Chilluminati Podcast - Episode 16 - The Halloween Special! Reading YOUR True Stories!

Episode Date: October 29, 2018

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We did it! I still can't believe we got this project done so fast and so well. When I'm in New York. I'm in Chicago and I'm in LA. But we're making it happen in Miro. Together. Our best work just happens faster on Miro's collaborative online whiteboard. No more scheduling meeting after meeting for work that could happen from anywhere. Whether it's getting design feedback here. Mapping timelines here. Or brainstorming next steps here. It all just happens on the Miro board. Exactly and it's nice not having to wait an entire day to get sign off from this guy. Hey! Well it is true. See how Miro users save up to 80 hours every year by
Starting point is 00:00:49 meeting less and doing more. Get on board at The first three boards are free. Forever. That's All right sure. Why not? Why not? Well now that we don't have a guest today I can just jump in. Hey everybody and welcome to the Geluminati podcast episode 15. 15? 15? 15? 15! 15? 15? 15? 15. 15. I think it might be 15. I know I put 15 on the outline but I don't know if I trust myself if that's actually episode 15. You can edit it out. I feel like it is I feel like it is I feel it's at least it's if it's at least 15
Starting point is 00:01:55 It's possibly 16. It feels like it's been 15. It's 16. It's 16. I wrote it wrong. Yeah, I knew it I knew what I was doing it wrong. You were just talking about how many episodes we'd already done and you were right Yeah, I would that's true. That's true. I'll take it like that. I'll take it like that. Yeah, good job So yeah, this is gonna be our spooky Halloween episode our community was this like Call in guests and people call it like it's like for the radio show, but new okay We got I played scary games. I saw a monster in my room. Isn't that what you guys do a scary game squad? No, we see no monsters because they don't exist not in real life
Starting point is 00:02:32 The monsters are us. We're too high profile for aliens or monsters my dudes I'm just you watch the Adam Sandler special on Netflix where he said he took his very first dick pic and there was a ghost in it No, I did not That's just how you get people to look at your teeth. Yeah, exactly. That's the type of story. We're gonna get today Well, if you don't know what we're doing today We've kind of talked a little bit about in the past couple episodes But this is going to be our our kind of call an episode as Jesse puts it This is our Reddit user stories for the past week or so people have been going over to our subreddit
Starting point is 00:03:05 They've been tagging as permission to use and telling us all their quote-unquote true stories that have happened to them or family members of theirs over the years which are always fun because They are very similar to our skin walker episode just by reading them. You're like, this is overly detailed It's not detailed enough, but they're all very interesting and very cool And I'd like to believe that at least two-thirds of them are real If you tell I would like to believe that if you wrote it. Oh, what 100% I think that whoever wrote that if they wrote it They fully believe it. I can tell you stories when I poo pooing your stories in advance That's that's half the fun when I was like 15 years old a quick math a story
Starting point is 00:03:44 I woke up in the like I don't know where from sleep I turned over and straight up Jesus Christ was in my room He was looking at me and I hell yeah, and I was just so tired I turned around and I did a quick double tape and that taken he was gone. You were like, I don't have time for this How do you know how do you know how do you know it was Jesus? Well, all right, let me put it this way It was the the white American representation of what we were led to believe Jesus looks. Yeah So why would Jesus show like why that's why I was half asleep Jesse
Starting point is 00:04:11 I'm just Jesse like I But in the moment, it's easy. I definitely like Jesus hold on Jesus came to you. He looked at me like a second. Nothing. It turned everywhere. No, I did one of these I was facing the wall. I was really I woke up out of nowhere. I turned over to get comfy again. There he was I turned back over double-taked. I was like wait. What the hell and then he was gone No, I don't have time for you Jesus. Wait Jesus. Yeah, that's what I was like. Oh, that's weird. Wait a minute But again, we're no Jesus Jesus would have been like Mathis I
Starting point is 00:04:44 Watched you. I want I watched you masturbate and I'm not okay with no. No, I just couldn't help it I bless you with hair on your palm. I was just now you have hairy palm You don't understand how hot the the starcraft roleplay rooms can be I suffered for your sins But But at the point is at the time for a moment I was like that definitely happened and then I you know realized I was half asleep So fully believe that these people believe it. So here the good news that if we if we Make a joke like that. We're not criminals in Ireland anymore
Starting point is 00:05:19 What? in Ireland they recently like amended their laws so that Sacrilege isn't illegal. Mmm. Cuz cuz Stephen Fry got in trouble for making a joke about God on on TV Okay, yeah, well now we're not criminals in Ireland. Thank you. Yeah, we appreciate that. Hey, you know what? You know who else is not a criminal? Mathis for ignoring his Lord and Savior when he came to him He only ignored him for half a beat. Oh my god. That was my doubting Thomas moment
Starting point is 00:05:52 Because I turned back and I was like I doubted him for a moment. He pieced out. He was done. He was like I'm out. I can't use any marthas games more like that doubting Thomas game And that's why it was hard to be a youtuber Later in my life. He played out which is some sort of purgatory hell. Yeah You know what else can stop us from being criminals buying our merch. So my god. Yeah, we won't have to resort to stealing or killing exactly So I'll still do it. We we've been talking about it for a while. We now got hats Which are I love that they're dope as hell If you put that hat on you look like you are
Starting point is 00:06:28 Like you feel more Baller like you just you feel like you can do more It's a part of a club that sort of runs the world It's also just into relaxing like it's like a it's like a relaxing club that runs the world in the background Right, right and people will see you and acknowledge your power and influence Yeah, and we write right right acknowledge your money And then you just get you'll get into clubs and things people be like, oh my are you Part of an elite cabal. That's very relaxed, but also controls the monetary systems of the world
Starting point is 00:07:03 Thank you And underneath your brim of your snapback to tell what what club exactly that you're a member of you're so chill You don't have to say it you can just show it. Yeah, and you can put our sticker on your freaking laptop now to cover the apple symbol Hell, yeah, if you're shooting a comedy on TV and you don't want to Associate yourself with the Apple brand just slap that shilluminati sticker right on there If you need to indicate and show without telling that your character is into the occult that pyramid with the eye over it Is a perfect prop to get in your show if you're filming? Let's say the next spider-man movie and there's a nerdy character who has a computer and you want to put like
Starting point is 00:07:43 internet maybe stuff on his computer My nice suggests the shilluminati logo also if you're in the spider-man movie and want to be a guest on the podcast Let me know If you're in this I don't want to hear about math and you want to leak important details about the next Avengers film Please come on podcast. I don't want Matthew Lillard or whoever the hell that guy is Who's is the movie shaggy and the guy from the wing commander movie? Oh My god the wing commander movie Is when they all go into hyperspace and they all jump and they all freeze in hyperspace while they're like traveling at the
Starting point is 00:08:20 Fastest speed of light because it's like the thing you do TV style TV style. Yeah, and then and then they are that movie was awful Well, whatever whoever Matthew Holland Matt whoever is the Matthews. Yeah, I don't want to come on I'm telling about how he saw Jesus to when not everyone's seeing Jesus put me and I don't like it I've never seen Jesus if we're being real. I haven't seen him. I mean I've ate him before I've ate a little bit of him and take some blood a little bit. Yeah Yeah, I used to I never seen the whole Jesus an altar boy. I was an altar boy They used to have the unblessed Eucharist in the back and like plastic tubs and I would just grab handfuls when it's still red when it's still Bread though. Yeah when it's still bread not when I'm just like
Starting point is 00:09:04 I'd be lying if I didn't like ever once you know pretend. Are you a Jesus glut? I guess I'm a glut for Jesus All right, it gets complicated when you have to look at the Eucharist man. Yeah, yeah as we get to look at it as food That's when it gets complicated. Yeah, but it's all it's great. All right Let's let's talk about some Reddit stories before I lose ourselves any further into our own nonsense Holy sugar wafers minus the sugar. You don't want to talk about that anymore. No, I don't I think I'm done Think I'm done So all these stories come from red users that have given us permission again to tell their stories and I'm so excited for this. We're gonna start. We're gonna start with one that is a little simple
Starting point is 00:09:44 It's one that could be scary because it could be an actual person and not like a ghost or something And I think that's the kind of shit that can scare me the most so this is a home invader. Yeah, yeah Yeah, so this is from a Reddit user called myrix M-e-a-r-y-x it's a and it starts when his dad was telling him stories about his college days He has never been one to believe in ghosts in the paranormal and the only reason the topic came up was because they were talking with a Few friends about the old Jim Jones church in my hometown. Oh, whoa is a Fascinated that whole cult is fascinating. That's for later. Yeah another day My dad went to a small town college in Ohio and as a favor to a friend of his he agreed to watch one of the on-campus
Starting point is 00:10:30 Houses over fall break. It was an old two-story house and for the first few days nothing happened The interior was a standard for a college house except for an old broken grandfather clock that sat in a cubby in the first floor hallway On the weekend of fall break. My dad woke up to a loud gonging sound Confused he looked over a second floor railing and noticed that the grandfather clock was going off He could have sworn that it was broken at the very least it hadn't gone off any other time during that week While he was stood at the railing wearing nothing but his underwear and a t-shirt a detail I'm not entirely sure we needed to know It's helping me imagine this sexy guy. You're a little bit of a sexy college boy
Starting point is 00:11:11 Yeah, like a co-ed and he's like hot because it's like a hot summer day in small town, Ohio So it's not air conditioning and like beads of sweater running down his forehead and it's like It's like he's an 80 so he's got tiny whiteies on. Oh, yeah commercial. So his sweat is like purple and it tastes good Anyway, as he was staring over the railing in his underwear and t-shirt an alarm suddenly went off This was the breaking point for him and he ran into the nearest hallway closet. Honestly relatable. Yeah, wait, what? He ran into the closet because the gong of the clock went off again while he was watching it And the key he had been told and believed that the clock was broken But an alarm went off and he ran into it like
