Chilluminati Podcast - Episode 157 - Minisode Compilation 21

Episode Date: June 14, 2022

From Episodes 118 - 121 Patreon - BUY OUR MERCH - Special thanks to our sponsors this episode Canva - Stamps - Promo Code Chill Manscaped - Promo Code Chill20 Jesse Cox - Alex Faciane - Art Commissioned by - Theme - Matt Proft End song - POWER FAILURE - Video -

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Are you stuck in the city life routine? It's time to get outdoors and enjoy the fresh air. You're missing out on bold journeys and brave adventures that are just waiting for you. When's the last time you saw a breathtaking sunrise or a stunning waterfall? Have you hiked at Zion's or four-wheeled at Moab? An RV is the perfect way to blend the comfort
Starting point is 00:00:18 and convenience of home with your outdoor adventures. Whatever your needs are, we're here to help. Visit a Motorsportsland RV center or today and let Motorsportsland help you get away. Hello, Mr. Chalumbotts. Hello, Mr. Chalumbotts. Hello, Mr. Chalumbotts.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Hello, Mr. Chalumbotts. Hello, Mr. Chalumbotts. Hello, Mr. Chalumbotts. Hello, Mr. Chalumbotts. Hey, you chalumbotts. Hey, you chalumbotts. What's up, chalumbotts? Yeah, boxes are going.
Starting point is 00:01:13 Yeah, boxes. I want more chalumbotts. Honey roasted chalumbotts. You muck those honey roasted chalumbotts. We're just turning into, we're just turning into Stadler and Waldorf slowly but surely. But that's that's the direction. The show will eventually go.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Mm hmm. Welcome to maybe so 65. You paid so we stayed. Oh, what is what a slogan? Oh, that's a good one. That's like you. So we stayed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:41 That's that's real great. I'm going to have to work that into every opening at this point. I don't know what you guys bought, but you know, we ended on aliens in that weird top corners. Part two. We're causing that part two with aliens. So if you want, I can start with aliens. I love I mean, I feel like my story is so important.
Starting point is 00:02:00 We must save it for the end. OK, that's you want to do it. This one's not, you know, this is this is pretty crazy in a bizarre story out of Kentucky, cops arrested a man for firing a gun from his hotel window and when questioned by police claim that aliens were to blame for the shooting. The strange incident reportedly occurred in the community of Richmond early Saturday morning when authorities received a call about gunfire
Starting point is 00:02:25 at a local hotel upon their arrival, police confirmed the report as they witnessed someone shooting out of one of the windows of the establishment after ensuring that the other patrons at the hotel were evacuated to a safe location. Cops swooped in and arrested Samuel Riddle, who offered an out of this world explanation for what caused the frightening event. According to the Richmond Police Department, when asked why he opened fire from his hotel window, Riddle informed detectives that, quote, he observed aliens in the parking lot and was shooting at them.
Starting point is 00:02:56 He's like, they look like zombies, but they were kind of wearing like these neon orange and neon green jumpsuits. But somehow I knew that they were aliens from Area 51 and they had to be turned into piles of bones immediately. I am just saving the United States of America. Alas, it would appear that there were no ETs in the area when police arrived, or at least so the government wants you to believe, suggesting that the man had either imagined their presence or his aggressive actions caused them
Starting point is 00:03:21 to return to their home planet. He saved us. He saved us all. He saved us all. Be that as it may, Riddle is now facing facing a staggering 11 different charges from the ill advised shooting. Fortunately, nobody got hurt. Nobody got killed.
Starting point is 00:03:36 And, you know, either his insanity or true aliens are to blame. But I'd like to think that there were actually aliens in the parking lot. They started getting blasted at. They teleported out of there. And now this poor man, innocent of nothing, but just defending our country, is going to sit behind bars. You think it's like the equivalent of like stepping on a red ant hill? Right? You think so?
Starting point is 00:03:58 It's going to cause so much more pain down the line. I just mean like stoked the fire. Like for the aliens, right? Like they're like, ah, get out of here. But like for him, he's like, yeah, I'm in jail forever. Yeah. Yeah. No, he's fucked completely while they just had like an itchy sting on their on their exosuits.
Starting point is 00:04:15 I mean, appropriately, Kentucky response, you know, I'm I'm I'm proud to say, you know, I'm proud that Kentucky laid open the fire. Maybe they were reptilians. Can I just put out a PSA for all the real wackos out there who will listen to the show, please? Guys, don't shoot at the fucking aliens. Doesn't matter who. Doesn't matter what.
Starting point is 00:04:34 If they're if they came from space, they're better than us. So don't shoot at them. You're not going to do anything to them. You ever seen War of the Worlds where they turn you into your own clothes and a bunch of dust? OK, that's going to be you. I'm cruise to help you, you're just going to be a bunch of dust and you're immaculate clothes, OK?
Starting point is 00:04:51 So dress well if you're going to do it. Yeah, that's that's that's my point. Yeah, obviously. Alex, yeah, I teased this a little bit in the last episode. This was almost going to go on the list until I realized maybe it might not be that true, but this is the bizarre and lonely death of Olivia Mabel from America's most haunted dot com. This is about something that happened in Selena, Texas.
Starting point is 00:05:21 And Selena, huh? How far is that from where I live? Yeah, I don't know. I have no idea. I'm going to find out. You can go on Selena with a C. All right. But here's so she was. Olivia Mabel was the mother to Aiden and the wife to Travis Mabel. And they lived at Footlight Ranch an hour north of Dallas. So that's probably where it is.
Starting point is 00:05:41 In 1990, seven year old Aiden was found dead in a pond on the property in September of 1991. And two and a half years later, on February 27, 1994, police responded to silent 911 calls coming from her house. And that's creepy. That, you know, that's like the kind of thing where you get a couple of those. You got to you got to go over there. Right. So when they arrive on the scene, they hear no response.
Starting point is 00:06:11 They break down the bow door. And what they find inside is a house that feels almost abandoned. It's dusty, neglected. The air feels dead. Searching the house. They enter the kids like bizarrely tidy room. They find Olivia in there dead in a nightgown and slippers in a rocking chair in front of like a Hay Arnold style alter to her son. And she's clutching a figure of him, like a like a little
Starting point is 00:06:40 handmade doll of him that she made. And it seemed like she had been dead for months, according to the people that saw her upon the altar was a trunk that had the kid's bedsheet over it and a photo of the kid, hand drawn images of the kid, a bunch of messages written to the kid from her personal possessions of the kid, including his baseball glove, teddy bear, her shoes, his ashes, candles, flowers. And the front of the altar had some ceremonial writing and some kind of Sanskrit looking language.
Starting point is 00:07:16 There's there's there's pictures I can send you guys if you guys want to look at them. Here's I'll drop them into the into the zoom chat here. Yeah, you can look at these pictures with us. And translated is creepy as hell. Translated, it says to construct or to build. She said the cop said, I spent a lot of time in El Paso and had an uncle that was in some really dark occult stuff. I recognized it immediately when I walked in that room
Starting point is 00:07:41 and saw the symbols and the photos on the altar. I felt a strong, angry presence looming over me. It was only honestly the last thing I expected to see in this town. And based on the altar, the Sanskrit, the doll, the isolation, the obsession, the strong, angry presence, they think that she might have accidentally or on purpose channeled her grief into a topa or thought form, which is a being created out of sheer spiritual, mental will and discipline, just like concentrating super hard until you make something.
Starting point is 00:08:14 And there is a note that they found that is from the day of the 911 calls, even though it said she was dead for months. That says, my Aiden, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I should never have let it get like this. I'm leaving. I will not let you keep me vile, evil creature.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Mommy's coming for you, Aiden, my sweet Aiden. Mommy loves you. Yeah, that's creepy. And so yada, yada, yada. This is a story that has some quotes and some stuff about it. But there's also this project that's like a movie based on this exact premise that had to raise a bunch of money and like this story came out at the same time as the movie and it's pretty hard to find any sort of record of any of the people
Starting point is 00:09:00 mentioned in the story. So I didn't include it in the main episode, but it was a neat enough story and creepy enough that I thought I might as well share it with you guys because it's a weird story about a mom who's so sad that she might have brought like a fucked up, weird demon totem version of her son back to life. Pretty weird. Yeah, we've definitely talked about Tulp is briefly before in little things, but never in great detail.
