last week too I'd love to know what y'all think of this story and if you have any idea as to how this could happen Like I said in the title feel free to read this on the podcast and keep doing the great work that you do I have no idea how that could happen because I never got involved in that kind of thing in the school there
Starting point is 00:34:38 I mean, it's potentially there So there's a story I've always wanted to do but it does not justify a full episode and probably not even like a mini episode But in Chicago In the 1980s maybe was the early 90s. So during that time period. I don't know if you either if you remember max headroom Oh signal jack. Yes. I do. There's like a very famous single jack and yeah, it's not worth A whole episode really, but it's definitely worth like googling and watching on your own Yeah, but like literally live tv was was hacked by a max headroom figure
Starting point is 00:35:11 And like he do got his butt spanked onto like you can signals can be hacked I just I don't particularly know how The difference between this and that for me is that max headroom was like somebody at the station Or somebody near the station hacked the outgoing signal at the station to play something and so there was Some way for that signal to broadcast to those people's homes But the reason this is freaky is because this is we're talking about audio systems that aren't connected That are all playing the same thing out of their speakers the only way I could think that happening of that happening is a very powerful signal that's like
Starting point is 00:35:47 Resonating through the speakers like, you know the way that like when an alien Like mothership takes over the planet and they turn everything into like people of earth. We have truly fucked you like I I think like I think that like that's the only type of thing that it could be. I don't know I think it's not max headroom. It's more like the end of the most recent wonder woman movie Oh my god. That is like utter nonsense. It is that where it's like how use the satellite to Broadcast and it like shows up on pc monitors. You're like, wait, how How did I connect how did I connect to that the pc doesn't have a satellite dish? Yeah, it's like that though like I so yeah that you know, honestly that freaks me out like picturing that happening
Starting point is 00:36:30 It's a creepy scenario. It's interesting. It's just being alone at 1 30 in the morning. I'd be like the same thing I'm out. Bye. I want to turn everything off. I'm like, no Yeah, so here's to you Triceratops junior look out for that jazzy ghost Yeah, maybe offer them some jazz music next time. Yeah, see you patrons for keeping us going. Thank you so much for listening And uh, thanks so much for uh, I want us to do some more minis. We'll be back next week with a mini episode 60 Ever ever closer to mini so it's 69. I gotta come with a good story for that. I gotta have a good 69 story Oh, yeah, goodbye. We should have a battle. We should have a battle for the 69th one and whoever gets the sexiest sexiest one Nice sexiest story. Oh
Starting point is 00:37:13 Duff man is thrusting in the direction of the problem. Oh Can't breathe. Oh, no, I'm gonna say goodbye. Goodbye For whatever reason there's always been a stigma around mental health in our communities Some people say that talking about your feelings makes you weak, but you know what it doesn't make you weak It makes you human No matter what you're struggling with you can call or text 988 lifeline to connect with a trained crisis counselor and get the resources and support you need No judgment. No stigma. Just hope
Starting point is 00:37:52 Text to call 988 suicide and crisis lifeline day or night 988 hope has a new number It's jeep four by four season make your next adventure epic and hurry in now for great deals Now well qualified returning fca less seeds get a low mileage lease on the 2023 jeep grand Cherokee L Laredo four by four for 329 a month for 24 months with 3099 do its signing tax title license extra No security deposit required call one eight of eight nine two five jeep for details requires dealer contribution at least through ally financial Currently this must end by six three 24 extra charge for miles over 20,000 residency restrictions apply take delivery by 531 23 Jeep is a registered trademark I
Starting point is 00:38:39 Want you to know that's how I'm opening the live show. I'm opening it to Luma knots all of it. We're gonna say to this He's gonna say the sound guy turn it all the way up. Yeah, I'm gonna walk out. I'm walking out into the audience I'm gonna lie on the floor and in my most central voice Good of the region. I'm gonna I'm gonna lie on the floor in my most central way. I'm just gonna moan Hello, my little you know, there's alcohol there, right? You know, someone's gonna get down the floor with you Well, we'll see what happened. Listen. What do they do? What do people get on the floor with you? Then I will have shown you jesse the power of chaluma knots. It'll be like uh, andy koffman. It's a good vibe Right exactly. Yeah, exactly. Everybody loves it. Everybody loves to have a little extra fun. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:39:24 You know, exactly. That's what I'm saying And it won't be like when alex fell onto the bathroom floor and stepped in piss and all that It'll be roughly the same. It'll be roughly this except you'll be on your back. I'm glad I'm glad that has made it into chaluminati lore I love that It needs to be a canonized Uh, welcome to chill the chill mini uh 60 episode 60. Oh, shit. Yeah, we're episode 60 of the chill minis now Uh, we've been doing chill minis for 60 weeks everybody. That's where are we 60 before? No, we were 59 now. We're 60 now. We're 69 remember?