Starting point is 00:11:52 I mean, if there's a clock right here like right now, the details aren't specific But the next sentence might be he might be talking about the building alarm Because then he says he fashioned a shank out of wire of wire coat hanger and simply sat waiting Oh an alarm suddenly. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I thought he meant like the grandfather clock alarm Okay, that makes more sense because I was like, you know, I I've been in houses We're like an alarm like the alarm clock or a gong has gone off and I haven't been like Oh Like I've never I've never done that before not once
Starting point is 00:12:29 Well, I just all right. He's that way with the shank in the closet because I think it's a house alarm is what he meant Okay, and he was couldn't the next line He was convinced that someone was breaking in and he wasn't about to get shot staring at a clock After word again relatable after about 30 minutes had passed campus police police had arrived The officer came in the house and called out for anyone and my dad appeared out of the hallway closet The officer asked what happened, which was what my dad asked her after reviewing the security system They had found that every single door and window had been quote-unquote broken into at the exact same time No
Starting point is 00:13:07 This is the this is kind of easy to dismiss as a glitch in the security system and in all reality That's what probably happened However, that doesn't explain the deal with the clock Which was still going off for a few hours after the police arrived at first I chalked it up to my dad telling tall tales But some years back we were driving through the campus and stopped at the house in question As it turns out the current manager of the house is the same person who asked him to stay over and she was the one who asked My dad if he remembered what happened that night my dad also completely avoided the clock, which they'd kept
Starting point is 00:13:35 I've never seen him that concerned around anything before I'm willing to accept the glitch in the system for the break And but it's harder to find a reason for the broken clock randomly starting up again And that's the first story Again the scary part for me in that is like the the potential reality of someone trying to break in Yeah, like some sort of weird thing where they triggered all the alarms at once Yeah, like the house alarm went off and maybe it was a group of people trying to come in through windows or doors or stuff Just so you were you were gonna say something No, I think that it's quite possible that the grandfather clock
Starting point is 00:14:16 Like it there's a lot of questions. I have what if it was broken, right? It doesn't mean that the actual chime doesn't work, right? Yeah Also, it could be that the there was something going on with the electrical system that night and Something happened that like short-circuited all the Entrance way things I who knows there's like To your credit grandfather clocks are a Notoriously finicky yeah item to have in your house like you can have it off balance by like just the tiniest bit and it will like screw up
Starting point is 00:15:00 Every single piece of the mechanism. It's really really strange. You have to oil them really frequently or else they they don't work, right? So it is possible. I here's the thing I'm very scared of grandfather clocks for this very reason because there's just something about them that's very like whimsical or Whimsical during the day and at night like my grandmother had one and going through like her house at night and just here in the Yeah, there's something Yeah, I just don't like I don't like them. Yeah. Yeah, I can see how they could be spooky
Starting point is 00:15:29 I think they're really pretty and And they could be like they look really nice But yeah, like you said, they're a lot of work as well So it's possible that that was going on with the clock and no it wouldn't be surprising if and no college child knew how to fucking take care I like have follow-up questions like did Was there any actual sign of a break-in besides the alarms triggering all at once right was there? It was did he say what kind of night it was was there a reason why there would be Was there an electrical storm that
Starting point is 00:16:00 Is what you got for the story that's the details we have it was a five was a fall break and He was just there by himself, which is already kind of scary I have questions why anyone who was watching who was assigned to watch a house would then assign someone else to watch a house That's questions about that college kid Fall break. I imagine maybe he doesn't go in home. I don't know But but like I do like to house manager, right? So the manager of the house. Yeah, true Should be the person that stays the house, right? Yeah, yeah, I guess I will say unless they know it's haunted
Starting point is 00:16:33 Yeah, but if there is a story if you want to if you want some sort of precedence for ghosts and security systems There's a very famous piece of footage of this ghost That was captured on a security camera in like the Tower of London or something like that like a big-ass old-ass castle-like structure and It was like None of the alarms were tripped. Yeah the entire thing, but a door like you literally watch a door Swing completely wide open you see a specter in like period garb Come out the door and then like the door like closes again like a Disneyland ride and no no alarms were tripped
Starting point is 00:17:13 So I figure if ghosts can Viper security alarms. They could also use them for spooky times that sounds bogus I Truly truly truly am Ruined by the fact that there was so I used to watch all the like ghost adventures and ghost hunters. Oh me too, dude Me because there's they're super interesting and fun, but I at the same time to Grant Wilson see if he wants to come down the show Oh my god. At the same time. They're all like
Starting point is 00:17:46 Hey, we found a thing. Oh, it's touching me But you never see anything and the few times they do get stuff on camera. They eventually it's revealed that it was fake and Most of the time the ghost hunters the ones who reveal it to be fake There was one where I think we're on the Queen Mary and the sheets moved by themselves. Yes I remember that one. Yeah, and they were like no, that was the ghost hunters. Yeah, and they were on the Queen Mary and literally As they investigated they were like no, this is just like someone came through another door and pulled the sheet and And and made it so our cameras caught the angle of the sheet being moved But it looked like no one was in the room
Starting point is 00:18:23 Yeah, because the way that they came into that room They actually walked around like turn then they turn the camera off and then like so they could reposition themselves and turn it back in There's like a minor little like change and they caught it like wait somebody came in I don't know I don't remember the exact thing I remember is that there was another entrance to the room Yeah, and that's how they figured it out and that that always clicks to me when I see these things on YouTube or wherever where it's like ghost caught on film and it shows a Room or a table like a table or a chair something starts to move or something starts to happen
Starting point is 00:18:50 And I'm just like I don't believe any of this because I know that it's all camera angles and Would you believe a bit like some type of video evidence? Honestly truly, I don't know that I would You'd have to what would it what would it take like physical evidence? I think we have to For me to fully believe it. I I'm more believable. I believe more than Jesse does I wouldn't need I would need to experience it firsthand You never had a ghost encounter Jesse Never and if I have I haven't recognized it. We got to get you in the middle of the fucking forest
Starting point is 00:19:24 There's some shit. We got a I'm letting you know like I I I think I'm I'm immune to all of that fear except for the fear of like if you put me in the ocean I'd be I'd be like well that's go or go sharp. That's not fair though Yeah Yeah, but like all that stuff scares me But I'm not afraid of ghost or anything because in my mind if I see something weird it isn't like oh that's a specter It's all right. Well, that was just some weird noise What if a medium what if a medium started telling you stuff about yourself? I
Starting point is 00:19:54 Have just as a great example at I went to a convention and some friends and I went out and we went and we did a tarot card thing and as a After the tarot card done as a joke after we were done I did my own tarot card reading and everyone said I did a better tarot card reading than the tarot card reader Because I know these people right so I could like into it what their problems were and it was the same BS The tarot card reader did except I did it because I have a little bit more knowledge of their lives So I just sort of like so you think I'm my way mentalism basically pretty much Yeah, I think it's it's you are being vague and saying things that
Starting point is 00:20:35 Everyone at some like if you put down a card and you're like oh Yes, of course. It's the tower card Well, you know when moving forward you really need a strong foundation in order to like that kind of BS like But if you don't have one all of your plans could fall apart So you really need to look to set the ground where it is. That's what they say. It's BS. It's all BS I want to find a medium who will like contact your like old dead third-grade teacher and And great get details about pretty sure mrs. Meyer still Mrs. Parker my sixth-grade teacher super dead, so we can try that. Oh great. All right
Starting point is 00:21:12 Well, let's find it. Let's get her. Are you are you good boys gonna be at a pack south? Probably not not me. Yeah, I don't know I don't know next next time we're all at a convention together We should look for like local haunted area and see if we can get permission. Oh my god. I have packs out orders What yeah at pack south They have a place right across from the Alamo that is where They use the rough riders used to gather before they like did all their crazy shit you talk about the hotel Emily Morgan
Starting point is 00:21:43 Yes, yes, I stayed there twice and had nothing happened Absolutely, and they keep saying it's haunted and so we did a whole episode of a show there once and The most haunted thing was the fact that we set up stuff to be haunted to freak out some friends. Oh, yeah So like yeah, we were trying I want it. I was like come at me ghost. I want this Begans scratch me you asshole You like to hurt ladies in here you bitch god damn it Zach Baggins. Yeah, I'm saying let's get him on the show Yeah, I yeah, I just can't be on that show. Okay, Alex
Starting point is 00:22:18 You can read this next one this one comes from reddit user splurg is all only because his name was so long I just took splurge and he gave us like six short stories So I chose three of his short stories all that happened to him and his family throughout time He's had three things happening. He's had like five things happen to him. So you want me to hit all three Yeah, yeah knock out all three because they're all pretty short. All right splurg here. We go this one's this buds for you story one UFOs So me and my family live in Fulton Fulton County, Ohio Which what is going on with Ohio like half the people that I've talked to you about this show are from Ohio Because think about it things happen if we're talking aliens if aliens are gonna duck people
Starting point is 00:22:58 They're gonna talk people from states where nobody important lives First off first off you're I want to point out you're totally wrong most of you as presidents are from Ohio Most of youtubers that I know from Ohio most like to excess people I know from Ohio The real truth is Ohio's so boring everyone wants to get out of Ohio You notice all these people who do stuff are from Ohio But have left so In my mind when someone says yes, I lived in Ohio and this crazy thing happens I just think they were drunk at the time