Starting point is 00:09:24 And like, they're such a fascinating topic. This was the thing. This was the kind of story that I was talking about earlier when we were talking about the Zimbabwe aliens, where like where like this story could be real, but there's too many details that are like perfectly placed nuggets of exposition that I start to start to doubt it. You know what I mean? I have the same amount of like random truthiness that a real story has.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Hmm. All right, Jesse. That's interesting. Like it's I don't know exactly. You know, I always love the idea like the guy finds it. Well, you know, my cousin was into the occult. And so I recognize all of this is being satanic. You're like, OK, OK, but that happened for once. That happened one time.
Starting point is 00:10:12 I mean, it's interesting. Yeah. Yeah. In the in the episode we did with Air Dorf, there was a there was a story about this cop who like she was like, yo, I recognize that in 42 days, this head's going to be back on this headless body because it's like a ritual. And there was like chicken feathers and shit around. And literally they found the head that they they didn't believe her. So they like didn't stake it out, but they did find the head the next day.
Starting point is 00:10:41 It's creepy. I'm sorry. Gentlemen. Fans. Chaluma nuts. This is an important story. You need to be aware. You need to be aware.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Imagine if you will, you wake up one morning, go out to get your newspaper. I imagine people don't do that anymore. But imagine you did. Imagine it's 1994. Yeah. Imagine it's 1994. you open the door and your driveway is covered in something. Something gross and slimy looking,
Starting point is 00:11:20 covering the entire driveway, little tiny shapes in that slime. It's like tan. You don't quite know what it is until you closely look at it. Is this about me? Baked beans. No.
Starting point is 00:11:36 What gallons of baked beans? That's right. What? I'd be like, what am I smoking? In the UK. Police have issued a warning to shops concerning baked beans. What? People have been looking,
Starting point is 00:11:55 have been asked to look out for the buying of large quantities of tin goods such as baked beans, because there's a trend, my friends. Oh no. On TikTok called beaning. What is the trend? Use in the UK are buying beans in great quantities and dumping them on driveways and cars and front yards
Starting point is 00:12:26 and porches and filming it all. It is similar to when you would throw eggs except now it's baked beans and they take these beans and they dump them everywhere to the point where police have been telling shopkeepers to not sell baked beans to kids. Meaning of all my children smearing baked beans all over the place and filming it.
Starting point is 00:12:49 And they've been using the hashtag bean bandits online. And people are afraid because this could potentially be harmful to dogs. Dude, this movement needs a messenger, man. Right. Listen, if you're one of the bean bandits in your Patreon, first of all, thank you for your money. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Second of all, send us an email. ChiluminatiPod at Why do you do it? What's your motivation? What has brought you to become a modern day bean bandit? Yeah, I need to know. Videos are being posted on social media under the hashtag bean bandits.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Here's the thing, some are saying it's within S, some are saying it's within Z. Who knows? I like Z because it's more edgy. Don't use this, oh my, what year is it, 2001? Yeah, man, they're bringing back all of our cool kids stuff. West, your cheer police now urging local shop owners
Starting point is 00:13:33 to be aware that people are buying large quantities of beans. My favorite part is that it's come to the attention of the police. This is a new trend called beaning. That's my favorite part of this entire story. Beaning, nothing more than beaning. Parents are warned to keep their cans away
Starting point is 00:13:53 from their kids at home. My God, relax, government, it's fucking bean. Please be mindful if you see them removing cans of beans from the family home. How bad is this news? They should be excited. This could stimulate their economy some more. You know, you're selling more beans.
Starting point is 00:14:10 How bad are we talking? I think we need to be on, I'm going to the internet right now. Are dogs dying? Hashtag bean bandits. You do bean bandit, I'm gonna Google bean bandit deaths just in case. Bean bandit deaths.
Starting point is 00:14:26 No bean bandit deaths, no. Just bean bandits. So here you go. This is, this is know your meme. Know your, I mean, it must be happening. Know your meme is, yeah, bean bandits on entry. People are dumping beans. We bean to someone's front door.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Oh wow, they're using all sorts of beans. Goya beans, oh, they gave you the Goya. No, don't use Goya beans, dude. That's, that's like, that's not punk rock. Dude, I'm reading the Guardian article about it and they have it like this setup, like this like breakdown. Let me just read this briefly. Name, beaning, age, about a month old.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Appearance, just like loads and loads of beans. Well, that sounds delicious. It's anything but beaning is an act of cruel intimidation and the perpetrators are merchants of pure evil. Oh my God, holy shit. I'm getting this gift of Kevin dropping his chili in the office over and over again and it's making me laugh. Yeah, that's a good scene.
Starting point is 00:15:29 I love that scene. I guess it's a TikTok trend and I don't have TikTok. So yeah, I get my, I get my TikTok sent to me. So yeah, I get it through Reddit posts about TikTok. Yeah, come on, man. We're all like pretty close to middle age. You got to get on the TikTok. We got to keep up with the kids.
Starting point is 00:15:47 I'd rather do stuff that I did when I was in my 20s. You know what I mean? All right, let's get out of here. I'm looking it up, looking it up, looking it up. Bean. Bandits. Oh my God, it's the number one search. Whoa, here's, oh boy. Listen, if it really isn't in the public's best interest,
Starting point is 00:16:07 I say the Boston baked bean boy takes on this problem head on like the Boston Tea Party again. Agreed. Here's the problem. Bean bandits, not that big a thing. I see like- It's getting blown out of proportion. Nevermind, I'm wrong. No, it's the problem.
Starting point is 00:16:25 This is, oh my God, there's so many- It's a problem? Actually, nevermind. At a certain point, nope, nevermind, we're back to it. But there is a dog named Bean Bandit and it is very popular on here. It's a little tiny dog. This is the problem with the internet.
Starting point is 00:16:39 I also just found out there's a restaurant in Colorado called the Bean Bandit Mexican Restaurant. So, you know, go take a picture in front of it if you live there and put it on the subreddit. There's the Bean Bandits on Instagram, but it just seems like, I don't know, it's like, oh, it's a racing team established in 1949. Well, there you go.
Starting point is 00:17:02 The Bean Bandits. They're probably really pissed about this. Needless to say, kids, don't take beans lightly. Don't waste beans. One day you could be without your beans, then what would you put on your toast? Don't waste your good beans. What do you do?
Starting point is 00:17:15 W-W-B-B-D. What would the Bean Boy do? Yeah, what would the Bean Boy do? Always smoke a nug first, then make an important decision. I promise you'll be way too tired or too lazy to get off the couch and go beaning someone's house after that, so. W-B-B-B-B-B.
Starting point is 00:17:29 What would the Boston Baked Bean Boy be? You know what I mean? Think about that. Keep that in your heart. I'm sticking it in my heart right now and on that, we're gonna leave. What would the Boston Baked Bean Boy be? The Boston Baked Bean Boy.
Starting point is 00:17:43 B-L-B-B-B. Be like the Boston Baked Bean Boy. What would the Boston Baked Bean Boy be? My guess is a very stoned baked bean. Yeah, he's rolling. He doesn't eat that much. He's eating a good time. B-B-B.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Become the Boston Baked Bean Boy. B-B-B-B. Be the Boston Baked Bean Boy you want to be. B. Yeah. Can we make a t-shirt that just says B-B-B-B-B across the side of the chest? B-B-B-B-B-B-B.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Yeah, let's get the hell out of here. Okay, thanks for listening, everybody. We'll be back next week. Thank you so much for your support on Patreon. Bye. We love you. Goodbye. Are you stuck in the city life routine?