Starting point is 00:39:56 We're going now. We're not only eight nine away from 69. I mean, okay I feel like we were there before No, we weren't 50. I said it was 59 when it was 58 and then it was actually 59 the one after I had just 59 Then it was actually 59 and there's something cosmic about being nine away from 69 You know what I mean? You're like just nine away from the six. Exactly doesn't matter. It doesn't even really make sense We're getting real close. Anyway, alex We're going to hand it right to you because you left off on us left left off on a cliffhanger. Yes some more disney spookums Yeah, this isn't as spooky as it is like
Starting point is 00:40:28 Illuminati like uh, but this is this is about Something at disney called club 33 if you don't know what this is this is based off walt disney going to the world's fair and seeing these like Pavilions where it's like a branded pavilion and then inside that pavilion for people who work there and have like clients They want to like impress They can take them to the like secret partner pavilion inside the world's fair pavilion and that's like What the deal is with 33 some people say
Starting point is 00:40:58 33 is the number of investors that have originally invested in disneyland. There's a lot of different things This is just all off the dome, but the real club 33 is named after the fact that it's on 33 rude or whatever In new arlene square down on the back if you are the original entrance used to be right next to the entrance to the blue bayou restaurant Which is the restaurant that you can eat at inside of the pirates of the carabin ride That's like the only place they serve alcohol to regular guests at disneyland Now but at the time club 33 was the only place they served alcohol in the whole disneyland park at all and you had to pay exorbitant membership fees
Starting point is 00:41:39 And there's a waiting list of years to like be an actual member I said in the episode that I have been four times It is not because I am a member of club 33. It is because I am fortunately Connected to people in my life who have memberships at club 33 who have been able to bring me there in the past so Very very high rows. Nothing you're not blowing chilluminati money on club 33 memberships. No, no I bought I mean dinner was expensive. You know what I mean, but in you dress up nice to go But it was cool. I went and one of the first time that I went they give you the option to do this little like
Starting point is 00:42:13 tour where they put you in the caboose of the train and it has like The smoking jacket that walt disney was given from hero hito or something like that like some beautiful silk jacket just right there in the train car with you and you they give you like a sort of like You know deep deep cut tour as you go around with like a personal tour guide really cool stuff But there was one and now there are four Or more that are around the world now. So I'm going to give you like the original one It's like a It's on the 33 or lean street is what it is
Starting point is 00:42:50 in disneyland It originally kind of had like a mid-century sort of like hunting lodge Theme and that's how I saw it most of the times that I went there But then and you'd enter right off the street in the park Now there's like a gated area that leads to this thing called the court of angels That's like that's like a wild name But it was like in the orly in the new orleans area It's like a like a like a little inside court of a building that was beautiful, right?