Starting point is 00:23:30 Yeah, everyone left real quick it was like it was like the Beverly Hillbillies All right, all right All right So me and my family live in Fulton County, Ohio about half an hour west the suburbs of Toledo, Ohio and have lived on the same property Since the 70s before I was born just to clarify if you know anything about Fulton County, you know, I Mine as well have said we lived in the middle of nowhere because that's what it was The middle of nowhere on a road with zero traffic and just about every one of us has stories of some kind of UFO or alien encounter Me and my dad who will come up again later and will be shirtless and it is his underwear
Starting point is 00:24:13 Both have entirely separate experiences with lights in the sky these lights alternated intensities and moved organically That is to say freely move circling left and right and forward backward and in circles in ways known aircraft can't I don't think it's Necessarily aliens, but it's definitely an abnormal phenomenon of some kind Other relatives have had similar experiences and my cousin even claims to have had encounters of the fourth kind. Oh, that's direct Contact interaction with an alien. He claims that there was an emotional energy transfer between him and Occasions it's important to find though that his bathroom medicine cabinet contains only tabs of So I want to put out first off is this splurge splurge I love you by the way because splurg did the smart thing here, which was like look
Starting point is 00:25:11 I've seen shit, but I can't say it's aliens because this guy doesn't know And more importantly, Ohio is the home of Wright Patterson Air Force Base and Wright Pat is known for all sorts of test flights of things. It's known for where they air quotes put the aliens It's like it's famous in and so there's a virus to upload to The no that was area 51. Oh, okay, but right pattern for space is like the next big thing So I think that that is you're going to experiment aircraft on this one. Yeah, I think that's possible Oh, yeah, I think freely moving objects are technically they're correct. They're UFOs because they're unidentified flying objects, but There's that saying that like whatever technology we know we have the military is about 10 years ahead of us
Starting point is 00:26:00 Yeah, and private stuff. So having aircraft that can just move in in random directions I guarantee that they're they've been testing that kind of thing for a long time. Yeah Around in the 70s. Yeah, exactly granted a drone not that far away. It looks like a big Yeah, I do like that if his cousin supposedly had a was it his cousin had of the fourth kind encounter Emotional transfers. Here's the thing if I was doing acid, I would have emotional transfers Aliens too, and I would believe it. I would tell you guys like y'all I had an emotional transfer with an alien I Feel like the line of emotional transfers is like exactly where That's like I can like clearly point to that as like where I go from like the truth is out there to like desert
Starting point is 00:26:47 Crystal people is like right on that line and it's like simultaneously the most Alluring part of the whole thing because I'm so into that like psychic alien shit Like I'm down to like go on like a metaphysical journey I want to I want to get there like believe me, but it's also like where when the stories go to that place I'm like, okay, this is You're like I've tried all right now. We're in like the like dick heart like maybe it's a dream type scenario Like who knows what's possible when it's like Psychedelics can we just get a meme that just says the tall lights are at it again
Starting point is 00:27:19 It's it's it's it's relevant. It's incredibly relevant in this day and age Just a photo of really tall White aliens just like the tall whites are at it again. Yeah, all right story number two haunted house Here we go splurgs haunted house here. We go so my mom and dad divorced Sorry about that my dad remarried yay, and then him and my stepmom did the next logical step and moved into a haunted house Big yay That I added some editorial commentary to that set My dad was really into this stuff at the time and if you told him the house was haunted that would have been a selling point more than a hindrance
Starting point is 00:28:00 I think I want to hang out with your dad, right? Yeah, they lived in this house for three years, and I stayed there every other weekend between the ages of six and eight Along with my step siblings Great sounds hellish. We had all kinds of experiences while there We would all be outside at a campfire and lights would inexplicably flicker We would all be downstairs and hear incredibly loud footsteps from upstairs Crazier things would happen to like we'd see faces and even hear voices I don't know if someone had for sure died there or not
Starting point is 00:28:30 But I guarantee you that my dad almost definitely had researched it. There were bullet holes in the walls So something definitely happens there I'm going to be a buzzkill and mention that I personally have had very few experience there Weird noises flickering lights, but nothing insane, and it's important to keep in mind Everyone who did have these experiences were looking to have these experiences and their minds Definitely would have filled in the gaps to get to where the claims got to Can I just say I love Splurg. Splurg is my man. Splurg or woman. I don't know Splurg. Splurg A true anthropologist if there was one here
Starting point is 00:29:04 Yeah, it's the honesty that adds weight to his stories because he's like just be real I feel like experience should experience jack shit just saying Sure, and my cousin's a drug addict. So have you guys seen have you go? Well, he's an acid addict I'm just a joke. It was a joke bad joke, but it was a joke It just probably means he likes fish tacos more than the average person Yeah What am I saying? Oh, have you seen that show on Netflix called haunted? No, so it's kind of rough
Starting point is 00:29:31 So it's it's it's it's one of those like shows that they roll out It's like kind of cheaper budget, but it's like like for Halloween And it's like people sitting around and they like tell a story And so I watched two episodes and the first one was about a kid who like a guy who was telling a story about when he was a Kid and he moved into an apartment in Anaheim, which is really close by a neighborhood that I'm very familiar with because I live And have lived very close to it my whole life, right? And he tells a story about how like this woman was in his closet every day telling him that she was gonna kill him and all this shit And then like the day he moved out and he was like having psychotic breaks and shit
Starting point is 00:30:06 He finds out that like everybody knew and that there was like a woman who like murdered her kids Who like lived in that apartment, right? And like the story is like him telling the story and there's reenactments, but like the room where he's telling the story It's like not just him. It's like his family and loved one surrounding him and he's like crying and then the second one was like a similar situation except the story was about a Two sisters whose dad was like a full-on serial killer Murdering people in the house hiding them getting them to take the bodies away and stuff But then I started looking it up and like there's no record of this serial killer
Starting point is 00:30:42 And the director was like will we passed her information along to the authorities? And then the ghost guy had a fucking IMDb and there was no crime that matched his lady anywhere in Anaheim at that time Isn't that messed up? So it's like this way you just completely fabricated a story for the show It seems like the show is just like lightly like turn the other like don't ask don't tell are these stories real like You know like maybe they just had like An odd out of call. Yeah, like put out a call give us your spooky stories and we're gonna ask any questions if they're real or not Yeah, yeah, I don't know it was really weird
Starting point is 00:31:20 But this reminds me of that like I wish that there were more stories on that show like this because It would be they're gonna say have you seen them the haunting of Hill House? Oh, no, I hear that's great I heard that. Yeah, no, but haunted is not good. Don't watch it Unless you are going in knowingly looking for some like trash tier spooky butter, which it is. It's good The reenactments are kind of scary. All right story three splurge vampires So quick update on the region Toledo, Ohio is unfortunately always in the top four or five cities for sex slavery Damn, I've been put into a situation where a cop drunkenly confessed something bizarre to me What he told me he had a close friend of the force who was specifically
Starting point is 00:31:59 Investigating the sex slave market and had confided some bone-chilling news They weren't actually being sold as sex slaves, but rather being sold as cattle for vampires He said that they specifically prayed on virgins because virgin blood has anti-aging properties And then a majority of the virgins were specifically being purchased by the queen of England And that was how she was staying alive despite her old age Cut forward a couple months, and I met a party and start telling the story as a goof because I thought it was so funny I was shocked to have multiple people tell me they had heard the same thing and believed it There would be two more events where I'd bring this up for a joke only for people to say they had heard accounts and believed it themselves
Starting point is 00:32:41 And that's where splurge ends, you know if it takes blurge stories to an end Vampires me and Jesse literally I want to be real We were watching blade last fucking night, and this is the exact same plot of this of of that movie God blade is such a good movie It's even literally a cop in the movie blade like literally It's a cop who like works for vampires who is like trying to bring in you know bringing the bring in the fresh meat Yeah, I heard I've heard stories about Queen of England Either being a vampire doing all kinds of things because she's just ancient I
Starting point is 00:33:16 Mean she's also the queen and has unlimited wealth to keep herself going forever and ever never so I mean like that How old is she yeah? How old is she? I think my great-grandmother who is still alive is old is she's 80 something right? Yeah, she's not so she's not that old Queen mom Queen of England is 92 All right 92 is not I mean technically not that old yeah my grandmother is 98 and she's still alive My grandma died when she was 94 so both both were vampires. Yeah, right by the both were vampire my grandma I just died when there's drinking the blood of virgins in her in her like community home my grandma died when she ate the McRib That was her last meal I
Starting point is 00:33:57 Don't know if that's amazing or horrible. I don't think it was related to her death like directly in any way, but I Don't know man Enjoyed it. I hear she thought it was good for a for a seasonal sandwich It's back by the way. I'm gonna honor very soon. I don't don't don't worry. It's like a zombie brought back from the dead Here's the thing. I think that um the idea of a Vampire cattle is like chilling but at the end of the day be it sex slave or vampire cattle It's so sad that Toledo, Ohio is so high and like the slavery of anything category
Starting point is 00:34:36 I'm pretty behind you on that. Yeah. Oh for 100% So I guess go cops stop sex slaves and or vampire cattle. I guess no matter Particularly the horrible actions no matter what either way it sounds terrible. So put an end to that Yeah, and just for safety's if you are listening queen mom, please You know ignore the haters unless you really are vampire in which case I can't believe it to be honest She's gonna show up at your apartment like You're like I'm definitely not a virgin Oh
Starting point is 00:35:19 Then you're done Right. All right. This next one comes from reddit user hot seven eight nine. Jesse. You're welcome to read this one Oh, I got to read one. Oh, you don't have to outline up. I'll read it. I got this. All right This isn't quotations. Oh, that's just I don't worry about it. Oh, I alright I thought the first part was a quotation Okay, I First want to say I've been a long time fan of you guys long before that you luminati podcast You're some of the seer. You're some seriously funny guys, and I'm a huge why I left that in