Starting point is 00:18:27 It's time to get outdoors and enjoy the fresh air. You're missing out on bold journeys and brave adventures that are just waiting for you. When's the last time you saw a breathtaking sunrise or a stunning waterfall? Have you hiked at Zion's or four-wheeled at Moab? An RV is the perfect way to blend the comfort and convenience of home with your outdoor adventures.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Whatever your needs are, we're here to help. Visit a motorsportsland RV center or today and let motorsportsland help you get away. Dear Truckin' A, wanna talk torque? The Tundra's forceful twin-turbo V6 will blow your mind. The Tacomas got bite and a taller suspension to claw through that terrain.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Man, you'll dig it. Both Toyota trucks are tough on the outside and plush on the inside, with luxurious seats and a heck of an audio multimedia setup. Sink back and turn it up. Nice. Rev it up at Toyota, let's go places.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Hello, my little chiller. What's up? What's going on? Look at that little whisper. It's like two to a second, a second guy is here. Another Mathis. Another Mathis is showing up. Welcome to Chill Mini 66.
Starting point is 00:19:41 Three more episodes until Mini Sode 69. Oh, I'm not, I've not forgotten. Which is, me either. I'm very thrilled for it. My story's ready. I've been sitting on it forever. Okay, well, let me, I'm going to start like I like to do. All right, boys.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Out in India, the past week or so, a very creepy video of some ghosts got very, very, very famous over there. I'm going to send you a link. This is a more modern link of a news covering, covering this. I'm going to link it in Zoom. This is the video and you can watch the ghost.
Starting point is 00:20:15 It should start right when the ghosts are supposedly up here. Whoa, what the? They're holding hands and quietly walking into the dark, dark, the distance. You think those are ghosts? Well, that's what the report was, like that these were ghosts.
Starting point is 00:20:31 But it was such an uproar that the undeniably unsettling video spread like wildfire in social media in India to the point that it apparently caught the attention of the authorities and they actually had to set about trying to bust these ghosts. Specifically though, what ended up happening after a bit of investigation
Starting point is 00:20:51 is that the cops arrested a trio of men who were found to have been behind the curious clip and upon questioning, they admitted to digital fabrication of the footage with the express purpose of scaring people in Jalgon and its neighboring communities. A police official shed additional light on the case when he revealed that they believed
Starting point is 00:21:11 that one of the suspects is into performing black magic activities and he may have done this to create superstitious of beliefs among the residents. What? Yeah, in response to that concern, authorities took the remarkable step of dispatching a police van to the towns
Starting point is 00:21:28 where widespread fear over the ghosts had begun to erupt and announcing via a loudspeaker that the footage was fake and that the men behind the video had been arrested. These individuals. Yeah, so these people literally created these videos according to the cops to convince nearby towns
Starting point is 00:21:45 so they could like either perform their black magics or maybe have people come and pay them to do like rituals or black magics that would probably be a more logical reason for them to do it. But it got such an uproar that they had to actually go arrest these people who created this video. It's a crazy little story out there
Starting point is 00:22:02 that surprisingly spread pretty far and wide to the point where they were shouting it through just like a van rolling through a small village. That shit is fake, bro, it's fake. The men have been arrested. It's just an interesting little story but the video, I think the video is kind of creepy, man. Like if you didn't-
Starting point is 00:22:18 I don't like it at all. It's looking at it. I don't like the visual. That's creepy, but it's not. I don't think it's a go. I think it's just weird looking. I wouldn't love running into that if you- Oh yeah, that would have been wild.
Starting point is 00:22:29 It's creepy, but that's it. That's my little, not everything is as it appears even though you might want to believe it's go sometimes just a bunch of dudes causing problems and getting arrested for it. Unless the cops just are trying to cover it up to stop people from freaking out. Listen, I did think, I was like,
Starting point is 00:22:42 dude, man, they're blaming them for black magic. Are they? Maybe, I don't know. You know what I'm saying? You can't discount it. You got to keep it alive. Keep your third eye open. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:22:52 Get ready to accept some believable lies. You know what I'm saying? I also would like to, if you don't mind, I've got one little quick story. Do you remember two weeks ago where we had a face on Mars? Oh wow, that was the wackest face I've ever seen on Mars. And all of the faces have been fake so far,
Starting point is 00:23:10 but that one was the wackest. I want you to know, an anomaly hunter has spotted another alien face. What the fuck is an anomaly hunter? This time on the side of a Martian mountain. All right. That looks super rad. Like a Martian Mount Rushmore?
Starting point is 00:23:25 You know, that's what we're talking about. Yeah, that's what it is. Let's see this terrible thing. This is Coast to Coast Day. Everybody's favorite for these kinds of articles, everybody, so go ahead and click on that. You can see that. It's the face on the mountain.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Shut up. Shut up. What the fuck is that? Do you not see the face of the mountain boys? It looks like a screaming face. It definitely looks like, like if you're gonna draw the side profile of like. I'm a screaming man.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Like an ancient Mayan dude for sure. Yeah. But it is 100% just BS. And then that's an anomaly hunter. That's what an anomaly hunter is. The odd discovery was made by Indefatigable UFOs researcher Scott Warring as he was studying a photograph of the red planet
Starting point is 00:24:11 that was taken by the Mars Curiosity rover. Standing out amid the rocky landscape was a puzzling shape that drew his further inspection and led the anomaly hunter concluding that it was not a natural formation. Specifically, he contends the oddity appears to be the side profile of an almost human-like alien species. That was presumably carved into the mountain,
Starting point is 00:24:33 likely as a tribute to a prominent Martian leader from the distant past. So Alex, you are a thousand percent correct. It is a Martian. Mount Rushmore. Mount Rushmore. It is an alien Mount Rushmore. All right, time out.
Starting point is 00:24:48 We've discovered it. No, come on. This is fine. This was taken from the rover, yes? Yes. So this hill that we're looking at would be. It's a mountain. Six feet tall.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Maybe seven feet. No, that might be a far away mountain. It is. You never know. You don't know. This place will never know. You never know me. Exactly. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Thank you. This is like right in front of the damn camera. Get out of town. What if Martians are like Dumbelina sized? Oh, the dudes that hang out in the heads. Yeah. The galaxies on the Orion's belt. They love prize.
Starting point is 00:25:25 All right, it checks out. Never mind. Maybe they live in the little galaxy that's inside the marble. Yeah. Also, I just want to shout out on the coast to coast page that there is a fucking article that's like one of the related articles
Starting point is 00:25:39 that says that New Zealand cops bust two guys smuggling a huge haul of KFC past lockdown. They found it with four buckets of chicken, a bunch of coleslaw, and they had 70K in cash. I don't know what the fuck those guys are doing. They are GTA role playing in real life. The best part is the cops laid it all out like a drug bust on their car and took a picture
Starting point is 00:26:02 of all the KFC. It's insane. Oh, to be in New Zealand right now. Oh, to be in New Zealand. We want to take the next day or somebody else. I'm done. That's my great, great. Here's what I got.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Check this out. I want to talk to you about the place in El Paso, Texas, which is the other half of Texas, the other side of Texas from Mathesys, Texas. That's unfortunate. Yeah. So you can never go to Montelioni's haunted motel and restaurant, unfortunately.
Starting point is 00:26:32 No, that's 11 hours away. I am good. It's set to open in October. It's a place where not only are you going to eat. Time out. Yeah. This is my story, too. Montelioni's haunted motel.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Yes, the haunted, literally the headline is Go-Sin-Stake, new central El Paso restaurant, combines theater, dining, and the paranormal. Yeah, unreal. Montelioni's haunted motel. I love that we both were like, this is for Mathesys, for sure. This is dumb as fuck. Yeah, all right.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Here we go. So when you're a Mathesys, when you call yourself a Mathesys from the show, you're just calling yourself an insane person. Yeah, we're hoping you'll go there, apparently. You just have hope still in you. That childlike, mistake and a ghost, man. That's a good night. That's a great night.
Starting point is 00:27:21 So check this out. He owns Montelioni's restaurante, which is a, his name is Gary Montelioni. He owns a restaurant in El Paso, Texas. That's like an Italian restaurant. And he bought a lot across the street that he wanted to turn into parking for his nice Italian restaurant.
Starting point is 00:27:38 But he went into the place and he said that he decided that it was too precious. So he moved into it with his wife. So he bought it across the street from his restaurant, moved in with his wife, then suddenly boom, haunting. He starts to move in. He says, things are moving in the house. The dogs are barking.