Starting point is 00:43:19 It's what made sense. It was called court of angels, but now you go in there and that's like the Club member only entrance way to the place and it has a little bit more modern of a design But everything's very intricate. There's like a very old-timey elevator in there Some of the original old like animatronic birds and stuff that were made ever are in there and It's just a nice thing and the service is amazing and the food is like world-class Here is the article that gives you a look at club 33 in disneyland This is an article on insider if anybody wants to try and google it and find it
Starting point is 00:43:55 Yeah, I'll give you the links on the subreddit if you bug me enough But you can look and you can see all the little like the look inside There's kind of like a new modern look now and there's these paintings on the wall So when you look in the window, you see these images That are big and you can see the what the booths look like and how the the The the bar they have a bar that's exclusive to platinum members. It's like a jazz lounge That's a very sort of magical look to it. It's kind of interesting Uh, it has like a hand carved bar hand carved wood bar
Starting point is 00:44:26 Some amazing cocktails right now you get like themed booths and stuff It's a very like much classier experience Then then the uh Then the rest of disneyland you can look if you get down to the bottom you can see the food on the plates, uh, and uh I mean, it's some pretty it's some next level gastronomy, you know what I mean? It's like some next level shit, uh, but that's the that's humans just like exclusive stuff, man
Starting point is 00:44:54 If you can make something like exclusive people jump all over and this is like disney just taking that and running with it Yeah, if you got that millionaire. Fuck you money. This is probably a cool thing for you to do Uh, but so that was the original, uh, and then the next one uh was made at Tokyo disneyland, uh a little bit later. I think in the 80s sometime, uh, and I'm not sure why Uh, tokyo disney was the first one to get one besides the main disneyland But I have a theory that it's because when they made the tokyo disney parks tokyo disneyland and tokyo disney sea
Starting point is 00:45:31 they Had subsidies from the japanese government that let them just go 100 ham planet On budget and like scope of everything because they wanted to have like the most beautiful disney parks of all Uh, so it makes sense that there's a club 33 At tokyo at tokyo disneyland and here it is for you guys to look at Uh, it fits in with the slightly different vibe of tokyo disneyland. It has a little bit more conservative of a look a little bit more classic of a look kind of looks like inside the queen mary or the
Starting point is 00:46:02 Fucking like, you know, I don't know like some haunted hotel Twilight zone hotel vibes. It has a little bit more You know tokyo disneyland's a little bigger than uh disneyland one Because they weren't trying to fit it somewhere. They already had the reputation. So everything is a little bit more spacious as you can see and the the the tokyo one retains the kind of look and style of the original california one rather than going with the big bright white sort of like uh Colonial style that the that the that the anaheim one has
Starting point is 00:46:38 Very cool Very cool stuff. Uh, and then there's also A club 33 at shanghai disneyland which is a much more recent disneyland Uh, very elaborate castle at shanghai disneyland and a very beautiful park shanghai disneyland very interesting park But uh, you should check it out because this one is a very unique look. I mean, I don't know what you guys would say It really looks like But it's it's kind of like a little bit more
Starting point is 00:47:07 Old hollywood Looking I guess I don't know how to describe it better like definitely the art is very chinese Uh, very like watercolor-y art like full wall size watercolor, but the inside it's deco. It's more deco art deco Yeah, that was a good word for it. It looks like bio shock. It looks like Rapture the the one in the one in shanghai has that kind of vibe to it Um, you can see like beautiful paintings around the booths and like huge pieces of art Uh, and and you know, it does kind of vaguely have like a chinese sensibility to it. Uh, visually it's kind of cool Uh, the food looks off the chain in the shanghai one. I don't know if you have gotten to the food
Starting point is 00:47:46 Yeah, I'm looking at the food right now that grapefruit sorbet. Um, yeah, that looks fucking nuts The appetizer was grapefruit sorbet with green apple wasabi granite and dill oil at disneyland. That's crazy. Um, Yeah, uh, and then and then the last one that that I have a in-depth knowledge on is one that Uh, is all is very close to club 33. It's actually just across the way Uh in, uh, california adventure right when you walk in there is a restaurant called the carthé circle restaurant Which is like a theater It looks it looks like a movie theater right when you walk into the 1930s la portion of california adventure And that's just a fancy restaurant for normal guests
Starting point is 00:48:30 But beneath it Is a place called the 1901 lounge Which is also a exclusive secret club Uh at disney, uh, and it is Only for platinum members of club 33. So this is a secret. This is a club 33 within club 33 This is