Starting point is 00:35:51 That's that's why I was laughing because it was in quotes. I was like, I don't know that I believe this I Just recently started listening to your podcast and I've been thinking about sharing my stories with you I thought I might as well and here they are There are just separate experiences or these are just separate experiences that took place with years in between each one One of the earliest paranormal encounters I can remember is when I was very young probably a toddler You can remember being a toddler. Wow the memory is short But it's just it's just a few seconds. I clearly remember I'm standing my living room and I turn my head to look to the right and there is Jesus Christ
Starting point is 00:36:30 But I ignored it No, um, I turned my head look to the right next to me is a shadow figure about my height standing next to me And I remember that it was my friend. That's all I have for that memory. That's pretty It would be weird to have a childhood memory of like something paranormal that you don't really remember because I have plenty of childhood memories Like I remember I know this guy this guy Rob that my dad is friends with who like I don't know What the deal was maybe he was drinking heavily or something like that But he's one of those guys who like once sometimes his face turns like fucking red as fuck And I remember I remember like a memory from when I was like three years old of like coming around the corner in a big
Starting point is 00:37:15 Wheel and he was like smiling at me and it like scared the shadow me. I don't know the context of it I don't know anything else about it, but I'd like remember it. I don't even know if it was real So that's why I I give but this these these stories of like young Memories because they really do this memory is like Creepy in the fact that next to me was a shadow figure about my height standing next to me I remember that it was my friend. That's all I have for the memory. That could be an alien Mean my mom remember it was my friend Yeah, my mom used to talk to ghosts when she was a kid in her house
Starting point is 00:37:48 I don't know if I've told this story before on here I probably have but like her sisters were a lot older than her like 15 or 16 years older And so they were all like almost adults when she was still a kid And they have all these stories of her like leaving the house and like putting her stuffed animals up off the floor and being like Don't get it ghosts and like stuff like that That's actually reminds me a story my grandmother told me but we'll get to that another and later on My mom claimed to see see a ghost when she was in college, but I feel like she was just high so My second one happened a few years ago back when I was in high school. I'm 22 now
Starting point is 00:38:24 I was sitting at my computer desk in my room I'll try to explain the layout of where my room is at the top of the staircase in my house immediately to your right Is the door to my room you did a great job of explaining I just want to say yeah directly across From that door is my parents room My computer desk was next to my door and I sat facing to where I could see out my door to the right and See the door across the tiny hall. I was home alone playing. I think World of Warcraft relatable My door is open and so is the door to my parents room For whatever reason though in the middle of playing. I must have caught something in the corner of my eye
Starting point is 00:39:06 To my right where the door with my open door was because I turned my head quickly in that direction I saw in that crack that goes down the the down a door when it's open between the hinges and The frame of the door to my parents room this face that can only be described as nose for a two. Oh That's actually kind of nose for a two It was there briefly and when I looked at it it made a hissing noise Oh flashing these The Queen of England flashing these really long pointed teeth and dove behind the door to my parents room And then there was a loud thud on the door like a knock
Starting point is 00:39:50 Imagine nose for a two is like I love it when he plays World of Warcraft Ain't just like watches It turns around I just I just want to know the Lord. I don't want to put in that time. Just spoil it. Just spoil it for me And then nothing else happened I sat there for a few seconds trying to register what I just saw But for whatever reason I literally just shrugged and went back to playing. Wow It's probably just Jeff the mongoose He's just taking notes. Yeah, he had some he had some intel for you from across the town
Starting point is 00:40:25 I laughed at myself for being so calm with that and it was until a year later when I was thinking about it that I must have Been calm since nothing else happened. I didn't feel like I was in any danger But over the years I've dreaded the memory more and more I don't like thinking of that event or talking about it because I fear that it makes it more real Just a few months ago when I was in bed I had a horrible shutter just thinking about how I saw that my friend thinks something behind it My friend thinks something behind the door like a box must have slid and fell in my mind register something else Which is completely possible since there's a tall sack of shoeboxes behind my parents door
Starting point is 00:41:02 That's the creepiest of my experience. Oh, that is the creepiest of my experiences. Okay, so maybe like a shoebox like Slid and it sounded like a hiss Mine was like it's nose for our two My last experience is One night a few years ago around the same time Maybe a couple years later. I was asleep in bed During this time is when swag was in the mainstream culture swag swag Personally, so I thought the term a crendor that it's over
Starting point is 00:41:35 Personally thought the term swag and people who bought into it are are silly crendor a free thinker So I was teaching myself almost jokingly and if I'm ever scared, I'll just say swag because it'll make me laugh Well, I was asleep I suddenly woke up and I saw what I think was this masked figure over me. It's head tilting sideways It's held tilting side to side over and over as if studying me. Oh, that's I really afraid Kept trying to say swag, but it kept coming out in huffs. So I was like swag You're like a sad rapper. Yeah Yeah, and then I fainted for the first time in my life when I woke up the next morning
Starting point is 00:42:16 Nothing was out of the ordinary and it occurred to me later that there was a poster I have garage hell scream for World Warcraft Jesus sitting on a throne With a huge skull over it could have been what I saw and thought was the mask swag. I just believed it Swag Just believed with something else because I was still in a dream state Still though it freaked me out because I thought some cultist was watching me as I slept Another story. This is how you know, you've been playing World of Warcraft too much. This is all wild stuff. Yeah Another story I remember
Starting point is 00:42:52 Came into my house as I type the last one is one night when I was falling asleep I remember just everything slowly fading to black and thinking to myself It's too easy to fall asleep before I thought I heard the voice of a girl from school. I knew her name was jayna Proudmore She wasn't a girl at all But a woman and the leader of the breadmore It confused me enough For me to snap awake again and realize that for a few brief seconds I was hearing a low growl like chant in my ear that abruptly stopped. I never had any explanation for that experience
Starting point is 00:43:30 It's worth mentioning that I've never had any night terrors, but I used to have really bad sleep paralysis I felt like something evil was in the room with me as I slept and I kept praying to God to help me to peck me from it It's because those awful nights I sleep with a Death Star lamp on all night as a night light and listen to calm ambient soundscapes to help me sleep These are my experiences. They're the coolest But they really didn't happen to me real or not if you guys want to tell me what you think or whatever go ahead And thank you to whoever reads these. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being a total reader That last bit where he talks about being snapped away from hearing something. I think most of us have probably had that happen
Starting point is 00:44:13 I remember distinctly being in my friend's house up in New Hampshire when he was getting married They all went out to go take care like wedding stuff and I was just like I'm just gonna take a nap and I was like dozing off and I was almost asleep And I remember snapping away because I heard what sounded like my friend's fiance at the time call my name Like shot up and I was like hello and I like walked around the house. Nobody was there But that's just your brain is like slipping into a sleep. Yeah, I've had that too if you don't hear anything if it's like too quiet Your brain it's the same thing like when you You know that thing that they say where you cover your eyeballs with halves of a ping-pong ball
Starting point is 00:44:47 And then you like turn on like white noise and it and it like you start to hallucinate after a few minutes Because you're like closing out any external stimulus There's a similar thing for if it's too quiet. I'm sorry. What I never heard that but really okay, so okay So this is I'm sorry what you're trying to trip if you're trying to like go there and like have some kind of really Crazy dissociative psychedelic experiences just cut a ping-pong ball in half and tape it over your eyeballs And then turn on white noise loud and put it over your ears And the fact it's like going into a sensory deprivation tank and you just start to hallucinate and the same thing happens Yeah, are you serious? Yeah, and it's the same
Starting point is 00:45:27 Whoa, wait, what what do you look all yours like? No, but then you like because you're it's because you're removing any actual stimulus your brain just is like Fuck nothing's happening put some shit in there and it like makes you fucking go insane I've watched before let his his rant I'm I'm very happy you told me this because I never thought to research it But I've watched you know I'll watch a lot of spooky stuff on YouTube when I can one of the things that people like to do is they do like Weegee board stuff
Starting point is 00:45:55 Yeah, and they'll be trying to talk to a demon in the house And they'll take one of the people who's on the Weegee board and they will put like sound-canceling headphones on they'll tape Ping-pong balls balls over his eyes They make sure that he can't see or hear anything so the demon has like a blank slate to use he's just hallucinating Yeah, you're just you're just doing like sensory deprivation and your brain is like literally it's Visceral like it's not like baby mode. It's like visceral Hallucinations like it's crazy to do it. Not that I've ever done anything like that. Just kidding. I have it's weird But I mean I would I'd probably want to try it too just because it sounds interesting
Starting point is 00:46:32 Do it with somebody just do it do it with somebody near you because it's oh, I would never do it by myself It's pretty crazy, but that explains like yeah demon possession when they do shit like that Yeah, but it's also the same thing if you cover if you if you don't hear anything like you're in like a forest or somewhere Where it's just like no Sound you'll your ears like I'm sure you've you've done it before where you're just sitting alone and you start to hear like Whoa, like you're like kind of hearing like almost like is this what schizophrenic voices sound like you're hearing like people talking That's that's your ears doing the same thing. Whoa. This is a thing I'm what there's a bunch of YouTube videos where I guess you