Starting point is 00:28:01 He started hearing footsteps in the attic. They contacted a medium who was like, get the fuck out because this guy's pissed at you. Which, how are we letting ghosts like have real estate? Like let's just... Oh, we can't move in there. That's, he's 200 years dead, but he really loves that house. I don't get that.
Starting point is 00:28:19 If we believe in ghosts, there's got like, let's get Steven Strange in there to clean that up. You know what I mean? Like, him and his nebulous magic powers doesn't make sense. And so this... What the hell is this, Jesse? What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:28:32 What do I sent to you guys is the front of the house. This is what the house looks like. Dude, it's nuts. There's a Facebook page. It is, look at the little gargoyle that's got a clown mask on. He's got a joke. He's got like, is that green hair?
Starting point is 00:28:46 Is he painted as the Jesus? Literally like a juggalo gargoyle. And then there's like a fucked up mailbox with like a little boy. You know those people that put like little men in their yards? Those little like jockeys and shit? It's like that, but he's like in a mailbox. I hate it.
Starting point is 00:29:00 And then on the left and right, there's like tombstones with crosses on them. Yeah, yeah. Apparently the medium said that the ghost that haunts this place is an engineer that worked for Union Pacific Railroad, who originally owned the house, lived there till he died and he doesn't want anybody else living in his house.
Starting point is 00:29:15 So they said, you know what, we're going to move back home because I guess they kept their old house and they decided to use it as part of the restaurant. And now they're going to use this new house, which again, it's a house. They've themed it after a motel that is a haunted motel. And it's got a dinner and a show element. And if you go to the Facebook page
Starting point is 00:29:38 for this restaurant right now, there is an ad for Montelioni's haunted motel and restaurant, The Bellhop Players. No theater or serving experience necessary, which is hilarious. But welcome, but welcome. So that's happening. I guess it already happened,
Starting point is 00:29:55 but maybe they're doing it more. Wait, this isn't even a motel. No, it's a house. It's a house themed after a motel. It's the house across the street. And this dude was going to rip it down and make a parking lot for his restaurant. And now he's made a restaurant in that house.
Starting point is 00:30:11 So you show up, you meet like a person at the lobby. They give you your room key, which is your table. And then you get seated and then you watch the show. And the quote from Gary Montelioni says, having a background in Hollywood, we're going to do it in a real special way. And apparently your dinner gets served during the play as part of the play, which is scripted.
Starting point is 00:30:36 And it has facts about the house. Apparently there's an article from the El Paso Times that says the house was once owned by a lady who sold radioactive water, which doesn't seem like the best product I've ever heard of. And then Gary Montelioni says, it's the kind of place where you come in and you take it away from El Paso
Starting point is 00:30:55 and you work and everything else. And for those couple hours, just enjoy yourself and relax. Just have a great time. So go check it out. If you live in central El Paso, please report back and let us know what the fuck. But you got to make a resume
Starting point is 00:31:07 because they got that limited seating. Apparently this motel that used to be a house only has a few places you can stay. But that's the El Paso. That's Montelioni's motel and restaurant, steakhouse, dinner, theater, which is crazy to me. But hey, make that money, Gary. I want you to be happy.
Starting point is 00:31:32 I want more stuff like this to exist in the world. So make that money. Yeah, and please, God, please, if there's a viewer out there, go, because I'm jealous, I can't. I would love to go. I would love to go. It's absolutely- Maybe one day we'll get to go
Starting point is 00:31:45 if it's still open. What? Maybe we'll get to go one day if it stays open. Of course it will stay open. What are you talking about? Yeah, that's true. I imagine it will never not be open. Of course.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Well, we have a few more minutes. Did you guys hear about Jane Goodall? Did she die? No, no, no, no. Do we all know who Jane Goodall is? Yes. Yeah, the monkey researcher, chimpanzee, gorillas. Yeah, she's very, very, very, very good at what she does.
Starting point is 00:32:12 And now she's like more about climate change, but like she's talking about trees for Jane. She's trying to get a trillion trees planted in the next 10 years, which is pretty crazy. But she actually, somebody asked her about Bigfoot. Yes, what did she say? And she said that a couple of factors contributed to what she thinks about Bigfoot.
Starting point is 00:32:35 She says that one incident that happened to her occurred in Ecuador. She said that her plane flew for two solid hours over unbroken forest, stopped at a village of 30 to 50 people who only are able to talk to the outside world through hunters who come to their village and deliver messages in mail. And she asked her interpreter to ask them
Starting point is 00:32:56 if they ever saw a monkey without a tail. And they said to her, oh yes, we've seen monkeys without tails, they walk upright and they're about six foot tall. And so she was mind blown about that. And apparently she was asked about Bigfoot once in 2018 too. And she said that she's met Bigfoot sighting people. And she says, so I don't know if it's perhaps a myth
Starting point is 00:33:22 that stems from maybe the last of the Neanderthals, but then is the last of the Neanderthals still living in these remote forests? So she's not against it. She says, I don't know, but I'm not gonna say it doesn't exist. And I'm not gonna say people who believe in it are stupid. And that's probably from the foremost monkey lady. Listen, if Jane Goodall can say Bigfoot might exist
Starting point is 00:33:44 out there in the wilds, then I still have hope that there still might be an undiscovered monkey out there that we will call Bigfoot one day. I'm just saying the Bigfoot, I know we're eventually gonna do a Bigfoot episode, but it's almost so big of a thing that it's like might be worth doing specific Bigfoots as specific episodes.
Starting point is 00:34:02 We have to see, because there's a lot going on with Bigfoot. There's more than just a monkey that's in the woods. Like there's like culture, people have spoken with Bigfoot. You remember that lady who was like in love with Bigfoot, I was just saying there's a woman who's married and sucking Bigfoot's dick out in like a weed farm out there somewhere. I mean, that's a whole other,
Starting point is 00:34:18 I mean, who knows how many Bigfoots there are, you know? Bigfoot might not be a guy, he might be an entire species. So, you know, something to think about. How come people in the middle of nowhere also have Bigfoot legends? Yeah, it's true. See, take that, Jesse. Jane Goodall.
Starting point is 00:34:33 It's a, you can't fight. Jane Goodall and Les Stroud. I'm not gonna fight at all, period. Thank you, thank you for that. Bigfoot is real. Squatches are real. As long as you agree to call them Squatches, I'm fine. I am, oh, I'm a hundred percent in a part of a Squatch.
Starting point is 00:34:49 So I believe Squatch, Squatch, Squatch. Squatch, Squatch, Squatch. All damn done, man. We're gonna Squatch on out of this episode. Squatch, Squatch, Squatch, Squatch. Squatch it next time, y'all. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you for your support.
Starting point is 00:35:00, slash, Squatch. See ya. Slash, Squatch. It's Smith's. We know the minute a tomato is picked, the fresh timer starts. The sooner we get our produce to you, the fresher it is. That's why we've shortened the time from harvest to home
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Starting point is 00:35:37 Mr. World here, playing a little beach volleyball, diving in the sand, digging some shots, trying to look cool. I'm also digging these sunglasses for my glass world for super stylish and super affordable. So not only do I look cool, but I feel cool, even with all this sand in my shorts. Find designer sunglasses for hundreds less at Eyeglass World, the world's best way to buy glasses.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Visit to browse styles and for store locations. Hello, my little children. We're not stopping. Cut it out. I'll stop you. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Oh, and now we're in the middle of it.
Starting point is 00:36:19 We need to stick together. I don't think so, too. Strung together. Welcome to Miniso 67, boys. Two more after this. I can't wait. 69. I cannot wait.
Starting point is 00:36:31 I don't know what's going on in the world of Miniso to 69, but I should probably start looking for that. Miniso 69 sounds like some like TV, movie or something from the 70s. Miniso 69 will be the weekend before I travel out to you. Very exciting stuff for the live show. I don't know what you boys brought, but I just want to let you know I came with a eyewitness account
Starting point is 00:36:54 that cannot be denied that aliens exist. So you better have some good stuff. OK, well, I have a quick little thing at the top that I just wanted to get through. I don't know if it's going to be my. I haven't I haven't I have a backup if I if I need it, if this isn't long enough. But do you guys know what Magellan TV is?