Starting point is 00:48:52 Platinum club 33 is for members willing to increase their annual dues to 10 000 dollars And if you were not already a club 33 member, you also have to pay a 25 000 dollar initiation fee Oh good lord arguably the most expensive venue At disneyland if you think about it Uh, that's not yeah, I mean 35 000 just for your first visit Yeah, it's a it's it's a pretty big room for how for being a two-room club But it is a much smaller like less people can get in there They can seat parties of six. This one looks old-timey. This one looks like a farmhouse like
Starting point is 00:49:29 An american farmhouse in kansas or something this one has like wallpaper and wood furniture and stuff like that and has Uh nice Bar is really the big thing. It's like a lounge Santa Monica deviled eggs with smoked salmon looks delicious Uh roast moroccan lamb meatballs looks delicious this big beautiful table This one if the last one looked like like Rapture this one looks like The other bioshock. What's it called? uh
Starting point is 00:49:58 Yeah, the the what's the name of it columbia. It looks like it looks like columbia columbia. Yeah, it looks like columbia The the city of columbia from bioshock not the country of columbia from south america Uh, yeah, that's the 1901 lounge and those are the ones that I really know a lot about and it's just weird to think about that Even at a place like disneyland. I mean if you carry on what I was talking about in the last episode about disneyland being like a good metaphor for america in a lot of ways the idea that the rich can move Beyond behind the scenes in their own secret areas Buying access and using it for power and influence over regular people like me who have just licked the boots of greatness Once or twice in my life, you know what I mean like the times that I went to club 33 are like memorable moments in my life not like
Starting point is 00:50:40 Every time I go to disneyland that's how I have lunch. Yeah, you know what I mean? So right exactly for somebody who is a member you got to imagine that it's a much Wilder and luxurious experience than just getting to go. I'm gonna save all of our chilluminati money So we can just have a one club 33 experience as a as a threesome and then I'll see what I can do I'll see what I can do. I'll look into it. Oh my god my god my phone calls uh, well But uh, I also just want to point out that they've recently opened four more
Starting point is 00:51:07 Club 33 locations at the disney world parks. These ones. Yeah, these ones. I don't have full article for full articles for There's there's one big article that I can link uh in the reddit if you guys want to see but just so you know There is the constellation club in epcot within the american adventure pavilion that one's like very much in the tradition of a Corporate club inside of a worlds fair exhibit because that's basically what the epcot is anyways a just big-ass worlds fair Spotlight lounge at the hollywood studios is above the recreation of hollywood's brown derby restaurant that they have there There's the captain's quarters, which is like a piratey one Or not a piratey one. It's a jungle cruise themed one inside
Starting point is 00:51:48 Magic kingdom at wall disney world next to the adventure lab Inventure land entrance near the hub of the park And then the weirdest one is in africa in the animal kingdom park in florida and it is called the harambe house It just opened last year. So amazing pretty crazy. I don't know why it's called the harambe house I don't know what the word harambe actually means outside of the context of that poor gorilla who got shot all I can think of I hope they named it after the gorilla. Yeah, but those are the secret clubs within disney land I feel like there's probably some sort of like architectural or design element secret codes and stuff That you could like break down if you wanted to watch some sort of theory video about this stuff
Starting point is 00:52:30 But just the idea that there's all these secret clubs at the disney parks. That's such a baller part of the legend So I just wanted to it's not it's like not surprising, but it's equally interesting anyway Like it's just it's really cool rich people are doing their rich people things behind the scenes Exactly like the high stakes poker room inside a shitty bar in chicago or something. Isn't that weird? It is it is very weird All right, I'm gonna do mine real quick before we move to jesse's because mine's not gonna carry too much time here But uh, I I originally was gonna cover the ninth nessie sighting of 2021 so far But because we did go that I'm changing it because a columbian mayor
Starting point is 00:53:09 Shared a video of a ghost attacking a security guard. Yo, I'm here for this Fine dude. Is this the dude is off? Is this the dude that got like he's got pulled around the wall. I'm gonna link. I think yeah I'm gonna link you this should have the timestamp so when you can like if the attack starts There's your link in zoom boys, and I'll read this. I think I saw this on nukes top five recently Uh, yeah, it's only from a few days ago about four or five days ago the mayor of a city in columbia left The mayor of a city in columbia left his Constituents scratching their heads when he shared a video of what he claims is a ghost attacking a security guard
Starting point is 00:53:43 The peculiar footage which was reportedly captured by a security camera in a government office building Was posted to facebook on tuesday evening by jose Manuel rios Morales Who presides over the community of armenia? In the odd video a guard can be seen walking down a hallway before seemingly being violently thrown into a wall by an unseen force The startled man falls to the floor and then slowly crawls away from the point of impact until two of his co-workers quickly arrive on the scene In the surprising facebook post morales wrote I want to share this video with you today stressing that as a as mayor I have the con the conviction that faith has unbeatable power He goes on to assure residents that upon learning of the eerie incident