Starting point is 00:47:09 They even have a YouTube video of it. It's called Gansfeld effect. Yeah, and apparently if you watch this video I Clicked the video. Yeah, sorry So basically the video is just a red screen that that is just I guess you need a red light and You need the sound effect So I guess what you're supposed to do because there's a video. It's called the Gansfield effect 30 minutes With slow wake up which I guess you're supposed to put the headphones on put ping-pong balls over your eyes And then play the screen right in front of you like Turn off the lights and put the laptop in front of you and like lay down and I guess it's supposed to wow
Starting point is 00:47:46 I'm doing this. This is happening. That's crazy. Yeah, that makes me well I mean, I'm glad I'm glad I have an explanation But now now like those things now that I fully believe that there was demons but I was like Oh, maybe something weird is going on here and now I'm just like no, he's Hallucinating yeah, I mean look I hate to be that guy, but also like as a psychedelic explorer It's worth it's worth doing because it doesn't involve Yeah, any drugs at all you just can do it so None of that chugging a sprite after eating a whole banana bullshit. Just just cover your eyes with pink
Starting point is 00:48:21 You tell you tell people if you eat a whole banana and then you chug a sprite really fast You get high and really it just makes you throw up because like just think about how gross that is Okay, did you guys never did you guys never have mean friends on the playground that like gave you these weird No, I know Incredibly sheltered. I was first born and All three of us mean my two siblings went to Catholic school up until college like the worst kind of bullies We had we're like stink mom bullies and I got shoved. I got shut yet, but nuns and brothers I got shoved into a lot of others. Yeah, my high school was brothers. It was brothers
Starting point is 00:48:59 Yeah, oh man of the sacred art, but I got shoved into a locker once. I was like the worst that ever happened Nuns and brothers is like a Hanson album or something Deep cut deep cut But thank you for those stories that was actually kind of cool the the the nose for a two one is just a great I've got that like I really do have like a nose for options from some bunch Bob Like peeking through a door watching you play Wow, and then you look back and he just hisses and slams the door It's crazy how scary and Sinister your own fucking house can become at the right time of day. Yeah, you talk about schizophrenia and like, you know
Starting point is 00:49:34 I grow I grew up with somebody who who dealt with that and like to hear them explain it and just in and to be like No, it's your brain is telling you it's real So it's so hard to know what is is an actual voice of like my kids or fake kids that my brain is telling me Are chattering down the hall? Yeah, if you don't believe in the power of your own brain Just do that ping-pong ball thing that shit will fuck you up. It's not a joke. You'll be like whoa Like it is crazy. That's wild. All right. Be safe. Be safe though We should do that. We'll do that in a pack. Do it with a friend. Do it with a friend. We'll do it at a convention Only one of us does it. Oh my god the entire convention everyone else
Starting point is 00:50:11 Here's here's our next convention You two answer questions from the audience and I'll just do that and at the end you can ask me what happened Yeah Halfway through I imagine Jesse will start losing you can't do it for more than 20 30 minutes like it's too much like you need You need a baby. That's what I'm saying. It's don't yeah, I'll do it on stage live next time we do a convention I also want to interview Rando's. I want to be great. I want people to come up and tell me their story I'm gonna take you into like a little booth and like do like a little interview with you and we can put them up on the On the feet. I'm no good. All right
Starting point is 00:50:43 All right. Next story is by a user called oranges in stereo, which I love that name I hope that's a reference to the apples in stereo. I I don't even know what that is. So I imagine it is He says long post possibly poor sentence construction. So if I stumble, that's the reason This was shared to me and by my grandfather who apparently never told this to anyone else in the family since my dad grandmother or uncle Didn't even know about it or he's or he's fucking with you Yeah, that also is true. Grandpas are bored or this is the start of like national treasure. It's like Benjamin Benjamin Gates Yeah
Starting point is 00:51:20 First of all, I have to mention that I really enjoyed the last episode with a guest with knowledge outside of the research that Mathis or Alex usually does as well as being open to share his influences and beliefs It also got me thinking about other types of religious paranormal events where its intent is either not known or benevolent More specifically, it reminded me of a memory my grandfather once shared with me He was a devout Christian and a follower of the teachings of the Franciscan order Ever since I knew him he would go every year to Assisi and Italy on a pilgrimage in order to visit St. Francis's tomb and pray Fun fact, that's my confirmation name. Francis is from Francis. There you go. Oh, it's all connected
Starting point is 00:51:58 I was like one year short of that. I almost had a name. I almost had a whole sponsor confirmation everything Yeah, I got a lot of money. Yeah, yeah As part of this pilgrimage, he would also hike around the forest around Assisi Following the same trail supposedly done by st. Francis himself as well as visiting the cave He would retire to for a meditation and prayer. That is bad ass, dude. I would do that just that sounds like a lot of fun Yeah, he did this up until he was about 70 to 75 years old where he declared that he felt too old to travel alone One year in his mid. I assume he means in his mid 80s. Maybe he means in the mid 80s It just says mid 80s. So I don't know. Well, he stopped when he was mid 80s 75, right? So yeah, so yeah, that's true
Starting point is 00:52:38 I just want to that's true. You're right while walking alone in the forest He kept catching glimpses of a beautiful woman. Oh my god. Yeah barefoot wearing all white with long dark hair Oh my god. It's like the woman at cox con Or a lot like beautiful woman who disappeared. Yes. I cox con. Oh my god the last day cox con It might have been the fact that it was we had a night of heavy drinking I don't think so. I don't think so. It was unbelievable What there was there was a woman who appeared she like got out of a cab But like I don't know that anyone saw her but she was the most beautiful woman I've ever seen
Starting point is 00:53:14 But I only saw like a split micro second glance of her face and never saw the rest of it I have no idea what her face looks like. It was definitely like a pretty like surreal experience of seeing this person In that moment in that moment, I think like I found Truly an angel And then she like vanished. She up and vanished. Yeah, we all saw her part of the con Was she like walking into the convention? No, she was just there. She was in telferd Going somewhere and vanished and I don't know what happened to her
Starting point is 00:53:48 But I was like guys did anyone see her and everyone's like I missed her I guess I was like, oh no I saw her I saw her It was stunning. It was it was it was an angel. It felt it felt bizarre. It felt bizarre to see Those are the little moments that you can never like really dismiss fully. Yeah, but me I was like, oh, it's La Llorona I do love how we cover La Llorona until like two weeks later. They're like, I am movie It's coming out every single everybody everybody who watches the podcast tweeted it at us. Hey guys Have you seen this? So anyway, he he was in the middle of the forest alone doing his walk Catches a glimpses of this of a beautiful woman barefoot wearing all white with long dark hair
Starting point is 00:54:31 He tried reaching her but she we seemed to disappear every time she turned a corner Eventually reappearing further down the road After some time of trying to catch up to her He found himself back at the entrance to the hermitage where the hike started What he actually linked a picture of that place if you go to the Subreddit and click it or you maybe right click and follow the link actually. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's beautiful. It's very god This is like from the witcher. This is unbelievable. It's very very pretty. Yeah Uh, he asked some people, uh, he asked some of the people there if they had seen this woman
Starting point is 00:55:04 But no one had seen anyone go by. Oh my gosh Later on he sat down alone in one of the nearby chapel benches to rest there out of the corner of his eye He saw her again sitting down opposite to him and praying I think this is uh, this is the one from his description. So he links what he thinks is the the chapel that uh that he was at He decided to approach her She opened her eyes and put her hands out as if she was asking him to stop moving Then she gestured him to be quiet and invited him to sit down next to her and join her in prayer Which he did he closed his eyes and prayed for a while and when he opened his eyes
Starting point is 00:55:38 She was gone. No words were exchanged at any point and again. No one saw her enter or leave the place This whole experience left him feeling a bit anxious and the next day he decided to go to Confession no one would believe him So he might as well try to get it off his mind by telling a story to someone who wouldn't judge him afterwards Other than telling him to pray. Can I just say this is the most romantic character that I've ever Right. Yeah, it's it's like invested in in a story from like a fan mail This is unbelievable like an old like religious Italian man who's like on his journey and sees like a beautiful woman at a shrine Right, right. Yeah, man. It's a very like you said and it kind of
Starting point is 00:56:16 It feels like you can see it happening in the witcher or something. Yeah, really go look look at the And then and then the witcher shows up and he's like it's a typical whatever. I gotta get my oils and murder her ass But that's all right But if I'm not religious at all But I the the pictures that they send like I would I would walk that any day. That's amazing. It looks beautiful Anyway, when he finished his confession the priest said so you saw her too This left my grandfather beyond confused the priest clarified She's lady poverty who promised saint saint francis to look after him for all eternity
Starting point is 00:56:49 Travelers who come here alone sometimes see her and she asks them to pray with her. Oh my sure not True or not, my grandfather felt relieved with this explanation and addressed to the uh and addressed to the whole experience to a sort of miracle that is insane Now you might need some context. So he's gonna give a little context here St. Francis of Assisi was a 12th century preacher who abandoned his wealth for a life of poverty in order to better serve god In some records about the saint poverty was personified as lady poverty And saint francis was described as being married to her in quotes Eternally dedicating their life to each other at the time
Starting point is 00:57:24 I was fascinated by his experience and dedicated some time into researching about these stories However, what I found was that they were written well after saint francis's death and are very thinly veiled criticisms to the church at the time Lady greed also shows up and is depicted as poverty's rival Miring the uh mirroring the divide caused by the franciscans in the catholic church Since their humble approach was a radical break away from the more traditional a mass wealth for god In the context of faith and religion it makes sense why the priest and my grandfather associated this woman with lady poverty But clearly these were post humously added to saint francis's lore in the end lots of unanswered questions remain Who was she? Why did no one else see her? Why was she there praying to saint francis?