Starting point is 00:37:12 No. No. Never heard of it. It's kind of like Netflix or something like that, but it's like all documentaries. Yeah, it's like five dollars a month or something like that. This is not a brand deal. This is just like a real new story. So they're doing this thing right now where they you have until October 11th on Monday at five p.m.
Starting point is 00:37:35 to apply online. They want to pay one person twenty four hundred dollars to binge twenty four hours of paranormal content and document it. And they can do it over 48 hours so they can like sleep if they need to. Just I probably for legal reasons, they made it 48 hours. But the whole idea is you're going to sit there and you're going to watch twenty four hours of documentaries. And I have a bunch of titles that they shared that they shared.
Starting point is 00:38:04 How much are they paying for this? Twenty four hundred dollars. I'll do it. Yeah, for a day's work. That is pretty good. Yeah, you can submit. You can submit. But it's like a day's work. It's like a full day. A day's work like in the in the sense that it would be like four work days or something.
Starting point is 00:38:21 But I just wanted to read some of the names of these movies that you'll be watching because I think they're pretty good. First one right out the gate. It's pretty good. It's sightseers. But instead of it being the word sightseers, it's sight, space, seers like the eyes of March, you know, sightseers. OK, OK. Then there's my mum talks to aliens. Oh, hell, yes. Confessions of an alien abductee.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Psychic investigators. This is another great one. Weird or what with William Shatner. Weird or what? Weird or what? It's like off brand factor fiction with William Shatner. At the end, he's like, you got it. What? Yeah. We tricked you again. What? That was just what that was what?
Starting point is 00:39:11 No, the fifth dimension is another one. Boogieman monsters among us. Boogieman Celtic monsters. The other side. Here's another insane one. Halloween Feast of the Dying Sun. Next one's pretty scandalous, War on Witches. Next one, very, very, you know, can't decide. It's called Vampire Skeletons. Just straight up, just called Vampire Skeletons.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Next one, very bold. It's called The Real Exorcist. It's pretty wild. All right. Then there's Haunting Australia. There you go. Paranormal Egypt. I bet you that Omseti is going to be on that one. And then they talk about the American Egyptian colony.
Starting point is 00:39:51 I I think I hope somebody does. Finally, I hope I know one talks about the light. It's finally shown on that. Now I'm like, I hope the word finally gets out. No. But yeah, I thought that might not be enough for you. So I also brought because just just so you know, there is a giant marathon of ghost adventures happening
Starting point is 00:40:19 on Travel Channel right now, because it's Halloween. My favorite show money. Yeah. So Alyssa Ray from was able to sit down with Zach Baggins and we have some interview questions with him. And I just wanted to keep my name out of his dirty mouth. All right. We read some of these to piss off Mathis. So here we go.
Starting point is 00:40:37 She asked, what do you think it is about the paranormal that keeps fascinating audiences? And Zach Baggins said the paranormal is a mystery and people are drawn to mysteries because it's a thrill. We all have intelligent minds and we all have a consciousness and we all sit and think about life. When we have others around us that pass away, we start thinking about those experiences that we all have
Starting point is 00:40:57 that we never forget with spirits or things like that. And we don't want to think that, you know, this is it. That after we're gone, that's it. There's way more to it. There are so many mysteries that scientists can explain with a lot of things. And the afterlife is one of those things. And I think with everybody having telephones these days,
Starting point is 00:41:14 iPhones, everybody's got, you know, ghost hunting gear right in their pockets and purses at all times. They got a camera. They got an audio recorder. They got ghost apps. They got all this. So there's a bigger platform to share the experiences as well. How do you what do you think? I'm blown away. There's a ghost apps. Dude. Yeah, they all suck.
Starting point is 00:41:35 I've tried a couple. Yeah, they're kind of well. I hate that you're like, two stars. I've given they're not great. I've used I've used every single one. I've tried after the big ones are in those pre-programmed not ghost apple ghost app. Ghost app. I think I still actually have that on my phone. Oh, ghost radar classic.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Well, that's good. The the other thing I got ghost tube app. Ghost tube. What's that? Yeah, it's another one of those like the texts like emf fields. And you ask questions and they can use your phone to talk to you by saying words that are programmed in the app understood. She also asked him, what is it like bringing the cameras into these haunted situations?
Starting point is 00:42:15 Does it make your job harder? And he said, we've been doing this for so long that to us, the camera is a tool. The cameras are a piece of equipment. I mean, they're documenting our investigation every step of the way. It does bring a lot of energy into the location. So a lot of the times our cameras will even tell us
Starting point is 00:42:29 when we're in the presence of spirits, things that we capture anomalies. We were just doing an investigation at a place in Salinas, California. And while we were doing an interview, my camera's man saw a black shadow behind us move and disappear through a wall into the basement. And so right then and there, we replayed the footage and we, in fact, capture this unexplained dark shadow figure
Starting point is 00:42:48 going into the side of the house and we could not explain it. So they're very, very useful and integral parts of our investigation. Just as a recap, what he said there was that he likes bringing the cameras into the locations because it helps him film the ghosts. Yeah, yeah, they do their job. Is they do what they're supposed to be doing. Cameras work. Yeah. Yeah. Cameras work.
Starting point is 00:43:13 But yeah, I don't know. I just have to use that bag and there's a bunch more. The one that they did ask him that I thought was interesting was they asked him, have you ever scrapped an episode due to minimal connections? Like not enough evidence. And he said that gets possessed on the regular. He said, no, because I think it's interesting. And I think it shows that, you know,
Starting point is 00:43:31 not every investigation is going to be the same. They're not carbon copies. Locations are different. There was an episode we did called Demons in Seattle. And this couple claimed all this poltergeist activity, Bible setting on fire and black writing all over the bedroom walls. They're making it sound to be the most haunted house in America. But unfortunately, we just didn't document any activity while we were there.
Starting point is 00:43:48 It was just a little suspicious, but I think it's really cool for the audience to see all the different types of investigations we do. And maybe instead of, you know, there being evidence of paranormal stuff there, maybe we're kind of grilling our interviewees a little bit more. God damn it. I hate you, Zach. So that's not starting beef. We can't afford beef.
Starting point is 00:44:06 That's how you get big on this industry. You have to start beef. Are you the big bags of the ghost hauntings? Yeah, just harass them. Exactly. But anyway, yeah, they have a thing called Goldfield Hotel on Discovery Plus that I kind of want to watch. And it's like out today or yesterday. And I kind of want to watch it.
Starting point is 00:44:22 So watch it. Yeah, maybe I'll watch it, too. I probably won't report back. I might report back with my findings. All right, I like it. I'll go next. Just so aliens exist, everybody. I want you to understand that this
Starting point is 00:44:37 I finally have somebody here of high repute who's not only has seen a UFO, but has felt the UFO as well. Pop star Demi Lovato discusses UFO contact experiences and her and alien beings on board. So there's a premiere of a new docuseries called Unidentified, which is centered around searching for UFOs. And Demi Lovato has revealed more about their experiences, allegedly contacting the mysterious phenomenon
Starting point is 00:45:04 and shared their thoughts on what the alien agenda might be. Demi Lovato actually thinks she understands the alien agenda simply by feeling their UFO presence. The Demi Lovato. The Demi Lovato. Not like Demi Lovato. The Lovato. Like, no, no, it's like this is the Demi Lovato.
Starting point is 00:45:23 I think I remember something about her being like in tune with this type of stuff one other time. I can't remember like she like filmed some stuff with her friends or something. I can't remember. Yeah. Well, in an interview with Entertainment Weekly, the pop star explained that the program was inspired by a mind blowing experience
Starting point is 00:45:39 that unfolded during a stargazing trip for her 28th birthday. According to Lovato, quote, we tried to do this protocol where you make contact and all of a sudden something showed up directly above us in the sky. The wonderous site, they said, consisted of a series of lights that seemed to form the shape of a question mark before suddenly vanishing into the night sky. Asked if the experience was frightening,
Starting point is 00:46:02 the pop star marvel that their response was quite the opposite. And using that, quote, the feeling that you get from these beings is so warm and loving and accepting that it's just overwhelming joy that happens when you're able to make contact. Lovato went on to clarify that they were not literally shaking hands with these beings, but that the connection occurs when they, quote, intentionally try to meditate and try to manifest sightings and, quote,
Starting point is 00:46:26 based on their success with this tactic, the pop star argued that, quote, these beings are extremely peaceful and loving. And when they show up, you can absolutely feel that concept. And, quote, this is don't worry, everybody. The aliens are loving beings, channeling the energies through Demi Lovato. We're going to be all right. Let them land on earth. What the hell? This is this is like the type of ufology stuff that I just cannot.