Starting point is 00:54:24 He enlisted a bishop and other religious figures in the city to bless every corner of his workspace And asked his social media followers to join in a prayer to help ward off whatever sinister spirit struck the security guard At the very end alas it would seem that his constituents were not as concerned about the potential ghost haunting the building has As he might have imagined as many of the comments dismissed the entire affair as foolish in a waste of government resources I mean they are correct It looks pretty good though And once you're done Being impressed by this dude flinging against the wall
Starting point is 00:55:00 Go back and realize that it's just him stumbling and tripping and watch the timestamp at the top From the moment he as he's walking it's ticking out second second the moment he trips and falls into it Or stumbles into it the time of the second speed up three seconds in a row or faster than all the other seconds Yeah, it goes didn't ink. Yep. I can see it right around the Literally a 15 seconds. It goes did it ink? It goes really really quick Sped up footage. Yeah, he he does move really fast once he starts to trip like it's almost yeah It's almost like they were like 0.5. Yeah, you know Or he like stumbled whatever the case may be
Starting point is 00:55:39 You know ghosts are known to mess with With time and space time and space Don't do this. No, no do this Well, our other story is just somebody saw Nessie, but there's no pictures and no video and they just gave a really detailed description It's the ninth one This year So we're seeing that's so like culturally scottish Just being like I didn't take a picture but here's a beautiful
Starting point is 00:56:06 I I took the baton quickly and handed it right off. All right. Here's here's the real story May well actually this is march 2020, but the articles from may Disney world's been closed since the middle of march But that didn't stop a man from camping on an abandoned island in the park A 42 year old alabama man was arrested thursday at disney worlds discovery island Telling deputies he was unaware. He was trespassing. He called the island a tropical paradise according to the orange county sheriff's office deputies noted there were numerous no trespassing signs
Starting point is 00:56:46 Authorities charged him with one count of trespassing misdemeanor. He also was banned from all disney properties According to the rest report the man stated he had made entry into the island Going camping on monday or tuesday and had planned on staying on the island for approximately one week Does his security first spotted the man on the island which has been closed the public since 1999 deputies the orange county sheriff's office Searched for him with helicopters boats and on foot The man told deputies didn't hear them calling to him out the head uh the loudspeaker Because he was asleep inside one of the buildings on the island
Starting point is 00:57:22 Discovery island was originally called treasure island and is located in bay lake in disney world The 11 acre island opened in 1974 and became a zoo featuring 130 specimens of animals Most are birds but the park also has galopagos tortoises and ring-tailed lemurs The 1999 uh olando sentinel reported As the park was preparing to close the island has sat abandoned for nearly two decades since then various explorers Have made unauthorized trips to see decaying and to overgrown buildings and post their videos and photos online So like people be sneaking into disney properties all the time
Starting point is 00:57:59 That is dead ass Jurassic park the lost world like Straight up. Yeah. Yeah, it's wild Honestly, uh, you know what if I if I was a man who just ran out of shits to give I could see myself trying to camp out at disney for a week and just be in their abandoned parts Just be like sounds like a cool time if I don't get caught I think the reason why I remember this story is because The guy who was there it was like in the middle of the pandemic and the dude was like look I got nowhere to go
Starting point is 00:58:27 No one's here. No one lives here. And I remember at the time being like, yeah, just let him camp there That's our like our apocalypse laissez-faire I was like just let the man just just get him. He's not gonna blow up anything. Just let him Let him get his trouble. I have his weird tropical paradise. Yeah, I want to ban him ban him But let him hang out for it. It's very clear he's going to like live there Because he got nowhere else to go and frankly it's not being used for anything It's got a bunch of buildings like come on disney. It's a pandemic Right, come on. Let him stay there. That guy would have been fine. What's the worst that could happen? Yeah
Starting point is 00:59:05 They're exactly some stranger shit Yeah, I mean, I guess that's the the fecal matters probably difficult to deal with afterward That's true That's true You know, I'm with you I'd probably try it that that sounds like it would be a really fun little adventure to give yourself As I'm saying about 11 acres to do it if you do it at nanaheim you just end up in like a bad motel So you can't really like approach disneyland from outside and camp on its edges Yeah, no, that's not gonna work out too well for you out there. Thank you guys