Starting point is 00:58:06 The cynic in me wants to say that this was actually his way of saying that he cheated on my grandmother Which would explain the anxiety the confession on the next day and none of the other family members knowing about it However, he would always he was always extremely loyal. It was not the type to have that kind of behavior bonus I also had sort of a paranormal event with the death of my grandmother the same the same one in 2010 Oh grandfather. Sorry grandfather same one 2010 where I dreamed I was at his funeral that day my parents woke me up to give me the news that he had died It's likely that I wasn't in a fully deep sleep state when my parents got the news
Starting point is 00:58:40 And maybe I overheard them talk about his death which got me to dream about it But it was still very unsettling experience Oh, how you know, I had a similar thing when my grandpa died. He died a lot earlier I was younger but when my dad came home from work to like tell me the news I like knew he was going to tell me that for some reason yeah, um My my um, my mom actually had an experience when my grandmother died I was eight and my grandmother died really young. She was only 52 and after she died for like days later
Starting point is 00:59:07 Um, my whole family in the kitchen. We could smell my my grandmother's favorite perfume Oh, my god constantly and it will always linger and I remember being in the kitchen At one point and my mom was doing the dishes. She just turned back to my dad She goes, do you smell that and then my dad took a smell. He's like, yeah, it smells like You know, uh mom's perfume And wow, like yeah, I smell that too and that was like the extent of it. No nothing moved No visions or anything like that, but I've had weird little experiences Kind of like that. Did I tell the story of my friend's Italian grandmother who died on here before? Please?
Starting point is 00:59:40 Where uh, I don't think I've heard I'm not gonna I'm not gonna give his name But like a friend of mine was like You know, his grandmother was like the family matriarch like when she died everybody was ready for her to die She was ready to die. It was kind of beautiful. You know, it was sad because you know She's the leader of the family dying, but everybody was there She was surrounded by her family in her bed everything happened She died like pretty peacefully and it was beautiful and like excellent and like exactly what everybody needed from it And then about 20 seconds later she shot back up
Starting point is 01:00:13 Uh from from uh from death and was like Oh And then died again It's scared the shit out of everyone. Apparently it happens sometimes, but Like your brain's last all neurons firing like one last time. Yeah, I think so, but uh, can you fucking imagine that shit? Oh god That's nothing like this beautiful story of this man's grandfather. I'm not gonna lie. I'd do that. I'd do that on purpose If you were dying, I'd gather everyone around
Starting point is 01:00:44 And I'd be like it's my time to go And I want you all to know that I love you and I close my eyes and I go limp and I'd wait I count like 20 19 18. I'd be like Your mother sucks Dixon Yeah, I'd really get him. I'm like, ah gotcha bitches and then I'd die And then I'd be like and I'll get My god, yeah, uh, okay next uh story is by mary. Uh, we're gonna let jesse read this one just because of the first sentence of it Oh my gosh
Starting point is 01:01:25 Okay, uh um mary x Before I begin It is worth knowing that I always agree with jesse on the topics covered in the podcast Always agree with jesse jesse's the best I see nothing wrong with this so far, okay Stereotypically, I'm a sciences student at university and I can't buy into the paranormal without concrete evidence
Starting point is 01:01:55 I do enjoy the idea of it though. However, the one thing I cannot explain is the multiple times that I've seen the future in dreams I love how far into the paranormal it goes immediately It's like I I agree with jesse. Nothing is nothing is real. Give me that evidence. I've seen the future in dreams multiple times This has happened several times throughout my life even as recent as a few months ago But was most frequent when I was younger than tennis The way it would work is I would have a dream usually about something mundane and think nothing of it afterwards An indeterminate amount of time later weeks or months. I would suddenly realize I was experiencing the dream I had previously but now in real life. I'm 20 now
Starting point is 01:02:40 I don't remember the details a lot of these dreams Just that I remember this happening. Which doesn't really help my case. I know But one time really stands out and I never forgot it I before we jump into this This is a phenomenon that I know a lot of people have And there's a scientific name for it. I don't know what it's called deja vu It's that's not deja vu. No, this is like You because you're in your dream state
Starting point is 01:03:09 you are Going through a lot of like your mind's coping with a lot of things and you're going through a lot of stuff It's shit. It's filing shit away. Right, right, right, right a lot of the times You remember flashes of that when you encounter something else even I've had this where I've been Doing something like man. I I remember like I had a dream about this once and it's really because your brain has um Stored away so much of your life experience and it's just constantly
Starting point is 01:03:40 putting weird stories together in your head to make you cope with stuff that Uh, sometimes it's possible that your brain like Is very close to something that happens to you later Because of for whatever reasons even if it is mundane. In fact, mostly mundane stuff is the reason why that happens because it's so mundane or Or we're about to get some crazy circle and you've experienced it all before and your brain is just Remembering the future that you've experienced countless times in your
Starting point is 01:04:12 I mean that could be that could be of course that could be it too. Yeah, we're all we're all existing Perpetually in forever, but also not existing at the same time. You're absolutely right. Thank you. Perfect. Thank you. Thank you Yeah, of course, what if it's a simulation? No aliens are beaming memories into your brain while you sleep. I'm waiting for this to get good though I'm waiting for it to be like So turns out actually It was aliens. All right, here we go When I was young around six or seven or so
Starting point is 01:04:42 I dreamt of sitting in the corner of an assembly hall in primary school watching one of my friends Who was stood in the center of the room throwing pieces of fabric from hand to hand like he was juggling them Again, I woke up the next day and thought nothing of it. But here's where it gets weird Four years later. I was in my last year of primary school and some company came to teach us Uh, all kinds of stuff like devil sticks, diabolo, a juggling of different things What the fuck is devil sticks in diabolo? Devil sticks are the sticks that like you balance the one stick with the two other sticks. I know that Oh my god, I remember that. That's called devil sticks. Are you sure? Yeah, that sounds like a religious community
Starting point is 01:05:19 Renaming something that's not christian. It's definitely called. I don't know what diabolo is. I mean that sounds That's probably renaming hopscotch or marbles Uh, sure enough though when someone was asked to demonstrate juggling these bits of fabric I found myself sitting in the corner. I dreamt four years earlier Watching the same friends stand in the middle of the room juggling The only thing I remember being different were the colors of the fabrics I still vividly remember my field of view being exactly the same as the dream So it was uncanny. I can't explain it
Starting point is 01:05:51 I uh, I'd had deja vu before and this was much stronger because I knew I dreamt it Uh, I dreamt about it years before hopefully this is uh, this has been interesting And if anyone could offer similar experiences or explanations that'd be great because no matter how much I think about it. I can't come up with an answer. I'm not sure whether it's too off base for the podcast But it'd be cool to hear your guys thoughts on it. Yeah, um, it's off base for this podcast No, but this I think this goes back to the idea that like just looking at the story in the way it's told Right and again, maybe maybe this is called deja vu, but I know there's like a real real name for it Yeah, I've had this I've had something like this happen before
Starting point is 01:06:29 But like looking back through this if you look at the uh story that that we saw here it was I was in a certain angle of this room and I saw a friend juggling fabric And this was many years before your friend was juggling fabric sitting in the corner of this room So the idea here is that at least in my mind is that probably There's a reason why you always see yourself sitting in that corner of the room because you probably saw like sat there a lot It sounds like you're like that was your your jam place That was the place that you like were at a bunch and this friend Probably like tossed stuff back and forth in their hands all the time
Starting point is 01:07:05 And so it wouldn't be too outlandish for your brain to be like in a dream My friend's gonna be doing that Um and even if it's something that you didn't notice it could be subtle stuff Like people who just do something at their desk and your brain just picks up on it and associates with it And you don't know because you don't recognize it or register it But you're subconscious is like that's something I know Yeah, and you're in there's even experiences of your brain being able to create memories or just memories and you they They're just as real to you as they are like an actual memory because your brain is just that complicated