Starting point is 00:46:54 This is like the line here. Like there you draw like psychic stuff. I can't get behind because it's just like people doing like improv. You know what I mean? Like it just it feels so weird. It feels so weird like everybody has like a style. Like it's just it's it is no way it can be real. It's so weird. Well, Demi went on to postulate later that these she believed, quote,
Starting point is 00:47:18 these beings are looking out for our best interest. And as such, there's nothing to fear when it comes to them. So don't worry, guys. When they come, they'll be here in peace. Thank Demi Lovato is on my side. Thank God, I had to go look up quotes from this show. This is just this is just one of them. Demi describes the aliens as humanoid, about four feet tall and free beings.
Starting point is 00:47:43 They also said the aliens live on a pink and purple planet and are there to protect them. What does that mean, a pink and purple planet? They live on a pink and purple planet. Like like the aliens are called light doctors, but she can understand how others would assume they're guardian angels. Oh, God, is she talking in the Nordics? All I'm saying is I love that light doctor is what I want to be that.
Starting point is 00:48:08 I'm making Mega Man. That's all I'm saying. I'm making Mega Man. Yeah, like doctor. Yeah, that's true. Oh, my God. Hey, I hate that. I didn't even get it until I got like a little bit too late. And then I was by then it was too late and I'm mad now.
Starting point is 00:48:25 The joke doesn't even deserve that much thought, Alex. And yet there you are. You gave it there. You gave it that much thought. I'm mad now. So, gentlemen, quite often we hear stories of missing people and it has really sad endings. But this past week, we had a pretty interesting missing person story
Starting point is 00:48:47 in Turkey, Bayan Mutlu. I assume that's how you say his name. Fifty. That's perfect. Ten out of ten. Yeah, I'm with them. They're missing by his wife after going out with drinks to get drinks with friends. And apparently he wandered off into the woods. And so the wife contacted the police and they spent hours
Starting point is 00:49:07 searching for Mr. Mutlu without success. He's in Mr. Magoo for a hot second. I was like, everybody's looking for Mr. Magoo, you can't even see anything. Yeah, I know. According to the newspaper, he wandered off from his friends in a forest while drunk,
Starting point is 00:49:24 sparking concern as friends, you know, couldn't find him. He was just gone. It was nighttime in a forest, forest, be like that at nighttime. Well, it ended well because the group of volunteers who were sent out into the area to search for him did find him a because as they were searching for him, one of the volunteers searching realized they were all looking for him.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Wait, wait. So he was just on the search with him. He was so drunk and so many people got together to look for someone. He was like, oh, my God, someone's missing in the woods. Should have helped out with this. So we should go out and he was looking for himself. And only when they said who they were looking for, did he realize. Oh, shit, that's me, dude.
Starting point is 00:50:14 That's amazing. And here's the thing. This has happened numerous times. There's another example of in 2012, a woman was visiting Iceland and she was on this mountain resort doing her whole like Iceland adventure thing. She went missing and everyone stopped what they were doing and began the search for the lost tourist.
Starting point is 00:50:40 It was a bizarre mix of like, you know, the same thing, the same just like weird happenstance. And so because they were in this remote volcanic region, right? Everyone thought she had fallen in or died or like something terrible had happened to her, but she did not report back to her tour bus. And so everyone was freaking out. Well, turns out that this woman, all she did was change her clothes. And the tour guide did not recognize her.
Starting point is 00:51:08 She like put on a hoodie or something. And she's changed her clothes and straight up just went off. And so at 3 a.m. that night, they called off the search because the woman was looking for herself and didn't realize it. I wonder if there's like a moment where, like around midnight, you realize they're looking for you, but you're too embarrassed. You just have to like, yeah, you're like, I imagine I'm like, should I like hide and then like, oh, you found me?
Starting point is 00:51:35 Like, should I do my dad has some story where one time he like pulled in between a cop and the like guy in a chase and he like couldn't figure out why there was like so many cops behind him. And then he like pulled over and they all just like blue past him. That's so funny. One time when I was in Poland, this is years ago. I went, I've mentioned this part a million times. I went to this this bar, this pub that was in a bridge,
Starting point is 00:52:01 like in a dungeon of a bridge. It was incredible. The bathroom straight up had Vikings like hot naked Vikings riding dragons. I was like, this is the greatest place ever. But I met people from various other countries had come there. And I don't know where these guys were originally from, but dudes who were not Polish showed up just to like say hi and get a drink. And I guess they drove from whatever nearby country they were from.
Starting point is 00:52:25 But at a certain point, one of the guys went missing and everyone was freaking out. We were like, oh, my God, he's not even from here. Like what is dude is missing? And I had a flight the next morning. So we were up walking around Warsaw at like 3 a.m. looking for this dude. I had no idea where this guy's at.
Starting point is 00:52:42 We're searching. We're looking everywhere. His friend is like, I don't know what to tell you, dude. Like he could be dead for all we know. It's like, are you not concerned? He's like, well, he does this. I'm like, what do you mean he does this? He's like, he does this up and stuff.
Starting point is 00:52:57 And so eventually I had to go. I was like, I have a flight to catch. I don't know what to do. I don't know the city. And they're like, don't worry. He'll be fine. Like, OK, so I go to bed. I wake up the next day with a tweet from these guys.
Starting point is 00:53:07 He's like, yeah, we woke up and he was in the room. I'm like, how did he get in the room? And like, we don't know. He doesn't have a key. I'm like, what? So all I know is there's just people in life who their thing is they just wander off and then find their way back.
Starting point is 00:53:22 And you know, I don't I never lived that life because there's got to be some real fun stories you come out with when you're just a floater. You just you find your way into situations. You observe probably a whole lot of shit. And then you just float on out, float on out. That's how it goes. I guess like that feather from Forrest Gump.
Starting point is 00:53:44 Exactly into everyone's life. Yeah. You know, I guess it's apt. You guys think that the feather represents Forrest Gump? Sure. Yeah. What? All right.
Starting point is 00:53:57 We're presented the life is like a box of chocolates. It may need lands on the box of chocolates. Right. Yeah. Yeah. I think I can't remember. I haven't seen that movie a long time. It's been so long.
Starting point is 00:54:07 I can't hear you. We're just talking about Forrest Gump. Because he's trying to he's trying to pick our brains for infer that's not there anymore. We'll be back next week with a brand new mini, the one before fabled 69. The one before 69, 68. Hell yeah.
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Starting point is 00:54:56 All prices are plus tax, title license fees, and a $299 dealer dock fee. Expires $5,3123. Summer is back. And so are the deals at Larry H. Miller Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram Sandy. Whether you're hitting the open road or tackling projects closer to home, we've got the perfect vehicle for you.
Starting point is 00:55:11 Right now, get rates as low as 2.9% for 72 months on a 2023 Ram 1500 Bighorn. Make it happen during the Memorial Day Sales Event at Larry H. Miller Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram Sandy. Online at Driven by you. 72 monthly payments of $15.15 on every $1,000 finance.
Starting point is 00:55:30 On approved credit, C dealer for details. Expires $5,3123. Little chill mnots and welcome back. Chill mini. Oh, guess what chill mini it is, boys? It's not $69. It's $68. Next week is $69.
Starting point is 00:55:46 I still got that story sitting here waiting. It's been here for weeks. How fitting? Many so to $69 will be on the week we end Ed Gein. Perfect. Not fitting at all, actually. Terrible. It's very fitting.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Truly terrible. It's pretty fitting. An unhealthy sexual appetite juxtaposed with a very, very healthy one. Get ready. Right. We bring the balance. We're bringing the balance.