Starting point is 00:59:41 He got 12 months in jail. By the way, just point it out Dude free this man free this man let him out 12 months. What are we doing over there? Florida waste of our taxpayer dollars and like just let the man out take him home Do like where you get somebody smoking power. You just throw it on the ground and get out of there That's yeah, that's too much goddamn dude a year in jail for sleeping in a disney park. That's crazy Oh from adventure to nightmare all in the course of a night insane, you know, they're probably just worried about their ass Like if he got eaten by a fucking alligator like that kid did Oh god wild well just an update. You can't leave yet. Oh wow, okay. There is a there is a youtube video
Starting point is 01:00:27 I don't know if this is the same guy or someone else There's a youtube video called Escape from discovery island the actual footage and it's someone witnessed the man arrested while escaping discovery island The southern pirate gets away with the actual footage of his escape Is oh this must be another person Yo, man people people be out on adventure island fucking all the time And he best part alex he called it in the video the real Jurassic park Dude no joke it fucking is the real Jurassic park. You kidding me? Look at that shit
Starting point is 01:01:05 That is dope Hey, i'm looking at it right now Wild go check this footage out august 30th 2020 Cool Well on that note Uh, we're gonna leave and we'll be back next week with another brand new mini for all y'all Thank you guys so much for the support over on patreon And hopefully we'll see some of you guys over at the live show in a couple of months
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Starting point is 01:02:58 So, I don't know what you boys boys brought but i'm gonna open up I got nothing weird no no big foot watch just a unique thing that was kind of discovered that's a little grim But it's just an interesting nature thing. Okay, uh very recently as in this is uh from a couple a couple days ago archaeologists in northwestern Saudi Arabia have unearthed a massive collection of bones Likely stockpiled by striped hyenas over the past 7 000 years. Whoa Yeah, 7 000 years worth of bones found in the um gerson lava tube system a sprawling network of tunnels formed by volcanic activity The hundreds of thousands of bones belong to at least 14 kinds of animals including cattle caperids forces camels rodents and humans The researchers findings are newly published in the journal archaeological and anthropological sciences
Starting point is 01:03:51 Basically, what they found is that the hyenas have basically taken all these human bones and they're not sure like I'm not sure if they know why hyenas collect bones But the hyenas have a strong enough bite to crack bone and get to the marrow on the inside So it's possible that the stockpile of bones over the many years were a meal or a secondary meal or maybe even emergency meal for these things um But researchers have been investigating this site which is located in the country's haraq yarbar lava tube field since 2007 But they only ventured into the cavern's depths a few months ago because they thought they heard possible hyena snarls coming from deeper within the tubes
Starting point is 01:04:29 For the study the team analyzed 1 917 bones and teeth recovered from the lava tube system Radiocarbon dating of a small number of these samples found that they range in age from around 439 to 6839 years old Suggesting a long use of the lava tube system by carmen carnivores So yeah, just a new kind of a unique piece of history where all these bones over the course of history Kind of just been grabbed by hyenas and the pictures that you can see on twitter Um, if you want them, I can I can link you right now
Starting point is 01:05:01 But these pictures are just like it looks like something out of a movie Genuinely, I'm gonna link you in uh zoom here. Okay Where did it go? Oh, there it is. Okay. Here we go Whoa This is dead ass the lion king right here, right? It looks literally like right out of a movie This is where they shot the scar musical number They found a total so far six skull caps as well in there So and then the archaeologists say usually when human when it comes to the skull only the skull cap tends to survive
Starting point is 01:05:37 But all the skull caps had gnaw marks on them. So they were being chewed on and stuff Yeah, this kind of creepy just real life creepiness no no supernatural for me Just a really fascinating historical find That I that I kind of came across I was as I was deep into archaeological The archaeological side of the internet for a week or two That's it for me. So everyone wants to go next feel free fascinating Is that I got a little I got a little something something for y'all There is I I got this from lad bible
Starting point is 01:06:08 Lad bible. I love the lad bible the lad bible This is about a guy In last september named greg euling Who took his daughters and two of his uncles to gettysburg? pennsylvania in september of last year Like I was talking about this recently where I don't know if they did exactly what I did where they took the park ranger with them I think it was just his family in the car at the time. He's just a store manager guy from new jersey