Starting point is 01:07:37 Like it can just fabricate memories. Do you think it's possible? There's a scientific explanation that allows for the fact that it happened four years before And it appearing in a dream Here's here's my not I don't doubt the story at all but four years is a big gap of time and to Vividly remember a dream for four years and not it like adjust or change or become vague enough that You see something similar enough that your your memory of the dream immediately adjusts to what you're seeing There's dreams. There's dreams. I still remember but like there are things that could never happen in real life
Starting point is 01:08:12 They're like extremely fucked up dreams, but like yeah, I don't know I have questions about the order of operations here Was it that the event happened and then you remembered the dream? Or was it that you remember and then you're like associating and put it all together or was it that you remembered the dream? Right because it the story is like I had a dream and then I just forgot about it for a while And then it happened four years later. So to me it's like, all right. Well, how do you know that that was the dream? Right. Yeah, if it was like four years is a long time, especially for a dream where dreams are like You have a dream and then you straight up forget it moments later
Starting point is 01:08:53 And so if that's the case, maybe this is one of those things where you saw it And then we're like, oh my god, I had a dream like this And then your brain sort of puts pieces together to to make the dream that you had before more reality But it doesn't mean that it's real. I yeah, the mind is mysterious as shit But uh, it's definitely scientific stuff. It's I agree. Yeah, this is this is one of those things that I think it's easy to Figure out just using science, but I'm not the person to do it because hell if I know now Yeah, we just like to speculate and that's what this is all about. All right, or you are no sir. Domus
Starting point is 01:09:30 No, but only but only of mundane activities like devil sticks Exactly. I'm blown away your devil sticks quatrain is one of my favorites those things when I was a kid Like I've never heard him as devil sticks though me either All right, two more stories are relatively short. One is called my dad's asian doppelganger and the other is called A voodoo from my drunkard grandmother and we're gonna end with the drunkard grandmother voodoo Perfect. Do that better be that better be an alex story I'll I'll link it to alex so he can read it because I'm just yanking them off of the reddit now That's the last minute
Starting point is 01:10:05 stories here Because I was here you go alex in the zoom chat. Get ready for that one. All right. I got it. All right Uh, so my dad's asian Uh doppelganger is what we're gonna read I lost it. My dad's asian doppelganger. All right. This one's from lixy licious And uh, she said that she she had no idea. We she needed to give permission We I don't know how it works, but we like to have permission. We just asked we just asked because I don't want there to be a situation Where somebody's like that was a private story that I didn't need 20,000 people to hear. Thank you very much. Exactly. Yeah, all right
Starting point is 01:10:38 Me and therefore my dad have a long hard to pronounce in unique last name. Fosse on me. Yeah Make say yeah, exactly. I've never met anyone else with my last name Which for the sake of a lot of things I'm using the pseudonym joe hansen Even though it's significantly easier to spell and pronounce along with it being more common However, my dad apparently shares the same first and last name with one to three other people in our town of about 80,000 I've heard my dad say there were as many as three others But I only know about one in great detail due to some of the experiences I've had First when me and my family moved into a new house, the neighbors dropped by to say welcome to welcome him back
Starting point is 01:11:17 Apparently bob joe hansen had lived in the same house before us and people thought he moved back in Second when I was in a local comic book shop with my mom And I talked with the guy at the register about getting something that they didn't have and they wanted to call me and tell Wanted to call me when they got it when I gave the guy my last name. He asked is that asian My mother nonchalantly told him it was norwegian But I was so weirded out by the question that I asked why He said that there was a large family of asians in town with the last name that he'd met before Now neither of these stories are super great on their own
Starting point is 01:11:50 It's only when I finally met this guy that I realized how weird this whole thing was So some context is needed for this last story. My mom and I had moved out of my dad's since he was verbally abusive He was also very specific person. He had a very specific personality He's incredibly loud and big when he talks. He's charismatic and friendly with strangers. He wears his christianity on his sleeve He loves to crack terrible jokes that are bad even for dad jokes mostly jokes or lawyers liberals or north dakota And he has this startlingly loud slow laugh that everyone Makes that that makes everyone in the room look in his direction
Starting point is 01:12:26 What happened was me and my mom went uh to a sushi restaurant at night It was a little hard to find since the front sign was turned off In the middle of our meal the door opened and we heard a loud voice that sounded exactly like my father Say it took me forever to find this place. Your front sign isn't on And me and my mom looked over in horror and saw my dad's typical black leather coat and trapper hat He'd wear in the winter We immediately looked away and covered our faces with our hands hoping he wouldn't see us as he walked past to talk to the servers and Waitresses uh in the back behind the counter. What the hell?
Starting point is 01:12:58 But it wasn't until I looked back at him and noticed that wait a minute. That's not my dad He had my dad's face, but it was for lack of a better term asiany I pointed out that my oh boy. Yeah, that's gotta be a better term somewhere. I don't gotta be a much better way Probably just asian is better than asian. Yeah, my dad's asian. Yeah, exactly I pointed that out to my mom and we were both relieved but kept listening and on the conversation going on behind us Catching pieces of conversations that made the whole experience is weirder funnier and more memorable We heard him introduce himself as bob We heard him talk about his day at church and the icing on the cake
Starting point is 01:13:37 We saw and heard him lean in and semen quietly say hey, do you know what's at the uh, wait, what? Hey, do you know what's at the bottom of north dakota coke bottle? Open the other end followed by a large loud sharp painful laugh similar to my dad's what the hell part of me wonders Part of me does wonder if that was him, but I know it couldn't have Been since my dad absolutely would have come up to us and when he noticed us and this guy did notice us Since we were giggling glancing back at him constantly and I saw him narrow his eyes at us I love that type of story because there's nothing overtly necessarily paranormal that needs to happen for it to exist And it could happen exactly like this and it's just so weird
Starting point is 01:14:20 I love that It sounds it sounds it reminded me a little bit of your your weird kind of like Doppelganger-ish story or whatever whatever was across the street that you saw you saw somebody Yeah, where I saw like the like two the couple and then like it was one person Yeah, yeah freak me out like just weird and strange and jesse just looks baffled right now. Yeah, I mean I Yeah, I have so many questions about this. I I would love to know more about this story I really was interesting that like someone by the same exact name lived in the house that they moved into
Starting point is 01:14:54 and then like the the person that That reminds them of their father had again the reason why this to me Is is shocking because so early this year I went to Amsterdam Just for a few days like hang out and meet some friends and just be stupid and When I was there the entire trip Everyone acted like they knew me And the hotel Uh when I went to breakfast the guy was like, oh mr. Cox welcome back and I had never been there before
Starting point is 01:15:27 I've never been to this country. I couldn't tell you and like oh mr. Cox welcome back It's so nice to have you here and he like knew about me And started like talking to me. He's like so how long are you here for once like have your friends come back with you? I'm like what the hell is going I know and that was every day for breakfast But the first day very weird while walking around with one of my friends A lot of older people started pointing at me and at first I was like what is happening You're huge in this kind in Amsterdam. That's all I'm letting you know that they apparently
Starting point is 01:16:04 He was saying that in dutch. They were saying that I am a famous singer And I've been looking up that I don't know who they think I am but I do not look like any singer and But his last name was cox too. I have no clue It was the craziest trippiest thing that's ever happened to me. I could not figure out what it was. Have you ever seen andreus kumert? Who is andreus kumert's? Andreus kumert. Let me I'm gonna type this to you He's a singer from germany Does he look exactly like that?