Starting point is 00:56:06 And like real sex, it's shorter than you think in the mini soap. You know what I mean? I don't know what the hell you're talking about. I hope you guys brought some fun stuff because I brought something people have been talking about for like all week. I'm sure you guys are.
Starting point is 00:56:18 I don't know if any of you brought this. The Pandora Papers. What? The Pandora Papers. No, you're going to sell them out the Pandora. That's another one. That's another one. I'm still kind of waiting for it to sort of land
Starting point is 00:56:28 before I meet. Yeah, report on it. Good call. I'm talking more true crime. A cold case team fully believes they have identified the infamous Zodiac killer. Have you been reading this stuff? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:40 Here's the thing, though. The thing that was funny to me about this is that the FBI was like, we got nothing new to report. Yeah, yeah. This is a bunch of people outside the FBI. A team of cold case people have been working on the case for a while. And I'm of the opinion that it's possible they're right,
Starting point is 00:56:56 but it's still not. They are just to be clear. They are like law enforcement officers and investigators. They are just not working in an official capacity. Just to make it clear, it's not just like a bunch of hobbyists that are saying this. I mean, they are doing it as a hobby, but these are the people that might solve the Zodiac murder.
Starting point is 00:57:18 You know what I mean? Yeah, so according to a press release, they dropped the organization known as the case breakers has recovered new physical and forensic evidence, which they say indicates that the Zodiac killer was a man by the name of Gary Francis Post, who passed away in 2018. One particular clue, which one member of the team called Irrefutable, is that their suspect
Starting point is 00:57:37 sported a unique scar in his forehead that just so happened to match what four eyewitnesses reported in their observations of the killer. Additionally, the group has also secured decades of pictures from Post's former dark room that they believe strengthens their case, including an eerie 1980 selfie that appears to show the shadow of a person wearing the unsettling Zodiac hood that the killer
Starting point is 00:57:58 donned during one of his murders. Like more tangential evidence is that weird Facebook post of this guy who was apparently friends with Gary. And in that Facebook post, with four selfies of him, he's like, I miss this old man, Zodiac question mark? Miss ya. And like, it's this weird, like maybe. Yeah, there's there's posts from him, too, that are creepy.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Yeah, movie review posts that claim like Ted Bundy was overrated and he makes like hints that it's he's the Zodiac in all of his movie reviews. It's fucking creepy. If it's true, fascinating, regardless, if it's not. Yeah, wasn't there something about like, it's like, if you know his full legal name, you can like get an alternate solution to the ciphers or something.
Starting point is 00:58:42 Yeah, so apparently his name was the cipher key. If these are to be believed, if these case breakers were to be believed, then it gives you an entirely different message. But it like one that confirms it was him. I was about to say, if we have the name, then it should be easy to decipher the messages, right? My they said they did and they said they get the name does decipher and you get a different message from it.
Starting point is 00:59:02 And his name was the key to the to the to the whole thing. And it's bizarre. My thing is that cryptography is complex to figure out. But it's not hard to explain. Like if you solved it and you've got the message that's this message, there should be no nothing blocking you from just explaining that I guess maybe they're trying to sell it. You know, I guess maybe they're trying to like get a book deal
Starting point is 00:59:28 or something. I don't know. I wouldn't be surprised if they're trying to. It just seems to me like if you're going to say, yo, we fucking solved it irrefutably, we got the evidence like show the like, you know, if this guy's name solves the cipher, right. Shouldn't anybody now be able to do this? I imagine so. It's not like a mysterious type of cipher like somebody else
Starting point is 00:59:50 solved one of his ciphers, right? Yeah, like, I don't know. This is this is I mean, this news is only a couple of days old at this point. So I haven't beyond the claims. I haven't really seen if anybody's put the cipher to the test at all or anything. Yeah, it's just a weird like if it's true.
Starting point is 01:00:05 I mean, I'm wanting to do a zodiac episode. And every time that I want to do it, another guy comes out. That's like it was like within like a month of me deciding maybe my next one is going to be the zodiac. I think it comes out that's like a guy like actually my father was the zodiac and he died or something like that. And so far they just kind of like come out and then they just kind of go away.
Starting point is 01:00:30 And I'm interested to see what happens with this one. Yeah, I mean, it's smart probably to wait this one out, see if anything gets confirmed or denied if it's another one that it goes disappears by the wayside, maybe the FBI will never confirm it, maybe they don't want somebody independent. They were like, we've got nothing to report. The case is still open. Yeah, it's bizarre.
Starting point is 01:00:48 It's very, very bizarre. I'm very curious to see where this case is at, say in like a month from now to see if like it disappears or not. I think it's worth mentioning at least in the mini. So that maybe we actually have an ID on this guy for once. And he's as bland and middle aged white man as you could probably expect from from the zodiac killer at this point. That might be the best movie about a serial killer.
Starting point is 01:01:08 Oh, God, that scene disturbed me and I've seen like some horrible shit online, which scene was still by the lake. Yeah, the stabbing by the lake scene was rough. There's there's a couple of scenes in that movie that are kind of just really intense, very real, very realistic. Man, I he's such a he's such a fascinating one. Like that one, like the other killers are like, you know, that guy was tight. Like, you know, I mean, like they stay straight
Starting point is 01:01:36 up, shout out the zodiac killer all the time. Like, remember what's his name? Clay or whatever came on Howard Stern. Oh, yeah, that's right. You know, I thought the zodiac was super tight. So I was trying to like do something like supervillain ask like the zodiac, but like, you know, whatever, God, people are fucked up. Not us though, Jesse.
Starting point is 01:01:54 We're never going to crack me. You know, murder free as long as this is a successful and well loved podcast. I feel like I'm good. It's keeping you in check. But the minute this goes downhill, you're gonna be like, we have to do something for ratings. And that's it. It's going to be suddenly just the two of you.
Starting point is 01:02:09 And I'm like, Jesse's gone missing. We don't know where he is. Jesse's gone missing. We start a new podcast finding Jesse. The only thing that I'm going to murder anytime soon is a bowl of teriyaki beef. And that's what's going to happen. I'm going to make a couple of collages after this, dude. Oh, my God. All right.
Starting point is 01:02:26 All right. Who's taking it next? That's my that's my true crime article. What do you got? OK, so I don't know why. I don't know what the biggest side I don't know what is it every time Alex starts with OK, you know, I don't even know what it's just a wild story. So this was in Ridgecrest, California. This is like in the desert of California at a place called the Inyo Kern Airport.
Starting point is 01:02:52 It's in Kern County. It's just a little bit north of where we are right now. The James Bond and triple X of Los Angeles or whatever he said earlier. We are north LA one a.m. September 18th, this news stories from October 1st. The 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, aka SOAR, were on base at the airport doing a training exercise. And there was a staff sergeant who was smoking at a late night cigarette
Starting point is 01:03:25 like area like near the hangar like he just like was out doing his little rounds or whatever. And he went off to smoke for a second and a quote unknown person wearing full ninja garb approached him and said, do you know who I am? And he said, I don't know who you are. And he said, do you know where my family is? And he was like, I don't know where your family is.
Starting point is 01:03:48 And then the dude in the ninja outfit pulled out a katana and started to slash at him and hit him in the phone and the leg with a katana. I just what is this man is living is Liam Neeson's best life. But like the ninjas I'm picturing like Remo Williams for some reason. I don't know why that's what I'm thinking like a like a Super Mario metal gear solid. You know who I am? Just absolute confusion plastered on the man's face. Yeah, the sergeant ran.
Starting point is 01:04:18 He jumped a fence. He got into a building where he found some other dudes. He was like, there is a ninja outside chasing me with a katana. They locked the door, called 911. The ninja got to the door and was punching and kicking the door. And he like threw a rock and hit somebody in the head with it. And 20 minutes later, the, you know, the 911 call came in, said 26 people were hunkered in a hangar.
Starting point is 01:04:48 One man with a katana. Yeah. Hiding from a dude and walked in. I don't want to get sliced by a katana. But the police officer showed up. They found the ninja suspect on a road nearby. He he, quote, refused to follow commands and brandished the sword at deputies. They fired projectile rounds, but they were ineffective. Don't know what that means.