Starting point is 01:06:36 He drove down to pennsylvania. I was driving along the road at night and he spotted something moving in the darkness He said that one of his uncles was so spooked. He rolled up the car window Like he was just so he like like what I mean is he believed that it was happening so much that he decided to roll up the car window There's a quote here that's we just went there as tourists to learn more about the history of the civil war and see the old Battleground where the gettysburg address was given and all that stuff. We were driving along one night We started hearing noises. I heard things to the left my uncle heard things to the right and there was a fog But the fog was weird. It was only in one patch not dispersed Then we saw these shapes moving in the darkness. They were the size of humans
Starting point is 01:07:16 One of them ran right through the cannon. It was weird. It was scary. It was crazy. My uncle got so scared He rolled up the window We went back and watched the videos over and over again And then we blew them up on the big screen to get a closer look that made us even more freaked out It was really exciting But I also got this strange ominous feeling like something was telling me to go back there I couldn't go to sleep, but I was creeped out so I didn't go the battle of gettysburg Obviously was fought between the union and confederate forces during the american civil war
Starting point is 01:07:44 In 1863 if you didn't know, uh, it was it lasted only three days And 50,000 people were killed 5,000 horses. So obviously it's a It's a sort of like traditionally Active area for hauntings just because there's so many people who died in these fields and a lot of them were not Disposed of properly, especially the confederate soldiers. We're not properly buried, uh, you know all the time And so there's a lot of stuff about that, but I did not leave you guys high and dry for there is a video clip Uh of this ghost and actually I gotta say it's some pretty good footage. Uh, it's right here at the top. You can see it
Starting point is 01:08:24 Love the lab bible. Yep. Here's the video lab bible Lad boy, you might have to watch a little I gotta go through an ad here. You might need to watch an ad for thumbtack, which you know Whatever I got mine for loctite. Oh that maybe it's mine for staples Oh, look at that Going back to school sale. They know I like that We're all just doing a little brand deal here for all the different brands that are appearing on our uh, little player But honestly, this is a good clip I gotta say like
Starting point is 01:08:50 You'll see it and you're gonna be like, whoa, whoa, because at first you think it's like water or something Oh, wow. Yeah. Oh, that was cool. Yeah, you think it's gonna be water on the glass or something But then you see it go like And it like shoots right through the damn thing It it I it's in uh, I'm trying to see It's hard man, it's hard to tell if it's like part of the glass part of the camera Do you see it where it goes right through the where it right goes right through the cannon? Hang on. I'm watching some more here
Starting point is 01:09:26 It's like around 18 seconds that it really gets heavy Yeah Yeah, okay, I'm gonna watch again pretty good. Yeah, but the way it moves through the cannon It's oh, there's one off to the distance too There's one like behind and there's one in front which is why I think it's a good videos because it's kind of like It has like a little bit of a 3d element to it Like it looks like maybe it's a smear on the lens or something But then
Starting point is 01:09:51 You see that one is actually going behind objects in the video. It's pretty cool Here's the only thing I want to point out do me a favor when you go into like the 17 second mark Sure, and it starts to come out. Yeah, look below the moving ghost There's like a weird black dot that seems to move in like with it. Yes Like it so is like something small. Yes, and go back to the very start of the video And there is also a artifacting going on there as well is clearly something in the windshield the camera's picking up You're totally right at this that that black dot moves with the thing on the windshield It looks like bird shit like there's the thing on the windshield
Starting point is 01:10:31 It's fascinating until I saw that black dot and I was like wait, that's weird It's like it's moving perfectly with it That's part of the uh, maybe it's the ghost shadow. That's what I'm saying. Maybe it's you know emitted from the ghost Maybe it's you know an artifact burning into the footage. You never know Worth going for those who were interested in this thing. It's worth at least checking out the footage to see what we're talking about here It's a weird tourist films creepy human sized apparitions at Gettysburg site. Give it a look You be the judge. Let us know on reddit what you think I
Starting point is 01:11:01 I'm not gonna say what I think I want to go there man. I would love to ghost hunt Gettysburg dude. It's it's a real I mean, I've been there only one time and I was I wasn't a man You know, I wasn't like sure a grown man like I am today, but it I remember even when I was there feeling kind of Strange about the whole place. It's very like weirdly solemn Like you feel like you're on like hallowed ground in some way We kind of are in a weird way because so many people lost their lives there. It's weird. It does have an energy I'll say that I don't know that I think it's haunted, but like there is
Starting point is 01:11:36 Something about the place That it feels different. Yeah, absolutely. Definitely. I would love to go Oh, that's that's a cool video. Thank you, Alex. Yeah Jesse, what have you brought to the table? Let's get scientific shall we? on this podcast I know so As you all know the differences between Our dna and the dna of many other things are slim very slim