Starting point is 01:16:40 He really does he doesn't look like he doesn't look like insanely like jesse, but it's like a pretty good but it's close enough It's close enough. Oh, damn. Yeah, you could grow that beard out like that And you would look pretty I have to I have to shave my head You'd have to shave your head. You'd have to grow out just the chin and then shave everything on the side That's so funny. I mean, I guess that's possible I don't know. I don't know. I don't I don't I wouldn't look I wouldn't mistake you for this guy Yeah, I don't I wouldn't either but then I then we have it's got great. He's got great tattoos for years This tattoo is a great. I think it's cool. I let's a cool dude. Yeah, but it's so it's so weird. I don't uh
Starting point is 01:17:21 I'll tell you a story. It was a strange experience where I went to a barbecue restaurant that my sister used to work at Uh, me and my dad visited and my sister happened to be out on the delivery or something But we went in and we got some food And their cash register like busted down So I like googled the manual online and like Did a reset and I was like the hero of the day for them and stuff And then later my sister was there and she was talking to the boss of the place And they were like, yeah, your brother uh came with some old Chinese man and helped fix our computer
Starting point is 01:17:52 And my my my sister was like what and it was just like my dad. They were talking about My dad is not an old Chinese man But does he does he look like one? No, not even remotely. My dad kind of looks like Billy Crystal like Like if I had to like if I had to compare him to a celebrity Oh, yeah, I don't know. All right. All right next story. All right. The last last story Find it on a silly note silly ish from what I remember g l guy A fun story about voodoo from my drunkard grandmother. Here we go
Starting point is 01:18:26 The story is dedicated to my late grandmother a delightfully crabby woman who managed to be drunk most of the time that I knew her Holy shit. I love her already. She smoked cigarettes from the age of 13 and still managed to live well into her 80s In spite of being a bitter homophobe with just a hint of casual racism We can't help but love you grandma One day my grandma that was watching one of my cousins He was the kind of kid who was rarely up to any good and at this time in his life He was really into practicing voodoo. I believe he was in his early teens. What the fuck? That's a way to rebel in your early teens me personally. I wore, you know baggy jeans and
Starting point is 01:19:04 Black t-shirts that said dumb shit and I wore my hat backwards Mine said, you know, you laugh at me because I'm different. I laugh at you because you're all the same yesterday My hat was a Cincinnati Reds hat. Yesterday. We were at dinner. You were normal, man. It was just backwards yesterday at dinner A guy got up in the middle of dinner and was like, excuse me This woman has given me a rose. Oh my god. And this has never happened before. I have received a rose from this woman This is amazing. I just wanted to let everybody know this is a great day. It was so Crazy, but his shirt said like I'm listening, but you're an idiot or like something like that on my god la baby
Starting point is 01:19:44 That's why I'll stay in boston. That's the high desert. Let me tell you. All right. Oh, it was so weird Yeah, all right on this particular day. We're back to the uh Voodoo the Voodoo teen on this particular day He was in one room unattended while my grandmother was alone in her room No doubt playing a handheld poker game while smoking a cigarette, which to me I can relate to go go get it granny Yeah, suddenly a blue smoke smelling strongly of sulfur came from underneath the door and began enveloping her room Terrified she ran out of her room and saw that the smoke had already filled most of the house
Starting point is 01:20:18 She ran to the room where my cousin was playing and found him passed out on the floor She then he just started a fire then grabbed him and ran out of the house hours later The smoke had subsided and they re-entered the house to find what appeared to be a large Chicken feet stained into the carpet in the hallway and my cousin's room in a pattern That would suggest the owner of the feet had been dancing around the house Like a chicken had been dancing around the house. Yeah, like a chicken. Yes like a chicken My grandmother spent the whole night cleaning the footprints to this day No one in my family knows what my cousin was doing alone in that room
Starting point is 01:20:48 And he swore off voodoo completely after this event My father recounted cleaning the room he stayed in a couple months later as he was helping them move He said he found a large tar-like chicken footprint burned into the carpet that was impossible to clean What the end what the fuck Right that is a fucking insane story. My dude granted like second hand from a drunk old lady, but like still Cousin's still alive though So he can at least corroborate and the father tried to saw a footprint in the carpet and tried to clean it word Word that is a fucking insane story. My god
Starting point is 01:21:25 A chicken. I imagine the chicken was like bouncing around like a it's like devils. It was like the devil's chicken Yeah, like it was just like when you like attack a chicken too many times in zelda in zelda. Yeah He's just like fucking pissed off and they descend on you except it's like sulfur and smoke And the powers of satan, yeah Jesse looks baffled you good No, I'm I'm looking up like voodoo rituals because I want to know what this would be I I won't mess with see I'm that dude. It's like yeah I need evidence for it to you know, I need evidence to to really believe that exists, but I won't fuck with any of it
Starting point is 01:22:02 I don't want to do weegee. I don't want to do voodoo. I do weegee I used to do weegee board and like everyone for some reason I know it's the idiometer effect. I know but but here's the thing that baffles me when I was a kid My cousin I would mess the weegee board and it would be like You spelled poopy, right? I like of course, you know And it never did anything at some point from when I was a child to now People are like don't touch it. That's evil When parker brothers who ever made that shit?
Starting point is 01:22:34 It's not evil the reason I won't mess with it and again I the idea is silly, but I just I just basically it's a safety precaution It isn't the idea of like you're talking to a ghost because you're it's you know, it's the idiometer effect It's your subconscious like moving things and whatnot, but it's the it's the idea that you're like openly inviting shit into your house whether it's communicating with you or not you are actively I guess the premise is you have to believe that there's shit to openly invite Right, of course and I just I don't like I said, I don't fully dis but like fully believe but I don't I don't want a risk if
Starting point is 01:23:07 If there was an angle on this that involved the chilluminati Would you be willing? Yes Easy 100% I won't I won't I'll do it with you, dude I won't do it by myself and I won't do it in my own next time of your talents make a video Where it's just us doing it. Here's the thing Nothing's gonna happen. Let's go to the devil's gate in pasadena We'll go we'll go to the like place where the rituals are done We'll do a weegee there. Yeah, you guys got camera equipment. I got a portable audio recorder
Starting point is 01:23:37 Sure. I think the thing is is that I don't doubt People do voodoo and I don't doubt that people think voodoo is effective but There's no like You know, it's a it's a spiritual thing That I don't have any evidence for being like yes, they made a Zomboid and they did this and then they summoned a demon Have you have you heard of chaos magic?
Starting point is 01:24:02 I mean, I used to play that in uh magic the gathering. Yes You were talking about this once on the podcast. What was that like a like a black red deck? Is that what that is? We're gonna cover it at one point and it's it's something that is impossible to cover because it takes years to study basically but it's the idea of like performing rituals blah blah blah blah But what chaos magic is is just trying to put out like your put your mind focused towards one thing The the whole idea under underlying chaos magic is your perceived reality and adjusting your perceived reality to make it your actual reality
Starting point is 01:24:34 It's kind of like a it's kind of like a metaphysical version of the secret Yeah, yeah, literally. Yes. It's you take the idea of the secret So like people who do met who voodoo or christian pray or whatnot a lot of that can you know people say Well, that's just you doing you know putting your mind towards something and making it your reality Because you're so dead set on making it happening You just do chaos magic in a way where you pray to a god or you do voodoo on a doll or whatnot so You know, uh, I don't I don't want to dismiss it all but
Starting point is 01:25:04 It's interesting that it's interesting that a possible explanation. Don't know how to explain the demon chicken feet but I want to I want to believe I want to know I want to see that happen. I want to see the phenomenon The phenomena Well phenomenon boom John trouble top Well, that was a fun episode boys. Yeah, that was cool. That's our halloween calling episode I'd like to do that once or twice a year. I think I love the stories
Starting point is 01:25:33 I read it story thing. Um That thank you guys everybody for the stories There were just there were so many stories on the subreddit uh that we just couldn't cover So if you want to go check it out, obviously go check out the chilluminati pod subreddit There's a lot of great interaction going on there After this episode the next episode we're going to be revisiting the world of true kind for a little bit So if you're excited for some serial killers, we're going to talk about jane toppen She's a late 1800s early 1900s
Starting point is 01:25:58 woman serial killer one of the first and then after that We're going to be going into the land of aliens once more And then goes after that which I don't want to spoil and we've got a couple of volunteer researchers helping out now with the with the show So, uh, hopefully it'll make it a little easier for us. Is it time to shout them out or do we not? Well, I mean, I'm happy to shout them out one way or another. Um, but uh, they're they're specifically helping out on the jane toppen episode As their first episode, but that is uh, so well, yeah, so we'll make a thing of it Yeah, yeah, exactly. We're gonna we're gonna add and uh talk about them in the next episode
Starting point is 01:26:32 But cool. Thank you guys for watching again New merch hat stickers shirts are still for sale grab is dope. The hat is dope Label yourself as a non-conformist by conforming to our conformity And uh, we will be back In the next the next one in a couple of the next one is either going to be two or three weeks depending on Schedules because I'm flying out in a week or so um, but uh If you guys want to tweet at us, you can do so jesse cox directly fosy on a a for alex and then matt this games for myself
Starting point is 01:27:05 Illuminati pod subreddit luminati pod on the on the twitter And obviously if you were listening on one of the on pod bean one of the 10 people there or stitcher or itunes Rate us because it helps we crossed over 500 five star reviews over 525 reviews total on itunes, which is nuts We appreciate your love guys. This has been such a super fun time. And guys and guys, please send mathis your haunted dolls No, don't do this Any haunted dolls by the way also haunted action figures If we're not we won't judge the action figure dolls are just like even if they're not haunted haunted dolls Just look creepy. Send me your haunted cutting edge electronics
Starting point is 01:27:44 Send jesse the dolls send me the action. No, I don't want dolls No, because you can put it in the office and it could be kind of underwatch No, man, that's no, it's just because they're creepy. It's not because they're haunted It's because they send me the haunted dolls then I'll take them all right Just send us. I want to haunted something one day. We're gonna get a haunted something I'll never forget the guy at the indie pop con who said he had one and we never got it I know but then we got that sick book. That was tight. Maybe that doll killed him Maybe the doll killed him. He knew it. Yeah, the doll. The doll was like, don't trade me away
Starting point is 01:28:13 He was part of the conjuring verse the freaking what's him called sir Are already on top of it. They came and got the story already All right, thank you guys for listening. We'll be back in a few weeks. We love you have a great safe halloween And we'll talk to you later Another pointless video call where nothing gets done. I think you're on mute David Sorry, what did I miss it? Just approved Miro for the whole company Miro That's the online whiteboard for team collaboration We can make these long video meetings so much shorter with Miro boards
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