Starting point is 01:05:07 I have to imagine that he sliced them in half with his katana. You perform in his ninjitsu. Yeah. And then he ran again. Then they tasered him. Then he dropped the sword and they arrest him. Turns out he's a 35 year old man named Gino Rivera. He was a temp. He was arrested for attempted homicide assault with a deadly weapon,
Starting point is 01:05:24 brandishing a weapon, brandishing a weapon with the intent to resist, to prevent an arrest, vandalism, obstructing or delaying a peace officer in the performance of their duties, a bunch of different stuff. The sergeant and the captain both required stitches, but they got cleared for duty the same day. So just a crazy thing. You would think after your failed assault, or would you call it a success? You pinned 26 men in a bunker.
Starting point is 01:05:47 Are you successful or did you fail that assault? Yeah, I mean, I don't know, to be fair, the thing that's crazy about this is these guys are the guys that use helicopters to like insert seals like straight up like they are like dropping solid snake off at the at the mission. Under the cover of darkness. Yeah. And this ninja dude like got the drop on him. So I don't know how serious I played a lot of games lately where you can deflect bullets with the katana.
Starting point is 01:06:15 And I'm just letting you know they think they knew that. They were like, yeah, it's easy, man. You would think after your assault, regardless of the success or fail, though, you leave and you would, you know, take off the ninja guard. All you got to do is just cut the bullets in half and you never have to take off your ninja guard. Mathis, no joke. I watched a video the other day where these cops are chasing at least three guys
Starting point is 01:06:38 and one of them like turns a corner and starts washing dishes like at a sink and the cops keep running by him. And I was like, that's the smartest, that's the smartest man that ever lived. He just comes like walk back because they clearly lost the other two and they just walk back past him and he's like, what security cameras on him? He's just washing dishes like he works there. Oh, my God. Unreal. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:01 You're some hitman level hide and play. You're totally right. If they would dress like a ninja, just don't be dressed like a ninja no more. Yeah. Take off your fucking clothes. Like, I don't know what to tell you. That's what what's his Harvey A. Bardem did. And yes, James Bond. Just ran into the crowd for like one second, changed his clothes.
Starting point is 01:07:21 You can just chill out on the car outfit. You're a normal speed. Yeah. Hope nobody recognizes you as famous celebrity. Have you ever done? Have you ever done? All right, Jesse. Gentlemen, let's get biblical. Oh, what are my favorite things to get?
Starting point is 01:07:39 Hail, Mary, full of Christ, the Lord is with you. The Journal Scientific reports has a piece about a team that has discovered some interesting things that might relate to the Bible or at least to ancient times. So International Team was doing a study where they found that many buildings and materials. This is in Jordan in the Jordan River Valley. They found that many materials and pottery shards and things
Starting point is 01:08:09 had been melted into glass. Mud bricks had heat bubbles. There was indications of high temperatures and they were just like, what the hell is this? There is high salinity in the soil in some areas. And the theory that they have crafted based on studying the soil and studying the time and all that stuff is that the biblical sin cities
Starting point is 01:08:38 of Sodom and Gomorrah and possibly Jericho, since they all happened roughly the same time. No one really knows because of, you know, it's all written after the fact. But apparently they could have been destroyed by a cloud burst meteor that incinerated all 8000 inhabitants. The study finds no fucking way. A giant space rock exploded over the town, roughly three thousand six hundred five hundred three thousand six hundred fifty years
Starting point is 01:09:07 ago, creating a fireball. Scientists say the same event might have even caused Jericho's walls to tumble down, which is 20 miles away. The cosmic calamity laid waste to the Jordan River Valley shore, raising a huge 100 acres city to the ground. They have that evidence. It also exterminated other cities and multiple villages. It would have left no survivors.
Starting point is 01:09:29 Oh, God, that nation was roughly 2.5 miles above the ground. Even at that distance, the blast created would have been like a 700 mile shockwave, 700 mile shockwave that would have seen it as an act of God. Yeah, yeah. Who says it isn't at that point? Yeah, it's a fucking explosion that glasses 8000 people in one second. Who says that's not an act of God? It would have leveled buildings. None of the 8000 people would have survived, like Alex is just saying.
Starting point is 01:09:56 And most people would have been just like vaporized and melted. Professor James Kennett, like is the extraordinary event to Tunguska. With the 12 megaton meter exploding with all the trees knocked over. Yeah, yeah. I think he says I think the main discoveries is shocked quartz. These are sand grains containing cracks that form only under high pressure. We have shocked quartz from this layer. That means there are incredible pressures
Starting point is 01:10:22 involving the shock of quartz crystals. Quartz is one of the hardest minerals. This is very hard to shock, explains Kennett. The fireball also explains the high of the unusually high concentrations of salt in the basement layer, which reached 25 percent in some samples. The salt was thrown up due to the high impact pressure. It was redistributed in salt rich crystals on the, you know, like local shores, like places like the Dead Sea, maybe, right?
Starting point is 01:10:50 Wiping out other communities across the region. They also, again, go into the fact that maybe it's this earthquake, this violent shaking that brought the walls of Jericho down according to biblical text. Also, one of the things they say is like, look, the whole story about Lot's wife turning into a pillar of salt. It may be this dude tried to run away from the calamity and his wife was just one of the people that got caught up and like vaporized of. What in the world?
Starting point is 01:11:18 The researchers believe the disaster generated the oral traditions that inspired written accounts in the book of Genesis. It might have also led to the story of burning in Jericho in the Old Testament book of Joshua, and it is, you know, it's incredibly culture important in the entire area. Gamora and Jericho all aced at once. And then he says, one of the things that is super interesting is that the high salinity, the salt in the area,
Starting point is 01:11:42 there is a period of time known as the late bronze age gap in which the fuck out of here, where you're going to tell me this lady turned into a pillar of salt. No, like honestly, that's what the guy says. He thinks like she lot turned around and like saw his wife vaporized by the explosion and he managed to get out like that kind of thing is what he's thinking. But but one of the things that they're they're saying is there's this thing called the late bronze age gap, which is like during this weird time period in the history of the Middle East, cities were just abandoned.
Starting point is 01:12:14 Like populations dropped from tens of thousands to like nomads. And it's kind of weird. No one understands why there was no fertile ground. People were forced to leave the area for hundreds of years. And then there was a there was resettlement back there. Appears again, the Iron Age, six hundred years later. And so they're saying it's probably this like a freaking nuclear bomb going off. And then everyone came back there slowly over time.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Yeah, I mean, that would make sense. Man, you want existential fear. Asteroids keep me up at night sometimes. We just had one. There's literally nothing you could do. Here's the thing. No, you can't. You can't. Nothing you could do. So there's no reason to worry. Like an asteroid. True.
Starting point is 01:12:55 We we see what is it? Like 10 percent of the night sky is what we're looking at. Yeah, yeah, something like that. There's absolutely no way we would know. So like, look, there's very few places on earth where you can see stars from horizon to horizon. Yeah. We I mean, we have scientists that track a ton of asteroids, but we had one pass in mid September.
Starting point is 01:13:12 Yeah. Mid September this year that came from the direction of the sun. And since it came from the direction of the sun, we couldn't see it. And it came way closer than they expected it to. It was traveling like fastest. It's crazy. Space kids. There's so much you can do. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:27 So you literally can't worry. I was thinking about this girl that was like texting her friend on A.I.M. And then all of a sudden her friends stopped getting messages from her. So she went to go check on her and a boulder fell from like the mountains and like crushed just her and her computer. Like, bam, like, Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:13:51 There's nothing you can do about that. Yeah, no, it's just it's over. Like you're done. Yeah, done. Crazy. Well, on that, everybody, thank you guys so much for listening to this mini so next week is mini so 69. Your best. I'm so many sex so I'm so ready. We'll treat your ears next week.
Starting point is 01:14:08 And until then, be good, everybody. Goodbye. Anyway, me and my wife were sitting outside indulging on our porch one night, enjoying ourselves. I needed to go to the bathroom, so I stepped back inside. And after a few moments, I hear my wife go, holy shit, get out here. So I quickly dash back outside.
Starting point is 01:14:26 She's looking up at the sky in the fall. I look up to and there's a perfect line of dozen lights traveling across the sky.

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