Starting point is 01:12:03 And so once again another study has come out about, you know, the differences between us and then ancient hominids and you know all sorts of different things and then all the other Animals that exist in the world and now truthfully We are so much closer than You know the difference between us and like a fish is not really that far off technically so, um basically Only 1.5 percent to 7 percent of our collective human genetic
Starting point is 01:12:38 Book or genome contains uniquely human dna researchers reported in science advances the humans only dna scattered throughout the genome tends to contain genes involved in brain development and function so Most of what we got going on Really is just about our brain everything else is like even closer to to all those other animals and things around the world Hinting that brain evolution is what was really important in making us us. It's why humans are what we are But researchers don't yet know exactly what the genes do or how exclusively the human tweaks to the dna Near those genes might have affected brain evolution. So they know it's for the brain. They just don't know what it did to us in our brain
Starting point is 01:13:25 That's fascinating. Yeah and so they said like, you know nantals or denisovans right our extinct human cousins right we have things similar to them, but obviously our brains the human sort of path the homo sapien path is Like it's why we were rocking tools instead of muscles like that kind of eye And so we used our brains to come up with things and they said, you know The results don't mean the individual people are mostly neanderthal or
Starting point is 01:13:58 Denisovan like some people have more or less because they said 1.5 to 7 percent there's like a you know, everyone they say has a different amount and different area so like the what the parts of your dna that make you a human Can be different from the parts of my dna that make me a human Huh, so we are scientifically not the same, but we're close enough where it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Yeah, we're just like That's that's cool. So yeah, I'm so they're like there's some people, you know I remember someone on twitter took a dna test and they got a thing back that said like you are 1 percent neanderthal
Starting point is 01:14:39 Right, and yeah, and that's you know, that's one of those things that you can have that there are people who Have you know 0.73 to 1.3 percent Neanderthal and and that's a thing that exists But at the same time you can still have all that they can replace parts of the human part of you But you can still everything else is still Like that's what's so crazy. There's like look You can have like if you took a couple hundred people
Starting point is 01:15:08 They mostly won't have their bit of neanderthal dna in the same place Same as the human bits won't be in the same place And then if you add up all the regions where people have the different things like people in Europe have different than people who are in africa and people who are in like asia And and there's all these different pieces that as people spread out and people moved around the planet Little bits were sort of just lost and then they kept other things for a million reasons and then Over time we lost things because of a million the other different reasons, but they're like, you know at the end of the day We are essentially just even the things that make us human
Starting point is 01:15:51 Are different between each one of us Exactly and that's that's I love that. I love that. We're technically not the same species in a weird way Yeah, no one no one is technically the same like my dna is so like drastically different from your dna Well, I'm at lantean so I mean same here, but like as in a lantean look at us. We're totally different I'm a very probably a lemurian. Yeah, I'm definitely not at lantean. I don't have any of that blood in me Yeah, you're a lemurian man. It's all right Oh, that's cool though. I like that a lot. Well, thank you jesse for adding more facts into this podcast filled with them Look at us speak facts here at shilluminati. That's all we do
Starting point is 01:16:28 Yeah, you don't even need to watch the news if you if you listen to shilluminati We got you covered everything you could possibly want Thank you guys over patreon. We couldn't do this without you guys Seriously, they'll watch the news and watch the good news go watch Do your own do some research as well and like educate yourself we live in the information age use it Um, we will be live and october 26 for all your patrons grab your tickets while you can there's less than 50 left You want to grab them while we've got some seats? Um, and there's gonna be uh some exclusive merch that you can purchase while while you're there
Starting point is 01:17:00 So be excited for all kinds of cool stuff and you heard it here first be on the lookout for a fun shilluminati related Uh internet activity coming along quite soon as well. Hmm pretty exciting. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, that's right We add you're the first ones to hear about it. Yeah, there's a cool thing we're working on But uh, that's all we can really say at the moment. Yeah, so get ready till Till next week everybody. Thank you so much for listening and goodbye. Anyway. Hi Me and my wife were sitting outside indulging on our porch one night enjoying ourselves I needed to go to the bathroom. So I stepped back inside and after a few moments
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